#Laverre Gym
3627889 · 7 months
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fad1d · 10 months
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Best Underdog From Laverre Gym 🎖️🦋6️⃣
Our Contestants:
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This poll is part of an event that allows the early eliminees from the main tournament have more time in the spotlight!
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articskele · 7 months
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Valerie X and Y save me……. Valerie X and Y……… Save me Valerie X and Y………
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Found an article that illustrates my point on why you need to know how to hold back in order to become a gym leader.
The link is here, but in case you don't want to read the full article, Laverre's old gym leader, before Valerie, pretty terrible guy! Insisted on going full force against any and all challengers, and this led to one challenger getting grievously injured by a fire-type move that was far, far more powerful than necessary.
Even for regular trainers, you need to learn to hold back. Ace Trainer Catherine can't just have their Gyarados use Hyper Beam against Lass Anna's newly-caught Hoothoot, or there's going to be tragedy.
Don't go full-power all the time. Learn to reel it in, and fight at your opponent's level.
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csolarstorm · 6 months
Xerneas and Yveltal are Fungi: Let Me Explain...
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Source: Bulbapedia, Wikipedia, Bulbapedia, Enchanted Nature
Xerneas and Yveltal are my favorite legendary designs. There's something weirdly alien about these bio-luminescent approximations of fauna, like they're trying to look like animals and failing. I've always thought they looked a little bit...fungal.
Xerneas and Yveltal are like batteries. They're life energy brokers; Xerneas distributes life, while Yveltal drains it. Supporting and draining life is one of the main characteristics of fungi. In fact, it's like their whole thing.
Some fungi have a mutualistic relationship with their hosts, where they actually benefit their health. And in general, fungi are essential to supporting the ecosystem. Then there's fungi that are simply parasitic.
Fungi can also go dormant, as well as their spores. Staying still is their thing, just chilling in dark places. Xerneas and Yveltal's dormant forms are especially weird, showing just how anomalous these creatures are.
Now allow me to lichen fauna to fungi.
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Sources: Bulbapedia, New Forest Pics, Wikipedia, Mushroom Diary Blog
This is xylaria hypoxylon, also known as Stag's Horn fungus. (Not to be confused with Yellow Staghorn.) It reminds me a lot of the dormant form of Xerneas, or the "deactivated" form it takes in the PC.
Stag's Horn is also bio-luminscent, which means the tips of the fungus faintly glow - much like the tips of Xerneas's antlers.
Speaking of the first legendary Fairy Pokemon, mushrooms are often associated with fairies. Fairy Rings are circles of mushrooms that are connected by mycelium underneath. (I'll get into mycelium in just a second.) There are too many myths about Fairy Rings to get into here, so for now I'll just point out the Fairy Ring around Valerie's Gym in Laverre City.
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Sources: Bulbapedia, Sussex Wildlife Trust, Enchanted Nature, UK Wildlife
I'm not sure whether Bulbapedia or Dr. King on Pokemon Amino first likened Yveltal to Devil's Fingers, but the similarities are uncanny. Like Yveltal emerges from its cocoon, Devil's Fingers emerge from what is called their "egg stage". I tried to find the least unsettling picture of this that I could. Enjoy...?
I mean, what kind of bird turns into a cocoon, anyway? Honestly though, fungus isn't supposed to hatch from an egg either, so this is all mixed up.
Okay, so Xerneas and Yveltal are based on different aspects of Yggdrasil. But if you were going to design Pokemon based on Yggdrasil, the World Tree that connects the universe, wouldn't you base it on fungi rather than an actual tree? Mycelium can actually partner with the roots of plants and other fungus to create a widespread beneficial mycorrhizal network, a truly interconnected ecosystem of organisms.
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Source: BBC News - How Trees Secretly Talk to Each Other
And that's why Xerneas and Yveltal are fungi. Or it could be part of their inspiration, at least. They're not necessarily inspired by these specific fungi, but I think the concept may be part of their design. Either way, Gen VI is especially fun to research!
Reviewed by @fluffybunnybadass.
Check out my posts about Pokemon Legends: Z-A:
Poll: What Does the Λ in Legends Z-A Symbolize?
Pokemon Legends Z-A: What Is the Λ?
