#Let me know if I've missed something!!
angstingantlers · 3 months
Perfectly Clean Mind Control
Whump: psychological abuse, mind control, manipulation, identity altering, (de)conditioning, paranoia.
Mind control that doesn't dominate your thoughts, it just... is your thoughts. Perfectly rewriting your will and everything it embodies. Not a single trace of resistance because this is just what you want. Why would you resist your own thoughts? Why would you disagree with your own motivations, your own desires?
Mind control that doesn't shatter once it's done, it just disappears. You don't snap back into awareness. You barely even notice. You just continue as if nothing ever happened. Maybe one moment you look back and you frown, because thinking on it, you remember when you happily followed that person out of town, and you remember what you did, you remember wanting to... but that's crazy. Why did you think that was okay? Why did you want to do that?
Or maybe you were under this mind control for so long that even once it's over you look back and say, "Oh, of course I did that." As far as you're concerned you've always held the beliefs you do now. You've always wanted to do these things. You don't remember why, but you've never had to think of why, and it doesn't matter anyway when you've always been so confident that you're right. It isn't until you're challenged on it all and reminded that you never used to be like this, that you were different before, that something has changed that you finally falter. And you try to think of where this all started, try to figure out why things changed -- and all you can really remember is an entrancing pair of eyes, and a gentle suggestion, and then your own mouth responding, "That's a great idea. Let's go."
And suddenly, you realise that you have no idea how much of what you are, what you were, and what you believed you always have been is just a lie. You don't know whether any thought you have now is really yours or just another preciously placed prompt. You don't trust your impulses, you don't trust your desires, you definitely don't trust your judgement.
You don't trust yourself. And you never can again.
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stressfulsloth · 1 year
I've seen a couple of takes about Disco Elysium being copaganda going around recently, and beyond the fact that DE is relentlessly critical of the police force in general and makes explicit reference to the failures of the system that allow the officers in game to abuse their power, I also think it's important to note that there very literally is an in-world version of copaganda that the writers of the game use to parody that romanticised view of the brutality of policing. The RCM at their inception were structurally inspired by in-world copaganda- their culture, their "fashions, even weapon preferences, borrow heavily from classic Vespertine cop shows." Every investigation is it's own little drama, every officer imagining themselves to be the bad-ass hero of their own crime serial. Detectives name their cases like they're naming episodes of a TV series in a "robust but literary system"; a title that "draws inspiration from snoop fiction and Vespertine cop show staples". They give themselves nicknames to sound like cool, suave fictional officers- Ace, Dick Mullen, etc.- from the cool, suave world of copaganda.
The legend of the RCM's inception, the "point of contention" over its uncertain origins, is even an extention of that; the whole organisation is shrouded in this self-fictionalising mythos that allows for distance that in turn obfuscates much of its violence to the officers that participate in it. They get to convince themselves that they're not abusing their power; they're the hero of the story! The dichotomy of "good guy" taking out the "baddies," a manifestation of the libertarian fantasy of the "good guy with a gun" who does what it takes, just like in Annette's detective novels, and at the same time who rails against oversight bodies like Internal Affairs/'the rat squad' because due process slows down the immediate satisfaction of Swift Justice, despite Internal Affairs existing to protect the citizens from overreach on behalf of the police. "Wanton brutality" from police in their real world is a cold bitter reality but Dick Mullen was "made to crack skulls," "bend the rules and solve cases no one else can," and which version of that story is more comforting to the overworked, underfunded officers of the RCM?
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The level of fantasy and detachment required for the cops to still see themselves as the good guys after everything that they do in the line of duty mimics The Pigs and her breakdown too; she parallels Harry so clearly. Both "did right by the kids" in the past, hoping for a better future- Marianne (The Pigs) by looking out for Titus and the Hardy boys when they were young, Harry in his role as a gym teacher. Both abandoned and left behind by the system that the RCM uphold- a brutal capitalist landscape with no safety nets. Both turning the source of their trauma into a costume, a performance, a shield, shaped by "radio waves and cop shows." The Pigs uses RCM items scavenged from the Esperance where they'd been thrown away, while Harry uses the Dick Mullen hat that Annette gives him but both are essentially in costume.
