whumpy-wyrms · 4 months
that silas drawing caused me to infodump to my FAMILY in the living room during the football game about these new ocs for 20 minutes guys im not normal about any of this im losing my mindddd
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 months
Can I get 122 "I'm not going anywhere" with Jamie??
Hurt/comfort maybe?? BUt idrc go with it where you will!!!!
(aaahh! yes! absolutely! here you go! hope you like it! <3)
Stay Right Here
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x GN!Reader
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You've heard it all from the press, hell, even from some of Jamie's teammates. It didn't bother you. It never used to bother you, but now it was starting to.
See, you're just a regular person. You own and work at a cafe in Richmond. That's where you met, Jamie. You knew who he was, but didn't care too much about him. But he was nice to you as he ordered a croissant and a black coffee. He sat himself in the back corner, hoodie up, sunglasses on so people wouldn't bother him. He kept to himself as he scrolled on his phone.
He started coming in a lot more after that day. He liked how your cafe wasn't as busy as the other one he used to frequent.
You'd serve his drink and he'd ask you questions, whether they were about life or yourself, it was nice talking to him.
Then he did the unexpected: he asked you out on a date.
You thought he was fucking with you at first so you laughed at him. But then you saw how upset he got and then realized he was being serious.
"Sorry, I just-why me? Aren't guys like you supposed to be dating actresses or models? I mean, shit, your last girlfriend was Keeley fucking Jones!"
He shrugged, "Dunno what it is about you, but I like you. You're real, like. You're not afraid to say shit to me. You talk to me like I'm not a famous footballer, like I'm just Jamie. Listen, I like you, but you don't have to go out with me if you don't want to, yeah? I take consent seriously."
You giggle at him, "Alright. Tomorrow's Saturday and I like to close the cafe early so I can enjoy my night. You can take me out then."
"Fucking mint," he slaps a hand on his thigh in excitement and takes his to-go cup of coffee, bolting out of your cafe in excitement.
The date went well, as did the many ones after. Three years into dating and you're happy with Jamie. But you're not sure if he's still happy with you.
This all started because of some TMZ clip a friend sent you. It was footage of Jamie at dinner with a woman. The caption said that she was on Richmond's womens league. You watched as Jamie leaned in, whispering something into her ear and she bursts out laughing.
Usually paparazzi shots didn't get to you but this one did. The way he looked at her, spoke with her, his body language. It was very much giving the idea that he was interested in her. Who wouldn't though? She's a fit footballer just like he is. She's, quite literally, in the same league as Jamie.
Maybe this was the end of your relationship with him.
Ever since you saw that clip, you've been trying to read any signs that Jamie was going to break up with you. But he was behaving the same he always did. He'd kiss you before leaving for training, kiss you when he got back. He'd still drop you off at work before heading to the pitch. He'd hold your hand, tell you he loves you, he was the same just as before.
But you weren't.
Jamie could tell something was wrong, but you never said anything. Your smile stopped reaching your eyes. Your kisses with him were chaste. Shit, you didn't even face him when you two went to bed.
So when you pulled away from him when he tried to cuddle you during movie night, he had to know what was going on.
"Is something wrong?" he asks after pausing the movie.
You shrug, "Dunno, is there?"
He sighs, completely turning his body towards you, "You've been distant lately. Just trying to see what's goin' on. Did I do something?"
"Are you cheating on me?"
He looks at you with wide eyes, "What?! No!"
"Are you gonna break up with me?"
He shakes his head in confusion, "Lovey, what are you talking about? No! I'm not cheating on you and I'm not breaking up with you! What made you think that?"
You sigh, curling into yourself, as if protecting yourself, "I saw footage of you with one of the girls from the women's league. You looked...close. Sitting right next to her, whispering in her ear."
"When was this?"
"Last weekend."
"Tilda and I were the first ones to arrive at the restaurant. The music in there was pretty loud so we sat close together so we could hear each other. More people started arriving a little after. We weren't alone for long."
He reaches out and grabs your hand, "Y/N, I love you. And I mean it when I say it. There's no one else for me, but you."
"You say that now, but then someone prettier or more athletic or smarter or just so much better than me in general is gonna come around and you're gonna go running after them!"
"Says who? Lovey, do you really think so low of me that I'd do that?"
"..no, it's just...it's bound to happen right? Everyone's been saying it since we first started dating, I'm not like the other people you've dated. Hell, I even questioned why you wanted to date me when you asked me the very first time!"
Jamie scoots closer to you, hands gently cupping your face, "Listen to me, yeah. I. Love. You. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here with you until you don't want me no more. I don't care what people say, you're the one that makes me happy."
You look down at your lap in shame, "I'm sorry."
He shook his head and pulls you into his arms, "It's not your fault. It's everyone else's fault for not seeing that I'm perfectly happy with my lovey."
3 months later, Jamie posts a photo of you and he in Paris with you sporting a very shiny ring on your finger. The caption reading: Fuck all of you who doubted our relationship. We're stuck together forever now. #MeetTheTartts
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batrachised · 3 months
I saw @melodypowers65 and @no-where-new-hero do this and immediately wanted to participate!
rules: list 9 favorite books of 2023 or 9 books on your TBR list for 2024 (I know I've already listed my fav books from last year, but my tbr is a hot mess so bear with me- this deliberately excludes lm montgomery, so sorry to AHOD and AOI!)
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The Haunting of Hill House: this is what got me into the horror genre, and if anyone has any more recommendations for me (that are not House of Leaves) PLEASE send them my way.
The Things They Carried: masterful, cutting, and evocative. I sat in a cafe reading this after getting a flat tire and was blown away
Convent Boarding School: this is a book that is beautiful because of its simplicity. while it does fall into go ask alice-esque fictionalization, it has a lot of deceptively deep little moments, from recognizing the beauty in sensitivity to how grief can exist in many, many forms
brown girl dreaming: Newbery honor, you never fail me (unlike every other book award). I will forever remember this book for the one chapter where it talks about how before she is born, in the curve of her family's features, she is there
Evicted: a book that is all the more depressing because of the numbers it cites. as I read it, I wondered how on earth peopel who struggled with rent in 2009 could possibly afford rent today. This is the sort of book where even the footnotes are worth reading
True Grit: LOVE LOVE LOVE a western written from the perspective of a cunning 14 year old girl. this one is a classic for a reason!
SAINTS: AAAHH. This is part of a duo; the first being boxers. To my understanding, the artist had been reading up on that historical time period and wanted to write two books, one from the perspective of each side. I have a soft spot for the SAINTS one specifically because of the scene with Joan of Arc near the end, like holy hell. It's one my brain is still chewing on
Everything that Rises Must Converge: if you know me, you know I love Flannery O'Connor and got into her work this past year. She quickly became my favorite author, and I have read and reread a lot of the stories in this collection. My personal favorite right now (yes, it changes all the time) are A View of the Woods and Revelation ("Go back to hell where you came from, you old warthog" and "even their virtues were being burned away" LOOK AT THAT)
The Machine Stops: so I really struggled to pick between Silence, A Canticle for Leibowitz, or this book. In the end, I chose this novella specifically because of its final passages. They're a MASTERFUL use of language and left me with my jaw dropped. This novella's main point of fame is being so prescient, but I have to admit, it's those last few paragraphs that have me returning to it.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 5 days
It's all good! I never expected to get a quick answer, as I sent so many questions and kind of knew you'd probably have to think about some of them. I was going to comment directly on the post, but character limit caught me, ugh.
