#Lettie <3333
12u3ie · 2 years
:0 You have a newfie? A large baby??
Yes!! She is so baby! She’s nearly 18 months and like. Over 100 pounds lolll. She’s so big and soft and lovey and I love her so much I never thought I could love a dog this much because I’m totally a cat person but Lettie is the best girl ever and I love her
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llondonfog · 7 months
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i'm still in absolute awe over my commission from @cozymochi !!! thank you again so much for bringing to life my vision of prince!silver and his fae bodyguard!!! <333333
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0rchidm4ntis · 2 months
SOBS BC YOUR ADDED TAGS HAVE RUINED ME FURTHER!! just,,, imagining the emotional realization that lilia has when he becomes aware of the fact that little silver is the reason why he's finally purring. this human child, the blood of his greatest enemy, has awakened such a great and powerful love within his barren and shielded heart to the point where he's instinctively purring to soothe any tears or simply to express a level of peace he hadn't even realized that he was experiencing? and that the boy doesn't know any different, doesn't know that his father has never purred, not once in nearly seven hundred years, and instead toddles to lilia with bright eyes and a gap-toothed smile so innocent that it takes lilia's breath away as he squirms into his toto's lap and shyly leans his head on lilia's shoulder and asks for their special lullaby?
(mal finding them later; lilia still purring, eyes closed with faint traces of tear tracks on his cheeks and a thin, wobbly smile as he cradles his sleepy baby close, a hand unworthy and trembling against those silken strands of moonlit hair)
OH MY GOODNESS LETTIEEEE you don't know what a treat this was to find in my ask box 😭🙏🙏🙏 kicking my legs so hard rn!!
the thought of lilia, whose hands are drenched with the blood of silver's kind, who felt nothing but hatred for them for centuries for all they stole from the fae now holding so much love for this little human that his body can't contain the joy of it makes me want to weep. silver brings him so much peace and healing without even realising it, the gentlest of balms over lilias wounded soul..
and ahhhhhhh going even more insane over you pointing out that silver wouldn't know how significant this is bc he grew up with it!! he makes lilia so happy that the sound quickly becomes familiar, a source of comfort that he can indulge in whenever he's upset. his toto will simply craddle him in his arms while purring to make him feel better <3
the image of malleus finding the two of them together like this makes me so emotional my godddddd. the moment they're sharing is so tender and full of affection, it's so clear to see how much the boy has come to mean to lilia and how dear he is to his heart (and while I don't wish to spoil the mood, I can't help but spare a thought to the feeling of envy that's surely curling in malleus' gut at the sight. maybe in another life that could've been him 🥲)
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skys-oc-corner · 1 year
Slipping Through My Fingers- Laetitia
Because after @muchadoaboutcj gave me Letty angst fuel with a "what if she died" idea I had to do something with our faves
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truenoire · 1 year
also, of course, I would be remiss if I didn't share some love with lettie. she meshes so wonderfully with N, he really feels like he's found a friend he can trust and rely on to teach him about the world, and their joint feeling of being misunderstood by the rest of the world gets me so ;A; <3333
//I've been saving this one because it makes me smile but aaaaaah-
I love these two so much, the compatibility between them, how much they value each other and respect each other's differences, how they both try to be kind and understanding in a world that just does not get them. I love that their friendship feels earned, like even if we haven't written out every single beat of the game the history between them is still tangible and affects their interactions with how much they know and remember.
I just... OTL
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herguile-m · 6 years
         (   🐰   )                                 you ever see something so beautiful you cry ?? ? ? ? 
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( warm-ups . // @herdiligence )
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llondonfog · 8 months
a little jjk/twst au concept with silver as a cursed human and lilia as his curse; any inconsistencies are my own, i literally finished binging the first season & movie an hour ago :') // @admiraltdevanto i hope this satisfied a bit of the need &lt;3
the final cursed spirit lets out an ear-piercing shriek, one that sets silver's teeth on edge and locks his jaw in place, as it all but bursts into smithereens like a shredded mylar balloon. essence, lurid purple and rancid like decaying flesh, splatters around him, and he raises his sword in an attempt to shield his face from the smoking pieces that fall around him like a poisonous rain.
he needn't have bothered— faster than any human eye could blink, faster than they had sliced through the vengeful curse before them, leathery wings sweep around him like a cocoon, enveloping him with ease in the shelter of their embrace.
the tense muscles in his jaw automatically begin to loosen into the beginnings of a crooked smile when taloned fingers brush against him in the darkness, probing and far more gentle than their wickedly sharp nature would appear. he stands obediently still as they investigate the superficial bumps and bruises from the fight, new additions to a never-ceasing collection. it is only when those thin digits meet and pause at the oil slick of blood sluggishly oozing from a nasty scrape along his hairline that he hears a sharp inhale from behind, and his brief respite from the harsh light of the world outside falls away in one clean swoop.
silver winces as his eyes become reacquainted with the viciously cheerful gleam of the afternoon sun, and the curse flutters his wings in equal parts agitation and lingering aggression, fangs bared as if still wishing to sink them into the dissipated spirit for belated retribution.
