#Le Père Noël est une ordure
dagonet · 2 years
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Le Père Noël est une ordure (1982) réal. Jean-Marie Poiré
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Josiane Balasko as Marie-Ange Musquin in Le Père Noël est une ordure (1982)
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lalounia · 9 months
I wanna draw so much "le père noël est une ordure" but alas I have no time rn.
Christian Clavier is top tier in this movie. And the aesthetic.
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semena--mertvykh · 1 year
Où notre héroïne a un gros béguin
Samedi soir à boire des mojitos avec Valérie, à Savigny-sur-Orge, en pleine vague de froid.
Savigny, ses richesses architecturales, son rayonnement culturel.
On a trottiné dans la nuit et les néons laiteux jusqu'au seul bar un peu classe du coin, pour le plaisir de se répéter la vanne immortelle de Lolita : "Heureusement qu'il y a du brouillard, çà cache un peu les crétins qui vivent ici".
Je voulais lui parler de cette histoire avec les boulets de la classe, qui me tombe sur le pied au moment où j'en ai le moins besoin ; et puis finalement, on s'est retrouvées à parler de Prof Sexy toute la soirée. Elle est heureuse en ménage et les fixettes de célibataires doivent lui rappeler des souvenirs.
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Le calcul que je traînais dans les reins, depuis l'après-midi, irradiait d'heure en d'heure, et elle m'a proposé de rouler un spliff en sortant. Elle a insisté pour qu'on le fume dans la voiture - "Thierry va me prendre la tête sinon" - alors on est restées devant son pavillon, dans sa petite rue transie, à attendre que çà fasse effet et que je puisse reprendre la route. On voit bien que ce ne sont pas des pavillons riches qu'il y a dans sa rue, certains ressemblent même plutôt à de petits immeubles mitoyens ; mais enfin, c'est déjà quelque chose. Une jardinière sur la façade de devant, un jardinet-couloir derrière : le début de l'accession à la propriété. On déglutissait, chaque fois qu'on tirait sur le cône, parce qu'elle l'avait bien chargé, et on soufflait la fumée par les vitres entrouvertes.
On essayait d'imaginer avec quel genre de fille Sexy était maqué. Val le voyait avec une bourge toute refaite de partout, le genre "Grande connasse, blonde en carton, les nichons sous le menton et le chihuahua dans les bras, genre le clébard il pose jamais les pattes par terre". J'ai dit que je le voyais bien cerné par des tas de doctorantes jeunes et sexy qui se battaient à coup de tablettes, en mode Matrix, pour obtenir une audience avec lui. Je sais pas si c'est les mojitos ou le THC, mais visualiser la scène nous a bien fait marrer. On a convenu ensuite que la réalité devait être un mix des deux.
Après, on a essayé de se mettre d'accord sur la chanson à lui envoyer pour lui faire comprendre mes intentions - des chansons de Q, évidemment. Les grandes idées humaines ne naissent jamais après un verre de jus d'orange. Elle voulait que je lui donne son mail pour lui envoyer le clip de Fatal Bazooka
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Je lui ai dit que c'était un message subtil mais que, si elle voulait coller à ma réalité, il valait mieux lui envoyer les paroles de Hey Lover, de LL Cool J.
Elle m'a encore proposé de dormir chez eux, mais je savais que j'allais être réveillée à 7h par leur bouledogue - rebaptisé le Chien Le Plus Con De La Planète depuis qu'il avait essayé de s'accoupler avec un kilo de pommes de terre en filet ; et encore après, à 7h30, par Enzo, leur fils de cinq ans. Je n'avais pas envie que : "Vas-y casse-toi le chien" sois la première phrase qui sorte de ma bouche un dimanche matin. Je ne sais pas pourquoi tout ce qui est en état de marche, à 7h, dans cette maison, n'a rien de mieux à faire que de venir étaler ses jouets gluants sur mon oreiller.
