#Level Indicator
trumen-indore · 1 year
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Trumen is a technocrat driven organization aimed at providing top-of-the-range and high quality level measurement and process control instruments. Formed by the pioneers who devoted their respective lives in development, design and delivery of solution to the problems faced in the field of level sensing and process measurements. Trumen has a fixed point agenda about “sensing matters”, and each device created at Trumen is thoroughly tested to pass the quality norms set in-house, in order to give the best performance in all operating conditions.
The products designed and manufactured by Trumen confirm to various international quality standards. Instruments having best in class IP-68 certified enclosures, Ex-proof enclosures suitable for hazardous area and gas group IIA, IIB and IIC and PU Epoxy coated enclosures suitable for harsh environment. Trumen also produces instruments with SS enclosures suitable for food and pharma industries and PU enclosures suitable for chemical industries.
Address: 39, Mangal Nagar, Behind Sai Ram Plaza, Near Rajeev Gandhi Circle, AB Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001
Web: https://trumen.in/
Contact: 0731 497 2065
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saccharineomens · 4 months
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Laimay Day 22: Family
Me, cis, is probably able to have kids and wants to adopt but does NOT want the suffering and pain and permanent bodily injury that comes with birthing one herself: I like that Marcille is infertile and that it is not important to her either way, it is just a neutral side fact about her. I like that her and Laios’ relationship consists of them both loving children but having no particular need to birth their own, I find that relatable. Their relationship is not missing anything by not having a kid, and they don’t love each other less.
That one person in the Laimar tag: please for Laimay someone draw Marcille pregnant with Laios’ child. I am infertile myself and want to live vicariously through her. 🙏
Me: I….suppose I can make an exception for you, my dear fellow Laimar lover.
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blueskittlesart · 23 days
*sigh* thoughts on Nintendo's botw/totk timeline shenanigans and tomfoolery?
tbh. my maybe-unpopular opinion is that the timeline is only important when a game's place on the timeline seriously informs the way their narrative progresses. the problem is that before botw we almost NEVER got games where it didn't matter. it matters for skyward sword because it's the beginning, and it matters for tp/ww/alttp (and their respective sequels) because the choices the hero of time makes explicitly inform the narrative of those games in one way or another. it matters which timeline we're in for those games because these cycles we're seeing are close enough to oot's cycle that they're still feeling the effects of his choices. botw, however, takes place at minimum 10 thousand years after oot, so its place on the timeline actually functionally means nothing. botw is completely divorced from the hero of time & his story, so what he does is a nonissue in the context of botw link and zelda's story. thus, which timeline botw happens in is a nonissue. honestly I kind of liked the idea that it happened in all of them. i think there's a cool idea of inevitability that can be played with there. but the point is that the timeline exists to enhance and fill in the lore of games that need it, and botw/totk don't really need it because the devs finally realized they could make a game without the hero of time in it.