I don't know why but I can imagine most angels kind of being a bit bitchy, so I totally understand Neil! I'd probably do the same lol I hope Andrew at some point just starts buying clothes for Neil, like Andrew one day just shows up with one bag in hand and just gives it to him, no justification whatsoever. But… if it's the clothes Neil died in, do they have blood? Or did they get magically cleaned? How physical is he when he's walking around invisible? Does he have to constantly dodge people when walking around? (That sounds so fucking annoying, I constantly have to do that myself) If somebody spilled sauce in whatever place he's supposed to be currently occupying, would he end up full of sauce? Do his clothes ever get dirty? I'm just envisioning him walking to a laundromat to put them to wash, and just hanging out invisible and shirtless while he's waiting for it to be done.
I'm dying to know what Incident you're talking about! I'm like "feeed me moreeee".
Aaahh, was the part "Unless there are any other semi-invisible people in it." in the last wip post a reference to Kevin's guardian angel?? Is it someone we know? Also also, is there somebody extra in the team (since they couldn't recruit Neil)?
I'm glad to help! I'm glad I can contribute a bit to the story, it makes me happy. I definitely get the blurry weeks too, even months tbh. I haven't been much better, but I'm alright. The best I can possibly be atm. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with Webkinz, I didn't play that many games as a child. I had a Nintendo DS, tho. I miss my Super Mario Bros :') Anyway, just try to take one day at a time, you know? <3
Aw. I hate character limits so much. D: Like, come on man. Let me yap! But anywho. I'll be yapping under the cut! :) <3
You’re absolutely right about the other angels. Like, “Uh… this kid looks insane and also he’s talking to his charge? That’s… not allowed. We are not messing with him. No thank you.” 
Also omg that would be really cute. Andrew just throwing a plastic bag in Neil's lap and sitting down beside him. Neil just: What’s this? | Andrew: I'm tired of looking at that hoodie so I got you one that's not ripped all to hell.
Neil’s clothes aren’t bloody, thankfully. (Oh my god. Can you imagine the night Andrew met Neil if he’d been covered with dried blood? That would’ve gone so differently. And badly. :’)) But no. His clothes had been miracled clean. Like, when he ‘woke up’ to the bright light, he was clean.
Neil doesn’t generally get out of the way. If a human walks through him, that’s their business. (They will experience a sudden chill, but Neil doesn’t know that he has that effect. And he doesn’t care. Lol.) 
Ooh. That’s interesting. So let’s see… If, for example, Neil were sitting in the dining hall with Andrew and the monsters— invisibly of course— and someone spilled something on him… I think I’ve gotta say it would just… get all over him.
And Neil would accidentally pop into Andrew-mode because the shock of suddenly being doused with soda or soup or whatever would have him ‘letting go of the button’. Andrew would likely get choked, Neil might have to do this invisible heimlich maneuver… It would be… Not good. Hilarious, but not good. 
So that’s why Neil typically chills on the roof whenever Andrew isn’t Traveling. Less of a chance to majorly fuck up if he’s not around all the humans. :)
Yes, Neil’s clothes sometimes feel dirty to him. He’s since learned to magic them clean. :) A lot of trial and error on his part. Luckily he doesn’t have to strip naked and wash his clothes in the dorm’s laundry room. Lmao. Naked angel vibing in the corner. Gkldjglk 
Ahhh, I can’t tell you yet. TWT I’m sorry…
Also! Not really. Andrew was mainly just being a smart ass! :) He likes to do that. (We do know Kevy's angel.)
As for the team. No. Janie is still there, but otherwise they haven’t got any other new players. See, Kevin had picked out this striker for them to go see. Out in some tiny town in Arizona. But before they could fly out to see him play, his coach called Wymack to say he’d up and transferred suddenly with only a month left before graduation. Didn’t say where he was moving to or why he was leaving. Kevin was devastated that they’d lost this kid because he could tell he had potential. :((
<33333 I hope things get better soon for all of us. Also, Webkinz is a virtual pet game and I love it dearly. :) I have a couple of pets named Andreil and Kandrew on it right now. Haha. 
Thanks for always being so lovely! <333 I love you dude!! <3
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bobbyseyesmile · 2 years
Pride and Passion | 7
Chapter 7
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Negan's head hurt and all he wanted was a hot bath, maybe a glass of scotch and his bed. His day was waaay too long- and believe it or not, he did remain pretty calm throughout the day.
Rick being an asshole? No problemo. Hot Señorita shooting one of his men? Sure, why not. His hot, new wife causing more trouble in a day than the whole apocalypse in years? Absolutely fucking not. Enough was enough.
"Sit." It wasn't a request and by the look on her face she knew it too so she sat down without saying word. He kicked off his boots, stripped of his leather jacket and finally undressed himself from the sweaty white shirt he was wearing all day. A quick side glance told him that her cheeks were all flushed and she quickly looked at the wall next to her. Negan let out a low chuckle and grabbed himself a clean shirt.
He poured himself a glass of his favorite scotch and gulped it down in one go.
"Join me?" he asked. Her eyes wandered from his face to the bottle before she looked down. He could almost hear what she was thinking: Should I decline?
"Yes, please." she whispered and took the glass he handed her over.
"Aaahh..." he sighed, finally sitting down in his heavy leather sofa, eyes closed. What should he do with her? It wasn't the lack of ideas for punishment that was his problem, oh hell no, he had a lot of ideas for that kind of stuff. The problem was that he didn't want to punish her.
When he first saw her, Negan had a funny feeling in his stomach- he either had to shit or he had a crush. He still wasn't sure.
But now, with Y/N being a little hurricane in his kingdom and constantly challenging him, he needed to remain calm and strategic. He couldn't let feelings determine his next move, nor could he just forget what happened or let it slide. There had to be consequences, he just didn't know what kind of consequences.
"Negan?" Her soft voice ripped through his train of thoughts and he opened his eyes. Damn. Why did she had to be so... ravishing? "I-I just wanted to apologize..."
He observed her meticulously and it seemed to make her more nervous. Good. "Go on."
"For everything that happened today... I wanted to tell you when you returned from Alexandria but then..."
"Then you and your girlfriend decided to light up a pile of shit and call it a firework."
"Uhm..." she cleared her throat "I guess that describes it pretty well. But you have to understand that I was just worried about her! I wanted to see what the deal was, why she was here and-"
"Stop." Negan leaned forward, face in his hands now. His voice was dangerously low. "So instead of asking me like a normal and grown-up person you did what? Embarrassing the fuck out of Simon, your girlfriend broke the nose of a Savior and literally attracted the attention of all the workers. I can't have that, Y/N. I like keeping things at bay, chaos makes them uneasy, they're harder to control."
