#Leg Pain
k9emote · 2 months
could i request some rib and/or back pain emojis? please and thank you!!
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rib pain
rib pain v2
back/spine pain
neck pain
wrist pain
knuckle pain
hand pain
leg pain
knee pain
ankle pain
I am hypermobile and will use these all. of the time. hhrrgguhh
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matchakuracat · 2 months
they should invent legs that don't ow ow ow ouchie ow ow aaaaaaaa owww waaaahhh
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angelpuns · 2 months
Me: finally time to work on my comic that I've been working on for 6 months and am so so close to finishing :)
Me as soon as I get home from work: *lays down* *is in horrific amounts of pain* cool never mind
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entertainmyfait · 1 month
They should invent a body that doesn’t hurt for no damn reason
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yikes-ajax · 6 months
So it's fine when I walk around with a cane, but when I run on all fours it's "unacceptable" and "terrifying"
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wistfolie · 10 months
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Ka’ya’s got the half-Viera problem of having weird bone structure in his feet, and growing up without the knowledge of proper support has led to chronic foot/ankle pain
Occasionally he asks G’raha to take a rolling pin to his legs and it’s pretty funny
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neon-emojiz · 3 months
sticker/emote for "brb in pain"? i have medical issues and sometimes need to just like shut down when the pain gets too bad and typing it dosent help
bilateral leg pain specific if possible?
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I hope these work for you! I couldn't figure out how to physically represent what you meant, so I really hope you're okay with wordmojis! :)
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shattered-system · 13 days
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lykoi-licks · 7 months
You are in no way required to give out personal medical info to give advise/suggestions on this post, stay safe!!! /gen
Are you a cane user? Do you experience pain in your legs? If so….Is your pain lessened by your cane?
When I was a kid I would frequently have problems with my legs, I’d frequently sprain/roll/otherwise injure my ankles and I’d have issues with my knees. As I grew up I continuously had weakness in my legs. Little ol’ me with zero thoughts in my head didn’t even realize this was a problem for many years. At this point in my life, as an adult, I have chronic exhaustion issues in my legs. When I walk or even stand for too long (“too long” is sometimes like 5 minutes /srs) I start dealing with horrible pain in my feet and that pain spreads up my legs until there’s just stabbing agony. I cannot go out walking for extended periods of time. One of the last times I went out shopping I literally thought I was going to collapse because my legs were so weak and tired. It’s gotten to the point where I am genuinely considering buying myself a cane, but I’m also like…weirdly ashamed to have to buy one? I’m 22, society says I shouldn’t need a cane, but I feel like I do??
I haven’t told anyone about these thoughts. As much as my leg pain highly effects me I feel like it’s not really “a thing”, like my mom knows about my pain (bc I go shopping with her and frequently end up complaining about being in pain) but no one else really acknowledges it/knows about it. I don’t really have much of a social circle to talk to this about, and I also don’t know anyone in my life who uses a cane anyways so…
I usually don’t make these kind of posts but. Idk. I’m seriously thinking about it and I’d appreciate advice.
Edit: I’m bad at replying to comments (and just talking, lol) but I genuinely thank everyone who’s replied to this! I rlly rlly appreciate it /srs
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sevspins · 2 months
heavily heavily heavily hyperfixating on minecraft … i cannot sleep because it is all i think about. this is so unhealthy.
hyperfixations and special interests are not always beneficial i fear
also my chronic leg pain is very bad so that is also a factor
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hydeingpurples · 3 months
My boss wants to talk to me about my leg issues and not being able to stand for hours on end. Nothing she can suggest (apart from a chair and a break) will work. It's quite clear that they've never employed a disabled person before. I'm anxious that this conversation isn't going to go my way. All I want to do is quit.
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k9emote · 7 days
Pozzibly a zore throat emoji or zhoulder pain? I love your art ztyle. My whole pain folder on my aac is them :)
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( I have so many more on my server. Tumblr can't post them all ) GET MORE BELOW !! PLEASE JOIN :D https://discord.gg/z7WFFrDHrC
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disablednotdifferent · 2 months
sometimes theres this agitating somewhat echoing pain in my legs/hips, and i can never figure out why. currently, i am sitting down and there is just pain in my thighs/hips and i do not know why and i just have to accept that i guess i’m in pain now. dang!
on a lighter note, i’m trying to find a way to buy myself a pair of forearm crutches, which i’m planning to name team rocket, Jessie and James!
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
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An actual mind-blowing conversation I just had.
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god I wish I could chew my fucking legs off
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thatonemacaronikid · 3 months
Hello Tumblr
I once again require advice because of my crappy body
So yeah pots is basically confirmed to me, I just have to convince my parents and doctors now lmao
But another thing I need help with is mobility aids
I'm pretty sure I might need some in the near future, but I'm not sure which
I have chronic pain in my legs, back and wrists
For my legs it goes from an ache in my ankles, to a burning ache in my whole leg, to sharp pains shooting across my leg, sometimes it's one leg and sometimes it's both, that can get really annoying
For my back isn't mostly aching and for my wrists it's mostly the sharp pains
I've done alr so far without mobility aids but idk, it's painful some days and my friends are telling me I should use crutches to help with my legs but I'm not sure
So here I am requesting advice from you guys again lol
If you have any tips to help with chronic pain or what mobility aids I should use I would greatly appreciate it
Thank you and good day/night 😊❤️
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