atlcscp · 1 year
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LITERALLY I know what you are.
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number-0-iz · 1 month
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skiddlecat · 3 months
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hes catching on.
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polar-explorer · 1 month
to be entirely fair to fitz, if i found out my girlfriend and my foster dad got together after having been gone for only 1 year, AND my girlfriend was saying i was a shit partner (even if true)..... i too would lobotomize myself immediately
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synth-spinner · 1 year
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amirasainz · 2 months
can you do more of baby!sainz crushing on lando and lando really likes it and flirt with her any time ++ carlos’s reaction
Of coure I can. This is a Part 2 story, so I would recommend reading the first part. My stories are usually seperate stories, however it was quiet fitting in this case. Btw, Carlos ec gf is mentioned, Isa I love writing requests for you guys and hope you enjoy reading my work. Let me know if you have any whishes! -XoXo
Three times when....Part 2
4. The Quadrant video
Ah, the delicate dance of family dynamics and romantic getaways—the kind that unfolds against the backdrop of sun-kissed beaches and whispered secrets. Carlos Sainz, the Ferrari sensation, had planned a romantic vacation with his girlfriend, seeking moments of stolen kisses and moonlit walks. And what better place than Bali to weave their love story?
But life, ever the mischievous storyteller, had other plans. A new Quadrant video emerged, casting its spotlight on the youngest Sainz sister. There stood Amira, flanked by Lando’s friends, Max and Keegan, her eyes fixed on Lando as he explained the rules of their karting challenge. Karting—a miniature ballet of speed and precision—would be their canvas.
Lando, the showman, draped his arm over Amira’s shoulder. His friend Keegan would take the wheel, aiming to beat Lando’s time. But first, Lando had to set the benchmark. As he zipped around the track, Amira’s gaze never wavered. Her words flowed like a river of admiration: “He is an amazing driver. It won’t take long before he takes his first win. Look how easy he makes it look.” Her grin was infectious, like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds.
And then, in a hushed whisper, she added, “Como un profesional.” Keegan and Max exchanged puzzled glances, their linguistic compass spinning in confusion. But Amira knew. She’d witnessed her friends’s journey—the sweat, the sacrifice, the hunger for victory. In that quiet moment, she held a secret: Lando Norris, the boy who’d captured her heart, was destined for greatness.
When Lando finally finished his run, he sprinted toward her. “And, what do you think, darling?" he teased. “Maybe I’ll be able to take you on a ride one day.” His flirtatious tone hung in the air, and apparently, it was working—because Amira was giggling.
Throughout the video, Lando would sweetly explain things to her while she had her whole attention on him. At the end, Max had to do the outro, because Lando was sitting in a kart with Amira on his lap. He clearly showed her things on the wheel, so he moved her hair aside and rested his chin on her shoulder.
"What the fuck did I just watch" thought Carlos to himself
5. The Spa crash
Carlos Sainz found himself in the midst of an interview when his eyes caught sight of his friend sliding across the treacherous Spa track. The Belgian circuit had claimed its share of lives over the years, and the rain only intensified its danger.
In that heart-stopping moment, Carlos’s mind painted worst-case scenarios. But then, relief flooded through him as Lando Norris responded to Sebastian Vettel’s thumbs-up signal and was soon escorted back to the safety of the team garages. Carlos wasted no time, ending the interview abruptly to ensure Lando’s well-being.
Yet, what awaited him upon his arrival was unexpected—a scene that tugged at his heartstrings. Lando stood in the rain, his little sister, Amira, by his side. Tears streamed down her face, and Carlos heard Lando’s soothing words: “I’m fine, darling. Nothing happened. It was just a little jump-scare. I promise, I’ll always come back to you.”
But Amira’s worry persisted. “How can you be so sure about that, Lando? What if—” she began, her voice trembling. Lando cut her off, determination in his eyes. “Hey, none of that, okay? It will take a thousand armies to keep me away from you, okay?” He waited for her nod, their bond unbreakable.
Carlos watched the scene unfold, touched by the depth of their friendship. He approached them, pulling them into a group hug, seeking solace in their shared connection. Together, they retreated into the warmth of the Ferrari garage, a sanctuary against the rain-soaked night.
Later, as Carlos settled into bed with his girlfriend, Isa, he recounted the events. “I didn’t know the two of them were such good friends,”he mused. Isa sighed, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. “You truly know nothing, Carlos Sainz.”
6. DJ Lando
Ah, the nightlife—the pulsing heartbeat of music, neon lights, and secrets whispered in the dark. Lando Norris, the McLaren sensation, was no stranger to the DJ booth, spinning beats that made the crowd sway and lose themselves. Clubs welcomed him like an old friend, and this weekend was no exception.
But amidst the thumping bass and swirling lights, something shifted. A new presence graced the scene: Amira, Carlos little sister. Her usual decline to join club outings had become a predictable pattern, making Carlos’s job as the protective older brother straightforward. Yet this time, she stood there, defying expectations.
And what a sight she was—dressed in a short dress, high heels elongating her legs. Lando kept her close, his arm around her waist or fingers tucked under her hairtie. Carlos’s attention zeroed in on them—the way Lando leaned in, whispering things in Amira’s ear. Her cheeks flushed crimson, embarrassment or amusement dancing across her face. What secrets did they share? Carlos couldn’t fathom, and it gnawed at him.
Lando’s proximity to his sister grated on Carlos’s nerves. Why was he so close? What did he want from Amira? The frustration simmered, and Carlos’s annoyance grew. Why hadn’t anyone clued him in? The club’s rhythm pulsed around them, but Carlos’s mind spun with questions. Perhaps it was time to confront Lando, to unravel the mystery that danced between them.
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oliviablancmom · 2 months
"Pedriiii - Part II"
Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x singlemom!Oc
Theme: fluff, angst
N/A: And here is part two, I hope it lives up to your expectations. I would like to thank each like, comment, reblog, and ask about this imagine. I'm happy that you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I love seeing your reactions. Again, this chapter turned out huge, but I needed every part to make sense. I hope you enjoy it and fall a little more in love with these three.
Warnings: Men being inconvenient in this chapter, people making a child cry.
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Pedri was in a mood; he was training alone in the academy because Gavi did him a favor by opening up to the entire team about his meeting with the woman from the nightclub, who turns out to work for Barça. And now all of the guys were messing with him, especially after Gavi spilled about the ring that was shining on her finger. Seriously, Gavi needs to return playing ASAP because Pedri can't deal anymore with the boy gossip phase.
"Are you sad today?" The little boy asked the player, taking his attention from the movie he was watching on his iPad. "I can bring M&Ms for us; Mom put some packages in her purse, I think she's sad too," he says pouting.
"I'm fine, buddy, just focused. But why is your mother sad? Did something happen?" Pedri asked curiously. In one of the many conversations he had with the little boy, he discovered that the little boy's mother worked for the team, but Pedri hadn't had the opportunity to meet her yet.
"I don't know; Father is supposed to take me this week. Then he screams at her and then at me, and they fight." Pedri swallows the knot in his throat as he sees the little boy's eyes watering; something hurts inside him for seeing the little boy like that.
"You know, those M&M's we were craving for, we finally get to have them," he says in an attempt to cheer up the little boy.
"No way, for real??" He jumped excitedly, and Pedri smiled at him.
"I swear. I'm going with Gavi after the training to get them." Pedri fixed the cap on Axel's head.
"You guys aren't going to eat them without me, right?" He pointed the finger at Pedri, trying to make an angry face.
"What, of course not? I'll bring them for you tomorrow, and also, I wouldn't eat them with Gavi; I'm angry at him," Pedri says as he starts to get his things ready to leave the academy.
"Why?" Axel asks curiously.
"Because he has a big mouth," the boy gasped, looking at Pedri.
"So he would eat everything," Axel says, worried, and Pedri laughs at his reaction.
"Yeah, something like that, buddy."
"Axel, I swear, it's been days since the last time I gave you candy; you shouldn't be this energetic," Isa asked as she watched her child jump from one chair to another. The boy stops, with a little smile on his face, and then back to his jumping games. Isa looks suspiciously at her child.
"Axel..." She calls, getting close to the boy. "You didn't eat any candy, right?" She holds the boy, stopping him from jumping anymore. He looks at her, his head tilts to the side, and a mischievous smile emerges on his little face, the dimples in his cheeks showing up. "Axel Harver," she says unbelievably as she starts to tickle him, his laughs getting louder and louder.
"Mom, stop. Please stoooop, Moooommy." She lets him go, letting him catch his breath.
"Little boy, little boy. I already told your grandfather not to give you too many candies." She kisses his head.
"It was for my friend; I couldn't let him eat alone," the boy said simply, and she smiled at him. Sometimes she couldn't believe how smart he was for his young age.
"No, you couldn't," she smiles, looking at the time on her watch; it was time to go home.
"Get your things; it's time for us to go home." The little boy ran to get his bag.
"Can we stop by Pops?" He asked excitedly.
"Of course, it's been two days since the last time you saw him; you guys are probably getting sick already," she says ironically at the boy, who had his grandfather on his little finger.
"He says that I could start Barça school after my birthday, so I'll be a La Masia boy, mom." The boy says excitedly as they walk towards the parking lot. He and his grandfather had been planning that moment for over a year; the excitement of both was evident. Honestly, Isa was still insecure about the idea of him wanting to be a player; she was too jealous for that, and modestly aside, her son was adorable, he would definitely get some attention. "You think I could play with my friend?" She looks down at her son.
"Well, probably, he's going to Barça school too?" She asked, as she had heard more than once about this friend of his.
"No, in the first team," he says simply. She looks confused at him.
"Well, I think it would take time for you both to be there; maybe you even change your mind about being a player." Her boy made a disgusted face.
"Axel, you are having so much attitude lately."
"But he's already there," he ignores what she is saying. She stops, looking at him.
"Wait, in the first team? Your friend?" The boy nodded happily. "The friend you spend the day with?" He nodded again, as his little eyes focused on something behind her.
"Are you befriending the players?" She asks, but she doesn't get his attention, as he seems to focus on the thing behind her before she can turn to see what he's looking at. He snaps out of his trance.
"Pedriiii!" he screams, and he runs away from her. She was pretty sure that her eyes were going to pop out as she heard the name. She then turned to see where her boy was going, catching a glimpse of him jumping excitedly into the player's arms.
"You've got to be kidding me," she says to herself.
"That friend of Aurora's is really into you," Gavi says to Pedri, who rolls his eyes. "You should give her a chance."
"I'm not interested; she's not my type." Gavi smiled wide at his friend, ready to comment, but was cut off by the boy who jumped at Pedri.
"Hi Pedri, hi Gavi." The little boy high-fived the two players.
"Hey little guy, no Gavi shirts today?" Gavi asked, getting an eye roll from Pedri.
"No. My mother said I should wear other clothes from time to time," he says with a sad smile, receiving a laugh from both players. "Are you going to get my candy?"
"Yes, I will. Are you here alone?" Pedri asked worriedly. He was used to meeting the boy alone inside the training center or the stadium, but the thought of the little boy running alone by the parking lot gave him shivers.
"Nooo, with mommy, Silly," he says, laughing as if Pedri had told him the funniest joke. Before Pedri could look around to search for the child's mother, his senses were clouded by the familiar scent of perfume that had been stuck in his mind for the past few days.
"Axel, what have I told you about running away from me like that? You can't let go of my hand on the street," the woman said in a sweet yet reprimanding voice.
"I know, Mom, but I had to talk to my friend," the little boy says in an even sweeter voice as he hugs the woman's legs. Pedri was absorbed in their interaction, while the woman's eyes stared at him. He simply couldn't believe it.
"Hi, Isa. Cute kid you have; now I can see the similarities," Gavi was the one to break the silence.
"Thanks, Pablo; he is the cutest." Pedri saw her eyes shine proudly as she looked at the boy, and honestly, Pedri felt dizzy.
"Hey, Pedri. I need to take my mother home and take her to a place," Gavi calls for Pedri.
"Ok, Let's Go! Bye Axel," Pedri wave a quick good bye to the little one, ignoring his mother.
"NO! You can't come, it's personal," Gavi says almost desperately, getting an intrigued look from Pedri.
"Gavira, I spent months taking you to every place; you owe me," Pedri says feeling annoyed as he watches his teammate head to his car.
"Sorry, brother. Ask one of the boys."
"We can take you!" The little voice says behind him. "Right mom, right? We can take him, pleeeease, we can take him, riiiiight?" He says as he jumps, pushing his mother's blazer, whose face was getting red.
"I don't know, we are going to Pops, and he probably doesn't want it."
"Of course he wants," Gavi says almost screaming.
"Aren't you leaving?" The three ask at the same time to the youngest, who looks amused as he gets in his car, leaving the parking lot.
"So you're coming with us, right? Right, mommy?" The woman only nodded, taking the kid in her arms and heading to her car. Pedri follows right beside them; he watches as she puts the little boy in the car seat.
"Axel, stop moving," she murmurs at the chatty boy. Once she finishes fixing it, she takes a step back, expecting to close the door, but ends up bumping into Pedri, who was holding the door. With a push, he closes the door, trapping Isa between him and the car. He takes a breath watching her beautiful face, but then he remembers something that was bugging his mind.
"Is your husband coming with us?" He says in a hushed tone just for her to hear. She opens her mouth to reply but nothing comes out; she brushes past Pedri and gets into the car. Pedri runs his hands through his face; he would kill Gavira.
"Aren't you getting in? We are late," she says annoyingly after rolling down the car window. Pedri grumbles and heads for the passenger door.
There was so much tension inside the car, of course imperceptible to the little one who chatted incessantly in the back seat, telling things to his mother, asking questions to Pedri, and singing along to the songs playing on the radio. Despite the many conversations he had with the little one, Pedri hadn't realized how talkative he was; perhaps the presence of the other players made him feel shy. Pedri returned to his conversations with the boy, noticing the mannerisms he had and now could see how much he resembled his mother: the sweet way of speaking, the sweet and welcomed smile, the dimples on his cheeks when he smiled. Pedri was feeling something strange; the presence of the woman clouded his feelings.
"Pedriiiii," Axel's voice snapped his attention back. Pedri turned in his seat to face the younger one.
"Yes, buddy?"
"Mommy is talking to you." The child pointed to the woman driving. Pedri redirected his focus to her, who glanced at him briefly before returning her attention to the road.
"You didn't tell us your address," she said calmly, the velvety tone of her voice sending shivers down Pedri's spine.
"Um, actually, you can drop me off at this store downtown," he showed her the address. "My brother will pick me up there."
"We can drop you home."
"No, I don't want to cause you any trouble," he couldn't help the sharpness in his tone, and he saw the woman wince and just murmur a little and almost inaudible 'ok'.
After a few minutes, they arrived at the candy store.
"Wait here for a minute," he told the woman, hurrying out of the car as quickly as he could to retrieve his order from the store.
"Oh my God, he's really going to get them," Isa looked at the back seat, seeing her son looking outside where the player walked towards a store, a fascinated look on his face.
"What, Axel?" She asked curiously, not used to Axel admiring someone else like that; normally, he was a shy child around strangers.
"Our candies," he said excitedly. "The ones we wanted but couldn't find, with different flavors."
"Did you ask him?" She turned to look at him, trying not to sound like she was reprimanding him.
"No, he wanted them too. And since I'm his friend, he's going to share them with me, because he likes me, Mom, he really likes me." Isa felt her throat tighten, and her eyes filled with tears. Words could hurt, especially when said to a child. She didn't know what to say to him, but the little boy's excitement comforted her heart.
"Here, buddy, we finally got them," the player gets into the car, snapping Isa out of her thoughts; she silently watches their interaction and how happy her son is. "Are you taking them to practice tomorrow?" Pedri asked as he stroked the child's cheek.
"YEEEEES!" Axel shouted excitedly.
"Alright, see you tomorrow then!" He said smiling at the little boy and then turned to the woman beside him. "Thanks for the ride."
"Thank you for this," she said honestly. "You have no idea what this means." The player furrowed his brows in confusion and then exited the car.
The feeling of returning to training with the rest of the team was a great relief, especially when there was the possibility of returning to play soon. Pedri felt ready; the medical department had already cleared him to drive, but they still wanted to postpone his return to the fields. And as eager as he was, he wanted to follow the guidance of the professionals. But still, knowing that he could return to playing soon gave him extra motivation in his recovery.