Is Z-A Just Zygarde-A? (%1000 Zygarde and the Fragments of the Tree of Life)
Aaah, it's an A! Is the A in Z-A the Tree of Life?
How much longer am I going to have to wait for a freakin' Unova remake?!
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beezonia · 7 months
Okay your all getting my xyz future headcannons now because I’m super excited
So Serena and Calem are like siblings
Serena is champion and Calem has continued Augustine’s research on mega evolution seeing if there are more pokèmon who can actually mega evolve
Calem challenges Serena on a monthly basis when he gets bored
She continues to beat his ass (although it’s neck and neck every time though)
Shauna and Serena are engaged
They’ve been together for about 4 years now
Trevor and Tierno are married - been together for 7 years
Calem is still single (he will eventually find the one dw his bi ass will fall in love)
Shauna is the reigning Kalos Queen and know to most as a top coordinator
She also does furfrou trimming in her spare time
Trevor is a science teacher in santalune city whilst Tierno teaches dance at the same school
Viola and Grant are married (one of the first in the league to get married)
Alexa actually took over her sister as the gym leader when she retired early
Viola now just freelances her way through life and enjoy every second of being a bug momma
Grant is still a gym leader and has won plenty of competitions for his climbing
Ramos has fully retired and is living his best life on a farm somewhere in Kalos I like to think
Korrina eventually becomes one of the elite four
She’s won plenty of medals for her rollerblading as well
She’s also starting up her own little tournaments for trainers who want to get stronger
Valerie continues to design, becoming well known across the poke world which means she ends up travelling loads
Bonnie takes over Clemont’s gym when he ends up moving to Kanto for university
Drasna and Olympia are happily married and are living together in Anistar citywith their adopted daughter Marie (she’s in her 20s!)
Wulfric retired and his family live with him in snowbelle his eldest Lucille took up his mantle as gym leader
Siebold retired to travel the world for inspiration (hence why Korrina stepped up to fill his shoes)
Wikstrom now lives in Laverre city with his husband and son (who’ll take on his role when wikstrom believes he’s ready!)
Malva now resides in Santalune city, she’s vibing really no one knows what’s the fuck it is she does but she causes chaos still
Her neice Magda has been staying with her though
Diantha has become a very popular writer, her fantasy series is one of the best selling books
She also directs films from time to time
Augustine is chilling in alola for a while no one in the league knows if he’ll come back
He sends postcards to everyone though, they love him for it
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Lr/GymLeaderConspiracies 8 mo ago by VeilDrifter582
Is Gym Leader Clay Secretly a Sableye?
I know how it sounds, but I'm serious about this. I was walking by one of the construction sites in Driftveil and I swear I saw Gym Leader Clay pull a purple rock out of his pocket and put it in his mouth! I even managed to take a picture, look!
[Picture ID: a picture taken at medium distance of some Driftveil Mining construction workers and Clay. Clay is holding what seems to be a purple, rock-like object. End ID.]
I talked to a friend from Hoenn, and they said that Sableye eat precious gems as part of their diet!! So what if that's what Clay is?? A Sableye posing as a human to get more gems to eat!!
⬆️ 28⬇️ 💬 4
TinFoilPokeBall, 8 mo ago
Considering Allister of Stow-on-Side in Galar is definitely a ghost and Valerie of Laverre is 100% proven to be a Fae (check out my MewTube videos about them [here] and [here]), I can absolutely see that happening. Let us know if you see him eating other kinds of rocks OP!
KindSpirited368, 6 mo ago
Sableye are Ghost types. If he's taken on the guise of a human miner, imagine what sort of person he must've been like before he died. Do you think he died in a mine collapse? Because if so, wow. Wonder if his soul is bound to the mine, it'd explain why people don't see him aboveground much. Poor guy.
HardCoreOre, 5 mo ago
Humans can't actually eat rocks OP. Clay (the actual earthy clay) sure, but that's an old as hell medical thing. It's more likely he was eating some sort of mineral salt? Though why he would eat it in a chunk that big is beyond me.
AlcremieAndSugar, 3 mo ago
OMFA this Loudreddit thread is insane. Guys. Guys. ROCK CANDY EXISTS.