En rentrant, j'ai reçu le sms de Valérie qui me demandait si j'avais croisé des flics sur la route. Je lui ai écrit que tout était ok, que je gardais mon permis. Sa réponse m'a collé le sourire d'une oreille à l'autre :
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caleblandrybones · 1 year
41, 46, 50. For the ask game
i don't drink coffee it's yucky :(
well you know what this one got me thinking, i don't really have a movie that i specifically watch around christmas time. but last december i watched one for the first time, santa et cie, and even though i didn't go in with a lot of expectations it was really cute :) so i'll say that one
baby feel free to tag me wherever ❤️
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mask131 · 3 days
You know how there is a tendency by the USA industries to copy famous British shows? The Office. Ghosts. Skins. Being Human. Shameless. Queer as Folk. Men Behaving Badly. All these shows have a UK vs US version. And everybody keeps talking about the differences and comparisons. It is such a well-known and documented phenomenon that Wikipedia has a FRIGGIN' LIST of American shows based on English ones (here it is if you want to check it out). They even tried to do an American Absolutely Fabulous! Can you believe that? There is an unpicked pilot out there for an American "AbFab" show! Crazy...
There is however a very similar phenomenon nobody talks about (probably because it does not involve English-speaking media, hence why people are less interested in this).
Turns out there is quite a handful of American movies "based" (cough cough) on French movies! Ranging from straight-up remakes to rip-offs "inspired by".
Recently, as I was looking at a video dissecting some American comedies that failed at the box-office, I discovered this movie:
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"Dinner for Schmucks". Released in 2010. Just by looking at the movie's title and poster I already knew what it was about and could tell you all about it. No, not because I watched it - but because this is actually an American copy of one of the most famous French comedies of the 90s: "Le dîner de cons"
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Jay Roach, "Dinner for Schmucks" director, denied any claim that his movie was a remake of the French one. He said it was merely "inspired" by Le dîner de cons. But it is pretty HEAVILY influenced if you ask me.
You must understand that Le dîner de cons is still to this day considered one of the great classics of French comedy. It was a movie adaptation of a theater play of the same name. The same guy did the theater play and the movie (Francis Veber), and the same guy played the titular "Schmuck" in both media: Jacques Villeret. Jacques Villeret whose role in Le dîner de cons stays his most memorable and iconic character to date. To tell you how big this movie was, when it was released in France it was the second most-watched movie of the year, right behind... Titanic.
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So when you compare that to this American movie. An American movie that bombed and was deemed a failure. And when you take into account the fact none of the fans of the American movie seem to even know the existence of the French one, despite this being a movie EVERYBODY in France knows at least by name... Argh.
Now... this discovery did surprise me, but it did not surprise me THAT much. Because I was aware of something similar that had happened before.
I am a big fan of another great classic of French comedy. Le Père Noël est une ordure (Santa Claus is an asshole).
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This 1982 movie (again, based on a previous theater play and reusing most of the same actors as on the stage version) is still considered to this day a classic in many ways. A classic of dark French comedy ; a classic of Christmas movies in France ; and one of the master-pieces of the comedy group Le Splendid, right behind their movies Les Bronzés. Just like with Un dîner de cons, most French people can recognize its visuals or quote you a line, even if they didn't actually see the movie. [If you ask me... I am much more of a fan of the stage play. The movie is the most famous of the two, but I saw the theater play first, and the two pieces differ mostly with their endings. The movie's ending is dark but happy/optimistic ; while the play's ending is hilarious grim and devastating. But that's mostly a question of tastes.]
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Anyway, since I was a fan I bought the official companion book about the movie, and that's in there that I discovered the existence of 1994's Mixed Nuts.
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An American comedy movie that was a re... Oh sorry, just like for "Dinner for Schmucks", the people behind this movie refused to say it was a "remake". They said it was merely "based on" the French movie. And just like "Dinner for Schmucks", it was a big failure.
I distinctively remember how the person who wrote for the French companion book was not kind AT ALL on this American movie. Notably they pointed out that one of the reason it failed in the USA, and nobody wanted to see it in France, was because it took this dark comedy about suicide and couple abuse and murder (it is still hilarious fun, trust me), and tried to turn it into a "politically correct" optimistic, all-family comedy a la "typical American comedy". Except the core story was designed to be about the dark side of Christmas, the hypocrisy of society (and of Christmas), and just a bunch of not-nice, not-good people getting stuck together on one Christmas night filled with blood, sex and despair (again, it is actually VERY FUN, I assure you). Something that was deemed not "palatable" enough for American audiences.
