#Lance and Lawrence multiverse (?)
moonyzsun · 8 months
In another universe, George is Toto's son. There is no way you can make me believe otherwise.
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emo-batboy · 7 months
Somewhere out there in the DC multiverse, there’s a world where Battinson’s parents didn’t die, and he became the Lance Stroll of Formula One racing. Wayne Enterprises has an F1 team, Thomas brought Bruce to races when he was young, they indulged his love of cars until he was winning kart races at 8. He BEGGED to help design the race cars, ended up making a great car, and now Wayne has turned from a midfield team to nearly top three.
You’d think everyone hates Bruce because he’s a nepo baby, but he’s just so nice and smiley (like Lance lol) that everyone loves him anyway. His dad is the team’s chairman and pretty hands-on just like Lawrence Stroll. Fans call Bruce the F1 Princess as a joke since he’s already the Prince of Gotham, but then it sticks, and now everyone makes edits of him with tiaras on every time he makes it to the podium. He doesn’t get it, but he’s not going to complain either. His fans are just silly. (He blushes so much when anyone calls him princess to his face, though. Fight me.)
Bruce still insists on everything being black because it’s his favorite color. It was already mostly black before he joined, but now it’s even blacker. His suit is all black. The car is all black. The helmet is all black. He loves it. He looks just like the dark, regal old money rich boy you’d imagine until he’s smiling and talking about racing. (Imagine a meme with two cars next to each other, one being WE’s. It says: “Bruce’s Car v. Bruce’s Personality.” The other one is covered in glitter obv.) One time, a little girl gives him a tiara that she painted black herself and asks him to wear it if he wins. (He does win. He puts it on at the podium. He’s embarrassed the entire time. The champagne rubs some of the black away. It’s a treasured memory and sits right on top in his trophy case.)
His fellow drivers call him Brucie to tease him. He’s a bit awkward during interviews, but that just makes him endearing. He’s also tall for an F1 driver (nepo baby core) so there’s always jokes about him towering over everyone. One time, he came second to Lewis Hamilton, but you could still see he was visibly standing taller on the podium, and people would not stop making jokes about it. (It was mostly his hair, but you know how Twitter is.) Speaking of hair, it will NOT stay flat. He looks insane every time he takes his helmet off. He could be sweating for hours in there but when he takes the thing off, he looks like he’s through in a tornado. (Again, memes.) He knows so much about car mechanics, even for a driver, and will regularly start talking to other drivers or the press about the tiniest of parts in the engine or break system, unaware that everyone is completely lost. (Also memes about that.)
When he’s 23, he suffers a pretty bad crash. It knocks him out for about twenty seconds, and his mom and dad are ready to pull him completely from the sport, but he refuses to stop, and despite missing a few races to recover—his dad’s still a doctor—he ends up winning the next race and gets to stay.
During his F1 career, it’s pretty much guaranteed that he’ll get fastest laps, but he only gets podium like 40–50% of the time. There’s always drama that apparently Wayne Enterprises is trying to become top three, but they insist that they’re not as competitive. They will always have respect for every team, and it shows. They never join in on protests. They always wish the other teams luck, and they genuinely congratulate the winners. Bruce is always the first to hug the winner :)
Before Bruce joined, the Wayne team was always a midfield team, and they were perfectly comfortable with it. WE had good-looking cars, they designed good-looking cars, and they sold good-looking cars, and F1 was just a way of promoting that. Thomas loved watching the races, and he was happy to see them get podium a few times per season, and that was it.
Until Bruce became their lead driver, and he wanted to really earn his seat, and he wanted to get podium, and he wanted to design a faster car, and he wanted to win, and Thomas Wayne couldn’t say no to his son, and suddenly Wayne Enterprises was inching closer and closer to the front of the grid. Now, they’re still not The Best, but they’re a team that future drivers look up to.
