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Cliffhanger! Only two pages this time, I'm afraid. Not for the lack of trying, though.
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onepiece-dellinger · 11 months
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ONE PIECE baby 5 donquixote family
Baby 5 vs lao g
lao g's feet stink.
laog is scary when angry.
I want more art where Lao G torments Baby 5.
someone please draw.
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callisteios · 1 year
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need someone to explain to me why my child was born a vampire christian (?). no one in my commune is a calvinist we’re all cat worshippers?
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goopi-e · 1 month
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Since I already spoiled as much about this AU...
Damn, should I, like, make a tag for LAoG spoilers or?..
Saw a pose by @adorkastock that fit them to a T and just had to.
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kirikiri1 · 1 year
Another hoop for Project Sparrow, a LAOG based on @thesiltverses. This one is a propaganda god, The Creaking Stair.
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Glow in the dark floss is always fun.
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enuode-au · 6 months
the languages chart you made is so cool i would love to hear more abt them !!! is grimlandic sort of like the lingua franca of the server? how did that come to be if so? how different are all the languages from one another?
hope this isn't too many questions I'd just love to hear more abt ur ideas as linguistics is my special interest & i also love empires :]
Languages Master Post
National language of: No nation
Relative age: Nearly 100,000 years old
Rarity: Extremely rare. Only a handful of speakers remain
Origin: Unknown exact origin, only that it was established as a primary form of communication in deep water
Writing system developed on: No writing system developed
Current writing system: None. Too uncommon to be translated to writing
Sound quality: Clicks and whines similar to that of dolphins
National language of: The Codlands
Relative age: Began developing about 100 years ago
Rarity: Fairly rare, virtually only Coddish people speak it
Origin: Started out as Pelagic slang, developed its own terminology to the point it's become another language
Writing system developed on: Clay tablets in the form of inscriptions
Current writing system: Mostly clay tablets still. Use paper but only when dealing with international goods
Sound quality: Similar to Pelagic slang, but with Mythlandic influence and some additional touches
National language of: The Universe
Relative age: Almost as old as the Universe itself
Rarity: Common, but only in spellcasting/enchanting terms. Otherwise, very rare
Origin: The Ancient Builders communicated in this language, and it's traveled around the Universe ever since
Writing system developed on: Who knows. It's the Universe's language, not Enuode's
Current writing system: Mostly used in books, but can be inscribed into armor, tools, and weapons
Sound quality: Hard to describe. It's simple, but has lots of tonal inflictions that can make it difficult to understand
National language of: The Grimlands, The Undergrowth
Relative age: 16,000 years or so
Rarity: Common. Most spoken language in the world
Origin: Developed from a mixture of Galactic, Mezalean, and Losheedian
Writing system developed on: Stone inscriptions
Current writing system: Paper
Sound quality: Lots of vowel variety, easier on the consonants
National language of: The Lost Empire (technically)
Relative age: 6,000 years or so
Rarity: Rare; only the people of the Lost Empire speak it
Origin: Was created because many of the people of the Lost Empire spoke different regional languages. Became the central language between the different civilizations scattered around the Lost Empire's islands
Writing system developed on: Depending on location within the Lost Empire, could be stone tablets, leather inscriptions, leaf inscriptions, or ink on leaves
Current writing system: Most commonly leaf inscriptions or ink on leaves, though stone tablets and leather are still used
Sound quality: Lots of consonant usage and variety
National language of: Losheedi
Relative age: 20,000 years or so
Rarity: Fairly common
Origin: Developed in Old Losheedi when fairies first established the capital
Writing system developed on: Leaf engravings and ink on leaves
Current writing system: Paper and ink on leaves
Sound quality: Light and kind of nasally. Often spoke rather quickly
National language of: Mezalea
Relative age: 30,000 years or so
Rarity: Uncommon; most Mezaleans speak other languages as well, so not too many foreigners are keen on learning it
Origin: Was said to have been taught to the first Claytion by the Mother Tree itself
Writing system developed on: Clay tablet inscriptions
Current writing system: Clay tablet inscriptions or ink on paper (less common of the two, mostly used to send letters)
Sound quality: Round, almost flute-like
National language of: Mythland
Relative age: 5,000 years or so
Rarity: Common; Mythland explorers tend to spread out around the globe
