#I’ve found a certain resemblance between them lately
moonyzsun · 8 months
In another universe, George is Toto's son. There is no way you can make me believe otherwise.
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Witch of Penchant
Prologue: Part 2/4
Shingen x MC (Mai)
Logline - A women in nuns clothes, with an unsettling resemblance to a fox, the witch of Honno-ji, has traveled back in time to an era she has already lived through. She accidentally saved the life of Nobunaga Oda, but now she wonders how else the past has changed.
2330 words
A tall (Big, Giant, full head Taller than the one she held hands with) man in a brown haori and dull red kimono, with a massive sword bound in red, looked to them, “What’s this Yuki? We’ve been here ten minutes and you’ve already found yourself a woman?” He grinned as he approached ‘Yuki’ at the edge of the unforested path.
“Don’t tease me, Shingen-sama. She was about to dive off the cliff.” ‘Yuki’ responded, pushing Mai into the clearing.
Mai stumbled, “I knew where I was going much better than you bumbling fool.“
“Yeah? At night in the woods, you mean? What for?” ‘Yuki’ asked.
Mai sighed, “I was looking for a shortcut to my happy place…” (my cave, I just want to be in my cave!)
‘Shingen’ looked at her, “Hmm… Smoke from Honno-ji and a woman all alone at night. Perhaps you’re a ghost? Though you’re the most beautiful ghost I’ve ever seen.”
“Thanks,” Mai pulled a vine from her leg, ”A ghost would be an accurate description for me.”
A flash of white appeared then quickly vanished from view. The shrubbery rustled as animals made their way to safety from the smoke muddying the air. If one listened closely, some creature wasn’t fleeing, but circling the clearing, the sound then suddenly plummeted into the forest. Mai Scanned the edge of the clearing where the sound disappeared.
There! A path! Darting out from between the tents, she rushed to the footpath.
“Mizusaki-san! Mizusa—–-” Toyotomi-san and Akechi-san called after her. Walking along the path until the camp fell from view, and the noise of bustling soldiers faded, Mai searched for the white flash of fur (Searched—searched is the wrong word;) once certain of her solitude, Mai stood in the path, waiting. A fox appeared. White, with a striking grey mask, and a black cowl. The fox stood on its hind legs, it was unusually large, coming up to Mai’s chest.
It held out a torch to the witch, “You and the rift are safe, I assume?”
“Yes? Why do you have a torch?” Mai grabbed the torch.
“Have you seen the fire?”
“I was in the fire.” Mai held the 
“How unfortunate for you.”
“Bearsace, What did you do?” Mai gestured back at the temple to her fox familiar.
Bearsace sneered at the witch, “There was an army surrounding the temple, they were coming for people in the temple. What's more urgent, a fire or a girl with her fox?”
“Fine, fine. Head to the cave.” Mai said, continuing to walk along the path. “I will catch up to you later, I am going to search the area.”
“So brave of you. When you get to the cave, we will have to hide until the army departs.” Bearsace said before once again fading into the wood.
Just then, the soft chiming of bells and dry leaves being crushed under someone’s foot could be heard.
“Ojou-san, what are you doing in the woods this late at night?” said a weathered looking man with a chiseled looking face, smiling as he walked towards the woman—a fact made more intimidating by the scar slashing across his face. Was he a Buddhist monk from Honno-ji? The man in yellow and purple robes did not bring to mind any monks Mai knew from Honno-ji the first time it burned. His shakujo, a prayer staff with rings, shook with every step.
The Monk said, “I am called Kennyo and I am a traveling monk. Perhaps I can be of assistance to you?”
Mai’s attention flitted to him, "A kind offer, but I know these woods quite well.” Rings, RINGS! He fits the silhouette of the man I saw attack Oda-sama. Mai’s eyes narrowed as he took a long stride towards her only to put a hand softly on my shoulder.
Kennyo, squeezing her shoulder, said, “You should return home quickly; demons lurk in the woods at night.” His eyes - they were so strange and I chilled, his smile seemed friendly but cruel.
Mai responded, “No worries, I am going that way,” He smelled of soot. She wrinkled her nose before melting into the brush like she was made for the shadows.
Mai raced through the woods. Her path was as familiar as a fondly remembered dream, but she was as sure footed as she was fast. Quickly the sound of the windy cliff face reached her ears. So close to her second home. So close to the fox, she so recently could only speak in alleyways under the cover of dark. Then…
SLAM! “Watch it!”
Out of nowhere, a man grabbed her by the arm, yanking her backward. “Whoa!” She fell backwards onto the man, sending them both to the ground.
“Sorry!” A well built man with a handsome face was lying below like an unhappy cushion. Mai scooted off, kneeling at his side.
The man, dressed in red, looked startled, “Whoa, are you crazy? Don’t move!”
As she stood up, he did too, grabbing her from behind and pulling her against him. Wind came from a great depth and tugged at her hair. The cliff stretched downward as the endless sky overhead sparkled with the stars.
The man in red smiled in relief, “That was close.”
Mai stared into the vast night, stars were so much brighter here and now, she sighed out a “Gratefully, and what are you doing so close to a cliff?” She turned in his arms, the question was blunt as her gaze mere inches from his face.
The man’s face turned almost as red as his haori, “Uh…”
“Um?” Mai said.
The man in red began to reel back, away from the cliff “I don’t need thanks. Just give me some space, would you!”
“Right!,” Mai said, she would have continued to the cliff, but the man caught her arm once more.
“Not that way.” He pleaded with her.
“I’m just giving you some space.”
The man pulled closer to her, stabilizing on a young tree, “Well watch it. that rock is loose. Can’t you see that for yourself?”
Down the cliff is the quickest way to bearsace, Mai scoffed, knowing the route well, even if the path wasn’t clear to mortal eyes. “Look I understand your concern, alright? But I’m perfectly sure footed here.” She kicked the rock, it pinged off the rocks and tumbled down below. She took his hand before pushing through the brush to walk a narrow path between the drop and trees.
“Hey!,” the man let himself be pulled along, “I’m not mad at you, okay?“ He was smiling now, their hands interlocked.
"Good” Mai smirked at the awkward man. He was quite boyish in attitude as they walked together. They came upon a wider stretch of clearing with several people gathered.
A tall (Big, Giant, full head Taller than the one she held hands with) man in a brown haori and dull red kimono, with a massive sword bound in red, looked to them, “What’s this Yuki? We’ve been here ten minutes and you’ve already found yourself a woman?” He grinned as he approached ‘Yuki’ at the edge of the unforested path.
“Don’t tease me, Shingen-sama. She was about to dive off the cliff.” ‘Yuki’ responded, pushing Mai into the clearing.
Mai stumbled, “I knew where I was going much better than you bumbling fool.“
“Yeah? At night in the woods, you mean? What for?” ‘Yuki’ asked.
Mai sighed, “I was looking for a shortcut to my happy place…” (my cave, I just want to be in my cave!)
‘Shingen’ looked at her, “Hmm… Smoke from Honno-ji and a woman all alone at night. Perhaps you’re a ghost? Though you’re the most beautiful ghost I’ve ever seen.”
“Thanks,” Mai pulled a vine from her leg, ”A ghost would be an accurate description for me.”
The second person in the clearing made themself known, “Your ability to spew cheap pick up lines never ceases to amaze me.”
Shingen laughed, “I just call it like I see it, Uesugi.”
(Shingen and Uesugi. Weren’t they rivals?)
A masked man appeared beside Uesugi, “My lords, I have returned. Oda’s forces have extinguished the fires at Honno-ji.”
He seemed to have come through the surrounding thickets. Strangely his footsteps didn’t make a sound. (Dressed for camouflage and ease of movement with a close fitting layer that won’t rustle. It's been so long since I've been in a world with shinobi.)
“Thank you for your investigation, Sasuke. So, I presume Oda is still alive then?” Uesugi asked. 
Sasuke answered solemnly, “Yes.”
(They are not exactly celebrating that fact are they?)
Shingen responded grimly, “He’s got the devil’s luck.”
“Or he’s the devil.” Yuki added. 
The group gathered closer, their tones were hush and serious. It was clear that they don’t like Nobunaga, but they do take him seriously. Suddenly, the shinobi looked at Mai.
“You - ”
Uesugi looked over, “Yuki brought her. Do you know this woman?”
Sasuke blinked, no other emotions were readable on his face, “No. I was mistaken. Though I spotted a village on the way here. She must be from there. I’ll escort her home.”
“Moving quick aren’t you, Sasuke-kun?” Shingen moved towards Mai, ”Give the rest of us a chance, will you?”
Sasuke had already started encouraging her towards a break in the thicket, “Takeda-sama, please. You and the others should return to the city.“ Excusing himself, the shinobi took her hand as the two disappeared into the woods.
"Hold on, you’ve got it wrong. I’m not from a village or anywhere near here, I was going to hide in my cave for the time being- ”
Sasuke stopped to lean against a fallen tree, “I know. I’ve been expecting you. Wait, Cave?”
(What does he mean by that?)(What does she mean by that?)
(He’s been expecting me?) “Wait, wait,” He turned, ensuring they were deep enough in the dark woods. The shinobi then lowered his mask, “Do you recognize me now?”
“Uh, oh hey! You’re the med-school student at the Honno-ji monument!” Mai saw the resemblance to the med school student in green with the watch! The cloud burst, the lightning bolt, the shattering stone…  His watch, lab coat, and green shirt were gone, replaced by his shinobi attire.
Sasuke pulled a microfiber cloth from his person, cleaning his glasses absentmindedly, “Post graduate in physics not medicine. But I’m glad you remember me. That makes things easier. “
“I’m so glad I found you” Mai sat beside him, relieved,”…Why are you a shinobi?” Relief–gone.
“It’s easiest if I start from the beginning.” Sasuke put his glasses on, “I go by Sasuke Sarutobi and just like you I come from the present, or the future, rather.”
Sasuke slowly began to explain what had happened since the encounter at the stone monument.
“So your explanation,” Mai stumbled through the complicated physics, “is that lightning strikes cause spacetime to warp around us and sent us into the past?” It was… close to the rifts reality.
Sasuke responded, “Yes, that is a very simplified and condensed version of my theory. We entered the wormhole at the same time. However, I arrived four years prior to you. In that time I’ve learned that this Sengoku period, Japan’s civil war is different than the one we’re familiar with.”
Mai carefully listened to Sarutobi-san’s explanation. According to him—just like what had happened to Nobunaga and Mai, Sarutobi-san had arrived at the date of Uesugi Kenshin’s historical death. But Sarutobi-san’s quick thinking and knowledge of modern medicine had ensured Uesugi-sama’s survival.
Now he—like Oda-sama—was alive but they weren’t the only ones. Takeda Shingen (the tall flirt) on the cliffs was supposed to have died by this time too. In this strange place and time, he too was alive when he shouldn’t be.
What would Mai tell Bearsace, that she hadn’t protected the rift? That she might not be the witch he knew a day ago? Where was her present (past self)? “I can’t believe it. What am I going to do? What’s happening next?”
Sasuke didn’t seem to react to Mai panicking other than stroking her back, “To a degree. We’re in an alternate Sengoku period, not the one we know from school. Because of fluctuations in spacetime we’re in a divergent time - one in which history will take a different course.”
Mai slumped further. (He knows about the rifts, he knows about the rifts, he knows about the rifts, he knows far too much about the rifts!!!!!)
Sasuke continued, “I major in theoretical astrophysics at Kyoto University, specializing in wormholes and their potential for time travel. I’d conceived of a method for predicting the conditions for and patterns by which traversable wormholes manifested. That’s why I was at the stone monument that day. To verify my method.”
Sasuke had a smile in his voice, “I’ve been looking for you here, expecting you must have traveled back in time as I did. I hadn’t conceived of the possibility that you would arrive four years later.”
“Has it been hard?” It was surprising to Mai how emotionless he sounded. She remembered how Japan used to be, war-hardened, next to the kawaii scenic tourist location foreigners so romanticized in the twenty-first century. Mai quietly said, ”This is a war hell compared to the Japan you grew up in.”
Sasuke finally smiled, “I suppose you could say it’s a dream for me.  I get to see famous men and women of the Sengoku Period with my own eyes.”
“You’re strangely chipper about this.” Mai needs to get him home, probably now, and this was taking priority over discussing the properties of the rift with Bearsace after hearing how much history has changed.
Sasuke was happily talking now, “My parents were huge history buffs. I got my name from Sarutobi Sasuke-”
“Sarutobi Sasuke doesn’t exist. And I know that because I—hmm—Because I’m an actual historian.” He already knows about the rift—time travel—Mai considered just telling him about her being a witch.
Sasuke's face twitched, or lit up, “The legendary shinobi who served Sanada Yukimura. Because that Sasuke is fictional, I’ve taken his 'place’ in this time. That will let me keep my historical impact low.“
Mai fake laughed, ”Saving a dead man’s life isn’t low. And since when were you a shinobi, boy?” I was half joking. “Or is that something you picked up while you were here, Sarutobi-san?”
"I studied that here. It seemed useful to pick up a marketable vocation. Oh, please call me Sasuke.”
"Oh! I’m Mizusaki Mai. Mai is fine.” (We were each other’s only connection to home after all.From astrophysicist to shinobi. He’s frighteningly quick at adapting. I shook off my shock.)
Sasuke put out his hand. “Right now I’m employed with the men you saw earlier. Come with me. I promise I’ll find a way to return us both to the present.”
(Now would be the time to tell him I’m a witch.)
Mai was ready to take his hand when the sound of horses' hooves interrupted the silence.
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
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Eda being so excited to join the Emperor’s (fascist cult military) Coven (and enforce his oppressive policies that are all in service of some great plot that may or may not lead to the end of their world as they know it) with Lilith is so cute and wholesome (that I forget the whole ”Lilith cursed Eda over this” thing).
So there are seven months between now and the Emperor’sCoven’s tryouts, the day Lilith cursed Eda. I’m not sure how long a Demon Realm month is in human time measurements, but it’s a good bit. At the moment, Eda is really enthusiastic about joining. But we know that in seven months' time, she will have come to the conclusion that covens are not for her. So the question is, was her decision to skip out on the coven life a decision she came to her own, something she was thinking about for a long time (she was always a chaotic person after all), or does it have something to do with a certain cute bard.
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Past Hexside! Not a whole lot has changed in the last thirty years or so as far as I can tell at a quick glance, but I’m excited because I have the feeling we’ll get to see some familiar faces in younger form.
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Like these two, one of whom has three eyes and kinda the same face as Boscha while the other has the same hair color as Boscha. Three-eyes even has the same eye color as our favorite grudgby player in the year 2022.
(oh and by the way, in case you missed my little revelation as brought on by THIS ask; I’ve determined that the series’ present-day most likely takes place in 2022. the other closest possible year would be 2016, but remember back in season one, Eda called fidget spinners an outdated human reference. fidget spinners wouldn’t be an outdated reference in 2016 because fidget spinners were popular in 2017… for like a month. This is the riveting kind of analysis you can only get from Lampman Liveblogs)
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Next up on our list of baby versions of characters from the present, we get to see Alador, Odalia and Darius. We’ve already seen younger version of them all before as brief cameos in flashbacks or in photographs, but here they are, actually animated this time.
The thing that is really interesting about this interaction though is the fact that they’re all friends. We saw in the photo of Alador at the Bonesborough Brawl that Darius was in the audience, booing. And this rivalry has continued ever since, with Alador and Darius both taking shots at the other.
I went back to take a second look at that photo and Alador looks older there than he does here. It’s a bit harder to tell with Darius & Odalia, but Eda & Raine in the background seem to resemble the young adult versions we’ve seen in some flashbacks. So some years pass between now and then. This leads to the inevidble… ineveitble… inedible… unavoidable question of what happened to make them such enemies? What was it that came between them?
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Yikes! The former Principal at Hexside did not joke around, he was intense! Manifests himself out of a fire pillar and sends multiple students to detention for being ”late to being early.” He even invokes the slippery slope fallacy, truly an intellectual powerhouse. His tail is cool though.
Faust is, of course, the name of a famous play about some guy named Faust who makes a deal with the devil.
And as I just found out, Johann Faust was a real man who supposedly dabbled in the dark arts. As in magic, not painting.
In addition to Johnny Blaze here, we also get to meet a younger Hieronymus Bump. And it’s shown that he was always a bit of a softie, trying to look out for the students’ best and whatnot. That line about staking his career on an irredeemable student sounds like a set-up for a plot.
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ieattaperecorders · 3 years
If you don’t write more of that post-canon au jmart meetcute I’m gonna pass away
Well I don’t want blood on my hands:
Martin laughs, half out of shock, and says something along the lines of “yeah, funny that.”
A few minutes of “are you here for--” “yeah” “I guess you saw” “oh yes,” confirming they’ve had a similarly surreal few months.
“Well, now I feel weird going in there,” Martin says, glancing at the convention center.
Jon agrees. The Harbinger Bodies weren’t big news, so the resemblance hadn’t been noticed by anyone but them. But if they walk into that panel, especially together, someone’s sure to notice. Neither of them are comfortable with the idea of a roomful of strangers turning to stare at them -- asking invasive questions, treating them like clues in a mystery they don’t understand themselves.
They decide to go to a nearby cafe where they’ll feel less self-conscious standing together. Jon is excited to compare notes, and Martin’s a little startled by how much he’s found.
One of the recovered tapes had part of Tim’s statement. Between his name, Danny’s name and a few meager details, Jon had tracked down a Tim Stoker who agreed to listen to the recording (which cut off well before the supernatural part.) He was unsettled, but confirmed his brother Danny did have an urban exploration phase before getting bored with it and turning to cross country skiing.
The only other full name from the recovered audio is Gertrude Robinson, who’s been proving harder to identify, but Jon’s confident she’s out there somewhere.
They talk for a while, speculating on what it all could mean, hitting the same walls again and again. Both discuss the possibility of time travel. Jon mentions details from the police report, saying it was ruled a murder-suicide due to the pattern of blood and the knife found on the larger man’s person, (though it’s unclear where the blunt trauma that killed him came from.)
There’s an uncomfortable silence after those details come up.
". . . Promise I’m not some knife-wielding maniac?” Martin says, nervously smiling. “Seriously, I don’t even kill spiders -- entirely a cup-and-paper guy.”
That breaks the tension, and Jon smirks. “I’ll take your word on that.”
Both of them still want to know what’s on the new tape. They decide Jon will go by himself, then report back. His counterpart’s face had those scars, and he’ll keep his cap and coat on, so hopefully the resemblance won’t be obvious. He’ll stay near the back just in case.
As Jon stands to leave, Martin, who’d thought of the lovers of Pompeii when he’d seen the way the figures were posed, finds himself asking “do you think they were together?”
"Oh . . . it’s a possibility,” Jon says, oblivious to any implications. “I haven’t seen much speculation in that direction, but I think that mostly speaks to the makeup of the paranormal community” he adds, rolling his eyes. “You’d be shocked how often I’ve read the phrase ‘embracing in a brotherly fashion’ lately.”
Mostly, the panel frustrates Jon -- it repeats shallow details that are in every article on the subject, even getting one or two wrong. But at the end of it, they bring out the restored audio. It’s garbled, partly unintelligible and he doubts the recorder he brought picked up much. He takes what notes he can.
He’s more than a little shocked, because he’s certain that he hears the voice of someone he knows. Her name is never said, but he’s almost sure it’s Georgie Barker. There’s another new voice -- one he doesn’t recognize, but he’s given a first name: Melanie. Not much, but something.
As he leaves, Jon swears he feels eyes on the back of his neck. He resists the urge to look around and slinks towards the exit. Back at the cafe, he starts discussing what little he’s learned with Martin. But they’ve barely had a chance to cover it when a stranger approaches them, clearing her throat.
"Hi there,” she says. Martin notices she has an Exhibitor badge from the convention. Jon only notices her voice. “My name is Melanie King, with Ghost Hunt UK? I think the three of us might have a lot to talk about.”
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Prompt idea: Geralt gets a contract for a monster that has been sighted nearby. When he tracks it down, he is surprised to find mothman!Jaskier who (much like actual mothman) has an ass that won’t quit.
I just want you to know that Mothskier now lives in my head rent free 24/7. I love him. I would die for him. This is my new favorite emotional support au.
2k-ish words - please feel free to shove comments through the bars of my enclosure, I would really like that
art by the ever-wonderful @mawbwehownets, whose drawing of Mothskier made me legit cry.
tw: mild injury, brief blood mention, strangers to lovers
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“So what you’re saying,” Geralt raises an eyebrow slowly, curious, “Is that you need me to catch a monster that’s half man and half moth?”
“Alright,” Geralt pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and pointer finger. The frustrated Witcher takes a slow breath to calm and center himself, before he ends up botching the entire contract-writing process. Humans tend to grow attached to the strangest monsters sometimes, and apparently this mysterious local being was no different. “Let me get this totally straight, so there are no mistakes or misunderstandings. You want me to capture this man-moth and get it out of your woods, but you don’t want me to kill it?”
“He’s called the Mothman, and he’s pretty damn stubborn about sticking around,” the aging farmer corrects Geralt with a little frown. Then his expression shifts and he smiles in a way that seems almost apologetic. “We were hoping you could find a way to relocate him without hurting or killing him, Master Witcher.”
“That’s completely possible, if he isn’t attached to this specific patch trees by any magical or biological means. You said his natural habitat is just… the forest?”
“As long as there's an abundance of pine around he seems pretty happy. Before he came to live with us, Mothman lived in a heavily forested area up the coast; or at least that’s what the historical records and local mythology seem to indicate.”
“That’s actually pretty helpful information to have on hand, I’m impressed,” Geralt nods. “Alright, Mr. Stevens. I promise to relocate the poor thing without killing or maiming him, and I’ll be sure to take him somewhere far enough away that your crops won’t be in danger. Thanks for calling me first instead of just going straight to an extermination service.”
“Honestly, Master Witcher,” the farmer sighs and readjusts his dirty baseball hat, “If it weren’t for the mischief he’s been getting into lately, we would have let him stick around until spring. I hate to admit it to a man as strong and stern-faced as yourself, but the poor creature is almost… adorable at times.”
“Well that’s a first,” Geralt chuckles, honestly amused by the situation he’s found himself in. “A monster being referred to as ‘adorable’ rather than ‘terrifying’. I’ve never heard such a thing in my many years of life.”
“Then you’d better prepare yourself, Sir Geralt. He’s got a pair of big blue puppy-dog eyes that’ll knock you on your ass if you aren’t careful. And that’s coming from a man who raised three daughters with dimples.”
“Hmm. Fuck.”
Geralt knows enough about moths to come up with a plan he thinks will work.
Before he heads into the woods to find and capture the poor wandering creature, the Witcher takes a detour through the lighting section of the nearest Lowe’s.
Unfortunately for Geralt, the farmer was right about the power of Mothman’s puppy dog eyes, which are big and blue and begin to water as soon as the Witcher’s net knocks him to the ground. The creature lies in a whimpering tangle of limbs beneath the heavy, magically enhanced restraints. Geralt takes an opportunity to look at what the locals called "a cryptid".
Mothman has a long, lithe body that's covered in a light layer of grey-brown fur, but his hair resembles that of a human’s, falling over those enormous blue eyes in a lovely chestnut fringe. When Mothman sees the swords on Geralt’s back he cries out in panicked recognition and tries to pull his arms up far enough to shield his face. The lamp Geralt used to lure him into the clearing is still bathing him in a pool of yellow light; it’s almost pretty for a monster, Geralt notes.
As the Witcher takes a step forward, the cryptid squeaks and buries his face against his own shoulder. His entire frame is trembling.
“Hey there, shhhhh,” the Witcher murmurs quietly. He drops into a squat and holds both hands up to show Mothman that they’re weapon free. Tears are now falling freely down the creature’s surprisingly human face; whoever or whatever this is, they are likely some kind of Fae. “I’m not here to hurt you, I just want to get you back through the veil.”
“Liar,” Mothman huffs. His voice has a surprisingly musical quality to it and Geralt is now sure of his Fae parentage (or grand-parentage).
“I promise I’m not lying,” Geralt reassures him, slowly crawling forward. When he reaches for the nearest corner of the net, he feels all of Mothman’s muscles go tense. “I’m going to lift this up and I am going to restrain you, but I swear that I’m not going to kill you. I wish to cause as little distress as possible. Is that alright, Mothman?”
The creature hisses and yanks his foot back away from where Geralt’s hand had nearly touched it. “Jaskier.”
“Hmm?” Geralt glances up, raising an eyebrow.
“My name is Jaskier,” the Fae repeats, glaring up from between the sections of woven rope that make up the heavy net. “Not Mothman.”
“My apologies, Jaskier,” Geralt bows his head. He words his introduction carefully, in case this thing can manipulate his name like others of his kind: “You may refer to me as Geralt.”
“That’s your real name,” Jaskier states. The Witcher’s head snaps up.
“How did you know?”
“Hmm,” Jaskier sticks his tongue out as he mimics the sound Geralt made earlier. “Not telli-AH! Stop! Oh go- gods, stop! Please!”
Geralt drops the short section of rope he’s trying untangle from around Jaskier’s ankle and snaps his eyes upwards, already searching for damage. “What’s wrong!?”
“My wing!” Jaskier bawls. His scent spikes out through the clearing, sharp with panic and pain. The creature’s chest begins to shake more violently than before, his shoulders shuddering with the rising force of his sobs, “It’s t-t-torn! Oh gods, my wing! Sir Witcher, p-please!”
Geralt freezes, his gaze settling on the torn section of Jaskier’s large, furry wing. It’s a nasty wound near one of the joints, a faint trickle of barely-luminescent blood has already dried around the edges. Jaskier tries to flutter it a little and screams in agony when the muscles shift too suddenly, shrilly enough that Geralt needs to cover his hypersensitive ears. The Witcher's heart crashes down into his boots; based on the way the shivering Fae has gone pale and silent, the pain is too much for him to process. He’s gone into shock.