During a season of DTS, Bruce is 27. Netflix films the Wayne episode when there’s a fatal crash in F2, and Bruce was nearby when it happened. He ends up crying on camera for ten minutes. They had to cut almost all of it, but we get the most gut-wrenching confessional about how after he heard the news, in that moment, he didn’t want to be an F1 driver. He admits that if he hadn’t become a driver, he was going to become a doctor like his father, and he wonders if he could have saved the driver’s life if he did that instead. “What am I really doing if I can’t help others? I could have been anything…Maybe being a driver was selfish. Maybe I don’t belong on the track anymore.”
He’s visibly distraught during the moment of silence on the day of the race, but Bruce decided to continue because he wants to make the fans and spectators happy. (That’s his job, anyway. That’s what he does.) Despite getting pole position the previous day, he doesn’t get fastest lap or make it to the podium, but he still gets fourth. He has a long talk with his father away from cameras and calls his mom. The future’s uncertain for a few days until Bruce comes back to training. To finish the episode, he says he’s going to continue driving, even if he might need a bit of time to get his confidence back, and he pledges to one day make the safest F1 car ever seen. Even if it’s part of the risk of being a driver, he doesn’t want to see any more drivers losing their lives to the sport they love.
When he’s around 35 or 40, he retires from Formula One so he can inherit Wayne Enterprises, and he takes his father’s place as chairman of the team. Since he has the time now, he holds up on his promise to make an even safer car—the designs inspiring safer car designs for other teams as well—and they pick out two incredible drivers who end up finally (FINALLY) moving Wayne Enterprises into one of the top three teams. They win the world championship twice in a row before falling back a bit and only winning it every couple of years, but they’re nonetheless fierce competitors. Bruce still has a ton of kids, some of which like F1 just like he does, but he is the only Wayne to become a Formula One driver.
I just think Battinson would love driving for F1 :)
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avatarskywalker78 · 2 years
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Johnny had a twinkle in his eye as he sat down opposite her.
“No.” She said immediately.
“Oh, come on, you don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“I know that look, Johnny Lawrence - something’s been brewing for the past week and it’s probably a bad idea.”
“Hear me out - you know that kid, Miguel?”
“Considering he lives opposite, yeah, I do.”
This is from the first part of the CK era of the Nicky Connors series, in which 36 years of friendship with this doofus means she can sense chaos approaching - this is just before he outlines his plan to re-open Cobra Kai...and promptly asks her if she’ll be his co-Sensei.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
I have a few, but I’m going to talk about my Arrow AU I’ve had for years - a divergant universe in which Rebecca Merlyn lives after she’s saved by 14-year- old Meg Morgan, a street rat from the glades (and yet another OC, I know) who stops to help because which obviously changes...a lot of things. For starters, Malcolm doesn’t go off the deep end - though he’s appalled that it was left to a 14-year-old to help someone with a gunshot wound, and why does a teenager even know how to deal with that anyway? So it kinda forces him to really face the reality of things in the Glades.
The more immedtiate fact is that there’s now a traumatised teenager with a target on her back because turns out it wasn’t a random mugging but a gang initiation - that does get dealt with, but saving Rebecca kinda means she can’t return to the Glades. Neither Malcolm or Rebecca are willing to just let her be dropped into the foster system cos Starling’s foster system isn’t great so they just kinda...take her in. They don’t officially adopt her for a few years (they leave that up to her cos she’d be the one affected) but basically Meg Morgan becomes Teri Merlyn when she’s 16/17, and the cool older sister to Tommy.
Sometimes things are inevitable, though, and the Queen’s Gambit still sinks because turns out, Robert Queen has a lot of enemies. Oliver and Sara are still on board...and so’s Teri, because in this ‘verse Oliver and Sara were never in a relationship, Sara just wanted to get away from her family for a while and Teri suggested this idea as an option. Long story short (cos I haven’t worked out a lot of the details) the boat sinks, Oliver, Teri, and Sara end up on the Island and have their struggles but three, not five, years (and different struggles to the ones they had in the show), and still find out from Robert about the city’s corruption, and when they come back become the Green Arrow, Dark Archer, and Black Canary respectively, and the rest of the story deals with them trying to fit back in with their families while being secret vigilantes (Moira, the Merlyns, and the Lances do eventually find out).
