harrywavycurly · 7 years
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“Mr. Styles this is Mrs. Thatcher from your daughter’s daycare. How are you doing this afternoon?” You looked over at Harry as he put the call on speaker in the car. You knew by Harry’s face that he wasn’t expecting this call at all.
“Hi Mrs. Thatcher, is everything okay?” You knew by his tone that he was about to panic, and the fact he ignored her question about how he was doing was an obvious sign he was distraught.
“Yes your daughter is perfectly fine!” Her words instantly made Harry relax as he turned down the street your house was on. “But there have been a few incidents we thought you should be aware of.” You gave Harry a shrug when he turned and looked at you as if you knew what she was talking about.
“Uhm what incidents? Her teacher hasn’t told us about anything.” His tone was full of confusion because he was right, Delilah’s teacher hadn’t given the two of you the slightest notion that she had been doing anything wrong in class.
“Well Mr. Styles this is actually why I called you instead of your wife.” He rolled his eyes as you gave him a playful smirk as you reached for your water bottle in the cup holder. “It has to do with one of your songs.” You nearly choked on your water causing it to spill all down your shirt when her words hit your ears while Harry had to hide his laughter as he rolled the car into your driveway. You rolled your eyes as he wiggled his eyebrows at you when he saw water drip down your shirt and onto your shorts.
“One of my songs?” He asked as he put the car in park and looked around for some napkins to help you dry yourself off.
“Yes, she has been going around saying lyrics from one of your songs to her classmates.” The woman’s voice brought his focus back to the conversation instead of him digging in the glovebox for napkins. Harry snapped his head towards the entertainment center where he could see the name of the his daughter’s school on the screen.
“What song?” He looked at you with a confused look as you just gave him a shrug. You tried to remember what song off his album was her favorite at the moment and how that could in anyway get her in trouble. Harry gave you a weird look as your eyes went wide with the realization of the song she was probably going around singing.
“It’s called Kiwi?” It came out more like a question as if Mrs. Thatcher wasn’t sure if that really was the songs title or not. You had to cover your mouth with you hand as you tried to fight back the laugh. Harry’s cheeks went red as he pictured his five year old daughter running around screaming the lyrics to one of his more racy songs around a classroom full of little kids. “She keeps telling her classmates that they are going home to a cactus?” Harry had to hold back his laughter.
“Ah uhm yeah, that’s a line from the song.” His voice was apologetic and you just reached over and gave his thigh a pat.
“Also she’s been screaming the phrase it’s none of my business, she’s just showing a lot of aggression and we are a bit concerned where all this is coming from.” You gave Harry’s thigh a squeeze as you watched his ears turn red from embarrassment. He was twisting his hands together something that you knew he only did when he was nervous.
“Well it’s a bit of a rock n roll type song so she is just saying it in the tone that I sing it in. I am terribly sorry she is repeating lyrics from that song.” He gave you a small smile as he rubbed the top of your hand that was on his leg. “Her mother and I will have a talk with her when she gets home from school today.” He added and you gave him an approving nod.
“Thank you for your time Mr. Styles, I am sure this is just a phase. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.” With that Harry said a quick goodbye before ending the call. He turned his body so he was facing you and that’s when you finally let out all the laughter you were holding inside while he was on the phone.
“What are we gonna do with that daughter of ours?” He asked between fits of laughter, you just leaned over and gave his cheek a quick peck.
A few hours later you were entering the house with your five year old slowly walking behind you with her head hanging low. You had told her on the drive home that you were going to talk with her before dinner and she instantly started apologizing for things she thought were the reason you needed to have a talk with her.
“Hi my little love.” Harry’s voice was soft and sweet as you helped Delilah take off her backpack and hang it by the front door. She instantly perked up as she heard his voice coming from the kitchen. “Come help me with dinner yeah?” His head popped out from the doorway of the kitchen and he gave you a wink as Delilah took off towards him.
“Have a good day at school?” You asked her as you made your way into the kitchen to see what the two of them were up too. You smiled as you saw Harry standing in front of the stove while Delilah was standing beside him on her step stool handing him potatoes to drop into the boiling water.
“It was okay, my teacher gave me a star for using my manners at lunch time!” Her tiny voice was full of pride as she turned her head and gave you a big smile. Harry turned and looked at you giving you a small pout and you just gave him a stern look so he would get on with the conversation the two of you knew you had to have with her.
