#Lawrence’s Clone
Bro Company Part 2
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“Stephen Amell! Welcome to the party”
“You are honored guest.”
“Oh! Am I the best?”
“Do you surrender willingly to me?”
“I am the man of the world.”
“Then join the party”
“Here is champagne”
“Mmmmm…delicious “
“Sit at the honors table”
“I’ll see you later”
“Thank you sir “
“Everyone welcome Stephan”
“Hey everyone! I Stephen”
“I am ddddrrrrrruuuuunnnnkkkk”
“My Man, Master Lawrence “
“Sir Yes Sir”
“Hey Robbie”
“Join me”
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Colton Haynes is hot on fire watching Steph party on top of tables slowly unbuttoning all his buttons.
He is so damn hot spinning around shaking his ass hard and showing off how sexy he is.
Someone swatted his ass hard to his mega surprise running off the table as he takes a leap.
“I am so damn sexy”
“Colton come over here”
“Take sip”
“Someone grab him”
“Don’t move, stop fighting”
“Let me pour down his throat”
“Stephen stop!”
“Oooohhhhh! FUCK!”
“I am so hard, hot”
“You are breaking me”
“Sir Baby Sir”
“Do you love me?”
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“Robbie is high a kite”
“Oh My God!”
“Look at him spin out of control”
The end
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just-bendy · 1 year
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[ Sammy and Sunny are not available for asks. ]
(( full comic ))
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clonedchaos · 6 days
Machine Memories- Day 3: Hoax
Sammy defies Wilson’s news. His Lord, the most powerful and influential being in this realm— dead? Impossible.
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Rating: G/PG
”Children of the machine, have we not suffered enough? Our Lord has been slain, from the hands of an outsider. Will we suffer this injustice?? Will we bow our heads to a false ruler?? Or will we stand by our Lord? Will we search every corner of this world to find him, if alive-- as I can feel he is?? Heed my words, sheep. The Ink Demon is not dead. He is still with us, waiting to free us from our inky prisons. We must free him! We must usurp this threat to our sanctity! We must free our Lord!”
The Lost Ones gathered in the city streets below Sammy chorused their agreement, holding their weapons and fists high. Axes and pipes held at the ready, his followers were devoted in their cause. And what was their cause? Bring back their savior, the one who will finally put an end to their ink-stained hell— The Ink Demon.
Sammy’s fingers curled tighter around the axe’s hilt. There was no time to dither about. From the moment one of Wilson’s posters had been strewn up in the music department, Sammy knew he had to act. The visceral hatred towards this outsider had come to a head, and Sammy had his followers to back his conviction.
Such faith egged him onwards towards Wilson’s hideout. The man was rumored to hole himself in behind the boarded-up entrance of the Gent Factory.
Peculiar, he couldn’t recall when this location had sprung up. Had it always been here? Merely tucked away and veiled from prying eyes? Or was there something more to it?
Sammy reached the wooden boards and held up a hand for his followers. They obeyed the unspoken gesture— such loyal little sheep they were.
The musician brandished his brass axe with the back of his hand before bringing it down on the boards. It cut through smooth as butter. With a bit more demolition, there was enough room for him and his followers to flood into the next room.
Wilson was right there. Not hiding like he had anticipated, merely standing at the top of the steps with a malignant gleam in his eye. Two mechanical beasts flanked him, their spotlights scouring across him and his group like hungry dogs. Perhaps he had made too much clamor in the street. Not ideal cover for a sneak attack.
Sammy pointed the tip of his axe toward the man. “Blasphemer! What have you done to our lord?” He demanded, his voice carrying across the wide-open ceiling.
Wilson regarded him coolly with that same glint in his eye but refused to speak. 
How dare he look down on him like dirt! He was the Lord’s prophet, not a position he took lightly by any means. What he deserved was respect.
Sammy gritted his teeth. “For all the lies and false promises you circulated across this inky hellscape, it is time for you to pay the price, my little sheep. Our Lord is calling for us, even now. Can you hear him? I can still feel his presence. He will come for you.”
