#Kue talks
kuedrawnunder · 5 months
Anyways don't y'all find it interesting that Fauxbia and Phantomime both share certain similarities, such as the ability to weave string and threads, and in their gimmick of power copying through the formation of a bond (Fear for Fauxbia and Trust for Phantomime)?
Probably unrelated but like, I find it interesting.
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melzula · 6 months
zuko confiding in sokka to be his wingman to try to get together with you?
a/n: sokka sharing his back bending skills with zuko we love to see it. also this takes place post-war
summary: Zuko isn’t sure how to tell you he likes you, so he looks to Sokka for guidance
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Zuko watches longingly from across the room as you dance with Katara and enjoy the night’s festivities. Your eyes sparkle with joy and your smile is so infectious it has everyone around you beaming. Everyone seems to want your attention, and so he hadn’t been able to speak to you much since the party began, but he desperately wants to be near you.
“You know you look like a total creep when you stand in the corner and stare, right?” Sokka notes, interrupting Zuko’s sulking.
“I’m not staring!” The Fire Lord says defensively, but he knows he’s not fooling anyone.
“Come on, buddy, it’s a party! Lighten up! Go mingle!”
“I don’t want to mingle,” Zuko grumbles indignantly, “I just want to talk to y/n.”
“Then go talk to her!” Sokka encourages as if it’s the most easiest thing in the world. “It’s not like you haven’t talked to her before. She’s our friend!”
“I know that,” the boy bites irritably. Deflating, he sighs, “But it’s different this time.”
“What do you mean?” Sokka says, his demeanor morphing into that of a more serious tone.
“I… I think I have feelings for her.”
“You what?!” Sokka exclaims, earning a few puzzled stares from nearby partygoers. Zuko sends his friend a harsh look and urges him to be quiet.
“I know, I know. What am I thinking? She’s perfect, she’d never go for someone like me,” he admits in quiet defeat. “It’s stupid of me to feel this way.”
“What? No way, that’s not true,” his friend insists encouragingly. “You’re a great guy! You just need to work on your romance game.”
“My what?” Zuko retorts skeptically.
“Your romance game! Look, if you want y/n to like you then you have to work your charm.”
“I don’t have any charm to work.”
“Sure you do, it’s easy! Take it from your old buddy Sokka, the ladies love me. Just follow my advice and by the end of the night y/n will be dying for you to ask her out!”
Zuko is skeptical of his friend’s words and hesitant to take Sokka’s offer of help, but he knows he’s hopeless on his own and there aren’t many other options. With a relenting sigh, Zuko gives his friend an agreeing nod.
“What should I do first?”
“Just follow my lead,” the boy says with a wink before loudly calling you and his sister over. Zuko does his best to mask his embarrassment and puts on his best attempt of a smile as you and Katara saunter over arm-in-arm.
“Hi, guys!” You greet cheerily. “King Kue really knows how to throw a party, doesn’t he?”
“He sure does! Say, that’s a really nice dress,” Sokka compliments before harshly elbowing Zuko’s side. “Don’t you agree, Zuko?”
“Uh, yes, it is,” he stammers nervously, his face immediately turning red. “You look very beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you reply with a bashful smile. “You don’t think it’s too much?”
“Not at all,” he says earnestly. “You could never be too much.”
“You know, y/n, Zuko here was just telling me how much he wants to dance,” your friend informs you much to the Fire Lord’s dismay.
“What?! That’s not-“
“Oh, well, would you like to dance with me, Zuko?” You ask with a careful smile, delicately holding your hand out for him to take. His protests immediately die in his throat as he takes in your gentle features, the world almost seeming to come to a halt as he focuses on you before him. Your beauty almost physically pains him, and he wished he knew how to tell you this without coming off like a total creep.
Zuko hesitates before taking your hand, knowing that whatever happens next could alter your friendship forever, but the idea of physical touch is almost too tempting, and so he gently grabs hold of your hand and guides you back to the dance floor.
The musicians play a melody of traditional Earth Kingdom waltzes, and despite knowing nothing about dancing Zuko does his best to match your pace. His hands are suffocatingly warm against your skin, but you never once complain. You say nothing when he steps on your toes repeatedly or gets caught on your dress, and in spite of how awkward you both look compared to the other couples on the floor you seem to be having the most fun out of them all.
“You’re doing wonderful,” you encourage, giggling when he missteps and nearly trips over his own feet.
“I’m awful at this,” he argues exasperatedly. “I’m sorry you got stuck with such a lousy dance partner.”
“I don’t care about how good you can dance. I’m just happy you’re dancing with me,” you admit, looking away bashfully to hide your smile. “I haven’t really been able to speak to you much tonight, so I appreciate being with you now.”
Over your shoulder, Zuko spots Sokka from across the way. The water tribe boy waves his arms frantically and gestures for Zuko to make his move. The Fire Lord simply scowls before swallowing down his nerves and looking back to you.
“Y/n,” he calls faintly, gently guiding your face to look back up at him. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you all night, but it’s been hard. You’re so full of life, you draw people in with just your smile, and so I didn’t think I’d get the chance to finally be alone with you and tell you that- well, that I have feelings for you. I want to be the one that makes you smile, the one that dances with you at every party.”
“Zuko,” you murmur softly, taken aback by his confession. He takes your surprise as rejection and looks down with a dejected smile.
“I know, we’re friends. It’s strange of me to think we could be more, but I just needed to tell you.”
“No, that’s not it,” you quickly correct him, “I-I’m just surprised because I didn’t think you felt the same way I did.”
"You mean… you like me back?” Zuko asks in disbelief.
“Of course I do! What’s not to like?” You tease with a smile. “All night I was hoping you’d come up to me, and even though Katara said I should be the one to make the first move I was too scared to try. I’m glad you told me because I feel the same.”
You feel as if your heart could burst when he carefully tilts your chin up to meet your lips in a kiss. Ever since he joined your group you’d wanted nothing more than for him to see you as you saw him, and after months of what you thought was one-sided pining it seems Zuko has felt the same way about you all along. It took some time for things to come out in the open, but now that they are you couldn’t be any happier.
And unbeknownst to either of you, Katara and Sokka share high-fives behind your back in celebration of their successful plan.
| zuko tags: @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @taeeemin @livelaughlovekuni @lovialy
| atla tags: @sirkekselord @niktwazny303
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sorrowfulrosebud · 10 months
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𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙: in which Yandere Skarlet and her darling move back to Earthrealm.