“That’s so good petal!” Harry’s voice was sweet and she looked up at him giving him a smile that caused her dimple to show. He leaned down and placed a kiss to the top of her head that was covered in soft brown curls.
“Well speaking of teachers we got a call from your school today.” You watched Delilah’s hands stop moving as you spoke, you leaned onto the counter and snatched a carrot off the cutting board in front of you. “Didn’t we Harry?” You added and Harry just nodded and you tossed the carrot at the back of his head causing him to flinch and Delilah to laugh. He snapped his head in your direction and you motioned to your daughter with your hands while mouthing “get on with it” causing him to just roll his eyes at you before going back to his pot on the stove.
“Mum isn’t bein very nice today.” You heard him mumble causing your daughter’s laughter to fill the kitchen. “But listen my little love,” his voice was firm but still had a sweetness to it. She turned her head so she was giving him her full attention. “You can’t go around saying lyrics to my songs at school anymore.” She gave him a confused look at she folded her arms across her chest.
“Why?” Harry gave you a look as if he was asking for help and you just rolled your eyes as you walked around the island and bent down so you could be eye level with Delilah.
“Because love, the lyrics to daddy’s songs aren’t suitable for school. People might think you’re being a bit rude when you say them.” You watched her turn to face you and her little green eyes were squinted as if she was in deep thought.
“But daddy says them,” she pointed towards Harry, “and people don’t think he’s rude.” Harry gave you a smug look causing you to playfully roll your eyes.
“Daddy’s job is to sing those songs on stage at concerts lovey, not in a classroom full of little kids. You see the difference?” She just shrugged at you and you looked at Harry silently pleading for him to jump in and help you.
“Just no more saying them at school okay my little love.” She just looked at Harry and gave him a smile and a nod. “Thank you, now go wash up for dinner.” She gave you a smile as you stood up straight and helped her off her stool. Harry laughed as she skipped out of the kitchen and down the hall.
“Well we handled that well!” You just laughed as Harry wrapped his arm around your waist giving it a squeeze. He gave your cheek a quick kiss before going back to making dinner.
You loved that your daughter went around singing her dad’s songs and you really didn’t mind that she sang them at school, but you knew you and Harry had to nip it in the bud now before the school got really upset with it. The way you and Harry handled situations like these is something that often made the two of you laugh later that night when you discussed it while getting ready for bed. He never liked being the one who had to tell her she can’t do something so that normally left you with the job but tonight you were happy with how he handled it. You loved that he could get his point across while still being his soft sweet self and that was just one of the things you loved about him.
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cupcakelirry · 7 years
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harktheharold · 7 years
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birthday cake oreos
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harryhigh · 7 years
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
Hawaiian memories
A/N: I'm not using the gif or pictures.. but it’s obviously about harry playing tag with that adorable little girl and sitting at the table.. That gif made me feel so many things...my ovaries may or may not have exploded. Anywaaaaay.... I had to write it. I’m not sorry for it, I had to leave you with something. like and reblog and whatnot! enjoy!
all the love,
You were feeling really happy and emotional at the same time.. The first time you and Harry went to Hawaii together, you found out that you were pregnant. all the two of you could do that day was cry, smile and harry giving kisses to your tummy. Now three years later, Hawaii was the mini vacation destination again. All of you were invited to a summer wedding in Hawaii... and of course your little one was coming along for the ride. 
This would be her first ever big vacation abroad. The flight went perfectly okay and she behaved really well.. The first few days you had all the time to just stroll around and looked at a few places. But all your little girl could ask was     ‘’ Mommy, Daddy... when are we going to see the lady in a pretty dress?’’ You and Harry looked at each other and smiled... ‘’ soon baby girl, the wedding is tomorrow’’. Back at the hotel you put the little one to bed and the both of you stayed awake for a bit longer. He was doing some work on his laptop and you were reading something about how to make great healthy meal. ‘’ She’s really obsessed with people getting married, isn’t she?’’ as he looked up to you and smiled. You nodded and winked back at him, ‘’ maybe it’s time for us to have that wedding then? since she’s all aware of people wearing pretty dresses and saying yes and such’’ Harry started nervously laughing.... ‘’ hah, yeah maybe.. who knows’’. After that the two of you went to bed, all because that little angel of yours would be up around 5 am. 
