#Leo is well and truly a menace
blue-and-grey-yarn · 2 years
I do spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about how much Raph ends up saving Leo specifically, in 2012.  Like people tend to cast Raph as very resentful/antagonistic towards Leo even in later seasons when like. In the show Raph is literally 80% of Leos impulse control and also the main reason he even survives season one. 
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aayakashii · 3 months
Heyo, I wanted to ask if we could get some Haku, Jin and Leo boyfriend headcanons?
Love your writing! If you do only one then Haku please, he is my boo xD
Thank you🦋
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Thank you so much for enjoying what I write!!! ૮₍つ´˘`₎つ₍ ´˘`◌ ₎ა it truly means a lot to me! I am not 100% satisfied with this one hahaha but I hope you guys like it (๑•́ ᎔ ก̀๑)
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Dating headcanons – Leo, Jin and Haku
How did you manage to crack his bitchy exterior is beyond me!
But you did, and now Leo is all yours, which comes with all its quirks.
Leo looks down on most people around him, and when he doesn't, he mostly sees them as interesting or as sources of information.
You are in the interesting category, with a side of romantic and physical interest heavily sprinkled in it.
He'll constantly keep you around him, even if it's unconsciously. He wants you near and will throw a tantrum whenever you need to run your own errands (he needs his parallel play even when he's just listening in to people's conversations)
He's a yapper, so you'll probably end up to date with all the juicy gossip around Darkwick.
Not really the best listener though, but if something is bothering you, he might lend an ear or just straight up tell Sho to beat up whoever upset you.
He is NOT afraid of pda. And he WILL tease you in public because he's a menace.
He hugs you from behind and kisses your neck while you're talking to your friends just to creep them out hehe
Your dates are usually be in very aesthetically pleasing places so he can take pictures and post them on instagram (almost called it magicam help the twst brainrot is real)
He flaunts you online so freaking much. And simply adores when you get jealous of thirst comments for him, although he's quick to ban people that focus too much on you... (jealousy or envy? He'll never say)
Oh and he's spoiled... expect him to whine and beg for you to do whatever he wants and he will not stop until you concede. But you find it cute, so lucky him!
Two words: princess treatment. It doesn't matter if you're a woman, a man, or anything in between. If you're with Jin, you're immediately a princess.
Despite his grumpy and cold exterior, Jin is clingy and desperate for your attention, so expect him to text you constantly, demanding that you go visit him asap for some random reason he just made up.
Jin isn't fond of pda, but really likes it when you two have to be in public and you squeeze his hand, reassuringly. Anything beyond that is a no-no.
He buys literally everything you think of getting, to the point that even trying to give him a gift is hard because he doesn't want you to spend a cent on him.
Dates are few and far between because he avoids leaving his room, but doesn't mean you two don't meet. He just prefers to cuddle with you and sleep together most of the time. This way, you two can be comfortable alone.
If a special occasion is coming, he might take you to some hidden vacation spot with one of his helicopters though.
He expresses his love through gifts and little things he does for you.
Memorizes everything about your tastes so he can appease to you as accurately as possible: wants to know you favorite colors, flowers, foods, drinks, scents, hobbies, everything.
He keeps it all noted on a secret small notebook that's tucked deep into his pockets and if you end up finding it, no you didn't.
Very, very jealous and he tells you how he feels very bluntly. You end up having to reassure him of your feelings way more than once, because he's constantly afraid of being betrayed.
And btw, I hope you're thinking of marriage, because dating Jin is most likely a permanent part of your life now!
I hope you're ready to have the most teasing boyfriend ever because he just loves joking around with you to see your reaction.
Sometimes he might just surprise tickle you as well to hear you yelp...
Always gives you a kiss and headpats to apologize afterwards.
Speaking of kiss, he loves kisses. Anywhere. On the lips, on your cheeks, on your hands, on your pulse, on your neck, all over your body.
Haku also is great when it comes to giving you advice and words of affirmation. He's a great listener and your biggest supporter.
He WILL drag you to countless dates. From fancy restaurants, to an empty hidden park, you two will always be going on adventures together.
Also, I think he might be great at massages, so ask for some when you're too stressed from all the work that is put on your shoulders hehe
Haku doesn't really get jealous. He trusts you a lot when it comes to that, so he doesn't mind when you are talking to other guys because he knows they're your friends.
He might join you and put a hand on your waist, but that's mostly it.
Of course, sometimes he might have his moments of insecurity, in which you will need to reassure him, but he's a very understanding guy (just don't abuse it)
He likes to see you in his clothes when you two are alone, thinks you look absolutely adorable with his hoodies.
Haku is absolutely smitten by you, although he's quite nonchalant about it. All he wants is to live a normal life with you by his side.
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unleashed-fest · 5 days
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Week one is done and what a week it was! We're bringing you the round-up and giving you the weekend to catch up on everything before we dive into week two!
Nectar (Draco/Harry, T, 1.9k) Draco's first Animagus transformation doesn't go as planned.
Gym Rats and Whippet Pats (Dudley/Millicent, T, 6.8k) When his longtime girlfriend Milli adopts a dog, Dudley wants nothing to do with him. He's never had a dog and he's never wanted one.
His avoidance of taking care of the new pup is tested when Milli goes on a business trip for two weeks and leaves the dog in his care. Will he be able to step up to the task, or will his inability to connect with the dog endanger his relationship?
A fluffy little romp in which Dudley gets a crash course in pet ownership and learns that it isn't easy to keep a furry companion out of your heart.
Little Menace (Draco/Harry, M, 3k) Draco wants to make his mother happy. Narcissa wants everyone to get along. Harry wants to call Leonora Leo. Lucius wants his son to break up with his boyfriend and marry a good pureblood woman.
And Leonora? Well, she's quite happy playing with all the toys she can find...
The Cat-astrophe (Draco/Harry, E, 4.3) Harry Potter can't sleep. Grimmauld Place is being haunted by a vicious ghost of a cat who inflicts a magical injury onto Harry and the Ministry of Magic sends one of its Junior Unspeakables to investigate. The unspeakable in question being Draco Lucius Malfoy.
The Selkie's Secret (Neville/Pansy, T, 5.1) A series of encounters by the lakeside in seventh year lead Neville to discover a different side to Pansy Parkinson. Despite the war going on, the two form an unexpected bond. Can it be strong enough to survive the Battle of Hogwarts?
Run, Rabbit, Run (Draco/Harry, E, 46k) Harry finds an injured rabbit in the Forbidden Forest.
Which Came First, the Phoenix or the Flame? (Luna/Draco/Ron, M, 18k) It's a tale as old as time: the darkest night of the soul– and taking that one.more.breath.anyway. The hero(ine)'s journey.
Just as Ron is truly having a final, wrackspurt-induced, alcohol-inflamed psychotic break, he finds that there are forces far beyond his control that have a very different path for him. Namely those forces of the Great Houses Lovegood, Bulstrode and Malfoy. Ron and his pet cockatoo, Sturgil, cross a threshold of more than one level of reality. Polyamory, adults doing their best, recovery story, lots of inner narration. Complex!Ron POV. Buckle up.
