#Lenny's Fund
I'm not gonna drop out of grad school however i do think that next semester working only 2 jobs instead of 3 might be ✨the move✨
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Vancouver city council has given the green light to free up more funding for pedestrian safety measures.
The unanimously supported motion will see staff return in June with an operational plan to reallocate capital funds for safety measures prioritizing schools, community centres and parks.
The plan, proposed by ABC councillors Lisa Dominato and Lenny Zhou, calls for a specific target for increased pedestrian-controlled traffic signals to be added to the 2023-2026 capital plan.
The current capital plan includes $13.4 million for the installation of 16 traffic signals and more than 100 other safety improvements. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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lovepollution · 8 months
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Donate to the Kitty Bruce Fund Kitty Bruce is the only child of foundational comedy giant and first amendment martyr Lenny Bruce. She has devoted her life to keeping her father’s torch lit and to helping those who struggle with alcohol and drug addiction achieve recovery. Two years ago Kitty suffered an injury that has necessitated ongoing care and treatment, leaving her physically and financially hobbled. Please help support Kitty as she fights to get back on her feet. [x]
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eldhuug · 1 year
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AH i finally settled on some designs for the main charas in the rdr2 witcher au I have in my head :-)) if youre interested in some more details, keep reading!
Arthur: Wolf witcher who struck out of his old school alongside his two father figures, and has been standing by their goal of funding their own witcher school. Not very up to date with what they’re doing, but is their main source of stable income. Meets Charles on his travels and falls in love inbetween the growing political intrigue he’s forced to try to understand. Jack of all trades kind of fighter, but has especially beautiful swordskills.  Charles: Bear school witcher who has lived a really long time on his own, and took a chance doing work alongside a kind of witcher he knew roamed in packs. grew fond enough of Arthur to help him fund a place they might both call home. One of the few witchers who hunt animals as much as monsters, and uses very few signs. Molly: A down on her luck sorceress trying to find a noble kind of adventure, scorned by her family as she’s attempting to join in on the aspirations of Dutch. Struggles to not be the only magic wielder in the group, and her isolation and fear of both being a burden and being unexeptional drives her to loose controll of her magic abilities. Lenny: A man with an almost impossible level of luck, Lenny survived the trial of the grasses by the skin of his teeth despite being concidered too old to have any change of living through it. An exeptional sign user, he’s an academically minded young witcher who does a lot of research on both enhancing signs, and brewing new types of potions. Both Hosea and Dutch view him as their protegee, and he juggles the expectation to be a researched and a future leader as best as he can.  Dutch: Struck out from the school of the wolf in a dream to create his own stronghold for witchers where they would view each other like a family and treat their fellow men with compassion and kindness. His drive to cement his legacy as one of historys most impactful men hounds at him, and as his dreams keep expanding his desperation grows alongside it.  Hosea: Used to primarily be a potion teacher before he struck out with Dutch to see the ability of proper future for himself and the love of his life. Initially incredibly sceptical of the endevour and Dutches insistance of letting anyone of any school join their group, he tries his best to leave a legacy through Lenny and their shared research. 
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A reminder that one of the big reasons Lenny was included in Maisel in the first place was to remind the world that this man was a whole, real person far beyond his addiction and eventual overdose.
Putting aside his status as a love interest on the show, he's been shown to be kind and helpful, and even sweet sometimes, if often troubled. Certainly he fucks up good sometimes, but on the whole, he's a good dude.
The real Lenny, for so long, was boiled down to how he died and why. The world forgot to ask how the man lived.
Here's a great Kitty Bruce interview about growing up with Lenny as her father:
Here is an amazing interview with Kitty, Kelly Carlin and Rain Pryor, who became friends through Facebook:
Kitty tells a wild story about how Lenny got banned from Vegas.
There was the 1984 Steve Allen tribute to Lenny called a Toast to Lenny Bruce. It used to be on YouTube but it's gone. If you can find it, It is very, very dirty, and there is a prolonged shot of the photo of Lenny's corpse at the end. It's incredibly powerful and haunting. But it's not for everyone. It does feature both Sally and Kitty talking about him very sweetly.