There’s a number of reasons why this story hasn’t got off the ground - mainly that these days I struggle to see Malcolm Merlyn as ever being a good father, even after seeing his good Earth-2 counterpart, so the initial reason for writing this fic (because I do love writing a good parent-child relationship) isn’t really there anymore. Plus this was originally intended to be part of a connected multiverse with my other Arrowverse OCs - Steph Taylor, Brianna Thawne, and lately Eliana Kent, with the original intention this ‘verse being a seperate Earth altogether, except I’m not even sure that’s happening either, so while it’s an interesting concept, and I’d like to explore Rebecca’s character, I just don’t really know how to go about it, and I’m no longer sure what to do with this idea. I tried to pave the way for this idea with my two Arrow AUs for flufftober 2021, but that didn’t go anywhere either so...this fic has really been put to the side.
wip ask game
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mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War:
Laurissa Owen Jones: Planetary County: Battle of Cosmic City: Lori in her black and blue solar suit against Defiant Destroyer (Raquel Mariana Alonzo) in her black and white solar suit and Spectacular Sentinel (Clarissa Patricia Chambers) in her black and red solar suit:
Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith: Hellfire City, Shadow City, Enigma City, Crypt City of Hellfire County and Haven City:
The Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels at the Elites HQ Base on Earth’s moon Luna:
“We heard your request for assistance Elites we are sending support,” said several voices on the transmissions, “We have sent reinforcements, please stand by,” the voices of Directors of intergalactic black ops and spec ops organizations of the Sol System, Vega System, & Polaris System as all are members of Enigma, Cipher, Shadow, Crypt, Spectre, Void, Arcane, Nether, Spectre, Ghost, Quantum, Libra, Gemini, & Scorpio appeared through the warp pad teleporters to help the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels. For the directors of such intergalactic deep black compartmentalized classified and top secret organizations with jurisdiction throughout the universe, multiverse, & omniverse imagine people like Director Eliza Danvers of the D.E.O (Department of Extranormal Operations) branch of National City, Director Amanda Waller (who is the Director of Argus, Director of Team 7, Director of Checkmate, Director of the Agency, & the Director of the Suicide Squad), Director Jeremiah Danvers of the D.E.O Headquarters of Washington D.C, Director John Lynch who is Director of Team 7 and the D.E.O Branch in Metropolis, Director Vic Sage of the Suicide Squad). Cobalt Crow and Ruby Raven (commanders of the Elites, Destiny, & the Paragons now that Alex/Lexi has been compromised) with the Paragons and Destiny had arrived to help the Elites. “All of you,” Jonathan Ruslo and Jessica Croft also known as Cobalt Crow and Ruby Raven said to several metahumans of the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels are with us as the containment team.” For the metahumans of the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels imagine people like Deathstroke (Slade Joseph Wilson), Adeline Kane Wilson (Deathstroke’s wife), Ravager (Grant Wilson), Ravager (Rose Wilson Worth), Dark Archer (Malcolm Merlyn), Red-X (Zoe Lawton) the daughter of Deadshot (Floyd Lawton), Huntress Prime (Helena Bertinelli), Natas (who trained Deathstroke and Green Arrow), Colonel Steven “Steve” Trevor of Argus and Team 7, Nightwing (Richard John “Dick” Grayson), Oracle (Barbara Joan “Babs” Gordon), Catwoman (Selina Kyle-Wayne), Red Hood (Jason Peter Todd), Red Robin (Timothy Jackson “Tim” Drake), Spoiler (Stephanie “Steph” Brown), Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), Huntress (Helena Kyle-Wayne), Green Arrow (Oliver Jonas “Ollie” Queen), Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance-Queen), Red Arrow (Roy William Harper Jr.), Tigress (Artemis Nguyen Crock), Arrowette (Cissie King Jones), Cheshire (Jade Crock Nguyen), Sportsmaster & Huntress (Lawrence Crock and Paula Nguyen Crock who are the supervillain parents of Artemis Nguyen Crock and Jade Crock Nguyen), Harley Quinn (Dr. Harleen Quinzel), Deadshot (Floyd Lawton), Bronze Tiger (Ben Turner), Bushido (Ryoko Orsono), Speedy (Mia Dearden), Arsenal (Emiko Queen), Katana (Tatsu Toro), Captain Boomerang (George Harkness), Rick Flag, Lady Shiva (Sandra Wu-San), David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Nyssa Al Ghul, White Canary (Sara Lance-Al Ghul), Ra’s Al Ghul, The Sensei, Former Talons of the Court of Owls Calvin Rose and Strix, William Randolph Wintergreen (the person who trained Slade). “Containment, our mission is containment; contain him/her/them (Alexander Mack Smith/Alexander Mack Smith), contain the Behemoth to Crypt City, Shadow City, Hellfire City, & Haven City of Hellfire County but if you can try to stop her/him/them.” “The rest of you on standby, if we fail, focus on stopping Alexander/Alexandria.” “Dean Lucas Chambers, Mason Owen Jones, Carolina Robbins, Lisa Mackenzie, Lola Macias, & Layla Nolan are already on their way to stop Lori.” “This is a two pronged assault, said Katherine Hawkins, “they share a mental link, emotional bond, & spiritual connection so stopping Alex/Lexi stops Lori, stopping Lori stops Mack/Smith.”
 “However if you do fail, then don’t worry for we are here to stop him/her/them,” said Wyatt Headly said, referring to himself and the team sent in the stop Alex/Lexi if containment doesn’t work the superhuman members of the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels. Imagine people like Hotspot (Isaiah Crocket), Risk (Cody Driscoll), Argent (Antonia Louise “Toni” Monetti), Starfire (Koriand’r), Pantha, Blackfire (Komiand’r), Mas y Menos, Tempest(Garth), Dolphin, Kaldur (Kaldur’ahm or Jackson Hyde), Tula, Narwal (Koryak), Baby Wildebeest, Jericho (Joseph “Joey” Wilson), Kole (Kole Weathers), Red Star (Leonid Konstantinovitch Kovar), Terra (Tara Markov), Dark Raven (Rachel Raven “Rae” Roth), Hawk and Dove Prime (brothers Henry “Hank” Hall and Donald “Don” Hall), Shazam (William “Billy” Joseph Batson), Troia (Donna Hinckley Stacy Troy), Captain Marvel (Frederick Christopher “Freddy” Freeman), Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez), Captain Marvel (Mary Willow Batson), Blue Beetle (Jamie Reyes), Static Shock (Virgil Ovil Hawkins), Zero (Lagoon Boy or La’gaan), Miss Martian (M’gann M’orzz or Megan Morse), Jinx (Jennifer Hex), Zachary Zatara, Reverse Flash (Daniel “Danny” West of the Reverse Flash Family), Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawne of the Reverse Flash Family), Inertia (Thaddeus Thawne of the Reverse Flash Family & clone of Impulse Bart Allen), Zoom (Hunter Zolomon of the Reverse Flash Family), The Rival (Edward Clarris of the Reverse Flash Family), Captain Cold (Leonard Snart), Heatwave (Mick Rory), Impulse (Wallace Rudolph Allen the son of Iris and Barry), The Flash (Jason Peter “Jay” Garrick of the Flash Family), The Flash (Bartholomew Henry “Barry” Allen), The Flash (Iris Ann West-Allen), Impulse (Iris “Irey” West of the Flash Family the daughter of Wally and Linda Park), Jesse Quick (Jesse Belle Chambers of the Flash Family), Belle (Elizabeth “Libby” Belle Lawrence-Chambers the wife of Johnny Quick), Impulse Prime (Bartholomew Henry “Bart” West of the Flash Family the son of Wally West and Artemis Crock), Kid Flash (Wallace Rudolph “Wally” West), Terra (Tara Markov), Hawk and Dove (sisters