𝕰𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: yandere
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: yandere behaviour, murder, changed plot lines lol, housewife vibes
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The situation you were in was… peculiar to say the least. Skarlet wished to finish her life in the Netherrealm and settle with you in Earthrealm. You were definitely cautious towards the entire situation. The loyalty she had dedicated to Shao Kahn was fierce, but as you came to see, the loyalty bled away when she wandered into your room one midnight.
She staggered to your sleeping form, carefully stroking your face. You sleepily open your eyes as she stares lovingly at you. Your grip on your blanket tightens as blood is splattered on her face.
“Shh, my angel. I have found a way for us to be happy. I have hired an assassin to come and kill Shao Kahn. Upon his guard finding his corpse, we shall hide away and abdicate the throne,” she murmurs to you. Blood painted your face with each stroke as your face contorts in thought.
“But… where will we go? We can’t exactly hide with the Kytinn or take refuge with the Linn Kue monks,” you whisper back frightened. She shushes you again.
“Shh my darling. We shall leave and go to Earthrealm, where you used to live. I shall retire my status here, and live amongst you and the other mortals. We shall live as people,” she explains excitedly, pushing your head against her chest. Your heart starts pounding.
“I- I’m going home?!” You whisper to yourself. Skarlet’s claws dig into you slightly.
“WE are going to Earthrealm. I have it all figured out. If your home is still functional, we shall reside there. We can get jobs, and learn to live amongst the mortals. You will teach me how to live as one of you,” she explains giddily, letting you go.
“What do you say, my angel?”
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It was incredible having a sense of control back in your life. Despite the fact that your old home was destroyed, you managed to find a dodgy apartment complex that asked no questions. You had to find a job since Skarlet had very… limited… social skills (and life skills in general). She was curious about everything in the apartment. It was honestly kind of cute when she jumped and went to draw her blades when the toaster popped.
Even introducing her to microwaveable meals was an experience. You found she enjoyed darker red meats, and wasn’t too keen on more vegetarian dishes.
She was not keen at all to let you go find work again, not in the slightest. You had to explain to her gently that until she can fully adjust to being a human in modern society, it would be better that you focus on working while she tends to the home. Skarlet was still moody about it, until you said that it can be her way of taking care of you. You explain that she can learn quicker by cooking meals for you both, and keeping the flat clean prevents illness. This perks her up substantially.
She even takes it upon herself to try to learn to write English/your language. She asks you to help her learn, so you bring back preschool books. It offends her, sure, but you have to explain to her that it’s better to start from scratch so she can learn quicker. And learn quicker she does; in the space of 2 weeks, she is filling out the workbooks miraculously quick and with 100% accuracy. She ends up working at a 17 year old level in a month, and after 2 she’s possibly more fluent in writing than you!
The transition for Skarlet from being royalty to a regular person is bizarre. She was so used to people fearing her and respecting her from the sound of her name alone, to having next to no one give a shit about her. She finds it humiliating when you gently correct her about something, going pink every time the toaster pops and she still jumps, or accidentally burns the food.
As much as she gets embarrassed, she adores seeing you thrive. She loves seeing you ramble about your day at work, but clenches her fist when you talk about your coworkers (something you learn to stop talking about). It makes guilt rot in her stomach; if she was struggling here when she came of her own will, how did you feel when you were taken against your will?
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It takes a while to find a system that works, but when you do, it sticks. You wake up for work, give Skarlet a kiss as you get ready and go downstairs for breakfast. You choke down some slightly burnt pancakes, give her another kiss and leave. Skarlet cleans up, does some more reading and workbooks, then makes herself some lunch (usually a raw steak). She then busies herself on making dinner, wanting you to have a nice hot meal for when you came back. You come back, give her a kiss and eat dinner, then wash up and go to bed.
Skarlet never knew she could enjoy submitting to someone and taking care of someone so much. She loves seeing you thrive in something that you’re good at, and slipping back into a comforting routine that you can both enjoy.
She is still definitely a yandere. She keeps an incredibly close eye on you, and is still very possessive but she lets the reign loose a lot more too.
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na-uvi-nuu · 3 months
Ta Niku'u Mayu/When Mother Got Sick
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Mom tells me about the first time she came to the United States. "Ñuuyo titsi ra vatsi/I carried you in my womb and came," she begins. She remembers sitting at a Burger King in Nogales, Arizona to barely disguise having crossed, "That's what the coyotes told us." From there, she and Dad were picked up by strangers who took them to Santa Maria, California. Uncle Enrique and Tía Gisela had crossed with them, but both went to separate places. She remembers her early days working in the fields picking strawberries and tasting food she had never eaten, "It was very hard to work in the fields. I couldn't stand it. Nikuniyu ntanchiko/I wanted to go back. I didn't know anything about pizzas or burgers. I had to get used to that." She didn't know how to cross the streets because there are no traffic lights in her hometown. Her first time in an elevator and escalator was in the Santa María shopping center where the ups and downs were very scary. "Yu'u nchu'a/I was very afraid," she repeats as she tells her story. 
A few months after crossing she began to feel itching all over her body that out of fear and because she did not speak Spanish she did not mention her symptoms to the doctors during her delivery. "In yoo ta nikakú ra ntukuaan ntuchinuu/One month since you were born, my eyes turned yellow. Yu'u nchu'a ku'unyu nu to'o stata tsa ña ntsiniyu a kutunininayu/I was very afraid to go to the doctor because I didn't know if they would understand me. Kue ni tsituniniyu ña ka'anna ta nikakuku/I didn't understand what they were talking about when you were born," she tells me as a lump forms in my throat. Dad says something that makes the lump bigger, "Nikaan maku ña ku nkui/Your mom thought she was going to die. 'Kotova'a se'eko,' kacha/'Take care of our son,' she said. Ntsiníkue nchi ku saakue/We didn't know what we were going to do." Dad lost his sense of hearing on his left side as a child which made it difficult for him to learn and understand Spanish. Both attended elementary school in their respective hometowns, but because they had to work or help take care of their families' animals, they did not complete all their studies. In my ini, my inner being where we Na Ñuu Savi/People of the Place of Rain keep our thoughts and emotions, I feel anger and sadness when I think about the few resources my parents had when they arrived North from Oaxaca, Mexico where they felt that they had to leave to survive poverty. Since my childhood I have seen how migrants from the municipality of San Juan Mixtepec share with each other advice, suggestions, and resources to be able to overcome their difficulties due to the linguistic and cultural barriers they face outside their place of origin. 