Wilson regarded him with an almost pensive expression, like he was only a lab rat for him to study. Then, with a snap of his fingers, the Keeper at his side lunged for Sammy. Rivulets of red raced across the Keeper's chest in a burst of color that had the musician briefly stunned.
In a rush of adrenaline, Sammy just barely managed to bring his axe down atop the Keeper's hand. The mechanical horror screeched, a sound that pierced his eardrums like nails on a chalkboard. It uncurled its other arm-- it had two of them? Sammy was grabbed by the throat and lifted into the air. His axe clattered against the floorboards. The weapon wouldn't be able to aid him anyhow, the Keeper had a grip like iron.
As he kicked and thrashed, his anger came to a full boil. "Heed my words, outsider! You do not know what you've done; Bendy will rise again! Our Lord would not abandon us! So kill me if you must! My words are true!"
Wilson appeared to chuckle at that. His followers watched helplessly; not wanting to risk their own skin for his sake, obviously. No matter. He would be a sacrifice. A sacrifice in the name of his savior.
"Kill you? No," Wilson finally croaked with a wicked sneer. "I have a different plan in mind, my dear Cycle breaker."
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
Y'all am I the only person who wants to see how Cut and Sue came to be a couple? Like I'm really invested about how they came to be. Hunter was clearly impressed by her shooting skills and which normal ass civvie is trained in shooting as well as her.
Soooooo.....is there the possibility that Sue was a bounty hunter prior and Cut just one day met her and was like :Imma wife her fuck the republic.
Or had they been a secret couple until Sue got pregnant with their first kid and Cut really wanted to see his children grow up, not wanting to let the oppertunity go waste to be more than just a trooper bred for war? I NEED TO KNOW ! YOU HERE ME DAVE FILONI?!
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clipsmix · 1 year
what are the odds
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warpofconfusion · 1 year
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‘Janet Jackson’s n*pple slip,
Rap rock is no longer hip,
Marvel movies, Taylor Swift,
Bill Cosby, GOOGLE IT!’
I’ve missed you, Clone High.
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Leander! Is! Finally! Getting! Designed!
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samuraiedgedchance · 2 years
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queerlybelovdd · 1 year
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tertiaryunit · 1 year
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I told you guys there was nothing going on in the previous WIP and that it was just a bad crop. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mind you this is how Walton sees things. It's totally Lawrence's fault he makes him "weak" so that he "has to indulge". Definitely not Walton victimizing himself to justify how he treats Lawrence. /s
Also no matter how contrite Walton looks, he's literally holding Lawrence himself lmao. Very "I don't want this" for sure /s
Larry does look pretty with his butler fit tho.
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Bro Company Part 1
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The Bro Company is a corporation of mine k created as a silent partner traveling around the world to find the hottest celebrities to clone.
Throwing a major party for three days on a parked yacht on the seas of Australia two of The Hemsworth brothers are partying so hard in the summer.
Chris is so hot in a white suit, sexy clothes and smooth shoes dancing all over the place the music blast so loud I can barely hear it.
I watch from a private area in the lower deck having my agents roam to make sure none of the shitty Epstein shit reverberates on to my operation.
It’s perfect that I paid so many people to join
the crew brainwashing them for a exclusive amount of time.
The crew parties with him serving hardcore drinks as he dances on the table and dance her ass off.
The young lady tailing him breaks out in a super sexy dance and sultry song grabbing him by the waist.
She picks a needle off the table holding it in cuff hand behind him, she winks at me in a silly smirk.
“One…Two…Three” she shouts. “Wait! Why are you screaming?”he adds before she hits him hard plunging the needle in.
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“What the hell did you do to me?” Chris yell’s holding his neck.
“All I did is give a drug shot.” She sweetly adds.
“Fuck! Get off me bitch.” He shouts.
“Or what bitch?” She replies.
“Bastard! Who put you up to this?”
“Master Lawrence acquired me.”
“For what?”
“To acquire you and your bother.”
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“Chris! Anybody seen my brother?”
“Yeah! He went down that corridor to the dance floor.”
“Head down the hall.”
“What the fuck? Let me go.”
“You will change your attitude soon”
“Aaaaahhhhhhhhh! FUCK!”
