#Krang Infestation
nosleep83 · 5 months
Day 86 of waiting for Tales of the Tmnt!
Memessss (spot the out of context horror game au meme)
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Also meme by @wingstobetorn pookie
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wingstobetorn · 6 months
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kathaynesart · 6 months
If Leo can defeat his enemies easily by using the 'Portal Chop' move, wouldn't that mean he'll actually be the #1 priority for the whole Krang to kill when they spotted him? Even more so motivated to use their abilities to remove his ninpo to get rid of a 'bump on the road'?
Hehehe I’m glad someone asked! Yes he and his brothers are on the Krang’s most wanted list. But here’s the thing: only a few Krang are actually capable of sealing off mystic energy/ninpo. Specifically Krang 1. This is because there are different types of Krang with very different abilities (details under the cut).
To answer your question plainly, since Krang 1 is one of the few that can seal off the Ninpo powers, that has left the two sides at a stale mate. The turtles are DANGEROUS, and could do some lethal damage to Krang 1, but if Krang 1 gets the drop on them it’s all over for the turtles. Both sides KNOW this. What’s more I’ve given Krang 1 a weakness that he can only use this ability every so often. So he’d need to get the brothers all together in one fell swoop otherwise it leaves him vulnerable. For this reason the brothers seldom fight as all full set when in close proximity to him (another reason why Donnie normally stays back at HQ).
So we’ll have to wait and see how that pans out. Hope that answered your question. For those interested in the Krang types you can check out my ramblings under the cut:
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Sister Krang is a Brawler Type. She’s the most violent of the three, the strongest outside of her mech, and can keep going even after receiving a number of life threatening hits.
Brother Krang is an Infester Type. He can only speak through the people he’s infested, is physically weak, and goes down easily in battle. However he’s considered far more dangerous because of his ability to easily infest and transform prey to become part of the Krang hive mind. Infesters are also the tech crew and are best suited to drive the ships.
Krang 1 is a Prime Type, the rarest and most well rounded of the three. He has the brains and the brawn. Master tactician who can read the minds of his prey. He’s a powerful fighter (especially in his mech), and is able to use his connection to Empyrean to seal off mystic abilities such as Ninpo. While the Krang is considered a hive mind the Prime is the one in the driver seat as well as the “face man.” Normally there is only one or two Prime Types at a time.
From these three I’ve spawned several more types (including the Fighter type that end up killing Leo in the end) but I’ll save that for a proper Krang hierarchy post in the future.
If you’ve gotten this far thanks for reading my TED Talk.
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tapakah0 · 1 year
sorry if this is a stupid question but english is not my first language. and i didn't fully understand what happened in the last love update. could you maybe explain?
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Leo went on a solo run to quickly kill a couple of dogs at the border. He's still not fully used to the new prosthesis, so he was wounded and infected.
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But he quickly tore the stuff out of his hand, receiving only a quick brainwash and hallucinations. Unfortunately, they were not very pleasant, so he immediately rushed to his room to calm down.
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Raph treated his hand and calmed him down.
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Drax said that he and Donnie have a high resistance to the krang infestation.
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sketch-mer-6195 · 3 months
Don't Go - Rise!Raphael x OFC Kalani Rotasu
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Author's Note: So, myself and @mysticboombox worked on this piece together as I am revamping my pairings and what verse they will be residing in.
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New York City was in shambles. The Hidden City as well. Death and destruction blanketed Earth like a heavy wet towel. Kalani was running, that's all she could do honestly. Her friends? Gone. Family? Nowhere in the entire city. All she knew was to run, something she was not used to as a Nexus champion and Draxum's apprentice in alchemy. But she had a reason. There was a beast hunting her within the cataclysmic city that was New York. A beast like nothing before. Her lungs were ablaze and growing tight. She was out of water in her canteen days ago, something that would have boosted her stamina and speed which she was lacking.
As her arms pumped harder with each pounding stride, Kalani could feel the beast drawing closer. But when she looked over her shoulder, there was no one in sight. Their presence was so close and suffocating, but there was nothing in sight. She grasped and unsheathed two large sia's before activating her alchemy to set her arms and weapons ablaze with purple and teal flames. It was there where she looked up and her eyes widened in utter shock.
The beast was above her!
With a guttural growl like howl, the beast came crashing down with its claws aiming at her heart. But Kalani was just quick enough to dodge the deadly blow and land just a few feet away. Her grip tightened on the sai's as her knuckles almost grew white. Her breathing was ragged, but the beast seemed unfazed by her current state. As it straightened to its full height, Kalani gulped and saw the being in front of her as her closest friend and boyfriend.
Raphael who was now possessed by the Krang, but at the point of no return. He was stronger, faster, and deadlier. His right eye and right side infested and it slowly consumed his left leg and his entire shell. He bared his teeth which were sharper and jagged to the point that he looked like the Krang. Kalani gripped the sai's that were once Raph's and charged at him to try and fight back and defend herself and try to get through to him.
“Raph, I don't want to hurt you! Please, just listen!!” Kalani begged.
But all she could see were spikes coming for her as she was too focused to get through.
Gasping sharply, her breathing hard and ragged, and the back of her neck and back soaked from the sweat Kalani brought her hands to her face to feel around and find no injuries. Surveying her surroundings, she was in her own room in the lair. Her train car bedroom covered in papers of Alchemy from her mentor, Baron Draxum. Some posters mixed of random music, professional wrestlers and Battle Nexus fighters. Her fighting fan hung perfectly on the wall with her title as Nexus Champion. Kalani was relieved that there was no war and Krang was gone. But she had. No, she needed to see him.
She slid out of bed, dressed in her long pajamas and padded out of her train car and made a B-line to his train car. The door was always open and welcoming, even if he was dead asleep. Which was hardly ever now since his mind was possessed by the Krang before. Shuffling quietly into the room, Kalani looked over the heap of blankets that covered her boyfriend rising and falling softly. Kalani carefully made her way to the head of his bed when suddenly he stirred and cracked a bleary eye.
“Kal…? Wuzza mattuh?” Raphael slurred from sleep.
Oh how she wish she knew how he knew it was her every time. She blinked once, then twice before looking down at her feet. Raph felt something was off; Kalani was always someone who spoke her mind if she was bothered or something or someone was bothering her. And something was bothering her deeply. He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before he set his full attention to his girlfriend. Her hands clenched and released a few times as her gaze was still downcasted. She was not one to show she was scared or had weaknesses as it hurt her own pride and imagery. But Raph always reassured her that she was never weak and that being scared is a normal emotion when something new or something that is disliked comes before her. As he watched her stiff body try and comprehend what was running through her mind, a small sniffle emitted from Kalani which made Raph look up to her and see small tears starting to pool at the corners of her eyes.