That network gave them lodging and that's how they came to live with a cousin of Dad's. It was from that Indigenous migrant support network that Mom finally went to the doctor. Auntie, seeing Mom's eyes, said, "Yu'u nchu'a nchee ntuchinuuku/I'm so scared seeing your eyes. Kutsi nchi ntuu/Who knows what's wrong with you. Tsiniñuu ko'on nu doctor/We need to go to the doctor. ‘Comezon’ ku ña ‘kata’ ra na ntantuko nixika kacho takua na kuncheenayo/’Comezon/Itching’ is the same as ‘kata’ and let's see what else we can say so that they see you." They went to a clinic where – between Mom, Auntie, and a nurse who speaks Spanish – they managed to make the English-speaking doctor understand that they should do an ultrasound on Mom. "I just remember they said something was wrong with my liver. I needed to go to a hospital. They asked me if I knew anyone with a car to go immediately. The nurse who helped me communicate with the doctor took me to the hospital after telling me that we as women are the first caregivers of our children and that I needed to get better to take care of you. Ntsintuñá tsiu ncha ta nikee ra ntasiañáyu ve'e/She sat with you until I left the hospital and took me home," she tells me. They advised her not to breastfeed and prescribed medication to take for seven to eight months. 
"I can't believe you left me with a stranger," I say jokingly. Mom laughs and replies, "Well, yes. I had no other choice. Va'a nchu'a iniñá/Her inner being was very good. I never knew what happened to me. I didn't understand what the doctors said and I didn't ask any more, although it still happened to me when your siblings were born. What am I going to ask? What am I going to say? How am I going to respond? These were things that I was thinking about and I didn't say anything." She recalls the long road she has faced since arriving to the United States, "Now I can communicate. Now I'm used to farmwork. I treat it like a sport. I run, I lift, that's how I make my boxes." Mama's story is not unique and although it has been 30 years since she arrived in the United States with fear of not being understood, the situation in hospitals has improved, but there is still a lot of work to be done. How many other people have gone through and continue to go through the same or worse because of the lack of interpretation? Because of the fear of not receiving support in the language they understand best? How many have been able to count on  similar support that the nurse at the clinic gave Mom? Having worked in an organization that advocates for the linguistic rights of Indigenous communities (Comunidades Indígenas en Liderazgo) my hope is that institutions will seek out the leaders of these communities to come to understand us and our needs better so that one day we all receive the support that we deserve as human beings. 
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bloxxy-slugcats · 2 months
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here is a bigger reference page for both Nightcat and Enot
Nightcat believes Enot is her sister, but finds it strange, with how diffrent they are
her relationships with everyone are as the following
Survivor - queerplatonic | she likes to be around him, and finds it strange how alike they are
Monk - good friend | they are good friends, while she may like to be around Survivor more, she does not mind Monk's presence
Hunter - neutral | she tends to be too shy to talk to him
Artificer - neutral | as i have said for Hunter, the same implies towards her
Gourmand - good friend | she adores the, barb-a-ques, barb-O-kues- "alright, how do you even pronounce this, gremlin?"
"this is correct?" "ok, continuing, and stop giving me that look, gremlin"- barbeques he hosts at times
Rivulet - neutral | they do not tend to meet often, with how fast Rivulet tends to be
Spearmaster - neutral | he tends to rub off as, weird and strange, to her
Saint - neutral | she finds him strange, with how quiet he is
Enot - sister | they are sisters, must i say more?
her relationships with everyone go like this
coming from the estranged place she did, she is naturally, diffrent then the rest
Survivor - friend | she likes to tease him about liking Nightcat
Monk - neutral | She does not tend to pull jokes on him often
Hunter - neutral | she doesn't tend to pull jokes on him because he can be quite the frightening one
Artificer - neutral | she likes to do small jokes on her occasionally
Gourmand - good friend | she adores his cooking
Rivulet - good friend | they love to pull jokes on other- "what is it gremlin?!" "fine, as i was saying"- they love to pull, pranks, on others
Spearmaster - friend | she tends to only interact with him whenever she is with Rivulet
Saint - neutral | she does not interact with him much, since he tends to avoid her
Nightcat - sisters | i will not elaborate further
"now how does one do these, 'tags' you spoke of?" "like this?" "alright, i will try it then, gremlin, and stop giving me that look!"
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dinisuciyanti · 1 year
Merawat pertemanan
Dulu, aku termasuk yang susah untuk mengawali percakapan. Teman-temanku hanya bisa dihitung jari. Mengawali pertemanan saja sulit, apalagi merawatnya.
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, aku bisa dengan mudah mengajak stranger yang memang aku temui, untuk ku tanya ina inu sekedar mengobrol. Apalagi jika hubungannya adalah teman-nya teman, atau orangtua-nya teman, aku bisa meng-handle percakapan. Ya, aku jumawa untuk hal ini. 
Aku tidak tertarik dengan forum besar puluhan orang yang cuma sebagai listeners 1-2 jam, tidak ada intimate-talk. Walaupun kamu bilang itu adalah ajang tali silaturahim adambra edembre, tetap tidak akan berdampak banyak untuk mengenal personal atau bahkan melanjutkan percakapan ke sosmed, misalnya. Bisa jadi katalis, tapi tergantung orangnya. Lagi lagi.
Untuk mengenal seseorang, kamu harus berulang kali berkomunikasi, mungkin beratus kali, setahun, dua tahun, dan seterusnya. Juga, dengan bertemu di dunia nyata. Ngopi bareng. Liburan bareng. Gak ribet soal bayar makan, ya bayarin dulu aja, nanti juga dibayar. Gak perhitungan, lebih tepatnya. Sekali dua kali traktir temennya, dan berbagai kegiatan yang gak ribet soal uang. Ya, tapi ini berlaku buat yang udah lama nimbun uang kali ya, kalo yang masih jungkir balik nabung, gak papa, bilang aja perlu bayar diawal. 
Menempatkan relasi teman bukan untuk relasi transaksional.