Kitty also runs a charity that funds resources and education for addiction treatment:
Anyways. Some resources!
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grogusmum · 11 days
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Oh, I love sharing fanart! And fanart of fanfic is one of the highest forms of flattery!
Pumpkin Picking Time (from A Galaxy Far Far Away) by @literallydontlook
M'dear, I will never be over this! Lookit them, my little earthbound space family!?! With Seamus too!!
Selkie!Ezra funding some clothes of the clothesline (from Seven Tears) by @honestly-shite (art blog @mjpens )
If you knew how much this means to me!! The wind on the grass, the sea spray, the too short pants (hint of happy trail 👀) the twin chimneys... on his way to the village to find you!!
Psst here is a Art I made of Fae King! Ezra (for She Who Sleeps Among the Trees) by @ezrasbirdie
I love a good Slow Burn! Even if I am too impatient to write on myself.
Me reading someone's brilliant slow burn:
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Me writing my own:
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The slow burn I'd like to spotlight is by @ohforficsake You Brought Me Poison Flowers.
A fantastic TLOU set in Jackson. Joel Miller x Herbalist!OFC Lennie. POC OFC. Age-appropriate age gap.
The Waterpark by @starlightmornings is the one and only crack fic I've ever read, and I just- it is delightful, ridiculous and so much freaking fun!! I may have to reread it, now that I found it again!!
Jack Daniels is a character that I love much more in fic than in canon. That said, I decided to roll one thing back to canon in this smutty little imagine ...
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lukeskqwalker · 1 year
I'm replaying rdr2 rn and usually I leave every micah mission for the last possible moment just so that I can have as much time with him gone as possible. this time I didn't. doing that made me notice that Micah????? Tried??? To get more people to like him?? Arthur included?
Im not saying that in a "aw poor guy" kind of way. It's very obvious that it's slimy. The girls he wants to like him for obvious reasons. Anyone who's not white he Doesn't do this to and is actively antagonistic towards. But Micah tries to get Arthur to like him in the same way he gets Dutch to like him. He tries to talk to Arthur friendly MULTIPLE times, and every time arthur (rightfully) shuts him down. He showers him in compliments and thanks and good job opportunities. He even donates pretty decent money to the camp funds. Not as often as other people, but when he donates it's like 10 dollars as opposed to other peoples 1 dollar. (Funnily enough, I noticed this bc I always donate 10 dollars at a time no matter how much money I have, just so I'm not harassed for not donating in 4 days when the last time I donated 1000.) It's only after arthur shuts him down so often that Micah tries to get rid of him.
But here's the thing. Micah is shitty towards the people arthur loves, and that's a deal breaker for him no matter how much micah tries to butter him up. Charles and lenny are both people that Arthur shows massive respect and appreciation for. They work hard, don't escalate situations in a way that endangers the gang, and they don't consider some lives as fundamentally above others. and micah, who does none of those things, is just a racist asshole towards them. Arthur feels a responsibility towards the girls, and micah harasses them. EVERY time you talk to one of the girls after micah does, arthur asks them to let him know if they want him to do anything about it. (I actually have no idea what he's like towards Tilly, as I've never had an interaction between the two, but I highly doubt it would be good.) He's creepy towards jack, but I'm genuinely not sure if he's like that from the start or only after arthur had turned him down so much. AND: hosea doesn't like him. Hilariously I think that alone would be enough for arthur to hate him as well.
Funnily enough, all this combined makes me think of Dutch more than anyone else. For Arthur, fucking with the people he loves is a deal breaker. For Dutch, it's not. At least, it's not until it's too late for anyone to be saved, Dutch himself included.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Clingy Rat: Micah Bell X Male Reader
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader is referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/References to Sex Warnings: Micah Bell is his own warning, established relationship, casual bonding, friendly banter, Micah is touchy, everyone is drunk, no mention of reader drinking for those of you who don’t partake, background relationships: Hosea/Dutch, Dutch/Molly, Charles/Arthur, John/Abigail Summary: A party with the gang prompts conversation and Sean mentions that you and Micah seem to indulge in a fair amount of PDA.