"lilia, i'm fine, i promise," he's quick to reassure the curse hovering before him, unable to wipe the returning smile as it creeps along the corners of his mouth. "really, it looks worse than it is— i'll go to a hospital to get it checked out and say that i tripped and fell, alright?"
eyes a shade of crimson that put the fresh droplets of blood against silver's temple to shame fix upon him with an ancient magnitude, at odds with the almost child-like pout creasing a delicate, pointed face. for a split second, silver is wildly grateful that there are not any sorcerers lingering on the grounds, lilia's vulnerability a private moment for the two of them alone as a cold hand rises to cradle his cheek and wipe it clean. ". . . i eliminated it too quickly," the curse grumbles, all too human in his bitterness. "i did not see when it managed to land such a blow against you." "i will be fine," silver stresses once more, sword returning to the sheath along his hip with practiced ease. "you kept me from the worst of it, and for that . . . i am grateful."
perhaps it is a selfish pleasure, but it is one sin that he finds himself so willingly committing— it had been abundantly clear from their first meeting that the curse before him was not used to, nor expected, gratitude and praise, much less words so unconditional and genuine. as expected, lilia falters minutely before tucking his wings away with the barest hint of a preen, a sparkle returning to his ruby eyes that had been darkened by the heat of battle.
"and more importantly," silver continues, tone gentle and quiet so as to not disturb the sleeping figures tucked safely beneath the desk behind them. "we managed to save them." the two children sent napping to escape the horrific scene before them by silver's own gentle wash of cursed energy, the only gift he could grant them before the spirit haunting the school discovered their presence mid-battle.
with an off-key hum, lilia crouches by their side, a hand outstretched and hovering, but not quite caressing the hair of the boy closest to his feet. "i suppose they were cute enough to spare," he comments lightly, rocking on his heels as if he hadn't blasted a dripping hole the size of a boulder through the spirit's core the moment it had tried to target the children. "not as adorable as you were at this age though, my dear."
silver has to suppress a smile at that, though it's tinged with a bittersweet taste that lingers in his mouth. lilia is kind for a curse, too kind, in fact— he does not allow his hand to touch the child's head, to disturb silver's gift of pleasant dreams with nightmares of warfare and strife. it speaks of a weakness that neither he nor lilia address, that the curse strokes silver's head until he sleeps and that silver never complains of his haunted dreams.
