mwagneto · 4 months
dude. an algorithm that keeps your consciousness after you die? that's crazy. however does he come up with these
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I don't like skyblings too much, however that doesn't mean I don't like family headcanons/dynamics
Actually im a sucker for family dynamics, me and my sister both are, and love projecting on silly cubitos a lot (funny cause in this specific duo our genders are swapped)
So I present to you: Snowblings propaganda
Its Scar and Pearl!
First of all they kinda look alike, to the point I've mixed them up in fanart before, which sounds dumb but I'm so fr like actually its happened and I find that funny.
Second, I just love their duo on DL, I lowkey wished they became chosen soulmates, I mean theyre kinda paralels? But on opposite senses?? My sister knew the proper term for this. Like- Pearl got abandoned by her soulmate, and they parted ways completely, resenting eachother. Meanwhile, Scar got cheated on, but even after the betrayal and all that he stayed with Grian and didn't yknow take actual revenge like Pearl did constantly to Scott..
Headcanon section:
Also I love that they seem like- So I think if they were actually related possibly before the series and all, maybe got separated and their memories erased by the watchers? But still met again and took eachother as found family, not knowing the truth. Also, likewise to my online sis and I, I feel like Scar is older in actual age but when you see them interact its like Pearl is the older one.
Also!! Wolf and cat duo, I think thats silly.
And I think possibly they could've hang out more even if we dont see it on camera, trust... like sitting on powdered snow at night as they talk (its mostly Pearl rambling/venting/plotting chaos and Scar being supportive, possibly also making sure she doesn't freeze to death)
Another plus! Scar was a wizard on LL while Pearl got called the witch of DL! And both got villanised a lot on the seasons they won... and they both spent their whole seasons mostly alone, with a small team up at the end...
Pearl was all alone in DL and Scar helped her and kept her company when he could, even if she was unhinged and probably insisted he got revenge aswell. Scar was all alone for most of SL and Pearl still offered him a family in the end... she wanted one of her mounders to win... and he was the last one left, he *was* an actual mounder even if just for one episode, cause she could've helped Gem win, also her best friend (who I see as found cousins, also cause of my relationship with an online cousin), but she wanted her mounders to win, and thats what Scar was, not only that, Scar was her brother, her family.
Have you also considered that Scar, Pearl and Bdubs could make the best found sibling trio ever?
I just think they're the best ever, comfort duo fr..
(A bit Pluto Scar propaganda too, shot out to my genius lil sis for the arguments) Pluto has 5 moons, Scar killed 6 ppl in the finale, but the last one was Pearl who IS the moon. Except to Scar she's more than just another moon, Pearl, who wanted him to win, who offered him a place to belong to, a family, when he had no one, even if it was short lived, Pearl who understood his loneliness, a past winner who very well understood what its like to be the villain of the server, his best friend, his ally, his family.. and the last person he saw before that so called victory.
Plus! Funny quote between my sister and I that sounds pretty DL Snowblings coded:
- "wishing for the best for you and worst for them /j" (sister/scar) - "you see? this is what siblings are for! we pray on other people's downfall… but for good reasons.." (me/pearl)
Thats all tumblr, thank you ^^
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phyrexian-lesbian · 3 months
Final Take on Series 14/Season 40
(It will never be season one cry about it)
Alright so Space Babies brings the while season down at least 50% so we're gonna ignore that episode- which is also useful advice for anyone watching Doctor who.
Excluding space babies, there are a handful of episodes that, stand-alone, are really good. Of course, there'd never be more than a handful because the international franchise pairing with corporate overlords only had time for 9 episodes apparently.
In fact, I like most of the season, considering I don't watch them as a season. Church on Ruby Road was interesting, playing with the idea of magic and the Timeless Child arc.
The Devil's Chord was fun and intriguing, playing with the gods and monsters idea again, and having cool 4th wall breaks and a fun villain. Its drawbacks were the stupid fucking musical number that rtd wrote with no canon reason other than "Maestro's influence", which is a repeat of what he did with the 60th (writing utter bullshit and pinning it on a stupid fucking cause that makes 0 canon sense).
Boom was incredible. For starters, it was written by someone who wasn't rtd, so that's amazing. Also, as a theatre kid, having tur central actor unable to move their body for the entire performance tickled my brain in all the best ways. All in all, it felt like an episode from 12's era, when Doctor was at its peak for me. Great episode. Made me hopeful for the future (hahahaha😶)
73 Yards was also incredible (ignoring the finale). It heightened that (false) sense of mystery surrounding Ruby, and ramped up the horror subtheme started by Wild Blue Yonder. I really enjoyed it, and it was a great story. Felt a lot like Heaven Sent, which is am achievement (All of this praise is for the standalone. RTD pissed all over his good writing with the finale, and 73 Yards was ruined by EoD).
Dot and Bubble played with some interesting ideas but was kinda meh. It was a cool reality to see 15 suffer racism (bit like 13 suffering misogyny), and it was good to see the Doctor mad again.
Rogue was very cool, and I thought it was great. Made me wish we had a Thasmin kiss tho.
Legend of Ruby Sunday, aka the good half of the finale, was very interesting. All the mystery and the magic and the reunions. They dismissed the whole bigeneration plot line, and the fact that 15 didn't see any of this shit coming meant that the bigeneration plot line was completely fucked. 14 and 15 aren't the same person in a looped time line. They're just clones of each other. The whole "therapy" situation is utter bullshit. RTD just can't kill t*nnant for shit (fr love David Tennant in other stuff and as a person in general just getting sick of him in Dr who). Sutekh's reveal could have been handled a bit better, but overall his entrance gave me chills. Loved that. Just needed a bit more detail on how he avoided the TARDIS sensors for two thousand years.
And finally, the episode that untied all the others from each other, Empire of Death. The mystery that terrified Maestro, the God of music and revels, and caught the obsession of Sutekh, the God of death and eternity, was utter bullshit. Ruby's mum is just some guy. A nice thought- we thought she was some godlike entity but she was just an ordinary human. Except. We didn't think that. RTD wrote that. The snow, the "song in her soul", the fact that Ruby's mum couldn't be perceived with anything but the naked eye, not even with Time Lord equipment- that's all superhuman shit. You can't explain that away with "she's normal". That's not how it works. Oh and the God of literal actual Death was defeated by a real good dogleash? Nah man. If you want us to take things seriously, don't pull shit like that. Also they defeated him literally the same way they did last time, adding the aforementioned dog leash. Also the fact that her mum is just normal means that the whole mystery about the specter's words in 73 yards is just... pointless? Completely useless?
Also, no one names their daughter by pointing at a sign (that wasn't there in the original shot).
And Ruby's exit was so nothing. I didn't feel a single thing. There was no emotional connection to the character. She left of her own directive. After 9 45minute episodes. Don't know if people honestly were emotional about that, because there was nothing there.
Overall, good episodes. Bad season.