The gang is never going to pass up an opportunity to celebrate. A big take from just a few hours ago funds the endless bottles of whiskey and beer that Uncle and Bill seem to be going through faster than humanly possible. Dutch is alternating dances between Molly and Hosea who will both happily twirl him around until the sun comes up. Arthur and Charles have nearly fallen over about twenty times while playing some game you’ve never seen before, Abigail and John are beating them badly at whatever it is. Strauss retired to sleep a few hours ago, Reverend Swanson did as well, but he was drunk when he passed out. The others are clustered in conversation, occasionally finding a place by the fire. Sean and Karen, both drunk out of their minds, are more singing than screaming along with Javier’s messy and drunk guitar. The laughter surrounds you as you lean back against Micah’s chest, his arm draped lazily around your chest.
Around the fire, as the singing dies down, Bill, Sean, Sadie, and Lenny argue over what happened during the job. Some more of the gang have gone to sleep, others have wandered off to find privacy in the woods.
“You expect me to believe,” Bill wobbles in his seat as he speaks. “That is was you that got the Sheriff?”
“I expect ya ta use your eyes, big man!” Sean laughs. “There I was, guns all around me, but I had a clean shot on him, I did.”
“Micah shot the Sheriff.” You chime in from your spot on the ground.
Micah presses a kiss to your neck in appreciation, his arm tightening around your chest.
“Oh, sure he did.” Sadie laughs. “You ain’t exactly a reputable source!”
“I was standing next to him.” You argue.
“Ain’t you always.” Sean grins. “You two don’t seem to separate much anymore, bunch a’ love birds you are.”
Micah’s other arm snakes around your waist and he rests his head on your shoulder. “Jealous there, red?” He chuckles.
“Get a room!” Sean groans. “I ain’t never seen ya two not touchin’ all lovey and the like.”
“So, “ You lean forward, making Micah loosen his grip a bit. “You admit that I would have been right there, easily able to see that it was Micah who shot the Sheriff?”
Sean sighs, waving his hand dismissively before he takes a swig from his bottle.
From the trees, there’s a thud and you all turn to watch as Arthur attempts to sneak back to his tent. No one sees Charles, but you all know he’s sneaking alongside the clumsiest of the old guard.
“Ya ain’t as bad as them, I guess.” Sadie takes a long swig from her bottle. “I love the fools, but they could be more subtle.”
A shared laugh fills the group and Micah pulls you back against his chest, his arms firmly secured around your middle. You’re leaning back far enough that your head rests on his chest and he can set his chin on top of your head.
“Alright, alright.” Bill leans forward as he speaks and has to stop himself from falling onto the ground. “Micah may have got the Sheriff, but I am the one who shot most a’ the town.”
You chuckle. “I’m gonna have to disagree on that too, Bill.”
“Oh, there is no way in Hell Micah does everything!” Bill shouts.
“I never said that.” You say, raising your hands in surrender. “It was Sadie that killed most of the people shooting at us.”
“Now that ain’t fair!” Bill grumbles.
Saide laughs. “You’re lucky ta hit the broad side of a barn, Mister Williamson.”
Bill groans, taking a swig from his bottle.
“How’s about we turn in for the night?” Micah whispers in your ear. “I would like to show my appreciation in ya defendin’ my honor, cowboy.”
You press further back against Micah and he happily tightens his grip around you and presses a few kisses behind your ear, chuckling lightly.
“Oh, look at ‘em.” Sean slurs. “You gonna get a room yet, boys?”
“A tent, more likely, Mister MacGuire.” You say, pulling Micah with you as you stand.
Micah’s arm goes around your shoulders as you walk away, his stance swaying from the drinks of the night. The arguments continue by the fire as you enter your tent and take Micah’s hat from his head so he can kiss you properly. His hands are busy slipping under your shirt and roaming over your bare skin.