Every Glade With You (Luna/Theo, G, 2.8) Luna wasn't surprised by the growing number of sightings; she was prepared to save the creatures to help those who didn't believe her, but she was taken aback when Theo decided to join her on the journey.
Draco Malfoy and the Crupnapper (Draco/Harry, E, 4 hours) Life as a night shift creature keeper is scarcely the life Draco once imagined for himself, but ten years after the death of Voldemort he’s accepted his fate. Until the day Harry Potter forces his way back into Draco’s world and everything turns upside down.
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mediumgayitalian · 8 months
Nico cannot get out of the stupid van fast enough, practically throwing himself out of the sliding door.
“You should kiss the ground, next,” comments Will drily, stepping out of the van like a normal person. (Easy for him. He got shotgun.) “Since you’re being so dramatic already.” He nudges Nico with his toe, who is sprawled out in the beautiful, beautiful grass, basking in the SoCal sun. “It was not that bad.”
“Easy for you to say!” Nico cracks open one eye to glare, which is hard to do when Will smiles so fondly at him. But he’s a professional. “You had legroom! I was cramped in the back with Cecil!”
“I have long legs,” Will says haughtily, at the same time Cecil calls out, “Hey!”
Nico plucks a handful of grass — dirt and roots and all — and chucks it at him. He relishes in the screeching.
“You let one loose in the back of the already rank-ass van with broken windows. You’re lucky you’re still alive, you fucking asshole.”
Cecil really is lucky to be alive, and he knows it, so he doesn’t say anything. Nico had truly almost killed him. It was Lou Ellen, on Cecil’s other side, who had begun absolutely wailing on the son of Hermes with her book that had satisfied Nico enough to refrain from gutting him.
“I still think Nico should have killed you,” Lou Ellen mutters, from her own sprawl of relief on the ground. “I also think I am never road tripping with you people ever, ever again.”
“Except for the drive back in three days,” Will points out, and the whole lot of them groan.
In truth, it wasn’t that bad. Sure, the camp van is pretty much older than Nico, and sure, they all should have considered the implications of Will claiming he had the music handled before committing themselves to getting stuck on the I-80 with it. Sure, Austin is a horrible driver (he freaking zig-zags through traffic like he’s allergic to sticking to one lane), and Leo’s constantly bouncing leg makes the whole van shake, and Piper snores when she sleeps (and she slept at least half the drive), and Kayla gets chip crumbs everywhere, and Lou Ellen — well, actually Lou Ellen is great. No issues. It’s everyone else who is a menace.
But, well.
Nico had fun. Not that he’ll ever admit it.
“Next time, we’re shadow travelling,” he grumbles, accepting Will’s hand up. Will squeezes twice and says, without missing a beat, “Not a chance, sunshine.”
“Well, then, we’re getting fucking plane tickets. Zeus can kiss my ass.”
Will’s laughter echoes all the way across the Little Tiber, louder than even the roar of warning thunder.
— — —
part two
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anxious-witch · 4 months
Dead boy detectives characters as their big three in Astrology-Edwin
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Text from the pictures and additional explanation under the cut
~ Disciplined & driven, handles their business
~ Rational, wants the facts, prioritizes security
~ Deep instincts, old soul, thoughtful & aware
~ Discerning, self-improving & matter-of-fact
~ Sharp mind, pure heart, practical perspective
~ Observant, watches every detail, critical eye
~ Draws attention like a magnet, always a star
~ Entertaining, expressive, proud & passionate
~ Strong-hearted spirit who celebrates life
-all text about signs is take from moonomens.com
*Edwin's is the only one that is canon, everyone else will be just my hcs
I have made a separate post about his main three but none the less, his chart is fascinating. Sun and Rising ruled by very stable, earth signs, who pride themselves on practicality and logic. Capricorn Sun gives him very proud and driven personality, while Virgo Rising gives him attention to detail.
We see him easily follow patterns of those signs. As a Capricorn, bs is very driven by his goals, specifically when solving cases. He wants to know all the importsnt facts before staring a case. Who, what, where, when, how and why and will they get paid? After those requirments are fulfilled, he gets right into solving them. He isn't wasting his time on something that will not hold up to his standards. Yet he is very thoughtful, even if he doesn't always expresses it well. But we see that with how he behaves around Niko perfectly.
As a Virgo Rising, we see how much attention he pays to detail. From perfectly arranged books, to dust poisonous to ghost, to even his outfit. Always perfectly made unless he is in a great distress. He strives to discern right from wrong, and even feels shame when his emotions don't always align with it(ie when he admits part of the reason he solves cases is to plead for leniency). He also always strives to improve his knowledge and we see him change through the season as he gains more insight, both on logical and emotional levels. He finds it difficult to bend and break the rules, but if it is for improvment he does it, while still being very strict with himself.
But then we have Moon in Leo. And text above ofc, describes healthy Leo Moon, aka when one is truly in tune with their feelings, which Edwin is arguably not, at least not at the beginning of the season. Leo Moons want to be seen and draw attention. Except Edwin is terrified of being seen as much as he longs for it, due to his other placements. So he denies that longing, until the plot forces him to face it, through Crystal, the Cat King, and then Monty. We see flashes of his true potential when he starts accepting himself in episode 6. He dresses more flashy, he takes pride in his appearance, he takes more dominant role in communication with Monty and the Cat King and freely expresses his emotions(apologizes to Monty, expresses how much the kiss meant to him, tells the Cat King to shove it, snaps at Monty). And then later of course, during his confession to Charles and in his last scene with the Cat King. Once he leans into his natural need to be seen and dominant fire sign and listens to his emotions, he is gonna be a force to be reconed with(and a menace).
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
No idea if asks are open.
Had this idea in my mind for a couple of days,
Bayverse boys x male snake mutant reader?
(reader is a green anaconda or a boa constructor)
Premise that the reader is slightly larger than the turtles and loves being big spoon. Rest is up to you <3
and if this is closed- just ignore me ✌🏼-🐍 Anon
Nah Nonnie! My askbox is open, if you're not sure if I have my requests opened or closed just check my blog description. I always update my status there!
He never expected to meet, much less date someone taller than him.
He has hard time actually going to sleep so sometimes you gotta get your snake coils around him and actually drag him to bed.
First time you wrap around him he panics a little bc snake vs turtle but this tight squeeze for cuddles works like a charm to put him right to sleep. Loves being little spoon bc SLEEP.
You're the only one that can calm his racing mind this effectively. You're like living weighten blanket.
Both of you being reptiles Donnie instals heat lamps for sunning. Best nap ever. This will apply also to other bros.
He drools a bit in his sleep on your arm.
You gotta arm wrestle him to be a big spoon.
He secretly loves being little spoon but god damn it he has reputation to uphold! It's not even about being a manly man. He NEEDS to protect at ALL times.