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retrobr · 5 months
Lazytown Shenanigans pt. 2
So this time I've watched two episodes in a row: "Sportacus Saves the Toys" and "The Lazy Cup." I can't say that I liked both of the episodes, but they weren't bad either lmaoo. And, well, I think I liked the "Sportacus Saves the Toys" episode more than "The Lazy Cup"
"Sportacus Saves the Toys."
In the first of the above-mentioned episodes, there were – holy moly – some new locations, even despite the fact that they weren't shown for too long. I liked that China and France looked somewhat identical to Lazytown, like they looked funky and colorful as well as Lazytown, u know
This episode made me feel a little bad for Ziggy tbh. I mean, Ziggy is one of my favorite characters; he has a very sweet (badum-tss) and kind personality. I live for this kind of character who is mostly cheerful and happy about everything in their life. And this episode was one of those in which someone ruined his mood, so that made me feel sad. I am sad /ref
Tumblr media
And it was Stingy and Stephanie again who did that, just like in the "Ziggy's Alien" episode. Bruh why are they doing that to my boy :(
OH AND ZIGGY'S AND SPORTACUS' "FAMILY BONDING." I fucking adore their interaction, and I fucking love when Sportacus tries to cheer Ziggy up. I just can't do it anymore why are they so adorable 🥺 But then Stingy and Stephanie (mostly Stingy. All the blame is on him /j) ruined his happy mood once again. DAMN WHY JUST WHY ARRERGH-
A few words about Stingy. My God, he can't even play peacefully without proving that things belong to him. BRO UM JUST PLAY NORMALLY, GODDAMMIT, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?? Holy chimichangas, he even took all the sunscreen for himself, what the hell, seriously.... I just despise him at this point, but I can't help myself. He's just annoying.
Anyways. Milford and Bessie were adorable, as always. Can't help but smile like a dork when I see them interacting 🥺
And for goodness sake let Robbie rest and eep!! I can't say that much about him because, well, he was acting silly again as always, so yeah. But the machine that he built was a TOTAL MONSTROSITY. I would've shit myself if I saw that thing walking towards me omg 😭 /hj
And, finally, the "grab my hand" line. Nothing much to say because I'm shaking fiercely like a small pathetic chihuahua..... these dorks are going to be the end for me fr.
"The Lazy Cup."
Well, um, that was something I guess 😭 I don't even know what to say about this episode, except for some small things.
The Sportacus' "ball" shout from the very beginning set the mood for the whole episode, I tell you guys. (/j) I mean that was just very sudden, I just turned on the episode, and the very first thing I heard was "BOAHL" 😭
Won't say anything about Bessie and Milford again because I told about them earlier; they're just cute, like a married but not actually married old couple. Good for them
And speaking about old couples and stuff. There's no doubt to me from this point that Robbie is fucking obsessed with Sportadork. I mean, bro says that he hates him but at the same time HAS A GODDAMN MANNEQUIN OF HIM; bro says "ooohhh noo not him again" and still continues to watch him. Like dude, my dear, calm down 😔
But whatever. Robbie's disguise was pretty nice, I should say; I think his name was Sergio?? I honestly don't remember, but I think it's one of my favorite disguises of his.
And I would like to say that Robbie's team was SO FUCKING ODD I JUST UGH?? 😭 BRO GATHERED THE MOST CRINGE GUYS THAT HE HAS I SWEAR. And like, how did it even work? Did he just bring his own disguises to life? I don't know maybe I'm just stupid, but I didn't know that his disguise machine could do things like that
Finally, Stingy again. In this episode he actually did something nice – in other words, he helped Stephanie. Ok bud, that was a good act of yours 🙄
Well, I guess that's all.. It turned out to be a little longer than I expected, so I want to thank you if someone read this to the end :]
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forflightlessbirds · 2 months
liveblogging tmagp 22 except it's really incoherent
grrrrr alex j newall ily
mixed signals ooohhh
29 minute episode oouhh
"watching figure you mentioned" NO. STOP STOP SHRJEIF SYOP NDOKS
"i know what you're doing." 2hat
LENA THREATENING. OH LORD. i don't liek womrn but for her
that thing was an EXTERNAL???
don't quit bbg
she didn't!!!!
yeaaah gwen stop being unstable GWEN
stop theyre so. ugh i hate them all
it's a lteer???
oh no. experiments on thibgs
alarmign results???
i must say i don't like this
charts??! brain charts????
using silver for conductivity... ooooyh
you did what with the wires
erratic results??
okay the double coil makes sensw
the work of whom.
no no not intensive
he had a RIGHT to be hesitant.
oh no i don't like this
2 seperate animals in one bofy.. where gave i heard that before.
i can see where this is going oh no oh lord
as you sjoild
data reviewing.. yaaay
me too bae
these two things would never meet
okay fun science
deconstructed them all and did what with then.
oh no no no plumbing
questions of the self part 2: electric boogaloo
"imagine yourself." i don't inow
i kind of love tmagp's more intimate feeling to it. it feels less detached than tma an d i love it
oh no he's sending
imagine yourself
dead. oh no
yaaaayy activity
i loeeeveee
oh no wait actually this seems Dangerous
what on EARTH happened
ursula are you oajy
ursula. what is happening
is he okay?? is she okay???? what's happening
hear WHAT.
be patient with your wife fuckass
oh my lord????
good lord. arteries.
tetanus comparison
his tongue.
background music i love it
they severed the sense of self.
oh he's dead
"you could not hear it?" what.
"just another case of unfortunate frontier science" die
what did you find. this better have been worth it
a pattern you say
there's no misfile.
what did you understand??
"she was always a better communicator than i" yeah makes sense babe
what had she HEARD.
oh my god
oh holy shit
holy shit
we are.
i am here.
here alone
we are i alone
all alone
so alone together
together alone
i think we get the message
he's alone
help we us
help out
i'm connecting threads.
i don't know what they are but i'm connecting them
violence is discovery of life or something idk man
yeah you delay those findings babygirl
robot voice again
casement ends.
i hate her and him and UGH
he knowszs
alice you're really in it now
okay sam you're being a bit mean
but alice is also being a little obsessive
alice is losing all her friends around her.
she's just like me fr
"i just thought that you'd be different. that you might actually listen to me" sobbing
why is she still here. good point.
it's easy money??
oh lord she's me
"we could-" alice honey we all know you're not over him
ohhhh theyr3 so complex ily
sam and celia oooh
i can't hear a word they're saying actually
celia stop encouraging ot. this isn't healthy celia
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beevean · 6 months
I keep thinking of this interpretation of N!Hector (at the bottom). How, essentially, his growth revolved around his conception of love: how he's at his core a broken, love-starved man who had to learn how to let go out of selflessness.
They make some valid points. So I want to put together why the story still wastes a very intriguing concept and its morals are still disgusting.
Let's take N!Hector purely from this angle. His sloppy writing starts to make sense. N!Hector never warms up to Carmilla, because his last memory of Carmilla is her beating him up after she revealed that her apparent respect was a lie. Dracula is on thin ice: he was the first person who was nice to him, but he lied to N!Hector about his real plans, and most importantly, got convinced that he might have died if Dracula actually succeeded. (still doesn't stop him from wanting to resurrect him)
Lenore is "nice" to him. Lenore not only praised his voice, the strength of his character, etc., but she also has shown that she wants to be with him for no ulterior reason, and that she wants to protect him from mean Carmilla.
