#yonic energy
crazyskirtlady · 2 years
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Activate Yonic energy :
The portal within blooms unto the portal without...
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of-ether · 7 months
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candle lit yoni steaming on lamb skin
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delawaredetroit · 1 year
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I’m going to keep pointing out the yonic goblet One for All imagery every time it comes up.
(FYI: yonic imagery is the female counterpart to phallic imagery. Phallic symbols resemble male genitalia, like swords, obelisks, towers, etc. Yonic symbols are objects invoking imagery of female genitalia, often cups, cauldrons, chalices, goblets, wells, caves, tunnels, flowers, fruits, etc.)
One for All and the characters intertwined with it have too many themes surrounding birth/rebirth for this to be a coincidence: i.e.: Yoichi living on past his death, Izuku’s name having a character that can be read as “to be born”, All for One calling himself One for All’s father, all the pregnancy metaphors about One for All, and child Shigaraki tearing himself out vestige All for One, just to name a few. 
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dumbdomb · 1 year
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7dmom · 6 months
girl your pussy is vacuuming up all the yonic energy in the room #bitchalert
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eldritchneuro · 28 days
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Something that I don't often see discussed about Stampede's Vash is that, yes, he's an outsider by proxy of being inhuman, but he's also an outsider from his own kind as well.
Luida compares him to a human right after this, but that doesn't mean that Vash is human. We can even see as such through the mise en scene here - Luida is sitting facing Vash, but there's a degree of separation, both through the back of the chair she's leaning on and the pattern on the floor dividing them.
There's something to the pattern there as well too - between the use of angular hexagons and the ladder-like pattern, it reminds me a bit of DNA. (Actually a lot of visual motifs in Stampede do. I might have to go back and list them all sometime). After all, as entirely different species, DNA is ultimately the difference between humans and Vash.
He's not a human and he's not like the Dependents. He's not even like his brother. There's a lot you can draw comparisons to from that - how Vash is canonically disabled, how he's heavily trans-coded with the yonic imagery surrounding him, but also in what specifically Vash uses to signify his worthlessness.
"All I do is eat, drink and sleep."
Vash sees these things as weaknesses because they mean he takes up space. He sees them as isolating, because these aren't things the rest of Plantkind needs.
But at the same time, these are all things tied to survival. They signify that we're alive.
We don't see the Dependents eat or sleep the same way as people do, but they clearly need similar things. They need energy just like any other living thing, because we see what happens when they burn out into a Last Run. We don't hear them say anything, but they have enough of an inner personality that Vash can act as a therapist to them.
It reminds me of a certain page from Trimax.
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"What matters... that you understand the person next to you is breathing and existing."
Despite his differences, Vash will never be alone.
No matter what happens, or who we are, we all breathe. We all feel. It is something so powerful that here, it is directly associated with divinity.
And why shouldn't it be?
After all, there is nothing more glorious than being alive.
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femfirehazard · 4 months
Day 5 pride month slut posting 🖤💀💋
Did I mention my titty chandelier tattoo is 🏳️‍⚧️ colors?
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It look a long time to have this design made exactly how I wanted it
She is my gender fuck entity 🖤 I think shes fucking beautiful
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Had my friend who made the design for me to channel his porn art energy and use combined yonic and phallic themes for my genderfuck parasite. Shes just the beginning.
I think shes perfect 🖤
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aretheytransgender · 3 months
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JUSTIFICATION: "He gives massive transmasc energy. He and his twin are also the only men of their species. There's a lot of yonic imagery relating to both of them as well." - Anonymous
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anxiety-elemental-kay · 8 months
Vash's Dual Powers in Trigun Stampede
Or: Christ on a cracker episode eleven really was that fucked up holy shit
Here’s that essay about Stampede Vash’s powers I mentioned a while back. This is another where I yell about Trigun and gender and worry I’m spouting shit that was obvious to everyone, but you’re getting the essay anyway.
Content warnings include discussion of sexual assault, pregnancy, and forced pregnancy. I’ll be talking about episode eleven a lot so. Yeah.
