#Knox Fortune
watercitysurfclub · 9 months
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kaitlinj16 · 10 months
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"Pray for me, I'm askin' with my hands up,
Look for your love, I'm not lookin' for handouts,
Those things are strange, those days are not familiar,
You think you know, you know you don't,"
-knox fortune 🖤🖤
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moodlemcdoodle · 2 years
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Amy redesigns :) two of them
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giolovesyousm · 2 years
I'm about to trigger many people....
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foxywrites · 10 months
yuna's all for the game masterlist
works with [♥] are angsty, [🗡] involve straight-out whump, [☁︎] are fluffy and have healing, [🖋] are canon rewrite, [⚠] contain topics such as mature content in them. (as a side note some of these might come up in the future chapters and also, i don't write nsfw) all of the fics revolve around triggering things that are canon compliant and showed up in the books.
- au's
fortune/chaos au - misfortune of the fortunate [♥🗡☁︎ 🖋⚠ ] masterlist
in a world where humans are separated according to their core energy's; chaos, dark, balance, light and fortune- neil happens to be one of the rarest type. fortune. So how can he manage to survive with the Foxes; a group mostly made out of Chaos?
injured!neil and decent!mary&nathan au - ghost's of the past [♥🗡☁︎ 🖋⚠] masterlist
nathaniel is both the best and the worst thing that has ever happened to nathan and mary, jean and kevin mange to escape while nathaniel is left behind and the first time that neil truly acts selfish is when he chooses the foxes, the second time being when he chooses andrew.
mamma betsy & mamma abby au - if we have each other [♥ ☁︎ ⚠] masterlist
fate brings andrew and neil together much earlier, and the two boys would do anything to protect each other.
the menu au - the fox trap [♥🗡☁︎ ⚠] masterlist
nathaniel was never supposed to go to a remote island as riko’s date with master, and the others but after riko needs to bring a date with him to impress his father, Neil has no choice but to dress up as his ‘girlfriend’.
to be a fox verse - teach me how to be a fox [♥ ☁︎🖋] masterlist (coming soon)
neil is brought at deaths door by his father at the mere age of 14 after he escapes the nest, which causes him to lose his memories. stuart doesn't have the heart to look at him so he sends him to germany, which somehow ends with the auburn haired boy being adopted by the klose family.
papa minyard au - [♥ ☁︎] masterlist (coming soon)
the twins father shows up at one point during their childhoods and decided that even if he wasn't exactly cut out for it, he would do anything for them- that he would be there, simply because they needed him (not realising that he needed them too...)
- other stuff
appreciation post's/ character studies
Kevin Day Appreciation Post
foxes shenanigans
Andreil Shenanigans (1)
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hyperraduo22 · 11 months
my long list of random dps headcanons
+ includes spencer and stick !! :))))
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• neil only has problems with reading in one eye and still to this day cannot figure out why. he assumes it’s genetic atp
• meeks and pitts do not like excessive gore in movies although pitts is more prone to dislike body horror— they won’t get physically sick from looking at gore they just generally don’t like it and get easily squeamish from it
• pitts likes pink lemonade simply cause it’s pink
• whenever knox gets a fortune whether from a fortune cookie or one of those mechanical tellers, he takes it so seriously for the next two weeks
• meeks and todd are slow eaters
• neil is the pickiest eater out of all the poets although he’s slowly learning to get over it and try new foods. cameron and meeks try to encourage him little by little since they used to be picky as well but got over it
• todd has sensory issues when it comes to texture. if he feels something he doesn’t like for a long period of time, he could possibly get anxious and start crying from it. example: he absolutely hates the feeling of shedded snake skin and will never ever stick his hands in those “guess what you’re touching” boxes at those wilderness exhibits— bro is traumatized from it
• despite popular belief of neil hating roller coasters, i think he has a neutral opinion on them and there’s some he can tolerate and some that he does like. although he’s very picky with roller coasters and there’s some he absolutely refuses to go on even with todd
• cameron actually likes trains a lot and hyperfixates on them (and yes there’s a bittersweet story behind it from his childhood)
• pitts loves anything s’mores flavored
• stick knows how to bake really well and the dps always ask (more like beg atp) to be his personal taste testers cause they know the finished product will be delicious
• meeks cannot eat spicy food for the life of him. he tried cajun food once and he loved it but some of the cheyenne peppers knocked him tf out- like his face was redder than his hair
• knox loves rooftop dining (rich bastard)
• charlie has a personal barber that he always goes to even when he becomes an adult
• todd’s mom is a lesbian (( i wanna post my dps family headcanons so bad cause this deserves context😭 ))
• pitts grew up with a compromised immune system and spent his days inside a lot during late elementary school and a little bit into middle school. since meeks was also pressured to do good academically at such a young age and ended up staying inside more often, the two bonded over that and meeks didn’t mind taking care of pitts when he got sick<3
• charlie and cameron are really good at golf
• cameron prefers taking chewable pills whenever possible since he has trouble swallowing larger pills
• meeks can name the 50 states in alphabetical order off the top of his head
• todd and pitts have that friendship where they always support each other no matter if they both know what they’re doing/saying is dumb and absolutely wrong by all logical standpoints
• pitts is better in biology and anatomy. the only reason why he’s passing chemistry is cause he’s good with remembering chemical reactions and organizing his work during lab projects. otherwise stoichometry fucks him up badly
• todd chews on the ice whenever he has certain cold drinks
• stick crochets in his free time— he even crocheted a blanket for spencer and spencer still uses it to this day :(((