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ellamorgan333 · 3 months
give me modern tahini van der linde family vacation headcanons😛
here’s a few of mine
- susan is the airport dad, reverend is drunk by the time their off the plane, dutch is already wearing his hawaiian shirt
- they live in a big house by the beach with a pool and hot tub, john got too drunk on the second day and fell in and hosea yelled at arthur to get him
- kieran is still the servant boy who brings everyone their drinks and they expect him to
- hosea and dutch get wayyy to drunk on the first day and make fools out of themselves but their having fun so it’s fine
- the girls love getting ready to go to family dinners (when pearson doesn’t cook)
- sadie and abigail take baby jack into the pool and ocean (baby jack has a duck raft)
- half of them are sunburnt af bc they don’t want to use sunblock
- by day 3 john is bright red on the beach wearing abigail’s sun hat and javier’s poncho
- arthur and charles sit in beach chairs staring out into the ocean with bud lites in their hands
- lenny and sean go on side quests then randomly come back and go the furthest into the ocean which makes susan nervous and annoyed
- micah disrespects the locals and has his beer belly out all the time
- strauss planed the funding for the trip but they did not invite him and left before he could say anything🤭
- bill is actually having a good time and being fun while trying to make fun drinks for everyone (trying to get kieran to play bartender with him)
- grandpa dutch and hosea play with jack in the pool
- dutch likes the hot tub ofc
- uncle is having the time of his life and him and javier play their banjo and guitar together a lot
- the youngins will smoke a j secretly and reverend will pop out of nowhere quietly asking for a hit (sean thinks its really funny)
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nyancreeperdraws · 6 months
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Hey Guys, let me introduce you to my new OC Lenny the Lemming (Orginal Character Donut Steel)
Welp, it's the year of our lord and savior 2024, the year where that damn despicible rodent Michael Theodore Mouse officially enters the public domain (Only the Steamboat Willie Version but hey, good enough for me.)
As punishment for funding Anti Gay bills and fucking up the American Copyright system, I made the rat a femboy furry.
Hey, like this or hate this, it's better than schlocky Mickey Mouse slasher movie number 2903.
Joking aside, I hope you all enjoyed this I may actually make him into an OC/Seperate Character, like unironically. I love his little Alt Boy Skirt.
Hope you all enjoy!
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tt40art · 4 months
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Did you know you can wear Lenny as a shirt? That's right! Go and get it! (Please. Something needs to fund my weekly pinball binge.)
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tickletastic · 7 months
That Green Gentleman
Fandom: The Boys
Ship: N/A
Warnings: Mentions of needles/injections, mentions of canon-typical violence, canon-typical profanity
Summary: Butcher interrupts Hughie during a long night of work. (AN: found out during the research for this that the population of Wyoming is less than my hometown.... crazy)
“The Flatiron Building is historical” this, and “keep everything clean” that. What M. M. had failed to tell Hughie, when he had officially joined the team again, was that the Flatiron Building is also incredibly creepy at night, when you’re all alone and encapsulated by silence.
He’s working away at a stupidly tall pile of files about some leads pertaining to an up-and-coming supe that’s being eyed by The Seven, continuously eyeing the sickly green vial of Temp V that sits at the edge of his desk. He promised Annie that he’d stop, that he’d never even look at Temp V again, but finding that final, lonely vial had done something to him. He couldn’t help but keep it at an arm’s reach, he couldn’t help but imagine every scenario where he might need it, scenarios when regular Hughie wouldn’t be enough.
He tries to ignore it, but every few minutes one of the files ends up on that side of the desk, and he has to watch the vial teeter back and forth, unsure if he wants to reach out and move it to a safer place, or allow it the glass to shatter on the ground, the liquid spreading across the dirty tiles until there was none left for him to inject, forcing him to stay himself.
He manages to go an hour, sixty entire minutes, without looking towards the vial, following a paper trail about where the supe might be training, some hidden Vought-funded summer camp in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, Wyoming.
Hughie hadn’t even known that people actually lived in Wyoming.
He’s so focused on the files in front of him that he doesn’t hear the door to the office open, he doesn’t even realize that Butcher has entered the room until he’s struggling against someone else’s arms, effectively knocking his files over, setting off a chain reaction that causes the vial to tip over the edge, and it feels as though things move in slow motion as he watches it fall to the floor, shattering with a clink.