“I feel so calm! I want to dance baby”
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Liam woke up groggy next to his half dead wayward brother drunk off of his own mind and my drunk.
Liam sits up in his bed sighing loudly he rolls his eyes, shaking his head in utter disgust of it all.
It is a sad twist of faith for him holding his head in his hands shaking his head he slips on to his feet.
He turns to face the mirror in the bathroom he washes his face in the sink and stood up staring in to it.
He places his hand in his hair feeling the cold water drip down his face and he could
tell something is off.
“Liam! Can you hear me?”
“Yes Master”
“Answer me properly “
“Sir Yes Sir”
“My love.”
The end
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just-bendy · 1 year
ok now I gotta ask, where's Sammy and sunny rn?
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(( sammy and sunny are unavailable for asks but here they are having some of bob's hot dogs! ))
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clonedchaos · 10 hours
Machine Memories- Day 9: Record
Sammy loses his prized record.
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Rating: G/PG
Fain poked his head up from the floor, ink dripping off his chin and pooling onto the wood below. 
Sammy was in a frenzy, racing back and forth and upturning tables in his wake. He cursed and mumbled to himself, got on his knees to look under a couch, then back tracked over toward the tables again.
Fain glided over to him like an inky slug. He reached up and grabbed his hand.
Sammy visibly jumped and wrenched his hand free. “Fain? God! You know better than to sneak up on me!” He berated with a clenched jaw. The man looked stir-crazy— if Fain was being honest with himself.
He moaned and tilted his head, careful not to let his fedora hat slip off. He then pointed towards the tornado that had ripped through the music department and repeated the sound.
Sammy crossed his arms, tapped his foot against the floor, and tightened his jaw. “My record. I lost it.”
Fain groaned. The music department was full of records… It was a music department.
”Don’t give me that attitude,” Sammy continued, catching onto the intonation. “It’s my record… the one from outside the machine. It’s gone.”
Now they were getting somewhere.
Fain burbled to himself and crawled back into the floorboards, leaving an agitated Sammy behind.
Fain slithered back through the puddles and into the music department lounge. Sammy was lying sprawled on a couch, head propped up on the arm rest. His violin sat nestled under his chin, softly emanating a somber tune.
Not at all enchanting, whimsical, or lively. Quite the opposite. He grumbled. Figures, Sammy was currently moping. Which meant- the Blues. Not at all Fain’s first choice of genre, but it’s not like Sammy had asked him that. The musician had to be the most melodramatic being in the studio in his humble opinion… Second only to maybe Alice.
He slithered forward and prodded Sammy’s shoulder.
”Not now, Fain. Let me wallow in my despair like the poor sheep I’ve become,” He responded pitifully and continued the melancholic ditty.
Fain would be rolling his eyes if he had any. He groaned and prodded him again.
”Fain, I said—“
Over and over he poked him. Sammy finally sat up, face obscured behind his mask. His voice hardened. “What in the world has gotten into you?” 
Finally. Fain reached his hands through the floorboards and pulled out a record. Sammy’s record.
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theworkprint · 1 year
Exit Strategies, Entrance Exams On A Very Special Clone High Season Finale
It's put up or shut up for the student body vying for the opportunity to attend totally not at all suspicious Clone High College. We also check in with Mr. Butlertron. Spoiler: Dude lived wild.
Review In the penultimate episode, “For Your Consideration”, Principal Scudworth (Phil Lord) takes advantage of the Annual Crab Fest for the Board of Shadow Figures to propose “Cloney Island”, a pet project introduced in episode 2 of MTV’s original series, but it’s of little consequence. The event was a formality to open the floor for ideas, but since Cinnamon shanked it, Candide Sampson (Christa…
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clipsmix · 2 years
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rickchung · 1 year
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Clone High (prod. Erica Rivinoja).
Max’s revival of the beloved cult 2003 Canadian adult animated sitcom is just as fresh and silly as ever as it picks up exactly where the MTV series left off. Our unfrozen sexy teen clones of historical figures catch up on twenty years of pop culture past while balancing their satire of adolescent melodrama hilariously. It’s intriguing how the weird premise has aged surprisingly well.
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