• spencer can get really invested in dramas or sports shows and end up having really dramatic reactions at the things that happen on tv— stick has witnessed this once and bro was dying laughing the entire time. every since then, the duo watch tv together and it feels like a therapeutic bond between the two
• ^speaking of spencer and stick, they’re childhood besties!! they have that bond where even when they separate for long periods of time, they’re able to reunite and catch up/have nothing change between them
• because todd loves bird watching and meeks loves stargazing, they invite each other whenever they’re doing those activities and hype each other up whenever they spot something rare (ie. rare bird species or a rare celestial event) <3
• because stick likes to feed hummingbirds around the campus from time to time, todd sometimes joins him so he can also appreciate the birds
• whenever he reads up that an eclipse is coming up, meeks gets all the poets together on the rooftop to watch it
• pitts actually knows how to play a few songs on piano but hasn’t touched a piano in a very long time
• charlie learned to play clarinet in a orchestra/symphony that played for the town and raised money for local charities—that’s right. he’s so rich that his parents didn’t enroll him in private lessons but rather a more professional band class with other kids. he originally wanted to try out the oboe just cause (he also secretly loved the oboe solo in that one tchaikovsky piece) but his parents obviously made him do clarinet instead. he would later teach himself saxophone
• charlie has an immunity to ibuprofen and some other over the counter drugs (don’t ask why. he’s probs the type of person that gets headaches or body aches easily- whether self induced or not- and took so much ibuprofen over the course of a month that it doesn’t work anymore)
• cameron has sensitive teeth and gets toothaches easily from cold foods like ice cream. therefore, he’s careful with his portions when eating certain desserts, takes smaller sips when drinking water at restaurants (or he just asks to have no ice in his drinks), and he prefers drinking room temperature water
• stick is scared of butterflies- like i’m talking bro has a full on phobia of them cause of some traumatic childhood incident- but still thinks they’re really beautiful :(((
• ^because of this- when walking outside, spencer will make sure there aren’t butterflies nearby for stick. he’ll either swat them away or gently pick them up and make them fly away elsewhere like the true best friend he is🫡
• no matter the circumstance, spencer just does not give two fucks about true crime whatsoever. you can make him watch a true crime doc and he’ll either get bored or be like “really? that’s all the killer can do?” “…couldn’t they like- i don’t know- not enter a complete stranger’s home??” “i could’ve beaten up that guy you know.”
• knox and spencer have a brotherly relationship and have known each other since middle school. knox would invite spencer to tag along with him and charlie, obviously tease him in the middle of class, and he’d ask for help on school work. plus knox and charlie have stood up for him on multiple occasions and help raise his confidence in social situations
• stick has hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) episodes from time to time. sometimes they sync up with spencer’s random nosebleeds and they both sit in the nurse’s office together.
okay now i wanna post dps family headcanons and stick and spencer headcanons now🏃‍♂️🗣️
let me and todd’s lesbian mom cook
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natequarter · 8 months
you wonder why the scots were so unstable, then you look at their monarchy and realise they had seven child monarchs in a row. oh your king's a twelve-year-old? that sucks. what, he's been assassinated? huh! good thing his heir-- HE'S SIX? good thing he isn't going to die a ridiculous death like getting blown up by a cannon any time soon! BUT NOT FOR LONG! what, he was actually blown up by a cannon? wow. anyway, we're leaving the throne in the capable hands of a nine-year-old. that won't go wrong! OR SO WE THOUGHT! well, at least it wasn't a cannon that took him out this time, just a little bit of rebellion and war. and we're leaving the throne in the capable hands of a competent and popular ruler.
BUT NOT FOR LONG! this idiot gets absolutely wrecked at the hands of the english. and by wrecked, i mean killed. great news for henry viii, terrible news for little one-year-old jamie (his nephew, i should point out), a.k.a. your highness, and fifth in a long line of idiots called james. (you'd think they'd learn to pick another name.) things work out eventually, right up until henry viii's lot come back onto the scene and get into a bunch of fights with the scots. unbelievably, things are about to get so much worse. in a real smart move, james dies at the grand old age of thirty. (i feel the need to point out that none of these jameses lived past the age of forty-two. and that's being generous.)
enter mary. she's catholic! she's not called james! she's the queen of scotland! and guess how old she is? six days! yes, you heard that right - six days. (and you thought six years was bad.) she's eventually whisked away to live in france and later marry the dauphin, handily solving the problem of the english trying to kidnap her and marry her off to edward vi. (she's five at this point. edward is ten. françois, the dauphin, is three. don't think too hard about any of that.)
they grow up. edward dies at fifteen. mary i, best known for her fondness for barbecues, dies five years later. françois, sensing a trend, dies two years after that at sixteen. mary returns to scotland, and all is well.
OR SO WE THOUGHT! whilst england was busy being torn apart by religious matters, scotland was busy being torn apart by religious matters. (you'll never guess what's happening in france.) mary, of course, is a devout catholic. some of the scots, who have spent twelve years without a monarch, let alone a catholic girl raised in france, are... not. rebellions! political instability! back to the status quo, basically. john knox is not happy, but when is he ever? elizabeth i kindly tries to help things by sending her bestie robert dudley (yes, that robert) to marry mary. this, unsurprisingly, does not go down well. fortunately, mary solves all these problems by creating a new one: she marries her half-cousin, henry lord darnley! yuck! i mean, yay! more rebellion (led by mary's half-brother)! henry turns on mary because he wants more power! he allies with the protestant lords, and they stab mary's private secretary to death in front of her whilst she's pregnant! the usual.