These two cases being brought up, I got curious and I went on Wikipedia to check if there were other American movies "inspired by", "remaking" or just "blatantly ripping-off" French movies. And I was NOT disappointed!
There's too many to list, but I will leave the most jarring, shocking or flabbergasting cases (at last for me, a French person) under the cut. I mean, I knew about the US vs UK tv shows battles, and I knew about the American remakes of J-Horror (The Grudge, The Ring), but I never thought they'd have done something similar with French cinema!
And you know what the worst thing is? Most of these American remakes were failures, right? And the French movies were much more successful and famous than them... Yet, most American people know only about their American movies, which failed, and don't know one piece of info about the French movies, despite them still being showed and talked to this day. This is honestly such a jarring cultural gap. [And also a confirmation that American movie industry would rather remake dozens and dozens of foreign movies rather than bother releasing them dubbed or subtitled. Crazy.] Hopefully things are changing a bit because today, due to how the Internet exists, the original French pieces are talked about much more. People know better the original Taxi movie or the Les Intouchables movie than their American remake... Still though...
Anyway here is the list of these cinematic crimes underneath the cut
2000's Under Suspicion. Created out of the classic French thriller Garde à vue, a greatly awarded movie that gathered two legends of French cinema, Lino Ventura and Michel Serrault (and which is Serrault's darkest role ever).
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2017's The Upside. Created out of 2011's Intouchables, an international success of a comedy that notably turned small-career actor Omar Sy into one of the huge names of French cinema.
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2004's Taxi. A failed remake attempting to cash on 1998's Taxi, the movie that started the immensely famous Taxi movie franchise.
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1998's Pure Luck. Not many people know this movie is based on 1981's La Chèvre, one of the famous comedies of actor Pierre Richard. (And there's the... other guy. Better not talk of him for a while Xp)
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2015's Martyrs. A remake of what is considered one of the most famous (and disturbing) French horror movies of the 2000s: 2008's Martyrs, one of the big names of the "New French Extremism". (Well it is Franco-Canadian... But still)
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1991's Oscar. A remake of 1967's Oscar, one of the great comedies of the 60s featuring the comedy legend Louis de Funès.
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1996's The Birdcage. Created out of 1978's La Cage aux Folles, the most iconic role of Michel Serrault (in the comedy genre) and a very influential piece of fiction when it comes to depictions of gay couples and drag queens in French cinema.
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1988's And God Created Woman. An American remake of 1956's Et Dieu... créa la femme, aka the movie that turned Brigitte Bardot into an international star.
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2021's CODA. An American remake of 2014's La Famille Bélier. I think it was the first big movie of Louane, and it was notoriously talked about for having a big representation of people with earing problems since it is about a talented singer born into a family of deaf people. (And it is not a comedy, it is a drama movie).
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By all of the hells, even Some Like it Hot! Yes even Some Like it Hot was inspired by a French movie: 1935's Fanfare d'amour!
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If you want to see more, just look at the Wikipedia category for "American remakes of French movies".
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philcollinsenjoyer · 6 months
hiii auguste i already said merry christmas on messages but i didn't have enough whimsy i think... so merry christmas!!! ☃️☃️☃️☃️ hope it was excellent hope you enjoyed the new doctor who with ncuti gatwa and the beatles :)) oh we didn't watch le père noël est une ordure!! remember when we watched the narnia movies that was crazy... sorry they're just on my mind. to watching more movies together in 2024!
hellloooooo tee and merry vhristmas to you too again!!!!! it was great and i didn"t get to see the beatles doctor who yet but i'm so excited for it it's crazy <33 we didn't but tbh idk if we would have liked it after peeking at the letterboxd reviews lol... and i miss watching narnia with you so bad we had so much fun..... hope we get to do it a hundred more times in 2024 as well
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mhrb95 · 6 months
Impossible de passer à côté 😂
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hauntingsoundtracks · 6 months
Le Père Noël est une ordure, directed by Jean-Marie Poiré
Monsieur Prescovic, original soundtrack by Vladimir Cosma
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leseigneurdufeu · 1 year
Papy fait de la résistance !
