#Kyouka BSD
sweetm1lkbread · 5 months
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cewwart · 1 month
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shopping trip!!! ٩( ᐛ )و
(atsushi would totally offer to hold all the bags because of his tiger strength)
(and kyouka and sigma would refuse but atsushi would only let them carry a few)
(and dazai would gladly let atsushi carry his bags)
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idealest-of-ideals · 3 months
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wrenkos · 1 year
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weird uncle mushitaro
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greendy2l · 11 months
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autistic-ranpo · 8 months
hc that kyouka like. mimics people to show her affection, since she isnt good with words n stuff.
like one time she and atsushi were riding the bus somewhere and atsushi brought his knees up to his chest and just kinda sat curled up on the bus seat like that and kyouka looked at him for a minute before doing the same thing then looking at him with like these big cat eyes. atsushi was a bit confused but he smiled and sorta nudged against her and she smiled back
kunikida was pacing in the ada offices one day (dazai was later than usual and he was stressing a bit) and kyouka kinda just started walking next to him. she didnt really know why he was pacing but she thought it would help if he did it with him (it did, in a way)
naomi will be talking nonsense to a cat that she met on the street and kyouka has no idea why she would be doing that??? why is she saying made up words to this animal??? but she sees that naomi is really happy so she crouches down and starts babbling to the cat
tanizaki is worried at first bc sometimes theyll be sitting at the same desk and hes working in complete silence (like he always does, except for when someone is talking to him) and he'll look over at kyouka and shes just. sitting there. silent. and hes so worried bc he wants her to feel safe and he wants her to like him but shes always just. sitting there staring at him.
until one day, shes sitting with him and he starts drumming his fingers on the desk, waiting for a document to upload. then he hears a second set of fingers drumming the rhythm with him. he looks up, confused and sees kyouka looking at him, drumming her fingers. he stops, and as soon as he does her fingers go still. he starts up again, and so does she. he cant stop smiling the rest of the day.
kenji takes kyouka to a park for a picnic, after he found out shes never been on one. he takes out some orange slices and puts one in his mouth so it looks like a smile. she stares at him before doing the same thing, struggling a bit. they look at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing.
idk shes so important to me <33333
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kaletalecowboy · 3 months
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several kunikidazais and a ranpo
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cryptidkey · 8 months
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Kyouka doodle
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atsushi: i like chazuke becuz it's a dish made of leftovers. when i was at the orphanage, id sneak into the kitchen to make it for myself - though i'd often have to use hot water instead... but i would close my eyes and pretend that earlier i had a big dinner with my family - it'd change every now and then, siblings, mom, dad, or sometimes a distant relative who'd come to take me away - and the dinner was so big, we had a lot of leftovers but it was good! becuz when i got hungry i could make chazuke - and thats why my family always had leftover rice becuz when we got hungry again, or in the morning when we were rushing out quickly - someone would make chazuke for me. i think... when i get a family, i'm going to make them chazuke.
dazai, staring at his chazuke, teary eyed:
kunikida, sobbing while holding his own chazuke:
kyouka, tearing up, quickly eating it up before it gets cold becuz her brother made it for her:
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nimos-flakes · 2 months
Interspecies Communication
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sweetm1lkbread · 6 months
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cewwart · 2 months
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i’ve always wanted to draw beast kyouka…
she’s just so pretty 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
(ft. demon snow ♡)
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evermorethecrow · 2 months
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Kyouka sketches :33
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youngprincesstiger · 2 years
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matchatcat · 1 year
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stray animals
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j11nko · 8 months
For the doodle request post: Atsushi and Kyouka having a sleepover gossip session (I think they would enjoy doing that) 😔🙏
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my cuties
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