#Ko Jesus is pictures
justmewondering56 · 1 year
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katakaluptastrophy · 9 months
You know how it goes: through some incredible circumstances, God and a young woman living under the shadow of an oppressive empire have a metaphysically unusual baby who grows up to be a general nuisance, won't stay dead, and sports a few additional holes...
It's the third Sunday of Advent and I'm a little concerned Bible studies for weird goth kids might be turning into a series... Let's talk about the Blessed Virgin Mary and Commander Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity.
Wake was probably never described as "gentle", "meek", or "mild", but there are a few similarities: distinctive outfits, snazzy shrines, commitment to putting down the mighty from their seats, and of course babies with great and terrible destinies niftily conceived without sex.
On the topic of conception, let's clear up a common, uh, misconception: the term "immaculate conception" does not refer to Mary becoming pregnant with Jesus. It's Mary's own conception.
Why are we talking about how Mary was conceived and what does this have to do with lesbian necromancers?
To answer that question, we have to go back further still, way before Mary's conception. Back to these guys and their unfortunate snack cravings:
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Remember how last time we talked about the concept of being in a state of grace? Well, the Christian read on Adam and Eve is that a state of grace was, as it were, the factory setting for humanity. They were fully in tune with God, there was no sickness or death, there was no sin. Until, that is, the whole unfortunate business with the apple. The first sin. The world is fundamentally altered. Humanity is expelled from paradise, burdened with sin, death, disease, patriarchy, and work. Worse, this sinful human nature turns out to be sexually transmissible: every human being is born tainted by this "original sin" of Adam and Eve.
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This is why Catholicism is so big on baptising babies: even if they're many years off being able to commit any sins themselves (a sin has to be something consciously chosen and understood), they're still contaminated by that original sin of Adam and Eve. Baptism is understood to erase original sin, wiping the slate clean.
Bear with me, we'll be back to necromancers soon I promise. Have a picture of Mary beating up the devil while an angel holds baby Jesus:
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OK, but what does Adam and Eve's danger snack have to do with Mary's conception?
The "immaculate conception" refers to the idea that unlike every human being between Adam and Jesus, Mary was conceived without the contamination of original sin. The rationale for this is complex, but essentially boils down to something like the saving power of Jesus not being bound by piffling things like time and space and thus saving his mother before her own conception and allowing himself to also be conceived and born sinless.
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But the important bit is that something specific about Mary means that she is uniquely able to be pregnant with Jesus.
You may be starting to guess where this is going...
Because while unconventional pregnancy seems to have been the plan from the get-go for Jesus, it was not with the artist formerly known as The Bomb:
“I had the baby,” said Wake. “The baby I’d had to incubate myself for nine long fucking months, when the foetal dummies these two gave me died.”
“Oh, God, it was yours,” said Augustine, in horror. “I thought you’d used in vitro on one of Mercy’s—”
“I said they all died,” said Wake. “The dummies died. The ova died. Only the sample was still active, no idea how considering it was twelve weeks after the fact, but I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.”
“So you used it on yourself,” said Augustine. “Anything for the revolution, eh, Wake?”
We have to assume the foetal dummies plan was hatched by Mercymorn, a brilliant scientist with a myriad of experience. If the problem encountered by Wake were as simple as Lyctoral infertility, I suspect Mercy would have spotted that long before.
But what do Wake and John have in common that Mercymorn or any of the other ova-having residents of the Mithraeum did not? They are both (to some extent at least) factory setting humans: unlike everyone else in the Dominicus system, they never died and were resurrected, nor are they the descendants people who were. John's abilities, while macabre, are not straightforwardly the necromancy otherwise practiced in the Houses. That necromancy is a direct result of one specific act of taking that resulted in the very nature of the world changing: a thanergetic system, inhabited by human beings who, necromancer or not, are fundamentally tainted by thanergy and by the after effects of that action of John's. You might call it a sin. An indelible sin. He does.
It's not an exact parallel, but necromancy certainly occupies a space not dissimilar to original sin: the result of a single action, tainting every descendant of its progenitors regardless of their actions of abilities.
And then enter Gideon, born in space away from the thanergetic energy of the Dominicus system to a mother lacking the 10,000 year intergenerational burden of the resurrection and necromancy. The child of Jod, born to die.
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
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Chapter 19 - Cards against humanity.
Part 2 of Winter Wonderland!
Summary: The gang makes it to the cabins. Izuku and Y/N tries out the fluffy rug in front of the fireplace. The heroes play Cards Against Humanity (MHA version) while drunk. Things get out of hand really quickly.
Warnings: Swear words, suggestive, drinking, drunk shenanigans, absolutely vile Cards Against Humanity cards so please, be aware that this chapter contains a lot of uhm… stuff. 16 +
First Chapter Master List KO-FI page
“I won, motherfuckers!” Katsuki yells victoriously as he makes it to the top of the mountain with Eijirou in his tail. Needless to say, everyone is in pieces; there’s so much panting going on, Rody is meters behind everyone, actually hyperventilating, you, Kyouka and Izuku are somewhere in the middle but only because Izuku gave you a piggy back ride (with black whip because he’s a good boy and he knows his limits.)
“I’m never… going camping with… heroes… ever again.” Rody pants, his legs shaking like a leaf.
“Who asked you to run with us, huh?” Katsuki retorts with a devilish smirk. “Know your place, weakling!”
“I thought… we are done … hating each other?!” Rody pants.
“This is how he loves, Rody.” Kirishima sighs.
“Jesus, stop fucking talking and sit the fuck down for a second, do you want to die or something?!” Katsuki yells with a red face, from embarrassment or just from the cold, no one will ever know.
The view is absolutely stunning up here; you can see the whole city underneath, the fairy lights connected to the street lights are sparkling happily, the snowflakes are massive but their flow is quite sparse at the moment so you can see everything perfectly as the snow doesn’t obstruct the view too much. Up on the mountain where you are standing right now, the snow is fresh and crisp, completely untouched except for the few imprints of your own shoes, the cabins are also covered in white, fairly lights attached to every single one of them, all sparkling in different colors to make the cabins distinguishable (probably in case someone gets too drunk to remember which cabin they rented. Haha).
“I’m sure I don’t really need to tell you who stays with who but I will do it anyway.” Shouto speaks up as well, clearly excited to be able to do his usual shenanigans. “First cabin: Hitoshi, Denki and Kyouka.” Kyouka and Denki cheers happily. Hitoshi looks… a little bit gobsmacked.
“You guys are getting the bigger cabin which has three separate rooms, so you can sleep alone if you need privacy or you can just use the massive master bedroom and have a sleepover!” Rody chimes in, picking up on the grumpy vibes coming from the lilac haired man.
“Oh, Rody! Do you mind sharing the other big cabin with us?” Yaomomo smiles.
“Yeah, that’s perfect for me!”
“With that said.” Shouto continues. “Momo, Rody and I will share the second cabin. Tamaki and Mirio will get the third one, Katsuki and Eijirou the fourth, which has a massive common space apparently, and Izuku and Y/N are getting the last cabin.”
“If there are any invisible individuals hiding in a bushes, please speak up now. The cabins will be locked overnight and it’s freezing outside.” Yaomomo adds, looking around with clear suspicion.
“Hagakure is not here.” Kyouka speaks up. “I personally asked if she would like to come but she’s away on a mission in America.”
“Splendid.” Momo mutters. “Please make sure to take some pictures for the people who couldn’t make it today. They might not be here in person but let’s make them feel included by sending them selfies and pictures of the place.”
“There’s no reception up here but there is wi-fi in the cabins! Don’t ask how they made that happen, but… yeah.” Rody scratches the back of his head sheepishly.
“Okay, so...” Momo continues. “This is where we usually give warnings, but seeing your faces, I think there is no need to do this today. But please, drink responsibly and don’t do stupid things. Only go outside in groups during the night.”
“Don’t go into the attached onsen while drunk. Trust me, it doesn’t end well if you do.” Rody chimes in, embarrassed. “Hot water and alcohol are a really bad combination.”
“Thank you for your helpful input, Rody! I’m glad to have another reasonable person in this group!”
“You guys know he only knows that because he fucking tried, right?” Katsuki mutters, rolling his eyes aggressively.
“That’s a fair point. But he learnt his lesson!” Mirio, the symbol of positivity adds.
“Hey, can you do something about that rainbow coming out of your ass? It hurts my eyes.” Katsuki makes a snarky comment, trying his best to sound menacing but he can barely hide his smile.
“Stop looking at my juicy peach then!” Mirio turns away, showing off his indeed juicy butt to the “audience” by bending over. The whole gang roars.
“Is this another gay thing I don’t understand?” Shouto asks his girlfriend with a bamboozled look on his face.