The next day everyone was getting dressed and doing their make-up. Harry helped you out with your dress, and well... you stared at him, because he looked drop dead gorgeous. ‘’ Mommy can i wear a bit of makeup please... you look very pretty.. doesn’t she daddy?’’.You answered your baby girl with a simple yes. So she got a little bit of clear lipgloss on and walked around like she wore so much. ‘’ LOOK DADDY, NOW I LOOK LIKE MOMMY’’ and he started laughing.. ‘’yes love, I’m so lucky to have two beautiful women in my life’’. When you arrived at the wedding, you chatted to a few people and said your hello’s.  Your little one found some other kids to play with, but when the ceremony started she sat neatly next to her dad. ‘’ how does she look princess?’’ as he watched his little girl look at the bride. He didn’t get a answer from her, which probably meant she was impressed. After the ceremony was done, you all were seated at a table for dinner. You wanted to send a picture to Anne and your own mom, so you asked a lady next to you to take a picture. When the photo was taken you looked at it and smiled. ‘’ look love, she only has eyes for you. Both of the grandma’s aren’t important enough to smile in to the camera’’ and both of you started laughing. ‘’ they are, but I know I’m more important. obviously.’’ and he started grinning. The evening was rather fun! there was a lot of music and happiness all around. Harry started dancing with the little one, on his feet. It’s something he does with her, when she wants to dance like mom and dad. But she can also throw some crazy shapes just like her dad, and they are definitely not afraid to show that. Around 1 AM the main party was over and the three of you went to bed. The next day there was a casual lunch, that all of you were also invited too. 
The lunch was going great so far. Both you and Harry had a chance to talk to people you didn’t see for a while. Harry was wearing a snapback again and was walking barefoot. To be honest the snapback was reminding you of years ago, when he used to wear one all the time. You were sitting down at the table and watch Harry run around with his daughter, having the time of his life. They were running around and fell down on the grass. Both of them started laughing really loud. It’s like having two little children to take care off, they weren’t drinking enough so you called them over. She drank a few sips of her water and harry took his champagne, and they ran around even more. You grabbed your phone and started filming them. ‘’ DADDY, let’s play tag now.’’ He agreed and played tag with her. You send the video you made to your mom and Anne. They would love to see Harry playing tag and being a wonderful loving father. 
As you looked up from your phone, you didn’t see Harry and your daughter anywhere. You got a little bit anxious, so you started to look for them. ‘’ Hi, have you seen Harry?’’ and the person shook their head. One of harry’s friends walked over to you and said you needed to walk over to the beach. As you walked over to the beach, you noticed some cute little hearts in the plants and trees. When you got at the beach you took of your shoes, and searched for Harry. After a few minutes of looking, you found Harry and your daughter, sitting on a rock. ‘’ HI MUMMY, YOU CAME!!’’ and ran over to you. ‘’ yeah love, I lost you for a second.’’ and hugged her really tight.
What is this harry? as you stood in front of him. He seemed a bit nervous, Harry was rarely nervous.’’ well, you know how we jokingly talked about marriage? because our little princess loves it. And that she’s old enough to realise what would happen?’’ You stood there nodding at what he was saying. ‘’uhm.. I wasn’t a joke for me. I’ve been planning and waiting for the right moment to ask. I love you with all my heart, and i couldn’t think of my life without you. All these years with you have been the best part of my life. You gave me the best thing in the world and made me a dad. A dad to this little girl... I know Hawaii holds a special place in your heart. It’s the place I first took you on our vacation, the place where we three years later found out we were going to be parents. I want to make this place even more of a memory..’’ As he was talking and saying all of these things, you softly started to cry. You weren’t a cryer but the things he was saying were so sweet. ‘’ you want to take this away little one?’’ as he looked over to your daughter. She walked over to you with a little box. and said to you ‘’ Mommy, daddy wants me and you to wear a pretty dress. Can we wear a pretty dress?’’ You looked at your daughter and smiled, and then you looked at Harry who didn’t seem nervous anymore. He looked.. relaxed. ‘’yes, yes.. yes we can wear a pretty dress. And we will wear a pretty dress’‘ 
The answer you gave made your daughter jump around and yelled at her dad ‘‘ DADDY DADDY WE CAN WEAR A PRETTY DRESS’‘. He looked over at you with the biggest smile you had ever seen. He picked you up and twirled you around. As you walked back to the lunch, you let Harry and your daughter walked ahead of you and smiled at the most beautiful sight.