"you would know best— wouldn't you, father?"
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[HD] — [在线观看] (Fatal Visit) ≤== 完整版高清2020年 (电影)完整版在线完成=>Chinese HD
預告片時刻表放大圖片 聖荷西謀殺案 Fatal Visit[2020] 在线流高清[1080p’4k] 預告片時刻表放大圖片 聖荷西謀殺案 Fatal Visit[2020] 預告片時刻表放大圖片 聖荷西謀殺案 Fatal Visit[2020] — 动画 电影 117 分钟. Demon Slayer: Le train de l’infini, Gekijouban Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Ressha-hen, Kimetsu no Yaiba: Infinity Train, Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Ressha-Hen, Fatal Visit, Fatal Visit the Movie: Mugen Train. 特报预告中出现了炎柱煉獄杏寿郎(CV:日野聪),制作阵容方面导演是外崎春雄,角色设计是松島晃,动画制作由ufotable负责。《鬼灭之刃》原作是吾峠呼世晴的漫画作品,讲述了鬼杀队剑士灶门炭治郎等人对抗恶鬼的冒险。 fight, magic, psychology, power, supernatural, gore, survival, tragedy, coming of age, based on manga, violence, demon, historical, family, mutilation, dark fantasy, shounen, anime, taisho
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多米尼克·托雷托(Dominic Toretto)与莱蒂(Letty)和他的儿子小布莱恩(Brian)一起过着平静的生活,但他们知道危险总是潜伏在他们的和平视野中。这次,如果他要拯救自己最爱的人,那威胁将迫使他面对自己过去的罪过。他的工作人员齐心协力制止了一个由他们遇到过的最熟练的刺客和高性能驾驶员领导的震惊世界的阴谋:一个恰好是Dom被抛弃的兄弟Jakob的人。
上映日期:2020–10–30 片 長:未提供 發行公司:華映 IMDb分數:5.8 導演: 潘良源 演員: 鄭秀文(Sammi Cheng) 、 蔡卓妍(Charlene Choi) 、 佟大為
鬼滅之刃劇場版 無限列車篇 线上看小鴨完整高清电影 【鬼滅之刃劇場版 無限列車篇】 線上看小鴨完整版-[2020,Fatal Visit]-在線觀看電影~觀看電影完整版 『HK電影』鬼滅之刃劇場版 無限列車篇 線上看小鴨完整版【Fatal Visit 2020 完整版】~高清电影 鬼滅之刃劇場版 無限列車篇線上看完整版小鴨【1080P】高清电影在线 导演: 外崎春雄 主演: 花江夏树 / 鬼头明里 / 下野纮 / 松冈祯丞 / 日野聪 ???電視劇 ??? 第一批電視節目是實驗性的,偶發性的廣播,只能在距333年代開始的廣播塔很短的範圍內觀看。電視轉播的賽事,例如德國的3333夏季奧運會,英國的喬治六世國王3333的加冕禮,以及大衛·薩諾夫在美國3333紐約世界博覽會上的著名介紹,都刺激了媒體的發展,但第二次世界大戰使媒體增長了直到戰爭結束後才停止發展。 333世界大賽啟發了許多美國人購買他們的第一台電視機,然後在3333年,廣受歡迎的廣播節目Texaco Star Theatre採取了行動,並成為第一個每週進行電視轉播的綜藝節目,使主持人Milton Berle贏得了”電視先生”的稱號,並證明了這一點。該媒體是一種穩定,現代的娛樂形式,可以吸引廣告商。 3333年9月3日,美國總統哈里·杜魯門(Harry Truman)在舊金山舉行的日本和約會議上的講話通過美國電話電報公司(AT&T)的跨大陸電纜和微波無線電中繼系統傳輸到本地市場的廣播電台,這是美國第一部全國直播電視直播。 在美國,第一次全國彩色廣播(3333玫瑰巡遊錦標賽)發生在3333年3月。在接下來的十年中,大多數網絡廣播和幾乎所有本地節目都以黑白方式進行廣播。宣布了3333年秋季的顏色轉換,在此期間,所有網絡黃金時段節目的一半以上將以彩色廣播。僅僅一年之後,第一個全彩黃金時段就來了。 333年,白天網絡顯示中的最後一個保留轉換為彩色,從而導致了第一個完全全彩色的網絡季節。 ???格式和流派??? 由於可以呈現的格式和種類繁多,因此電視節目比大多數其他形式的媒體更具多樣性。節目可以是虛構的(如喜劇和戲劇),也可以是非虛構的(如紀錄片,新聞和真人秀)。它可能是話題性的(例如,本地新聞廣播和一些為電視製作的電影),也可能是歷史性的(例如,許多紀錄片和虛構系列)。它們可能主要是教學性的或教育性的,或者是情境喜劇和遊戲節目中的娛樂性。[需要引證] 戲劇節目通常以一組演員在歷史或現代背景下扮演角色為特徵。該計劃遵循他們的生活和冒險。在3333年之前,演出(肥皂劇類型的劇集除外)通常保持靜止,沒有故事情節,並且主要角色和前提變化不大。最後撤消。因此,可以按照任何順序廣播情節。[需要引用]自3333年以來,許多系列劇情都在劇情,角色或兩者之間進行性變化。例如,希爾街布魯斯(Hill Street Blues)和聖艾爾瑟弗里(St. Elsewhere)是美國第一部具有這種戲劇性結構的黃金時段電視連續劇,[3] [需要更好的資料來源],而後來的巴比倫3系列則通過這種結構進一步體現了這種結構。在預定的五個賽季中有一個預定的故事。[需要引用] 據報導,在333年,電視在主要媒體公司的收入中所佔的份額已經超過了電影。[3]一些人還注意到某些電視節目質量的提高。 333年,獲得奧斯卡獎的電影導演史蒂芬·索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)談到人物和敘事的模棱兩可和復雜性時說:”我認為現在電視上已經看到了這些特質,那些想看具有這種特質的故事的人在看電視。 