Harry identifies himself with the fictional detective as a kind of wish fulfilment; Dick Mullen is "wicked smart." He doesn't fuck up his cases and when he's sad it's not pathetic; it's effortlessly cool brooding and everyone sympathises. Everyone loves him. His violence- "skull crack[ing]"- is justified because he's a "good guy" enacting that violence against the victims of police brutality sorry "bad guys". He doesn't ever face repercussions; "Dick Mullen won't be sent to the clink for the sake of some legal niceties!" So if Harry is Dick Mullen then his failures, his breakdown, they're all just a part of being a "bad-ass, on-the-edge disco cop." He's not wrong, he's a hero! This idealised fictionalised idea of the police force, this "new, sadly better, reality" that both Harry and The Pigs cling to is "escapist stuff," "receed[ing] into a ludicrous fantasy world," so far removed from the brutal material reality that they're in.
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My point is, idk. Disco Elysium is so far from being copaganda. It is a multi-million word long dissection of it, of the purpose of policing, of state sanctioned violence and its interaction with capital and the fallout experienced within the wider community as well as the trauma cycle created for individual officers. A dissection of how copaganda interacts with RCM culture and perception, and by extension how we interact with irl perceptions of police through that lens.
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lesfruitsdores · 7 months
Who are the hostages still held by Hamas?
On October 7, 2023, 253 Israelis and foreign nationals were kidnapped to Gaza by Hamas and gazan civilians. Since then, 105 were released in a prisioner exchange deal, 4 were released by Hamas and 3 were rescued.
However, 60 remain in captivity [as of 02/09/24] (4 of those were kidnapped prior to 2023). A recent investigation has concluded that more than a fifth of the hostages are dead and the fate of some other hostages remains unknown. This video explains how doctors determine which hostages are dead, based on the nature of their injury and by analyising footage and the victims' last phone calls. Additionally, during the operation in Gaza, the IDF has recovered the bodies of a few victims and returned to their families for burial.
Since I couldn't find this all in one place, I've compiled a list of: 1) hostages who are presumed alive; 2) hostaged whose death has been reported/confirmed; 3) hostages who were released or rescued. In the group of hostages presumed to be alive who haven't been released, the youngest is 1-year-old Kfir Bibas and the oldest hostage is Iraqi-born 85-year old Shlomo Mansour.
As we learn more information, I'll continue to update this post.
They need to come back home. I'm hoping for more successful rescue operations soon. Keep them in your thoughts.
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Hostages still held by Hamas (presumed alive or fate unknown):
(1) (2) (3)
Abraham Eitan Mor (23)
Agam Berger (19)
Alexander (Sasha) Trupanob (28)
Alon Ohel (22)
Arbel Yehoud (28)
Ariel Bibas (4)
Ariel Cunio (26)
Avera Mengistu (37) – Has been held hostage since 2014
Avinathan Or (30)
Bar Kupershtein (22)
Bipin Joshi (23)
Daniel Gilboa (19)
David Cunio (33)
Doron Steinbrecher (30)
Edan Alexander (20)
Eitan Horn (37)
Eli Sharabi (51)
Eliya Cohen (26)
Elkana Bohbot (34)
Evytar David (23)
Gadi Moses (79)
Gali Berman (26)
Guy Gilboa-Dalal (22)
Hamzah Al-Zayadni (22)
Hisham al-Sayed (35) - Has been held hostage since 2015
Yair Horn (45)
Idan Shivi (28)
Itzhk Elgarat (68)
Karina Ariev (19)
Kfir Bibas (1)
Liri Albag (18)
Matan Angrest (21)
Matan Zangauker (24)
Maxim Herkin (35)
Naama Levy (19)
Nimrod Cohen (19)
Oded Lifshitz (83)
Ofer Kalderon (53)
Ohad Ben Ami (55)
Ohad Yahalomi (49)
Omer Neutra (22)
Omer Shem Tov (21)
Omer Wenkert (22)
Omri Miran (46)
Or Levy (33)
Rom Braslavski (19)
Romi Gonen (23)
Sagui Dekel-Chen (35)
Samuel Keith Siegel (64)
Segev Kalfon (25)
Shiri Bibas (32)
Shlomo Mansour (85)
Tal Shoham (38)
Tamir Nimrod (19)
Tsachi Idan (51)
Yagev Kirsht (34)
Yarden Bibas (34)
Yosef Al-Zayadni (53)
Yosef Ohana (23)
Ziv Berman (26)
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Hostages confirmed/reported dead:
(Note: I couldn't find a report with the full list, but if you google each individual name you can find sources.)