Pedri was eager to share the news with his little friend, who longed for his return even more than he did himself, but it had been almost a week since the last time he saw the boy. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he missed the boy running to meet him after training. He thought about asking about him to the boy's mother, but every time he saw her, the ring gleamed on her finger. Pedri didn't want to make a big deal out of it; after all, it was a one-night stand, but he couldn't deny that he was affected. The remnants of that night were vivid in his mind, and knowing that the woman was committed spoiled the images for him.
"You know, for someone who wants to seem indifferent, you're terrible at hiding it," Gavi whispers beside him as they watch the woman approaching with the film crew.
"Hello, boys," she says with a sweet smile.
"Hello, Isa," Gavi greets excitedly and nudges his friend to do the same, but Pedri just nods slightly, which seems to frustrate the woman. She kept her gaze on the player's face, reading every detail as if searching for an opening to say something.
"Here are your lines," she says after a few minutes of silence, handing over the cue cards with the ready-made phrases they needed to record for the Barça One promotion. "It'll be quick," she says, moving behind the man handling the camera, and soon the rest of the crew went to prepare the players.
Gavi was the first to record, while Pedri amused himself watching. Gavi hated these kinds of activities, so something that could normally be quick ended up taking longer because of him. Pedri's attention is stolen when his eyes fall on the woman, who is watching the recordings while making some notes in a notebook and speaking to the cameraman. As if sensing Pedri's eyes, she turns to face him and then walks slowly towards him, stopping by his side.
"You said you didn't know who I was that night," the player says quietly so only the woman can hear him. She looked back at him, her confidence in facing him as if challenging him bringing back memories.
"Are you talking to me now?" She asks in an ironic tone. "And I never said I didn't know who you were, I just said I didn't care," she says convincingly, and there it was, the sharp tongue and tone from that night, the player thought.
"That's not how it seemed, just like the part about being married," Pedri smiles proudly having retorted in the same tone, but the woman's furious look makes the smile disappear.
"It's not like that, and if you didn't keep avoiding me every time I show up, you'd know," she turns her attention back to Gavi's recording.
"You just had to say 'Hey, I have a husband,' it's not that hard," he says as he moves away from her."
Isa didn't want to go out that night, in weeks like that she gets in a terrible mood, there were right and wrong days, and that was a wrong one. But her work friends were eager for a night out , and they kept saying how good it would be for her since she was an ocean of anxiety. So there she was, sitting in the bar watching her friends dancing excitedly, she didn't want to go dance, not yet at least, she still wasn't feeling at her best to enjoy the night like that.
"Hey doll, can I buy you a drink?" A man comes to her side, she looks at him uninterested.
"No, thanks," she says simply, backing at watching her friends.
"C'mon, it's just a drink." He holds her arm getting close to her face.
"I don't want it." she says firmly.
"Oh, don't play hard to get," he touched her hair. "you are too pretty to be here alone." He insisted with a flirtatious smile.
"She's not here alone." The familiar voice cut before she could answer the man. "Take your hands out of my girlfriend" he says in a warning tone, making the woman gasp, Isa looks around to see if there are eyes on them, but for their luck, no one is paying attention.
"You? Her boyfriend? No way." The man laughs looking at Isa. "Aren't him like one of the Barça kids?" Isa saw Pedri's face turning red, and before he could answer she took him by the waist, getting him away from the inconvenient man.
The moment he saw the woman enter the bar, he just knew that he shouldn't have accepted Ferran's invitation to the nightclub. Because from that moment, his attention were on her, just like the first night. He tried his best to try to look uninterested, he even tried to speak and dance with a girl who was in their VIP area. But his eyes kept stealing glances at the woman, and the moment he saw a man on her side, he made his choice, going right into her.
He didn't have the time to answer the man who called him a kid, he had an answer for that, a good one that Isa herself could confirm, but her hand putting him away was distracting, the power she had over him was driving him crazy.
"Barça would end us, especially me, if I let the image of one of their golden boys get messed up because of some nightclub confusion" Pedri looked at the woman's face, her big brown eyes were soft and just like always, were mapping all his face.
The people around them didn't seem to notice who he was especially how they weren't dancing to the rhythm of the music playing. Pedri's hand was over her waist going up and down, she passed her manicured hand by her hair and the action made the smell of her perfume travel to his nose, automatically he bent down to her neck, smelling her inebriated perfume, like someone addicted. The woman was blinding his senses. He thought that the remaining images of their night, which kept playing as a movie in his mind were just the carnal feeling of a good night, but now he was afraid that it was something more, since the fact that only the idea of watching her gets all his attention, and we're everything about her, literally everything.
"Let's get out of here" she murmurs in his ears.
He didn't answer, he only took her by the hand to get out of the club.
That's how they ended up in the hotel room again, they didn't talk, the actions of the desire were speaking for them, Pedri was tasting every piece of her, like a starving man, like it was the last thing he would do. And deep down he thought that maybe it was the last thing, cause a noise kept ringing in his mind, remember him about the ring on her finger. And that makes him snapped at realization, he took the woman's hand who was holding his hair as if she depended on it, and there was no signal of the commitment. He kisses her hand then her mouth, and then all over her breast. She kept murmuring and saying things he couldn't understand, her face was all messed up because of her red lipstick, and he was sure he had the vestiges in his face too.
"You remember what you said to me that night?" He asked her, her eyes looking at him with such intensity that he felt at his chest. She smiles, her cheeks getting more red.
"That you should stop flirting with me 'cause i was hard to forget." She said with a lazy smile as she kissed his face.
"Well you were right"
"I am always right, I said that too, when you call me an arrogant, knowing-all b*tch."
As Pedri was to answer, the woman's phone rang, she picked it up from the bedside table, and the name "Henry" showed on screen, making Pedri rudely distance himself from her. She rolls her eyes as she answers the call, and soon her face turns pale, Pedri watches her with worry.
"What happened? Baby..." She gets up from the bad, "Do not cry, please, don't cry. Mommy it's going to pick you up, my Axel." Her choked voice and the mention of the name make Pedri stand up and approach the woman, who was trembling nervously.
"Let me talk to someone," she says, Pedri stops in front of her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM? HE IS JUST A CHILD!" she screamed sterically, her voice full of pain, making Pedri holding her arms, and try to calm her down. "That always happens, every time, he's just a baby, and every time you guys do this to him." She goes silent for a moment, Pedri felt his heart beating so hard that he could hear the thuds echoing in his ears. "I'll go get him" she says firmly, " I don't care how late it is. I'm not leaving my son like this." She ends the call and then throws the phone on the bed, her hands covering her face as she collapses and cries uncontrollably. Pedri embraces her, his chest full of concern for the woman and the little boy.
"Isa, what happened? Is Axel hurt?" he asks.
"I need to go," she says, stepping away from the player.
"I'm coming with you" She pushed Pedri away.
"No, you're not, you don't need to." She says coldly.
"I'm not letting you go anywhere alone, not in this state," he says firmly as he gathers their things around the room. Isa looks at him with apprehension and suspicion. Pedri couldn't understand her action. He holds the door, waiting for her to leave the room, and then she huffs in frustration and follows him outside.
Once in the car, Pedri gives her his hoodie that was in the backseat of his car, as thanks to him, the woman's dress was ruined. He drives to the address she had given him, the journey in complete silence except for the sound of the woman typing incessantly on her phone. As they arrive at the destination, Isa takes a deep breath and then looks at the player.
"Pedri, please, promise me, no matter what you see or hear, you don't leave the car, understood? Or you'll make things difficult for me." The desperation in the woman's voice made Pedri's stomach sick; not knowing what was happening was making him desperate. "You'll make things difficult for Axel," she says before he could say anything. And, reluctantly, Pedri agrees with the woman, as he would never do anything to harm the child.
He watches as the woman gets out of the car and rushes into the yard of a house, calling out for Axel. A blond woman emerges from the house and points a finger at Isa. They engage in a heated discussion, but he cannot hear their words. Then he sees Isa push the woman and hastily enter the house. Everything falls silent for a few minutes, and his heart races so fast that he wonders how he hasn't had a heart attack yet. After a few minutes, he sees Isa emerging from the house, holding Axel in her arms. She walks briskly towards the car, with the blond woman following her, screaming insults. Isa quickly jumps into the car with Axel, and the back door closes behind them.
"You can go now," she says, and Pedri turns around to look at her. Her face is red from crying. Pedri starts the car and drives away, not knowing exactly where to go, but deciding to wait before asking as Isa is talking to Axel. "It's okay, love. You're okay now." She says in a calm voice, trying to calm down the little boy.
"I don't want to come back, I don't want to stay with them, they're all mean to me," he cried so hard that Pedri stopped the car, deeply concerned for the kid, as he had never seen him cry like that before.
"You don't have to, Mommy promises you won't go back there, at least if it's something you want." Pedri turns to look at them, observing the woman wiping the tears from the little one's face and giving him a tight hug. Their eyes meet, and Pedri sees so much pain in hers.
"What's going on? This is tearing me apart," he says as he gestures towards them.
"Pedriiii?" Axel spun so quickly to look at the player that Pedri feared he had snapped his neck. He leaped from Isa's arms to the front seat and hugged Pedri tightly. Pedri simply held him back, while Isa looked on in complete awe at her son's rapid change of mood.
"I'll finally be able to eat my candies," the little boy says with a sweet excited voice.
"Axel!!" Isa says laughing at the boy's innocence.
N/A: SOOOOOO, what did you guys think? Writing the last part, breaks my heart, because I know their situation, me being mean for not telling you guys 😏
So, the next chapter will be the penultimate one, and then there will be the final one, and then the bonus. As mentioned in the previous chapter. Of course, it all depends on how much the characters are talking to me as well...
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writingstoraes · 1 year
charles' playlist 🎶
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: instagram imagine/social media au
notes: not proofread and not revised so please expect errors hehehe please lmk what u think by replying or messaging and if u wanna be part of my taglist! <3 decided to add fans' reactions through tweets! this is a bit long ig?
about: in celebration of your birthday, charles dedicates a song to you every instagram post.
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liked by isahernaez, susie_wolff, carlossainz55, and 1,894,341 others
charles_leclerc The happiest of birthdays to the love of my life. Today, the world became an even better place because it gained someone so kind and loving - you. For one of your many gifts, I've picked out a few songs to better encapsulate the way I feel about you and just how thankful I am I got to live in the same life as you.
1. She Chose Me - Bruno Major
"Every night I thank the lucky stars above me, someone as beautiful as she could freely love me and she really loves me. From time to time I ask myself, why was it I and nobody else? The most beautiful girl that I'd ever seen and she chose me."
Eternally grateful I get to call you mine. Despite the highs and lows we have battled together, you chose me - how privileged am I?
tagged: yourusername
yourusername CHARLES????@?@ I LOVE YOU WHAT IS THIS
princecarlos I KNOW oh my god hes so fucking sweet 😭😭😭😭😭
lewishamilton No don't do this I think I'm going to cry (by the way, Happy Birthday, Y/N!)
yourusername you and me both, lew 😔 thank you! say hi to roscoe for me please
lilymhe happy birthdayyyy, my favorite girl 🎉 see you soon!
yourusername thank you, my lily :(( we will drop by soon!
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liked by maxverstappen, danielricciardo, pierregasly, and 1,234,110 others
charles_leclerc 2. Baby I'm Yours - Arctic Monkeys
"Baby, I'm yours and I'll be yours until the sun no longer shines, yours until the poets run out of rhyme. In other words, until the end of time."
Okay this one I admit I just liked the melody but hey, the lyrics are for sure accurate, yes? I remember when we sang this at 3AM because we both couldn't sleep. But it couldn't be more right - I'm yours and I always will be, for as long as you'd have me.
tagged: yourusername
c16c55 oh my god i cannot do this today will i ever find love like this
leclercsainz Gonna go sleep on a highway
pascale_leclerc Happiest Birthday, my dear Y/N! Come over soon when you can ❤️
yourusername we will! i miss you all 🤍
yourusername there's no one else id rather sing karaoke with at 3am 🤍 je táime, amour! also, are you kidding? im keeping you forever 🧘‍♀️
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liked by pierregasly, arthurleclerc, isahernaez, and 1,459,340 others
charles_leclerc 3. Beyond by Leon Bridges
"I'm scared to death that she might be it, that the love is real, that the shoe might fit. She might just be my everything and beyond, space and time in the afterlife,"
You are everything to me, chérie. When I first realized that I loved you, it shook me to my core. I was terrified of how greatly I felt for you; but here you are, the greatest thing that ever happened to me. You were the leap of faith I will always be thankful for and the only sure thing amongst all uncertainties. Have the happiest of birthdays ❤️
tagged: yourusername
yourusername i am out of words, i love you so so so much, my favorite person 🤍
charles16clerc YEAH WTF charles im gonna need you to pay for my therapy
carlossainz55 Never knew you were such a romantic, mate 😆 happy birthday, Y/N! Isa misses you!
charles_leclerc Only for her actually
yourusername thanks, carlos! tell her to come visit me soon <333
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tagging: @slytherheign <333 mwah
notes: this is my first time trying out putting tweets! how was it so far? hehe lmk ur thoughts!
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terras-domain · 2 months
Hey man good day 👍🏻
I read you take requests? I have something in mind since I read that Karina × Chaehyun lesbian fic I thought of requesting a lesbian smut but this time it's StayC's J & Isa where J is purely obsessed with Isa and she will be the dom one. Besides, we rarely see StayC smuts and them two are just perfect. ❤️
Anywayz that was it. Thanks very much 👌
Pushing Limits
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Lee Chaeyoung (Isa) x Jang Yeeun (J) - Stayc
Tags: Teasing, Lesbian sex, tribbing (scissoring idk what you guys call it), invasion of privacy
words: 3309
terra's note: helloo @unspoken-rage04 I know this took you quite a while. It's been like what, two weeks? I started this around Saturday March the 27th so yeah it is taking me quite some time. I hope you (and other people who's reading this enjoys. Love you all <33
"Unnie! What kind of question are you even asking?" J's oval face blushed, turning blush red as the game of truth or dare between the girls got heated up. It was mostly pure silliness and everything you would expect from the Stayc girls to do, but Sumin's question of truth was too hard to answer, especially with the whole group around the living room of the dorm. "What? It wasn't all that serious. It's just a simple question of who's your crush?" Well, it was kind of a lie. Sumin oversimplified J's truth question that she gave. She asked if she was given a chance to have sex with one idol, who would it be?
"Well why not? It's not like we're strangers. Felix from Straykids is known for being so kinky, there's guys like Joshua from Seventeen who's more softer and gentle. All rumours of course hahaha!" Yoon giggled, looking at her blushing maknae, who's now the spotlight of their little game. Her cute flustered expressions just radiates a wide smile in the room, enjoying the adorable sight of Stayc's babygirl. "Well it's not that I don't want to say it-" J flicks her hair back, the brunette trying to recover her cool by scrunching her lips to the side. "-I just so happen to not have anybody in mind yet. I'm not horny like you perverts" J pointed her nose to the ceiling, acting cocky and trying to cover up her messy and heart racing self, trying her best to run away from the question. "Oh, you sure J? Not even women? Not even your cute little unnie~?" Isa, the woman sitting next to her in the imaginary circle they made by sitting next to each other finally let out some words. She loved watching her little maknae looking so helpless and shy, it's so adorable.
Isa's face now inches closes to J, only a pinky finger away from each other. The girls laugh it off, having their little entertainment fulfilled by their maknae's reaction, filled with heat and oxytocin radiating through her face, showing how she's a bit turned on by Isa's little tease. "Unnie....are you drunk again?" J asked, her unnie does smell of booze. Must be related to the dozen of cans stashed in the dumpster just now, must be Isa's doing since she drinks a lot. "I'm not drunk~ *hic* this is totally me normally" despite being drunk, Isa's words weren't wrong. No matter what state she's in, she always finds away to flirt and tease the members, J being her prime target. Something about J just made her want to tease the cutie brunette everyday, whether it is by treating her like a baby and feed her food out in the open, or something like this; having her face as close to each other as possible. It works of course, evident by J's heart pounding hard, trying to control her emotions and not immediately just pounce on her unnie. After all, Isa has always been the one teasing her. Of course at some point J will slowly develop feelings for her cutesy unnie. How she occasionally teases her everyday, her friendly and teasy nature, and her curvy body to top it all off just drives J crazy.
