#Kola things
buginateacup · 1 year
I just want to scream about Isaac McAdoo and class the contrast of his "only pen I can write my name with" *quack*, just rolos, in no way RP accent, Richmond on twelve "seven...nine...ten..." And how much grace and weight and honour the show gives this Rodan in cleats, this portrait of masculine melancholy, new crowned king caught up in his own head (S2) this man who leads a one braincell team of himbos even when the braincell ran off with someone else and roars "How doth we channel this lack of compromise?" With such passion and agony that if Kola Bokinni announced he was cast in a Shakespearean tragedy I would fly to London tomorrow.
Truly a Renaissance man. I want to see him talking about finishing his classics degree in the off season.
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queerinthealps · 1 year
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desire-mona · 4 months
i havent read homestuck but the only people who can tell are people who have read homestuck. bad place to be
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maryrosereads · 2 years
Transgressive Book Club?
I would love to start a transgressive book club (for people 18+) because I love transgressive books and want to be able to talk to someone about them, but I feel a little uncomfortable about recommending them to friends for obvious reasons. But also I have no idea how to start a book club or get people to join it or where I would even find people who would be interested. It would be authors like Chuck Palahniuk, Scott Heim, Alissa Nutting, Dennis Cooper, Kola Boof, Irvine Welsh, etc. (Maybe even JT Leroy if we feel like engaging in some interesting discourse.) Also some transgressive classics like Lolita, Naked Lunch, A Clockwork Orange, American Psycho, and the like. So if there are any adults who would be interested in this, please let me know! Because I'd really like to do this.
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natcat5 · 2 years
sometimes you blindly mix a drink and it’s barely palatable but you keep it and sip away at it bc you’re stubborn and committed and you wanted a drink so you’re going to drink the drink. even if yucky
and sometimes you blindly mix a drink and it’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted and choruses sing on high at each sip and you wanted a casual evening drink but now you want three more glasses of it. this post is about discovering ginger ale+amaretto
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wrote this cause I got bored and had a new au for Kola also my first time writing for a cannon character(s) so hope I did them some justice. 
        Kola walked carefully around Camp McCarran, careful not to be seen or accidentally stepped on. She had been staying in the camp for about a week now and had learned to avoid being seen so far because of her size or everyone just being too busy. Which surprised her as everyone seemed observant to her but then again, she had taken food on multi-pul occasions. And she had yet to be caught by anyone so far so maybe she was wrong in that regard. As she was lost in her thoughts, she almost got stepped on, but thankfully was missed by a few inches. Looking up, she saw it was Lt. Boyd who looked to be talking to Col. Hsu about a missing corporal who had yet to check in for almost a week. Following them, Kola listened in, staying out of sight, moving between hiding spots which were few and far between each one. Before the two came to a stop in the food area of the concourse as the two sat across from each other. Moving slowly and carefully around, Kola made her way closer to listen in more, only to stop when her stomach growled lowly at her. Putting a hand on her stomach as she looked around, trying to see if she could take any food that got left out. Looking about, her eyes fell on what looked to be a plate of food that had been left out. Going over to it, she started to climb up quickly, making it up before dashing for it, only for a glass cup to be slammed down on top before she could make it.  
        James was talking to Boyd when a loud slam was heard, causing the man to jump. Looking over along with Carrie at the camp’s cook, who had his back to them, looking down at something on the table. Across from him Boyd got up to see what was going on as she went over, asking what was stopping mid-sentence. Now really worried, he walked over to them “Will, Carrie, are you both okay is something wrong?” he asked, them concern in his voice. He looked toward what they were looking at, noticing the glass cup covering what looked to be a small pocket sized human pushing it over to a plate of food. Reaching over slowly, he pulled the cup off, getting a better look at them as they stared up at them. James saw that whoever this was, they wore a brown button-up shirt, with a pair of coveralls and a bandana tied around their neck. Along with an cloth bandaged over their left eye,  the last two items were a bag of sorts around their waist and a shackle with a broken chain. Part of which was still attached reaching a finger out, he poked them in the stomach gently, wanting to be sure this was real. Poking the other got a reaction of them as they made a small sound of discomfort, pushing his finger away in response, as they looked up at him pouting.   
        The reaction caused Hsu to give a chuckle in response, “sorry, sorry had to make sure you weren’t some fever dream,” he tells the smaller being. Looking at them smiling, “my name is Jame Hsu and this is Carrie Body, and Corporal William Farber,” he said introducing himself and the two with him. He figured it would make the other feel more at ease if he made introductions and to ease possible tensions. Before he could ask for their name, the other turned their back to them, going over to the plate picking up a pea, walking over and setting it down. James watched along with Carrie and William as they went back and forth, spelling out “Kola” with the peas. Holding a finger out to her gently “nice to meet you, Kola,” he said watching as she stepped back as if not wanting to get poked again, before reaching out to shake his finger slowly. After introductions were made, he watched as Kola turned to the peas, taking them back to the plate, before she dug into the food. Grabbing his own food from the table and coming back over, he sat in the booth, figuring he’d eat with their new guest. After he’d ask her some questions back in his office along with seeing if he could get that shackle off her ankle as it didn’t seem too comfortable. As for now, he’d leave her to eat her food contently in peace, who Farber had been kind enough to bring something to drink using a small used bullet casing.  