This was another memory made in Hawaii. 
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harrys-roses · 7 years
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⭐️ sign of the times ⭐️ lockscreens ⭐️
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heartfairy · 7 years
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hrammy · 7 years
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it’s so easy to laugh
it’s so easy to hate
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blackharry · 7 years
Me listening to Harry and Niall list their music influences and not knowing who the hell those people are:
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whereimfeminine · 7 years
all I’ll say is, during Harry’s promo time, I want to know whatever Harry wants us to know about him. If that means hearing exclusively about his music and movie, awesome. If that means hearing his perspective on dating and listening to him respond to his friends teasing him about stuff and getting a detailed inventory by wick-number of his candle collection and learning lots of random personal facts about him, that’s awesome too. It’s his promo, and I’m a fan of him as a musician but I’m also a fan of him as a human. I trust him to tell us what he’s comfortable telling us, and appreciative of what what he lets us see while respectful of what he keeps to himself. 
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harrywavycurly · 7 years
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“Do you think daddy would like this?” Your daughter’s voice snapped you back to reality as you turned around and saw her holding her latest masterpiece. It was a picture of a flower with hearts and glitter surrounding it, she loved coloring pictures but making pictures for Harry was her favorite. You couldn’t help but smile as you walked over to her and kneeled down to her eye level.
“He’s going to love it.” She just gave you a big smile as she handed you the picture, you quickly stood up and headed towards the fridge. “Lets hang it in our special spot shall we love?” You asked and when you turned to look over your shoulder you smiled when you saw her nodding her head and clapping her hands together.
“Yes the special spot! So he will see it when he gets home!” Her voice was full of excitement as she danced around the kitchen, you laughed as you turned and watched her. She was the spitting image of her father, dimple and all. Her brown curls were tucked away from her face with a headband and as she danced her dress swayed back and fourth causing her to giggle and dance around more.
She bounced her way out of the kitchen making you laugh and shake your head as you imagined that if Harry was home he would’ve joined her in her excitement dance and it would’ve ended in a fit of giggles and a tickle fight on the couch in the next room. You couldn’t help but sigh as you looked around and the reality set in, Harry was gone for three more weeks. You knew he didn’t like being away for long periods of time but you also knew that this was his job and he didn’t have a choice sometimes.
You were in the middle of cooking dinner when your phone rang, you knew by the ringtone that it was Harry. You smiled as you quickly hit answer and put it on speaker phone so you could continue cooking.
“Hiya petal!” You smiled bigger as his voice filled the kitchen, “what ya doin love?” You added the diced vegetables to the pot of soup you had on the stove.
“Just makin dinner, what are you up too?” You heard noises in the background but you knew he was probably out and about in whatever city he was in at the moment.
“Ah it is about dinner time isn’t it?” His voice was soft and you found yourself nodding as if he could see you. “How is she doing? Think talking to her would be a bad idea?” You continued to stir the pot as he spoke.
“Think she would love that, she is doing better now.” As if on queue you heard little feet coming down the stairs and heading towards the kitchen. “Lovey, I think someone wants to talk to you.” You said as your daughter appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, her smile was big as she heard noises coming from the phone on the counter.
“Daddy!” You smiled wide as she made her way towards you by the stove. “Daddy, where are you? What city are you in? Do they have good food there? Mommy is making chicken soup because it’s cold outside! Is it cold where you are?” You had to hold back your laugh as she spilled out question after question, you heard Harry chuckle a bit on the other end of the phone.
“Hi my little love!” She reached up and grabbed the phone off the counter and held it in her tiny hands. You saw her walk around the island and climb up into one of the stools so she could get comfortable. “Well where I am at now is a bit chilly.” You could tell he was smiling by the way his voice sounded. “The food is good, nothin beats ya mum’s cooking tho.” You rolled your eyes at his comment and you knew if he was home he would’ve shot you a little wink.
“Do you miss me daddy? I miss you a lot! Like more than I miss Christmas time! And ya know I love Christmas!” You turned around and your smile fell a bit when you saw your daughter’s face. She was smiling still but you knew it was slightly forced and her eyes were getting a bit watery.
“Oh my little love,” you heard Harry take a deep breath. “I miss ya so much that I can’t even tell ya how much! They don’t even have a word fo it!” You watched as her face lit up a bit as he spoke. You could tell by Harry’s tone that he was probably fighting back tears.
