jrwi-transgender-swag · 10 months
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yall are against me, this is harassment /j
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konnie-senpai · 2 days
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people are always dying. it is what they do
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desperatepleasures · 5 months
also re my previous labru shitpost I think it'd be really funny if kabru was like "well I need to know if I'm sexually compatible with him before I make a move" so he tries jerking off to a variety of monster-based scenarios and well. that's the story of how kabru conditions himself to be into furry porn. bonus points if he also accidentally works through some of his monster-related trauma in the process
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pantoneyoongi · 2 years
neon signs [masterlist] | myg
title ; neon signs [ drabble series ]  pairing ; campus crush!yoongi x campus crush!you 
description ;
namjoon doesn’t think it can get any clearer outside of yoongi building a giant neon sign saying i have the absolute biggest crush on you but apparently, book smarts don’t exactly translate when it comes to you and your massive crush on min yoongi.
(alternatively: namjoon and hoseok try for three years straight to get you and yoongi together.)
tags ; college!au, fluff, idiots to lovers, they’re both kinda shy and also stupid dense and therefore terribly cute, both of them know the other is the university’s campus crush but neither of them know they themselves are campus crushes, best friend!namjoon, yoongi’s best friend!hoseok, namjoon and hoseok are the most patient and exasperated besties in the world
tracklist ; happening again - katherine li, something - gnash, first love - exo, dimple - bts, healthy - prettymuch
notes ; 
um so i absolutely had an angstier fic planned for yoongi but then i thought of this and well. i couldn’t resist 
this will probably be another drabble series where i release it out of order but the masterlist will be in order :) i don’t have a schedule planned but i hope y’all enjoy !! 
blog tag ; series: nsyg
freshman year
↠ it’s a small world after all  alternatively, the first time you and yoongi meet 
↠ we are not cut out for this  alternatively, the origins of campus crush 
↠ you do this for fun?  alternatively, yoongi catches feelings (real)
↠ hoodie to marriage to children pipeline  alternatively, namjoon gets sick of lending you his sweaters
↠ interlude: do you know something?  alternatively, namjoon and hoseok try to pry a (not-so) secret out of each other 
↠ nice gloves  alternatively, yoongi decides winter isn’t that bad 
↠ just a really nice friend  alternatively, namjoon knows you better than you know yourself 
↠ jealousy is a disease  alternatively, yoongi meets seokjin 
↠ let’s talk about it  alternatively, yoongi considers sending hoseok to an early grave 
sophomore year
↠ not this again  alternatively, you definitely still have a crush on min yoongi 
↠ interlude: welcome to the family alternatively, hoseok adopts taehyung
↠ absolutely, without a doubt, no -- coming soon! alternatively, yoongi turns someone down in front of you
↠ i thought you were telling taehyung -- coming soon! alternatively, namjoon and hoseok forgot to tell taehyung The Plan 
↠ who do you think you’ve been fooling? -- coming soon! alternatively, you’re beyond the point of denying your feelings 
↠ those are called dates  alternatively, you and yoongi have weekly dates (fake) 
↠ troy bolton has nothing on yoongi  alternatively, yoongi tries to impress you (and succeeds)
↠ whenever you need me  alternatively, you have a bad day 
↠ coming soon!
junior year
↠ halloweentown is a top tier movie -- coming soon! alternatively, hoseok is not allowed to plan halloween anymore 
↠ chocolates are not a friend gift -- coming soon! 
↠ almost -- coming soon! alternatively, that one time yoongi almost kisses you 
↠ coming soon!
senior year 
↠ coming soon!
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philsmeatylegss · 6 months
Learning that Dan and Phil knew about all of the phandom lore and jokes is like learning Santa isn’t real. Looking back, it’s obvious and makes a lot more sense, but where’s the magic?
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b-blushes · 18 days
monday quest is to order the couple of supplies i need for a project. this is challenging to me because it combines 2 things that melt my brain: 'online shopping' and 'deciding between similar but subtly different things'. HOWEVER i can do it!!! and it will be fun to make things when they arrive >:) side quest make a different dinner, i have got some fresh fish to try and i have never cooked with it before due to we always bought it frozen. worst thing that can happen is it doesn't agree with my health stuff and i do not cook it again 👍 i'm making it so basic style for this reason. i feel like it could be delicious!