I've got absolutely NO context so I'm going to have to interprete ok?
Are you asking if I know it? If I can sum it up? OK:
I know it. Papy fait de la Résistance is a french parodic war/resistance movie in which acted essentially the Troupe du Splendide (a theater kids group except they knew each other as theater kids but also went on to have cinema and theater careers, mostly in comedy, mostly in movies where they were all or many of them at once like Les Bronzés, Le Père NOël est une ordure, etc.). Brief (who am i kidding i'm unable to sum things up briefly) it starts with the father of a family of three who dies in stupid circumstances after a whole day of bad luck, except he was in the resistance. Two years later, the germans decide to take his house because they need a couple rooms to lodge a general (who not only has a name that only sounds german but is most probably czech or something, his name also sounds exactly like "sponge"). THe resistant father was living with his flamboyant wife, his mad-scientist-vibes-but-not-a-scientist father-in-law, his gay-caricature-with-collabo-undertones son and his two daughters. After his death, they took in a latin teacher to get rent and make ends meet, and he ended up getting engaged to the eldest daughter.
So when the general arrives anyway, they get the fiancé out of his room to give it to the general (despite the fiancé noting that there are other rooms in the house, a big mansion, which are empty and could be used, to which he's told back that everyone has to make sacrifices, big cliché of the resistance movie turned absurdist because of the other rooms). The grandfather procedes to loudly insult the germans (believe me he knows what he's doing, it's not like he was not as bright as in his youth or anything, he will procede to gleefully lie to the germans about menial things to wreak havoc in their orders for the rest of the movie, completely unprompted) who in retaliation put the whole family in the cellar (again, spacious because under a mansion) instead of the one-bedroom-and-one-bathroom that were confiscated.
The son of the family proceeds to say that after all the germans won so they can do whatever they want and adds that the german radio has very good songs after all (so he listens to it), which horrifies the rest of the family. Since they're all musicians, they take their piano, tuba, everything, and start playing and singing the Marseillaise, which prompts the general himself, arrived in the mean time, to arrive, compliment them for their talent because he's an art-enthusiast, ask them what the heck they're doing in the cellar since the house is full of empty rooms, and quotes Goethe to prove he likes art. The Goethe quote is identified by the son, so the general congratulates him, then leaves. THe whole family turns on the son and calls him a "dirty traitor" for knowing a bit of german/idenfiying the quote.
But plot twist! The son is actually Super-Resistant, a guy dressed like the phantom of the opera (except for the mask which is different) who terrorizes the nazis in Paris ever since his father died. To get what I'm talking about I'm going to pull some screenshots from my archives.
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he looks like this... aaaaand i just realized that's my header so that might be why you sent the ask but too late I'm invested in this so I'll keep going.
Message by him found at the former general's place, which he bombed (also the guy apparently had his head against the bomb because it was against his pillow and is in better shape than the appartment so it really doesn't make any sense:)
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the guy on the left is the new general, pointing to it to ask the former one "what the heck is this". It translates as "bon voyage fat ass (signed) super-resistant".
Anyway the son goes back home via a secret passage between the mansion and the Louvres (I think? or maybe another museum) and sneaks on the general (who obviously uses the room in which the passage arrives).
The mother, the eldest daughter and the fiancé go to the Kommandantur (administrative place where the germans govern the location and around, and where they take complaints if need be) to complain that they were put in the cellar (which... again, absurd, because the general offered them to get the rest of the house back because his soldiers were stupid to put them in the cellar, and they refused) and there they see an english (scottish?) soldier, wounded and prisonner, who is obviously left unattended for a good five minutes during which they pass him a weapon. He uses it to kill the collabo (used that word twice already, if you don't know what is it's a french guy who collaborates with the occupation forces) who was trying to get the family to denounce any jews they would know (other big cliché as far as i know) and they all run away, except he's shot in the leg and they split up, the family bringing him back home (re: in a house full of german soldiers) and the fiancé forced by the eldest daughter to go find him so medicine. He manages to be made a prisonner by the germans because of some dumb mistake/altercation and is about to be shot, along with other guys including a resistant, when Super Resistant arrives and saves them before trying to make a fundraising for the resistance (hence the Croix-de-Lorrained metal pots on the picture) but everyone dodges the collect and tries to flee which... i mean, is logical. The fiancé starts pestering the other resistant to join the resistance and the other resistant ends up telling him about a secret reunion when the fiancé tells him about the british aviator in his cellar.