Menempatkan relasi teman untuk berbisnis ya sah-sah aja. Aku jualan kue, temanku beli. Aku butuh jasa proofread, temanku punya layanan jasa tsb. Yang jadi salah, kalo relasi teman untuk bisnis, malah baper. Lohhh, kan kamu bisnis, bukan sedekah.
6 Juni 2023
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zhongrin · 3 months
Hello hello! Hope you’re recovering from the hackathon *pat pat*, I brought snacks for you! (What snacks do you like actually? Any Indo ones you particularly like? Street foods count! I rlly miss batagor, kue rangi and and… ah shoot I’m hungry now *sobs*)
I’ve been to your teahouse (blog) several times, yet for some reason I just realised smth. It’s how Zhongli greets the other customers when they first come in, the ‘My wife will be with you shortly.’ I just realised the *my* is italicized and I went hmm… someone’s possessive… I wonder how that someone would react if I were to steal you away for a bit? … I’m joking of course!
How goes your progress with the Guzheng? I like to think your partners convince you to perform at the Tea House one day. Zhongli and Wriothesley can attest to having something nice to accompany their tea, Al-Haitham would switch off his headphones to listen to you play and Neuvillette… has another dragon joined the teahouse? 👀
*is patted* thankiew... i went out to touch grass today (am still outside actually hahah) and i'm pleased to say that while i still am stressing over some things, it has really helped with the change of pace and de-stressing a bit...
snacks... ohhh i love sweet things!! i'm a sweet tooth so anything sweet with 'basic' taste (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry), i'll usually like... but if we're talking about indo-specific snacks then... molen!! lemper!!! keripik tempe (bro i love love love love fried tempe so much they're so good i can have them as lunch and dinner every day all day you can eat them with soto or pecek or pecel or rujak without/with kacang hrrrrrgghhhhhh)!!! kue Iekker (leker? idk what's the right spelling lmao)!!! hitam manis!!! 🤤
hahaha yeah!! i think most people wouldn't really catch it but that header almost always changes after an ebg or an event... the italicized version has been there since that april fool neuvillette blog revamp prank. and i'm pretty sure zhongli just goes "welcome. what would you like to order?" after that albedo ebg for a while... which implied meirin wasn't allowed to handle customers for a while *wink*
(ignore the noise in the background that's totally the teahouse's electricity generator making weird sounds, definitely not dragon growls yeah um yeah)
hakdjskdj mayhaps one day!!! i'm definitely not good enough to play a whole music by myself but one day i will! it's my target ٩( ᐛ )و
guzheng progress wise, i was finally given a score that would require two hands to play!!!!! and. i am. Struggling™️ HAHAHAH but this is good!! because it means i'm one small step closer to be able to train myself playing lovers' oath hehe ᰔᩚ i'm also learning the tremolo; i think i somewhat have the motion down (i.e. i'm using my wrist instead of my fingers as the main force for the motion) but i'm still struggling to build the strength to do it continuously and consistently. i'm struggling HARD to do it for 30 seconds. the goal is 1 whole minute so uh yeah hajdhsdj
...... and yes i don't talk about him much here, but the iudex is indeed around 👉🏻👈🏻 don't freak out if you see him at times haha
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thessalian · 6 months
Thess vs the Utaru
Real quick, because work has to happen soonish. I've been mostly playing a little bit of HFW in the mornings - mostly because I've been awake too early because ow. So. Here we go.
Morning 1:
Right. Quick gathering of Clawstrider tails and a couple of campfires and then done. Hmm. I should check out Plainsong. Shouldn't take long; most outposts are pretty simple and--
...Okay, they missed out on most of the culture, so how the fuck did they get Dreamer's Terrace from Guild Wars 2? Because that is what this looks like.
I like this "listen to rumours" mechanic. It's kinda neat. Okay, lemme see about the trading.
WHY WILL YOU NOT LET ME DYE THINGS? I can't click on anything! Damn!
...Huh. Wait. I can ... use a set of armour for stats but make it look like whatever armour I want? Okay, I love this game.
Hi, Nel. ...Ah. Tenakth attacking your village. Right. Lemme get right on that. But your entire world is going to have to go on pause after I collect a reasonably nearby campfire because Controller Person needs to earn a living.
Morning 2:
Okay, out of convenient shelter and into--
...Into a massacre. Okay.
Right. That's done. Hi, Kue. What do you need? ...Just parts? I can do that.
Up a mountain. Okay, I can do that.
Oh. Hi, kid. Lemme take your seed pouch home and then get you some vengeance. Justice. Whatever.
Okay ... now how do I get up there?
To go up, one must first go down. GODS I want whatever rebreather you can apparently get in this game.
*most of an hour later* Okay, maybe I can't do this.
Okay, I figured out the glide and it is useless here. It's shit for precision. At least I have the ladder down now.
Side note: @true0neutral also hated this horrible jumping puzzle. I feel less alone.
...Now, mostly I'm good on the keybinds they use in the PC ports, but why do you make the pullcaster E when you want to pull something and double-tap on the space bar if you want to grapple with the fucking thing? I might have a lot easier time with this now that I've figured that out. I just need to remember it.
Also ... Fucking. FINALLY.
Thank you, Guerilla, for remembering just how fucking vicious hippos are.
Also I now need more smoke bombs. For ... reasons.
Okay, got the pods, I'm back down, and I can drop these off, find a save point, and do the work thing before--
Oh. We're going right to confrontation with the Tenakth. Great. If I'd known that, I'd have saved before talking to you.
Well, that was quick, at least. Thank you for the Clawstrider parts, Tenakth assholes.
Aww, a new Sharpshot bow! Thank you!
Okay, now I can go to work. And maybe even approach the main quest after work!
Not looking forward to work. But I will say, frustration with jumping puzzles is more reliable than caffeine as a wake-up for ADHD brain.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
The Earth King Re-Watch
This was a fun episode. I wouldn't call it one of my favorites, but I enjoyed it. Seeing Aang & Appa finally reunited is pretty heartwarming. I was a little annoyed & confused by Sokka's random new "positive attitude" even though he had some really endearing moments in this episode. I just don't get it. Yeah, Appa is back but you just discovered an underground creepy brainwashing cult & your old frienemy was killed? You have no reason to believe you're any closer to convincing King Kuei to hear you out? I can see the whole "brand new positive attitude" thing happening once the other good news hits later, but right at the start? It just felt jarring & weird.