Origin: Formed when settlers of different nations began living together. Later developed into a more unique language
Writing system developed on: Paper and ink
Current writing system: Paper and ink
Sound quality: Similar to English. An odd blend of Rekhi, Grimlandic, Losheedian, and even some Galactic
New Ysslerian
National language of: Hoen Yssler
Relative age: 1,000 years or so
Rarity: Uncommon; most outside of Hoen Yssler don't know it
Origin: Evolved from Old Ysslerian to the point of being reclassified
Writing system developed on: Stone inscriptions and ink on paper
Current writing system: Paper, though stone inscriptions are still commonly used in architecture
Sound quality: A variety of consonant sounds with limited vowels. It's easy to speak this language with the teeth shut
Old Ysslerian
National language of: No nation (formerly Hoen Yssler)
Relative age: 40,000 years or so
Rarity: Rare; very few speak fluent Old Ysslerian, but parts are still used in religious texts
Origin: Developed by the original Ysslerian tribes
Writing system developed on: Stone inscriptions
Current writing system: Stone inscriptions (almost solely used for religious purposes)
Sound quality: Like a rounder and fuller version of New Ysslerian. Notably, slightly louder than New Ysslerian as well
National language of: The Ocean Empire
Relative age: 40,000 years or so
Rarity: Common; most nations bordering the Ocean Empire also speak Pelagic
Origin: Developed from Bathyic
Writing system developed on: Clay tablet inscriptions
Current writing system: Clay, stone, and glass inscriptions
Sound quality: Similar to Bathyic, but with more variety in sounds, similar to that of singing or a whale call
National language of: Rekhia
Relative age: 7,000 years or so
Rarity: Common; many nations bordering Rekhia also speak Rekhi
Origin: Developed from Vryrian when an influx of immigrants started settling in the Arm of Rekhia
Writing system developed on: Paper and ink
Current writing system: Paper and ink
Sound quality: Mostly spoken from the back of the throat
National language of: No nation
Relative age: 180,000 years or so
Rarity: Very rare; considered a dead language
Origin: Developed from Galactic when the Ancients began settling in. Was first made for fun, then stuck around for a while
Writing system developed on: Stone and clay tablet inscriptions
Current writing system: None. If necessary to write it, Galactic alphabet is used
Sound quality: Similar to Galactic with the variety of consonants, loses some of the tonal inflictions and replaces them with different sounds not used before
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midnightsoulsworld · 3 months
Mere muqable mein kisko laoge.... Mere siwa kisi ko manta hai dil?... Tumhare baad ka toh khair kya kahein tumhare sath bhi bohot dukha hai dil....
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miss-ingno · 9 months
Got tagged by @yilian0203 to share a snippet from my current WIP!
I can’t remember if I shared this before - it’s from a 3+1 (possibly turning into a 5+1, I’m side-eyeing it heavily) fic set in the Already Married series, from Lin Jing’s PoV:
"I cannot." Heipaoshi opened a portal and sent the prisoners through first, pausing with his back turned to them. Then he glanced back over his shoulder. "Give your husband my regards... and condolences."
Zhao Yunlan blinked, clearly taken off-guard. Pulling his lollipop out, he pointed what remained of the white stick at Heipaoshi.
"Whatever for?"
If Lin Jing didn't know better, he would've sworn the Black Cloaked Envoy was smirking under his hood, the corner of his mouth twisting up.
"For his taste in men."
Zhao Yunlan gasped, grasping his chest above his heart in theatrical offense.
"You wound me, Hei-laoge!"
"Hm," was all Heipaoshi said in response before stepping through the portal, leaving the stunned SID team behind.
tagging anyone who wants to play, like maybe @amethystina @sasamelons @elenothar @eirenical @ganglylimbs @kahnah23 @bumblewyn ?
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The movie: Tuk
My brain: Simple enough. Tuk.
(I'm proud of myself.)
The movie: Lo'ak
My brain: Laog.
(I mean, yeah. Close enough.)
The movie: Neteyam
My brain, glitching, freezing: ...Netanjahu?
(...It has the same first syllable?)
The movie: Kiri
My brain: Sure, got it. Rosie.
(I mean. What the fuck. That's not even close.)
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dobranocka · 2 years
WIP word search
Since I’ve been tagged by @the-marron, I am choosing to seach through the WIP we are working on together (also because it’s the only WIP that is long enough that I can reasonably search through it). Thank you, my dear, both for tagging and the permission to use our baby! I am, like, reasonably sure these were fragments were written by me. Like, 90% sure. Or 80%.
hair, heart, loss - loss doesn’t appear in the search, so I am replacing it with forlorn
 Zhao Yunlan spend the rest of the workday driving his team up the wall and eating lollipops while holed up inside his office. There were only so many tasks he could think of to get them out of his hair, and while proclaiming he would require all of the paperwork to be up to date at the end of the week was satisfying and fear-inducing, it was also unattainable goal; and as such did not do much to keep the most persistent ones out.