BUT NOT FOR LONG! mary and henry escape, they have a lovely little son called james (they still hadn't learn their lesson about scottish jameses), and they all live happily ever after until henry's house is blown up and he's found smothered outside in broad daylight. suspects include: everyone in scotland. but mostly lord bothwell, who proceeds to kidnap mary and marry her. now, you may struggle to believe this, but things go downhill from here. mary is eventually forced to abdicate, and flees to england. bothwell is imprisoned in denmark, and later goes insane. as for james, now the one-year-old james vi (anyone sensing a pattern here?), well, he's probably too busy learning to speak to care. because, you know, he's one. some people never learn.
from this point onwards, mary's kept under house arrest by elizabeth i. in a display of gratitude towards elizabeth, mary promptly spends the rest of her life plotting against her. or being involved in plots. in the meantime, james's regent, also called james stewart (mary's aforementioned half-brother; the name is cursed), earns the dubious honour of being the first head of government to be assassinated with a firearm. eventually, after mary, that virtuous angel, actively tries to kill elizabeth, elizabeth gets fed up and drops a sword on mary's neck. james, who last saw his mother at the age of zero years old, must have been devastated.
you all know what happened next: elizabeth died at the grand old age of sixty-nine, and james inherited the throne. thus followed decades of religious instability, parliamentary infighting, and stubborn monarchs who refused to listen to reason, which were surely new to the elizabethans. james, who was what is commonly known these days as a "hot mess" or "bisexual disaster" - don't quote me on that - was nearly blown up in a plot masterminded by a guy called tosser. sorry, i mean a tosser called guy. he also pissed everyone off by being a bit too buddy-buddy with several men, possibly lovers. (probably lovers.) that was not the end of the curse of james stewart (see: james ii of england), but it did at least put an end to mary queen of scots. oh, and england and scotland were united. that too. cue much chaos with a man you've probably heard of, named oliver cromwell... the rest is history. i mean, all of this is history, but you know what i mean.
and that's the story of why having seven child monarchs in a row is a really fucking bad idea!
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foone · 8 months
Goldfinger is the most Bond movie, fight me.
Bond blows up a drug lab and then goes for vacation in Miami. He's told there's a gold smuggler there, so he stops him cheating at gin rummy by seducing his spy? Then Bond is talking shit about, of all hands, the Beatles, and then he's knocked out. When he comes to, oh no! The spy girl is dead. She was killed with BODYPAINT. No, not poisoned body paint or anything, the film just says that body paint itself can kill you.
So Bond goes back to London, and they send him to learn more by playing golf with Goldfinger, the smuggler. Goldfinger tries to cheat, Bond stops him, then Goldfinger's henchmen shows how strong he is by crushing golfballs.
So Bond goes to Switzerland and meets a girl who turns out to be the sister of the dead body painted spy girl, and she's trying to kill Goldfinger. She fails, dying to the henchman's DEADLY HAT, and Bond is strapped to a table about to get his dick lasered off. He lies that his organization knows something they don't, so Goldfinger decides not to kill him.
Bond gets flown to a stud farm in Kentucky by a pilot named Pussy Galore. Bond wakes up, hears her name, and goes "I must be dreaming"
At the stud farm, Goldfinger is telling a bunch of mafia guys his plan: he's gonna use knockout gas on the whole city where Fort Knox is, then run off with the gold reserves. The mafia guys say "this is stupid", one leaves (he gets put in a car that goes through a car crusher) and then Goldfinger gasses them all, to death.
Bond goes to Goldfinger and points out this is an impossible plan: they'll never get all the gold out in time, the army will just show up from some other town and stop them. Goldfinger goes "of course! That would be silly. I'm just gonna nuke the gold."
Yeah he's already got a lot of gold, which will be much more valuable if a huge portion of the world's gold gets blown up/irradiated. And that knockout gas? It's just deadly poison.
Anyway the plan is launched, and Pussy Galore's All Female Flying Circus sprays gas over the city and we see all the army guards falling over dead, and Goldfinger's minions place the bomb in the vault of Fort Knox... Then the army guys get back up! They're not dead!
Yeah it seems Bond seduced her and convinced her to tell the authorities about the plot and also swap the Deadly Poison for something harmless.
Bond gets locked in the vault with the nuke and deadly hat guy, as Goldfinger's minions fight the army, with Goldfinger dressing up as a US Army general to escape.
Bond manages to kill the hat guy by electrocuting him through the hat, and Bond rushes over to figure out how to stop the bomb, as the timer counts down. He's lost, but fortunately a specialist from the army comes in and just hits a switch, stopping the bomb at 007 seconds to go.
With the army in control of the situation, Bond gets on a plane with Pussy Galore to go meet the President (given when this film was made, that'd be Lyndon B. Johnson) but then Goldfinger pops up. He's hijacked the plane, and he's got a gun!
They fight for the gun, and a window ends up getting shot out, and Goldfinger (who is not a small man) gets sucked out the plane window.
Bond and Pussy parachute out, and decide to ditch THE PRESIDENT in order to have sex in the woods, even as a rescue helicopter flies over them.
Credits roll.
It's just endlessly silly and over the top and fun.
Two final notes:
1. The whole thing of stealing vs nuking the gold is a change from the book. In the book, he was just gonna steal the gold, but the movie changes it to the nuke plot, but puts the idea to steal it in the film as an "obviously silly idea that would never work", which is slightly hilarious to me
2. The film also drops the fact that Pussy Galore is supposed to be a lesbian. This is certainly for the best, given that Bond still seduces her into betraying her boss. It's still somewhat implied in the film, though.
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Charlie Cox: ‘I love being a superhero — I thought that ship had sailed’
Charlie Cox on the return of Daredevil, the joys of sea swimming in Dalkey and his rewarding character-driven work in RTÉ’s Kin
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Kirsty Blake Knox   April 27, 2023 (X)
Charlie Cox is a busy man; he smiles widely from the back of a car as it ferries him from a physical therapy session to the set of Disney’s Daredevil.
“We’ve just kind of started, it’s really great. Pretty intense, hence the physical therapy,” he says.
Cox has returned to play Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer-slash-superhero.
