#Labels & Sticker Testing Labs
fanservices123 · 2 years
FAN SERVICES Provide Lables Testing Lab Services |Lables Tensile testing,Labels Steel Strength Testing,Labels Testing As Per ASTM Standards Pune, Ahmedabad, Aurangabad, Chennai,Nashik, Indore, Nagpur, Hyderabad,Coimbatore, Mumbai, India
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marzinstarz · 1 month
COUNT -> 100
"Hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance"
"A good family tree"
His 18 y/o medical report
Ebay page for brass knuckles
Full recording of Dipper singing
News article from after the fact
Wikipedia page for 'triangle'
Church meeting recording
Pig adoption page
"Tri harder"
Google page for 'Confusion Hill'
"Never heard of it"
"rat.gif censored for your protection"
"Never mention that name again"
"Life's goth cousin"
"Life 72% complete. Now loading:  Death"
"The one with the sword! He found you!"
A note from Wendy about warding off evil triangles
Thompson and Robbie's messages about summoning bill
Soos's message about life at the mystery shack
A video of a bill cipher pinata getting beat up
Link to youtube video of "Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe"
Adds stickers to the page until it reads "Lab now fully mabelised"
A note from bill telling Dipper to stare at the sun
An oddly sexual video of bread
A romance novel called "The Love Triangle" with an audio recording of the first chapter
Wikipedia page for "Eye of Providence"
Google page for "Restraining order"
Google page for "Sweat resistant bolo ties"
Any swear word
"Not S&P Approved" notice
"Portal.exe has been deleted. I bet you could build one"
"Oh yes oh yes they both"
"Season -1: Antigravity falls"
"Season 1"
 "Season 2"
"For you, kid!"
A faux eye test page filled with codes that someone smarter than me need to decode
"I'm not impressed"
"Time agent lost and presumed incompetent"
"The journal of fun"
"The journal for you"
"The journal for me"
Google page for "Flannel"
Video of an axolotl swimming in front of a Bill statue
"You ask alotl questions"
A video of Weird Al stuck inside the computer
"Hoot. Hoot. Password please!"
A poem about a shepherd
Art labelled "The Bastard Triangle Cuts the Unicorns Hair" 1499
An ultrasound of baby Bill
Dipper's note to ford on anagrams
Downloads a zip file containing fonts of codes and runes
A video of Stan and Ford on the Stan O' War II, with a colour block code
The full image of Ford and Fiddleford at collage
Your webcam is on. We are watching."
"Ducktective stars in 'Love, Quacktually' coming to 'Oi, it's the Cockney Channel innit?' this fall"
A note from Bill about Fords place as a perfect pawn
Image of the oracle with a warning on the back
Images of Bill and his henchmen in the real world, message reading "They found a new home"
Youtube tutorial on how to blanch vegetables
A note from Pacifica about what a loser Bill is
A story of how Bill tried to enlist Pacifica to steal the time rift before turning to Blendin
"Dimension not found"
"Life form not found"
Bill's mug shots
Drawing of Stan catching a mermaid
Youtube link to Jem and the Holograms theme
Urban legend story of the 'Always Garden' a restaurant you cant leave
A video of Matpat tell us were on our own T-T
A hypnosis video with Bill audio convincing you to pledge your soul to him
A Bill Cipher ouija board
"Burned inside"
A snippet of Bill's therapy sessions talking of what ford was to him
"Patient file: Bill Cipher. Greatest love: Himself. Greatest fear: Himself"
"Art therapy notes: All he draws are red and blue triangles"
"Patient's odd phobias: 3D Glasses. Venetian blinds. TV static."
An old game commercial for "Perfection" with a snippet of Bill's [?] voice at the end
A transcript of a fight between Bill and the Time Baby, sheds light on Bill's crime against his home dimension
Downloads a photoshop file full of skin layers
"Life privileges revoked. Now releasing poison gas."
Creepy jump scare video
A novel cover for "Spookemups" with and audio sniper of the story
"Input deleted. AI Antiviral activated"
"Warning: Secondary firewall breached"
"Fatal warning. System under attack"
"Soos! I still love you! We will be together"
"Now downloading girlfriend. (This action cannot be undone)"
Then downloads a zip file full of link to Giffany gifs
A shockingly uplifting poem from Bill with a little image of him as a melting candle
Words that do not trigger the buzzer : BUBBLE, BUTTON, CLEAR, MUSIC
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kaviary-blog · 4 months
The Art of the Draw
Phleb!Seb, unspecified reader
Modern AU
Indulgent drabble of Sebastian as a phlebotomist.
Idea comes from my day job and some of my fellow Gauntlets. Thanks @pluviowriting and @marketfreshfics for helping motivate me to push this out!
Word Count: 407
— — —
“Alright, go ahead and pump that hand for me a couple of times.” Obediently, the patient opened and closed their fist until told to relax.
Gloved fingers poking at their arm, looking for the telltale trampoline feel of a vein.
Once located Sebastian grabbed his alcohol wipe, wiping the area clean. “Good. Now you’re gonna feel a little poke.”
Pulling at the skin under the poke site, anchoring the vein. His dominant hand braced the straight needle and he quickly stuck the needle into the patients arm. Feeling the subtle pop of the needle finding home within the vein.
Popping the vacutainer into the hub. A perfect stream of blood shot into the tube, starting to fill it up and the desired speed.
Sebastian smirked. His favorite thing is when the blood streams into the tube like that. Audibly filling the tube, like a favorite song coming onto the radio.
Pulling the tourniquet off the patients bicep, a satisfying release of tension. Removing the full vacutainer, grabbing a piece of gauze in readiness to pull the needle out.
Quick removal and applying pressure immediately after.
“Feeling okay?” Sebastian glanced up at the patients face, carefully looking for any sign of syncope.
They answered in the affirmative and Sebastian looked down at his watch, minding the exact time and keeping it in his forefront thoughts.
Keeping pressure applied to the puncture site, grabbing the coban wrap and carefully applying it around the arm, keeping the gauze in place and enough pressure to stop any more potential bleeding.
He smiled and made eye contact with the patient. “Alright. I just need you to do one more thing for me than you’re all set.”
Standing up straight, he walked over to the counter where he had placed the lab order and the stickers. Quickly jotting down the time on one of the labels, he turned back around and showed the sheet to the patient.
“Is your name spelled correctly?”
“Birthday right?”
Another nod
“Awesome. Then you are all set.” He set the labels back down on the counter, careful to time and initial each label as the patient stood up and gathered their things. “Cool. You’re just gonna go out that door and then to the left.”
Pointing the directions with a smile on his face and exchanging thanks with the departing.
Finishing up labeling his tubes, Sebastian returned to the back lab to put the test orders in.
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moosemonstrous · 9 months
btw I have now put links to both the tag here and on AO3 in my bio bc I got sick of scrolling through tumblr 😌 Full disclosure - I have met lab people who act like small animals caught in the middle of a road whenever someone dares to enter their domain.
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - sticks and stones
“Can’t promise the spot will stay open,” Kwok tells him apologetically. “But this is good, no? All the young’uns want to go to the academy!”
Robbie would bet his working eyeball that none of the young'uns would be so keen on it after ten minutes alone with Major Brooks. “So I keep hearing,” he mutters. “Sorry for the trouble. I appreciate you taking me on in the first place.”
“Navos is good people,” Kwok shrugs. The Shatterdome functions on a rather opaque network of favours and IOUs. ‘Good people’ seems to be a fairly high praise. Not quite on 'one of ours' level, but high. “You remember me when you are a ranger up in the dome and we’re even.”
And just like that, the transport maintenance chapter of Robbie’s career closes with little fanfare. Technically, he didn’t have to come speak to Kwok in person – his assignment has already gone through and the man would’ve been notified either way. He doesn’t want to leave a bad impression, though. For all he knows, the battery of tests he’d been fast-tracked through the day before will spit out some convoluted reason for why the drift activated on its own and he will be back on the job market before the end of the week. At least there are plenty of positions open – it’s easier to hire someone inside the base and train them up than wait for the paperwork to clear for an experienced worker from the outside.
He remembers the last time he let himself think things were finally turning around, though. He’s not going to make that mistake again.
At least his head is clearer after half an hour in a giant magnet and a full night’s sleep. He’s still unable to hold a conversation with Ivanov without some truly strange thoughts popping up like bubbles on the surface of a pot – the more tired or angry he gets, the harder it is to ignore them. He knew he was going to pay for running on fumes for weeks, and being sedated for nearly three days must have knocked something loose, but. Nothing proper sleep hygiene and some semblance of a routine won’t fix.
Or maybe you’re just noticing stuff, because you ain’t an idiot. Huh? Could it be that?
Or maybe this whole business with The Charger is extremely weird and Robbie should be packing up and running for the hills. Unfortunately, his and Gabe’s permits only work in Hong Kong and when he last checked how much it would be to fly back to US, he had to sit down for a long moment. Even if he was willing to risk taking a ship, where would that leave them? Back on a decimated coast, hoping the wind doesn’t blow over nuclear fallout, and struggling to find enough food for both of them? Queuing at state borders for days or weeks, hoping they’ll be lucky enough to get through on the increasingly stringent rules? Nevada already stopped letting in anyone without immediate family members or sponsors in-state.
Looks like the only way forward is through.
His wristband scans through to the R&D wing now. The soldiers standing guard give Robbie odd looks, but don’t make a move to stop him, so he forces his shoulders down and walks through the armoured door like he knows what he’s doing.
He has no idea what he’s doing. Cho said, ‘come find me in R&D before noon’. There are at least fifteen labs just in this one corridor and none of the doors have anything approaching a comprehensible naming convention. Some signs are just a piece of printer paper with a name scrawled over it, some have the original writing taped over with a KEEP OUT sticker, some seem to list the people working inside. None of those list an Amadeus Cho. It’s half past eleven.
Eventually, Robbie sticks his head in a room labelled ‘HMT DES’. Inside, there are three circular podiums with a mannequin each, showcasing variations of the PPDC hazmat suits. There are three people inside; two hide behind the middle suit as soon as they notice him, leaving the third to fend for herself.
“Can–can I help you?” she asks nervously. She has blue hair and wears fishnet sleeves over a tank top. Not exactly the nerd attire Robbie was expecting.
“I’m looking for Amadeus Cho,” he explains, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. It’s the opposite of what he usually tries to achieve, and she looks like she might be having an anxiety attack. “Any idea where I could find him?”
The girl listens to some frantic whispering from behind the suit. “In the bone lab,” she squeaks. Then blushes so hard Robbie worries she might actually pass out. “Up one floor, two doors down on the left, thankyouseeyoulater.”
What the hell.
