rainysofsunshineao3 · 4 months
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Yaz / Ben swearing would be great as well, but lets be fucking fr its a netflix animated series...
9 days yall
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jupitersrising · 7 months
Pre-monorail Ben would hate candles with a passion. If there was a candle in the room he’d put it out immediately. He hates them like they have a personal vendetta against him (they do).
Post-monorail Ben loves candles so much. He gets home and realized he can just… have little fires around him all the times. But the smell of candles is overwhelming for him after a long period of time. So I can only imagine Ben in a dark room surround by tea lights (they're usually scentless) that his friends got him in bulk as a gift.
That’s it, that’s the headcanon.
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ssaalexblake · 3 months
Yaz did Not have an entire promotional photoshoot in the most bisexual of lighting for you to get mad (or worse, offended) at people calling her bisexual
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let me live at least just for pride month i swear
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aquariusdeanw · 2 years
I love how absolutely unhinged the master was this episode…he made small dolls out of people and taught them a lesson as if they could hear, he went all puppy eyed “you’re gonna die doctor 🥺🥺” as if it wasn’t his fault that was gonna happen in the first place, he somehow made an alliance with the daleks and the cyberman while dancing to rasputin, he sees kate and with the upmost disrespect says “YouR faTher waS an Idiot” just because the brigadier punched and knocked his ass out years ago 💀💀, he sees tegan and was like…how’s your aunt?? still a miniature ?? you keep her in a doll house ?? I remember killing her just because I felt like it…ACE HELLO how’s life after the doctor fucking left you?? Yaz hi…will you be my companion 🥹💐, I swear we could have some fun together 👉👈 just wait until I trash the doctor’s name…wdym I’m not the doctor I’M THE FREAKING DOCTOR YOU WILL OBAY ME 🤬 no 🥺 please 🥺 don’t make me go back to being me 🥺 doctor don’t leave me here 😭😭 IF I CAN’T BE YOU THEN YOU CAN’T EITHER 😡😡 LETS DIE TOGETHER MY LOVE 🤪😘
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oreo102 · 5 months
Please I'm so so curious to hear your thoughts on 10/14
Ok so my thoughts on 10 are less than 14 so let’s start with him lol. I have not watched 10, so my hatred of him is more hatred by proxy of how the fandom treats him and proxy of 14, but I still do have a few specific thoughts and this will be long and definitely rambly
A) when talking about him I usually refer to him as Fandom’s Favorite White Boy or Pathetic Wet Cat/Twink mostly because it’s funny but for now I’ll use 10. The most I know about 10 is that he is angsty and in love with rose and besties with Donna… also that he’s pathetic but that’s more vibes
So- my hate of 10 is less tangible than 14 but i still have a few points, the main one being the way i see ppl talk about how he treated Martha and how obsessed with rose he was. I don’t think it’s ever compelling to have someone’s main personality trait be loving someone a whole lot which also honestly is my problem with rose (don’t hate her but don’t care about her)
From what I have seen and heard of 10 it’s rather… boring, honestly? Like it’s mostly clips out of context but for 13 and 15 I saw clips out of context and was like “ok wth is happening? /pos” with 10 it’s more like “wtf?” Also pretty sure his episodes were some of the ones I saw when my parents had the show on that played a part in me swearing the show off so
Ok onto the more tangible hatred of 14. A lot of this, admittedly, is more about the writing and showrunner decisions than 14 but those things by proxy makes me hate him
So- I have a lot of feelings on him quite literally starting from his first appearance in power of the doctor. I am SO PETTY that he doesn’t wear 13’s silly little outfit. Like I have gone on full rants about that fact to my friends and family
I’ve seen something claim that rtd didn’t want 14 to wear her outfit because people might be transphobic and derogatory towards him (even tho Dhawan!master wore it, and it’s pretty gender neutral) but then did nothing about the shit ppl said about ruby’s actor or about ppl who would be a bitch about rose the second being nonbinary(also i remember seeing a post about their deadname being mentioned in an episode? Not totally sure that’s true tho)
The 60th anniversary specials themselves don’t really celebrate Dr who as a whole as much as 10’s run with a few old villains but that’s not really my main issue with that. My main issue with the specials is that the Doctor gets their happy ending. With Donna. And her family. When fucking 3-4 episodes prior, their happy ending would’ve been yaz. It would’ve been staying with yaz. But nope! Donna! Because that’s what 10 would’ve wanted.
And I don’t want 14 to be with yaz, btw, I mean I want them to meet and for yaz to hit him, but I don’t want them to be a thing or like be together because I believe yaz is a lesbian but that’s not the point of this so moving on
I also have very much big issues with the scene where 15 and 14 are (presumably, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the full scene) talking about women they love and mention who I assume to be River and rose but not yaz, who again, they wanted to spend forever with 3-4 episodes prior. It makes the doctor seem like a douchebag even if it’s a writing issue and not a character issue
Also 14 being David tenant overshadows 13’s departure and 15’s arrival and since he is most likely going to show up at least a little bit in s14 he’ll overshadow 15 in his own series. It’s icky at the very least.
There’s something inherently bad about having the fandoms Favorite White Boy be with a contentious casting decision (because I have no faith in the Dr who fandom not to be bigoted) and even if no one has an issue with 15 being black and maybe gay (is he gay? He gives gay vibes) it’s still setting him up for failure by pairing him with 14
Also bigeneration is so fucking dumb and I hate it
Also also stop giving the Dr 19 year old companions it’s getting kinda weird now
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the beach conversation is insane actually im always being so mean to 13 for how closed off she is but it's insane what she does here like "ive never been able to", "it's what my life is", "not because i dont want to"
shes like sorry yaz i cant give you much but lets play doctors and students and reenact the anatomy lesson dr nicolaes tulp you be the doctor and the students and i'll be the body hang on let me hold up a lamp so you can see what we're doing
shes like sorry yaz i cant give you much i locked my hearts in this rusty vault and lost the keys but if i had a spare i would give you it i swear i promise i know thats not enough but i'd give it to you
"i cant fix myself" is how she starts. "i'll be fine, in the end, hopefully" she says like an hour after regenerating after describing just how much it fucks her up and how scary it is and how painful and how much of a gamble, really, how much of a leap of faith and hoping for the best, hoping for that net to appear because if it doesnt......... theres no backup
are you alright, doctor? are you okay? yaz has asked a hundred times without getting an answer. and now she finally does and it seems to recontextualise every dodge that has come before. stop asking, it's not the end yet, theres still time, a little more patience, i will figure it out, i will be able to give you a yes eventually im sure of it.
but now it is the end, regeneration looms again, time is running out, and this endlessly delayed answer sounds like a resignation. i cant do it. not in time. maybe not ever. but definitely not before the plane crashes and i take you down with me. i broke the universe and i cant fix it. it's too late. i dawdled too much.
and what this could have been, but isnt, because neither of them take it this way, think of it this way, because theyre too much alike, and not like this at all, but what this could have been, in intention and reception, is a request for help. i give up, i cant figure this out, but can you? the doctor doesnt mean this, and yaz has always been too attentive to the limits, too respectful of the doctor's boundaries (from "who, me? no. never doubted. don't know what you mean" in ghost monument to "can we just live in the present") to misinterpret it this way. so theyre on the same page. a page, as always, decided on by the doctor. but it does make the perfect set up for the finale
because i do think, sort of, that yaz fixed it. not you know the millennia of trauma but the specific inability of 13 to trust people. the clara/river/missy/bill my-friends-die-or-are-not-what-they-seem-or-both cant-hold-anyones-hand-but-my-own inability to trust her friends are her friends and they will not like explode into gore and viscera if she touches them (which now that ive said it i bet is what she has nightmares about. perfect match with what i think yaz has nightmares about which is the doctor exploding into gore and viscera and not being able to do anything abt it. actually the best idea i think ive ever written abt what yaz has nightmares about is "or you take off your coat and youre wearing dynamite", but i digress) that, i think yaz sort of fixes when she saves the doctor and saves the world and i think if 13 had lived she'd have trusted yaz after that in a way she couldnt before and maybe even that realisation of "you saved my life" in that weird malleable state of post-pseudoregeneration might have had a hand in why 14 is the way he is
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fxlling13 · 2 years
Warnings: self harm, guns, violence
Synopsis: the master notices you're not okay on his run ins with the doctor and takes it upon himself to help you.
A/n: I'm working on 2 requests currently and about 5 other stories :> sorry if you're request is taking a while I just want them to be perfect.
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Standing off to the side, I watched as the doctor was talking down her best enemy. Of course, yaz and Dan were right by her. They were helping, giving the master hell for what he'd done. What had he actually done? I think, this time, he'd captured everyone on the cruise ship and locked them in the dining hall. The captain was dead as far as I was aware. Though, I swear this was the same captain that was selling off the female guests. So in my opinion, he deserved to die.
"(Y/n)!" Flinching, I looked up to the blonde, who was shaking her head.
"Are you listening? The doctor was just suggesting how to fix this." Yaz said, grinning happily. Nodding, I walked over and listened to her plan. The master stood there, smirking to himself. My eyes wandered to him. Surprisingly, he was already looking at me. More specifically, my hands. I was gripping the bottom of my sleeves in them tightly.
"I dont understand how you're so okay with killing innocent people." Dan sounded extremely upset over the captains death. Confused, the man opposite came closer.
"He was not innocent?" Scoffing at what he said, the doctor folded her arms.
"That's not for you to decide." Looking at her, I swallowed down my anxiety and spoke up.
"But he wasn't innocent. He was hurting the women here." Shocked I'd actually contributed, she furrowed her brows.
"That doesn't mean he deserved to die."
"Doctor he was selling them. Hurting them badly. He deserved exactly what he got." I could tell she didn't like this and i backed up slightly when she stood infront of me.
"You better not of meant that." Her tone was icy and threatening.
"I did b-"
"But nothing! Don't say another word! I am so disappointed in you. I thought you were better than that." She spat, turning away from me briskly. Now shaking, I hugged myself tightly and fixed my gaze on the floor. The doctor started ranting angrily about how to fix the mess we were in but I wasn't listening. They didn't even care that she spoke to me like that. My lip began to tremble, so I bit down on it harshly. The doctor, Dan and yaz all huddled together, discussing what to do now. And I was left out, as usual.
