#LUCKY? 🤔🤔🤔
amarriageoftrueminds · 11 months
Gay ships getting screwed over by homophobic producers/writers as soon as they get wind of it is nothing new, but what has been done to stucky really is uniquely cruel. 
I’ve never heard of a gay ship having one member’s importance to the other simply... written out of the show/film? (Has this been done?) 
Never heard of a gay ship having decades of important source material about them deliberately sabotaged just to spite a  gay ship (that wasn’t even canonically gay or ever going to be so, anyway?) 
Or having the (heterosexual-ising) female character literally put into the male character’s canon place, using his gay-inspiring scenes, with any other ship. 
I’ve never heard of an actor’s brilliant performance, which made certain lines iconic; whose skill as an actor is the very reason they’re iconic...  simply being taken away from him and credited to an untalented actress who never said them. 
Just to damage an un-canon gay ship?! 
Imagine they brought out new Trek shows with Kirk and Spock and said ‘anyway, Spock never meant anything to Kirk, every Spirk thing he said was actually said to/about his new wife Spacky (Woman who joined the Hating-Vulcans Society and hired guys to torture Spock) and here’s a flashback to Spacky as Kirk’s Chief Science Officer all those years. Also we will be buying up other media and editing all tie-ins to reflect that they are nOT GAY.’ 
It’s unprecedentedly monstrous.
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pastelpaperplanes · 2 years
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the tumblr lot never rly gets wips so I’ll THROW THIS YOUR WAY >:]]
psspss this is a good time to pls consider checking out my instagram scribblescribbles if you haven’t already!! I post the wips I share over there FAR more often ;)
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icecoffee90 · 19 days
Me watching the first 10 minutes of Dead Boy Detectives: WTF is even going on!? 🤨
Also me: *Binges the whole season in one go*
Okay, it may have taken a couple of eps but this show and all of those kids have really grown on me and I would love to see more. So it's definitely getting axed after one season right? 😩
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akkivee · 3 days
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was thinking about that event where they put some of our hypmic cast in a movie and samatoki was doing his best to act that role and it made me think of the time he also did his best to act in different roles in canon lol
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i’ll forever be in love with everything that is The Big Strong Boi Tyler Bate
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maidenmystic · 3 months
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no-psi-nan · 9 months
Thinking about the Aren Harem on his special day...
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
*talking to Hidan*
Deidara: So anyways then I tried Grindr but I don’t know, too many horny weirdos on there, hm.
Hidan: Why don’t you —
*Sasori comes in*
Sasori: “Grindr”? What is that?
Hidan: It’s this dating app for dudes who like  bein’ with other dudes. Deidara goes on tryin’ to get rammed, but —
Sasori: Is that what you want, brat? Mm? *puts out his hand and gently touches Deidara’s cheek* Such a beautiful body shouldn’t go to waste on a stranger. Come to my room later; I’d be more than happy to “grind” you. *walks away*
Deidara, excited: Ohhhh my god, hm! Did you hear that?! I’m finally going to get a shot with Danna!
Hidan: I … I don’t think he meant “grind” the way YOU think he did …
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theophagie · 6 months
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istanbulite · 1 month
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i bought earrings, shirt & pants ₍ᐢ.ˬ.⑅ᐢ₎♡
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imnobodyuknow · 2 months
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Finally got it done! Sorry again for the delay, everyone. You add a bad cold to a family visit and... Yeah, it kind of slows you down. 😓
Anyway, let's cut to the chase -- "big reveal" number...
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...has arrived at long last! (Sorry, couldn't pass up an opportunity like that. 😉)
So, not to make anyone feel old, but it's been a while since Doki Doki Literature Club became a thing, hasn't it? So, in case anyone needs a refresher, here's what the main menu screen looks like:
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It gives you a real sense of nostalgia, doesn't it? And possibly a bad case of the jibblies, too. 😅
And now, here it is again, but with a few not-so-subtle changes made:
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Ta-daaaaa! I decided to take the DDLC main menu screen and Lucky Star-ify it! 🤩 Why, you ask? Mostly for the usual reason...
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But I also couldn't help but notice how much the Dokis matched the four main characters of Lucky Star, at least in terms of their respective personalities. Sayori and Tsukasa are both the happy-go-lucky type (while also being clumsy at times)...
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...Yuri and Miyuki are both smart and shy...
