keqings · 8 months
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XIANYUN Unfettered as the Wind
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grace122 · 2 years
Well since you don't want me to resist here you go… :)
I'm gonna make this a solo foolish blurb, but if you want a Foolish and a reader insert of something like this I will happily write it.
Foolish wasn't a stranger to needing to pee during a stream, being in an intense valo match, or even one of his friend's casual game lobbies, and needing to pee wasn't strange. Usually, the 'normal' person would get up once the match was paused and go to do their business in the bathroom.
But.. Of course. Foolish was different.
Foolish would hold it until it was almost at his bladder's breaking point, hands clenched tightly together while he's trying with all his might to hold back the burning ache to piss. Doing this all while entertaining a chat with his jokes and stories.
Currently, Foolish was playing some Valo, taking the time between matches to down obscene amounts of water before going into the match. With each new round, his stomach got heavier and heavier with water, feeling a little bit bloated from how much he was drinking. Out of habit, his legs started to shake, wiggling back and forth over and over again to hide the ache in his bladder, making his brain focus on something that wasn't the urge to pee.
Soon enough, once the whole match ended he was even closer to the edge, he clenched his thighs together tightly, slotting his dick between them to try and stop any piss from leaking out.
He had to suppress a whimper, instead biting on the inside flesh of his cheek and gripping the mouse tightly while he queued in for another match of Valorant.
Foolish looked up to the camera, almost nervously before looking down at his clenched legs, his shorts didn't hide the tight crease made from his clenching, showing off everything to himself.
Another match queued in and he was on his way, picking his agent and locking it in, looking around his desk for things to talk to his chat about.
The match went sort of smoothly. If you'd call it that. When the teams swapped sides, Foolish accidentally let go for a moment and felt the trickle of piss start to run down his thighs, soaking a few patches in his blue shorts.
His breath hitched when it happened, gulping audibly which alerted his chat. He could see all the worried messages mixed with the ones making fun of him too, and honestly, he found it exhilarating. The concept of being caught pissing all over himself at any wrong move or sound made him excited in all the right and wrong ways.
Though to his avail, the match ended and he was able to say goodbye to his chat. He pulled up full cam, making some lame excuse about being 'super tired' and 'needing a nap' to end the stream. Closing down all his software and even going as far as to shut down his PC just to make sure nothing could be watching him.
Right, when he knew it was safe, Foolish went to stand up, but his bladder gave out. Right as he stood out of his chair everything released, a powerful, hot, stream of piss released itself, soaking his boxers and shorts, even trickling down into the carpet beneath him. Foolish looked down at himself while he peed, tears forming on his waterline while he felt the relief of an empty bladder but also the hot stickiness of piss coating his thighs and feet.
"Fuck.." He muttered, moaning quietly while he felt the last few droplets of the stream come out, his cock now standing hard in his boxers, straining against the wet material.
He reached into his sopping clothing, wrapping his hand around the base of his shaft, pumping it up and then down over and over, rubbing in the piss to make a make-shift lube not-really-type-of-thing. The piss on his hand made it easier to stroke himself, going quicker and quicker every few seconds.
All that was going through his dumb brain was how the piss felt all over his body, how it felt being held up in his bladder, and the way it soaked his boxers disgustingly.
"A-Ah.. I-I.." He called out hopelessly, stroking himself harder as he came into his boxers, the already wet material turning stickier from his cum. His skin was screaming, the smell was disgusting, and the carpet was most definitely ruined,
but did he care? No.
Not one fucking bit.
- Dom Anon
anon this is so fucking insanely hot i can’t FUNCTION HOLYYVWHVKGACGKGCOS
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dogsrot · 5 months
update : I fixed the problem
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macbethz · 4 months
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serendippertyy · 7 months
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for 8 years now I've turned all my favorite characters into satyrs and it's about time I hit beez with the satyr beam cause like c'mon demons n satyrs go together like peanut butter and jelly !! 🤷🤷
bee would make a good satyr they'd love being a mischievous yet lazy little beast I think
not a lot of thinking went into this just wanted to replicate their outfit and I threw something together cause I got excited lol I smell a ineffable bureaucracy fantasy au comin on.. watch out guys......
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loustyles · 1 year
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ZAYN Love Like This
I guess that's love like this Usually, I never wanna jump like this But I think I wanna dump my chips 'cause I cannot go back
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three-pens · 1 month
just finished re-reading/catching up on the jjk manga all i have to say is holy shit that was insane and horrible i love it
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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the itoshi brothers (and how bluelock handles betrayal as character motivation)
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✦ or why i don't think sae hates rin afterall.