        Kola ate with the Colonel Hsu, neither saying a word as she thought about what to do now that three people knew about her. She couldn’t go back into hiding and just nicking food anymore or other items she sometimes would flitch but, maybe if she played her cards right, they’d let her stay here at the camp. Finishing up her food, she stood up she walked over to Hsu, patting him on the hand to get his attention who looked down at her. Before he could ask what was wrong, she started to mime to him, asking permission to stay at McCarran. It took a moment but the other got it after a bit smiling at her “yes, you can stay but on a few conditions” he tells her before continuing on after she nods. She listened as he listed them first was she couldn’t get underfoot as she could get hurt, second was she couldn’t steal food anymore, the last one was if she was okay with it he wanted to ask a few questions and take that shackle off her ankle. Kola thought it over for a moment before giving a nod, seeing as those could be easy to do so long as, for the last part, none of the questions were hard to answer. With that, the two got up,  Kola riding the man’s shoulder, making sure she had a fairly good grip to not fall off on their way back to the other’s office. Thinking the whole way back what he was going to ask her when they got there.
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guildedchaos · 1 year
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metaphysicae · 2 years
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rest long and well lil man, i’ll see you again
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astaroth1357 · 2 years
The Demon Brothers + Dateables Bodycare
Is it the domestic in me that likes the idea of helping my SO wash up and relax? Probably.
Contents: No warnings, just fluff.
Preens his wings daily, always once in the morning and once more at night.
The whole routine usually involves a shower then carefully running his fingers through his feathers to apply the right oils and get them back into place.
Loose or shed feathers are typically collected then promptly burnt (because Mammon got caught trying to sell them as powerful hex materials a couple centuries ago. He'll be damned a second time before he gets turned into a commodity! )
Before MC arrived, he used to have to go to Asmo for help getting the spots he had a hard time reaching. He'll never admit it, but he still lets Asmo help him from time to time just because he misses the bonding. Asmo is 100% that chatty hairdresser whenever he helps his brothers self-care routines, it's very entertaining.
If MC has the time to help him preen, he'll consider it the highlight of his day! The skin below the feathers is incredibly sensitive, so the feeling of their fingers running through it and knocking away any dead skin makes him purr.
It takes about an hour to get through all four wings though. Fair warning.
Very, VERY protective of his wings. They don't look like much, but what skin and bone are there are delicate af. He once knocked one into a bookshelf and nearly passed out from the pain.
Cleans them every other day. He doesn't use his demon form much, so he doesn't worry about them getting too dirty. That said, if a photoshoot wants him to have them out, he'll make sure to freshen up.
Mammon usually sponges off any dirt on his wings then applies some moisturizer (Asmo recommended of course). Exfoliating dead skin is... well let's say it's a process he takes only with great reluctance so he tries his damnedest to keep them from drying out in the first place.
WHEN exfoliating day comes, he used to only undertake it by himself because he didn't even trust Asmo not to rub his skin so raw that he'd be in agony for weeks. It took months for him to trust MC enough to try it. Though now that he does, he could never go back!
He adores how gently the MC treats his wings and their little check-ups like "Are you okay?" or "Is this too much?" Their attention is fully on him and he lives for it. Sometimes he'll just shyly nudge the exfoliation brush into their hands when he really wants to feel loved that day.
Has the easiest day-to-day upkeep of all the brothers, really. Dunk his tail in some water and boom. Done. It's shedding time that he actually dreads...
About once a season, Levi's tail becomes unbearably itchy as the old skin lifts off to make way for the new. The whole process lasts about a week and he calls it his personal hell.
Levi becomes a completely different person whenever he's shedding. Bitchy, irritable, and extremely quick to lash out. He stays in his room and his brothers just leave his meals outside the door, lest they risk a visit from Lotan...
Everyone, including himself, thought the MC had a death wish when they insisted on helping him but he quickly discovered that it was something he never knew he needed.
He looooves being spoiled by their attention even more than Mammon. He'll sit on their lap and latch himself on like a kola bear while they carefully work to peel the shed off of his tail. Sometimes he games, other times he just quietly basks in them even being there at all. He adores their kindness and it makes things go faster, so really it's a win-win for him all around!
His tail is a bitch to manage so it is one of the many passing irritations that irk him throughout the day.
The bone/scales collect a lot of dirt in hard to see crevices, so when Satan goes to clean it, he often has to pull out Q-tips and metal picks just to get around all those edges. He uses a magnifying glass too, so it can look like he's cleaning up some kind of museum artifact.
He can and will accept help from basically anyone who offers (except Lucifer) and Asmo is very used to him coming in to get the thing cleaned up when he's just too frustrated to do it himself.