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draftingteacups · 1 year
How do you it looks like if soni take twst boys to the shop where gym leader valerie's design are there?
Been a while since I've answered one of these, but I would think that this happens during the Kalos trip if only because that makes the most logistical sense.
In that way, Soni would be made to talk about the difference with Valerie's clothing, which is stylized Johto clothing in the perception of Kalosian fashion, and the fashion that comes from Johto being more formal and potentially just as fashionable in a different way. There's a different type of beauty in both styles that makes sense for both regions, so I really think Crewel and Vil would love to know the difference.
They both get invested in the talk that Valerie herself brings up, causing them to go for hours on end, talking on the topic over dinner and such.
I can see Deuce wanting to dress up Happiny in those Laverre outfits because they're very cutesy-oriented. Milcery would probably be given one of those fun little travel mugs as a sleeping bed, the biggest one that they have to account for a potential mini pillow? It's something that I've been wanting to put in the fic proper but I don't know when's the right time but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That being said, Epel would do his best to avoid stepping into that shop, especially with how Vil and Valerie are talking about outfits. As I type this, I think of Bunny Event Epel
And of course, Rook just complimenting the outfits because that's just the way that Rook rolls.
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professor-elm · 5 months
ROUND 8: Which Gym design is cooler?
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moonlight-eternal · 9 days
I must not read the entire Silmarillion. Reading the entire Silmarillion is the little distraction which brings total detour from the path of pokemon training. I will face my desire to stay in Dendemille Town until I have read the entire Silmarillion. I will allow it to pass over me and through me. And where the desire to read the entire Silmarillion has gone, only I will remain.
...I will be leaving town soon, as I have spent far too long here already. I have two options: the capital Lumiose, or a smaller town in the north called Laverre. While I am curious about the center of civilization in this region, I do believe Laverre may be the better option, as should I pass it by, I may not return for quite some time – and there is a gym there upon which to test my strength. I shall set out upon Route 15 as soon as I have packed my things.
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Best Underdog From Laverre Gym 🎖️🦋6️⃣
Round 2 - Match 1
Our Contestants:
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This poll is part of an event that allows the early eliminees from the main tournament have more time in the spotlight!
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We're moving on tomorrow. We have to. Fluttershy has been resisting a little, still hoping Twilight will come back to Laverre, but it's been a few days now and I really don't think she will. And if she does come looking, she can use rotomblr to find us.
To Anistar next, I guess. Skipping the gym here for now, maybe we'll come back once Fluttershy's in a better state. Supposedly the leader here, Valerie, taught herself to speak to pokemon like Fluttershy can? Some types, anyway. I want to meet her and see if she can help me with the reverse, but that's definitely a less pressing issue than whatever Lysandre and Twilight might be getting up to these days.
Calem said the Professor is in Anistar City now and called all the kids there to see something, and I hope I can convince Fluttershy to go with them. She's really not been doing great and I don't know how to help, besides like… lots of hugs. That always helps. But picking up a psychic typing didn't give me a therapy degree or anything. All I can really do is just be around when she needs someone to cuddle or cry on, and that will have to be enough.
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Im sure if you were to visit you would find that my gym… IS INCREDIBLY SAFE! 🦇🦇🦇👻👻😈😈😈😈😈😈
And we do have days without special effects and side paths for those who don’t wish to participate in the scary parts. 😌
~The TERRIFYING Viktor Stoker, Laverre City
Thank you for keeping your gym safe and accessible! Though I'll have to come visit in order to make sure.
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A guardian hmm? I wonder what you would do if I were to…. SCARE YOU~?
~ Viktor Stoker, Laverre City
Oh hello-! Hah-Well, I try my best to guard Lumiose City. As for you-I’ve looked into your gym, I must admit-I hadn’t thought of a dual gym track in Laverre before, I’ll have to ‘investigate’ myself!
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How has your day been? :>
~ Viktor Stoker, Laverre City
Pretty chill, though that's mostly due to me chilling in the lab Sada and Turo had and the universe I'm in being in a post-Sca/Vio story state.
Well well, a Ghost gym leader that plays into our spooky nature, how cute.
Gastly, no-
Gasia please don't-
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