It was bad. If Kalani was on the verge of tears, it had to have taken a toll on her. Shifting his legs so he could cross them, Raph opened his arms and offered her a small smile. And it was the best way to signal her because Kalani looked up and easily curled in his lap and wrapped her arms around his midsection as best as she could. Encasing her in a gentle but powerful hug, Kalani finally broke down and nuzzled her cheek to his plasteron. Finally feeling the grounding and sense of security that she needed and her whole self craved for.
For such a strong fighter and Battle Nexus Champion, Raph felt deep honor to bring her safety and comfort in these troublesome nights that his girlfriend endured. She always felt small in his arms. But Kalani loved that feeling. The feeling of being small and vulnerable when always having to be big and strong for everyone else's glee or necessity to protect. Rpah was there to calm her and help her feel the need to be vulnerable and trust those who cared for like himself. Not to say that Kalani had treated him softly so he too can relax and forget about being the big strong brother that he grew up to be.
As Kalani calmed down after a while of crying, Raph was surprised to hear her finally speak.
“Please don't go…”
Surprised at her words, he couldn’t help but squeeze her just enough for reassurance. For Kalani and for himself.
“I ain't goin’ nowhere, babe.”
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Tags: @mysticboombox @lec743 @truffle-draws-turtles @ninnosaurus @tinkabelle24
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drawingbakeryy · 9 months
okay so yk the apocalypse started, blah blah blah all thag junk
one thing i know for sure, he had a lab explosion
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which will explain these scars, he was extremely disappointed because in the explosion it did destroyed and ruin creations and tech he worked so hard on, it also ruined his lab which he was pissy about, overall he was just really annoyed abt this and extremely upset
afterwards yk living in apocalypse until he got krangified.. yayyyy
like years later after the explosion
the infection started in his eye, he was out on mission, he wandered off to a infested area which was dangerous but he honestly didn’t care because he needed samples of the krang, he went in and this one krang aimed to his eye, it got into his eye which dee immediately was disgusted by the thought of something in his eye, but it wasn’t long before it started taking over him, it was a fast because it got into his head first, now he’s all infected.
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here’s a photo of how he looks like when he’s infected but his whole arms is covered and also the shoulders to his neck is covered but overall this is what he looks like, the host is now in his left eye like, it completely took over his WHOLE eye, the only way to get rid of the infection is to pull out his eye
imagine the angsttt omfgg
yeah uh, but the eye is extremely sensitive, but it does have the ability to protect itself but closing it and covering it, which i thought is cool. . .
forgot to mention he’s also around in his 30s rn, likeeee two years or smt.
anyways yeah that’s a whole angst potential story, i also would say he was taken from the krang, i havent like given it a whole whole plot or like what happens
but i do say he was taken by the krang onces, he managed to escape though because he’s donnie!!!!🔥🔥
ITS MIDNIGHT RN AND I DONT FEEL LIKE TYPING MORE— but in my small brain this is what i could type🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️‼️ for now
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alitteraladhdmess · 10 months
Just playing around with the colors of the krang infested maniac
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They so cool???!! HelP
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thr-333 · 7 months
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He was looking that way because Donnie called him Leon not Leo. in this timeline the older version of him has pretty much taken the name Leo for himself. In other words he's stolen part of the others idenity. It also plays into the fact that f!leo was around more so of course people used the more common name for them. This was very much purposeful on f!leo's part and the other knows this. So when I'm reffering to them f!leo is always Leo or Leonardo while the younger is Leon.
So Leon looks like that because it's proof of the influence Leo has over his twin. Whether Donnie is aware of it or not.
Leon dosent hate Casey, but he's certainly not comfortable around him, because Casey probably does hate Leon. But we'll get into that later~
No one knows(I do) if Raph is alive or still Krang infested. He was written off as a lost cause by Leo at the start of the invasion so most people followed suit. Leon isn't so sure...
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soft--dragon · 2 years
Some Things Never Change
Leo and Casey are such a good duo, I love them ^^
Word Count: 1,642
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
After spending years in a Krang infested apocalypse, Casey was having to adjust to living a much calmer life. The turtles were more than happy to let him stay with them, but April suggested it may be better for Casey to stay with her and her mother. It would at least give him some time to rehabilitate into normal society and April could teach him about the present timeline. 
Though hesitant, Casey ended up taking up the teenage girl’s offer, and to his surprise, he quite enjoyed the surface world. Sure, sometimes it could be loud, chaotic and overwhelming, but once Donnie made him some noise cancelling headphones as a “Welcome-To-Your-New-Future” present, he quite enjoyed exploring the surface in the comfort of music. All background noise was filtered out, and he was free to roam the hectic streets of New York city, anxieties settled.
Though, as nice as it was to not be fighting every two seconds for his life, Casey still felt the need to train and remain strong in case of any future attacks. Sure the Krang leader was gone, but who knows how long it would be before he found a way back from the prison dimension? Uncle Draxum was working out a way to destroy the key permanently, but until then, there was still a threat of battle. 
So, instead of signing up for a gym membership with money he simply did not have currently - his luck of finding a job was about as good as April’s ability to hold one - he used the training room the turtles had set up in the abandoned subway. The gear there was durable, and no one would give him an odd look for swinging a hockey stick at a punching dummy and doing martial arts moves that were way too brutal to simply disarm a person. 
Hey, it was either do or die in the future, and Casey would prefer living thank you very much.   
Casey breathed out as he finished the attack, brushing loose strands out of his eyes with the rest pulled back in a man bun for training. (April had been incredibly excited to teach him different ways of styling his ebony hair now that he had time to wash and condition it.) While preparing for another series of movements, Casey suddenly yelped when something ghosted over the back of his neck. He whipped around, a hand clapping over his neck protectively. Leo stood mere feet from him, looking far too pleased with himself.
Casey made a garbled noise at the sight of his friend, exclaiming in alarm. “Leo? What the- how long have you been standing there?” 
Leo flexed an eye ridge up with a smug grin, pleased he’d gone unnoticed by the teenager. “Long enough to know you could probably take Raph down if you wanted to. You gotta teach me those moves, Jones, I didn’t know you could fight like that.” 
Now over the initial surprise of Leo’s appearance, Casey gave a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “I learnt them from you actually, in the future that is.”
God, you could hear Leo’s ego getting bigger.
“I taught you?!” The blue coded turtle’s eyes widened and an excited grin hiked up his lips. “Oh, my future self was so badass! And talk about an ironic turn of events eh? The teacher taught the student only for the student to become the teacher to the teacher.”