Lowkey wishes that MC could just take over Asmo's place as his go-to helper but he doesn't want to burden them.. It takes a good 2-3 hours to get the whole thing clean and he doubts that they have the time for that every day.
Took to the idea of MC helping him the fastest out of anyone, though they needed a bit of training on his part in order to be as proficient at it as him or Asmo. Unfortunately, his tail instinctively responds to his emotions whether he wants it to or not. That means it often wraps around the MC's wrist and won't let go which complicates things...
Obviously the cleanest boy in the House.
Asmo has his self-care routine ON LOCK plus everyone else's to be quite frank. He's always on the lookout for new products or care strategies to help himself or his brothers feel their best (even the ones who don't let him help in person.)
He keeps "Care Kits" for each one of his brothers to use in the event that they have a catastrophic emergency that needs resolved. Seriously, the amount of times that he's had to pluck Lucifer's ripped feathers or cut out matted chunks of Belphie's tail fur is just...
Asmo takes his own wing care very seriously, so much so in fact that he begged Solomon to come up with the "perfect moisturizer" centuries ago which he still sells as part of his own personal product line. Even Mammon can attest to its effectiveness!
Simply loves it when MC comes in to help him! They both know that he doesn't really need it, but there's something so sweet about letting your special someone wash your hair or massage your wings... He'll melt into a puddle every time!
His wings are SO DELICATE. Mammon and Asmo go on and on about how their wings are fragile but Beel has to constantly be sure that his don't straight up break.
You would think that would make him more hesitant to clean them, but not so. In fact, Beel is right up there with Asmo in terms self-grooming as far as his wings are concerned.
The reasons are two-fold. One, because they are so sensitive and temperamental that even a small layer dirt on them feels very irritating. And two, because Beel cares a lot about his body. Not in a vain way, just in a "this is the one I get" sort of way. His fitness goes hand-in-hand with his personal hygiene!
Beel never uses soapy water to clean his wings because it dulls them out and makes them feel sticky... He's much more likely to run a damp washcloth over them a few times a day which seems to do the trick.
He prefers to have Belphie or MC help him over Asmo, as he needs to have a lot of trust in a person to let them touch such a fragile part of his body. It's almost like another bonding exercise between the three as Belphie cleans one wing and MC cleans the other. Just some wholesome pamper Beel time for everybody!
Dirty boy. Filthy boy. Bad Belphie.
Belphie is very much a "I'll only take a bath if my hair gets greasy" kind of guy. Thankfully, Beel or Asmo usually shove him into a bathtub on a semi-regular basis. It's not that he loves filth, he just loses track of the days and baths/showers make him extra sleepy... Somebody has to be around to be sure he doesn't drown.
Unfortunately, that also means his tail care is just pitiful. He'll put off brushing it because he thinks it takes too long, which only leads to it getting matted up and taking even longer to clean up.
Asmo has dragged his sorry ass down to the bathroom many times to hose him down then de-mat his tail like he's a stray dog. Belphie whines the whole time, but lets him because it still beats having to do it himself...
Thankfully, all the MC ever had to do was float out the threat of no more cuddles for him to finally take his hygiene seriously. He may still beg them to "help" him in the bathtub or brush his fur though. He claims it's so relaxing that it put him to sleep, but we all know he was already going to do that anyway...
So we know that he has a legion of servants and a Barbatos to help him keep clean, but I promise you that the MC could come up to him with a dollar store hairbrush and this man would still be over the moon.
He emphatically adores literally any kind of care or grooming the MC gives him. Even if they objectively suck at it, he'll still love it anyway.
Dia could sit for hours, completely content, while the MC brushes the same bit of his hair over and over again. He's in it for the intimacy, so who cares about the results?
He's totally down for anything they want to do to him. Put his hair up in silly clips? Sure. Tie bows and streamers to his wings? Absolutely! Give him middle-school faux tattoos with pens and highlighters?? Which arm do they start with??
Barbatos and Lucifer, however, are NOT totally down for anything that the MC wants to do to the demon prince. So, reign it in, chief, they'll be monitoring them closely...
He doesn't get a lot of time to just take care of himself, so his morning/evening cleaning routines are quite important to him. That includes the care for his tail.
Barbs' tail is more amphibious than it is reptilian like Levi's, so it's actually better for him to wash it sparingly to keep it from drying out.
That said, he is still quite defensive of it. Asmo has tried for eons to get Barbs to let him so much as massage it and has nothing to show for it.
Needless to say, he is quite jealous that the MC gets to hold onto Barbs' tail if he has it out. Even more so that they have helped him wash it once or twice before, but still not often. Barbs doesn't let them abuse their tail privileges, after all.
When Barbs does let himself relax enough for some spoiling, he's very fond of letting the MC just glide and slide their hands along his tail for a little while. He knows the texture is slippery, but warm, and can feel quite nice on the skin so he's certain they enjoy it as much as he does.
