#Leeds Ladies
calciopics · 10 months
Born on this day: Millie Bright (21.08.1993)
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clownsketch · 29 days
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The amount of beautiful thick women in this show makes me drool
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queen-daya · 2 months
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Every Shot of Anne Wheeler (Part 17/♾️)
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omg I love your story about Peter x half-elf and Jotun reader, it made me laugh like Loki's father, haha, what will Frigga do, being a grandmother?
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She will be excited to be a grandmother.
She’ll teach You how to control your magic and show you the spells she taught Loki.
She and your grandfather, Odin will tell you about Thor’s and Loki’s childhood including the pranks Loki pulled.
Odin will be a protective grandfather and show you around Asgard.
He will show you the artifacts room and tell you the stories behind them.
The warriors three are surprise that Loki has a kid but they don’t complain and grew to like you because you were a joy to have.
Sif on the other didn’t take kindly to you because of your father’s past misdeeds, she thinks you are like your father and will one day turn your back on Asgard so she would stay clear of you.
Though whenever you two would cross paths you would be nice to her but she wasn’t having any of it “Do not try anything half breed, I know you and your father are up to something and I’ll make sure what it is.” She would say to you as a threat.
Until your uncle Thor over heard her and confronted her about it “Sif, that is no way to speak to your princess.” He said causing everyone to stop what they’re doing.
Sif tried to justify her actions “Sif, Loki is already making amends on what he’s done and Y/N isn’t like him.” Friga said “I can see that Loki is doing better especially in being a good father to my Granddaughter. Sif if this behavior of yours doesn’t change you will be temporarily banished from Asgard.” Odin said as your father puts a gentle hand on your shoulder.
You grew to love Asgard even though there are those who didn’t take kindly to you because you’re half Frost giant and half light elf but you have your family on Asgard, the avengers, the Warriors three, Peter, MJ and Ned.
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twinpeaksfashion · 1 year
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Home Bar U-Shape Inspiration for a mid-sized u-shaped seated home bar remodel with dark wood cabinets and copper countertops
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davescumbag · 1 year
4 free zoots my witness
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catullus101 · 1 year
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John William Waterhouse, The Lady of Shalott Looking at Lancelot 
Preliminary drawing, Tullie House
Oil Sketch, Falmouth Art Gallery
Finished painting (1894), Leeds Art Gallery
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michaels-reality · 2 months
Diversity talk around Dungeon meshi makes me feel insane because all that was done is drawing normal looking white people. I can count the people of color on one hand and most of them are ambiguously brown, and on the other hand I can count the fat characters and most of them are specific fantasy races.
Ryoko Kui has a remarkable art style and everyone is drawn with love and I really admire it, but I feel like it shouldn't be the pinnacle of diversity for some of you. Falin isn't fat, she's just a big normal looking lady. Laios also isn't fat, he just has a regular looking muscular build without the dehydration six pack. The fat characters we do see are dwarves and orcs, which seem to make it look like the only way you can be fat is to a specific fantasy race. That may sound like a reach and may actually be a reach, but it is a little sus to me </3.
Characters like leed, namari, and senshi mean a lot to me but I wish we saw more fat humans or elves or etc. I know Ryoko Kui does explore more body types for different races in the art books but I'm a little disappointed it wasn't in the actual manga.
Not to mention the lack of black people 😭 Like I'm usually not expecting to see black people in anime and manga, I know that I can't always be asking all that from this kind of stuff, but seeing Kui actually draw black people in some of her studies in the art books and not seeing them present in the manga made me a little sad 😭. Like the brown characters we do have are KiKi, KaKa, Thistle, Kabru, and Cithis (plus a few extras that show up for like 2 seconds). Most of them are ambiguous, talking about the elves. Like we have brown elves but also we have pitch black elves, that makes me think they are only brown cus they are dark elves.
People like to argue like "Oh but it's fantasy and these are fantasy races so what do you expect?" but I think there is something to be said how it's always white people in these fantasy settings and brown and black people taking a backseat. I love dungeon meshi, I really do, but it is in no way revolutionary, it is just the standard.