Casey blinked owlishly, an exasperated yet amused look taking over his face. “I’ve spent too much time around you, I understood all of that.”
Leo barked a laugh, crossing his arms smugly. “You idolised me in the future, Case, only fair you know my unique way of speaking.”
“Yeah, ‘unique’ is certainly a word for it,” Casey mumbled, turning back to the punching dummy he had been mercilessly beating up. 
Leo gasped in a faux offence, pointing an accusatory finger at the teenage boy. “Are you making fun of me?”
“What? No, whatever would make you think that?” 
Leo rolled his eyes at the blatantly obvious sarcasm. “Careful Casey, your Donatello is showing.”
“Better Donatello than Leonardo.”
“Hey! I’m way cooler than my twin, I'll have you know. Don’t play favourites… unless it’s me.” 
Casey snorted. While he was much more used to an older, serious Leonardo, he couldn’t deny this version of his sensei was able to match his energy and riff off of him easily. It was refreshing, being able to joke around with the blue turtle without the fear of being heard by the enemy. Though the freedom to mess around did make him distracted an awful lot more.
Casey rolled his shoulders out, preparing to attack the dummy again. “Was there a reason you actually came in here? Or did you just want to mess with me?” 
“Well, messing with you is pretty fun, so if you’re offering to be my cure for boredom, I’ll gladly take it.”
Once more, there was a soft sensation skittering over the back of Casey’s neck, causing his shoulders to leap up to his ears and his palm clamped back over the area. 
He gave Leo a sharp side eye. “Oi! Quit that.”
“Why? Are you ticklish?”
The sudden comment made the hairs on the back of Casey’s neck rise, swinging around to fully face Leo who was grinning knowingly. Oh. Suddenly this wasn’t a safe space anymore.
“What? N-No, I’m not.” Yup, way to go Jones, that was real convincing.
“Aw, you sure?” Leo was moving forwards, hands outstretched and wiggling his fingers tauntingly. The warm flush in Casey’s face was building quickly from the playful action. 
“Sensei- Leo-” Training forgotten, Casey stumbled backwards, his own hands raising in defence towards the blue masked turtle.
“Oh ho ho, lookie here, someone is going red.”
“St-Stay away!”
“What happened to ‘I’m not ticklish’, huh?”
“I’m not!”
“Then you won’t mind if I test that claim?”
Casey was running before the sentence was finished. Clumsily, he sprinted past Leo and through the hallway into the abandoned subway, tripping over himself despite his usual agility. The butterflies in his stomach were making his limbs feel weak, though his chest was warm and bubbly. 
“Leheheo!” He gasped, giggles spilling into his plea without him realising. “Goho ahahway!”
He was running for a few more seconds before realising there were no footsteps behind him. Skidding to a stop, Casey looked back and to his surprise, Leo was nowhere in sight. Casey wasn’t sure why he felt disappointed. 
He spun in a slow circle, eyes on the roof of the subway station for any sign of a blue bandana. There was none in sight. Casey’s shoulders slumped slightly, his mirthful eyes being replaced for something sombre. It made sense he supposed, Leo was just messing around and teasing him, though he thought the teenager might follow through. Whenever Leonardo threatened to tickle him, he chased him around the base and hid until Casey thought he was safe, only to be tackled to the ground and wrecked by the older turtle when he least expected it. 
…Hang on.
He used to hide until Casey stopped running-
Arms suddenly encircled around his waist and brought him to the ground with a scream, his fight or flight nature going ballistic for a moment before he caught sight of the green arms holding him. His head swung back to see Leo grinning widely at him, back pinned to the turtle’s plastron. Leo barked a laugh, squeezing the boy to him for a moment before letting off the pressure.
“I’m shocked Case, honestly thought you would’ve seen that coming.”
Casey spluttered, hands coming up to grip Leo’s arms and staring at him in bewilderment. “I-I didn’t think- I thought you wouldn’t-”
“What? You really think I’d threaten to tickle ya and not follow through? Damn, my future self has really let me down then.”
Casey didn’t get the chance to reply before fingers were worming into his hoodie, targeting the softness of his sides that were wildly ticklish. He yelped loudly and immediately slumped into the teenager’s grasp, gripping onto Leo’s arms as he kicked out frantically. “LEHEHEheheheo!” He shrieked. 
“Oh wow! Someone is very sensitive indeed!” Leo snickered, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh this hard.”
Casey wriggled in Leo’s lap, trying desperately to squirm out of his arms but Leo simply scooped him back up and slipped a hand down to scratch around his stomach. “Uh uh uh, you can’t be this ticklish and expect me to just let you go Casey, that’s not how this works.”
“Leheheo dohohohon’t!” squealed Casey, his boots scuffling into the ground in an attempt to sit up.
Leo snickered. “Oi, whatcha doin’? Trying to dig a hole over there? You’ve already dug one by letting the information slip that you’re ticklish, Jones.”
The mention of the dreaded 'T' word only caused Casey’s ears to burn brighter, the red flush on his face contrasting his dark hair brightly. “Stohohop teheheasing!”
Leo raised an eyeridge in a playfully taunting fashion. “Stop teasing? I’m just making conversation, Casey, why are you laughing so hard?”
“Yohohou knohohow whihihiy!”
“I’m afraid I don’t. You see, you claimed you weren’t ticklish and yet you’re laughing so hard over me wiggling my fingers? So if you’re not ticklish, then what on earth is happening here?”
Casey smacked his arm out of flustered annoyance, giggling borderline hysterically. “Ahahalright! Alright! I’m tihihicklish Leheheo! Ihihi lihihihied!”
Leo gave a very overdramatic, shakespeare-would-be-proud, exaggerated gasp and stared at his student in mock horror. “You lied to me? How dare you Casey Jones Junior! Your punishment shall be severe!”
Leo’s fingers were then clawing at Casey’s ribs, and the turtle swore that both the surface world and the Hidden City heard the scream the teenager let out. 
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theweirdhybrid · 7 months
Hiero has given you some strawberries!
Cheep! Good luck in the competition!
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“Fruit became extinct a few years into the invasion… we mostly ate whatever krang-infested creatures we came across. And even those became scarce towards the end…”
“Leo’s going to love these. Strawberries are his favorite.”
