aletheialed · 8 months
Edgeworth doesn't know how Wright does it.
Being a defense attorney is an... utterly thankless job. He's thought to himself on more than one occasion over the past few days that he needs to give Phoenix more credit for everything he does, because he's certainly been seeing him in a new light as of late. It's not like Edgeworth hasn't always been impressed by him, though. To him, Wright is...
...Well. That's a topic for another day. At least Edgeworth's back to acting as a prosecutor again now, and everything's finally settling down. Though whenever he thinks of the danger that Wright was in just a few days ago, almost losing his life... it makes Edgeworth's stomach twist in anxiety, and he can only remind himself that what he should be feeling now isn't fear, but relief.
There is... one other thing, though. Something that's been creeping up on his thoughts, that he's constantly forced to think about even when he desperately wants to pretend it's not there. And that... is the topic of the supernatural. Starting with the moment when he was given the magatama, and ending with him being witness to an honest-to-god spirit channeling... Edgeworth didn't really have the time or opportunity to be shocked back then, but when he thinks about it all now, sometimes it feels like his whole world is being turned upside-down.
Perhaps that's a bit dramatic, but... how else can he describe the feeling of realizing that that everything he thought he knew about the world - how it works, what's possible and impossible - has been a lie? On top of that, it feels like his mind keeps drifting back to the topic even more than it should be, as of late... it's frustrating, and though he won't admit it to himself - there's something more there, too. A kind of fear buried deep inside him. A strange sense of something being unearthed. It's... as if the moment he took that magatama, something awakened inside him that he can't yet understand...
...What ridiculous notions.
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"Wright. You know, you really should be resting." While Edgeworth knows that Phoenix was given the all-clear from the hospital a while back, he can't help but say it anyway. "I've had a hard enough time adjusting myself. You're not still carrying that magatama around, are you?"
@lawbnd ( starter! )
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bornbreathless-archive · 10 months
@lawbnd from here
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geeze. what a way to wake somebody up. groggy eyes peak open; left one first as he squints, then the right one as char stares at him with her own wide eyes. he can't tell whether it's genuine fear in them or annoyance over this supposed corpse lay flat across her livingroom. oh. that wasn't where he had placed her. " you think if she really was dead i'd be this calm about it? " he retorts, getting comfortable upon the sofa once again by completing melting into the cushions behind, hoodie shrinking him even more. the corpse in question, trucy, didn't stirr once throughout this exchange. doing a 48 hour charity event nearby tired her out more than any attempt phoenix had tried and thus, she had taken to sleeping anywhere she could. although he could swear she'd been placed elsewhere. as for why they found themselves in char's flat was pretty easy to figure out. " truce wanted to visit but you were out. that's fake blood on her. honestly such poor hospitality from her favourite aunt, we'll be leaving a TripAdvisor review. "
If only Phoenix knew how much of a feat it was to nearly give a dead woman a heart attack.
He's right, of course, she knows that he wouldn't be taking a nap on her sofa if Trucy was really dead on the floor, but that doesn't mean that a moderately-hungover Char had processed that particular fact quick enough to cut-off the initial split-second horror at seeing the kid sprawled out on the rug. Covered in blood, no less!
She scowls, though there's no real anger behind it as she throws her handbag at Phoenix from where she crouches next to the not-dead Trucy. "Book in advance next time, I'll make sure to get the coffin reupholstered." Not her best quip but again, moderately hungover, cut her some slack. Char gently scoops the sleeping Trucy up into her arms and deposits her on the other sofa, drawing a blanket over her before she flops dramatically down next to Phoenix. "Care to explain why she's covered in fake blood?"
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bonescribes · 9 months
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@lawbnd: Jesus, have you been awake the entire night?
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simon fixes the attorney with a glare , silent . a part of him hopes that his irritation will do the talking for him -- but , then again , this is wright . intimidation may be effective on a superficial level , but no further . regardless , simon's never been fond of people pointing out his insomnia , and the lack of rest only drives his annoyance to levels beyond anything the other man truly deserves . simon doesn't have it in him to be fair with his emotions , right now .
" i slept , " he replies gruffly . it technically isn't a lie -- sleep , even only minutes , is sleep . " i'm still quite functional , i assure you . "
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murmursdraconic · 5 months
i'm not logged in but you'd better bet im sending
for drgnbld >:)
Your Muse Thoughts [Accepting]
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"I am not a great person, but without Oton, I would be a terrible person. I love him a lot. I just wish he would qork less and take more time off. We haven't been camping in ages and I miss him. The world wasn't kind to me when I was a teenager, but I am glad he was there. I think my Dad would be really proud of him and thankful for helping take care of me and all my bullshit. He was super proud of that cape he got me. It makes for a good travel blanket. One of these days, I am making him go on a two week vacation so we can do our dragon studies again.
As for the other guy...
"Wataru... if he ever impersonates my Oton again, I am removing kindness from my morals. I will make sure he never sees the end of consequence. I will make sure he is never able to sit up, let alone stand up to me and him ever again. I will rip him down piece by piece until he can't so much as gasp for mercy. He may have tried to kill me, but no one hurts anyone I care about."