A torn wing is exactly the kind of thing Geralt had promised the farmer (and the collective of townspeople he represented) wouldn’t happen to the peaceful moth creature if they hired a Witcher instead of an exterminator. He sighs and gives the strange being another once-over. “Everything's alright, Jaskier. You’re going to be alright. I’m so, so sorry that you've been wounded. We’ll get you out of this net and get you something for the pain, but it’s going to hurt a little to untangle you. Stay still, don’t struggle, and it’ll be over soon.”
“J-Just kill me,” Jaskier pants. He’s continuing to hyperventilate and Geralt needs him to calm down before he passes out. The Fae reaches a hand for the dagger at Geralt's waist and the Witcher twists out of reach with a frown. Jaskier sobs again, fingers still seeking, “I might n-n-never fly a-again so just k-kill me!”
“Breathe with me, Jaskier,” the Witcher instructs, forgoing patience and cutting through the net with that same dagger. He scoops Jaskier up into his arms, ignoring the keening sound at the back of Jaskier’s throat when his wing is jostled, and rushes the Fae to his truck, tucking him into the passenger’s seat and wrapping him in a large, fluffy blanket. “I’m taking you to my friend. She’s an expert at healing magical creatures and I'm certain that she'll get your wing fixed in no time.”
Jaskier doesn’t give an answer. When Geralt looks up into the creature’s face again, the injured Fae has already passed out.
Jaskier moves with all the grace of a newborn foal as he explores the room Geralt has provided for him. His wing has been inspected, treated, and bandaged by a rather scary sorceress named Yennefer, who glared at the Witcher the entire time she was caring for him. She had also taken one of Geralt’s old t-shirts and cut an enormous hole in the back for Jaskier’s wings to fit through. The shirt’s bottom hem falls to the middle of his thighs and the thick black material is softer than anything he’d ever felt before.
He hears a knock on the door and calls out, “It’s open!”
Geralt enters slowly, bearing a pair of pajama bottoms and a mug of tea. “I brought you some last minute supplies and - uh… I brought you some tea. Yen always likes some before she goes to sleep and I figured since this was a new place and new places can be scary that I should-”
“Thank you,” Jaskier interrupts, smiling shyly. His antennae twitch happily as he takes the offerings from Geralt's hands and the Witcher watches them with wide eyes. Jaskier carefully sets the pajamas and the tea on the nightstand before turning back to look at Geralt. “I will… see you tomorrow?”
Geralt gives one sharp nod. “Hmm.”
“Goodnight,” Jaskier sing-songs, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as Geralt exits.
From the other side of the closed door, Jaskier’s superior hearing picks up the Witcher’s final whisper: “Goodnight, Jaskier. I will always be sorry for causing you pain.”
The next morning he meets Geralt at the breakfast table, refreshed and ready to learn about the human world. He’s summoned a glamour in order to hide his more Moth-like traits, the only things that remain of his true nature are his wings and antennae; his fur is gone and he’s dressed in a pair of sweatpants and that same old shirt. The Witcher offers him a bowl of fruit and mug of something sweet-smelling. Jaskier glares into the mug with a slight pout to his lips before finally asking, “What is this?”
“Hot chocolate.”
Jaskier takes a sip and his antennae flutter, twitching happily as he swallows the best drink he’s ever had in his long life. He eats a strawberry from the bowl and slowly works his way through the hot chocolate, eyeing Geralt warily as the Witcher moves through the familiar kitchen to make his own breakfast.
“Where is Yennefer?”
“She went home,” Geralt shrugs.
“She isn’t your mate?”
“N-No,” Geralt sputters, turning to stare at the nervous young Fae. “Why would you think that?”
“You smell like each other.”
“We spend a lot of time together,” Geralt shrugs again. “Good friends, that’s all.”
“Hmm,” Jaskier mimics his host for a second time. Rather effectively by the annoyed twitch at the corner of Geralt’s mouth. “Just wondering.”
“Anything else you’re curious about?”
“Why don’t you have more lights?”
“Lights,” Jaskier gestures around the minimalistic layout of Geralt’s open-concept kitchen/living room and its distinctive lack of lamps. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans forward against the dark marble countertop. The pout has gone from 'slight' to 'full-bore' and Geralt is clinging desperately to his braincell with how cute it looks. “It’s no fun.”
“You really like lamps, don’t you?” the Witcher replies, mouth dry. Jaskier huffs and takes another sip of his hot chocolate, antennae flickering back and forth in irritation. Geralt bites his lip to hide a smile; it’s too fucking cute, which is an odd thought for a Witcher to have.
“So what if I do enjoy a nice lamp or five in my living space?” Jaskier argues. "I'm a Moth of taste."
“No matter,” Geralt laughs quietly. “Finish your drink before it gets cold.”
Jaskier stays with Geralt for a few weeks while his wing heals, and for a creature whose sole interest seems to be fancy light fixtures, the Fae becomes a source of light in Geralt's own world. They go to a nonhuman friendly second-hand store to find Jaskier some more clothes and Geralt discovers the cryptid's love for oddly patterned shirts in bright colors. Jaskier chooses several to fill out his closet, as well as a sweater two-sizes too large in deep black (Geralt tries his best not to attach any meaning to this choice), a few pairs of pants, and a jean jacket that he declares, "Can be altered."
They watch movies together and make food together - Jaskier is always incredibly impressed by the way the automatic coffee maker works, and how easily Geralt can control the flames of the stove. Jaskier also follows the Witcher along on less dangerous hunts and helps bandage him up after worse ones, always there with a smile and a little kiss over the cleaned-up wound.
“It really is magic,” Jaskier always insists, lips pink and shining from licking them as he concentrates. "It makes you heal faster."
Geralt realizes one night - two weeks into Jaskier’s stay, as he leans against the doorframe and watches the strange creature’s even breathing - that he has gone and done the stupidest thing a Witcher can do: fall in love with a pretty, temperamental young Fae. Head over fuckin’ heels, actually.
So he makes a decision.
The next evening, after the dinner dishes have been cleaned and put away, Geralt herds Jaskier down the hall to the guest room. Those entrancing blue eyes blink up at him in obvious confusion. “Bedtime already?”
“No, not quite. I just- I made you… uh…”
“Do you have a surprise for me?” Jaskier asks, used to the Witcher's issues with verbalizing.
Geralt nods, relieved and thankful for the Fae’s steadfast understanding. “Do you want to cover your eyes or should I just open the door and show you?”
“I’ll close my eyes,” Jaskier smiles, covering his eyes with both hands. Geralt finds it adorable, as Jaskier always is, and allows himself a matching grin as he swings the door open. The ceiling light is off but Geralt has built a blanket fort at the center of the room and surrounded it with fairy lights of all colors and sizes. Inside the blanket fort is a mass of blankets and pillows; Jaskier has the odd habit of building nests - Geralt jokingly calls them cocoons - and sleeping in those on the floor instead of on the very comfortable mattress the Witcher has provided.
“Open them,” Geralt urges.
Jaskier pulls his hands away and Geralt watches as his pupils go huge and wide. Jaskier's face breaks out in the sunniest, most blindingly happy smile Geralt has ever seen. He turns and throws his arms around the Witcher, his wings fluttering behind him and his antennae twitching and flicking above his head. He tries desperately to speak but only manages a half-snuffled little “I’m-” before bursting into tears of joy.
Geralt just holds him, letting his arms fold carefully around Jaskier’s waist, just beneath his wings.
"I just wanted you to know that, if you wanted to stay, there would be room for you. Your room, if you want it."
"I do," Jaskier smiles, burying his face in the Witcher's neck. "I'd love to stay. I'd love nothing more than to spend my days going on adventures with you."
"Well then," Geralt gathers all of his courage and presses a soft kiss to the crown of Jaskier's head. He's met with happy spasms from the antennae so he does it again. And again. Moving from the top of the Fae's head to his cheeks and then his mouth - pretty and pink and pouting and so worth the trouble. "I suppose we can get started on our next adventure tomorrow."
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mythicamagic · 3 years
Fangs of Silver: Sesskag oneshot
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Summary: Kagome Higurashi has her work cut out for her, hunting one of the most elusive and powerful werewolves known to man: the Killing Perfection. Sesskag smut oneshot. Werewolf Sesshoumaru/monster hunter Kagome. 
Rated M
Words: 4,700
Read on Ao3 and Dokuga
AN: for @cookieasylum​ for an art trade. Thanks bud! Hope you like it
Fangs of Silver
Warning: werewolf x human smut, knotting, menstrual sex
Two fingers unfurled to touch the moonlit forest floor, tracing the outline of a large paw-print stamped into dirt. Even splaying her palm wide with four fingers and thumb outstretched, Kagome couldn't hope to meet its size, dwarfed in comparison.
"Looks like I've found you again," she muttered, straightening from her crouch. Walking onwards and listening out for any hint of movement within the imposing woods- tall anorexic trees completely still with sharp looking branches- blue eyes remained alert, watchful.
She'd been tracking this one for God knew how long now. Months. Had it been a year yet? Though even the smallest victory of finding his tracks left no time for celebration.
Kagome frowned to herself. This particular beast wasn't usually so careless. He evaded her during daylight hours by wading through streams or keeping to rocky terrain, never giving the same name when mingling with villagers. Even when the Full Moon hit- he managed to be elusive and surprisingly clever. The smartest one she'd been sent to hunt. This time he'd either been sloppy or…
Kagome glimpsed something through a gap in the lower trees, located further down the hill. Smoke?
Surely he wasn't trying to trap her with something so obvious.
Frowning, Kagome set down her weapon and snuffed out the flames of her torch, checking her supplies. Enough silver bullets. Enough jewel shards. Her guns were in good shape, but she was out of herbal supplements to repress a certain annoyance that also occurred every month. Wincing, she put a hand to her lower abdomen, feeling it cramp.
Crap, not now.
She'd have to ignore it. She couldn't afford to lose this guy due to Mother Nature kicking her continually in the gut.
This beast had committed countless acts of violence- leaving behind a trail of bodies in their respective towns and villages. Unlike usual werewolves who sloppily left bitten survivors to run amok, this beast made no mistakes. He seemed to kill specific people and left them firmly for dead. He never inflicted the curse upon anyone. Surprisingly his victims were usually reported to be less than innocent citizens.
Due to the killings- a bounty had been placed on what the authorities referred to as 'the Killing Perfection.'
Creeping down a steep incline, Kagome stepped as lightly as possible within the relative darkness of the trees -autumn leaves crunching beneath her boots.
A lonesome house in the woods stood like a mourner in a graveyard under the light of the Full Moon, dark wood faintly eroded by time. Vines held the chimney in a stranglehold, but smoke puffing out of the top revealed it to be in working order despite the dilapidated state of the house.
Slipping around the side of the building and ducking out of sight from any windows, Kagome stopped with her back to the wall, loading her rifle while stooped into a crouch.
Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out, Kagome wasted no time. She pushed off and rounded the corner, kicking open the front door with the barrel of her gun trained inside.
Kagome didn't let her guard down, slowly inching inside and glancing around.
The fireplace was lit with healthy flames- a kettle sat off to the side, an empty mug not too far away. Everything else in the room had a layer of dust costing it, but the armchair lay newly cleaned. Footprints trailed around the ashen floor, some human, some wolf prints.
Kagome searched the lower floor that comprised of mostly empty rooms, before pointing her gun up towards the stairs, setting foot on the first step.
It groaned loudly beneath her weight.
Wincing, blue eyes snapped to the top of the dark stairs for any tell-tale signs of movement.
Wandering up to the second floor cautiously and looking around revealed nothing more than dust bunnies.
Kagome frowned, eyeing the open window. Had he jumped down and escaped?
Sighing with disappointment, she shouldered her gun and trailed downstairs.
I suppose I can sweep the outside to pick up his trail again, but I bet he's long gone. He probably lit the chimney to distract me before making his escape and transforming for the night.
Wandering over to the kettle, she touched its side.
Still lukewarm. He'd literally just been there.
And I was too late.
Kagome groaned.
"What a disappointed noise. Were you aching to see me that badly?"
Stiffening, her heart jumped. The silky sounding words had come from behind her.
Pivoting on one heel, Kagome turned her weapon on the man lounging in the armchair.
His image blurred, snatching up her gun to lurch the barrel upwards just as she fired, the blast piercing the ceiling- some debris raining down.
Golden eyes sparked, snapping the barrel in two before throwing her to the floor with impressive strength.
Kagome gasped, back colliding hard with the wooden floors, winded. She quickly grabbed one of her pistols and trained it on the man- who had disappeared again.
"W-what?" she panted. "It's a Full Moon. Why haven't you transformed?"
"Ah, you wish for me to change? Very well," his voice rumbled from outside.
Fur blocked out the moonlight pouring in from the shutters, brushing along the side of the house. Quiet, hungry panting filled her ears.
Kagome quickly fired at the windows, but the shadows melted away, causing her to wonder if it had been a trick of the light.
"I heard tell of a woman who subdues my kind before using shards of a blessed jewel to revert them back into humans…"
Paws padded around the house, nails dragging- scraping the forest floor. "You have pursued me for some time. Did you hope to transform me into a mortal like those you have hunted before me? Break my curse?" the male uttered.
"I knew you were strong, so I didn't have much hope of using them. Taking you back alive to stand trial for all the things you've done is a tall order," Kagome grunted, lower stomach clenching. She quietly hissed. Cycle blood likely marred her trousers now.
"Indeed. Even if you shot me with one of your infamous jewels though, it would not work."
A figure bent down, twisting through the front door with the ease of a feline through bars. Sleek silver fur gleamed with a fiery hue, bathed in the hearth's orange light.
Saliva dripped from exposed canines, muzzle pulled back.
The werewolf towered over her in size. He had the look of a distorted wolf- pale torso resembling a man due to broad shoulders and defined abdomen. He shifted to stand upright, hind legs strong, capable of supporting his weight. Thick hackles rose, paws more akin to hands tipped with killer claws.
Unlike the other beasts she'd faced, this one had peculiar red markings slashing over his cheeks, lower legs and flank. Glowing red eyes burned with the heat of the sun.
"You unknowingly came in search of a Pure Blood. I cannot be 'fixed' little hunter. This is how I was born," he purred, mouth unmoving, whispering honeyed words in her mind.
Those eyes strayed down to her legs, nostrils flaring. "And you are in heat, no less. A fine time to go hunting for a predator."
Kagome shivered, raising her pistol and aiming it between his eyes.
The werewolf gazed at her calmly, completely different from the wild, almost rabid beasts she'd fought with before.
A Pure Blood…
She'd never come across a creature so ancient. He looked at her with intelligence, as she'd suspected from tracking him.
"I-I'm not in heat," she muttered, finger grazing the trigger without pulling it. Why wasn't he attacking?
"You hurt those townspeople. Why?"
"I walk among men in my other form. Occasionally I find those deserving of death. Those who harm their cubs and mates. Those who leech of their pack and drink themselves into violent stupors. Sometimes they simply get in my way."
Kagome grit her teeth, "so you dispense justice alone? I don't disagree with cruel people deserving some kind of consequences but you don't get to decide who lives and dies. That's playing God."
He chuckled inside her mind, mouth pulling back from sharp teeth in an imitation of a smile. "Is what you do so different, little hunter?"
"I follow the orders of my superiors- unless I think someone can be saved with the jewels I bless."
Interest brightened his gaze, tail swishing once behind him.
Her only warning.
The beast knocked her arms to one side, striking her down with a headbutt to her chest. The action sent her gun skittering away over dusty floorboards, disappearing into harsh shadows. One human-like forepaw pressed down on Kagome's stomach, making her breath wheeze free from frozen lungs- his other holding her right arm down to keep her pinned. He then leaned in close, white ears perked atop his head.
A white maw drifted over her startled face, nostrils flaring, inhaling her scent greedily.
"Holy powers…" he uttered thoughtfully.
Kagome's left hand fumbled with the hem of her shirt, eyes narrowing. "I'm a former sister of the church. It comes in handy when dealing with creatures that go bump in the night."
She abruptly thrust her formally concealed dagger up, aiming it straight for his heart.
Powerful jaws snapped down, locking around her arm- the beast hissing as her blade ran off course but scraped down his neck and shoulder.
Kagome yelped, dagger freezing. Her hand remained free outside of the cage of teeth but she dared not move. Teeth mouthed her arm without breaking the skin, until a particularly sharp canine made a trail of crimson leak down the inside of her wrist.
A large, wet tongue roved, licking and sliding over the length of her elbow and wrist while they lay trapped within the hot cavern of his mouth.
"Now we have both shed blood tonight, little hunter. Are you satisfied?"
Kagome panted, gritting blunt teeth. She glared hotly into large red eyes fixed on her, looming close. From the new proximity, she could now see his seafoam green irises and slit pupils from within the sea of crimson. They dilated the longer she looked.
"You are quite the woman," he rumbled appreciatively. "What name do you go by?"
"Hn, I am Sesshoumaru. I thank you for your relentless pursuit of me over these past few months. It was quite flattering."
Kagome opened her mouth to reply before a hiss broke her off. The clenching of her abdomen took up attention for a moment, twisting like a knife in her gut.
"Heat can be painful to go through alone," he acknowledged, teeth slowly easing from her arm, eyes trained on her warningly not to try anything. His slick tongue unwrapped itself from her arm with a trail of saliva. He licked his maw hungrily.
Kagome gripped her sticky arm, glaring from her position on the floor. No bite. Just a nick from his tooth. It wouldn't be enough to curse her. She warily lowered her dagger.
"It's just my monthly cycle. I'm fine...gn…"
"You seem it," he mocked, wolf expression unchanging, though his eyes danced.
His great head lowered, hovering over her groin. His nose drew closer, inhaling over the red patch. His long pink tongue slid out, drawing over it with a lingering lick.
Kagome yelped, forgetting her guns and blades- grasping the dense white fur of his neck. "W-what are you doing?!"
He managed to look suggestive without human features, tipping his head slightly. "As a hunter, it must be difficult to find relief. You are always working, are you not? Chasing evil…" his voice resounded with the finest baritone in her mind, coaxing and soothing, completely at odds with his monstrous appearance. He almost sounded aristocratic. "Fortunately...you happen to lie beneath a beast tonight."
Saliva, warm and dewy, dropped onto her leg in small puddles. Sesshoumaru gazed at her while snaking his tongue out once more, prying it harder between her legs.
Kagome gasped, back-arching, a rush spilling up from her cunt to twist sweet arousal at her core. She viciously clamped down on such a reaction, growling.
"No one gave you permission to take liberties with me, pal!" she drew her knee up, attempting to kick him away.
Sesshoumaru released her arm in favour of grasping her thigh, chuckling while forcing it down. "Why protest?"
Kagome snatched up her dagger again, pressing the hilt against her chest and keeping the point raised outwards.
"Why agree?! Y-you're a…" wide blue eyes flicked over his strange, inhuman body. "I've never- n-not with a werewolf. I'm pretty sure that's breaking some sort of rule. Or law."
"I will not tell a soul."
Her gaze turned flat, fingers shifting over the hilt. "I'm supposed to be killing you. We just tried to kill each other!"
"Hn, keep your friends close and enemies closer, as they say. Allowing them into your bed does not seem like such an extreme, and I find there is always a slight thrill in fighting, is there not?"
It was a night of firsts. Kagome had never experienced anything like it in her five years of hunting. None of her superiors had ever mentioned an intelligent werewolf who could control their transformation and shapeshift at will. The only whisper of it had come from dusty old books stashed away in catacombs. The air in the lonely house felt cold, tickling her skin like a living thing, but the space between Hunter and Werewolf crackled with intensity.
Kagome swallowed, feeling squirmy. She tensed when a wet nose came back up to sniff at her neck. Warm breath fanned over flushed skin as his snout travelled up and down, scenting. It soon buried itself within dark hair, making her gasp. The suggestion of teeth scraped the crown of her head, joined by a pleased, rumbling noise. Goosebumps rose on her exposed skin, blood burning, alight with confused but obvious need.
His alien, paw-like hand ran over her hip and breast, cupping the side of her jaw. The shock of thin fur and monstrous, long fingers tipped with claws should've terrified her. Kagome had fought against such hands for years. Her body held traces of scars where such nails had hooked and dragged into supple flesh.
As it was, when his second stroked her inner thigh, Kagome shuddered. He smelled faintly of clove and damp earth. His movements were deliberate. The inferno of his eyes when they locked with hers shone with hunger- but also curiosity. That mindfulness and clarity of his thoughts was what allowed her to hesitantly touch the hand on her thigh.
It felt too large and gangly to be a human, fur and heat brushing the calloused skin of her palm.
"You can't bite me," she warned, laying the flat of her blade against his neck. "I'll kill you if you do- and that'll instantly free me from the curse."
Sesshoumaru smiled with his eyes.
He forced her down again, claws making quick work of her pants, tearing a sizable hole at the crotch.
The wiry fur of his muzzle immediately dived down, fervently taking in her scent with hearty, eager inhales. It sent a rush of arousal straight through her, hips jolting.
Nose, teeth and tongue soon brushed her sex, before the latter thrust inside, heedless of the blood.
Kagome cried out, toes curling, going completely still. The invasive probing between her legs filled her entrance, sinking deeper. It then flicked outside, allowing her to feel the velvet rough texture. It swirled experimentally over her clit.
Shakily tightening her now slippery grip on the dagger, Kagome gasped and shuddered.
"I-I thought you were going to transform into a man-!"
Sesshoumaru gave a rumbling noise in response. He gripped the front of her blouse, yanking to rip it open and fondle her breast.
"You do not wish to see the creature you've hunted feasting on you?" the rumbling purr lifted into something darkly amused, tail flicking behind him.
He grabbed her hips, swivelling them to flip her over. Kagome yelped and snarled, about to protest when his palms kneaded her ass, raising it and tearing off the remainder of her pants- the pads of his thumbs dragging to her sex, spreading slick folds and delving a warm, thick tongue inside her all the deeper.
Kagome kept a needless grip on the dagger, a strangled noise caught in her throat. His muzzle nudged and pried, urging her to rock against his tongue. Feeling warm, she clumsily grasped at her coat, yanking her arms free and tossing it aside.
Full breasts were squashed to the floor under the weight of the werewolf as he pressed her down, but her nipples- stiff and hardened with pleasure- received friction from the steady rhythm. The pleasure came in small, electric bursts.
"Fuck," she groaned, biting her lip. This was wrong. She shouldn't allow this.
A clawed thumb rubbing at the sensitive bundle of nerves between her thighs silenced that weak protest. It felt good. So deliciously good. Men scarcely put their mouth on her down there, deeming it 'dirty' or beneath them.
Kagome shivered, pushing back against the roving tongue continually thrusting inside her core, flexibly twisting, rubbing against her inner walls and licking with heinous, grunting noises like she slaked his thirst. They found a kind of rhythm without communicating through words, and an incredible rush built in her stomach- delighted to rock against his mouth.
Bowing her head and trying to concentrate on breathing, Kagome jolted and shamelessly moaned as his movements became more relentless, hungrily collecting evidence of her arousal and cycle onto his tongue.
"W-why-?" she managed out, straining to look at him over her shoulder- the tongue plunging faster in quick delves like he were mining for gold- sharp teeth scraping her entrance, adding rapidly to the throbbing feeling building up in her lower stomach.
Why was he pleasuring her? It didn't align with a wild beasts actions.
Blue eyes glimpsed glowing crimson behind her. With a sudden push of his humanoid paw on her back, trapping her in place- Kagome squealed loudly as Sesshoumaru pried so deep he wore her like a puppet with his tongue, grunting with savage satisfaction when she came from the action.
"Agh!" Kagome cried out, body igniting, juices immediately flowing into his mouth, which he collected enthusiastically with broad strokes. Somewhere between all this, she lost grip on her weapon. The blade clanked against the floors loudly.
After pulling away, the werewolf paid no heed to the red staining his lips, licking at his jaw in a decadent, gluttonous manner.
"Why what?" Sesshoumaru sat back on his haunches, ears perking, haughtily eyeing her with an air of pride. He probably took great pleasure in reducing a hunter to such a vulnerable mess.
Kagome felt like she'd received her answer. "Never mind," she caught her breath, forehead dotted with sweat. Her muscles burned despite the lack of physical exertion, body feverishly warm.
She sat up slowly, wincing at the slick feeling of her cunt. It fluttered and clenched, demanding more- wanting to be filled.
"I feel better now. We can end things there and-"
Kagome caught an eyeful of his crotch, entranced by the hard evidence of his arousal.
She swallowed, reading the look in his eye easily. They wouldn't be stopping anytime soon. From the look of his long, thick cock, they'd be spending a while easing it in if he were committed to pleasuring her.
Somehow she felt alright with that. The fever in her veins wasn't satisfied yet, though she had reservations about allowing a literal werewolf to take her. However something undeniable had come to life in the pit of her gut, something raw and hot that left her wet between her legs and wordlessly begging.
Sesshoumaru's claws closed around her ankle, dragging her towards him- her ass coming to meet his twitching cock.
"I do not think you have unwound nearly enough. You must expel all pent up frustrations if you are to continue hunting me. I worry you will fall behind if not- your tracking has become sloppy lately."
Kagome whipped her head up and growled- just as the head of his cock nestled at her entrance, cutting off the noise and sending it choking. Blushing, she reached behind her, spreading herself for him- holding herself open while Sesshoumaru gave that jagged flash of teeth in response, slipping his thick length inside her inch by inch.
Whimpering and dropping her hands, Kagome bowed forward, trying to adjust. He sank even deeper. The sheer slickness between her thighs helped but didn't assuage the terrible stretch that threatened to overwhelm her. He was too big, his large and hairy body towering over hers, encasing her back with the furnace heat of his body.
"Ease yourself back against me- slowly," panting breath fanned over her damp neck. She felt him run an almost affectionate feeling lick up the sensitive shell of her ear. "Relax. This body was built to withstand many things," his palm stroked a path over her navel, circling up her hip where a scar lay. "You will not allow me to dominate you so easily, will you, Kagome?"
Panting, Kagome tried to get used to feeling every inch of him inside her, filling her clenching walls to the brim.