So N!Hector is totally fine with her. It's okay that she beat him that one time, because it was his fault (granted, an abused person might think like that...). It's okay that she made a sexual game out of taking him out with a leash: that's just how vampires are, right? It's okay that she used sex and took advantage of his feelings to put a trapping ring on him: it was with good intentions. It was for his sake. It was to protect him.
So, N!Hector falls in love with Lenore because she did everything in her power to keep him in a gilded cage, including resorting to rape by deception. Abuse is love. Selfishness is love. He, too, loves like a vampire, shown by the way he surrounded himself with pets magically compelled to be loyal to him, so the two have the same love languages.
This speaks of a profoundly ill mentality, the byproduct of a lifetime of abuse. It's a delicate topic that should be treated with the utmost respect.
exhibit a: respectful writing that truly gives trauma the gravitas it deserves.
After some more bonding over how similar Lenore and N!Hector are because no one loves them and they're just victims, they're so like each other fr fr, we get to S4E6. In a way, we can see N!Hector's actions here as a mirror to what Lenore has done to him: she used treachery to turn him into a tool and so "keeping him safe", and so he used treachery to cage her and protect her from N!Isaac destroying the entire life she built with the others. This is mercy for him. This is an act of love. Protect Lenore and stay close to her, but everyone else can die, even if it hurts her. I see the intention, I really do.
But add to this the fact that N!Hector's whole plan was for the sake of resurrecting Dracula, therefore risking another mass slaughter, for no other reason than to feel better about his mistakes, and we're starting to see a problem.
We're near the end of the show, and N!Hector hasn't grown one bit. Not morally, and not emotionally. He still has no empathy. He still loves like a vampire. He still has no self-respect. He went through unimaginable torture, and he's still the "manchild" we were supposed to laugh at in S2 - except now he's marginally cooler, I guess.
(also, is it really "love" if N!Hector genuinely thought N!Isaac would kill him and he accepted it? He didn't plan to stick around, he didn't plan to "keep" Lenore with him. So the point starts to fall apart.)
But then N!Isaac makes a speech to him about agency and the will to live, and a few episodes later, N!Hector has his "magnificent" growth. His sign of maturity is letting Lenore die. Not keeping her close, despite her being the kindest person to him (although I suppose N!Isaac will quickly replace her lol). Letting this woman, both a victim and an abuser, commit suicide on her own terms, the terms he never had, is N!Hector finally learning how to love.
All very nice and wholesome. On paper.
Lenore is forcibly made to be sympathetic in S4, to the point that it becomes blatant lying. Suddenly she has no sexual interest in N!Hector anymore, after all she did to him (and very interesting, that Lenore was only aroused when he was her prisoner - now that he has more freedom and seems to like her as a person, she doesn't care anymore). Suddenly her smug demeanour has vanished, treating him with almost real respect. Suddenly there's more focus on how alone she is, and how she and N!Hector can relate to each other and only have each other in the world. It's disingenuous, and all so that I could pity her, and believe that these two would care for each other, and be touched that N!Hector's big love gesture is allowing Lenore to find freedom from her unnatural existence, while in reality I'm just frustrated that this rapist got to find freedom from the consequences of her actions - she doesn't even feel bad for what she did, "I'm sorry for everything you went through", so much for growing to love him. It's not even framed as him being free of her, but her being free of herself, fuck that guy I guess. Hell, even her phrasing implies that the main reason she sunned herself was that she wasn't willing to live in a cage, even with Hector, basically throwing a tantrum because she didn't have power anymore. I get reading between the lines and connecting that what triggered her suicide was the realization that as a vampire she's inherently doomed to go insane with craving power, but she really painted herself in the worst light.
I can't even say that the show forgot about her previous behavior: it specifically calls out to Lenore "solving Hector's problem", but makes it a joke that is quickly brushed off. We are meant to be endeared at Lenore using sex as a tool of deception. Yeah, silly Lenore, that was awkward I guess. More seriously, Lenore neither had a solid change of heart/realization that she behaved like a monster in the name of her "good intentions", nor is she tragic enough compared to her actions - at most I can understand where part of her behavior is coming from, like her being happy to show her strength by beating N!Hector into the ground, but I don't feel sorry for her. The story had the chance to emphasize her conflict with her vampiric nature, if I was really meant to pity her hopeless existence, but it doesn't take it. So I have no reason to care about her, or think she's a good person for N!Hector. The fact that she is the kindest anyone has ever been to him doesn't mean that she is kind, just that this poor man has been spit on far too much.
And maybe N!Hector really is too broken to understand that being raped is bad. Maybe his abuser choosing to waste time around him feels like a banquet for someone as love starved as he is. But is that how he ends? Still not getting it? Still not feeling anything about the way he has been treated all this life? Is he really completely not conflicted about the two-faced way Lenore treated him?
And what about his relationship with humanity? Is writing a book about his mistakes really the best he can do? N!Isaac realized off screen that he wants to change the world for the better: what is, effectively, N!Hector's change in this aspect? Sure, maybe he won't keep resurrected pets anymore, but after jotting down how much he has fucked up in life, what does he want to do? What was his journey, made of nothing but suffering and mockery and the lesson "you are stupid for trusting", for?
If I am to read N!Hector as a victim of deep abuse, so damaging that he has lost all sorts of empathy, morals and self-worth... what is, then, the story told through him? He doesn't get better. He doesn't even get worse, in the same way Isaac did, for example - I proposed an ending where he snaps and sets the castle on fire as a bookend with his abusive childhood, which would have been tragic, but ofc it didn't happen. The climax of his journey is that he holds no resentment towards a woman who was both kind and cruel to him, and simply chose to forgive all the bad that was done to him without any struggle. He accepted the crumbs and lapped the plate.
The message: forgive the people who hurt you, if they think they are only helping you - in fact, don't even think about it. Not because it's unhealthy to let yourself be consumed by resentment. Because if they hurt you for your own good, then they are good people deep down.
Steven Universe became the internet's laughing stock for far less.
(it's not even that Lenore was his mother, or his long-time wife, someone that could be genuinely hard to distance yourself from if they abuse you. They knew each other for maybe two months.)
I cannot empathize with N!Hector, and I can't even sympathize with him, because this is not a character arc, this is a slop job. I don't think Lenore is so nice because she deigns to speak to him, and I don't think her wanting to protect N!Hector can make up for her disgusting behavior in S3. I have no reason to be happy that N!Hector is "free", because he's in the same position he started from in S2: cooped up in a castle, uninterested in getting closer with humankind, alone. And I have no reason to be sad that Lenore killed herself, because the story did a poor job of convincing me that she deserved to be happy with the man she treated like a pet before her character was disingenuously defanged.
