cerise-on-top · 4 months
helloooo! how do think Kate and Nikolai would like to get married, like type of weddings and how they’d propose. Also I adore your Kate stuff! there isn’t enought for her!
Hello! I'm not sure I'm the right person to ask this since the last wedding I went to was 17, almost 18 years ago! But I tried, even if I don't know at all what a wedding encompasses!
How Laswell and Nikolai Would Like to Get Married
Laswell: She’d try to find a special date to propose, even if she would preferably choose Christmas. However, if you don’t celebrate Christmas, then she’ll find another date, even if it’s “just” your birthday. You deserve all the good in the world and that she makes sure to give you. Your birthday will be an absolute dream, everything will be perfect and you will be cared for. However, Laswell will try to propose to you when the two of you are all alone, so she’ll either send everyone away, or drive you home and then propose to you on your doorstep. Either way, she wants you to be content and happy so that you can be positively joyful as she proposes to you. Your wedding won’t be very big, however, with only the most important people coming. She’s a CIA station chief, she’s highly sought after, so not the entire city needs to know about your arrangements and possibly get you killed during them. No, Laswell plays it safe and thus keeps it small. Although she would like to have a ceremony to commemorate this special day. Laswell isn’t a very religious person, in fact she’s not religious at all, so she doesn’t need a church wedding. If you absolutely insist, however, then she will plan one. However, she’s content with a ceremony and just a civil marriage. If you’re close with a lot of people, then it’s very likely that a lot of people will come from your side. Laswell doesn’t really have many people she’d invite to her wedding. The people she would invite likely don’t have time, so she doesn’t particularly bother. Besides, those two are very dangerous people as well, so it would likely be for the best if she doesn’t. The wedding itself would be a rather standard wedding, though. Like one you’d see on TV, so nothing too fancy. It doesn’t need to be to show how much you love each other.
Nikolai: He’d be very casual about it, waiting for a good moment to ask you for marriage. Don’t get me wrong, he has a pair of rings he’d use for such a thing, but he won’t openly propose with them. During a mellow moment where it’s evident you both love each other so dearly and are stricken with infatuation, that’s when he’ll ask you if you want to marry him. No getting down on one knee, just him lying on your chest, looking up at you and asking you, hearts in his eyes. It would take him a while to ask you for your hand in marriage, a few years, in fact, but he’ll be the one to ask. It won’t be a special date either, just whenever you’re feeling especially lovey dovey with each other. Your wedding won’t be very big either. He’s the leader of Chimera, so he needs to keep a low profile if he doesn’t want to be found out. No big or fancy ceremony, even if he will marry you in a church. Nikolai wants to have a traditional Russian wedding. One, where he pays ransom for you with the most beautiful sapphire necklace he could find. One, where he finds the most stunning crowns in all of Russia, both of which are yours. One, where he takes you through St. Petersburg to show you all the sights there are to see. Granted, he’ll be speedrunning the tour with you since he can’t afford to have the wedding last longer than two days, but he still wants to enjoy all these moments with you. He’ll tell you about all the sights there are in the city and hold your hand as well, taking pictures everywhere. He just wants to remember the sight of you wearing either a suit or a wedding dress forever, and what better way is there than by taking pictures? Although his memory is phenomenal, and he’ll remember those days forever, he still wants a few pictures here and there as a keepsake.
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Jane Austen Charted #5
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Elizabeth’s Opinion of Darcy Graphed
X Axis: Time
Y Axis: Valence of Feeling
Public Service Announcement: Elizabeth did not fall for Darcy at first sight. Her emotional journey is extensively explored during the novel. Elizabeth herself pleads, “Do not consider me now as an elegant female, intending to plague you, but as a rational creature, speaking the truth from her heart.”
Even after she reads the letter, she does not like Darcy, she wants to never see him again.
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almaaspoetry · 7 days
He left a scar on my heart.
I thought, now I could be an art.
The wound, so deep , so fresh,
this stings and feels like death.
Like soothing balm on a wound ; so raw,
The hurt still lingers, a nagging claw.
Will this ache ever truly cease?
Can this wounded heart ever find peace?
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lupon · 2 years
Can’t believe the Duffers wrote two I love you monologues where only one can be endgame, one including the lines:
“You guide and inspire the whole party, without you we would all fall apart” 
“I’ve been lost without you because I’m so different from everyone else”
“You make me feel like I’m not a mistake at all, like I’m better for being different”
“If I was mean to you or pushing you away, it’s because I’m scared of losing you”
“If I was going to lose you I’d rather get it over with quick”
“I need you. And I always will”
“I’m not scared of you I’m not! I’ve never felt that way”
“I am scared you’ll realize you don’t need me anymore”
“I knew I loved you from the moment we first met”
“I love you on your good days and bad days”
“You can fly, you can move mountains I believe that”
“But right now you need to fight”
And people honestly expect us to believe the second one is true love. There’s a reason milkvan’s try and claim the van monologue included El’s feelings too.
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redstrewn · 11 months
Part of me is team "leander is like that to everyone" bc he also plans to recruit MC into his Bloodhounds in the future ("not yet"). Despite knowing the Bloodhounds for years he isn't close to them. Makes me think he ups the charm and seduction to anyone who may be of use to him to get them to pledge their allegiance.