#i really do have a love-hate relationship with this timeline#because it's FASCINATING lore. genuinely. and i think it carries over the themes of certain games REALLY well#but i also think it's indicative of a trend in loz's writing that has REALLY annoyed me for a long time#which is this intense need to cling to oot#and on a certain level i get it. that was your most successful game probably ever. and it was an AMAZING game.#and i think there's definitely some corporate profit maximization tied up in this too--oot was an insane commercial success therefore you'r#not allowed to make new games we need you to just remake oot forever and ever#and that really annoys me because it makes certain games feel disjointed at best and barely-coherent at worst.#i think the best zelda games on the market are the ones where the devs were allowed to really push what they were working with#oot. majora. botw. hell i'd even put minish cap in there#these are games that don't quite follow what was the standard zelda gameplay at their time of release. they were experimental in some way#whether that be with graphics or puzzle mechanics or open-world or the gameplay premise in its entirety. there's something NEW there#and because the devs of those games were given that level of freedom the gameplay really enforces the narrative. everything feels complete#and designed to work together. as opposed to gameplay that feels disjointed or fights against story beats. you know??#so I think that the willingness to allow botw and totk to exist independently from the timeline is good at the very least from a developmen#standpoint because it implies a willingness to. stop making shitty oot remakes and let developers do something interesting.#and yes i do very much fear that the next 20 years of zelda will be shitty BOTW remakes now#in which botw link appears and undergoes the most insane character assassination youve ever seen in your life#but im trying to be optimistic here. if botw/totk can exist outside the timeline then we may no longer be stuck in the remake death loop#and i'm taking eow as a good sign (so far) that we're out of the death loop!! because that game looks NOTHING like botw or oot.#fingers crossed!!#anyway sorry for the game dev rant but tldr timeline good except when it's bad#asks#zelda analysis
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peachdues · 30 days
me looking at Sam right as I’m being wheeled out of my room and into the OR when my nurse casually dropped I might be pregnant
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ghoulsteak · 4 months
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opening back up temporarily to help make ends meet. dm or email if you're interested in paying me to draw weird stuff for you. multiple characters, complex pieces, etc available at negotiable rates.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
I'm on a work trip--it's a class of people in my field picked from all over the country, so I don't know anyone else here--and the info packet I got basically said "people have told us they wish they'd been given a chance to meet everyone else before the class starts, so if you want to do that, show up to the hotel bar at this time and look for people who look like lawyers."
and I know. that I should go do this, because networking good. but also. this is weirdly stressful. how do I make sure that a group of random lawyers knows I am also a lawyer while still being casual and chill but not dressed formally at all
am i going to have to take off my combat boots for this
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double--blind · 11 months
(SPOILERS) Andrew, Ashley, and their weapons of choice
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If I REALLY wanna blue curtain (the curtains are blue bECAUSE THE AUTHOR—) this game, I'd probably say something along the lines of how Ashley's signature weapon being a gun and Andrew's signature weapon being a cleaver are reminiscent of their respective personalities in the sense that Ashley's aggression hits hard and fast, piercing deep like a bullet. The long-distance nature of this attack falls in line with her tendency to easily extricate herself from the harm she's doing while ensuring that it still gets done. She's shoot fast, ask questions later (or, perhaps, never at all), and rather loud and jarring about it. A single pull of the trigger and she's done, the only blood on her hands purely metaphorical.
(The one time she uses a knife, she even uses it like this. A quick stab into each of her parents' hearts. A swift, deadly puncture that bears far-reaching consequences that do not befit the ease of her actions.)
Meanwhile, Andrew's cleaver means he has to get his hands dirty. He's up close and personal w/his attacks—every slash is a decisive action that requires throwing all of himself into the fight—both in line with his need for control, and his tragic inability to relieve himself of the burden of being up front and center to his and Ashley's atrocities. Unlike a gun, it's not one-and-done. It's much quieter, stealthier, but you gotta get real vicious with it—more violent and messy than Ashley can ever get with her gun—something that's so at odds with his reticent, cautious nature that it just throws the silently simmering darkness within him into even starker relief.
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fromtheseventhhell · 5 months
I also find it funny that fandom will only accept Lyanna being her non-conforming, wild self in the context of saying that Arya isn't meant to be pretty; Any other day we get back-to-back posts about how Lyanna is actually super traditionally feminine cause she sniffled at a song once, so she's actually more like Sansa. Instead of constantly speaking on Arya and Lyanna, how about you guys reflect on why your standards of beauty for women are attached to how well they perform feminity within the patriarchy?
