#Lets Talk
lovely-cherubs · 3 days
Disassembly Discussions Masterlist:
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About Disassembly Discussions: Disassembly Discussions is a series I created where I make posts debating about certain takes and opinions regarding Murder Drones and its characters. I was inspired to create this series due to the constant mischaracterization of Uzi and N and also due to individuals like VanityMouth-*cough* I mean "moth", existing and making takes that are the literal definition of "media literacy is dead".
If you disagree with some of the points that I make in my posts, that's fine, but don’t be a dick about it. The whole point of a debate is to have a formal conversation about something or someone. Being impudent is not an option.
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Episode 1: N is NOT obsessed with Uzi
Episode 2: N DID Have Character Development (You Just Weren't Paying Attention) (coming soon)
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my-swishersweet · 2 hours
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i need to go on a shopping spree!! asapp
Lets go? Starbucks on me 😁😁😁
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free-my-mindd · 1 year
Real talk, are you okay or just hanging on?
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There are a lot of 'nobody talks about' posts... most I normally disagree that's its been over looked but one thing I have NEVER seen.
Grover and all his accomplishments.
He found ALL of greek the big 3 kids.
He found pan.
He is a lord of the wild.
He single handedly gathered all the nature forces in the battle of Manhattan. When the council elders had cast him out.
He faced his greatest fears and rose to the challenge on every occasion.
He created an empathy link which is very hard to do even for those with more developed skills.
And to top it all off, he kept Percy’s impulsive ass alive.
I'm sure I'm probably missing something but this needs to said.
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neonovember · 1 year
Carmen definitely has black cat energy, maybe more akin to something like a stray cat (saying that lovingly) but definitely is more cat boyfriend than dog boyfriend. Have to leave him alone and gain his trust and then he’ll be curious about you, and then won’t leave you alone 🥰😭
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this is completely true, carmen is kinda stand-offish and reserved at first and he is horrible at replying and calling you back because let’s face it he doesn’t really know how to communicate properly. but even after all that, all of that distance and reservations you force him to come out.
you drag him to a nice hole in the wall lunch spot, you take him for drinks, and then something just clicks in Carmen. Once he realises you aren’t going to leave him stranded he completely opens himself to you, and don’t try and tell me he wouldn’t be the most clingy mf after 😭 this man is literally a toddler yall!
So why not a little drabble down below? A sneak peak if you will. it’s likes 200 worth of word vomit and there’s allusion to smut to enjoy ;)
The busy streets of the farmers market spilled into the morning traffic, as Carmen rushes between crowds with two cups of coffee grasped against his chest.
They burned, really fucking bad, probably searing a third degree burn right under his pelvis but god did he not care, his legs ran with the wind behind them as he tried making it back to your shared apartment as quick as possible.
He had only left the warm bed where you lay 10 minutes ago, only after you had thought about ‘how good a coffee would be snuggled up here’ and Carmen had shouldered on a flimsy fleece jacket and his house slippers before racing out of the house to fulfill your request.
He didn’t regret it now, but he could practically feel his skin itch with a desire to feel you against him again. There had been a celebratory dinner of sorts for the beef after it got recognised as Chicago’s up and coming restaurant of the decade. Carmen couldn’t wait till you both made it to your apartment and just took your right there in the backseat of his car that now stood stationary in the parking lot.
Carmen can still taste you on his tongue and now he’s grateful he took a much needed day off to spend it with you.
Opening the apartment door, the smell of melted butter and grease washes over Carmen’s senses. Flipping of his slippers, Carmen past the kitchen, where used dishes lay on the stove top and the ingredients for pancakes lay open.
“Baby? I got our coffee?” Carmen yells out, and when there is no answer a sweat begins to break on Carmen’s forehead.
“H-honey? You there!?” Carmen yells louder, looking through the living room before entering the bedroom with haste.
“I’m right here Carmy, it’s alright” The sweet saccharine melody of your voice pulls Carmen from whatever fear inducing nightmare he fell into.
You’re here, back where your supposed to be. Wrapped around the covers that smelled of the both of you.
“Made us pancakes” You smile, the sun streaming in through the linen curtains so they dusted all over your gorgeous face.
If Carmen could shift his eyes away from you (which he can’t) he would see the pretty tower of pancakes dripping with syrup and berries plated on the bedside table. Hell, if he saw how well done they were you feared the coffee might get thrown across the room and Carmen will drag you up to his face.
“Got us coffee” Carmen whispered, placing them to the side, forgotten as his mind was consumed with feeling you against him.
“Just get in here already” You giggle, before the sheets are thrown to the side and the warmth of Carmen’s body encapsulates you once again.
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I love the renaissance faire. It always makes everyone look great! ☺️
What did you do today??
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eccentricallygothic · 8 months
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want to know how delusional i am?
i think i can fix this guy
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lovely-cherubs · 21 days
Disassembly Discussion #1: N is NOT obsessed with Uzi
Am I the only one who doesn’t like/disagrees with the whole "N is obsessed with Uzi" and vice versa argument? Like I’m sorry, but as somebody who’s been an outcast my entire life and wasn't able to find people who treated me like a human being until like high school, I find that argument to be pretty vague. Like obsessed how? Like Marionette DuPain Cheng obsessed?
To me, I don't see N being obsessed with Uzi at all. I mean think about it: his whole entire life he been treated like an outcast by his own two teammates. V pretended to not notice him and J abused him physically and verbally.