I can assure you: Ellis did not have any intention of writing a story about how abuse warps your conception of love. He just liked kicking around a ball in the shape of a character, and then gave him a rushed "good" ending (that still feels bittersweet compared to all others) because of backlash. Trying to see a coherent arc here is like trying to squint to see an image on a magic eye poster, and the effort is not worth it. N!Hector deserved better, and abuse survivors deserve to be represented by characters written with love, not spite.
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Ep 5 reactions
spoilers beneath the cut for s1e5 and minor spoilers for most of the books, but I censored the traitor's name. mostly positive tone.
"Im the last one to realize this aren't I" A LITTLE BIT
I love Percy admitting there he was really ONLY in it for Sally. Poseidon does ONE good thing and all of a sudden it's "wait I think the conspiracy to start war betten the gods is... important?" SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MEET REASONABLE PARENTING EXPECTATIONS? A certain god could be taking notes, specifically the patent of [REDACTED]
go off Percy with the emotional intelligence. A for effort
and an A PLUS to Annabeth for the sharing important info and being vulnerable.
I see that coat covering the bike seat. there's human skin on that thing, isn't there?
LIVING the portrayal of Ares as man-baby who starts twitter fights. average maturity level of anyone who likes war.
"there's no fear in you, is there?" STAWPPP
THEY KEPT THE MANHUNT PLOT🎉🎉🎉🎉 also the Gabe is Gabe-ing. Manipulate mansplain manwhore on the most literal level. except disney probably cut the womanizer bit.
the whole "Im immature as shit but my threats are real, I hold all the cards" THE GOD OF WAR IS GODOFWAR-ING
"can I walk them to the door" IS HE GONNA RUN FOR IT? they're really letting Grover miss out on this quest, huh? I mean I guess it makes sense. PLUS it means more Grover-exclusive scenes! MY BOYY
that's a lie. there HAVE to be corny movie nights at camp, right?
ALSO botl movie date, anyone?👀👀👀👀
is that? a JOKE I HEAR??? poking fun at Percy? a little. Genuine? ALSO TRUE. If you told me that "amusing" line was Liften from the book and I've just forgotten about it all five million times I read it, I WOULD BELIEVE YOU
Annabeth who complimented Circe's loom when Percy got cursed🤝 Annabeth who complimented Hepheastus when Percy got trapped
the way she says push before telling him what it is😭😭😭
songs about feelings that was PERSONAL
*insert Coach Hedge talking about nature*
Annabeth asking what Ares need the kids for if he wants the bolt/thinks their quest means nothing🤝 Grover gaslight girlbossing : doing detective work under Percy's nose
OOOH good detail with Percy being caught up with all the "3000 year-old goss" because HIS MOTHER TOLD HIM hi sally i fuckign love u
"don't even try to tell me not to be weird about this" we love an honest queen. While I kinda miss book Annabeth being a bit stompy and whiny at this part, I do think that the show version suits its own characterization of Annabeth, saying whatever she thinks needs to be said.
this whole show, I've been able to see everything. episode five DO NOT be the one to let me down! PLEASE!
THE SONG omg i wasnt expecting that. miraculous movie flashbacks fr.
W CONVO. DOUBLEYOU CONVO. nothing to add. perfection.
Also. don't shoot but the song choice unironically fits Hephaestus's story.
is that a giant gold naked statue of Hera? to taunt them for cheating on him? hypocrite.
"they like to ignore what doesn't fit their narrative" [REDACTED] APOLOGISTS TAKE NOTES.
okay there's no way Annabeth doesn't know that story. there's ONE way to take a god's power and she doesn't know it? at least let them tell it in tandem! a little "Yeah I recognize the chair, what of it?" THEN let the touchy-feely boy present the bargain. AT LEAST.
"do you need some help?" "FUCK OFF" that's Annabeth
in the one hand, I am not a fan of depriving Annabeth of her super wisdom hero moment. on the other hand, placing responsibility to fix things on the perpetrators instead of those kids from Season ONE queen shit, and showing people can change. slay, but PLEASE let Annabeth do some more puzzle shit!
OH so [REDACTED] and Ares conspired to make sure the trio never makes it there, not just using the magic things that activate at a certain place, but also by DIRECTING THEM TO THE TIME FREEZE ON PURPOSE
that interaction. SO THEM
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livvyofthelake · 8 days
new lost ranking post the hurley episode i watched last night. episode 18? maybe. whatever
1. jack obviously. he’s never getting knocked off the top of the pyramid there’s literally nothing anyone else could do to make me like them more than jack…. nothing this show ever does will ever beat do no harm
2. sayid!!! his swag is like. so unbeatable… he just hits different AND he’s a total hottie too woah… loving his paranoid insane freak arc this season. the writers were like what if we killed his girlfriend and made him act insane. and i’m eating it up actually i mean i wish they hadn’t killed his girlfriend considering that was literally my good friend shannon who i miss deeply. but sayid is NOT moving on and i love it… need me a freak like that sorry
3. claire… maternity leave was HUGE… and that’s my friend belle she always ranks higher than she probably should because she’s my friend belle <3
4. hurleyyyyy :) my special little prince and i mean this… i’m such a hurley girl and yeah sure you can also chalk that up to the fact that hurley is the pet character of eddie and adam and i would love anything eddie and adam did forever and ever except that tron movie i could never quite get through watching. heart! anyway yeah i love hurley he’s my guy… hurley is so. me age 19 but different but the same. wow. if hurley could read some of my notes app poetry from 2020 he’d feel seen in a way that would motivate him to seek professional help. but let’s not get into that
5. ana lucia SORRY. she kinda sucks so fucking bad and yes she killed my beautiful girl shannon but that was only her fault as much as it’s a gun’s fault when someone uses it to kill someone. so i’ve never blamed her for that it’s just a bad situation which she will notttt be coming out on top of 😐. but i think she’s sooo cool in a woman who sucks way… and her cunty 2000s ass outfit is crazy… the black tank top and low rise bootcut jeans and chunky belt and zip up utility vest…. i’d dress up as her for halloween if i was the kind of person who dressed up for halloween or was willing to buy an ugly belt for a one wear costume. also her plot with sayid rn is soooo good they’re looking at each other just two paranoid FREAKS going. you aren’t crazy. and neither am i. let’s fucking kill these Others. it’s sooooo good… and she never makes the same mistake twice…
6. eko my good friend eko…. he’s so…. he’s just so kind… imagine having the patience and compassion to be nice to charlie right now. woah
7. kate. in her flop era rn and it’s DIRE. but we love her this is the highest i can put her right now i’m sorry girl you just can’t beat out eko and hurley and ana etc when you’re acting like this….
8. rose and bernard <3 soooooo excited for them next episode it’s not even funny… that’s literally rose and bernard….
9. libby. category five obsessed with that freak disease! she took one look at that loser hurley and was like he’s so fucking pathetic and weird. and i want him so bad. and i HAVE to respect her game. she said oh yeah i’m gonna talk him back from suicide and then it’s ON…
10. danielle rousseau… she literally slayed the house down in maternity leave… sorry queen for never including you in these lists before now my bad fr!