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writing-biting · 11 months
Just pick a random one, based on vibes. Or read these bad summaries
three little words: lego monkie kid, kind of a warm up for practicing the characters, shadowpeach is horrible at communicating, wasn't supposed to be more than a one shot but temptation got my ass. G rn, but with communication and boredom, might shoot all the way up to E
Get the Key, Stop the Krang: rottmnt, Casey Junior ends up going back to before the show and proceeds to get help stopping the Krang from the unlikeliest of places because the turtles are like two years younger than him and he thinks he can do everything himself. I think this is T, but it might be M for the violence
Pull the Strings (Mine or Yours): Undertale AUs, I haven't touched this one in ages because I've kind of lost the thread of the plot. Was supposed to be an origin story for an au I have. M for violence and kidnapping and starvation and abuse
Icarus: rottmnt donnie ends up in 2012 tmnt because he 'flew too close to the sun'. he sucks at existing in 12 because of incompatible physics and has to relearn everything, and recover from really shitty lab accident injuries. Might be a timeloop fic, we'll see. M for violence
What Do We Fight For?: bay and 2012 (and eventually 2003) end up in rise, specifically in the Battle Nexus. M for Major Character Death and violence.
Tang Sanzhang thing I haven't named yet: I may have made an 'everything is shittier' version of the LMK version of Journey to the West, and this is in exploration of my version of the Gold Cicada's character. (used the word version too many times oh well) unrated
Tmnt fairy reboot: draxum, a chemistry student, makes a very cool ooze and runs right over to an wildlife rehabilitation center to show his boyfriend Yoshi. Yoshi is like wow, nice ooze, stop bringing your chemistry to my job you're gonna get me fired and Draxum is like, it's literally fine, nothing will happ- and then the beaker explodes in their faces. It covers the turtle section of the center, and get everywhere. Now, the turtles are growing hands and feet and shit. Instead of facing the consequences of their actions, they grab the turtles and book it. They run away to, idk somewhere cold that has forests, uhh Minnesota, and move into a small town that doesn't ask too many questions next to a fairy infested forest. Honestly I'm not actually sure how this is a tmnt reboot besides the fact that there are turtles, but still. Probably gonna be T if it ends up existing, we'll see
other???: probably gonna grab one of the aus off the ol' brain shelf, write something and then show it to no one.
Help me. Hit a random button 🙏 do it for your local gorgeous dykeboy 💗💓🥺
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nosleep83 · 5 months
Day 75-76 of waiting for Tales of the Tmnt!
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Out of context memes me and @wingstobetorn made for our horror aus
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0v3rgl0w · 9 months
Last of us, rottmnt
Part 1/? (Finally)
The year is 2041, and the infested are becoming a much more common thing. Even if the Krang failed to fully take over, the damage they've done can never be reversed. It feels like there's no longer a safe place in this world for anyone, humans, mutants, yokai, anyone.
Donatello is out looking for anything that could be useful to the resistance, If he can even manage to make it back to them, he had hopes of finding some old Krang tech. As Donatello was scavenging around he heard some yelling and someone was getting shoved into something, Donatello was already in a bad mood and this just made it worse, he held onto his tech bō, and went to check it out.
He saw some people harassing a kid around the age of 12 - 13, and Donatello stepped in. “Scoff, degenerates, harassing a child.” He said, his voice deep and monotone. The people who were harassing this child immediately run off at the sight of Donatello, I mean, he is a giant mutant turtle, so I can't really blame them. “Oh, well, that was much more effective than I thought it would be.” He said before he nodded to the child who was looking up at him in awe.
“My work here is done now, goodbye child.” Donatello said as he went to walk away, but then the child clung onto his jacket, he cringed at the thought of the child sticky fingers on his nice purple jacket. “W- wait! You can't leave! I still need your help!” The child said, sounding nervous.
“Sigh, fine, fine, what do you need, small human?” Donatello said as he gently ushered the child off him. “I need your help finding m- my dad. He's a mutant turtle like you!” the child said as he looks up at Donatello with big sad puppy dog eyes, the child almost looked like a wet cat in a way, small and gross but cute and you feel you need to help it.
Donatello didn't seem to think too much about it until the child mentioned his father being a mutant turtle, he immediately thinks of his brothers, he has been the resistance for quite some time… It is possible that one of his brothers took in the kid. “Your father is a mutant turtle..? So I take it that you were adopted by him?” Donatello questioned, and the child nodded. “Yes, He took me in after my mama… she..” The child shaked his head, trying to stop himself from crying. “After she passed… Can you help me?” The child asked softly, Donatello thought about it for a moment but nodded.
“Okay, small thing. I will help you. But tell me your name, at least.” Donatello said as he crouched down to the child's height. “I'm Casey, Casey Jr. Jones.” The child, Casey, said with a smile before he asked, “And what should I call you?”Donatello pauses for a moment before he answers “Well my name is Donatello. You may call me Donnie ….or Uncle Donnie if you must.” He said, and Casey Attempted to give him a hug but Donatello allowed them but didn't really hug him back, instead he gave him a hesitant pet on the head.
“Uncle Donnie… Yup! that sounds right!” Casey said with a chuckle and Donatello rolled his eyes but couldn't help but allow a small smile on his face.“Well, enough of this, we better start moving, I have an idea of who you're talking about and where they possibly might be, and we don't want to lose light.” Donatello said and Casey nodded, and they started to head off on their journey.
It's finally here!! I started writing!
These posts are gonna be pretty inconsistent but stay with me here, because I will be listening to rottmnt fans who have any suggestions, especially @sillyman2001911 who has been doing so much work with drawings for this, I really appreciate all their hard work
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bota--bonk · 2 years
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Listen you gotta understand. Comics are here to draw. So. Uhm. This is future shelldon, everyone say hi future shelldon. And Donnie is in there. Donnie and parts of his mech suit that he was wearing for protection when going deep into the Krang infested area to mess their shit up. Donnie likes fnaf, 100%. Donnie would kin purple guy, if for no other reason than just being purple. So the mech suit was not waterproofed. Or the Krang just really got in there with their sharp little roots. And the mech suit seized up. Donnie was killed by his own mech suit springlocking him. Shelldon goes in to retrieve him. This is shelldon walking back to camp. Wheels are not plausible in this world because you have to navigate around Krang roots/sensors laced in the ground, and the ground has a lot of cracks bumps and obstacles that would make wheels simply not work. Shelldon has performed checkups on Donnie's health and understands Donnie is non-functioning. What shelldon does not understand is the concept of death, at least for his creator specifically. Robots can be rebooted, they have backups. That's how Shelldon is still here even though his hardware has been destroyed many many times. Donnie just needs to be fixed and his backup version re-uploaded. Shelldon gets back to camp and unloads Donnie. He doesn't understand when Mikey and Leo and any medical person can't fix him. Mikey tells him organics don't have backups, once they are down they aren't going back online.
Robots can't cry.