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experthiese · 8 months
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@lawbnd asked: ❛ so, to what do i owe this pleasure? ❜ he says, poker game already set up knowing.
❝ I missed your company. ❞
The answer comes easily, the same thing Lupin says every time he decides to drop in. He's sure they both know it's not true.
For while the master thief considers himself a great deal more sociable than the bulk of criminals that gather here, even he can't pretend that he's been drawn in solely by the allure of stunning conversation. No, he's here to blow through a suspicious amount of cash with no questions asked, and to hopefully end the night with a beautiful woman clinging to his side and all too happy to accompany him back to his hotel suite.
And so he sits where he usually does, one arm thrown carelessly over the back of the chair. No point in dragging out the pleasantries: they both know what he's here for.
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❝ I've heard it said luck's a fickle lady. Let's see if you have what it takes to stay in her favour. ❞
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caramelcuniculus · 8 months
"have you ever imagined yourself being part of these adventures?" for professor layton (i've not played any other game but the vs phoenix wright one ghjdhs)
"If you'll allow me to be honest, not at first." Which was the truth. When he first started his academic career, or really his years attending university, Hershel wasn't the overly-adventurous type. Even when some time had passed ever since he began his archaeological teachings, he didn't venture too far out of his comfort zone. The only real exception then would be the occasional visit to dig sites, but their enclosed nature could argue not being counted. It was enough for him then, but the requests from outside his areas of work began being mailed to his front door. The last thing he would ever do is turn down such pleas. And here he was now.
"I would barely call myself even an explorer around a decade ago. Research and study were my expertise, and I had no plans of changing it. However, I'd eventually receive letters requesting my presence, which has lead me to the journey I'm accompanying you with today. Time is quite the fickle thing, isn't it?" There was something underlying hidden underneath the small smile Hershel presented Phoenix with, but he turned his head away to face the path ahead of both of them to avoid that conversation.
A moment of silence fell between the two as they continued walking for a time. Then, the professor broke the quietness. "What of you, Mister Wright? Has this path always been a goal of yours, or has Lady Luck dealt you an unexpected hand?"
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colorosen · 9 months
@lawbnd asked : " Young and hip people don’t have to say that they’re young and hip. " - for Ema!
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❝ i've never once claimed i was YOUNG and HIP, i'm pretty sure that was all you.
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SHE ADORED WHEN SHE GOT TO SPEND TIME WITH PHOENIX, especially since she has been dragged around to crime scenes like no ones business the last month and haven't had a chance to catch up with the defense attorney. but it was moments like these where she questioned as to WHY she remained friends with him.
❝ and don't worry nick... NO ONE is thinking you're young and hip.
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journcys · 10 months
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Let’s talk about APOLLO JUSTICE.
Apollo works with Phoenix Wright ( @lawbnd ) in the Johto/Unova regions.
Apollo lived in Unova since he was nine years old. However, After meeting Phoenix and co, he has travelled to other regions. He considers Johto almost like a second home.
As a child he grew up in an unknown region. ( meaning idk what the khura’in equivalent in pokeverse would be yet lmao ). He was raised by a man named Dhurke Sahdmadhi until he was 9 after being separated from his mother and unable to find her. Dhurke felt it was too dangerous for Apollo to stay in his region and had sent him back to Unova where Apollo was forced to take care of himself.
Apollo was abandoned at a young age ( his father was murdered when he was an infant and that’s when dhurke started raising him ) and sometimes comes off as vain, sarcastic and self conscious. He’s kind, though, and had become more grounded since he’s done more cases. He met his mother later in life.
Apollo mostly specializes in flying type Pokémon. His ace Pokémon is his Braviary ( ♂lvl 54 ). The rest of his team consists of Staraptor ( ♂lvl 52 ), Pidgeot (♀ lvl 50 ) and Noctowl ( ♀ lvl 49 ). He also has a Rowlett, Natu and Tailow who are not battle ready.
Apollo also has a Stoutland ( ♂ lvl 70 ) named Holmes, who is battle retired. He has had Holmes since he was in law school—he was adopted from a Pokémon adoption program after being abandoned. He is old, slow, and prefers to sleep all day at the office, however he is very healthy. He doesn’t seem to mind Trucy putting her hat or capes on him but he can get Snippy with Phoenix’s Boltund sometimes. Overall he is a very chill and friendly old dog.
Apollo’s old mentor, Kristoph Gavin, ended up being a murderer and that whole scenario still gives him night terrors sometimes. He’s gotten better, but they still sneak up on him.
Apollo is friends with his old mentors brother, Klavier Gavin, even if Klavier annoys him faster then Phoenix seems to. Klavier is also a prosecutor. It’s great.
He’s a guy doing his best.
Short king at 5’5”.
The bracelet that Apollo wears tightens around his wrist when he notices nervous habits in people that would be subtle to most. This proves that Apollo has a psychic ability, regardless of it being quite small in psychic ability standards. To use this ability, both of his eyes must be locked onto the other person.
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aletheialed · 10 months
"What do you think, Daddy?"