11. sun <3 she’s so. your girl friend who deserves way better but she’s so happy with her annoying and unlikeable man you can’t even tell her to dump his ass no matter how bad you want to
12. michael… where tf is michael… i miss him :(
13. new guy. i can’t very well call him henry now can i. wtf is his name… kinda like his pathetic gay swag. but he’s sooo annoying 🙄 and frankly i stand with sayid’s paranoid freak ass… but he’s kinda fun to have around i admit! love how he’s always playing mind games!!
14. locke admittedly has been slaying lately but i still think all his backstory episodes are lame and bad and also. as we say. an enemy of jack’s…
15. jin. he like. swings wildly between me hating him so bad i hope he dies and me thinking he’s soooo interesting and compelling and cool. the whole truth was a crazy episode in this way when it started i was like wow he needs to kill himself. and then by the end i was like woah why is he the most interesting man on lost island…. the way he literally can’t talk to anyone but sun as a physical storytelling metaphor for his closed off nature that prevents him from ever being truly known… wowie!
16. charlie. he’s flopping soooo hard this season. remember when charlie used to be a top five character. that’s crazy
17. sawyer. goes without explanation
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thegeminisage · 3 months
star trek update time! saturday we did ds9 "sons of mogh" and voy's "dreadnaught" and last night we did ds9's "bar association."
sons of mogh:
i keep waiting for worf to feel like he belongs on ds9 instead of tng and it keeps not happening. the klingon stuff on tng was always a little dry for me, but the klingon stuff on ds9 has always been really good! unfortunately, now that worf's here, it's gotten a little dry again. even the episode with kor was a drag near the end.
don't get me wrong, i love worf, and he was one of my favs on tng, but on ds9...aside from data, nobody on the tng cast can shine a candle to the ds9 cast. even quark beats them all (again, except data).
also, the entire plot of this episode was so horrible. basically worf was like yeah i HAVE become soft and human. so true. anyway!
like, firstly, again, WHY are we having sisko yell. i could buy him being pissed and it was kinda fun for him to go off like this but it's also lowkey shitty. this was a culture thing. i guess at least he didn't do a picard god could you imagine
like i'm not saying do a picard. i do not advocate for kurn killing himself. but why did we write that forced amnesia or death was the only way...like, someday there's gonna peace in the klingon homeworld again and kurn won't be able to enjoy it because they're effectively killing him one way or the other. what about his daughters?? like worf was all "we can protect the empire in our own way" and that could have been kurn's reason to live...getting his daughters to safety with worf's adoptive parents could have been a reason to live...he had them, we just chose to do whatever this was
i did like dax and worf flirting, and i think she's a good choice for him bc of all of curzon's connections with the klingons, but i don't think WORF is a good choice for DAX because he's so damn stiff and uptight, and there seems to be nothing to his personality beyond that. was he always like this on tng? it's funny for a gag sometimes but the rest of ds9 has Depth. come on!!
i did think it was fun that he was like yeah a klingon should be able to see the decision to kill in another person's eyes instantly. let's do more shit like that
doomsday machine of voyager fr. 1. big machine that cannot be stopped 2. have to beam out right as it explodes 3. personal stakes for either decker or b'elanna 4. STRESSED ME OUT!!!
firstly, i love that this thing not only personifies b'elanna's hatred of the cardassians but also her skill at what she does. she programmed it with so many failsafes SHE HERSELF was only barely able to stop it. the cardassians wouldn't have stood a chance. and now she's a different person but the weapon is the same
mention of chakotay/b'elanna past shenanigans. mwah. i love that he covered for her ass without missing a SINGLE beat.
tom paris was very nearly annoying in this episode but he managed to stay on the right side of the line and not blow it with b'elanna a second time. he was really niceys when janeway almost sacrificed herself
SPEAKING OF. JANEWAY ALMOST SACRIFICING HERSELF. the way there was no tuvok in this episode and then he decided to stay behind with her WAAHHHHH. he can't be jealous of chakotay anymore HE didn't get to almost die with janeway
loved the mention of voyager's war machine reputation again. both funny and hot
the only thing i didn't like was that they FORGOT the doctor. that's so mean :( i did also maybe a little bit forget him bc i was stressing out but i'm not on the fucking ship with him am i!
bar association:
i was braced for the worst here because ferengi episodes are often so awful but i actually really enjoyed it
rom my new best friend and union man. wow <3 i can't believe they're giving him like. development and an arc. the most minor of fucking characters...o'brien did absolutely nothing on tng for YEARS and in ds9 the comedic 1-dimensional character starts a union and quits his job to make his relationship with his brother more healthy?? hello???
not only that but even though he didn't know union leaders can DIE going in once he found out he did not back down. i was so sure he would waver when bribed, or waver when his brother got beaten up, and he DIDN'T. girl i would waver if MY brother got beat up. rom didn't give a FUCK
loved also o'brien and worf brawling and julian getting tossed over a table. these things just happen. he's so light and tossable.
the part where odo read off tng episode plots was really funny. poor worf. i wish he hadn't moved to the defiant...literally girl you are going to have to get used to it here for MY sake
i do also feel like this episode helped me understand quark a little...he's a control freak because that's his way of like, handling people? like, he's in charge of everybody which means he's responsible for everybody so he has to control what everybody does. rom and nog work at his bar and nog doesn't go to starfleet. his mom doesn't sell snail farms or whatever the fuck. he's """protecting""" them as though they're assets, though he doesn't ever think to protect them from himself. it's not sympathetic exactly, but it is at least consistent
when rom and quark were yelling at each other and rom was like "YOU WERE MAKING ME FEEL DUMB SO YOU COULD FEEL SMART!" insert gif of dutch killjoys going "STOP MAKING ME FEEL SMALL SO YOU CAN FEEL BIG" like that's so funny but it literally is the same dynamic
TONIGHT: voy's "death wish" (SIGH) and ds9's "accession." ik the first one is a q episode...get his ass outta here. he's so unrealistic. like why can't he just zap them home etc. stupid.
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neo-neos · 2 years
"I watched Safe House season 1 and I need to get my thoughts out" the megashitpost xoxo
Okay so, I am late to the party (as always) but I randomly decided to watch Safe House all the way from season 1... It's unsubbed on Youtube so I have literally 0 clues about what's going on. (My hidden motive for watching WAS Pond's voice, because his voice is something very special to me but THEN.... NEO HAPPENED. Lemme tell you, I go fucking feral for that dude... ) And I wanted to make a post about the things I loved/enjoyed/noticed. For my own sanity really, to get it off my chest. It's a long one, so I will put a read more. But to summarize so that you, reading this right now, can decide for yourself if you think this post might interest you:
A quick 1-ish sentence summary of how I viewed each actor
Random silly moments/things I loved
Some very very very random screenshots of moments
A quick summary at the end. (A TLDR I guess?)
Now as I said before, I have 0 language context. These opinions are purely based on visual clues and maybe 1 Thai word I recognize or my boy Luke saying something very random in English.
Here are my 1-ish sentence descriptions of the actors.
Pond is an ipad kid who would also really like to show you his tiktok and fortnite dances. Is the biggest "Bro"-dude. I love his voice with my entire being.