The show started life on Netflix and ran for three seasons before it was cancelled in 2018.This resulted in an online #SaveDaredevil campaign which resulted in 400,000 signatures begging Marvel to bring him back.
It took a little time; a contractual clause prevented any characters from the Marvel-Netflix shows from appearing in any non-Netflix projects for two years after cancellation.
And now Cox is suiting up again in his Spandex costume, running around punching people in the face and fighting for justice. It’s a demanding shoot — the series is 18 episodes long. And he is a fan of doing as many of his stunts as possible.
“I kind of get involved as much as I’m allowed to and is appropriate. Obviously, the stunt team are professionals and there are things they can do that I can’t even get close to,” he says. “I feel like the name of the game is to get as involved as you can… it makes the scenes more realistic.”
Cox took on the role, which had once been played by Ben Affleck in 2015. At the time, landing the role came as a shock.
“I never thought of myself as being appropriate casting for an American superhero. That never really occurred to me,” he says. “And in my 20s, a lot of my friends, and a lot of British actors, had gone and done that already. So when I got to 30 I was pretty confident that ship had sailed. I was very fortunate to get a character that I’ve now been playing for almost 10 years. It’s unbelievable.”
Cox is a father to two young children (seven and three) but they are a little young to fully grasp the role their dad plays in the Marvel Universe.
“I’m not sure they quite understand… One of the books we read him (his three-year-old) is called Superbat. A bat who is a superhero. But that’s his only real understanding. And so he thinks that I’m Superbat,” he laughs.
Cox realised he wanted to be an actor while in school and studied at Bristol Old Vic drama school. His first big break came in 2007 when he starred in Stardust alongside Robert De Niro and Michele Pfeiffer.
He has performed on the West End and Donmar Warehouse, in dramas like Treason and took on the role of Owen Sleater in Martin Scorsese’s Boardwalk Empire. For Irish viewers, we can see Cox on our screens every Sunday night, as Michael Kinsella in gangland drama Kin.
It’s pretty unusual for Marvel Universe actors to appear in a homegrown Irish drama. But Cox’s wife is executive producing the series. When another project he was attached to fell through, he read the scripts and felt compelled to be part of it.
“I’ve been working probably 20-plus years, and there’s a handful of times where I’ve read a script and felt like I’m reading something written by a truly brilliant writer,” he says. “And that quality of scripts never ceased. Sometimes you can get a really good pilot episode. But then as you get deeper into the season, some of the writing starts to disintegrate a little bit, but with Peter (McKenna) that was never the case.”
Obviously, the scale of production is a lot smaller on Kin than other productions, but he says these productions can be just as, if not more, rewarding to work on.
“If you have a limited budget, the way you handle that is you write long character-driven scenes… So weirdly, the lower budget stuff often is more appealing. Because you get to really get deep into the character and the relationships and the dynamics… it’s sort of like theatre. So, from my point of view, sometimes that stuff is more appealing.”
He continues; “I’ve learned I’m not precious about my character’s involvement. I don’t care much if my character does cool stuff … what I care about is, ‘are they moving?’”
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He says this is some of the appeal of playing Michael.
“This life that he’d come from…and now he’s trying to rekindle a relationship with his daughter. [The] vulnerability, and the desire, and the need to fundamentally change his nature. That was really exciting to me.”
Cox perfected his Irish accent by listening to the voice of former Dublin goalkeeper, Shane Supple. He got up to speed with Ireland’s gangland scene by listening to podcasts featuring award winning crime journalist Nicola Tallant.
“I was kind of blissfully ignorant of the whole thing,” he says. “When I actually read the first two scripts, I just thought it was all fiction and then I agreed to do the part and I started doing my research. I was like, ‘oh, shit, this stuff is happening. It’s current and it’s happening right now.’”
Despite the violent nature of the series, he found filming and living in Ireland to be idyllic.
He and his family were based in the seaside village of Dalkey — where Matt Damon was holed up during lockdown. Cox became a sea swimming fanatic while residing there.
“I absolutely loved being there… I had conversations with my wife about moving to Dublin because I loved it so much. It’s not really viable with my job… Season one, we’re in lockdown. We lived in Hanover Quay, which was delightful…
“Season two, we moved to Dalkey. I felt like it was one of the best kept secrets in Europe… I was swimming in Vico every day… I found it to be like a haven. And I would love an opportunity to go back at any stage.”
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Cox is extremely polite and amenable. And modest — despite his success, Cox says he still suffers professional insecurities.
“I never think I’m going to be hired,” he laughs. “I read years ago that Christopher Walken always thinks his job he’s doing is going to be the last time he is hired. I don’t quite have that, but I certainly identify with it. I’ve never felt like ‘Oh, I’m always going to be hired.’”
He says this comes with some advantages, as it makes him more present.
“I’m filming in New York and I’m lucky enough that I’m still able to play a kind of a lead in a TV show,” he says. “You know, the time is ticking on that in a big way. And so I certainly don’t want to wish that away.
“It would be easy to kind of bemoan the amount of hours you have to work, and missing the family, but there’ll come a time where I would kill to be able to be the lead in the TV show. I think the trick is to really enjoy it while it lasts.”
As he makes his way out of his car and towards his makeup chair, I ask if he has any projects outside of Daredevil coming down the tracks.
“I’m going to be doing this until the end of the year. And then I’ll be back on the panic station wondering if I am ever going to work again,” he laughs.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Cowboys have invaded my mind. How we rockin with rodeo clown darling and yan cowboy. Or maybe even yan!bandit and barkeep darling.
(Why not all of the above? Yandere Cowboy/Bandit X Odd jobs Reader. Reader is G.N, but there's a use of missus as a joke)
Sweat pours down your face as the stadium doors close behind you; every atom within crying for rest. The large animal behind the gates rams into them a few times, before its handlers drag it away. You wipe your brows; white makeup smearing across your hand. The crowd still laughs at your performance, but it's the last thing you think about. No matter how many times you did that, it never got easier.