Katara saying she wants to leave this horrible place....I will take my "Jet's death mattered" crumbs where I can get them. I think Katara & Toph's idea to leave makes a lot of sense, but so does Sokka & Aang's desire to force Kui to hear them out...I mean, they are trying to plan this attack on the eclipse...So, that was a well-set-up conflict, because both sides make sense. I also absolutely loved the fight scene with the Gaang breaking into the palace! Everything about it was iconic. It was neat to see Aang use earth-bending in a fight against earth-benders too because he usually relies heavily on air-bending. I loved Katara & Sokka apologizing lmao - & Toph saying Kue's distrust after they broke in made sense.
Kue is a bit pathetic & easily pushed around so I'm not a huge fan of him. Bumi has a chaotic morality & he's not always the most LIKABLE person but at least he's fun so I always enjoy him. Kue is just pathetic, & not even in the hot way lol
Possibly the best part of the episode was Katara telling Sokka that he gets to see their dad & Sokka bouncing around in excitement & hugging her & kissing her while she's just like "yeah yeah, I know, I'm great."
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[ID: Sokka saying "Nicest....sister...ever!" to Katara while Aang & Toph watch.]
Also, the Gaang talking about how they will miss each other while they're split up was really cute. I loved the group hug & Sokka like "alright alright, we love each other" trying to end the hug was such a mood - me when friends or family try to get all touchy-feely lol! Sokka gets 10 iconic behavior points for interrupting Aang before he could confess his crush on Katara. I wish I was giving out jerk points so I could give them to Aang for the line "yeah, girls are waiting for us." Ugh, pushing the Katara/Aang agenda before Jet's body is even cold? The writers deserve jerk points for that tbh! Not even Aang really, 'cause he's just a kid with a crush, but I'm still allowed to be annoyed.
Anyway. Zuko gets 500 iconic behavior points for doing one nice thing in his entire life & immediately collapsing like a Victorian maiden. Zuko you drama queen, ily. However, while I've said this re-watch has made me appreciate Zukaang I MEANT the romantic ship Zuko & Aang NOT this monstrosity that lives in my nightmares.
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[id: a horrifying image of Zuko & Aang's faces combined.]
What the fuck lmao
As for the rest of Zuko's dreams.....Very interesting lines from Azula & a very interesting performance from our lord & savior Grey Delisle. I will say nothing more about that :)
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[id: Dennis from It's Always Sunny saying "because of the implication..."]
Anyway *ahem* right, I think Zuko clearly sees his father & sister as sort of devils & Iroh as an angel on his shoulder. This is what the writers were going for, & an unpopular opinion maybe but I think it works to an extent. The biggest issue here is that Zuko continues until the end of the series to treat Iroh like a messiah of good & he never learns to view Azula with any more nuance despite evidence that Iroh is not perfect & Azula is not irredeemable. Another issue I take is that while I love Azula as the embodiment of the Fire Nation & that darker path here, especially right before Crossroads of Destiny, & I actually find the shifting of the blame about Ursa's disappearance & by extension Zuko's bad childhood from Ozai to Azula super interesting - it's again, just something that's never addressed as wrong by the narrative & therefore becomes frustrating.
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[id: Azula as a blue dragon next to a scarless Zuko]
I would have liked to see Zuko's black & white way of thinking about his uncle & sister (which is just really obvious here with the angel & devil motifs) addressed by the narrative. However, I don't think the whole "two sides arguing for different paths through dream visions" in itself is bad. It's certainly fun to watch & makes for a nice visualization of Zuko's internal struggle. Oh, Zuko & Azula get +500 iconic behavior points for foreshadowing the Crossroads of Destiny betrayal. I know it's just a fever dream version of Azula, but she still gets the points.
Oh, & Azula, Mai & Ty Lee get 1000 points each for their Kyoshi Warrior surprise reveal at the end. I love them so fucking much.
Anyway, that's all I have for this episode! Tune in next time for more rambling thoughts on the kid's cartoon!
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kuekyuuq · 2 years
Supercorp Fanfic Pet-peeves - “Oh my Rao”
I love you, fanfic authors! You put so much effort and time into creating stories!! ...that I binge read in a fraction of the time it took you to write them.
But sometimes, there are things that take me out of a story... 
And this is one of them.
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Whenever Kara is written to say “Oh my Rao” ....it just sounds / reads wrong (to me). 
Rao is not the Kryptonian translation of the word “God”.  If you want to take it as a literal translation, it actually “means” sun, or rather, it’s the name of Krypton’s sun. It is also the name of one of Krypton’s gods - Kryptonians have many gods (a polytheism).  Rao is just their equivalent of Zeus or Odin or Jupiter or Dagda... their main God. Or like Roman’s mythology’s “Sol” who is the Sun-God, where we derive anything “solar” from.
So, Rao is a name. Like Jesus. So, where “Oh, Jesus!” be correct, “Oh, Rao!” would suffice as well. On that note, the exclamation “Holy Rao!” would be legitimate.
Or if you want a more every day language example: If you talk about a person in their function or concept, you talk about “my girlfriend” but once you talk about them by name you wouldn’t add “my” (unless you are talking to someone who happens to have a presumably different girlfriend by the same name... or you are Lena in the comics). 
But to top it off: 
Kara keeps saying “Oh my God” in the show. 
...a lot, and many a time when she doesn’t have to pretend to be average human-Kara.
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...just a few examples. I swear, there was once a supercut of Kara saying “oh my God” in the first couple of seasons on yt, but I can’t find it anymore... And, yes, she did once or twice exclaim “Rao!” in it / in the show.
And I believe, there is a general reason that may go beyond Kara trying to fit in and therefore using a common English phrase...
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Kara spent the first 12 years (half of her life), her informative years on Krypton, where their religion and science played a major role in their society and culture. 
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Like Kara still hardly ever curses on Earth, even though she had spent over a decade here and got influenced by the American language and attitude to some degrees, something tells me, it is against her nature to use Rao’s name in vain (too much).
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The thing is, we don’t really need to “kryptonize” anything or everything. 
“Oh my God”, “Golly”, “Rao!”, “Holy pancakes!”, “Shit..ake mushroom!”,  ... there is a long list of viable options that neither break canon nor have Kara go OOC. 
Sooo... I am not asking anyone to go back into their already written stories or wips and change this to humor me.
But I hope this may make you reconsider the usage of the phrase moving forward. Or stick with it. Your choice. I’m not your mom.