His hands were three times the size of hers, one settling beside her on the floor. The way he loomed over her made the formally fearless woman feel small, crushable.
"H-ha! As if," she shakily replied. Not one to give in, Kagome did as instructed, slowly rocking back against him just like before. She winced. The sensation was much fuller and tighter, uncomfortable.
Sesshoumaru hissed and groaned, rubbing at her clit again to shoot tiny bursts of fireworks through her system. It helped coax some pleasure back into things. Kagome gave a shaky moan.
Sensing her change in enjoyment, the wolf began moving.
She cried out, wincing a little at his slight withdraw- before groaning as he eased back in, creating a slow, building pace.
The thick, soft fur that covered him from crown to foot gleamed in the light of the room. Kagome could feel it hot against her back, tickling her skin. The strands began to stick to flushed flesh. Sweat began to bead, rolling down her shoulder blades.
"You take me very well, for a human," Sesshoumaru nosed at her hair.
"I can't say 'taking a cock' nicely is the highest compliment ever, but- thanks," Kagome panted. He gave an amused huff, giving a hard thrust in response that knocked her forward.
Yelping, she grabbed onto the first available thing. Her breath caught when her fingers met soft, warm fur. His arm.
It felt sturdy amidst the sea of sensations. Kagome held tighter onto it, bracing herself. She could sense the control beginning to slip from her new bedmate.
Sesshoumaru growled ferally, fanning hot, sticky breath over her shoulders. He then slammed inside her- ramming his hard cock completely within.
Letting out a loud, startled cry that bordered on a scream, Kagome bit down on his arm. He set a brutal pace, thrusting his cock with a quickness that blinded her. She squeezed her eyes shut so tight stars burst behind her eyelids.
Strands of dark hair stuck to her forehead, the rest bouncing and swaying with the werewolf's chosen pace: hard and merciless.
She sank her teeth harder into Sesshoumaru's arm, but he was completely silent inside her mind now. Whatever debonair and lofty charm he possessed had been shoved far back into the recesses of his consciousness, replaced with raw primal need and heavy grunts. He sought to fuck, and Kagome found herself mewling receptively, weakly rocking back against him.
With a snarl, he yanked his arm free from her teeth- rearing back onto his haunches and dragging Kagome with him, holding her hips while continually rutting into her.
Kagome went completely speechless in both pain and pleasure. The new angle nestled onto his lap with the steel band of his arms wrapped around her waist allowed him to reach new depths.
Letting out mindless moans, she rested her head back against his furry shoulder, body ablaze, cunt squeezing him deliciously. The arms holding her prisoner forced her to meet each thrust, creating an intense friction inside that brought her into a state of begging. "P-please- more. Fuck-! More, I'm so close, please!"
Sesshoumaru gave guttural snarls and rumbles in response. But there was something strange happening with his cock. She could feel it even while held under the haze of pleasure. Nudging up against her entrance, something thicker than his length and more rounded threatened to push inside. His knot.
Kagome couldn't react- distracted by another orgasm ripping through her at the most inopportune time.
The knot swelled and stretched her sex farther than she'd anticipated. With a jolt of his hips, Sesshoumaru followed her into orgasm, throwing his head back in a deafening snarl. A torrent of cum flooded her, painting her inner walls- all locked in by the werewolf's knot.
Kagome jolted and strained, mouth opening in a wordless scream. Full. She felt too full. Her sex strained, still squeezing him like a vice.
Slowly, his voice drifted back into her head. "Very good...worthy female...powerful. Should claim..."
"S-sesshoumaru?" she croaked weakly, limp in his arms.
A silver muzzle nuzzled the side of her head in response, crooning lowly. "Hn?"
"You uh..." Kagome panted, giving a weak gesture of her wrist, trying to rise and finding it impossible. He was quite literally locked inside her. "You knotted me- shouldn't you have pulled out?"
She wasn't concerned about being pupped- she'd handled dodging pregnancy with herbal aid before. However, like this, it made moving away impossible.
"Why would this one do that?"
Blue eyes blinked, shifting up to him. His fur plastering against her skin felt like a feathery bed cushioning her spine. "Because now we're stuck, for who knows how long. A few minutes to 30. I figured you'd..."
Want to get away. Re-establish our roles as enemies.
He acted the same as always. She couldn't anticipate his movements or read him.
A sinuous tongue she'd now become intimately acquainted with slid up her cheek. The fur receded at her back, and Kagome stiffened with alarm.
When she turned slightly, she found herself gazing at the pale, handsome features of a man. His markings remained, branding him as something inhuman despite the skin, pretty fall of hair and stern sweep of his brow.
"I intend to have you many times," Sesshoumaru uttered out loud, sounding much crisper in the quiet room. "In a multitude of ways."
Kagome opened her mouth to reply, gasping when a tongue thrust inside her mouth. Grunting, she managed to return the dominating press of tongue and teeth, biting his lip for good measure and feeling him shiver.
When he began moving again while locked inside her, she fell into the murky waters of arousal once more.
The morning sunlight peeking through the broken blinds brought many aches and pains with it. Kagome heard the front door shut, footsteps drawing away before falling silent.
Sitting up quickly, a fur throw fell from her shoulders. It pooled in her lap, revealing the full extent of fresh scratches and claw marks littering her nude body, along with bruises.
She winced at the stickiness between her legs. The smell of sex overwhelmed the stuffy room. So it wasn't a dream.
Noticing a steaming mug of green tea sitting before the lit fireplace loaded with newly chopped wood, Kagome tentatively reached out to touch it. Still warm.
He must've just left.
Running her hands up and down her flesh, she found no bite marks. He'd stayed true to his word.
Feeling a little complicated, Kagome blinked upon noticing a letter sitting atop a fresh change of clothes on the armchair. Her weapons were also neatly arranged nearby.
Picking up the parchment, blue eyes flitted over the message.
'Pursue me once more, my hunter. I enjoyed feasting on you.'
Kagome pressed her lips together. She shook herself a little. This was still the enemy, nothing had changed despite a thoroughly pleasurable night. In the privacy of the room however, she allowed herself a small smile.
After eating, washing and dressing for the day, Kagome stepped outside.
Securing her weapons, she gave chase.
248 notes · View notes
stahl-tier · 2 years
gonna be emotional about trains on main for a moment
Was walking past the dead-end side tracks yesterday, like so often when I go to the main station in my town of birth. It’s not a big main station, as it’s not a big town, but you can get to Vienna and its many stations pretty easily from here. I always thought it was intriguing that there was railway cars parked there at all times of the year, seemingly never leaving.
As I grew older I found out that these are “living” cars, basically railway construction workers live in them when there’s construction work going on, and once they’re done with the work they pack up their cars and go somewhere else.
There has always been living cars on these side tracks, but in the past years I noticed that a certain few of them are literally the same cars. Since I come past these tracks often, I started noticing that things like flower boxes were being added between the cars, that these cars were always surprisingly clean of graffiti and their paint was reasonably well-maintained. Clearly, they’re not abandoned. 
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The latest addition I noticed lately is that wooden bars with red metal “flags” on each end were laid across the buffers. (In railroad signalling, red flags on a car mean that it must not be moved/touched by an engine under any circumstance. Usually those are actual flags, but I suppose as a more permanent solution, anything resembling them will do.)
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Sometimes the window blinds are open, or a door is open a gap, and you can catch a glimpse of a curtain, a kettle, a jacket, silhouettes of simple furniture.
On Google maps, you can see snapshots from recent years of these particular cars:
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As of yesterday (May 2022), they’re still there. And I have a feeling they will be for a long time.
Since I started working for the railways last year, I’ve started paying more attention to details and labels on rail vehicles, so yesterday for the first time I actually took a closer look at the inscriptions on these cars.
It’s usual for rail vehicles to state their “home station” in some way. This was dropped from regulations sometime around 2000 as a required label, but you can still find it on numerous rolling stock. For a rail vehicle, the home station is the station it should be returned to once it has finished its duty of the current operation.
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These cars on the dead-end tracks also state their home station! My excitement to find out where they belong to only lasted for a short moment, though.
“Wien Süd Fbf” is the name of the cargo yard of the Vienna South Station.
The Vienna South Station and its cargo yard were closed and torn down in 2009, to be replaced by the newly constructed Vienna Main Station (located in the same city, but a few kilometers down the road).
These cars won’t ever return to their home station. Their home station no longer exists.
I’m not okay.
31 notes · View notes
sugaxjpg · 4 years
infamous; m
⤷  You would rather die than to have someone figure out about your sexual escapades with Local Fuckboy, Kim Taehyung. It was an ego thing. 
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✓ Couple: Taehyung x Reader | Fuckboy!AU & SecretRelationship!AU
✓ Filed under: smut 
✓ Look out for: bathroom sex, breast play, oral (male receiving) + deepthroat, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex (use condoms or i’ll kill u!!!), mirrors,switch!tae and switch!reader, taehyung being lowkey a prick but we’re all in for it 
✓ Words: 12,508
Author’s Note: Of course my year-long hiatus would end with a smut. What else can I say? I can hear the clown music from here. 
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“Like, can you actually believe that? He ghosted me for three weeks, then he had the nerve to ask for a tit pic.” She sighed, taking a slip from her neon green drink. You didn’t know how Hyejin could ingest something that resembled toxic waste and make it seem like it actually brought her some sort of comfort. “You know what? I’m done with men. All of them. We really are living in the medieval ti— Are you even listening to me?” 
You blinked twice, taken off guard by the clicking of her fingers in front of your eyes. Truth was, you were only half present, the other half of you scrutinizing the living room, trying to find a certain someone amongst the agglomeration of bodies. 
“Yeah, sure, sorry,” you apologized, leaning your side against the wall. Behind Hyejin, two guys started yelling about something related to Harry Potter and you couldn’t care less. “I was somewhere else for a second, but I’m here now. You were saying that he ghosted you?”
“Yeah, like an absolute idiot.” She rolled her eyes, gesticulating aggressively. You nervously watched the movements of the radioactive cup, worried that it would splash all over your clothes. You really should’ve thought twice before combining a white blouse with your black skirt — that was a catastrophe waiting to happen. “I’m never talking to him again. Or any man.”
“Hm,” you hummed, crossing your arms. You didn’t know who she was trying to convince, that must’ve been the fifth time you heard your friend giving you that speech (during that semester alone). “Who’s that again? Hoseok?” 
“The one and only,” she agreed, glimpsing at her side as if someone could even hear you two amongst the loud reverberation of the music. “Really, I don’t know how those guys haven’t been thrown out of the campus yet. They’re a hazard, all seven of them. A threat to public health.”
You shrugged. “From what I’ve heard, they pay their tuition and do well in class. That’s as far as the college cares.” 
She groaned. “I guess.” Another slip. A pause. Another one. Yep, you were designated driver for the night. “Could be worse, though, I could be one of the poor chicks that Taehyung fucks in his spare time.” 
You giggled, nervous. “Yeah, yeah,” you agreed, looking back at the mass of students. “Yeah, that’d be awful.” 
She hummed in concordance, taking her cup back to her lips. The two guys behind her decided to quit the arguments and moved away from the two of you, making you follow their figures as they dissipated amongst the crowd. You didn’t know how college parties managed to squeeze so many people in one small living room, but it was one of the mysteries of life, you guessed. 
“I don’t know what’s the deal with that one,” Hyejin continued. “It’s like he has a golden dick or something.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows, turning your attention back at her. “What do you mean?” 
“Doesn’t matter, he’s a complete douche.” She moved her hand as if she was scaring away an invisible fly. “Don’t even think about him. He’s the kind that uses and discards people.”
“You think so?” You asked.
“I know so,” she said. “I couldn’t even count on my fingers the amount of girls that had one night stands with Taehyung, and somehow became completely whipped by the dude, only to be told that he doesn’t ‘fuck the same person twice’. Like… What the fuck is that? Who says that?”  
You laughed, noticing the tinge of red that covered her cheeks. “You sound really drunk.” 
“So?” She asked. “I’m not bullshitting you. Taehyung is a prick and that’s gospel.” She raised her cup in a silent cheer, and took another slip. “I know you’re not involved in the fuckboy phenomena that plagues this campus, and, honestly, you’re better off that way. But trust me when I say that he isn’t worth the headache.” 
With an inattentive nod, you took another peek at the strangers in the room. “I believe you, don’t worry.” 
The worst part? You did. 
Even worse? There were two things wrong with what she had told you. 
Number one: yes, Taehyung was kind of a jerk sometimes. But he wasn’t completely soulless. He was fun to be around, actually, when he wasn’t surrounded by his smooth-brained friends, or trying to impress someone into sleeping with him. Also, you were pretty sure he told at least most of those girls that he wasn’t searching for anything serious, and a one-night stand was most likely all that they would get. 
You couldn’t speak for all of them, of course, but the ones that you knew personally, at least, had mentioned something along those lines to you. He didn’t exactly lead them on, trying to break their hearts just for the sake of it. Besides, Taheyung was already kind of infamous around campus for “using and discarding” people, as Hyejin had put, so it wasn’t precisely a surprise for anyone involved. 
Number two: Taehyung fucked the same person twice, if he felt like it. And you knew that because you’ve been fucking him on and off for the past five months or so. 
To your defense, you weren’t exactly after a “secret friends with benefits” relationship when you first met him. In fact, you didn’t expect that you would fall victim to his charms just like everyone else, melting under his tender kisses, moaning his name as he rolled his hips against you, edging your orgasm for longer than you could hold it. And you didn’t expect to like it as much as you did. 
Truth was: Kim Taehyung was everything, but he wasn’t dumb. He knew that he was attractive as hell; he knew that he had a voice so silky and deep that just saying the right words would be enough to have you in bed with him — and he knew how to use two two things very well. So, just like Eve, you followed the snake and bit the apple, and blah blah blah, eternal damnation or something like that. Big deal. 
You didn’t care much about being fuckbuddies with Taehyung, actually — he had his fun with other people in the meantime, and so did you —, but you pretty much could die at the idea that someone would find out. It was an ego thing, alright? You didn’t want people to know that you were interested in him, since you prided yourself in being a strong, independent woman, and to have people think that you were wrapped around his finger (which you absolutely wasn’t!) would not be a good look for your personal brand. 
And it got more complicated than that. The thing was that Taehyung had always been one to flaunt around his trophies. It wasn’t unheard of for him to just start talking about someone that he had fucked, maybe even giving a bit more detail than anyone else involved would appreciate. You knew that it was just a matter of time before your name dropped from his lips at the wrong time, in front of his ape-brained friends, and everyone would discover that you were added to his long lists of booty calls. 
So, when you asked to keep that first night a secret, you were surprised when he quickly accepted it. 
Against all expectations, Taehyung didn’t fall into his old pattern when it came to you. He had been the one to text you first, calling you over to his place — which he made sure to be empty — and he had been the first one to suggest that you two kept meeting up after that. Now, let’s not get this mixed up: it wasn’t an undisclosed crush, it wasn’t love. It was just Taehyung fulfilling some weird-ass kink of his. He liked to have you when he wanted it, the way he wanted it, and he liked the thrill of it all being undisclosed — to him, it felt like you two were doing something wrong, which managed to turn him on even more. 
Also, you were human, alright? There was something extremely tempting about sleeping with someone as almighty as Kim Taehyung, King of Fuckboys, especially when he kept coming back to you. It’s only nature to want to feel special every once in a while. 
Again: it was an ego thing. 
Even if your pride told you otherwise, you decided, again and again, to come back to him. Late at night in your apartment, when your roommate had already gone to sleep, and he was buried deep between your legs, licking your wetness and sucking on your clit. Or maybe in the interval between your classes, when you two managed to get the locker rooms empty, and he fucked you so hard against one of the lockers that you could swear someone would come see what was going on with all that banging against the metal. 
But no, no one ever caught you. Not Hyejin or any of your other friends. As far as you were aware, Taehyung’s group didn’t know a thing either, which made you appreciate him even more. 
See? He wasn’t a total douchebag. He had the most basic sense of loyalty. 
And, yeah, you didn’t like lying to your friends, but it was a necessary measure. You were sure they would kill you if they found out about your private escapades with the Local Fuckface McGee: half out of sheer panic for your emotional well-being, and the other half out of pure jealousy. You didn’t think much about it most of the time, since you kind of understood Taehyung’s side: you simply liked the thrill, and you weren’t actually doing anything illegal. No one really had to know.
Rupturing the bubble of your nostalgia, your friend’s voice startled you back into reality. 
“Who are you looking for?” Hyejin furrowed her eyebrows, staring you down intensely. She had been your friend for three years, and you were absolutely certain she could see through your bullshit — well, most of the time. “Do you have a dick appointment that I don’t know about?” 
You laughed, your voice coming out an octave higher than you intended it to. “What? No!” So subtle, congratulations. “I’m just searching for a friend. She owes me a bit of money and she’s been avoiding me for some time.” 
You were impressed at the ease that the lie left your tongue. At the same time, you had been doing that for five months now — keeping your distance from mentioning anything Taehyung, figuring out excuses to get away from your friends at the weirdest of times — , so you guessed that was something that came with practice. 
“You want me to beat her up?” Hyejin offered. Just a glimpse was all that you needed to know that she was dead serious. “Give me her name. I promise I just wanna talk.” 
“No, it’s fine,” you said, chuckling at her aggressive demeanor. “It’s not a lot of money, I’m not super worried. I’m just tired of being avoided.” 
She smirked, taking another slip from her cup. How didn’t the drink end yet? That cup was infinite. “You and me both, sister.” 
Your lips parted, but, before you managed to let anything out, a loud sound of men screaming in excitement overlapped the beat of the electronic song. Hyejin met your eyes with a mixture of puzzlement and interest and, in an unspoken agreement, you two decided to see what the fuss was about. 
Lucky for you, you two didn’t even have to take two steps to figure it out. Since the large opening to the living room was right besides you, all that you needed to do was to take a look through it, right at the kitchen, to see the beautiful, Animal Planet view of Hoseok drinking beer upside down. 
“Hyejin?” You called calmly, eyes still glued to the spectacle.
“Yes, love?” She answered, absent-minded. 
“You know who’s throwing this party, right?” 
She shrugged. “I might.” 
You suspired, taking a step back so you could stare at her. Behind you, people walked towards the kitchen, pumped to see if Hoseok could drink the entire thing (as if he didn’t do that in every single party he throwed). “So, there’s any other reason why you dragged me to Hoseok’s party, besides one that you needed someone to keep you company while you waited to be dicked down?” 
“Great deduction, Sherlock.” She smiled, eyes shining in enthusiasm. You looked at Hoseok, then back at Hyejin. Maybe she wouldn’t have any grounds to judge you and Taehyung after that circus performance. “I’ll make it up to you, don’t worry.” 
“I’m not worried about that.” You crossed your arms. Seokjin, who was holding Hoseok by the ankles, pterodactyl-screeched in joy as the boy reached the end of the beer. Two more slips and he’d be good to go. “You sent him the tit pic, didn’t you?” 
Hyejin licked her lips, taking a hand up to fix her hair. “I’m only human,” she said. “Besides, I had already invested a lot on him. I even did a full body shave. I couldn’t just not do it.” 
You laughed at the idea, watching as she became more and more distracted by the man. A group had already formed around Hoseok, and you knew it was just a matter of when Hyejin would do the same. 
“What happened about being over all men?” You asked. 
“Yeah, yeah… After tonight. Right now I’m planning to get under one.” She gave you her neon green cup with a harsh movement, and you held it without thinking much about it. “I’ll see you later, Y/N. Hold my drink for me.”
“Have a great night, I guess,” you raised the sound of your voice as she began to walk away. “Text me when you get home!” 
She responded without turning back, giving you a thumbs up over her head. “You too, girlie!” 
And, just like that, she was gone. 
Disappointed but not surprised, you sighed and placed your body back against the wall. From the kitchen, a roaring applause exploded, and you knew that Hoseok had finished his Herculean task. Good for him. 
You stared down. The sharp shade of green reflected on the skin of your hands, looking like something straight out of Chernobyl. You took the cup to your nostrils and gave it an experimental sniff, your nose cringing at the appalling smell. Fighting the disgust that had built in your stomach, you quickly took it away from your face, and decided to place it on a table nearby. No wonder Hyejin was so out of it, the poor girl was suffering from radiation poisoning. 
The Chainsmorkers started to play and you asked yourself why the fuck was Satan in charge of the music. All around you, strangers fumbled to the rhythm of the song, a girl even falling to her knees at one bad turn of the ankle, then turning her gaze up at her friends and laughing maniacally. The odor that enveloped you was strong and nauseating — Axe body spray, probably — and the thumping of the sound was starting to get annoying. Since you were alone with your thoughts, there wasn’t much left besides to hyperfocus on those details, which was all but a pleasant pastime. 
You crossed your arms, bored out of your mind, and thought that it might be the wiser decision to go back to your place and just sleep the night off. Yeah, the semester was already ending, most of your tests and projects had passed, but that didn’t mean you weren’t completely exhausted at all the accumulated stress you had endured. Now that Hyejin had moved on with her plan, you didn’t have much of a part to play in that party anyways. 
A couple almost tripped on you as they giggled their way towards the stairs, probably searching for an available room. What a nice reminder. You pressed your lips together, then peaked back at the kitchen, where you only saw Seokjin, Namjoon and Jungkook leaning over a pile of red cups — Yoongi right behind them, seeming like he was about to kick the whole thing down. You didn’t know where Taehyung was, but he most likely already left with someone else. 
You turned back to your previous position, crossing your arms in frustration. Great. Your friend was after her sexting partner, and your own booty call was probably balls deep inside someone else by then. Really, there wasn’t much that you could do in there. It would be better if you just left while your dignity was still intact. 
With a sigh, you pushed your body away from the wall, fumbling with your purse. You were praying that Hyejin remembered to give you the car keys, otherwise you would be trapped in that place for god knows how lo— 
Oh there he fucking was. 
The moment that you saw Taehyung, sitting on the couch across the room from you, it was like you forgot to breathe for a moment. That little demon incarnated looked better than you had anticipated — dressed in all black, with his thighs spread across the seat, ready to be fucked right then and there. His dark hair was parted in the middle, a few stubborn strands falling over his angelic features, and his thumb distractedly circled his lower lip as his gaze navigated around the room, staring at nothing in particular. Next to him, you could see another one of his friends — Jimin, if you were not mistaken — talking about something animatedly, but the other man was paying no attention. 
His expression was one of irritation, you noticed, with his thick eyebrows moving together, jaw clenching. It was pretty erotic, if you said so yourself. You didn’t know what Jimin was telling him, but you sure hoped he wouldn’t stop anytime soon. 
When he saw you, however, Taehyung’s perceived annoyance instantly dissipated. 
With your mind racing in anticipation, you watched as his eyes met your own, then trailed down your body with desire, stopping around the level of your thighs for a bit longer than you had predicted. You knew that stare awfully well — it was the same one that Taehyung gave you when he saw you around campus, the silent provocation that told you, and only you, that he really wanted to have some alone time right now. 
A sly smirk sprouted at the corner of his lips, and he leaned back against the couch. You followed his movements as he reached towards his pocket and came back with his phone, staring at you as he did so. The phantasmagoric white light casted odd shadows over his face as he unlocked it, taking a final glance at your expectant features before he started to type something. Once he was done, he locked his phone and placed it back where it had come from. 
Inside your purse, your own phone beeped happily. 
You licked your lips, trying your best to forge indifference as you reached for your device. You swore you could still feel his eyes still burning on you, impatient and deep, watching your every move with eagerness. 
[00:23] Taehyung: so glad to see that you came bby 
[00:23] Taehyung: do me a favor and meet me in the bathroom upstairs, will ya? Second door to the right ;) 
Yep, new plans: you would stay there a bit longer. 
Hammering against your chest, your heart seemed as if it was about to jump out of your mouth by the time that you turned your attention back to the couch. Taehyung, however, had already gotten up, and you had the chance to take a last glance towards his beautiful form as he walked towards the stairs. Jimin, from the couch, appeared to be as lost as they come. 
From the kitchen, the resounding complaint of the group you had seen before ruptured your hypnotized state — Yoongi had, in fact, kicked everything down. Taken aback by the carnality that permeated your chest, you locked your phone without typing an answer and leaned back against the wall, deciding it would be best to wait a minute or two before following him upstairs. Amongst your thoughts, a part of you was still judging whether you adored or despised Kim Taehyung, and the intoxicating effect he had on you. 
Finally, you decided to take the stairs. You wondered, as you opened your way through the ocean of sweaty bodies and spilling drinks, if you weren’t trying too hard to rationalize and catastrophize something that was actually very simple. It was a story with a start, a middle part, and a satisfying ending: you two wanted to fuck each other, you did, then you moved right on. No hidden feelings, no strings attached. That was it. Couldn’t get any better than that. 
Regardless, it wasn’t everything about that, and you knew it. It was about overhearing other girls talking as you made your way upstairs, complaining about how ridiculously hot he was, or about how he didn’t call them back after he gave them the best night of their lives. It was about having that steamy, trembling secret between the two of you. It was about knowing that yeah, Taehyung was crazy hot — and you could have that whenever you wanted. It was about hearing him complain about his friends, who told him that you’d never give him a chance, and seeing the delectable pleasure in which he vangloriared himself, knowing very well that you and him had a second life to share whenever suited. 
You reached the second floor with electric currents running through your veins, anticipation building like a tidal wave inside your abdomen. You two had never done something like that so close to so many people and, yet, you adored the idea even more. 
The cold metal of the door handle met the palm of your hand and you tried it once, twice, with no effect. After looking at the corridor and making sure that Taehyung was nowhere else to be seen — besides the fact that, if he didn’t manage to get the bathroom, he would surely text you a different location — you were left to assume that he wanted to know that it was you who waited at the other side. 
With a sigh, you took your phone out of your purse. Maybe your fingers weren’t as steady as you’d like them to be, but no one needed to know about that. 
[00:27] You: plz open the door thx
Expectantly, you placed your phone back and tried to overhear some sort of sound signifying that he was moving closer to the door — but the song was so loud that you could barely understand your own thoughts. The next seconds that you stood there, just waiting for him to open the door, had been the longest ones you had endured in your life. 