He hated not being able to hug his daughter and kiss her worries away. He knew she wasn’t used to this part of his work, she had always been too little to really understand when he was on the road but now that she was getting older she took it harder when he left for weeks at a time.
“I love you daddy!” You smiled as she blew a kiss to the phone. “That was a kiss! Did you feel it?” You heard Harry laugh lightly and heard a kissy noise.
“I felt it! Just gave you one back!” She smiled and patted her cheek. You turned the stove off before making your way over to her. “I love you quite a lot, can I talk to ya mum a bit? You go wash up for super!” She pouted as you helped her down off the stool. She slowly made her way out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
“You love me quite a lot as well?” You knew he was rolling his eyes at your question. You noticed the line got quiet and you had to check to make sure the call didn’t get dropped. “Harry?” You took the phone off speaker and held it to your ear, you heard the sound of a door opening and shutting and what sounded like footsteps. “Harry can you hear me?” Your voice was a bit loud due to the fact you weren’t sure if he could hear you or not.
“Can hear you just fine love.” You felt the phone slip from your hands and land on the counter as his voice came from in front of you. You couldn’t believe the sight that was in front of you. He was standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a bag at his feet.
“Harry!” Your voice came out as a squeal as you crashed into him. His arms wrapped around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck. You were soon being lifted off the ground as you felt his face burry into your neck.
“Missed you my love.” You felt him kiss your neck a few times and as you both heard the sound of feet hitting the bottom of the stairs you felt your own feet being placed back on the ground. “Is that my little love?” He unwrapped himself from you and bent down as he faced the doorway. Your daughter’s face was one of shock and excitement.
“Daddy! You’re home!” The excitement in her voice was enough to make you smile ear too ear. You watched Harry open his arms as she went running towards him. You stepped back and watched him pick her up and twirl her around and place kisses all over her face making the sound of her laughter fill the room.
“I’m home,” he stopped spinner her and turned his head to look at you, his dimple was prominent as he smiled wide. “I’m home with my two girls, just in time for super.” He shot you a wink and you just rolled you eyes. You still couldn’t believe he was home, he was in the kitchen holding your daughter, he was going to be here for a while by the looks of his bag on the floor by his feet and you couldn’t be happier.
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cupcakelirry · 7 years
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she’s such an actress (i’m she)
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harktheharold · 7 years
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we’re only getting older baby
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eunhoia · 7 years
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
underneath the little black dress
Warnings: Smut!
Note; This is my first smut ever and my second piece I’ve ever written. I’ve worked on this a while. So I hope you will enjoy it. :’) based of the gifs of harry at the graham norton show. (the drinking water, and this could be fun).
Harry seeing you without underwear at a dinner party.
 It was a Saturday evening when you and Harry were at a dinner party hosted by James. James asked you if a surprise dinner party would be fun to celebrate the number 1 spot, and you agreed on this idea.  Secrets were more your thing, you knew harry could keep small ones but he had so much trouble keeping surprise parties a surprise. All you said to harry was you made reservations at his favourite restaurant in L.A. You dressed nice for the occasion, in a boutique nearby you found this perfect little black dress. To spice up the evening you decided to leave your panties at home. You knew all too well that wearing no panties in a public place would get his cock hard and ready for you. This wasn’t the first time you went to a public place without panties. Harry would usually start thinking about rubbing your clit, eating you out in the bathroom or just a quick fuck. And well… you sure as hell wouldn’t mind it.