"I'm sorry." she whined and he had to hide his amusement because she sounded so damn adorable. "It's hard, okay? You're not really a nice person and..."
"And what? You're scared of me?" Although she shook her head, he knew that she lied. Of course, she was. They all were.
"No! Not scared... intimidated. Maybe a bit."
"Huh." Negan got up from his comfy place on the sofa and walked around till he stood behind her. "You know what I think? I think you're not scared of me for bashing the head of your red-haired friend but because you're attracted to me."
He didn't need an actual answer- her nervously squirming around was answer enough for Negan.
"I think you hate me so much because you actually like me. Because a funny and good-looking guy like me is so evil, and it doesn't fall in line with your imagination of me- how I should be. Am I right, sweetheart?"
She scoffed but didn't disagree with his assumption. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You're giving me a hard time and fight back because you just can't stop. You need to fucking challenge me, huh? Need to annoy the fuck outta me, testing the waters and how far you can go."
She suddenly jumped from her place and turned around to face him. "I just want to go back to my family and friends..."
"Oh honey-" he chuckled and gulped down the rest of his drink "I am your family."
He saw the tears in her eyes and he hated it- if only she knew what fantasies he had in his head to make it up to her... Negan licked his lips and put down the glass. "What about we make a deal?"
Her head shot up. "You show me that you can behave, follow rules, be a good girl and maaaybe I'll let you come along for a future run to Alexandria. How does that sound?"
She nodded, a small smile forming on her lips. "Sounds good..."
"Great! So, what about we start with something easy and you get your cute little ass out of them jeans for me?"
She instantly tried to back down but Negan grabbed her hip, holding her in place. "Don't worry, I didn't mean it in that way..." she closed her eyes when his beard scratched over her cheek. "I promised not to touch you. Unless you changed your mind...?"
"I-I don’t k-know..."
"Hmm" he murmured "No. I don't think we're ready yet, even though it's getting really hard." He smiled against her cheek before letting go of her hip and walked over to his closet, getting a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt for her. "Here."
"T-Thanks..." she took the clothes and pressed it against her chest. "Can I see Rosita?"
"No, honey, you cannot. She caused me a lot of trouble today and I have to figure out what to do with her." She just nodded in defeat. "Maybe tomorrow. Depends on how you'll behave."
"I should go now. You seem tired."
"Oh, babygirl if you only knew... Now go to the others, I don't like my wives wandering around in the hallways."
„Sleep well, darling. Dream of me.“ He gave her one last smirk and watched her leaving his room before undressing completely and finally hopping into the shower. After being alone with her for so long he just needed to rub one out…
Taglist: @toxic-ink @jaywinchestersalvatore @crosshajr @neganswoman @tone-stark @missmiauz (if you want to be added, pls let me know)
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elvenbeard · 1 year
I have too many VP ideas HELP. I need to write them down somewhere where I'll find them again so here we go, what is a blog if not a notepad?
part one of an attempt at making a big edit - gonna be a set of four pics, revolving around Vince's Arasaka past and how merc life is honestly the same shit, just a different packaging (the project I mentioned earlier this week that I needed a lot of pics for XD it's also inpsired by a song that fits him so well that I've been listening to non-stop on repeat basically for two weeks now xD) ✅ done!!
the harness photoshoot: gonna make two photosets here too, one a bit more clothed than the other xD ✅done!! :D
Currently in progress/still need to edit:
A photoset of V through the years (inspired by several other's amazing takes on this <3) - headcanon/lore posts for the most important moments or timeframes in his life -> pics taken, still need editing and writing though xD
V showing Kerry some of his favourite places in the city and vice versa -> started this, but now I wanna write something for everything too and aaahh xD
Some pics to accompany the post-canon fic I spontaneously started writing -> have a couple taken already, need editing still
Part two of the big edit thingy from above: with more song lyrics that just hit the spot XD -> have a few pics taken but might scrap and redo them
Currently not started on these yet, but the ideas are not leaving my head and/or have been with me for a bit (some a lot more complex than others):
Dirtbike tour through the badlands, because hell yes - would like to incorporate this in a little fic somehow, post-canon but not too far in the future
Just V chilling with Nibbles in the penthouse garden - the grass may be fake, but I think it's been a while for both of them since they touched grass and they deserve some peace and happiness XD (might incorporate this in the same story/ time frame as the idea above - we'll see!)
V and Kerry hanging out, listening to music
Kinky Kings (I am tempted to change their ship name ngl xD but I think I'll keep it and do a cool photoshoot instead)
Some promotional pics (sorta) for Kerry's new album (potentially in black and white? I'm not sure yet but I'd really like to do a bw set!!)
Not really a big VP thingy, but I've wanted to do a headcanon post about Kerry's cyberware, what all of it is and does and when/how he got it/ had to get it - need close up pics for some of that though (and any excuse to look at Kerry for prolonged periods of time honestly)
V and Kerry on a bike tour through the city at night - no deeper meaning here other than "let's blow off some steam" "okay :3" *five minutes later* "okay, this is not what I had in mind o.o but still fun!" (also Night City at night <3 but I have no idea yet how to pull it off with traffic and all probably running me over repeatedly as I set this up, but we shall see xD gonna be an interesting challenge for sure!)
More photo stories with V and Jackie, but no concrete ideas here yet
A photo story/ fic with pics of "that one perfect morning" I mentioned in a oneshot once, meaning the morning after Boat Drinks - also ties in a bit with the "favourite places" idea) - I am also tempted to do this as a comic instead, but don't even get me started on my comic ideas and all that's in progress there... the day needs more hours!
Also I wanna do more spicy stuff :3c but no concrete ideas here yet (maybe I'll redo the window photoshoot some time because with the graphics update their reflections might look even nicer... we shall see though!)
Road Trip with V and Kerry!!
Just some nice aesthetic model-y shots with Vince because he's pretty xD
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chidoroki · 8 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 170
Chapter 170: "Together"
Years ago I had wondered if Isabella's conversation with Peter happened before or after she rallied up the rest of the moms & sisters, but I suppose this flashback within a flashback kinda confirms she spoke to the ladies after she received news that Emma & the other children were on their way to GF. Half of me still believes that it was a bit risky waiting so long to inform everyone else of her plan just in case she couldn't gather up all the support she needed in time, but the other half of me also understands that there always could've been the possibility of the ladies turning on her or not being able to keep the secret well enough around Peter. Of course we know now from ch181.7 that Isabella had already recruited Matilda, Jessica, Sienna & Scarlet to assist her about a month after she was promoted to Grandma, but having everyone contribute to the betrayal is certainly more ideal.
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Ya really can't blame the other ladies for being so hesitant. The idea of rebelling against the farm and the life you've been forced to live definitely seems like a sure fire way to get killed, however, as Isabella explains, that you can suffer the same fate just by doing your job, just as Sarah did.