Simeon has a similar preening routine to Lucifer as their wings aren't too different, though Simeon wings are much, much bigger. His shirt isn't backless for nothing.
Simeon's wings also feel a lot different from Lucifer's. They're both soft, but it's the difference between stroking wool and petting a cloud, the two just can't compare. Simeon's wing feel light as air but brimming with sheer strength. They're just very impressive all around.
Unlike Lucifer, he doesn't burn his discarded feathers if they need to be plucked. He'll save them and either use them for writing quills or give them out to ill witches because angel feathers can be used to make excellent cure-alls. Solomon sometimes asks for a few as well.
Simeon gets very flustered whenever MC offers to help him preen. The first time they did it, he spent the whole time lightheaded and giddy. It was probably the most intimate part of his body they'd be allowed to touch for a long while, so he soaked in every moment of it.
Is always too shy to ask them for their help directly, but will literally jump at any offer they give him. Sometimes he pulls a Mammon and tries to subtly hint at it by mentioning how much his back is sore or worrying about his feathers outloud... Please help him, he is desperate.
(No Solomon, he is human, but I can assure you he bathes for whatever that's worth.)
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galactiquest · 1 year
We all know how touch starved Knives is but what if his s/o was also touch starved to the point of clinging on to him like a kola or a backpack. Just thought it may be funny that he's just acts like it's just the norm walking around with his s/o hanging off him.
Touch-starved Knives? I'm already there. I'm in the theater, Anon. I've got my popcorn and my large drink and I'm ready.
This idea was so cute to me I decided to write you some little imagines and a bite-sized ficlet, too! Hope you enjoy!
Millions Knives x Reader: Touchy
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Content Warnings: None again, just tooth-rotting fluff. Doesn't have any specific Knives incarnation in mind, since they're all ever-so untouched and in need of touching.
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First off, don't expect him to outright admit anything, ever. Knives is very much a "if I don't think about it, it'll go away" kind of guy. So there's no way he'll ever come up to you and be like hey, guess who didn't get enough skin-to-skin contact as a growing youth, this guyyyy. But do expect him to start getting clingy once he realizes he can.
It's like getting your first taste of your new favorite food. Now that you've had it, you can't get enough. Suddenly he's pressing his hand up to yours while standing next to you (not handholding, he tried this once and got overwhelmed and had to go bite something for a while). Or he's hovering behind you, resting his head on yours. Or he's laying next to you, tracing patterns across your arm/shoulder/back/whatever's available and allowed to be touched.
It's one thing if you're fine with touch. But if you're touch-starved like him, on the other hand? You're trying to sap that same affection from him. Since he's quick to overwhelm (as previously stated) it can be hard at times, but he slowly, surely, gets used to the sensations of pressure and touch that aren't violent or painful, just kind and pleasurable.
So, the touch becomes more constant, more level, more in-tune with each other. It starts feeling very natural. And that natural-ness feels great.
Hugs. So many hugs. That feeling of pressure between the two of you is relaxing and reassuring. (Also you totally get pressed into those "airbags" of his if you know what I mean.) He's so precise with his movements that he can hold you at the exact tightness that makes you feel the best. Who needs a weighted blanket when you have the Compression Boyfriend?
Koala backpacking? Absolutely. 100%. Crawl all over this man. Crawl up him like a vine. He's so used to it by now, he just lets it happen, even in the middle of work. Sometimes he'll pretend you're not there, just for the giggles. Completely straight-faced, but makes you laugh like mad.
If this is Stampede Knives we're specifically talking about (though I personally think the other Knives do this too) then you get to sit next to him, or even on his lap, while he's at the piano. No naughty business--just being close to each other while he plays the keys. Or maybe he'll ghost his hands over yours and show you how to play/follow your playing, if you already know how.
Alright, a little ficlet below the cut just for you.
"...My liege."
Legato frowned at the sight before him. There was important business to be done, and here Master Knives was, fooling around. Letting you, the human he'd bonded with, crawl all over him like an insect.
"If nothing's amiss, Legato, then let's get to work." Knives huffed and picked up the paperwork from the table.
You shifted around slightly on his back, head resting on his shoulder, watching as he shuffled through the papers. This was one of your little games with him--you'd hang out on his back, literally, and he'd pretend you weren't there. He didn't care about the game, really, but it made you laugh. And if it made you laugh (one of his favorite sounds, if he had any), it was worth it.
"...Master Knives."
"Spit it out."
"Get that human off your back."
Knives growled. "That human has a name, you know. Besides, there's no human on my back."
You stifled a laugh as you looked at Legato, mouth twisting downwards in a frown.
"Yes, there is." Legato pointed. "They're right there!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Knives shook his head, then turned around to procure some more files from a shelf. As he turned, you looked back to Legato and stuck your tongue out at him.
"You arrogant little--"
"Legato," Knives grunted. "If you mean to insult me, I'll gladly slice you open."
Legato fumed, then finally spoke again. "Not at all, my liege."
"Good." Knives leaned over to rub his head against yours for just a moment, then returned towards Legato. "Then, let's get to work."