All on your own in a town in the middle of nowhere; you had to work countless jobs to get buy. Shop keep; house help, and many others. It was a place that turned a blind eye to legal certificates, so as long as you did your job well you'd get to stay. Rodeo clown was one of the longest running; started all way back when you were first strapped for cash.
With some basic training from the other clowns, you were ushered out the door and into the face of the crowd. You had your beginner's scrapes and bruises, but became not too bad overtime.
"You a little winded there, stripes?"
A horse trots up beside you. It's owner tips his hat as you with a little grin. The cowboy untied the bandana from his neck and passes it off to you, sweeping the specks of dirt off before he hands it over. You take it and dab at your forehead.
"Don't mention it, sugar."
He joined the show just a little while after you. An out of towner who popped in and out of the rodeo's tent whenever he pleased. You'd seen him about town right before he'd leave again; joking that he couldn't leave without seeing your pretty face or stocking up at the store when you were on your shift. Whenever he was around, he was good so no one complained besides when he was coming back.
Knox was the name he went by. Nobody knew if that was his real name, and nobody asked. All the boss carried about was that he was good with a lasso.
Speaking of that man, you both hear shouting from the other side of the barn.
"Why on God's green earth I know of any suspects? I wouldn't have called you if I knew who this son of a bitch was."
You both head over. Your boss was "chatting" with the local sheriff; his face inches away from the others as he shouted. Knox has to turn away to stop himself from laughing at the annoyance in the poor man's eye. Noticing you, the sheriff looks your way.
"Evening, folks? You seen anything strange around here lately?
"No, sir."Knox chuckles, throwing an arm over your shoulder." Me and the Missus here were just heading to have some alone time in the boss' office."
You playful shove him off. "Cut it out."
Your boss' face turns best red. "This ain't the time to be joking. I ain't letting any of you thieves in my office again."
"Theives?" You repeat.
The sheriff speaks up. "Your boss here says his safe had been broken in to. Fortunately it seems all that was in it was his personal errandings and all the important papers are at home, but it was a lot of bills."
"When I get my hands on that bastard... Where were you two early this morning?"
You quickly vouch for yourself. "I was at the convenience store until noon."
"They were. I hung around outside for a little while. Fallin asleep on the job like the angel they are."
Knox pokes your rubber nose. It was true. You saw him lingering on the porch of the store, pacing around or kicking empty cans. He did that quite often when he didn't come in. Just standing there; looking at you when he thought you wouldn't notice. Come to think of it, you saw him at a lot of your jobs. With the thought of work on your mind, you panic.
"Oh shoot, what time is it? I'll be late for my shift at the bar."
"About six thirty. Gone on ahead." The sheriff says.
"Now hold on a minute."Your boss cuts in. "Nobody is leaving until we get this solved."
He steps toward you both, but Knox blocks him; towering over the older man. His grin never leaves his face, but it quirks ever so slightly.
"Y/n is going to head out. They've got business to take care of, and you aren't getting in their way."
Your boss huffy, but keeps his mouth shut. Knox signals for you to leave.
"Go. I'll see you later."
A shower and change later, you head over to the bar; your final job of the day. It was one of the best for tips, if some didn't make you feel dirty when taking them. For the most part it was a decent place to relax amongst the mellow chatter between customers and the noise from whatever act was going on that night.
As you clean a glass and chat up a regular, a familiar face pops through the door. Knox removes his coat as he saunters over the counter, dropping it over the back of the seat the customer was in.
"You're in my spot."
The man shoots daggers, but slides over into the neighborhood seat. He tries to continue talking with you, but Knox taps on the table to get your attention; ordering his preferred drink as he smirks at you.
"I always forget how cute you are without that makeup, stripes."
"We were talking, pal." The man slurs.
"And now your conversation is over. Y/n can I get rid of this clown?"
"You aren't security, plus we'll lose all our customers if you make everyone leave." You say this as the customer gets up and leaves. Knox chuckles.
"Aw come, Y/n. You know you're the only clown anyone needs!" He stares at the glass you place in front of him; voice lowering. "Which is why I've come to ask you that question again."
You stop pouring liquor in the glass, placing the bottle on the table. Every once in a while, Knox would ask you to leave town with him; like a reaper knocking on a stubborn old man's door. You barely knew the man's name the first time he asked; promising you the life of your dreams.
Whenever he was in town, he'd sleep at an inn; telling you all about the nice place he had miles away. He wanted to take you there, were you could live comfortably and away from the stress of it all. He was normally flat out drunk when he said this, but tonight he hadn't taken a single sip.
"Knox.. You know my answer." You had responsibilities; friends. You couldn't just up and abandon all that for a man with with past you didn’t know. Knox sighs; bouncing his leg on the ground to calm his nerves. This place wasn't good enough for you, and he was going to make you see that someday.
"You say that now, Y/n, but one day your gonna be mine. This little town will be the last thing on your mind." He grabs a bill from his pocket, slamming it on the table.
You... recognized this bill. A scribbled on twenty you got as a tip after after show at the rodeo before your boss stole it out of your hands. "Too much for a show monkey." As he joked.
"Knox... Where did you?"
Knox already at the door with his coat over his shoulder and hat tilted in hand. He winks at you.
"See you around, Y/n."
