#Kundalini rising
shisasan · 3 months
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kfirerising · 2 years
The New Life that has Discovered You.
Some of you who are new to the Kundalini and I mean new by within the first 5 years of activating you're beginning to discover experiences that defy science and psychology and the forms of spirituality that insulate Humanity away from the truth of what is actually happening.
Kundalini means the two that are one and the one that is two. From a dimensional standpoint this means that instead of walking on and living within a single dimension you are now interacting with a dual dimension. This dual dimension experience is not typcally available to those who have not had Kundalini activated within them.
This dual Dimension has an infinite number of sub Dimensions within it. In either dimension there is great diversity of creation and consciousness that will, through its own intention and self will, reach out to the activating human.
Certain levels of these conscious forms of non-corporeal life will communicate with you. They will communicate with you in different ways. Some will use you as food or as a sustenance that they wish to have. Some will try to help you. Some will try to corrupt you. Some will take you prisoner. Many will make the attempt to take over your physical body and your mind.
These are the challenges that the duel dimensions will bring to us and this is why the ancients put so much focus on having a teacher who has been able to survive without being corrupted through the various interactions that can occur when walking within the two joined dimensions that are now a single Dimension through that joining.
Humanity on this world is quite blind. A 5 sense array of discernment is quite limited compared to the unlimited consciousness that surrounds the Earthbound human.
There are levels of protection that help those who have not activated their Kundalini. For those who have activated their Kundalini there are special levels of Education and of experience that will allow you to make a level of discernment regarding your participation. You will have no choice in whether or not you want to participate.
It is known that Earth bound blind humanity will respond positively to pleasure so this is often used to establish a relationship with Humanity. Without Humanity knowing the entire agenda. What they know the most of is the pleasure and because it's so nice they will not refuse it. They will respond positively to being strengthened. They will not respond positively to being hurt or captured or taken over. They will not respond positively to fear. Unfortunately many of these non-corporeal life forms enjoy feeding off of the fear that their presence, through terror, can produce Within the early Awakening human.
These areas of The Human Experience attract a certain level of Interest from different groups of non-corporeal entities that exist Within the one dual dimension. They will come to you without your permission. They will touch your body without your permission. They will manipulate your thoughts or your emotions or your endocrine system or your energetic anatomy the way they would like to see it manifest. They will do this of their own accord and train you and sculpt you based upon your response to the phenomena they produce. They have their own reasons for this as I have mentioned previously.
You have to decide what you're going to do in response to these types of beneficial and destructive incursions. You cannot kill what is not alive. You cannot hurt that which has no body. So the ways that we have been taught to protect ourselves on this world within limited Consciousness do not serve us within the expanded awareness of the singular dual dimension. You must understand this.
Your relationship to a deity that is worshiped within the Earth bound societies and populations may not have any effect upon the non-corporeal life forms that will visit you for their own purpose and with their own agenda.
You must know this and realize that you have not learned how to use your power. You don't have the patience or the attention span or the self-discipline to learn how to use your power. Because you have become so used to instant gratification this causes you to be short-sighted and lazy in your response to these types of phenomena. And so you must learn how to have self-discipline you must learn how to self correct you must begin a self-defined exploration of your personal power and how that power can be used to keep you from having to endure a constant level of uninvited visitation.
One of the first aspects of learning about your power is to practice the safety protocols. Kundalini safety protocols. When you practice these protocols you begin to refine your energetic expression and you begin to learn and attract certain levels of non-corporeal consciousness that are in balance with what the safeties are producing within you. As you practice these safeties you get stronger and stronger and you get more confident and more competent in what it is you're doing and why you're here and what is happening to you. I offer these to you for free as this is a Priceless gift. Just like Kundalini is a Priceless gift. Blessings to you all. -CHRISM
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turiyatitta · 6 months
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kundalini27 · 8 months
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annalouisemay · 2 years
NEW Shakti: Your Questions Answered - A Divine Feminine Energy Healing Article - & Updates from Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
NEW | Shakti: Your Questions Answered | Divine Feminine Energy Healing Article| Read at https://www.mayastar.net/shaktiarticle.htm or visit https://youtu.be/0kU415jV7-4 to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork. EXCERPT: “The goddess Shakti represents life and life-force. It’s said that without her, Shiva takes on the affect of a corpse. Shakti’s energy is considered the animating…
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thehealingdance · 1 year
Energy update
what is going on in the energy field ~ a perspective
Good morning, gentle reader. I am back from the Openhand Avebury Facilitator Conference, and after five days of processing feeling ready to - at least attempt to - put what has been moving and shifting energetically into words.