"Ummm- I really don't have an answer for this guys.." J flusters, hiding her face behind the palm of her hands, cupping her flushed red face from her unnies. Her unnies, looking at their shy maknae, reacted with a teasing giggle. Although it answering the truth question is part of the game, they didn't wanna bully their maknae any further. "Okay okay okay let's just get to bed girls. We're all looking pretty dead tired." Sumin gives a beaming smile, ending their little game to calm down J. Her eyes shift to Isa, who chugged one too many beers that makes her look dead drunk at the living room. "You go to sleep Isa. You're getting too drunk haha." The leader looked at the intoxicated kitty, barely awake and thinking straight with the amount of alcohol in her body. "Whaaat? *hic* I'm completely fine!" She argued, but her breath reeks of booze. Sumin could only shake her head with a smirk on her face, and shifting her attention to J. "Can you help guide Isa to to her room J?" she asked, asking the maknae for a favour. Their rooms are next to each other so it was pretty convenient for J to carry Isa to her room.
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J tried to refuse, pushing the responsibility of taking care of her kitty unnie to someone else but Sumin didn't budge, this is her job now. With Isa's right arm around her shoulder, guiding Isa to her room. The intoxicated Isa was getting in heat, trying to get the maknae's reaction, her cherry red lips puckered up to kiss J's cheeks. "Unnie....you're so drunk" J grunted, trying to avoid to fall deeper in the rabbit hole, being indulged in Isa's teasing would just make her emotions run wild. Isa kept pulling the maknae's face, eventually her lips do reach J's smooth cheeks. "U-unnie! You really are drunk!" J exclaimed, her red as tomato face looks straight into Isa's eyes, her face looking half awake and seconds away from passing out. As soon they reached the teasy kitty's room, J helped Isa to lay down, resting on her bed. "Are you not gonna join me in bed, J-baby?" Isa asked, her adorable face pouting into J's soul, making her heart skips two beats. How is it possible for her to resist such a beauty that Isa is gifted with? J tried to shook off her thoughts of being in bed with her, turning away from her teasy unnie, running away from her teases. In an act of last resort, Isa grabbed her dongsaeng, causing J to turn back to Isa as Isa planted her lipson J's. The sudden kiss made J almost melt in Isa's arm, replying the kiss as they took a good 10 seconds enjoying each other's lips, making out before J pulled away, her shyness took over her mind and avoided the situation to get any more heated. "I'm sorry unnie, I can't-" the conflicted J could do nothing but run away, storming to her room as she leaves the half aware Chaeyoung in her room who right after getting rejected fell into her bed, passing out from the aftereffect of alcohol in her body.
It was a restless night for J, for the better or worse. Her mind was filled with thoughts of her unnie. Even as she rests asleep in her room, Isa still roams rent free in her mind, popping in her dream. Her curves, her teasy words, her body boldly inching closer to her. Despite being a figment of her imaginations, J's dream felt surreal. The heat from Isa felt like the same heat it radiates every time the two are close to each other. Her words were the same cheesy lines Isa throws to her, seducing the toyish maknae. As soon she woke up, J felt a little heavy, as if her mind had something to tell her, something to deal with. As she was massaging her scalp, looking to ease the pain from last night's roller coaster of emotions, she noticed a notification coming from her text messages. She wasn't in a rush to reply just yet, as her mind is still fixated on one thing. "I should go and apologised to Isa." She monologued, finally reaching her senses. She got up and got herself presentable, despite still in her pajamas, and head towards her neighbouring room, Isa's. "Unnie, are you in there?" J's voiced came followed with a few knocks on her door. No answer.
Curiosity filled the maknae's mind, so she opened the door to check on her senior. She was very drunk last night so she might be still asleep. But to her surprise, she was greeted with a room with no one inside. What was left was the clothes Isa wore last night left on the bed. Puzzled, she resorted in checking her phone to find some clues. And that's when the text message gave her answers.
"@ j (baby yeeun) we're out shopping for a while today. we wanted to bring you along but you were asleep. soz >.<" a text message came from Sumin, which made nod her head, grasping the situation a bit more.
So it turns out she was alone in the dorm, and it's only her at the moment. J looked around, the room flashing the incident of last night, but this time her feelings for Isa were too strong to make her too shy to run away again. She sat down and sat on Isa's bed, her eyes roaming around the nicely yet plain looking room before her eyes stared at the garments stashed on the bed. She was only catching a few glances, but her pupils were fixated on one thing for some reason, Isa's panties. She knows she wants to, and knows damn well she shouldn't. "I can't, but-" J's mind was all over the place. Her heart beating as if she ran a marathon, her mind contemplating the consequences of her actions that she may or may not do in the next seconds. Lust overcame logic, and so did J's heart overcoming her brain, her hand now grasp Isa's used panty, now in her possession. She was hesitant, but the more she overthinked it, the more she wants it. J lifted the underwear near her face, closing in the cloth towards her nose to take a sniff. "Oh gosh, fuck." J groaned, her mind knows this is wrong, especially in Isa's room, but at this point she can't turn back. All that teasing, all the built up emotion, all those sinful lust inside her, it has to be let out. J continued her pursuit on Isa's unintended panty, taking a deeper sniff while her fingers reach lower down her body and underneath her pants. Her fingers reaching her own cunt, touching it as her index finger ran fingers around her clitoris, fully submerged in her own lust for her unnie, until she was completely oblivious of the audience in front of her. "Well, well, well. Enjoying yourself J?" A giggled followed the question, a soft and familiar voice for J that made her body jolt from the shock.
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" Wait unnie- I, I can explain!" she definitely can't. Her mind races for an excuse, but before she can come up with a witty answer, Isa is already on top of her, pinning the panicking J to the soft mattress. "I-I thought you were out with the others." J finally had a her mouth speak a sensible sentence, which only replied with a sweet grin from Isa's face. "I didn't I was up when they were leaving so they didn't have to text me to let me know. I was just down stairs eating breakfast~" Isa explained, but her arms firmly grab hold onto J's wrists, forebiddening her from moving an inch. "And you seem to be having a lot of fun here, aren't you J-baby?" she snickered, her lips letting out a small laugh as J looked up, helpless. Her little sin caught red handed, and seems like Isa is here to punish her. "Don't worry cutie, I won't hurt you. We both know we wanted this, right?" Isa led the way this time, her words can only be responded by J's nodding head. Her mouth is sealed tight, unable to form a single word to reply. It wasn't really necessary for J to speak anyways since short after Isa got her face close to J again, giving her a deep kiss. This time J didn't run away, instead embracing her unnies soft lips on hers, taking each other while Isa rested her weight on top of J.
"nghh...unnie~" J's lips slipped out words, causing Isa to stop her barrages of kisses on her maknae's lips. She didn't say a word, instead her eyes stare deep into J's letting her know she can speak. "I'm sorry, for yesterday." It was all her mind could think of. It was her initial plan to come and apologize anyways so she got what she needed to do crossed. "Hehehe oh Yeeun~ it's okay. I loved teasing you anyways." The older Stayc member giggled before her lips got back on her maknae, she doesn't want to waste this chance. She wants all of her. "Although if you wanna apologize you gotta do it properly~" she grinned, adjusting herself so that her thick body is kneeling directly above J's gorgeous face. "I saw you enjoying my panties Yeeun~ why not have a taste at here?" She looked down, noticing J being a bit hesitant about it. Isa didn't want to force her any further, instead she just let her do her thing, she knows J wants it as much as she does. J, still staring at Isa's bare pussy after she slid her panties to the side, is still dumbfounded. Her heart debating with itself if she wants to or not, but she knows the answer deep down already. It was always gonna be a the same answer. Every, damn, time. The urges took over her, her tongue sticking out as she starts to lick up Isa's tight cunt, making Isa let out a satisfactory moan, feeling her maknae lick it slowly but passionately. Her hand moves towards her own two chests, groping them gently while J continues to give her unnie pleasure. Her tongue moving up and down, licking by the entrance of her pussy making Isa groan in pleasure, relieved to finally get her hands on her lovable maknae. "Oh fuuck yes baby, you're better than I thought you were~" Isa grunted, her hands holding on to the bedframe now as she grinded on J's ecstatic face, enjoying the pleasure of finally being free to do what she wants to, to finally be able to let out her lust for Isa.
With Isa taking the lead now, her hips grinding on the younger member's face, J got the freedom to plant her hands on her pussy. Sliding down her pants and panties off, she managed to let her tight cunt out for her to touch, rubbing the entrance of her private temple feel the fresh air in Isa's room. Rubbing it gently while her mouth pleasures Isa's, J was occupied. Her body is drugged in sex, loving it and needing even more. She wants Isa, she wants her unnie. With Isa keeping her hips moving front and back, her face is nothing more of a seat for J, letting her tongue be the point of pleasure to Isa's cravings. "Nghhhh- you're amazing Yeeun baby~" Isa grinned as she stops, letting J take her much needed breath. She helped her to sit up, taking a quick break while Isa helps her calm down and fixing her maknae's messy hair, probably from the amount of riding Isa did to her face. "Unnie...." J breathed out her call, getting herself a bit more clingy, the opposite of her usual reaction towards Isa's teasing. "I want more" J continued, her face reflecting a cute pout, almost as if she's begging for Isa to do more to her.
"Oh my little J baby~ Finally being honest huh?" She giggled, her lips planting kisses on both sides of J's cheeks, slowly kissing her before her hand rubs on J's pussy. "I'll give you lots of love baby~" She giggled before she spreads her fellow member's legs wide, showing off J's wet pussy. Loving the sight she smiles at J as they both go in for another kiss, making out deeply once more, this time with both of them being naked in Isa's bed. Isa leans her body closer, her cunt now touching J's as they start to rub their private parts together. J was sensitive, she arched her body away from Isa, shocked by the new sensation that Isa gave her from their clitorises touching each other. "It's okay Yeeun~ it'll feel good, trust me" Isa whispered into her ears after pulling out from their kiss, reassuring the anxiety maknae. The truth or dare game was already clear evidence of her virginity, and the fact Isa was her first, she has to go slow but also strong enough to please her. Her hips hump back and forth slowly, riding on J's lower half, making the maknae moan loudly from the ecstasy of pleasure Isa is giving her. "Nghhhh aaaah unnie...it feels so good" J voiced out her moans, lifting on of her legs up, making it easier for Isa to move. "Mmmmh oh yeah? I love it too baby. My little baby J feels so good." Isa replied, her body increasing the pace of her grinding, feeling the folds of their pussies clashing together as they scissor, grinding on each other. J made sue to move too, she doesn't want her unnie to do all the work. Their bodies now getting tensed up, edging towards their climax. Their hips couldn't stop moving, clashing their pussies together while Isa's bedroom turns into that of a moaning mess. "Aaaah~ fuck yeah J move your body just like that. Such a quick learner you are huh?" Isa made a quick remark on J's quick adaptability to Isa's pace, enjoying both of their bodies together as they hugged, making sure the other doesn't move away.
"unnie....I can't hold it much longer~" J whined, the tension on her lower end is piling up, she couldn't wait no further. She wants this. She wants to cum for her adorable unnie. "You wanna cum baby? You wanna cum with your unnie~?" Isa's voice starts to get breathy, her hands clenching into fists as she held her dongsaeng tight, her pussy almost at her limit. "Unnie... I-I can't hold it anymore-!" Their tension got louder, their moans escalate higher and higher as the movement from their hips progressively got faster too. "Mmmh~ cum with me Yeeun, cum with me baby." The two Stayc girls moaned out loud, finally giving in as they held each other, J digging her nails slightly into Isa's skin as she lets out her streams of cum, squirting together with her unnie as they both cum and yelp from the pleasure.
It all felt like a blank space after. Both Isa and J were left quiet. Laying down in bed, staring into each other, reality kicking into their minds for what just happened. "Hehe, how was it baby? It was pretty fun huh?" Isa squeezed closer towards her panting maknae, trying to gain her breathe, and also process the whole thing. Seeing her senior smiling again, a sincere angelic smile she always puts on, brings sparkles in J's heart. She was joyful. It was a crazy ride, and she was doing it fully scared of what might happen. J reached her arm to cuddle in with Isa, smiling with her as they both grinned and laughed at each other, both of them surprised to see the outcome of all of Isa's teasing actually lead to them having sex. "I love you unnie" J, now confident and thinks less of her decision, tightly wrap her unnie around her arms, hugging tight after planting a kiss on her unnie's lips. "Aww~ I love you too my little J-baby" Isa replied, resting with her, both cuddling up closely and resting with each other's heat present.
"The others won't get mad over this, right unnie?"
"Naaaah don't worry J, they probably knew we'd fuck sooner or later hehe~" Isa's words turn back to teasing mode, making J reset her mind to the usual shy and easily flustered self from the flirtatious Isa. "UNNIE!"
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amywritesthings · 11 months
silver underground. / chapter 15.
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( Read on AO3 )
Pairing: levi ackerman x f!reader (attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin)
Word Count: 4.6K
Summary: flashback five - also known as the start of the heist that may grant you a chance at living in the sun
Warnings: verbal arguments, miscommunications, self harm language, mentions of injury, death, and illness
Previous Chapter. / Next Chapter. | Masterlist.
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note: the next couple of chapters will be heavily influenced by the ova 'no regrets'. they are my interpretations of the material. please watch those episode first, otherwise you will get spoiled on elements revolving around levi's backstory.
“This is suicide.”
Furlan winces at your strong reaction. Isabel pales.
They’re both sitting on the edges of the love seat couch, equal parts surprised yet expectant of your reluctance.
Of course they had Levi break the news first.
Neither of them wanted the blow back of your rage at the mere entertainment of such a problem.
Levi, however, can take your anger and neatly fold it with the rest of the clothes you’ve shared since you were kids. He knows how to dismantle your rage in ways the other two have never quite mastered.
At the kitchenette table, the raven-haired man doesn’t move from his chair. Leisurely his arm drapes along its back, legs crossed in front of him. You wait a full table-length away from him, hunched with your hands pressed into the wooden surface separating you.
A stand off.
The other two watch like hawks, awaiting a response from Levi that never arrives. You feel the worry rolling off of Furlan and Isabel in waves, a concern they can’t quite voice, but all you can do is stare at him.  
Dead eyes, unwilling to express anger or excitement, meet you.
Right now, you hate him.
You hate Levi’s neutrality.
You hate this godforsaken city. 
Most importantly, you hate how easy a few pretty words can upend your entire operation.
After a long stretch of silence Isabel clears her throat, fidgeting with her fingers. “We would be careful, sis. We’re always so careful. The old man said—”
“I know what he told you, Isa,” you snap, and Isabel whimpers with uncertainty. “I think I heard it loud and clear — unless there’s a part of the proposal I missed. Levi?”
His eyes flinch to a narrowed state.
You’re angry.
You’re angry because a devil made an offer.
Not just any devil — a devil from the surface, one that lives within the walls and takes the sunlight for granted. A demon willing to dangle the one thing everyone in the Underground City district desires most on a flimsy little stick: 
More specifically, documentation that’s as precious as rare rubies. Papers that bypass the thugs bleeding funds dry at the top of the stairs. A ticket to a better life, one where a person like you can walk among the living rather than fight with the dead for scraps.
The offer sounds too good to be true.
It sounds too good to be true because it is.
(We were offered a job by someone from the surface, someone with the reputable means to back up his payment, and we accepted the terms and conditions in exchange for money and a one-way ticket to the surface.)
Ever since you were seventeen, finding a way for the four of you to live on the surface is all Furlan has wanted. Now you're twenty-one with an opportunity for a way out. You cannot take an entire gang there — the transport of underlings cannot work like that, the logistics are not feasible, but this?
For the people he’s grown up with, laughed with, cried with?
(His family — Furlan has said the doomed word more than once to your face, to Isabel’s, to Levi’s. None of you have ever corrected him.)
What was once a fruitless idea has been fertilized and harvested, corrupted by grubby hands who can make a pipe dream happen.
It’s poisonous to a dreamer like him — like Isabel, who has never lost her knack for dreaming no matter how dire things get, so you focus your efforts on the only other person in this apartment who may see the reality for what it is.
A lost cause.