“I think it’s just a Mirio thing, to be absolutely honest.” Momo giggles with a fond look on her face. “Let’s go, guys!” She yells once more and everyone makes their way towards their respective cabin.
Izuku takes your hand in his and pulls you towards the cabin excitedly; you go without a single retort.
“This is so cute!” You yell excitedly right as you go through the main door.
This cabin looks so homey it makes you want to cry. Everything is wood and it’s just how you imagined it in your daydreams; there is a massive, cosy sofa full of blankets, almost the size of a normal living room, yellow fairy lights everywhere on the ceiling. There is a massive fireplace built into the wall, heat emanating from the fire that the staff has started before you arrived, filling the room with warmth and that lovely scent of burning wood.
“The fluffy rug!” Izuku points at the pure white rug by the fireplace exitedly. “It has a fluffy rug!” He doesn’t even let you put your backpack down before he pulls you towards it with childish glee.
“Izuku, we only have half an hour!”
“Shut up, wifey.”
“Izuku, what the hell?!” You giggle to yourself, given up on resisting quite quickly; Izuku takes that as a win and pulls you into his lap, slowly taking the backpack off your shoulders. He throws it on the massive sofa with the help of black whip, then lies down on the fluffy rug with you on top of him. Huh. This position is quite… uhm… suggestive. Huh, take a few deep breaths, will ya?!
You look down to see Izuku’s face and damn, that was a mistake; his hair is splayed out on the rug, his pine green hair even brighter in the sunlight coming in from the massive windows behind him; his face is pink from the cold, his eyes full of wonder as he looks up at you. You can’t help but lower yourself down, leaning on your elbows so you can look into those emerald eyes with nothing but love.
“Hi.” You mutter, your eyes slowly moving down to his puffy lips.
“Kiss me.”
That’s all it took to loose your composure. One sentence.
You kiss him with all you’ve got while Izuku’s hands snake inside your coat and your shirt and the touch sets your whole body ablaze; you slowly open Izuku’s own coat to be able to touch him properly, you hate all these layers, it’s way too hot in here, way too much for your little heart to take in, knowing it can’t go anywhere right now, but you can’t stop, you just can’t, his scent is so addicting, that citrusy pine, that hint of wood and sweat, it’s so Izuku…
You make a small whimper when you feel Izuku’s tongue dancing with yours while he pulls you closer and closer until every single one of your body parts touch.
“Calm down.” You mutter to him (and to yourself), your actions saying the opposite as you deepen the kiss even more. You’ll never get used to being able to this, to kiss the man of your dreams. Needless to say the half an hour passes before you can even put your stuff down properly; you can’t stop enjoying each other on the fluffy rug, probably smelly from all the sweat because heavily kissing in five layers of clothing is the stupidest thing you two could have done right before Katsuki’s grill party. Both of you start laughing as your alarm goes off.
“Well, uhm… should we roll in the snow for a few minutes before we go?” You snicker with your nose in Izuku’s neck.
“Should we just skip it and uhm… continue this?” Izuku retorts back. You can’t help but giggle once again.
“Do you want to die a slow, torturous death?”
“I’m quite sure I’ll be beaten to pulp the second we go through that door while looking like this anyway.”
“Fair point. Let’s go.” You try to pull yourself up but Izuku is not having it.
“One more kiss.”
… you got there half an hour late. I know, shocking.
“Today we are playing… drum beats please…” Denki’s body is about to burst from all the energy. Katsuki, still busy plating the food, stops for a second and beats on his thighs. “Thank you! We are playing… cards against humanity!”
The whole gang yells “NOOOOOOOO!”. Except for Denki and Katsuki. They look fucking thrilled.
“And I thought today will be easy.” Momo sighs exasperatedly.
“I want to go home.” Tamaki mutters to Mirio who only smiles at him.
“Okay guys, you don’t need to play if you don’t want to!” Denki retreats. “You guys can be the judges! So who’s playing?”
“Fuck yes!” Katsuki yells.
“I’m in!” Kirishima also joins.
“Hmm…” Izuku mutters then his smile changes into a shit-eating grin. “Fuck yeah.”
“Oh my god, Izuku swore! Hell yeah, man!”
You swear you see some electricity crackling around Denki. Bro must me really excited.
“I think I want to try this game.” Shouto mutters as well.
“Amajiki and I will play together if that’s okay!” Mirio chimes in; bless him, he’s such a sweetheart for trying to keep the shy man in the loop without him being in the centre of attention, knowing way too much that he would probably shit himself if he’d need to read the cards out loud in front of all these people.
Momo, Rody, you and Hitoshi became the judges of the game. You have a feeling this will be a lot of fun.
“What would Granma find disturbing, yet oddly charming?” Rody reads out the question loud, buzzing from energy. “Come on, don’t disappoint me.”
The players are already laughing their ass off as they look through their cards. Rody collects the cards and can barely stop laughing.
“All Might’s massive thighs on your face. Wow. Kinky.”
“Shigaraki’s five hundred broken fingers.” Hitoshi reads the next one. “Wow. That’s a good one.”
“Deku’s Big, weird eyes.” You giggle as you read the next card. “That was Katsuki’s. Hundred percent.”
“Oh my god, I really don’t want to read this…. Hawk’s out of control blowjob parties.” Momo’s whole face flushes. The whole gang roars.
“Fat Gum’s soft belly. Awww!”
“Communism. This card is so dry it must have come from Shouto.”
“Fuck you, Rody.”
“Bonus features include never-before-seen footage of…” Momo reads the next question.
This game is getting out of hand already.
“A severed horse penis being hurled at a politician. Okay who the fuck was that?” You giggle to yourself.
“Who the fuck do you think?” Katsuki replies with a shit eating grin.
“A sad, old man. Is that supposed to be an All Might reference?”
“You can NOT just call All Might a sad old man!” Izuku gawks, offended. Everyone ignores him.
“Wigs made of executed LOV members. That’s… wow.”
“All for One riding a baby horse. I need to see that.”
“You need to sit here and think about…” You read out the next question. The boys look more and more drunk as the game goes. Izuku is giggling to himself like an idiot the whole time and it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
“Stabbing a guy in the eye with an arrow, pulling it out and shooting another guy with it.”
Everyone looks at Katsuki. It’s just so obvious that it’s him.
“Casually suggesting a threesome. Someone needs to get laid.” Rody comments and Kyouka grins like an idiot.
“Throwing your dad into a dumpster and yelling “who’s the daddy now?”” You can’t help but literally snort out loudly at this one. “Okay, I don’t even care about the rest, this one wins.”
“It was me.” Shouto admits and the whole gang gawks at him.
“Damn, I’m impressed.” Even Katsuki can’t help but comment on this one.
“Momo says I have daddy issues.” He mumbles back with a straight face, his cheeks blushed from the alcohol.
Half of the team ends up on the floor, dying.
Kaminari resigns from the game and stays on the floor for the rest of the night.
“This year, I’m going to dedicate 100% of my energy to:” Hitoshi reads the card and takes one of the answer cards into his hand. “A Nomu wearing a tiny raincoat and booties. Okay, that’s quite disturbing but kinda cute.”
“You are cute.” Kaminari giggles, still on the floor, completely wasted. An exasperated sigh leaves Hitoshi’s mouth.
“You always talk nonsense when you are drunk.”
“You are cute though. Don’t sell yourself short buddy!” Rody smiles at the purple haired man who flushes aggressively.
“He can’t sell himself short. He’s tall.” Kaminari mutters and goes back to sleep. Your tummy hurts so much from all the laughing but you can’t help but laugh once again.
“Worshipping Stain’s right ear hole.” Momo snort sat this one. “This game has no filter.”
“Sucking Dynamight’s dick until it explodes.” You read the next card, flushing like a virgin.
“I like this game.” Katsuki laughs proudly. “The creator has a good taste.”
“Oh my god, Katsuki.” Eijirou giggles next him with an incredulous look on his face.
“What?” Katsuki retorts. “Feels nice to be appreciated!”
“Time to stop drinking, Kats. Your soft side is coming out.”
“Licking shoes.” Everyone looks at Shouto. Shouto just shrugs.
“Last round because you all had too much to drink.” Rody reprimands, looking at the pile of people on the floor. The only ones still paying are Mirio, Katsuki, Shouto and Izuku. Tamaki is still sober but he decided to sit in the corner, right next to the pile of people to “keep an eye on them”. It’s absolutely hilarious. You can’t help but take a picture of it. Hitoshi looks like he’s ready to kill as he stares at Denki and Kyouka snuggled up on the floor, right next to the fireplace. No one comments on it. They are too terrified of drunk Hitoshi to do so. “Who’s hot and smelly and about to die?”
“A fucked up alien fish from the deep.” You read the first card.
“All for one’s hope for a “better” future. Damn.” Rody laughs.