He closes the door.
At least with the directions he finds the right room in less than five minutes. The label indeed reads ‘bone lab’. He’s pretty sure the music blasting from the inside is Dead Kennedys. When nobody answers his knocking, he prays he isn’t about to embarrass himself further and pushes the door open.
Cho is standing with his back to him at a table completely covered in… either huge chunks of dirty plaster or – more likely and vastly more disturbingly – massive bone fragments. He’s holding a metal training staff. Before Robbie can call out, he brings it over his head and smashes one of the chunks. When it doesn’t break, he adjusts his grip and tries again. And again. And again, until the greenish-grey surface cracks, at which point he gives out a little whoop.
“Cho?” Robbie risks. The music is too loud, coming from a small bluetooth speaker at the edge of the table. It’s shaped like a cat head. “Hey, Cho!”
Cho whirls around with the staff ready to smack the intruder. He’s wearing thick safety goggles. When he sees Robbie, he drops his weapon to the table with a clatter. “Good news!” he shouts over the music, like it’s normal both for people to just show up in his lab and to start a conversation from the middle. “You don’t have brain cancer!”
Well. That’s definitely good news.
“Was that a–?” He waits for Cho to lower the speaker’s volume through his phone. “Was that a risk?”
Cho is busy checking his messages, frowning. “Did you break my outfitters?”
“Hazmat lab?” The frown becomes a grin as he scrolls through a bunch of texts. Robbie feels like that’s worse. “Good job getting on their good side, they might be designing your drivesuit soon.”
“I just–“ Can we get to the point? This kid is missing a screw. “You said to come find you?”
“Yes! Come on, take a–“ he picks up a hammer from an office chair before sliding it towards Robbie. “There you go. I was hoping we could talk without the grown-ups hovering around.”
The grown-ups. Robbie can already feel a headache coming. He takes a seat while Cho leans on the table, untroubled by a pile of skeletal remains inches from his back. “Talk about what?”
Cho scrambles around for a remote and points it at one of the screens at a wall behind Robbie. He flicks through several output sources – one is most definitely a cartoon show Gabe used to love back in L.A. – until he finds what looks like the Hell Charger’s blueprints.
“That,” he says, suddenly serious. “What do you actually know about this jaeger?”
“I already–“
“Yeah, but that can’t be all,” Cho cuts him off impatiently. “I found your records from before your mom took you and your brother off-base. You were eight. Your dad never took you to the hangar?”
Not really. Mama didn’t want you losing fingers in the machinery.
“Wasn’t a place for a kid,” he mumbles. There are records? “I don’t really remember much from that time. Weren’t all the records sealed?”
I told you Ivanov is full of shit.
“Oh, they were,” Cho smirks. “But the last guy in my role had access to some of the classified stuff, and nobody ever revoked it. You know how it is.”
Robbie has no idea how it is. “What do they say?”
“Nothing!” Cho groans. “Just that you and your brother existed. That’s why I’m asking.”
It’s both crushingly disappointing and a perfectly good reason for Ivanov to just say there was no information available. Keep deluding yourself. You’ll see I’m right sooner or later. Still, Robbie doesn’t really have much he can – or wants to – tell Cho.
“Sorry, I can’t help,” he shrugs. “I’m told we left before it was decommissioned. Mom never talked about it.”
Cho lifts up his goggles to his forehead to rub his eyes. He seems frustrated. “No weird work anecdotes? No drama about close calls?” He huffs when Robbie shakes his head. “Great. Another dead end. What did Ivanov tell you?”
“Just that my dad used to be a pilot. That he died killing Daggerblight.”
There is a long moment where Cho watches him like he’s waiting for Robbie to crack and admit to some vast conspiracy. When nothing happens, he blows the air out of his cheeks. “Bummer. Oh well, let’s go find Montesi before she starts wondering where we are.”
Robbie feels the bottom of his stomach freeze over. “We were supposed to be meeting her, too?”
Cho is already walking over to the door. He holds it open with a stupid little bow. “Yep. We better hurry.”
Robbie kind of wants to punch him. He’s beginning to suspect this will be a common occurrence.
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theghostbunnie · 2 years
yis yis
Tell about ur hcs I’d love to hear
I don't know where to start I have so many with varying sizes
Anything to do with the main trio's parents I definitely accidentally over developed/hj and gave them all names and backstories
For just the main trio themselves off the top of my head rn: CW animal death mentions.
Neil doesn't feel any particular way about cats, dogs, kittens or puppies. In fact he would tell a dog to shut up for barking/hj He believes the most perfect pet ever is goldfish and he could go on and on about how cool and practical and so on they are. He cannonicaly had lab testing mice at some point that was confiscated from him and didn't seem too bothered when they died.
Idk man I just feel like there's some symbolism in there somewhere about him how he favors what the majority veiws as "the most disposable/boring pet" and doesn't gush over cute ones or more traditional ones to like.
He has a Fallout reference as a sticker on his safe so I took that as he's a fan of the games. He plays fallout and watches game of thrones and he probably likes Skyrim and Marvel too!! Like I don't think he has a problem with magic at all as a *fictional* concept. It's when he can't understand something or make sense of the paranormal it drives him off his rockers.
Nikki makes rubber band bracelets, and collects offbrand Lps and watches the amazing world of gumball on her mom's ipad whenever they're in a place she needs to sit still and she's just enjoying her childhood the best she can living in the vibes fr. She chews on the nails on hand and leaves the other sharp. She probably has a lot of broken action figures and barbie dolls she doesn't know the proper name of like 90% of them and gives them new names. It probably bugs tf out of Neil to watch her call Deadpool Spiderman.
Her relationship with animals as I've noticed, she's not like this Fluttershy type from MLP who has this bleeding heart for all of them, I personally think she veiws herself deeply as one of them. She'll care about the ones she knows personally like they're in her pack. Be intrigued by the ones that are cool, But would also not flinch if one died, "that's the food chain buddy." Infact she's fighting a wolf over a rabbit rn she told me herself.
Max has empathy issues he either feels at 100% or nothing at all and it's anyone's guess how he's gonna feel about anything. This sort of explains the inconsistency in his behavior or if he's gonna feel guilty about something after he does it. He struggles to take interest in hobbies or anything at all, so he's bored nearly all the time and does the stupidest or meanest shit to get a kick out of it. His mom signed him up for tapdancing, piano, and violin lessons and during the school year that fills up alot of his time anyways.
He's very political and infodumps the worst timed dark history facts ever bc he often doesn't know what else to talk about, labeling him as "a depressing mood killer" He has a very strong sense of justice but on a person-to-person level he will say the most sexist, homophobic, fatphobic, things not because he actually believes in those ideals, but bc he's just saying shit to get you mad probably or hurt your feelings.
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cartsonlinestores · 1 year
Buy Brass Knuckles Cartridges Online
Buy Brass Knuckles Cartridges online at  Carts Online Store. Brass Knuckles cartridges each contain 1 gram of super premium cannabis oil extracted from top-shelf strains and lab tested for quality assurance. Real purity, real integrity, no-nonsense. Brass Knuckles stays true to the cannabis concentrate connoisseurs, using tried and tested extraction techniques. Buy Knuckles Carts Online at Online Cart Store and benefit from free shipping,
Our Brass Knuckles Carts for sale are lab-tested and pesticide-free. All Authentic Brass Knuckles cartridges have Exclusive, Serial Numbered Hologram Stickers on the Side of their Acrylic Casing. All Authentic Product also has either CA or NV Compliance test Result Labels on our Packing Depending on the State it is Manufactured.
Extraction technique used for producing Brass Knuckles OG Authentic Brass Knuckles OG extraction begins with premium flowers, capturing the essence of the strain both in taste and experience. Brass Knuckles cartridges are available in Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid varieties and there are also several limited editions. Buy Brass Knuckles vape pen at Online Cart Store and enjoy the Brass Knuckles Experience.
The Hits You get when you buy Brass Knuckles Carts at Online Cart Store Each Brass knuckles pre-filled cartridge contains a full 1g of cannabis concentrate, enough for around 200 hits. One of our favorite features of the Brass Knuckles Carts is that it uses up every last drop of concentrate, unlike some other brands which leave a frustrating amount of residue in the cartridge. Buy brass knuckles vape carts online at Online Cart Store and enjoy brass knuckles authentic unforgettable hits. Popularity and Scarcity of Brass knuckles Vape Cartridges
Brass knuckles vape cartridges are THC cart making waves in California, USA when talking of THC vape products. Brass knuckles vape cartridge quickly rose to the top in popularity because of its potent distillate oil and tasty terpene mixes. Brass knuckles vape cartridges distillate THC oil is stronger than all the other cannabis extracts currently available
Brass Knuckles Battery For Sale Brass Knuckles uses a 510 thread battery. Just connect with a 510 thread battery and go! Batteries are available from the company in gold or wood effect, further adding to the visual appeal of the device. Buy Brass Knuckles Battery at Online Cart Store today.
The batteries also have adjustable settings, and the cartridges can handle up to 5 volts. However, you should be wary of turning your vape up too high. For most people, 3 volts should be sufficient to get some satisfying clouds and great flavor. There are reports of Brass Knuckles cartridges malfunctioning, but it isn’t much of an issue The has been steadily making improvements. Our Brass Knuckles Batteries for sale are authentic and approved. Shop with us today.
The Brass Knuckles 900 mAh battery uses a 510 connection, which makes it compatible with all 510 cartridges. To charge the device, screw on the USB charger. Once you attach your cartridge and select your power setting, hold down the power button while you inhale to start your journey. Our Brass Knuckles cartridge batteries for sale a 100% original and compatible with man 510 cartridges
Brass Knuckles Charging begins The LED light flashes three times, notifying that it’s successfully connected and stays red while charging. Once the charger completes, it automatically goes off, and the LED light changes to a green light. Buy Brass Knuckles Batteries From a top supplier and distributor of Brass Knuckles cartridge products.
The Brass Knuckles brand The Brass Knuckles brand was established in Los Angeles, California, by none other than legendary rapper Xzibit. For a long time, Brass Knuckles vape cartridges are seen as the best, and strongest, on the market. At one point, their Forbidden Fruit concentrate tested at an incredible 90% THC content, but this was later reduced and now sits at around 71%. Buy Brass Knuckles products at Online Cart Store, a licensed dispensary in CA.
NOTE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
0 notes
orchardisland · 2 years
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━━       PLOT : SEASIDE
               Dr. Choi Kiwoo shares the shocking results of his research on the mysterious squid to Dr. Nora Wang, who remains skeptical.