(A trap.)
“Doesn’t it seem wildly convenient,” you begin with a bite, “that some rich asshole found the three of you wandering the streets with little to no trouble? We’re supposed to have eyes everywhere. We’re virtually untouchable, even on the main roads.”
“The Military Police have been after us for years, James,” Furlan argues, but his words falter closer to a plea. “Pretty sure everyone down here knows our names. And it’s not like the Military Police have no idea where we live, so it stands to reason this guy—”
“That isn’t the point, Furlan,” you tell him. “You’re talking about the MPs. This guy is not an MP. He’s an outsider.”
Furlan’s frown deepens. “So?”
“So?" you repeat. "So you don’t think it’s suspicious, at all, that this shithead is offering us a job—” The humorless laugh bubbling on your lips stops your train of thought. “Actually, calling this a job is an insult to what we’ve built.”
“Blackmail, Furlan. It’s fucking blackmail.” You pause, allowing the word to permeate through the room. “He is blackmailing us with the promise of money and the one thing everyone down here wants.”
A right to the surface.
A chance to live a life in the sun.
“Because we’re the only ones who can pull off a heist like this!”
Isabel urges with a naivety you typically adore. Right now? You loathe it. 
“How many other people, what other gangs, have what we have? The numbers. The ODM stuff. The old man believes in us.”
On instinct, you sneer.
Belief, like it’s stronger than money.
Instead of taking your anger out on her — she doesn’t deserve it, not when you know her bleeding heart would pour itself dry without hesitation for a chance to bring this found family to surface safely — you snap your attention back to the quiet, contemplative man across from you.
He’s too calm about this; Levi trusts people from the surface as far as he can throw them.
Granted, it’s probably further than the distance you can toss, but still — it isn't far.
So you ask.
Levi's eyes narrow further, thinning to a sliver.
You lean in closer, gritting your teeth. Your necklace dangles off of your neck like a noose.
“Why are you okay with this?”
Curving your steps around the table, you walk towards him. Levi stays seated, eyes stalking your movements with practiced memorization.
“Why aren’t you telling them this is a terrible idea?”
Furlan holds out a noncommittal hand to stop you. “James—”
“Because we don’t have a choice,” Levi interrupts, finally standing from his chair. He doesn’t sound angry, but you know Levi sometimes better than you know yourself. Something is there, just under the layer of nonchalance. “It’s complicated.”
A storm flickers in his eyes when they meet yours.
“There’s nothing complicated about it,” you tell him, your words rushed under your breath. “We make the rules. From the very beginning until now, we make the rules. We don’t let surface scum tell us how to live our lives. We always have a choice.”
His chin tilts to the left. “Not this time.”
“We just don’t.”
“We do, Levi.”
“No, James, we don’t.”
He firmly emphasizes each syllable. 
Then, finally, he places the caveat on the table: 
“They have Yan.”
The warmth in your body pools at your feet, like the blood has seeped through the soles of your shoes and into the wooden blanks beneath.
It’s no secret that Yan, one of the long-time underlings of the gang, hasn’t been doing well.
Over the last few months, his legs have gone from bad to catastrophically worse. He’s barely managed on jobs, causing him to fall behind on earnings.
From the corner of your eye, you see it: Furlan’s head tilts back, eyes closed. He deflates, shoulders first, until his whole body shrinks.
It reeks of guilt.
(Why the hell would Furlan be guilty?)
Isabel is the opposite; her body tenses as her wild ginger hair flings side-to-side to look at Furlan, then Levi, then back to Furlan, waiting for an explanation.
Then you realize: she isn’t waiting for anything, not like you.
Because Isabel already knows that Yan’s being held hostage; she’s just waiting to see who will say it first — or if she’ll be forced to be the one to bring you into the loop.
Suddenly the world feels smaller, like you’re back in that little makeshift ring by an abandoned street stop.
Alone and fending for yourself.
“The hell do you mean, they have Yan?” You hate how shaken your voice sounds.
“Saw it with my own two eyes,” Levi tells you in a monotone manner. “There wasn’t anything we could do. So, no, we don’t have a choice — unless we want him to die.”
“Which means you all saw it.”
The words of doubt tumble from your tongue. Levi’s eyes tick in a squint to decipher what you mean, but you create physical space with a step backwards.
“All of you knew this wasn’t just about the money from some rich fuck, but you didn’t tell me the second you came back. Why didn’t—”
“I didn’t tell you right away because Furlan has been skimming money for Yan under the table,” Levi blurts, effectively stopping you from crawling into yourself. 
The ball of yarn halts in its unravel. An uncomfortable silence fogs the room.
But that isn’t your voice.
Isabel speaks now with the same confusion in your gut. Her fiery hair whips to Furlan for an explanation.
Furlan doesn’t move a muscle.
You blink back into your body, and soon you find Levi standing right in front of you. He urges you with just a look, a nonverbal reassurance:
You’re not alone.
(You aren’t fighting three against one again.)
“It’s no secret that his legs went to shit,” Levi explains, level yet earnest. “First it was his ankle. Then it was his knee. Then it became both knees. Whatever disease he has, it’s spreading and it’s spreading fast. All of us have seen it coming: he can barely keep up with his team. No jobs means no earnings. Those are our rules. Furlan chose to skim off the top to help with treatments.”
Levi tenses under your widening stare. 
“I knew," he finishes. "Furlan didn’t know I knew, but I did. Not Isabel, not anyone else — just me.”
Blame me, he’s telling you without saying so. Don’t punish everyone else for this.
(Levi Ackerman, always ready to shoulder your burdens without hesitation.)
Only one question numbly exits your lips: “For how long?” 
Levi studies your eyes.
“Since the Nightshade job.”
Piece by piece, the gravity of your situation comes together.
You can feel it weighing down your shoulders when your attention flickers to Furlan.
Furlan trembles as he continues to stare at the ceiling. His complexion is tinged with a mortified, red-handed glaze.
The corner of your lips pull to a sympathetic frown. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“It wasn’t anyone else’s business but Yan’s and Furlan’s,” Levi answers for the other man.
“But we could have helped,” you protest, turning your attention back to Levi. "Me, Isabel, all four of us — we could have helped."
“It’s a gang, James, not a church,” Levi bitterly argues. “If we help one person’s problems, then everyone looks for handouts. That isn’t how we operate.”
A hefty glare settles on your brow. “And now these people have Yan, who — by all intents and purposes — we could leave to die. Right?”
A squeak bubbles in Isabel's throat.
Levi tilts his chin with a knowing sharpness.
“Sure, if we want those bastards to torture him for information about us.”
There: the spark, the swift kick in your ass, to ignite the fire in your belly once again.
You’re mad, you’re furious — but not at any of them.
“So I was right,” you chide, chin dropping to your chest. “This is just blackmail—”
“His legs are shit out of luck if he doesn’t receive treatment at a surface clinic.”
A fingertip lifts the tip of your chin back up.
It’s enough of a shock to your system to get you to listen — Levi rarely, if ever, shows blatant affection in front of the other two, yet here he is: blurring the lines for the sake of keeping your focus.
“Bottom line is that I want to work with these pieces of shit just as much as you do, but without the proper medical treatment, Yan’s as good as dead," Levi explains. "Even if we left him to fend for himself, it could still destroy not only our reputation, but he could give them access to everything we have. Bringing Yan back is the best option for business. Furlan, Isabel, and I will do the job—”
Furlan, Isabel, and I?
“—get him what he needs, bring him home—”
“Wait, what do you mean by—”
“—and we’ll figure it out from there.”
“—just the three of you?” you finally finish, voice smaller with each word. “But what about…”
“The bastard didn’t intercept you,” Levi says, and you push his hand from your chin.
“We need someone to take care of everyone else,” Isabel chimes in softly, shrugging a noncommittal shoulder.
You blink towards the younger girl with her shining eyes, seeking your approval; a cease fire to an awkward evening.
“If it’s a trap created by MPs, then at least we know our gang can get away if they come knocking on our door, right?” she adds. “James is fast. She’s a fighter. She can take them on, no problem.”
“No, Isabel,” you start, “what you need is a B-Team.”
“Hate to say it, but Isabel is right.” Furlan finally speaks, exhaling in a short huff. “He didn’t see your face or ask for you by name, so you’re kind of off the hook.”
In a shocking turn of events, Levi agrees in a matter-of-fact finality. “The less people involved, the better.”
That overwhelming sense of dread rears its ugly head once again, creeping up the veins of your neck.
“Don’t be stupid. Every job needs a B-Team,” you argue right back. “The three of you cannot just go on this job without eyes on—”
“Maybe not this one,” Levi shuts down your offer with little remorse. “This shit’s already two people too many.”
Your eyes grow, appalled.
“You’re serious?”
He doesn’t budge.
“I’m sorry, but are you fucking insane? What the hell happens, then, if any of you get caught?”
“James,” Furlan begins, holding both palms up. Your hair falls into your line of deadly sight when your attention whips to the lanky man with shaggy, ash-blonde hair. “We were doing this way before you came into the picture, okay? Levi and me, I mean."
You scowl. “You two were beating people up for money in fucking alleyways before me, not taking sacrificial bribes from surface pigs.”
Furlan frowns deeply, and you decide you hate him just as much as you hate Levi right now — because Furlan responds quietly and full of respect. Adoration.
“We’ll come home. We’ll make it to the surface, together. Please, you have to trust us.”
Your nostrils flare and the fire in your belly quells as you lock eyes with your friend.
“It isn’t you I don’t trust.”
You trust the people in this little apartment more than anyone in the Underground City.
You would go to war with them, die for them, if it meant they could be happy.
Surely by now, after all these years, the three of them knew implicitly where you stood.
The problem, however, no longer lies below: it’s the people above you in more ways than one.
(What lies on the surface is the enemy.)
One false move and the four of you stand a chance to lose everything —
Including each other.
Sickened by the absolutes you face, your hands push off the table.
"Fuck this. If you want to kill yourselves, then be my guest. Throw it all away. We’re not making it to the surface.”
Isabel stands from the couch as you turn on a heel, spinning towards the front door. “Wait!”
“I’m not sticking around to watch you die, Isa,” you bite at the young girl. She flinches from your venom. “Same goes for you, Church, and Ackerman.”
You don’t wait any longer.
Can’t; you feel sick to your stomach and don’t want to make a mess of the apartment.
Without another word, you step past the threshold of the apartment and into the damp outdoor air. Your boots shuffle down the narrow staircase, quick and panicked.
Isabel calls out your name — your first name, a cheap trick that usually gets you to listen.
You don’t.
Passing the corner is as far as you get when you hear a second set of shoes following in tandem, hitting solid ground and turning a similar edge.
Let them.
You’re too upset to confront, to ward them off, especially when you have a pretty good feeling as to who may have run after you.
You continue your trek, head bowed to avoid the watchful eye of your gang runts guarding the apartment premises. Through a main street and into an alleyway you’ve grown so familiar with.
Twenty-one; it only took a few years to finally get here, where the dream dries to a mirage.
A warm hand grabs your bicep, anchoring you in place. “Hey.”
You stop.
You don’t fight.
“Hey,” you greet in return without turning, allowing your arm to float in the finite space between bodies.
“Want me to let you go so you can continue your dramatic nature walk?”
Lessening his grip for emphasis, Levi waits.
(I won't keep you prisoner.)
The baritone of his voice, neutral with an edge of care, vibrates through your body like a soothing aloe. 
“Depends,” you answer, craning your chin to watch him over your shoulder. “Are you going to run after me?”
“Kind of already did.”
The anger evaporates from the crown of your head to your toes with each passing second. Eventually you drop the heel of your boot to the ground, lessening the strain on your raised arm.
Then the tension between his brows dissolves, too, when it’s only the two of you here.
“Talk to me.” The request is barely above a whisper. “Don’t shut me out.”
His choice of words — your words, thrown back at your face — almost steals your breath.
“You shut me out about Yan,” you argue childishly. “About Furlan.”
“Like I told you, it wasn’t any of our business.”
“And you’re shutting me out of the job.”
“I’m not trying to—”
“It’s our home, Levi.”
You blink away, embarrassed by your sentiment. His hand flexes to let go of your arm. It unceremoniously drops to your side.
“We’re supposed to be… We’re supposed to watch out for each other. All four of us. That’s what we do. We don’t leave each other behind.”
“I know,” he says, somber, as if to apologize in his own way.
“If this is your half-baked attempt to protect me…”
You trail off when something flickers in his eyes. His expression shifts, and your shoulders drop.
“I could be a part of the heist,” you surmise, “but you’re leaving me out on purpose.”
His jaw clenches. “If I could leave Isabel out, too, then I would. Same with Furlan.”
“So it—”
“You’re the only one.”
Levi pauses, fighting to find the right words.
“You were the only one who wasn’t forced into that carriage. Chances are we’ll be flanked on all sides by Military Police. If things go to shit, then I know you’ll be safe back here.”
“Who can really guarantee that I’ll be safe?” You shake your head. “Isabel said it herself: it could be a trap. They could be trying to attack the rest of the gang while the three of you aren’t here.”
“Yeah, and there’s no one I trust more to make sure we’re still in operation. No one.”
He speaks with such conviction that you almost believe him.
(It’s not about trust in protecting assets, but something more basic than that.)
“And if you get arrested, then you don’t want me there,” you finally say what he won’t, and Levi’s eyes dart to the left to avoid yours. “You want me to be the last person standing.”
“We won’t get arrested.” His wispy black hair jostles when he shakes his head. “We’re too fast on ODM gear. The MPs won’t stand a chance.”
Silence engulfs the space. Your brain continues to run the numbers, the logistics, of the proposed heist plan given by this mysterious buyer. 
Every scenario, every issue, every failsafe — you can’t shake the foreboding chill in your blood.
“And who’s to say they haven’t already killed Yan?” you decide to ask, running through your list of concerns.
“Yan contacted Furlan two hours ago,” he answers. “He’s already at a first-rate clinic.”
“What if it’s bullshit? A set up, where they’re pretending to be Yan?”
“Do you think I’d fall for a fake report?” Levi scowls, insulted.
“No, but Furlan would.”
“I checked, twice.”
Which means it’s true.
Your doubt never creeps up to Levi, not once. 
Dejected in what little choice remains on the table, your attention subconsciously lands on his parted lips.
“...how do we receive the surface papers?”
“He already paid half of what he’s promised. I checked: it’s not bullshit. The money’s real,” Levi explains slowly. “Furlan, Isabel, and I will take the ODM gear and finish the job. Then we’ll get Yan back safely, give the money to the gang, and take you with us.”
“So I just… sit around like an old maid and hope everyone makes it back in one piece? Then we all get to hold hands, walk up the staircase, and strut straight through Wall Sina like we belong there?” You sigh heavily. “It sounds too good to be real.”
“I know,” he murmurs. “But Isabel’s right: we have to make sure our people don’t get stuck in the crossfires with the MPs.”
“Then agree to a B-Team.”
You slide a boot forward, lifting your attention to his eyes. His attention, however, slides opposite of yours — further south, staring at your lips as you propose.
“Let me lead a small group of us to watch your back.”
“Levi,” you murmur his name, “look at me.” Surprisingly, he obeys. “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’m going to butt out of the one job that might change our lives. You protect me, sure, but I protect you, too. We’ll maintain our distance and have units set up to guard the apartment, but I want to be on the streets making sure you’re clear.”
His brows knit together briefly. “...I need you to be safe.”
“I will.”
“Because if I’m out there thinking for one second that you’re not—”
Reaching for the collar of his shirt, you pull him in to press a chaste yet firm kiss to his lips.
He tenses, seemingly expecting a wild punch, but he melts on contact and wraps his arms around you with a fierceness only a dead man can possess.
Because that’s all anyone can be down here: dead lives, dead faces, waiting for the final nail in the coffin. The world doesn’t scare people like Levi.
(What he’s terrified of, however, is trapped against his chest. Two hearts wildly beating in tandem. Unspoken confessions. The light.)
You nip at his lower lip, causing a tiny, needy noise to exit his throat. His arms tighten, and his feet drag the two of you towards a nearby wall.
Out of view.
His tongue searches for yours and you relent, pressing your hips into his. He makes another short, broken noise, and bunches your shirt into his fist.
Running your fingers through his hair, you drag your nails against his scalp and try to convey your urgency: please don’t leave me behind, please don’t get caught, please don’t disappear.