Eventually, however, the door creaked open. 
You gave one last, paranoid glimpse at the strangers in the corridor, but none of them seemed to notice that Taehyung hadn’t left the bathroom by the time that you came in, locking the door behind you. 
It was like stepping into a different reality. The lights inside the bathroom were absurdly bright when compared to the dim environment that expanded outside; the obnoxious song and chatter had instantly morphed into a muted exclamation outside of the door, only the reverberation of the bass making itself present. Just like the calm before the storm, there was a moment of tranquility between the instant that you locked the door, and the one that you saw him. 
As you turned around, dwelling in his proximity, you thought about a million things at the same time — about teasing him about his location choice, or maybe about how he must’ve been going through a drought, if he had to count on his covert booty call to get laid in a party. You thought about how gorgeous he looked, about how his eyes glistened in interest as he took a quiet step towards you, his roseate tongue coming out to lick his lips. 
Regardless, before you could say anything, Taehyung’s lips were on your own, attacking your mouth in a fervorous kiss. You whimpered in surprise as he pushed you against the closed bathroom door, his hands circling your waist as he squeezed your body against his. Your purse fell on the ground with a muffled sound, but you barely even noticed it. 
Taehyung had always been an intense kisser to say the least, but that night it was something else. That night, he was kissing you as if he physically couldn’t contain himself long enough to do anything else; as if all that he could think of doing was to feel the heavenly contact of your mouth against his, your fingers pulling on the strands of his hair. As he invited his tongue inside your mouth, Taehyung groaned and lowered his hands, squeezing your ass like he was about to lose every last ounce of sanity he had left in him. 
You sighed as he moved his focus onto your neck, placing open-mouthed kisses in a way that you knew would leave a mark the next day. “Someone’s excited,” you commented, slightly breathless. Your only response was another groan, and the rolling of his hips against you, where you could feel his cock, already semi-hard, pressing against your inner thigh. “Couldn’t even bother to take me somewhere else.” 
One of his hands moved up to your hair, pulling your head sideways so he could have a better access to your neck. “I need to have you now,” his deep voice came out muffled against your skin, the reverberations of his timbre propagating directly towards your center. 
“You’re starting to get more adventurous with this.” You bit down on your lower lip and he sucked your flesh, groping your ass once again. “Parties used to be so off limits to you.” 
Taehyung chuckled against your neck, moving back towards your mouth. He started making out with you again, his breath hot and heavy against your face, and you thought you could very well pass out at the level of craving that had built inside you. “I changed my mind.” He spoke as he leaned back. 
You smirked at his attitude. “We’ll end up getting caught.” 
“Aw, baby.” He pouted, looking at you with artificial pity. Okay, he could be kind of a prick sometimes. “You’re the one who’s worried. And you came all the way up here because you wanted to. You know I’m not one to insist.”
“I can leave, then?” You raised one eyebrow, fingers playing with the hair at the back of his neck. 
“You can, the door is right behind you,”  Taehyung told you, quickly losing interest in that conversation. “But something tells me you won’t.” 
You didn’t even try to respond, because there was nothing to be said: both of you knew what you were doing there, and the idea of walking out was just too ridiculous to consider. 
With a suspire, you watched as Taehyung moved his lips down your chest, stopping at the fabric of your blouse. 
“What if someone hears us?’ You suddenly remembered, heartbeat quickening at the thought. 
“What is it, baby?” He asked as his fingers worked on your buttons, exposing more of your torso. That slow pace of his was going to kill you one of those days. “You’re worried that people are going to find out about this? About us?” 
You opened your mouth to respond, but his chuckle — so deep and melodious — caught you off guard. 
“How scandalous, right? Y/N is not the pure little thing she makes herself to be,” Taehyung continued, finally opening your blouse and fully exposing your bra to him. He licked his lips at the sight, humming with delight. “Red lace? You really want to tease me.” 
You swallowed dry as the man took the fabric off your shoulders and gently placed besides the sink, above a towel. He could be so thoughtful sometimes. “Taehyung, I—“ 
“You’re such a little brat sometimes, do you know that?” he interrupted, eyes following his own movements as his hands circled your body, moving to unclasp your bra. And of course he got it right on the first try. “You came all the way up here just to get fucked, and now you’re worried that people are going to know about it.” 
You stared him down, a smirk already creeping up at the corner of your lips. “How does that make me a brat?” 
He chuckled. “Look at you, trying to play the naive card on me.” Another agile movement of his fingers and your bra was joining your blouse besides the sink. Taehyung sighed tentatively at the image of your exposed breasts, trying to imprint that sight into the back of his mind. “Pretending as if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. You can drop the act now, baby.”
“I don’t—“
His mouth attacking your breasts was all that you needed to shut up and let him do what he went there to do. Overwhelmed by the sensation, you let out a gasp as his hand squeezed you, playing with your soft boobs as he moaned against your skin. 
“I love it so much.” Taehyung hummed as he sucked on your breasts, moaning at the marvelous sensation of your warm skin against his tongue. You had almost forgotten how much Taehyung ached to play with your boobs; how often he would squeeze them, suck them; find excuses to feel them against his body. Not that you were complaining. “And I love that it’s all for me.” He breathed out before attacking your other nipple. “All of this… all mine.” 
You whimpered at the contact, arching your back in a failed attempt to get closer to him. As much as you knew he was most likely just saying whatever he thought would turn you on — besides, you two had already agreed on a pretty open “relationship” —, Taehyung’s words expanded inside your chest, building a heat that seemed to suffocate you. Even if you knew it was bullshit, you liked to be called his. Ego strokes and all of that. 
“Taehyung…” There was only a thin wooden door separating you two from the outside world, and you couldn’t care less if they heard you calling out his name. That boy really did wonders to your anxiety. 
But he also liked to tease you. 
He moved away from your breasts and you almost — almost — cried out in frustration. 
Taehyung traced his kisses back to your neck, then to your jawline. You were going crazy with all that back and forth. “Baby, I’m not gonna lie, I understand where you’re coming from,” he said. “I like to keep this as a secret too. It’s so hot.” 
You almost forgot how to inhale when he aligned his face with yours, placing a pec on your swollen lips. “Yeah?” You asked, sounding as if you were in a daydream. 
“Yeah,” he agreed, breathless. Even if Taehyung tried his best to look as he was under absolute control, you knew that he couldn’t keep that front for too long. He was clearly turned on, and the hardness pressing against your thigh was all of the proof that you needed. “It’s so great to know that I have one of the sexiest girls on campus just for myself…” His hand trailed up your thighs, adventuring in the lands beneath your skirt. “And no one knows.”
You bit your lower lip, anticipating the contact of his hand against your core. “I thought you were the kind to kiss and tell.”
“Most times,” he mumbled, gifting you with another small pec. “Not with you. I like it like this. Having you when I want, how I want, and only you and I know.”
But you weren’t satisfied with his answer.  His hand did a turn and decided to make a quick stop on your ass, the feeling of skin against skin making your lower body tingle. “What’s so enticing about it?” You asked. 
He smiled. “Ah… many things.”
Your stare didn’t falter. “I’d like an exemple.” 
Instead of answering you straight away, Taehyung decided to take his sweet time. He leaned his head to the side and kissed you feverishly, growing satisfied at the small whimpers and suspires that echoed in between your mouths. His hands were all over you: on your ass, your waist, down your thighs and up your hips, where his eyes could not see. You only had your skirt and your panties on, and it was so frustrating to still feel him fully dressed against you. 
At last, Taehyung pulled away, placing his forehead against yours. As he spoke, you felt the tingle of his hands as they moved towards the hem of your panties. “I like seeing you walk around campus, knowing that you’re so sore from the night before,” he spoke slowly, his voice in a low vibration against your mouth. “And I know you don’t tell any of your friends about it. About how I fucked you so good that you almost cried, and that it’s the next day, and you can barely walk.” 
You hummed, closing your eyes. “What else?”
Much to your dismay, his hands left your underwear again, coming out to pull you closer. “When you send me those audios late at night,” he was breathing out hard then, drowning in those lewd memories. “Playing with your little cunt, crying out my name… shit,” he cursed. “How am I supposed to say no to that? So there I go, out the door, telling my friends that I’m gonna see this crazy hot chick and I’m gonna fuck her brains out…” he hesitated. “And I just get this... rush because they don’t know it’s you.” 
“And how do you know that I like any of it?” You teased. 
Taehyung chuckled at your question. Both of you knew that it was plastered all over your face, but he could keep up that little teasing if you wanted to. “Two reasons,” he said. “First: you do the same to me, or don’t you?” 
“I don’t recall,” you responded, forging innocence. Okay, maybe you did play the naive part a bit much. 
“Oh no? What a terrible memory you have.” He placed a strand of your hair behind your ear, his words hitting your skin in heated, libidinous waves. Taehyung was so close that you could count his eyelashes if you wanted to, his torso squeezed so tight against yours that you wondered how you even managed to breathe in that position. “It was just last week, baby. You called me to your flat after your roommate had left.” One of his hands went back to play with the hem of your underwear, fingertips feeling like lit matches against your skin. “You opened so wide for me, you were so wet already. You got so horny with just the thought of having my cock, isn’t that right?” 
Much to your surprise, your voice came out a lot more steady than you had expected. “Don’t flatter yourself, you don’t know that.”
Taehyung chuckled, placing his warm, swollen lips against the skin of your neck. “I don’t,” he agreed, digits pressing against your clothed clit. You knew he could feel how soaked your panties had become, so there was no reason to keep that up. Regardless, you kind of liked it. “But I do remember how much you wanted me that night, whining and begging me to fill you up with my cock. How many times did I fuck you that night, uh? Four? Five times? And you just had to keep quiet, because your neighbors might have been listening. That was so cute.” 
You sighed, your insides in knots over the tension you were sustaining. You hated him sometimes. Hated how good he was. “I wasn’t counting.” 
“I know, baby.” He swiftly pulled the fabric of your underwear to the side, his long fingers digging into your wet heat. Memories of them fucking you open flooded your mind, sending a shockwave directly through your torso and towards your pussy. “And this right here, baby, is the second reason. Look at this: you’re soaked.” His digits moved, teasing your entrance, and the sound was so lewd that you had to suppress a moan. “You’re always so ready to take me. I love that. You’re so good to me.” 
God, you were about to lose it.
With the force of then thousand warriors, you held back another less-than-graceful sound from escaping your lips. You knew how much Taehyung liked you being loud (something to do with the adrenaline of getting caught, nothing new to see here), and so you had to keep your cool. It wouldn’t be so fun if you just gave him everything he wanted. 
“So quiet all of a sudden.” His nose delicately trailed up your neck, his mouth meeting the angle of your jaw in hot, open kisses. In an attempt to ground yourself, your hands flew to his shoulders, nails digging through his shirt. You could still feel Taehyung’s fingers playing with your wet folds, seeing how much you could take before you were begging for them to enter you. You hated him. Or not. You didn’t know. “I know I leave you speechless, baby, but I wanna hear you too.” 
Strong and steady, his other hand met the curvature of your waist, pressing your body against his. In a mindless reflex, you perked up your ass at the contact, making his fingers slip closer to your soaking entrance. 
“Nothing? Baby, you’re especially irresistible tonight.” Taehyung’s eyes were somewhat dazed, unfocused and hooded. He appeared as if he was two seconds away from fucking you raw against the wall, and you seriously wouldn’t mind. “You know why I called you here?” 
“Because you want to fuck me,” you responded without missing a beat. 
“I do, of course.” He placed his forehead against yours, and you whimpered weakly as two of his fingers finally (finally!) made their way into your heat, stretching you nicely. “That’s it, baby, don’t hold back.”
Instead of answering, another slow, delicious moan dripped like honey from your tongue. Taehyung grunted, satisfied at your responses, and quickened the pace inside your walls; your eyelashes fluttering shut at the ambrosial sensation. He had told you once about how much he liked that part: knowing that you were getting ready for his cock, but already so eager to cum around his fingers. 
Did he tell you that while he fingered you inside his car? Yes. Did anyone else have to know that? Absolutely not. 
“You know what I was doing before I came here?” His question caught you off guard. 
You didn’t even know if you were able to answer for a second, but, happily, the word didn’t have any issue coming out. “What?”
He took a deep, sharp breath, curling his fingers inside you. You pressed your back against the door at the shock of his digits brushing against your sensitive spot, one of your hands flying to your mouth in a way to suppress a particularly loud exclamation of pleasure. “I was listening to Jimin complain about how much he wanted to have you in his bed tonight,” his voice came out in a harsh tone, full of spikes and pointed corners. “Over and over, like a broken record. He can be so explicit when he wants to. It’s unbearable.”
You bit your bottom lip, rolling your hip against his hand. Your body was starting to tingle, the muscles in your legs turning into jello, and you knew that you wouldn’t be able to hold it much longer. As you spoke, you noticed touches of bliss ornamenting your syllables, your words coming out with a bit more difficulty than before. “Oh, so you’re jealous?” You teased.
“Me? Never,” he was quick to respond, groaning at the feeling of your walls clenching around him; his cock throbbing painfully against the fabric of his pants. “I’m just… trying to change your mind.”
“My mind?” You echoed, only half-aware of that conversation. Pleasure was starting to build in alarming rates, and you were starting to lose your trail of thought. “I haven't even decided anything yet.” 
“After I’m done, baby, you won’t need to,”  his voice came out in a profound whisper, sounding like a sweet melody against your ear. “I’m going to fuck you so hard and slow, so deep,” he stressed that word, making your pussy throb around his fingers at the idea, “that you won’t want to have anyone else for the night. Only me.” 
It sounded a bit like possessiveness or jealousy to you, but, honestly, you chose not to pick that conversation for the night. It was probably some kind of acting on his part too. Besides, you weren’t interested in any of Taehyung’s friends, so he didn’t need to worry about Jimin, or anyone else, making a move — especially when he was fingering you so well that you were about to forget your name. 
“And the best part, baby, is that no one will even know it,” he continued, separating his fingers slightly so he could scissor you. Against your best judgement, your knees were getting weaker by the minute, the knot in your abdomen about to untie. “Just you and I. Just the two of us will know how much you begged to be filled up with my cock, how wet you already are just for my fingers.” 
“Taehyung,” you called out, hands tangling themselves in the roots of his silky hair. You moaned out his name again, your voice coming out in such a promiscuous tone that he felt as if he was about to cum on the spot. God, Taehyung loved hearing the effect he had on you. “I’m close.” 
“I know, baby,” he whispered against your ear. His voice was so hoarse, so permeated by desire, that you knew that he was holding back too. His cock was hard and throbbing against your legs, and every minor movement of your thigh against his erection was enough for him to lose his breath for a moment. “But I don’t want you to cum, not yet.” 
Again, he pulled away. 
Taehyung wanted you to complain, to whine about the lack of contact or the warmness of his body — and so, just because you knew that it was his plan, you didn’t do any of that. 
You didn’t say a word as he moved his fingers away from your wetness, his other hand coming down to grope your ass. You didn’t flinch when he looked you deep inside your eyes, guiding his fingers between your lips, watching as your mouth obediently took them in, humming as you sucked your own wetness, never breaking eye contact. 
“Fuck,” he cursed, drowing in the sensation of your warm tongue licking his fingers. You didn’t think that Taehyung was fully aware of the way that his hips had rolled against yours, fighting for relief. “You’re so fucking hot, it’s unreal.”  
And you knew that he said that praise to every poor soul that crossed his path, but it still managed to have some effect on you. Again: you were human, and Taehyung knew what the fuck he was doing. 
But so did you.
Before he could try and do anything else, you pressed your palms against his chest, gently pushing him a few steps away from you. Taehyung followed your lead, watching as you got down to your knees, facing his erection. 
In measured, lackadaisical movements, you pressed your lips against his covered cock, feeling its handness against your mouth. Air got stuck in Taehyung’s throat as he watched you, like a hungry lion, as you undid his pants and pulled them down, gifting you with the sight of his white boxers. 
Just because you knew he liked it, you moaned at the glorious sight of his big, heavy cock already so hard and ready for you; fingers caressing the tip of his member, where a small stain of precum already started to form. Taehyung was so on the edge that he hissed at the contact, one of his hands meeting the back of your head in a mindless impulse. “Don’t tease,” he warned. 
“Oh, so you can and I can’t?” You leaned your head to the side, and planted a kiss on his cock before looking up at him. May the heavens have mercy on you, because you never saw Taehyung so pissed off and turned on at the same time. “I think I could even make you cum like this if I wanted to. I’ve done it before.” 
“Don’t you dare,” he struggled to get out.
“What? You liked when I did that the other times,” you cooled. “Sometimes you didn’t even need my mouth.” 
He closed his eyes, trying to fight the moan that started to climb up his throat. “Stop.” 
“What? You don’t remember?” You asked, placing another kiss on his member, closer to tip that time. “When I let you grind against my ass in the library? You came just by humping me, pants and all.” 
With a cute smile, your hand squeezed his dick, before moving up and down, following its thick outline. Taehyung was dumbfounded, left to watch as your delicate hands worked on his erection with unbearable patience, his eyes glued to every action that you made — the fluttering of your eyelashes, the innocent gazes that you threw his way every time your lips met the cotton of his underwear. If you kept it up for long enough, he was sure he would cum all over his boxers. 
Still, the gods above had heard his prayers, and Taehyung watched as you pulled his underwear down. Without a second of hesitation, you moaned as your tongue licked him all the way from the base to the top, lips enveloping his crown as you sucked on it ever so slightly. 
“Oh, fuck,” he cried out, fingers pulling on your hairstrands. “That’s good, fuck.” 
You hummed, content at his reaction, and pushed him deeper inside your warm mouth, one of your hands holding at the base of his cock. Beneath your other palm, you could feel as the muscles of his thigh tensed up at the sensation. His lips open slighlty, allowing for a long, erotic moan to echo inside the bathroom as you started to set a pace, sucking him slowly, just like you knew it drove him mad. 
“You’re so fucking good at this, baby,” Taehyung groaned, unable to keep his eyes open for much longer. The vision of him was ethereal: head thrown back, mouth slightly agape, eyebrows forming an expression of sheer pleasure and concentration. You cursed your own eyes as they started to water, preventing you from watching him a bit further. “Oh, that’s right, just like that.. you suck me so well, fuck.” 
The pulsating, unsatisfied sensation of need between your thighs only grew, your walls clenching around nothing and your heart beating fast against your chest. You could taste as his precum leaked inside your mouth, his fragmented breaths and whines showing you that Taehyung also wasn’t made of steel. As much as you’d like to see him cum soon, you also needed to be taken care of.
After a particularly hard suck, you pulled your mouth away from his member, and looked up at him. The lack of contact was all that Taehyung needed to open his eyes and stare down at you, surprised at the interruption of his pleasure.
“Taehyung,” you tried your best to make your voice sound as pure and sensual as you could. His eyes widened slightly at the sound — no matter how hard he tried to make it seem like he was annoyed by that saint act of yours, you knew that it drove him insane. “I want you to fuck me now, please.” 
You watched as his face presented a thousand emotions at the same time, and then eventually settled on the cool, controlled dominance you adored so much. Another surge of pleasure ran down your body, much stronger this time, and the feeling of your soaked panties against your pussy was making you go insane with anticipation. 
“I love it when you ask politely.” He placed his hand on your chin, trailing your lower lip with his thumb. “Get up, baby,” he commanded. 
Without an ounce of hesitation, you did as you were told, letting your body be guided by his large hands. 
Taehyung turned you around and leaned you against the sink, positioning himself behind you. “Back to me, ass up,” he said, “Keep it like this, alright?” 
You nodded, unsure that you could say anything else. 
“Good girl.” Taehyung once again held your chin up, making you stare at your own reflection in the mirror for a second before your eyes traveled towards his. God, he was an absolute mess. In the best of ways. “I want you to look at it.”
Any second now, your legs would give out and you would crash down on the floor — or, at least, that’s the sensation you had. It was unbearable to watch as Taehyung took his time removing his shirt; then your skirt and your panties, dripping them down your legs one by one, his mouth so deliciously close to your heat that you felt like you could faint. 
“So pretty,” he mumbled to himself, watching your pussy with desire. “So fucking wet.” 
“I want to feel you, please.” You arched your back, throwing your hips closer to his. 
“Like this, baby?” With a glorious roll of his hips against yours, you felt as his cock moved in between your folds, his head only touching your clit slightly. The sensation alone was enough to make you perk your ass up at him, a motion that wasn’t left unnoticed by his part. 
He smirked at your reaction. “Such a pure little thing, aren’t you?” Taehyung’s hands palmed your ass, moving like snakes towards your waist, where they held you in place. Another roll of his hips and the contact of his dick against your clit made your knees buckle. “You’re so polite, just asking for my cock again and again… You don’t even notice how wet you get thinking about it, grinding against it. Isn’t that so?” 
You had no option but to agree, lowering your head to look at the marble sink beneath you. “Yeah,” your voice came out in a pathetic whine, but you couldn’t even care about it. You just wanted to feel him inside you. “It’s all for you, Taehyung.” 
“Good girl,” he praised, taking one of his hands to guide his cock towards your opening. Expectant, you held your breath, but he didn’t slide in just yet. “Just tell me what you want, come on.” Again, he leaned in and pushed your chin up. “And look at me while you say that.”  
Obediently, you did. Taehyung was a greek god then. Under the pale yellow lights of the bathroom, his lips were swollen and red, the lower one being bit lightly by his teeth; his entire expression permeated by lust as he dove into the sensation of his cock teasing your entrance. He stared at you like you were good enough to eat, his eyes coruscating with so much hunger that you couldn’t even think about anything else but him. No wonder you kept coming back. His entire presence was engulfing every fiber of your being. 
Maybe Kim Taehyung did have a golden dick, after all. 
“I want you to fuck me, Taehyung,” a sentence had never been so clear, so sincere. From the corner of your eye, you could see your own face, desperate and pleading, as you fumbled closer to his member. “Please. I need to feel you inside me.” 
With a hum, he kissed the nape of your neck. “Whatever my girl wants.” 
And, before you could even think about his words, your thoughts were broken as you moaned out his name, feeling as his big cock stretched you, hitting all the right spots. You had missed that sensation so much, of being so full of him, so hypnotized by the movements of his body against yours, that you didn’t even compute the shuddering breath that departed from his mouth, nor the curse that he had let out once he felt the warmness of your walls around his aching member. 
He thought he could lose his last ounces of sanity as he pulled out just enough to leave only his tip in, before throwing his lips against yours and filling you back up. Soon enough, Taehyung was setting a rhythm, unable to control his comments as he kept thrusting inside you. 
“So tight, baby,” he spoke in a whisper, almost as if you weren’t supposed to hear it. His face in the mirror was the most beautiful sight you had ever seen: Taehyung was so lost in pleasure that his features had morphed into an expression of sheer bliss; all of his concentration directed at the movements of your body, the way that your walls held him with so much desire. “You take my cock so well… Shit, you’re making me go crazy.” 
Taehyung’s breath quivered and he leaned his body towards you, fighting for balance. He had one of his hands on your waist, and the other was holding down to the sink, leveling his figure as he started to thrust into you in that different angle — just as slow, hard and deep as he had promised. 
You rolled your head back once he hit the right spot inside you, your moans going up an octave. “Fuck, right there, Taehyung,” you whined, barely aware of the volume of your voice. To hell with it, the music was too loud anyways. “There, right there, don’t stop.” 
“Here?” He groaned, thrusting in the exact place that made you cry out. “That’s it, baby, let it out.” 
And you wanted to prolong that moment for as long as you could, but, truth was, he had played around with you enough that you knew you wouldn’t last much. Even sucking his cock, feeling as he mumbled and trembled under your touches, had been enough to keep you turned on. Again: you were only human, and the paradisiacal feeling of Taehyung’s cock filling you up to the brim, hitting your sweet spot with forceful thrusts, was a bit more than you could endure. 
“Taehyung, I think I’m close,” you told him, feeling as your arms grew weaker beneath you. It was just a matter of time before your legs started shaking too. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Shh, that’s fine, baby.” He moved your hair away from your back, placing a trail of sloppy kisses on your shoulders. “Come on, cum around my cock. I want to feel you.” 
“It’s so big, Taehyung,” you moaned, closing your eyes in defeat. You could tell that your pleasure was already building up too much, too fast. You couldn’t help it: he was stretching you so fantastically that every part of you was on overdrive, the pent-up tension of the entire night culminating in one long, edging orgasm. 
“It’s all yours, baby, all of it,” he told you, guiding you towards your high. God, his voice was so hoarse, so sweet. “Cum for me, okay? And don’t hold back, I want to hear you.” 
Just like that, you came with a loud moan and the calling of his name in a repetitive prayer, walls clenching around him in a way that made him lose his grip on reality. You whimpered at the pleasure, that now was gradually subsiding, and lowered your body against the marble, feeling how cold it was, how different it was from the rest of the bathroom. 
“That’s it, baby, yeah… That was so fucking hot.” Taehyung groaned behind you, picking up the pace of his thrusts. He was moving you so hard that you could feel your hip bones being pressed against the corners of the marble surface, the dirty sound of wetness and skin against skin filling the ambient. “Look at all this… so wet and tight, even after coming so hard.” 
From the way that Taehyung’s movements started to get sloppier, you could tell that he was losing himself in his own sense of pleasure, getting closer to his own climax. “All of this… all for me,” he moaned out, eyes glued to the motion of his cock coming in and out of your dripping center. “You’re so good, baby. Fuck, I could have you like this forever.”
The pounding of his hips against your ass was getting so intense that you could feel tears accumulating at the corners of your eyes, fingers trembling under the weight of overstimulation. Taehyung had fucked you hard before, but you just couldn’t get used to how fantastic it felt. 
“I’m close,” he cried out behind you, his breath coming out in broken, tremulous expirations. “Can I cum on your mouth, baby? I want to see you swallow everything.” 
You nodded, mouth salivating at the thought. 
“Fuck.” He groaned. “That’s my girl.” 