#Kue out!
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masihangat · 2 years
aku kira gak akan secepat ini
Ayah, kali ini aku nangisnya bukan lagi karena gak bisa selesaikan tugas matematika atau karena sebel dijailin teman sekolah, jatoh dari sepeda, tertinggal di kedai kue, atau salah pegang tangan ayahnya orang lain waktu asyik memilih buku di toko, tidak diberi es krim padahal adik adik dibelikan, tidak bisa ikut teman2 bermain karena harus tetep kumpul bareng keluarga lainnya, dan hal remeh temeh lainnya yang sering ku tangisi di masa kecil
Kali ini aku nangis lihat ayah kesulitan solat karena kaki yang bengkak, kesulitan makan karena pengap, kesulitan beraktivitas karena jalan sedikit aja udah kecapean, tidur sambil duduk karena harus menormalkan ritme jantung, setiap hari disuntik untuk cek kadar gula dalam darah, tubuhmu semakin ringkih dalam waktu secepat ini yah... kukira akan ada hari hari pertama di perkuliahan atau di pekerjaan yang akan ayah bersamai seperti sebelumnya, kukira akan ada makan malam sembunyi dari ibu lagi, kukira akan ada bersepeda 30kilo lagi, kukira akan ada hiking cape yang bikin kita jatuh berdua lagi, kukira akan ada nasi goreng campur bahan makanan di kulkas dan jus campur buah buahan yang ada di kulkas lagi, ternyata hal-hal itu tidak diperbolehkan dokter untuk kesehatan jantung dan diabetesnya yah gapapa biar makan rebusan tapi tetep kita barengan ya? biar jajan jajan di mall kita cium aromanya saja tapi kita tetap jalan barengan ya? biar alarm di rumah dipenuhi jadwal makan obat ayah tapi kita tetep punya jadwal olahraga barengan lagi ya?
Yah, aku udah gaperlu dianter kesana kesini aku udah bisa melakukan semuanya sendiri, aku udah gaperlu ayah cariin baju buat pergi lagi karena aku udah bisa bikin matching tampilanku sendiri, aku gaminta ayah selesaikan soal matematika lagi, aku ga minta ayah buat pecat guru yang berani-beraninya bikin aku nangis sesenggukan didepan ayah, aku ga minta bread talk di setiap 15 juli lagi, aku ga minta ayah pegangin sepeda untuk berani ke jalan raya, aku ga minta buku setiap bulan dan memaksa ayah belikan buat adik2 juga, aku ga ikut ikut ayah meeting dan tertidur di sofa lobi, aku udah ga tidur didepan tv lagi, udah gak harus ditelfonin ditengah rapat organisasi, udah ga harus ayah tanya tentang dosen dosen pembimbing yang ada aja kelakuannya tapi kalau masih mau tanya gapapa nanti kita ketawain bareng lagi aja ya?
Aku udah bisa anter ayah kemanapun ayah mau, bahkan banyak diskusi diskusi kecil terjadi di tengah macetnya kota bandung dalam mobil dengan semerbak kopi kesukaan kita!, aku bisa dana akan bisa kapanpun ayah mau, ayo kita pergi ke kedai kedai tempat beristirahat kita dari capenya gowes sepeda berkilo-kilo, ayo kita pergi ke kajian lagi, sebentar lagi ramadhan yah, ayo kita beli banyak parcel untuk dibagikan, kalau dulu aku yang ngantre di kasir ayah yang cari barang-barang kali ini boleh deh ayah aja yang nunggu sambil jaga troli biar aku yang lari-larian cari barang sampai troli penuh, ayo sehat lagi! biar diskusi panjang kita bukan hanya terjadi di perjalanan menuju rumah sakit tapi perjalanan-perjalanan asyik menghadiri pameran buku atau tempat kreasi yang seru!, ayo sehat lagi ya ayah! 
-awal tahun 2023 yang maasyaallah
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kuedrawnunder · 1 year
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ALSO now this has been confirmed as a direct intervention from the Sphinx!! I used to think it was using her powers, but in hindsight, it's very clear she just grabbed Max before he hit the ground and we can't see her because we aren't in the Spirit Trance vision
Also this looking at the panel, it means she's probably not very big in size, probably very close to the Sphinx of Truth
EDIT: a bit of a funny thing but, I realized that judging by the angle of Max's fall, The Sphinx probably just grabbed him long enough to secure him and then let him fall she couldn't be bothered 😭
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samrsgyi · 1 year
Girls night out
Sydney Burnett x FEM!Reader x Nancy Mckenna
(Platonic and affectionate)
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Usually you would never do it but, this time you would. You were always the one who acted happy and everything when suddenly you met these two beautiful women and they suddenly became your best friend's. You decided to take a stroll through the park and suddenly came with this idea. "Maybe I should y'know try and ask the girls out". Said Y/N
So you decided to turn back and head Right to Nancy's house. You knocked twice on the door. Finally, she answered. "Oh hey Y/N, how are you doing". Said Nancy. "Oh y'know just thought-." You shrugged. "Girls night out?." "Oh! Uh, sure that would be fine, I could really use some relaxation from work." Said Nancy. "Oh! I also forgot to mention, what if we try and bring Syd with us?" Asked Y/N. "Y/N, you know I'm perfectly fine with anything, you can tell me anything." Said Nancy. "I-I I DON'T KNOW!!! I just feel like shit and needed some time off. I feel too stressed out and I hate it."
"I get the feeling. Also, we've been talking for way to long at this door come in will ya?" Said Nancy. "Thanks." Said Y/N. You try and take a seat. Then, you just let out a huge sigh. "How about I get you a glass of water ya?" Asked Nancy. "Thanks Nance, that would be nice". Said Y/N. "Anyways how's your brother Nico doing?" Asked Y/N. "Oh he's doing fine". Said Nancy. "That's great." Said Y/N. "This, this , this house that you live in is-beautiful." Said Y/N. "Why thank you, this is Los Angeles, California after all." Said Nancy. "I guess you're right Nance."
"Alright, enough with the chit-chat, just go and get dressed and we can meet up with Syd, ok?"Asked Y/N. "Right, Right! Sure, all go and get dressed" Said Nancy.
It only took 30 minutes for it to happen, and it finally did. Until the bedroom door click open.