In the mean time, waiting for the fiancé to come back with the medicines, the family is operating the british guy, the grandfather having been a military doctor during the first world war. The gestapo arrives at that moment, led by Mr Adolfo Ramirez, who used to do oddjobs at the Opera de Paris and who was at odds with the family because of a mix of inferiority complex and political disagreement. Ramirez starts insulting the family while the british guy is trapped head-down in a wardrobe, then as the german general arrives in his back, Ramirez doesn't see who is arriving and tells him to shut up, calls him a gay slur and threatens him then asks his name and the guy is like "sponge. general sponge." anyway shenanigans ensue.
Half of the family and the british guy go to the secret reunion that the fiancé was told about, it's in a brothel (which is alas the reason the movie is PG rated or should be) but the fiancé sees Super Resistant entering the brothel for the reunion and thinks there's a masquerade ball inside, so he disguises himself as hitler before entering and stumbling upon a bunch of german soldiers having a good time. Awkwardness ensues.
The secret reunion is upstairs where Super Resistant and a british envoy conclude an alliance, but Ramirez arrives, starts shooting blindly, someone shoots him back, he is then arrested by german soldiers for starting a shootout (the resistants ran away safely) despite being part of the Gestapo himself. Super Resistant and the others steal the car the family had come in, and see inside it the aviator and the younger daughter in a passionate make out session, which infuriates Super Resistant (which, remember, is the son of the family) who starts calling the british names and loses control of the car to bash him over the head. The alliance is moot. It lasted like 5 minutes.
In the mean time, the eldest daughter and general squarepants (er... Sponge) start a romance because after all he's not that bad and he doesn't want war etc. At that moment the general receives the news that Hitler's hidden twin brother (or was it half-brother?), field marshal von Apfelstrüdel (german for... Apple Pie) is about to go visit Paris and they want to organize a party for him because with how Super Resistant is messing things up, a party is the only way to save themselves from prison/destitution.
Turns out Apfelstrüdel hates parties, and the only way Sponge can save the night is to have the family sing and play, because Apfelstrüdel has nothing against opera. The family refuses because the reason they needed the fiancé to pay rent in the first place was because they refused to sing in front of nazis, but Ramirez finds the secret passage in the house and Sponge blackmails them with that (although they had no idea there was a passage, also they don't know where the son has gone). THe fiancé gets a bomb by the resistant he met when they were almost shot and places it under the table but Apfelstrüdel invites the family to eat with him, which prompts the fiancé to go under the table to try and deactivate it. He only manages to break the table in... a suspicious way let's say.
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and is arrested, but not before Apfelstrüdel had a whole musical number about how the mother of the family looks a lot like this girl he knew in Germany (who he makes a very unflattering description of) and sings with an awfully inaccurate german accent "Je n'ai pas changé" (I didn't change, literally) which was a popular pop song at the time the film was released.
Anyway the fiancé is arrested. The general tries to take his defense but is arrested too. Ramirez gives Apfelstrüdel an earful about how he, Ramirez, is the only real nazi in Paris and is arrested too because why not.
At that moment Super Resistant arrives, slides down a banner with a dagger and sends a sword to Apfelstrüdel to do this mano a mano. The more I write about this movie the more I have to check the dvd on my shelves because it feels more like a fever dream than a real movie but alas.
Anyway they take Applepie hostage and steal a tank before riding into the sunset. Then twist! What we saw was actually a movie inspired from real events that the protagonists were watching in this french emission in which people who participated in the movie comment on it during the second part of the night.