Taehyung pulled away from you and you moved fast, getting back down on your knees as he guided his cock, so red and swollen, against your lips. 
You opened your mouth to accommodate him, taking his member slowly at first, thinking it would be better to adjust to its size. After that part was done — and Taehyung had already turned into a quivering mess above you — you proceeded to move your head, sucking his cock as hard as you could muster. 
“That’s right, suck it,” he moaned, buckling his hips forward. The tip of his cock touched the back of your throat and you gagged, presenting Taehyung with one of the most gorgeous views he had seen all night. “Fuck, yeah— Take everything, baby, come on.” 
You did, of course. You continued to suck Taehyung with a moderate pace — not so slow that it would kill him, but not so fast that it would kill you — and watched as he started to become undone under your touches. First, it were his trembling thighs, then the weakening of his grip on his head. You looked up at him with blurry eyes and watched as his lips fell open, moaning obscenities, and his eyes closed with intense concentration. It was just a matter of time before he—
Taehyung spilled in your mouth and you struggled to swallow everything, just like he had told you to, whining at the feeling of his cock throbbing and twitching in between your lips. The discomfort between your thighs had resumed, pulsating inside your core in a silent need, but you didn’t think you’d have the stamina to deal with it right then and there. 
You pulled your head away from his cock when he started wincing with sensitivity. With doll-like eyes, you met his hooded ones, glad to see the satisfaction and appreciation that was plastered all across his face. He always looked so good after sex, you realized, and you felt extremely satisfied to know that his fucked-out, blissful expression was all because of you. 
In a gentle motion, Taehyung placed his thumb on your check, cleaning a bit of his cum, and brought it over to your lips. “You missed this bit,” he said. 
You sucked his thumb clean without thinking twice, suddenly aware of how uncomfortable your knees felt. Above you, Taehyung smirked at the sensation of your mouth around his thumb, his other hand coming to place small caresses on your hair. 
After he removed his thumb from your mouth, you got back to your feet. It crossed your mind that your legs might give out eventually, but, thankfully, they seemed a bit more firm than you had anticipated. “Better?” You asked. 
“Perfect.” Taehyung kissed you, sighing against your mouth. He pulled away gradually, his body still moving a bit slow after everything you two had done. “You always are.” 
“Aw, how nice of you.” You smiled at his compliment, walking towards your pile of clothes. The bathroom was starting to get cold, and the afterglow of sex couldn’t keep you warm for much longer. “Always with the compliments.” 
He hummed in agreement, watching your naked body; your fingers holding that red bra he adored so much. “Any chance I could see you again this week?” 
An incredulous laugh ruptured your lips as you clasped your bra behind your back. “We just had sex, and you’re already thinking about the next time?” 
He shrugged. “I like to have a schedule.” 
“I’ll think about it.” Your skirt moved up your legs, all the way up to your waistline. From the corner of your eyes, you could see as Taehyung fumbled with his own pants, which he now cursed for being inside out. Seems like he was only thoughtful when it came to your wardrobe. “It’s not like we usually know when this stuff is going to happen.” 
There was a slight tremble in your fingertips as you reached for your blouse and placed it back on your body, but you decided to ignore it.
“I guess,” he mumbled. 
You stared at your own reflection in the mirror as you started to close your buttons, somewhat amazed by the fact that it didn’t appear like you just had had sex. Yeah, your hair was all over the place, and maybe your neck was a bit too red in a few spots, but nothing that a bit of time wouldn’t fix. Could’ve been worse. 
“Can you pass me some toilet paper?” You asked him, eager to clean the mess between your legs. There was no way in hell you were going to put your panties back on, even if the thought of going commando wasn’t exactly the most welcoming either. 
Taehyung was sitting on the toilet lid, putting his pants back, and simply nodded in agreement before doing so. “I’d like to know, though,” he insisted.
You smiled, taking a cheeky glance at him. “Since when you’re so needy?” 
He groaned. “I’m not needy, shut up” 
“Well… You have my number.” You responded, throwing the paper in the trash after you had finished cleaning yourself up. “Call me whenever you’re feeling like it, and I’ll see what I can do.” 
He pouted, clearly frustrated at the answer. “And what if you can’t make it?”
“Then you have two good hands to help you,” you answered simply, fingers working on adjusting your hair. The sound of his zipper closing echoed inside the cubicle. “Besides.. you can have this as a memory, if you’d like.” 
You threw your red panties at him, watching as his face grew interested at the piece of wet cloth in his hands. Taehyung sighed, tugging his shirt back inside his pants. “You’re killing me,” he complained. 
“Good.” You smiled, turning back at him. “How do I look? Presentable?” 
He examined you for an instant, taking in the details of your form. “It doesn’t look like you just got fucked, if that's what you’re asking.” 
“Great!” You swirled around, giving the mirror a last peek. You were getting suspiciously good at making it seem like you two never happened. “Have a nice night, Taehyung. Maybe wait like five minutes before leaving the bathroom. And don’t get too excited with the panties.” 
Taehyung got up and walked closer to you, your underwear safely guarded in his hands. You were positive he would have fun with it later. “You’re going home already?” He asked. 
“Yeah, you did a good job at making me tired.” The clicking of the lock was a pleasant reminder that no one tried to open the door during that time, so maybe your sexual shenanigans had been overlooked once again. “So don’t worry. I’m in need of a good night of sleep. I’m not spending any time with your horny friends.” 
Taehyung chuckled, leaning closer to you. “I was kind of exaggerating about that Jimin part for dramatic effect, but alright.” He placed a kiss on your forehead. “Good night. Thanks for the panties.” 
You laughed. “You’re welcome.” 
Just like that, you were out the door, and the moments you had shared in that bathroom with Taehyung had been placed inside a capsule. No one noticed you as you walked through the corridor, past the few strangers still around, and down the stairs, where the party had clearly lost its initial olympian proportions. 
Cups and pieces of paper were thrown all over the floor, and you watched as people stumbled around, trying to find some sort of balance against the walls. No matter how many Hoseok Parties you went to, you were always amazed at the way that they were quick to be set ablaze, but equally quick to burn off. It was like premature ejaculation, in the weirdest and saddest of ways. 
Still, you weren’t expecting to see a recognizable face at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Hyejin,” you called, surprised to see your friend around. “Thought you would’ve gone to bed with Hoseok by now.” 
Seeming as dumbfounded as you, she followed your movements as you walked down the terminal steps, finally reaching the first floor of the house. There was a weird shadow of discomfort casted over her features, and you thought it had something to do with Hoseok. “Uh… Not really,”  she told you. “I just want to go home, actually.”
“You and I both.” You placed one of your arms around her shoulder, guiding her towards the front door. “Let’s go, this place has already peaked, anyway.”
She suspired, her lips pouting. “Thanks.” 
A few minutes of silence expanded between the two of you as you walked out of the house and into the front lawn, where a sea of trash had already taken over a few chunks of grass. You didn’t know how or why, but someone had brought an inflatable pool, and there was only one solitary purple dildo swimming in it. What a sad sea creature, you thought, before your attention was pulled back to your friend.
Hyejin switched uncomfortably in your arms, hugging her own body in a way to shield herself from the gelid breeze of the night. You looked at her with care, watching as her face contorted at sight of the street lights, magnifying the odd expression that had taken over her. “Tell me what happened between you two,” you asked tenderly. “You don’t seem too happy about it.” 
Your friend hesitated and, suddenly, you felt bad for pressuring her. At the same time, you were worried that something bad had happened. “Yeah…  so… apparently he thought he was texting a different person,” she told you. You could tell that she was having a hard time speaking. “It was kind of a mess, actually. He said that in front of everyone. I’m glad you weren’t there to see it.” 
Suddenly, you recognized that expression as being pure, unshakable humiliation. That must’ve been an ugly moment, really, since Hyejin wasn’t one to break easily. The booze probably didn’t help her emotional state either. 
 “Hyejin, I’m so sorry. He really is a fucking idiot for treating you like that.” You squeezed her body against yours in an awkward sideways hug. She eased into your touch, shoulders falling under the weight of your comforting words. “That really sucks. We can find a way to kill him, if you want. I’d hide the body and never talk about it again.”  
Even if she chuckled at the idea, you could tell she wasn’t in the mood for jokes. “Yeah… I don’t think I want to talk about that right now.” She cleared her throat, hugging her own body with a bit more force. The car was just a few steps away from the two of you, and you were beyond glad that you had managed to find a spot so close to the house. “Anyways… there’s something else. I went to find you earlier, when it all went down, so we could go home.”
You pressed your lips together, guilt hitting you like a punch in the gut. “Sorry, I was upstairs.” 
“Yeah, I realized that once I didn’t find you,” she continued. Hyejin’s voice was weak, her syllables slightly disconnected. She often spoke like that once intoxication and exhaustion joined in a horrible after-party dance. “I went up and searched around for you, but I… uh…” 
The two of you finally reached the vehicle, and you removed your arm from around her so you could move towards the driver’s side. You frowned at her hesitation, watching her over the roof of the car. “What is it?” You asked. 
“I needed to use the bathroom…” she trailed off. Her tone was almost inaudible. “And I…” 
You opened your purse, squinting your eyes to try and find the car key amidst the dimly-lit street. “And?” 
“The door was locked.” She gawked at you, eyes suddenly growing serious. You didn’t like drunk-Hyejin, with her unstable moods and abrupt expression switches. It was watching a horror movie sometimes. “Because you were in there.” 
Oh, you seriously didn’t want to have that conversation at that moment. 
Finally, you found the key and unlocked the car. The sound was like a gunshot through the night, your pulse starting to pick up the pace. You knew where she was heading towards now, but it’s not like she could be sure that it was you in there. You’d deny until the end of time. 
“What makes you think that it was me?” You questioned, opening the door. 
This time, she didn’t hesitate to respond. “I heard you.”
Oh. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck— 
Keep your cool. It’s okay. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” 
“You don’t?” She started to raise her voice, clearly pissed off. You two were arriving at stage two of drunk Hyejin: past the sad introspection, and into banshee level. “I had to pee on the disgusting bathroom downstairs because you were fucking someone in there! I had to wait twenty minutes in line! And you lied to me! You told me you didn’t have a dick appointment!” 
“Shhh! Stop yelling!” You asked, exasperated. The night was too cold and the streets were too empty. You just wanted to go home before someone heard you. All that it needed was one half-assed comment from Taehyung about him going to the upstairs bathroom, plus someone interested enough to connect the dots, and your little secret would be up. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience, okay? Now, please, get in the car, you’re super drunk.”
Before Hyejin could protest, which you were sure she would, you sank down on your seat, running away from her judgemental semblance. The thought of just driving off in sheer panic crossed your mind, but you quickly ignored it. You couldn’t leave her alone in that place, especially in the inebriated state she was in. No matter how much you really, really wanted to. 
Your friend followed your lead and sat down on the passenger seat, watching as you closed your door and checked the mirrors, avoiding her gaze with all your might. She sighed. “I don’t understand… Why didn’t you go somewhere else for that? People need to pee, you know? Or, I don’t know, puke… or maybe even—“ 
You threw your purse on the backseat, sighing in exasperation. That conversation was the last thing you needed after that night. “I don’t think it matters right now—“
“It does matter! I could’ve gotten a urinary tract infection.” Hyejin banged the door by her side, and you could tell she simply wasn’t measuring her force right. She groaned, lazily adjusting her body on the seat. “Now, you have to tell me who it was. It’s the minimum you can do.” 
You almost choked on your own saliva.  She really was out of it. “Like I’d ever do something like that.”
Silence grew thick inside the car, falling above you like a blanket. Hyejin looked at you like you had just grown a second head, making sure that she wasn’t drunk enough to imagine you flat-out denying her an information so valuable. To be fair, it wasn’t like you to avoid questions or keep names from her — at least, not so openly. You knew that she wasn’t dumb, and that she could tell that something was up even in her intoxicated state. 
“You’re really not gonna say?” She tried again, still struggling to keep her speech tied together. It was only a matter of time before she calmed down and fell asleep, and so you wouldn’t have to deal with that subject any further. “You almost gave me an UTI, and now you’re not gonna say who you were with? I need to know if it was worth keeping the bathroom all to yourself, because I already told you, someone probably went up there trying to—“ 
“Shit, Hyejin! I get it, you, can stop now.” You clicked your seatbelt with a bit more aggression than necessary. “You’re drunk right now.”
You leaned over her and placed her seatbelt too, since you were pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to do it herself. Not with that poor movement precision. 
“And?” She pressed on as you moved back to your seat. “You’re going to tell me once I’m sober or something?”
You laughed, placing one of your hands on the wheel. “No, of course not.”
“Fine!” She crossed her arms dramatically and looked out of the window, pouting like a child. “I hate you for not saying.” 
“Well, I love you.” You looked at her, your own gaze navigating towards the window. Beyond the fogged glass, the house glowed in the most diverse colors, the sound of the bass reverberating inside your car like a distant pulse. You watched, heart clenching inside of your chest, as Taehyung stepped out of the front door with Jimin, his head hanging low and a smile at the corner of his lips. There was a volume at his front pocket, where you were sure he had tugged in your panties. “But now I think that we should go home and sleep. Let’s keep this conversation on hold.” 
Hyejin, however, wasn’t satisfied. “You know that I’ll find out eventually,” she said, still looking out of the window. “I always do.” 
You chuckled, turning on the engine of the car. On the other side of the street, the two boys took the opposite direction, leaving you two to stare at the open road before you. “Well, I’d love to see you try.”
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
Imagine a yandere ghost who is cursed is trapped in the doll, so one day a family came to live in his house, but what the ghost did not expect is to fall in love with the couple's eldest daughter. Maybe this yandere ghost (doll) use the younger brother to get closer to his beloved...
I didn't really include the doll, but the overall idea is here ;)
Tw: nsfw, non - con, underage sex? (The reader is meant to be around 18, her brother is 16 - 17, but the ghost is 100+ so idk), (technically) incest, ghosts, possession, possessive/obsessive behavior, slight parental neglect ig
You knew it was a mistake moving into the old house up the hill. You tried arguing with your parents so many times about the mansion being hidden in the woods, so far away from any civilization, bringing up the fact it hadn't been bought for the last 8 years despite the insanely low price or the news about the previous owners dying in their sleep just like that, from "natural causes" even though they were an young energetic couple. But of course your worries had been discarded so easily since your younger siblings were ecstatic, constantly talking about finally living in a castle, which was obviously pushing it too far, but kids will be kids.
Your family was big, consisting of your mother, father, two younger sisters and a brother currently in his late teens. Your siblings managed to take all the nice bright rooms on the second floor so you were forced to sleep in the attic. At first it didn't seem so bad, yes, the place was dark and dusty, the space was limited, but it was a quiet spot and there were many interesting things left there to explore and discover.
The first week you discovered a huge box full of old books, medals, notebooks and different souvenirs from all over the world. The second week you found a few paintings covered by a thin disheveled cloak, most of them depicting a pretty young boy with golden locks and sad green eyes, dresses in an expensive silky clothing resembling what was nowadays considered an elegant suit. You didn't pay it much mind yet the miserable longing gaze of the kid haunted your dreams in the following days.
During the third week you noticed that things were going missing one by one. First it was your favorite lipstick, then your new dress, and suddenly your favorite items were gone just like that. On top of all, almost as if fate was tickling your paranoia, you could hear certain sounds at night that were too distorted be natural and too human to belong to an animal. There were sobs, loud and tormented, sometimes you could make up a few words in a language no one spoke anymore. You slept less and less each night, you could swear you felt someone's lingering touch on your shoulders, them gently stroking your hair and even pressing their cold unmoving lips on yours. This was usually the point when you opened your eyes and screamed in fear only to realize you were alone in the room. There was nobody there.
Still you decided to speak with your parents about the creepy events taking place in the attic. Much to your dismay they brushed your concerns off once again, laughing softly and calling you a scaredy - cat, going as far as to joke around about your "oh so creative" imagination getting the best of you just like it did in your childhood. But this time you insisted on holding your ground, almost begging them to take action and help you. At the end your mother decided to let you sleep in your brother's room for a while until you calm down, and as embarrassing it was to share a room with a hormonal teen, it was better than constantly being on the edge and losing sleep. Or so you thought.
The first night you slept in Steve's room nothing out of the ordinary happened and for the first time in weeks you actually managed to rest. The second night was blissfully peaceful as well and you quickly fell into a deep dreamless slumber.
The third night started well, just like the previous two. Your brother was tired from studying all day and went to bed early, giving you the freedom to relax a little bit before following his example. You could read a book or try to revise for your exam tomorrow, maybe even call your bestfriend and finally let her know all about your new classmates and just how boring life in the village was. But in that moment all these suggestion sounded annoying, nothing was interesting enough to hold your interest for more than a minute. Thinking about what to do next, you suddenly became aware that your body was tense and tired, but your mind was restless. After all you hadn't had time for self - care between the paranoia episodes and the fear, maybe it was finally time to do something nice and therapeutic for yourself.
You snatched a quick look at Steve and he was sleeping soundly, snoring from time to time, his usually angry face now calm and childlike. Making sure there was no one in the room awake, you finally slipped a hand down your pajama bottom until you felt the soft fabric of your panties. You closed your eyes and run a finger up and down your clothed sex, following the line of your slit. Your pussy throbbed at the sudden contact, the lack of pleasure in the last few weeks making it sensitive to the touch. You pushed your underwear lower so it hanged around your legs, and shoved one finger into your warm hole, enjoy the way your walls clenched around the digit. You flicked your clit gently, feeling it swell from the arousal, rubbing slow circles and pressing on your sweet spot every once in a while.
Your free hand went to your breasts, bare under the comfy oversized shirt, and awoke the cherry nipples with subtle pinches causing them to harden. You couldn't help but moan quietly as you decreased the pace of which you teased your hole and added a second finger in your pussy, fucking yourself on it. You were so focused on chasing your pleasure you didn't even notice the hand on your thigh pulling your own away from your excited throbbing core and replacing it with a big hard cock. Only once its head reached your tight entrance and pressed on it did your mind register the atrocious size difference. Your words stilled in your throat, the sudden panic rising in your chest, making your vision blurry and your cheeks rosy pink. You finally opened your eyes, your heart racing at the image of your younger brother towering above you with his member so close to entering your heat.
"Steve, what are you doing?" You whispered as you tried to squirm away from the boy, but he was quicker in pinning your wrists above your head in a deadlock. When did the male become so strong? Just yesterday he would ask you to open up his water bottle and help him with his math homework and now he was doing this...
"My name is Henry, my love." The voice was different from your brother's, lower and huskier, gentler in a way. You narrowed your eyes and observed the teenager's face, gasping as you noticed that his eyes had changed from black to green, yet all his other features had stayed stayed the same. You wanted to ask so many questions - who is Henry, why were your sibling's eyes and voice different from before - but you were quickly shut by one stern gaze. "I used to live here 80 years ago." The stranger started off with an unexpectedly soft tone as his grip on your wrists loosened. "I'm a ghost. I possessed your brother." He confessed calmly while you watched his pink lips part slightly with each breath as if you were in a trance before you found the strength to break your silence.
"Why are doing this to me? Why did you take my brother's body?" You questioned him manically, feeling like a confused little lamb sent to the slaughter, trembling and stuttering in front of a knife. Henry simply chuckled at your adorable dumbfounded expression and lowered his torso until his face was mere inches away from yours and you could feel his ice - cold breath on your warm red cheek. "Because I love you, darling." The ghost replied with a confident smirk that looked so weird and unnatural on the younger boy's face you almost gagged. Before you had the chance to say anything, he continued. "I've been wanting you for a while now, little girl. And with this body I can finally have you all to myself." You opened your mouth in a protest but your screams were easily muffled by a harsh kiss and a wet tongue down your throat. Next thing you knew the man had pushed your brother's manhood into your wet sloppy cunt in one sharp thurst and in your despair you had yelled for help once again, the ghost taking your whimpers greedily and shushing them away. Struggling was pointless.
In the next hour you were reduced to a sweaty whimpering mess of pain and arousal, fear and pleasure. The ghost was fucking you in a fast brutal pace while his free hand was playing with your clit, bringing you so damn close but never enough to send you over the edge. You were crying and your whole body was aching, your tits red from the rough manhandlind, your lips bruised and swollen from the rough kisses and bites. There were purple hickeys adorning your neck, belly and thighs and you went quiet in embarrassment every time you wondered how you would be able to hide them the next day.
"Please, whoever you are, let me come, I'm begging you." You pleaded desperately as you arched your back to meet the next couple of deep thrusts. Your cheeks were wet with tears and you could even taste the bitter salty flavor in your mouth mixed with your own drool and saliva. Upon hearing your meek pleas the man mercifully started hitting your cervix with each shove until his moves became sharp and quick, targeting your g-spot. You were so close you could feel your abdomen clench and tighten from the tingling sensitations. "Please..." You uttered weakly again, making doe eyes at your brother.
"Say you love me. Tie your soul to mine forever and I'll give you exactly what you want, beloved." Henry basically growled in your ear as he groped your breasts, squizing lightly the soft flesh. Your mind was so hazy and clouded you weren't sure how to respond so you just repeated the words easiest to grasp. "Love... you... forever, ngggh..." You muttered under your breath before moaning wantonly when the forceful thrusts finally sent you over the edge and your pussy clamped down in a big, satisfying orgasm. Your bliss was short - lived because soon the ghost was pounding into you again and again, keeping you too tired to move, struggle or even speak properly besides whimpering every once in a while. The rest of the night was a blur but eventually you fell asleep from the exhausting and the pleasure.
You woke up sore, your eyes red and puffy, your muscles tense and unnatentive. You rushed to look at your brother, but the teenager was sleeping just as peacefully as he did eight hours ago. One side of you was more than glad to know everything that had happened was simply a bad, terrible dream, while the other one still felt extremely uncomfortable and uneasy. You couldn't bear staying in the room any longer so you got dressed and went into the hall. Everyone else was still asleep and you felt as restless as if you hadn't caught a blink at all. You finally gave in to your paranoia and climbed the stars leading to the third floor.
You knelt on the ground where you had found the beautiful paintings. Those green eyes from your dream seemed way too familiar for it to be a coincidence. When you finally got a hold of your favorite piece, the one with the sad young boy, you had to cover your mouth to suppress the shock. There wasn't an aristocrat with golden locks on the picture anymore.
Now the one trapped in the painting was none other than you own brother, Steve. Instead of misery and pain in mysterious blue eyes, there was only terror in his tormented black ones. You screamed for the last time before you dropped the picture on the ground and ran away from the attic, the tears streaming down your face, but unfortunately, there was no escape from the restless dead souls.
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spacedikut · 4 years
spooky scary skeletons ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
summary: spencer has the prettiest face you’ve ever painted on. 1626 words
a/n: a poorly edited, poorly written and late halloween thing! inspired by idmakeitbehave (go read everything theyve ever written ever) because they have the BEST meet cutes and every time i think of them i :-)
The haunted mansion of the fair, overflowing with screams, the sound of chainsaws and the evil cackle your friend has been rehearsing in the mirror all month, stands tall behind you like the looming presence it is. It’s brought great entertainment for you, watching and hearing the reactions of those that dare enter.
You’re set up not far from the exit of the house with your array of face paint around you, paintbrush in hand. Most of your customers are children – this year’s most popular request is pumpkin, last year was skeleton – and as much as you love spookiness and gore and everything in between, the rush of pride you feel when a little girl gasps and thanks you with the sweetest voice when you show her your finished work is unmatched.
You’re not the least surprised that your clientele is mainly children. There’s the odd parent here and there that is persuaded to get a black cat on their cheek, or some fake blood coming from their eyes and mouths, but they never venture beyond the small request.
Until him.
He’s marched up to you by his friend who, wearing a dress covered in fake spiders and cobwebs, pushes him by the shoulders right up to the foldable chair that’s placed opposite you. You’re drying off a wet paintbrush, glancing up when you hear the crunch of leaves beneath their feet.
“My friend would like his face painted.” She tells you.
“Of course,” You gesture for him to take the seat in front of you, the compliment slipping out after giving them both a once-over. “I like your outfits.”
“Oh!” The girl grins. “Thank you. I’ve been waiting all year to wear it. And he,” She points to the still-silent customer who hasn’t taken his eyes off you once, “Is more obsessed with Halloween than anyone I know.”
Looking at the bright orange pumpkin-covered sweater he’s wearing, you’re overcome by the urge to touch it – and his hair, with the way it’s all squiggles and curls and seems so soft. “What can I do for you?”
The first time he speaks, it’s after he takes a deep breath and rubs his palms on his trousers. “A skeleton, please.”
You’re already arranging the colours you’ll need, missing how the girl slips away, too busy asking the usual questions, “How big?”
“My entire face.”
That’s a new one. For an adult, at least. Usually all they want is an easy to clean, easy to hide image on their cheek.
It’s only then you really take in his appearance. In the dark, dusty light of the fair, he looks like a real life Tim Burton character – shallow eyes, sharp cheekbones, a general gauntness that you’ve only seen in fiction. He’s the perfect skeleton, if that isn’t weird to think.
“All over?” Your hand moves to gesture over your face, as if miming to him what all over really means.
“Yeah,” He nods, “I’m not that good of an artist, and my mask makes it kind of hard to see. So a skeleton is spooky enough but not a lot of work, right?”
“Right.” You smile at him. “Right, okay, let’s do it.”
The second the cold bristles dip into the paint before you, you’re absorbed in ensuring you do a good job. You’re used to working on children, so you naturally take hold of his chin to move his face this way and that way to apply a firm coat and get your lines right.
“I’m Spencer, by the way,” He mumbles.
You huff a laugh. He feels your breath on his lips. “Hi, Spencer, I’m Y/N.”
The customer – Spencer – wiggles his lips in a way that tells you he’s holding back a smile. You’re not sure what it is about him, but you like him. You like how still he sits, patiently letting you do your work, you like how much he seems to like Halloween (you refer to the sweater and the fact he’s about to cover his entire face in paint to look like a skeleton), and you like how his eyes on you make you feel. Because it doesn’t feel gross, or weird, like it normally does; it’s like his gaze is complimenting you silently, the intensity of it making you bite the inside of your cheek.