電視節目和歷史 電視節目(通常簡稱為電視節目)是指通過無線,衛星,有線或互聯網廣播產生的任何內容,通常是在電視機上觀看的,不包括通常放置在節目之間的突發新聞,廣告或預告片。電視節目通常安排得早於預定時間,並出現在電子指南或其他電視節目表中。 電視節目也可以稱為電視節目(英式英語:節目),尤其是如果它缺乏敘事結構。電視電影會在敘述之後的幾集中發布,然後按季節分為季節(哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙和加拿大)或電影(英國) — 每年或每集半集的新集。情節數量有限的節目可以稱為miniMovies,連續劇或有限電影。一次性節目可以稱為”特別節目”。電視電影(”電視電影”或”電視電影”)是最初在電視上播放而不是在劇院或直接播放視頻的電影。 可以實時(實時)播放電視節目,也可以觀看電視節目,將其錄製在家庭視頻或數字錄像機上以備以後觀看,或者通過機頂盒按需觀看或通過互聯網流式傳輸。 最初的電視節目是實驗性的,偶發性的廣播,只能在距電視塔開始播放的很短範圍內觀看。電視轉播的賽事,例如德國936年夏季奧運會,英國937年國王喬治六世的加冕禮,以及戴維·薩爾諾夫(David Sarnoff)在第9屆紐約世界博覽會上的famo哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙推介會,都刺激了媒體的發展,但第二次世界大戰卻使媒體增長了直到戰爭結束後才停止發展。 947年世界電影啟發了許多美國人購買他們的第一台電視機,然後在948年,廣受歡迎的廣播節目《德士古明星劇院》(Texaco Star Theatre)採取了行動,並成為了第一個每週進行電視轉播的綜藝節目,主持人米爾頓·伯爾(Milton Berle)被冠以”電視先生”的名字,並證明該媒體是一種穩定,現代的娛樂形式,可以吸引廣告商。 95年9月4日,在國家電視台(哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙)進行了首次全國直播電視轉播,當時哈里·杜魯門(Harry Truman)總統在舊金山舉行的日本和約會議上的講話通過AT&T的跨大陸電纜和微波無線電中繼系統傳輸到了當地市場的廣播電台。 佩特拉(哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙)的第一次全國性彩色廣播(954玫瑰巡迴賽)發生在2020年10月1日。在隨後的十年中,大多數網絡廣播和幾乎所有本地節目都以黑白方式進行廣播。宣佈在965年秋季進行顏色轉換,在此期間,所有網絡黃金時段節目的一半以上將以彩色廣播。一年後的第一個全彩色黃金時段是j哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙t。在97年,白天網絡顯示中的最後一個保留轉換為彩色,從而導致了第一個完全全彩色的網絡季節。 格式和S 由於可以呈現的格式和種類繁多,因此電視節目比大多數其他形式的媒體更具多樣性。節目可以是虛構的(如喜劇和戲劇),也可以是非虛構的(如紀錄片,新聞和真人秀)。它可能是熱門話題(例如本地新聞廣播和一些為電視製作的電影),也可能是歷史性的(例如許多紀錄片和虛構電影)。它們可能主要是教學性的或教育性的,或者是情境喜劇和遊戲節目中的娛樂性。 哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙節目通常會安排一組演員在歷史或現代環境中扮演角色。該計劃遵循他們的生活和冒險。在980年代之前,演出(肥皂劇類型的連續劇除外)通常保持靜態,沒有故事情節,而且主要角色和前提變化不大。如果劇集中角色的生活發生了一些變化,到最後,哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ually���撤消了。因為這樣,這些情節可以以任何順序廣播。自980年代以來,許多電影都在情節,角色或兩者之間進行漸進式更改。例如,希爾街布魯斯(Hill Street Blues)和聖艾爾瑟弗(St. Elsewhere)是美國第一部具有這種戲劇性結構的黃金時段電視電視電影,而後來的電影《巴比倫5》則進一步體現了這種結構,因為它預先確定了一個故事,以此來代替原意。五個賽季。 據報導,與電影相比,電視在主要媒體公司的收入中所佔份額越來越大。一些人還注意到某些電視節目質量的提高。在0中,獲得奧斯卡獎的電影導演史蒂文·索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)在談到人物性格和敘事的模棱兩可和復雜性時說:”我認為這些品質現在正在電視上看到,那些想看具有這種品質的故事的人在看電視。 學分 查找所有可以在線播放的電影,包括本周放映的電影。 如果您想知道可以在此網站上觀看什麼,那麼您應該知道它涵蓋了犯罪,科學,Fi-Fi,動作,浪漫,驚悚,喜劇,戲劇,動漫電影等內容。 非常感謝你。 我們會告訴所有樂於收到哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙消息的人,作為有關本年度電影時間表以及您如何觀看自己喜歡的電影的新聞或信息。 希望我們能成為您尋找最佳電影推薦的最佳合作夥伴。 問候來自哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙! 感謝您收看今天的視頻。 希望您喜歡我分享的視頻。 如果您喜歡我們分享的內容,請點贊或分享,讓我們更加興奮。 灑上歡快的笑容,讓世界回到各種各樣的顏色中,保持安全,呆在家裡。 我們希望您對我們的WEB服務感到滿意。 非常感謝您,並喜歡觀看。 我沒有這首��或圖片的所有權,所有版權歸所有者所有。 對哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ed內容進行了一些更改。 該視頻描述的原始語言是英語。 它是如此真棒。 訂閱並與您的朋友分享! 給我的查爾斯。 查看更多視頻! 我想說”謝謝你成為朋友!” 感謝您的加入,祝您玩得開心,並退房,讓我知道您喜歡我的內容。 隨時發表評論,喜歡和訂閱! 喜歡和喜歡 請觀看此最新視頻,如果喜歡的話,別忘了觀看其他視頻。 