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I'm always up to receive flashbacks on characters, but this is one of those rare occasions that I would have to pass. Seeing how hard both Krone & Isabella struggled to survive the farm system are more than enough for me. These quick glimpses of everyone else's training hurt my little heart already. Aaahh, all the women in this series are so strong. Even though death scares the hell outta me, I doubt I'd live through this nightmare of fighting every day and living in fear.
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When the training is so efficient that they learn how to lie perfectly to the children in order to keep up the orphanage but also how to lie to themselves (unknowingly) about how they could obtain a better life.
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Kinda funny to me how I'll skip pages during some chapters and other times I'll go all in about almost every little thing. Well, now is one of those times I'm gonna ramble a lot, simply because Isabella is involved (as if that wasn't obvious enough whenever she showed up in the past). I absolutely love seeing how angry she is about this cruel world. This hatred of hers has surfaced the day she climbed the wall and saw the cliff surrounded the plantation with her own eyes after Leslie was shipped out and it has been simmering deep inside ever since, so now after waiting patiently for about twenty years, watching so many children be sacrificed to demons, she finally has the power and opportunity to act upon those strong feelings and contribute to changing the world for the better and I'm just so immensely happy that she's able to get this chance. She deserves to get some sort of revenge 110%.
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Learning that the fear we saw her show towards Peter during this deal in ch165 was only an act is brilliant. Now, I'm sure Isabella did have moments where she did feel scared due to the uncertainty of what her new promotion would mean for her, but the fact those feelings practically vanished from her heart in such a short amount of time is amazing. This woman was "free" for two days from wearing any sort of mask and jumped right back into that chess-master mindset flawlessly. The list is endless but chalk that up as yet another reason why I love her.
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I wouldn't let anyone rule over me either, but um.. I'd make an exception if it was you, ma'am.
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I may be giving her too much credit, but I hope she's saying that regardless of what the other ladies decide, that Isabella is gonna provide her children some assistance no matter who stands in her way. If the betrayal really only included her and the four other women already on her side, I'm sure they could've pulled it off. And yes, I appreciate that she sorta mimicked Emma's words to Ray in ch33 despite never hearing the conversation for herself.
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Ohh, how this woman must be feeling after hearing her precious children still call her their mom after everything she put them through.. has to so bittersweet, mixed with relief and regret.
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The combination of his exaggerated expression and panic next to her calm and complacent reply absolutely sends me.
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What I wouldn't give for her to have a moment with her children like that. I mean, it kinda happens.. the hugs, the apologies and everything else, but it should happen more than twice. And definitely without the death.
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Hearing her call Peter a boy never fails to crack me up. And I know she refers to Lambda when she mentions the methods he's okay with, but the way her mind also brings up Nat's broken finger is lowkey hilarious, as if she didn't break Emma's leg before. While the original reason was to prevent Emma from escaping, I can see how Isabella might think her actions was another way to spare the girl from getting shipped early (as extreme & messed up as that idea is). Peter just broke Nat's fingers to be a dick. Nothing more, nothing less. am i showing too much favoritism towards this woman? probably. do i care? nope.
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As quick as a callback it is, I love how Isabella mentioned last chapter how Emma & the others destroyed everything and how she expresses the same wish now. Also, her inner thoughts make me wanna sob. All Isabella wants is her help her children, she could care less what they think of her. And for a moment you might believe that they won't forgive her due to the look upon Emma's face here.
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As expected from our lovable protagonist though, she accepts Isabella's help once she remembers that she and all the other women were victims of the same harsh system they were forced to live under.
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I can fathom how this pathetic man manages to secure a gun and escape from being surrounded without getting hit with a single bullet but whatever. At least no one else gets injured by him as he runs away like a complete coward.
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Favorite panel/moment:
I've no doubt said this many times, but this is by far the best mother-daughter moment I've ever experienced in my life.
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Even though we did reach the raid in the anime, we were denied this panel mostly becuase the second season didn't allow the children to carry guns, which is a terrible shame.. if anything, we were treated to a small smile from Isabella after Emma's "thank you, mom" though. Of course I'd very much prefer the above panel to be animated, but I'll take what I can get. I'm very easy to please when it comes to this woman.
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merv606 · 10 months
I’m back! 👋
I elaborated more on Terry and Chozen being Daniel’s Sugar Daddies and Mike and Johnny being like - hello, what about us?
Mike: Oh really? Did you dangle him off a cliff?
Johnny: No, I SHOVED him down one.
Daniel rolling his eyes: You do realize neither of you are sitting on the winning argument here?
Mike: Hey, I apologized. I bet he didn’t.
Johnny: Didn't have to. ‘Cause of me, he knows enough Cobra Kai he took down five hockey players at once. *smug and proud* I taught him that.
Daniel: The Hell you did, Lawrence!
Mike: Yeah? Sounds like he could handle a round with me just fine then. In fact, I know he can.
Johnny: Aren’t you married?
Mike: Aren’t you having a baby with another chic?
Daniel: WHOA WHOA WHOA! GUYS! First of all, there is, in fact, NOT enough of me to go around and I am NOT doing a quadruple penetration... *shudders* Hell No!… Send me your resumés and I’ll let you know who I decide on. *cell phone immediately pings, he opens it and sighs in irritation* Dick pics don’t count, Johnny.
Johnny: Seriously? That should be everything you need to know!
Chozen (musing): We could just do schedule...?
Mike: What? Like, take turns? I take him every other Tuesday?
Daniel *facepalms*: This is fucking ridiculous!
Johnny: I STILL like the way this guy thinks! Yeah LaRusso, if you can take five hockey players you can take the four of us!
Chozen: Agreed. My idea. I go first.
Johnny: No way. I say we just measure up. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna win that contest.
*Chozen and Mike groan and psh!*
*Daniel has an expression of “judging by this pic he just might” on his face*
Mike: Whatever. It ain’t about whose his first, it’s about whose his last…
Terry: And what makes you gentlemen think I plan on sharing?
Chozen: *gives a "Dude I thought we were bonding?!" look to Terry*
Daniel (throws hands up): Here we go….
Mike pointing to Terry: You still owe me, you son-of-a-bitch! Like I said (takes off jacket and throws it to the ground) You're next! Come on, Old Man!
Johnny (looking for Daniel): Hey, where’d he go?
Daniel (running through a field -and flashing back to Halloween ‘84 - while talking himself both in and out of this):
Shit shit shit… l'm not gonna have an ass after this… I should just stick with Terry and take down Cobra Kai for good… the devil you know… but Chozen is so sexy when he’s in bodyguard mode… yeah two out of four, I can handle that… aaahh but Johnny and I have history and if that’s his actual pic 👅💦… but Barnes can give me one Hell of a pounding I’ll never forget… No! No! You cannot handle all four!… Five with Amanda… Oh shit! Amanda’s gonna kill me, crap I’m gonna get the belt tonight, I know it!… Fuck! How the fuck do I get myself into these situations?… I’m so screwed…
RIP Daniel's Ass indeed! 🪦
Welcome back 👋
A moment of silence for Daniel’s 🍑
I have nothing to add to this - it’s quite funny - and sadly, I think accurate to how they would behave 😂
You should write it 😃
10/10 would read!