Small-talk comes naturally after hours of doing this job. “You mentioned a mask? What was it a mask of?”
“Michael Myers.”
“Oh,” You shiver, “I hate that guy.”
“The iconic mask is actually a William Shatner mask that’s painted white and changed to blur the resemblance to Shatner. Specifically, it’s a Captain Kirk death mask created for Star Trek.” Spencer tells you, giving a tight lipped smile when you pause for a second to take in the information.
“How does William Shatner feel about that?”
“Not great, probably. But, can you imagine being considered one of the stars of the Halloween franchise?” He’s giddy, almost wiggling in excitement. “I’d love to see people wearing my face every Halloween.”
You laugh at that.
A few more facts are spewed out while you mix black with a little bit of white to make grey, some you already know and some you don’t, but he’s still chattering on when you turn back to face him, ready to paint again.
The words die in his throat, however, when your hand finds home on the back of his neck, thumb hooking around to lift his jaw up. “Still, please.”
Even if he wanted to give an unnecessary apology, he wouldn’t be able to, as if his throat is full of sand.
It’s silent for a while, Spencer’s eyes trained on the twinkling night sky that sits calmly compared to the thundering of his heart, the scramble of thoughts in his head. When your hand moves away a few minutes later, his disappointed eyes fall back to your face, where he finds himself thinking, please do that again.
“Do you want the black on your eyelids, too, or just around your eye?” You ask over your shoulder, oblivious to the new slump in Spencer’s back.
“Eyelids, too, please.”
You smile to yourself at how polite he is. Spencer might be the sweetest person you’ve ever met and you’ve known him for twenty minutes.
By the time you’re done, you’ve decided Spencer is the best customer you’ve ever had and you’d give anything to replay this interaction again and again. He’s polite, listens when you ask him to turn a certain way or sit up (a surprising amount of adults simply do not listen), and brings the most interesting conversation.
Did you know the use of OMG can be traced back to 1917? Cause Spencer does, and he bestowed you with the same knowledge.
You’re impressed with yourself and Spencer’s brain when you finally lean back, checking for any spots you missed or parts you can fix.
Before you even reach for the mirror, Spencer’s interrupting you.
“Um… do I-do I look spooky?”
You face him, a pretty smirk on your lips, “Terrifying.”
When you hold the mirror up to his face, he barely spares himself glance (but it’s enough of a glance for him to think holy crap, you’re talented) and there’s a look in his eye – he’s hesitant. About what, you’re not sure.
You wonder if he can tell you don’t want him to go. You enjoy his company, you enjoy him, and you’ve never wanted to wipe your work off someone’s face so quickly just for an excuse to do it again until now.
“How much do I owe you?” He asks, reaching for his wallet but not leaving the chair.
Your eyes narrow for a split second as you weight your option. Then you think fuck it, and say, “Nothing. It’s on the house.”
“I can’t let you do that.”
“You can, and you will.” You stand. “Consider it thanks for all the cool facts you gave me.”
He lights up when you say cool facts, and opens his mouth to again offer to pay when he’s cut off by a group of laughing teenagers flying out of the haunted house, the exit door slamming against the wood with a startling bang.
Spencer gets an idea.
Seeing you look at the house, he asks, “Have you been in yet?”
You shake your head. “No. Not yet. If I have time later, maybe-“
“Come in with me.”
His grip on his wallet is tight, channelling all worry into his fingers so he doesn’t stumble or say something stupid.
“It’s the least I can do, and it’ll be too scary on my own.”
He’s lying – the idea of going through a haunted house by himself sounds exhilarating, but he’s found an opportunity to not leave you just yet and he’s going to take it.
You consider him for a moment. It’s late, you’ve been painting faces all day, and the sweetest, most attractive person you’ve ever seen is asking you to join them in a haunted house on Halloween. What kind of person would say no?
“Okay,” You happily concede, “But don’t blame me if I end up clinging to you.”
The two of you join the line into the house, giggling when someone dramatically falls through the exit and gasps for air like he’s barely made it out alive. And when the next people to leave the house are a couple who hold eachother close and tight, hands intertwined and one with their head buried in the neck of the other, Spencer steps a little closer to you, hoping you get the memo that having you cling to him doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.
tags: @pinkdiamond1016 @bluerose512 @andreasworlsboring101 @roses-and-grasses @fandommonium3267 @ta-ka-shi-ma @ogmilkis @chiffonchronicles @rexorangecouny @unmistakablyunknown @goofygubler14 @jasongideonapologist @gublertoon @bitchyreids
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primalsouls · 4 years
white rabbit pt 2
langa hasegawa x gn! reader (pt 1)
anon: hi! i liked the white rabbit ( langa x gn reader ) you wrote, do you mind doing a part two ??
⚠️ : ad*m talking 🤡 jkjk... but uh, let me know if there's anything, please. :>
theme: general
note: i know it was supposed to be release on tuesday but i got super busy that day lmao 🤡💀 anyways, here ya go! pt 2 of White Rabbit! enjoy, thank you for reading, and i hope you like! no proofread, so sorry for any mistakes lol. let me know whatcha think!
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He was eager. He couldn't sleep. The rest of the night after leaving S left him hungry for the next night. His beef with [Y/N] [L/N], the White Rabbit of S. Langa had warnings thrown at him about how dangerous they skated. Even Adam himself gave a warning but Langa still pushed. He didn't only want to beef them to see their skating style. He also wanted talk to them. Langa hardly sees them anywhere around the underground race. [Y/N] only appears on certain with Adam, who he learned was their older brother. Which he found it hard to believe. They were nothing alike. They looked nothing alike. Expect for their crimson eyes. Langa managed to get a good look at their face when he was closed to the car. He couldn't stop thinking about them.
Laying in bed. Staring at the ceiling. Wishing he could stare into their eyes instead. His heart beat loud against his chest. Just when he raced down the abandoned mine at S against anyone. His heart pounded at the mere thought of [Y/N]. Restless. Langa was restless. He yearned for the night already but he couldn't sleep. He can't bring himself to sleep. The excitement to see the White Rabbit up close and talk to them was keeping him up. And tiredness was a feeling he would had to deal with in the morning.
And morning, it came. Langa opened his eyes, drowsiness began to dawn on him once he say up on his bed. Morning came. Meaning his beef with the White Rabbit was only hours away. With the thought alone, Langa hurried himself him for school, a bright smile on his face. Anyone with a few more braincells would be worry off their socks at the coming night. A beef with the sibling of Adam. What a nightmare to others, but a dream to Langa.
A dream he kept thinking about non-stop throughout the rest of the day. Paying attention in class became troublesome. Holding a conversation with Reki or any one in class grew meaningless. Of course, he tried his best to focus on Reki but his mind drifted to the upcoming race with his crush. Ah, crush. His first crush since he arrived to Okinawa. A barely noticeable smile crossed his features at the thought. And Reki managed to caught it. A grin came to his own face.
"Ooh~" Reki began, a mischievous look in his eyes. "Someone's happy." He pointed out, catching Langa off guard. His attention turned back to his friend, giving him a blank stare now. Reki kept his grin up, a finger waved in his direction. "You're happy to race against the White Rabbit, huh?" Langa nodded wordlessly. "But, dude," There it was. A low voice. "They're dangerous. Equally to Adam." Reki warned once more, the mischievous leaving his features. "I've never skate against them, but I imagined they're no different from Adam." Reki grumbled, earning a frown from Langa.
"But they're nothing alike." Langa said, placing his bento down as a small frown appeared on his forehead. "The only similarity they have are their eyes." Reki nodded in agreement, taking a bite from his bento with a humming affirmation to the fact. "Besides, we only heard from other who skated again [Y/N] and that's only a few." Langa continued, perked up at the realization. He was going to be part of that small group of skaters who beefed the White Rabbit. "Anyway, I didn't even planned to beef [Y/N]..." He mumbled but Reki caught it. He rose a brow, leaning in closer with a confused look on his face. Langa could tell he wanted him to continue. A faint pink blush dusted his pale cheeks. His baby blue eyes casted down on the bento in his hands. "I... I simply wanted to talk to them. But we hardly catch them alone. Even when they're alone, they're barely around S. They only appear when they're leaving with Adam." Langa sighed tiredly, eyes closed. "I've always noticed them by their hoodie. The white rabbit hoodie... It fits them. They looked snugglable." The bluenette smiled. Reki watched Langa closely, his eyes searching for any lies.
"Huh... So to have the opportunity to talk to them yourself..."
"I dared them to a beef..." Langa finished for Reki, a deep breath being taken in by both of them. The redhead shook his head, eyes closed as he let out the breath.
"But I doubt they would give you the time to even introduce yourself properly. You're nothing but a curious wander who felt into their hole to them." Reki opened his eyes and locked them with Langa's.
Langa nodded, pouting at the statements. He was curious. Curious to learn more about them upclose than from a distance. He ran and ran after them until he was led to the hole everyone warned him about. And without a second thought to those warnings, he already jumped. He fell into the darkness filled with red roses and their thorns. His curious heart was in their hands now. Langa was thrilled. Every thorns that pierced through his skin as he fell left a electrifying feeling in his chest.
"I want to confess to them." Langa said, determination filling his eyes. Reki blinked, lips parted slightly to say something but he stayed quiet. "I know we barely know each other properly, but I really like them. They make me feeling..." The young boy trailed off, staring directly into Reki's eyes, who was caught off guard by the sudden contact. "longing..." He whispered, a hand going to his chest and gripped on it. "This beef is the only way for me to confess, Reki. Even if I'm throwing myself into a pit of thorned roses." Reki's eyes widen, unable to believe what he was saying.
"Langa..." He started softly. A grin then replaced his shocked expression. A hand clutched into a fist. "Then go chase that rabbit. I'll be there once you're out of that pit." He said. It made Langa smiled brightly. Happy that his friend was supporting him on his decision.
A decision he found excited once the night fell on Okinawa. Skaters and others gathered around the start of the mine at S. The time arrived. The race between Langa and the White Rabbit. Everyone was thrilled. Many had bet on the Rabbit while others bet on SNOW. Most were stoked to see Adam, hoping they get to see him skate as well despite it being a beef. Miya and Shadow waited for the boys. Only a few minutes until the race starts. Miya had contacted Reki but he didn't answer him. He was getting frustrated and he wasn't even the one going up against the White Rabbit.
"Where are they!?" Miya exclaimed angrily, arms crossed over his chest and he paced back and forth. Shadow shrugged, glancing over the area they stood as more skaters came. Not a single one being Langa or Reki. "Did he back out!? Quite unusual for him to do so." Miya sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked up when he heard shouts coming from behind him. Shadow and Miya turned to the commotion, both pair of eyes widening at the sight of a hurried Langa and Reki on a motorbike.
"Langa, stop now or we're gonna crash!" Reki panicked, patting the other boy's back as Langa braked the motorbike into a stop, inches away from hitting Miya who froze on the spot with his hands clutched by his sides in fists. Miya was sure his spirit left but he shook his quick, the anger from before building up once more. "Miya, did the race start?" Reki said, getting off quickly.
"No, Langa got a few minutes before it starts." Miya exclaimed, arms crossed once more and before Langa could apologize for the lateness, loud cheers were heard all around them. "Tch... Looks like they're here." Miya muttered. The group turned to the crowd that gathered around a black car. The windows tinted. Langa could feel his heart jumped all over the places. Beating loudly again his chest. Behind those windows sat [Y/N]. It made his blood boil, but in a good way.
[Y/N] stared at their skateboard. Adam sat beside them, about to put his mask on. It was deadly silence between them. Tadashi sat behind the wheel, waiting for the siblings to leave before he could drive off.
"Don't mess this up, pest." Adam cut the tension. His low voice made them gripped their board. "You know my EVE is special to me. Such as your place in S. If you want to keep your place, then win. But if you lose..." His eyes glanced towards them, glaring daggers. "Burn that board." Adam finished, putting on his mask. "And don't bother coming back. Understand, rotten." With his final saying, Adam opened the door. [Y/N] heard the cheers get louder, their hold tightening. They tuned out Adam greeting everyone. They had to win. They had to beat Langa if they want to keep their spot on S. S meant everything to them. Even though it was built by their older brother and his old friends, the illegal race felt like a second home to them. They could get away from the awful life under their aunts. No more so-called "love" of theirs hurt them there. But Adam threatened to snitch on them to their aunts once he found out. He made them win any race if they wanted to keep their secret away from their aunts and keep their place in S. [Y/N] had hid their face before, with only their hoodie covering up to their forehead, shadowing their eyes away. They didn't thought Adam would found out. They did their best to know show they were attending S, but nothing could ever go pass their brother.
"Master [Y/N]," They heard, the voice.cuttinf their thoughts off. Their crimson eyes glanced up at the rear view mirror, meeting with green ones. "They're waiting for you."
With that, [Y/N] took a deep breath and opened the door, thanking Tadashi softly as they got out of the car on the otherside. And it was just how Langa noticed them quickly. Their signature white hoodie that resembled of a white rabbit fit their figure well. Their eyes shielded away from public view, their head hanged low. Seeing them in person made his heart raced.
Tonight would be the night Langa would confess to [Y/N]. And tonight would be the night [Y/N] would make sure Langa never skate ever again and they keep their spot. The both of them would make each other sure of their wishes. Langa could see it, the passion he mistook as for excitement in their crimson eyes when they locked them together. Despite being in the crowd, a few feet away from each other, Langa smiled. But the rabbit turned away, pushing their way through the crowd to the beginning of the race. The pit of thorns opening for Langa to follow. Red roses blooming deadly yet beautiful.
"Just like you..." Langa muttered, his legs moving on their own towards the start of the mine. "Deadly... but beautiful."
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Just a feeling- Saul Silva x Female!Reader
Pairing : Saul Silva x Female!Reader
Word Count : ~2300
Warnings : Fluff, brief mention of drug use and burns
Music : Un homme - Jérémy Frerot
Author’s note : Getting pretty stressed because of a huge project at school, so I wrote this to blow off some steam ! I also wanted to say that I do not agree with the way some characters are written and treated in this show. I hope I did not perpetuate these errors, and that I got Silva’s personality a bit right at least. Feedback is appreciated, may it be on the story telling or even the grammar. English isn’t my first language. Flahs-backs in italics. Enjoy ! :D
GIF ‘s not mine, and I can’t find the creator.
French First World songs resonate in the Great Hall, she is dancing. Wild and free. Her loosened hairs fly through the wind. She has traded her Specialist armour for a long flowing dress. Her feet are hammering the ground in rhythm. The crowd carries her all over the dancefloor; she twirls and claps her hands following the music.
From an ignored fairy bloodline, her parents considered her a Specialist Legacy. When her mind fairies powers woke up, everything went wrong ; she was always an overwhelmed child. No one could help her everytime she lost control. Nothing but medication: earrings to contain, and pills to attenuate. It wasn't bad. She lived like that her entire life.
Silva is sitting on a plastic chair, leaning on the table by his side, his gaze lingering. She is an exceptional fighter; dance must be a piece of cake and fun judging from her large smile. To be fair, he barely remembered her from their time at Alfea. Farah told him she was three years younger than him and seemed to have a few memories.
« (Y/N) travelled a lot to the First World prior to college. Her parents were emissaries and brought back souvenirs. Rumours said that her room resembled a cave of wonders.
-Ever went there ?»
His friend chuckled.
« Once. It was full of trinkets, books, movies, postal cards too. Ben caught interest in it, especially the giant botanic encyclopaedia throning on her bookshelf. We both agreed after a while that she might be the ray of sunshine of her Specialist promotion. But I guess she was discreet, if you've never heard of her.»
It took some memory searching, but he indeed remembered one thing. A conversation between a bunch of 1st years talking about a secret party displaying famous First World movies. A few hours later, on the training field, (Y/N) battled fiercely. It caught the attention of many students, who gathered around the platform. Curiosity taking the best of him, he had followed the crowd.
« What's that First World song that I love to describe you with ?
-By the light Clairo, is it really necessary ? »
Her opponent mocked her. She rolled her eyes, wielding her sword before choosing her fight stance.
« You son of... Maneater from Nelly Furtado. Now let's fight please.
-Alright doll, eat me up. »
(Y/N) huffed in annoyance. Clairo was a good fighter, but a little bit too flirty. He launched himself at her. The young woman stayed incredibly calm. Dodging to the right, she left him to stumble before hitting his back with the wooden weapon. He fell to the ground with a grunt. A shy smile spread on her features.
Now that he thinks about it, her earring had intrigued him : an ear chain hanging from the top of the cartilage of her ear to her lobe. Each end was composed of a lavendish round lilac crystal. When she lost control recently, those crystals lit up with a blinding light and burned her skin.
« I change the earring every five year. Every year If any several big crises occurred.
-What about your burns ? How did they clean them up ? »
Her left hand ghosted over her intact lobe, while Harvey healed the bruised flesh. Her eyes stared at the floor of the greenhouse. Saul was holding her other hand.
« They... I stuffed myself with pills. Sometimes enough to sleep through an entire day. Within the Solarian force, it was the only way for them to treat me. None of their mind fairies could calm me down. I don't think you realize how much this, she lifted her intertwined hand, helps.»
The soldier chuckles at the memory. His eyes examined his fingers, remembering how she locked hers, as she found an anchor in his mind.
« My best guess ? Your training forged your head to have a certain mindset in crisis.
-Loads of Solarian troupers could have given you that.
-Yeah. I can't really explain it, she laughed shyly, maybe because you're a teacher, that two of your long time friends are fairies or just because you're good with people.»
Their gazes crossed. The air thickened. Truth to be told, (Y/N) was so lost upon why he managed to calm her down. Farah tried to guide her, but even then, nothing positive came out. Her youth as a student at Alfea only consisted in shared side glances with him in hallways. She sure as hell found the man attractive, but she had other stuff to think about.
A loud giggle snaps him back to reality. (Y/N) falls on his laps while trying to take off her high heels. Her eyes are opened wide and a little glassy. She's definitely drunk.
« Oh by the light, I'm sorry Silva. Aimed at the table ! »
The atmosphere becomes lighter. He catches her when she nearly trips off by trying to get up, one of his arms snaking around to help. Steadying herself on his laps, she catches her breath slowly, though some giggles erupt as she looks around.
« How can you still dance, uh ?»
With a guilty smile, she leans slightly against the table.
« Alcohol ! It's the only thing keeping me up, baby !»
Instant regret shoots through her veins. Some red creeps up on her cheeks, as her hands cover her mouth. The soldier chuckles, enamoured by her adorableness. One thing that strucked him when they met was her lightness. Out of all the solarian troupers out there, or even all the specialists he ever crossed paths with, she was one of the few who stayed so bright and playful. Subconsciously, his fingers dig slightly in her hips.
« It's alright, (Y/L/N).»
She giggles a bit, but thanks him. Farah watches from a far, joined by Ben. (Y/N)(Y/L/N) has been teaching at Alfea for a year now. The entire school seemed to have transformed into a much more joyous place : students got along better, the shyest opened a tad and the roughest softened. Ben's daughter Terra found a supporter of her personal projects and a confidant. Ben himself benefited from her return. Mostly in books and knowledge but that meant already so much to him. Farah gained a daughter ; (Y/N)'s powers were a mess for her advanced age, helping felt natural. But what she loved the most was how confused Saul got with the new Specialist. Their bond strengthened with time, however the first few days rocked the Headmaster all over the place.
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«(Y/L/N), what did you do to our office ? Did you... Are these books classified by alphabetic order and colour ?! »
His colleague shrugged, trying to see if he was mad or just surprised. It happened a few days after her arrival. Their shared office went under few renovations.
« (Y/L/N), why dancing classes ? »
She shot up, put her hands on his desk and took twenty minutes to explain how it would make their movements more flexible, strengthen teamwork and be a tool for future mission on the job. Astonished could not describe Silva's feeling.
An admirable change that proved beneficial to the students. These two grew very fond of each other. A lot more than they thought. Words in the hallways started to spread about their growing fondness.
« Okay, I got a question for you, soldier boy.»
Saul tilted his head to the side.
« Are you having fun ?
-Of course I am.»
(Y/N) looks disappointed. Turning around, she pours some water in her cup and chugs it down.
« Really ? 'Cause the only thing I've seen you do is sit in a corner all night. »
He lowers his head, searching for the right words. How does he say that he just loves watching her run around the dancefloor ? How she bounds with students but also keeps their respect ? The fact that she's so organised that she could plan a First World themed party and keep her teacher skills to their best ? The shortest way for that would be admitting his feelings. He zones out long enough for her to talk again.
« It's okay. »
His eyes lock with hers. How did she sober up so quickly ?
« I know you have a reputation as a serious and frowny teacher to keep. And this is a graduation party, so. »
Never mind, she did not. The woman gets up, only to kneel under the tablecloth. He panics briefly.
« (Y/N), what on Earth are you doing ?»
She mumbles before appearing back outside. Her hands are holding a package. Another bright smile shines on her face. Silva knows what's coming, and he has mixed feelings about it; between fear, excitement and confusion.
« Happy Birthday Saul. »
His heart nearly stops. Few people know about his birthday, she is now a part of them. He frankly does not mind, even wished for it for a while now. His hands gently take the package to open it. Before his eyes lies a hard covered sketchbook and a wooden box full of high-quality pencils. The cover has a crow flying in a pearly sky with a red sun. The box is made of ebony and his name carved in silver. She knows an another of his secret. He tears up. The woman worries when he starts to sniffle. Much to her surprise, the soldier puts the gifts on the table before hugging her with all his might. Thank God the students are dancing or already out of the hall to smoke. (Y/N) answers his embrace, reassured.
« Thank you so much dear. »
It's her turn to have glossy eyes. She buries her face in his shoulder. This man is constantly under pressure and she has always wondered what he does during his free time : Does he train more ? He probably reads, right ? The answer came on a regular afternoon.
Silva knocked on her quarters' door. He heard shuffling before (Y/N) opened. She was wearing a bathrobe and a towel around her hair.
« Hi Saul ! Sorry hum. I woke up late and did not expect you so soon so, hum. »
The woman looked around, making her towel fall. Picking it up, she invited him in. He indulged, though a bit surprised.
« I'll be back in a jiffy, you know, putting some clothes on and all. Okay.»
She disappeared in her bathroom, leaving him to explore her room. Many watercolour paintings covered the walls, some abstract and others from the Realms of the Otherworld. However, a few landscapes felt unknown to him. On her desk lied sketches with a horde of different pencils. He discovered portraits of Farah, Ben, Terra, Sky, Riven and finally him. The lines were thin, some shadows sharp for the warriors and smoother for the fairies. A hint of jealousy took over him, quickly brushed away by shyness. The fact that she took the time to draw him was flattering. His fingers grazed over the pencils, wondering if he had time to prepare a little surprise. He puts down the file he came to discuss. A few minutes later, (Y/N) came out, dressed but her hair still wet on the edges. Silva was leaning against her desk, file in hand, a small smile on his features. She mirrored it before asking about the important matter at hand. Twenty minutes later, he left. Her eye caught a change in her drawing material : the portrait of Farah and Ben switched positions. She shuffled them, making sure everything was here, only to find an unknown piece. A cute fox was smiling, a little bubble under him stating :
« Nice Work (Y/L/N). Nice pencils too. Wish I had your talent.»
That last sentence made her wonder if he indeed had an artistic side. Needless to say that his quarters gave her answer. Same reason as his when he came, she knocked on his door one night. Though he did not fully invite her in, her eyes caught glimpses of nice sketches lying on a table, some rudimental equipment next to it.
They stay like this for a few seconds. The headmistress and Professor Harvey look at each other. No words, no need. Terra is chatting with a second year in a corner, bur her eyes catch them. She smiles, looking away shyly, but happy Sky sees the scene too, thanks to Riven who taps on his shoulder. They can't help the smile growing on their faces. Sky's father figure finding support is definitely going to be one of the highlights of their first year. (Y/N) and Saul part. One of her hands pats his arm.
« Wanna dance ? »
He closes his eyes, sighing. There is no lack of desire but the fear of what the students will say.
« I wish but... I don't know.
-I get it. But one day, you will ! That's a promise. »
With one last smile, she strolls back to the dancefloor, leaving him sheepish. He takes the sketchbook and a pencil. He might not dance tonight, but he'll make up to it.
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Part 17
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
A/N: It is here! So sorry for the late update lovelies! I’ve been having really bad writers block lately and my job keeps switching my hours up so now my sleep schedule is all fucked up. And after writing this part I want to go stargazing so bad but the light pollution kind of sucks where I live. 🥲 Also this is my first time writing a steamy scene so I’m sorry if it’s awkward. Feedback is much appreciated and let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. 😊
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appears at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language, angst, some foreplay and making out
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You had still been wrapped in Zemo’s arms, the two of you indulging in each other’s presence in a silence, which combined with the faint beating of his heart, you only found to be comforting. The meteors still swept by the earth’s atmosphere above you in flashes that lit up the sky, leaving behind trails of white that resembled the strokes of a brush, as if your mother Asteria had painted the celestial bodies using diamonds onto a canvas that was the night sky. You could only make out the few stars and constellations that were scarcely scattered across the vastness above you, caused by the light pollution that unfortunately managed to mantle the wonders and beauty that settled just beyond, separating humanity from the marvels of the universe. The stars flickered like the diminishing of the flame of a candle, a farewell to the billions of years lived by the remnants of those enormous spheres of hot plasma, thus leaving behind the birth of other stars to fulfill their legacy. However, there was a certain star that did not flicker like the ones around it, a certain spectacle distant in time and space that still managed to burn bright despite the innumerable amount of light-years that separated Earth from it. The remaining light of your planet Olympus. You stared at that particular star, your brows knit together and your face etched with this certain melancholy that one could not explain. How could one thing be so near, within the reach of your fingertips, and yet be entirely outside the capacity of reach.
“Draga.” You heard Zemo softly speak, his chest slightly wavering beneath your cheek from his words.
“Something troubles you.”