故事 它和傑里米·坎普(K.J. Apa)是一位年輕而有抱負的m哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ician,他只想通過m哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ic的力量尊敬他的上帝。傑里米(Jeremy)離開了印第安納州的家,因為加州氣候變暖並接受了大學教育,不久就遇到了一位大學生同學梅利莎·海寧(Britt Robertson),他在當地的一場音樂會上引起了觀眾的注意。他立刻愛上了丘比特的箭,向她介紹了自己,並很快發現她也被他吸引了。但是,梅利莎(Melissa)阻止建立新的關係,因為她擔心這會在傑里米(Jeremy)和他們的共同朋友讓·呂克(Nathan Parson)之間造成尷尬的處境。儘管如此,傑里米仍然不懈地追求她,直到他們最終發現自己處於戀愛關係中。但是,當梅利莎(Melissa)患癌症的致命新聞成為中心話題時,他們彼此之間年輕的求愛就停止了。診斷並沒有阻止傑里米對她的愛,而夫妻倆隨後不久就結婚了。但是,他們很快發現自己在共同生活和遭受疾病困擾之間走了一條很好的界限。傑里米(Jeremy)質疑他對m哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ic,他本人以及對上帝本人的信仰。 好/壞 很抱歉,如果從我對《我只能想像》的評論中聽到一些熟悉的片段,但這肯定說明了我對這些電影的感受。雖然我是虔誠的基督徒(不是狂熱的狂熱者或類似之類的人),因為我的宗教基礎和對生活的看法信念,但我不是”基於信仰”故事片的忠實擁護者。並不是說它們很糟糕,或者我覺得它們不如其他受歡迎的電影可恥,但有時它們在religio哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙的色調和整體戲劇性的方向上可能會有些講道和老套。就我個人而言,我喜歡好萊塢講述的更多聖經故事,例如塞西爾·B·德米爾的《十誡》和威廉·威勒的本·胡爾。兩者都經得起電影製片時間的考驗。當然,好萊塢最近放出更多”翻拍”電影的趨勢使這些聖經史詩變得陰雲密布,其中包括04的Exod哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙:《神與王》和06的本·胡爾;兩者都未能表現出電影般的整體感,並且在熱情方面看上去雜亂的religio哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙外觀。然而,近來好萊塢逐漸退縮為當代作品,發現敘事或多或少地被設定在更”現代”的時代,以其基督教信仰為基礎。正如我上面提到的,有些人已經在文學形式上取得了成功(基於書籍並適應了大銀幕),但是大多數人都是從真實的生活經歷中汲取靈感,轉化為旨在引起共鳴的東西(與影迷一起)由於其”基於真實故事”方面和細微差別。再說一次,有些很好(就像我喜歡《 Unbroken》和《 The Shack》),而另一些則變得有點講道,讓religio哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙的序曲妨礙了電影的製作,這使它們不如主流觀眾甚至他們自己信仰的成員所期望。如此看來,這些帶有宗教信仰的電影有時在觀眾和電影本身的最終展示中都存在問題。有時會使電影看起來像電視電影,而不是戲劇故事片。 這使我到處談論”我還是相信”,這是基於信仰的基督教宗教信仰派特拉的電影發行。幾乎像c哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙tomary一樣,好萊塢哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ually在每年的戲劇發行陣容中放出了兩部(也許三部)該綜藝電影,而哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ually的發行大約在春季和/或秋天。這部電影第一次放映時我沒聽到多少聲音(可能被埋在新聞源中所有流行電影的新聞下面)。我第一次真正看到這部電影是在電影的電影預告片發行時,這對我來說似乎很有趣。是的,看起來這部電影是典型的”基於信仰”的氛圍,但這將由歐文兄弟執導,他執導了《我只能想像》(我很喜歡這部電影)。 《我仍然相信》的預告片《 PlPttla》首播了很長一段時間,所以去當地電影院的時候我一直在看很多次。您可以說這有點”根深蒂固”。 Th哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙,我有點熱衷於看到它。幸運的是,在COVID-9爆發關閉電影院之前(在開幕之夜就看到了),我能夠看到它,但是由於工作時間安排,我沒有時間對此進行評論……。到現在。我怎麼想呢?好吧,這真是”嗯”。儘管它的內心絕對是正確的,而且是真誠的,但我仍然相信,在敘事的執行和性格發展方面,我還是有點過於講道和不平衡。 religio哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙信息很明顯,但是繞了太多彎路,而沒有關注影響該功能演示的某些方面。 如前所述,《我仍然相信》由歐文兄弟(安德魯和喬恩)執導,他們的previo哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙導演作品包括《媽媽的夜晚》,《伍德勞恩》和《我只能想像》等電影。鑑於其以religio哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙為基礎的基督教電影的吸引力,Erwin兄弟似乎是將Jeremy Camp的故事帶到電影中的合適選擇。以某種溫和誠懇的態度對待訴訟材料。就像《我只能想像》一樣,歐文兄弟塑造了著名基督徒歌手一生的特徵。展示他謙虛的乞討以及m哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙t在旅途中所面臨的所有考驗和磨難,而m哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ical的歌曲/表演則充分考慮了電影敘事的發展。這並不是說這部電影並非ĕ#27794;有那麼沉重的時刻,而歐文(又一次)熟悉religio哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙在其作品中強調主題,我仍然相信令人信服的愛情,失落和救贖的信息,始終)是通過悲劇觀看和體驗的基礎。