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sillyandquest · 11 months
I made the grave mistake of looking up what Epic the Musical was on YouTube and now I don't know peace-
That led me to listening to Survive, a song from The Cyclops Saga by Jeorge Rivera-Herrans, here's the link on Spotify:
It's so unbelievably good that I daydreamt an entire separate timeline for the Mutant Mashup AU based on this that I lovingly refer to as, the Painful Timeline.
Like I could vividly imagine DaVinci starting the song via declaration of war against either Krang Prime (Rise Krang) or a Krang infested, Dark Armor welding super Shredder. Blue would be the one who sings the battle commands in the middle of the song. By the end, DaVinci dies with the rest of the turtles get picked off one by one, leaving Blue, Sanzio, Niccolo, and Orange left to try and fight.
If they manage to get away (Blue used his portals) I imagine Sanzio lost his memory during the altercation, just like he did during the Mutant Apocalypse in canon. Niccolo would definitely need to build a new shell for himself, as a reference to the IDW comics. Blue definitely lost his arm for very obvious reasons. Orange is the least physically hurt by the enemy (y'know, baby privileges) but he does unlock more of his mystic abilities.
The rest of the fam is up in the air but here's what I got. Lou and April live but May dies, or at the very least isn't an ally because she was engineered by the Kraang themselves to be a weapon. Casey and CJ survived, Cass didn't make it and got overrun by the Kraang.
Somehow, someway they throw Krang Prime into the prison dimension with or without the sacrifice Leo did in the movie but by then, the damage to the surface is so severe that the remaining people need to go to the Mystic City. While it IS possible for the Earth to recover, it takes a very long time.
This isn't the worst of the worse timeline but it gets angsty real quick. From Sanzio struggling to regain the person he once was, to Blue's guilt over causing this entire mess, it gets pretty sad once you think about it. That's not even mentioning Niccolo or Orange's feelings about all this, or any of the other extended Hamato family and how THEY experienced this.
Au made by me and @possumsarenice
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"A Bitter-Sweet Farewell."
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❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀💜 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐲𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤, 𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑 (𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲) 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍-𝐈'𝐦 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞 :'𝐥 𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲!! 💜❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀
Donnie’s hands nimbly grabbed the tools from off his work desk, not even sparing a chance to set them neatly into his large satchel and tossing the objects into the leather, the loud noise of metal clashing together in response.
Half of his entire desk and workshop was… Gone. All packed into bags and sent off to the on the package shuttles, heading to the destination he had packed for… He could only hope it’d show up unscathed or completely left behind for Krang to infest. His fingers tapped impatiently against the metal desk, finding himself lost of things he could busy himself with.
Strange. Donnie didn’t want to think at the moment. He didn’t want the time to. He didn’t want to register what was going on, to process what was happening. He wasn’t ready to.He swallowed down the lump forming in his throat, eyes wandering desperately to find just one thing he could pack away-
Donatello visibly jumped, taking a full spin to see who called out to him, leaning half-hazardly against the desk. April stood in the doorway, arms folded tightly over her chest with a lost look in her eyes, brows furrowed with a gleam of sadness in them, but it wasn’t for herself, it was one emotion Donnie had come to recognize and consider: Sympathy. Guilt. Perhaps both.
“Are you ready for this?” She asked him, taking a step away from the doorway and toward him, her voice a bit quieter than earlier. Donnie fixated his visor on his snout, looking down at his wristband as his face quickly morphed back into a stoic, neutral state.
“Of course I am. I’ve made sure to communicate with the Rebel Foot and they’ve assured our travels should be clear of any Krang. As long as we keep on that route till we reach the safety shuttle in Chicago, we’ll reach Nevada by next Tuesday.” Donnie allowed a projected image of the map he had traced out to pop up as a hologram from his wristband lit up the room in a dim light.
“If we leave early tomorrow, we’ll make it by at least three-thirty The-“
“Donnie. I’m not talking about the travel.”
As soon as the words left Aprils mouth, Donnie froze, fingers quickly typing stopping in their tracks, he felt as if a spotlight was placed right on him, showing every feature on his face that indicated he was scared. He tried desperately to hide it.
“We… Haven’t talked since last night about it.” He moved his gaze away from April and down to his feet, allowing the arm he held out to fall limp to his side. “She refuses to even look at me.” He felt a tightening feeling around his chest as he remembered the talk he had had with his wife the other night.
His fists tightened at his sides, as he clenched and unclenched his jaw, possibly pondering his next words to say. “I… I’m trying to understand what she’s going through- how this all seems from her point of view. But even I thought Tam’d know why we have to do this, why I have to leave.”
April hummed a bit, pondering her next words as she studied the frustration on Donnie’s face. “How would you feel if it was Tam leaving for nearly three years to work on this protective shield.” She shifted, moving her hands to her hips as she raised a brow at the reverse hypothetical.
“You don’t think I feel the same way even if it’s me? The one leaving?” Donnie argued back, finally looking back up to April, challenging her with the exact look. She nodded, pursing her lips as she re-thought his words. “Fair point.”
And then there was silence. It wasn’t awkward, but it wasn’t peaceful either. Donnie stared back at April as she did the same, waiting for who would make the move to speak, rather it be an order, a statement, or sparing words of farewell till morn.
Donnie noticed behind her gleaming glasses, April’s eyes looked tired, red, puffy, she didn’t even bother to hide the tear stains that had faded into her dark skin. He knew exactly who she shared those tears with, the tightening in his chest just worsening, like any more of this- odd feeling would burst his ribs.
He heaved out a sigh, breaking eye contact this time. “Where is she?” he ordered, pushing gently aside April to find where Tamsin had run off to hide. “Kitchen.” April responded just as stern, rubbing her arm as she stepped away making room for Donnie to exit, while she stared in the half empty lab, gaze lingering.
❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀
The vigorous noise of slamming cupboards and harsh chopping got louder as Donnie headed toward the kitchen, peeking inside (I’ll admit just a bit nervous,) seeing if his presence would be sensed by the busying figure stomping around the area- cooking? Maybe, but the softshell assumed she was doing the exact same thing he was earlier: Busying herself so she wouldn’t have to think.
“Tamsin?” Donatello said, leaning on the doorframe with his arms folded, the sound of his voice and clothing shifting didn’t effect Tamsin, still chopping away with her back toward him.
“What.” She snapped, a venom in her voice he had yet to hear- at least when it was aimed directly toward him. He shifted, frowning slightly his hands tightened their grip on his arms.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asked, not any venom in his voice in return to her tone- but he was close.