“What makes you say that?” You stared off, your eyes still fixated to the fading existence of your world.
“Your eyes draga.” Zemo looked down at you, his eyes scanning over the troubled creases that masked your features. “I have seen this shadow in your eyes that has seemed to occupy them as of recently. What troubles you?”
“…………You see that star there, right between those two constellations?” You pointed above you.
“Mhm.” Zemo nodded as he followed the line of your finger, his eyes now focused on the same exact star yours have not yet left.
“That’s my planet………Olympus.”
“You’re welcome to tell me about it if you’d like.”
“Well, when I was little, I used to live with my mother in this quaint cottage by the sea, similar to the one I live in now with my daughter. She used to bring me out most nights for stargazing. She had built this outdoor platform with bedding and blankets and we would have a small fire going to keep us warm as we watched the stars and constellations while she told me different tales and epic poetries. As silly as it sounds, she would make shooting stars appear in the sky for me knowing how much I loved them. Gods, I wish you could’ve seen my home back in its days, back when everything still remained. Everything was so…..beautiful, and the skies, gods the skies, you could see the different planets and galaxies as if they were only miles away. To this day, I have yet to see anything in my travels that compares.”
“I would have loved to seen it Schatzi. Your mother sounded like a wonderful person.”
“She was the kindest soul I knew.” You turned your body so that you could look up at him, resting your chin on your hand.
“You miss her.”
“There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t miss my family and planet.”
“I’m sorry about what happened to them Schatzi. I wish you never went through what you did.”
“If only I could bring them back. I’d do anything to be able to just see them again.”
Zemo was silent, believing that no amount of words could have provided you comfort, no matter how deep the meaning or how significant. He could not imagine what you went through. He had lost his country and his family, and you had lost your family as well, but you lost your world, your entire race, leaving you to be the last remaining entity of your people, the last Olympian and the last Chthonian. Words could not bring your family back, just as they could not with his. So he only did what he was able, making a silent unspoken promise within the abyss of his damaged heart to be there for you as he held you closer to him and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
A sudden feeling of guilt crawled up your spine like a venomous scorpion ready to sink its stinger in your skin with means to cause nothing but pain and suffering. You felt guilty for being here, lying next to Zemo wrapped in his arms like a pair of star-crossed lovers from the pages of a novel. A part of you felt selfish for what you did, undeserving of the affection that was bestowed upon you from a man who had suffered enough from the loss of his family. How much longer did you think you could give in to your mindless emotions without a single thought of the consequences it might bring about. Did you really think you could go on as if nothing is happening? As if you can conceal your true form from him forever. No. You could not. You did not have the heart to keep such knowledge from him. If you wanted to pursue what you had with him, you would have to tell him the truth when the time came.
“We should probably get back before Sam and Bucky notice.” You mumbled, blinking back the tears, your heart aching to go back to the way things used to be, wishing you could leave all of this and just be able to go back home. You didn’t belong here on earth, an immortal amongst mortals. At least on Olympus, if your titaness form had been revealed, many would not have bat an eye. They had already seen the likes of Titans before and the locals had become accustomed to you. But here on earth, you were nothing but a stranger, a drifter.
The two of you walked back to his place in silence, the only sounds being the whistling of the wind, the chirping of crickets, the voices of the few pedestrians and the humming of the cars that drove by. Your hands brushed against each other, craving to intertwine your fingers with his as you walked down the stone paved streets lit by the lamps that lined it, the two of you still withdrawn despite what occurred between you both. You felt it would have been silly, holding his hand like a couple of teenagers, though a century ago, you wouldn’t have gave it a second thought.
You arrived at his place, standing at the bottom of the steps in front of the double doors with Zemo opposite you, illuminated by the street lamp that stood just behind. Feelings of conflict washed over you, drowning you in waves of despair. As much as you wanted to be with him, a small part in the back of your mind kept telling you that it was wrong. Neither of you wanted to go through those doors just yet, wishing you could have spent the night under the stars. But life seems to have a way of working against your favor. The Wakandans would be here to collect him possibly tomorrow, and you would have to bid him farewell, separated from each other for what could be forever. As much as you did not look forward to that moment in having to turn him in and never see him again, you wouldn’t stop the Wakandans from what they were promised. And though you hadn’t said a word, Zemo had already knew what your decisions were regarding it, and he could not blame you for it. You were a woman of justice and you followed a code, and he respected that.
“Zemo.” A frown appeared on your face.
“Please,” Zemo whispered to you as he pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, “Call me Helmut.”
You looked at Zemo once more, a look of longing hidden behind your eyes as you unconsciously swiped your tongue across your mouth, watching how his eyes followed the movement before lingering on the wetness of your lips that resembled the petals of a rose after the pouring of cold rain in the midst of spring. Oh how he wished to be the drops of rain that were gifted the pleasure of grazing upon the velvety petals that belonged to such beauty of a flower, a symbol of union between the two domains in which the heavens came down to declare its love for the earth. A pulling sensation filled within your core, drawing yourself to Zemo as if he were the sweet berries of deadly nightshade that have lured many unfortunate souls. Banishing the thoughts of doubt that clouded your mind, you grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to you, crashing your lips against his in a heated kiss. Zemo was initially shocked by your bold gesture and stiffened from the way your mouth moved against his, surprised you would pull something like this when just a wall away Sam and Bucky were awaiting your arrival, before loosing himself into your embrace.
Your fingers clenched the collar of his sweater and your fingers grazed across the exposed skin of his neck while his hands went to your waist in a desperate attempt, fumbling to grab at anything and bunching up the bottom fabric of your sweater as he pulled you against him. The tips of his fingers brushed against the skin of your waist that was exposed below the hem of your sweater, leaving behind goosebumps in its trail. You smiled into the kiss from the way he completely melted under your touch, a part of you amused from the affect you held over him as you managed to elicit a moan from deep within his throat. Zemo’s brows were furrowed in the passionate moment, something you have noticed when you first kissed him, a small crease in the muscles of his face that showed just how lost he was when encased in this moment with you, and it absolutely melted you. He was addicted from the warm numbness, the ecstasy he felt from kissing you. Your lips were like heroin to him, leaving him yearning for more, and it didn’t ameliorate the fact that his years spent in a German prison had left him somewhat inexperienced and filled with a chasmic longing for touch and intimacy from the lack thereof. Deep within him, masked by his ideas and objectives, Zemo wanted to be able to love someone again, a chance at a new life and a family, and perhaps, he saw that possibility with you. But, behind the passion of the kiss you shared with him, there was something else, a poison that laced your lips with feelings of despair and forbidding that consumed you as if you had tasted those sweet berries of nightshade, slowly loosing yourself to its malice. His lips which were at first warm to the touch, now felt cold like ice and sent shivers of dread through your veins, as if this would be the last kiss you shared with him.
You pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath, your teeth softly grazing against his bottom lip as you did so. Both of you were left breathless as you rested your foreheads against each other, panting as your breaths fanned each other’s face as if you had just been trapped in the depths of the ocean before breaking through the surface to allow oxygen to fill your lungs.
“If you keep doing that Draga.” Zemo rasped between breaths, “I won’t be able to compose myself.”
“Good. Maybe I don’t want you too.” You smirked before placing a playful kiss on the tip of his nose. “But I really should go back inside, and you should do the same. Just make sure you go unnoticed.” You slipped his coat off your shoulders, his cologne that lingered on his fur collar leaving your senses with discontent as you returned his coat to him before going over to the doors, stopping to turn back to him with a smile before stepping inside and closing the door behind you. Gods, what the hell did you do that for???? You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as you wanted to slap yourself for pulling a move like that.
“Gods I’m stupid.” You muttered to yourself.
“Hey.” Bucky smiled once he spotted you, his voice soft as if he were afraid you would shatter at any moment from the discussion that took place earlier. “How was your walk?”
“It was nice, relaxing. I went to the park to stargaze.”
“That’s good. As long as you feel better.”
“I do, actually. Thanks Bucky.”
“You look flushed. You okay?” Sam noted as he stepped over to you.
“Huh?” You stopped short. “Oh yeah, I’m fine. I just had to kind of uh power walk back here so you guys wouldn’t get worried. But I’m fine, yeah. Anyways, I’m going to hit the sack since I’m feeling a bit tired. Goodnight you guys.” You waved them off before going to your assigned room, making Sam and Bucky give each other questioning looks before they both shrugged it off.
You shut the door behind you, letting out a breath of relief that they had not caught on to anything and praying that Zemo had managed to sneak in. You had just gotten off the phone with Maze and your daughter, catching up on their activities after cleaning yourself up and changing into your nightgown. You had pulled up a chair next to the window that was in your room, your feet tucked underneath you and a warm cup of rose and blackberry tea in your hands. Your robe hung loosely off your shoulders as your index finger twirled above the small silver spoon that swirled in your cup, mists of violet wrapping around the handle of the spoon as you used your powers to stir the contents of the tea. You stared out the window onto the old streets of Latvia before glancing down at the teacup that was nestled in your hands, the glow of your eyes reflected off the window pane along with the tiny stars that swirled through the small globe of your necklace your mother gave you. You hadn’t stopped thinking about the moments that passed and the ones that have yet to come.
There was a knock on your door, interrupting you from the thoughts that had resided in your mind. “Come in.” You spoke as you looked through the reflection of the window and saw a figure step in. “Zemo?” You stopped using your powers, the clinking of the spoon scraping against the sides of the porcelain cup coming to a stop. “You know, you gotta stop sneaking into my room.” You teased before frowning, seeing the expression that sat on his face. “What’s wrong?” You got up from the chair, setting your cup down on the table before walking over to him.
“The Wakandans will…….be here for me tomorrow.” His eyes were lowered to the floor, the browns of his irises which reminded you of the dunes of the Sahara desert were whirling in thought, resembling the dunes caught in the midst of the fury of a sandstorm, as if searching for an answer to his troubles.
“Ze-Helmut, I………” You sighed, your tongue and mind lacking the ability to compose any words that might have provided some solace. “I’m sorry………..I don’t know what to say.”
“Y/n, schatzi” Zemo grabbed your hand, tracing his thumb over the bumps of your knuckles. “You don’t have to say a word. My actions………must be accounted for.”
You were silent, your brows knit together and your lips sealed as if your voice was ripped from your throat. Your heart wanted to tear itself from your chest, begging to be released from its cage so that it could be free to lament, so that it may be able to express the words that held it captive. But your tongue was tied, held back between the prison that was your teeth as you clenched your jaw. Zemo’s hand still held yours, stroking the soft skin on the back of your hand which were a contrast to the small rough patches on your palm, before you heard him speak again. “Can I kiss you?”
You blinked at him, lips parted in surprise that he would even ask such a question when you were honestly willing to kiss him any time of the day. The Zemo you had come to know was far different than the one you had heard about, his cold demeanor seemed to completely fade when he was around you, like a fog that dissipated with the coming of daylight. A part of you pondered whether this was how he used to be, before the events that happened. Though he hadn’t had a chance to share such affection with anyone and lost practice, you still found him to be great kisser and it always managed to leave you breathless. “Yes, please.” You whispered, your voice barely audible before you felt his lips brush against yours. What was sweet at first became more feverish and filled with hunger as an unfamiliar spirit seemed to possess your body, darkening the amethysts and golds of your eyes that resembled the galaxies, into the blackness of the abyss that swallowed the outer edges of space where not even the slightest bit of light could reach, almost as if you were sinking your claws into your prey.
A heat pooled in the pit of your stomach, filling your body with an electrifying warmth as his mouth moved against yours more confidently this time, catching you utterly by surprise and leaving your knees weak, a feeling similar to the stillness in the air a mere second before lightning strikes the ground beneath your feet. His hands slipped down to grab the flesh of your waist, dehydrated, and filled with an intense thirst that could only be quenched by your body that was the ocean, your skin separated by the silk fabric of your nightgown. Your hands went up to grip his shoulders as a gasp escaped your lips upon feeling him move down to your jaw and neck. Gods, since when was the last time you were touched like that?
“Helmut.” You rasped, struggling to hold back a moan as his lips sucked on the skin where your collarbone met your neck, making you lean your head back to allow him better access. Your robe had fell to the floor, leaving your arms completely bare while Zemo’s hands caressed the skin that lined them before resting on the dorsal part of your upper arms, the combination of the frigid air and his fingertips that felt like the touch of fire sending shivers through your body. “What if they hear?”
“Let them.”
“Well if you’re that worried Draga.” Zemo stopped to look at you. “The walls are thick enough.”
Gods that completely sent you over the edge. It felt as if you were on a high, your mind was not even within this dimension as Zemo met your lips again. You had to throw your arms around his neck to keep yourself from collapsing as the two of you shifted in the room, Zemo guiding your body before the back of your knees came in contact with the side of your bed. You let yourself fall back into the soft mattress, bringing Zemo down with you. You both were a mess, your hair disarray, the thin straps of your nightgown fallen past your shoulders had almost left your breasts exposed, and the skirt of your nightgown had ridden up to your thighs as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Zemo squeezed at the soft flesh of your thigh before attacking your neck again. He didn’t know how to describe it but you tasted absolutely divine. Perhaps being a goddess made you taste of ambrosia; the golden, honey-flavored fruit that grew on the trees of Olympus. You were in absolute bliss and thanked the gods he wouldn’t be able to leave a mark, at least you hoped not.
“Helmut.” You moaned, your nails digging into his biceps as his warm lips made a trail down your collarbone and lower to where the lace trim of your nightgown met just above the curve of your breasts, lingering on the space between, filling your mind with thoughts of a certain region you desired those lips to be. “Fuck.” You hissed from the contact, your hand moving its way to his head as you ran your fingers through his soft hair, your nails raking across the back of his scalp as the heat between your thighs only grew. You unconsciously pressed your heel to the lower part of his back, beckoning him closer to that heat between your thighs as you bucked your hips up. Zemo growled at the movement, slightly nipping at the skin where your breast had started to form, causing you to gasp and your eyes to fly open from the sensation.
“Apologies draga.” You heard him mutter before tenderly kissing the spot where his teeth had been.
Seeing Zemo in a close proximity above you in such a position had you dazed, wanting him to take you right then and there and not caring if the others heard you or not. And as your eyes wandered lazily over the sight of him, they widened in horror once they glimpsed at the image of your hands. Your nails became sharp, claw-like, and that deathly color had returned once again, slowly making its way up your arm like the tendrils of a shadow belonging to a demonic spirit.
“Helmut.” You whispered, your voice becoming panicked as you loosened your grip on his arms, being careful not to pierce his skin. “Helmut wait.”
Zemo stopped, pushing himself up to meet your eyes as his concern grew from seeing the frightened look that filled them. “Schatzi, what’s wrong?” He brought his hand up to your face, brushing away the strands of your hair. “If you’re uncomfortable let me know.”
“No, gods no. If anything I don’t want you to stop.” You breathed out, trying to catch your breath. “It’s just that………….”
“What is it schatzi?” His voice was soft as his fingers caressed your cheek, afraid that he might have offended you in some way, afraid that he might have been too forward.
“I’m sorry Helmut. I want to, I really do, but not like this.” You shook your head as you got up, shifting over to where the dark shadows of the room fell on the bed to hide your arms, afraid to meet his eyes as if you had made a fool of yourself. “Not like this.”
“You don’t have to apologize to me y/n.” Zemo smiled at you. “If you’re not ready, than I’m not ready.”
“Thank you Helmut.” You smiled back before giving him a delicate kiss. “I’d………uh like to think some things through.” You prayed that he didn’t see your hands, hoping that the darkness of the room managed to disguise it.
“Of course draga.” Zemo placed a lingering kiss on your forehead before leaving your room, stopping at the door to give you a comforting smile as he carefully shut it behind him.
Your eyes still lingered on the door, waiting to make sure he didn’t come back before turning on the bedside lamp and staring down at your hands. You had managed to stop the color from spreading up your arm, yet it strangely still remained, stopping halfway up your forearm. This wasn’t good.
“What the hell?” You scrunched your nose, trying to use your powers once again to remove it but to no avail. Fear coursed through your veins as you attempted to remove the color, spell after spell, hoping those vine like tendrils would crawl back down your hands and disappear. You cursed under your breath as each attempt proved to be as futile as the one before. What the hell was going on? Why were your spells not working? It vanished before from your magic, why wasn’t it doing so now? You were struck with a sudden realization that perhaps this change would become permanent, that maybe suppressing your true form for all those years had caused it to spiral out of control and in turn try to overpower you as if it had a mind of its own. You growled through gritted teeth, the furniture around you shaking as your fists were clenched in frustration, the violet mists of your powers encompassing your hands and sparking with small bolts that corresponded with the vexation that overwhelmed you.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, the mist around your hands disappearing and the shaking of the furniture coming to a stop. You had to work something out. You were left no choice but to keep your hands covered from now on until you found a solution. If any of them questioned it, you had to have a damn good lie. Getting up from the bed, you walked over to the double doors that led to the small balcony and opened them, your hands gripping the cold iron rail as you stared out at the view of the Latvian streets and buildings before you. Oh how you wished your sister Athena were here. She knew everything.
“Oh Athena.” You stifled a sob as you stared up at the stars, focusing on the light of your planet as if she could have heard you, a tear cascading down your cheek and dropping to the streets below. “Gods I wish you were here. I really need your help.”
Despite your pleas, you knew she wasn’t there, her existence only an artifact of the past. You were praying to nothing but a memory. It was extremely urgent that you got information on this matter of your form and the words of the prophecy that still threatened and echoed within the depths of your mind. And since you couldn’t obtain such knowledge from another Olympian, you would have to gather it from the old texts. Muttering a few words in Ancient Greek, you waited, searching, until a small white moth came into view, fluttering in your direction. You held out your finger, letting the tiny creature come to rest upon it.
“Hello little one.” You smiled at the moth as you gently stroked it in greeting, bringing it closer to your face so that you could speak to it in your language. “Please send word to my familiar and tell him to gather as much information he can on Titans and the prophecy. And tell him to come find me when he is done. Thank you.” The moth looked at you with understanding behind his tiny black eyes, it’s antennaes twitching before fluttering away into the moon. You sighed, watching it disappear into the night before giving your distant planet one last glance before shutting the doors and going back over to the bed. You laid down under the covers, your hands rested on your stomach as you stared up at the ceiling, dreading the day to come. How could you face Zemo? And however were you going to keep your hands a secret? Surely the three are bound to find out sooner or later? You just prayed that the message you sent would be returned in a short time. You needed to fix this before it would be considered too late. And the sooner you found Karli the better. Your mind was racing with thoughts, but you closed your eyes, desperate to get some rest and forcing those thoughts away. Gods help you from this moment on.
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true-blue-megamind · 4 years
FAN THEORY THURSDAY: Megamind’s Connections Beyond the Film
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Before we get started, it’s time for the obligatory SPOILER WARNING!  
In case this hasn’t been made sufficiently obvious by the fact that this is a post about Megamind written in a fan theory series about Megamind and published on a blog dedicated solely to Megamind, please let me just assure that this article is, in fact, about Megamind.  
If you haven’t seen the film yet yet, I have to question why you’re reading this in the first place.  As well as your taste in animated movies.  I’m definitely questioning that.
Over the years I’ve heard several fan theories concerning connections between the film Megamind and various other forms of media.  Today, let’s delve into just a few.
The first one is so obvious it’s almost painful, but it has to be mentioned.  Megamind is a Superman spoof.  Metro Man is clearly based on the Man of Steel himself, with a hefty dose of Elvis Presley and a larger range of character flaws thrown in for good measure.  (He also seems to contain quite a lot of the Popular Jock archetype.)  The character of Megamind is more complex still, combining elements of Alice Cooper and a nineties Goth theater kid with several comic book supervillains. The best known of the last include alien genius Brainiac and mad inventor Lexx Luthor, but they aren’t the only ones.  Some of Megamind’s engineering and technological inventions call to mind Spiderman villain Doctor Octopus even more than Lexx Luthor, and he also shares some parallels with the mad inventor Dr. Sivana in the SHAZAM comics.
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Megamind’s most notable of the latter is the similarity of attitudes toward society.  Both Megamind and Dr. Sivana started off trying to use their inventions for good—the first in the classroom and the second for the betterment of mankind—but both became bitter when people mocked and shunned them.  For Dr. Sivana, this led to a desire to conquer all of Earth while for Megamind, in a sort of microcosm, it led to a similar drive to take over Metro City.  Both Lexx Luthor and Dr. Sivana have, perhaps, the strongest connections to Megamind as share, deep down, a desire to help or protect mankind, and as Lexx Luthor, like Megamind, harbors a secret love for the reporter damsel in their respective stories.  (This desire to do good, especially in the face of corrupt officials, ties into another Megamind fan theory that I will likely discuss in more detail in a later post.)
The connection between Megamind and Alice Cooper, by the way, was extremely intentional.  The creators stated in an interview that, like Alice Cooper, Megamind’s dark, evil self is, in fact, a stage persona.  (Even their clothing, consisting largely of black leather and spikes, is similar.)  That fact is illustrated in the film as we can see that Megamind’s behaviors on- and off-camera tend to be vastly different.  Even as a villain, he is merely playing a role, although in the case of Megamind that role has begun to merge with his self-identity.
There are, however, hints within the world of DreamWorks that Megamind has other connections as well.  The first is fairly recent and intensely interesting. In the Rise of the Guardians, Jamie Bennett, a young boy who still steadfastly believes in the seemingly impossible, mentions “aliens in Michigan,” only to be scoffed at by his friends.  Because Metro City is located in Michigan, (as can be seen briefly when the Death Ray is fired from space,) many fans theorize that the “aliens in Michigan” are none other than Megamind, Minion, and, perhaps, Metro Man. 
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This would indicate that the two stories take place in the same world, and that Megamind’s adventures, while well-known in Metro City itself, have been covered up and kept secret from the rest of the world.  (Imagine moving to a moderately-sized city only to discover that—surprise!—there’s an extraterrestrial supervillain in residence and, oh, by the way, if you live downtown homeowners’ insurance is ridiculous!)
The second inter-film connection is less clear, but has spawned some interesting fan theories as well.  The idea is that, like Rise of the Guardians, Monsters VS. Aliens also takes place in the same reality as Megamind.  It’s not too far fetched—after all, both films involve extraterrestrials and amazing inventions—but there is one specific theory that really ties the two together.  Consider this for a moment: Megamind is a blue alien with incredible intelligence who hails from a destroyed planet.  Does that sound like any other DreamWorks character you know?  If you’ve seen Monster VS. Aliens, the antagonist, Gallaxhar, probably springs to mind.
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According to Fandom.com, Gallaxhar’s official backstory is that he “destroyed his home planet” for the implied reason that “he experienced bad childhood and unhappy marriage.”  The fan theory is that that Gallaxhar’s planet was, in fact, Megamind’s home world, and that the former created or harnessed the black hole which destroyed it.  This would explain why Megamind’s people—as well as Metro Man’s—didn’t have time to escape despite being space-faring.  You see, black holes take millions of years to develop, and even a rogue black hole would take about a million to shift and swallow an entire solar system, so if the event had occurred naturally, there should have been plenty of time to build an entire fleet of spacecraft and leave for Earth or another safe planet.  (The fact that Megamind’s parents set his escape pod’s navigation system for Earth indicates that they knew of its existence.)
Of course, despite their large heads and blue skin tones, there are quite a few physical differences between Megamind and Gallaxhar.  The first is humanoid while the second has four eyes and tentacles instead of legs.  Fan theories have explanations for that, too, however.  
There appear to be two schools of thought on the subject.  The first is that Gallaxhar was another breed of alien living on the planet, possibly a servile race different from Minions, and the second is that part of Gallaxhar’s “bad childhood” involved being experimented upon, thus giving him his bizarre appearance and his seeming obsession with experimenting on others.  (There is some disagreement in the Megamind fandom about exactly why Gallaxhar was subjected to such treatment, ranging from falling into the hands of an unscrupulous scientist to being part of an experimental medical program.  The latter fan theory suggests that Gallaxhar was both blind and paraplegic, and that his additional eyes and tentacle “legs” were meant to rectify that, but that those physical differences made him an outsider, thus leading to his unhappy life and ultimate hatred for his own planet.)
If that were true, many may wonder what, exactly, Megamind might do if he ever found out about Gallaxhar.  Well, good news!  Just like there’s an app for everything, there’s a fan theory for that, too!  I will warn you, however, that this one is, frankly, build upon pretty thin evidence.  However, it’s interesting enough to be worth relating.
There is a character in Monsters VS. Aliens named General Warren R. Monger who, on the surface, is exactly what he appears to be: a high-ranking military man.  However, there are a few things that fans point to as possible evidence that Monger isn’t what he seems.  
The first is so simple that, alone, it would be inconsequential.  Monger rose through the ranks uncommonly fast, so much so that it caused some comment among others.  The second is significantly odder; Monger claims to be ninety years old despite looking like he is in his late forties.  Now, of course, this may have simply been the character exaggerating or messing with the “monsters” under his care, but some fans say it’s more than that, and claim that Monger chose that age because he was unfamiliar with human lifespans.  Next there is the fact that Monger is so intelligent that, despite one of the beings in his containment facility. Doctor Cockroach, being a super-genius, Monger outwits every escape attempt the monsters can make.  Then, of course, there is the fact that, despite his brusque manner, Monger seems to actually sympathize with the inhuman people he is charged with containing, and even pushes for them to be given a chance to prove themselves.  There is the oddity that, although he is assigned to the secret military base at “Area Fifty-Something,” Monger seems to disappear a lot, often for days at a time.  Finally, there are a few key physical and technological attributes: Monger has some odd and incredibly energetic facial expression—including a nearly maniacal smile and a dark scowl—as well as a jet pack that he appears to have constructed himself and green eyes.
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I’m still not certain I see the resemblance, but maybe there are some similarities?  What do you think?