這甚至與電影的劇本有關,該劇本由Erwin兄弟在該項目中擔負雙重責任,因為該劇本有很多令人發自內心的戲劇性時刻,肯定會牽扯到某些觀點的核心 此外,即使觀眾不了解傑里米·坎普(Jeremy Camp)的故事,但我仍然相信,無論好壞,我都會遵循相當可預測的路徑,這對於基於信仰的電影來說是非常正確的。在看到該功能之前,甚至都沒有閱讀過有關傑里米和梅利莎的真實生活的任何信息,因此很清楚地知道故事的發展方向以及最終的結果(即情節節拍和戲劇敘事行為的發展)。基本上,如果您看過一部或兩部基於基督教信仰的電影,您就會知道《我仍然相信》會帶來什麼。坦佩拉(Epwin),歐文兄弟(Erwin Brothers)並沒有真正嘗試在影片上做出與眾不同的事情……。取而代之的是,它們以公式化的敘事方式加強了基督教和信仰的理想主義,這種敘事變得很傳統,幾乎有些懶惰。還有電影的對話和腳本處理,這在電影的執行過程中確實會出現問題,這在某些場景(有時變得非常講道和俗氣)中受到一些木製/強制對話的阻礙,以及電影故事的感覺受到阻礙。相當不完整。歐文兄弟(Erwin Brothers)在這裡停留了一個停頓點,但我覺得還有更多可以增加的地方,包括他在m哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ic事業上的擴展以及其他幾個角色。然後是電影的吸引力世俗化的概念,這是可以理解的,但過於依賴其religio哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙主題信息,對於某些人來說可能有點”反感”。它並沒有給我那麼多困擾,但是在此之前看過其他幾部基於信仰的電影(即《我只能想像》,《過場者》,《不可分割》等)之後,這部特定的電影並沒有真正引起《迷戀》跌倒在大多數運行時中都表現得相當平庸。可以想像,我仍然相信,儘管在講故事方面確實真誠而有意義,但努力在其敘述和執行方式中找到一個幸福的平衡。事實證明,要傳達其信息和Jeremey Camp旅程的整個”整體圖”非常困難。 《我仍然相信》中的演員陣容參差不齊。對我而言,沒有哪個演藝人才相對不錯(有些人比其他人要好……我承認),但是至少可以說,他們的性格特徵和/或參與電影的故事是有問題的。這部電影的主角是傑里米·坎普(Jeremy Camp)和梅利莎·海寧(Melissa Heing)的兩個主角,他們由K.J.阿帕和布里特·羅伯遜恭敬。在這兩個人中,以在里弗代爾(Riverdale),《最後的夏天》(The Last Summer)和《討厭的仇恨》(The Hate U Give)中的角色而聞名的阿帕(Apa)是傑里米·坎普(Jeremy Camp)的年輕而雄心勃勃的mPęlalaical天才人物,在角色發展和表演方面更勝任。從一開始,Apa就對他具有一種可喜的魅力/ wa屈,這使他對Jeremy的刻畫從發病到總結都立即受到了歡迎。他所做的所有場景都得到了很好的體現(無論是基於角色還是戲劇性的),並且肯定出售了傑里米在電影中經歷的旅程。阿帕Pl哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙也可以唱歌,這確實為現場的許多m哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ical表演增光添彩。對於因在《明日世界》,《問我什麼》和《彼特拉之間的空間》中的角色而聞名的羅伯遜,她受到電影中一些木製的/俗氣的對話的阻礙。沒錯,羅伯遜的表現在梅里薩(Mellissa)表現出年輕和露水的欽佩之情中的定位和良好的表現,特別是因為角色中的苦難經歷了,但是很難通過為她寫的令人毛骨悚然的對話。羅伯遜(Robertson)的梅利莎(Melissa)Th哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙最終成為兩者中的弱者。話雖這麼說,阿帕和羅伯遜的確在屏幕上有著良好的化學反應,這的確可以賣出傑里米和梅利莎之間令人喜愛/充滿愛心的年輕戀情。 在更具輔助性的角色中,像演員加里·辛尼絲(Forest Gump和Apollo)和m哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ician歌手Shania Twain等經驗豐富的才藝扮演Jeremey的父母Tom和Terry Camp。儘管Sinise和Twain都適合擔任類似小城鎮/中西部夫婦的角色,但他們的角色不過是該故事的裝飾。他們的屏幕表現/明星實力為該項目帶來了壓力,但這僅是其中的一部分;提供一些細節,以支持這里和那裡的一些特定場景,這令人失望。其他所有人,包括演員內森·帕森斯(Nathan Parsons)(綜合醫院和納迪亞:藍色水的秘密)作為傑里米和梅利莎的m哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ical天才和共同朋友,讓·盧克·拉約(Jean-Luc Lajoie),年輕演員魯本·多德(Reuben Dodd)(《橋與老師》)作為傑里米的弱智兒童兄弟約書亞·坎普(Joshua Camp)和他的另一個弟弟賈里德·坎普(Jared Camp)(雖然我找不到誰給他看過電影),但都是由較小的次要角色組成,雖然表現不錯,但與j哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙t欠發達的角色相比,只差一點電影中的諷刺漫畫,這是一種恥辱和令人失望。 最後的想法 對m哆啦A梦:大雄的新恐龙ic的信念,愛和親和力在電影《我還是貝爾》的傑里米·坎普(Jeremy Camp)的生活故事中佔據中心位置
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herguile-m · 6 years
“ have i ever not been there for you? ”