“Red Riot’s popularity.” At that, Katsuki smirks right at his drunk fiancé who gives him a side glare for being an asshole. “Oi, it was a joke, you are literally the hottest man walking on Earth.”
When Momo reads the last card, she almost chokes on their saliva.
“We have a winner, guys.” She smirks and shows the card to the rest of the team.
The card simply says…
“Jesus fuck, I’m dying.” Katsuki laughs like a maniac, reading out the card out loud. Even Kaminari wakes up to the loud laughter that seems to never end. Izuku is literally crying at this point.
“Oh my god, I will burn in hell for laughing at this but… I can’t stop!”
“Izuku, take a deep breath!” You whine, still laughing your ass off.
“One extra round?” Katsuki smirks at the his friends and he completely ignores the group’s loud “NOOOOOO!” And takes a card from the pile. It’s a two card one, this time. “Okay fuckers, let’s take 5 more extra cards and let’s have some fun with it.” Katsuki gives the card to you to read it out loud.
“Dying from - something - is painless, but I would still prefer -something-. Three, two, one, go!”
This time, everyone reads their own cards out loud because the drunk idiots forgot how to play this game. It’s only Katsuki, Shouto and Mirio in the game now, Izuku laughed so much he made himself sick and now he’s resting in your lap, trying not to throw up. He’s so silly sometimes, honestly.
“They say dying from a tiny dick is painless, but I would still prefer sex with a blindfold.” Katsuki smirks, clearly proud of his own creation.
“Not today, babe.” Kirishima mumbles from the floor and that’s when the whole team roars. Katsuki looks like he’s about to explode.
“They say dying from shame is painless but I would still prefer another war with All for One.” Mirio reads his own answer with a massive smile on his face.
“They say dying from a firm tofu is painless, but I would still prefer choking on pro hero Deku’s humongous dick.” Shouto KILLS everyone with his his answer. At least half of the gang has tears in their eyes.
Izuku chokes on his own saliva then laughs for a few minutes with his hands on his belly and… runs to the toilet to throw up.
“Emotional damage.” Hitoshi mumbles, smiling like an idiot.
Shouto somehow wins the game. His reward is one of Kaminari’s concoctions that was left on the kitchen counter. Shouto joins Izuku in the toilet a few minutes later.
“Why can’t you guys party like normal people?” Momo sighs, already sobered up.
“Why can’t you pull that stick out of your ass and relax for once?”
“Oh, you mean this one?” Momo creates a random stick from her lower back instead of her tummy, making the whole gang roar once again. It really looked like she just took that out of her ass, bless her creativity for that.
“Katsuki, I can’t laugh anymore. I’m in agony.” Eijirou whimpers on the floor, completely, utterly done with life. You must admit, he looks extremely hot, disheveled like that. Like damn, that guy is a fucking snack. Good job, Katsuki. Good fucking job.
Okay, you definitely had way too much to drink today.
“I’ll get Izu-Izu from the toilet.” You mutter as you stand up from the sofa.
“I’ll take the three bozos home then come back for Shouto.” Momo sighs as he makes his way towards the pile of people on the floor.
“I’ll help!” Tamaki SMILES at her and the whole team gawks. “What? I had fun. And Denki gave me his drink to finish.”
“Oh no, he’s been tainted with the Denki juice.” Hitoshi mumbles. Tamaki answers by growing a potato on his arm. “Huh. I guess there was vodka in it.”
Needless to say, NO ONE makes it home after that. At least the floor is nice and warm, thanks to the lovely fireplace in the wall. Katsuki doesn’t even look surprised, he just throws a bunch of blankets on everyone and lies down next to Eijirou, giggling to himself happily.
“Best party ever.”
… Next Chapter!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @themultifandomgirl @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave @alyss-eiz @sleepisfortheweakpooh
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stalkedbytrains · 2 months
“Cheryl? Where is the file for the next appointment? I can’t find it anywhere.”
“It’s the folder with the green tab,” Cheryl called from her desk at the front of the tiny office.
There was the sound of many papers shuffling around and finally an “aha!”
“The Rainbow Snake?” Came the voice from the office. Cheryl’s boss often read out loud when they were studying a client. Just a weird quirk of theirs. “Australian Aboriginal Deity. Oh I do remember them. We were at a party together… 2,000 years ago give or take. I don’t think they’ll remember me, ah well thems the breaks. Let’s see… hmm… I can see that this is going to be a problem Cheryl. Damn colonialists. I wish we could make the British gods fade away. Fucking King Arthur deserves to be relegated to the dust bin. I can tell that we’re going to need some deep cuts on this one. Start making a list of Australians we can contact, I have a feeling.”
Cheryl did as she was told. Her boss was almost always right about these things. She knew what the gods wanted before they even got here.
Several minutes later there was a knock at the office door. Cheryl got up to open it and invited in the dark skinned person and the beautiful snake they wore like jewelry but that might have only been because the snake itself was a living work of art. Like living breathing stained glass.
As Cheryl escorted the Rainbow Snake in, her boss came out and bowed deeply to their guest.
The chipper woman had tied back her full brown hair and smiled widely at the Snake and their human escort.
“A pleasure to meet you again,” the boss said, “it’s been many centuries but I am glad to see you once more. Please come in to my office. Would you care for any refreshments?”
After settling and getting water for the Rainbow Snake, Cheryl sat back down outside the office and listened to the pitch. She never got tired of listening to it.
“How can I help you?” Her boss asked.
“We heard that you can help us gods. Stop us from fading. We need faith. We need followers. The people are dying, the language is dying,” said a dual voice. The voice from the snake, and the voice from the human.
“We can do that. Sort of. I am sorry to say that it’s not a direct thing. I don’t just snap my fingers and make you some new believers. Human beings a wonderful little creatures. They crave us. They need us even if they don’t believe in us anymore. They want our stories and our myths. And that is what I provide. Stories.”
“How does that help us?”
“Do you know how down bad the Norse were? The Christian’s basically destroyed their religion, all we know of it is this bastard version of what was left after the Jesus freaks invaded. But then the comics happened. The Mighty Thor! And don’t get me started on Neil Gaiman and his Sandman and American Gods stories. I send that man a fruit basket every year. I love him. Have you seen how well the Norse pantheon is doing? Loki has seventeen penthouses, and more belief than he knows what to do with.”
“Bah. Western religion. White religion.”
“You are right. I am sorry that was a poor example. Perhaps I should have started with Māui and how well he’s doing with that Disney film Moana. I set that up.”
“You did all of that?”
“Well. Not directly. You know how us gods work. I gave some inspiration here and there. Got a writer to have an idea. Got a director and a bunch of executives to see the bigger picture and how it could be a hit. They did the rest themselves. Like I said, whether or not they know it, humans want us.”
“You can make me a hit movie?”
“Or a TV show or a video game. Those are hard though. Movies are kind of easy now a days, TV is having a resurgence now but you run the risk of cancelation and things like that, video games can be hit or miss honestly. Only the Greeks and Norse really pulled that one off and hoo let me tell you they paid for that one. Great games but still. I don’t want to look at those God of War games ever again. Books are easy. Worked really well for the Greeks and some of the Egyptians. Rick Riordan does great stuff. It all depends on what you want.”
“I can have anything?”
“Sure. Internet stories are easy. Quick and cheap but you are really gambling with the payoff. Could be either a total wash or go viral. Not something I can really recommend but if you need something now it can be done. Movies or tv can be great but there are also risks. It might be two or three years before you see anything.”
“Do I get to choose who does the work?”
“A little. I can influence certain people but sometimes the best person for the job is some down on his luck writer in a hovel in LA. Sometimes it’s Neil. But Neil is expensive.”
“I want a movie, I want it to be written by one of my people.”
“I can do that. But the problem is that reach might be very tiny. There are plenty of Aboriginal writers, I’m sure some can even be extremely talented, but something big and grand and bringing in all the faith and worship and stories you may way may be limited. If you want the Disney treatment you have to give up a whole lot of control.”
“No. I want it to be of the people.”
“Very well. Now, I can influence and give inspiration all over. I can even get this in the right people’s hands. But it is always a crap shoot. All I need to do is channel some of your power into the right person when I find it. Then creativity takes over, they do their work, I nudge some agents and companies their way and if we’re lucky you see some return on investment in a couple of years.”
“What do you get out of this process?”
“My dear, I’m the Muse. I feed off the creativity. These artists come to me most of the time. I just set them up with gods who need a little faith. And six points on the back end. I have a lot of alimony to pay.”
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
instead of you [part two] || l.mh
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pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex (18+ mdni)
word count: 3.8k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
series masterlist | early access to the next chapter on ko-fi
“What the hell is this?” you demanded as you burst into Jisung’s room, holding your phone out to him. 
He jumped when he saw you, tripped over the pants he was putting on, and fell backwards onto his bed all at once in a blur of flailing limbs.