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...Natsuki and Kagami are both grouchy tsundere characters...
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...and Monika and Konata...well, they're a little different, but they're both quite passionate about the things they love -- poetry and video games/manga/anime, respectively.
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In other words, I found an interesting connection between two groups of anime girls and decided to do something about it. Because why wouldn't I? 😄
Besides replacing the characters, I also Lucky Star-ified the game's logo, gave Konata a pen with a star on the end rather than a heart, and replaced the dots in the background with stars.
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Finding references for this drawing was pretty simple, as you might expect. I used the original logo for the Lucky Star-ified one (okay, I'll stop using that word now 😉), adding the star from the Lucky Star logo to it...
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...and used some official art for the Lucky Star cast:
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Heck, even their uniforms aren't too different, are they? The ones worn by the Dokis are drawn in a lot more detail, but their appearances are remarkably similar. I'm starting to wonder if the show was one of Dan Salvato's many inspirations now.
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In any case, we can at least say that this cute crossover drawing is now a thing that exists, and that's enough to make me happy. 😊 And I hope the same is true for you, whether you're familiar with one, both, or neither of these fictional works. 🙂 I realize that one's a lot more well-known than the other, but sometimes you just have to do some world-colliding, y'know?
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kunshi-junzi · 1 year
Quick Like a Bunny
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Quick like a bunny....even though I'm anything but 🙃
For Lunar New Year 2023 🌟
Probably will make prints of this later 😙
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usaharatobikichi · 10 days
Everyone needs to pray for me so i can win at getting tickets
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revengeromance · 1 month
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nachtwandeling · 2 months
I knew already from a very young age that life sucks but I never would have imagined as someone from/living in a western country that having your own place is a luxury -.-
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lynxalon · 2 months
HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTT THAT CRITROLE EP WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! im SO glad we had the set up of the last one so we could have the big thrills of this!!!!!!!!! this had everything!! it had ira's bad (and good!) decisions! it had sam's out of pocket wacky can shenanigans!! it had deception and sneaking! it had badass plays and some.. eye-catching talents 👀 it had gross shit that's kinda actually sad if u think about it! it had walking (running) away from explosions (NOT a sunglasses moment this was a loserfail) it had .. terrifying parents. it had imodna momence !! :D it even had some unprecedented wins for our typically fighty/flighty adventurers!!! i will ABSOLUTELY be watching that again come monday!!!!!!!!!!
#lynx speaks#cr spoilers#now to expand upon these!!! i am THRILLED that there has been a more overt notice of orym's hex 😏#thats what i've been excited for for aaaaaaages i adore orym esp when he gets a little more fucked up#what can i say im a bit of an angst fan myself :D#fcg gave ira SUCH a bad time tho like CMON BBYYYYY 1 MINUTE ?!?!?!?!?!! yall r LUCKY yalls r cool af#also tho.... ira actually saving fearne like 👀 i see it!!! i think simply everyone likes fearne and everyone would save her 😎#and team infiltrate i loooved imogen's use of that damn .. what was it called ? the damn static bomb that was sick as hell!!!#and hey!! both teams got in and out without anyone catching on that it was bells hells helping!#is that a first for bh? cause it sure feels like it TBH like the feywild malleus key stunt did NAWT go this smoothly#even with the bumps they had they did terrific frfr#esp with imogen setting up oryms badass fighter play and launda and chet setting each other up for success#and it does FEEL like imogen is more powerful on ruidus just from the plays she makes like the static spell and how it set Everyone up#to protect them all and keep their enemies in bad positions so that bh had good positions#they barely got hits and orym and chet took the brunt of it#they got out everoa and themselves without too much hassle and i'd say team mcfuckin 'splosion did pretty fucken well too#more damage on their side but. thatssss not their fault thats mainly on ira (and fcg 😂)#gosh. goshhh. what a good fucking episode. and sorrowlord zathuda. and liliana. fuck bro.#zathuda is SCARY#and liliana i meaaaaaaan. hun what did u THINK 🧐 imogen meant when she told u to run?? 🤔 'did she know' u know the answer to that.#i was definitely excited cause. we knew the volition were gonna fail in killing liliana. but i felt in my heart that she was gonna#feel betrayed by imogen. despite creating the scenario in which imogen must 'betray' her.#i LOVE fucked up mothers cant waaaaait to see what happens next !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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