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 4 months
[cws: drugging, SA and SA apologia, fantasy racism/ableism, forced institutionalization.]
i know i never shut up about it but god i am still just. So Salty about how the show handles the dynamic between mayor jones and pericles for many reasons, and one of the biggest is that there are really strong overtones here of sexual assault.
a character who already brings to mind the Slimy, Shady Cis White Guy with Buried Allegations archetype:
takes advantage of the trust of someone who's doing something with him in secret--
(which will get that person in a disproportionate amount of trouble compared to him, if they're discovered)
--to catch him off guard so he can grab him, drug him, and do violent things to his body while he's unconscious; scars him for life in a way that is disabling and should cause a lot of ongoing suffering, which, like many other things that should have a strong negative impact on him physically or psychologically, the writers ignore; and dumps him there alone to discover what's been done to him when he wakes up.
specifically, he does this to someone from a marginalized group that's highly unlikely to be believed if they tell anyone what he did--and going by the fact that mayor jones never got in any trouble until present day, he wasn't.
goes out of the way to ruin the life of the victim and discredit him as thoroughly as possible, because he's a loose end and he needs to shut him up.
flees the scene and gets away scot free with this for twenty years, has a successful privileged career and is considered a pillar of the community in the meantime.
when his dirty secret, which he's been paranoid about finally facing consequences for after the victim has recently become a risk again, is discovered, it's a huge career-ending scandal.
is redeemed by the end, while his victim goes on to be the Monstrous Irredeemable Pure Evil Main Villain and also sexually abuse someone himself, which is played as horrific and traumatizing (as it should be).
more specifically, is portrayed as showing redeeming, heroic anti-villain qualities by backhanding the victim into a wall as hard as he can in present day.
me: hm. yeah fuck this
#sdmi#scooby doo: mystery incorporated#professor pericles#fred jones sr.#SDMItag#SDMIcrit tag#the crit files#cws in post#like. jesus christ dude.#i'm guessing there's probably been You Can't Like Mayor Jones He's Abusive discourse before; i don't want to contribute to it or anything#no shade to mayor jones enjoyers y'all have fun#but holy shit i do not like this man lmfao#this isn't even getting into the fact that it is extremely easy to read pericles as a victim of *other* SA both metaphorical and literal#(metaphorical: the entity groomed him his entire life)#(literal: the creators intentionally made reference with him; onscreen; to Inappropriate Handling that happens to parrots in real life)#(he comes from a world where people assume there is zero difference between him and an animal; and would probably touch him the same way)#(no one would have *recognized* it was inappropriate and there is not a chance in hell he would have been allowed to say stop)#(many many MANY things about his character immediately make sense with that reading whether the writers thought it through that far or not)#(which i have a Whole Post planned to go into; but this bit was enough of a detour that i felt like it should just be its own post lmao)#also re: scarred for life and ongoing suffering + disability as a result: on a literal level a scar like that would hurt like a *bitch*#especially with the complete lack of medical care it seems to have gotten; going by how it looks. it would be a huge source of chronic pain#on a not-literal level: boy howdy what a metaphor!#anyway yeah i would say this is roughly equivalent to if they'd had ricky finally get free from the snakes after twenty years#had him go into a Scary Evil Villain Spiral after while completely ignoring how horrifying it was or the trauma it'd have caused him#had pericles gloat about having pulled off injecting the snakes; and say he should have lived 'the rest of his miserable life' that way#and not only had no one go 'wtf' at any of that but given him a Redeeming Moment where he incapacitates ricky with venom again#and also tried to frame ricky as deserving the snakes/having done it to himself because he Did Bad Things while looking for the treasure#and also had him abuse someone partly in reaction to them mocking him over the snakes; and saying that being tortured and abused with them#for twenty years makes him unfit to be anything but subordinate. on a watsonian level ricky's standing up for himself against abuse but jfc#don't get me wrong there are definitely still differences in their dynamics but yeah i am not happy about it lmfao
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zehl0w · 1 year
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Happy Easter 🤙
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nerdy-talks · 8 months
*sobs uncontrollably* I... I... I can't believe it...
I WAS BLESSED!!!! \ ( T w T ) /
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I got them both!
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And I only had to use 10 demon vouchers!