Neo ... I'm so normal about him. I am completely and utterly normal about him. HFWEUHFEUWIFHWEUIFH. He is the biggest little SHIT in the house. He is hyper as fuck, always up to something cheeky. BUT GOD DO I LOVE HIM FOR IT. Yeah I eh... I don't need help.
Luke Seems to just be vibing most of the time. BRO HAS THE BEST GIGGLE. Is the only one I understood during watching because he threw in some English here and there. He seems so kind too I'm crying.
Earth feels like a dad UNLESS he is with Neo, those 2 get into some shit together and I am so here for it. ALSO HOW IS HE THIS TOUCHY??? He really has to be touching someone at all times, I love it.
Gun serves an INSANE amount of CUNT, yea that's it really.
Mix just joined to cuddle everyone and I mean that's very valid. Has the best thighs I have ever seen. Also has the BEST BEST laugh oml the giggles. - What a hecking cutie omfg. - He likes to bite people
Khaotung feels like the softest most considerate kindhearted mom I love him.
Phuwin How are you this young? Does not act his age but in a good way I like seeing him just... exist.
Tay I love everything about him, he seems so caring, sweet, funny... I just want to be his friend bro I swearrrrrrrrrrr
And here I was thinking Neo + Earth was chaos... And then Tay joined and good lord those two are CHAOS and I am in love with every single unsubbed second of it.
Some random silly things I loved throughout:
The way Gun says "Phuwin" - It is the cutest FUCKING THING ON THIS PLANET
Luke being up first and doing all these random things?? King shit fr.
Neo in general... Yeah, I'm completely normal about him.
People feeding each other... So much of this and I am thriving.
The morning bits are my fav because they all (except for Luke) look like they are coming back from the dead and it's amazing
As we all know I am VERY NORMAL about Neo and Pond… Those two talking together is like an insane experience for the thing I have for voices. GOOD LORD both their voices have me by the throat.
Earth touching people any chance he gets, leg squeezes mostly. So cute to see I love him.
I loved watching Luke be very much ON in the last episode, he got up to some things and the fact that he tried to read Thai and then had Tay help him I- MY HEARTTTTTTTTTTTTT
And here are some unhinged screenshots I took that made me laugh
Good morning Earth lmfao
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You good mate?
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Gun tryna get rid of Luke
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Mix boo u good?
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Good morning Tay
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My man....
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My fav thing is the table set up... Introverts vs extroverts type vibes. One side talks A LOT the other listens. Tay, Neo, Mix, Earth just chatting away while Kaothung, Phuwin, Pond and Luke just listen and vibe. I loved it.
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Some final thoughts (aka a TLDR I guess?)
That's it, that's the tweet.
Nah but this was an experience. I knew the eps were long and unsubbed but it is honestly so nice to just have this on in the background and to just stare at it. It was almost comforting at times to have no idea what was being said. Brain turned off, just stare at a bunch of dudes doing the funniest shit, amazing. It made me fall in love with all of them but Neo has my heart. If this ever gets subbed, I'd rewatch it. But for now, I'm on to season 2!
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kettleghost · 1 year
bro bro your stuff is AMZING whatt you’re?? SIXTEEN⁉️⁉️ bruhh how are you so good? Oh oh yeah I wanted to talk about this scene that u redrew it’s so POWERFUL.. in the commentary about it, directly before the car breakdown, Jimmy said to be talking to his 20 year old self. him crying is him finally giving up on having faith. of doing things the right way. Nobody will think of him past his flaws. He finally resigns himself to his “fate,” the one that chuck told him :) where he said that Jimmy’s never going to change. And the EXIT SIGN represents that :)) So great.
In a way, jimmy died there. That’s the end of him and the beginning of Saul. Then in his next scene he talks to Kim and is perfectly fine. Jimby DIED and he just moves on I’m so normal about this,, bro would take his feelings to the grave fr my boy has so many issues ✊😔
Idk why I’m telling u this except that Saul. Is your blorbo. I thought you would enjoy whejdbe
first of all THANK YOU!! it means a lot u enjoy the silly drawings :)
ive just woken up so i will spare you a big paragraph response dissecting the intricacies of that scene since i think you explained it better than i ever could BUT that scene, and that episode in general obviously is one of THE most pivotal moments in jimmy mcgill’s life i think. he sees the way people treat kristy esposito firsthand, only viewing her for her flaws, her mistakes, and jimmy so clearly sees himself in her- it mirrors the way chuck has thought about jimmy all his life. jimmy even repeats a segment of chuck’s final conversation to kristy, saying that she won’t matter all that much to the rest of her peers. it’s such a masterfully crafted scene and i am SO glad that winner is one of the few official better call saul scripts that we have access to online, so you can see all of the little written insights regarding how this scene effects jimmy and whatnot. (there’s a great and heartbreaking scene direction of jimmy crying in the car, i can’t remember what it says verbatim but it talked about like. jimmy viscerally ugly crying, like the type of crying where there’s snot in your nose and you can’t stop until your head starts hurting. and it’s just. ouugh it’s soo so real and it makes me so so sad). winner is one of my favourite episodes in the whole show by far because it’s so so heartwrenching and ties in a bunch of facets within jimmy’s life leading up to that moment, it’s so good.
THAT SILLYFUNNY LAWYER NEEDS TO GO TO THERAPY. NEEOOOW. NOW!!!! i know, just like with heisenberg in brba, a lot of people try and pinpoint the exact moment jimmy became saul, and im personally a firm believer of it not really being one specific moment, and rather a gradual shift. but if i had to choose one, it’d be this scene 100%. he even takes the name saul in this episode! like you said, he finally accepts the things that his brother, and the legal landscape in general have been saying about him for ages, and it destroys jimmy, but saul learns to embrace it and wear it with pride.
he is my number 1 blorbo forever and ever i miss him every single day <\3
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SGU Week Day 4 (oh are we still doing this): Favorite shi
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Eli and Ginn were precious, and it's criminal that we didn't get more of them. C r i m i n a l . To say nothing of that double-fridging (that they did twice... ffs).
I like to think that Ginn would be all in for going to earth, and she eventually gets her wish after her file is removed from quarantine (with a sweet clone body grown from DNA harvested from her old clothes, which were initially saved to be backup clothing for some of the ladies on board Destiny, but later saved for cloning purposes [yes I'm aware this means her body would have been buried in some state of undress, but it was off camera anyway so it's fiiiiiiiine]).
Y'all say what y'all like about Family Guy, but the cutaways have tons of cultural references (I am frequently "Peter Griffin Explains the Joke when I watch with my husband). My thought is that Eli shows Ginn episodes of Family Guy to teach her about earth, which you can imagine leads to some pretty ridiculous misunderstandings.