The first time we see Vash manifest his powers is the same time Knives and Conrad do: when he creates a black hole in his arm. We see it absorb the corpses of the people Knives just killed, and we can see from Vash’s panicked expression he has no control over it. Knives then cuts his arm off because his brother just manifested an entire black hole like right there.
(It’s worth noting that the music track for this scene is called ‘Drain Gate’, and another track using Vash’s theme is called ‘Plant of Drain’. In the episode twelve stinger the Pieces of Earth fleet reference using something called a ‘drain gate’, which might be related to FTL travel. I have no conclusions for this point, just that this powers seem to have greater implications than just ‘black hole’ in Stampede.)
So far this is stuff the manga has more or less covered before. Vash’s power specifically was creating black holes. In TriMax we see July and its citizens consumed by a black hole. For Stampede though, Orange gave Vash a secondary power: fertility.
And I do mean fertility and not virility; the capacity to become pregnant versus the capacity to impregnate someone else. At the start of episode eleven, Knives penetrating Vash is pretty obviously phallic. His knives are the literal mechanism by which he seizes control of and violates Vash’s mind and body. On the other hand, when Vash sprouts roots which connect to the other plants in the tank, it doesn’t read as phallic to me.
They look like umbilical cords.
Each root connects to the plants’ stomachs, and aside from a brief red flash this doesn’t appear to cause them any pain or distress, contrary to Vash flailing away from his brother’s blades. We see energy move down the roots from Vash to the plants, and when they unfurl to reveal their pregnancies the roots remain connected at their navels. They look surprised and afraid. Those pregnancies are, almost literally, also his.
For all of Conrad’s technobabble about the plant core and souls and whatever, Vash’s powers seem to boil down to this: he can send things to the higher plane by creating a black hole, and he can take from the plane by manifesting with his, or others’, bodies.
I think this interpretation is reinforced by a series of three shots after Knives says “Happy birthday Vash". The pussy portal opens behind Vash (with a goopy sound effect), we cut to outside the tower to see the purple flowers blooming on the roots, and cut again to inside the tank where the plants unfurl to reveal they’ve become massively pregnant. Portal, flower, pregnancy. It’s all about biological reproduction.
And then Knives goes into the pussy portal and finds an inter dimensional ovum, which he then also penetrates with his blades, explicitly to impregnate all the other plants.
Studio Orange looked at the Fifth Moon chapter in the original Trigun manga and said “You are like little baby. Watch this.” and then made an episode which made me spend the rest of the day somewhere dark and quiet when I first watched it because holy shit.
(It shouldn’t go unsaid Vash and Knives are canonically trans in Stampede, it’s in the text even if it’s not what Orange was thinking of! Vash is surrounded by yonic imagery and Knives has no dong I don’t know what else to tell you.) (edit: okay so maybe not CANON canon but i'd still argue it's an easy interpretation to make)
There’s always been a dichotomy at the heart of Vash as a character: a desire for peace versus the necessity of violence. A living weapon trying to live and love among humans who constantly reject him. Avoiding hurting others while physically capable of great and terrible destruction.
When Vash regains control he transforms the growths he was forced to make into a MacGuffin that’s easy for the twins to fight over. He transforms what he was forced to create into a bomb, because there didn’t seem to be any other way for him to neutralize the mass. (I assume this because Vash seemed to have immediate and almost perfect control of his powers in episode twelve, and it would be strange for ‘make a bomb’ to be his first choice for dealing with the roots.) Vash has been forced to create something that poses a danger to himself and everyone around him.
Vash was a weapon, even in creating life, from the roots growing to choke all of JuLai, to the pregnant plants, to the nuke cube obliterating the largest human city on the planet.
Forced creation is no different from destruction. Reproduction is not beautiful or honorable when unwilling.
(This is my essay so I’ll allow myself another aside: episode eleven is a good demonstration of why I tend to prefer genre above more realistic stories. Here, like in the manga, we see a metaphorical rape scene stripped of anything that could be (intentionally) titillating, leaving only the victim’s fear and pain. I feel like only in this kind of metaphor can sex be stripped away from assault, and instead put the focus on the emotions of the scene.)