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kimoi-00 · 1 year
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of All ages! Come to The Darling and Barnum Circus! Hear the music, Laugh at the clowns, Be thrilled by the perilous leaps of the acrobats, marvel at everything the performers do! "Let Your Imagination Run Wild!"
It's somewhat same with the plot of The greatest showman, although I have to change a bit of it because of the characters but the gist of it is there.
Instead of P.T Barnum (Aka Wally) being married (like from the original plot), he will inherit the circus from his father who came before him who was the original Ring Master/Owner of the Circus. So it was passed down to him.
Everything start in his childhood, as he sees how his father handles the circus. His other friends are actually the sons and daughters of the original cast ( the original circus performers ) As they all grow up they will be the one managing the circus, once it's their turn and their parents retire as performers.
Here are the rest of the roles of the members/performers!
Wally Darling as P.T Barnum the Ring Master (Renamed as Wally D. Barnum son of Wallace D. Barnum his father)
(OC)Marie Sincere as Lenny Lind (The Singer)
Julie Joyful and Sally Starlet as the Albino Twins (Renamed as The Cheerful Twins)
Frank Frankly as Anne Wheeler The Trapeze Girl (Renamed as Frank DareDevil the Trapeze Artist)
Eddie Dear as Phillip Carlyle (The Upper Class Boi)
Poppy Partridge as Lettie Lutz The Bearded Lady (Renamed as the Feathered Lady)
Howdy Pillar as Frank Lentini the 3 legged man (Renamed as Howdy Pillar the Multiple Limbed Man)
Barnaby B. Beagle as The Lord of Leeds the Largest Man in the world (Renamed Barnaby the Giant Dog)
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John William Waterhouse (Italian-born British, 1849-1917) The Lady of Shalott, 1895 Leeds Art Gallery
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calciopics · 2 years
The White Lioness
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maniculum · 3 months
I'm doing a College class on Ancient Foods. My focus is on Honey like the different recipes and usages in Medieval era. I found like a couple recipes, a thing on religious relation ("Milk and Honey of Paradise") /Crusades, medicinal use, and possibly bees/beeswax because I was struggling to get something.
Y'all have any recommendations?
(I've brought Zoe in on this one; the following is a collaborative effort. Also I'm assuming you have access to your university library so you can get ahold of the cited material below quickly and for free.)
Can you include beverages? Honey is the main ingredient in mead, which should give you a lot to talk about. Susan Verberg is the premier researcher on medieval mead, and has some excellent works on both mead making and honey production. She has a website at https://medievalmeadandbeer.wordpress.com/ where you can find both her formal publications and her blog.
If you do want to talk about beverages, there were other medieval drinks that used honey. Some citations for you:
Breeze, Andrew. “What Was ‘Welsh Ale' in Anglo-Saxon England?” Neophilologus, vol. 88, no. 2, 2004, pp. 299–301.
Fell, Christine E. “Old English ‘Beor’." Leeds Studies in English, vol. 8, 1975, pp. 76-95.
You can also go into cultural symbolism; here are a couple on that:
Enright, Michael J. Lady with a Mead Cup: Ritual, Prophecy, and Lordship in the European Warband from La Tène to the Viking Age. Four Courts Press, 2013.
Rowland, Jenny. “OE Ealuscerwen/Meoduscerwen and the Concept of ‘Paying for Mead'." Leeds Studies in English, vol. 21, 1990, pp. 1-12.
Also you might want to look into the general concept of the "mead of poetry" from the Old Norse sources. You can find the origin story for that in the Prose Edda, I believe.
Definitely check out https://www.foodtimeline.org for recipes with honey during the period - they have more than you'd expect. There's also a few medieval cookbooks you can parse through. Here's an online one you can sort through that does a great job modernizing the translations: https://www.medievalcookery.com/etexts.html
As for honey itself -- there's actually quite a bit of research on that! Honey was quite a specialized trade, and most of the medieval world used it for sweetener, so there's a good amount of research.