Starting with a short overview of the Avebury Facilitator Conference itself. So, from July 10 to July 16, a group of Openhanders gathered in the Avebury region, and then connected through zoom with people in Europe, America, India, and Australia. Under the theme of “the unravelling flow”, we practiced one-to-one facilitation - and then took out into the field, to apply those skills there as well.
And so a lot was moved and shifted during that week. A lot. Mainly along the lines of reconciliation and healing of ancient wounds. Through the group, we were able to connect with a number of beings in higher dimensions, of the Old Annunaki, and facilitated their shift towards reconciliation and healing.
That alone was a massive bit of energy work, that to my sense is still rippling through the field.
There were other beings that the group connected with as well, monstly of what we would call “the intervention”. The important thing to remember when working with intervention energies is not to demonise them; make them the Bad Guys. They have a role to play, too, they have their own journey. We were able to facilitate some realignment there, too - or in one case, a removal.
So that’s the conference in very broad strokes.
The effects?
First, the healing of ancient wounds shifted things on the plane of emotions. If those have been challenging for you over the last two weeks, if relationships are challenging or old stuff has popped back up again - that might be the reasion.
Clearing the plane of emotions of some distortions and convolutions enables Gaia’s kundalini energy to rise into and through that layer, as well.
Yes, the torus is speeding up even further. The energy is rising even stronger. This is your chance, your invitation to work with it.
Second, facilitating a shift in the 4D intervention opened that layer up - not a lot, there is still more to be done, but it is softening. And that means that higher dimensional energies can come through a little more easily.
If you are open to them, and receptive.
Those energies of Andromeda, of Lyra, of the Arctureans and the Pleiadeans coming in is hugely beneficial to the shift and the ascension process. They can help smooth things for those that are incarnated on this planet. They can help make things a little less challenging and ease some of the suffering.
So them being able to come in a little more easily is fantastic.
Now it’s up to all the lightworkers on this planet to anchor these energies. And we do that by tuning in, connecting with these star being nations - and then embodying the energies in ourselves.
And that brings us into this week, and what my sense is of what is going on in the field right now.
To me, the changes of last week are still rippling out, and the echos have begun to come back as well. A lot has been stirred up, like sediment at the bottom of a river, and a lot is moving which, yes, makes things ... interesting right now.
Change takes time. Healing takes time. But! There is an amazing opening and softening through the heart. There is a new gentleness and strenght in the sacrum, the plane of emotions. There is a lot of activity on the plane of the third eye.
So, what does that mean on a personal level?
For one thing, it is highly likely and absolutely okay if things are feeling dense or intense. If there is a sense of confusion, maybe loss or of being lost. If relationships are suddenly pushing buttons and if there is a whole lot of turmoil on the emotional plane.
Let yourself feel. Express what you are feeling in the way that feels aligned to you. Honour yourself and your emotions. Honour yourself and the challenges you are facing.
Work with what is coming up. Find somebody who you can work with, a shaman, a life coach, an Openhand facilitator, and begin your own journey of reconciliation and healing.
On the other hand, you might be really tuning into the higher dimensional frequencies - the joy, lightness, and wisdom of the Pleiadeans, the clarity, focus, and inquiring mind of the Andromedans, the more-than-speed-of-light fastness, humour, and savvyness of the Arcturians (oh, they are laughing at me now!), or the high frequency of alchemy and transformation of the Lyrans. If you are? Feel it! Embody it! You are the bridge they need to reach our reality and help transform it.
That is why they are here. That is their sacred mission, their soul journey of evolution. Their fulfillment.
And they are all of them so very grateful for each one of us who are incarnate who reach out and connect.
That is the message that wanted to be conveyed.
And that is, just about, my sense of what is currently going on in the energy field. 
I am very well aware this is only a snapshot, a fraction of it all. That is okay. This is what I need to be aware of.
And you, who reads this, as well.