“Jesus Christ, how’d you get in here?” 
“Seungmin let me in,” you said off-handedly. “You guys never lock your door anyway.” You waved the phone in his face again to get his attention. “Dude, what the fuck is this?”
He squinted at the screen. “I don’t know- stop moving!” 
You sighed and relinquished the phone to him, thrusting it accusingly into his hands before flopping down on the bed next to him. He read over the email you had pulled up once, then again. 
“Y/n, what are you talking about?” Jisung asked. “It’s just an email from my mom about the trip?” 
You jabbed a finger at one of the bolded lines. “Sleeping arrangements for Jisung and his girlfriend?”
The color drained from his face, telling you everything you needed to know. You bolted upright, confronted with the reality of your best friend’s stupidity. 
“So that’s not a mistake? That- you told them-“
“I can explain.”
You raised your eyebrows and stared expectantly. “I sure fucking hope so.”
“So, um, a few months ago when my parents were planning the trip they kept bugging me about bringing someone because I’d never dated anyone long enough for them to meet… I don’t know, it was typical parent stuff. They were probably just giving me a hard time, but I guess their nagging kind of stuck with me or something because…” Jisung trailed off and looked down at the carpeted floor beneath him, unable to meet your eyes. 
“Because what?”
“Do you remember Reagan?”
You blinked in surprise. You hadn’t heard that name since last semester. “Yeah, you dated for like two weeks… what about her?”
“I got it in my head that I was in love with her. I don’t know why, but I thought she was the one and-”
“You were stoned ninety percent of the time you were with her,” you reminded him. “That could have something to do with it.”
He glared at you. “You wanna let me finish explaining or?”
“Anyway, I thought I was in love with her and one night when I was, uh, a little crossed, I guess I called my mom and told her I’d met someone. I don’t remember doing that, but the next day I woke up with a bunch of excited texts from her and my dad about asking her to go on our summer trip so they could meet her. I told them I’d ask her, but we broke up the next weekend.”
“And you didn’t tell your parents, did you?” you asked with a sigh.
“No I didn’t.”
Han gave you a sheepish grin. His face was flushed red with embarrassment and you could tell he felt guilty about lying to his family. As frustrated as you were with your best friend you also couldn’t help but feel at least a little bad for him. You knew his parents could be a little pushy, especially since he was their only child in college. He always felt pressured to be the picture perfect son, so you could understand why he wouldn’t be eager to tell his parents that the girl he thought he was in love with was actually just a half-month fling. 
“So what did you tell them?”
“Nothing.” He shrugged. “I only talked about my ‘girlfriend’ when they asked. And I just made stuff up, like when they wanted to know what she was like. Reagan’s personality wasn’t very… family friendly.”
You snorted, thinking back to when she offered you coke within an hour of meeting you. “That’s putting it nicely.”
“Hey, she wasn’t that bad,” he argued defensively. 
“Han, she cheated on you.”
“Fine, maybe you have a point.”
“Remember, this is why we never trust people named after republican presidents?” you asked in a sing-song voice, touseling his hair playfully. 
He swatted you away and ran a hand through his hair, trying to fix the damage you’d done with little success. You backed off, but nudged his shoulder gently to get his attention. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me? I thought we told each other everything.”
“I don’t know,” he sighed, “I thought I could fix it I guess, like maybe I’d get into another relationship and I could just pretend like nothing ever happened… and when I didn’t I just tried to forget about it, honestly.”
You let his explanation sink in as you sat there and tried to sort out your own feelings. The situation he’d gotten you both into was pretty fucking stupid and could’ve easily been avoided, but at the same time you understood why he felt backed into a corner. And he’d gotten you out of so much shit throughout the years, you owed him this much didn’t you? And you’d only have to pretend to date in front of his family… and how bad could spending the summer with your best friend be anyway?
“Wait, am I supposed to be Reagan? Like is that who I am in this scenario?”
A spark of hope ignited in Jisung’s eyes at what your question was implying. “No, no,” he assured you. “I don’t think I ever mentioned her name, so we’re good.”
“You don’t think you did?”
“I didn’t.” 
He said it more confidently, but you weren’t sure you believed him. Even so, there wasn’t anything you could do beside trust him and hope for the best. 
“Wait, so when were you going to tell me that I’m supposed to be your girlfriend?” you asked. “Were you just gonna drop that on me as we were standing on your parents’ doorstep?”
“I mean… no?”
You smacked the same shoulder you’d nudged seconds earlier. “Asshole.”
“Repeat it back to me again.”
You took a deep breath, running over the details in your head before reciting them back. “We met in our World Perspectives class freshman year and were put in a study group together. We became fast friends, but before we knew it, it turned into something more. All of our friends could see there was something between us, but we were in denial for the longest time until finally you told me you had feelings for me this year and I said I felt the same,” you paused and rolled your eyes for good measure. “And the rest was history.”
“What a beautiful story. You sound so in love,” Jisung deadpanned. 
“Watch it, Han,” you mumbled. “It’s not too late for me to back out of this thing.”
“Y/n, we’re literally on a plane to Seoul, mid-flight right now.”
“I said what I said.”
“Fine, fine, sorry. It was an Oscar worthy performance.”
You relaxed back into the leather seat smugly. “Thank you.”
“Quiz me now?”
You nodded and leaned down to unzip your backpack, rifling through its contents for the rubber banded index cards buried somewhere at the bottom. You and Jisung had spent a couple nights in the library creating and studying “your story”. It lowkey felt like you were preparing to be interrogated for murder with the way you had constructed a timeline of events and memorized every single detail so that your accounts matched. 
Jisung called you ridiculous when you started making flashcards late into one of your study sessions, but even he had to admit they were pretty damn helpful once you both started using them. 
“What was our first date?” you asked, squinting at your messy handwriting on the card. 
“The state fair,” he answered back. “We shared a cinnamon pretzel and had our first kiss in the house of mirrors.”
“Damn, you’re good- the next one was ‘where was our first kiss’.”
“What can I say, I’ve always been an overachiever.”
“Shut up. When’s our anniversary?”
He shut his eyes for a moment to think. “Um…”
“C’mon, Mr. Overachiever, when is it?”
“Give me a second,” he muttered. “November… twenty-first.” 
“Good job. But if it takes you that long to remember in front of your parents I’m dumping you right then and there.”
You gave him a fake smile and shuffled to the next card. “Love hurts.” 
“What’s our favorite thing to do together?”
“Try new bars and coffee shops and give them really specific ratings on Yelp afterwards.” 
“Who said I love you first?”
“You did.”
“Who ‘wears the pants’ in our relationship?”
“Neither of us, preferably,” Jisung quipped with a wink. 
“Oh my god. Don’t- don’t say that in front of your parents. Or do the wink. Just stick to the script.”
“You know I’m kidding, y/n, don’t worry,” he assured you. 
“I know, I’m just… feeling kind of nervous.”
“What do you mean?”
You set the index cards down in your lap and forced yourself to look your best friend in the eyes. “It’s just, uh, I’ve never met your family before. Like I dunno, I know we’re not actually a couple, but you’re really important to me so I still really want them to like me. Like, I want to make a good impression.” 
“Oh,” his expression softened as he spoke, lines of worry fading back behind his freckles. “You don’t have anything to worry about. Trust me, they’ll love you.” 
Trusting Jisung had never led you wrong before, at least not severely, but you still felt an uneasiness pulling at your chest that you couldn’t explain. 
“I mean, my parents have wanted for me to bring someone home to meet them for years, so you already have a huge advantage. They just want to see me happy in a relationship- which reminds me, if we’re going to make this convincing and pull it off, we should set some rules.”
“What kind of rules?”
“No sex?”
“Y/n!” Jisung hissed through his teeth. “You think you could lower your fucking voice a little?” His tone was even, but his eyes betrayed the thinly veiled panic you were all too familiar with. 
Pushing your best friend’s buttons was something you usually enjoyed, but in that moment you were feeling a similar sense of panic. 
“Sorry, how was I supposed to react to you telling me I can’t sleep with anyone this summer?” you snapped in a whisper. 
“How were you expecting to pull that off without making it look like you were cheating on me?” he countered. 
“I- I don’t know. I guess I wasn’t thinking about it…”
Jisung had been typing the list of “rules” for the summer in the notes app of his phone for the better half of an hour as you brainstormed together, and you had been on board with everything that it consisted of so far:
No gross pet names (babe, baby, and darling are acceptable)
No kissing with tongue
No telling embarrassing stories!! (yes that includes that one time i got a condom stuck in my nose and we had to go to the emergency room- that’s literally only funny to you)
Share a bed together for the whole trip
Spend at least an hour with family per day
Take “coupley” pictures together when my parents as- bc they WILL ask
Wear the matching shirts my mother made 
Buy y/n all the alcohol she wants
It was a pretty decent list, all things considered, until he got to rule number ten. 