Which explained why half of his lollipop stash had been appropriate by Da Qing, who let himself in and was currently napping on one of the loveseats. Sometimes Zhao Yunlan wondered if the kid even had a spine, or if he simply was a medical marvel. Or a human-cat hybrid.
Zhao Yunlan rolled his eyes theatrically, making sure his freeloaders knew what a sacrifice this was, then lit up the incense. The smoke rose in the air slowly, so vivid he couldn’t believe it wasn’t actually there; he swore he could even smell it.
“Welcome, PlayerOne,” an elegant voice behind him said. Zhao Yunlan didn’t startle this time, because he knew it would happen, but he still wished the hologram would appear before him. Did they want the players to die of a heart attack? “Do you require my assistance?”
“Hei-laoge!” Zhao Yunlan turned around with his best-winning smile. If Heipaoshi was Shen Wei, then it could work, right? Maybe if Shen Wei started trusting Yunlan enough he would admit where the hell he was hiding. “I thought you were the one who wanted my help?”
loss forlorn
Xiao Wei face did something – his eyes suddenly got wider, and then he looked down, blinking – that made him look so sad and forlorn that Zhao Yunlan regretted his words immediately. But – he really did need to speak with Da Qing, and somehow he wouldn’t feel, well, comfortable having this conversation in front of Xiao Wei.
The young ghost  stepped aside, gently lifting Da Qing from the makeshift holder in his robes, where the lazy cat had apparently been sleeping, then bowed to Kunlun once again. And then he wandered further into the meadow, to the place where it turned into a line of trees, a little black figure walking alone into the darkness of forest.
I am tagging @dual-domination with some special words just for you: gun whip suit
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Hello, Tumblr! I am incredibly excited to announce the start of my biggest project so far: Little Acts of Gratitude! It's a post-WW AU fancomic that follows a Ganondorf redemption-ish story set on the Great Sea, in which Link decides to defy fate right before the final duel and bring his sworn enemy back to the surface. But why? The comic explores the Triforce Trio and the world around them, in an attempt to solve the ancient mysteries and tie the loose ends. Suffice it to say, I have big, big plans for this story >:^з.
If you have access to desktop Tumblr, I recommend reading the comic that way, as you’ll be able to see a fancy blog theme with a comfy pagination and a banner for each chapter! But if not, there'll also be a dedicated pagination system for mobile users, like this:
(Page 0) next > last ▷
And now, FAQ/Disclaimer/whatever:
There’s no upload schedule planned as of now. I’ll try my best to aim for monthly updates and have at least a little backlog whenever possible, but more often than not I’ll probably upload the pages as soon as I am done with them. Also I’ll make sure to announce any major hiatuses if for some reason updates will take more time than planned. Just please don’t send any asks/DMs regarding this matter.
As a non-native English speaker, I’d greatly appreciate it if you guys pointed out any grammar mistakes I might make! This goes double for the instances of me using ASL for Link, as I don’t have any kind of experience with sign languages.
You may see the artifacts on the pages - this is the result of me Glazing them, just to see how that pans out. I'll... probably think of an option to show you guys the clean hi-res pages eventually.
For now, the comic will stay a Tumblr exclusive — but I am thinking of potentially crossposting it on other webcomic-hosting platforms! Once I amass a decent amount of pages and decide where exactly to upload them, I will provide links. As for the social media presence, I... don't really have anything other than Tumblr (except, well, iykyk), so no promises there.
And for, uh, legal purposes: the Legend of Zelda series belongs to Nintendo; I am not affiliated with them and do not claim ownership on anything other than the artwork itself. Not that they're currently going for fancomics, thankfully.
And... Thanks for taking time to read this! My lack of work ethics is my lifelong nemesis, but I hope that, despite everything, this comic will see the light of day, that I won’t stop working on it until I’m done, and that you will have a great time reading my silly little AU for a silly little vidyagame ✨!