#lyanna stark#arya stark#asoiaf#/Lyanna isn't actually pretty she was a wild tomboy/ Those two things are not mutually exclusive 😭#how you look is not a reflection of your personality and this is also a running theme within the story#we have morally good characters who are ugly and morally bad characters who are beautiful this is like...kindergarten level#Lyanna is idealized in terms of her personality hence /you saw her beauty but not the iron underneath/#and Ned correcting Robert when he said Lyanna wouldn't have shamed him like Cersei had#he's a very shallow misogynistic character and I truly doubt he would've been as attached to the idea of her without surface level beauty#reminds me of people saying that Olivia Hussey is a bad fancast for them because she has a /doll like/ beauty and they're /rougher/ 😭#as though their entire facial structure magically changed once they realized they enjoyed playing with swords instead of sewing sdksdkdsksd#it's giving that one tiktok with the /cat pretty vs doe pretty vs bunny pretty/#even if you wanted to make the case that her beauty is idealized in her death we get Arya described a pretty multiple times?#idk it's just so wild to me to use personality as an indication of looks it just sounds so stupid#Arya/Lyanna can still have /delicate/ features (which is extremely subjective) and still have a wild personality#how about we acknowledge that the perception of both of them is warped by strict patriarchal gender norms instead?#some real analysis just to shake things up idk
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agnesandhilda · 2 months
I get why nobody really asked about it considering Everything Else that happened in blue lock chapters 260-262 but what is kaiser's legal situation vis a vis ray dark and bastard münchen. does his father still have legal custody of him? it's possible that he's still kaiser's legal guardian but has in practice left him to be a ward of bastard münchen. but if that were the case wouldn't kaiser make some reference to it? kaiser very much conducts himself like an emancipated minor imo, and there's no indication that he's not getting every cent of that paycheck, and even an arrangement where his father is no longer physically in contact with him has potential for coercion (child prodigies are famously never financially exploited by their parents /s), as he needs to approve kaiser's status as (at some point) a working minor. but if he doesn't have custody of him, how did he lose it? by all accounts he has never given a shit about providing for kaiser, so it's possible he transferred custody over to someone else (and who would that be? ray dark? some third person who in practice will approve anything ray dark wants?) with no fuss, but it's equally likely that the guy who had been coercing kaiser into stealing from a young age to support them both would want to profit from his son's athletic career too. did ray dark have to sue? in which case kaiser's dad broke that bottle over his head in front of the police, so there's irrefutable evidence for a child abuse case, and they've got all the money of the bllkverse's fifa-analogue on their side too.
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trumen-indore · 1 year
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Trumen came into existence in 2009 and initially started with manufacturing of Tuning Fork Level Switches for liquid and solid applications. With time, the manufacturing range increased with addition of Capacitance Level Transmitter & Capacitance Level Switches, RF Admittance Level Switches, Rotating Paddle Level Switches, Conductivity Type Level Switches, Vibrating Rod Level Switches, Hydrostatic Level Transmitter, Radar Level Transmitter & Ultrasonic Level Transmitter. Trumen is a technocrat driven organization aimed at providing top-of-the-range and high quality level measurement and process control instruments. Formed by the pioneers who devoted their respective lives in development, design and delivery of solution to the problems faced in the field of level sensing and process measurements. Trumen has a fixed point agenda about "sensing matters", and each device created at Trumen is thoroughly tested to pass the quality norms set in-house, in order to give the best performance in all operating conditions.
Address: 39, Mangal Nagar, Behind Sai Ram Plaza, Near Rajeev Gandhi Circle, AB Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001
Web: https://trumen.in/
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wonder-worker · 2 months
Angelberga was a peculiarly prominent personality in manifold aspects of European politics [in the late 9th century. Born to the powerful Supponid family of Italy, she married Emperor Louis II and had several opportunities to establish her position as an active and controversial player in the vicissitudes of her husband's reign]. She acted as Louis's regent, accompanied him on expansionary military campaigns in the south of the peninsula and represented him at [congresses, tribunals, and diplomatic negotiations]. Strikingly, she was also the beneficiary of a spectacular collection of charters. Almost one in seven of Louis II’s extant charters were issued in her favour. Angelberga’s conspicuous exploits in the field of charter acquisition did not diminish after the emperor’s death, and this helped her to maintain a position as a key power-broker in Italian politics, control of land [particularly monastic foundations] being a fundamental building-block of power in this period. In the interregnum following 875, during which Charles the Bald of West Francia and Karlmann of Bavaria fought to claim the succession to the heirless Louis, Angelberga herself conducted the negotiations and decided the loyalty of a major sector of the Lombard political community. She maintained this high profile until her death [having supported her son-in-law Boso's quest for power, endured a temporary exile, maintained the support of Pope John VIII, and founded the monastery of San Sisto in the city of Piacenza, where she probably ended her days sometime before 891].