Abraham Munder (79) - Body recovered on 20/08/24.
Alex Danzig (75) - Body recovered on 20/08/24.
Alexander Lobanov (32)
Almog Sarusi (26)
Alon Shamriz (26) – Mistakenly killed by the IDF
Amit Buskila (28) - Likely killed on Oct. 7. Body recovered on 17/05/24.
Amiram Cooper (84) - Status updated on 03/06/24.
Arye Zalmanovich (85) - Death reported by Hamas. He was forced to appear in a propaganda video.
Asaf Hamami (41)
Aviv Atzili (49)
Carmel Gat (39) - Body recovered on 31/08/24.
Chaim Peri (79) - Status updated on 03/06/24.
Daniel Oz (19) - Killed on Oct. 7. Status updated on 25/02/24
Daniel Perez (22) - Killed on Oct. 7. Status updated on 17/03/24
Dolev Yehoud (35) - Killed on Oct. 7. He was presumed to be a hostage, but his remains were found in Israel after months. Status updated on 03/06/24.
Dror Kaplun (68)
Dror Or (48) - Killed on Oct. 7. Status updated on 02/05/24.
Eden Yerushalmi (24) - Body recovered on 31/08/24.
Eden Zecharya (28)
Eitan Levy (53)
Elad Katzir (47) - Murdered by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. His body was recovered in Khan Yunis. Status updated on 06/04/24.
Eliyahu Margalit (75)
Elyakim Libman (23) - Killed on Oct. 7. It was presumed he was a hostage because his body wasn't found, but it was later discovered his remains were accidentally buried with another victim. Status updated on 03/05/24.
Gad Haggai (73)
Guy Iluz (26)
Hadar Goldin (32) - Body held hostage since 2014
Hanan Yablonka (42) - Killed on Oct. 7. Body recovered on 24/05/24.
Hersh Goldberg-Polin (23) - Body recovered on 31/08/24.
Ilan Weiss (56)
Inbar Haiman (27)
Itay Chen (19) - Killed on Oct. 7. Status updated on 12/03/24.
Itay Svirsky (35) – Killed by Hamas in captivity. His body was shown in a propaganda video
Itzik Gelenter (58) - Likely killed on Oct. 7. Body recovered on 17/05/24.
Joshua Loitu Mollel (21) – A released video shows how he was brutally murdered by a group of men on October 7
Judy Weinstein (70)
Kiril Brodski (19)
Lior Rudaeff (61) - Killed on Oct. 7. His body was taken to Gaza. Status updated on 07/05/24.
Maya Goren (56)
Mordechai Yonathan Samerano (21) - Killed on Oct. 7. His body was taken to Gaza.
Nadav Popplewell (51) - Status updated on 03/06/24.
Nik Beizer (19)
Noa Marciano (19) – Her body was found near the Al-Shifa hospital
Michel Nisenbaum (59) - Killed on Oct. 7. Body recovered on 24/05/24.
Muhammed Alatrash (40) - Killed on Oct. 7. Status updated on 24/06/24.
Ofir Tzarfati (27)
Ofra Keider (70)
Oren Goldin (34)
Ori Danino (24) - Body recovered on 31/08/24.
Orión Hernandez (30) - Killed on Oct. 7. Body recovered on 24/05/24.
Oron Shaul (30) – Body held hostage since 2014
Ran Gvlli (24)
Ravid Katz (41)
Ron Benjamin (53) - Killed on Oct. 7 and his body was taken to Gaza. Body recovered on 18/05/24.
Ron Scherman (19)
Ronen Engel (54)
Sahar Baruch (24) – Killed by Hamas during a failed hostage rescue operation
Samer Talalka (22) – Mistakenly killed by the IDF
Shay Levinson (19)
Shani Louk (22) - Body taken to Gaza. Her body was recovered on 17/05/24.