"Hello (y/n)." The master appeared beside me, glaring at the others. Blinking fast, I looked up at him curiously. Maybe he'd come to kill me whilst they were distracted? I really hoped so.
"Hello." Even my voice sounded weak, just as I was.
"Does she often speak to you like that?" Nodding at him, I dug my nails into my palms. Turning my head towards the taller male, I let out a breath.
"Are you going to kill me?" Taken aback by what I had said, hectilted his head slightly.
"No." I immediately deflated.
"Why not? This is the perfect opportunity, she's not looking o-"
"I am not going to kill you." The master said sternly, though he looked at me with worry. He stepped closer but I wasn't afraid of him, not at all. His eyes landed on my hands yet again and he immediately took hold of one. Carefully, he detached my nails from my palm and observed the tiny cuts. Now only centimetres away from everything else I kept hidden, he could tell I was worrying.
"Are you okay?" Just as I was about to respond, the doctor marched over and grabbed my arm. I whimpered in pain, tensing up in her hold.
"Come on." Then I was dragged away, leaving the master stood there. Thinking.
A week or two had passed by and nothing had gotten any better. The only person who spent any time with me was Dan. Even though I was thankful, it hurt that the doctor and yaz, both were basically ignoring me. She was still mad about the cruise ship. Looking up at my reflection, I wiped my face dry then tossed on my jumper. I hissed as it slid over my new cuts. But I deserved it. Making my way to the console room, I got there just in time for them heading out. They were really going to leave me. Sighing, I followed behind and found myself on a space ship of some sort. For a while, I trailed behind them boredly. Until, I saw some kind of giant computer. Getting curious, I walked over to it and began sliding through the different options, on the desktop.
"(Y/n)! Stop it. You have no idea what you're doing!" The doctor scolded, dragging me away.
"But I was just-"
"Acting stupid! I don't know why I bother with you anymore!" She yelled before marching off. I stood there, frozen as my heart caught in my throat. So, she'd finally just said it. What she'd been thinking for month. Tears welled up in my eyes.
"Well then." A voice came from behind, making me turn around slowly. Out of the shadows came the master, hands clasped together. I didn't move, just watched as he walked over.
"That was hard to watch, I must say." Sniffling, I rubbed my face harshly.
"If you're here to mock me just go, I can't..." Getting choked up, I stopped myself from talking. Didn't need to give him another reason to laugh. To my surprise, he reached his hand out and wiped my cheeks softly.
"I'm not here to mock you. I'm technically here to kidnap you." Confused at his words, I resisted leaning into his touch.
"Well, not kidnap. I was going to get you out of here. Away from the doctor. But stage it as a kidnapping. Something like that." He told me, flapping his hands around as he did so. Seeing that I still didn't understand, the master gave me a small smile.
"If you want to leave, I will take you with me. No evil plan I swear."
"Why?" I stuttered out quietly.
"Because you're different. You don't think like her. You think for yourself. You're brilliant. So let me help." Holding his hand out, I immediately took hold of it. The master grinned, writing a message on the wall on sharpie. Just to tell the doctor he has me. Honestly, I doubt she'd care at all. In an instant, we were on board his tardis.
"Handy device isn't it? My TCE." Feeling dizzy, I stumbled backwards right into his arms.
"Careful. Short range teleport can do that to you if you're not in peak condition." Gripping onto his jacket, I swallowed thickly.
"I'm fine."
"We both know you're not. You need rest, immediately." Before I could respond, his hand was on my temple and I went limp in his arms.
My eyes opened groggily, trying to adjust to the surroundings quickly. Looking around, I found myself in a king-sized bed. It had royal purple sheets that were made from silk. Plus it was extremely comfortable. Sitting up, I felt slightly restricted around my legs and arms. After checking them, I went pale. They were wrapped up in bandages. My thighs also. Quickly, I realised that my clothes had also been changed. I was now wearing a large purple shirt. Not even considering who's it was, I tried to pry at the bandages desperately. Why were they tended to? I didn't deserve that. I needed to hurt. Suddenly, the door opened revealing the master. Upon seeing the state I was in, he rushed to my side and took hold of my hands.
"Hey, relax." Shaking my head furiously, I tried to pull away but he was stronger.
"Why did you do that? You should of let them get infected! Should of let it get worse! Why did you help me?! Why!" I screamed, hitting his chest the best I could. Instead of yelling, laughing or belittling me; the master pulled me into his embrace. His hand ran along my back soothingly and my cries died down.
"Its alright. Relax love. I've got you." Slowly, I relaxed into his hold, my head against his chest comfortably.
"There you go."
"Why did you help me. I don't want help." I croaked, not daring to look at him. The master hummed, hooking his hands under my arms, before lifting me onto his lap. Carefully, he repositioned us, so that he was leaning against the pillows.
"Because, for some unknown reason, I care about you. I like who you are, how you think." Shocked, I pulled myself away and gazed up at him.
"You care about me?" He nod, taking my arm in his hold gently.
"I had an inkling you were doing this. Each time we met you gave it away. I could feel it, in my hearts. I know you're hurting." His thumb ran along the bandages delicately as he spoke.
"I'll be fine."
"No you wont be. You don't have to lie to me,   (y/n). I'm going to help you, whether you like it or not." Opting to believe him, I caved in and rested myself back on his chest. No one had ever wanted to help me before. So, it was difficult to accept.
"Really? You're actually going to help?"
"Why wouldn't I?" He asked, fingers starting to run through my hair.
"She never did." I told him. The master stopped his movements, going tense.
"She knew?" Looking at him, I bobbed my head to afirm. He looked mad. Taking hold of his arms, I wrapped them around me and turned on my side.
"She knew and didn't do anything to help you?"
"Theres nothing she could of done."
"Bullshit. She could have but she didn't want to. Just because you're not at her every beck and call."  All I could do was look at him silently, there was nothing I could say. It was true. Deep down, I think she really disliked me.
"None of that though. You're with me now. And we'll get you past this." Simpering, I hugged the male properly. I felt myself actually have a small amount of hope. It was a nice change. The master hugged back, arms tight around me.
"Once you're feeling better, I'll take you on a small trip. Just so you can adjust to my style of adventuring. But I don't doubt you'll love it." Even though he sounded incredibly cocky, I giggled into his neck. He was most likely correct.
Turns out, he was absolutely right. Our first outing together and its the most fun I'd had in years.
"Please! Don't hurt us!" The king of some stupid planet was begging the master for his life. Giggling at his pathetic attempt, the timelord smirked and walked over to me. He stood behind me, one hand gliding down my side and finding purchase on my waist. The other slid a gun into my own hand. As he spoke, his lips brushed against my ear and I had to fight the urge to lean into him.
"See that guard over there? Shoot him. I don't like the way he's looking at you." Immediately, I shot him. Watching his body hit the floor, I grinned as the master kissed my head.
"Perfect. Now onto you! My king." He bowed mockingly, making the king glare and pill against his restraints.
"What should we do with you huh? I could toss you into a black hole? Or, or! I could feed you to the shark people of Ceriba six?" Pondering out loud, he leant against the wall whilst scratching his chin.
"Why don't you get your little toy here to do all your dirty work for you?" The master stilled, slowly looking at the king with a deadly expression.
"What?" His tone was icy as he stalked over to the other man. I knew this wasn't going to end well. Still, the king held his head high abd looked past him and to me.
"Pretty isn't she?"
"Exceptionally. What's your point?" The master spat, catching me off guard. I found myself blushing. Did he really think that?
"Imagine the things you could do to her. If I were you I'd be making her sc-" Hands encased his throat before he could finish speaking.
"Shut up. Don't you dare talk about her like that!" All the king did was croak out a laugh. Bad idea. Without a second thought, the master had pulled out his TCE and compressed him. He took a deep breath, walking backwards until he was by my side.
"You think I'm pretty?" I asked, causing him to look at me. His eyes softened, a smile adorning his lips. Taking my hand in his own, he lifted them up and pressed a kiss against my skin.
"The prettiest." For a moment, we just stared at each other until he snapped out of his trance.
"Now then. I think this planet would look much better in ruins. Don't you?"
Back on board the tardis, I sat on the masters bed. He was sat at his desk, writing away. Apparently it was his new plan. All written in galifreyan, so I couldn't read much. He had been teaching me whilst I was on bed rest, only the basics though. Scrolling aimlessly through my phone, I sighed being bored. Nothing good was going on online. Suddenly, it was pulled from my grip and tossed aside. The master sat next to me and rested against the pillows.
"So, I think I've fleshed my plan out enough." Smiling, I rested my head on his shoulder and his arm naturally found its way around my waist.
"You happy with it?"
"Almost." Looking down at me, he grinned.
"How do you feel about being the Russian queen?" Confused, I tilted my head in question. After briefly explaining his plan, I sat up with worry and repositioned myself to face him fully. My legs were criss-cross, with my knee pressing against his leg.
"But, I don't want you to be the doctor. I just want you, to be you." I told him worriedly, frowning at the thought of it. Placing a hand on my knee, his thumb ran along it soothingly.
"I'll still be me darling, it's only to tarnish her name. Make people despise and fear her. Nothing will change." Deciding to believe him, I nod and looked down at his hand on my thigh. It felt so natural and right, was that okay to think?
"Didn't Rasputin sleep with the Russian queen?" I asked, blushing at the thought. He smirked, humming in response.
"It was just a rumour, no one knows how it got started. Most likely, it never happened." He explained, tracing shapes on my thigh. Even so, imagining people thinking we were a couple, it made me strangely happy.
"But I don't look anything like the Russian queen, at least I doubt i do. Won't people notice?" The master grinned, pulling me back into his arms.
"Nothing a bit of hypnotism won't sort out."
"Do you like it?" The master guided me into a large bedroom. It was extremely grand, with a large four poster bed in the centre. The walls were beautifully painted and held some art pieces.