Dr. Choi Kiwoo sits at his desk, hands clasped contemplative underneath his chin. The tender skin scrapes against the stubble, itchy to a normally clean-shaven man. Several empty cups of coffee and take-away cartons are strewn about the table in the center of the room.
He hums to himself as the printer beside him chugs out a long sheet of paper, watching at the words and lines form in black and white: results of a DNA test run on the organic matter they managed to scrape up from the beach. It was a tedious task, one full of prying eyes from curious residents, and 
The ink is bold, freshly changed. There is no way for him to misread the results that come from the tests. He propels himself to the computer frantically, double checking against the data on the screen for any discrepancies. Behind the scuffed spectacles, his eyes widen to the size of saucers.
"My god... Dr. Wang, get in here!"
A yellow-clad woman strides into the room with a clipboard hugged tightly to her chest. She brushes her dark bobbed hair behind her ear. In every sense of the word, she appears unaffected by the frantic call of her superior.  "What is it? What's wrong?"
Dr. Choi’s eyes wander over to the glass jar with the torn off piece of tentacle floating in clear fluid, suspended like seaweed in water. The dead tissue has turned a dull shade quite unlike the vibrant dark red shown on that day. Eerie now, given the revelations the results yield. It nearly resembles a severed finger.
"This is..." Nora furrowed her brows as she scanned her eyes over the paper. A short laugh in the form of a scoff bellows from her parted lips. "Oh, come on, doc. You know what this is: one of our little lab assistants probably made a mistake and..."
"No, you know what this is, Dr. Wang." He rises to his feet, carrying the paper with him. "This does not contain the same proteins nor the genes I expected. Nothing is even similar to the studies of the giant squid I trudged up. This DNA is... human."
"Human?” She repeats with skepticism, brow raised. “Couldn’t this be a tainted sample? I mean, from the way the victims were killed, it could be possible. There was a lot of biomatter on that beach and on the samples we collected."
"I already ran multiple analyses against the victims and their families to verify. It doesn't come from any of them. The closest DNA match turned up a girl... Min Nakyung."
“What, her? Some kid?” Nora grimaces, folding her arms loosely. Her posture shifts. “I guess I saw her snooping around and taking pictures of what happened. Seems like there are a lot of people who took pictures of the event. Think we should hunt them down for more information?”
“There were a lot of people down at that beach, Nora. Nothing brings up these same findings.” The wheels of his desk chair scrape against the linoleum floor. 
“We could track down the remnants of what people left behind, ask them what they saw? I’m sure there’s some nosy journalists we can commission for it.”
“Perhaps.” He steps over to a box, prying it open to reveal several bags labeled with “evidence” stickers: a woman’s shoe, a discarded festival souvenir hat, a cigarette encased in slime, and a heavily burnt fragment of the tentacle. He keeps his voice low, certainty and experience obvious in the words he weaves. “I know what to do from here. I’ll keep you posted on what we do next, like usual.”
“Got it, doc.”
OOC  //
Story drops will include parts of the plotline that is being developed behind the scenes to give you a peak into the true mystery behind the island. These will happen after each event and between the next ones. These contain revelations and hints.
Depending on your character’s occupation and connection to NPCs/what’s mentioned, your characters may not be aware of what is happening. They can react to the information accordingly if made public.
AND depending on the responses of your character to the encounters, they and their actions might just get mentioned.
Because some of the information is technically confidential, characters are able to spread rumors and information around at their discretion based on what is public and what they saw, but there are risks that come with it... that is, if anyone believes you.
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
WandaNat x Reader : Kiss The Chef
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Summary: Food is the way to the heart! In this case at least.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,883
* * * * * * 
“I said minced, this is chopped.” You resist the urge to shout, instead choosing a mild anger.
The man frowns, eyes glancing at the garlic on the cutting board and back to you.
He clearly doesn’t know the difference.
A deep sigh wracks your body before you fan him aside, picking up the chef’s knife and a fresh garlic clove. Then mincing it yourself and making sure he sees the difference.
“Now you certainly don’t sound like someone who loves their job.” 
Setting the knife down, you wipe your hands off on your towel, and turn to your long time friend and pain in the ass, Mister Tony Stark. 
“Why are you in my kitchen Anthony?” You ask, passing him, and stopping at the sauce station to taste test.
Tony feigns hurt, hand over his heart,“ that is no way to greet a friend.” 
You simply look at him, a bored expression on your face. In short telling him to get on with it because you have a kitchen to run.
He nods,“ alright alright. I’m here to cash in that favor you owe me.” 
“Did you not do that already? Cause I’m pretty sure I catered your second wedding my friend.” You remind him.
Clicking his tongue, he tells you,“ you got paid. That was a job, this is a favor.” 
The urge to groan is high but you don’t. A deal is a deal.
“What is it?”
* * * * *
Adjusting your bag on your shoulder, you eye the large facility, before heading inside with a sigh.
Tony is waiting at the door for you with an all too familiar smug grin on his face. If you were the violent type you would’ve smacked it off. 
“Don’t look so proud.” You huff.
Chuckling, he throws his arm around your shoulder and begins the tour of his compound. He takes you around to the gym, shows you his lab, and the living quarters where your temporary room is, then finally shows you the way to the kitchen.
As you walk you memorize where you’re going, since this’ll be the route you take most often for the next month. 
Once inside, you survey the room with narrowed eyes, checking all of the equipment it’s fitted with. It’s all state of the art, which Tony brags about, and it’s not a problem but it does mean you’ll have to get acquainted with it all. 
Tony also informs you of F.R.I.D.A.Y his fully automated A.I. He let’s you know how it works, how to order fresh ingredients, and how to pull up recipes(mainly his favorite meals but also those of his teammates. 
“And the pièce de résistance.” He jokes, then grabbing a f/c fabric and shaking it out.
‘Kiss The Chef’ is written across the front of the apron in white and Tony happily places it around your neck, despite the blank expression on your face.
The man always finds your stoic and aloof personality amusing. Especially since, while cautious, he proves to be the exact opposite. Still you two are friends. 
You’re expecting Tony to leave. With it being well past six you decide to prepare dinner and the man knows you’d rather he not hover. But he does. 
Still you move through the kitchen with the same grace as you do your restaurant. 
With this being your first day as their chef, you want to make a good impression, so you fix a meal you’d perfected long before you’d become a professional chef. 
All the while you’d had to stop Tony from dipping into the food you made. Snapping at him more than once and slapping his hands away from the food. Until eventually you kicked him from the kitchen with a task to go get everyone. 
Using that time to set each plate on the table, with white wine as it’s a compliment to the pasta dish. Making sure they all look presentable and that the table looks nice but not cluttered, you go back into the kitchen to give them their space to eat.
You don’t even try to hide your proud grin when you hear their reactions to it. First their awe at the set up and then the silent chatter about how much they enjoy the meal. 
As you wait, you nibble on the leftover food and drink a beer. Until Tony comes in to bring you to meet everyone.
“Guys this is a friend of mine, Y/n. Y/n this is Steve, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, Carol, and Rhodey.” You nod to everyone, eyes lingering on the brunette Wanda and the red head Natasha. 
They look familiar you just can’t place where you’d seen them, so you move past that.
“Y/n is the chef who prepared this meal. As a favor to me, she’s agreed to be our chef for the next month, hopefully by which we can have the position filled permanently.
Everyone nods at his information and the man you now know as Rhodey speaks up,“ well thank god for that. This was incredible. I’m assuming you have experience as a chef.”
Nodding you tell him,“ I’m head chef at a restaurant in Manhattan called-”
“Pezzo di Paradiso.” Wanda interrupts with wide eyes.
Beside her, her redhead girlfriend holds the same expression.
How had they not noticed? You work at their favorite restaurant. And this is a dish they’d thought tasted familiar. 
They’d seen you more than a few times there. They even considered asking to thank you after a meal on more than one occasion but always became flustered at the idea of having an actual conversation with you.
Mainly Wanda. The young woman had developed a crush on you that grew with each visit to your restaurant. A crush that Natasha had continuously teased her about, despite her own attraction to you. 
Now you’re to be in their home for an entire month.  
That seems to fly by quicker than anyone liked.
Over the next couple weeks the team finds themselves loving absolutely everything you cook and growing to like you as a person in general, which admittedly takes a moment since you’re pretty closed off. 
Some nights were spent teaching one of them a certain recipe or valuable techniques. Your two main “students” being Wanda and Natasha.
At first the women weren’t sure about invading your environment as you worked but you’d assured them you didn’t mind showing them some stuff. Especially since you allowed their teammates to learn from you.
What everyone had begun to notice was your approach to the women. While with everyone else you were stern and slightly frustrated, you were much more patient and forgiving with them.
On more than one occasion Tony found you smiling or chuckling softly at Natasha’s mistakes with meals or Wanda’s curiosity toward the meals you made.
He’d teasingly asked you why didn’t snap at them for hovering or being in your space and when you stumbled to answer him he knew. Your month in the compound had lead you to develop feelings for the women.
Which had ate away at you. 
The women are in a relationship. Clearly in love with one another. You knew that your feelings for them would amount to nothing as they are obviously happy together.
But that doesn’t make leaving any less hard.
Your month is up. Tonight is your last night as their chef. So you plan to go all out, as both a thank you and a goodbye. 
Using F.R.I.D.A.Y, you pull together everyone’s favorite meals. It’d been a while since you yourself cooked eight different meals but you still give it your all. Even when you set the table. 
You have F.R.I.D.A.Y call everyone down after you’ve set name cards around the table. You know there’s a chance that you’ve overstepped, having left red roses at Wanda’s and Natasha’s spots.
It’s your way of telling them that they are indeed special to you, without the risk of saying the words to them and having that blow up.
As had become usual, you hear their excited chatter as they sit down, and even their comments pointing out the difference in their spots to Wanda’s and Natasha’s. 
You present them all with a three course meal. Starting simply with salads for everyone, again being special with Natasha and Wanda as you give them soups from their countries of origin. 
The second the smell of the Shchi hits Natasha her mouth waters and while she is mesmerized by the food, she finds herself mainly focused on you as you place a bowl of Zöldségleves in front of Wanda.
Both women then look at you. 
It’s clear you’d paid more than enough attention to them as they spent time with you in the kitchen. And you’d noticed the few times the women mentioned missing the taste of food from their homes. 
Which is further proven when you serve them their favorite meals from their home countries. Chicken Paprikash for Wanda and Pelmeni for Natasha. 
By the end of the night everyone is stuffed, not leaving though until they toast to you and thank you for your services. 
Natasha and Wanda, set on one particular goal, wait for everyone to leave, before going into the kitchen. 
They find you putting away the leftovers from each dish, named sticker labels pressed to the side of the tupperware. As always they’re flustered and attracted to the sight of you moving in the kitchen so elegantly. Like this is truly your element. 