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*screams in disbelief*
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keepinventory · 3 months
living with an abusive parent is crazy ill go from yesterday, being in genuine mortal danger, to today, asking Hey do you want my old sweatpants
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mybrainproblems · 5 months
sometimes you miss your ex bestie and then you remember they hetsplained your queerness to you and then friend-dumped you almost as soon as they got a serious partner and it's like.
yeah nah. missing them? wanting to try and patch things up? that's the devil talking.
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samuraisharkie · 1 year
ok I genuinely think @is-the-owl-video-cute has gone off the deep end. what makes you act like that on the internet for real. I don’t even have a real stock in this bullshit drama but they are just the most reactionary asshole to people? how can y’all look up to them they are genuinely so immature and pissy. they’ve been throwing a fit over users they personally dislike and using absolutely no proof at all to say they doxxed ppl. there’s like zero proof other than they don’t like them LMAO. can y’all log the fuck off please?? before someone actually gets hurt??
#is-the-owl-video-cute#yeah I’m tagging actually I hope ppl searching for drama see this and get a reality check#I saw that archived link what the actual fucking shit in hell were they thinking typing that?#they arent fucking animal murderers. they don't like the way scout handles their media presence or their farm#but that doesn’t mean they doxxed them and there is zero evidence to suggest as much. they’ve said they didn’t so like. nothing to go on.💀#(frankly also. scout and owlvid should be able to handle criticism and disagreements like normal fucking people#instead of flying off the handle literally every single time. like it’s a pattern)#I think both of them should just log off until they learn to handle this shit in a normal way#and without encouraging their impressionable followers to go on witch-hunts after ppl.#especially bc they don’t like it when it happens to them?? yet they say NOTHING when their followers start harassing ppl?? telling lol#I can’t stand it. y’all aren’t educators and you will never be the end all be all of every opinion you have. stop assuming such.#owlvid has had wildly inaccurate ‘facts’ about rabbits before but acting like they KNOW this shit is infuriating.#I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that every ‘is the x animal cute’ blog has gone to shit and up a creek though#just particularly disappointed in owlvid and scout for the way they’ve handled this#while KNOWING the amount of followers that would swallow their boots all the way their their head if they could#like. cmon. you can say you don’t know enough abt this subject to comment. it’s ok.#and I think scout should be able to handle and address criticisms abt their cows without losing it every single time like#I’ve never met a good farmer that can’t handle criticism for their animals. it’s part of the job you won’t please everyone#and if you are planning on being an educator you have to be able to handle those criticisms with a level head and understanding.#that’s not what owlvid OR scout do. they are influencers on a power trip.#if you want respect you have to give it. not one of the dreaded rabbit people have been disrespectful about their criticism.#it is not so the other way around and that’s telling as hell#the only time I’ve seen these apparently evil sadistic rabbit bloggers make sardonic or disrespectful (I guess?) comments is on their own#and when they’re frustrated about being labeled like they kick puppies for fun for being a fucking normal ass farmer lol#you’d think maybe scout would be able to get that. maybe not so much owlvid bc they don’t seem to understand rural animal care#for the record I’m not looking at any of these blogs involved with scrutinizing detail bc I have better things to do#but I have kept an eye on the situation w scout and animal control being called and how it got twisted into ‘doxxing and swatting’#by high strung ppl who should not have been online#I value my blood pressure too much the urge to just turn off my phone overcomes any desire to look through the drama
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jokes aside i do really like these tiny little sketch versions of Ed and Spanish Jackie i think they both look really cute
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cinnabeat · 2 months
the idea that teachers would make new transfer students stand up and like introduce themselves or whatever is soo fake bc i had a friend who transfered mid semester into my school and specifically one of my classes and not only did the teacher not force her to introduce herself but i didnt even know she transferred at all for like a good couple months of our friendship