Sonthaya Oakkharasr - Killed on Oct. 7. Body taken to Gaza. Status updated on 16/05/24.
Sudthisak Rinthalak - Killed on Oct. 7. Body taken to Gaza. Status updated on 16/05/24.
Tal Chaim (42)
Tamir Adar (38)
Tomer Ahimas (20)
Uriel Baruch (35) - Status updated on 26/03/24
Yagev Buchshtab (34)
Yair Yaakov (59) – Killed on Oct. 7. Sons and girlfriend were released. Status updated on 15/02/24.
Yehudit Weiss (65) – Her body was found near the Al-Shifa hospital
Yossi Sharabi (53) – His dead body was shown in a propaganda video
Yoram Metzer (80) - Status updated on 03/06/24.
Yotam Haim – Mistakenly killed by the IDF
Ziv Dado (36)
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Released/rescued hostages:
(1) (2)
Abigail Edan, 4, American citizen
Ada Sagi, 75
Adi Shoham, 38
Adina Moshe, 72
Agam Goldstein-Almog, 17
Aisha Ziyadne, 17
Alma Avraham, 84
Alma Or, 13
Almog Meir Jan (21) - Rescued by the IDF on 08/06/24.
Amit Shani, 15
Amit Soussana, 40
Andrey Zozlov (27) - Rescued by The IDF on 08/06/24.
Anucha Angkaew
Aviv Asher, 2, German citizen
Aviva Adrienne Siegel, 62
Bancha Kongmanee, Thai national
Bilal Ziyadne, 18
Boonthom Phankhong, Thai national
Buddee Saengboon, Thai national
Chalermchai Sangkaew
Channa Peri, 79
Chen Goldstein-Almog, 48
Clara Marman, 63, Argentine citizen
Daniel Aloni, 44
Dafna Elyakim, 15
Doron Katz Asher, 34, German citizen
Ditza Heiman, 84
Emilia Aloni, 5
Emily Toni Kornberg Hand, 8
Emma Cunio, 3, Argentine citizen
Erez Calderon, 12, French citizen
Eitan Yahalomi, 12, French citizen
Ela Elyakim, 8
Fernando Marman – Rescued by the IDF
Gabriela Leimberg, 59, Argentine citizen
Gal Goldstein-Almog, 11
Gal Tarshansky, 13
Gelienor (Jimmy) Pacheco, 37, Filipino national
Hagar Brodetz, 40
Hanna Katzir, 77
Hila Rotem Shoshani, 12
Ilana Gritzewsky Kimchi, 30
Irena Tati, 73, a Russian citizen, was included on the list but released separately from the exchange deal.
Itay Regev Jerbi, 18
Juckapan Sikena
Judith Raanan, 59 [Released 22/10/23]
Kaid Farhan Alkadi (52) - Rescued by the IDF on 27/08/24.
Karina Engel-Bart, 51, Argentine citizen
Keren Munder, 54
Komkrit Chombua
Kong Saelao
Liam Or, 18
Liat Beinin Atzili, 49, American citizen
Luis Har – Rescued by the IDF
Manee Jirachart
Margalit Mozes, 78, German citizen
Maya Regev Jirbi, 21
Meirav Tal, 53
Mia Leimberg, 17, Argentine citizen
Mia Shem, 21, French citizen
Mika Engel, 18, Argentine citizen
Mongkhol Phajuabboon, Thai national
Moran Stela Yanai, 40
Natalie Raanan, 17 [Released 22/10/23]
Nattaporn Onkaew
Natthawaree Moonkan, Thai national
Naveh Shoham, 8
Nili Margalit, 41
Noa Argamani (26) - Rescued by the IDF on 08/06/24.
Noam Avigdori, 12
Noga Weiss, 18
Noam Or, 17
Noralin Babadilla, 60, born in the Philippines
Nurit Cooper [Released 24/10/23]
Ofri Brodetz, 10
Ohad Munder, 9
Or Yaakov, 16, German citizen
Ori Megidish – Rescued by the IDF
Oriya Brodetz, 4
Owat Suriyasri, 40, father of two
Ofelia Adit Roitman, 77, born in Argentina
Ofir Engel, 17, Dutch citizen
Paiboon Rattanin
Pattanayut Tonsakree
Phonsawan Pinakalo
Ra’aya Rotem, 54
Raz Ben-Ami, 56, German citizen
Rimon Kirsht Buchshtav, 36
Raz Asher, 4, German citizen
Ron Krivoi, 25, an Israeli-Russian citizen, was included on the list, although he was released separately from the exchange deal.