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Please do not enjoy this excerpt from The Eli Wallace Guide to Getting a Cute and Smart 3D Girlfriend
A while back, whilst hunting for meme fodder, I found a mean article written back around when SGU was airing. The gist of it was basically that Ginn was too "pretty" for Eli, and that a "schlubby" guy like him didn't deserve to be with someone conventionally attractive. Idk, maybe I'm old, but I think they're around the same level of cuteness. Also, bear in mind that in the past, having some extra weight was considered a sign of wealth and a positive trait. Eli's body type could easily be a selling point for Ginn, who is apparently interested enough in leaving the Space Cartel that she's willing to risk her life for it. To her, Eli is sweet, smart, cute, and her ticket to a life so cushy that luxuries she can't even imagine are considered commonplace. He's the entire package. 🧡
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Look, I'm not creative. This is verbatim from Family Guy, but it's funny as hell, so it's going in the post.
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This is Vital Information, mainly because Eli is definitely dragging her to a comic con at the first opportunity. God, imagine being an alien and going to a con, and it looks no different from that trading post you used to go to every month
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Gotta learn about Halloween, AKA the best holiday! I do wonder what kind of holiday celebrations they might try to have on the Destiny in some hypothetical future where they can get supplies from earth, especially with all those Lucian Alliance members from various other planets. Obviously not something worth showing in a show that was mainly focused on survival, but it's a fun idea for fics.
And yes, at this point, Family Guy is the only TV show Ginn knows, except for the ones they mention on the show.
Please enjoy the references to Mean Girls and Parks & Rec.
Apparently raisins are a universal constant, too, which is good because I love them and will tolerate no raisin-slander on my page
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"Shut up, Eli, you don't have a band." Fr tho "Spaceship Full of Bees" is an awesome band name
This is actually one of the shorter "episodes" I've done, in which Dale gets the bright idea to keep bees on a spaceship. I looked it up, and you can't keep honeybees inside, not even in a greenhouse, because they need more space than that to roam around. Maybe they could genetically engineer some that are suitable for pollinating weird space plants on a starship. No way will that hilariously backfire. Ginn is clearly familiar with the steroid bees, so she will probably think they're normal.
Dale's other idea is to get chickens. Maybe they can get some domestic space quail instead. They're smaller.
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"So after we finished Family Guy, we watched some of The Cleveland Show. Then, when I took her to the zoo, she threw a beer into the bear enclosure, and that's how we both got lifetime bans from The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo."
But yeah imagine learning all this random pop culture info from some raunchy cartoon so you can fit in on an alien planet, but no one bothers telling you that the second-most common pet on that planet can't talk. Good luck to everyone when Ginn meets a parrot...
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.57--Episodes 4-5
I have watched through S6E5; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—(┛ಠ_ಠ)┛彡┻━┻ That’s it?! I’ve been hoping for Jekyll and Hyde for six seasons and they finally show up and that’s it? What the fricking heck!
—Oh, but the way they died together was beautiful.
—And much as I’m upset that Jekyll and Hyde are gone, their last episode was a terribly good spin on the story. I mean, I adored Dr. Jekyll with my whole heart, but the concept that he wasn’t all good and Mr. Hyde wasn’t all evil was amAzing.
—Seriously, the implication (because I don’t think it was ever really fr stated) that Jekyll split all of his emotions into Hyde and left himself with only the method and the science is intriguing. My brain feels like it’s expanding. It’s a real shame I won’t get to see any more of it.
—I also like that we finally emphasized the ‘mad scientist’ aspect of Dr. Jekyll. What he was doing definitely went against the laws of nature.
—Yeah, also, I’ve waxed philosophical and poetic about Dr. Jekyll’s character, but now Imma be shallow as heck. I was hoping. For some mad scientists. Being gay and doing crimes in the lab together. I don’t usually get upset when my ships don’t happen (except in the case of stuff like FinnPoe or Garashir that is so close to canon you know it would’ve been if the makers hadn’t been cowards/stupid) but I really liked the idea. And I’m not even really upset, just ruminating on the ✨potential✨ Which is what fic is for!…Unless it’s a rarepair, which I’m pretty sure Jekyllstein is. Moral of the story: I need to not rarepair, especially in the case of character who have, like, two seconds onscreen together (WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?!?) because I am not emotionally strong enough for it.
—I wasn’t expecting Rumple to get a haircut. I loved his old hairstyle so much that I considered having it done for my hair, but his new one is alright. I agree with Regina—it highlights his eyes. Which, by the way, are a *fine* intermediate shade of brown.
—I didn’t really like Jasmine at the beginning. She went on about her palace and how she’s a princess and then had the audacity to ask Aladdin, a guy who literally has to steal to survive, why he wasn’t doing anything to make Agrabah better. Like, girl, get some awareness.
—I like Aladdin having magic. That was a cool way to bring him into Emma’s storyline, and also a neat method of eliminating the need for the genie.
—Also, the fact that the stupid monkey wasn’t there has me weeping tears of joy. I hate all monkeys and apes, they just freak me out too much, and their noises are obnoxious. Not having to put up with the monkey makes me so happy!
—Jasmine’s clothes are pretty.
—Ack! Archie’s A) a cricket and B) in a cage. Now not only do I have to worry about him being okay, I also can’t hear his soothing voice or see his cute face. Dang it!
—But him having to babysit Robin under threat of death was fun. Most guys look extra cute holding a baby, but especially the homey types like Archie.
—If Regina has to die to kill the Evil Queen, I will not be pleased. She’s a pretty cool lady. And if Emma dies, Henry is going to need one mom left.
—Iago is such a pretty bird!
—I love that Snow wants to be a teacher again. And I adore her deeply for saying that teaching is a noble profession. That’s what I wanted to do with my life once, and even though it can’t work out for me, I think it’s noble, too.
—Hook is going to do something stupid with those scissors.
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angelhummel · 1 year
I need to show appreciation for blaine anderson or ill explode 🩷 I love blaine sm he’s my fave
I mean Kurt is my fave but you can bet your ass I was voting as hard as I could against "I'll Remember" aslfjdsklf. Sometimes a fave just misses and it's nobody's fault </3
Fr tho I think I'm just not a fan of Billy Joel music or at least nothing they covered on the show alksfjsdlk that's one of my least fave episodes purely bc it's so boring and unmemorable and I never listen to any of those songs except for Just The Way You Are bc they slayed it and it was super cute
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But anyway bc I feel like it always has to be said but we're just joking around here everyone can vote for what they want for whatever reason even if I say I'm gonna delete my blog if a certain song wins aslfkjsdlkfs it's all in good fun
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It’s gets way better later but like yhctg
The ‘training’ scene (completely inaccurate and even for the tone outdated)
The disgusting overly sexulized scene of Sebastian putting a girdle on Ciel
The count. I don’t need to say shying wise he’s selling children/woman into trafficking and gets released on bail in a day
Pluto outright being in a intimate relationship with ‘Angela’ (he’s just a fucking dog with a human body who the fuck thought this was ok??)
Sebastian fucks some lady 20 feet away from Ciel where he can hear it TWICE
I was thinking a bit more along the lines of: while Kuroshitsuji does not shy from ridiculousness and exaggeration (as it's common in anime, specially 2000's anime), some parts of the original anime are excessively cartoonish to the point it feels like I'm watching something else entirely
It's particularly jarring when outside those moments of fun shenanigans, the story takes itself very seriously, and keeps the overall tone of suspense/mystery. And then, suddenly, there's Pluto hugging Sebastian, or Grell appearing for no apparent reason.