Vash having fertility as a power is (one of many) things that fascinate me about Trigun Stampede. I’m an afab nonbinary person, I’ve always been afraid of getting pregnant, and I’ve never wanted kids. Sexual assault is something I’m deeply afraid of, and I would genuinely rather die than give birth. It’s all tied up in my feelings about my gender and my body and how it’s perceived by others. Vash is pretty much experiencing my literal worst nightmare.
All this circles back to what might be my favorite topic when it comes to analyzing Trigun: how it depicts masculinity.
There’s a lot about masculinity in Trigun that I think is genuinely radical to some degree, and whether it’s something Orange intended to add or if it’s just easier to do a queer interpretation of this version of the story isn’t a question I’m interested in. I’m gonna rub my gay trans little hands all this anime and you can’t stop me!
Stampede doesn’t depict fertility and masculinity as opposites or even incompatible. Vash and his body isn’t made repulsive because he has this power, in fact when he regains control he gets a color change and a sick new hairstyle. Vash possessing this power isn’t depicted as that different from the black hole, it’s just a thing he can do, but here it’s being taken advantage of by his brother. The disgust and horror isn’t from the metaphor of a man becoming pregnant, it’s because he was violated by someone who claims to love him and want to protect him.
For contrast, imagine a similar scene, in which a masculine character is surrounded by feminine/pregnancy imagery, and consider how it would likely be framed in most other mainstream media. Those of you who don’t live under rocks might even think of some examples! Typically in media, men seen anywhere in proximity to femininity are mocked and humiliated.
Vash’s masculinity, his identity, his personhood, are ultimately disconnected from his capacity to reproduce, and by what means his body is or is not capable of making babies. He regained agency because Meryl called out to him, and she called out because he inspired her, and she was inspired because he was out making human connections with people, trying so hard to do the right thing even when he failed. His powers are a part of him, but not what ultimately make Vash truly powerful.
I’m curious to see if/how Studio Orange will continue with this theme going forward. So much of Vash’s character is about contradiction, and in this way they’re making some of those themes even more literal. More contrast-y.
To wrap this up, here’s one more thing I’m curious about: what will become of the Independents who will be born from this? The pregnant plants escaped with Conrad and his flying saucer lab. Assuming any children survive, and considering how much the twins grew in only a year, they could have a role in the future story. What will they be like? How will their origin shape the people they become? How much will Knives control (or fail to control) his children? What will they think of humanity, of Knives, of Vash, of themselves?
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pumpumdemsugah · 6 months
I'm 12 hours or so into this period and it's really been a good period so far. 9 out of 10 s
Not tired, no heavy pressure in my uterus, very little cramping, good mood, lots of energy, I'm normal about food and less body pain and tightness. It's not a painless period but if I didn't take a precaution ibuprofen, I don't think I'd be in much pain but I didn't want to find out at work in the office
For the next 2 and a half days I'm a yonic energy power women. Maybe your period doesn't give you powers but my one is my sister ♀️
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no one is willing to talk about how jujutsu sorcery is coded. domain expansions? yonic. what are you doing engulfing other combatants in your smothering energy. blood clot based powers? menstruoyonic. prison realm full of corpses? yonic. a squishy pink brain full of gyres and sulci? what do you think. literal shadow powers? what was the yin in classical confucian duality even for. imbuing your power in cursed constructs? okay, breastfeed them too while you’re at it. eating bits of ancient cursed artifacts to become possessed by centuries old sorcerers? sorry but consuming the other and then being consumed is yonic. only five of these guys have power sets freud would approve of and half of them are maki zenin.
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crazyskirtlady · 2 years
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(Blossoming Yoni)
[Digital talisman]
The Goddess thrives within
Creation/Destruction @ her whim
Know the unlimited power you have
Alchemical cauldron ACTIVATE!