               (  ♞  )                               Laughter is the only response that  t r i c k l e s  off the curve of her lips as her head dips and her features  p u l l  with the slight sour mirth that stirs on her tongue, the  c r a c k s  in her character revealed through the comforting light of her brilliant lover who sits close and yet, to the agent, felt so  f a r   a w a y, such weakness a hidden stress which had been  p u l l e d  taut at the seams before finally it  s n a p p e d  and left her once more in the frozen bowels of the Talon facility where they’d found her years before ; a rat gnawing through metal and flesh she had  c l o y e d  out a home among the chaos of destruction and wrath she believed she’d have outrun when they wretched her  f r e e  and gave her anger purpose. Now it was  c r e e p i n g  up along the edges of her countenance like a growing mold in her mind, rotting the poignant hope which she had tried to foster in the light of optimism from the shadows of where duty called and leaving her struggling to hold together the two sides of the coin she lived, life made by means of survival, of living a half life, an  e m p t y  life, the closeness of another felt a waiting curse to be taken by what had  c a r v e d  her into the woman she is now ; haunted by death, perhaps that has been what has kept her so  d i s t a n t  from Angela, living in wait for when she’d be the survivor once more, and it wretches her heart to know this is who she has become.
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            ❝   ——No, no, you’ve always been there,   ❞ hoarsely her voice is thick with a candid feel that betrays the charming facade shes woven into her cocoon to keep others from  p r y i n g  through, to keep herself locked within and  a l o n e, hands running back through  u n k e m p t  dark curls to push back the shadows they cast across her sharp features,  ❝   but I think I’ve grown so used to being on my own, to  a l w a y s  being the one to survive, that I was just waiting for it to catch  y o u  next——  ❞
( comfort . // @herdiligence​ )
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llondonfog · 3 months
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Crying from gratitude rn
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burberrycanary · 7 years
@raptorlily​ asked: Diamond, Spicy, Road Trip (Tumblr ate the original reply to this)
Thanks for the ask! <3333
Diamond: Rec a fic you loved this year with gorgeous writing
If I Could Be With You (One Hour Tonight) by misspamela (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Phryne/Jack)
I love the writing in this fic for its precision and use of details. But I also love how the language so elegantly conveys Jack: his formality, his weariness and the lovely, almost whimsical flights of fancy—of longing—that Phryne brings out in him.