“Oh,” you finally notice them, taking a hardly noticeable step back in shock,“ is there something I can help you ladies with?” You ask, ignoring the heat that’s begun to rush up your neck at the realization of your situation.
“In fact there is.” Natasha says, a smirk tugging at her lips.
You’re almost positive this is the moment they tear you a new one for leaving the roses and obviously making their meals more special than the rest of the teams.
“We were hoping we could give our compliments to the chef.” Wanda speaks slowly, a small purposeful step forward.
Fighting a confused frown, you nod,“ um, well, compliments received.” 
The women take notice of your nervous state. It isn’t often that you act this way. As you usually keep a cool and collected air around yourself. 
And unbeknownst to you, this gives them every bit of information they need. Their thoughts that you are attracted to them as they are you had just been confirmed by you.
“Actually, Wanda and I believe our actions could speak much louder than our words.” Natasha’s voice drops to a flirty tone.
You aren’t sure if you heard her right, but it’s clear you did when Wanda nods and takes yet another step forward.
Hesitantly, she reaches for your hand, and releases a breath when you let her take it.“ We’d really like to show you are gratitude.”
Her innocent words hold a suggestive tone and you swallow, glancing at Natasha who simply smiles reassuringly. So you nod and let them pull you from the kitchen.
You aren’t sure if this will be more than it’s implied to be but you’re eager to find out.
* * * * * * 
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miharus-fics · 3 years
A truth or a Lie
This may include spoilers?
This is not canon, it is a fic written by me with some aspects based on what is provided in game
If you are looking for a part of the fic in game and you cannot find it, then it was written by me.
The start of the fic is based on the timeline before episode 3 of the main chapter
Chapter 2
Giann arrived at the place they discovered the package and looked around. Nothing but a shelf of mail in the dimly lit road somewhere to the back of the disguised laboratory. He looked at the two way radio that he held in his cold, shivering hand, and thought of signaling to Neil, or at least just sending a beep to see if he could get a reply. However, he decided not to, in case Neil took it as a signal that he was in danger. The last thing Giann wanted to do was make Neil rush over without preparing properly just because of a false alarm, so he waited a little longer.
About 5 minutes later, Giann was about to send a signal over the two way radio, when Neil suddenly showed up. 
“Sorry if I worried you,” Neil whispered, “I was making sure we would be heading into the right area of the lab. We wouldn’t want to go in to find out that we were in the wrong area the whole time.”
Giann was about to respond, but was hushed by Neil. “Save your words for later. Let’s go.” Giann followed along as they walked behind cargo trucks that were parked in a line. There were few lights around the warehouse, but they were all bright, with at least 2 security cameras around each. One step into the light and they would instantly be discovered by the lab workers. 
There was an emergency exit door with a bright red sticker that was even visible in the almost dead night, and the two crept through that door to get in the lab. Though it seemed that nobody was in the warehouse from the outside, it was clear that people were in there. The lights in the lab were a cool white, shelves of chemicals in neat rows of 5 with each being labeled alphabetically. There seemed to be an ‘experiment’ going on then and there, as there were a couple of Bunsen burners with bubbling beakers placed above them. 
Neil took one look at the bench that a few people were working on. A look of surprise could be seen on his face. “Professor? You seem to recognize something there?” exclaimed Giann as he looked at Neil. Neil calmed himself down a bit before replying, “Those pink tablets on the bench, something similar was in the package we found earlier today. From my conclusion, the tablets’ purpose was to have an anti-aging effect. But if they are here making a similar, but different version of the tablets, it is either the ones we got a hold of were defective, or had an extreme side effect they wish to try remove.”
The two quietened down to hopefully catch a bit of the lab workers’ conversations. “Anti-aging effect but decelerates mental and physical growth…” “We could give this batch to Gordan to test…” “To disguise the taste of the drugs in this…” 
It was obvious now that they were making a drug with NXX that had partially succeeded in their major goal, and had to be stopped. But the shelves were in plain sight, as soon as they stepped out of that little dark zone they were currently standing in, they would be caught and all this would be in naught. 
About to lose hope, one of the workers gave a suggestion to the others, “why don’t we get a sample of the X034 that was sent to us today from the other lab, and compare the quality differences? It would benefit us to not make the same mistake as them, and to end up using all our remaining samples for nothing is a waste of our time.” The other workers agreed, and the 4 walked out through the main back door, towards where Giann and Neil had found the package. 
They took this chance to rush to the shelves to retrieve the NXX samples, and instantly ran to the shelf holding chemicals starting with the letter N. Some stands were tilted over as they hurriedly looked through all the tags: Nickel(II) Cyanide, Nickel(II) Fluoride, Noxious X Xeno-gene. There it was: the only chemical on that shelf stored in a locked box with a 6 digit code. Not that the code was the most important thing right now, they could find a way to pry the box open. All they had to do was take the box and get out of the warehouse without being caught. 
After confirming that nobody was at the emergency exit door, Neil and Giann rushed out with the box. But as soon as they stepped outside, they felt a sharp pang in their back. Hearts beating rapidly, they turned around to see the same workers as before. “We already knew you were coming, but didn’t expect to see ya so soon. Only just realised you’s were here cos’ we heard footsteps in here after we left the warehouse. Mind going to sleep for us?” And with that, Neil and Giann were down on the ground unconscious. The two way radios slipped out of their hands as they fell down, and the workers carried them into separate test rooms.
Each room was like a prison cell, there was a single bed, a toilet and a sink. The only way in or out was through the door of the room, which required a keycard or fingerprint to open. Giann and Neil were in their own rooms, still unconscious from the tranquilizer dart from before.
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wellappointeddesk · 4 years
Back in July, Ana posted a practical, adorable recipe for DIY pen flush. As soon as I read the post, I had a follow-up request. The post specifically said to label your pen flush- and once I saw the charming illustrations, I knew no other label would suffice. A few weeks later, a new pen flush sticker pack was immediately added to my shopping cart.
It arrived in perfect timing because I had been meaning to try a suggestion I received from the Desk ladies about cleaning stamps. Thanks to our fearless leader’s seemingly endless creativity and talent, a lot of new rubber stamps have been added to my collection recently.
And while we are on the topic, have I mentioned that these are some really good stamps? Obviously, the designs speak for themselves- but the quality of the stamps is also exceptional. If you haven’t checked them out yet- I highly recommend them. Ana even has a few new ones I haven’t gotten my hands on yet… “Don’t Drink the Ink” stamps, a “Maker” series, and lab beakers. Something for everyone. Or in my case, all the somethings.
With all these new stamps around, I was curious how the other Deskettes cleaned their stamps after use. I had an old stamp cleaning pad that really wasn’t cutting it. Sponges were suggested as an option, and maybe even trying pen flush. I decided to search out necessary supplies for DIY pen flush, standard non-stamp sponges, and a few stamp-specific cleaning supplies for comparison sake—time for a show-down.
I decided to purchase two stamp specific supplies: a Ranger branded stamp cleaning pad, and a StazOn branded cleaning solution. The cost was about $15 for the pair.
For the test shown above- the first impression on the paper is the newly inked stamp, and each print after it represents one application of cleaning solution and a single run across the cleaning pad stamp before being re-stamped onto the paper. It took several applications and a little bit of elbow grease with the stamp cleaning pad, but by the time I got to my fifth round, the stamp was nearly clean. Definitely an improvement over my old stamp cleaning pad and water.
Time to break out the big container of Scotch-Brite sponges I purchased for less than 0.75 cents a sponge and see if they could match the results of the Ranger stamp counterparts.
The nice thing about these sponges compared to the fancy stamp-specific one is that both sides are usable. There’s the firmer cleaning pad on one side- which has a similar texture to the Ranger cleaning pad, and a soft spongy side on the reverse that can be used for soaking with pen flush and pressing the stamp into for cleaning.
Basic cleaning supplies and a jar I already had on hand, and it was off to the races.
The same basic principle for this test- although I applied the pen flush directly to the sponge and then simply pressed the stamp into the sponge a single time in between each imprint on the paper.
Needless to say, I was a little shocked by how significant the difference was. Even better, the cheaper DIY option is, the better of the two! It really only took one or two stamps into the sponge to get it 90% clean. Impressive! At the end of the cleaning above, I ran the stamp across the cleaning pad side of the stamps a few times and pressed it into a second stamp that had been soaked with just water. It looked almost brand new.
While I was stamping, I also pulled out all the black ink pads I owned to test for differences. I tried four ink pads: Ranger Archival Ink, Versafine Pigment Ink, StazOn Solvent Ink, and ColorBox Archival Dye.
Out of the four, I would definitely suggest either the Ranger or the Versafine- both options apply the perfect amount of ink to the stamp and provide clean lines on the paper.  The StazOn produced lines that were a little less clean and the ColorBox…
… a little bit overkill, to say the least. I suddenly remembered what prompted me to ask about stamp cleaning the first place!
On the left is the stamp I used for all the testing above after cleaning with my DIY supplies at the end of the night. On the right, we have the stamp I was using before I purchased and made my new cleaning supplies (I haven’t tried cleaning this original one with my new supplies yet). To be fair, I’ve definitely used the old one more than the new one- but I don’t think I ever got that original one as clean as my new one… even after a single use.
Your weekend to-do list:
Purchase stamps and stickers from the Well-Appointed-Desk shop.
Make your own DIY pen flush.
Find or purchase a regular, non-fancy, non-stamp branded sponge.
Stamp a few ink swabs, a letter, or anything else that needs some inky flair.
Clean your stamps and your pens?
Stamps: Well-Appointed Desk Rubber Stamps ($7-$16)
Swatches: Col-o-Ring “Oversize” ($15)
DISCLAIMER: Some items in this review include affiliate links. The Well-Appointed Desk is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Please see the About page for more details.
  DIY: Pen Flush as Stamp Cleaner Back in July, Ana posted a practical, adorable recipe for DIY pen flush. As soon as I read the post, I had a follow-up request.
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sciencelings-writes · 6 years
Iron Man Bingo: Tony Stark & Harley Keener
this is part of my 5+1 series of Tony and his kids, this one has less Tony in it which was not what I was planning but I’m mostly trying to show how much he cares, even from afar. 
Every Christmas, Harley got a ridiculously expensive gift that he knew his mother couldn’t afford. It was always labeled that it was from ‘Santa’ but Harley was anything but stupid. There was a billionaire out there that still felt bad after several years of putting him in danger once. Okay, maybe twice but Harley honestly didn’t dwell on it. He actually liked helping Tony out when he was twelve, his life was boring anyway.