After a minute he rips his lips away, face tinged with a pink, bashful hue. 
You open your eyes, drunk on the sight of his blush.
“...dirty trick,” he huffs without an ounce of anger in his voice.
“I got a couple of those up my sleeve,” you murmur in jest, smiling despite yourself.
He exhales again, sounding close to a laugh, and drops his forehead to yours. You press back, closing your eyes and allowing the moment to pass.
(How much time do either of you have left?)
“Take a B-Team to the streets,” he finally relents. “Monitor our movements. Follow any MPs that might turn their attention to our employees. The client stated our target objectives will be making contact regardless of our consent, so as far as I’m concerned, the job’s already started.”
“I’ll keep our people safe, I promise.”
“I know you will,” he reassures, taking a rare moment of affection to lift his chin. His lips kiss the tip of your nose, warming your once frozen insides. “I trust you.”
You nod. “And when you finish the job, I’ll go where you go.”
He hums. “Is that right?”
“I made a promise, didn’t I?”
“Like a dumbass,” he jokes in that deadpan humor of his, and you can’t help but finally smile.
“But I’m your dumbass.”
“What an aspiration,” he groans, feigning annoyance. “My very own dumbass who’s gonna spend too much of her fucking time decorating our very dumbass house—”
“A house?”
Not just a house — our.
You abruptly pull your forehead from his to look him in the eye. Levi mentally backtracks, realizing his grave mistake from the way the whites of his eyes grow, but you press your hands into either side of his face to trap him in.
“Levi Ackerman, are you gonna get us a house?”
He sneers. “Where else are we going to fucking live?” 
“Are you kicking out Furlan and Isabel?” you ask, unable to stop the grin from growing on your face.
Levi, knowing damn well he’s been caught red handed, groans and drops his head back.
“With the amount of money we’re making from this heist, Furlan damn well better be able to afford his own house. I’m sick of cleaning up after his shit. Isabel can go with him.”
You bite your lower lip. “They could always be our neighbors.”
“Took the words right out of my mouth.”
The sarcasm bleeds right through, and you can’t help it: the giggle bursts from your throat, and Levi leans in to pepper gentle kisses against the base of your throat.
“Can I get a pet?” you ask, lifting your chin to the sky.
“A furball?” His teeth nip playfully at your skin. You jolt. “The little shit’s hair will get everywhere.”
“It’s your consolation prize for demoting me to B-Team.”
He tsk’s under his breath, allowing a beat to pass.
“Maybe one.”
“A cat?”
“Or two.”
“You’re pushing it.”
“I’m negotiating, Ackerman.”
“You can negotiate once we have a key, alright?”
You giggle in response, tugging his chin up to stare into his eyes. Levi settles against you, arms still looped around your waist, and sighs through his nose.
He admires the view, clearly taking the moment to memorize every inch of your face.
It feels too final.
“Come back to me, Levi,” you murmur, pouring all of your emotions into five small words.
At first he nods, small and earnest, before sealing your words with a gentle kiss.
“I won't go far from you."
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author's note: I'm glad we collectively giggled and screamed and kicked our feet in the last few chapters. It was a marvelous time. Now I'm out here ruining everything.
Thank you to all of your wonderful feedback, asks, reblogs, etc. I can't believe my draft doc is over 60K words! I want to say we're about halfway through the story I want to tell, if not further in. We're definitely halfway through the flashbacks, so I promise those who have been asking about the CH10 cliffhanger… just hang tight (like James - ha.)
Please note that there will not be an update on August 11, as I have a bachelorette weekend to attend for a friend, so I'm hoping to write through the week and maybe post the next update on August 18.
tag list: @lazylizzy3 @notgoodforlife @sad-darksoul @dailydoseof-love @maliakealoha @nube55 @kateastrophies @blinkingsuns @gomigami @voidszoro @tanyeonn @chishiyasan @im-just-a-simp-le-whore @vigilancio @nomi98 @urfavcelestialangel @milkersonmac
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nonhumanhottie · 4 months
The bad batch season 3 premier reactions
Ep 1 - confined
I fully forgot about this premier until I was eating lunch and it hit me oh I'm so intrigued
Palps being front and centre in the D+ poster delights me
Not them starting with tech's death lol
Why is it so fucking dark it's animation you have the ability to make it visible so easily
Omega baby I'm so sorry yeah it sucks to be a star wars main character huh
That's some sweeney todd coloured blood lmao
While palpatine cloning nonsense in ep ix is... a Choice, and this justification in other shows doesn't fix it, I just love palpatine shenanigans
Oh Omega has a pony tail... she's been there a while
'I wouldn't think twice about leaving you behind' he lied
The way this season starts with a child prisoner just going through it is brutal
Episode 2 - paths unknown
Isa is spreading her legs so wild on that throne what a power move
The boys!! Oh they look like fucking shit these poor bastards lol
Child clones out in the wild nooo poor babies
I love their little kiwi accents omg and they sound like actual teen boys this VA is great
Again with the bad lighting
Okay but why are space ships apparently so easy to steal in this galaxy?
Oh hey the writers remembered Hunter's abilities
Okay this plotline was a little predictable but the boys are charming at least
Episode 3 - shadow of tantiss
I hope this episode has something real juicy in it
I'm not really a fan of Crosshair's character so I kinda love seeing him miserable lmaoooo
Feels like Emerie doesn't have the best hygienic practices. A blood sample without cleaning the the skin???
Omg Nala Se telling Omega to leave oooohhh
PALPATINE!! SLAY!! What's this cheeky bastard up to?
Project necromancer???
I do love Crosshair's mean little voice
I live for how unphased Omega is about the Emperor
Oh Palpatine... God love him even his backup plans have backup plans
I do miss his slay outfits from when he was chancellor
Not Crosshair shading Tech like that
Omega murdered those troopers lmao
Does Omega have a high M-Count???
Oh bitch Omega is force sensitive
Overall a... fine premier lol
My favourite part was Palpatine but story beats were kinda predictable
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Am I yours? 18+
*Authors note~ smut smut smut and more smut. Anyone else such a slut for weems? Also I apologise to the requester but I lost the ask I’m sorry :(*
Trigger Warnings~ sub l dom r (as many of you asked for more sub l) g!p r (I don't make the rules) degrading kink praise kink spit kink overstimulation kink oral daddy kink
Prompt~ Hey . Can you do a fic where dom R has a crush on sub L and ended up in L's bed that night with L . The next day when R expects love, L harshly asks her to leave the room. After crying for days, R tries to move on and spend time with another girl not love just friendship). Jealous L realizes her love for R, pleads and begs R to stay with her.
Still angry R punishes(sex) L for the previous ignorance ended up cuddling each other.
You'd always been crushing on your boss since day one. It wasn't something you had the confidence to be so forward with your advances. You like to be in control in the bedroom but when it came to making the first move, rejection was always something you feared. It hinders your confidence. But one night at the Nevermore staff party, some alcohol (okay a lot of alcohol) and a little bit of peer pressure from coach Valad you found yourself living your fantasies out in reality. The best night you could have ever imagined and you were slightly mad at yourself for being intoxicated, but you'd never forget what occurred between you and her.
You were woken by a gasp and the bed sheets being torn from your body, your morning wood on full display. Truly, you couldn't do much but blink away the sleepy haze in shock. "Isa?" You mumbled only to be hit with a pillow and a shriek from the blonde, "Get out! Get out! Get out!" You couldn't help but feel hurt and feel shocked at such a reaction, not what you were expecting after letting her see the real you, being so vulnerable with her only to now be kicked out from her room after spending the night together.
That's how you quilt shoved your clothing on and fled the room to escape what you assumed would be a hurl of insults about how unnatural and disgusting you are. How you shouldn't have slept with your boss. Yes you could definitely do without the abuse. You fled to your room where you would take up residence for the next three days, only leaving once a day to squash the tales of you being injured or something like that. You weren't eating or showering and sleep, you were haunted with the memories of that night and how it would never happen again. A freak of nature is what she called you in a nightmare.
Valad was fed up of you hibernating, not understanding why you weren't glowing since you finally got to sleep with your crush. Larissa seemed to be unusually irritated and quick to anger these days. So of course he had to do something, that's how Marilyn found herself knocking on your bedroom door. "Hi, Valad sent me. He said you might need some friendly company" she murmured to you through the door, only for you to completely ignore her. Marilyn tried for a while but you were not having any of it so she left your room, only to be spotted by Larissa. And well she put two and two together and came up with eight.
Being called into your bosses office wasn't exactly ideal with your present situation. You'd not spoken to her for three days, the rejection still fresh and lingering in your mind. What on earth could she be wanting you for at this time of night anyway was all you could grumble on the way to her office. Once there you were met with a seething blonde. Her rage was obvious but what had caused it couldn't be further from a unsolved mystery.  "You and Marilyn can not be sneaking around to see each other in school hours" the tall principal practically growled at you, "it's already forbidden that two teachers date! Imagine the scandal. It's like your trying to rub it in. God why can't you just see what's right in front of you!"
"Me? Really Larissa. Is that what this is? Jealousy. You know damn well there's no rules on relationships between staff members and you can't control who wishes to check on me after you threw me away like some unwanted toy. Discarded after I have no use. So if it's me that can't see what's in front of me then you know I'm in love with you! Yet you choose to ignore it so if that's all" you raged the emotion overbearing as tears trailed down your flushed cheeks. But before you could even turn to leave Larissa was up in your personal space before crashing her lips to yours in a desperate attempt to convey her true feelings. "Stay. Please. I'll do whatever I need to prove to you how foolish and sorry I am."
That was how Larissa found herself devoid of clothing and tied up on her bed. You were not showing her any mercy tonight, still upset about the fact she kicked you out. You were merciless with how you were eating her out, tongue curling just right as you lapped at her leaking cunt. Edging her over and over to make her feel some of the emotion you have. Tears leaking from her eyes as she begged and pleaded you to let her cum, "please please no more please daddy need to cum."
"More? Hmm okay" you teased, untying her restraints and settling yourself between her legs. Your rock hard cock pulsating with need. "Such a fucking slut, kicking me out then begging for me to fuck you again. What a whore, the principal of Nevermore begging like a cheep slut" you purred stroking your thick shaft. "Pathetic really, look at your tight little hole clenching around thin air. Such a cock slut, now open your mouth" she demanded, loving how she instantly complied. You then lined your dick up with her pussy and slipped in, to distract her you spat in her mouth and demanded she swallow like a good girl. And of course like a good little submissive she did just that.
The tears continued flowing as you practically hammered your cock in and out of her quivering hole. Both of you being worked up to a high where Larissa was desperately begging you to let her fly over that edge this time. Promising to be good for daddy and to never hurt your feelings again. Truthfully you felt you'd punished her enough but of course you weren't going to tell her that, rather you just continued brutally fucking her until she went cock drunk for you, her orgasms washing over her in powerful tidal waves of immense pressure. You followed seconds after, I mean how could you not? Her cunt suffocating your dick like this was making it hard to hold on this long.
Of course you came painting her walls white and you worked the poor blonde back down slowly as she cried for no more, her red puffy lips sore and swollen from overstimulation. "You did so good for me Isa, so good baby" you murmured giving her a sweet kiss before running off to find items to clean her up alongside some water. Once that was all settled you began to dress which seemed to startle the fucked out blonde, "where ? Stay please. I'm sorry. Stay. I love you." The last three words nearly not audible but you caught them. They single handedly warmed your heart and encouraged you back to bed where you could sleep holding the woman you love. Only when morning came you were blessed with sleepy cuddles and kisses rather than being hit with pillows this time.
Word count ~ 1329
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number-0-iz · 9 days
Aww so happy for Pen and Colin and their son the new lord featherington.
Anthony taking a very pregnant Kate to India on a months long trip is ridiculous.
Me, after I finished season 3:
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bl00dst41ned · 10 months
Hey babe!! Can you pls do a fic or a headcanon about spending Valentine’s Day with Jobe?💗
*.·:·.✦ lovers' day ✦.·:·.*
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pairing: jobe bellingham x black oc (named her Liyah)
summary: in which it is February 14th and Jobe and his girlfriend, Liyah spend the day together
author’s note: since I loved the idea, Isa, I’ll give you a fic and a smau. took me so long to get the motivation to write it, I ain't proofreading it sorry
word count: 738
“Liyah hurry !” Jobe screamed for his girlfriend as he waited on her to go. He had booked to visit an aquarium and could not be late.
The girl finally came out ready to spend this special day with her boyfriend. Jobe paused for a second admiring the beautiful sight: his partner looking unbelievable in a brown dress, accentuating her brown complexion.
“Jobe” Liyah called making him get out of his daze. “Are we leaving ?”
“Ye-yeah, go ahead” He opened the door for her letting her in front before walking out and closing the door.
“Look at the turtles, Jobe” Liyah’s eyes popped out in excitement as she stared at the animals swimming in front of her.
Jobe glanced at her face, watching how impressed she was. He knew how much she loved the marine world so seeing her so happy by his choice made him even more happy for the day.
They continued the visit hands glued together, watching the fauna through the glass. Once they got out, Liyah turned around towards her boyfriend grabbing him in a passionate hug. He nicely responded, wrapping his arms around her neck and placing a few kisses on her forehead.
“Thank you for this surprise, babes”
“Anything for you, love” He grabbed her chin pulling her for a quick peck on the lips.
They then headed to the grocery store to buy snacks. They have decided to have a home picnic and movie night, changing to a usual restaurant date.
“Are you trying to end up in a sugar crush?” Jobe asked seeing his girl pick up other snacks despite all the items in their hands.
“Mind yours and pick this please” She pointed to the sweets pack at the top aisle that she could barely reach.
Jobe raised his hand picking the pack of the front.
“Wait take one from behind” Liyah stopped him in his movement making him make a face.
“For what?” He simply replied, never understanding why she always did that.
“You don’t see the TikToks they be licking and spitting in the food and putting it back”
“If that makes you happy” He let out a breathy laugh grabbing a pack further behind.
“It does, thank you chicken” She thanked him calling him a silly nickname she knew he hated.
Jobe stopped in his tracks looking at her with the straightest face he could give making her laugh. Liyah took his hand in hers and dragged him towards the checkout until he eventually gave in and walked by himself.
Liyah poured the crisps into a bowl bringing them to the coffee table. She had laid out all of the snacks on the table and re-heated the pizza they had bought on the way home.
Jobe had gone out for what he said was a last-minute buy. She heard the door open indicating he was back.
“Jobe, hurry the pizza is going to be co-” Liyah was approaching him before seeing what her boyfriend had bought.
“Aww babe” She dragged as he handed the big red roses bouquet. “Thank you so much”
“I have other gifts, though” He went into her room bringing a bag to the living room.
“Wait, me too” She brought them from a cabinet.
They exchanged what they had bought for each other, excited to see the reaction of the other. Once the pair was done, they went to sit on the couch getting their night started.
“Babe?” She acknowledged him. He turned his head her way, locking eyes with her and letting her know she had his full attention.
“Just wanted to thank you for this day” She looked down at her fingers, quite shy in front of him. “we may not have done much but it made me realise how happy you make me, even doing regular things” 
Jobe pulled her on his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. She brought him closer, hands on his cheeks, leaving a soft kiss on his lips.
“I love you” Jobe murmured close to her ear, causing her to feel butterflies in her stomach. 
Her eyes glistened looking at him as the words escaped his mouth. It was the first time Jobe ever worded it. And she knew he meant it. He had shown her every day that he did. This was just a way to seal it. At this moment, the only thing she could answer was:
“I love you too”
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taeghi · 2 years
𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 : part 3
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their profiles (updated profiles) | [a playlist] | masterlist
PAIRING ▸ lee heeseung x fem bodied!reader
SUMMARY ▸ heeseung makes progress towards isa becoming his girlfriend- until he doesn't and you wonder if he made it backfire on purpose.