The arms around Hughie unravel, and he swivels in his chair to see that it’s Butcher, who is taking in the sight of the Temp V on the floor, the Temp V that had been so incredibly difficult for them to acquire. He watches as Butcher’s face cycles between a number of emotions, anger underlying each of them. He’s almost scared, for a moment, scared of how Butcher will respond to his mistake.
Butcher, though, tries to stay as calm as possible, he tries to focus on anything but the precious, invaluable Temp V that is now spread across the floor. Frenchie had torn him apart after he had punched Hughie, and M. M. seemed to chew him out every time he remembered that it had happened. Not to mention that Butcher had felt so guilty for so long about the possibility of him failing Hughie the way he had failed Lenny.
So, instead of focusing on the green chemical mixture, or the fear on Hughie’s face, Butcher focuses on the fact that it’s three in the morning and Hughie is still in the office, slumped over and looking exhausted. Instead of commenting on how the Temp V was necessary for their next venture, he focuses on Hughie’s inability to take care of himself.
“What are you doing here, kid?” He asks, trying to soften his expression, “it’s three in the fuckin’ mornin’, what’s Starlight gonna think that you’re up to?”
Hughie’s expression twitches, flashing through a number of emotions until it lands on something between confusion and sheepishness, and Butcher almost wants to look away, thinking about how much Hughie looks like Lenny with this expression, under these dim lights.
“Uh- I was taking a look at the files for tomorrow. I thought we could get a head start on finding Echo if I put in some overtime to figure out his weekly schedule,” Hughie stutters, looking up at Butcher with intrigue.
“Well, there’s no use in you getting us a head start if you’re going to be all tired and whiny come morning, is there?” Butcher asks, bringing a hand up and putting it on Hughie’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
Hughie flinches, very obviously, and poorly, suppressing a giggle. “Uh, I guess not. I just have a few more things to look over.” He poorly manages to hide that he’s trying to evade Butcher’s hand when it gives him another squeeze, moving his head down quickly to conceal the small smile on his lips.
“I don’t think so,” Butcher says, a smirk on his lips, “we have a cot in the back, you’re going to get some sleep, or you’re not rolling with me and the boys tomorrow.”
Hughie rolls his eyes, making a move to turn his chair back around, “Butcher, why don’t you let me finish this, and then I’ll go home.”
“Nuh-uh, kid, you’re going to sleep now or miss out on tomorrow, your choice.”
“I’m finishing this,” Hughie replies firmly, going back to his files, some of which are now turning green on the floor, drenched in the Temp V.
“Alright then, cunt, you give me no choice.”
“What? Butcher, le- fuhuhuck, dohohon’t dohoho that!” Hughie squeals, trapped in his chair by Butcher, who has moved forward to keep the chair from moving away from the desk.
“I can’t stop now, Hughie. I’m sure you understand, you left me no choice,” Butcher responds mischievously, his fingers scribbling over Hughie’s tummy, “now, why don’t you tell me how bad this tickles?”
Hughie shakes his head, desperately trying to turn around so he can, at the very least, see Butcher, and have the smallest amount of control in the situation. “Nohoho, Buhuhutcher stahahap!”
“‘Stop’ ain’t a number, Hughie, I need a number on a scale of one to ten.” Butcher starts to pinch around Hughie’s belly button, and Hughie doubles over, his laughter picking up.
“Fuhuhuhuck,” Hughie screeches, throwing his head back against the chair, just barely giving him enough range to see Butcher’s face, “fihihive! It’s ahahaha fihihive, plehehease Buhuhutcher!”
“Alright, alright, I’m moving, kid.”
Butcher’s hands go back up again to Hughie’s neck, and Hughie starts to snort softly, bringing his shoulders up in an attempt to block Butcher out. “c'mon kid, give us a number out of ten.”
Hughie’s eyes are closed as he tries, desperately, to block Butcher out. “Sehehe-Sehehevehen! Seven!”
“Good job, kid!” Butcher praises, and he notices the way Hughie turns pink to his ears, trying to duck his head for a reason other than Butcher’s fingers.