The journalist (the same who did the emission in real life) starts the emission by introducing everyone: we've got the fiancé who became minister after the war, we've got Adolfo Ramirez Jr, who came back from Bolivia especially to participate to the emission, we've got Sponge and the older daughter who are now married, and we've got the brother/son/super resistant who looks more stereotypically gay than he ever did at the beginning of the movie.
Chaos enfurls as the minister tries to monopolize the conversation, the brother denies having ever been Super Resistant, and Adolfo ramirez jr (played by the same as AR Sr) not only pretends his father was never a nazi (ARJr: "my father was never a nazi! He was actually a double agent! He had wormed the gestapo to fight them from the inside!" / the minister: "Mr Ramirez if your father was a double agent then I'm working for the KGB" / ARJr: "well I've got no proof you don't!") but also starts digging up dirt about everyone. He pretends the couple consumed their marriage way before the wedding (the details he gives pinpoints the "consumation" to a part of the movie where his "father" intruded on the couple kissing), that the minister embezzled millions, and that Super Resistant killed his best friend because he was sleeping with the youngest daughter. The couples leaves, outraged, and the other two start beating Ramirez up on air while the journalist concludes the emission alone.
So anyway hey that's my "brief" summary of Papy fait de la Résistance (Grandpa is in the resistance, lit.) which I can't encourage y'all to go watch if you can, if you speak french, and if you're more than 15 because there are a few scenes (mainly in the brothel) which contain nudity.
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dagonet · 2 years
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Le Père Noël est une ordure (1982)  |  Kaamelott Premier Volet (2021)
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aragarna · 1 year
Hey! 46 for the ask game please!
I'm assuming it's for the weirder ask one, please let me know if I got the wrong one! So:
46. favorite holiday film?
Hmm... Do I even have one? I'm not a big fan of holiday movies as a genre, to be honest. Neither the real ones (too cheesy for my tastes), nor in an ironic way (Die Hard isn't my favorite genre either).
Oh wait, French movies do count, so I guess I'll go with the French classic Le Père Noël Est Une Ordure (Santa Claus is a Stinker) *grins* Now that's my kind of holiday movie LOL
Funnily enough, what I sort of consider holiday movies are Charlie Chaplin and Laurel & Hardy old films, because when I was a kid, the TV channel Arte would often show them over the Christmas holidays in France. I've discovered a lot of them that way, and I'm still a big fan of the three of them.
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«C’est cela… oui…» (à la manière de Lhermitte dans Le Père-Noël est une ordure).
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semena--mertvykh · 2 years
Quand t'es dans le désert...
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Quand on voit le bout du tunnel, c'est bon de jeter un œil derrière soi et de réévaluer tous les périls auxquels on a survécu...
Petit rewind d'un an : je viens de claquer la porte du Master 1 à Angers et je rentre sur Paris, le cœur comme un petit pois...
... et juste le lendemain, ils annoncent un re-re-confinement : bye-bye, mon projet de trouver une mission courte pour patienter jusqu'à la rentrée de septembre.
-- résultat : trois, puis quatre - non, cinq mois, sans ramener une thune...
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-- coincée deux mois durant (1.464 heures, donc) dans un immeuble parisien sans aucune isolation phonique, avec la sociopathe lanceuse de marteau du 2ème et les bricoleurs insomniaques du RdC ;
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-- démarchant toutes les Universités du pays qui proposent un Master archives, pour m'entendre répondre que je ne peux m'inscrire qu'en formation continue...
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Ah çà, on peut dire que je l'ai senti passer, le carré de Saturne sur le Mars natal.
L'avantage - car il y en a forcément un - c'est que çà m'a donné une putain de motivation. Hors de question de laisser cet échec engloutir les rêves/projets que je commençais à former, au sujet d'une possible poursuite d'études dans la recherche musicale.
Pour commencer, j'ai compris que je devais absolument décrocher ce M1 à Versailles - le seul Master archives de la région qui m'acceptait en formation initiale. Ne pas être prise à l'UVSQ signifiait : devoir partir une année en province, donc dépenser mes dernières économies dans un logement sur place, donc ne plus avoir assez d'argent ensuite pour boucler sur un M2.
Grosse pression.