Rare moments he asks to be cuddled is when he really doubts himself.
Makes him feel safe and protected. Which you will need to get through his thick skull is okay bc while yes, he protects the others but you're there to have his back as well (and so are his brothers).
Falls asleep immediately when you're wrapped around him.
He still has a bit of 'uuuuuh' moment when you first wrap around him but he's a big sturdy turtle dude. He's fine. Settled almost immediately.
Sunning lamp together.
Knits you a giant snake sock to keep you warm when he's not there to cuddle with you. It has "Best Noodle Boyfriend" On it.
He's used to being smallest out of the brothers and WILL Tackle you when it's time to sleep bc just like Donnie, his brain is hyperactive just in another way. Sometimes his brain needs the sleep but his body just keeps moving.
Solution: Weighted blanket boyfriend.
I think everyone in the lair cheered when you managed to wrestle the orange menace to the first time sleep.
You just gotta wait while the motormouth finishes talking about his day first. It's a process. Good thing you find it cute.
Sleeps with open mouth and does small, short snores.
Like Raph, it takes a bit convincing to get him to try to be a little spoon. Same reason tbh.
Does like to lay in bed with you bc easier access for affections.
He prooobably has something about having dangerous partners lol
Once you get to agree - you need to hold him against your chest with both arms. He needs that to truly let go and feel safe. Better throw in some verbal reassurance too.
Srsy he and Raph have the hardest time being vulnerable and letting go of the 'protector' mindset.
No eating in bed btw.
@turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @madammuffins @tinkabelle19 @leosgirl82 @sharpwindow @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @dilucsflame33 @pheradream-15
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melancholysway · 2 years
Holy nunchuuuuuuucks, I can't believe I'm here again, why do you have to tempt me so?! Anyway! 2007, the turtles' SO bonds with Splinter and for a while everything is incredibly good but then here comes the awkward childhood photo or memory!
Got you! so sorry for the wait, college is overwhelming rn but when is it not tbh
I haven't forgotten about the other requests ya'll have sent me btw! I'm just getting it done at a snail's pace LMAO
TMNT 2007 Imagines: Embarrassing Photos
I’m doing this formatted to where the S/O meets Splinter! There’s a fic at the end with your turtle of choice :)
Key: --- followed by italics = flashback is happening or ending
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Leo has an awkward photo of him drooling while sleeping as a kid
Though that habit is long gone, he still shudders at the thought
Cannot believe he used to drool until he saw the photo
Brings it up one day when talking to you about each other’s childhood memories
“I um…I used to drool as a kid.”
He used to sleep in a big pile of pillows and blankets with the rest of his brothers, but he would always wind up being cuddled with Donnie, as he moved the least in his sleep (mikey kicked, HARD.)
He doesn’t tell you about the PHOTO master splinter has of it
This is early on in the friendship turned relationship, and when you get comfortable talking to Master Splinter for long periods of time (it was scary in the beginning, because, well, he was a giant rat who could read literally anyone,) he does his favorite thing: whip out the photo album
While Leo is in the dojo meditating, the others joke around and tell Splinter to show the Leo photos
And he does
And oh, he doesn’t hold back.
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Raphael had a teddy bear when he was younger
He was emotionally attached to that thing, seriously
Not really an awkward memory, but embarrassing for him
Splinter remembers Teddy all too well, seriously.
He has a photo of Raph and Teddy somewhere, though Raph never told you about it at all
“Teddy!” - 6 year old Raph
Oh, Teddy. 
Attachment issues incoming
Wouldn’t let splinter wash it because he didn’t want Teddy to get hurt
He had to steal it from him while he was sleeping just to wash him
Raph literally could tell the difference right away and got sad
It reflects on him now, Raphael (as much as he may deny it) doesn’t like being lonely. He likes to have someone there (either to bother, talk to, smack, all of the above.) He NEEDS his brothers. 
After getting to know Splinter more, he gives more details of the turtles’ upbringing, and (segue) whips out the photo book to show you all the turtles as tots
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Donnie has one photo of Raph dunking him in the tub while the others laughed
Its truly menacing, but Donnie kind of just
Represses it
It’s a really embarrassing moment, and luckily splinter caught it right in 4K
Once you begin dating donnie, you go up to splinter one day while he’s cleaning the bookshelf as you watch him pull out the photo album 
He gives you this smile as if he knows you’re wanting to see the baby donnie photos
Don’t tell donnie by the way
Raph and Donnie used to be on and off besties, they would fight one day then be hanging out the next. If Leo was trying to get Mikey to stop crying, Raph and Donnie were being devious together somewhere in the Lair
Raph brings up dunking Donnie often, especially if they’re at the Farmhouse. He’ll just casually bring it up like, “remembah when I used ta dunk your ass when we were kids?” 
Cue Donnie speed swimming out the lake and onto dry land
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Mikey cried, A LOT
He cried for basically anything and everything 
Too cold? Cried. Too hot? Cried. Just right? He’d find a reason to cry anyway
One time Raph smacked Mikey a little too hard, and he cried for a solid hour
Im talking ugly crying drool snot everywhere 
He was not letting that go
Raph apologized (many many times) 
Donnie thinks he was being a drama queen
Leo suggests that it would make a funny childhood memory, and Splinter laughed at that and snapped a photo of Mikey as he was calming down and hiccuping after getting a hug from Raphael
It’s actually a cute photo, but Mikey still gets mad about it for some reason
Thinks about his cry baby days a lot, but honestly, the crying got him what he wanted at times
Especially from Donnie
Leo was Mikey’s favorite brother and vice versa, Leo would always try and help Mikey when he was crying (which was very often)
He tried to be funny or comfort him, either way, it made their bond stronger
“And this,” Splinter points at the photo, “is a memory I find rather amusing from my son.” 
You try to contain your laughter, but the way your boyfriend looks as a child is too cute and too comical to not laugh at. “Do not hold back your emotions, laugh all you want.” The rat says at he notices you trying to contain yourself. 
It’s probably one of the funnier photos you’ve seen of your boyfriend so far. Though, he sort of told Master Splinter to never show anyone. However, you weren’t just anyone. You had legal right to see it.
You would take this witnessing to the grave, but it’s always nice to know more about your turtle’s past. Though him and his brothers had a nice childhood with what Splinter was able to do for them, they had ups and downs as well. 
If anything, Splinter did everything in his power to give them a seemingly normal childhood. They did what normal kids did:
Leo just so happened to drool a lot when sleeping. Splinter points to the photo of Leo on a mountain of blankets, and his closed eyes and unconscious self completely oblivious to the drool coming out at the time. He must've had a good dream. Leo sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and wipes his mouth to see if he drools. He doesn't wanna drool on you if you're sharing a bed together. He doesn't drool anymore, but, he still has to make sure. If you sleep together often, he waits for you to fall asleep first.