“Okay, now what about here?” Butcher's fingers skitter down to Hughie’s ribs, and Hughie shrieks, desperately struggling against the chair, stuck between throwing his head back or letting it drop with a soft thud onto the desk, and letting the tickles overtake him.
Hughie is laughing way too hard to muster up any response, let alone a number to rate how ticklish his ribs are. Though, in the back of his mind he’s pretty sure that Butcher already knows what the number would be. In his thrashing, he eventually settles on letting his forehead slump onto the desk, as he cackles and squeals away, his hands doing nothing to pry Butcher’s fingers away from him.
“Bu- Ihihihi- Plehehease! Buhuhutcher I cahahan’t!” Hughie shouts, tears of mirth falling onto the document that cushions his face.
“Alright, alright, Len, I’ll let up,” Butcher says, before he can catch himself. Butcher recoils before feigning nonchalance, letting Hughie scoot the chair away from the desk.
Hughie quickly turns around, his eyes now holding the same softness that Butcher had attempted earlier, despite tears still welling in the corners of his eyes from the onslaught. “Thahahat was twihisted. Eheheven fohor you.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, kid. The boys and I need you in peak condition for tomorrow. Go hit the cot,” Butcher says with an eye roll, though he does a poor job of hiding his fondness.
“Alright, but wake me up when Frenchie and Kimiko get here?” Hughie asks, tilting his head.
“Will do.” Butcher replies, picking shards of glass up from the floor.
“I’m sorry about that, by the way,” Hughie responds, guilt seeping onto his face.
Butcher takes a moment, before finally looking up, meeting Hughie’s eyes, “no apology needed, kid, none at all.”
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booasaur · 10 months
hi! hope you’re doing well :) wanted to share some thoughts on the latest episode of minx, so heads up for spoilers below!
okay so — as of 2x04, I was kind of hesitant with where they were going with Bambi and Shelly’s relationship but I’m intrigued so far. From what I can gather Shelly is scared/intimidated by her attraction to Bambi and the potential it has to upend her life, so she’s exploring other avenues to express her sexuality in a way that doesn’t negatively affect her marriage. For Bambi’s part she seems to genuinely like Shelly but also wants to respect her boundaries, so she isn’t pushing anything even if she gets her feelings hurt. Bambi’s actress one said something along the lines of she loves with all her heart and man it does seem like she fell hard in a short amount of time. It’s an interesting dynamic that isn’t like a straight-up affair, so even though I have some reservations I’m excited to see where they go with it. Also Bambi telling Shelly “I just want you to be happy” aww :( also peeped the fact that Richie apparently knows about their sexual relationship but presumably no one else does, his friendship with Bambi is nice.
I really really like Tina but it seems like she’s taken a backseat to the narrative, which is funny because that seems to be her conflict with Doug this season? She had a brief exchange this past episode with Ritchie about how unappreciated they are but not at a lot else. Not entirely sure what they’re doing with her but there is definitely room for that to change and I could be reading this wrong. Also the woman who is funding the magazine — Constance? — is fun to watch, her actress is doing great things on The Afterparty, which I recommend to watch, no spoilers but they also have some queer stuff going on this season :)
Hi! Thank you, doing all right, hope you are too!
Yeah, I've seen people who were looking forward to Shelly/Bambi this season be disappointed with how it's going, but I feel like this is the best case scenario at the moment? Bambi already emotionally invested, and she's actually the one I had some concern about, because she can be so easygoing and casual about things, it could have just as easily been a lovely night for her with no feelings, but there are feelings.
We knew Shelly was definitely gonna struggle and I'm actually pleased that whatever else is going on in her relationships, she's also very affected by Bambi, especially with apparently how free loving the rest of her life is. Not gonna lie, I was a bit disappointed and a lot surprised not by the direction her storyline this season's taking, but that some really crucial stuff happened off screen. If season 1 was about her feeling stifled in her life and marriage, and Lenny being such a stick in the mud, how did the coming about of them being swingers not something valuable to see?? Who brought it up, the initial reaction of the other person? I get that they wanted it to be a surprise and for the comedy of it, but Shelly took an enormous step and we didn't see it. Like, were key parties such a huge thing in the '70s that it wasn't a big thing to have them...? I don't think so...