Original ask:
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wolfcamellias · 2 years
Hi sorry for this ramble you can answer or ignore this idm either way/nm/gen/pos
I just got to chapter six in JTTW and the amount of time its over exaggerated! Like when Ao Guang gives his message to heaven? He basically says Sun Wukong threatened them! He did no such thing! He was very polite in asking for a weapon and clothes. Not once threating them! If he had told Sun Wukong he didn't have clothes? Sun Wukong probably would have just said "thanks for the golden hooped staff!" And left!
Their are two reasons Sun Wukong is given a job. One so she doesn't get bored, and two because he made friends??? They got mad at Sun Wukong for making FRIENDS IN HEAVEN. Like???
And yes him eating the peaches of immortality,impersonating someone,stealing the wine, and taking the pills are bad but he didn't hurt anyone. Yes he threatened the peach maidens because he was doing his job. He didn't know it was them! He was rudely awoken! When he found out it was the peach maidens he relaxed be nice again. With the wine? Just made them go to sleep! He was drunk when he took the pills not thinking! Yes what he did was wrong but, did in inherit a whole war? No. They could have simply gave him another job that was a lot harder with gods watching him,not painful mind you, but no lets start a war with a monkey that we tottaly won aginst last time! That went GREAT
Anyway sorry for the rant!
The thing wtih Ao Guang is so interesting because although Wukong did say “bring me clothes or I’ll hit you with my cudgel” it,, didn’t read like he was mad? Hell he even apologized for disturbing him then left
They didn’t deserve this >:|
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gardenofshadcws · 8 months
Dracula Daily Day 86
Dr. Seward’s Diary
Renfield nooooo I’m so upset
Dracula how dare you beat my boy like this I’m in PAIN
Dr. Abe this is so not an accident what are you talking about
Arthur and Quincey heard the plot needed them and who are they to refuse?
Can we save his life because he’s a human and a good bean and not just because he has information?  Like please?
“What’s wrong with my face?” I’m DISTRAUGHT
“I must go back to death - or worse” DRACULA HOW COULD YOU
The way Renfield capitalizes He like Dracula is a god, or on a level with God is so telling without saying much at all
Ugh this poor thing has been a victim this entire time.  And Jack just looks at him like a science experiment.
“I don’t care for the pale people” AAAHH MINA
Everything hurts and I’m dying
Oh cool we’ve gotten what we wanted so we’re just ditching im I guess.
Quincey I love you but I think saving her from becoming a vampire is more important than silly Victorian propriety
It’s truly disgusting how many adaptations saw this scene with Dracula drinking from Mina and decided “romantic?  Sexy?  Soulmates???”
Noooo Mina ;~;
This part is destroying me
Jonathan seeing his wife distress and immediately going “I’m going to kill the fucker” is glorious
Mina and Jonathan are relationship goals
“I much touch him or kiss him no more”  “aww hell no” Jonathan is the most ride or die ever.  Given the choice between Mina or God and he chooses Mina I LOVE this sweet boy
NOOO THE RECORDS.  But it’s okay, Mina’s the best and saved everything
Quincey and his bats, man.
I’m so upset
The story of Dracula slipping in to attack Mina is just as horrifying the second time around
“A little refreshment” ewww
And there goes Jonathan’s hair
Jonathan Harker’s Journal
Jonathan stressing makes me stressed
God’s not helping you, your friends are helping you
He tried to save Mina and this is what he gets 
This attendant sucks at his job and now my SWEET BOY IS DEAD.
Nothing should have been kept from Mina in the first place dammit
“I shall die!” MINAAAA.
Van Helsing’s right for once, that’s not actually going to help anything. 
Yes, lockpicking, much better than breaking in.
At least Mina doesn’t have fangs yet, that’s a good sign
Way to go Van Helsing, you made Mina cry again.
And then you burned her head.  You’re handling this extremely poorly, man.
Poor Mina :(  Girl just wants to live her life
“She shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone” AWWWW.  JONATHAN YOU ARE THE SWEETEST.
This is so romantic it’s melting my black dead heart
“I have written this in the train” Just like the beginning of the book, that’s a beautiful callback.
“The place smells so vilely” perhaps that’s because you just lit a cigar, Art (yes, I know it’s Vamp Stink)
Dr. Seward’s Diary
It always seems like a long wait when we’re waiting for Arthur and Quincey.
Jonathan babyyyy
Yeah, Jack, you’ve got nothing on Jonathan I’m sorry
So, if Dracula was a scholar, are we… condemning the seeking of knowledge over faith?  Is that what’s happening here?
The zoophagous patient had a NAME, dammit
Jonathan is out for BLOOD.  And not in the vampire way
There’s Dracula, it’s battle time!
Jonathan where the HELL did you get a kukri
Damn.  SO close.
All this and Mina’s still trying to put on a brave face
Can we stop talking about Mina’s purity because that’s giving off some really icky Madonna-whore stuff
These two love each other so freaking much
Stoker’s letting his boys cry again you love to see it
I am also in tears by the way if you even care
Jonathan Harker’s Journal
I too thought today would never end
“My poor wronged darling” awww
It’s okay, guys, Quincey’s here to protect you :’) 
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aajjks · 6 months
“NOOO!!! JUNGKOOK, I’M SORRY!!! i’m sorry, okay? please don’t go! I LOVE YOU!!” chaeyoung yells before jungkook is out of the door and out of her life forever. chaeyoung falls to her knees and cries for jungkook to come back to her and give her another chance but jungkook is already in his car and driving back to seoul to see you vowing to never affiliate himself with chaeyoung ever again. after this, he’s pressing charges and getting the authorities involved because she clearly needs help and won’t stop harassing you, jungkook, or your friends until she has him.
jungkook pulls out his phone, contacts his lawyer and the rest is history. the lawyer chalks up all of chaeyoung’s crimes from harassment, aggravated assault, armed battery, stalking, forgery, and sexual assault. by that night his lawyer sent her manager the paperwork and let’s say she now has a plate of her own to deal with.
you finally kick your friends out of the house meaning it’s just you and bam together until jungkook returns which will hopefully be soon.
you decide to contact lola and check in on her and your dog mochi who is in switzerland with lola.
the two of you laugh on the phone a bit while you fill the tub with aromatherapy soap for yourself and maybe for jungkook if he comes home in time or if he wants to join you. once you’re finished with conversing with lola, you head downstairs to grab the remaining cookies jorja baked, make a glass of chocolate milk, head upstairs, and soak in your bubble filled tub.
you take a bite of the warm cookie and just relax both your body in your mind in the warm water, letting out a small “aaahh”
a few minutes later, in comes jungkook who is happy and exhausted after the whole confrontation with chaeyoung. he’s sure you’re going to be upset with him because there are small bite marks on his neck and he feels scared to even reveal himself because what if you think he was trying to sleep with her?
he hears your sweet voice humming a tune in the bathroom and quietly he heads up the stairs to see what you’re doing. he cracks the door open and he’s met with the back of your head, your hair clipped up, and your naked shoulder. the bathroom smells like lavender and vanilla and he suddenly gets the urge to spook you a little. make you laugh before you curse him out about the marks on his neck but abruptly, you turn around and is met with a peeping jungkook who shuts the door once you’ve caught him.