“I mean it’s not like it’s going to be easy for me either,” Jisung reasoned. 
You rolled your eyes. “Am I supposed to thank you for your service or something? Applaud you for keeping it in your pants for two whole months?”
“You’re literally complaining about the exact same thing.”
“Yeah, but I’m only doing it to save your ass,” you huffed.
“Trust me, I’m well aware,” he said, sighing. “I’m sorry for dragging you into this.”
You gave him a soft smile. “You don’t have to keep apologizing. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be.”
“You don’t want to be. You’ve mentioned that several times.”
“Well, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t love you.”
Jisung smiled at that. “Thanks, I love you too.”
“Alright that’s enough sincerity between us for a lifetime,” you said and chuckled uneasily. “We can go back to being assholes to each other now.”
“Good, that took a lot out of me.”
You glared at him, but refrained from making a comment. “What’s next on the list then, lover boy?”
“Already breaking the first rule-”
“Fine, what’s next on the list, fuckface?” you asked with a smirk. 
Jisung clenched his jaw and scrolled on his phone. “Okay, number eleven, no flirting with my brothers.”
“Do you really need to write that one down?” You watched as he typed it out without acknowledging you. “Like isn’t that kind of implied? You know I don’t see Felix like that.”
“He’s not the one I’m worried about,” he muttered. 
You raised your eyebrows expectantly, awaiting an explanation, but he offered none. Instead, he moved on to the next rule and left you sitting alone in your confusion. 
The majority of the rest of the flight was spent bickering with Jisung over the list, undoubtedly annoying the hell out of everyone seated around you. The other passengers finally got some reprieve from the sound of your hushed voices when Jisung put his earbuds in to listen to music. You knew he was only doing it to tune you out because whenever he was really listening to something he always shared one of his earbuds with you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. If he was going to be like that then… god, this was going to be a long summer.
You shifted in your seat so that you could comfortably rest your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. Even though he was frustrated with you, you knew he wouldn’t push you away. It was just like that with you guys. He’d get over it by the time you landed. 
When you opened your eyes again, Jisung had fallen asleep too. He was slumped against you with his head resting on top of yours like something out of a movie. It struck you as ironic. To passers by you already looked like a couple. Game on. 
Jisung led the way through the busy airport terminal to baggage claim, apparently trusting you were right on his heels. But it was almost like he was trying to lose you with the way he was weaving through the crowd like a wanted fugitive. You could barely keep up. Some fake boyfriend he was. 
You’d never seen your best friend like this before. Usually he was so calm and collected, the one who was always talking you off the ledge, but you could tell he was the one climbing stairs right now. 
“Fuck, there’s no way this’ll work.” 
It had been another one of those late nights in the library when Jisung had thrown the stack of index cards onto the table in surrender and buried his face in his hands. You were both teetering on the edge of a caffeine crash. The words on the pages had started to blur together in a way that was almost illegible and neither of you could keep the important dates of your relationship straight. 
“Yes it will,” you insisted as you gathered up the cards and handed them back to him. “We’re just burnt out. That’s why we keep getting things wrong.” He knit his eyebrows together in a way that told you he didn’t believe you, but didn’t say anything in return. You sighed and took a sip of your coffee, giving him a measured look over the lenses of your glasses. “It’s four am., Ji. We just need some sleep and then we’ll come back fresh tomorrow, you’ll see.”
He pushed his hair back from his forehead and nodded reluctantly. “Thanks for doing this with me… it’s, uh, really important to me.”
“I know.” 
But you didn’t know why. Jisung didn’t even study this hard for midterms, but here he was night after night with you mapping out every single detail of your fake relationship. A small part of you wondered if there was something more, something that he was keeping from you, but you pushed the thought down. You told each other everything…
As you watched him wait for your suitcases at the carousel, arms crossed, left foot tapping the tile impatiently, it dawned on you just how nervous he was. You wished there was something you could say to ease his mind, but the right words were escaping you. To be fair, you weren’t having any luck shaking your jitters either. You’d never been in a relationship long enough to meet your significant other’s parents. Somehow the fact that you weren’t even dating made it even more daunting. You desperately needed the Hans to like you- for both you and Jisung’s sakes. 
“This one’s yours, right?” Jisung asked and pointed to one of the bags he’d rolled over.
“Yeah, thanks for grabbing it.”
“Don’t mention it, babe.” You fought the urge to make a face- “you’re making a face.”
“Sorry, knee-jerk reaction. Still adjusting to hearing that.”
“Well adjust quicker because my brother will be here to pick us up any minute.”
“Wait, what?”
“How else did you think we were going to get home?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I didn’t think about it.”
You followed Jisung outside through the automatic doors to the car loop to wait for Felix. It was warm out, but there was a light breeze that lifted some of the heat from the pavement. The sun had set mere minutes ago, and dusk was lazily settling over the horizon. You were too close to the city to see any stars, but the moon glowed dimly behind the clouds, like a performer waiting in the wings. 
Jisung scrolled through Spotify as you both sat there, carefully balanced on your suitcases, and offered you one of his AirPods. You took it wordlessly and put it in your ear. The gesture was comforting, almost intimate, a reminder that nothing had changed between you. At least not yet. 
He was playing something you hadn’t heard before, a classical piece. It sounded old and European which didn’t narrow it down at all. A glance at the title scrolling across his screen suggested that it was French, but he put his phone in his pocket and stood up before you could fully read it. 
Before you could ask what was happening a black Audi pulled up to the curb, parked, and a boy who was… not Felix stepped out of it. It was then that you realized Jisung had never specified which brother was picking you up. 
You knew Jisung had an older brother, but he didn’t talk about him much. You had just assumed they weren’t close, but as you watched them hug and laugh together you weren’t sure what to make of it. 
“Y/n, this is Minho,” Jisung said as he introduced you to his brother. “Jisung, this is my girlfriend, y/n.”
“Nice to meet you.” You held out your hand and he shook it tentatively.
“Likewise,” he replied, sounding unconvinced. “Can I help you guys with your bags?”
“Um, sure. That’d be great.”
You handed over your suitcase and backpack to him and joined Jisung back over on the sidewalk while Minho lifted the luggage into the trunk with surprising ease.
Minho was about Jisung’s height, slender like Jisung too. But he was wearing a baseball cap so you couldn’t make out the features of his face very well. 
“Do you want to sit in the front, baby?” Jisung asked, pulling you back into the moment.
“No thanks, you catch up with your brother. I’ll be fine in the back.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded. Minho didn’t seem too thrilled to meet you in the first place so sitting in the back seemed like the safer way to play it. Jisung just shrugged and climbed into the passenger seat while you slid into the middle seat in the back. 
“Did you tell mom we’re running a few minutes late?” Jisung asked Minho once he’d merged onto the road. 
“Yeah, she said she expects it from Incheon anyway since they’re always so busy.”
“It was fucking packed.”
“I know. Traffic was awful getting here. Everyone’s going on vacation.” Minho turned to glance at you, then back at his brother. “Are you guys hungry? Dinner should be ready when we get there.”
“When we get where?” you piped up in confusion, wondering who would’ve cooked at the boys’ flat.
“Our parents’ place.”
You grabbed Jisung by the shoulder. “Wait, we’re going straight to your parents’ house? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“What do you mean? Why does it matter?”
You stared at him, eyes wide. “I can’t meet your parents like this!”
“Like what?”
“Are you fucking kidding me? I’m wearing sweatpants!”
“And you look fine!” he argued. “Minho, tell her she looks fine.”
“Uh, you look fine.”
Why were men so fucking dense? You rolled your eyes and unbuckled your seatbelt. Your suitcase was just out of reach in the trunk so you hoisted yourself up over the seatback and grabbed one of the straps on the bag to pull it closer to you.  
With your limited access it was hard to find what you were looking for, but you managed to randomly pull out a nice pair of jeans and a floral print blouse you’d thrifted last semester to change into. 
Before either of the boys up front could register what was happening you pulled your t-shirt off over your head and started shimmying out of your sweats. 
“What the fuck are you doing, y/n?” Jisung hissed as the car swerved. 
To be fair, you were just straight up taking your pants off in his brother’s car, but in your defense he’d really left you no choice. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” You snapped and looked back up at him, catching Minho’s eye in the rearview mirror as you did. 
“Keep your eyes on the fucking road, Minho.” Jisung grumbled, shooting daggers back at you.
You blew him a kiss in return followed by the middle finger as you buttoned your jeans with your other hand. 