But on the other hand, it does establish, that Shelly's feelings for Bambi aren't just about an escape from her humdrum life, because she IS finding fulfillment at home and even at her job now, and still, she doesn't trust herself to be alone with Bambi. You summed it up really well, that what she feels for Bambi is something emotionally significant enough that it could affect her marriage, and doesn't fall within the sexual part of swinging.
So far, Tina has definitely not gotten much to work with. On a show like this, you get more screen time by having problems that you work through, and they've written her as the competent problem-solver. Even with Doug, it's all his issues, she's left to be frustrated with him, justifiably, but on screen it's pretty thankless. They've really boxed her in, there's no room for real personal growth because she's already kinda there, and they're not giving her an external issue to deal with big enough that the audience gets invested. Maybe she gets her turn soon.
Haha, Elizabeth Perkins, of course I'm a fan. I HAVE also been following The Afterparty and am quite hooked. [redacted]'s ep, it was so gorgeous! Except the end where [redacted] was like, yeah, it was a nothing fling. >_> I mean, that doesn't seem to be the end of things, but either one or both could still be the murderers, or it could still be fully one-sided.
Actually, I've been having the same issue with The Afterparty as for Minx and other shows like Warrior or Durian's Affair, where I want to gif but I'm not really sure if I'm giffing a pair that's already fully broken up forever or doesn't even love each other. I know that being together or even being canon isn't required to ship, but the way I've always approached giffing is if it's something that affects me and that I want to share. And it's slowly become more of a responsibility what I choose to share, I don't really want to get people watching something and then have it implode (jeez, Durian's Affair). That's 100% NOT how either I or people seeing my posts should approach things, but it's been hard to shake that mindset.
It's also gotten more complicated, in a good way, because by now we've gotten enough rep that just being canon isn't necessarily enough to be Worth Giffing, and there are more nuanced and messy storylines where you're no longer getting the 1 minute of fluff every ep that made for a good gifset but not much more of a storyline. Obviously the romantic stuff is still pretty easy, but otherwise, while before I'd find it notable if a show was actually Going There, or was a big project, or had a big actor, or was a big moment for primetime TV or for rep in whatever country, etc, now it's often this emotionally fraught stuff that doesn't make for a neat little contextless set of 10 gifs.
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nightafternightpod · 1 year
07.06: A Night at the Awards
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New pod time! Lenny and Squiggy have finally finished the script for "Blood Orgy of the Amazons: A Different Kind of Love Story." Determined to score a proper lead actress for the project, they plan to head to the Golden Circle Awards to present their script to one Joey Heatherton, who happens to be
Unfortunately, the boys are tapped for funds. Squiggy's initial impulse is to use Rhonda to get into the party, but he ends up on the hook for tickets. He knows Lenny does have money stashed in a sock in his freezer for an emergency - and when Lenny decides not to give the cash up, Squiggy ultimately chooses to steal it. The boys head to the ceremony and get to hang out with Joey, but will their friendship survive the truth?
We talk about the boys' evolving relationship and the state of Hollywood in the '60's on-pod!
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-mlVoEmmDA Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-night-at-the-awards-s7e06/id1511414778?i=1000618867337 Spotify: https://t.co/wKwKnhB8l0 Amazon Music: https://t.co/e6xXo2QDQQ
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vague-humanoid · 1 year
The lawsuit filed by Jacksonville resident Earl Johnson Jr. claimed that using taxpayer money to fund Confederate monuments violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and sought a declaratory judgment against DeSantis and mayor Lenny Curry, reported First Coast News.
"These monuments are symbols of white supremacy ideology," Johnson said. "These monuments were put up during Jim Crow and reconstruction times. This isn't about history."
DeSantis and Curry filed a motion to dismiss the complaint in October, but it was struck down a day later. The judge granted an amended motion to dismiss last month because Johnson had not shown "he has sustained or is in immediate danger of sustaining a direct injury associated with Confederate tributes on public land."
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wonderlandleighleigh · 9 months
Miriam Weissman Bruce is a confident woman.