-Simon MacLean, "Queenship, nunneries and royal widowhood in Carolingian Europe"
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keelanrosa · 6 months
started reading the cass review because i'm apparently just Like That and i want everybody crowing about how this proves sooooo much about how terfs are right and trans people are wrong to like. take a scientific literacy class or something. or even just read the occasional study besides the one you're currently trying to prove a point with. not even necessarily pro-trans studies just learn how to know what studies actually found as opposed to what people trying to spoonfeed you an agenda claim they found.
to use just one infuriating example:
Several studies from that period (Green et al., 1987; Zucker, 1985) suggested that in a minority (approximately 15%) of pre-pubertal children presenting with gender incongruence, this persisted into adulthood. The majority of these children became same-sex attracted, cisgender adults. These early studies were criticised on the basis that not all the children had a formal diagnosis of gender incongruence or gender dysphoria, but a review of the literature (Ristori & Steensma, 2016) noted that later studies (Drummond et al., 2008; Steensma & Cohen-Kettenis, 2015; Wallien et al., 2008) also found persistence rates of 10-33% in cohorts who had met formal diagnostic criteria at initial assessment, and had longer follow-up periods.
if you recognize the names Zucker and Steensma you are probably already going feral but tldr:
There are… many problems with Zucker's studies, "not all children had a formal diagnosis" is so far down the list this is literally the first i've heard of it. The closest i usually hear is the old DSM criteria for gender identity disorder was totally different from the current DSM criteria for gender dysphoria and/or how most people currently define "transgender"; notably it did not require the patient to identify as a different gender and overall better fits what we currently call "gender-non-comforming". Whether the kids had a formal diagnosis of "maybe trans, maybe just has different hobbies than expected, but either way their parents want them back in their neat little societal boxes" is absolutely not the main issue. This would be a problem even if Zucker was pro-trans (spoiler: He Is Not, and people who are immediately suspicious of pro-trans studies because "they're probably funded by big pharma or someone else who profits from transitioning" should apply at least a little of that suspicion to the guy who made a living running a conversion clinic); sometimes "formal" criteria change as we learn more about what's common, what's uncommon, what's uncommon but irrelevant, etc, and when the criteria changes drastically enough it doesn't make sense to pretend the old studies perfectly apply to the new criteria. If you found a study defining "sex" specifically and exclusively as penetration with a dick which says gay men have as much sex as straight men but lesbians don't, it's not necessarily wrong as far as it goes but if THAT'S your prime citation for "gay men have more sex than lesbians", especially if you keep trying to apply it in contexts which obviously use a broader definition, there are gonna be a lot of people disagreeing with you and it won't be because they're stubbornly unscientific.
Also Zucker is pro conversion therapy. Yes, pro converting trans people to cis people, but also pro converting gay people to straight people. That doesn't necessarily affect his results, i just find it funny how many people enthusiastically support his findings as evidence transitioning is… basically anti-gay conversion therapy? (even though plenty of trans people transition to gay? including T4T people so even the "that's actually just how straight people try to get with gay people" rationale for gay trans people is incredibly weak? and also HRT has a relatively low but non-zero chance of changing sexual orientation so it wouldn't even be reliable as a means of "becoming straight"? but a guy who couldn't reliably tell the difference between a tomboy and a trans boy figured out the former is more common than the latter + in one whole country where being trans is legal but being gay is not, sometimes cis gay people transition, so OBVIOUSLY that means sexism and homophobia are the driving factors even in countries with significant transphobia. or something.) anyway i hope zucker knows and hates how many gay people and allies are using his own study to trash-talk any attempts to be Less Gay. ideally nobody would take his nonsense seriously at all but it doesn't seem we'll be spared from that any time soon so i will take my schadenfreude where i can.