“Where are we going? This isn’t the way to the restaurant…” He was wondering where the two of you were going. “Oh yeah… We must go to James first. He had something for you there. I got a text like a few minutes ago. A small detour. Don’t worry ” you said to harry.  When you and Harry arrived at James’ his house, you wiggled yourself out of the car trying not to ruin the no panties surprise. That completely failed…. When you put your legs out of the car harry turned around to check if you needed help. That’s when you saw that his mouth turned in to a big O and then a big smirk came across his face, and he moved closer to your ear and whispered “is it going to be like a few weeks ago? Are you going to tease me? Didn’t I teach you the hard way that teasing me isn’t nice, or did you like that?’’ you looked at Harry and tried to look as innocent as you could. ‘’ I don’t know what you’re talking about’’ You adjusted your dress and walked in front of harry, swaying your hips a little bit more then you usually do. Before the door opened you turned around to look at harry and gave him a little smirk.  When the both of you came inside the house, everybody was cheering and yelling “SURPRISEEEE”. You could tell harry was completely shocked by what was going on. “Why…why? Why are you guys doing this?” Harry asked. “Well mate. it’s because 1. You did amazing on the show and 2 your album just took the number 1 spot. And we wanted to celebrate that!” James said to harry. After James gave that little speech everyone took their seats at the table. At the end of the table you sat next to Harry. The evening was going fast and almost everyone was either tipsy or drunk. At one moment, you took Harry’s hand and slipped it under your dress. Harry was surprised by your sudden confidence to do that. He started to cough and choke a little bit on the water still in his mouth. Harry then looked at you with the eyes that were so familiar to you, so dark and full of lust. He mumbled to you “ well, this could be fun.”  and he took another sip of his water.
His hands went back under your dress and started caressing your thighs. You could feel your cheeks getting heated more as his hand travelled more to your centre. When you gazed up to Harry he looked so unfazed, like he wasn’t touching you at all. You opened your legs a little bit more so harry could get his hands right at the spot you wanted him the most. Harry started circling your clit with his finger. He could tell that you were dripping in between your folds. Your breath quickened and your cheeks started to get more flustered.  Right then Harry choose to tease you even more. In one swift movement, he put one finger inside you and started moving very slow. Everyone was still at the table having a lot of fun. But then James cheered at the top of his lungs ‘’ IT’S time for KARAOKE!’’  and everyone left the table, while you and harry were still sitting at the table.  By now you started panting more because people left and harry looked at you and whispered ‘’ I told you teasing me isn’t nice. You like being a dirty girl don’t you… getting all wet for me at a party. I think I’ll have to teach you a lesson again. Love how bad do you want my cock? Do you want me to make you feel good? Because right now I want you to make me feel fucking great.’’  Whilst Harry was whispering this in your ear you could feel yourself getting more wet, if that was even possible. Since the two of you were alone at the table, he started to move his fingers even faster. That’s why the panting got even worse when he said these things.  You answered Harry’s questions with ‘’ yes, yes, yes, yes, ‘’. Yes, to being a dirty girl, yes to him teaching you a lesson about turning him on in a public place, yes to how bad you wanted his cock, yes to him making you feel good. Harry took away his hand and saw that you didn’t like it and he smirked. He stood up from the table and took your hand and both of you walked over to a room that was currently not occupied.  The first thing Harry did was push you up to the wall and let you jump around his waist. He started kissing you full of passion and lust. The two of you were so in sync that giving permission for anything wasn’t even a thing anymore. He walked both of you over to a couch that was in that room and put you down on your feet. What started out as a rough make out session turned in to something completely sensual and loving. He turned you around so he could open your dress… That was the part that never seemed to amaze you. Even though Harry could be rough, he was also a gentleman. To his surprise, you were completely naked under that dress. All you heard from Harry was ‘’ oh my god… so beautiful. Turn around love, let me look at you.’’ And he started to kiss your neck, turning you around slowly.