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End Notes: I have a soft spot for Knives. And a soft spot for Knives learning to love, well, love. This is also dedicated to my friend who lets me shout about Knives at them. You're the best, K!
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koiir · 1 year
— Arguments/disagreements with them and how they deal with it
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ Characters; rin itoshi, nagi seishiro, chigiri hyoma x gn!reader
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ Genre | content; angst with comfort + fluff, slight swearing, mentions of crying, not proofread
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𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ RIN ITOSHI
Rin doesn’t know what to do as he grips his hair holding onto the counter, digging his palms into. He…he didn’t mean it, he knows that. But it doesn’t change how bad he hurt you that you started to cry out of frustration. He was just so stubborn, rin would really really bad at this. He said words he didn’t mean scared of the fact you might leave.
The uncertainty killed him in the moment, he had to do something. Quickly. Rin looked at the door leading to the room you had locked yourself in, trying to get away from him. He knew you wanted space, you tried to talk to him and he ruined it. He knew he would give you the time you needed, but in that time he would do something….
Rin walked through the park, knowing that he should calm himself down so he didn’t explode on you again. He couldn’t, not twice. He then looked down to his side seeing a flower, it was a single flower. No others surrounding it. He stared at it before picking it up gently, walking back to his destination.
When he enters back into your apartment, rin immediately is met with the sight of you in the kitchen. He then sees you look back at him with your eyes slightly widened.
“You’re back…”
Ah. Of course you took note of the way he had left…that probably look extremely bad on his part. Rin looked down with guilt as he walked towards you, placing the flower on the counter.
“I’m sorry…I know I fucked up and I was just stubborn. I was…scared.”
You knew how rin got, this wasn’t the first time which is why you understood. But it did get annoying when he wouldn’t listen to your words at times, which is why you got so frustrated this time. You walked towards rin and embraced him knowing it’s what he needed, and also what you needed.
“Just…please rin, I want you to understand my feelings too and I need you to communicate with me. Please.” Rin rubbed your back, knowing he needed to work on this. He would, for the sake of you and him. He couldn’t let his fears get in way of your bond, the love you two share.
It’s been getting on your nerves, a lot. You knew nagi had his habit of leaving things off and making the promise he would do it later, but it was piling up like the papers you had. You really didn’t have time, not with trying to continue your daily routine with the loads of work you had. It was getting to much, and nagi would only make it worse.
“Wha…where are you going?” His voice is quiet, as if he had just woken up. But nope, he was crashed on the couch playing on his phone. It was normal but it didn’t help that he didn’t do what you had asked him. Couldn’t he do at least one thing? For you?
“Just for some things.” But you just wanted to get away from him, you needed to get your mind off things. But nagi knew you better, he sighed getting up before wrapping his arms around your waist. Keeping you in hold like a kola, you gasp slightly as you groan, he was now getting up to do something?
“Don’t leave…m’ sorry [name]…” he voice is low as he knows the problem, one he was the cause for.
“Sei, let go of me. You clearly aren’t if you’ve kept making promises that you can hold up.” You try and wiggle out of his grasp but nagi was always like this, it was no use.
Nagi knows he has made you lose some trust in him, he knows you’ve been so busy and that you needed his help but he just…he was being a shitty boyfriend and didn’t help when you needed him. He then takes your hand before walking you to the couch pulling you onto him, holding you to his chest.
“I know I know…I’ll make it up to you I promise, but go to sleep. You’re clearly tired and need to sleep.” Nagi says as he caresses your head, hoping to put your mind at more ease. You know he’s right, you’ve been working to the brim and need proper sleep. You fall easily into his tactics as your eyes shut and you fall into a slumber.
Nagi takes this as his chance to get up (somehow not waking you) and he gets to work. Like he he should have when you asked. But now he makes it up to you, knowing you feel much better seeing that he has done the task you asked of him. He even goes out of his way to get takeout for you, incase you’re hungry when you wake up.
Nagi feels exhausted from the work, but knows it will be worth it seeing your smile. He draped himself onto you again, now falling asleep with you.
Chigiri can been somewhat petty at times, this doesn’t change even during arguments. It shouldn’t have been a big deal, he thinks so at least—but maybe it was if it caused you to storm out and leave.
He plops down onto the couch before sighing out, maybe he was in the wrong he thinks. He let his pride get to him thinking it wasn’t that serious, but of course each side has a different story. He looks at the time, noticing it’s been…20 minutes. Since you left, he thinks. He knows you couldn’t have gotten to far, so he gets up in order to find you.
Chigiri is glad that he knows you in and out, because he walks to the one cafe you never can get bored of. He sees you sitting snug and comfortable while you have you computer with you. Blocking your face from his view, but he knows that it’s you behind the screen. He enters and you look up before looking away, clearly noticing him.
He walks up to your table trying to act calm and collected, but his heart is hammering inside his chest as he sees you look up at him. He can’t tell how you feel based of your expression, but he can sense your nervous with the way your eyes dart back and forth.