Ruth Munder, 78
Sahar Calderon, 16, French citizen
Santi Boonphrom, Thai national
Sapir Cohen, 29
Shani Goren, 29
Sharon Aloni-Cunio, 34, Argentine citizen
Sharon Hertzman Avigdori, 52
Shlomi Ziv (40) - Rescued by the IDF on 08/06/24.
Shiri Weiss, 53
Shoshan Haran, 67
Surin Kesungnoen
Tal Goldstein-Almog, 8
Tamar Metzger, 78
Uthai Sangnuan, Thai national
Uthai Thunsri, Thai national
Wichai Kalapat, 28, Thai national
Wichian Temthon
Withoon Phumee, 33, Thai national
Yaffa Adar, 85
Yagil Yaakov, 12, German citizen
Yahel Shoham, 3
Yarden Roman-Gat, 35, German citizen
Yelena Trupanov, 50, a Russian citizen, was included on the list but released separately from the exchange deal.
Yocheved Lifshitz [Released 24/10/23]
Yuli Cunio, 3, Argentine citizen
Yuval Brodetz, 8
Yuval Engel, 12, Argentine citizen
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psychic-waffles · 2 months
Cw: child death, racism (particularly islamophobia)
The last couple of days have seen multiple full blown fascist riots in the UK and we're likely to see more over the weekend.
On Monday there was a horrific incident where a 17 year old attacked a dance school in Southport, killing three children and injuring many more. Because of the attacker's age his name has not been released, however the far right quickly started circulating a made up name and said the attacker was Muslim and an immigrant.
On Tuesday, when a vigil was being held in the town for the victims, fascists travelled to Southport and started a riot, centering around attacking a mosque. I really don't have words for how disgusting it is to use the death of children to further their violently racist agenda and take all of this out on a grieving town.
Following this there were multiple fascist riots on Wednesday, the largest of which being in London and Hartlepool. These involved further attacks on mosques, surrounding hotels where asylum seekers were being housed, and attacking brown and black people on the street and in their homes.
There are plans by the far right to hold multiple further rallies over the next few days, I've seen particular mention of Liverpool tomorrow (Friday) and Middlesbrough on Sunday, but I think it's likely we'll see violence across the UK.
There is also a huge demo for Palestine organised for Saturday which involves action across the country and with a march in London, and quite frankly I will be shocked if the fash don't try to disrupt that in any way, so just be prepared that there is a heightened risk of violence.
Overall in response to the riots there's been a lot of talk about the spread of misinformation and how that needs to be tackled, and while this is true it doesn't address the fact that the majority of these fascists really don't care. Even if the attacker had been Muslim or had been an immigrant, that doesn't give anyone the right to try and attack every Muslim and immigrant in the country. This couldn't have and hasn't been stopped by correcting a bit of misinformation, this is about decades of deeply racist islamophobic and anti-immigrant rhetoric baked into the core of the UK and reinforced constantly by the media and politicians across the spectrum as ""legitimate concerns"".
Right now we need community support more than ever. Organise, protect your local Muslim communities, and of course stay safe.
Edit: while I was writing this post the name of the attacker was released as Axel Rudakubana. As I have already said the fash do not care, and islamaphobic and anti-immigrant violence will almost definitely continue, however there will now likely also be an increase in anti-black violence and we need to be prepared for that.