Nancy came out and told you that you were ready but, found you sleeping in a chair. So she quietly walked over to you and gave one snap to your face and you woke up. "I'm ready Y/N." Said Nancy. "Jesus Christ! Shit Nance! You scared the shit out of me." Said Y/N. You were terrified and smiling in terror at the same time. "Sorry about that". Said Nancy. She just gave an innocent smile. You just frowned at her still a little paralyzed from that experience/encounter. "Ok Nance, let's head the fuck out!" You said cheerfully. " Right behind ya, Y/N" Said Nancy
Both of you guys ran out the house because you guys could not comprehend the escalation of excitement in you guys. You guys ran across the street, didn't even give two fuck's if cars hit you both down. "I want you to know this-" you said while panting while running. "You are the best friend that anybody could ever ask for!!!!!!." Said Y/N. "Thanks" Said Nancy. She slowed down her running pace from fast to slow. "Break?" You asked. "Yes please." Said Nancy. You guys took a 20 minute break
Finally you guys took a little walk and found Syd's place. You gave a ring. Syd came out of her bedroom and check through the camera. She smiled warmly. She opened the door. "Well if it isn't my two bestest friend's." Said Sydney. "Ok first of all, bestest isn't a word and second of all, give us a hug." Said Y/N. Sydney just gave a small chuckle. "So let me guess, girls night out?" Said Sydney.
"Syd, you read my mind everytime." Said Y/N
"Ok, imma tell you the same thing I told Nance, get dressed." Said Y/N . "And that's my Kue." Said Sydney. Finally when she was out you guys headed out the door.
When you finally reached the bar and all took a seat, you all had the same idea...Take 20 shots and try to get drunk fast. That's the only thing that was on yall's mind right now. All three of you took 30 shots and all three of you were FUCKED up.
You guys were hazy
But only you had a little bit of life in you and managed to get up and stand on your feet.
You turned around to look at Sydney and Nancy and said, "This really is a girls night out after all." Then you gave a warm smile.
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super-doctor · 8 months
Day 7: Bisnis Kecil
Jarak usiaku dan suamiku terpaut cukup jauh. Di saat aku baru memulai karierku, suamiku sudah hampir di penghujung kariernya. Ada kalanya ketika pillow talk suamiku berandai-andai tentang apa yang akan dia lakukan ketika sudah pensiun. "Ikut bisnis franchise kali ya? Atau jualan sayur hidroponik ya?", tanyanya. Aku seketika membayangkan suamiku bercocok tanam sayur-sayuran hidroponik di halaman belakang rumah kami lengkap dengan topi ala-ala petani Korea. LOL.
Tidak pernah terpikirkan olehku untuk membuka sebuah bisnis/usaha. Kedua orang tuaku adalah dokter. Dari kecil yang aku tahu dengan sangat familiar adalah profesi dokter. Pertanyaan dari suamiku membuatku berpikir, "Apa yang bisa kulakukan saat pensiun nanti?". Aku dan suamiku bukanlah pegawai negeri, sehingga kami tidak memiliki jaminan hari tua. Oleh karena itu, memikirkan kegiatan yang menghasilkan di hari tua cukup krusial bagi kami yang saat ini juga masih rabun tentang investasi pasar modal.
Adikku pernah berkata, "Mba Rani jualan kue aja." Jujur saat mendengar itu aku belum percaya diri. Bias rasanya ketika pujian enak itu keluar dari keluarga sendiri. Belum tentu kalau orang lain yang makan akan sama enaknya. Terlebih sulit bagiku untuk membagi waktu berjualan kue dan tetap bekerja di rumah sakit. Sampai suatu ketika suamiku dinas di luar negeri cukup lama. Aku yang merasa kesepian di rumah akhirnya memberanikan diri untuk memulai "usaha" home baker ini.
Iseng-iseng saja sembari mengisi waktu, pikirku kala itu. Adikku menjadi pelanggan pertamaku. Aku benar-benar tidak menyangka ternyata cukup banyak yang pesan saat aku mencoba mengiklankannya di media sosialku. Meskipun pembelinya masih seputar keluarga dan teman-temanku, tetapi aku benar-benar terharu. Aku merasa didukung. Mungkin ini perasaan yang dirasakan oleh pemilik UMKM di luaran sana ketika mendapatkan pembeli. Masih banyak yang harus aku pelajari dan perbaiki, tetapi setidaknya aku jadi tahu bahwa aku mampu.
"Bikin kedai kopi yuk! Nanti akang ikut kursus barista aja, saya yang supply kue-kue dan rotinya," ujarku suatu malam sebelum tidur.
"Hmm depan rumah ya..atau kita sewa ruko? Berapa ya biayanya?"
Lalu kita berdua berkhayal tentang kedai kopi kecil kita. Kedai sederhana dengan 3 - 5 meja saja. Harum kopi bercampur harum roti yang baru dipanggang setiap pagi. Seru sekali. Semoga nanti kami bisa mewujudkan khayalan kami ini, ya Allah. Aamiin.
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niant111 · 1 year
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100623 • Aprodite reunion.
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Kali terakhir kumpul offline 2018. Belum ada yang nikah. Setelah itu, beberapa kali cuma video call.
Teman satu band aku yang aku bersyukur menjadi salah satu anggotanya sebab mereka saksi hidup happy-nya masa puber remaja. Haha.
Ya nangis ya sedih ya seneng ya gaji pertama ya menang. Ah, kalau diinget-inget, mungkin itu yang bikin sampai sekarang persahabatan kita masih awet. Semoga awet selamanya.
I wanna impersonate mereka 1/1 mumpung lagi post tentang mereka. Juarang banget kaan.
1. Vanada
Vokalis eksotis yang paling jarang banget ngobrol sama aku padahal kita pernah sekelas. 8B. Kayaknya ngajak omong Vanada cuma setahun sekali soalnya aku inget ultahnya Januari. Tgl 24? CMIIW.
Aku lupa apa hal yang paling berkesan yang aku lalui sama Vanada selama kita se-band. Tapi aku paling inget pas kami camping. Kami satu tenda. Sama Olla&Carla Cupez juga. Vanada bilang kalau "enak yo umur-umur gini due sahabat koyok kalian". Aahh waktu itu kita deket sekali! Foto bareng berempat pakai kaos putih celana pendek jeans. But yea, it was a good memories eventho kita nggak se-bestie itu sekarang. Semoga selalu dekat sama Allah ya, Van.