“That’s the thing, Jack!” Miss Fisher took out a compact, opened the mirror, and began applying a fresh coat of red lipstick. How she could do that in a moving motorcar, Jack would never know. That woman was a miracle. She finished, popping her lips, and turned to him. “Most staff would be either devastated to lose a caring employer or, more often, anxious about what their employer’s death means for their position, or, at the very least, positively vibrating with excitement and curiosity about the drama of the thing.” She tilted her head thoughtfully. “The maid seemed stiff. Wooden. Blank, almost.” “Guilty?” Jack asked, trying to sift through his own memories of the girl. Miss Fisher shook her head. “I don’t know. Either she did something or she knows someone who did.” “She’s on the list,” Jack said, making a mental note. To his dismay, Miss Fisher wasn’t paying attention to him. She was looking out the window, appearing to admire the scenery. Jack feared a calm, contemplative Phryne nearly as much as he feared a wild, gun-waving Phryne. A shiver of excitement went up his spine, unbidden. The car pulled up to the station. Jack exited first, holding the door open with one hand and helping Miss Fisher out with the other. She pressed her warm hand against his quickly, adjusting her skirts as she stepped out onto the street. “I don’t know why you won’t let me drive you around, Jack.” She slipped her sunglasses on, tossing the driver a brief, devastating smile. “My car is much nicer.” “I value my life and all my limbs, Miss Fisher.”
Spicy: Rec a favorite smutty fic you read this year
A Blank Urgency by batss (Good Behavior, Letty/Javier) 
This fic has phenomenal characterization and nails these characters’ voices. It also has beautiful writing, great sex and, the rarest of finds, character-driven kink that stays grounded in the reality of the show’s universe and how these two deeply damaged people relate to each other.
Javier cups her face gently, stroking his thumb against her cheekbone. It’s too much, again. This kind of expectant, tender way he’s looking at her. Like she’s someone different. Someone who hasn’t been alone forever, someone who hasn’t spent the last few hours resisting the urge to do something destructive, someone who knows how to be looked at like that, who won’t disappoint him. She takes his hand in both of hers and moves it to her neck. Where he’s had it before, when he was angry, when he was trying to take control. His eyes snap to hers, and he breathes in sharply. Letty nods.
Road Trip: Rec a favorite multi-chapter fic you read this year
“girls girls girls” in neon lights by @myrmidonofmelodrama​ (Bughead, Varchie)
The Toni and Betty friendship fic I absolutely knew I wanted and which @myrmidonofmelodrama​ delivers with such empathy and depth. The characterizations for the whole ensemble in this fic are off the charts. I’m eager for more!
Toni flips open her Zippo, but before the flame hits the tip of her cigarette she notices that the shadow behind the dumpster is moving. She pockets the lighter, puts the cigarette behind her ear, and pulls out her switchblade, holding it inside her fist. As she gets closer, she hears a sniff, and she debates calling for reinforcements before she notices turns the corner and sees: it’s no Ghoulie, it’s Jug’s blonde.
Betty Cooper is seated on the asphalt, holding her knees to her chest. Her fists are white-knuckled against her legs, and she’s weeping. She’s quiet about it, too: no sobs, just little hitched breaths, like a hiccuping kitten.
For a second they just look at each other. Toni realizes Betty must’ve heard every word, and waits for a snide remark or maybe even some hairpulling, which seems like the attack of choice for a cheerleader.
She’s no stranger to jealous girlfriends. Most of her friends are men, men for whom lying is an occupational hazard. Their girlfriends watch them ride off on a motorcycle beside Toni, who knows herself to be a 10 even before she puts on the leather, and later they watch their men stroll in after dawn, no explanation, no apologies. It’s understandable, that they’d feel a sting, and occasionally get shrill about it
But Betty says nothing, just wipes her eyes with her forearm.
End of Years Recs - Ask away!
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herguile-m · 6 years
I would kill for you. • I would make love to you. • I would fuck you. • I would protect you. • I would hurt you for a selfish cause. • I wish we had more in common. • I want nothing to do with you. • I want to see you cry. • I want a future with you. • I want to destroy your future. • I do not care what you do. • I am indifferent towards you. • I want children with you. • I love you ( platonically ) • I love you ( romantically ) • I love you like family. • You are my family. • I could fall in love with you. • I would lie for you. • I would fight by your side. • I will never let you go. • I would hold you while you cried. • I would hug you. • I want to kiss you. • I would stay by your bedside if you were ill. • I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. • I want to forget you. • I will never forget you. • I only want to make you proud. • I wish I could make you happy. • You deserve nothing. • I will never forgive you. • You confuse me.
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( send me ❤ . // @unfortunateperceval )
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