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soylent-crocodile · 1 year
Vatmother (Monster)
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(Phyrexian Vatmother by Stephen Martiniere)
(The word of the day is 'yonic')
CR14 Huge NE Aberration (Phyrexian)
The frontline engine of phyrexia is fueled by the laboratories and breeding pools established deep in phyrexian territory, and it is the job of vatmothers to keep these operations running and protected. Vatmothers continually monitor, clean, and operate the great spawning vats of which they are named, a task that requires constant observance and calculation. As such, vatmothers are surprisingly cunning creatures- a brilliance they can use to orchestrate a nightmarish victory, if need be. Vatmothers make liberal use of their climbing to hide their bulk on ceilings or on overhangs in their lairs, preferring to drop bloatbombs on their enemies to soften them up- but once the integrity of the vats is threatened, a vatmother goes all-out, dropping an Acid Fog to burn and isolate its victims before going in for the kill.
Despite the name, a vatmother’s care for the newborn phyrexians growing under her watch is purely practical- anything she judges deficient or disloyal will be killed on the spot. Typically, their corpses are returned to the vats or the laboratory to be reused, although a vatmother who is expecting visitors will line her lair with bloatbombed corpses ready to explode.
This massive hairy creature stands on six mechanical legs, its mouth perched upon a long shaggy neck and its jaw splitting vertically.
Misc- CR14 Huge NE Aberration (Phyrexian) HD20 Init:+5 Senses: Perception:+28 Darkvision 90ft, All-Around Vision, Scent  Stats- Str:31(+10) Dex:20(+5) Con:25(+7) Int:23(+6) Wis:21(+5) Cha:18(+4) BAB:+15/+10/+5 Space:15ft Reach:15ft Defense- HP:250(20d8+160) AC:24(+5 Dex, +11 Natural, -2 Size) Fort:+13 Ref:+11 Will:+17 CMD:42 Immunity: Acid, Curse, Disease, Poison, Death effects Weakness: Special Defenses: SR25, DR5/Adamantine, Ferocity, Negative Energy Affinity, All-Around Vision, Mycosynth Flesh Offense- Bite +21(2d6+10 plus grab), 4 Claws +21(2d6+10/19-20x2) CMB:+37 Speed:50ft, Climb 50ft Special Attacks: Swallow Whole (10d6 Acid damage and 1d4 Wisdom drain, HP63 AC21) Digestive Completion, Breath Weapon (90ft line, 20d6 Acid damage, Ref DC19 for half, useable once every 1d4 rounds), Deadly Claws Feats- Multiattack, Combat Reflexes, Stand Still, Power Attack (-4/+8), Improved Bull Rush, Awesome Blow, Critical Focus, Sickening Critical, Staggering Critical, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Screech) Skills- Appraise +26, Bluff +12, Climb +28, Diplomacy +12, Heal +25, Knowledge (Arcana, Engineering, Local, Planes) +11, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +29, Linguistics +11, Perception +28, Sense Motive +20, Stealth +15 Survival +28, Swim +23 Spell-like Abilities- (CL20, Concentration +24) Spider Climb, Status /constant Screech (DC17), Bloatbomb (DC17) /at-will Acid Fog (DC20), Mass Pain Strike (DC19) Quickened Screech (DC17) 3/day Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Necril, Aklo, Common, Elven, Dwarven, Gnomish, Abyssal, Infernal, Terran, Draconic Organization- Solitary, Pair Treasure- Standard Special Abilities- Deadly Claws (Ex)- A vatmother’s claws threaten a critical on 19-20. Digestive Completion (Ex)- A medium or smaller creature swallowed whole by a vatmother is not taken to a true digestive stomach, but brought to one of the brooding chambers lining the vatmother’s back and underside. There, their bodies and minds are broken down and remade for use by Phyrexia- a creature whose wisdom is reduced to 0 immediately gains the Phyrexian template, has its wisdom restored, gains the NE alignment and becomes loyal to Phyrexia. This effect can not be reversed without a Wish or Miracle spell. A vatmother may, as a full-round action, regurgitate such a converted creature through the mouth. Mycosynth Flesh (Ex)- A phyrexian’s anatomy is both flesh and metal, typically arranged in the most disturbing way possible. As such, it may be targeted or affected by a spell as either an aberration or as a construct, whichever produces a greater effect.