✦ a / n ; this absurdly long and absurdly extensive. my bad. also sorry if this is obvious to some people, sometimes it takes me a few reads fdfksj
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i want to preface this by saying - i'm not really very invested in the itoshi brothers. or at least i wasn't originally. the character im usually most taken with is isagi, but i've sort of been wanting to dissect sae because i can't fully wrap my head around his character. and when i want to understand a character, i usually end up going through a re-read of their chapters and arcs - to get a feel for them and all.
sorry for the thick paragraph, but tl;dr this is the first time im really analyzing these two so if this is obvious to everyone else please ignore me asjdskjds
anyway. the analysis.
there's two things that need to be examined when taking a look at the itoshi brothers. the first being their relationship before sae took off to spain, the second being how bluelock sets up concepts like betrayal for the sake of improvement.
firstly - i think we need to address saes character on a base level. sae is shown to be relatively detached in general. whereas rin has forever been more of sensitive character - sae is critical and level-headed. i suspect this is partially accredited to his role as older brother.
but you'll notice that sae is significantly more gentle to rin. he's a good older brother, both encouraing rin to do well and play soccer with him. even if he lacks that sort of finesse with teammates.
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from the beginning, rin idolizes his older brothers character. every goal he has is in some way relating to pleasing or impressing sae. it's not unusual for him to do as a younger brother, especially one who was obviously doted on by rin. it's very clear that rin loves his brother deeply and feels a need to earn his favor nearly always.
there's this conversation they have in ch.124 that really drew me to this conclusion and sort of shifted my perspective on this relationship. i had always figure that sae had experienced something in spain that we, the audience don't know. it's very bluelock for characters to change drastically due to some crushing defeat (case and point kunigami)
but i hadn't take into consideration what that event would've changed in these twos relationship where maybe i should've. the thing is that sae is always concerned about how rin will fare without him.
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in this chapter, sae asks rin what he thinks about or considers with playing soccer and rin responds with something along the lines of - he's not really thinking. he uses instinct and has confidence his brothers passes to him. sae is of course critical of this.
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aside from the very obvious affection that this two share - sae goes onto tell rin that he's going off to spain soon. he once again, encourages rin to do his best and not fall behind while he's gone. rin responds with of course, and promises to become best in japan while sae goes onto become best in the world.
from there, we see rins life as he continues to grow up while his brother is in spain for several years. rin is shown to feel a little bit lonely, but keeps his promise of dedicating his entire life to football. not only is he a good team-player, he spends his free time practicing alone because he has full faith in the promise that he made with sae when they were young.
whats noticeable to me is the way rin describes playing without sae as constricting or inconvenient. the sport doesn't quite feel the same without sae around, but rin continues to practice because he values his relationship to his brother.
it's coming directly off of a win that sae returns home and sees rin practicing, and it's here i had a realization about the nature of their relationship and their driving force.
and it's here where i really put together what the actual consequence of saes spain trip was.
but before i get to that, i want to touch on the way bluelock as a series handles the concept of failure and motivation. because there are two seperate instances where a character has some sort of major event happen to them - whether that be a kind of betrayal or a massive failure and that drives their character to improve farther.
the first one being kunigami and his transformation as the hyena. the second and imo - the more important one, the relationship between reo and nagi.
to keep it brief - nagi essentially 'betrays' reo by choosing to go with isagi and separate himself from reo in order to improve. while nagi doesn't entirely understand it as a betrayal (because he still considers reo a close friend) it is indeed a crushing moment for reo - who makes it his goal and his ego to be a player that nagi can play with.
in laymans terms - it's betrayal of a pairing that provides character development and is often used to highlight the intense bonds between two people. to be motivated by someone instead of something can only speak to how much you value that person, and want to play with them, right?
and that's where i want to pick up with rin and sae.
there are so many details about this scene to nitpick. so many things i want to shed light on because i just find it so interesting when i look carefully. sae returns home while rin is practicing on the field, and rin is incredibly excited to see his brother.
but it's obvious both to us as the audience and to rin that sae has changed somehow.
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you can just tell that sae looks exhausted, where as rin has the same same expression as he did four years ago.
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there are so many things in this panel that i think are worth analyzing. the fact that rin notices that sae has lost weight as a marker of just how much sae has changed. what he's been through.
and more specifically what sae says in order to summarize his experiences in spain.
"turns out the world is huge. there're players way better than me out there. i..i've changed my dream."
now, my understanding of japanese is none so i can't compare this to the raws. but i want to discuss the phrasing here with a little more nuance - specifically, i want to talk about the way sae has phrased the sentence.
you'll notice that sae does not say "my dream has changed". he instead says "i've changed my dream." and i think this is a testament to what happened to him in the fours years he was abroad. sae wants it to seem like its a choice he's made, if only to convince rin that he's fine with it. it's obvious that sae likely experienced whats very common for characters in bluelock - which is the mortifying realization that he was practically nothing in comparison to his peers.
we know what the means for sae as individual, in that he was deeply discouraged by what he understood as reality. but what does that mean for sae as an older brother? particularly an older brother who dotes on his younger brother.
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rin is very against the idea of sae playing as a midfielder, and tells sae to his face that he doesn't want to see sae like this. he recognizes that saes change is actually stemming from a sense of defeat, and is against the idea of sae giving up his dream. and you can see in saes expression that he's saddened at rins reaction - thought he might've predicted it to some extent.
he's insistent on the fact rin doesn't understand, but hearing rin say "you're not the same brother i shared a dream with...!" causes the façade to crack momentarily. in the minute that sae is covered in shadow, we see his approach to rin changing.
and i think it's here i realized what the sudden attitude change was about.
sae goes onto to challenge rin to a one on one duel. he tells rin, that if you're able to win against me here then ill continue to believe in that dream. he absolutely crushes rin in the match, and when that match is over - rin finally confesses it outright.