Grell doesn't even get a theatrical entrance worthy of the Queen she is, the absolute disrespect.
I believe in the Viscount Druitt being out of jail practically the next day because ✨noble and rich✨. Not once is Kuroshitsuji interested in saying nobles are good, so... I think it's interesting that he sold people and organs and stuff, wish they did more with that (particularly, I wish the whole "the Phantomhive family is not one for justice and honor, they just keep the balance between the overworld and underworld as the Queen wishes" was better explored. I mean, why were none of the other nobles present at the auction punished? How did a Viscount (one position lower than Earl) manage to do all of that for so long under Her Majesty's nose? Why is Ciel not hunting down other human traffickers? Lot's of strings to pull here)
Honestly, the whole Pluto–Angela plot to me is terrible and I'd gladly have it completely erased. In fact, let's just delete most of the latter part of the original anime. I hate how that ends, I hate the plot, I hate hate hate it. I don't mind Pluto as a concept, but I wish he wasn't just "giant dog that keeps being a dog when he turns human". Can't he just be a guy with dog traits? Like how Snake is a guy with snake traits? Also, why a giant dog??? That fits literally nothing of the story so far. I thought the point was to make non-human characters to be "human but off", not "fantasy rpg party"
The sexual undertones within Sebastian and Ciel's interactions are 2000's anime trope that I have trained myself not to pay attention to. It was a bit funny with the corset joke, and only then. Then again, can't blame them for trying to please the shippers, Western cartoons also do that a lot, except with less "sexy sparkle kyaa" and more "and they got together despite making no sense". Still hate it, please stop. Get some help
(though, ugh, that "sex scene" is also so stupidly cartoonish and ridiculous, I want to hit something. This is the beginning of the last big arc, why are we still flip flopping between the mystery and the shenanigans? Get serious, damnit. I'd rather just have a quick scene where they show Sebastian leaving the place while buttoning up his pants while Grell bites her handkerchief in jealousy. There, it's implied what happened, no need for an entire uncomfortable scene that ends in an unfunny joke)
I think it's kinda funny how Ciel is supposedly innocent but he doesn't react to Sebastian fuckin that nun. And Sebastian absolutely gives no shits about who's hearing, he's a demon, remember? Can't be angry at him for being immoral, that's the sole reason behind his existence. Also, Ciel himself stayed there, it's not like his legs don't work, he could've left and waited for Sebastian to give him the information after. I'm just thinking, did they forget Ciel is heavily traumatized? Is he ok with hearing sex noises so near, considering what he has gone through?
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radfae · 2 years
plz give us your opinions on the new toh ep queen <3
okay i apologize in advance bc i’m like almost done writing this while i add this disclaimer and i’m realizing it’s VERY ramble-y and my adhd brain keeps rapidly switching topics but i hope this makes sense HAHA
IT WAS GOOD! it wasn’t nearly as gut-wrenching as the last one but i do appreciate some good ship action (raeda and huntlow tugging on my heartstrings fr). a lot happened this episode and i feel like a big theme was character development and personal exploration, we saw that a lot with hunter, but most of all luz and willow! it makes me really happy to see luz get her palismen (palisman??) finally and string bean is so adorable! i was team snake btw so i’m happy with this outcome. a lot of people say that boscha was really annoying this ep but honestly i didn’t think so? i mean, she was a bit, but she’s clearly not a villain here; she’s just a traumatized mean girl teenager handling things badly. she’s developed some pretty bad abandonment issues from losing her grudgby team to the collector, and ended up taking those out on amity, which isn’t…great, but people are treating her worse than belos this episode lmao?? but ANYWAY i’m very happy to see hunter again <3 and i’m happy that his development is moving in a positive way. not everyone is happy about him having magic from flapjack, but i think it’s nice; it reinforces that flapjack is still with him, even if he’s not physically present, which is a nice sentiment. and like i am sorry he is going thru it or whatever but i MISSED him being an annoying angry boy,, and OH MY GOD “you mean a lot to me too” “cool, happy to help” KILL ME NOW?!?! THEY’RE SO ADORABLE.,,,, and i’m glad they focused on willow here too because it made me like her a lot more than i did previously. and ok going back to raeda the “i just like to come out and see raine” i don’t remember if that’s exactly what she says but eda literally risking being caught by the collector who still thinks she’s the owl beast just to see raine,, AND RAINE’S LOOK IN THE BEGINNING WHEN SHE GOES INTO HARPY MODE…… omg they’re in love. and i’m choosing to say raine is a lesbian bc it makes my heart happy. switching gears completely to camila,, just,,, in general,, her being a mother figure to so many of the kids and her conversation with luz to amity saying “you and luz are a lot alike”,, i love her so much i cannot believe there was a point in which she was controversial in the fandom. i’ve always been a camila defender. OKAY BUT THE ACTUAL EPISODE ANYWAY the collector is obviously being set up for a redemption arc of sorts; they’re really pushing the idea that he’s just a kid and doesn’t want to really hurt people, and it’s clear that he really did care about king (defending him from the coven head i forgot her name sorry lol, respecting his boundaries with his rabbit and not touching it, calling him his best friend, immediately not trusting belos when he said king has it out for him) and that’s why he’s taking his ‘betrayal’ so hard. i did NOT expect him to team up with belos ngl, i thought that this episode would be them defeating the collector and next ep would be belos, as like a first and final boss type of thing, but this is like. so much better lol. AND SOMEONE ON TWITTER POINTED THIS OUT BUT belos is ALWAYS looking down on people, specifically at hunter; there’s always a specific camera angle to showcase it, but in this episode, in his weakened state belos finally looks up at someone: caleb. belos has always been in a position of power in every relationship we’ve seen with him so far, EXCEPT for caleb. caleb is the only situation in which he’s been the dependent. which is really being showcased here and i liked the imagery,, and i’m curious as to why belos chose raine in particular? like obviously this is going to be used for some raeda plotline which i personally don’t mind actually but like. obvious excuse for ship angst is obvious. but i hope there’s some other reason than just “let’s make eda upset hehehehe” u know what i mean. oh and raine mullet,, pretty. if i had a nickel for every time belos possessed someone and they got a mullet i would have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice right.
i’m excited to see how things go with the collector next episode (new noceda sibling real?) and i’m excited to see king, eda and luz’s reunion! i really need eda and camila to meet like NOW. i also really hope that hunter is the one who gets the final blow on belos, like sorry to luz or whatever i know ur the protagonist and that’s your moment but he DESERVES it. and obviously luz isn’t going to stay in the human realm indefinitely but with her mom i’m wondering how they’ll work things out; maybe there will be a more stable portal and luz and camila will be able to pass through both worlds and visit as they please? or will camila just stay in the demon realm with luz? idk!!! i can’t wait for next episode but knowing we’re officially on our final hiatus and that the cast just finished recording for the last episode is also :’D a bit miserable. sad to see it go but excited at the same time
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