Minho laughed and turned to his brother. “I like her.”
tags: @phobia0325 @fwess @hipsdofangirl @galaxleeknow @urmomma0324 @bangmechanpls @102598s @farfromsugafanfic @ritzy-roo @dimpledsatan @bvselines
add yourself to the taglist here
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Walter Einenkel at Daily Kos:
The Evangelicals for Harris group released its first ad Wednesday in support of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, kicking off an effort to woo voters away from Republican nominee Donald Trump by appealing to their religious convictions.  The 30-second video begins with a clip of famous evangelist Billy Graham giving a sermon, and asking, “Have you been to the cross and said, ‘Lord, I have sinned’?” The ad then cuts to Republican pollster Frank Luntz interviewing Donald Trump and asking him whether he has ever asked God for forgiveness.  “That’s a tough question,” Trump responds, mugging to the audience. “I’m not sure I have … I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.” The ending title card asks, “Is there any greater denial of Christ … than to say ‘I do not need His forgiveness?’’
It is a simple message, but a fundamental one for Christians. The belief that a day of judgment is coming and believers must atone to Jesus Christ for salvation is crucial to Christianity.  The Evangelicals for Harris effort aims to highlight Harris’ faith and the Biden-Harris administration’s family-first policies, in contrast with the previous Trump administration’s policies that favor billionaires and hurt everyday Americans. 
Evangelicals For Harris ad nails it dead-on about Donald Trump’s lack of Christian bona fides.
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rainswhenyourehere · 5 months
starduckys -> paperweight-inshadesofgreige -> rainswhenyourehere
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now playing: forever & always by taylor swift
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hibi/wine ⋆ she/they ⋆ minor ⋆ may 11th (taurus) ⋆ aegosexual polyromantic intp-t ⋆ eest (utc +3:00) ⋆ spotify ⋆ pinterest ⋆ carrd ⋆ uquiz ⋆ hibiwine on dc (open dms!!) > old habits die screaming. > impressionist paintings of heaven. (my moodboards)
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musicals -> hamilton, beetlejuice, heathers, dear evan hansen, ride the cyclone, in the heights, into the woods, 21 chump street, the greatest showman, jesus christ superstar, six
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music k-pop -> enhypen, stray kids, xdinary heroes, boynextdoor, dxmon, tomorrow x together, new jeans, zerobaseone, cravity, &team, nine.i, fifty fifty, epex, 8turn, evnne, toz, tiot, riize, illit, vcha, beomhan other -> taylor swift, lin-manuel miranda, maisie peters, gracie abrams, conan gray, alec benjamin, laufey, sabrina carpenter, peggy, girl in red
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movies/shows -> moominvalley, heartstopper, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, pjo, wednesday, vivo, miraculous, wonka, nimona, itsv & atsv, mean girls
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animanga -> vanitas no carte, haikyuu!!, tbhk, kny, oshi no ko, wonder egg priority, the promised neverland, bsd, spy x family, mha
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books -> dark rise & dark heir, osemanverse, shusterman's books, agggtm, ella minnow pea, poison for breakfast, ink in the blood, spindlefish and stars, kiss & tell, ana on the edge, improbable magic for cynical witches, the scapegracers, eat your heart out (+more i could talk abt books for ages)
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misc -> keroppi <3 kirby <3, coffee!!, slytherin, silly goose, founding fuck, people pleaser, extroverted introvert, social anxiety !!! , depression, angst > fluff, folklore & midnights my loves, mint choco>>>, if we're moots ur my family now. i love you. /p
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dni : homophobes, transphobes, ableists, racists etc., -12, empty blogs
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🍉 this blog stands with palestine!! 🍉
blue daisy dividers by @/adornedwithlight. star dividers with lines by @/saradika-graphics. sunoo dividers by me, pictures taken from pinterest.
moots <33 : @bribery-muffins @abodyhasbeenfound @charmedoralarmed @jittyjames @my-genuine-reaction999 i'd tag more but social anxiety's not rly. on my side tonight.
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ganryuart · 11 months
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I did this watercolor painting for Easter 2023. It depicts the Easter riding procession, a tradition in parts of Germany, where a band horsemen travel from village to village spreading the message of the Resurrection of Jesus. I took some liberties in the imagery. ;)
Btw I have this picture available as postcard and A5 print at my Ko-fi store.
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ephaporia · 8 months
What if Anime Characters (Especially Japanese) have Chinese, Korean, and English names – Owari no Seraph/Seraph of the End ver. (Part 2)
Those kanji names can be translated into Hanzi (Chinese) and Hangeul (Korean) based on en.wiktionary.org
Remember, this is only for Japanese characters, not Western (like Vampires) characters. Also, their Chinese will be written with Chinese Simplified instead of Chinese Traditional to make it sound like in Mainland China.
This time, it's the civil ones like Hyakuya orphans and Shinoa Squad's sisters time.
24. Akane Hyakuya (百夜 茜)
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Etymology: Akane's kanji name (茜) means "deep red, dye from the rubia plant". Meanwhile, Akane’s true last name, Iida「飯田」= 飯 (Ii) means "food" and 田 (ta/da) means "field, rice paddy".
Chinese Name: 百夜茜 (Bǎiyè Qiàn) → If he has a Chinese name, I'll name her 白茜 (Bái Qiàn). * Birth Chinese Name: 饭田 茜 (Fàntián Qiàn) → If she has a Chinese name, I'll name her 范茜 (Fàn Qiàn). * Korean Name: 벡야 천 (Baekya Cheon) → If she has a Korean name, I'll name her 벡천 (Baek Cheon). * Birth Korean Name: 반전 천 (Banjeon Cheon) → If he has a Korean name, I'll name her 범천 (Beom Cheon) due to match her Chinese/Hanja name. * English Name: Based on her kanji name meaning, I'll name her Ruby because it derived from some red dye from the plant name Rubia, but to make it simple I only use Ruby instead of Rubia (Idk why, but it will sound like Arabic for me). Also, Ruby is a red-color gemstone. So, her English name is Ruby Hyakuya/Ruby Iida.
25. Chihiro Hyakuya (百夜 千尋)
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Etymology: Chihiro's Kanji name (千尋) =千 (Chi) means "thousand"; while尋 (Hiro) means “search, seek, fathom.”
Chinese Name: 百夜千寻 (Bǎiyè Qiānxún) → If she has a Chinese name, I'll name her 白千寻 (Bái Qiānxún).
Korean Name: 벡야 천심 (Baekya Cheonshim) → If she has a Korean name, I'll name her 벡천심 (Baek Cheonshim).
English Name: Based on her kanji name meaning, I’ll name her Kendra because Kendra is a girl's name of British or possibly Celtic origin, meaning “knowing”, “the well-informed” from the Anglo-Saxon cenan, to teach and make known. The name has associations with knowledge and wisdom, and I think those meanings name are related to her kanji name which means “Thousand searches” which means it has some association with intelligence (and don’t forget that her glasses attire makes her look like she is a smart girl). So, her English name is Kendra Hyakuya.
26. Kōta Hyakuya (百夜 香太)
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Etymology: Kōta's Kanji name (香太) = 香 (Kou) means " fragrance, fragrant "; while太 (ta) means "thick, big."
Chinese Name: 百夜香太 (Bǎiyè Xiāngtài) → If she has a Chinese name, I'll name him 白香太 (Bái Xiāngtài).
Korean Name: 벡야향태 (Baekya Hyangtae) → If she has a Korean name, I'll name him 벡향태 (Baek Hyangtae).
English Name: Based on one of his kanji name meanings, I’ll name him Maximilian because Maximilian is from the Roman family name Maximilianus, derived from the Latin Maximus, which means "the greatest", just like 太 (ta). Also, I want to use a unique name that is not so common (It was also inspired by my step-cousin name). So, his English name is Maximilian Hyakuya (Max).
27. Ako Hyakuya (百夜 亜子)
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Etymology: Ako's Kanji name (亜子) = 亜 (A) means "second, Asia, rank, follow"; while子 (ko) means “child.”
Chinese Name: 百夜亜子 (Bǎiyè Yàzi) → If she has a Chinese name, I'll name her 白亜子 (Bái Yàzi).
Korean Name: 벡야아자 (Baekya Ahja) → If she has a Korean name, I'll name her 벡아자 (Baek Ahja).
English Name: Based on her kanji name meaning, I’ll name her Talitha because Talitha is a girl's name of Aramaic origin that means “little girl.” In the Bible, Jesus is believed to have brought a young girl back to life by uttering the phrase “talitha cumi.” So, her English name is Talitha Hyakuya (Tata).
28. Fumie Hyakuya (百夜 文絵)
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Etymology: Fumie's Kanji name (文絵) = 文 (Fumi) means "sentence, writing, something written "; while 絵 (e) means “picture, painting.” * Chinese Name: 百夜文絵 (Bǎiyè Wénhuì) → If she has a Chinese name, I'll name her 白文絵 (Bái Wénhuì) * Korean Name: 벡야문회 (Baekya Moonhoe) → If she has a Korean name, I'll name her벡문회 (Baek Moonhoe). * English Name: Based on her kanji name meaning (at least close to), I’ll name her Veronica. Veronica in Greek and Latin means “she who brings victory”, and “true image”. So, her English name is Veronica Hyakuya (Vero).