Holly and Dawn Granger), El Diablo (Chato Santana), Black Manta, Thunder and Lightning Prime (Gan and Tavis Williams), Enchantress (June Moon-Jones the wife of Killer Croc (Waylen Jones), Aquaman (Arthur Curry), Aquawoman (Queen Mera), Aqualad (Arthur Curry Jr), Ocean Master (Orm Marius), Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce), Wonder Woman (Diana Prince), Atom (Ray Palmer), Doctor Fate, Martian Manhunter (Jo’nz Jo’nz), Red Tornado (John Smith), Green Lantern (Harold “Hal” Jordan of the U.S Air force), Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris-Jordan of the U.S Air Force), Hawkgirl (Queen Shayera Hol Stewart wife of Green Lantern John Stewart), Green Lantern (Colonel John Stewart of the U.S Marine Corps), Swamp Thing (Dr. Alec Holland), Deadman (Boston Brand), John Constantine, Hawkman (Carter Hall the ex fiancé of Shayera), Giganta (Dr. Doris Zuel-Choi), Atom (Dr. Ryan Choi), Firestorm (Dr. Ronald “Ronnie” Raymond/Jason Rusch), Killer Frost (Dr. Caitlyn Snow-Raymond), General Dru Zod, Colonel Ursa Zod, Major Faora Hu-Ul, Cheetah (Dr. Barbara Ann Minerva), Green Lantern (Police Sergeant Guy Darrin Gardner), Thunder and Lightning (Anissa and Jennifer Pierce), & Cyberion (Victor “Victory,” Stone), Zatanna Zatara) of the DC Prime Earth). “If containment of him/her/them just to Haven City, Shadow City, Hellfire City, & Crypt City of Hellfire County doesn’t work, we’re sent in.” said Sarah.” “If they fail then we move Cardinal Changeling in her Behemoth form and take her down in Celestial or Stellar City and Retro City,” said Empress Cornelia Augusta Rossi-Romano a half Atlantean and half sea nymph who is the wife of Emperor Angelo Vergilius Romano the son of Neptune and a female Atlantean Empress.” 
“Do we really need all of these people to take down Cardinal Changeling,” asked Kurt. “Yes, we do” said Mason Owen Jones, Dean Lucas Chambers, Lisa Mackenzie, Carolina Robbins, Layla Noylan, & Lola Macias on their comms. Silver Steel Savior (Dean Lucas Chambers) was in his fully charged superhero blue and red power armor suit Lori built with him, Layla Nolan in her white and red solar suit, Captain Crimson Courageous (Mason Owen Jones) in his blue and red solar suit Lori built for him, Caroline was in her red and white solar suit, Lisa Mackenzie in her black and blue solar suit, & Lola Macias in her red and blue solar suit. Dean’s and Mason’s costumes came with domino masks, face masks, bandanas, gloves, pants, & boots. Lisa’s, Lola’s, Layla’s, & Carolina’s solar suits came with domino masks, face masks, bandanas, hoods, gloves, pants, & boots. “They’re right,” said Talia Macar, “because right now, at her power level, she is a powerhouse.” “Right now Scarlet Shapeshifter’s is as powerful as a metahuman and superhuman supercharged by yellow, red, blue, & white solar radiation or a metahuman supercharged by magic.” Hank asked, “Why does Alex/Lexi warrant a scenario 1?” “Alex/Lexi doesn’t need scenario 1, because the scenario, wasn’t talking about Alexander/Alexandria, its talking about world ending threats,” said Empress Kulax Kojir, “the threat is not Alex/Lexi.” “When Laurissa and Alexander/Alexandria wrote about scenario 1 they weren’t talking about the Beast/Primal/Feral, the Chimera/Hybrid.” “They weren’t talking about the Prime the fusion of the Chimera and the Beast.” “They were talking about what comes after the Berserker or the Juggernaut.” “The Berserker is only their first form.” “They were talking about the second and third form of the Prime.” “The scenario was written because they found out their plan.” “When they found out about their plan.” “When they found out about their Trojan horse,” said Queen Diona Artemis Megalos the daughter of Ares and Athena and Queen Carina Akali Ragorio the daughter of Mars and Venus. “So this is their