"Its so pretty." He chuckled at my reaction, making sure the door was shut. Now we had to stay in Russia for a few months, this is where I would be staying. Of course, the master (now disguised as Rasputin) had made sure the king was not sharing. He'd been absolute about it.
"I wanted to make sure your stay was the best it could be. Just until everything falls into place." Nodding, I gave him a hug before sitting on the bed. This was much more fun than being with the doctor.
That night, I was in bed. I just lay there, thinking over everything. I'd been clean for six months now. It felt unreal. How I went from hurting myself everyday, to now. Now I had the master and he made sure to keep my mind occupied no matter what. Compared to the doctor, who had seen on numerous occasions. Apparently she was too awkward to confront me. But it hurt at the time. Now, I couldn't care less about her opinion. The bedroom door began to creak open. Sitting up, I reached to the side cabinet. Ready to grab the dagger, I sighed in relief when I saw it was just the master. He came across the room and climbed into the bed beside me.
"I thought you had your own room?" He just shrugged, wrapping an arm around my waist.
"I prefer being with you." Smiling, I turned on my side and rested my head on his chest. His hand came up and started to play with my hair. I suppose after staying with him on the tardis each night, I too preferred to be next to him.
"Why? I'm a psychopath." Taken aback by his statement, i sat myself up.
"Huh?" Avoiding eyecontact with me, he let out a breath. Beinging go notice how tense he was, I grew worried.
"I enjoy the thrill of murder. I get a sick pleasure out of torturing others. Yet I'm lay here wanting to hold you." Now even more confused, I stared down at him with furrowed brows. Where was this going? The master swallowed thickly, his adams apple bobbing deeply. Thankfully, the beard wasn't real. That was the first thing I'd been displeased with when he turned up in disguise. That thickly, long and bushy beard really grossed me out. I was relieved when he'd shown me it was fake.
"I dont deserve to have you in my arms. I never deserved someone like you. But here you are, by my side. And I'd do anything to keep you there." Tears welled up in my eyes as he spoke. It was completely untrue. It was too nice, I was nothing special.
"What are you talking about? You don't deserve me? I don't deserve you. You saved my life. I could care less about you killing people, honestly." His eyes finally landed on my own, scanning over my features thoroughly.
"Master, you took me in. I had nothing. I thought I has nothing to live for anymore. The only person who spoke to me was dan. Yaz and the doctor ignored me. You have no idea how close I was too-" a hand cupped my cheek and I was cut off by the masters lips on my own. Instantly, I kissed back, not even thinking about it. My arms slid round his neck on instinct, even if he pulled back almost immediately.
"I dont want to hear you say that. I'll never let you feel that low again. Okay?" Nodding, I couldn't supress my happiness and he chuckled at me.
"And I'm going to make sure, that you know how loved you are." Shocked, I blushed and pressed my lips together.
"You love me?"
"You think I'd let you come along if I didn't?" Grinning, I leant forward and kissed him once again. The master had one hand on the side of my neck, the other on my waist to pull me in closer. Tilting my head to deepen the kiss, he welcomed this and nibbled on my bottom lip softly. I moaned against his lips as he took the opportunity to press his tongue to mine.
"Your majesty!" The door bust open, causing us to part dramatically. A guard stood there, shell shocked. Clearing his throat, the master looked at him seriously. His hypnotism face at work.
"You will tell noone of this. You only think you saw this. Now leave." The guard did as he was told, shutting the door once again. Laughing, I rested my head against his shoulder.
"Well, now we know how those rumours started." Letting out a laugh, the master made me look at him.
"Lets make those rumours real, hm?"
It was hard to believe that the doctor was here, infront of me, completely helpless. Chuckling, the master hugged my waist from behind.
"Now then princess, I need you out of sight whilst she wakes up. I'll let you know when to come out." Nodding, I smiled as his kissed me quickly. After being ushered away, I watched from the side as he gave his little speech. She hadn't changed. Not at all.
"Say doctor. Your little fam seems to be a member down." He jabbed, moving closer to her. She just looked at him, confused.
"Oh, right. Well, she's just...home. She went home." It sounded as though she had no idea. It was clear she didn't. The master frowned, scoffing.
"Did she now?" Confused, the doctor looked up at him.
"You don't remember. Do you?"
"Why does it matter?" He shrugged at her question, taking a few steps back.
"I'm just curious. I quite liked her." Rolling her eyes, the blonde let out a laugh.
"You hate humans." His lips turned up at the ends.
"Most. Either way, it's like you said. She doesn't matter right?" The doctor stayed quiet, just watching him.
"Why didn't you like her, doctor? Was it because she actually thought for herself?"
"No! She was immoral! She would never listen to reason and don't get me started on her veiws. The girl actually thought it was okay to murder." She spat out, glaring at the master as she spoke. Letting out a laugh.
"At least you admit it." Groaning, she wiggled around in the Dalek casing.
"Can you just get on with whatever this is? I'm bored."
"But of course dear doctor." He stated over to her side, smirking down at her.
"But as you know, every dictator needs his queen." Holding his hand out, I came from behind her and took hold of it. The master pulled me forward, his arm round my waist as he moved to stand in front of her. The doctor looked at me in horror.
"You never came for me. He told you he took me and you didn't care. Then again, when did you ever care about me?" I said lowly, leaning into the masters side comfortably. She started shaking her head, in denial.
"What's going on. He kidnapped you, that's right, right?" Laughing, I just looked at her blankly.
"Kidnapped me? No. He saved me."
"From what?"
"From you, doctor." Her face fell instantly, swallowing down her anxiety.
"You don't know what you're dealing with,    (y/n). He'll kill you." I smiled, giving the master a side eye. He winked in return.
"Will he? Its been eight months." The doctor just stared at me, gnawing on her lip.
"Do you remember the final sanction of our people?" Dread set in on her features, both of us laughing to ourselves.
"Forced regeneration."
So, yaz had thrown us out onto this stupid mushroom planet and flown off. I wasn't worried however, sitting by the master. He began talking about the planet. What it was for and who inhabited it. Smiling, I cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly.
"Even if this doesn't work out, remember I won't leave you." Just as the tardis began to materialise behind us, he nod.
"I know darling. Come on."
Back in Russia, we walked out of the tardis only to be ambushed by the doctor? Apparently? Though I'd never seen that incarnation of her before.
"Get in the box." Yaz glared, pointing at it.
"Or what?" Suddenly, I was yanked back. An arm held me uncomfortable tight. A gun was pressed to the side of my head. The masters gazed went cold.
"You wouldn't dare." The man holding me chuckled before smacking the gun against my head harshly. Dizziness took over and I almost fell.
"I would." He spat, making the master get in the box immediately. Vinder kept the gun to me and walked round the side either yaz. She did her thing with the screwdriver, bringing her doctor back. The master slumped down in the box, making my heart drop. I couldn't loose him. The others rushed to the doctor, forgetting me. I took the opportunity to pick up the discarded gun and go to the master. He was out for the count. A flip switch inside of me and I stood again slowly. They were all distracted, going back into the tardis. I was going to make her suffer.
Once teleported back to the conversion planet, I made sure the master was comfortable before rushing out the door. I found the doctor, walking back to her own tardis. Holding the gun up, I didn't need to think twice and shot her in the back. She fell forward, turning to look at me. Yaz ran out, just in time to catch her. Giving them a wave, I ran back to our tardis and flew away.
Somehow, I managed to get him into his room and onto the bed. I also changed him into some pyjamas and tucked him in. Hopefully, the doctor would be dead. For hours, I sat by the master, just waiting for him to wake up. And as time went on, I grew scared he would never wake up. Tears rolled down my cheeks, scared I'd be left alone once again. A sharp intake of breath jolted me away from those negative thoughts. The master sat up, groaning in pain. I was quick to help him rest back against the pillows.
"What happened?" He asked, voice weak. Wiping my face, I told him everything.
"And the doctor?"
"I shot her." Chuckling, he looked up and me before quickly frowning.
"Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" Shaking my head, I sniffled.
"I thought you weren't going to wake up." Immediately, I was pulled into his embrace, my face pressing into his neck.
"Its alright. I'm alright. I just need a few days to recover." He spoke softly, laying back with me in his hold. After sharing a sweet kiss, I relaxed against him.
"You should change, then I can cuddle you properly." Realising I was still in my uncomfortable dress, I rushed away to change into one of his shirts. The master smiled approvingly once he saw, pulling the covers back. I crawled next to him and cuddled into his side. Tilting my chin up, he leant down and kissed me lovingly; before bring the cover over us securely.
"I'm proud of you."
"Why? Because I tried to kill the doctor?" I giggled, nuzzling into his hold for warmth.
"Well, yes. Of course. But I meant how you handled everything. I'm really impressed." Smiling, I began to play with his fingers gently.
"I just acted on instinct. I just wanted to be with you again. I'm sorry your plan didn't work."
"That's alright love. As long as nothing happened to you, I don't really care." He told me, settling down once again. Pressing his nose into my hair, he inhaled deeply and relaxed thereafter.
"I love you." I mumbled, threading our fingers together. My eyes grew heavy, the weight of the day finally settling in. The master kissed my head, making sure I was tucked in by his side securely.
"Love you too princess."
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mulderscully · 10 months
"fourteen would've told rose he loved her on that beach." people continue to not understand ten, tenrose or what was happening in that scene.
no matter what ease fourteen has saying love about donna and wilf, rose is different.
she is fundamentally different because she makes him want things he cannot have in a way no one else does. the block between ten and rose is not repression in and of itself, it's ten intentionally holding back from her not because he wants her to stay with him forever, but because he wants to be human with her.
ten cannot do that, not because he and tentoo are any different in how they feel but because they simply have different opportunities. tentoo is ABLE to say i love you because he is human and feels free to do so, which ten was not. even IF tentoo had not existed, ten was not ready to let rose in the way i swear this fandom thinks he would've been.
and considering he just lost his family and entire race at that time, that's understandable! for fourteen there are NINE reasons since then. he has been three people. he has loved. the ponds, clara and yaz. he has spent millions of years in essentially hell for clara who he had to forget. he knows how it feels now which is why his behavior toward donna makes sense. like boo throw tomatoes at me but not everything is abt rose anymore jfc.
