#Levi and mikasa do not hate each other
onigiri-dorkk · 1 year
It's very interesting that it's 2023 and there are still people who say that Mikasa hates Levi/vice versa.
They based that on the few scenes in the first few episodes where Mikasa is angry at Levi beating up Eren in the courthouse.
One, Levi has never once hated Mikasa. He had many opportunities to be angry with her as a captain, but he has never done that. He could have punished her easily just for how she looked at him in the courthouse -- much more for her insubordination multiple times when she was a young soldier.
But then what happens?
When Levi gets injured due to Mikasa not trusting him, acting on her own and not listening to his orders during battle, and him having to save her life, the Scouts lose their captain and best soldier in a crucial time. Mikasa feels the huge weight of that on her shoulders -- she is very aware of how important Levi is to the Scouts and she makes a conscious decision in Season 2 to step up to fill his shoes, to make up for her mistake while he recovers. She now realizes that her selfish actions to protect/be with Eren come with consequences, and it takes her out of her tunnel vision for Eren. She's at this point where she realizes she should have trusted Levi more.
In the Uprising Arc is where we really see Mikasa's perspective to Levi/leadership really change, which also reflects her inward growth. She's placed in Levi Squad. When ordered to fight and kill Kenny and team, all the Levi Squad doubt Levi's orders and think he's cruel. Who's the first one who steps up and listens to Levi's orders immediately? Mikasa. She's the first one to say yes, and she doesn't even question it -- she goes in for the kill.
When they gather and reflect about their first kills, Jean, Sasha, Connie and even Armin are still apprehensive about what they were ordered to do. It is Mikasa who tells them that they need to make the choice to trust Captain Levi, and that they should trust him.
In the same arc, Levi is shown many times as being able to calm Mikasa down and stop her from acting impulsively, and she listens more. In battle, she is his literal right-hand soldier and enters the battlefield/crystal caverns with him first and by his side. Mikasa is to Levi what Caven is to Kenny. They are each others' most trusted and skilled and respected soldiers -- Levi can rely on Mikasa to live and carry out everything, and vice versa.
At this point, clearly they don't hate each other. If anything, they've gotten so much closer with a quiet respect and bond, and this happened in the absence of Eren.
Ackerbrawl sounds violent but they both held back from hurting each other -- even though they both had reasons to fight for that serum, they didn't actually. And it's easy to conclude it's because even just as comrades, they are important to each other. She served some time behind bars with Eren, but it was only because that was a formality -- Levi had mentioned when they were up on the walls that he was fine. Again, he had reason to be pissed at her, but he never took that route. He's very gracious with Mikasa.
Fast forward. Marley shit. That's four more years of Mikasa being Levi's right-hand. Do y'all REALLY think she would still hate him at this point? Really? Mikasa is now a high-ranking military soldier and has now been Levi's right-hand for more than five years. Then Eren disappears and leaves them. Mikasa never stopped being Levi's right-hand -- she must've been devastated when Eren disappeared, and in my opinion the only ones who can keep her in check while she deals with her emotions are Levi and Armin. 100% they got even closer.
They battle in Liberio together; Levi entrusts Mikasa to battle with Eren, and when things go awry with the Jaw, Levi swoops in and saves everything -- he was keeping watch on things. When they get back on the airship, Levi kicks Eren and reprimands him again -- Mikasa doesn't do anything because she trusts Levi more than she feels the need to protect Eren at that moment.
I don't even have to describe the rest. They go into battle of heaven and earth -- Levi and Mikasa are the final ones left. They save each other. They support each other. They aide each other. And they successfully killed Eren and saved what was left of the world together. Mikasa goes from distrusting Levi and his leadership, to trusting him the most. Levi goes from distrusting Mikasa's decisions, to trusting her to make the right decisions on her own now for him to support.
AND they survived together. AND they're shown to reunite again after war.