Raph had attachment issues to a stuffed animal. It's such a cute photo of Raph hugging onto his teddy bear for dear life on the couch during the early morning. He slept with it all the time. Raphael has shown a few times where he has to cuddle you. He's touchy, all the time. He feeds off of physical touch. Don't tell anyone, but he probably couldn't go a day without kissing you or hugging you in some way.
Donnie was used as collateral by his other siblings. This photo has to be a core memory for Donnie. It's an action shot of Raph dunking him halfway in the tub water, while Leo and Mikey giggle on the opposite side of the tub. It's probably why he never likes to go in the lake while Raph's in it when you all take a trip to Casey's grandma's farmhouse in the summer. Though he knows you can't physically dunk him, Donnie thinks about if you'll just turn around and do it while you're taking a relaxing bath together.
Mikey cried a lot. Though, even human kids probably didn’t cry as much as Mikey did. You see the photo of Mikey crying while Leo tries to comfort him, and Splinter mentions that Mikey would cry for practically any and everything. Mikey doesn't cry now, but he has this puppy-dog look he gives you whenever he wants to do something with you or wants something from you.
As you had only been dating him for a few months now, you were still uncovering pieces to a fun little puzzle that was the sewer life. 
You continue looking at the photo of your boyfriend, seeing how small he was back then, compared to now. He's a...big, muscular turtle. How his tiny shell doesn't compare to the one he has now. But, his facial features are all the same.
“How’d you do it?” You turn to Splinter, “I mean, raise them?” 
Master Splinter smiles, and leads you to the family portrait of all of them together. Though not kids anymore, this was taken recently. Before Leo left for South America a few years back. It was a sort of farewell photo, as per Leo’s request. He was always a family-oriented turtle.
And now, here comes the origin story of said photo. 
“Tha flash is too damn bright, Genius!” Raph scolds his younger brother- Donnie- after he complained for the 5th time that Raph’s eyes were closed. 
“I can’t make it any more dim, hothead!” 
“Ladies, ladies, you’re both pretty! My face hurts,” Mikey whines, “are we done?”
“Not until Raph beats the try not to blink for 5 seconds challenge.” Donnie snaps.
“Not until Don here stops tryin’ ta give his family a seiz’a from tha damn flash!” 
“Raphael, language.” Splinter interrupts, scolding the second oldest turtle in red. 
“Guys, I want a good photo before I leave. Can we all be civilized for 5 seconds?” Leo huffs. He leaves his spot from the frame and finds a way to shut off the flash. It wasn’t needed, anyway. 
“Now was that so hard, Einstein?” Raphael turns to Donnie once again, only to get a subtle middle finger as a response that Splinter couldn’t see and scold Don for. 
And finally, after all that bickering, they got the photo done. It comes out really good, and Mikey boasts about how he was always the most handsome turtle out of all of them.
“Dude, I’m gonna miss you,” Mikey says, this is the last day they’ll be together before Leo leaves, and it gets a little emotional. Mikey’s back to his old ways, almost crying as he runs to give his older brother a tight hug. 
Donnie’s gonna miss Leo, too. But instead of crying, he just has a sad look on his face. He was never one to cry, really. 
Raph, on the other hand, is stoic. He doesn’t show his emotions. But, he’s gonna miss his older brother. A lot. Probably more than the others. What is he gonna do without him? Could he even function without him?
“I’m gonna miss you too little brother,” Leo hugs a crying Mikey, “I’m gonna miss all of you. Truly.”
The family photo holds more meaning than the others, and Splinter cherishes it so much. 
“I did what I could,” Splinter says, “And…though I know not to be arrogant or smug, I believe I did a great job with them.” 
They are strong, loyal, and amazing turtles that protect the city. If anything, Splinter just made the best heroes in the world. If only the world knew about his accomplishment. 
You smile at your boyfriend’s sensei, “I agree with you. I mean, who else could protect New York City as good as your sons?” 
You weren’t wrong, either. You remembered the first time you met the turtles, and your soon-to-be boyfriend. You knew the police took their sweet ass time with responding to crimes, so you sort of had to deal with whatever hardship on your own. But a gang? No. 
So, yes, you were forever in debt with the turtles, but you couldn’t complain. They were four distinct personalities, and were so interesting that you just had to know more. 
And honestly, this “embarrassing photo” did just that. As you and Splinter continued to go through the photo album, he gave background on each photo you saw. It was your first time ever going through the book, as Splinter never really had this much time with you one on one to do this, but you enjoyed it. It appeared that Splinter did, too. The wrinkly smile that was plastered on his fuzzy face truly showed his content. He loved to reminisce and remember about the old times, and how quick time passes. Time is a thief, and he was lucky enough to have captured those moments. 
Especially the one photo of your boyfriend. 
The photo that you wanted a copy of, so you could keep it in your own personal album at home, where it would be safe, and you could pull it out whenever you needed a good cheering up or giggle.
Splinter did an amazing job with his sons, and though he probably skipped on the relationship advice thinking it wasn’t possible, your boyfriend was doing great with you. 
/// Taglist:
@bee-1n-space @ducky-died-inside Masterlist
I might start adding polls to my future posts for yall to vote on if you liked it or not :) just to see what people enjoy/don't enjoy
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manyfandomocs · 5 months
You know, I feel like we definitely need to talk crossovers at some point… Glee, Descendants, Wizarding World, whatever you want, I feel like our OCs would go so good together. 🤭
Okay in a strange turn of events considering what I asked you, I ended up overwhelmed by all the options I first immediately thought of?? But here is the big List pls tell me anything else you can think of I love anything and everything
And I left most of these vague on whether it’s platonic or even romantic so?? Lmk!!
