#Let Us Live
nobubuz · 7 months
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JOHNNY SUH 😮‍💨 Johnny's Communication Center JCC Ep.41
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janesurlife · 2 months
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millennials aren't that old 😭😭😭😭
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bitsy-rouge-is-buggin · 3 months
This Pazzi back and forth is exhausting. Like can everyone just shut up and let people enjoy what they enjoy? Like I don't know how you can deny something that has so much evidence with your whole chest like that. If we're delulu we're delulu. I don't understand the problem. You go on ahead in your lane and we'll go on ahead in our own. Simple as that.
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khat13 · 2 months
“Rape all women”
“Game is game”
“If she can bleed, she can breed”
“What would you do in a room fool of dead girl (their bodies is still warm”
“Did you see what was she wearing? She practically asking for it”
My reaction:
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johnskleats · 8 months
Posting on main so no one is confused on this issue:
actually no hold on. I have a degree in dramatic literature, as in script writing, adaptations, and narrative storytelling. What [bryke stans] are saying is just "if you don't like it get out", which is wild.
You know where folklore comes from? Where mythology comes from, which ultimately shapes culture and society? Stories! Does it matter who wrote down the Iliad? Not particularly. Homer is trivia.
The elements that make up what the Iliad is, what the Grimms fairytales are, what Star Wars and Harry Potter and ATLA are existed long, long before they were amalgamated into a “new” thing. Stories belong to everyone. ATLA, like everything else, is an adaptation of an adaptation of an adaptation going back thousands of years. There are NO original ideas.
A story or seed or idea of concept hangs around long enough, gets seen by enough people, impacts enough people, congratulations. It's folklore now and it belongs to the public. For reference, yes I believe copyright should run out around 20 years, or at MINIMUM when the author dies. It's the market, bestie. Products, like stories in this society, will never, ever improve if there's not competition, not criticism, no incentive for growth. And when someone else does a take on your story that the public likes more? That's what folks remember and what carries on. And your name, as the “creator” (such a generous term), is just trivia.
You don't like fandom? Get out :^)
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svdaily · 10 months
Nobody can write my story better than I can.
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california-paradise · 19 days
I’m so sick of being sold shit on every single platform I use. Tumblr was my “safe space.” I could come here and scroll, explore every part of the human experience and then it gets bought out and everything is censored and ads appear every 2 posts.
Pinterest was the space to just scroll. Find aesthetic images, curate a board that felt “like you.” The new safe space to be you. And now? You get the same pins no matter what you search or things that don’t even relate to your search. And every other pin is actually an ad.
It’s exhausting. I don’t want to be sold something every single moment of the day. Let us just exist.
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boabelboo · 4 months
guys treemina just got its first hate fic
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thisismyobsessionnow · 8 months
Boys, in the middle of all the fun you're having playing with us right now. Let me remind you it's probably bad for business to kill all of your fans with only a month left to your tour.
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You have no idea how hard it is to be a daughter in a brown family. You'll often find yourself asking questions like "why am I born?" "how do I run away" "when will all this end?"
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queermetalgremlin · 7 months
I genuinely think sysmeds want endos dead.
So, sysmeds can outwardly say they want endos to suck on barbed wire (AKA self-harming) and wish us death, huh? What it if was the opposite? What if endos told sysmeds to end it all, like they want US to die? The Internet would implode on itself. You know, it'd be so easy to give it all up and deny ourselves, but it'd also be extremely painful and stressing to deny our plurality. So, if an endo system wanted to stop getting harassed by sysmeds, they'd either have to deny their system, which is extremely stressful and pointless, or KILL THEMSELVES. THEY WANT US FUCKING DEAD. So, tell us again how we're the ableist ones? How we should do nothing but deny the way we're made to appease some fuckall who opened the DSM once in their life? I have some really bad tendencies of seriously wishing death upon people i don't like, and i've been trying to curb this habit out, but when i see sysmeds getting praised and followed for the same thing i got shunned for, i get so fucking mad i genuinely want to kill everyone involved (including myself).
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i need to talk to whoever runs the japanese duolingo account… whatever you’re on, pass it
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weareallfruits · 1 year
Watching a league of their own again completely heart broken like PLZ can another streaming service pick up this wonderful show😭😭😭💔
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avescorner-blog · 1 month
having a chronically ill best friend is not for the weak... especially when your life can literally change overnight 😅
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palesoftangel · 11 months
I know i shouldn't be saying that when people are literally dying in gaza but this war terrifies me. I've been dreaming about the next few years for my whole life, graduating, getting a job, being able to support my parents and buying whatever i want, watch my siblings grow up, falling in love, getting married and having a lil family.. just when i got close to living my dream i was robbed of it. regional war is closer than we think and every side is getting ready. i feel sad for not getting to experience adult life but at the same time grateful because this suffering doesn't seem to last forever anymore. how unfair to live in a world where you are sentenced to death the second you were born with coloured skin.
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dystopiasdarling · 1 year
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[ we are never going back ]
☓ S T A Y R E B E L ☓
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