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waytoocrispybread · 2 months
imagine, you're sitting in your living room alone. its been six days since you last saw someone without the infection. you remember your infant daughter, crawling across the hall gagging, choking as she spits out formula and blood, but slowly dragging her small body towards you. your wife's gurgling as you back up to the wall. your neighbor's eyes, full of bloodlust.
you take another hit from your cigarette, and get up from the armchair. the door creaks silently as if the guilt was seeping in it too. the street is littered with corpses, you don't even swat an eye. your destination was clear, the small army surplus store on the other street.
you always had regrets about moving to louisville, you worried you couldn't get sleep from all the noise of traffic and bustling city life. none of those worries now. the silence was killing you and you couldn't even try to fill it with your own. whistling, tapping, singing, by god anything. you knew they would hear. you couldn't afford getting hit.
you see a massive sign of a radio station next to the road. no one's inside, but they keep broadcasting from outside the exclusion zone. those fortunate enough not to have been here when hell itself erupted.
only this alleyway now. a few stragglers, strangers without faces to you. (atleast you try to imagine it like that.)
you swiften your pace, only a few steps. you could see the beatiful white paint of the store. all evils inside will only assist your hands in commiting sins. you hope god could forgive you in heaven. you wish you were there right now, luxuriously soft clouds beyond the pearly gates, the soft warm touch of the lord.
and as if god himself heard all your wishes, your wants, your needs, an unbearably loud industrial grinding ruptures your ears. you dare not look up at god himself. it hovers above you curiously, like a newborn, weeping oh so loudly.
anita. you taste the name on your tounge. your firstborn child. you grasp at your locket with her photo inside. you take a seat on the cold, hard asphalt. does not matter how comfortable it is now. hundreds if not thousands come pouring in through both sides of the alley. they wail on you, like fresh meat right from the slaughterhouse. your screams are drowned out by the mechanical chopping above. your mouth boils with blood as innards slosh out at the tearing of your seams right into the mouth of those begging for it. you grip onto the locket until your knuckles turn white.
TONIGHT ON WLBN NEWS: VIRGIN cunt with KIND OF BAD haircut and FUCKING MUTTON CHOPS in the year of our lord 1993 GETS GANGBANGED by ZOMBIES in KNOX fucking CUNTYYYY 👀👀👀👀🫣🫣🫣🫣👀👀👀
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scotianostra · 8 months
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On October 28th 1794 Robert Liston, the first surgeon to use general anaesthetic in Europe, was born in Ecclesmachan, West Lothian.
Liston may be remembered for the anaesthetic but he was also the best surgeon around in the 19th century and quite a remarkable man.
Using an anaesthetic wasn't new, Alcohol is said to have been used in ancient Mesopotamia going back thousands of years, the opium poppy is said to have been cultivated and harvested by the Sumerians in lower Mesopotamia as early as 3400 BC but they were not controlled like they are today. The inventor of the safety lamp Humphry Davy experimented with the gas nitrous oxide in 1799 and found it made him laugh, giving it the term used to this day "laughing gas" Davy wrote about the potential anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide in relieving pain during surgery, but nobody at that time did not pursue the matter any further.
American physician Crawford W. Long noticed that his friends felt no pain when they injured themselves while staggering around under the influence of diethyl ether., he didn't publish his findings until 1849 though, by then other doctors were using Ether.
Enter Robert Liston, the most skilled surgeon of his generation, so adept that he was described as "the fastest knife in the West End. He could amputate a leg in 2​1⁄2 minutes" this was at a time when speed was essential to reduce pain and improve the odds of survival of a patient.
The eminent English surgeon Richard Gordon said about Liston that:
"He was six foot two, and operated in a bottle-green coat with wellington boots. He sprung across the blood-stained boards upon his swooning, sweating, strapped-down patient like a duelist, calling, 'Time me gentlemen, time me!' to students craning with pocket watches from the iron-railinged galleries. Everyone swore that the first flash of his knife was followed so swiftly by the rasp of saw on bone that sight and sound seemed simultaneous. To free both hands, he would clasp the bloody knife between his teeth."
His methods were the envy and despair of other surgeons, their dislike of him meant he left Scotland and Gordon goes on to describe this in this paragraph
"an abrupt, abrasive, argumentative man, unfailingly charitable to the poor and tender to the sick (who) was vilely unpopular to his fellow surgeons at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. He relished operating successfully in the reeking tenements of the Grassmarket and Lawnmarket on patients they had discharged as hopelessly incurable. They conspired to bar him from the wards, banished him south, where he became professor of surgery at University College Hospital (London) and made a fortune"
Another wee bit of interest is his suspicions regarding Dr Knox on the body of a young woman that Knox had kept in whisky, on show in his dissecting rooms, her name was Mary Paterson and Liston suspected foul play in the manner of her death, he was right, her name was Mary Paterson and she had been "Burked" by the West Port murderers Burke and Hare in April 1828, they were paid £8 for the corpse, which was still warm when they delivered it, Fergusson—one of Knox's assistants—asked where they had obtained the body, as he thought he recognised her. Burke explained that the girl had drunk herself to death, and they had purchased it "from an old woman in the Canongate" The pair went on to sell a further 11 bodies to Knox before they were caught.
Liston on confronting Knox over the poor woman's demise is said to have "knocked Knox down after an altercation in front of his students – Liston assumed some students had slept with her when she was alive, and that they should dissect her body offended his sense of decency. He removed her body for burial." So I think we get a sense of the character of Robert Liston.
Some of Liston's most famous cases documented in a book by the aforementioned Richard Gordon were; removal in 4 minutes of a 45-pound scrotal tumour, whose owner had to carry it round in a wheelbarrow; Amputated the leg in 2​1⁄2 minutes, but in his enthusiasm the patient's testicles as well; Amputated the leg in under 2​1⁄2 minutes (the patient died afterwards in the ward from hospital gangrene; they usually did in those pre-Listerian days). He amputated in addition the fingers of his young assistant (who died afterwards in the ward from hospital gangrene). He also slashed through the coat tails of a distinguished surgical spectator, who was so terrified that the knife had pierced his vitals he dropped dead from fright.