Quand j'ai appris que je devais passer un entretien d'admission avec le responsable du Master, j'ai pris une semaine pour préparer ma présentation : la rédiger, l'apprendre par cœur, la répéter devant la glace jusqu'à ce que çà ait l'air naturel, lister toutes les questions qu'on était susceptible de me poser, et imaginer quelles réponses m'ouvriraient les portes de la formation.
Une fois intégrée au Master, j'ai fait la plupart de mes choix avec une seule idée en tête : est-ce que çà va augmenter mes chances d'être reçue à l'Université de Créteil ? Les séminaires d'ouverture, notamment, je les ai choisis pour çà, et pas parce que la matière me plaisait particulièrement (même si j'ai pu prendre du plaisir à les suivre par la suite).
Quand le climat s'est détérioré, avec les autres élèves de la classe, et que plus personne ne m'a adressé la parole pendant des semaines, je n'ai pas craqué. Je suis restée concentrée sur ce que j'avais à faire - exactement comme, sur la route, je restais concentrée sur ce qui se passait devant moi. Quoi qu'il arrive, je ne perdais pas mon sang-froid et je ne montrais pas mes émotions.
Quand il est apparu que l'orientation globale du Master était bien dans le ton de ce que j'imaginais avant de venir, et que j'allais passer l'année à m'ennuyer/faire des trucs que je n'aimerais pas (oui, oui, le DTA, c'est à toi que je pense), j'ai serré les dents et je me suis accroché...
Me lever à cinq heures du matin, quatre jours par semaine, pour faire un truc qui me rase, avec des gens que je n'inviterais même pas à mon propre enterrement ? Mais, hey, j'ai signé pour çà, non ?
Eh bien, je peux l'annoncer aujourd'hui avec une immense satisfaction :
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leopardtrip · 25 days
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Marie-Anne Chazel dans la pièce de théâtre Le père Noël est une ordure, créée en 1979 par la troupe du Splendid.
”– Eh, M’sieur Pierre ? Y’a un monsieur très malpoli qu’a téléphoné, il voulait enculer Thérèse ! – Oui mais c’est un ami – Ah ben ça va alors !”
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programmestv334 · 2 months
Josiane Balasko (Les Bronzés) sans filtre sur la première pièce du Splendid : "Qu’est-ce que c’était mauvais"
Paris Match a mis en couverture de son dernier magazine tous les membres du Splendid (Les Bronzés, Le Père Noël est une ordure). C'était une occasion parfaite pour Gérard Jugnot, Bruno Moynot, Marie-Anne Chazel, Thierry Lhermitte, Josiane Balasko, Michel Blanc et Christian Clavier de revenir sur les créations qui ont marqué leur carrière.
"On ne s’est pas vus tous ensemble depuis notre César d’honneur reçu en 2021", dit Josiane Balasko dans le dernier numéro de Paris Match sorti ce jeudi. Le magazine, qui a 75 ans cette année, a réuni Gérard Jugnot, Bruno Moynot, Marie-Anne Chazel, Thierry Lhermitte, Josiane Balasko, Michel Blanc et Christian Clavier pour une photo spéciale célébrant les 50 ans de la création de la troupe du Splendid.
UNE PREMIÈRE PIÈCE CRITIQUÉE PAR JOSIANE BALASKO Même si le groupe a fait rire des millions de Français avec les comédies Le Père Noël est une ordure ou Les Bronzés, Josiane Balasko n'hésite pas à dire aux journalistes qu'une des premières créations de la troupe du Splendid n'était pas mémorable. Elle a rejoint le groupe en 1977 après le départ de Valérie Mairesse qui, après sa séparation avec Thierry Lhermitte, n'avait "plus sa place dans la pièce qu'ils étaient en train de créer, Le Pot de terre contre le pot de vin", précise Paris Match. "C'était vraiment mauvais", plaisante Josiane Balasko sur cette création qui a été beaucoup retravaillée après son arrivée. "Quand je les ai rejoints, ils étaient surtout occupés à rénover leur théâtre, donc la pièce n'était pas une priorité. Au début, c'était vraiment nul mais petit à petit, on en a fait quelque chose de passable", ajoute-t-elle.
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