“jungkook?” you giggle “quit being a weirdo and come here. wanna join the-“
“what the hell is that? come here, jungkook. is that a fucking hickey? thought you were just talking to her?”
He screams internally when you spot the hickey on his neck, he sighs and sits down on his knees, near your tub. “Princess… yes it is a hickey b-but she just bit me out of nowhere!” He stakes his head, his big eyes innocently looking at you with anxiety.
Of course you’re upset.
Hell would rise if it was ever you in his place. He knows that because he’s too possessive, “I-I didn’t fuck her I promise!!!” He swears, “please please please believe me!!!” He asks you, he’s so exhausted and all he wants to do is get into that bathtub with you.
He wants to touch you, kiss you and hold you but you’re angry, visibly hurt. “I-I know you have every right to be upset… but I-I took care of her!” He says in panic but soon he realises his wrong wording and bites his tongue.
“I mean I sued her!!!! I’m pretty sure she won’t bother us anymore yn.” He claps his hands, he changes when he’s with you.
“I tried to negotiate with her but… she wanted something different yn.” He bites his lip. “I won’t see her again.” He promises you.
“P-Please just let me join you? I missed you ALOT.”
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lincherryy · 9 months
Ok basically…I have a rlly beautiful necklace….it’s an amazing crystal….my bestie has the same but we have it with ouw own favourite colors yk….we made a promise together using the crystals cuz for us it’s rlly magical and special….magical for our friendship and for our powers (the way we made the promise makes me laugh lmao)
I feel so damn powerful with it…how to explain it omg like for me it’s important for my power (even if Im powerful without it lol)…
Sooo….I’ve lost it :)
I cried a lot fr like girls it’s soo important to me I was like giirl how the hell did u lose like I rlly yelled at myself I felt so bad
The point is that the day before me realising I didn’t have it on….we went to the sea…I took it off cuz I was afraid for it to fall there so I gave to my mama to hide it for me (I gave her my ring also) …..she hid them and I went to swim….
our way back home then I completely forgot about it….when we arrived she gave me back my ring BUT stupid me I didn’t ask her for the necklace plus she forgot about it too…
The next day after taking a shower theen I realised I didn’t have it on 💀 I simply went to ask my mum to give it to me and she was like “it was with the ring when I gave it to u” (the ring was on my wallet btw i forgot cuz she hid them there since it was safe)
I went to check and yeee there’s no crystal there :)
I asked her again and she just said that she put it there…I was dead and I started to scream and search everywhere and ask others if they saw it and they just kept saying that they saw her putting it in my wallet that’s it…yeah that’s it
I started to cry and affirm for it like a crazy with no hope to find it again cuz y’all they told me that maybe it fell when we were on the beach….ahhh anyway
I affirmed for it adding sc affs also while searching for it again and again like just imagine with me…losing an important special thing like omgg….u’re gonna go crazyy…I wanted to go out cuz I was mad…while I was going my mum came and told me to search on the pocket of my jeans that I was wearing adding that she put it there 👽 I fk found it!!! I cried again from happiness I couldn’t believe that!!
Plus the point that I fk revised her putting it on my wallet and that I had it with me…like it went from my wallet to the pocket of my jeans!!!! Others also told me yes she hid it there from the first place aaahh Im not shocked Im that powerful I manifest instantly y’all!!! Im capable of anything…everything is easy for me and I always get what I want no matter what 🍒
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charles-edwin · 1 year
Took a break but we’re back in it! Let’s go Triage eps 10-11:
Gosh Tol is so moved finding Tin’s little time loop notes and glimpsing what he’s been through to try and save everything. What would you even do in the face of such levels of caring? (Well Tol is off to a good start, now he’s the one pulling up Tin’s covers while he’s asleep 🥰)
Can’t believe evil gopher really just went “Professor I have a shift at work so I don’t have time to destroy the organ trafficking evidence”
Wow, Tin seems to already be doing a premature victory lap and has transitioned to at-ease-lovey-dovey mode, with the hugs and the compliments and the adorable hand-kissing pinky promises.
Gap holding firm possession of the braincell: Hey Doi sucks and is a lying evil gopher, let’s maybe not trust him?
I really gotta wonder what Sing’s life has been like that he’s so stunningly chill and clearheaded about both taking down the secret organ trafficking ring and escaping getting tied up to be executed by said organ trafficking ring.
Sing and Gap perfectly silently coordinating to utterly beat evil gopher’s ass is a top 10 moment of the entire show easily.
AAAHH and now all his friends have to operate on Tin to try and save him I was JUST SAYING how Sing seems crazy unflappable and now here he is panicking because his best friend is DYING
Tol: Death is a lie and time travel is real. I’m not leaving this hospital until I find Jinta the angel man to save my boyfriend 
All of Tin’s friends: Hey buddy we got a nice padded room you can investigate
And always when we need him most, Jinta the angel man appears!
This is the most emotionally fraught “Previously on...” there’s been yet.
Jinta just be throwing his boys headfirst into the deep end. He’s gonna help, that’s a given cause he’s the best, but like hell he’s not gonna fuck with them first.
Woah, so the super bad fight Mai had with Heart actually played out as a super bad fight she had with Tol before! Hot dang I love time loop shenanigans.
Eeyyyyy, so THIS is the Tol that came to visit severely sleep deprived Tin!
He’s rewinding all the loops and now he’s in his own loop! God this rules.
I love it. Tol manages to fix ALL his own personal stuff in like 5 minutes (even Lukpair and Win chill out!) and then he’s just like “Now how do I fix whatever the hell is going on with that hospital?”
Awww, Tin came to psychically visit Tol like Tol did for him in the waiting room! (maybe the reason Jinta’s so annoyed is that when he’s not advising here he’s stuck with Tin’s ascended spirit making goo goo eyes as they watch Tol flail about in this loop)
It wouldn’t function as a loop trial if there wasn’t a challenge, especially when Tol wasn’t supposed to have one in the first place, so of course it’s a loop with elements completely different than what came before and he only gets the one try as an exception. And no version of Tol has ever had to face a Tin that didn’t care at least a little bit about him and now he has to face a Tin that barely cares about ANYTHING. This is DELICIOUS.
YES Mai! Transfer your mother! Rub it in their stupid little faces as you get her away from here! (Mai deserves more than anyone to punch evil professor and gopher in the face, but this is an acceptable substitute)
Pfft, Sing is such a sappy needy boyfriend. Makes sense that in moving everything a bit to the left this loop shifted him and Gap together, they were like the barest nudge away from it in all the previous ones.