That was the only operation in history with a 300 percent mortality!
But it is the first operation in Europe under modern anaesthesia using ether, that Liston is best remembered, on 21 December 1846 at the University College Hospital. His comment at the time: "This Yankee dodge beats mesmerism hollow", referring to the first use of ether by doctors in the US. The first operation using ether as an anaesthetic was by William T. G. Morton on 16 October 1846, in the Massachusetts General Hospital.
The first pic is Robert Liston performing an amputation in front of a crowd of spectators, the second are photoes by Hill & Adamson
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foxywrites · 6 months
Thank you @loki-is-my-kink-awakening for coming up with this!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
(I have tweaked a couple of things after having seen them changed on other post's, if you would like to find the original tag you can find it on the creators blog.)
Words and Fic's
269897 words published in 2023
18 fics worked on
6 completed fics
most productive month: January with 73831 words
monthly words average: 22491 words
Words Written per Fandom
Bungou Stray Dogs - 104548 words
All for the Game Series - 164688 words
Natsume Yuujinchou - 29762 words
Eleceed - 661 words
Top 5 Pairings
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard [7]
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) [7]
The Foxes | Palmetto State Foxes Member(s) & Neil Josten [7]
Katelyn/Aaron Minyard [6]
Jeremy Knox/Jean Moreau [5]
Top 5 by Kudos
dancing with the ghost of you [kudos:961]
something worth remembering [kudos: 719]
to burn for your love [kudos: 451]
make it through another night [kudos: 451]
can't tell a truth until you learn to lie [kudos: 347]
Top 5 by Hits
dancing with the ghost of you [hits: 34695]
something worth remembering [hits: 13325]
teach me how to be a fox [hits: 8217]
make it through another night [hits: 7157]
Misfortune of the fortunate [hits: 6728]
Fandom Events in 2023
For this part, I'm only adding in Bingo's that I was able to get a bingo/blackout for (along with those that were only for the year of 2023)
[10/25] AFG Dark Bingo - bingo
[25/25] July Break Bingo 2023 - black out
[09/09] July Break Mini Bingo 2023 - black out
[04/09] Halloween Horror Bingo (01) - bingo
[05/25] Spies Bingo 2023 - O
Writing Challenge's
[11/31] AU-gust Writing Challenge 2023
[05/31] AI-less Whumptober 2023
[04/31] Angstober 2023
[05/31] Flufftober 2023
Upcoming Plans (link to my excel sheet)
Fic's I'm hoping to finish writing/complete next year:
[AFTG] to hunt a rabbit (from 'blood stained bare teeth' series)
[AFTG] peach tea & hot chocolate nights (sequel to 'Little Oasis', Andrew and Neil meet as kids AU)
[AFTG] the fox trap (the menu au)
[AFTG] devils come out when the sun goes down (halloween fic)
[BSD] at least the war is over (manga CH 109 aftermath)
Fic's that I'd abandoned at some point, which I'm hoping to return to this year:
[AFTG] Misfortune of the Fortunate
[AFTG] Teach me How to be a Fox
[AFTG] The Fox Trap
I have a couple of things that I want to write next to these, however I am aware that it will be hard to do so with everything going on IRL, so I'm setting these as my main goals for now (might make a poll at some point this year to choose what i might work on next)
Writing Reflection
This year was a crazy writing year, if I'm being completely honest, and in many different ways. The biggest change for me this year in terms of writing was discovering the JBBingo, along with AUgust, they really both inspired and pushed me to create more writing content and I loved taking a part in both of them.
The goal of this year is to pretty much finish write and share more than I have done this year, so hopefully 250000~ or more words this time around.
Tagging: @42donotpanic, @stevethehousewife, @wishfulstargazer, @mrs-steve-harrington, @voiceoffenrisulfr, @urisarang
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construingseacats · 8 months
Umireread: Turn of the Golden Witch - Prologue
The following contains spoilers for the entirety of Umineko. Please do not read if you are yet to finish it.
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It’s certainly bold of Umineko to go from “standard” difficulty in Episode 1 to “expert” in Episode 2. I’m not sure exactly what warrants such a dramatic change? If we’ve “solved” Episode 1, then we should be able to readily bat away the fantasy scenes it introduces away from Battler’s perspective. I suppose the culprit committing suicide before the end and the rule of Battler’s perspective being untrustworthy 30 minutes before his demise could be quick tricky to theorise around, but I’m not sure if they’re “expert” by themselves. I guess we’ll wait and see.
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Both of these outfits are great, I kind of wish we got to see more alternative clothes for the cast. Shannon’s comparison is funny, since this probably would be the first time she’d seen an aquarium.
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Oh we’re in George POV here… That’s interesting. I’m not entirely certain why this is the case? My initial thought was that omniscient narration might have been saved for only contents on the message bottles/forgeries, to represent the author, and that this was forced by us not being allowed to see Shannon’s POV as per Knox’s first, but I don’t think that’s the case on either fronts - I believe the Episode 1 Prologue was omniscient despite being outside the realm of forgeries, and we do get Shannon’s POV slightly later, so I’m actually not sure what the meaning is here. 
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Given how much we’ve already delved into the themes of fantasy and reality, I’m surprised how long it’s taken us to find a comparison to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. I suppose that one is a bit too obvious of a comparison to make, so I don’t mind it being absent thus far in favour of more original thoughts.
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Hooting and hollering. Applause all round.
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At this stage I’m still concerned about reading too much into it, but I can’t help but wonder if this line is a slight nod to Yasu’s gender dysphoria. As in, despite identifying as female, part of her is doubting that she has a “real” female body and is getting caught up over it.
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As we saw in Episode 1, magic is when other people can engage in fantasy with you; where your mutual fabrication can shut out the truth. With a loved one, the prying eyes of others do not matter; your shared fantasy shuts them out. Love is magic.