A few leads:
honey as an alternative to sugar, which was expensive, imported, and could indicate class
honey grading: honey was graded based on location/provenance, type (lavender, orange blossom, etc.), and also by grade. However, their method of grading was very different to our modern one.
honey as a preservative, not just for flavor
Articles on this subject:
(DEFINITELY this one!!) Fava, Lluis Sales, et al. “Beekeeping in Late Medieval Europe: A Survey of Its Ecological Settings and Social Impacts.” Anales de La Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval, no. 22, 2021, pp. 275-96, https://doi.org/10.14198/medieval.19671.
Wallace-Hare, David, editor. New Approaches to the Archaeology of Beekeeping. Archaeopress, 2022. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv2b07txd.
Verberg, Susan. “Of Hony: A Collection of Mediaeval Brewing Recipes for Mead, Metheglin, Braggot, Hippocras &c. — Including how to Process Honey — from the 1600s and Earlier,” 2017. Academia.edu.
If you want to look more into the medicinal usage, Cockayne's Leechdoms, Wortcunning, & Starcraft collects all the medical & scientific texts of the Old English period. It's old enough to be public domain, so it's available on the Internet Archive and HathiTrust in searchable form, meaning you can just ctrl-F "honey" and see what comes up.
Let us know how it goes!
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dracula-dictionary · 11 months
Dracula Dictionary, July 24th - Addendum
"I wouldn't fash masel' about them, miss. Them things be all wore out. Mind, I don't say that they never was, but I do say that they wasn't in my time. They be all very well for comers and trippers, an' the like, but not for a nice young lady like you. Them feet-folks from York and Leeds that be always eatin' cured herrin's an' drinkin' tea an' lookin' out to buy cheap jet would creed aught. I wonder masel' who'd be bothered tellin' lies to them—even the newspapers, which is full of fool-talk.":
I wouldn't worry about them, miss. Those are tired stories. I'm not saying they were never true, but I am saying they haven't been true as long as I have been alive. They're good for tourists, but not for a nice young lady like you. The tourists from York and Leeds that are always eating cured herring and drinking tea and looking to buy cheap gemstones would believe anything. I wonder who would bother with telling lies to them - even the newspapers, which are full of nonsense.
"I must gang ageeanwards home now, miss. My grand-daughter doesn't like to be kept waitin' when the tea is ready, for it takes me time to crammle aboon the grees, for there be a many of 'em; an', miss, I lack belly-timber sairly by the clock.":
I must be going home now, miss. My granddaughter doesn't like to be kept waiting when dinner is ready. It takes me a long time to get up the stairs because there is so many of them; and, miss, by this time I am already very hungry.
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colonellickburger · 3 months
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Peter Mitchell. Two anonymous ladies, Tivoli Cinema, Acre Road, Leeds, England. 1976
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dw-flagler · 15 days
Every wildbow character with hair color described as blonde or similar to blonde. Characters are listed in alphabetical order.
A character's category is determined by their debut appearance. Though Lisa Wilbourn appears in both Worm and Ward, she will be listed as a Worm character, and not as a Ward character.