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Tamsin replied coldly, the chopping getting louder and quicker. Donnie’s brows furrowed, lifting himself from where he was leaning, stepping fully into the kitchen.
“We’re not starting that in our relationship.” He spoke bluntly, hands now going to his hips as he studied her from behind. “Talk to me.” His tone went a bit soft, but he still sounded demanding.
He’ll admit he jumped just a little bit when Tamsin slammed the knife down harshly onto the cutting board, turning around to face him while she tightly gripped the counter behind her. She looked exhausted, like the moment she heard the news of Donnie having to leave she didn’t even get a blink of sleep.
She stared back at him with such fury he’d only ever seen the time they were visiting Big Mama’s with Maggie when she was born five months ago. She visible gritted her teeth, mouth closed tightly as it shifted side to side on her face. “You wanna talk. Fine. Let’s talk.”
She pushed herself from the counter, taking steps toward Donnie, who still stood his ground, waiting to hear her in the heat of the moment, awaiting what was to come with all this pent-up rage.
“I’m sorry I’ve been a little moody. I just found out I’m losing my husband to some- work in Nevada and the next thing I know I will have no contact with the love of my life, no help with the kids, and no support for three years… For three years of no support with Karai, Jeri, Davi, the twins.”
Tamsin counted down the reasons on her fingers, taking every slow step toward him with each of her reasons, the sarcasm in her voice was thick you could see it.
“Tam, these people need me, April, and the others joining us for our travel. You know this.” Donnie argued back, his finger tapping anxiously against his side as Tamsin watched him- like he was some kind of prey and any bad move or sentence she’d just tackle him.
“My tech will save others, people who need it. For once in years, I’ll be needed, I’ll be able to not feel useless, I’ll help them- I’ll be who I was meant to be.”
Uh oh. He said something wrong. “Useless?” Tamry repeated, almost in shock, eyes wide before it morphed back into utter rage, probably more than before. “Useless!?” She was this close to having her voice fully raised, throwing her hands up in defeat, bewilderment as she scoffed at him.
“Is that all our family has been? Useless? Our children are useless to you? Hm?!”
Finally realizing what he said, Donnie blinked stupidly, waving his hands, and shaking his head furiously. “What?! No, Tam, I didn’t mean it like that, you know I didn’t.” He responded with frustration, rubbing his forehead tiredly.
“Then how did you mean it? Tell me, Donnie.” She stepped toward him; her voice threateningly low. “Tell. Me. What. You. Meant.”
They were chest to chest at this point, faces a few inches away from one another. Donnie stared back with the same fury bubbling up inside him now, green eyes glued to brown… God he loved those stupid, pretty eyes- and here they were unblinking at him with hatred.
He clicked his tongue, staring glowering. “I’m meant to protect people- including my family. And I do that with my tech. And if I don’t solve this issue in Nevada, then I won’t be able to discover a way to fix the issues here.”
As he spoke, he pointed his finger to the ground, like he was demanding something, every word he repointed harshly.
“Can’t you understand that your family might need you here? I can’t do this alone!” Tamsin remarked, throwing her arms out to the side to motion around the place. “I’m not ready!”
“Do you think I am?!” Donnie yelled in return, moving his hand to place it on his chest. The look on his face was a mix of anger and fear- something Tamsin had yet to ever see mixed in one look. “Did you ever consider I don’t want to leave? I don’t want to leave you or the kids, or my brothers!"
It went silent for a minute, Tamsin’s eyes darting across his face, opening her mouth to say something, but pausing- stuttering, closing it and opening it back and forth. She was lost.It ended with her scoffing, turning back to him, and walking to the kitchen counter again, turning her back to him as she looked down, away from him.
Donatello fixed his posture, hands to his sides, fist clenched as he took in a deep breath, closing his eyes to regain himself. “I don’t know what you want me to do. The things I can do, you refuse to put any faith into me. Tam, you need to understand these people need m-“
“I’m not mad that people need your need you, I’m mad that you NEVER ONCE ASKED ME IF I NEEDED YOU!” Tamsin screamed, turning back to him. Donnie took a step back, alarm stabbed right into his gut, followed by an insane wave of worry.
Thick tears streamed down Tamsin’s face, more threatening to fall as she tried to keep them in. Her lower lip trembled visibly, as well as her body. “Ever since you found out about this mission a week ago I’ve never been told how I felt abut you leaving… Do you care what happens? What you’ll miss?”
She choked out before her words were cut off by a sharp inhale, trying to keep in a sob. Donnie stayed quiet, swallowing thickly while he felt his heart pound against his chest, slow breathing to keep himself from just doubling over in guilt.
“Our own newborn daughter will not spend the first few years of her life with her father. You’ll miss so much… Do you know how helpless I feel? I can’t do anything to stop you.” She blinked away a few more tears, before harshly wiping them away, leaving her nose and cheeks bright red from the harsh swiping. “And knowing you can’t either, I…” She stopped, looking back at him once more, before visibly deflated, shoulders relaxing as she looked to the second exit of the kitchen. “You wanted me to talk, and I have. I’m done. I’m going to bed.” Her voice sounded hollow, storming away and out the the kitchen, leaving Donnie standing and hearing her scream echo in his head repeatedly.
The tightening over his chest only worsened, the lump in his throat ached as his face morphed, a soured frown and he blinked away the sight of her that seemed to be burned into his eyelids. He fucked up, didn’t he? Not his actions in helping others, he knew now she didn’t mean that. He fucked up in hearing her, even if it wasn’t obvious, he should’ve known. Goddammit why was it so hard for him to understand?
He slowly craned his neck to the side, looking over his shoulder defeated. “Karai, you can come out now.” He spoke dryly, brows furrowed in a saddened expression. He was met with a few seconds of silence, until the light purple masked soft shell’s eyes peeked from behind the corner bashfully, fully stepping out and standing guiltily in the doorway, the sight looked familiar to Donnie from a few minutes before.
“Why was mama yelling at you?” The nine-year-old asked innocently, seeming a bit anxious for an answer. “You both sound awful mad.”
Donatello felt a slight pang of guilt pull at his heartstrings, face softening as he shifted himself to turn to her. He sighed quietly, bending down on one knee to get to her height, bringing his hand up to usher her closer.
The girl quickly waddled toward him, standing a bit of a ways from him, but enough for Donnie to place a firm hand on her shoulder. “We’re not mad, we’ve just… Made the mistake of not communicating with each other enough.” He admitted to his daughter, knowing she may not grasp it as much as she would if she were a bit older, but it was enough for her to know nothing risky was happening between her parents relationship, causing her to relax a bit.