Usually, it was a custom kit to build something that gradually got more and more complicated. They would be robots and other machines that kept Harley busy for a few weeks before he ended up modifying it to his own design for the rest of the year.
It was a single armed robot with gold lettering on it that cheekily spelled out ‘ANTHON-E’ or ‘TON-E’ for short. Tony wasn’t discrete. And he had a strange sense of humor.
Okay, Harley thought it was funny and the golden stickers could’ve spelled out anything he wanted. Harley was the one that thought it was funny to call the bot TON-E. But Tony did send a note with ideas for names that were just as bad. Mostly puns that ended in ‘-E.’ Most of them were not FUN-E. In fact, they were borderline SHIT-E.
But one year, the year after the shitshow that was Ultron and the breakup of the Avengers, Harley got something a little different. There was a huge box of parts and Harley audibly gasped when he took a look at the blueprints. It wasn’t a little project or a robot, it was a full-on Iron Man suit. Tony had included several colors of paint and literally everything Harley could ever hope to need to make the suit perfect, although the weapons were understandably less powerful.
They weren’t like nerf guns instead of actual guns, but they weren’t going to destroy his whole block if he fucked something up.
The only thing fully put together in the kit was the arc reactor. Sure, Harley had seen it up close, hell, he had put it back in Tony's chest that one time but it had been a few years and now that he had a better idea of what it was, he was fascinated by it. There was a note on it from Tony, it gave a personal phone number and an invitation to ask for anything else that he would need and a suggestion for a free visit to New York.
Harley was a little bit excited. When he wasn’t being watched by his little sister and mother, he literally jumped up and down with a ridiculous grin pasted on his face. It took him a full month to stop smiling and he started working on the suit immediately. He also started regularly texting Tony after years of not talking him.
Their conversations ranged from dumb shit that Harley was not ashamed of talking about to deep shit like the effect of the loss of the Avengers. It took a few months and several reminders that Harley knew how to deal with the man's panic attacks that he opened up again.
Harley may not be a therapist or anything like that, but he was the type of person that could listen to people. He listened to his mom when she broke down when he suggested she try dating again, he listened to Tony during his panic attacks and the adults always felt bad for unloading their trauma onto him but he didn’t care. Sometimes people needed someone to listen and think for them when they couldn’t think straight and Harley honestly didn’t mind being that person. He seemed to stay calm when other people would freak out.
Right before spring break, Harley finished his suit. He had fully tested it and wanted to see how it would fare for long distances, so he decided to surprise Tony by visiting. He wasn’t an asshole though, he told his mom that he was going to go visit, he just didn’t tell her that Tony didn’t even know.
Honestly, Harley only knew that Tony was going to be in the country because his AI connected to FRIDAY and she had told him Tony’s schedule for the whole month. He specifically took a few weeks off to chill out and Harley was planning on ruining it. Eh, Tony would forgive him.
He was kind of surprised that his mom let him go at all, but it turned out that she had talked to Pepper Potts and she had promised that she would make sure that Harley would be taken care of as she was sure that Tony couldn’t even take care of himself. Okay, he could but a lot of the time he forgets that human bodies had needs that had to be met every day. Like sleeping and eating.
Anyway, Harley left as soon as he could. And now he could say, flying was pretty fucking awesome. He topped out at about one thousand miles per hour, faster than a normal plane, but it would still take a while to get to New York. So he enjoyed the ride. For one, the view was beautiful, by being so high up, everything just looked so small.
Harley didn’t even think before he flew in loops and just played around with the whole concept of flight. The ducks in the air could probably hear him whooping from outside of his metal mask.  But he didn’t think that they had the brain capacity to care.  
He was in the middle of a swan dive when his visor turned red and text flashed in front of his eyes. Thankfully, it wasn’t a problem with the suit or anything like that. It was an alert for something happening nearby.
By then he had been flying for a while and was already above West Virginia. The alert just said that the AI had sighted a mugging using a nearby security camera. The guy had a gun and his AI had deemed it safe enough to be his first act of heroism. He didn’t have much else to do and if he actually wanted to be some sort of superhero, he would have to actually do some hero-ing.
He continued his dive until he was about as high as the nearby building. He slowed his descent and heavily dropped on the ground. He almost lost his balance but he didn’t fall so it was fine.
“Iron Man?” The criminal guy froze in his tracks and dropped the old woman's purse.
“Not quite.” Harley shot a low powered repulser blast at the man and surprisingly hit him. His arm but he fell to the ground. “I’m more like petty-crime Iron Man.”
The criminal was passed out on the ground so Harley paid attention to the woman.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Thank you so much, young man, before you shoot off into the sky, would you mind taking a picture with me? My granddaughter loves Iron Man!” Well, she got over that quickly…
“I guess…” He helped her after she struggled to take a selfie with him and after a few minutes, the lady had a picture of the new black and gold Iron Man. She seemed pretty pleased with the picture. He told her to call the police to report what happened before he shot off into the sky to make his way to New York.
This wasn’t the only stop he ended up having, he ended up stopping a robbery in New Jersy and distracted a potential rapist so that a girl could get an uber home. He wasn’t aware of how many pictures were taken of him and by the time he got to new york, there were several news sites that wrote about him. Most had headlines like ‘Iron Boy?’ or ‘Is there a new Iron Man?’ and dumb shit like that but one had ‘Tony Stark has a child who fights crime?’ So it could’ve been worse.
He landed at the Avengers compound in the middle of the night. He was exhausted but excited at the same time. Conflicting emotions were annoying. He popped out of his iron suit and stretched a bit before strolling into the compound with slightly hunched shoulders. Pepper met him inside, apparently, she had stayed awake waiting for him.
“Tony is just in his workshop and he’s going to stay down there all night if you don’t get him out of there. I’m going to bed and if you just join him, I’m going to sic FRIDAY on you guys.” Pepper threatened with a yawn. Harley was physically exhausted enough not to even think about denying her.
Pepper showed him to the workshop and excused herself to go to bed. FRIDAY let him in and Tony didn’t even notice. Tony seemed to be intensely examining a glowing holographic screen in front of him. Harley sat by him for a full five minutes before Tony even realized that he was there.
“Kid?” Tony looked like he hadn’t slept in a week so Harley was surprised that the guy even recognized that he was a kid.
“Hello to you too, it’s been a while.”
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Chill out, it’s spring break, I just decided to stop by.” Harley smiled and stood up. “Come on, you look like shit. Your girlfriend wants you to get some sleep.”
“You know I haven’t had enough sleep when I consider that you’re a hallucination.”
“Why the fuck would you hallucinate me? Maybe in the morning, we can reunite properly but personally, I’m about to pass out so…”
“Yeah yeah, no need to make me feel guilty… goddammit, you have gotten better at that…” Tony stretched and stood up in a way that strangely reminded Harley of a cat. “I saw you didn’t waste too much time to go play vigilante.”
“The fly here was pretty boring.” Harley shrugged. “Hey FRIDAY, tell Pepper we’re on our way up.”
‘Of course.’ The AIs voice came from the hidden speakers. ‘Boss says that you haven’t gotten the high score for getting Tony out of the lab.’
‘What’s the high score?’
‘Fifiteen seconds due to an accidental alert from Spider-Man. He didn’t mean to press the panic button.’ FRIDAY replied and if she had a face, Harley was sure that she was smiling. Or rather, smirking.
“Well, I’m going to beat that record.”
“Good luck with that kid…” Tony groaned. “Please at least promise not to give me a heart attack.”
“You have a med bay here right?” Harley smirked.
“Jesus Christ…”
Pepper could hear the laughing all the way from the Iron Suite.
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A Vampire
Anonymous said: I love your spamano so freaking much 💖pls do more when you can!
obligatory “this is my line of work” fanfiction
On AO3. On FFn.
Lovino Vargas didn't fuck around. Lovino Vargas was the man you called in when you wanted shit done. Lovino Vargas didn't miss veins.
Lovino Vargas walked into room 321 and didn't expect much.
The patient was sleeping because it was ass-early o'clock. Lovino knocked on the door and placed his box on the soiled linens bin.
"Good morning," he said, already throwing open his box and ripping a piece of tape off. "I'm Lovino, from the lab. Your doctor has ordered some lab tests this morning."
The patient—the lab slip said Fernandez, Antonio—groggily opened his eyes. "Oh, hello."
"Good morning," Lovino repeated.
Fernandez had been admitted yesterday for pain in the left arm and lightheadedness. Lovino was under the impression that anyone who came in during the summer with lightheadedness was an idiot who didn't drink enough fluids, but what did Lovino know, he wasn't a doctor.
The nurses had managed an IV in his foot, which didn't bode well for Lovino. They had managed a lithium heparin tube, green top, yesterday, so at least the doctors had something to go on. It was Lovino's job to get the lavender, blue, serum separator, and another green top tube this morning.
"Are you a nurse?" Fernandez asked.
"No, I'm a phlebotomist. I have to get some blood from you. Which arm do they usually have luck with?"
"Oh, they don't have luck."
Lovino, hands full with a tourniquet, needle, gauze, alcohol pad, and tubes, gestured vaguely at Fernandez's right arm. "I'm going to try this arm first."
Lovino threw his supplies down on the bed and lowered the guard rail.
Fernandez peered curiously down at the supplies. "I can't believe there's a job devoted to this alone."
"Believe it because it pays my bills. Tell me your name and birthday, please."
Fernandez complied as Lovino stretched the tourniquet taught and tied it tight around Fernandez's arm.
Lovino looked away and felt slowly, carefully, at the crux of Fernandez's elbow.
"How's it going?" Fernandez asked.
"You say that, but I don't think I believe you."
Lovino paused and felt carefully on the inside of the elbow. "It is my job. I think I'll be okay."
"Want to hear something funny?"
Lovino did not. "Sure." Lovino was trying to find a fucking vein.
"I stopped going to doctor's appointments because they would order lab work and then I'd have to go through this whole process like three times before someone could get me. Not three pokes, three different locations."
Lovino took the tourniquet off. "I'm going to switch arms."
Jesus Christ, Lovino had never felt an adult man with such piss-poor veins. There was nothing, just hard skin. Lovino switched arms and repeated the process with the left arm, twisting Fernandez's wrist this way and that, pointer finger slowly, slowly, trying to find a vein.
"What are you doing?" Fernandez asked as Lovino twisted his wrist again.
"Veins can be positional." Lovino could feel his face start to heat up as he twisted this way and that, nothing, nothing, nothing.
"Ah." Fernandez wiggled his fingers. "What does that mean?"
"Sometimes, when you twist the wrist, they can pop out."
Fernandez hummed. "So, my bones push my veins out?"