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zyalahmiscfandom · 2 years
An Unexpected Trip pt3: Dhawan!Master x f!Reader
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AN: Sorry this took so long, and there is a very large chance the Master is OOC. I dunno. Anyway Part Three aka the penultimate part. 
The room was in chaos as Kate shoved your stolen phone into your hands. You grasped it tightly, your heart fluttering a million miles per second. On the one hand your were ecstatic that the Master had come for you, and claimed you as his publicly,(you didn’t have time to delve deep into the implications of that) but on the other hand he was threatening his full wrath upon the building, which could be disastrous for the innocent civilians of London and maybe all of the UK. To say you were torn would be an understatement.
“Y/N you okay?” You felt Yaz’s comforting hand on your shoulder. Your conflicted eyes met her genuinely concerned ones. You felt a little bit of your turbulence leave, even if it was only for a moment.
“Ask me again, when this is over.” You smiled a little weakly, staring at your reflection in the black mirror of your phone.
“Fair enough,” Yaz sighed, her eyes going to The Doctor who was currently running around the office rooms computers like an excited chicken, Kate, ace and Graham close behind all chattering away, trying to figure out a plan. Looking to you again for a moment before she decided to join you on the chaise lounge.
“Soooo, you and the Master?” She smiled, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah…Maybe, kinda, oh I dunno.” You awkwardly chuckled keeping your voice low so only Yaz could hear. “We’ve never talked about having that kind of relationship, but sometimes I think we could, and that he wants to, but,” You sighed rubbing your eyes, flinching a little at your temple again. “Time-lords can be a little hard to read.”
“Heh, tell me about it.” Yaz glanced wistfully towards her manic blonde genius.
“Well we’ll just have to kidnap you next, get the Doctor to confess her love for you, then we’ll all double date at Evista Five.” You joked, Yaz let out a short laugh.
“Oh god the Doctor and the Master would kill each other after five minutes.” Yaz said her smile wide.
“Yaz be reasonable, it’d be less than two.”
The two of you shared a small reprise together, joking about how the two Time-lords would do nothing but try to one up the other for the entire two minutes they could stand to be around one another, ultimately leading to the swearing to never see each other again, which they would also fail to do.
“You two seem to be getting along.” The Doctor suddenly announced in front of you.
“Jesus, give me a heart attack why don’t you.” You jumped, hand on your chest.
“Sorry,” Her faced morphed into something akin to an awkward cat, “But I’m 99 percent positive I’ve figured out a plan.”
You and Yaz blinked up at her expectantly.
“Well 96 percent positive, maybe…” The Doctor started to ramble about percentages and variable factors.
“Doctor.” Yaz smiled, pulling her Time-lord out of her thoughts.
“Right!” She clapped her hands together, “Y/N, you, Yaz and I are going to lure the Master away from the security centre and up to the roof, whilst everyone else evacuates through the underground passages hidden in the basement.”
“Counterpoint,” You stood, “How about you just let me go to the Master and we say goodbye to you lot,” You motioned to Kate, Ace and Graham at the computers. “Forever.”
“Counter, counter,” The Doctor raised her hands, “We can’t.”
“What? Why not?” You demanded. “He said he’d let all of this slide if you just handed me over.”
“But only if you weren’t harmed.”
“Oh.” You looked down at your raw wrists and thought about the pain in your temple. “How bad is my face?”
“Bad enough to give the Master a reason to explode.” The Doctor had a sombre darkness to her voice, something you hadn’t heard from the lively blonde before, though it was still nothing compared to the darkness the Master could hold, just another reason you wanted to get back to him as fast as you could.
“Doctor please, I really don’t want this to end in blood, but…I want this to be over.” You pleaded with her. “Is using me as bait to lure him away from my kidnappers really going to ease his blood lust? Or are you going to make things worse?”
“Doctor, maybe Y/N has a point?” Yaz sided with you, surprising you a little, but you could tell she didn’t want needless carnage just like you.
“You can’t really be considering this Doctor?” Kate interrupted. “The Master is a monster, we can’t just give into his demands.”
“Seriously Kate, drop it.” You glared, your own voice deepening in anger and frustration. “You’re the villain of this story not the Master.”
Kate scoffed.
“You want us to believe there is no malice to your arrival in London, and yet you talk to me like that?”
That was the final straw. You stood suddenly, Kate quickly took a step back, the Doctor’s eyes franticly looking between the two of you, ready to intervene at a moments notice.
“Fuck this.” You pushed past Kate harshly, heading towards the office exit.
“Y/N wait!” Yaz and the Doctor yelled in unison. You would have thought it cute if the situation was different.
“I’m sorry,” You stopped at the door, turning you head to look back. “I wasn’t kidding about Evista Five, it’d be nice to hang out under different circumstances. I’ll tell him you tried to help Doctor, let him know that this wasn’t your fault.” A sad smile played on your lips before darkness overtook your features. “And Kate, if I find out you’ve even thought about spying on my family after I’ve left, contacting them in any way. There will be no place in this universe you’ll be safe from me, let alone the Master.”
Satisfied with the shocked silence you left your captors room and started down the empty corridor bathed in the deep red of the emergency lights. You walked aimlessly for a couple of minutes before the realisation of what you’d done hit you.  
You’d just threatened a government official. Someone in charge of national security. Someone your parents had taught you to never piss off.
You groaned internally, the Master was clearly rubbing off on you, but Kate had threatened people you cared about, and that you could not abide. Who knew you where a ‘fuck around and find out’ kind of person.
Turning a corner you walked straight into two UNIT soldiers, both clad in riot gear and armed to the teeth.
“Fuck not again.” You groaned, getting ready to run in the opposite direction.
“Y/N?” Soldier one mumbled, his voice slurred his eyes almost completely glazed over. You’d seen that look before, mostly when you and the Master were sneaking into places you shouldn’t.
You nodded slowly, as the two almost bowed to you.
“You Master awaits.” Soldier two gestured for you to follow them. Next thing you know, your being led through the building by armed and loyal guard, every time a normal UNIT worker scurries by the guns your guards are holding are trained on them with laser focus, until the unfortunate worker has run away.
By the time your nearing the security office, your two soldier guard had multiplied to fifteen. You’d never felt more like a Princess in your life, all you were missing was a ball-gown and a crown. You had almost forgot how serious the situation still was until you came to the large security room doors, the electronic lock on the doors flashing a menacing red.
Soldier one left your side to knock heavily on the metal door.
“WHAT!” A frantic screech came from behind the door. You could barely recognise the Master’s voice, he’d never sounded so broken.
“Master? It’s me.” You forced your voice to sound strong. Holding your breath you heard a cavalcade of smashes and clamouring before the electronic light turned green.
The door had barely opened, before you were pulled into a lung crushing hug, the smothering embrace almost stopped you from registering the door being locked again from behind you.
You could feel jackhammering double heartbeats reverberating through your own chest, like the two of you were connected through panic and relief. You were finally back in the safety of the Masters arms, tears welled in your eyes as you squeezed him back as hard as you could.
“I’m so sorry,” You sniffled into his neck, absorbing his familiar scent. “So, sorry. I shouldn’t have gone, I shouldn’t have…”
“Shhh shh shhh,” The Master soothed, stroking your hair, “My sweet Y/N. My darling pet. None of this is your fault.” The mania in his voice was palpable, it sent a brief shiver down your spine. Pushing away from his grip a little, you looked up at his face.
Your heart stuttered, he looked a wreck. His hair was wild and dishevelled, his eyes puffy and red, his lip was chewed to ribbons and there was harsh scratch marks on his neck.
“Oh Master.” You cupped his distressed face in your hands, his tired eyes closed, sighing into your gentle touch. In the small moment of calm you took in the entire room.
Its state matched the Master’s perfectly, monitors had been ripped off the walls, sparking wires hung from the ceiling, papers carpeted the floor, the most horrific part was the long line of TCE’d people posed outside the doors of the TARDIS. A dark tableau of what was truly at stake at the moment.
“Let’s leave yeah,” You tried coaxing, “Just get in the TARDIS and go. Forget this ever happened.”
The Masters eyes snapped open and a curt laugh escaped his throat.
“Oh no, now the fun can start.” He cackled, spinning you around in a waltz like twirl.
“Master, please don’t.” You tried to reason with him. “You said we’d just leave, if they gave me to you.”
“Ah that’s the best part. They didn’t.” He giggled.
“Best part about a security room pet? The cameras.” He motioned to the small section of the monitors he hadn’t destroyed. It was a clear video feed of the room you had been held in, everyone still seemed to be arguing with each other. You had hoped they would have left after you did, but Kate had proved herself a stubborn woman.
“So they didn’t personally hand me over, it’s fine, I’m fine.”
“It’s NOT FINE!” He exploded. You tried not to flinch but he’d never blown up at you quite like that before. “They took you from me! They hurt you!” His hands floated above your wrists, before hovering above your temple seemingly too scared touch the marks UNIT had left on you.
“They have to pay.” His soft brown eyes dropped from yours. “So they will.” He abruptly turned away from you, before going to the intercom system.
“Attention worthless peons, you have your orders now obey!” You heard loud shuffling from the hypnotised masses on the other side of the door.
“Master what did you do?” You asked frantically.
“Nothing much, just a little hypnotism.” He shrugged nonchalantly, a giggle on his lips.
“Not what I meant Master, and you know that.”
He ignored you, going over to a computer and typing almost absentmindedly. You stormed over to him, pushing yourself in front of his busy hands.
“What did you make them do?” The Master opened his mouth to talk but you cut him off, “Other than collect, protect and deliver me to you.” He shut his mouth quickly, before contemplating his answer.
“They’re ordered to take down the building. By any means necessary.”
“Master you can’t.”
“I can! And I will!” He yelled again, pinning you to the computer desk behind you. “Do not forget that I am the Master and YOU are the pet. It’s my duty! They have to learn!” He screamed his frantic rambling thoughts. Tears welled in both of your eyes. It hurt to see the Master this upset, it made you want to bring the building down, but you knew in your heart you couldn’t.