Trucy's voice sounds so innocent and earnest, but if you look closely, there's strong hint of mischief hidden behind her smile as she shows Phoenix the letter she's holding in her hand. To be precise, it's a love letter, signed anonymously, one that Trucy found mysteriously addressed to her only this morning.
And what would be a better idea than showing Phoenix? Honestly, Trucy doesn't know how he might react at all, but she's sure it'll be well worth seeing his reaction. She is his darling daughter, after all. Though maybe there's a part of her... that's genuinely curious as to his thoughts on it all, too.
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"To be honest, I'm not very impressed... but don't you think the effort they put in is worth responding to? I wonder who the writer might be?"
@lawbnd ( starter! )
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" don't be scared. i'm going to take care of this. i promise. " / >:)
If she's honest, she hasn't paid much attention in the past ten minutes or so. The whole day has been a bit of a blur to be honest; from the arrest to being booked to being told that her attorney was here to...well...
Char knows that they must have crossed paths in the hallway; hell, she'd be surprised if Phoenix hadn't heard her yelling at the guy from the other end of the building. And she wishes that it wouldn't be an issue, but it will be, won't it?
He needs to know.
She realises that he's speaking and she blinks, hurriedly playing back the past few moments in her head before offering as much of a grin as she can muster. "Why would I be scared? I've got nothing to worry about, with the great Phoenix Wright attorney at law defending me, right?" It feels a little weak even to her own ears, no matter how much she truly believes it, and she sighs. Eyes dropping to instead focus on her fingers twisting in her lap.
"Look, I...you know that I trust you, right? And, and I know that you can do this, but there's something you need to know before you agree to help me, and I totally get it if...if you don't want to once you know, okay?" Char pauses, hesitates. "...how much do you know about the Hargreeves family?"
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drgnbld · 9 months
completely forgot i did away with my icons so I could redo them >:( i'm gonna be taking a relatively small hiatus from the dash as I collect myself both personally & get everything of Lance together. I'm in a terrible state of mind & i know when I need to take a step back.
as always, you can find me on d!scord at timelxcked with my name being "jacob frye protection squad" (see below) where i'm attempting to be more sociable this year. you can also find me writing phoenix over on @lawbnd a bit more. :)
see you in a few days!
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murmursdraconic · 8 months
📂📂 have two, for the hc meme. :)
HC Meme I forgor [Accepting]
While Shay has been in a previous relationship, she has never been on a date. She doesn't quite understand that social concept, it confuses her.
Despite the woman being a victim of more Pokemon bites than the local world record holder, she has only been to the hospital twice. Both times were when she was in a near critical emergency. Spoiler alert: she lived.
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hikarimatsumot0 · 8 years
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Military K ⚬ Aesthetic ⚬
Me as Munakata Reisi
Lawbnd as Suoh Mikoto 
Photo by NeeYumi
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neeyumicosplayer · 7 years
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Pisces and Cancer Casual ❤
Me as Aphrodite @lawbnd as Death Mask Photo by Haru Photo Club
✿⊰ Instagram: @NeeYumi | ✿⊰ Twitter: @NeeYumi
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aletheialed · 4 months
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"I can't believe it! What do they know?"
Trucy is clearly fuming as she talks aloud to herself; her arms folded defensively across her chest. Even though it's been several hours since she first became upset, she still can't stop herself being bothered, and that frustrates her almost as much as everything else.
When she's talked badly about, she can deal with that. It's not a hugely common occurrence - Trucy is neither popular nor unpopular at school, and is certainly thought of as odd - but she prefers it that way, and there's plenty of people who've fallen for her charms over time. But when the one they're insulting is Phoenix, too...
"Oh! Daddy!" she exclaims suddenly, just having noticed him moving behind her. Turning around to face him, she quickly plasters a smile on her face, and tries to play it off.
"You can't sneak up on me like that! Who knows what might happen next time? Tee hee!"
@lawbnd ( starter for nick! )
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in my arms.
get hugged, idiot (affectionate).
Where is he, where is he where is he-
Rapid footsteps ring out across the tile as she hurries down the corridor, peering into every open doorway as she passes and trailing apologies behind her. She hates hospitals, has always hated them and done everything in her power never to have to set foot in one.
Phoenix, of course, has always been a spanner in the works.
She's just about to give up and start haranguing nurses when she catches sight of a familiar spiky head of hair through a doorway and almost skids to a stop.
"What the fuck were you thinking?" Char strides into the room, throwing her gloves straight at Phoenix's head as she goes. An outburst that would probably be more effective if there weren't already tears gathering in her eyes, waves of anger and relief crashing against each other, and her voice cracks as she continues. "I know your name is Phoenix but you're not f-fireproof you fucking idiot, you could have d-died-"
That's where she has to pause, whining frustratedly into her hands as she roughly scrubs the tears from her face before she looks up again. And sees him, looking half-frozen in his hospital bed, holding his arms out. Half a sob breaks free right as she surges forward and wraps her arms tightly around him, probably taking up too much of the too-small bed in the process. She sniffles and tucks her head against his shoulder. "I swear to god, don't you ever scare me like that again, you understand me? I'm the only one who gets to run out onto burning bridges in this friendship."
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