He sits down, maybe he should have asked but…you don’t say anything. Almost as if you have been expecting this. You stare at him almost awaiting his answer, it seems like you’re almost in a hurry as if you have something to do. That causes a slight pain in his heart but he knows he should have treated this situation more seriously.
“I’m sorry….I know was being stupid and wasn’t hearing you out but…” he grabs your hand that is on the table, squeezing it as he thinks on his next words. You look down at your hand clasped with his, you sigh and rub his hand back.
“Well…maybe don’t be so petty next time chigiri hyoma.” You say with a teasing tone, you aren’t extremely mad but…you just want him to understand your side of things.
Chigiri slightly glares at you for calling him his full name, but he laughs glad you aren’t mad at him anymore. But he does have to learn, at least for the future. For you and him.
“Yeah yeah yeah….but I’m really sorry. I should have taken your feelings into consideration and….I didn’t. I have to make it to up.” Chigiri then looks at you with his gleaming pink eyes, he’s holding himself to that promise you can tell.
He sees you smile and his heart is filled with love, he is washed with the sense of relief as he wonders one more thing.
“Have you eaten yet? Ordered anything?” Cause if not, then chigiri has to be the one to pay for your needs. Maybe feed you himself if he’s feeling like it (he will)
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buddiekinard · 1 year
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thanks kola this is so many things i need in a pic
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hacash · 1 year
someone hold me it turns out I’m not done talking about Isaac and Colin yet because look at this shit
(with all the credit to the talented @skulandcrossbones; a gif is worth a thousand words!)
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look at Isaac’s face. he’s not pissed. he’s exasperated, yeah, but he’s also ready to talk. he’s not the angry Isaac we saw telling the team to delete their ex’s nudes; he’s not even shakespearean-rage Isaac from Amsterdam! he’s got half a smile on his face, he’s conciliatory, he’s opening up lines of communication, he’s approaching his buddy - do we really think he’d be that tolerant if it looked like Cockburn or Dixon were seemingly refusing to delete intimate pictures of their ex-girlfriends? do we really think he’d be that chill even if it were Bumbercatch or Richard or Jamie? 
but it’s Colin, and Isaac clearly knows Colin better than anyone, and he knows that Colin is a good guy, and he knows that Colin is gonna do the right thing if Isaac just talks to him. I even think from that approach that if Colin had said that he wanted some space or that his situation was complicated, Isaac would have heard him out.
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but Colin doesn’t react as expected. he acts with uncharacteristic hostility; he appears to put up a wall against Isaac’s olive branch. and when Colin seemingly presents himself as being not on board with doing the right thing, it really takes Isaac aback.
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because that’s clearly not the Colin he knows and loves. now, even though Isaac is hot-tempered and rather physical, I propose that he wouldn’t have snatched Colin’s phone if it wasn’t for that response. but Isaac’s clearly a man of principle, and he’s a man who cares about his friends. so the painful combination of Colin (seemingly) rejecting doing the right thing and (seemingly) rejecting Isaac’s olive branch is the worst combination possible and leads to Isaac reacting sharply, which brings everything crashing down.
anyway it’s too late now but I need both Kola Bokkini and Billy Harris to remember the ‘no face journeys’ rule because they’re absolutely killing me rn.
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desire-mona · 2 months
what i think my mutuals look like
u may be in here, u may not, doing as many as i want, if ur not in here then that doesnt mean i dont luv u :3 i hav a lot of mutuals
naut - i actually know what he looks like but in my mind. raggedy anne
harper - a mix between abed and gillian anderson
kiwi - young hugh laurie
my one tomska mutual - youll never guess
kae - meeks but somehow gayer?
kola - that one rsl photo combined with her actual face
ok computer - her pfp LOL
grey (musi) -s1 wilson
eli - i know what they look like actually so just. their face
joan - elvira
ami - abed, funnily enough
joel - straight up a dog
lisa - neil perry but specifically that one photo used as a pfp at one point
shui - also abed
john - phoebe from friends?
tiffany - again, i know what she looks like
marley - also s1 wilson but its different. like younger
sun (both of you) - ethan hawke in Dad specifically
bones - spock
reese - also spock but if spock was cosplaying neil perry
housewifemd - if house and wilson steven universe fused
ghostie - if jesse pinkman cosplayed frank n furter
joon - gender swapped neil perry
clara - gender swapped pitts
sid - richard cameron
tyty - his face!
ania - a vague cross between ginny danburry and gender swapped steven meeks
autumn (nocti) - her pfp
indie - also richard cameron
finn (occams chainsaw) - s1 gregory house
finn (puckspoetry) - neil perry but like. modern au?
bubble - gender swapped todd anderson but pink?