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onepiece-dellinger · 11 months
ONE PIECE baby 5 donquixote family
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Baby 5 vs lao g
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hydnes · 2 years
the hydnes fandom is dying reblog to Yst i ran mektige Norafjorn, frao gudn Nor si ti. Yst i Lomeldi, heimsta Slind vart 'a pao Hydneshaugen i ran sista helfti ao ra fjera aorhondra lakt ain haug før ain windir. Ai mannalaonge kjista ao stain so alder breste. I kjistao ve hass høgre sia ait laongsverd laog, ai spenna ao bråns kappao hass hildt, Ve fotendn to lairka me bisk. Utafø kjistao ve venstre gavlvaiggj, to spjut laog klar, håve vendt mot vest. Alt ti feri... Men i førra aorhondra ottao børja, uvitande menn me hoga fø jor, rødde vekk fjortan aorhondra sjilefri i trihondra børe me stain. Uvitande dai va om ottao, gudadn sitt raseri skapte. Dan ivigvarande ottao so framleis herska haimst i Slind dan dag i dag. Dar e ai bysle stemning, ait mørke follt ao kjainsle, guda so kan ta frao reg da ain traingje meste, ait sinnelag. Framleis ha maonge otta før å ferdast mødlo Saoknardalr å Laikvangir itte kvelda fitabil. Kong Hydnes haug ...
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lyricsfast · 2 days
Discover the enchanting song “Levan Aaoge” featuring Who Lalit & Nidhi Sharma. Immerse yourself in the captivating vocals of Manisha Sharma & Mr. Eagle, accompanied by the mesmerizing music of Veer Rawat. Experience the heartfelt lyrics and composition by Mr. Eagle.
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kirikiri1 · 1 year
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Hoop for a friend I played with in Project Sparrows, a LAOG based on @thesiltverses
This is Mons Solis, a propaganda god post-deployment.
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urduquotesblog · 2 months
Islamic Quotations in Urdu
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Take a spiritual journey with our collection of Islamic quotations in Urdu. Discover the profound wisdom and spiritual guidance encapsulated in the Urdu language's beauty. Allow these timeless words to inspire, uplift, and strengthen your faith. Get closer to your spiritual path by exploring now.
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"Allah ki rah mein neki ka rasta chuno Allah tumhare sath hai" اللہ کی راہ میں نیکی کا راستہ چنو اللہ تمہارے ساتھ ہے by Jamil Nihal
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"Allah tala ki raza se ziyada Koi cheez kimati nahin" اللہ تعالی کی رضا سے زیادہ کوئی چیز قیمتی نہیں by Jamil Nihal
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Mohammed (PBUH) Quotes: Meri ummat ko qayamat ke din is tarah bulaya jaega ki inki peshaniyan aur inke paon vazu ke asar ki vajah se chamak rahe honge آپ ﷺ نے ارشاد فرمایا میری امت کو قیامت کے دن اس طرح بلایا جائے گا کہ ان کی پیشانیاں اور ان کے پاؤں وضو کے اثار کی وجہ سے چمک رہے ہوں گے by Jamil Nihal
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Mohammed (PBUH) Quotes: Teen baton mein hamesha jaldi karo namaz mein - beva ke neekah mein - Janaza mein حضرت محمدﷺ نے فرمایا: تین باتوں میں ہمیشہ جلدی کرو نماز میں - بیوہ کے نکاح میں - جنازہ میں by Jamil Nihal
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"ilam hasil karo kyun k ilam iman ka rasta hai" علم حاصل کرو کیونکہ علم ایمان کا راستہ ہے by Jamil Nihal
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"Sadka dene se tumhari mali Duriyan dur ho sakti hain" صدقہ دینے سے تمہاری مالی دوریاں دور ہو سکتی ہیں by Jamil Nihal
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فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ Tum apne rab ki kon kon si nemat ko jhut laoge فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ تم اپنے رب کی کون کون سی نعمت کو جھٹلاؤ گے by Jamil Nihal
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الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ Sab khubiyan Allah ko jo malik sare jahan walon ka الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ سب خوبیاں ﷲ کو جو مالک سارے جہان والوں کا by Jamil Nihal
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"Sabar se bada koi dost nahin Aur na hi koi tajurba" صبر سے بڑا کوئی دوست نہیں اور نہ ہی کوئی تجربہ by Jamil Nihal
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Muhammad (PBUH) Quotes: Ek waqt aane wala hai jab log neki per sharam aur gunah per fakhar karenge محمدﷺ ایک وقت آنے والا ہے جب لوگ نیکی پر شرم اور گناہ پر فخر کریں گے by Jamil Nihal Read the full article
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