WORD COUNT ▸ 10,956
GENRE ▸ enemies 2 lovers, angst, SMUT ; blowjob, almost? sex lol, masturbation
TAGLIST ▸ @rerequire @mymeloem19 @shadowsofthewild @defxciii @heejaykeluv @nikirikii @enhaluv22 @holybxba yedammi @lhsng @bamchanbin @nalwhare @i-dalso @jaeyunslut @laffatae @skzimaginesmainblog @kimmchijjajang @jays-blue @heesquared @hoon-lvr @hoonlv @axartia @bluesoobinnie  @cyuuupid @eulaenthusiast @lalalalawon @bunhoons @enhasengene @blond4enha @pythonilyn @snowyseungs @soobnism @leviathanlee26 @moonlightgrleric @leefra98  @markleeisdabestdrug @heartkatemiddleton @snowyseungs @slut-4-jake @cloudednines @yizhoutv @missharubear  @gobighee @lizdevorak  @bbakuhoee @esuilinfoster @shiningdery
minors dni
heeseung had never thought he’d enjoy staying after school to clean the classroom. he knows that he’s going to be late to practice, but he could care less about how mad his coach will be when he finds out that not only was he late- that he was late because he came into class late that day.
heeseung describes himself as an honest man- and to be an honest man he must admit that he doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to school or his attendance (or girls) and it wasn’t new to him that his teacher punished him to clean the class once everyone was gone. usually, he’d play the practice card and his teacher would sigh but let him off- but today, when lee isa stepped foot into the classroom a minute late after him he seemed to have lost that card.
he thought it was unusual for good girl lee isa to be late to class- because she was never late for class. her attendance was perfect as well. heeseung thinks it’s another part about her that he likes.
heeseung has thought many times about lee isa and what he likes about her; from her perfect nose and smile to the way the ends of her bang on her right side curls inwards. but what he wants most is how she’s so different from him. the main difference is that he knows she wouldn’t hurt someone- ever.
heeseung cringes at the thought of him hurting people. memories of ex-friends ’faces getting so red with anger, girls he had just hooked up with crying in front of him- and you- flash through his mind.
heeseung isn’t sure what exactly caused him and you to not be able to converse calmly with each other- but it happened around freshman year from what he remembers. his memories with you aren’t the best and some of them make him laugh when he thinks about your reactions and expressions to the things he’s done or said to you. he thinks that you’re always the one to start things- that you can never take a joke and god, that’s all he knows how to do.
he knows that you always say he isn’t self-aware of what he does- but he knows he is. it’s part of his guilty conscience that keeps him up at night. and maybe his self-awareness wasn’t always up to one hundred percent- but it’s definitely grown as of the beginning of his senior year.
he’s so self-aware now that he can realize that not every fight is started by you- though he’s sure you know how to get right under his skin- get him so annoyed that he says things he regrets; like certain insults that he knows hit your insecure bone or posting embarrassing pictures or videos (the iconic vomit vid) of you when you’ve begged him not to.
heeseung used to swear that you have done worse to him than you have done to him, but now he’s not too sure.
heeseung hates to think that you and he have been sworn enemies in every life the both of you had the chance of living together- because he hopes you don't go the rest of your lives hating each other. or more so, that you don’t go the rest of your life hating him.
he wonders if you ever think the same.
heeseung caught the way you wiggled your eyebrows at him obnoxiously when you left the classroom with the other students for the end of the day. he knows that you’re only spending time with him so that you can become better for jake and that it gets isa out of the way of jake for you- but recently sometimes it feels like the two of you are truly just friends.
and heeseung knows his past self would hate to think it, but he’s been having actual fun with you. In fact, the thoughts of you are filling his mind so much that he almost completely misses the way isa speaks to him.
“hm?” heeseung snaps his head to the pretty girl, “sorry?”
isa’s pretty laugh fills the ugly classroom, “i asked why you were late this morning.”
“oh,” heeseung picks up a broom that was leaning against the wall, “I’m always late.”
“well yeah, but there’s no cause for your lateness?” heeseung picks up on isa’s suggesting tone and he raises an eyebrow up at her to question it, “you know, like y/n?”
heeseung feels his eyes widen at her question and part of him feels anxious that he had been speaking out loud, “what?- uh- no!” he cringes at himself yet again. isa’s pretty lips form a suspicious smirk. “really, y/n and i- it’s different.”
“different?” isa stops cleaning the chalkboard, “different how?”
“different like-” heeseung pauses to think about how he should word his next sentence, “like we’re not really together-together if you know what i mean.”
isa still looks confused but nods anyways and turns back to her cleaning, “so do you like each other?”
“we’re just friends.”
isa nods and heeseung focuses on sweeping, hoping that he didn’t just mess up literally everything- which reminds him, “is there anyone that you like?”
isa laughs at heeseung’s rushed-out question, “like in a ‘we’re not really together together way or in an ‘i want to date them’ way?”
“in an ‘i want to date them’ way.”
isa spins on her heel and leans against the newly cleaned board, “why?” she bites her lip and looks up into heeseung’s eyes.
“uh,” heeseung gulps as her eyes pierce so seductively into his own, “well because you know who i’m into- or who i’m not into i mean.”
isa makes a noise to think and she picks at her freshly done nails, “i mean there is a boy that i’m interested in.”
heeseung feels his heart pick up the pace at her words- his body filling with anxiousness and excitement that he struggles with his own body to keep calm and try to think of something to say, “there is?”
“yeah,” isa says with a sweet smile on her lips that makes heeseung want to drop to his knees, “do you want to know?”
“yes.” heeseung states and the quickness of his response shakes isa and him, but isa has a better way of hiding it than he does.
isa twirls her fingers in her pretty hair and takes a few steps towards heeseung so now that she’s a meter in front of him, the height difference is something that neither of them can ignore as heeseung has his whole head and neck bent down to look at her, “well, he’s on the soccer team.”
heeseung curses in his head when he figures it’s jake that she’s talking about and he wishes for a second that he didn’t even ask the stupid question until- “and he’s always late for class.”
“is he?” heeseung feels his confidence return and he’s smirking down at her.
“yeah, but i wasn’t sure if he liked me or not until very recently.”
“oh?” heeseung leans his hands and chin on the broom handle, “and what was the verdict?”
isa smirks back at him and he doesn’t know what is about to happen but he knows that this is something he’s been wishing for for four years and it’s almost everything he’s dreamed of as he steps even closer to him. he can smell her perfume as they look at each other with the same want and lust in their eyes.
heeseung felt like he was on cloud nine from it all.
“you guys can go now,” their teacher popped her head into the classroom, her eyes scanning its cleanliness before her eyes landed on the two of them, “what’re you two up to?”
“nothing mrs.kim!” isa steps back, sweeping up her backpack to throw it over her shoulder, “again, i’m so sorry for being late today! i’m sure it won’t become a regular occurrence!”
“it better not be, unless you want to end up like him,” mrs park teases them as she nods her head at heeseung who is still leaning over the broom with his jaw clenched. “let’s go heeseung, don’t want the coach to be madder at you then he probably already is.” heeseung shakes his head to clear it, smiling at isa who waves to him over their teachers’ shoulder.
their teacher rushing him to practice makes him forget to remind himself to ask isa why she was late for the first time ever today- plus the memories of his and isa’s interaction seem like something better to think about.
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the longer you stood outside the party waiting for heeseung the more you hated his guts.
the porch isn’t just occupied by your fuming self but other couples who were making out and smoking. some other kids are laying on the lawn in front of you and you don’t even want to know what they are up to.
it would be your first party that you attended as a ‘couple’. heeseung and you had planned to meet up at the party (god forbid he meets your mother again) so you can walk in together.
fall has officially set into the air and it is making goosebumps rise on your legs from the fabric of your dress not covering them. you have been spamming heeseung with texts for the past ten minutes and he was not answering any of them. you start to wonder if he’s ignoring you and if he’s not going to show up to this party at all.
“hey, y/n, what’re you doing?” you turn at the mention of your name and see jake standing on the porch besides you. his blonde hair falls messily into his eyes and his tan skin looks so pretty in the mix of the moon and porch light.
“just getting some air,” you lie to him and it scares you how easily it seemed to be. you couldn’t tell him that your freshly new boyfriend is potentially ditching you at the moment.
“oh?” jake looks down at your body and then back up to your face, “do you think you’ve had enough? you look awfully cold.”
and suddenly your lying skills are out the window, “uh, no! i’m fine.” jake quirks an eyebrow up at your answer.
“ok, well do you want to come back inside? i lost the guys a while ago and I haven't seen the girls since we all got here.”
“sure,” your mood brightened up at the idea of being with jake. he smiles sweetly at you and you follow him back inside.
there seem to be more people at this party than any of the ones you’ve gone to before and it’s very hard to squeeze your way through the crowd. you’re nervous that you'll lose jake since he’s ahead of you.
suddenly, indicating that he was thinking the same thing he snakes his hand behind himself and grabs hold of your wrist, dragging you successfully behind him now. you try not to focus on the warmth from his skin onto your cold one and try to not lose him.
you both finally stop when you’re in the kitchen and he’s passing you a cup that some other guys are handing out. you’re leaning against the kitchen wall when he joins you with his own.
“i think they’re gonna run out of liquor soon with all the people here,” jake nods towards the crowded living room, “this was like the last of the vodka.”
“why are there so many people here?” you ask him curiously.
“choi yeonjun’s back in town for the weekend.”
“yeonjun?” your voice raises excitedly. “i haven’t seen him in over a year.”
“oh god,” jake groans and leans against the wall beside you, “you’re not gonna ditch me for choi yeonjun too are you?”
you quirk an eyebrow up at him, “what do you mean ‘too’?”
“i mean, haven’t you already ditched me for heeseung?”
“what? no!” you exclaim, “i wouldn’t ditch you for anyone- not heeseung or yeonjun.” jake smiles down at that and he sticks out his pinky finger at you.
“pinky promise?”
you smile and link your finger with his, “pinky promise.”
“good, because i need someone else that’s sober to help me every time our friends get too wasted to get home themselves.”
this time you groan at the memories of both of you dragging chaeryeong off of a lawn chair into the car and the time at sunghoon’s birthday party when both of you had to clean up sunghoon’s vomit from all over the kitchen. your reaction makes jake laugh and your stomach clenches at the sound of it.
“you know, heeseung is pretty lucky to have you,” jake takes a sip of his drink as your eyes widen in shock, “you’re a really great person, y/n.”
in the moment all you can think about is fuck lee heeseung and fuck this stupid plan, “actually jake,” you start and jake’s eyes squint in confusion at you.
a wave of guilt washes over you for some reason and you aren’t sure why. maybe it’s because you’ve been lying to jake for months now. maybe it’s because your friends are going to lose trust in you when they find out you've been lying. or maybe it’s because you feel like you’re going behind heeseung’s back right now.
“jake! come over here!” jay’s voice calls from the other side of the room- over the loud music and talking of all the other people. both of you turn and look at jay who’s waving over jake and is drastically pointed at isa who has her back turned to him. you catch the way jake’s eyes lighten up at the sight of isa who is standing with her friends.
“i’ll see you later, y/n.” jake says without even looking at you, just walking over with his drink still in his hand, jay pats him on the back as he walks past him as well and goes straight up to isa. isa looks just as happy as he does to see him. your heart hurts more at the sight of them hugging quickly in a friendly manner.
you curse lee heeseung for not being here and for making you not be able to open your mouth quicker.
jay’s waving at you catches your eye and he’s calling you over as well, but you couldn’t stand the thought of being so close to jake and isa who was now bending over into each other’s ears and whispering so only they would be able to hear each other. you only shake your head gently with a playful scowl on your face at jay, making him look confused at you. luckily, sunghoon pulls his arm around jay and distracts him, making jay forget about his still position against the wall.
you feel confused as you stand by yourself and watch all your friends have fun amid the big crowd in the living room. the music seems silent while your thoughts are loud and racing. you aren’t sure why you’re feeling so confused, but your stomach turns in disgust every time your eyes drift over jake and isa together.
it’s jealousy and anger mixing around in your chest and you want it all to go away. you feel frustrated that jake and your relationship seem to be stagnant when it could and should be so much more.
you can’t help but think that you’re perfect for each other.
well at least in your mind you’re perfect for each other.
you have fun with jake when you are hanging out with your other friends. the surfing lessons he gave you the past summer were the only times you were alone together- plus everyone else that was at the beach that day. even then, you didn’t get to talk to each other about anything besides the party the night before, your friends or surfing. it makes you wonder what you guys actually know about each other.
“dude i’m so sorry i’m late,” a presence stands beside you (and it luckily blocks your view of isa and jake) and you instantly can tell who it is without looking at him, “coach was kicking my ass because of detention earlier- which by the way- was awesome!” when heeseung saw the distant look in your eyes that weren’t looking at him he stopped, “what’s wrong? you look like you’re about to cry or kill someone.”
“i’m going to kill someone.”
“ou, who?” heeseung turns to look out at the people partying, excited to hear about it. until he felt a harsh slap to his bicep again, “ow!”
“you! i’m going to kill you!” you were grateful for the loud music now.
“what why? i said i’m sorry for being late! i couldn’t tell the coach i needed to leave his punishment practice to party!”
you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, you could barely look at him right now with all the thoughts of him and jake crossing through your mind at the same time. “are your parents home tonight?”
“no, why?” he asks you, not taking his eyes off of your angry figure.
“because i want to fuck so let’s go.” you grab his wrist of the arm you had hit earlier and start to pull him through the crowds of people. you ignored the looks you were getting as you bumped them to their sides and the calls of your name from heeseung behind you. you only listened to him when you both stood out on the street outside of the house party. “what?”
honestly, heeseung had thought you had lost it. he thought you were so drunk and blinded by whatever had made you so pissed that he thought your brain had stopped working.
“i mean, you want to fuck-fuck or like, just do what we usually do.”
“heeseung,” you grab a hold of both of his upper arms so he looks down into your eyes, “i want your dick inside of me.” and now heeseung thinks his brain is close to stopping as well since “y/n wants me to take her v card” fills up his mind and stops any other thoughts of forming.
“are- are you sure? i mean you said before-” heeseung tries to process what you’re saying and what you want.
“i don’t care what i said before.” you snap at him, “i’m tired of being inexperienced and i’m tired of watching jake fuck every other girl and not me! so please heeseung, just take me back to your house so we can fuck.”
heeseung says ok and then you’re both speeding walking back to his house, little laughs falling out both of your mouths. and although heeseung said ok, he doesn’t feel ok. it's fun almost running through the streets with you so you can get into bed together sooner- but there’s a feeling behind it that makes him feel uneasy.
he thinks if you were any other girl that was begging for him to fuck her and to take her virginity he wouldn’t have thought twice about it- hell he wouldn’t even bother taking her back to his house, he’d find a spot somewhere on the lawn and fuck her there.
but with you it’s different. and he’s quickly realizing that everything about you is different. so he thinks that he should treat you differently.
i want to give a very small TW here just in case: reader says to stop during sex- and heeseung does immediately!
but it’s still so hard to when you’re ripping off his shirt before you’re even fully inside of his bedroom. you’re smashing your lips against his so messily and your hands are trailing down his toned chest. it turns heeseung on that you’re trying to take the lead and have so much confidence compared to the other times.
heeseung had mentally already prepared himself to bring you back to his house (or to an empty room at the party) to make it up to you for being so late to the party. he did not expect you to instantly drag him back out and make him take you back to his house.
“heeseung, please,” you beg him, feeling frustrated and needy. your foreheads are touching as you look at each other.
“you’re one hundred percent positive you want to do this?”
you feel a bit of doubt rush through your mind at the thought of losing your virginity to heeseung. you always imagined you would have lost it to a boy that you loved- to a boy like jake. but you understand that to get jake to love you back, you would have to do this, “yes, heeseung.”
heeseung doesn’t notice the flash of doubt in your eye and leans in to kiss you again, this time rougher and pushing you back so you’re on his bed. your hips started to move involuntarily against his hips, making him groan against your lips. you could feel the texture of his jeans rubbing against your clit through your panties.
heeseung’s hand slipped down in between your bodies and started to slink off of your panties down your legs. you could feel your bottom half now bare to his bedroom as your dress was bunched up at your hips. heeseung’s hips were still rolling into yours. heeseung’s hands were roaming your outer thighs, keeping them spread so his body could stay in between them.
heeseung pulls away from your lips first and starts to kiss down your neck, easily finding your sweet spot by now, and sucking a harsh bruise into it. you hold back your whine from the pleasure and focus on the task at hand. your hands trail down to heeseung’s crotch, rubbing over the bulge that had formed. when he feels you start to unbuckle his jeans he pulls away from you completely.