Steensma's studies have the exact same problem re: irrelevant criteria so "well someone ELSE had the same results!" is not exactly convincing. This is not "oh trans people are refusing to pay attention to these studies because they disagree with them regardless of scientific rigor", it's "one biased guy using outdated criteria found exactly the numbers everyone would expect based on that criteria, i can't imagine why trans people are treating those numbers as relevant to the past criteria but not present definitions, let's find a SECOND guy using outdated criteria. Why do people keep saying the outdated criteria is not relevant to the current state of trans healthcare. Don't we all know it's quantity over quality with scientific studies. (Please don't ask what the quantity of studies disagreeing with me is.)"
Steensma also counted patients as 'not persisting as transgender' if they ghosted him on follow-up which counted for a third of his study's "detransitioners" and a fifth of the total subjects and. look. i'm not saying none of them detransitioned, or assuming they all didn't would be notably more accurate, but i think we can safely treat twenty percent of subjects as a bit high for making a default assumption, especially when some of them might have simply not been interested in a study on whether or not they still know who they are. Fuck knows i've seen pro-trans studies which didn't make assumptions about the people who didn't respond still get prodded by anti-trans people insisting "the number of people claiming they don't regret transitioning can't possibly be so high, some of the people who responded must have been lying. (Scientific rigor means thinking studies which disagree with me are wrong even if the only explanation is the subjects lying and studies which agree with me are right even if we need to make assumptions about a lot of subjects to get there.)"
and this is not new information. not the issues with zucker, not the issues with steensma, not any of the issues because this is not a new study, it's a review of older studies, which in itself doesn't mean "bad" or "useless" -- sometimes that allows connecting some previously-unconnected dots -- but the idea this is going to absolutely blow apart the Woke Media, vindicate Rowling and Lineham, and "save" ""gay"" children from """being forcibly transed""" is bullshit. At most it'll get dragged around and eagerly cited by all the people looking for anything vaguely scientific-sounding to justify their beliefs, and maybe even people who only read headlines and sound bites will buy it, but the people who really believe it will be people who already agreed with all its "findings" and have already been dragging around the existing studies and are just excited to have a shiny new citation for it.
the response from people who've been really reading research on transgender people all along is going to be more along the lines of "……yeah. yeah, i already knew about that. do you need a three-page essay on why i don't think it means what you think it means? because i don't have time for that homework right now but maybe i can pencil it in for next semester if you haven't learned how to check your own sources by then."
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mountmortar · 3 months
also actually my last post makes oak's lecture to blue at the end of the game even worse because for fuck's sake y'all live in a time where whips to control pokémon are commonplace and yet you still have the nerve to accuse your grandson whose name you can't even be bothered to remember and who has never ONCE shown signs of abuse or neglect or ANYTHING NEGATIVE WHATSOEVER towards his pokémon (and the games WOULD HAVE POINTED OUT if he'd done so, like gsc did with silver i.e. npcs commenting on how they felt sorry for his pokémon) of not trusting or loving his pokémon. are you SERIOUS
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zeravmeta · 7 months
so i randomly decided to binge the mashle magic and muscles manga today, its pretty good 👍 honestly a story does not always need any sort of deep message or layered complexity, sometimes we only need a group composed of objective freaks be the only ones capable of saving the world. also muscles
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zapsoda · 8 months
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Holy Shit. I Wonder Why. I Really Wonder. It is a mystery to me!
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"its common use nowadays" ah yes its common use nowadays, its common use by ignorant WESTERNERS who are using words they DONT KNOW THE MEANING OF
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