29. Taichi Hyakuya (百夜 太一)
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Etymology: Kōta's Kanji name (太一) = 太 (ta) means "thick, big", while一 (ichi) means “one.”
Chinese Name: 百夜太一 (Bǎiyè Xiāngtài) → If she has a Chinese name, I'll name him 白太一 (Bái Tàiyī)
Korean Name: 벡야태일 (Baekya Hyangtae) → If she has a Korean name, I'll name him 벡태일 (Baek Taeil).
English Name: Based on one of his kanji names meaning, I’ll name him Angus. Angus is a masculine given name in English. It is an Anglicised form of the Scottish Gaelic and Irish Aonghas, which is composed of Celtic elements meaning "one" and "choice". So, his English name is Angus Hyakuya.
30. Mahiru Hīragi (柊 真昼)
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Etymology: Mahiru's Kanji name (真昼) = 真 (Ma) means " true, real, genuine"; while 昼 (hiru) means “day, daytime.” So, Mahiru (真昼) means  “midday”. Her name's meaning seems juxtaposed and foiled with Shinya’s. No wonder, why they are engaged as the couple even though it was too forced.
Chinese Name: 柊真昼 (Zhōng Zhēnzhòu) → If she has a Chinese name, I'll name her 钟真昼 (Zhōng Zhēnzhòu).
Korean Name: 종 진주 (Jong Jinju) → If she has a Korean name, I'll name her 종진주 (Jong Jinju).
English Name: Based on her kanji name meaning (at least close to), I’ll name her Helena. Helena, a Greek girl's name, means "shining light" and is a variant of the names Eleanor and Helen. So, her English name is Helena Hīragi.
31. Mirai Kimizuki (君月 未来)
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Etymology: Mirai's Kanji name (未来) = 未 (Mi) means “the Sheep, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches”; 来 (rai) means “next, coming, arriving.” But if they are combined, Mirai (未来) means "future."
Chinese Name: 君月未来 (Jūnyuè Wèilái) → If she has a Chinese name, I'll name her 君未来 (Jūn Wèilái).
Korean Name: 군월 미래 (Goonwol Mirae) → If she has a Korean name, I'll name her 군 미래 (Goon Mirae).
English Name: Based on her Kanji name meaning, I have difficulty finding some English/Western name that means “future”, the average of the names that mean “future” are of Asian origin. So, I decided to use Hope which at least has nearly the same meaning and has an association with the “future” as the wish for a better future. The name Hope is also a neutral gender name. So, her English name is Hope Kimizuki.
32. Tomoe Saotome (早乙女 巴)
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Etymology: Tomoe’s Kanji name (巴) = 与 (Yo) means "Turning" or "Circular", a circular design resembling swirling water, a comma or an archer's bow, the comma-shaped design used in Japanese art and architecture.
Chinese Name: 早乙女巴 (Zǎoyǐnǚ Bā) → If she has a Chinese name, I'll name her 赵女巴 (Zhào Nǚbā) since there is no meaning of 巴 (Bā), so I use Saotome’s last Kanji word name, 女 (me) as her given name alongside 巴 (Bā) to be 女巴 (Nǚbā).
Korean Name: 조을여파(Joeulyeo Pa) → If she has a Korean name, I'll name her 조여파 (Jo Yeopa) so it’ll match with Yoichi’s Korean name 여일 (Yeo-il).
English Name: Since I can’t find the meaning name of her kanji name (even though there is no meaning of it actually), I’ll name her Tamara. Tamara is a feminine Arabic name meaning “date palm” or “date.” Derived from the Biblical name Tamar meaning “date” or “palm tree,” this sweet moniker is symbolic of the beauty and fruitfulness associated with this tree. Also, I want to match her nickname English name Tammy with  Yoichi’s, Timmy, since I have a church friend whose name is Tamara with her younger brother whose name is Timothy too. With so, her English name is Tamara Saotome (Tammy).
Part 1 (For JIDA + Mikaela Hyakuya) Part 2 (For Hyakuya Orphans + Shinoa Squad' sisters)
Btw, check out on anime Sarazanmai version.
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dalesramblingsblog · 1 year
So beyond fed up with trying to get Stripe to work, sweet Jesus.
"Oh you need to upload an ID document. But wait, that picture you just uploaded doesn't have the full ID card in frame!" I assure you, my brother in Christ, this thing is tiny and I am, in fact, presenting you with the entirety of the document.
Don't even get me started on the constant two-step verification every time you want to move a millimetre in the app. Maybe I'm just doing something terribly wrong, but until I overcome my ineptitude, I'm sticking with the Ko-fi and PayPal.
I mean, the whole donation thing was wishful thinking to begin with, but man I can't wrap my head around Stripe at all.
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We don't have a picture of you directly to photoshop onto Jesus but I do think an image of Mr Blobby being crucified would be a one hit KO
That would be so fucking funny and If anyone does that I promise to beg Dominique to agree to change our icon to that
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jillianwarts · 1 year
ang masasabi ko lang sa mga nahurt sa performance ni pura luka vega ay... commandment number 2. ever since lagi kong tinatanong to sa mga christian living teachers ko nung high school bat may images ng mga santo at diyos sa catholic church. di naman daw nila sinasamba yung mga pictures and rebulto, e ang tanong ko ba't may images nila jesus eh sinabing wag nga gumawa non? lmao. tas yung lord's prayer binaboy daw, tagal-tagal nang may ama namin remix may ibang mass songs pa ngang niremix at ginamit sa simbahan. mental gymnastics nanaman ang ating mga malilinis at religious na members ng bayan. 🤸‍♀️
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x-akari-xv · 1 year
His Grace can be shape in Human too.
Hi, good evening. Just a random thoughts, i am writing this at 12 midnight 🤣 siguro kung friend niyo ako sa dumps ko, mauumay na talaga kayo. Pero gusto ko lang sabihin na, His grace can be found in people too.
Akala ko kasi kapag grace iikot lang siya sa salitang 'forgiveness' o 'di kaya naman 'love' which is tama naman. (Ay wait, walang english tonight, pagod na grammarly ko, eme)
Amazing that it also works through people. Napadalas nga din ang pag post ko ng pictures ko kasi i also found grace in confidence. Akalain mo 'yun?
How can i say this,
1. Nandyan sila, malungkot ka man o masaya
Unfair naman kasi kung nakikita ka nilang tumatawa ka pero hindi mo ina-allow na makita nilang umiyak ka.
Alam niyo ugali ko din 'yan, i isolate myself a lot kasi naging comfort zone ko na eh, takot ako makita nilang malungkot kasi i am known as a funny person. But i learned na hindi naman purke umiyak mahina na agad. Minsan, umiiyak tayo hindi para ma solve 'yung problem (wala naman kasing formula diba?? Haha) kundi para maka release tayo.
And the people who listen to your tears are the people that God presented to extend His grace that it's okay to cry when everything gets heavy. Tandaan: ulap nga umiiyak kapag sobrang dilim na ng langit diba? (Ewan ko kung may connect, nalimutan ko kasi english qoute eh 🤣)
2. Willing to correct you
Offensive kaya kapag feeling ko 'yung joke ko sobrang funny tapos hindi ko ka-humor 'yung nasabihan ko. Lalo na kapag dark humor kasi nauuwi sa explanation tapos ending, ma-cocorrect ako. Oh diba
But i also found it grace kasi minsan sa sobrang hyper ko, nagiging insensitive ako. And ayon ang gusto kong i point.
Value those people na nakikitaan ka ng mali pero willing kang mag grow. Hindi ka hahayaan sa place or situation na mapapahiya ka dahil sa ginagawa mo.
It takes a lot of humility para aminin na mali ka alam ko 'yan, but it also teaches us to open our heart for the new learnings na pwede nating ikalago. Payag ka bang ganyan ka na forever? Hello, you are more than that.
3. Nandyan sila in different season
Ang sakit kaya kapag kaibigan ka lang nila kapag may pera ka. O 'di kaya naman nandyan lang sila kapag kailangan ka nila, kapag magagamit ka nila.