You took his shirt off and then slowly moved down to his jeans. Never loosing eye contact with harry. When you were sitting at the edge of the couch, you started to open his jeans. It didn’t have buttons or anything, because you knew he liked women’s jeans better. Surprisingly harry decided to leave his boxers at home, so you were shocked to see his cock coming out of his jeans. ‘’ What… is… this …harry? Since when are you ditching boxers? Guess I’m not the only one who was hoping for a bit of fun.’’ You cheekily looked in to Harry’s eyes, and you saw that he started to smirk. Normally Harry would go down on you first because he loves doing it. But the both of you realised that there wasn’t enough time to have a long fuck. So, you took his cock in to your hands and started rubbing it. Hearing the grunting noises, he was making it was going rather well. ‘’ suck… ughmm… suck me please’’ Harry asked. You did as he asked and took his large cock inside your mouth. Licking the outside and giving extra attention to the tip and then bobbing your head up and down. Looking up you saw that harry was staring down at the most beautiful sight…  God having you stare at him, while you are sucking his cock was the most amazing things he had ever seen. ‘’ OH FUCK. FUCK…. U are such a good girl. Sucking my cock so well. Look at that…. Taking my cock all the way inside your pretty mouth. I think it’s time for you to stop teasing me.’’’  You knew all too well that you were teasing him, just like he always does to you. Slowly moving your head up and down, paying special attention to licking. Because you knew he liked it. Harry then lifted you and walked the both of you over to a pool table in the room. He placed himself right in between your legs and lifted them up a bit. ‘’ I don’t want to hear a single thing… no moan, no whimper and no loud noises. We don’t want other people to see what I’m doing to you, or do you want that?’’. You shook your head and promised him not to make any noise. The thrill of getting caught was so amazing, but being caught? No thanks. Harry starter rubbing you with his fingers ‘’ hmmm… look at how wet you are for me baby ‘’.  He took his cock and pushed the tip slowly inside you. ‘’ hmm… so tight’’. As he slowly started to thrust inside your cunt, you had to hold back a moan. You promised him you’d be quiet. He held your thighs and picked up his pace and started thrusting even harder, and you bit your lip in order not to make any sounds. You heard how loud the music was that they were playing upstairs, so by then you decided to break the promise. The biggest moan came out of you and it shocked harry, but then he started smiling. ‘’ you just couldn’t hold it in… oh… oh… FUCK hmm… you feel so good around my cock. Do you hear that love? How wet you are, sounds so fucking good. ‘’. Harry was going so fast you couldn’t get a proper word out of you. the only sound and words you were able to make were ‘’ oooh my god… hmmm.. oooh fuck. Fuck me… fucking hell. You’re so good to me Harry. OOH…. So GOOD’’. Harry slowed down a bit because he heard James talking about you and him. ‘’ Does anyone know where Harry and y/n are? I haven’t seen them in a while!’’ The both of you started to giggle and harry said ‘’ I’d better start moving then, I think they miss us’’.  He turned you around and let you bend forward. This position was kind off your quick and easy way to reach your orgasm. You leaned in to the wall when he started to thrust very quickly and deep. The feeling of his cock so far in to you… It made you even more wet. ‘’ Hmmm… yes baby. Like that… I like feeling you so deep inside me.’’ You kept your voice to a whisper, because you knew people were looking for the two of you. His hands started to rub your clit, and he whispered in your ear ‘’ fuck baby, come for me… ‘’ your breathing started to rapid, as you could feel yourself getting close. It really didn’t matter for harry if he got off or not. He was hoping he would get some head maybe when the two of you were at home. But right now, he just wanted to make you feel good.
With a few deep hard thrusts harry heard the words he likes to hear the most from you
‘’ yes, yes, YES harry… ooooohh my god… hmmm fuck. Aaah. That….. Was… Amazing Harry’’. As you tried to regain your breath, you quickly turned on your knees in front of harry.  And you said to him ‘’ were not leaving this room until both of us get our highs’’. All harry could think off was how lucky he felt at that moment. He watched you give him the best and quickest blowjob. He looked down at you while you were bobbing your head up and down, looking up at him. He recalled the blowjob you did a few moments earlier… Sure this was quicker and less teasing, but the sight was still as beautiful. His thoughts were disturbed when he felt that he was close. ‘’ UGH… yes y/o keep doing that baby… I’m so close. You’re going to make me come baby’’. You kept on sucking his cock very quickly, but your movements slowed down when you felt a hot cum inside your mouth and harry pulling you by the hair. While he was thrusting inside your mouth all he could say was ‘’ HHM… UGH… ugh…  yes love. You like that… having my cum inside your mouth’’.   You nodded as a respond to his question. And you did like it, a lot.  When you cleaned harry up as much as you could he got you off the floor and gave you your little black dress. As soon as the two off you got dressed and walked over to the door, he turned you around and started to kiss you. ‘’ I had fun tonight y/o. It sure was a party I won’t forget any time soon, and maybe we can do this again? I like these kind of surprises’’. And he winked at you. Harry opened the door for you and the two of you made your way back to the party. The two of you said your goodbyes around 4am and left James’s his house. 
You got in the car next to harry and looked at the house and then at harry with a loving smile. Harry started to drive off in to the dark and all that was racing through your mind was that this was another great party, and you sure as hell couldn’t wait till the next one.
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harrysguccicoochie · 7 years
I hope harry finds a beautiful partner who loves him for all he is. I hope that he loves back with his whole heart. I hope that everyone stops policing who he can and cannot date. I hope harry has all the love in the world.
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