Lovino let out a deep sigh and undid the tourniquet. Clearly, nothing was to be found in the elbow, which was odd for a man. But Lovino Vargas got shit done, and he wasn't about to let one idiotic patient fuck with his track record.
"Hands." Lovino grabbed Fernandez's left hand.
"What did you say your name was, again?"
Lovino tied the tourniquet tight around the patient's forearm, and then moved his hand until it hung off the bed. "Lovino." Lovino flicked at his hand, eyes intent on finding the slightest rise of skin, slightest sign of something.
"Lovino. That's a fun name, it sounds Spanish, like mine. But I don't think you're Spanish, I think you're—"
"I'm going to ask you very nicely not to be racist."
Fernandez laughed.
Lovino flicked again around the man's thumb. "Make a slight fist for me. Nice and loose, nice and loose."
"Why are you hanging my hand off the bed?" The man wiggled his thumb under Lovino's fingers, which was about as helpful as Fernandez punching Lovino in the nose. "Does that help?"
Wait—yes—there. Lovino gripped the patient's hand hard. "Do not move."
Lovino rushed back to his box and quickly set up another needle, and then sat on the ground, eyes trained on where he had maybe felt a vein.
Fernandez watched Lovino like his hand wasn't going numb from the tourniquet, which Lovino could appreciate, anyways. Lovino was only supposed to leave the tourniquet on for sixty seconds, but he usually found the longer he left it on, the better veins appeared.
Plus, what patients didn't know didn't kill them.
Fernandez shifted. "Oh, I know what that one is. That's a butterfly needle, right? They use that for—ah, mierda! Ah, fuck, that hurt!"
Lovino ignored this, of course. He gave the usual, canned response: "Sorry, hands hurt a little worse than the elbow, but I'm more likely to get you here."
"A little worse?!"
The fucking vein wasn't coming to Lovino. He could feel it, but every time his needle came near, it rolled away. All Lovino could do was pull back, pin the vein down the best he could, and then advance the needle again.
"All this because I got light headed. My friend, Gilbert, is a hypochondriac. But, for me. Well, me and my friend. He's a big believer in a balanced diet and regular doctor check-ups, and so of course he calls an ambulance just because I had asthma, or something."
As Lovino had suspected—dehydration. Idiot.
"My father died of a heart attack. My poor mother—may she rest in peace—never was the same after."
Lovino's face was growing warming by the second the longer the vein wiggled away from him. Lovino fucking Vargas didn't miss veins, and he wasn't about to start with this fucker who wouldn't shut up. He flicked the spot above his needled, trying to pump the vein up.
"Makes sense," Lovino said absently, to fill the air, "we're doing a test to check on a heart enzyme. Troponin levels."
"Why does that make sense?"
There, a flash of blood in the needle. Lovino slowly moved his hand away and attached the first tube. "Do. Not. Move."
"Yes, sir. Why does that make sense?"
Lovino's eyes were fixed on the blood dripping into the tubes. Already, Fernandez's vein was blowing up, Lovino had clearly nicked it in his search or gone through the back, but Lovino didn't fucking care as long as that liquid red gold was flowing into his tube. "Why does what make sense?"
"The heart test."
"Heart enzyme test. If your father died from a heart attack, and you came in after passing out, they need to make sure your heart isn't, well, you know, susceptible to a heart attack." Lovino's eyes flicked over to the man's labels, checking his birthday printed there as he switched tubes. "Little young for heart problems, though."
Fernandez shifted above him, and Lovino sucked in air between his teeth sharply. The blood didn't stop flowing, thank the Holy Mother.
Fernandez said: "Well, you know what they say about old souls."
Lovino frowned. "No, I don't."
"I guess our hearts suck because our souls are so old."
Lovino heard the words. Took a second to process them as he switched to the final tube. And then Lovino laughed. Lovino actually laughed at this sentence this idiot who had passed out from dehydration said.
Lovino glanced up to find Fernandez smiling at him. It was the first time Lovino had looked at the guy's face; round with sunburn on the cheeks, white, nice teeth, green eyes. Lovino averted his eyes quickly.
He held gauze over the needle and withdrew, putting the safety on the needle with one hand. He pressed firmly against Fernandez's hand, trying to stop the bruising with pressure, but Lovino knew he had fucked that vein up. Hopefully, he wouldn't need any more blood work and it wouldn't be an issue until the idiot passed out again.
Lovino put a piece of tape over the bandage and stood, gathering the vials of blood. "Well, I'm all done. I just need to label these and I'll be out of your way."
Antonio smiled at him. "You aren't in my way at all.
Lovino nodded and threw the needle in the sharps container. He labeled the tubes with Fernandez's stickers. "Hopefully I won't have to see you again."
Antonio laughed. "Hopefully not! I'm hoping they let me go before tomorrow night, I want to catch the soccer game."
Lovino nodded. "Feel better."
"Bye, Lovino."
While Lovino fucking Vargas didn't miss veins, other phlebotomists weren't as fucking awesome. Lovino walked into 321 and threw his box once again on the linens bin.
"Good morning."
Lovino glanced over. Antonio grinned at him like the stupid syncope bitch he was and waved. "It's so good to see you again! I have had one very, very, very rough night. They kept coming in every six hours to take blood, and I had to have a CT scan and then I had to talk to this cardiologist and he was talking about putting in a pace maker like I'm some sort of old man."
It was illegal for Lovino to ask any follow-up questions to this stream of information that was shoved upon him so rudely at six in the morning. Lovino opened his mouth to tell Antonio as much when he caught sight of his arms.
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph what did they do to you?"
Lovino marched over and grabbed ahold of Antonio's hand, twisting it this way and that. The poor idiot's arms were covered in bruises, not only in the crux of the elbow—phlebotomists' preferred spot—but all down his forearms, and his hands were utterly unusable now, black and blue as they were.
Antonio let him look with a sort of bemused, helpless expression on his face, like he had been caught out in the rain. "I told them to go where you went yesterday but they said they didn't feel anything. But they tried to put a new IV in, too, I think a couple of times."
Lovino let Antonio's arm go. "A rough night? It looks like you were—" Lovino clipped out the swear word, "—brawling all night."
Antonio let his head loll back onto the pillow. He was wilting like a flower indoors, and for the first time, Lovino wondered if this idiot might actually be sick.
But. Lovino wasn't a fucking doctor. That was none of his business. His business involved finding a vein in the train wreck of this man's arms. Still, it was irritating none of these fuckers could do their job, and that Lovino had returned after one night to find Antonio in such a state.
"Lucky for you," Lovino said, turning to gather the tubes and needle, "I don't miss. I'm going to get every color tube on you so they can't piss and moan and add more tests on later."
Lovino came over and tied the tourniquet tight on Antonio's arm, near the armpit.
Antonio watched him, work; Lovino could feel his eyes on his hands.
Lovino carefully felt around Antonio's bicep, praying that he was no one had bothered to try this high yet. Only IVs and desperation lurked anywhere above the elbow.
"Do you like this work?"
Lovino shrugged one shoulder as he worked. "It's alright. It's challenging, and every day is different, but it can get very… repetitive, after a while. Once you get good, anyways. And then a lot of it is chasing after doctors and telling them they ordered tests at the wrong time, and patients being grouchy. It gets f—irritating."
Lovino paused, poking and judging a superficial vein. Privately, and Lovino would never admit this even if someone was stabbing hot pokers into his eyes, he admired Antonio's muscles. They weren't huge, by any means, but—
"So, lobotomy isn't you career?"
Lovino's mouth threatened to twitch into a smile. "Phlebotomy. No, I don't think so. I'm actually trying to get into medical school."
He felt Antonio move with surprise under his fingers. "Really? Dr. Lovino?"
"Vargas. Dr. Vargas."
"What would you be? Would you be a heart doctor?"
"Don't move."
Lovino carefully pulled the skin taught and weaved the needle underneath the skin, eyes trained on the vein he was going for. It was close to the surface of the skin, and Lovino suddenly doubted it would hold under the invasion of the needle, but he got the flashback.
He popped the first tube on.
Lovino decided this next question would be neutral enough: "What about you? What do you do?"
"I'm a gardener."
Lovino tried to bite back a snort. "No offense, but how are you paying for this room?"
He glanced up to see Antonio smiling sheepishly at him. "Remember my friend I mentioned? The hypochondriac? Well, he's. Uh. Sort of paying for me."
"Some friend."
"Well, he can afford it. And I told him it's his fault to begin with I'm even here, stuck with all these medical bills, so it's the least he can do."
"Shit, my brother is in fancy art school and he pays dick-all for me."
Antonio leaned closer to Lovino, and Lovino was just about to snap for the idiot to sit back, did the fucker want to get stuck again, when he whispered: "Are you allowed to be swearing in front of me?"
Lovino was already opening his mouth to apologize because he was definitely going to get fired if he was caught swearing again, but he caught the mischief, the flicker of a smile, the inside joke suddenly hanging between them. And Lovino realized how close their faces were, and how weird it was he had a needle in Antonio's arm.
Lovino snapped the tourniquet off Antonio's arm. "I'm done," he said, loudly, like a fucking idiot.
Antonio leaned back and beamed at him. "You're the best phlebotomist ever."
Lovino wished that sentence didn't haunt him for the rest of the day.
What the fuck?
Was someone calling him? Was someone calling Lovino on his fucking day off at fucking seven in the morning? On Sunday?
Lovino scrambled for his phone and answered. "What?"
"You need to come in."
"Like fuck I need to come in! I worked forty hours this week! I did my time!"
"It's a patient. We need you to draw him. He refuses to allow anyone to touch him, and he requested you by name, and the doctor needs the results."
Lovino glared at his phone. "Is it that fucking idiot Antonio?"
"It is him, isn't it?"
"That mother fucker!"
Lovino threw his box into an empty chair. "How did you end up in the ICU? I honestly thought when I first saw you, you were just and idiot who passed out from heat stroke. And then you told me you were a farmer—"
"—whatever, and then I really assumed you were an idiot who passed out from heat stroke. But now you're in the fucking ICU." Lovino shot a look at one of the nearby nurses. "And I'm allowed to swear, by the way, because I am technically not on the clock."
Antonio waved weakly from his bed. "It's good to see you again, Lovino."
"Yeah, I bet. You know what you need? You need a fucking port, because your veins are clearly shit and you're clearly actually sick. Ridiculous. What did they do to you?"
Lovino wondered faintly if Antonio had been put on blood thinners, because his arms looked even worse than when Lovino had seen him a few days. As he tied the tourniquet around Antonio's arm again and searched for another vein on the poor guy, Lovino rubbed his thumb gently against Antonio's skin.