Ashley Stillons I (Damsel of Distress)
Ava ? (Cuff)¹
Brad Meadows (Hookwolf)
Carol Dallon (Brandish)
Crystal Pelham (Laserdream)
Dean Stansfield (Gallant)
Elijah Mathers (Valefor) (Later dyes white)
Elle ? (Labyrinth)
Emily Piggot
Eric Pelham (Shielder)
Gabriel Maxberry (King)
Glastig Uaine/Valkyrie
Greg Veder (The Worst)
Jaager Charles (Gasconade) (Appears ONLY in PRT Quest)
Jeanne Wynn/Brown (Citrine)
Jessica Biermann (Fenja)
Katherine Oldershaw (Grace)
Kurt Wynn (Harbinger/Number Man)
Lisa Wilbourn (Tattletale)
Marissa Newland (Sundancer)
Melody Jurist (Cricket)
Mike ? (Lightstar)
Missy Biron (Vista)
Mrs. Knott
Neil Pelham (Manpower)
Nessa Bierman (Menja)
Oliver ? (Oliver)
Principal Blackwell
Riley Grace Davis (Bonesaw)
Sam ? (Prism)
Sarah Pelham (Lady Photon)
Tammi Herren (Rune/Scribe) (last name presumed)
"Tom Moss" (Acidbath)
Victoria Dallon (Glory Girl/Antares)
"White Fairy"²
Blonde Adjacent:
Alabaster (white hair)
Kamil Armstrong (white hair)
Madeline ? (Winter) (white hair)
Paige Mcabee (Canary) (yellow feathers, hair unknown)
Polka (white hair)
Scion (gold hair)
Scrub (white hair)
The Simurgh (silver hair)
Worm has: 38 blonde characters, and 8 blonde-adjacent characters, for a total of 46.
Ashley Stillons II (Swansong)
Ashley Stillons III (Damsel of Distress)
Axehead? (Presumed)³
Bianca ? (Goddess)
Harbinger V (Limerick)
Hunter ? (Mincemaid)
Jay ?
Kathlee Rosenthal (Monokeros)¹
Lachlan ?
Mr. Drowsing
Nate ? (Reconciliation)
Rain O'Fire Fraizer (Precipice)
Ryan ? (Cradle)
Samuel Vasil
William Giles (Scapegoat)
Blonde Adjacent:
Anita Vera (white hair)
Christine Mathers (Mama Mathers) (silver hair)
Coiffure (silver hair)
Colt (Colt) (bleached hair)
Dino (silver hair)
Egg (yellow hair)
Engel ("glowing" hair)
Enyo (silver hair)
Foggy Idea (gray dyed hair)
Nailbiter (bleached hair)
Presley ? (gray-white dyed hair)
Vince Crowley (poorly-bleached hair)
Voltrage ("pale" hair)
Ward has: 18 blonde characters, and 13 blonde-adjacent characters, for a total of 31.
Blake Thorburn
Chloe Duchamp
Diana Thompson
James Thorburn
Joanna Duchamp
Lea Duchamp
Lola Duchamp
Paul Thorburn
Penelope Duchamp
Peter Thorburn
Rose Thorburn Jr.
Rose Thorburn Sr.
Roxanne Thorburn
Sandra Duchamp
The Briar Girl
Blonde Adjacent
Malcolm "Fell" Atwell ("light" hair)
Pact has: 15 blonde characters, and 1 blonde-adjacent character, for a total of 16.
The Baron Richmond
The Duke of Francis
Duncan Lambsbridge
Emily Gage
Gordon Lambsbridge(?)
Helen Ibott
Jamie Lambsbridge
Jessie Ewesmont
Lord Carling
Lord King
Lord Leeds
The Duke of Francis
The Twins (counts as 2)
Lady Glora ("pale of hair")
Lara (white hair)
Nora (white hair)
Twig has: 15 blonde characters, and 3 blonde-adjacent characters, for a total of 18.
America Tedd
Anthem Tedd
Avery Kelly
Edith James
Eloise Miraz
Freak (of Freak & Squeak)
Gillian Ross
Liberty Tedd
Reggie the Composite Kid
The Family Man
Ulysses Miraz
Wallace Davis
Mrs. Schaff (white hair)
Crooked Rook (white hair)
Gemma Duchamp (Grey hair)
Luna Hare (white hair)
Pale has: 13 blonde characters, and 4 blonde-adjacent characters, for a total of 17.
"Valentina's Mom & Sister"
Claw has: 2 blonde characters, and 0 blonde-adjacent characters, for a total of 2.⁴
¹ Both cuff and monokeros are noted to have dark hair in Ward while having blonde hair in their original appearances (Worm and WD Helena respectively).