2. Lia
Gitaris rebel yang sudah sangat emak-emak sekarang. Pinter cari duit sih kayaknya soalnya bisnisnya awet dari SMA sampe sekarang. Rame. Blak-blak-an. Batu. Kadang annoying tapi baik hati suka memberi. Makasih Li atas piyamanya buat anakku. Murah rezeki selalu!
3. Hanip
Melodyst keceng yang kayaknya gapernah lah aku manggil pake f selalu pake p. Hanip banip switip, kataku pas jaman SMP. Orang yang gak kalah keras sama Lia thats why mereka sering betengkar saat tukar pikiran. LOL. Pak haji yang punya nyali kayak nggak ada takut-takutnya sama hal apapun. Thankyou udah pernah jadi customerku pas jualan kue&jualan kambing.
Pernah bertengkar sama aku juga pas SMP. Di pojok lapangan voli. Sampai bilang "lek kon mati aku gak nangis", kujawab "aku pisan, matio kono". Terus pas aku di rumah, aku ditelfon pakai telfon rumah, doi minta maaf. Hahaha lucu sekali. Jelas nangislah! Doi udah kuanggap kayak kakak gitulo.
4. Ellyza Uyut
Drummer with a good soul yang kayaknya nih seumur hidup nggak punya haters. Hidupnya lempeng hijrahnya keren. Dari dulu sampai sekarang ternyata masih jadi pecinta es batu. Hidup di Londo tapi masih punya rasa sungkan.
Wah, debest pokoknya. Seneng banget punya temen kayak Uyut yang aku gak mau melewatkan satupun update-an storisnya karena penuh makna. Wakakak.
Paling berkesan sih pas kita menyebut diri kita sebagai Miss Gaya Cipta karena kita guaya tok. Wkwk. Aduh kok bisa sealay itu ya. Uyut 2x sekelas sama aku. Sekelompok biologi. Hidupnya selo. Beda SMA tetep contekan lewat HP. Wes pokoknya I adore her so much!
5. Tambun van Aka
Bassist humoris cinta monyet yang nulis. Lol. Makasih udah profesional banget pas ketemu suami aku. Aku sama suami emang bener-bener nggak pernah bahas mantan. Mungkin suamiku nggak tahu & nggak mau tahu juga past love story-ku gimana.
Banyak hal yang berkesan. Ceilah. Mulai dari ngobrol di bawah pohon ceri sebelum ngeband di Boerdoes, di motor pas buber pas kita SMA pas sama-sama jomblo tapi sama-sama ragu buat membuat peluang untuk kita yang lalu kita ketemu lagi malemnya di Jami'. Haha.
Terakhir deep talk sih pas di mobil pas aku udah kenal suamiku sekarang ini. I told him that he might be my last. Dan doi seneng sih, langsung kasih wejangan-wejangan mulia.
Tambun mungkin nggak tahu kalau aku udah khatam bacain semua blognya, Senja di Manilla. All the best buat salah satu temen cowok aku ini. Makin kesini makin keliatan pinter emang, padahal dulu aljabar w yang ajarin. Makasih banyak ya buat popcorn-nya. Haha
Setelah bersuami aku bener-bener membatasi diriku. Nggak lagi punya sahabat cowok karena ya ngapain?
Ada beberapa cowok yang pernah dekat dan kuanggap sahabat: Aka, Hanip, Ryan, Mas Aji, Mas Eng. Sekarang udah nggak ada sih. Cuma Mas Hatta seorang.
Ah, indahnya masa SMP. Kalau boleh dibilang, setelah masa wfh mom warrior seperti sekarang, masa SMP adalah masa yang paling ingin kuulangi. The best time I ever had.
Rasanya pengin diinget terus segala memori tentang itu. Disetrap bareng Aprodite sama Pak Rokhim. Manggung sana sini. Syuting di Malang TV. Latihan dari studio ke studio. Urunan. Ngangkot bareng. Bertengkar. Inlove.
Wah, sehat-sehat ya gais. Jangan bosen buat sekedar say hi. WAG bareng Aprodite adalah salah satu yang nggak pernah aku clear chat soalnya lucu terusss. Semoga kita bisa bertetangga di surga. Aamiinn yaAllah.
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Dear Py!!
So happy that I met you today! I miss you already. The first happiness is that you and Oru suddenly call me. Huhuhu I miss Oru! I'm happy that my present are well received by Oru, not sure whether he liked it or not, but hopefully, he loves my present, if no I'll try again in the future. Anyway, seems like I always live my life with full of coincidence, and this time present from Kak Una and me is the same hehehe, but at least I choose the right thing since I believe Kak Una knows his son and I choose the right one. heheh
Another thing is there is a small or even little thing happened. You know that today even if it's a joke and not serious, you call me with low voice 'sayang' heheh, I wish there will be another 'sayang' in the future you say to me. It's a simple thing but actually means a lot, as I still don't know and feeling not sure about how you feel to me, things like this mean everything 🙂, especially YOU! The one who never calls me softly, never says sweet things to anyone 😪 so, seriously.. your low voice jokingly calling me 'sayang' means a lot ❤️
Another thing is, are those coincidence or not but somehow most of the songs played in your playlist is a lovesong about someone that fell in love with a person, and this someone wanted to tell his/her feeling, but maybe there are some obstacles?
Well, there are some songs that not really lovesong, but mostly it was.
Are those songs played only coincidence? Or you play it on purpose? If it's on purpose, do you want to tell something?
Every time meeting with you, somehow you gave me some homework for me to be solved 🥲 but thank you for today, thank you for kue Oru.
And I feel sooo grateful that I spend time with you in a car! I miss having a long conversation with you in a car, talking about anything. I miss your talkative version every time we had long conversation. Sadly our trip is only from kedai to my home, but again I feel grateful for it. Alhamdulillah. these few minutes is way way way better than nothing. So again, Alhamdulillah.
Py, I still trying to keep my expectations low because I still afraid that you don't feel the same way I feel for you. Because somehow I feel so loved by you, I feel your lovable and warm version, but somehow it can be change suddenly to your awkward version around me, feels like mixed signal to me.
But I want you to know that I always tried to seize every second moment together with you and that hopefully there will be upcoming sweet moments between us. Aamiin.. Aamiin.. Aamiin Yaa Allah.
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