A small comfort for Lovino, mainly. Antonio's arms were one giant bruise, dark purple and angry like storm clouds. And they were hard bruises, the kind that obstructed the bounce of veins from underneath Lovino's fingers.
Lovino let out an irritated sigh.
Antonio rolled his head to give Lovino a sad look. "I'm sorry I made them call you. I just… couldn't be poked again. Unless I knew they could get me, and only you can get me."
"Oh, stop moping. I'm here, aren't I? I'm not mad, you're fucking sick."
"You're going to be a good doctor."
Lovino rolled his eyes. "Thanks."
"No, seriously, Lovino, I mean it."
Lovino looked up from his search to find Antonio gazing at him with wonder in his eyes. Lovino away sharply, taking a calming breath. "Well, let's see if I can even find anything first, before you switch primary care doctors to my ass."
There, above where they had tried for an IV in the forearm. Lovino held his breath and put the needle in, eyes fixated on the spot where he had felt the vein winding, faintly, over Antonio's muscle.
But it wouldn't come.
Lovino could feel himself start to panic, his face start to heat up the longer the vein rolled away. Somewhere, deep down, he knew he hadn't gotten it. But he wasn't going to poke Antonio again, fuck that noise.
Lovino flicked around the tip of the needle, trying to make the vein rise up again. God, please, please not today, not with this patient, Lovino liked Antonio, he didn't want to have to poke him again, please, just come back.
"Oh, thank God," Lovino breathed as the needled showed a flash of blood into the tubing.
Antonio smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you."
"Do me a favor and tell your dickhead friend to never send you to this hospital again."
Antonio laughed. "Since it's your day off, will you stay and have lunch with me?"
Antonio shrugged his free shoulder. "I mean, what, are you going to go to church?"
"Fuck you, maybe I was. Are you seriously asking me out on a date in the IC fucking U?"
"I think so?"
"Sorry, I don't go on dates with people who have shitty veins."
Antonio laughed again, and Lovino grinned like an idiot at the sound.
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buyroidspro-blog · 5 years
3 important tips while buying steroids online in 2019!
These days anabolic steroids getting very popular among professional bodybuilding and athletes, even amateur sports looking to get genuine and licensed steroids online so FIND OUT THREE AMAZING TIPS WHEN PURCHASE STEROIDS ONLINE!
How to recognize authentic and legit steroids at online market?
In 2019 you will see many websites online which offers anabolic steroids for sale but not all of them offering real thing..how and why? Well this is easy to understand because global market looking for cheap and genuine products so many brands and labs producing steroids in 2019. Many underground labs producing anabolics without proper license and selling them trough many online sites, this products can be dangerous because not manufactured under GMP (good manufacturing policy) and they not pass tests about purity and etc. That is why I have decided to start writing blog about genuine and legit steroid brands shop where can be found. I decided to help people which not have knowledge about real steroids and I want to explain how to recognize real products and brands. First step while buying steroids online - check authenticity!Yes. this is very important step which will tells you do you get a real deal. EVERY original and genuine anabolic steroids product (oral or injectable) need to have unique authenticity code. 
What is authenticity code on steroids label?
Authenticity code is unique 1 or 2 line of numbers and letters which can be found on original product label and with this code you can visit official pharma website and check if really that product comes from specific manufacturer. For example, if you purchase Alpha Pharma Nandrobolin 250 (Deca Durabolin) you need to scratch sticker from box and you will find unique authentic code which can be checked at official Alpha Pharma Healthcare website. If code is correct you will get message and status OK (green-check) that means your product which you purchased online is verified and really comes from specific lab. Example of genuine steroid product and authenticity check Second step - always purchase ONLY legit and genuine steroids!Do not gamble with your health and testing cheap steroids because can be very harmful and ALWAYS purchase legit and trusted steroid brands such as: Alpha Pharma, Global Anabolics, LA Pharma, Meditech Pharmaceuticals - find out more legit steroids brands at roidspro.com This steroid brands maybe not cheapest solution but for sure they are tested and 100% real so always recommend to try any of them, results will be surprise amazing!
Third step - follow up recommended dosages in steroid cycles!
Even you need steroids for bulking or cutting steroids cycles always use proper dosages which are recommended by professionals or take a look on popular forums. Do not forget PCT (post cycle therapy) and also use them smart. While using beginner and oral steroids for cycle take a milk thistle pills and protect your liver on time! I hope this three simple steps will help you to get licensed and real anabolic steroids without issue and of course always check history of your legit anabolic steroid supplier and simply choose one which meets requirements mentioned above!
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{Valentine’s Collection} #2
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
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Monica laughed nervously in response to the earnest, near-desperate statement, but William didn’t join her laughter--because he meant it. Every word.
The past shared between William Birkin and his former test subject Monica was sordid at it’s very best, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t love blooming between Stockholm Syndrome and William’s devotion to Umbrella and it’s vision for the future. William told Monica he loved her and he meant it; not only did he mean it but he proved it, daily, even if the origin of their love came in the form of a containment cage and sedatives. 
It was a ritual, practiced and routine. Umbrella would bring in the next batch of test subjects from Raccoon City, and William lined up with the rest of the scientists and researchers to either select or be assigned from the batch. The routine was unremarkable and so practiced it was nearly mundane, but the moment the lights illuminated the containment cages and William laid eyes on the one labeled MONICA his entire world shifted, skewed. The lights were bright, causing her to stir and lift one hand to shield her eyes but he’d caught sight of the brilliant emerald before she’d done so. Her hair shone like expensive silk and her unmarred, sun-kissed skin had his fingers twitching with an unfathomable need to touch. William knew instantly he had to have her and it had nothing to do with the research he was conducting.
Luckily for him, his impulse to have her meant his hand was up before anyone else’s and he got first pick. Off she was whisked to his laboratory with him walking alongside her cage like a puppy anxious for his first treat.
Initially, what he felt had confounded him. Monica was half-heartedly glaring at him from inside her containment cage, sitting on the floor of the 12x12 glass box because she was too drowsy to stand.The sedatives Umbrella used were top of the line, after all, but it was something William was grateful for. It allowed him to open her cage door and step inside, to kneel in front of her and get his first touch of skin softer than freshly fallen snow. She’d tried to turn her head from him but he hadn’t allowed it, easily stronger than she especially in this state.
“Extraordinary...” He’d mused, not bothering with gloves as he ran his thumb over her lower lip, his entire body reacting to her in a way he’d never experienced. He was a man of science, of knowledge and the furthering of humanity in a twisted pursuit of perfection but suddenly...suddenly that didn’t seem all that important. Perfection was right in front of him.
William had a job to do and he of course needed subjects to test his research on but that had never been his intent with Monica. Anyone suggesting that to him was met with either anger or a bewildered question of, “Why? There is nothing to improve.” It seemed he’d accepted his curious feelings without realizing it, unable to understand obsessive love when it was staring him in the face--and Monica was, because William gave her no choice or say about the matter. Initially he kept her mildly sedated, not wanting her to hurt herself in his lab...and selfishly, so he could hold her without her struggling against him. At first it was enough simply to hold her, to cradle her like a child upon his lap while he studied cultures under a microscope, other test subjects treated like so much cattle but never Monica. She never felt the prick of a needle except to sedate her, and under no circumstances was she to ever undergo any procedure Umbrella had to offer. Monica became William’s most prized possession and he took her everywhere he could--anywhere he couldn’t take her, he didn’t stay for too long, always staring at the clock anxiously, wanting to be back with her again. The devoted focus that William used to give his work was now all focused on Monica, minute after minute, hour after hour. The longer he had her, however, the more he began to desire more that just the simple, not-so-innocent act of holding her...and he hated having to sedate her. Why couldn’t she love him back? Maybe...maybe she could. No, she would. He’d make sure of it.
“We’re going to try a little experiment today, Monica,” William unlocked Monica’s containment cage one morning, but by that point it was no longer a cage. He’d had a proper extension put on it so it was tripled in size; he outfitted it with a plush mattress, soft, warm blankets and even stuffed animals--especially after he’d seen she was quite taken with the first one he’d given her. Little toys littered the cage and he’d given her stickers and coloring books as well to occupy her time when he wasn’t with her. That morning had been exactly the same as all the others; William unlocked the door and reached for her, and she reached back, allowing him to pick her up like one might a toddler. “We are going to forgo the sedative today, sweetheart. Would you like that?”
Monica had nodded, and William smiled, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“You’re going to be a good girl for me. I just know it.”
She had been; the day passed without any incident and William was delighted that without the sedative, Monica was talkative. He could listen to her speak for hours and that night he hadn’t gone home. The laboratory locked down with him inside, lying inside Monica’s containment cage with her while she talked, told him about her life and he asked her hundreds of questions. He learned she’d only been passing through Raccoon City when she’d been abducted by Umbrella, and he learned where she was originally from. He learned about her likes and dislikes, her fears and what dreams she’d had before her life changed so dramatically.
“I can’t...I c-can’t ever go home, can I?”
Her broken voice at three in the morning had torn at William’s heart, but he’d shaken his head all the same.
“No, sweetheart, but don’t worry. You’re going to stay with me.” He’d taken hold of her fingers and kissed each one. “Forever.”
Monica has now lost track of how long she’s been with William. Her life has changed so much in that time, but it hasn’t...been bad, she has to admit at least to herself. After that night spent talking, William moved her from the Umbrella lab to his home, and he made good on his promise of forever. William never experimented on her and he never let Umbrella do it, either. She went with him everywhere, and when he went to work, she went with him--not because he didn’t trust her in his home, but because he couldn’t be apart from her. William, so often without seeming to realize it, paused in what he was doing to touch her, look at her, kiss her, as if he couldn’t help himself. That brilliant mind held such capacity to hyper-focus and that’s exactly what he did, his entire focus seeming to shift from his work to her. He was devoted to her and her happiness, constantly striving to ensure she had everything she wanted so she would be happy with him. Monica slowly began to forget what her life had been like before William and now...
Now she was afraid she wouldn’t like life without him.
“You’ll say yes, won’t you, sweetheart?” William’s large hands skimmed down Monica’s skirted legs, past the fabric to the soft skin of her calves. His eyes were on her face, searching near frantically for any positive sign. “Please, I mean what I said. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
The small velvet box sat on Monica’s lap expectantly, open to reveal a ring holding a diamond that glittered like a star on a polished silver band. It was beautiful, and it was also a seal to William’s promise of forever.
“W-William,” Monica cleared her throat, her hand coming up to the box--but William caught her small fingers with his free hand, moving her fingers to the heat of his mouth.
“I know our love didn’t start as it should have and I am so sorry for that. But I’ve courted you as you deserve, haven’t I?” William turned his head, nosing against the center of Monica’s palm, pressing her soft skin close to his mouth. “Sweetheart...I need you so badly.”