“Please,” You whimpered, “We can’t let them win.” This time you hugged him.
“That’s why I have to do this, they deserve it. They all deserve it. They tried to take you away.”
“Because they’re idiots, even the Doctor said to let me go.”
“They did?” He asked incredulously.
“Yeah, well mostly Yaz, but they agreed I should be with you, because they believed me when I said you’d changed.”  
A million thoughts danced across the Masters eyes, none of which you were privy to. Instead you simply continued.
“Kate, UNIT, Ace. None of them believed we were simply here because I asked. They thought it was a plot. And if you destroy this building, you’ll prove them right. And you said you were never wrong.” You tried to play to his narcissistic side, the side that hated to lose.
“But they ruined everything.” He pouted, thousands of years of pain and fighting had taught him there were no peaceful resolutions for him.
“Only if we let them.”
The Master sighed in frustration, rubbing his hand exhaustedly over his eyes.
“Why can’t I say no to you?” He grumbled, as he once again activated the intercom.
“Because you love me?” You cheekily smiled, hoping to lighten his mood.
“Everything used to be so simple before you arrived,” He mumbled under his breath, “Listen now to your Master,” He proudly announced through the microphone, “Cease the assault immediately. Lay down your arms and surrender yourselves to your fellow UNIT members. And know this, it is only because I choose to let you live that you can continue to draw your pathetic human breaths. And I would suggest you leave my human alone from now on, lest there be more carnage. Understand? Good.”
He let the button go, and turned expectantly to you.
“I will be when we get out of here.” You smiled softly.  
“Fine.” He takes your hand gently in his leading you through the TARDIS doors, making sure to knock over the miniature bodies in his way like an angry child.
Even in the console room he refused to let go of your hand, skillfully he piloted the TARDIS one handed, and before you knew it the centre console started to move, and you finally left your nightmare behind.
However the Master’s posture told you, that this was far from over.
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confusedspaceotter · 2 years
Daily avatrice analysis (day 4)
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 day8 day9
apologies if this is bit of a mess, had a bit of trouble trying to put my thoughts into words, which is why there's so many gifs/pics today
now without further ado
Ep 6
now you might be wondering
cause there isn’t a avatrice interaction in ep 6
or is there?
may i present the last 5 mins of ep 6
when Bea show up and pick up Mary
(I would like to headcanon Bea volunteered to come all the way to pick up Mary not only because Mary is her friend but because she suspects Mary already found Ava and she wanted to see her)
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And I would like to think that I’m right(Bea your gay is showing people don’t just stared at your left mirror standing like that)
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Look the Mary’s face when Bea asks is Ava coming 
She knows.
Mary, probably:
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Anyway now back to ep 7
before i talk about the “Beatrice is a badass” scene 
Two things i wanna talk about 
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How do I know Mary knows something is up with Beatrice and Ava?
One episode later she basically compared what Shannon is to her 
To what Ava is to Bea 
“Letting Duretti get away with murder”
That’s 100% about Shannon
Now we all know who Shannon is to Mary ;)
The fact that she used their relationship and tried to convinced Bea hey you gotta do something you girl friend might die if you don’t 
Yeah she knows definitely 
And Two, this conversation between Bea and Camila
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fun fact, Camila is this first one to call Beatrice Bea 
I would like to headcanon that whenever Bea were tasked to train new recruits, in order to make them feel more comfortable, at some point Beatrice would let them call her Bea as is sign of closeness(Kinda like a “ My name is Yasmin Khan but my friends call me yaz situation)
Or is just Camila being Camila 
either way is cute asf 
and I love that Ava after being trained by Bea for two months calls her Bea most of the time too
just look them IM-
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Remember when I said that she is not good at initiating physical contact yet her love language is physical touch?
This is what I meant 
There’s still a slight hesitation but she definitely are more comfortable here
make sense cause she did know Camila longer compare to Ava
plus Bea is her mentor/mum 
Beatrice and Camila is THE softest duo istg
on to the famous “beatrice is a badass” scene 
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Got nothing to say except yes Ava I agree she IS a badass
Look at how Ava admires Beatrice awwww
Tbh same girl seeing Bea kick ass like that does things to me too
Bea calling out(? sister Crimson’s next move 
Coolest shit I seen(at least one of them there are plenty of cool scenes in the show
Also that outfit?????
They never missed with Bea’s casual outfit 
Whether is in S1 or S2
Not a single one look bad 
I swear imo every outfit deserves to be show off in a fashion show or something 
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And that side kick(? Damnnnnnn girl 
She really likes to side kick people 
(Anyone who know what this move is called I know nothing about martial arts)
And she looks cool doing it 
We can also see the kid Ava showing 
Look at her smile I’m-
girl must think that Beatrice is really cool and reminds her of those action heros she used to saw on TV
Just pure admiration from Ava
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Now some people think that the halo is sentient 
Some think that it only acts as a tool and the one whos in change is the halo bearer 
Personally I’m leaning towards the halo is just a tool the one who’s in control is the user
And how powerful it can be is up to the bearer
Because in ep 3 when she is tied to the table 
I’m guessing all she’s thinking is how to free herself
And the halo reacted to her thoughts by phasing her though the bed, freeing her
I think the same happened here 
All she is thinking is how to save Beatrice and Mary
From the trajectory of the bullets(the slow mo at the end of the gif )
Is going the opposite side from where Mary and Bea is
Here’s a chart(? I draw to demonstrate this
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(Handwriting reveal?)
Anyway my point is
Ava and Mary’s sibling dynamic is real 
And Ava might be a cocky little shit (affectionate) towards Mary sometimes but she cares about Mary
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Next we see that Ava got shot by an arrow
And Bea rushing to her side immediately 
No thoughts just 
All hail protective Beatrice 
Oh also has this been done before
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Now something that I noticed from the walk to the van I want to talk about
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Bea putting her hand on Ava’s waist to support her
How she practically jumped on the van to check on Ava
And it doesn’t end
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Baby girl checked not once but twice on Ava’s wound
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I can hear Camila going 
Bea? Did you just check her wound twice???
Now this could just be a simple error 
They accidentally included an extra shot
But being the overthinker that I am
I would like to believe Bea was so worried about Ava that she had to check twice
This scene is giving Clarke Griffin from the 100 coming to Lexa’s room and change her perfectly fine bandages to a random cloth just so she could talk to Lexa
Bea chill out she’s not gonna die she can heal herself 
Anddd that’s it for today 
Tmr is gonna be a long one
And it might get personal too but who knows 
Stay tuned to find out :)
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rainysofsunshineao3 · 5 months
Ben, calling Yaz: "How do I pick up guys?"
Yaz: "Why tf you asking me?"
Yaz: "Get ripped as shit."
Ben: "Done."
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headcanonsandmore · 1 year
Pride 🏳‍🌈
Summary:  Yasmin Khan is feeling a little down this June. Luckily for her, she's got a community of people around to support her. Happy Pride, everyone!
                                                Read on AO3. 
Yasmin Khan sighed, and stretched out on the sofa.
It was now June; it was just over a year since she had returned to life on Earth, and she was slowly starting to grow used to normal life. She hadn’t returned to her previous job; instead, she’d been promised a free-lance post by Kate Stewart. Apparently, U.N.I.T wanted people with experience dealing with extra-terrestrial affairs.
Yaz supposed that description fitted her well. In more ways than one.
She was enjoying living in London, though; granted, it was a marked departure from Sheffield, but the place wasn’t all bad. The group that Graham had helped set up the previous year had gone from strength to strength, and Yaz was enjoying the support of other people who had been through similar experiences as her.
Maybe not exactly the same. She already knew that most people who had travelled in the TARDIS weren’t… well, didn’t have the same sort of relationship with a certain time lord as Yaz had done.
Martha Jones had been a great help. Not only had she helped Yaz work through some of her grief (helped by the other people from the support group) but she had also had Yaz move in as her roommate.
It was a nice flat too; granted, it was a little strange not to live somewhere without her mum and dad poking their heads through her door, but Yaz had started to really enjoy it.
Even if her heart still clenched a bit whenever she saw a packet of custard creams.
She missed the Doctor. Her Doctor. Maybe she always would.
Knock. Knock.
Yaz frowned. Martha had her key on her, and she wasn’t expecting any visitors. She got up and walked down the corridor to the front door.
‘Oy!’ came a familiar voice. ‘AA here; c’mon, let me in!’
Yaz smiled, bemused. Ace McShane had started styling herself as “AA” to Yaz (short from “Auntie Ace”) and, while Yaz already had enough aunts as it was, she appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.
Yaz opened the door.
‘Heya!’ declared Ace, thumping Yaz on the shoulder as she barged into the flat. ‘Don’t worry; we brought the correct snacks this time. No custard creams in sight!’
‘What?’ Yaz said, weakly, as what seemed to be half the companion support group followed Ace through the door. ‘How- why are you all-’
‘Listen, I know you said you didn’t want to go to Pride this year,’ Ace said, grinning widely. ‘You didn’t want to deal with the crowds. So we brought Pride to you!’
Sure enough, most of them were festooned in rainbow flags of various types. Dan was even wearing a loud rainbow wig as he grinned at Yaz.
‘Ace…’ Tegan Jovanka said, eyes narrowing. ‘I thought you said Yaz was expecting us.’
‘Well… she is now,’ Ace replied, shrinking a little under the Australian’s glare. ‘Same difference, really…’
‘I swear to goodness…’ Tegan sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose, before turning and placing her other hand softly on Yaz’s shoulder. ‘I’m sorry, Yaz; we won’t force you to celebrate it if you don’t want to.’
Yaz smiled at the older woman. Tegan was definitely something of an aunt to her now as well, although she had so far avoided using any nicknames.
‘Ta, Tegan, but I think I probably could do with some moral support about now. Happy Pride, ‘n all that.’
‘Great!’ Ace said, bouncing cheerfully on her heels. ‘Right; into the living room, everyone!’
‘Cool,’ Yaz replied. ‘Be w’you in a mo; just grabbing some stuff from m’room.’