#i also didnt know her name bc she kind of just appeared#but i wasnt the most observant in high school mostly bc i didnt care#and i was kind of dragged into a well established friend group so i was just like yeah ok i guess we're friends#i was too embarrassed to ask what her name was#tbh at this point i couldnt tell you if anyone actually told me her name like explicitly#her name was mentioned many times in front of me of course but like. i need to consciously be aware to remember something#and a name drop in the middle of a group convo is not a time my for my brain to get out of autopilot mode#i mean i also dont remmebe much of high school either#hilariously enough the most i remember abt highschool is incidents ive had with teachers#shout out to my one teacher that gave me a zero in a lab report bc i 'plagiarized' it#cuz no eleventh grader can write that advanced#and i was like ive literally written like that all my life you can literally check my essays for english class#why would i plagiarize this#and then when she was like fine ill believe you for now (bitch??) and gave me a B on it anyways#i hated her#ohhh and my chem teacher#she was so rancid i hated her so much#ooh who else did i hate......MY SPANISH TEACHER#i will never forgive her for giving me a D in spanish. bitch im a native speaker#and then had the audacity to ask me why i wasnt aware of homework and i was like cuz you never post it online AND im not the only one who fo#forgets why arent you bitching at everyone else#i swear i hated someone else who was it........#i had a geudge against the new peincipal and his horrendous graduation plans but it ended up not mattering anyways cuz of covid#drivethru graduation lmao ✌️#michi tag#not to talk abt highschool again LMAO
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backpackingspace · 2 days
Young odysseus convincing everyone Ithaca is nothing but a poor island with rocks and goats to avoid any raids/conquerors/so he doesn't get murdered for talking to Helen bc "it's not like he's a real choice"
Young odysseus falling in love with Penelope at the same event: wait. Wait shit I fucked up hold on just hear me out
#the odyssey#Odysseus#Penelope#Pre-canon(?)#odypen#Odypen meet ulgy#When the cute “bumpkin” boy wants to marry you but only brought 3 goats for your cousins gifts#AND you caught him spying on your family#There's like a single line in the odyssey where I think some god is narratoring (not 100% sure)#And they have a well actually interjection moment to explain how Ithaca isn't just one island it actually has a shit ton of land#And is technically richer then every other country#Which honestly just makes it funnier that odysseus was like welp time to beg again with zero issues for 10 years#But it will never not be funny to me that young odysseus really shot himself in the foot with Penelopes family for the start#Like clearly it worked out but I bet Penelope father HATES him#Listen odysseus showed up to Helen's courting for the drama ONLY he never planned on marrying her#Bc he knew her husband would be murdered immediately#My man showed up for the drama and stayed for Penelope#Otp#I love them#And need more of these two being rat bastards to each other and LOVING it#Listen neither one of them has let a single thing go in their whole life and they like that about the other#Odysseus going to buy anything for his wife ever#Penelope: Oh my can we afford that this is just a simple rock island with a few goats#Odysseus: dressed head to toe in very very rich cloth that his wife made#Ithaca with the fastest ships bc ody designed new ones#Penelope: literally dripping with jewels that were MAYBE stolen (shut up you can't prove anything and Penelope likes it when he's a bastard#Odysseus: you're so right my bad that was so irresponsible for getting you a gift. Perhaps your father would like to pay instead?
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littleragondin · 9 months
Guess who has two thumbs and showed the self control of a sugar addicted 5 years old in front of a box of candies by watching Absolute Zero already? (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
Ngl, I went in ready to like it, and I did. Most of the focus this episode was on Suansoon and it really gave Mix space to show us what he can do. I am already quite taken by Soon and his quiet demeanor.
This is a pace that works really well on me, slow and contemplative, so I had a blast. I took a few notes already as I went so here goes.
- I just said it, but I think Mix is doing a really good job with lonely, melancholic Soon.
- DVD renting places! Huge nostalgia wave here...
- Immediately putting down "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull" as a re-read for this week. A fable about finding the freedom to be and about reaching for perfection, with a second act that concludes on the importance of love? I see what was done here etc.
- Very very into that "secrecy" set up of the balcony where they can talk but not reallt see each other.
- "[Zero] is meaningless. My name means zero." Oh boy...
- Okay the whole G8/G9 seat little dance, and then the tickets to tell him he missed him?? Smooth.
- Of course in 2008 we had to have The Love of Siam. I chickened out a rewatch after My Only 12% but I think it's really needed. Not sure it's the best movie to show before asking out the boy you crush on tho...
- Ah yes, I am a sucker for hands and wishing stars so I am beyond delighted ☆♡ the contrast between Soon and Ongsa works so well, it's a pleasure to watch.
- I knew it already but man, that teen/adult casting is REALLY good. Also incredibly into the fact that "Soon watches the movie and Ongsa watches him" keeps being their brand 10 years later. Enchanting.
- That's a lot of grief once again uh
- oh NO not on the birthdays omg...
Yeah I am unsurprisingly hooked, this is exactly the kind of story and storytelling I enjoy, put me down as Not Gonna Be Normal For Even One Moment about that one 😔😔😔
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