“You know how Dad has to leave for a long time to help some people really far away?” He asked Karai, watching her nod along to his statement, a bit of her own sadness now apparent once he brought it up. “Well... I kind of struggled explaining that to your mother, and we didn’t speak to each other as kindly as we wished.”
Karai nodded slowly now, looking at her hands that she fumbled with nervously. “Papa… Will you be mad at me if I feel like mama?”
The words caught him off guard, gaze softening as he watched Karai’s bottom lip tremble, and eyes gloss over ever so slightly.He moved his hand hesitantly, placing it to the side of her face while shushing her softly. “No, Karai. I won’t be.”
“Okay… Cause I don’t want you to leave either.” As soon as she could finish the sentence, she let out a wail, immediately wrapping her small arounds around Donnie’s neck, hiding her face in his shoulder as she cried.
Oh, he was mere seconds away from just falling apart, quickly wrapping his arms around her as he rubbed her shell gently for comfort, trying his best to calm the girl down, but he knew it would all be in vain.
“Me too, K… Me too.” Is all he could say without crying, and even then his voice had a waver in it. He carefully pulled her away, cupping her face while she sniffled, eyes now puffy while keeping in anymore sobs so she could let her poor father speak.
“You know how everyone has mommies and daddies, right?” He asked her, earning a small nod. “You know how much they love their babies as much as me and mommy love you and your siblings?”
Again, a nod, but Karai’s brows were furrowed in slight confusion. “Well, out in Nevada, there are families there, and their just like us. But they don’t have any protection from the Krang like we do, and those families could lose their babies, or moms and dads. That’s why I have to go with your Aunt April to help them.”
Karai took in the words, watching Donnie’s facial expression change as he watched her for reaction. “Because I know it seems hard for me to express it, but Papa really cares about those people, now that he has a family of his own, he understands that constant state of fear, and he wants to make sure he can protect everyone who needs him.”
He saw so much of Tamsin in this moment the way she looked at the ground, brows furrowed, she knew like her mom, he had to leave, and she couldn't do anything.
He tilted her head back up to look at him, eyes softening as he offered his best look of comfort. "Do you understand?" He asked her quietly.
"Yes, papa." She sniffled, wiping her nose with sleeve. Donnie placed his forehead against hers, closing his eyes and sharing a quiet moment with his eldest daughter, inhaling deeply and exhaling, allowing her to follow, copying his actions so she'd calm down.
"I love you, Karai. And I need you to help put your mama as much as you possibly can while I'm gone, okay?"
He felt movement against his forehead, indicating her nodded. "And you know your mother and uncles will be there if you need them too, right?"
"Mhm." She mumbled. He pulled away, rubbing her head gently with a warm smile on his face. "I'm so proud of you. You're braver than your old man right now, I'm just a total coward compared to you."
He earned a giggle, lifting her head up, Karai returned the smile. He stood up, groaning a bit at the small pop from his joints.
"Time for sleep. I'll be in to tuck you in and your siblings into bed before you know it."
"Yessir." Karai responded, rubbing her puffy, but now tired eyes giving once last hug to her dad's side before walking away, leaving Donnie in the room alone once again... At least he thought he was alone.
Tamsin stood in the hall, barely peeking out from into the kitchen. She heard everything, her daughter crying, the soft moment shared between them, and Donatellos words.
He spoke so kindly to Karai, said exactly what he meant to say to Tam, and she was so blinded by anger to give him the time to say it.
The crushing weight of everything finally came crushing down on her, placing her hands over her mouth to try and keep in any more emotions just waiting for her to let her guard down.
She knew she messed up. Bad. And she had to talk to her husband as soon as possible.
❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀
Soft snores filled the crowded room of children, all sharing the small space making Donnie feel just the littlest bit bad. Noted he'd make extra rooms as soon as he returned.
The room was dimly lit by a purple nightlight in the wall, all the children sleeping in a large turtle-pile on top of the mattress with blankets swaddled around each little sleeping bodies.
He crept inside, seeing Karai had already crashed on her small makeshift bed against the mattress, hand atop it to hold one of the twins small hands.
He felt his jaw tighten at the sight. It'd be like last time he'd see them for three years. The moment he shared with Karai would be the last time he ever heard her cry, laugh, he'd see her smile, pout.
Itd be the last time he'd come say goodnight to his children in what felt like wpuld be an eternity, his sweet boys he was so proud of, who would grow to be the greatest creations of his life.
He got onto his knees, hunching over and placing a kiss to each of their foreheads, trying to keep in laughs at their reactions, a bitter sweet chuckle wanting to so badly be freed from his throat.
Jeremiah simply nuzzled deeper into his pajama sleeve. David scrunched up his nose with a pout on his face. And he had to pull away swiftly before any of the twins latched right onto him, then he'd never be e able to leave...
How he wished he could to that.
And Karai, she must be forgotten to take off her bandana, he carefully took the chance to pull it off her hear gently, in the process cupping her face.
Some weird stinging sensation started in his eyes, trying to blink it away as best he could, he sucked in his bottom lip, trying to keep it from trembling.
He shakily placed his lips to her forehead, pulling away to see her face had relaxed even more than before. Acceptance.
He fought desperately to turn himself toward the crip where his newborn Maggie slept soundly, unaware of what was happening-of who her dad would be, she'd never know who he was.
Hs stepped closer, vision blurring, heart beating loudly. She'd only have stories, pictures of him, she'd never heard his voice, unless it was video logs.
A quiet sob escaped, wracking through his entire body as the dam in his eyes nearly broke.
She'd never feel his embrace, he'd never hold her small body that merely fit in the palms of his two own hands.
He looked in the crib. The tears practically poured from his eyes, catching him by alarm for only a mere second, but then he could care less. There was no point anymore.
They fell onto her purple blanket, thankfully missing her small face and risking waking her up and half of the house. She was so small, he couldn't lean over and kiss her, only place his hand into the crib, placing his finger against her small palm, watching her instinctly wrap her tiny fingers around his one large one.
That was it. It was it a long time ago, from the second he got the news he'd have to basically abandon his new family, never be able to see them until his own eldest was practically a teen... He wasn't ready, he felt like throwing a tantrum like a toddler would when they didn't want to leave a toy shop.
Silly, I know, but it was truly how he felt in that moment.
He pulled away from Magdeline's small iron grip, watching her chubby arm curl back into the warmth of her blanket.
“Our own newborn daughter will not spend the first few years of her life with her father."
The words echoed in his empty mind, the only thought that seemed to replay every second while he watched the young softshell. She was unaware. She'd be unaware of his existence, and he could do nothing to stop it.