manda - thirteen (specifically thirteen with bangs)
tristan - his face. but also jesus
lovechild - NOT TAYLOR SWIFT. her face actually cuz i got secret access
dream(duality) - house when he went to that one migraine guys lecture thing
aspen - his face if it was more taublike
chandler - HIS face but more houselike
syd - allison cameron in black and white specifically
soph - rose tyler
hunny bun - martha masters
rain - i newly know what she looks like however she does still look like house in my mind
katie - neil perry at the play specifically
pinkie pie - pinkie pie
raph - steven meeks if he was dan howell circa 2009
dewi - charlie dalton
regulus - all 4 beatles combines into one being
jareth - todd anderson with white hair?
gil - his face mixed with rsl circa 2001
lesbians for trobed - trobed combined into one being
elmo - carrie
luke - thirteen (no bangs)
will - helena bonham carter in frankenstein (1994)
cuntstruck - that guy who wrote let it go (not the frozen song)
zeth - zeth
blue - allison cameron
blue - dick grayson
(im sure the blues can tell who is who)
thiam - jschlatt circa 2020 SORRY
valerie - martha masters allison cameron steven universe fusion
ash (crow king) - stretched james wilson
nico - stick dead poets society if he was also tyler joseph
percy - robin williams if he was a teenager
ashy - her face mixed with belle
nick - rsl and winona ryder steven universe fusion
matthew - youll never guess. anyone but barry boys next door
el - richard cameron AGAIN
sammy - their face mixed with neil perry gayface
daisy bell - dana mythic quest
maddie - abed in her artstyle specifically
missy - TROY TIGER!!!!!!!
rubester - daria? idk why
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zepskies · 11 months
Omgosh I loveeee the imagines for Sam having a crush on deans gf!!! And the part 2 SO ANGSTY. And you write dean and readers interactions so well! (Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna do this) But I'm so curious to know how the conversation went between Dean and the reader after finding out! I just need to know how dean talks about the situation with them!! Anyway HAVE A GREAT DAY 🩷🩷
Hello my lovely anon!
I'm so glad you enjoyed those angsty little imagines. 😂 For those who don't know, they're referring to these:
You are Dean's one exception. (In which Sam is in love with Dean's girlfriend - and how Dean reacts.)
Sam crosses the line. (The sequel: Sam finally sees his chance with you after he's hit by a witch's spell.)
I tried to imply what followed between the reader and Dean after this section:
Your eyes widen further. You look from Sam, to your boyfriend. Dean's jaw is clenched tight.
"Okay, what the fuck is going on?!" you ask in earnest.
Dean meets your gaze for a moment, his face tense. His reluctant eyes communicate to you things you never knew. Things that clog emotion in your throat.
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But since you asked so nicely, this is my headcanon for that conversation between the reader and Dean (after Sam is knocked out by Rowena lol):
Of course, you would demand to know why Dean didn't tell you earlier.
Your heart and mind are a maelstrom of emotions: shock, not wanting to believe it's true, anger and hurt at both of these men for lying to you for so long about what's been going on.
Because a lie of omission is still a damn lie.
Dean is quiet at first, and you're forced to read into his silence. You peer at him closer, grabbing his wrist.
"Dean...did you really think it would change anything?" you ask incredulously.
His brows furrow. "No."
But you don't quite believe him.
"I just...didn't want you to have to deal with this shit, that's all," he eventually admits.
Your eyes narrow as you stare up at his face. You're trying to discern the truth.
"Is that really why?" you ask.
"Yeah, okay?" His voice is gruff and frustrated.
You move in closer, gripping the open edges of his plaid shirt. He knows what you're demanding in your gentle silence.
Don't lie to me.
Your hand reaches up to his cheek, a tender gesture that softens him. Your thumb brushes across his lower lip.
"Good," you reply. "Because if I have to remind you that I am entirely, undeniably, irrevocably in love with you, then I might just have to punish you."
A slow smirk spreads across your man's face.
"Oh yeah?" he says. His hands find your hips, drawing you closer. You're satisfied by the hint of doubt washing away from his demeanor. From his tight shoulders loosening.
"Just outta curiosity, what might that entail?" Dean asks.
Your lips curve. "Oh, you'll find out, after we fix your brother... Dean, I'll need to talk to him."
Dean's burgeoning good humor fades, but you take his face in both your hands and make sure he meets your gaze. You are firm in your convictions, and he sees that.
He nods in acceptance, before he dips down to press his lips to yours. It's gentle at first, but all too soon becomes claiming, born of hidden frustration and passion.
When he parts from you, it's slow, reluctant. His fingers draw a strand of hair behind your ear.
In his eyes, you see the true depths of him. Something not many people get to see.
It's there that you always know that you're loved.
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I hope that satisfied you, my dear! 😘 I miiiiight do a more official 3rd part to this imagine-verse where Sam gets his happy ending (with Eileen).
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Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Dean W. Tag List:
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @katherineann83 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420
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florencetypemaniacs · 3 months
Lets say Mc falled asleep on top of one Ro's chest and someone comes into the room to ask for something or to talk to them.
How would the Ro's react to Mc falling asleep on them and somebody coming in and seeing them together?
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Decided to mix these two ask together ❤️ Enjoy!