She headed along the corridor and entered her room. She grabbed a few CDs, a couple of rainbow flags, and some of her favourite queer films.
‘You sure you’re okay, Sheffield?’
Dan was stood in the doorway, having removed his rainbow wig.
‘Thanks, Dan,’ Yaz said. ‘But I really am fine. I was feeling a bit mardy by myself today; you lot arrived at the perfect time.’
‘Great,’ the Scouser replied, smiling widely. ‘You think this wig suits me? Di said I’d give you a fright wearing it.’
Yaz chuckled, clicking her bisexual flag pin to the front of her t-shirt.
‘Looks cool, mate,’ Dan said, giving her the thumbs-up sign.
‘Yeah,’ Ryan said. ‘Very you.’
‘Ta,’ Yaz replied. ‘But I’m still not giving y’ Sonja’s number.’
‘Oh, your mum gave it me already.’
Yaz rolled her eyes.
Ryan was staring at a picture on the wall. It was of Yaz and Sonja’s shared bedroom when they were younger.
‘I didn’t know you fancied the lady from “Broadchurch”,’ he said, pointing to the background of picture, where a magazine clipping of a brown-haired woman was awkwardly attached to the wallpaper with blue-tac.
‘Shut up.’
‘Hey, she kinda looks like-’
‘Shut. Up.’
Ryan chuckled, before patting Yaz on the shoulder.
The three of them headed into the living room, where the various people had arranged themselves on chairs. Those who were a bit younger had nestled themselves comfortably on the floor.
‘Nice!’ Ace grinned, as Yaz placed the various CDs and DVDs on the table. ‘Rocky Horror? You have great taste!’
Yaz grinned, as she removed the disc from its case and set it into the DVD player under the TV. She then seated herself on the sofa, in a place that had presumably been reserved for her.
Nearby, Tegan was sat, hand-in-hand, with Nyssa of Traken. The curly-haired woman had arrived on Earth barely a few months before. In that time, Tegan had gone from “I’m glad to have my best friend back” to “okay maybe I have some underlying feelings I ignored back in the eighties” before finally landing on “me and Nys kissed each other in my kitchen the other day and now we’re dating”.
It was actually really sweet to see the two of them together. Tegan looked happier than Yaz had ever seen her and, judging from what Ace had said, Nyssa had fallen head-over-heels for the Australian in the same way.
Well, by the sounds of it, they had been in love whilst they had both been travelling in the TARDIS, but details. What mattered was, they had found each other again.
‘Hello Yasmin,’ Nyssa said, smiling kindly at the younger woman. ‘How are you feeling?’
‘Fine,’ Yaz replied. The Trakenite woman always insisted on calling Yaz by her full name. ‘How are you? Settling in okay with Tegan?’
‘Tegan is lovely as ever,’ Nyssa said, smiling at her partner. The Australian’s cheeks pinkened slightly as she smiled back. ‘Well, when Ace isn’t barging in at nine-thirty in the evening, that is. She was giggling like a hysterical adolescent.’
‘Hey!’ Ace said, as everyone laughed. ‘It was quite a shock, walking into the sitting room to find Nyssa with her hand down Tegan’s-’
‘Ace!’ Tegan exclaimed, face flashing crimson.
Every else, including Nyssa, bit down a laugh.
‘Sorry, Tee,’ Ace replied, not looking remotely apologetic. ‘Anyway, we are all really happy for you both.’
‘Thank you, Ace,’ Nyssa said, squeezing the still-flustered Tegan’s hand. ‘We really appreciate it. Although… maybe next time, try knocking instead?’
Ace let out a bark of laughter.
‘Nevermind us,’ Tegan said, smiling grimly to herself. ‘What about you, Ace?’
‘I don’t know what you mean.’
‘Well, I mean, the fact that, earlier, you seemed to be holding hands with both Graham and Mel was rather telling.’
Ace pretended not to hear. Both Mel and Graham avoided eye contact, going a little red in the face.
‘Yaz, can you hit play on Rocky Horror?’ Ace said, turning to the Yorkshirewoman. ‘Is this the sing-along version? I hope you lot have your vocal chords all warmed up…’
 Several hours later (and after several other musicals with the sing-along versions selected), Yaz had decided to get some fresh air, standing on the small balcony. Inside, she could hear the sounds of her friends laughing and chattering awa; Martha and a few others had turned up over the intervening hours, and the place was now filled with those cosy feeling that came with many friends all packed into a small flat.
Yaz stared up at the stars in the night sky above.
She knew the pain would never really go, but… that was okay. Grief was a form of love, after all. She had loved her time with the Doctor. Her Doctor. And she would always smile when she remembered that wonderful blonde alien, who had fallen from the stars and into her heart.
Yaz walked back inside, closing the door behind her. In the living room, someone had found Yaz’s cd-tape-radio set. Mel, ever the pragmatist, was trying to gently advise Ace that the rest of the assembled people probably didn’t want to listen to the greatest hits of Bikini Kill.
‘But “Rebel Girl” is basically my theme!’
‘Love, please…’ Mel said, placing a hand gently on Ace’s arm. ‘For me?’
A small smile appeared on Ace’s face.
‘Alright, doughnut,’ she said. ‘For you. But no soppy love songs-’
‘Too late,’ Tegan said, pressing play on the set. ‘Hope you all like my 80s favourites CD.’
Ace rolled her eyes, but didn’t complain further, instead choosing to lean against the wall. A song started up, with an synth keyboard solo.
Looking from a window above… it's like a story of love… can you hear me…
‘Nys?’ Tegan asked, reaching out a hand to the Trakenite woman. ‘May I have this dance?’
Nyssa smiled, her cheeks pinkening slightly.
‘Of course, my darling,’
Nyssa took Tegan’s hand, and the two women began to dance gently together.
Can you hear me… all I needed was the love you gave… and all I needed for another day… and all I ever knew… only you…
‘Thanks for today,’ Yaz said, coming to stand beside Ace, as they continued to watch Tegan and Nyssa sway softly. ‘I think I needed this.’
‘Hey, what are friends for?’ Ace replied, grinning. ‘We’re here for you, Yaz; no matter what.’
Yaz smiled. Yes, she had experienced a fair amount of hurt, but also a lot of love. And, during Pride of all times, it was important to remember love. From the sheer romance of the two older women dancing a few feet away, to the friendship that she felt with every person in the room. It was everywhere.
Yaz sighed, contentedly. She’d be okay.  
Thanks for reading, everyone! Hope you enjoyed this fic based in my little "companion support group" nicheverse.
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daxromana · 10 months
I am curious about Fourteen & Thirteen’s companions. Because Yaz explicitly didn’t want to be around for the next Doctor but I think Fourteen would like to reconnect with Graham & Ryan. So I’m imagining Fourteen taking a train up to Sheffield and introducing himself to Graham and Ryan and just like hanging out with them but swearing them to secrecy that they not mention his existence to Yaz. And they’re like, that’s dumb, and they tell Yaz as soon as Fourteen has his back turned and let her make the decision about whether she wants to meet him or not.
(Fourteen goes to see Dan and Dan immediately pulls out his phone and video calls Yaz like “Hey Yaz look at this funny looking bloke who claims to be the Doctor.”)
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for the otp ask! for thasmin! 3. Are they into PDA? Who initiates most?, 8. Who is a morning person? Who is a night owl?, 18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober?, 19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?), 24. Sleeping/cuddling positions? (Big spoon, little spoon, etc.)? and 30. Pet names? Yes or no?
3. Are they into PDA? Who initiates most?
It’s probably more accidental PDA on the Doctor’s part. She just gets SO excited sometimes and jumps on Yaz, who rolls her eyes but puts up with it.
8. Who is a morning person? Who is a night owl?
Sometimes the Doctor is both because she never sleeps! But generally the Doctor is probably a night owl and Yaz is more of a morning person.
18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober?
I’m actually about to address this in this week’s chapter of Piece by Piece, and I think it would play out similarly in canon, so I’ll give you a little snippet/preview:
Theo gasped.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Yaz said.
“I forgot to tell you I’m writing a paper about you!”
Yaz tripped. Something clanged down the alley. She twisted to keep the heart’s container from hitting the ground, and the back of her head banged into the pavement. Theo crashed down on top of her, jamming the container into her stomach and knocking the wind out of her.
“It’s going to be a really good paper,” Theo mumbled, making no attempt to move.
Yaz gasped for air and nudged Theo off her chest. “Tell me about it later,” she said. “When we’re not laying in a dark alley.”
Theo giggled.
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?)
Most of their fights have to be due to terrible communication skills, but their biggest fights happen whenever the Doctor decides to do something stupid and self-sacrificing.
24. Sleeping/cuddling positions? (Big spoon, little spoon, etc.)?
Answered this here!
30. Pet names? Yes or no?
The Doctor has to have a thousand REALLY BAD ones, which she’ll try, swear never to use again, and then move on from. Yaz doesn’t seem like the pet name type, but she might let a “babe” or something slip every now and then, which the Doctor doesn’t mind.
Thanks for the asks! :)
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the star beast reactions:
the end of time part 2: “the story never ends” switches to “ the story hasnt ended yet” this show is driving me to cookoo land
taxi logo! Very 2005.
“That says grand mistress!” “oh, catch up” [….sentient physic paper headcanon? Maybe everything the doctor carries is secretly sentient sdlkfj rip all those sonics that fell in battle]
"me putting up with that" ksksksks "what do I care? I’ve got the true greatest girls in the world" just u wait for what’s coming shaun. Hope u always secretly wanted an autistic queerplatonic husband.
"and I shoukd know, I invented them!" bully!donna headcanon comfirmed (?) to go with already-canon teenage!wreck donna.
"oh, yes definetly" sylvia "queer-coded mom "mother of a queer " subtext finally becomes text as "grandmother of a queer"!!!!
"you had a bit of a breakdown… and then you got better" sksksks every “the doctor is a hallucination” dark!fic ever/ alternatively: amy coded
"I should be really happy"'... but sometimes I lie in bed thiking, what have I lost?" THIRTEEN CODED THIRTEEN CODED OH GOD THE REGRETS OVER DROPPING THE FOBWATCH….