“fuck, wait.” heeseung stops and you see that his chest is breathing heavily like your own, “i gotta stretch you out first, i don’t want to hurt you.”
“no no, i’m okay,” you stop him from inching his finger towards your core. he looks up at you confused, “let’s just fuck.” you could tell that heeseung wanted to say something, but he chose not to, deciding to listen to you and shove his pants down his legs.
his cock was hard when it sprung up and it made you realize just how big he was and that he was supposed to shove his big dick into your pussy in a second and you hoped to god it wouldn’t hurt as much as your friends said it would.
heeseung rummages through his bedside drawer until he holds up a crinkly condom package. he stands in between your spread legs again, “do you want to try to put it on?”
you gulp and shake your head no, making heeseung shrug and begin to open the package himself. he slides the condom onto his dick easily, showing that he has a lot more experience than you do, and you try to not shy away at the thought. you try to think of jake and that you were doing this for jake- you were doing this so you can jake could be together.
heeseung places his dick at your entrance, making your body freeze up, “are you sure you want to do this, y/n?” heeseung asks, resisting the urge to bend down and stroke the side of your face with his thumb.
“yes, i’m ready heeseung, god,” you let out in a frustrated tone that you regretted when you saw heeseung’s concerned face drop into something more offended.
heeseung huffs but doesn't say anything as he begins to push into you, watching your face and body. when his tip slides into you he stops, catching the way your face contorted into pain, “do you want me to pull out?” heeseung’s voice is a higher pitch than normal.
you shake your head no, “just keep going, hee.” you don’t look at him as you can only focus on the sheer amount of pain you were feeling as he continued to slowly push himself into you.
you aren’t sure how much farther he slid himself into you until you couldn’t deal with the pain, “ow heeseung! okay i- i can’t.” your hand grabbed onto heeseung’s forearm, wanting to stop him from going any further.
due to your pain, you miss the way heeseung’s eyes fill with pure panic and concern at your words, “shit, y/n.” heeseung instantly pulls out of you, making you hiss with more pain. “fuck, i’m sorry, i’m so so sorry.”
your hands cover your face as you start to feel tears of frustration start to pool in your eyes. there was no way that you could ever live up to jake’s expectations at this point. he would never see you as someone he could love. if earlier in the night where he left you in an instant for isa didn’t make that clear enough to you.
you’re too distracted with trying to cover your tears from heeseung that you don’t notice him fervently rushing around his room, slipping on some sweatpants and finding a sweater for you to wear.
“y/n, here sit up,” you feel heeseung beside you again, his hand finding its way to your lower back to help you sit up on his bed. you can’t bear to look at him because you feel so disappointed in yourself for so many reasons that you can count. “do you want to change into this while i go get you some water?- or do you want to have a bath or a shower- fuck how bad does it hurt?”
“i’m fine, heeseung!” you snap at him, pushing his hand away from you, “fuck, i’m f-fine,” you repeat, this time quieter and you still haven’t looked at him.
“here, just put this on and i’ll go get some water.” heeseung put his sweater in your lap and left his room. he felt like one million thoughts were going through his mind all at once and he couldn’t help but feel guilty for hurting you. it was the last thing he had wanted to do.
when he comes back with a glass of water, he finds you under his blanket with his sweater on, the hood over your head as you lay on your side, facing the doorway. he places the glass of water on the bedside table and smiles softly at your quiet ‘thank you'.
heeseung thinks to himself that he’s never felt this awkward before in his own bedroom.
“are you going to lay down?” you ask him quietly after your eyes met silently a few times.
“do- do you want me to?” heeseung stutters, trying to think of something to do to help the situation. when you nod against his pillow he gently crawls over you so he lays closest to the wall now. you’re still laying on your side as he lays on his back, staring up at his ceiling.
heeseung wasn’t going to lie to himself or to anyone (okay maybe to you) that he hadn’t thought of fucking you before. he figured that you were more on the vanilla side until he had heard you and your friends talking about your virginity. it made something click inside of him- like he saw a different side of you from then on.
kissing you was something he hadn’t expected. it was softer than he imagined, and he liked to smell your perfume as you kissed. and he liked the sounds of you whimpering into your mouth when he takes you by surprise and presses his tongue into your mouth. your reactions to everything he does are so cute that it makes him turned on in a way he’s never felt before.
after your first set of rules had been set, he never figured that you would give him a handjob or anything of the sort- but he wasn’t disappointed when you had. he found it hard to think of anything else since it had happened. every time his hand sneaks down to his crotch late at night. all he can think about is you.
after all the times he had thought about fucking you- he had never expected it to go like that.
he wanted to say so much to you, but he didn’t want to cross any lines with you. he knew that once this deal between you was over, the two of you would go back to hating each other- to swearing at each other in front of anyone- doing anything to insult or embarrass the other. so, he didn’t understand why he cared so much and wanted to hold you.
your silent shaking makes him look over at your slumped forward figure. heeseung was suddenly hyper-aware of your sniffles filling up his bedroom.
“are you okay? i didn’t mean to hurt you, y/n i’m so sorry.”
“i’m fine, heeseung.” you respond, “i’m just disappointed and confused and it makes me sad to feel this way.”
“i’m sorry, i should’ve taken proper care of you i-.” heeseung turns to lean onto his elbow, ready to apologize with his whole heart.
“-you’re fine heeseung.” you cut him off, “it’s just- why does every other girl get to lose her virginity and have sex all the time but i can’t? it seems so easy for everyone except me.”
you hear heeseung sigh and flop down onto his back, “it’s because you like jake and not me. it’s easier to lose your virginity to someone that you actually like- someone that you want to have sex with.” when you don’t respond to him he continues, “i’m sorry, y/n. it’s not just you, i’m sure there are other girls th-.”
“kiss me.”
“w-what?” heeseung stutters again, this time out of pure shock from your words.
“i don’t want to think about it anymore- just kiss me to distract me.” you turn slightly on your back so you can look at heeseung over your shoulder, “please?”
heeseung scans your face and eyes sincerely this time, hoping to catch any sign of doubt- but ultimately finds nothing. he moves over slightly, so he’s leaning over you, his face close to yours. you catch the way he licks his lips, wetting them before he presses his lips to yours.
the kiss is the softest kiss you have ever felt. sure, you haven’t kissed very many people- but you know this one would be the winner for sure. you can almost barely feel heeseung’s lips against yours- but you fully take in the passion you feel from him.
you can’t help but let a few tears out of your eyes as you continue to kiss heeseung. the kiss is something that you need at the moment, and it’s making your heart and head feel ten times lighter than it is. heeseung feels your tears against his own face, and he pulls away slightly from you. both of you are looking into each other’s eyes and you don’t think you’ve ever noticed how pretty his eyes are.
“you shouldn’t have to have sex with someone just because everyone else is- or because you feel like you should.” heeseung’s thumb brushes against the side of your face, caving in to his urges from earlier, and wipes a stray tear off of your cheek, “i’m sorry that it hurt- and i’m sorry if i made you feel like you have to be experienced with stuff like this.”
your brain was still filtered with the alcohol from the party earlier, and your body felt exhausted from everything it had gone through. your mind was practically begging you to go to sleep.
so, you lean up towards heeseung and press your lips into his, hoping that it would suffice and successfully let him know what you were saying without speaking any words.
and heeseung swears he feels his heart skip a beat.
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if lee heeseung was upset that you left his house before he woke up the next morning, he didn’t act like it. you expected him to text you or even tease you about ditching him in his own bed- but there was nothing.
in fact, you didn’t even see heeseung until the end of school on monday.
“y/n, your boyfriend is here,” chaehyun giggles out to you from the other side of the classroom. you glance up at her before your eyes wander towards the door.
heeseung is leaning against the door frame with a quirked eyebrow at you, a smirk on his face at chaehyun’s words. you could feel your cheeks burn at the statement and you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. you start to pack your bag quickly, wanting to get out of the class as soon as possible as you could still hear the last group of friends in the classroom whispering and giggling.
with their hushed giggling, it was then that heeseung noticed isa sitting amongst the girls cradled together against some of the desks. he didn’t know how he could have pinpointed her exact laugh out of everyone else’s, but it succeeded in distracting him enough to glance over and see her looking right back at him.
there was some meaning behind her eyes as she softly smiled at him, his cocky demeanour disappearing the more he looked at her soft features. her friend whispered something in her ear, but she didn’t look away from heeseung, only sending him a wink until he was kicked in the shin.
“ow!” he whisper yells, his pained face meeting your amused one.
“i said, let’s go.” you started to push him out of the classroom, his ears catching isa’s giggle one last time.
both of you continued walking until you ended up in the outdoor classroom. the school had ended twenty minutes ago so there were some students still lingering around the property, but you didn’t pay them any attention from your spot on the bench you had sat on before.
heeseung had offered you some of the water he was drinking which you declined, making both of you sit in silence for a little while longer. it was starting to get colder now, as october had officially started up. the leaves were starting to turn orange- but not to the point where they were wilting off of the tree branches and covering the grass.
“do you have any new ideas about our whole plan, thing?” you ask him finally, because you have thought about it yourself, and haven’t been able to come up with much. everything you had planned before didn’t seem to go as expected.
heeseung leans back against the bench, his legs spread and he lets out a hum that indicates he’s thinking, “i haven’t thought about much, but halloween is coming up we’ll have to think of something big for that night.”
“halloween?” you ask with a tone of surprise, “like in almost a month? you want this to go on for another whole month?”
“well, i mean, we can’t seem like everything we’re doing is so forced, right?”
you groan and put your hands to your face, and it makes heeseung worry for a second that you're about to start crying again.
“what’s so wrong with going on for another month?” he asks you, wanting to reach out and place his hand on your back, but he keeps it glued to his thigh.
“because, hee,” you look at him, and he counts it as ‘four times now’ that you’ve called him by his nickname, “i want to date jake, not you.” you shake your head and miss the way heeseung rolls his eyes.
“well, sorry that i can’t make this go any faster.” heeseung replies, crossing his arms over his chest.
you’re about to speak again but a now familiar giggle cuts you off. both yours and heeseung’s eyes widen and you’re jumping up and going to the side rail of the outdoor classroom. you’re both trying to stay hidden as you look over to who was walking on the sidewalk below.
sure enough, isa is walking there as you had thought. but only jake was with her.
heeseung and you glance at each other when jake becomes visible to the both of you, and you go back to watching them.
jake sticks out his hand for isa to take, and he spins her around with it, making her giggle harder and tell him to quit being cheesy. you felt like you could throw up if you wanted to at her now annoying voice.
throughout your and heeseung’s plan, you couldn’t help but find the nice girl that you once called an acquaintance annoying. everything she did made your anger rise- and you haven’t spoken to her since the day you had pushed heeseung into her. maybe you were jealous of her because she had the attention of both of the guys you were closest to, but you didn’t want to admit that.
“are you hungry?” you can hear jake ask her as they now stand right below you and heeseung hiding.
“yes, i’m starving.” isa exaggerates and you notice heeseung moving more so he can see her more.
“what do you want to go eat?”
you can hear isa hum as she thinks, and heeseung nudges you to look, they’re still holding the hand that jake twirled her with and it makes you roll your eyes, “how about mcdonalds?”
“if that’s what you want.”
“that’s what i want.” isa confirms and you can hear shuffling and giggling again.
“okay, they’re far away now,” heeseung says in a normal tone, you move so you’re beside heeseung in the open view- if anyone were to look up at the outdoor classroom they could see you and your ‘boyfriend’ no doubt. you can see jake and isa swinging their clasped hands as they leave down the school’s side driveway- towards the street where they were most likely going to get mcdonalds, “i have to go to practice now.”
heeseung stands up and dusts off the knees of his pants. you stand up after him and swing your backpack onto your shoulder. “we can talk more about this tomorrow if you want, i don’t have practice.”
you nod and watch im walk back to the bench where his jacket and bag were, “and why did you post that picture of me on your instagram?” (reference to updated profiles) you were annoyed this morning when you walked into the cafeteria with ryujin and choerry shoving their stupid phones in your face of heeseung’s stupid instagram.
heeseung shrugs as he starts to put his jacket into his bag, “why did i lose like twenty followers after posting it?”
“you lost followers?” you exclaim, “it’s probably all the girls that followed you to drool over you.”
heeseung smiles to himself as he slings his backpack over his shoulder, “if that’s what you think- i thought it was because you were too ugly.”
you gasp and slap his shoulder, making him laugh, “if i’m so ugly then why did you post it?”
heeseung shrugs again, “i guess it’s a cute picture,” you squint your eyes at him in unsureness, “and because if people think we’re dating we should probably act like we are.” now that was something you could understand as to why he would post it, “maybe you,” heeseung pokes your nose with his finger, “should post a picture of me too, so more people believe it.”
“i’ll think about it- i don’t know if i really want lee heeseung all over my account.” you make heeseung laugh again and he clasps his hand over your head, messing up your hair roughly.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, y/n.” he starts to walk backwards toward the door, “make sure to pick out a good pic!” he winks at you before he’s out of your sight and the closed door is the only thing you’re staring at.
you grab a tighter hold onto your backpack as you curse lee heeseung yet again, and push open the door so you can leave as well. on your way home, you mentally pick out a picture that would seem allowable to post on your instagram.
you just prayed that no one would tease you about it.
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you felt as if things between you and heeseung had changed after the weekend.
there are unspoken emotions that are creating an emotional and physical distance between you two. every time you had seen heeseung after the weekend (which was not a lot) it felt off. even during your almost silent conversation in the outdoor classroom on monday, it felt as if heeseung was forcing himself to talk and to put on a facade around you.
part of you wondered if heeseung was having second thoughts about your whole plan. he had said so himself that he had no more ideas on how to progress your relationships with isa and jake until at least halloween.
you had figured that this would take some time for jake to realize he has feelings for you- but not this long. and you would have never imagined that lee heeseung would be beside you for the majority of it.
you could not even start to count how many times you swore you hated lee heeseung. but then you started to get to know more about him, and you got to know the way he tasted on your lips, and how his warm body felt against yours. you even noticed how caring he could be towards someone. and now, it’s awkward between you two and you can’t help but wish it wasn’t. you wish heeseung would come up and mess up your hair, or shove your shoulders in the hall, or point out a stupid mistake you did.
heeseung had texted you that he wouldn’t be able to hang out the day he said he would- and rearranged to see you on the weekend when someone would be having a party. you suspected that jake would also be in the future unknown party heeseung was referring to and it kind of gave you something good to think of during the week. it helped distract you from the sinking feeling in your chest you got every time you passed heeseung in the halls- or even just thought about him.
your friends were also no help at all, always asking if you and heeseung were still dating, or fighting, or just trying to prank them and get them to believe you were even dating in the first place. you would just shrug them off every time, hoping that the conversation would lead somewhere else. their questions and ideas only fuelled your upset mind more. you were so confused about why there was some unspoken tension between you and heeseung that neither of you was seemingly willing to talk about.
by the end of the week with not even a word spoken to each other since monday, you were upset. and you couldn’t believe that you were and were allowing yourself to be upset over lee heeseung.
he was someone that had become a big part of your life so suddenly, someone that you shared a secret with that no one else knew about. and now it seemed like it had all just stopped so abruptly. it was filling your mind and it was all you could think about.
even in gym class when you should’ve been paying attention to the basketball game in front of you, you found yourself staring off into nothing and thinking about what had gone so wrong that you and heeseung were now avoiding each other- and what would happen at this party you were both knowingly going to?
your distracting thoughts of heeseung were what made you completely miss the in-game basketball being thrown right into your direction- being missed by the player that was supposed to catch it- and smack right into your head.
in front of your whole entire gym class, you were thrown off of the corner of the bench you were sitting on, and down onto the floor, hitting your head off of the gym floor as well. before you could realize what was happening, there were your peer students standing all around you on the floor and asking if you were okay. your teacher barged through them and quickly analyzed you, seeing if you were bleeding from anywhere.
though there was no visible blood leaking from your head, you couldn’t ignore the aching of it from both sides from where the ball hit you, and from where you hit it off of the ground, your teacher still sent you to the nurse's office. thankfully, all the nurses were nice, and none of them made fun of you or made you worry more in any way. when the main nurse left you alone to rest for a bit before she could send you home, you sighed in relief and laid back down on the hospital bed she had set you in.
you must have not been laying there long until you heard the door of the room you were in being whipped open and a stamper of feet rushing inside right after. you open your eyes to find a big-eyed concerned heeseung looking at you, scanning your body for any injuries or bandages.