At this point in her life, with a successful career under her belt, as well as experience as a mother and grandmother, it would be silly for her to be timid.
Ella, however, is less sure of herself. While she's had a very successful album come out in the last year, she's still only sixteen. She follows her grandmother quickly as she walks quickly through the hall of Chilton, the older woman's heels clicking against the floors beneath her.
"This place is fancy," Ella comments.
Her grandmother waves an unbothered hand. "All these ritzy schools are the same. They all have stuffy, goyische headmasters, and they all want the same thing: booster funds."
Ella giggles a little as she looks around. "Great place for a music video."
"Uh-uh, young lady," Midge scolds. "You are supposed to be focusing on your studies, and on being a kid. Once you graduate high school, you can dive back into the music. But for now, you've got an education to get, and friends to make, and trouble to get into. And not the kind of trouble you find in the industry. Kid trouble."
"Yes, Softa. Sorry, Softa," Ella mutters, looking chastened.
Midge sighs and stops walking, turning to her and cupping her face. "You are so fucking young. You have so much time. You don't have to do everything all at once."
The girl nods and looks sheepish, and gets kissed on the head for her trouble, her grandmother pushing blonde curls from her face.
Midge smiles at her and then looks around. "Where the fuck's the office?" she ponders as she takes Ella's hand and starts walking again.
"Mrs. Maisel!"
"Weissman-Bruce," Midge corrects, whirling around to face a woman she assumes is a secretary of some sort. "I'm not on stage. It's Mrs. Weissman-Bruce."
It's the secretary's turn to look chastened. "Of...of course, Mrs. Weissman-Bruce. If you'd follow me..."
Midge nods, and keeps hold of Ella's hand as they follow the other woman. She leads the into an outer office and smiles at them. "If you'll just wait here a moment."
"Sure," Midge grins, not bothering to sit on the leather couch. "Tell Headmaster Charleston he needs more signs."
The secretary laughs nervously before disappearing behind a heavy wooden door. She's back a moment later, holding said door open. "Right this way."
Midge gestures for Ella to go first, and she does, stepping inside, looking around at everything.
"Ah. Mrs. Weissman-Bruce. Miss Bruce," an older man says as he gets to his feet. "It's very nice to meet you both."
"Hi," Ella responds, shaking his hand.
"I was under the assumption that Ella's mother would be joining us as well," Charleston comments.
"She had a work emergency," Midge explains as they shake hands. "Consider me the official, sanctioned stand-in."
"Well, I suppose better you than your husband," he jokes.
Midge snorts. "Please. You'd be lucky to have Lenny here instead of me, he's a way bigger pushover."
"She isn't wrong," Ella comments. "Pop-Pop is very amiable."
"And I will eat you alive," Midge promises with a smirk.
"Well, before you do, may I introduce Ella's student guide for the day," the headmaster chuckles nervously. He gestures to a slight brunette girl sitting in a chair off to the side. "Rory Gilmore, this is -"
"Oh, we know Rory already," Midge assures him. She turns to Ella and straightens out her tie. "Go with Rory, Sweetie. Softa needs to tell Headmaster Charleston what's what."
Ella nods and Rory gets to her feet, the two girls stepping out of the office together.
"That is a side of Midge I don't think I've ever seen," Rory comments.
"Oh, yeah, she saves it for these kinds of situations," Ella assures her, before taking a breath. "So...hi."
"Hi. Long time no see," Rory jokes.
"Yes, dinner at the diner last night was a million years ago," Ella laughs softly. "I'm guessing this place is a little bit of a piranha tank."
"A little," Rory confirms. "You get used to it. Or you have a nervous breakdown and change schools."
"Oh, a challenge," Ella grins. "Lead on."
Rory smiles and leads her out of the office. "We'll pick up your schedule first, and then I'll show you around."
"Just point me towards the music department," Ella orders.
"It's one of our stops," Rory promises. "But you have to see the other parts of the school."
"Those are the boring parts," the blonde complains.
"I know, but you do have to go to your other classes," Rory laughs. "You can't just hide in a practice room all day."
"Oh, ye of little faith," Ella marvels.
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