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ourolite2 · 8 months
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꒰꒰ CONCEPT.ㅤ some lovely general headcanons with even lovelier jihane and a few lovely honorable mentions in the midst ! so much lovable energy in the air when jihane's around, no? ꒰꒰ ALLERGY WARNING.ㅤ includes ... yonic massaging, afab!reader, female anatomy mentioned, no she/her prns, no feminine sobriquets, implied insecure y/n, mentions of clitorial orgasms, slight breast play, & eventual fingering.
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੭᱙. metaphysicist!lover who’s a doggy-coded individual who ensures your vitality, welfare, and comfortability, but before that she was simply a flirtatious clerk that didn’t waste much time to evince that she’s extremely drawn to you, desiring at least an ounce of reciprocation, for she believed that she could make you reciprocate your adoration towards her completely.
੭᱙. metaphysicist!lover who never used you for your money, even before the relationship! hence you only bought supplies from her, not to mention that she’s proven the authenticity of her products multiple times with multiple clients. an antique shop that contained metaphysical products isn’t something you see everyday at all, not to mention that the manager is the metaphysician in question. as a beginner spiritualist, you’d rather focus on your journey instead, and she was extremely helpful. you knew you were the utmost comfortable around her, so you didn’t mind coming over incessantly to give her your money, for she advises certain things throughout your purchases to prove that she isn’t there to scam you, but to admire your flourishing.
੭᱙. metaphysicist!lover who thrives off teasing you at times; it’s a guilty pleasure, seeing as she doesn’t seek for your discomfort, but just look at how cute your face looks when you’re flustered by her seemingly guileless acts. such as her mint-bloom chrysoprase-based gemstones entrapping her waist to accentuate the way her hips moved sinuously with each step she took, perhaps the way she rested her shoulders on the surface of the cashier’s desk, the deepening of her mocha-imbued arch displaying itself alongside of the duel dimples just above her low-rise baggy jeans.
“o, this? noting (nothing) to your eye, promotes good business. i’m not entirely reliant on crystals, but you’ve been makin’ a business boom as of lately. i was curious if i could keep you around a lil’ longer? heh, perhaps a few discounts for another one of those seraphic smiles?”
੭᱙. metaphysicist!lover who rambles about their new trinkets towards you, vents to you about the frustrations of her career, or seeks to comfort you in obsequious ways just to ensure your insecurities would wilt incessantly when she praises or touches you. one way to do such is to give you massages after a long day; they’re not 5-star massages, but she does relieve the tension within you, for she touches you like you’re crafted from the most authentic porcelain. it started off with simple hand massages, to feet, to legs, to back, to full body. though, there was one that she was interested in trying out as well, claiming that it would not only mend your comfortability with yourself, but help you wonder what exactly you’re interested in. sexually, of course…
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𑁤 𝐁illows of wispy lavender clouds permeated the air as crystalline pearls of tears rushed in rivulets from the corners of your semi-crinkled eyes, potentially muddling your vision more as the moments glided into saccharine memories. The rapturous scent, followed by a fine layer of honeyed almond oil on your glinting skin, was enough to establish the sedative amenity. The oil in question delved into your pores with the assistance of a sepia-shaded hand amorously kneading into your upper abdominal region, likely wanting to add solace to your kidneys since they’re too connected to the svadhisthana chakra. Your desire levels were having a dispute with your insecurities after all, so as your guide, she felt compelled to mend such sacredly for you.
Her left palm was cuffing your vulva with considerable pressure, gradually circling her hand in a clockwise manner to cause lower levels of stimulation; you’ve came twice from your clit alone, so she didn’t desire to overwhelm you during your first session. Low, rhythmic moans eluded your chamomile-oiled lips, successfully earning a contented smile from the metaphysician who took it as a sign to maintain the preferred pace. Her right hand, which was granting you kidney massages, journeyed down to your waist before bestowing a gentle squeeze upon it, disarmingly alerting you to blink away your blissful tears and look down at her.
“Invite me to your waist, would you?” Jihane’s a gentlewoman at heart, though any woman who is capable of utilizing such an innately beatific, guileless tone for something so puckishly endearing is an individual you may have to keep a close eye on. If you’re not blissed out during the time, that is. Disregarding the possibility, you nodded in affirmation causing her to grasp onto your waist, pulling you down closer to her other palm, (un)intentionally forcing a louder moan from you.