“Fuge” is iconic
14 is definetly someone who lived 11/12/13's lives lol my girl is so tired
"I’ve read the files" when UNIT personel says this the translation is: I’ve watched all of three’s era.
"I dont know who I am anymore" understatement of the billenia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "she's happy! Is she?” I mean tbf, is anyone ever? in this economy? Lol
"I don’t believe in destiny but-" (yeah you do?)
"You know my rules, no secrets in this house" I wonder if Donna didn’t get at least a little bit mad after this that everyone lied to her for 15 years dlskjf
the bit with wilf’s accomodation was a good subtle commentary about accesibility again…
ok…. But the definite article bit was excellent??? sdlkfj i swear fandom is so recalcitrant sometimes
"two hearts! so do I!" [rtd: in case u didn’t notice, this is what we call A Foil]
"that’s not concrete ', it’s mortar" "thank you, bob the builder"
the doc in the wig…………………… valeyard coded
There will be no violence... UNTIL he deems it fit and proper! and that’s GROWTH(tm)
solar psychodelia my beloved eu band
"it just felt like the sort of thing he woukd do" t.t
"who cares about me?" "i do" T.T!!!!!
(sdklfj tho ngl it feels like it escaletes to this emotional level wayyyy too quickly)
clifftops.... grief... fingerprint… THE SMELL OF DUST AFTER RAIN……..
I mean he did very much kill donna (again?) ddklSjs THIS IS A VERY SIGNIFICANT THING THAT JUST HAPPENED???
“She chose her own name…” trans doctor fodder?
"male and femape and neither and more" tbh this works rlly well on the metaphysical level I was talking about (note to self: elaborate on that in another post), do have to agree it sounds a bit iffy on the gender politics front...
"cryptic, I hate that" liar, you’re all about that
tbh "shame you are not a woman anymore" feels riiiiiight in line with "you two are just time lords, you dumbos!" sdkfj donna has to be a lil’ bioessentialist about meta cris-es every time doesn’t she.
"and we choose to let it go" / [the one adventure I could never have] / [terf island will eventually let go of transphobia] / [“how to let go of depression”: the scifi/adventure series]
"why does it have to be one last trip?" good question!!! yaz would like to know as well!!!
Fun as hell! But i did feel a tinge disappointed that rose and the nobles aren’t that developed (and Shirley as well).
I think The Point and The Message is a bit clumsily delivered, but overall the writers’ hearts are in the right place and it does work philosophically for where (I think?) the series is going next. As a ~Trial Of A TimeLord Enjoyer~ the bit where 14 puts on a wig made me go feral.
The meep is well realized but tbh I don’t think the OG story is that strong? And I think my Hot Take is….. I think that a straight-forward story wasn’t super compatible with all the mechanics and logistics and exposition that this “fix fic-ing the doctordonna” story necessitates. So the whole thing feels kinda bogged down by having to be a recap.
Finally… I think the resolution feels a bit too... mechanical? because Rose is not developed / put as the POV at the start, it’s not enough of an emotional thrill to see her saving the day (other than like, idk, if I interpret Rose Noble triumphing being a metaphor for Donna’s life being complete when she has her own life but also the doctor back again (?)).
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fxlling13 · 2 years
What you deserve.
13 x fem reader
Warnings: smut, violence???
Synopsis: the doctor takes you to a party. However, you see something that makes you not so happy.
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"A party?" Anyone could hear the questioning tone in yasmines voice. Though, I couldn't blame her as both Dan and I were just as confused.
"Not just any party. A royal wedding." The doctor sounded extremely enthusiastic about her idea and whilst it sounded great, our plans usually turned south.
"How do we know a bunch of sontarons won't ambush us mid event?" Accent strong, Dan crossed his arms, his brows raised in skepticism.
"Well you could always bring your wok?" It was hard not to laugh at yazs' comment and he sent a glare her way.
"Hey, this event is fixed. Meaning nothing will change." She told us, leaning on the console with confidence.
"And that's definite?" I asked, looking at her with amusement. Mouth scrunching up slightly, the doc huffed.
"Ninety-nine point nine, nine ni-"
"OK ok! We'll go!" Dan laughed, putting his hands up in defeat. Jumping up, the doctor ran around, flicking levers and pushing buttons. Eventually, the ship took off with the engines whirring powerfully. Watching from the side, I admired the blonde as she piloted her ship with ease. The look of concentration on her face, her slender hands taking control of the situation so easily and the way her tongue poked out the corner of her-
"Nice view?" Flinching from the sudden voice, my head shot left and I saw yaz trying not to laugh. Growing embarrassed that I had been caught, I cleared my throat and tried to look inconspicuous.
"I'm just, watching how to do it, kinda." My failed attempt at a smooth recovery only resulted in her cackling quietly.
"Oh stop it. You don't have to pretend. Anyone can see it." Blinking at the taller, my eyes shot left to right.
"See what?"
"That your pining after her." Dan suddenly appeared on my other side and I groaned in frustration.
"I'm that obvious?" They looked at each other and shared a look of agreement.
"To us you are. She's either really oblivious or just pretending not to see it." Taking in her words, I peered back over to the doctor and saw her inputing some details into the console.
"Are you gonna tell her?" Sighing, I shook my head and looked at Dan sadly.
"Theres no point."
"Well why not?" Before I could respond to him, the doctor came bounding over to our little huddle.
"You're all very quiet, sharing secrets?" None of us replied, looking around her with big eyes and sealed lips. After a minute of silence, she shrugged and broke out into a smile.
"Never mind. We'll land soon, go get ready and we'll meet back here in fifteen minutes." Shocked, we looked at each other.
"What's the dress code?" Yaz was wary, not wanting to be too over or too under dressed.
"Elegant, black tie? Go with that."
After rifling through the wardrobe, that was naturally installed within the tardis, I decided on a short, silky, sky blue dress. With matching Mary Jane heels. Very cute, classy but all dressy. There was a lace panel just below the bust which, was slightly low cut. It fell just above my mid-thigh and I finished it off with a pendant. In all honesty, I wasn't the most confident and it felt as though I genuinely looked disgusting. Maybe it was all in my head but hey, I couldn't fix that view myself. Brushing the cherry gloss across my lips, I added a spray of perfume before heading back out to the console room. No one else was there yet, just me. I was thankful for that and stood next to the console, grazing my hand over the miniature tardis figure that spun round at any mention of danger. Letting out a sound of recognition, I beamed up at the sentient space ship. Footsteps echoed from a distant hallway and they were drawing closer, quickly.
"I do not remember these being this difficult, where did my elastic one go? I swear this ship will be the death...of...me." The doctors words faded out as she stepped into the room. Golden eyes landed on my figure and I suddenly became even more self conscious. For a moment we stared at each other. My eyes wondered over her body without me even realising. She was wearing loose black pants the cinched in at the waist. A cream shirt was tucked in, not so neatly but then again, this was the doctor. The top three buttons were undone and a black tie, yet to be fastened, hung round her neck. Of course, she wore a long, ebony suit jacket to finish it off. Clearly, she loved that style. Finally, the doctor moved and walked up to me.
"You look-" She paused, looking me up and down several times.
"Awful?" I finished for her, giving off an awkward laugh and gazing down at the ground. Brows furrowed, the blonde reached up and ran her fingers through my long hair.
"I was going to say beautiful." Blushing, I think you could see the disbelief written on my face by the look she gave me.
"I'll give hell to anyone who tells you otherwise." Grinning at me, I felt myself relaxing somehow. Gaining a little confidence, I took her hand from my head and held it between us.
"You scrub up nicely doctor." Suprised at my compliment, a small smirk settled on her lips. Now my attention was on them, a thought came to mind.
"Actually doctor, would you like some lip gloss?" Taking a step back, she thought for a moment before nodding. So, I moved away and went back to collect it.
Once I had returned, the others were waiting now as well. They looked just as fancy and smiled at me once I'd appeared. Yaz saw what I was holding and nudged Dan slightly so he'd notice as well.
"Hey doctor, we'll land us okay?" The doctor looked up and saw me, nodding at them once she did. Pulling me off to the side, I could faintly hear them arguing about who was in control. Obviously yaz.
"Want me to fix your tie first?" I offered, seeing as it was still undone.
"Oh, yes please." Handing her the gloss, I began to button up her shirt. Ignoring the way my fingers brushed against her collar bones, I swallowed down my nerves. I was so close to her and her scent surrounded me. Old books and custard creams. She was gazing down at me with a slight intensity, a power we all knew she possessed. Taking hold of the material, I began to knot it correctly and pull it into a tie. Straightening it out, my hands ran down her front tentivley so that it looked presentable.
"Sorry." I spoke quietly, nervous she'd feel invaded or exposed.
"Its quite alright love." My head shot up, only to see a smug expression on her face. Had she been looking at me like that the whole time? Raising her hand, she handed me back the pastel tube before I had time to think. Opening it up, I began to apply a thin layer to her lips with precision. Though, I was shaking slightly. Luckily, I got it done neatly.
"There, all done."
"You know, there was another way I could of gotten some." The doctor said casually. Confused, I looked up at her until it clicked. Maybe. Surely she didn't mean-
"After all, you've got enough on to share." Not giving me any time to recover, she bounced back over to the controls just in time for us landing. Collecting myself, I went over to the small group.
"So, I think we should stick together?" The doctor suggested, stuffing her hands into her pockets. Yaz looked at me with an expression I couldn't read before linking arms with dan.
"I'll go with dan, have fun!" She practically dragged him out, not giving us any choice in the matter. Turning to me, the doctor held out her hand and I took it instantly. Together, we walked out of the tardis and into the biggest ballroom I'd ever seen. There were golden pillars in each corner of the octagonal shaped room. A large window was in the centre so we had a veiw of the universe outside. It wad beautiful. She lead me over to a quieter corner, where we could watch people dancing, interacting and other celebrations going on.