Audrey + Beatrice (Bea would absolutely adore her, she’d love Audrey so much and think she’s so great)
Audrey + Carrie (Honestly this is mostly fc bias cause of Dumplin’ but I do think they’d be fun. Carrie is a bitch tbh but she can be a nice bitch, she’d question Audrey’s taste in Finn a little though)
Audrey + Felicity (Felicity is so kind and sweet to everyone she would welcome Audrey so fast)
Audrey + Giselle (Giselle is always welcoming she is usually the clubs mom friend she would love her)
Audrey + Saoirse (You know how Rory got attached to Sam a bit for American life, I think that’d be Saoirse and Audrey)
Audrey + Scott (I think this is one that would have a little buildup cause Scott isn’t a dick but he isn’t offering a bunch of friendliness right away either. But he does get really close to Coach Beiste and I see that being their in)
Audrey + Xavier (He’s a menace and annoying and he’ll flirt with her way too much but he means well)
Audrey + Zeke (Cousins! Zeke would love her! He’d also wanna fight anyone being mean he is a chill skater boy but also that’s his favorite person)
Leo + Ashton (As a baseline Ashton hates jocks except he doesn’t he thinks they’re hot. I think they’d have such an interesting dynamic tbh with Ashton’s attitude and them both being closeted)
Leo + CJ (CJ would think he’s so cool. He’d probably wanna talk his ear off tbh but I think he’d like Leo a lot)
Leo + Giselle (I love me some MLM/WLW solidarity these two can be that that’s the thought process. Plus he likes her brother so she’s supporting that)
Leo + Leonard (They’re both Leo’s I don’t have too much thinking here tbh. Leonard will make him pastries and probably have a crush on him tbh)
Leo + Scott (Hockey teammates hockey teammates. Scott would at least be more likely to talk to him quicker than some other crossovers because of hockey but he’s also like so singularly focused on hockey until the New Directions makes him open up so, it’d be rough but I’m so here for them)
Leo + Xavier (Also hockey teammates! Xavier would be chill with him for sure. Both from different states and having to deal with Lima weirdness, though Xavier would definitely seem more like the other assholes on the team but he’s chill really)
Parker + Ashton (Ashton would be so chill with them. He’s got his little skank bad boy rep so Parker is definitely up his alley to hang)
Parker + Carrie (Unexpected duo. Carrie is popular and ambitious and bitchy but?? I feel like she’d like Parker. Maybe cause they don’t give a fuck I feel like she’d respect that)
Parker + CJ (CJ thinks they’re the coolest person ever he will be wanting to copy their look and everything else. The ideal person to him)
Parker + Jasper (Idk i think Jasper would like Parker a lot he would be down for their whole vibe)
Parker + Steve (I don’t have too many thoughts I just think Steve could be into them and their whole thing)
Parker + Xavier (Honestly their storyline with Puck would just also work with Xavier though he’s more accepting)
Bruno + Ashton (I just like giving Ashton crossovers. I think it’d take a little bit but Ashton would definitely be into hanging out)
Bruno + Carrie (I think Carrie would end up liking Bruno a lot, she’s here to have one favorite New Directions member and it’d be him)
Bruno + Christina (I truly have no basis for this I just think they’d be so fun together)
Bruno + Isadora (I feel like they could hatch a plan together, be a little mischievous to get Mike and Tina to date them instead)
Ivy + Ashton (Honestly anyone that goes against the grain is cool with Ashton. He’d be down for her)
Ivy + Beatrice (She would think she’s so cool oh my god, number one fan she’s so impressed by her existence)
Ivy + Isadora (They are so similar I love it. Isadora would be so okay hanging out with Ivy and tbh after she stopped being friends with Santana and Brittany I see her being like “Ivy is my best friend now bye”)
Ivy + Sophia (Sophia would respect her sm. She is constantly arguing with people cause of Kurt so she would love Ivy standing up to people)
Ivy + Steve (Steve loves Broadway and would be amused by how outspoken she is so I think they’d end up being pretty chill
Bailey + Ashton (Honestly the idea of a little southern belle type befriending an asshole like Ashton is just really good to me)
Bailey + CJ (He has a crush on her. I have no doubt he has a crush on her. A very big embarrassing crush he would think she’s so great)
Bailey + Isadora (Their looks and aesthetic are so opposite and I love it I think they’d be great. Isadora would like her)
Bailey + Leonard (He’d love her, he’d love how nice he is because he’s ridiculously nice so it would be a great pair)
Bailey + Saoirse (Bailey has a southern accent, Saoirse has an Irish accent, I think they’d have conversations people wouldn’t understand and I love it)
Bailey + Scott (I just like Scott with a lot your people I’m sorry. I think she’d melt his little “Ice King” exterior pretty quickly)
Mara + Giselle (Giselle would love everything about her. The jewelry, being an out lesbian, all of it she is a big fan)
Mara + Jasper (Jasper shows up in Lima and he instantly decides he likes Mara that’s the rules)
Mara + Jupiter (Jupiter would find her weird I won’t deny that but she also is not against that at all she’d be charmed by it)
Mara + Saoirse (Saoirse would also love her. She would be so interested in everything about her)
Greta + Cadence (I had to try to not give every VK I have but anyways. Cadence is not supposed to be in Auradon but she is here anyways which I think would already get Greta’s attention)
Greta + Emmeline (Emmeline is too friendly always so if Greta wanted one person in Auradon it would be her)
Greta + Gabriel (Besides the fact of Gabriel being my crossover boy I think he’d vibe with her a lot. He doesn’t wanna be here but she would be easy to befriend)
Greta + Hallie (Hallie would originally wanna befriend Greta to gain Auradon trust but once Greta’s friends with the VKs I think I can see them becoming friends)
Greta + Jackie (These two I see vibing a lot. Very cool together, Jackie would show up with the VKs unannounced and be very chill with Greta)
Greta + Ruby (Ruby would honestly be jealous of how open and herself she is so I think Ruby would definitely seem like one of the people that doesn’t like her but they’d grow close!!)
Sebastian + Evelyn (Evelyn wants to befriend him so badly. The Sea Three are her people she’d love him around)
Sebastian + Ginevra (Idk idk I just see a good friendship between these two. She usually hates people but Sebastian might get through)
Sebastian + Jackie (I also see these two vibing a lot, she’s been different places and would be happy to tell him about it)
Sebastian + Polly (Tbh a lot of this idea just stemmed from Sebastian’s intro saying that his parents said he belongs in Neverland so, my Neverland girl would be happy to talk)
Sebastian + Stephen (Brothers that end up dating villain kids they got a type)
Sebastian + Wrenley (They both are very dreamy and want more things I think they’d get along well)
Wizarding World
Rosaline + Cadmus (Two pureblood raised people that don’t really believe in the prejudices but aren’t going against their parents right now that date Weasley’s? They have lots in common I love it and also perfect with the fcs)
Rosaline + Catherine (Mmmm more fc bias but their both Slytherin’s and though Catherine doesn’t follow any pureblood crap I think they could be so fun)
Rosaline + Elio (More two pureblood raised people but Elio doesn’t date Ron they’re just besties. I think they’d get along I love it)
Rosaline + Zara (Rosaline takes time to get over her issues but I see them being really cute and good together)
Cat + Kieran (Cat really doesn’t need two pretty boy menaces in her left and yet, don’t they? Kieran will hit on them and be so annoying but also so charming)
Cat + Matilda (Tilly would love Cat? So much? She’s annoyed by James, Cat’s annoyed by Sirius, they can bond over it together)
Tbh I really should get some Fantastic Beasts and Riddle Era ocs too
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is-lu-for-everyone · 1 year
TMNT 2012 AU that i have trapped in my head and i need to get OUT✨️
Time travel and apocalyptic future where the kraang is living it's best life
Leo, Raph and Donnie played with things they Shouldn't Have and ended lost in a mess of a New York, years in the future and things look Bad
Mikey stayed behind, very much scared and lost, like, they were just THERE and now they AREN'T
Years into the future, the turtles go to their home just to find it abandoned and destroyed and without Master Splinter or Mikey or ICK or anyone on sight
Begins a race to catch up with old friends and enemies, find out all the things that happened in the last years, and defeat the kraang once and for all.