#his jealousy could be because he wants this power to be something he owns and not be taken away by anyone else#the emotional exclusivity (from touch) is a bonus to his egotistical nature#but idk...who knows.....#it just doesnt make sense for me that he instantly holds genuine affection just because of touch. because what about all#the other people he knows aside from the other LIs who have left him? why would MC be special other than what their power could#do for him and how their touch boosts his ego?#love at first sight doesnt exist in a world like this. but maybe obsession is.#redstrewn leandering#youre telling me not ONE person has been tender with him in all these years? while he acts like THAT???#i dont believe it#“love will never end” in the audio files is the only thing that is standing in the way of this theory of mine. but maybe it's one-sided.#if this is too upsetting feel free to ignore me im just projecting my emotional defense pessimism onto this character#it simply makes no sense to me that being the one exclusively touched is what makes him genuinely in love#it simply makes no sense to me that this is the first time hes been treated tenderly#i have met too many ppl like him#they make u feel sooo special and then SIKE it never rly mattered who u are. just what u could do for them#the difference is hes hot and big and buff and has no regard for the laws of his universe and will inevitably eat shit#ofc im hooked. i wanna see him eat shit. also kiss him#ofc this is a ROMANCE game and hes still a love interest. but i think his true romantic feelings might come later
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tqsnrsept · 1 year
I realise now
I make promises I cant keep
I told myself the last time I write
About you
Would be the day before a new year
A new dawn, A new day
But a few glasses of Ballentine’s
Had me yearning for you to be my valentine
By now one would think
I’d have gotten the answers
To questions that bothered me for so long
How can I miss someone
I barely know
Someone who barely knows me
Someone who will barely get to know me
You, (a)
Memory etched into sand,
A spirit so colossal
Treasures appear mundane in comparison,
Heartaches are rather footprints, left -
Undisturbed walking along the shore
Again and again about that one night
Wish I could move past it,
Yet here I am
An addict to his drug
You’re my cocaine
My unquenched thirst,
The beat that my heart dances to,
The strings that play the violin in my ears,
The wind that chills my spine,
The dust that prompts my tears and
The very urge to not wipe them away,
The silence that surrounds and
The violence that rips my soul,
The truth I don’t want to face and
The lies that align my very headspace,
The lullaby that puts me to sleep and
The chimes that wake me up,
How I wish
To hold your face in these distraught hands
Thinking of you eases away any pain
That remains,
In the back of my mind or in my heart and
Caresses me to hibernate.
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rosicheeks · 2 months
10, 27, 50🥰
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Nah. Like you said there’s infatuation at first sight.
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
Yes 😭 I’ve had a few poems sent to me on here either through anon, DMs or posting one and saying I’m the inspiration behind it.
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
That’s pretty complicated lol
#*maybe* if I let my hopeless romantic self take over I think (hope) there could be a spark at first sight?#where you see someone and you feel drawn to them and you have this weird feeling they’re supposed to be in your life??#who knows maybe it’s just in the fairytales but damn I want a fairytale love one day#but I definitely don’t think there’s a thing like love at first sight#love is much more than just seeing someone… I just feel like that’s a shallow way of looking at it? and I don’t mean to disrespect anyone-#who does believe in love at first sight#I just feel like it takes time to fully love someone#I feel like to love someone means to truly know the person - to take the time to learn them as a person and to learn the good and the bad#and to fall in love with the whole person#I truly still can not believe people have taken the time to write me a poem#I genuinely get a little teary eyed whenever I think about it#I have a notebook (I lost it during the move but I’m sure it’s in one of the boxes) that I keep and write down any poem or sweet message#that I receive and then when I have a bad day I can look back at them#if I don’t find it soon I’m gonna start a new one cause I miss having that pick me up#LOL#that last question#I truly truly don’t even know how to answer that#short and simple answer sure I’d accept the apology but we wouldn’t get back together#a little side note I have a tiny feeling that it wasn’t true love but who knows#anywayyyyyyy thank you so much for the questions!#ngl I fell asleep shortly after I reblogged this and then the rest of the day I forgot about it 🤦🏽‍♀️#but better late than never right? 😂#ask
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aibafiles · 1 year
in my romeo & juliet opinion haver era again i just saw A Take and i was gonna write a Response about it but im just quietly seething
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goldenkid · 7 months
also tinder sucks ass
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maro14122 · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about him these days.
I don’t think it’s love. It’s simpler, yet so complicated to understand.
He was wearing cotton pants. Smiled while putting his lecture's paper in his notebook.
Then tripped and laughed.
He was so like chocolate. So sweet, yet so bitter. Yet I liked it.
Then he said Alsalam Alaykum, and I lost it.
He is clever, funny, and handsome.
I liked his lecture better than our own professor.
I understood what he was saying even though he spoke a language entirely different than mine.
And I think he’s taken.
Yet this is only my #overthinking
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
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man the alliance generals in ag are just so fun and good natured
this guy's out here ready to celebrate for gm/the end of the war and he's celebrating with his whole gang
drinks and cheers and happy alliance soldiers!!!
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guys we have a problem...............I'm like down hard for mi jin
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pinacoladamatata · 2 years
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middle child has wardrobe crisis after waking up on nautiloid. more at 11
i wanted to make a character/outfit sheet for my Tav because i keep. not being consistent with her outfits. before the nautiloid. everyday/travel. and during the tiefling party.
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baeshijima · 1 year
time to grind out the wooing alhaitham fic bc i have a vague idea of how i wanna go about it and have had too many ideas throughout the day ;w;
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tqsnrsept · 7 months
Here I lie staring into my ceiling
Wondering if there was ever a time
Where I crossed your mind
Ever a time
You thought what could’ve been?
Ever a time
You wanted to send me a text
Ever a time
You wondered what could be next
So many questions
Yet so little answers
I fear to hear honesty
A broken heart can only handle so much
Where do I go from here
I can’t seem to move on
Still here awake at night writing about you
Why you gotta be pleasant to my eyes
Soothing for my soul
Corrosive against any cathartic thoughts
Contradictory to theories
I guess love has me wrapped around your fingers and smile
All I wish at shooting stars is that
One day they and you would be mine
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