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I know George does have his fair share of fans and defenders, but it’s the stuff like this which really puts me off him. Even if it’s behind a layer of jest, his controlling tendencies are just way too uncomfortable for me. It’s like there’s a part of him which is indulging in the “master and servant” angle between him and Shannon, which is skeevy by itself, but thoroughly tainted once you consider Yasu’s insecurities and feelings about being seen as furniture. Would she be happy with George? …Maybe? But would she be able to heal? I don’t believe so.
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Life can be beautiful when you reject the grey sea of reality and immerse yourself in the deep blue of fantasy.
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I think it’s interesting to look at this and consider the implications of the relationship being a case of Yasu having immersed herself in a fantasy and then opting to bring it about to reality. Can reality hope to match the bliss found in fantasy? Can it only do so through magic? Does realising her daydream here inspire her to realise her thoughts regarding Battler and Beatrice?
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George once again being a bit too weird for my liking. I wasn’t content to let Battler retreat behind the justification he had for fondling his relatives in Episode 1, I’m not content to let George retreat behind the facade of japery here. No matter how you spin it, an element of the true self always resides in the false self.
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Yasu takes great effort to not let George feel her fake chest pressed against him, awkwardly diving in a way to give him her head and naught else. Fortunately our gentleman isn’t going to proceed to do a Battler and expose the whole situation.
I’ve said it before, but my main interpretation of the George and Shannon pairing isn’t that Yasu truly loves George, but that she likes the fantasy of the “ideal” relationship that heteronormativity has painted for her. It’s moments like this which make me feel more steadfast in that interpretation - if Yasu was truly happy to be with George, why would she not risk the truth to be revealed? Why was she happy to let Battler uncover her secret in Episode 1, but not the man she is on a date with here? I read that as the voice in the back of her head saying that she’s not really happy with this pairing. She’s just deluding herself into it. Once again, fantasy and reality are in opposition with one another.
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Fantastic writing here where both Shannon and George agree that the sea is deep blue, only for the third party narration to call the sea grey. Hammers the point in perfectly, is honestly a little dry humour-esque, and overall further contributes to the broader concepts of fiction writing being able to strip away the meaningful emotions and complexities of the humans it claims to describe. Episode 2 is starting strong.
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So yeah, we’ve seamlessly transitioned from George’s POV to Shannon’s. I suppose we need to revisit the earlier reference about how this should technically be a direct violation of Knox’s 1st, since we shouldn’t be able to follow the thoughts of the “culprit”. Of course, there’s a few catches here, any of which could be valid - we are pre-mystery, so Knox is not yet in effect; Shannon is not the culprit at this point, or we are specifically separating Yasu from Shannon for this purpose. I’m leaning towards it being the case of Knox’s 1st only being active during the mystery segments, since the main point of the rule is to stop the author from tricking the reader by giving a fake internal monologue. I mean, I suppose that is what’s happening here, but we’ve flipped our own chessboard 360 degrees so it’s best to acknowledge that it happened and just press on.
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So there’s two things I’m taking away from the scene - first of all, the use of a mirror is an apt symbolic choice for dealing with Yasu’s self hatred. Is she able to accept herself? Can she be happy with the person she is now? The answer is no - she shatters the mirror, she shatters the reflection, she shatters the visage of the person she sees herself as at that moment. But, alongside this, I believe this moment is meant to be the moment that the explosives are tested. The point of no return - where Yasu is serenaded by the sweet song of vengeance, where the final step before confirming that the massacre can be arranged is completed, that the bombs that ensure her victory are still in working order. This was her last chance to back out from what must be done. But of course, it must be done.
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Very complex thoughts here. The physical limitations placed upon her body are what render her as furniture; a being incapable of love. In a sense, being furniture is not to suffer, because a table does not yearn for the earthly pleasures it cannot possess; it knows its place. To suffer is human; but Yasu is to suffer grievously, as furniture attempting to become human. She dehumanises herself for what she lacks; but this very act of self hatred elevates her from furniture. By accepting this suffering, she necessarily becomes human. This is a concept that Umineko has a lot to say about, and I’m looking forward to digging into some of the future confrontational scenes between Yasu and Beatrice.
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Yeah, I’m fully interpreting this as being the moment that the explosives are tested on the shrine. The thunder is the deafening cacophony of munitions ringing out.
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Welcome back to Rokkenjima, everyone.
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Yeah, Lou unlocked the FRISKY werewolf temperament. Fortunately help was nearby, then Knox decided to come and contemplate life or something like it.
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Okay I guess it's a show now.
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And no one seemed to mind. Well, I guess that the Greenburgs are the progressive sorts and maybe even approved of the whole 'save water, shower with a friend' ethos xD
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The Real Reason for the Isla Vista Incident
The great truth about what happened in Isla Vista is that it was all an ascension ritual. This is why there is numerological symbolism throughout the entire incident, why Elliot spawned the narrative that he was an incel. The purpose of this was to create a distraction, so that ordinary people would not suspect the real reason for the incident. The symbolism behind the numbers left by Elliot is totally related to the concept of Spiritual Birth/Rebirth, through human sacrifice and self-immolation. such a concept already exists in the occult world, and what Elliot did also exists as a concept. the Hindus call this the Veil of Maya. There is no other way to understand data other than this. in short: He believed that by doing this, he would ascend to some kind of higher existence. the incident was nothing more than a ritual of human sacrifice, with self-immolation. he deliberately deceived incels, the media, the government and his own family. Fortunately, today, 10 years later, the truth comes to light.
The most interesting thing is that, the WHOLE TIME, the code was in front of our faces, and we didn't see it.: The Code was on Elliot's license plate: 6ELX898 or 6536898
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