YAY!! i’m glad you’re back!!! 🥳🥳🥳
right!! tin adores tol so much and tol deserves to know and feel that and it’s sure an overwhelming thing but so good!! 🥹🥹🥹
lmaoooo priorities ig
THE HAND KISS TOOK ME OUT 😩😩😩 so soft!! pls
and gap was right!!!
sing: these manmade horrors are unknown to YOU, i know them all
SINGGAP POWER BATTLE COUPLE AKDKSKDKKS we didn’t know we needed that until we got it
*war flashbacks* don’t even start me on tin’s death. i almost lost my mind lmaoo 💀💀💀
poor tol 😭😭😭😭😭😭 he almost lost his mind too 😭😭😭😭😭😭 but thank GOD jinta is here to help the helpless queers 🥳🥳🥳🥳
yeah, they gotta suffer first lmaoo
i love time loop shenanigans as well!! and it’s so well done in this show!!!
literally!! godddd tin and tol love each other so much they find ways to visit each other even in death and different loops and forgetfulness. like come on, jinta. i know they’re messy men but they’re clearly in love!!!
YASSSSSSS!! i love that tin and tol switch roles at the end. that it’s tol’s turn to save tin after everything. feels more balanced!! it’s not just tin doing everything!! WORK BITCH
i agree. mai should even be allowed to kill them
exactly aldkskdkks all singgap needed was a tiny nudge. they’re such lovely boyfriends 🥹🥹🥹
glad you’re still enjoying the show ❤️💙
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marmar-woff · 2 years
M!ik anime season 3-1
It's so exciting that this season is finally here
The introduction was always funny to me because it was never subtle.
This time the narrator said, "Oh, what lies ahead for Iruma-kun?" meanwhile, the flashes of the demon king's throne passed by. I wonder what that means?
OP is....not so bad tbh. Not the best op of the three for sure. The song is good, if you don't like k or j-pop, it's not for you, but could be more k-pop-ish honestly. The first half is just meh, seems like the animated it w/o listening the song, the second half is more fire! (Tho I wish Kerori's part didn't look so comedy-like, she is the only girl w fighting abilities and her badass familiars are not there). For me the op works, it's not a banger and that is sad.
Dope moment is dope
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What is the ciclope-alien girl doing to Azz? that's SA miss, back off. I love how easy and calm Azz looks as he extracts her off his person. Always the gentleman. But still SA. Eiko never changes!
Ameri, my dear, don't be jealous, you'll have your moment and it would be 10x better
Misfits are so happy! They are bathing in attention (Eliza saying "fanservice" the irony)
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What is this? Was it in the manga? I don't remember. It's funny tho
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It would be horrible if something happen- oh, there's Kalego sensei. I missed his voice and his jerk attitude.
The task has been delivery, and the tutors are here. Why was Remi-sensei entering the school w them? Wasn't she is the school already? They look really good. Furfur voice killed me, he sounds like an loveable bastard
If Kalego was a tutor you would be one hell of a demon after living the hell itself when training ofc (It would be interesting if Kalego trains the misfits someday tbh).
BEST REACCTION EVER, I CAN'T HAHAHAHAHA It's the start of this amazing duo.
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What with that way of walking Bachiko? it looks so uncomfortable
I missed that weird class bell xD
Furfur is having a blast n I'm so happy for him and sad for my babies, you'll become more strong!
lruma's army is going their separate ways, and looking back now, it was a great decision. Taking that new journey with others gave their characters more layers, and the new interactions were gold.
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Someone hug Vepar! the girl has social anxiety. But she still can kick you ass.
Really, no one is living this like Eliza and Clara
This shot of the tutors was really good
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and then is Robin that...well...he's adorable *wink wink*who are you texting Iruma?...OH shit! Is...? yes!
She is back in anime and back in the manga. She's so cute
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Remembering their date and wanting to be more close to him..AAAHH I know where that leads akajhankjnunjkj
Hatsukoi Memories is so absurd. I want to read it. Sensei and the anime team must have a lot of fun doing these scenes from this fake manga.
Iruma and Ameri's relationship is one of trust and support (And what's happening right now in the manga further proves it)
NOOO, poor Robin T-T
Bachiko!!!! A love you, but poor Robin....But you're looking great guuurl
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Srsly Bachiko looks gorgeous. They put the money in her. I love how she's tough, but she loves cute things. It's a fun contrast.
They don't trust in Robin. Well is obvious why...but still *wink wink*
Eiko wha the F? I need one
Iluminati and Lindy cute maid duo is born
They do look adorable. But poor kids. Bachiko that's a little kinky of you....
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Oh the ending let's see....Oh how cute they are cooking ^-^ they don't know about Iruma's cooking yet- ey what the hell happen with the music? what are these sounds effects? Sound engineer was on drugs or something? this is horrible! This is how that megaphone-massager must have sounded to make us believe that their ears were suffering.
I least the video was cute. Familiar Kalego ily
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But really awful mixing, production? Idk I can't with it
The ED was inspired by certain chapter, w certain characters and this better not mean you're not going to animated it...there would be blood otherwise
The Sukima was on point. Iruma you don't have a good excuse, man. Now you feel what Azz felt, that's karma.
I loved this episode, was great. Funny, adorable and it will just get better. I can't wait for the rest of the season.
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myworldisfictional · 2 years
Hsmtmts reactions:
Season 3 episodes 1&2
I shared my reactions to season 2 of hsmtmts last year as it was being released so I figured I would do the same thing this year. This is a bit late because I was on vacation when the first two episodes came out so I figured I would just do them together. Enjoy!
Ahhh Ricky looks so good
Ugh I forgot that Ricky called Lily at the end of season 2
Aahhh I love the shade from EJ
Gina looks so good. I love her hair this season
What time is it is definitely the most fitting song
I too miss Seb and big red
Did Lily just call Ricky Richy?!?! Oh hell no
Okay I hate this. I hate them together. I hate Lily
He should have gone with EJ if he wanted road trips and dad jokes
It does not make sense Ricky
Ricky looks like he wants to die
Aaahhhhh Miss Jenn and Ricky’s dad!!! I ship them so much
Omg the way gina looks at EJ
Aahhhhhhh “one more thing” *kisses gina* I CANNOT BREATHE
Ngl I’m a little confused about what they’re trying to do with Nini’s character
Oh snap he found the harness
Dump her Ricky
YES RICKY! You made the right decision
Love this song already. I am absolutely obsessed with Josh’s voice
I’m so here for Ricky being on his own and finding himself this season
EJ is everything
Corbin Bleu has aged so well he be looking so fine
A documentary about it?!?
Oh so that’s how EJ ended up being the director
Aaahh EJ has the east high morning news mug!! I love it
He made her tea/coffee/something??? Awwwwww
Oop gina avoided that Ricky question fast
Okay random music video type song?