“I can tell your sacral hasn’t been refined in a while, has it? A shame since you’re so divine, but no fret, no fret. ‘Tis what I’m here for, yes?”
You shook your head mindlessly in return as your hips buckled sinuously against her hand, essentially seeking for more friction as her words brought warmth to your inundated lips. Instinctively, she shushed you while massaging your waist a little, but little does she know, or as much as she inferred, it solely stimulated you more, earning more hip rolls against the surface of her palm. Frankly, if this was more of a professional setting, she wouldn’t have given in so easily, but you’re more than just a paying customer, after all. If you haven’t assumed by now, she likes you.
“You’re a renaissance beauty, my beloved,” She proceeded to deify your features with a seraphic smile, one that contained dimples as profound as the deepest depths of the aquatic trenches, one that was also imbued with a plethora of secrets that were made just for you to explore. Your heart tickled pink as she slowly lifted her hand from your pussy, watching the sticky strands of cum extend from the slippery lips and onto the surface. The ardent warmth had little to no time to suffice, for she was already pushing her two fingers inside of you, earning a whimper-resembling moan to reassure her abrupt thoughts.
“A painting encircled in a gold portrait, one with medieval patterns inlaid within. Heh, I must tell my guides about you.”
Tears proceeded to pour endlessly from your eyes as she massaged your G-spot right after finding it with little to no effort. Your back then began to arch off the silky duvets you were lying supine on before she tittered at the heavenly sight, sliding her hand back up your skin to grasp onto one of your breasts once more, squeezing it fondly before kneading into its corpulence. Ridding the professionalism permanently, she crawled close enough so that your leg was between hers, bending over to replace her hand with her lips. Your hand immediately went to the back of her neck as she began lathering your breast with slobber, adorning it with audacious, tender bites.
“Now, sit pretty and enjoy yourself, m’kay?” She insisted breathlessly after taking an appreciative moment to suck on it; it was miraculous that she was capable of multitasking like this, ensuring that you felt your most divine and beautiful during such a vulnerable hour. Even the mere thought of meaning this much to her was enough to excite you in a plethora of new ways. “This is a private session, and I just so happen to be a little free this evening.”
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⑅ neso productions. all rights fucking reserved, do not plagiarize.
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cursedvibes · 1 year
If Kenjaku didn't have a child to create a vessel for his plan, I have a feeling he would have one just to be able to teach and infodump all their knowledge and special interests. Like with Mahito and even Choso his disappointment first kid, who they still took time to create a full on PowerPoint and monologue for.
Definitely. The reason Kenjaku has children in the first place is because they want to create something/someone who can surpass them and their expectation. Someone who can show them something truly new. After all their past failures they don't seem too optimistic anymore, they straight up say in Shibuya they can't give birth to something that can exceed their own potential, but I still think that they have hopes for Yuuji. Sukuna is just one step in his development.
The merger curse can count as well. It will be born from them and Tengen and they are very excited and confident it will truly surprise them this time, contradicting what they said in Shibuya. Not to push my agenda, but Kenjaku took Tengen from the womb of the tree (see the yonic hole she was lying in), swallowed her like a seed and after an incubation period will let her free aka give birth to her in her new evolved state. They also described the creation of the curse as Tengen becoming pregnant with the cursed energy of the non-sorcerers of Japan. So, no matter what, Kenjaku was hoping to have a monster baby (or two) and I for one am just as excited as them to finally see it.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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"The rose (Rosicrucians) and the lotus are yonic emblems. The Brahmin and Egyptian initiates employed the lotus blossoms to represent the spinning vortices of spiritual energy located at various points along the spinal column and called chakras by the Hindus. The Orientals also used the lotus plant to signify the growth of man through the 3 periods of human consciousness--ignorance, endeavor, and understanding. As the lotus exists in 3 elements (earth, water, air) so man lives in 3 worlds--material, intellectual, and spiritual." -M. P. Hall (33°)
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