I've been there ih, a lot of times na-feel kong sobrang naapakan ang pagkatao ko dahil lang akala ko kapag nag put ka ng so much effort, babalik sayo. Kapag nag mahal ka, mamahalin ka din (*plays Eme by Moira* 🥲)
Kidding aside, nakakawasak ng puso na kapag 'yung mga taong akala mong tutulong sayo ay sila pa mismo ang hahatak sayo pababa (ay wait, baka isipin niyo may imaginary haters ako ha 😭 testimony kasi, and sana one day God will allow me to share it to everyone)
Kaya value those people who stay with you through ups and down. 'yung tipong pinag pe-pray ka sa mga times na hindi mo kayang ipagpray ang sarili mo. 'yung mga moments na kaya mo maging totoo sa sarili mo kasi hindi ka takot na mahusgahan. 'yung mga time na you are able to cry out loud nang hindi ka nahihiya.
Kasi you know deep down in your heart na totoo sila sayo, and they have Jesus in their hearts too. Sarap kaya sa feeling na may kasama kang mag pray kapag hindi ka crinush back ng crush mo (kimmy 🤣)
Naalala ko 'yung story sa bible ng paralyzed man. (Mark 2.1-17) since hindi nga siya makalakad, 'yung mga friends niya ang bumuhat sa kaniya kahit napakaraming tao ang nakapalibot kay Jesus that moment, 'yung mga friends niya ang gumawa ng paraan para mapansin sila. And the moment Jesus noticed them, sabi Niya "Son, your sins are forgiven" at nakalakad siya, hindi dahil sa faith na mayroon siya kundi dahil sa dedication ng friends niya na mapagaling siya.
And we need that kind of friends too.
Those friends that has faith na mas malalim pa sayo
Those friends who are willing to do everything just to help you
Those friends that encourage you when you feel down
Those friends that stays through ups and downs, and help you bloom in different seasons.
And 'yun lang. I am grateful for my friends, tagal ko nag pray na magkaroon ng matatawag kong kaibigan ko. Sa wakas, natapos na din ang phase ng life ko na palagi akong ginagamit, binubully at binabalewala.
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quietwings-fics · 17 days
sins of envy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: RPF Ship: Pope Francis/Ronald McDonald & Jesus/Ronald McDonald Additional Tags: Past Relationship(s), Jealousy, Angst, Crack Treated Seriously, Drabble Wordcount: 100 Part 4 of Pope McFrancis RPF Summary:
Ronald McDonald and Jesus Christ get married as the world, and Francis, watch on.
The Second Coming doesn't come with a bang or even a whimper.
It comes with a marriage.
Pope Francis stares at the newspaper handed to him. The smiling faces of his old lover, Ronald McDonald, and the one man the Pope thought he would never have to worry about, Jesus himself, returned to Earth. They look so happy.
"They're shutting down the Vatican," says one of the clergy walking past. "Unnecessary now, I suppose."
They're announcing Ronald's new pregnancy. Pope Francis crumples the picture of the expecting couple up.
"I hear McDonald's is hiring," says another clergyman to the first.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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heaven-lei · 29 days
Ⓗⓔⓐ Ⓛⓔⓘ ⓣⓤⓡⓝⓢ ⑨
Love, indeed I am the happiest person on earth everytime you do your smile and laugh. I always pray that- that picture won't fade in my head even til I get old. Thank you for being you and I could not ask for more.
As your birthday comes near. I can't help but worry, coz I always wanted to give you the best birthday that I can, but you know the Lord always provides. Thank you God for these, thank you God for you never ending provision. Hea, I hope one day you will appreciate all these things, all but simple things. I never heard you ask for much, not even a gift that I thought a kid would ask. As for this year's celebration we took it very simple and intimate occasion again. God is faithful and giving, I believe we have everything we need and that's enough for us. 🙌
Happiest Birthday my little one! You would always say.. "Mama I'm turning toooot, and I would jokingly act "noooooo!". Seeing you grow makes me proud and sentimental. I would always say, grabe naitawid kita, naitawid ka namin. What my life would be if hindi ko itinuloy? My life would be a plain, shortly fun, something that nothing to look forward, no direction.. But when I had you..It strived me. I always wanna give my best shot, coz you deserve all the best in the world.
With you, I found a companion, a friend, a loving child and a good daughter. I pray that I will continue to serve the role that I am entrusted with- to be your parent. You are a good kid, a kid that loves Jesus, the most excited person when sees me, the happiest when we get to adventure, the kid who's heart is so pure, who's dearly loving. I understand now why I named you- Heavenly Lei, because you are a gift from above and it's very evident that God gave me you.
Thanking again you God for giving me this gift. I may have started off in a wrong foot, but you turned that into a beautiful twist. As I believe you are not done with me yet, I am excited for what
you have in store for me and hea. Thank Lord for her another year. ✨
𝑰𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒂𝒉 54:17
𝒏𝒐 𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒊𝒍, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖. 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒅, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒎𝒆,” 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒅.
𝑷𝒔𝒂𝒍𝒎 20:4 4𝑴𝒂𝒚 𝑯𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒆𝒅.
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knowlessman · 5 months
The Baseball Episode might be my favorite episode of Dorohedoro; let's see how these stack up! (bnha s5 OVA baseball bonus episode thingies)
ohey poison ivy's in this one - ohhh yeah, she turned out to have that whole Christ shtick. eh.
what the hell does this DBZ cosplayer do agai - oh, "Twin Impact," okay ngl that's ringing a bell -- hehe. why did they put kaminari on bat exactly? 'XD
…I'm gonna be honest, I dunno how to animate or anything but I do not understand the decision to do this thing with the fence. Like, ig in a manga it'd make total sense because the medium has more limitations on both the process and the end product (for one thing, the picture is gonna be way smaller than most screens), but for an anime episode? It's just distracting.
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'XD okay, THIS? THIS is what I'm here for. Shoji swings three bats ("I'll cover the whole strike zone") and to counter it, Mindz (I think?) has the ball shoot straight up and over him. This is EXACTLY the shit I watch… well, that I watch anime for, ig. This, Jojo, Hunter x Hunter, Naruto when it could be arsed to do it… well, it's what I watch most anime for. I still have strong nostalgia for Soul Eater even tho I don't remember it really catering to me in this way. Heck, back in the day, it was what I read the Bionicle and Animorphs series for.
"Starting pitcher for the Orcas is Kamui Woods!" ohey, speaking of Bionicles -- pfffft 'XD jesus christ, these are people I could NEVER play board games with
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hellyeah dude, feels like we rarely get both Metapod Bros onscreen these days
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-- …uhkay, confused as to why tetsutetsu's out for throwing the bat when mineta literally attached the ball to it but wever, idfk how baseball works with or without superpowers
why is 2D (suneater) even here if he's gonna spend the whole game blair witching off to the side complaining that he doesn't wanna be here? quit makin him do stuff he doesn't wanna!
dangit, earphone jack gave up, guess she got bored. the sound waves she was using earlier seemed to work just fine, but oh well. ngl, idk how half the characters playing in this got talked into it. come to think of it, deku and bakugo aren't even here, but ig they wanted to show off the side characters, and hell if I'm gonna be complaining about that
how you get a double-KO in BASEBALL is beyond me. you seriously telling me the bat broke in such a way that the end of it hit the batter in the face hard enough to knock out a pro hero, AND it still hit the ball with enough force to knock out the guy that threw it?
second bonus episode is… huh. not a baseball one, I guess.
"the carousel goes up and goes down… / the carousel goes around so fast…" prolly said it ages ago but like yeah, I dunno if I'm gonna be playing this one on repeat any time soon, but it HAS grown on me a bit
…okay so has this Smiley actually done anything else to get arrested for besides some graffiti tho. like, has he even stolen anything? hell, these are just pictures you could probably get on a backpack on Wish for a few bucks -- ohey somebody just up and namedropped banksy. imagine that
I completely forgot about this kooky driver guy 'XD I think I remember finding him entertaining?
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"I'll never forgive him for this!" (smiley tagged the wall by Endeavor's house) ah, that gated-community ego
…I wanna not like him, but… idk. like, as an episode or wever so far, this is way stupider than Gentle Thief, and the Gentle Thief arc was pretty damn stupid. …why can't I hate this guy
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"it looks like his Quirk can't reach this far" (guy throws a fuckin, ig, Smiley bomb) yooo, he's smart… also Shoto doubling over with his cheeks puffed out because he Does Not Laugh is sooo Shoto
…could swear I remember the robots in this not only having personalities, but opinions. idk if this is gonna work, yall need to bring in a dumber robot. maybe just a - hell, if you just made a visor that can auto-blur faces, that oughta do it. the guy doesn't seem to have anything else going for him -- called it. quit makin em so smart!
also he's literally just drawing All Might fanart on a public wall. who gives a shit? he hasn't even drawn anything insulting
"he could have been a hero. why is he doing graffiti?" knowing this show, he tried out for it and got disqualified because he can't turn his Quirk off and nobody scraped the braincells together to give him a full-face mask
(deku just walks up and starts talking to him) ah k so he can turn it off.
idek what this Powerpuff-Girls-ass episode was, but wever. next up, s6
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