revenge, this is their vengeance, to get retribution on Lori and Mack/Macy stopping the both of them so many times,” said Psionic Paladin or Ion Inquisitor (Joanna Jacobson), “we should have known he’d be back.” Princess Selina who is the daughter of Zeus and Hera, asked, “What is happening, whose plan, who are back, & whose vengeance?” “Saturn’s plan and Cronus’ plan,” said Carol “the plan of those two Greco Roman Titans to finally settle the score with Lori and Alex/Lexi for once again denying them Earth so several times.” “They would, but not now that we’re here,” said the leaders of the Vigilants, Outcasts, Ironclad, Wildcards, Primals, Exiles, Paramount, Alpha, & Centurions that made of the superhero conglomerate the Elites that defended the planet Earth and the Omega, Apex, Cinnabar Celestials, Primordials, Wardens, Inquisitors, Titanium Templar’s, Illusionists, Aurora, Colossals, Ethereals, Iron Immortals, & Rangers that made up that made up the superhero conglomerate the Paragons who defended the Vega, Sol, & Polaris Star Systems. “We are here to lend you assistance Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels,” the leaders of the superhero team said, “Alex/Lexi, Jo, & Lori led us once, we stood by them as they led our teams against the all of our enemies.” “It’s time to return the favor, & it’s time to save our leader.” “Once,” Maria, Tadashi, & Nathan asked, “When?” Maria, Tadashi, & Nathan are the teenage adopted children of Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith. His/her/their adoptive children were with Chucky (the imaginary friend creation of Maria, Tadashi, & Nathan created when they were kids and upgraded when they were preteens which is a giant 30 foot tall teddy bear modeled after an ice age cave bear with superhuman strength, speed, durability, & claws that can rip through steel) who protect them since their real parents abandoned them. It was their only companion before Alex/Lexi found them and adopted them as kids. “It was long before your time,” said Levi, “it was and still is the most badass battle of all time.” “When your parent our strike team commander and field commander Crimson Changeling or Scarlet Shapeshifter (formally known as the Changeling or Chimera of the Elites and former rookie and protégé Animal Boy/Animal Girl of the Primals and Exiles Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith) of the Elites and Paragons, your adoptive mother Joanna “Jo” Jacobson-Smith (Elites and Paragon asset and civilian sponsor and supporter of the Elites and Paragons), & Arcane Assassin (Sentinels supporter and sponsor of the Elites and Paragons Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones) of the Justice League) led all of us the Superhero, Antihero, Supervillain United Legionnaire Strikeforce (a superhero team that is an alliance between the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels that defend the universe, multiverse, & omniverse) against all of our enemy the Forces of Evil a supervillain organization and supervillain alliance who seeks to conquer the universe, multiverse, & omniverse,” said Sean, “In the Alpha Centurion War (named after the Alphas and Centurions that made up the superhero conglomerate the Elites): Battle of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Battle of the Andromeda Galaxy.”
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letthemhear · 3 years
Darren’s bio is 100% done. I have added his Earth variants, so now there are three Black Canaries in the multiverse. 
Earth One - Darren Lance | Black Canary | Main Verse | FC: Alex Landi
Earth Two - Lawrence Lance | Black Siren | Evil Verse | FC: Taron Egerton 
Earth Twenty-Seven - Darren Lance | Black Canary | Injustice Gods Among Us Verse | FC: Ludi Lin
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