“heeseung?” you call his name in a confused state, sleep almost taking over you until he comes in.
“yes, it’s me.” heeseung walked right over to your bed, looking down at you, “are you okay?”
“yeah, ‘m fine,” you nod, sitting up so your upper body is resting on your elbows, “what are you doing here?”
heeseung scoffs, “well when a whole group of kids come up to me and tell me that my girlfriend has been sent to the nurse's station from what was probably one of the worst concussion-induced accidents they’ve seen- of course, i’m going to come here!”
this time you scoff, and you relax your elbows so your body rests completely down on the bed now.
“what was that scoff for?” heeseung asks, your hand comes up to rest on your forehead, a harsh ache hurting your entire head.
“nothing heeseung,” you tell him, closing your eyes from the brightness of the room and the sudden awakening.
“no, you scoffed for a rea-”
“-heeseung,” you cut him off, “can you get the nurse for me? i just want to go home.”
you don’t open your eyes to look at him, only listening as he stands there for a moment longer, probably in disbelief from your words before he’s leaving your room and getting the nurse for you.
the nurse was really happy when she saw heeseung and let you go home earlier since he would be there to help you. she made him promise to wake you up every hour just in case you had an undetected concussion. and even when you had left the nurses station and told heeseung you would be fine to get home by yourself, he insisted on walking with you.
the walk itself didn’t seem too awkward. your head is hurting and you’re tired and heeseung and you kept a safe distance away from each other as you walked. every now and then you could hear heeseung humming a song to himself as you walked.
you wanted to ask heeseung why he was suddenly caring so much for you when he didn’t even acknowledge you throughout the week in the halls- or text you at least. though, you knew he would ask you the same questions. to which you wouldn’t know how to answer besides blaming it all on him for acting weird and distant first.
you guess that you are angry.
and frustrated and confused- and if lee heeseung’s emotions switched this fast then you couldn’t keep up with it. it annoyed you that he ignored you all week- just to show up at the nurse's station ready to drop everything for you.
when you finally get to your house, you start saying bye to heeseung, just wanting to go to bed before your parents get home in a few hours.
“what are you doing?” you ask him as he follows you up your porch to your front door.
heeseung gives you a confused expression, “what do you mean? i promised the nurse to wake you up every hour to make sure your head is okay.”
“heeseung, i’m fine okay? just go back to school.” you shake your head at him, turning to unlock your door so you can go inside.
“yeah yeah, you’re always apparently fine- but i think this time i should really make sure you’re actually fine, o-?”
“what do you mean ‘apparently fine’? when i say i’m fine i mean it-” you snap and turn to look at the tall boy, “i don’t need you to check up on me, especially not after you avoided me all week.”
heeseung looked taken aback at your outburst, “right- you’re fine. but i still think i should come in and help you lay down- or stay until your parents g-.”
“no, heeseung,” you step inside your house, your hand resting on the door handle inside, “i don’t need you coming inside and pretending as you care about me- we only need to pretend to date in front of everyone else, not with each other.” you see heeseung about to open his mouth to speak, “just go back to school, heeseung.”
you harshly close the door in his face, leaving him standing on your porch alone in the middle of the day. heeseung kicks his foot against the pole at the end of your driveway as he walks past it, leaving your house, angrier than he’s been in a long time- and it’s mainly at himself.
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heeseung was nervous. and he liked to believe that he never got nervous- especially about parties and girls. but something about the party tonight, and whether or not you were going to show up made him undeniably nervous and it was killing him that he couldn’t control it.
heeseung hasn’t spoken to you since he dropped you off at your house yesterday and slammed the door in his face. he knew from what you said that you were onto him. you knew that he was avoiding you and he knew that you were upset about it. he wanted to tell you that you weren’t the only one upset about it.
honestly, heeseung felt like he had to create some distance between you and him. ever since the night where he almost took your virginity, he’s had a hard time thinking about anyone or anything else.
he was disappointed when he woke up the next morning to an empty bed, your clothes gone, and the hoodie he had let you wear was thrown onto his desk. at first, he didn’t understand why he felt upset that you had snuck out before he woke up, but he realized soon enough it was because of an underlying feeling he didn’t dare speak or think about.
heeseung has been wondering if he has had the underlying feeling for you for the entire time he has known you- and that it only started to affect him now because he was spending more time with you- and often those times were intimate. he thinks (or hopes) that it’s all just a part of his hormonal teenage brain that makes him only think he has feelings for you.
but he still can’t help but get annoyed when you bring up jake- and the fact that you’re basically in love with him.
heeseung knows that parties are where your friends like to hang out. it’s where they all feel at peace with themselves and have fun. so he knows jake and isa will be here tonight. but he wonders if you’ll show up. he’s noticed pretty early on into your hateship that you’re not a party person, yet you still show up for your friends and jake. he also knows that you’re absolutely pissed at him and are losing hope in getting jake to like you back. so he figures that there’s about a 30/70 chance that you will show up.
he hopes that his made-up 30 percent chance is true and that you’ll come right up to him and ask what the plan is tonight. he even thinks that if you come up to him and just slap his bicep like you usually do will be sufficient enough for him to at least be able to see you.
heeseung knows sunghoon and jay are around this house party somewhere. he saw sunghoon dancing with some girls earlier, and jay was against a wall with choerry not too long ago. but he couldn’t be bothered to find them at a time like this. he didn’t feel like himself, and he knew his friends would be able to catch on in no time.
he hasn’t seen jake tonight, and he wonders if he’s with isa somewhere. maybe he’s taking her out on a proper date, and holding her hand and saying things heeseung has only imagined himself saying to her. he realizes then that he doesn’t care what jake says to isa- but he knows he should. he used to care at least.
“boo!” a false deep voice exclaims from behind him and grabs a tight hold of his arm.
“jesus!” he turns around with a scowl, ready to reprimand the person who just tried to scare him. his scowl fades when he sees isa.
“what’re you thinking about so deeply?” isa starts a conversation, her pretty smile on her face as she looks up at him.
“nothing much,” heeseung shrugs and takes a sip of his drink, immediately wishing he was drunker.
“really? nothing much?” isa quirks her eyebrow, “if it’s nothing then why does it have you zoning out at a party?”
“that’s a good point.”
“you should have fun tonight, heeseung!” she grips his arms, shaking him gently.
“i know, i know.”
isa lets one of her hands drop from his bicep while the other one snakes its way up to his shoulder, where it plays with the hem of his shirt, “i think you need a distraction.”
“that’s what this is for.” heeseung holds up his cup and brings it to his mouth, where he downs the entirety of it left.
isa smiles at him, “but it doesn’t seem to be working does it?”
at this point, isa is pressing her whole body against his, and heeseung is struggling to think of anything else except for how warm and small she is compared to him, “i guess not.”
“can i try?” isa pouts up at him, and he wants to know how her lips feel against his- and a small part of him wonders if they’ll feel even remotely close to how good yours feel.
“try what?”
“to distract you.”
heeseung thought he was dreaming. he had thought about isa in a scenario like this countless times. yet, this wasn’t a fantasy of his it was real life and he now he was standing there looking like an idiot in front of her.
“uh-, yeah, sure,” he stutters out and he’s glad the music is loud so no one else could hear what he and isa are talking about. he still hears isa’s soft giggle before she’s wrapping her arms around his shoulders, pulling his head down so it’s close to hers.
they look into each other’s eyes for a second, as if to think about what they’re about to do before they’re both closed and their lips are touching. heeseung’s thoughts about how soft her lips would be are correct, and her perfume smells just as nice as he thought it would. but it feels off in a way he didn’t imagine.
“do you need some more distractions, hee?” she whispers, her lips barely brushing against his as they stay close together. heeseung thinks about it for a moment, and he knows his past self is kicking him in the ass for taking so long to her answer her very direct question. so he thinks he nods not for himself, but for everyone else that would be encouraging him to get on with it with the girl he’s been thinking about for years.
isa smiles at his curt nod, and in a second she unwrapped her arms around him and instead wraps her hand around his wrist so she can pull him through the house. heeseung assumes isa must have been to this house before with her confidence walking around, going straight to a bathroom that was down an extra almost hidden hall. the music of the house is barely there when she closes the door after herself.
before heeseung can even properly lean against the bathroom counter, isa is pushing herself against him again. their lips meet in a frenzy and it takes heeseung a second to be able to kiss her back. her hands are pulling tight on the hair on the back of his neck. heeseung starts to pull her closer to him as well, his hands gripping her waist so their hips can press together. he feels isa smile against his lips, and he knows she feels his hard-on through their pants.
“i wanna make you feel good, heeseung,” isa says with her voice full of lust. “are you gonna let me distract you some more?”
“fuck, isa,” heeseung licks his lips as he stares down into her eyes, “please.” isa smirks at his subtle begging and she drops down to her knees to unbuckle his pants. she pushes them and his boxer down to his ankles so his semi-hard dick is now available for them to look at. her hands grab the base of it quickly, placing soft kisses up the shaft, “fuck,”.
isa takes the tip of his cock into her mouth and sinks down as far as she can go before gagging. she quickly starts a steady pace and it makes heeseung roll his eyes into the back of his head. it’s warm and wet and easy to fall into the pleasure of it all. he feels and hears her moan against his dick, and it makes him open his eyes and look down at her.
and it shocks him to only find your eyes looking back at him.
“what the fuck,” heeseung lets out in surprise, his hands gripping tighter onto the counter behind him to steady himself.
“what?” isa pulls off his dick and looks up at him in confusion and slight offence. heeseung takes a hard gulp when he only sees isa again, and he mentally hits himself for being so weird.
“nothing, nothing, it just feels so good,” heeseung only partially lies, and he knows isa believes it when she smiles up at him gracefully and goes back to sticking his cock in her mouth happily.
heeseung tells himself to just focus on the pleasure, to not screw up this night even more, but now he finds it hard to when he’s questioning himself on why he saw you looking up at him. it can’t help but imagine what it would feel like to have his dick in your mouth specifically. he starts to imagine that he would have to go slow with you, have to deal with your teasing and annoying smirks he’s grown to think are cute.
he’d want to hear your gags and whimpers with his dick lodged into your mouth. he wonders if your eyes would swell with tears easily, and he imagines wiping off your makeup that would be smudged afterwards. he feels himself grow harder at the thought of you, and it makes him jerk his hips forwards, making isa gag for a second, but she keeps up her pace.
heeseung is disappointed when he looks down to find isa on the floor in front of him instead of you. and he can’t believe what he’s feeling. he would have never thought that he’d rather you want to make him feel good instead of isa. but he does, and now you’re all he can think about which makes him feel guilty.
heeseung’s hands cover his face as he scrunches up in frustration with himself and the situation, “fuck,” he lets out a groan, not believing what he’s about to do.
“are you okay?” isa’s voice sounds strained as she pulls away from his dick, noticing his scrunched eyebrows through his hands.
“yeah, yeah,” heeseung says and he looks down at her with no expression, “let’s just stop.”
“stop?” isa sits back on her knees, which gives heeseung room to bend down to pull back up his boxers and jeans, “did i do something?”
“no!” heeseung shakes his head instantly, and reaches forward to help isa up off the ground, “i just,”
isa takes her hand out of his, “you just what?”
heeseung feels more guilty now from her angry expression, “i just can’t do this- with you. i need to go.”
“what the fuck, heeseung?” isa watches him start to walk backwards to the door, opening it from behind.
“i’m so sorry, fuck i’m sorry isa, i just- i gotta go.” heeseung cringes at his words as he says them, turning into the hallway and walking through the house at a fast pace. he keeps calling himself a fucking idiot as he walks, cursing himself and you for what just happened.
“heeseung, bro!” he hears someone call him but he ignores it and keeps walking, almost to the front door at this point, “hee!” a hand wraps around his arm, forcing him to stop. heeseung almost groans in frustration when he sees jake in front of him, “where the hell are you going in such a rush?”
“what? i’m not rushing, i just- i want to go home.”
“oh,” jake looks confused, “you don’t want to stay for a bit longer, i just got here and we haven’t hung out in a while.” heeseung wonders if the world just hates him at this point.
“no, man, i gotta go home.”
jake looks disappointed at heeseung and it makes him feel bad for leaving his best friend- or who once was his best friend, “well, do you know where anyone is?”
“uh, i saw sunghoon in the living room a while ago, he’s probably still there.” jake nods in response, and heeseung turns to leave.
“hee,” jake calls him again, heeseung looks back at him again, “are you okay?”
“yeah! i’m fine! just wanna go home.” heeseung forces a smile on his face, praying to god jake would believe him.
“okay, man, see ya.” jake nods a goodbye at him, and heeseung smiles softer in response.
heeseung finally leaves the godforsaken party, not looking back the entire walk home, just replaying the night's events over and over in his head. he checks his phone for the first time when he steps into his bedroom, seeing a couple texts from jay and instagram notifications- but nothing from you like he would’ve hoped.
heeseung crawls into his bed, wearing about the hoodie that he had given you to wear a week ago. he tries to smell your perfume or shampoo on it, but only smells the cologne that he hates. his dick is still hard, and it twitches in his sweatpants and it makes him groan. he wishes you were in his bedroom with him, laying in his bed as you’ve done before. he tries to resist his stupid teenage boy urges but gives in by slipping his hand into his sweat pants.
heeseung rubs his thumb over his slit, almost hissing out from how sensitive he is from isa’s mouth earlier. his precum is dripping out and it makes it easier for his hand to start to glide up and down his dick.
he starts to imagine you on your knees for him again, your mouth surrounding his dick and letting him fuck into your mouth. his hips start to fuck into his hand, imagining it was your warm and wet mouth.
heeseung’s teeth are clenched tightly together as he only thinks of you.
he thinks about you moaning his name and asking him to cum for you. the thought of you wanting to make him feel good drives him crazy and makes his hips jerk up faster into his fist. he thinks you’d let him do anything to you- teach you anything because you’re so eager to learn.
the final thought of you wanting to swallow his cum sends him over the edge, and he immediately thinks it's the best orgasm he’s ever given himself- and it’s because of you. his muscles are tense, and his vision goes blank as his eyes close tight.
his chest is heaving out of breath as his hand and thighs are covered in his warm cum- he wishes you were there to lick him clean.
heeseung’s questioned his self-awareness for a while- but now he knows his self-awareness is up to par with the way he’s so conscious of the fact that he has fucked up and he has fucked up bad. he hopes that he’ll wake up in the morning, and you’ll be beside him in bed, sneaking in as quietly just as you had sneaked out.
heeseung’s self-awareness allows him to know what these thoughts mean- that he only wants you, and he has, for a long time.
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@ taeghi, 2022. do not repost or reuse in anyway.
stay safe everyone :) i hope you enjoy the next and final part !
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cinamun · 1 day
Anon that made the comparison between DJ and Dira's situation. I wanna add that that situation mixed with this is why I don't get why some say that the rrr goes harder on the men and let the girls slide. I saw many times the girls get slammed for being wrong but it often took a direction of mischaracterization (Dira, Indya, some Hope) or slight sexism like that one anon who said Isa should of just closed her legs if she couldn't handle the fwb anymore, instead of what these women did that was actually wrong. Hell I even saw ppl call Hope petty for returning the same energy Jayce gave her when she needed help with the babies! (And even Jayce understood why she did it!) So that's why I'm like why can't we match the energy? Dira literally is going through the same thing DJ did, making it clear they don't was a serious thing and its only FWB.
One of the things I love the most about writing TFA is the real, honest reactions from the various scenes. Who sides with who, where bias might be, people's values, people's insecurities, peoples own lived experiences. What does it say about us? How does it make us feel? WHY do we feel like that? Why do we cape for one and not the other? Mercy's entire existence in this story has been a prime example of some of what you're saying.
As a writer, these are the things I like to dive headfirst into. These are the things I want us (me included in us whenever I say us) to examine about ourselves, our choices and our biases. What is taboo and what is not and WHY?
Its a fascinating thing to watch unfold which is why I'm pretty responsive to replies and asks and the like because I very much want to be apart of the unpacking my friend.
You all make my world brighter.
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