He bit down hard on his bottom lip, trying to keep in any more of these tiring emotions. It'd never hit him this hard before, he felt like he was seeing his entire life being thrown away, he felt vulnerable. He never had and he never wanted to ever again.
Why now? Why couldn't he show how much love and heartbreak he was truly going through earlier? Days, years ago even! Why was it now he was able to show how he truly felt inside, when it'd be the last?
He couldn't take it. He pulled himself away from the crib- it felt like he was trying to pry his own self from a Krang Bio growth he struggled so hard against some unknown force to leave.
Stepping to the door, he took one final look back, one final sight of his children all sleeping soundly, all knowing what was to come, and yet, they were probably stronger than him in that moment.
And After this "final glance" which was a wopping five minutes, closed the door.
Wiping away the fresh tears bitterly, still keeping his lips shut tight as to not let another sob escape on his watch, he trudged toward his room, his feet feeling as if they weighed thousands of pounds.
He had to get some sleep at least- to be fair it'd probably be mere hours of sleep, the rest filled with him and his thoughts.
His hand hovered on the button to open the mechanical door, hoping to whatever above he didn't look as awful as he felt. Yet he had no energy at the moment to fix his appearance.
As soon as the door swiftly opened, he was met the the sight of Tamsin sitting criss-cross legged on the bed. Her eyes immediately glanced up, widening. She scrambled up, pushing away a box of what Donnie assumed was old family photos.
"I..." She tried to fix her messy hair, standing awkwardly against the bed, hands folded behind her back. "Think we should talk. Really talk." She sounded ashamed, looking to the side at the boxed photos.
Donnie's hand slid down the doorway, frowning even more than before. "Tam, you don't have to-"
"I do, though!" She whispered, looking back up to him. "I heard what Karai and you were talking about... Donnie I should've known what you meant."
She ran a hand through her hair, beginning to pace. "I should've understood that you're going through just as much trial as the rest of us- maybe even more."
"Tam-" Donnie was quickly cut off.
"I know you have a hard time with emotions, but that doesn't meant they aren't there, and I completely threw that away with you."
"Tamsin, let me just-"
"No!" She stopped, turned away from him, but she could sense how close he had gotten already "Cause you're going to say sorry and you shouldn't have to- I should."
She felt her face get hot, her eyes burn and her breathing quicken, vision blurring already.
"I think we both need to say sorry." She felt gentle hands slowly wrap around her waist, snaking his arms to pull her into some kind of hug. "I don't want to leave knowing we fought as our last time together."
He felt her almost crumble in his hold, she felt so fragile- like one move and she would shatter like porcelain.
"So will you look at me so we can apologize?"
She stayed silent, Donnie frowning further more. "Tam, please." He pleaded, fighting the urge to just turn her around himself.
She shook her head. "I don't want to." Her voice came out frail.
"Look at me." He whispered, pulling her closer to him, feeling her hands tightly grab his where they laid against her sides.
"I can't." She choked, her body shaking against his own. His brows furrowed, hold tightening a bit. "Why?"
"Because it'll be my last memory if you."
The tears fell. Soaking her already damp sleeve. She was getting so sick and tired of crying already three times this day, the last two over such silly things.
His arms left her sides for a moment, making her believe he was leaving for bed, she then felt his hands grab her shoulders, pulling her around to fully face him.
She didn't have time to bow her head, immediately making eye contact with him, and it destroyed her.
Donnie had a smile on his face, he tried to hide what he had felt and what he was currently feeling, but tears streamed down his face, making Tamsin gasp.
"Oh, Donnie," She cried just as much, she was just as broken about him leaving as much as he was going. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "I'm so sorry." She cried.
Donnie hugged back tightly, and that was Tamsin's Cue to just fall apart. She fell limp against him, causing Donnie to slowly fall to his knees, still holding her with his head buried into her shoulder, hands clutching desperately at her sweater.
"I'm sorry too. Im more sorry than you can imagine." His voice stated, muffled, but she heard it. "But I love you even more."
They stayed like that for a while, holding each other in their arms for what felt like hours, but they wished was eternity. Donnie felt as if he let her go she'd be gone. Like if he pulled away he'd be on that shuttle to Nevada, and this was all some dream.
Hed have to leave eventually, he knew he did. But for now, he just wanted to be held by his wife one final time.
Just One Final Time.
❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀
sun gleamed through the torn curtain, landing straight on Tamsin’s eyes. She winced away, groaning tiredly as she rubbed her burning eyes.
Her throat felt dry, and her nose was stuffy, like one would feel if you were sick. But she knew why she felt like this, she just needed a bit to finally realize it.
Her arm felt onto the other side of the best, feeling for a figure.
She was met with nothing, just cold sheets of someone having left hours ago. Her eyes fluttered open, quickly lifting herself up to see.
He had left. He was now truly gone.
She stared at the empty beside for a while, trying to zone out in wallowing thoughts as her heart ached almost unbearably. They had made amends, so why did she feel so betrayed?
Why did she feel her whole life was ripped away from her in an instant snap of the finger. Who took it away, and when will she get it back?
"Mama?" The meek voice brought her back to reality quickly, looking toward the opened door. Karai stood there, with her siblings all behind her, waiting for something of their mother.
Karais eyes looked around desperately, the look on her face got Tam choked up already. Karai finally looked back at her mom, eyes gleaming.
"Did he really leave?"
Tamry didn't want to answer. She didn't want to say it, she didn't even want to think it because she knew it was true, her kids knew it was true, but something about hearing someone say it has truly happened causes a world to fall into despair.
She just slowly opened her arms, motioning for Karai and the other kids to come see her.
Karai waisted no time, letting out a small whimper before running right toward her, jumping onto the bed and hugging her mother tightly.
The other children followed right along- but there crying wasn't as kept quiet as Karai was. They may have had a difficult time understanding exactly why they were sad, but mom and big sister was crying, so something not good had happened.
She held all her children close, placing her head atop Karais carefully, rubbing as many little backs as she could to bring some comfort she too had a hard time feeling in that moment.
This would be a long three years... For the both of them.
❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀
HHNNNGHGN this hurt to write- but I'm also a crybaby so let me know if this hit any of you in the feels. I'm also a psychopath who loves destroying mine and other people's sad feelings :')
So, Donnie has left, and he isn't gonna be back for a LOOOONG time... I'm gonna be waiting a while/putting a pause until part 2 of this story to open up my ask box to anyone wanting to ask questions!
Like, what's gonna happen? what you think will happen? how is everyone taking it? what's everyone currently doing while Don's gone? all those things, so if you have any questions, please ask! I'd love to hear from yall and TYSM for reading~!!! 💜💜
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