2nd edit: check my reblogs for more info on specific places they're planning to target
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oifaaa · 1 year
Okay so now I'm curious about what the sequence of events are for spiderverse considering Miguel says that miles was the first anomaly and I've seen people calling him a hypocrite but I'm beginning to question if he is or not consider at the end of the first spiderverse we see Miguel make the first protype watch plus his ai says smth like this will be the first cross dimensions jump on purpose and we know Miguel jumped to his new universe on purpose bc he wanted a family there's also the fact that Peter b was there which I think implies that spider society was already a thing when Miguel's universe imploded
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artemistorm · 9 months
Master Sword Pt 2: What half the Chain thinks of the Sword
As I explained in my previous Master Sword post, what Sky thinks of the Master Sword is summed up in this one panel from New Times New Place. But what do the rest of the members of the Chain think of the Master Sword? (FYI, I'm splitting it up and doing Twilight, Legend, and Wild in a separate posts because there's a lot to it.)
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In the comic Swords, The Chain is talking about everyone's thoughts on the Master Sword (I'll refer to that comic a lot in this post) and Hyrule, who did not wield it on his adventures, mentions that he is curious about it and Time tells him this:
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In Time's case on his adventure he was judged too young too small and the sword changed him to be bigger and older and better able to wield it. Clearly he wasn't a fan of that because in New Time New Place, he says this:
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Time recognizes the power and necessity of the Master Sword, but he doesn't agree with it's ways and doesn't want to have anything to do with it anymore because of the trouble its cause him.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I've only found one single panel (back in the Swords comic) about Warriors' opinion of the Master Sword when he says this:
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Indeed, in his game Hyrule Warriors, that's part of his story arc and the game's plot so I won't say more for game spoiler reasons. But generally, Warriors feels empowered by the sword and there's no indication that he has any negative opinions about it.
In this these panels from Swords...
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And these panels from Too Small for the Sword...
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We can see that Four has not wielded the Master Sword and does not want to because he knows it is a magical sword and the last magical sword he touched divided him into four pieces in his game, Four Swords Adventures. He doesn't know how the Master Sword would affect him and he doesn't want to know.
Hyrule is another Hero who never wielded the Master Sword because his games predate the Master Sword's invention in A Link to the Past. In Swords, Sky lets him handle the Master Sword and Hyrule is impressed, but he has his own super awesome fire blade and doesn't need the Master Sword.
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There isn't very much about Wind and the Master Sword in LU. He does say this in Swords:
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Because in his adventure, when he first drew the Master Sword, it wasn't at full strength and Wind had to find a way to repower it before he could use to fight Ganondorf. Other than that, in Divine Dark Reflections Pt 4, Wind remarks that his primary sword, the Phantom Sword is nothing like the Master Sword, but is useful in it's own way (but he doesn't say whether it's better or worse).
And there you have it folks, half the Chain's opinions in one post. The rest will be coming soon!
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parachutingkitten · 1 month
Comprehensive block list for anyone waiting for the official release to watch because we already know there will be idiots who don't tag correctly, and if you have the time to protect yourself and make double sure you won't get spoiled, I want to help with that:
#ninjago spoilers
#dragons rising spoilers
#dr spoilers
#drs2 spoilers
#drs2p2 spoilers
#dragons rising season 2 spoilers
#dragons rising season 2 part 2 spoilers
#ninjago dragons rising spoilers
#ninjago dragons rising s2 spoilers
#dragons rising s2 spoilers
#dragons rising s2 pt 2 spoilers
#ninjago leaks
#dragons rising leaks
#dr leaks
#drs2 leaks
#drs2p2 leaks
#dragons rising season 2 leaks
#dragons rising season 2 part 2 leaks
#ninjago dragons rising leaks
#ninjago dragons rising s2 leaks
#dragons rising s2 leaks
#dragons rising s2 pt2 leaks
These might block some content without spoilers, but will help cover this particular period of the show:
#dragons rising season 2
#dragons rising season 2 part 2
#ninjago dragons rising s2
#dragons rising s2
#dragons rising s2 pt2
If you want to be extra safe and would like to see the ninjago tag but don't mind missing dragons rising specific content, I'd also recommend blocking:
#dragons rising
#ninjago dragons rising
But regardless, if you are seeing this, use some of those basic tags at the top in your posts with spoilers. It's common courtesy. This applies to EVERY post you make which references the new episodes in ANY way!
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not-poignant · 6 months
Every now and then I just get the kind of comment that makes me stop working on a fic and just has me going 'how about you write it since you're so concerned with correcting me on this one tiny thing that doesn't matter because it's fanfiction actually'
And like, I do want to work on this fic, but damn, not today.