Donnie is flabbergasted by the fact that April and Casey have a daughter
Mikey, April and Casey are living their best lives being rebel leaders and parents of a little menace with powers (someone PLEASE help them)
Raph has someone that FINALLY matches his anger issues (he is not amused by this, he hates it actually)
The Trio has a List Of Incidents that had happened in the last years
Leo is Not Amused
Little Jones is Raph's Fan Number 1, he tries to doesn't hide how proud he is of that
'Yeah little Jones, i'm THAT awesome' 'that didn't happen, Raph' 'shut it, Don, we cool people are talking'
Donnie, Leo and Raph Do Not Like being treated like kids so suddenly, they are NINJAS, MIKEY, NINJAS
Nobody is treating these three teenagers like adults and they HATE IT
Mikey puts them in time out at one point. Leo had a crisis, Raph was so angry that he couldn't even speak and Donnie was in mourning. He had ONE little brother but not anymore. Now HE is the little brother. He didn't appreciated the privileges of being a Big Brother enough
They Don't Like the fact that Mikey is now older and they try to be Cool with it
(The pain goes away when Mikey gives him kraang tech later, he actually like being spoiled like this, a little)
They are not coping well, that's their LITTLE BROTHER, YOUR HONOUR.
He has no bussiness being a LEADER or a FATHER
Mikey is protective with his siblings
they look very small, OK? (Yes, Casey, we will ignore the fact that Donnie is still taller than Mikey, Don is barely taller)
April is deranged, kraang mutations kicking strong with her
She likes to scare the shit out of Casey with them
Karai comes and goes being the Queen that she is, best Big Sister and Leader of what there is left of the Foot Clan
Casey is CONVINCED that she and April are hanging out on a regular basis without them, he does not like that. Karai ALWAYS has the best missions and NEVER takes Casey with her
Spike nearly broke all of Raph's bones with a hug
Softie denies it but he loved it
Michelangelo 'morals? What morals?' Hamato
The Trio gives zero fuck right now
Leo is horrified by this
They just try to make it work
Mikey is big brothering like a PRO in the outside but truly he is panicking in the inside, my man is about to lose it.
The Trio + Their Little Menace
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(Not pictured, but just as Mikey has one of Leo's swords, April has Donnie's Bo and Casey has one of Raph's sais, it was a battle of custody)
Little Jones wants to learn to do The Thing With The Disgunting Pink Things but April doesn't tell her how. UNFAIR.
Why Mikey has hair? He and Casey fucked around with mutagen for shit and giggles and found out. Terryfing at the time, hilarious now (that's what they say)
Too much thoughts in my mind
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kasey-writes-stuff · 10 months
yesssss i want to know who they are
Okay so…
I have three main ones then a mini one-
Mini one is my friend Sam I just I feel safe with her and I’ve known her the longest out of the four of these and I just I feel like she’d be great to be tked by but also I’d love to be able to repay the favor I think she’d be so teasy but also so sweet and could be soft but also if I asked be really playful and even really mean and I really like that a lot and I also feel like hugging her would be one of the best things ever and I also feel like she’d be so understanding when cuddling since I’ve never cuddled anyone before (I would still be so worried but ahh)
Okay next is my friend Shy he also makes me feel very safe and cared for and he’s so sweet but can also be really teasy and he will be meaner if you ask and I like that I really like when lers like truly listen to their lees and he’s just literally the sweetest ever and I appreciate him so much like he’s a very boundary forward ler and it makes me happy because when I ler or usually even when I tease someone new I immediately ask for boundaries first and so it’s nice to have someone else like that as well
The next is my friend Crow he’s one of my most recent friends but he’s already so special to me not just for tks but because he lets me ramble about wrestling to them and they’ve actually watched wrestling stuff I’ve sent them and I just okay he’s really tall so he could probably easily pick me up and just hold me and tk me but I’ve also practically made them speechless in VC before just by typing so the idea of making him speechless irl is so cute to me also he’s just super ticklish
The last but def def def not least /gen is my friend Leo this dude gives me so much cuteness aggression I can’t bro like I just want to hug him so tightly and I feel like it would be one of the best hugs ever and I don’t know just with him I think he’d be so kind and understanding of whatever happens (when cuddling for the first time) and just so nice and caring (although I’d still be so worried I can’t help it) and then well also he’d definitely be a little menace and tk me but make it seem like he didn’t or like it was accidental even tho it’s def not but then also he’s super ticklish so I could easily get him back and he’s got the cutest giggles
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koumeowkami · 9 months
Reread through the notes I made and to sum it up, I do think the pararai anime is neat! I knew spoilery stuff about Nayuta since way back when and had a general grasp of the character's trap reactions, but not so much about the general plot (aside from the winners and all) so I don't think I have much thoughts about it?
As a story in of itself though, I like that each group gets their time in the spotlight but apparently TCW doesn't get a full performance?— My notes kept mentioning it and I seemed a little annoyed—
Also live love laugh Ryu being a menace. It was enjoyable enough but given BAE and Cozmez seemed to be in the spotlight, it sort of left TCW and Akanyatsura behind in terms of development (Although they seemed developed enough, if that makes sense)
Stuff from my notes
Hell yeah this is what I've been waiting for! (ep 1)
The phantometals' effects look so good and I really like the look of the animation
Second instance (as far as I know) of Gakuto Kajiwara being the lead protagonist in a music franchise anime adaptation <- the other one being ACTORS: Song Connection..
He's a mood (Allen)
Paradox Devil thing reminds me of Grim
I did praise the animation but why does the stamen in that flower look so stiff
Cozmez? Cozmez!
Why is Kanata so pretty
I never really got into the how or why phantometals connect to their users other than making it from their trauma, this anime makes it digestible
(Allen drawing on Hajun's apron and shouting "Inspiration!") Leo Tsukinaga is that you
Hajun pretty boy antics
Bae oversleeping on opening night huh..
Hajun flying them in!
Cozmez is drawn so ethereal
The OP is really nice (ep 2)
Not Kanata gatekeeping hiphop?/lh
Kanallen! ..Nevermind, he was robbing him
..Mouse as big as a dog? Isn't that like a rat.. come on we have a song called rats and nobles..
Kanata gatekeeping!
Ryu-kun having fun! (the tcw vs akanyatsura battle)
—Not showing TCW & Akanyatsura's performance? Foul
Old man yaoi
(Has stopped keeping track of the episodes)
Time to see TCW performance. or not...
Ryu is a menace and I am INTO it
Reo is adorable
ep.5 and this OP still is a banger
Not Kanata and Nayuta both having their own spiels about "I can't let you stay here" <- since.. yeah, does that mean that this is how Kanata thinks subconsciously?
When are we gonna look at TCW performing
Allen working part-time throughout the Ryu episode...