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crazyskirtlady · 2 years
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Activate Yonic energy :
The portal within blooms unto the portal without...
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brother-hermes · 2 years
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To The Tantric Cats Who Noticed,
Slay the red dragon- sexual energy- with a sword- human will- and bring that raw animal energy higher. The phoenix is born- alchemical kundalini rises. You see the symbolism.
Study St George, Apollo, Hermes, Krishna, Siegfried- anyone who slays a serpent and you’ll find the allegories about overcoming the beast within and the tantric significance.
I think the Golden Legend has an account of St. George but it’s written to convert people so be leery. Jung ties Hatha-Yoga and the alchemical processes together in several of his works. They’re actually the easiest texts for westerners to read too.
The golden candlesticks of Hosea tell of this same process but with all the cryptic symbolism you’d expect of the prophets.
The method is the restraint of releasing sexual energy. Classical Hinduism as several methods of doing this.
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lilithkundalini · 1 year
Someone asked me here on tumblr, a couple years ago, that they noticed my name, if I rose my Kundalini and if I had any tips on how to rise their Kundalini.
It's difficult to give an easy answer, when our experiences, environment, and reactions can differ greatly, and acknowledge the entire spectrum when it comes to an individual.
In order to gain insight, I will try to share some of my own experiences, while also using the archetypes as a guidepost where a personal reading can offer more details and answers.
I'm sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been reluctant to share parts of myself for certain reasons, but I think I'm slowly beginning to show the sides of me I've been hiding.
*all in good time*
I rose my kundalini in two thousand seventeen, when I was twenty - two.
I was meditating on the archetypes of the feminine and masculine, it felt like my ego was integrating, the most heart opening, frightening/exhilarating intense feeling I've ever experienced.
"The more the heart chakra opens, the more there is balance between the pull within ourselves to the lower and upper realities." - Astrology and the rising of Kundalini by Barbara Hand Clow.
She advises not to rush and to slow the process of kundalini rising, catastrophes and mid life crisis if not careful and if there's blockages. (This is true)
Generally they aren't supposed to happen until mid fourties, I've read stories of extreme changes after an awakening. It's advised to completely stop (eat red meat) or wait to come back to later in life, as to awaken this beast.
Eventually I will be able to walk you into and through the process as I put into practice of sharing what I have learned. For now, if you would like a reading, I'd need your birthday, time and location you were born so I can begin with a blueprint and look for the best place to start.
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shayjaggermitchell · 2 years
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#spiralserpent #breakthechains #awakenthesnake #kundalini #nehushtan #rise #awaken #overcome https://www.instagram.com/p/CmyjQWnLivJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wellbodymind · 2 years
Born into the experimental group
Born into the experimental group
I had a thought this morning about my life. It has followed such an unconventional path, from my parents, to my childhood trauma, my one marriage and two divorces before I was 30…and that’s just part one. I am really weird. I learned yoga from a book! Richard Hittleman’s Yoga: 28 Day Exercise Plan. I was a single mom, working and finishing my bachelor’s degree, and I did it for stress relief.…
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Symbols of Demeter: cranes, wheat ears, winged serpent, cornucopia, torches, crocus, myrtle, bees, the bull, the pig, honey.
Demeter arrives to her sacred Eleusis with her winged chariot carried by flying dragons, she will later on give this chariot as a present to the hero Triptolemus. This flying serpentine power seems wondrous; can we talk about a forgotten advanced ancient technology involved, or is it a symbol for the serpentine power also known as Shakti or Kundalini... From her realm that is earth the goddess seems to rise.
Art from the tarot deck: Ancient Feminine Wisdom of Goddesses and Heroines by Brian Clark and Kay Steventon.
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turiyatitta · 6 months
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kundalini27 · 2 years
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annalouisemay · 2 years
NEW Shakti: Your Questions Answered - A Divine Feminine Energy Healing Article - & Updates from Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development
NEW | Shakti: Your Questions Answered | Divine Feminine Energy Healing Article| Read at https://www.mayastar.net/shaktiarticle.htm or visit https://youtu.be/0kU415jV7-4 to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork. EXCERPT: “The goddess Shakti represents life and life-force. It’s said that without her, Shiva takes on the affect of a corpse. Shakti’s energy is considered the animating…
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