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minecraft-sideblog-tm · 6 months
*🎵Please Hold plays in the background*
Do you want to experience nonsensical Minecraft bureaucracy just like your beloved Hermits on the Hermitcraft 10 Server? Then have I got the silly uquiz for you!
I spent.... more time making this than I'd like to admit....
(I did test it and it is possible to get the form accepted, I promise lol. It's also.....difficult)
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hendolish · 11 months
England Teammates Map🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤍 (Updated Version)
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(expand the image or click this link for a less blurry version, tumblr kills quality!)
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jackalmeat · 2 years
The first time I watched Arcane, the framing of Vander's and Silco's ideological clash led me to initially assume that, when Vander attempted to kill Silco, it was because Silco had grown so 'extreme' in his views/actions that Vander became disillusioned and ultimately tried to kill him to prevent him from carrying out some course of action that Vander saw as 'going too far'. The season was notably vague on what exactly was the catalyst for the attempted murder, and I think it's reasonable to say that my kneejerk assumption about the situation was indeed the version of events that the show itself seemed to want viewers to believe.
That is to say, the show itself seemed to want viewers to believe, at least for now, that Silco must have crossed some kind of moral event horizon (or imminently intended to) that was so big and so bad that Vander saw fit to kill him for being, essentially, Too Much.
The thing that makes me hesitant to believe that that's the entire truth of what happened, or that Silco unequivocally """earned""" the attempt on his life by becoming too dangerous (too radicalized?) in Vander's eyes, is simply the fact that the very first thing we see Vander do on-screen is beat an Enforcer to death, with gauntlets, in front of freshly orphaned children. And this happened after he attempted to kill Silco. It's communicated visually in that sequence that that kind of violence was the currency Vander had dealt in for a long time; and that his choice at that moment to cast down his gauntlets and walk away from the smouldering battleground (literally and figuratively) with Vi and Powder in tow marked a significant turning point in the way that he engaged with the world.
In light of that, it just seems like the natural follow-up question is, "Okay -- if Vander was still down for leading a violent insurrection, beating people to death with his own two hands, etc. right up until this moment here, then what the fuck did Silco do that was enough to make even him go, 'come here, naughty rat man, it's murder time'?"
This isn't "proof" or "evidence" that Silco and Vander couldn't simply have had a violent ideological split that culminated in attempted murder by any stretch. I just find the overall framing of the situation odd in a way that makes me think there's more to the tale than what the show has thus far implied.
(For instance: perhaps some kind of external pressure which forced Vander into a bitter choice, similar in spirit to the "we both have our shitty parts to play -- get me Jinx, and I'll give you your nation of Zaun" deal Silco was later faced with? The difference being that Vander sacrificed Silco [or attempted to] in favor of whatever was to be gained by doing so; whereas Silco recognized that he had arrived at the same precipice Vander once had, and ultimately couldn't do to Jinx what had been done to him?)
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holocene-sims · 1 year
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i built this cafe for my story and i felt like sharing it as a random follower's gift, so tada! here it is ☕
price: $39,895
lot size: 20x15
originally built on 6-4-1 hanamigawa in mt. komorebi
not cc-free & uses most of the packs
three pieces of cc are included in the file (abandoned cc reupload)
also included is a list of all the other cc you'll need to download + the packs i used in the build!