Allen "little dapper man" Sugasano
Nayushiki duet at the end?!?@??@?
ep.9 - Sweet ol kanalller contend <- watched the scene and was writing at the same time while laughing hysterically
(end of notes)
omg aeri... pls read the drama tracks when you can cause 😭 once you do you realize how much this anime is missing (or even got wrong)...
you're right abt akyr and tcw not having enough screentime and to be honest, i'd say the same abt cozmez since they didn't explain anything abt their backstory – nayushiki thing aside – and completely ruined the ending... bae got so many useless scenes 😞
so yeah, even if the characters seemed to have gotten any development, no one knows what caused it anyways (or at least, i talked abt the anime with my irl friend who's anime-only, and she genuinely didn't understand some stuff that happened cause they didn't explain shit lol).
replying to the stuff from your notes
the effects are really one of the only things i'm willing to defend abt this anime cause they were truly SO GOOD!! i was so scared of how bad the cgi would've been but i was proved wrong, the performances were all really cool <3
i'm not sure if you're into fragraria memories but gakkun voices the lead protagonist there as well! and hallritt has red hair too... curious...
paradevil is truly our grim... they'd be great friends
the flower symbolizes tsubaki, saimon's late wife (i'm pretty sure no anime-only fan understood that cause they never mentioned her LMAO; that's also why they keep showing that damn flower)
they "skipped" the justice performance but it's only cause they showed tcw with 4 real later! each group had one battle performance :D
yes, everything nayuta says is part of kanata's subconscious!! phantom nayuta is literally the personification of kanata's deepest thoughts, the truth under millions of layers 👍🏻
i loved kanallen in the filler episode, that's what youngsters would call "my roman empire" nowadays. also yeah notice kanata cockblocking himself (through nayuta)
i support you saying "why is cozmez so pretty" every few notes. relatable
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asheanon · 2 years
"Nat & Sal: 12, 48, and 56~"
— Some more OC Q&A from another side of the internet... Where I didn't feel like fighting with text limitations!
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
— For Sal
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Chaku being a silly little guy. Anything that falls under the usual "cats being silly little guys" category, really.
— For Nat
Watching Leo try to be The Good Guy™ at any juncture, particularly in social situations. He's such a freaking criminal with a relatively short fuse; Nat often has to avoid eye contact or looking at him all together in those situations because she'll just start laughing like the little gremlin child she is.
(They're like... friends in the middle of class, taking a test - heaven forbid something the least bit peculiar transpires and they make eye contact in response. The teacher will have them seated on opposite sides of the classroom...)
48. Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
— For Sal
Tsuniah. Or at least, he has the highest success rate with inviting her to anything out of her comfort zone... haha! 🤔 I haven't spoken much of Tsuniah these last few years and I'm sure Nat comes off as being a bestie of Sal's nowadays (she does become one with time, to be fair!) BUT... Tsuniah (or Tsun) truly is Sal's #1 bff.
He's not a menace like Nat, but he's an extrovert. So you have the usual extroverted friend who occasionally invites the introverted friend to outings dilemma. Tsun knows that Sal's the type to overthink and get lost in her head with too much introverted time, though, so it's all in good faith, really. 💙
Overall, he's a pretty darn cool guy. If you want to see him/hear more about him, I can talk about him anytime! (One of the secrets to pulling words and information out of me is asking questions. That's why I love these questions. They help me face my demons! Hahaha!)
— For Nat
Leo, Daen, Sven and Sal. The last three usually serve as the voice of reason/responsible friends that may compel her to attend more serious or formal events. Leo is just as wild and crazy as she is, but tries his best. Both she and Leo are basically two idiots just trying their darnedest to look out for one another, despite themselves... hahaha!
I don't have much info readily available on Leo, Daen or Sven, but once again, I can share more on them, be it here or Twitter if you wish to see them/hear more about them at some point as well!
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
— For Sal
This may sound a little bizarre, but I believe she doesn't always know. Depending on the fear, she may even prefer to isolate. I.e. there are times where she fears herself, fearing what her Ethereal side could do. Especially the radioactive aspects of it. That is a 100% isolates herself chance and WILL actually get stern if others try to approach her (stern purely out of fear, given that their lives may honestly be on the line!)
Otherwise, she either craves comfort from someone who is no longer there, someone very close (like Tsuniah or Chaku) or simply dwells in this emptiness of wanting comfort, but not knowing where or what from. 🤔
— For Nat
Though she would much prefer comfort from her favorites, Nat would actually be open to anyone comforting her. She craves comfort like crazy, especially when she's scared, but is absolutely terrible with expressing it!
She's the comedic type; a memer. She may fool some by laughing off her fears or playing them down, but the more scrutinizing or empathetic types can see through it. She may continue to be comedic even when they attempt to comfort her. Anything to avoid the breakdown, which she can't always avoid.
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humnsources · 2 years
@fibcnaccii  cont !
watching  from  the  shadows ,  tail  flicks  idly  to  and  fro .   truly  like  a  horror  film ,  jinx  trails  his  slow  notice  of  his  surroundings ,  her  giggle  ominous  and  echoed  off  sewer  walls .   leo’s  girlfriend  was  an  odd  one ,  a  little  leech  in  the  lair ,  she  who  secretly  worked  for  the  baron  for  years  before  his  redemption .   now  after  all  this  time ,  she  was  making  kissy  face  with  donnie’s  twin ,  holding  hands  and  constantly  menacing  tech  whiz  from  across  the  homestead .
claws  dig  into  furniture  as  she  lures  out  from  her  spot ,  stepping  out  into  the  light  to  confront  genius  now  vulnerable .       “     well  well  well ,   not  so  safe  anymore ,  are  you  SOFTSHELL ?     ”
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He started off that sweet innocent boy Maso and damm what a change he is I still think he is influenced by Matthew and yes Leo’s are crazy but you know what? I fall hard for that blue eyed crazy man every time 1 look and I go weak in the knees I love that he’s finally expressing his thoughts instead of always being quiet behind Matthew
Babe, that sweet façade has never fooled me one bit and I’m so glad to see that that man is as much as a menace as I always suspected him to be 😌. And although Matthew is the favorite one (like ok, I get the appeal, I truly do! I am hostage of the appeal every once in a while lol) but still Nicholas will always be my favorite and seeing him being able to be as chaotic as he can be as well as having his own space to shine has really made me so happy 🥰
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loosealcina · 11 months
In the beginning, there were Hamlet and Polonius: «Though this be madness, yet there is method/in’t». Then, there was Stendhal’s depiction of Gioacchino Rossini’s opere buffe: nothing but «une folie organisée et complète». Those few words from Vie de Rossini (published in 1824) got remarkably famous. I’d say they feel like a molecular formula. They could be a map as well, or a promise. After a thorough encounter with this iteration of Il barbiere di Siviglia—a pretty extensive affair at several minutes over three hours, with just a lone shortish intermission—my first (and possibly main) observation is that only one side of the deal (map, promise, etc.) was actually fulfilled. I mean: organization was there, obvious and perceivable on a number of levels. On the other hand, no touch/trace of genuine madness (let alone a complete one) would ever surface at any point of the night. I confess I was a little disappointed, but I need to clarify this: the idea that a certain work (or a certain composer) has to be performed in a single, fixed way and everything else is a mistake—that very idea is a huge (and truly unfortunate, and dangerous) mistake. I’m merely stating this Barbiere was somewhat discreet. Analytical, sensible, but also sort of too reasonable to be inspiring and memorable.