"I'll go get us drinks alright, stay here." Nodding at her, the taller strolled across the room and over to, what looked to be, a bar. There was a male behind the counter, with orange skin and spikes for hair. The place was full of a variety of aliens, including myself I supposed. To them at least, humans were the aliens. Glancing up, I immediately saw how the man had taken hold of her hand and they seemed to be laughing together. She looked really happy. Of course. Why did it even cross my mind that she'd want me. A stupid little human who follows her every call because, why? Because I fell in love at first sight and I can't tell my pathetic heart how to behave. Seeing him lean in closer, I grew angry and balled up my fists. I didn't need to see this. Turning my back to the scene, I took a deep breath and rubbed my face harshly. Stupid, stupid,stupid.
"Hey. Sorry that took a while." The doctors voice came from behind me.
"Everything okay?" Snatching the drink from her, I spoke more harshly than intended.
"Absolutely perfect." Eyes widening, I ignored the doctors startled look and tool a sip of my drink. I think she began to explain what it was but I wasn't listening. He was still looking at her. Why was he staring at her? Gripping onto my glass so tightly, a few people around us gasped once it shattered in my hold. The doctor apologised before giving me a stern look.
"What's the matter?" Not saying anything, she grew impatient and grabbed my wrist. Ignoring my protests, she pulled me out into the corridor so we were alone.
"Tell me what's wrong."
"Theres nothing wrong!" I yelled in defence, finding the carpet particularly interesting to look at. All of a sudden, her hands were on my shoulders, pushing me against the wall. Now trapped between her and the tapestry, I had no choice but to see her face. It made me cringe internally, begging myself not to blush or give it away.
"I'm going to ask you one more time. What's going on?" Tone demanding, I pressed my lips together in resilience. Nothing could make me tell her, it would ruin everything. Once she found out, things would be awkward and- Every thought I had melted away as I felt her lips press against my own rather roughly. Nevertheless, I kissed back instantly, body practically reduced to putty. It was intense, we moulded together perfectly. I could feel each one of my defenses dropping. Sadly, she pulled away, leaving me breathless.
"Tell me." Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. Surely if she did that, the feeling had to be mutual. Or was she just that cruel?
"He was flirting with you. And you looked happy about it." Letting go of my shoulders, I slumped down as the doctor looked thoroughly confused.
"What are you- oh. You mean, the bartender?" She questioned, gazing at me with intent. Nodding, I sniffled slightly and hugged myself for comfort.
"He was touching you and you were laughing." Cupping my cheeks, the doctor lifted my head and gave me the most heartfelt smile I'd ever seen.
"What am I going to do with you huh?" Bewildered, i tilted my head in her hold. Much to my pleasure, she pulled me in for another kiss which I reciprocated immediately. My arms wrapped around her neck, drawing her in closer. Our bodied were pressed against each other, no room remaining. Unfortunately, I had to breath so it was cut much too short for my liking.
"It was you. Always you. I don't care about anyone else, especially not a man." Hearing her confession, I threw myself at her and held on tightly. I'd been dreaming of hearing that for months. Encircling my waist with her arms, she lifted me with ease and pressed my back onto the wall once again. Pulling back from the hug, I stared down at her (due to now being at a higher level).
"So, you get jealous easily?" Rolling my eyes, I huffed a little.
"I had every right to be. He was all over you." Smirking, the doctor tutted playfully.
"Less of the attitude." Feeling challenged, I tangled my hand in the tie, pulling her closer. A gasp escaped her lips at the sudden movement and cut of oxygen. My legs wrapped round her waist to add fuel to fire.
"Or what doctor?"
"You really wanna know?" Her voice was an octave lower as she mumbled against my lips. Instead if a verbal response, I just nod and tried not to seem too disappointed when she put me down. However, she did intertwine our fingers and drag me along until we got back to the tardis. I barely had time to process her flipping a switch as I found myself being taken into her room and the door slammed behind us. Sitting herself down on the bed, she pat her lap expectantly. Not needing to be told twice, I straddled her thighs and wasted no time in accepting her invitation of another kiss. Our tongues clashed as I pushed the coat off of her shoulders. Throwing it off to the side, the doctors hands wandered across my body and up my chest.
"Dont think I didn't notice how you were looking at me." She stated, beginning to kiss down my neck.
"Or the way you felt me up." All I could do was hum in response as she nipped at the skin, proceeding to leave adequate size marks in her path. Pulling on her tie, it came loose enough for me to rip it off. As her fingers fumbled with the zipper of my dress, we parted ways to catch our breaths. The dress fell from shoulders, leaving my front exposed. I felt myself turn red from this, the doctor was staring intensely. To distract myself from this, I wrapped the tie round the back of her neck and jerked her forward rather aggressively.  All she did was chuckle in response, hands crawling up my front and her forehead pressing against my own. Finding my hips, she sat me on her left thigh. Getting impatient, I trailed kisses down her neck, settling at the crook of her neck and biting down gently. The doctor groaned quietly, digging her nails into the now exposed flesh of my hips. When did she lift my dress? That didn't matter, all I was focused on was marking up the side of her neck. At some point, she had begun to rock my hips backwards and forwards. The motion elected a moan from me and I could tell she was smirking. Trying to focus, I searched blindly for the buttons on her shirt and practically tore them apart.
"Now, now love. Don't be too hasty." Ignoring her words, I hurled the garment across the room but froze suddenly. The doctor had grabbed my wrists, causing me to look at her expectantly.
"I said, slow down. Relax." Taking a deep breath, I wrapped my arms round her neck and smiled shyly.
"I'm sorry." Shaking her head, she laughed and released my hands. Kissing my lips softly, I barely had enough time to register the doctor operating my hips again. My moans were swallowed down as the kiss grew more intense. Pathetically, I whimpered, my head falling down against her shoulder. Grip becoming firmer and the movements harsher.
"Relax, you're doing so well." My heart fluttered at the compliment, nails pressing into her back. Something clicked in her brain and the doctor smiled smugly. Picking up the pace, she spoke smoothly into my ear.
"Such a good girl hm?" Whining, I nod dumbly and bit down on her shoulder. Grunting, the blonde bucked her thigh up and I came suddenly with a cry of her name. It took a minute to catch my breath and the doctor cupped my cheeks lovingly.
"You okay love?" Nodding, I beamed as she kissed my lips repeatedly. I squeaked as she flipped us, laying me down on the bed and hovering over me.
"Dont relax too much. We're not done here."
Nestled in the dark blue sheets, I watched as the doctor fastened up her boots loosely. Her shirt was only partially done up and her hair wasn't the neatest. Sitting up, I pulled her close and ran my fingers through the blonde locks to make it presentable.
"Dont be too long." Smiling, she leant down to kiss my lips before heading for the door.
"I'll grab yaz and Dan, come back then we'll be off and I'll be right here for as long as you like." She reassured me before disappearing. Sighing happily, I stretched out before hopping up and putting some cosy pyjamas on.
Making her way through the crowded ballroom, the doctor searched around for her companions.
"Where did you disappear off to pretty lady?" Freezing, she turned to see the barman from earlier.
"That's none of your concern." Giving him a polite smile, she went to leave but instead got stopped yet again.
"Oh but I thought we were getting along well?" There was a tone of flirting in his voice and it caused the woman to cringe.
"You thought wrong then, clearly. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find my friends." Scoffing, the man looked her up and down, taking in her appearance.
"Are your standards that low you fucked an earth worm?" Eyes narrowing, the doctor stepped closer. Tilting her head up towards the creature, she sucked in a shirt breath.
"I'm sorry?"
"Come on. I saw you whisk that human away. Why would you even bother with such a lowly species?" The doctor felt her eye twitched but kept her cool up.
"I dont care for your opinions." Giving out a 'tch', it moved forward and grinned, sharp teeth showing.
"And I don't care for the opinions of women. Especially women who mess around with little earth girls." Her jaw clenched, nails digging into her palm. It was never this hard when she was a man. Then, she used to be able to do whatever without complaint.
"Shut your mouth."
"I'd understand if she was a looker. But it was hideous to see. Are you that desperate that you settled for a worthless ug-" having enough, she finally snapped and punched him right across the face. He fell to the floor with a harsh thud, alerting the people around.
"Doctor!" Yaz called out in shock, having just seen the whole thing. Both companions rushed to her side, looking at the man on the ground. The doctor chuckled at his expression, crouching down to his level.
"Sorry, were you saying something about her?" Quickly, he shook his head in hopes of not aggravating her further. Giving off a fake smile, she stood once again.
"Have a good day sir. Come on you two." The doctor was patronising him, she became cheerful once her attention focused in on her friends. Giving them no time to comprehend what just happened, they followed her back to the tardis.
"Doctor? What happened?" Dan asked, eyeing her up and down. Pulling out the tardis key, she looked at them both.
"What do you mean?" She opened the door and walked in, immediately starting up the machine to take off.
"Well for someone who's against violence, that looked pretty, well, violent." He continued, crossing his arms with an accusing look. Once the ship had taken off, the doctor tucked hands away into her pockets and looked between them both.
"Somtimes, people deserve it." She said with a sigh, leaning back against the console. Yaz raised her eyebrows.
"So, what have you been up to?" Rolling her eyes, the blonde waved them off and headed for the corridor.
Upon hearing the door open, I sat up smiling.
"I dont know if you wear pyjamas but I got you some out. Just incase you wanted to." Picking them up, she changed into them. I watched shamelessly. No point in being shy now. Once finished, the doctor climbed into the bed beside me.
"You took a while. Everything okay?" Humming, she slipped her arms round my waist and rested her head on my chest.
"Yes, I just punched someone." Eyes widening, I almost jumped up; if it wasn't for her laying on me.
"You what? Doctor!" I scolded, confused as to why on earth she'd ever do that. First time that we met, she gave us the lecture on never hurting anyone.
"He deserved it. Said some things." Now even more confused, I began to thread my fingers through her short hair.
"What did he say that was so bad you punched him?" I asked, wanting the full picture. This was very unlike her.
"He was talking nonsense. About you mainly. I'm not going to let that happen." Feeling touched, I let out a small laugh then kissed her head.
"I dont deserve you doctor."
"I'm exactly what you deserve."
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