💛 Marcel
Marcel was grinning ear to ear as he held you close, feeling like he was on top of the world with you in his arms. 
He wasn't bothered by how you held onto him like a kola. Marcel just thought it was the cutest thing in the whole world as he brought you closer, like you were something precious. 
Then his head lazily moved towards the sound of the door opening to see a person stop in their tracks. 
"Uh, I'm sorry, the bathroom downstairs is out of order. The owner said I could use the one upstairs. 
Marcel put a finger to his lips, giving the stranger a charming smile. "Come back later; it seems that they need a few more minutes." 
The person gave an awkward nod and walked out of the room, and Marcel just cuddled you closer, having no intent to wake you up. 
🧡 Margaret
Margaret just lay there perfectly still, not wanting to wake you. You were so peaceful. Without the worries of the world outside when you were asleep. 
With your legs tangled with hers, she just happily looked down at you. She felt so much happiness bubble up inside her. 
Margaret's head whirled around when the door opened. A person was walking in, and all Margaret could do was stutter out a flustered response.
"Wrong room!" 
The person whom Margaret recognized as one of the regulars in the cafe stopped in their tracks, muffin in hand.
"Uh, sorry, I was looking for Zinnia."
They turned and walked away, and that didn't stop Margaret from feeling like her whole body was on fire in embarrassment. 
She squeaked meekly, looking over to make sure you had not woken. You haven't; you were still dead asleep. Margaret laid her head back down when she heard the footsteps disappear. Her face was looking at yours, and a wave of calm washed over her as she kissed you softly. 
❤️ Owen
Owen just relaxed with you in his arms, even if you squeezed him like a Boa constrictor. He didn't mind that you were a clingy sleeper at all; it made him relax to know that you were safe in his arms. 
It was a sense of security that he didn't know he needed, and he felt himself start to drift off. That was until he heard someone loudly come in, making you frown a little at the nose. 
The person looked around, surprised, as if you and Owen were the ones inconveniencing him. Owen felt the tips of his ears get hot. He was caught in bed with you while you were fully clothed, and nothing was going on. The embarrassment was somehow worse. 
The person just looked around, not noticing Owen's growing anger. "Oh, this isn't the bathroom." 
"Get. Out." Owen's voice was rough and deep, and the man instantly took a step back in confusion. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" 
Owen glared at the man, and the man froze in fear before running out of the room. 
You opened your eyes a little as the man left, still half asleep. "What's happening?" 
Owen rolled his neck. "Nothing, lass/lad/duck. Go back to sleep." 
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary looked fondly at you, your face buried in the pillow next to hers, and she gently stroked your face. 
With you so close, she felt so safe and warm. She forgot what it felt like to just lay with someone she loved, and she couldn't help but feel all the tension in her muscles melt. 
She loved you so much. 
Her thoughts halted as soon as someone came into the room—a stranger, no less—who looked beyond embarrassed. 
"I'm so sorry! I'm looking for the bathroom." 
"Two doors on the right," Rosemary said, her voice calm, and she lifted an eyebrow. Her voice was soft enough to not wake you up, and the stranger nodded and whispered a quick sorry before backing out of the room in a rush. 
🩵 Tai
He looked at you. How could Tai not? You were so peaceful in your sleep, and even though you were draped over him, he didn't mind. 
Tai usually lay awake alone, trying and failing to sleep, but with your breathing soothing him, he felt completely relaxed. His work could wait. Life could wait. Hell, all he needed was right here, although he would never admit that. 
The ease he felt disappeared as soon as the stranger walked in. "Oh, sorry, Zinnia said I could use the bathroom." 
Tai didn't hear it over the embarrassment that washed over him as he pushed you off the bed, your body hitting the floor with a soft thump followed by a curse. 
The stranger looked at Tai in surprise, whose face was getting redder by the second. "Get out! Have you ever heard of knocking?" Tai said, pushing the frozen stranger at the door. 
Tai's breath evened out when he heard the footsteps walk speedily down the hall. Turning around, he mentally winced when you saw him looking at him with a disbelieving look on your face as you got back into bed. 
"What the hell, Tai?!" 
Tai ignored your glare and smoothed out the wrinkles in his clothes. "You should get a lock on your door, Oleander." 
💚 Zane.
Zane should have left an hour ago, but something inside him couldn't make himself leave
Well, it was probably you. You had him. In a grip so strong that it was hard to breathe. But that could have just been because it was you. Zane always lost his breath when he was around you. 
Your touch didn't hurt. Sure, it was uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt, and he felt his heart go softer, no matter if he would have rather thrown you off him. Nope. He honestly couldn't do it. 
Zane just fell more into your warmth, dozing off with you and not being able to stop himself from cuddling you back; his grip was almost putting yours to shame. 
It was when the door opened, and without looking who it was, shadows snatched the body from the floor. Muffled screams do not bother him as he brings you closer. 
The only time he moved was to roll his eyes as you yelled at him to put the poor woman down
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