This quality seemed to be widespread across the pit and the stage. While Evelino Pidò and the orchestra set the tone with a proficient yet positively sorcery-free rendition of the Sinfonia and never looked back, the production created by Leo Muscato (first presented at La Scala in 2021) essentially consisted in a warm, colorful backdrop. It did convey a sense of serenity, friendship, and innocent fun. It shouldn’t be forgotten that, as the label Progetto Accademia indicates, this late-summer reprise was entirely played/sung/mounted/assisted/… by young professionals who are currently enrolled in the Accademia Teatro alla Scala. No doubt the great combination of youthful energy, passion, and technique resulted in a constantly interesting ride. I was especially captivated by a handful of musical items; as an example, the second guitar-accompanied serenade of Act I («Se il mio nome saper voi bramate») was beautifully nocturnal, and it came with a distinct flavor of eeriness and menace (the Count [Pierluigi D’Aloia] is pretending to be someone else here). And another musical item I’d definitely mention is simply Mara Gaudenzi’s voice. Her smooth, bronze-like timbre alone somehow turned Rosina into a modern, multi-layered individual you’d swear you’ve already seen around, somewhere in the so-called real world.
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pegasusknightsonly · 2 years
forrest paralogue
ive been absently ruminating on the ways newfe handles gender and sexuality (spoiler: its not good) because i knew that i was going to have to reckon with the Forrest thing at some point but oh my god that paralogue was so bad. so bad
[side note: i will be using both homophobia and transphobia to describe the specificities of how Leo behaves, mostly because i'm not sure which intsys intended - Forrest is gnc but the game would have us believe that he's doing this in a straight and cisgender honouring way {???} and Forrest does face threats of sexual violence from men. AFAIK the Japanese cultural norms that the original writers live within tend to lump trans women and gay men into the same category, and i don't think it would be particularly productive to tease apart the more homophobic lines from the more transphobic ones. so when i use one i probably mean both and am just being lazy]
like it's deeply uncomfortable from the get go but i can't understand why treehouse made the choices they did. Leo's disgust reads as homophobic: Forrest is something to be ashamed of, he hides Forrest from his family, Forrest is doing things Leo has tried to prevent him from doing - i, you know what, i'm just going to paste this from the script
Leo: You’re a disgrace. Forrest: Oh? Excuse me? Since when is saving lives considered a disgrace? Leo: You know what I mean, Forrest. You! The way you dress. I’ve told you before... Forrest: But... never so cruelly! Why are you being so hateful? In front of Aunt Elise too! Elise: Leo! What’s wrong with you?! Embrace our lovely Forrest! Leo: No—and hold your tongue, Elise. This isn’t your business. Forrest: I’m sorry... Sorry that I ever left my Deeprealm! I’ll go back where I’m appreciated.
it's exhausting, i guess, that there aren't any meaningfully gay characters in fates (Rhajat is explicitly an expy for the Tharja fans; Niles' flirting is consistently portrayed as unserious and unwanted and insincere and his possible S support with Corrin is deliberately worse than S supporting him to anyone else) but thank god the players still know that homophobia exists! thank god treehouse decided to present this with plausible deniability; obviously to anyone with half a brain Leo is being bigoted* but Forrest is, mechanically, a straight cis male, so you get all the fun of being reminded that you are an embarrassing aberration without having to reckon with any of that icky LGBT stuff! what a fucking decision!!
treehouse could've done anything. treehouse are given pretty significant liberty to modify fe games for western audiences, from renaming characters and places to rewriting the script wholesale. and they chose to have Leo, who is blunt and cold but not cruel, be homophobic to his son in public
[his son is then sexually menaced and left powerless, just in case you were wondering how deliberate the transfem coding of Forrest is]
and their resolution is dogshit. absolute dogshit
Leo does not address the cause of his behaviour towards Forrest (because that would imply that Forrest is gay, or trans, and that's why Leo behaved the way he did. that's not allowed) and instead limply says he knows he can be rude. why are you telling your son this? why are you telling him this after he nearly died because you publically rejected him? Leo wasn't blunt to Forrest! Leo was a fucking dick for no coherent reason because Forrest isn't allowed to be lgbt!!
they kind of reconcile, because apparently Forrest proved himself a hero offscreen. would've been great to see this worked in mechanically like it is in Dwyer's paralogue but of course it's more important to stress that Forrest IS subject to sexual violence. awesome. oh, and their eventual reconciliation is driven by Elise, who has been nothing but hype for Forrest since the moment they met
Forrest: Oh? Well, Father, I know it must agonize you to say something nice to me. I’ll take your words with me as a keepsake too. Leo: I’m sorry. I truly am. I must seem like a stone-hearted father to you. You’re right to say I’m not worthy. That Elise was able to see you as a person of sterling qualities... While I couldn’t? I’m, er, I’m a better person than this. So I like to think.
if you take fates at its word here Leo not only invents homophobia and transphobia just to upset his son, he also completely cures himself of it after, um, fighting a bunch of bandits while his son is locked in an inaccessible room...? and seeing that his sister is cool with gnc people......? but specifically in a way where the root of Leo's issues with his son cannot be specifically named. i feel ape mode coming on
like why does this happen. why does it happen to Leo and Leo's son. treehouse could've done anything. they could've had Leo fail to recognise Forrest, or express mild surprise at how his appearance has changed. they could've brought up Leo's own feelings of inadequacy around his older siblings, and his projection of that onto his son. why did Leo have to be explicitly homophobic!
why did treehouse decide to remind me that homophobia exists but they wouldn't even let Soleil be gay
why did treehouse decide to remind me that transphobia exists but they wouldn't even let Forrest be a girl
why did treehouse decide to remind that homophobia exists after the fucking Kjelle/Severa harvest scramble conversation, where Kjelle is portrayed as a predatory lesbian on the verge of sexually assaulting Severa who of course is disgusted by the thought!!!!!! i got the message!!!!!!!!!!
bad. it's bad
*its not just unpleasant in context its also completely unexpected. Leo speaks to Odin [a man he has repeatedly tried to have killed just because Leo finds him really annoying and Leo tells him he resents being given responsibility for Odin because Odin is a clown] WAY more respectfully than he speaks to his son. he speaks to enemies way more respectfully than he speaks to his son. all you get for the paralogue preamble is "Leo doesn't seem excited to visit his son" so you are absolutely blindsided by fucking homophobia!! if i hadn't known better i wouldve thought he was a bit cringe like Leo's beloved wife !!!!!!!!!!!!!! he couldve just been a bit cringe like Leo's beloved wife !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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