If you’re familiar with Metro City’s resident blue alien, you can probably see where this is going.  Although it’s not a popular theory, I’ve heard it suggested in the Megamind fandom that Monger is, in fact, Megamind disguised using his holowatch.  (This is why the green eyes are significant; Megamind’s eye color is the only aspect of his appearance that the holowatch doesn’t change.  However, I feel compelled to note that the shade of green appears to be different.) Fans insist that it would have been easy for someone as incredibly brilliant as Megamind to hack government systems and forge documents such as birth certificates thoroughly enough to dupe even U.S. Military Intelligence. The two jet packs, some have contested, look different either because of the disguise or because the one featured in Monster VS. Aliens is an older model. I’ve even seen the fact that both Megamind and Monger begin with M being pointed to as possible evidence that the latter is no more than an invention of the former.
The argument is as follows: as Monsters VS. Aliens takes place in 2009, one year before events in Megamind, it’s possible that Megamind, still being a villain, created an alter-ego which he could use to help him search for and deal with other alien life.  (He is shown to be painfully lonely, and the Megamind comics reveal his desperate desire to find other survivors from his home planet.)  Upon figuring out who Gallaxhar was, and more importantly what he had done, Megamind wanted to be part of taking him down.  But he couldn’t be too open about it; he was, after all, still a “Bad Guy.”  This theory explains Monger’s frequent long absences—during those time Megamind was back in Metro City taking care of his regular business— as well as why Monger had a secret soft spot for the “monsters.”  Megamind, having always been treated like a monster himself, would naturally want to give them a chance, but wouldn’t dare behave in too overtly friendly a manner as it would have aroused suspicion.
As I said, support for that particular theory is, perhaps, a little thin, especially given the fact the Monsters VS. Aliens preceded Megamind, so character designs from the former are unlikely to have been influenced by the latter.  Nonetheless, I admit to appreciating the complexity and creativity of it.  It’s an undeniably fun theory. If they haven’t already, maybe someone will write a fan fiction about it one day.
Those are only a few of the theories out there connecting Megamind with other fandoms.  One could go on and on about the subject, but I won’t torture readers by doing that.  Nonetheless, it illustrates once again the immense love and original thought that Megamind fans put into developing their theories!  I dare say that few other animated movies have earned a following so dedicated and inventive…  But, then, any of us who love the film Megamind will tell you that it has more than earned the consideration!
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farfromsugafanfic · 3 years
Dance Lessons
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Genre: Hogwarts AU, friends to lovers, fluff
Pairing: Hoseok/Reader
Warnings: drinking, mentions of bullying, tooth rotting fluff
Synopsis: Your friends are absolutely stunned when you say you’re not going to attend Yule Ball. When they find out it’s because your embarrassed to dance, your friend Hobi offers to give you a lesson. If only he knew he was the reason why.
Note: I’m not really satisfied with this but I’ve been blocked lately and it’s the best I can do at the moment. I’ll probably write him another Hogwarts AU eventually with a better concept. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this fluffy mess of a one shot
"So," Taehyung said. "Does everyone have dates for Yule Ball yet?" His cheeks were stuffed with hot dumplings, but he didn't seem to notice as steam escaped his mouth. 
You tried sinking into the bench and took a bite of your mash potatoes, hoping that by stuffing your mouth no one would pry further. Luckily, someone else piped up before you. 
"I'm going with Hye-jung," your best friend, Hoseok said. 
Your heart dropped and you shoveled another spoonful of potatoes into your mouth. Bangers and mash is your ultimate comfort food--the magic of Hogwarts and the house elves somehow knowing you needed it.
"It's so unfair that the two best dancers always go together," Jinjoo said. She glanced over at you. You imagined that your red hair resembled a lion's main and your cheeks matched the color. "You always steal the show."
Hobi shrugged. "We just dance well together." 
"It's not like you like Hye-jung though," you said, finally swallowed the potatoes and carefully used a cooling spell to quell the heat that had risen in your cheeks. "What if someone asked you otherwise? Would you go with them?" 
Hoseok looked down at his bowl of ramen and stirred it before looking back up. "I don't know. It would depend on who it was." 
A moment of silence passed over the four of you. Despite the mass chatter of the rest of the Great Hall, the quiet passed between you like a dense morning fog. 
"What about you, Taehyung?" Hobi asked. "Who's your date?" 
"Oh, uh," Taehyung squirmed in his seat. "I asked Jinjoo."
Jinjoo smiled and bit back a laugh. "And I said yes. Goodness Tae, there's no reason to be so shy." 
You caught the small way Jinjoo continued to smile, even after she returned to eating. While it came as a surprise that Taehyung and Jinjoo were going together, the two had always seemed to click in a way you didn't seem to understand. Much like you and Hoseok. 
"What about you, Y/N?" Hobi asked, turning to look at you. His large brown eyes bore into you like a hungry puppy's. "Have you found some poor soul to take you yet?"
"I, uh," you glanced between your friends. Jinjoo shot you a sympathetic look and Taehyung watched you blankly, waiting for you to continue. "I'm not going." 
Your friends all paused and three pairs of eyes looked at you with concern and pity. This is exactly what you were afraid of and you had to hold yourself back from sighing and letting your face fall in your hands.
"You don't have to have a date, you know? You can come with me and Tae," Jinjoo said, looping her arm with Taehyung's. 
"No, no," you said. "It was my choice, really. I would just drag down whoever I'm with." 
"What do you mean?" she asked. 
You turned away from Jinjoo because you felt another pair of eyes on you. Hobi was still looking at you, a small line forming between his brows as his eyes looked you up and down.
"It's not that I don't have a date. It's that I can't dance."
Your friends were silent before breaking out into laughter. "Is that really why?"
"Y/N, we've all seen you dance before. What's the big deal?" 
You were certain none of them remembered and you knew you shouldn't have let it bother you so much. You shook your head, trying to change the subject. 
It was the last party before the summer. Hufflepuff had won the House Cup for the first time in twenty years. Fire whiskey and spiked butterbeer were making the rounds. Being close to the kitchens meant that the Hufflepuffs were closest to the stash of alcohol for the professors and house elves.
"You know, it's ironic we're breaking all these rules after we won the House Cup," you said, simultaneously stuffing three bottles of Fire whiskey into your bag with an extendable charm.
"We were good all year," Jinjoo said, miniaturizing bottles and putting them into her sweatshirt pocket. You laughed and quickly zipped up your bag, careful to leave a few bottles behind so that it wouldn't be obvious that students had swiped some from the stash.
The majority of Hufflepuff House barely remembers the rest of the night. Most of the first through third years had fallen asleep or drank so much they passed out, the mid-years were barely coherent and keeping the party going, and the sixth and seventh years had either called it a night or sat in the corner pretending to keep an eye on the younger ones.
Your friends were a mix. Jinjoo had fallen asleep on Taehyung's shoulder and Taehyung pretended not to be absolutely charmed. He didn't drink, but had eaten enough that night that he might as well have been in a stupor as well. Hoseok--despite normally becoming a depressed and tired version of himself--was out on the dancefloor with the fourth and fifth years. His eyes wore dark cloaks and he looked nearly ready to collapse at any moment, yet he still stayed perfectly on beat.
"Y/N!" he called to you from the dancefloor. He held up the half full beer bottle in his hand as an invitation. "Come dance!" 
Your body stiffened. It wasn't that you didn't like dancing, it was usually just something you did on the rare occasions that you had the dorm room to yourself. Hoseok, though, dance was practically his life. He might be at Hogwarts studying magic, but before that he'd been at a fancy muggle arts school studying dance. Hoseok even took dance classes over the summer. 
It seemed somewhat stupid to worry about what Hoseok would think. He was one of your longest friends, having met on your first day of Hogwarts after you got sorted into Hufflepuff directly after him. His smile never failed to let you down and there was nothing in the world--you thought--that would ever dim the brightness Hoseok made you feel. 
Yet, much of his sun set when he drank. While he still ruled the dancefloor, you could see the chemically induced exhaustion and depression weighing under his eyes. As you approached him, he wore a small, forced smile. His hand reached out for your wrist and you felt electricity spark through you like you'd been hit with a hex. 
You started bobbing up and down like you'd watched the other kids who didn't know how to dance do. You felt awkward, all of the movement coming from your knees. You imagined that you probably looked pretty awkward too. 
Hobi, on the other hand, was moving flawlessly to the beat. Popping and locking in a way that looked fluid and clean, like a well oiled machine. His natural talent was always something you'd admired about him. Yet, you couldn't help but compare yourself with your best friend. Why did he want to dance with you when he was so good and you were just--well--bad?
Hobi let out a small, half hearted laugh. "Looks like you could use some dance lessons." His hands reached out and lightly took your hips, something he never would've been bold enough to do sober. If the small touch to your wrist was a hex, this was the Cruciatus curse. "Come on, just move your hips in time with the music."
When you failed to do so, not exactly sure what he meant by 'time', he let out a full belly laugh this time, though it was interrupted by a Butterbeer induced belch. "You really are bad. Didn't think they knew what they were talking about?"
Your body froze and your face fell. "Who didn't you think they knew what you were talking about?"
Hoseok pointed to the opposite side of the room from where you had stood earlier. "Mary and Perri. They bet me a galleon that you'd make a fool of yourself if I invited you to dance." 
At this, your heart sank. Hufflepuff--despite its value of kindness overall--still had its bullies. And they were Mary and Perri, a pair of twins who loved to torment you and flirted with Hoseok any chance they got. Normally, Hoseok was polite to them, but would generally avoid their presence. A sober Hoseok never would've made some stupid bet and told the twins that he loved your awkward little bend at the knee dance.
Knowing this wasn't the true Hoseok didn't stop your chest from constricting and the words from slicing through your chest. You wanted to cry, but more than anything wanted to get out of the party. Hoseok--even in his drunken state--paused when he noticed the pained look on your face. 
Before he could ask what was wrong or say anything else idiotic, you said, "I just remembered I have a lot of packing to do before we leave tomorrow. I'll--I'll see you in the morning."
Heading to the room you shared the rest of the fifth soon-to-be sixth years, you changed into your pajamas and threw your clothes into one of your already packed suitcases. It didn't take you long to find sleep.
You were positive that Hoseok doesn't remember that night. In fact, based upon his fuzzy recollection that he was the one who received the last few points needed to win the Cup, you knew he barely remembered anything after three pm that day.
As you came out of your thoughts, it felt like you were breaching the surface of the water. Like someone pulled you out before you could lose consciousness and drown.
"If you're really so worried about it, I bet there's like a potion or a charm or something that could make you dance better."
You paused with another scoop of mashed potatoes halfway to your mouth. You'd never considered that possibility. Leave it to Jinjoo--the smartest girl you knew outside of Ravenclaw--to so blatantly put it out there. 
"Or, I could teach you," Hoseok said, his voice holding a different quality than normal. "You don't need to do anything fancy." 
You were about to politely decline in favor of Jinjoo's idea when she spoke up. "Actually, I like that idea better. Hoseok could give you better moves than any potion." She glanced over at Taehyung and they seemed to share a moment.
"We could use the Room of Requirement too. That way no one would find us and you won't be too embarrassed."
You could hardly argue with his logic and there was something about the look in Hoseok's eyes that had you agreeing. He was one of your oldest friends, yet, you'd never seen him look at anyone with his eyes softened like they were.
"Meet me there tonight then," Hoseok said. "Just after curfew."
Casting the Disillusionment Charm, you crept down the corridor towards the Room of Requirement. You and your friends had done this many times when you wanted to hang out after curfew outside the dorms. Never once had you been caught. Still, you felt your heart racing as your turned down the correct corridor. 
Entering the Room of Requirement, you let down the charm and saw Hoseok standing near the middle of the room. The room had transformed itself into a small dance studio with mirrors along one of the walls and shiny hardwood floors. 
"Hey Y/N," Hoseok said, his heart-shaped smile not allowing your heart to slow. "Ready?" He approached you and his hand came to your wrist. His thumb running over the delicate skin of the inside of your wrist, it made you shudder. "You seem nervous."
You shook your head, denying the obvious. He didn't push you further, simply turning on some music. "Just dance," he said, beginning his own fluid movements. He played some muggle music that you'd never heard before, but you liked the beat. No matter what he did, it seemed to move perfectly to the beat of the music. 
You tried your best to follow along, moving your hips in small restricted movements. Occasionally, you tried to bring your arms into it, but would quickly drop them back to your sides when you realized you didn't know what to do with them. 
Hoseok laughed, but unlike before where his drunken laugh cut through your skin and bone, this time, it seemed to rise with the crescendo of the music. 
"You're cute," he said. "I don't need to teach you anything."
You stopped and the music stopped too. As if controlled by your thoughts and actions. Hoseok's gaze returned to the one from earlier in the cafeteria, soft but also penetrating. Like a dull knife through butter. 
"But, people make fun of me," you said, pouting. This only made Hoseok laugh again and he moved closer to you, lightly grabbing your chin and making you look up at him. His other hand lightly grabbed your wrist. You swore that the room's temperature rose.
"Who makes fun of you?" Velvet was the only way to describe his voice. 
"Mary and Perri."
"Since when do you care what they think?"
"Well, they're not the only ones."
"Mm?" Hoseok arched an eyebrow, but otherwise, his face stayed static. The emotions you could read sitting somewhere between content and provocative. 
"It was also--"
You felt the blood drain from your face and your whole body stiffen. When he felt you go rigid, Hoseok loosened his touch on your wrist, but didn't pull away. 
"You remember?"
"No, I don't."
"Then, how do you--?
Hoseok pointed up to his head, an amused look on his face. "I'm practicing Legilimency, remember?"
He read your mind. Jung Hoseok read your mind. Nothing made you want to crawl into a ball and disappear into a far corner of the Room of Requirement more. 
"I didn't really mean to, but your mind is so easy to walk into. You really should work on that." He winked at you and pulled you into his chest. He'd noticed the way you brought your hands to cover your face and let your hair fall in from of your cheeks. His hands wrapped around your back and held you softly. "I am sorry, Y/N. The alcohol isn't an excuse for what I said or did, even if I don't remember it. It was stupid and untrue."
You pulled your head from the warm embrace of his chest to look up at him. "I forgave you a long time ago, Hobi. I know you didn't mean it."
"So, if I tell you that I think it's cute when you dance and are a little offbeat, will you go to Yule Ball with me?"
"Aren't you going with Hye-jung?"
"There's been a change of plans."
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Not just a soft princess  - Azula x female reader imagine: Part Five
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After your holiday things with Azula couldn’t be better then the firelord makes a discovery that puts both your lives at risk.
Part one here
Part two here
Part three here
Part four here
Part six here
Your POV
Your holiday had initially filled you with dread but when you were forced to leave the Ember Islands you were very sad. It had turned into one of the best experiences of your life. You felt like you were walking on air, just looking at Azula made you smile and feel fuzzy. Her blush every time you made eye contact told you she felt similarly.
Even when you returned to the fire nation that didn't go away precisely because Azula was there. She was beside you and that made you happy. 
Azula had evidently listened to your concerns too. She’s paid attention to your comment about treating other people poorly and you noticed her behaviour changing. She didn’t start braiding daisy chains for her workers but she did treat them properly. She thanked the guards who escorted you to training, she nodded to maids as they opened the doors for her, said please before asking for certain weapons and didn’t yell if they made mistakes. You smiled noticing how the servants stared when she said something resembling a compliment and felt your feelings for her grow more. She was really trying to address the concerns you had and you liked her even more for that.
Azula also meant to keep her promise about finding more moments alone. You of course had you sparring sessions but they were too exposed and public for either of you to openly express your feelings. So Azula put her sneaky calculating talents to good use and came up with many excuses to get you alone in private locations. The first week it had been an airship inspection, followed by a crucial mission to find earth nation clothes the next week. This week it was the excuse of extra tutor sessions. Azula claimed with the upcoming eclipse she needed to speed up your education and so evening sessions were now a part of your life. Not much learning went on in them of course and that was why they were your favourite part of your day.
On time for one of said sessions your guards stopped outside Azula’s door and knocked. Azula’s maid opened the door and bowed “princess”. “Let her in” Azula called and the woman moved out of the way. “Thank you, you may leave” Azula told your guards “we do not know how long we will be studying, we have a lot to get through tonight”. You managed not to smirk as Azula said that and the guards filled out. “Princess shall I fetch the food?” the maid asked and Azula nodded her head. “Food?” you asked and Azula blushed “we need sustenance for studying so I arranged with the kitchen to have a meal prepared”. The maid returned soon afterwards and she opened up a tray to reveal your favourite earth kingdom food. “These are cabbage noodles and those are wagashi pastries for dessert!” you cried spotting the foods of your nation “but how did you...?”. “Honuh has spent some time in the fire nation colonies in the earth kingdom and so she knew some recipes” Azula explained. You paused before realising the name of Azula’s maid’s was Honuh, fire nation nobility and especially royals never called servants or maids by their first names. That was reserved for people they respected or maybe a high ranking guard but never a server. You smiled at Azula’s gesture and Honuh herself seemed stunned. She stared at Azula before lowering her head. “That was very kind thank you both” you smiled and Honuh blushed “it was my pleasure princess, would you like me to leave now princess?” she asked turning back to Azula who nodded. “Yes and thank you for all your work it has been greatly appreciated”. The maid stuttered in shock and seemed unsure if she should bow and leave or thank Azula again. Azula simply smiled “you are dismissed Honuh” she said gently and the maid flushed “thank you princess, good night” and she bowed deeply before leaving. 
Azula closed the door behind her and you looked from the table Azula had set up, candles and all, to her behaviour recently and followed her. The second she turned around you ambushed her kissing her and Azula kissed you back just as fiercely. When you separated Azula gasped for breath "What was that for?" she asked and you smirked. "I’ve just noticed everything you’ve been doing lately and I wanted to show my appreciation". Azula looked down "well I told you I didn’t want to upset you didn’t I?". "You did" you nodded and Azula nodded “and so if being polite and respectful to the staff is important to you then it’s important to me too”. You smiled and stared at Azula intensely “it is and you are as well”. Azula blushed even more and looked away “we should eat...the food will get cold otherwise”. “Sure if that’s what you want to do right now when we’re all alone....then sure”. Azula’s eyes flicked up to yours and you laughed as she grabbed hold of you “the food can wait”. 
It turned out the food tasted good even cold. You brought the food to Azula’s bed and ate it from the comfy silk sheets still wrapped together. “You know I usually hate any other nation’s cuisine but this tastes nice”. You rolled your eyes “why am I not surprised that you’re a fussy eater?”. “I’m not fussy! I just know what I want”. ”Um hmm” you nodded “that’s it you’re not fussy at all” you smirked sarcastically and Azula laughed. “I’m not! Take it back”. “Never” you smiled and Azula fixed you with a determined look. “Take it back” Azula cried launching herself at you and you shrieked “Azula you’re spilling food!”. “I don’t care take back your slander” she cried as she struggled to keep a hold of your arms. You eventually gave up fighting and let Azula pin you down both of you panting and laughing. “Fine, you win okay? I take it back of course you’re not a fussy eater”. Azula smiled smugly “thank you for admitting you were wrong”. “For you anything” you smiled and Azula blushed. “Shut up” she said smiling and leant down to kiss you. You smiled “stop talking about how great you are? You know you love it”. “I do” she admitted and kissed you harder making you smile against her. 
You were both so wrapped up in the moment you didn’t hear the soft knock or the door opening. You heard something smash and you stopped. You both slowly looked towards the door and saw Honuh stood there gaping. Azula must not have locked the door properly and the maid Honuh had gotten in and caught you together in a very compromising position. Neither of you moved not wanting to startle her but it didn’t matter, Honuh shrieked and ran from the room. “No” Azula yelled springing up before realising she was very very undressed. Azula grabbed a robe and you grabbed your clothes. “Azula what if she...”. “I’ll catch her and stop her” Azula told you “just stay here i’’ll be right back!” she cried rushing to the door but it opened as she got there. Ozai appeared and he had the crying maid in a tight painful grip. He scanned the room from the bed to the state of you and Azula and his eyes narrowed “I heard a cry and found this woman blabbering about the princesses doing unspeakable things....” he said coldly “I never thought she would be telling the truth”. “Father I....we can explain!”. “Silence” Ozai yelled his calm composure gone. “Guards” he yelled and fire nation guards appeared. “Take the earth princess and lock her in her room until I say not to, make sure the dai li are allowed nowhere near her and don’t let anyone in, understand?”. The guards nodded and looked to you but you didn’t move. “What...what will you do to her?” you asked not wanting to leave Azula alone with him. “That is of no concern to you” Ozai spat “that is between my daughter and me, leave now”. When you didn’t move Ozai yelled “go” but you still wouldn’t move. “Y/n it’s okay go” Azula said softly and Ozai glared “did I say you could speak?”. Azula lowered her head and you glared. “If she will not go then there is only one thing to do, grab her”. 
You were dragged kicking and screaming from the room by the guards. Azula tried to tell you to stop but Ozai started yelling at her and that made you even angrier which made the whole situation even worse. It only stopped when the guards managed to get you out of the room and down into your own. They threw you inside and locked the door behind you. You kicked and attacked the door but it was too strong to break down. You cursed the palace for being made of anything but earth and sat down utterly helpless in the centre of your room.
You didn’t hear anything all night. You’d tried listening for noise outside your door but nothing. The day was the same, one meal was thrown in but other than that nothing. So by the time the night came you were restless and terrified. The weather was cold and stormy and appeared to be just as miserable as you felt. You stared out of your window looking for a sign, a hint, anything that would tell you what Ozai was doing. You were exhausted but there was no way you could sleep or eat, you had to be ready for whenever Ozai came for you but it was Azula who appeared first. 
You’d fallen into an uneasy fitful sleep in an awkward position by the window and were awoken by a tapping noise. You jumped in surprise to see Azula’s face on the other side but quickly overcame your shock. You rushed to open the window and she fell inside. She was freezing from the rain and cold but you weren’t sure if that was why she was shaking. You wrapped a blanket around her and pulled her to the fire “i’m so happy to see you I haven’t heard anything this whole time! I worried that he’d....how bad is it?”. Azula shivered despite the blanket and you knew it was bad when she wouldn’t answer you “Azula?”. “It’s not good y/n” she sniffed “I can’t stay long in case my father finds us if he does....I managed to talk him down from the punishment he had planned and he’ll hold up his promise not to harm us as long as we both comply with his demands”. You froze “which are?”. “Straight after the eclipse I will be married off to some nobleman and removed from the palace, you will marry Zuko and stay here. We won’t ever see each other again but we’ll live”. “What no” you said confused “that’s ridiculous, how can he expect us to...”. “He can demand anything of us y/n! He can have us killed for what we did, homosexuality was made illegal when my grandfather firelord Sozin decided it went against fire nation ideals” she sighed “this is the best case scenario y/n! Do you think I’d agree to this if it wasn’t”? she cried her voice breaking. Azula looked away from you and wrapped the blanket around herself tighter. A tear slipped down her cheek and you realised with a startling realisation that she was utterly terrified. Azula, the girl who was so headstrong and confident she’d conquered the greatest city in the earth empire, had been broken. Her father had finally made her snap and it made you want to scream in anger and sadness seeing her like this. You couldn’t believe she had no fight in her but the longer you watched her the more certain it seemed. You saw the way she held her arm close to her body protectively and wondered what Ozai had done to her. Her face was swelled slightly and you felt anger rage inside you as the realisation of what Ozai had done to his daughter flooded into you. “Azula your cheek and arm...you’re in pain” you said reaching to touch her and she pulled away “it’s fine I...shouldn’t have argued”. “Azula you didn’t do anything wrong I....” Azula started to cry and you lost your train of thought. You grabbed Azula and bundled her into you and she obligingly clung to you. “I’m sorry y/n” she sniffed “I tried I really did but this is the best I could achieve”. You shook your head “you have nothing to be sorry for and this is not over, I won’t let him take you”. Azula looked up at you “what do you mean...y/n we can’t do anything he’s the firelord”. “And what are we nobodies? You are the strongest firebending prodigy in decades and I was trained by assassins since I was 7, your father doesn’t stand a chance”.
You’d hoped that would awaken some fight in Azula but it only seemed to make her angry. Azula wrenched herself out of your arms and grabbed yours tightly forcing you to look at her. “What is wrong with you?” Azula asked “you’re talking like a fool”. “No I’m not, we can do this Azula, we don’t have to do as he says”. “Why won’t you listen?” Azula cried “He is the firelord y/n! He can kill us legally and everyone will support him. This foolish notion of fighting, of refusing his decision will get us both killed. Do you understand that?”. “Yes but it doesn’t change my mind” you said and Azula groaned in frustration “then why can’t you just let it go? Why can’t you just let us go?”. “Because i love you!” you cried and Azula paused “you...you what?”. “I’m in love with you” you said laughing at how good it felt to say “I’ve never felt this way about anyone and I know I won’t about anyone else and so I don’t care what Ozai tries, I won’t let him take you away from me, I refuse to let him hurt you ever again”. Azula relaxed her grip on your tunic and looked down in thought. You figured it’d be really awkward if she just rejected you and as she turned away you wondered if that was happening. “Azula?”. She didn’t reply her back fully facing you. “Okay now you’re worrying me please just say anything”. The silence stretched on and when Azula did speak it made you jump. “If we’re to stay together then we have to escape” Azula said suddenly spinning around “with the eclipse coming up the timing will be perfect there will be so much chaos we can slip away unnoticed, of course we’ll need help but i’m sure your dai li won’t mind that...Mai and Ty lee will aid us too of course, we’ll need an airship but I can get one of those easily now all we have to do is plan it”. “Plan what?” you asked and Azula focused on you “our running away together”. Azula smiled and you felt yourself sag with relief “so I...I didn’t totally humiliate myself by telling you I love you?”. Azula shook her head blushing “no you actually just made me remember who I was and why I deserve better, you made me want to fight because I love you too”. You grinned and kissed Azula swiftly. Azula smiled and let you take the lead simply following your energy and excitement. When you finally separated you were only confused by one detail “but where are we running away to?”. Azula smiled “that’s the great thing about us both being princesses...if my city isn’t safe anymore we can just reclaim yours, we’re taking back Ba Sing Sei”.
Next parts the last one!!! 
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