² White Fairy is Mr. Gladly's girlfriend and a prolific redditor who is seen during the leviathan battle and the PHO greg interlude. deep cut. As a mortal enemy of greg veder, please treat her with appropriate respect.
³ Axehead is never seen in ward. However, Titan Skadi (who forms from Axehead) is described as having golden hair. I am presuming that this is from axehead the human having blonde hair.
⁴ Literally 1 person told me any characters from claw. i haven't read it. there's more than 2, but i haven't seen anything.
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skippyangel16 · 7 months
The Couple Next Door my thoughts…
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Link here for a ‘real’ review from that neck of woods👇
👆This just about sums it up for me, a real review from a real paper not a paid promo success piece from Hello or channel 4 blowing its own trumpet. If you google the series IBMd has it rated 5.2/10 at the moment of writing. (Saying something is brilliant does not make it so, unless you want to brainwash. Kenneth springs to mind taking a whole year+ to talk up Belfast so he would finally get that Oscar for the not so outstanding Belfast 🙄)
The Guardian Nov 2023 promo it as The couple next door a sexy fantastic time …4 stars but then by the 3rd Dec it’s no longer raving about it with an honest review.👇
https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/dec/03/the-couple-next-door-channel-4-swingers-thriller-review-slow-horses-3-arena-being-kae-tempest-the-doll-fctory?CMP=share_btn_link Barbara Ellen exert from review 3 Dec 2023 still the guardian…
Exert from link above by Barbara Ellen..
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Well for me TCND started off with a ‘OMG not again!’ for the opening shot. I said to hubby ‘I hate it when they do that!’. The second scene supposedly set in Leeds wtf? Why didn’t they find a more convincing housing estate…then (Sam) Danny picking up the washing machine…dear god it made me cringe and that’s just for starters!
Sam…I could not get past his ‘Yorkshire’ accent?… well he did his best, it came through well some of the time. It’s sad but production were aware they were not going to predominantly film in Yorkshire or substitute location with a suitable comparison so why the need for him to do a Yorkshire accent? They could have set this story anywhere. Why not let Sam do his normal Scottish accent ? Far more sexy! Bad decision imo.
I could go on…especially the ladies dress code for a casual UK BBQ, LMAO. For sure my neighbour and I need to up our game at our next one! Seductive dresses, tits out and heels on! Husbands can’t wait…🤣
Does it appear Sam was hired for his body?…absolutely! Is he typecast as the guy who does sex?…looks like it. If he wanted to up his stakes as a good actor imo this was not the project. Can he do chemistry with anyone but Caitriona?… barely, but this was his best effort so far. Sex scenes and build up no 🔥 for me. I found it more cringe so fast forward came into play. Seems Sam is okay with full nudity and grinding again so can’t wait for OL S8! No need for J&C sex scenes to be PG…
Continuity, script, direction, production…dear god did outlander do it?
Out of all the actors Jessica De Gouw (Becka) stood out with a consistent performance.
Gripping? Nah, wanted to give up many times but finally got past ep 3 and pace seemed to increase so eventually got to the end which was then suddenly abrupt.
I wanted to like it, but for me it was blah…should have been amazing! Fail is more down to script, direction and production, had a giggle most of the way through at the script and said wtf and why a lot? ….🤷‍♀️still they all had fun making it and got paid!
For those who thought it enjoyable and hot I am really pleased for you! Sex for sex sake came to my mind, script all over the place one minute quite good another that’s shit.
For me in the words of a true Yorkshire man…
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Maybe if I had a couple of wines with the cheese and knew it was not going to be a quality drama but a cheesy soap it would have gone down better.
Strikes me his fate in life is to be an alcohol god, that’s his true path…acting gave him his wife and family and that’s all he needs from it. It appears it’s not in his destiny for it to do anything more than that…🤷‍♀️JMHO
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So if you haven’t seen it and want to then I suggest lots of wine and lower your expectations to a tv movie or soap and you will probably enjoy it and think it’s better than it was…🤪
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