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its this moment where it all finally clicked for me that saes response here was entirely intentional. and the reason i know that to be true, and that the way he talks to rin here is insincere is because of the way he hesitates.
we get an entire panel where sae simply stares at rin and is silent. this isn't a gut reaction. we intentionally get to see the briefest moment where sae is hesitating to say all of this cruel shit to rin. because he knows rin will never stop idolizing sae or hoping for that dream.
and you'll notice the way he's using this moment to drill something in rins head for later on. he says something explicitly i want to talk to about
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"don't use me as your reason to play football ever again."
its this moment that confirms it for me. this, on top of the fact we don't get to see saes expression when he says the last part. he's turned away from rin entirely - when he had been facing rin for most of this conversation.
that's the thing, though. sae to some extent, is familiar with the cruelty that soccer on the international level has to offer. in the early part of the manga, you see him have a similar reaction to bluelock and egoism as a concept. sae is intrigued by it and supports its core tenets to some extent, because he's seen professional soccer at its most brutal.
when you think about it, what reason does sae have to be so intentionally cruel to rin about not wanting to play football? if he was really so indifferent to rin, what reason would there be to crush him to that extent? wouldn't the appropriate response be just that, indifference?
sae's disposition is never naturally cruel. but his whims and feelings adjust based on input. he plays soccer and thinks very heavily about his moves. so if his experiences is telling him that he is no longer fit to be a striker, then what does that make of the promise he made to the younger brother he adored.
all of that to say, i think sae wants rin to become a striker and wants to continue playing soccer with rin. but he believes that if rin remains attached to him the way he is - he will never reach his full potentional. and in order to bring that full potential out - he's willing to be the catalyst and subsequently the villain rins story.
i think all of it, and the intentional salt in the wound is a mechanism for rins development which sae achieves by the end of u20 almost.
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Bro I was reenacting the "Just So" clip while I was putting away the dishes and when Frank yelled at Barnaby I was gonna say "oi fuck you" y'know because I was being silly but what came out was an almost PERFECT imitation of Barnaby's voice- I couldn't even finish the "fuck you" because I broke down laughing
Btw the reason this is so funny is because I'm a 5'2" Latino AFAB with NO experience in voice acting whatsoever yet for some reason the spirit of Giant Blues Clues decided my vocal chords were the PERFECT place to set up real estate
Anyway peace and love
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shadow-magpie · 2 months
was anyone gonna tell me that arena ultamax opened up with yu refusing to buy a porno mag for yosuke because he "doesn't want my best friend imagining my face every time he opens it" or was i just supposed to sit through that whole scene and lose my mind with my friend
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citysweet · 9 months
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tifa-lockhartss · 2 months
Happy 5th anniversary to Fire Emblem Three Houses. One of my favourite games of all time I'm not even joking.
Happy Anniversary to them
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whenevr u r done with hannah's interlude i would LOVE ur thoughts on it!!!!!! mostly because of the.. Event that u see take place. + also. miss militia the ultra-american patriot military cape ^_^
JUST FINISHED IT !!!!!! THE FUCKING. OK. it took me like 3 sentences to be like "OH okay this is gonna be a little girl's trigger event. okay. mentally prepared for that now." and then as SOON as it described that like green and black energy i went MISS MILITIA ?!?!?!?!?!!? im VERY GLAD she's not what I expected her to be. this added soooo many layers to her I am eating it up.
also ARMSMASTER DOWN!!!!!! nice blow to his ego there. wake up armsmaster you fucked up big time. to Chicago with you.
ALSO ALSO I'm a big fan of dragon I think. she's cool. cannot WAIT 2 learn more about her
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She and Darren have been at the cabin for eight months. It belongs to a college friend of his—an arcing property flanked by evergreens and nothing more. She could lie to herself. Say she’s gotten used to waking every morning at yolky dawn in the bedroom she occupies alone. She’s gotten used to the scalding silence at midnight and gotten used to lighting the candlestick on the nightstand even in the middle of the day. The same instant peach oatmeal Darren keeps buying every time he treks out to the city because she said she liked it once. She can’t bring herself to tell him she can’t handle the flavour anymore, the way she’s gotten used to it and the way she’s gotten used to her hair getting longer, nearly touching her shoulders, the way she’s gotten used to her waxen face in the bathroom's uncovered mirror. She could lie. But nothing changes the truth even when she stays up all night, rocking back and forth, hoping something will. She made it out—no more running, no more hiding. It’s a good thing, and yet the prospect is so lonely, so frightening, that she sometimes considers walking into the woods until she makes it out the other side a woman who did not survive alone.
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virigorne · 5 months
Bruh I forgot abt how much of an absolute cunt Toshiro is. Retracting my last post abt sympathizing with him smh.
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mymarifae · 1 year
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jesus fucking christ
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