Then we get to episode 1, he finally found somebody who saw him for who he was, who DIDN'T think he was "useless and terrible", who in general he could relate to (aka Uzi). It makes sense that he would be closer to her than everybody else in the group. I mean, from the beginning it was already established that he wasn’t that close with V or J, especially J for obvious reasons.
Not only that, but people seem to forget that episode six, he literally lost V and assumed she was dead. If I were him, I'd probably become more on edge with the fear of losing the only person I have left with me. Don't even get me started up with Uzi. She’s been treated like an outcast by everybody in the bunker. Add her negligent father to the picture and we can see how that took a toll on her self-image, self-confidence, and everything.
It may seem like obsession/limerance, but it's really not. When you’ve been treated like crap your entire life by those around you, it can be pretty easy to get attached and close to somebody who finally treats you like a human being. Speaking from experience.
So, I’m sorry but I kind of find this whole idea that N is obsessed with Uzi to be pretty ignorant and it makes me think that the people who say this have been liked by the people around them their entire lives, much more, weren't outcasts growing up. Let me know what you think. Feel free to disagree with me, but I don’t think that N is obsessed with Uzi by a longshot.
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my-swishersweet · 2 months
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Lets hope my page doesnt get fkn deleted again🙄 Whats a lil booty cheek gonna hurt anyone?!
Anyways… videos available ;)))
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free-my-mindd · 1 year
Do y’all believe in coincidences?
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blackdagger456 · 2 months
Let's Talk About: MHA 430, How This Fandom Can't Read, How Leaks Ruin Chapters And While Imperfect This Finale Was A Good Sendoff
So, here we are.
Ten years. Ten years and 430 chapters we've been with My Hero Academia. Ten long years of excitement, fandom interactions and so many fics I won't bother to count saved, subscribed and bookmarked.
It's strange really. To be apart of this fandom for so long...and find out that so many still can't read.
Like holy cheeseburgers Batman, so many of my fellow MHA readers/fans can't read it's astonishing.
So, for what'll be the last time for this series, let's go over the latest chapter of MHA and allow me to inform you of what it means. Or at least, that was the plan before the leaks came out. Just with the added addition of going over how people have reacted to chapter 430 before it was even officially out, and we're going to start with the first stone that began toppling Dominos.
[Official Spoilers Below]
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This. Oh god, this sentence has been nothing but a headache for me and so many others. Because of the leaks ,and subsequent mistranslations, being taken as fact the reaction to the finale started out as shit. This entire week leading up to today has been frustrating for me and many others as we tried to explain what should be obvious.
Firstly, none of this is coming from any official translation. What people were seeing before today were things fans and unlicensed translators are spreading around as if it's fact. This does NOT mean that they are correct and therefore these translations shouldn't be treated as such.
Secondly, in no way shape or form does Izuku imply or state that his friends abandoned him after he lost his powers. All he said, was that it was a bit more difficult to meet up regularly. Something that makes sense not only because they were working in different fields but also because work in general is like that.
It can be hard to meet up with the boys n girls for hang outs but that doesn't mean you don't talk. That doesn't mean you don’t call or text or keep in touch. Something which is easier to do when you've fought and lived through an entire war together!
His friends didn't abandon him. They didn't stop caring about him because he became powerless. Hell, the ending of the chapter proves this wrong if nothing else!
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Now, is it a shame the ships didn't get officially confirmed? Yes. But I think the implications are more than enough to satisfy. Even if they aren't, there's no reason not have fun with things being open ended. It opens the door to so many fun possibilities OUTSIDE of this whole NTR trend people are trying to start. [Thankfully that's a small part of the fandom]
But moving on, lets go into what he's been doing since becoming OFA.
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In what way shape or form does him becoming a teacher make him 'fall off'/make the Mc Donald’s meme become a reality?
 First off why are we hating on the man for enjoying his life without conflict after saving the world? We doing my boy like Gohan now? If he wants to retire to a teaching role, one he very clearly enjoys, let him. What do people think they can take him? Ya'll forgetting exactly what he had to do BEFORE he was able to get OFA in the first place. Izuku is still physically stronger than most normal people both in MHA and in reality.
But, I'm getting off topic. The point is Izuku has and continues to be an inspiration to those that will follow after him. Even to the point of mirroring his starting point with All Might when he inspires yet another young kid to become a hero.
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Is he a bit sad he isn't an official hero? Yes. Is he frustrated or unhappy with where he is in life? No. Not at all. He's content. His goal was never to be the No.1 Hero it was to be like ALL MIGHT. To inspire and protect people like his mentor had.
He's done just that and for it---for it he's rewarded.
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His kindness, his determination and his faith in those around him comes back to him in the best way for it was those people he spread said traits too that spent those eight years putting together the thing that would bring his dream back to him.
That would bring HIM back to standing by their side on the field of battle. For Izuku Midoriya never truly stopped standing by his friends. For they too had become their own inspirations to Japan and the world. But now, finally, their friend...their inspiration...their Deku could lead them on the frontlines once more.
They, and he, couldn't ask for anything less.
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pittie-cratch · 4 months
Hi, love your art!!! Would you be willing to draw Jetfire and Jetstorm being their usual silly selves?
//Thank you(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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Is that silly enough for you?
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moonicayourlove1 · 1 year
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totally-not-regulus · 2 months
Ok so, let's talk james. @prongsie-rambles
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honeymoonforeverl · 3 months
Tell me some of y'all love storytime or crush in the comments () 🎀
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Cleaning break because my steam cleaner needs
to cool down before I add more water 💦 what did you do today? What’s your plan for dinner? Need ideas 💡
xo 😘
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