(no ads) - dropbox
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sorry for only saying this type of shit lately but i kinda wanna drive a car straight into a brick wall at the highest speed possible
#trying to keep it together so bad because i already know the problems and solutions and whatnot but i cannot do anything#i desperately just need to do something. accomplish any task. actually several would be nice. but i cannot stand just letting life go by#while i watch other people have the things i want. or even metaphorically living my dream like. that should be me why am i settling for thi#i hate even talking about this because i feel so stupid when i know it's not even a real tangible problem and that i actually DO have real#problems to tackle and the ability to do so but i'm choosing to be upset over the stupidest things i could possibly be sad about#and i can't even be sad about it in a normal way i'm cycling through like several different reactions to smth that isn't even real#or if it is real i literally do not have tanglible evidence for it one way or another like i'm driving myself insane for no reason#i can't even get catharsis because all i'm doing is digging a deeper hole for something i never should've gone back into in the first place#because i KNOW how i am i KNOW how i react to things and i still chose to do it lmao.#and i continue to choose to go through this shit instead of actively trying to change my life because... i'm lazy? and stupid? idk#negative self-talk isn't gonna get me to do anything either so let's just say i'm feeling particularly unmotivated like usual#i hated being a teenager but i really do miss when all my problems just amounted to 'someone was mean to me on tumblr today :(' or i failed#a test in chemistry or something. like i yearn for that simplicity becasue at this point all i'm doing is ruining my own life LMAO#i'm too scared to live i'm too scared to die so i just sit here and fantasize that life could be amazing if i wait#and i'll magically get everything i've ever wanted if i just wait long enough. and i know it isn't true and i still wait for it to happen.#because honestly like. i think deep down i am just convinced i will fail at anything i do when that shouldn't be what scares me.#what scares me should be never even allowing myself to fail because i never tried to do anything at all with myself or my life#like. wake the fuck up. get off your ass and put in the effort. learn some skills. gain independence and stability and discipline and do it#just live please i'm begging you just live so i can be happy don't i deserve to be happy... why am i not letting myself be happy#i'm literally keeping myself trapped in this negative feedback loop ON PURPOSE because teehee shiny toy#and it doesn't matter if the love is real it doesn't matter how i feel like i'm just using it as a distraction i can't say it's motivation#because it's barely motivated me at all. i have to start being realistic. 25 & just realizing you actually have to participate in your life#anyways. i've cried i've agonized i've pictured killing myself in 30 different ways. i think the only way i'm gonna feel better is#to just actually try this time without giving up. wish me luck
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batfamfucker · 1 year
Appreciation post for 'girly girl' characters and/or shows that celebrate traditionally feminine things that girls and women are shamed for.
Characters on this list that love makeup, fashion, hair, etc. Characters that are still written as strong, intelligent, brave, etc. That told young girls that these interests are valid, they are not lesser interests. Being feminine and liking traditionally feminine things does not make them weak.
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#I'm so glad I got to grow up with these girls#I was originally gonna make a post of Barbie Daphne and Stella and be like. They remind me so much of each other#And how much I love characters like them#Because I do#But then I was like fuck it let's just make a post for all the girly girls because they're so good#So here we are. In a world of misogyny. We still have them. And I am so greatful#I'm sad I missed out on celebrating my femininity and stuff like this in my teen years because of just. Stuff I was going through#But I'm glad I'm doing it now. I've been getting into makeup for the past year. Mostly eye it's so fun#The Barbie movie. Dressing up for it. Being proud makeup and skirts and dressing up like I did as a girl. God it was so wonderful#I've not felt this connected to this part of myself in years. It has helped to much#It reminded me of my love for Barbie. The movies. The fairies and mairmaids. The bright colours and fashions#And my love for all of these shows. The outfits and designs I fell in love with. The friendships and sisterhoods in all of them.#Yes it's just Rarity. I know some of the others girls also fit. But some don't as much so I didn't wanna just put a group one#And I know Kim and some others aren't as girly as others. But she's still a good example.#Her and Monique's shopping trip and other stuff is engraved into my mind. I actually think about them a lot I love them#Daphne was also a masisve awakening for me. I had such a crush on her. And the Hex Girls.#If you're wondering why other shows aren't on here. Like Trollz or Powerpuff Girls or something. It's msotly based on what I watched#And I didn't really watch them I'm sorry but feel free to add more.#We're ignoring how I mispelled mermaids. I'm not going back to change that tag.#Anyway I love women basically. We're awesome.#Barbie#Scooby Doo#Bratz#Monster High#Kim Possible#My Little Pony#Winx#Mew Mew Power
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mel-loly · 9 months
-“Oh, school has to be something serious, especially this year/something like that!”
The things I did when I was at school (especially in computer class):
TW: cigarette
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I have a lot of memories, and this is certainly one of the most important/best/funniest in my life. I'm really going to miss everything... and I'm already crying lol..
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pollen · 2 months
i just need the job that i was laid off from and everything would be fine. a simple give me my job back would fix me
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