His admission was a broken whisper and Monica bit at her lower lip; William always got her this way. She should by all accounts hate him, he worked for the company that had stolen her life and though she should blame him for that, for the fact that he not only aided in stealing it but kept her hostage even when he could have released her...she couldn’t. He looked at her with so much love in his eyes she thought she might drown from it. She didn’t understand it initially and truthfully she didn’t understand it now, but William loved her with everything he was and the only thing he couldn’t, wouldn’t give her was her freedom. The thought terrified him; if she stirred in the middle of the night, moved to sit up or even turn over, he snapped awake and clutched her to him defensively. He had nightmares about her leaving. Some might argue this love was wrong, twisted and warped, but it didn’t feel that way to Monica. She couldn’t help but feel cherished, desired, needed--24 hours of the day. William could not be apart from her. He’d been prompting her with a ring for over a week, now, and it seemed this time he wasn’t going to let her go until she said yes to him.
“I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t have you.” William’s strong fingers cupped her bare calf, his words ghosting over the inside of her wrist as he locked gazes with her. The raw intensity in his eyes sent a shiver down her spine. “The world is going to change around us, very soon, but I promise I can keep you safe. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.”
“I k-know,” Monica placated, her fingers a soft caress against his cheek. “I believe you, William.”
“I’ll do anything to keep you,” he pushed forward, mindful not to lose her touch against his cheek as he pressed a kiss to her waiting mouth. She made a soft, feminine noise in response and he swallowed it with a needy, stammering inhale against her mouth, the headboard the only thing keeping her upright. He’d woken her with this proposal, laying the ring box in her lap in the hopes that today, today would be the day she accepted him forever. “I love you, sweetheart.”
“I l-love you too, William.”
The words were exchanged with their lips still pressed to one another’s and William took advantage to steal a deeper kiss, his tongue caressing the seal of her lips as he drank from her, his hand sliding up her thigh, pushing her skirt up to reveal soft, supple flesh until he slipped his arm around the small of her back and pulled her up and into his kiss. William was always gentle and reverent with her, treating her as if she were the most breakable treasure on earth, but it never lessened his needy kisses and the desperate way he touched her.
“If you love me, then say yes, say you’ll be mine forever.” William rested his forehead against hers, rubbing their noses together with such innocent affection it was almost as if he hadn’t won her heart through nefarious means. If one were to ask William--and truthfully, others had before--he would answer honestly, in that he would burn this entire world to the ground for Monica. Nothing else mattered to him, not anymore.
Monica wrapped her arm around William’s broad shoulders, turning to rest her cheek against his as she nodded quickly before she lost her nerve.
“Say it, please, my love.” William pressed, his arm an iron band around her back.
William broke out in a smile, his other arm sweeping around her to cradle her to him, finally feeling content and secure that he would never be without this embrace. Call him delusional, call him a madman, call him obsessed--William will correct you and tell you to call him a man in love. He’s a husband-to-be, the happiest man alive.
As Monica felt William slip the ring on her finger, never to be taken off, she could only cling onto him a little desperately in return, her anchor in this fiery love affair that had taken over her entire life.
“I’m going to make you so happy, Monica, I promise. Forever, just you and I.”
Monica didn’t have to ask if this was until death do they part. William worked for Umbrella; when he told her forever, he was the one man on earth who could and did mean it.
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nurplenurple · 6 years
Stickers + Acrylic Charms Info.
I was typing this up to send to someone, but I figured might as well post it here in case anybody is interested. :D
Anyhoo, it kinda depends on what approach you want to take.
But before I get into that, I just want to point out that any and all artwork, no matter what method you choose, has to be saved in CMYK mode, NOT RGB. Reason is that all printers print in CMYK. If you have never done that, when you do you might notice that some of the colors in your artwork might change. If a color changes, it's because it doesn't "exist" in CMYK and cannot be printed, so the software you use will default to the next closest color in CMYK. So you may have to tweak your artwork a bit to get it to look to your satisfaction.
If you have access to a printer, I would HIGHLY suggest to do a test print of your artwork on regular printer paper and with the settings set to the highest quality.
Now that that's out of the way. For both charms and stickers, you can either do the DIY method or the professional printing method.
Both have their pros and cons, but in the end it’s up to you and your personal preferences.
Pros: You control the quality and the amount of the items. Can produce as many or as little as you want. Have that personal, handmade quality, cheaper start up cost. Cons: Overall quality and durability of item is not as good as professionally printed items, more work for yourself, and while it is typically cheaper to start producing items the DIY way, you also have to consider the costs in the long run. Consider the cost of printer ink, paper, materials, etc. It all adds up.
-Professionally Printer/Supplier-
Pros: Overall superior quality and finishes. Less work for you (example: you can choose to have a service cut out your stickers for you vs cutting by hand yourself, or have them add key rings to charms for you vs you doing it yourself). Cons: Typically way more expensive to start producing, most services have a high minimum order (bad  if you only want a a few of one thing) and have a limit to how many different designs you can order (bad if you want to order many different designs to be printed), and for the most part, cutting out the stickers for you/adding key rings to charms/etc are additional services that you would have to pay extra for.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++ There's plenty of resources online, here's some tutorials I thought would be helpful:
DIY Stickers
https://youtu.be/tGngXu3sXAE https://youtu.be/H5KfuVX_714 https://youtu.be/5c2C5aR3QCE
DIY Charms
https://youtu.be/xsgCy0N7dCk https://youtu.be/7RieJq5qN9E https://youtu.be/urVS4E14dKc (note: I see a lot of ppl recommending to glaze with nail polish a cheap varnish, but I would NOT recommend this. I've bought charms before that were glazed with nail polish and THEY REEK OF FUMES!! I would suggest going with resin or some other type of varnish)
Professional Printing Services/Suppliers
There's a plethora out there of printing services out there, I recommend going through these tumblr account for resources and other info. http://howtobeaconartist.tumblr.com/resources http://artistsalleyinfo.tumblr.com/
As for setting up files, each supplier has their own requirements and often their own templates along with instructions and tutorials on how to format your artwork.
For stickers, I've used LordSticksALot.com and CatPrint.com.
I used LordSticksALot to make the holo stickers in my post here: Pros: Really high quality! Die cut so you don't have to cut them by hand yourself! Holo prism is SUPER sparkly and pretty! Minimum order quantity is 1, so you can order as many or as little as you like! Files are easy to set up with their template! Cons: Price per sticker is a bit expensive compared to other methods/suppliers. Service is only available certain times of the month. Maybe not a con per se, depends on personal preference, but the stickers do turn out thicker than most others.
I used CatPrint to print these stickers:
With these I fit as many designs as I could within an 8.5x11" document and had them print them out on holographic label paper. I could have chosen to have them die-cut the stickers, but I chose to hand cut them myself to save money. Pros: Also really high print quality! Customer service is A+++ (they emailed me before printing to double check with me if the files were as I intended them to be, rather than just printing them out and sending them to me as is), cheaper if ordering large quantities. Cons: Shipping cost is a bit high, but the more you order, the more affordable the overall cost is. (Again, better for larger quantities.) Die-cut is more expensive and handcutting is a pain in the ass. The holo prism is BARELY visible, especially compared with LordSticksALot. They do say that it shows up better on darker colors, but even then it's still barely visible. If using CatPrint, paying extra for the holo might not even be worth it tbh.
Acrylic Charms!!
The ones I see most commonly used/recommended are ZapCreatives and InkIt Labs. I've never used either of these but from what I understand...
Zap's are the most widely used. Prices are pretty reasonable, and allow for multiple designs within an order. Files are easy to set up with their templates, you can customize the cut-line/silhouette of the charm, etc. Quality, however, has been slipping recently I've heard.
InkIt Labs are a newer supplier I think, but I've heard their quality is A++++!! They are more expensive, though, and have a higher minimum order quantity.
The one I have USED myself is Vograce. They are a Chinese supplier found on Alibaba.com and are probably the most affordable. They also only have a minimum order quantity of only 1, so you can order as many or as little as you like. They can also add key rings or phone straps for free, so less work for you. They are also reaaally responsive and often respond within a day to inquiries.
Do I recommend them? Ehhh....not really. 
Print quality was pretty bad. Now, it could've been that my design probably wasn't well suited for being made into a charm, but the colors came out waaaay darker than expected. You can't customise the cut-line/silhouette, they don't have a template or ANY instructions whatsoever, you kind of just send them the artwork and they do the outline for you (which works for some ppl, but not for others who had something specific in mind). They also messed up my order. I asked for double acrylic board (meaning the artwork is sandwiched between two layers of acrylic for added durability/protection) and I only got the single board. Also, although the price for charms are waaay cheaper, express shipping is the only option so the shipping from China is pretty expensive.
If anything, I suppose the only thing I would recommend them for is maybe proofs/test runs of single charms before placing a large order with another supplier.
Hope this was helpful to someone! ^^;
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Meijei Label & Printing Co., Ltd.
86-20-36739161 13682298533
Room 316, Building A, Junfu International Creative Park, No. 46, Huihua Street, Xicha Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
MEIJEI Label&Printing Co.,Ltd which have been specialized in Printing and Packaging more than 17 years since since our foundation in 2000.Our main products are garment accessories,such as hang tags,leather patches,printed clothing labels,paper bags etc.We equip our factory with advanced printing machines to assure customers high quality printing service, such as advance AGFA CTP systems, Heidelberg four color offset printing machines, Roland four color printing machines, high efficient offset rotary printing machines,, die cutting machine, folding machine, perfect binding machine, hot stamping machine, etc..Our company is approved by ISO:9001,SGS,Oeko-Tex.Our main export markets include Britain, America, France, Spain, Germany, Canada, Australia and the Middle East more than 60 countries. Meijei is a company which specialized in providing design and production of garment accessories mainly designs and produces kinds of paper bags, hang tags, printed labels, cloth patches, embroidery patches, leather patches, stickers and so on. For meeting ever-changing market demands, we insist on innovation and rapidly follow the latest trend, and absorbed in providing high quality products and service to our clients. In terms of products, we strictly control each production process from raw material to finished products, to ensure the stability of quality. We built in-house lab to carry out washing test, friction test, color fastness test and other related tests. Meanwhile, they have passed the testing of Oeko-Tex Standard 100 and SGS, in accordance with the environmental-friendly requirements of EU relative countries. Development is based on innovation. We have the conviction that we are cooperated with customers who are innovative and professional in the market, which will bring win-win situation to each other.We will produce the best quality products with reasonable price, meanwhile, supporting the development of your business and offering comprehensive and thoughtful service.Welcome OEM&ODM orders.
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