Oop awkward hug
Yes please give us a Ricky/Gina friendship
“Friends, enemies, lovers” asdagshakjal
Where did Ricky even find that snowsuit
Omg Jessie Tyler Ferguson
Oh damn Jet has a great voice
Portwell is EVERYTHING to me
Not Carlos sneaking to change the cast list
Okay so far I’m liking this season more than season 2 but still not as much as season 1. I’m still not 100% sure where they are planning to go with each of the characters but I’m hopeful we’ll get some good arcs. Ricky seems to be coming into his own a bit more this season and I’m loving it. I am also absolutely DYING over the portwell content. I’ve shipped them since the end of season 1 and I’m so happy to see them happy and together. I’m very interested to see where everything is going to go. And to see who gets cast as what roles
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calls and cries unendingly
Title taken from the poem Lost by Carl Sandburg.
Prompt: Stranded
TMNT 2012.
(tw near death experiences, oxygen deprivation, hyperventilation)
Inspired by this amazing art by anomale.
You can find the whole collection on AO3 here.
"Mikey, wake up!"
"Mikey, can you hear us?"
"Fuckin' hell, Mike, open your eyes!"
"Mikey, listen to us!"
"Mmmph...double anchovies..."
"Hmmm, what--AAUGH!"
"He's awa--"
"Mikey! Shut up and listen!"
"All of you, get away from there. Mikey, sweetheart, listen to my voice. It's me, it's Leo. You need to listen to me, okay? Take deep, slow, breaths, like we practiced. It's okay. You're okay. You're alive."
"I--Leo, Leo, I can't see the ship out here, I'm alone, and the cord, oh god--"
"Mikey, what do you remember?"
"There--there was a battle, r-right? A gnarly o-one, and I..."
"You were caught outside of the ship while helping Donnie with repairs."
"I, I saw you get hit. I couldn't stop it. I'm so sorry, Mikey."
"It's okay, dude. It--it happens, right?"
"You were knocked off the ship and went spinning. We've got a tracker on you and we're undoubtedly moving faster than you are, but it's going to take time, okay?"
"You'll be back stealing my food and cheating at video games in no time, runt."
"I d-don't cheat. I...Leo?"
"Yes, Mikey?"
"It's dark here. So dark. I think there's something wrong with my helmet, I can barely see the stars...and there's nothing under me. There's nothing, Leo. I can't feel anything!"
"You're going to be fine, Mikey. We're going to be there any minute, okay?"
"W-what's that?"
"Donnie, what the fuck is that?"
"Oh shit--"
"April, what's wrong?"
"Sensors are saying...oh god--"
"G-guys? It....it's saying that, that my ox-oxygen supply is l-low. It's saying that m-my oxygen supply is, is, is--I can't breathe, I can't--"
"Mikey, listen to me, you're hyperventilating. You should have enough oxygen for us to find you if we move fast enough."
"I--I can't breathe, I--"
"Donnie, Raph, go help Fugitoid with the ship--just go, okay! Mikey, listen to me. I need you to breathe with me, okay? Can you do that for me, sweetheart?"
"In, out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out."
"Are you breathing, Mikey?"
"Y--yeah. Breathing better, anyway."
"That's really good, Mikey, I'm so proud of you. So, so proud of you. I love you so much."
"Yes, sweetheart?
"I...I'm scared. I'm so scared. I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry, Mikey?"
"Cause we're supposed to be heroes and heroes don't get scared, do they? Batman doesn't get scared."
"Everybody gets scared, Mikey darling. I get scared all the time, and so does Batman."
"Yes. It's okay to be scared, even when you know everything's going to be alright. Because everything is going to be alright."
"Leo, uh....a-are the others there?"
"No, not right now. Why?"
"I, um, I went to the b-bathroom in my s-suit. Just a little. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Mikey. It happens."
"I-it does?"
“Yeah, it’s fine, Mikey. Really, it is.”
“O-okay. But...can you not l-let the others see? When they find m-me, I mean?”
“I will, I promise. Nobody’s going to tease you, Mikey. We love you so much and we’re all so proud of you.”
"But I messed up--I got knocked off the ship. I'm so sorry, Leo."
"No, no, it's not your fault. None of this was your fault. You did the best you could, you always did. You don't have to apologize for everything, okay? That's my job."
"N-no it's not."
"We'll have to agree to disagree, then."
"The bar's getting l-lower now."
"We're almost there, okay? We're almost there. You're going to be fine."
"I d-don't want to die."
"You're not going to die, Mikey."
"There are things I have to do. There are things I have to do, Leo."
"I know, Mikey. You will."
"I, I, I want to try Chicago Pizza. I want to try out my She-Ra cosplay at a convention. I want to tell Leatherhead how I feel. I want to have sex--shit; I shouldn't say that to you."
"It's okay, Mikey. I don’t care, really.”
"I..I want Karai to be my sister. I want to see Father again. I want to go to the woods again when things aren't trying to kill us. I want to have a garden. I want to paint a sunset and a sunrise. I want, I want, I want--"
"Mikey. Mikey, listen to me. Stop and take a deep breath, okay? You're going to start hyperventilating again."
"I, aah, yeah. I'm--"
"Don't say you're sorry."
"Of course n-not, dude."
"That's good, Mikey, that's really good. We're almost there."
"I c-can't see you...and my h-head hurts."
"Okay, Donnie thinks you should probably stop talking right now, before you give too much oxygen."
"But I w-want to keep talking to you!"
"I'll keep talking, okay? I can talk enough for both of us."
"I can see you on the screen, Mikey. You're like a little star up there, getting closer and closer with every second. You're doing so well, Mikey, so good. You've always been so good. You're the best of us, Mikey, you always will be.
"I'm sorry things have been so hard on you lately. I'm sorry for the times we've been hard on you. You deserve so much, Mikey, you deserve the world, and you're going to get it, I promise. Just hold on for us a little longer, okay? Hold on just a little bit longer. You can do that for you, can't you?
"Of course you can. You've always been so good at everything you put your mind to. I was jealous of that for so long--I still am, sometimes. You burn so bright and you light up our world, you always have. You always will."
"Dude? I-I know you didn't want me to t-talk, but my, my head's getting light..."
"Stay awake! You have to stay awake, Mikey, do you hear me!"
"'M sorry..."
"I told you not to apologize, Mikey! Just stay awake, you have to--"
"So dark, Leo...so empty...."
"Mikey, Mikey, open your eyes! Mikey, it's not empty, we're coming! We'll always come, please--"
"Love you guys, so much. You're, you're the best..."
"D-don't you dare! Don't y-you DARE fall asleep on me, Hamato Michelangelo!
"Mikey wake the fuck up!
"Mikey, don't you dare, don't you dare do this to us!
"I won't let you do this to us!
"We'll go crazy, Mikey, please, we can't do this without you, we can't!
"Mikey, please..."
"Mikey, oh god..."
"Mikey, you need to breathe for me, okay?"
"You need to breathe for Donnie, Mikey--"
"You need to breathe for us, you need to--"
"You have to--"
"Oh, oh fuck."
"Fucking hell, Mikey..."
"Mikey! Mikey, can you hear us?"
"Just breathe for us, baby, just breathe. Eyes on me. You don't have to let go, sweetheart, you never have to let go."
"Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. It's okay..."
"It's okay, Mikey, Mikey--"
"Welcome back."
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