Now how in the flying fuck do people, in 2023, still say that Levi and Mikasa hate each other? Because I am not seeing it. The only reason people say that is to try to discredit shippers but the reality is there is sooooo much depth there.
Those are some fucking good crumbs, I gotta say!!
Long live Rivamika, bitches
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cherry-romper · 4 months
Days off with them
+ Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Marco, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin, Hange, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Porco, Pieck, Zeke
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Eren; Staying Behind
You and Eren had been assigned cleaning duty that morning - even though it was supposed to be your day off.
Eren listened to you while you ranted and raved about how you shouldn't be doing it and should be allowed to be free for the day.
You'd both been invited to the market with Sasha and Co. but the Eren said he didn't fancy it.
You silently thanked Eren, because you, too, didn't want to go to the market.
The two of you then spent the day sparring together and messing around.
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Mikasa; Hanging out
You'd gone camping the night prior to your day off. Your camp consisted of the top ten in the cadets and a few others, such as yourself and Armin.
You'd shared a tent with Sasha and Mikasa, so the three of you all woke up around the same time.
Sasha was excited to go hunting so she left just you and Mikasa to decide what to do for the day.
It was Mikasa who asked if you wanted to spend the day with her, much to your surprise.
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Armin; Library
The two of you met, coincidentally, in the library. You'd been looking for a book all morning and couldn't find it anywhere.
As it turns out, Armin had already checked that book out, although he hadn't read it yet.
He told you his plans for the day; to read under a tree until sundown, then go home and read some more.
Since he had the book you wanted, you proposed you tag along with him, and read the book you wanted together.
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Marco; Lazy Day
You weren't used to having time to yourself. So, when the time came to relaxing you weren't sure what to do with yourself.
Like most soldiers you slept in, but this made you miss breakfast.
You soon learned that Marco had been waiting for you all morning in the mess hall.
He brought breakfast to your room and helped you adjust to the free time.
You ended up being overwhelmed from actually being able the think for once. Marco stayed with you, per your request, and comforted you the entire day.
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Jean; Market
Jean's love language is quality time (among others), so on days off he often waits for his friends to suggest something and just tags along.
He's down for anything as long as he's with the people he loves, especially you.
He also loves doing things, he's not one to just sit around and talk, he like to be actively doing something. i.e. walking around, cleaning, working out. He doesn't mind what he's doing, as long as he's not doing it alone.
He LOVES the marketplace. He finds comfort in the ambience of the bustling people.
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Connie; Visiting Family
Any excuse to go home, and Connie is there.
Recently though, he's been torn between savouring the time with his friends or visiting his family again.
Either way he might not see any of them again, so he often acts out of impulse on the day.
So, being the genius he is, he drags you along to visit his family with him.
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Sasha; Hunting
She offered to teach you how to hunt, telling you it was an essential life tool.
You listened to her intently, being sure to mimic her movements precisely.
Still when it came to killing a small bunny, you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
She found it so heart warming that you couldn't kill the innocent, contrary to the way you were on a battlefield.
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Levi; Tea Shop
Days off for the Scout's faculty don't really exist, most live by the "I'll sleep when I'm dead" motto – especially Levi
Still, you had convinced him to tackle his ever-growing pile of paperwork in a small tea shop in the market.
It didn't last long, he hated how many people came in and out of the shop, no work was completed.
Instead, the two of you peacefully people watched soaking up each other's company
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Hange; Experiments
As per, Hange could be found hunched over their notes, frothing at the mouth thinking about the breakthroughs they could make.
They insisted you work with them to come up with new theories.
You were smart and they respected that, plus you had a similar passion as them – less to do with titans and more to do with finding out the truth.
It wasn't how you'd wanted to sped your day off, but seeing Hange light up when you'd theorise with them made it worth it.
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Erwin; Working
What else would this man be doing? He was more likely to work himself into a grave than he was to die in combat.
Still, he didn't often get time to simply hang out with his comrades. So, he got up early, working himself to the bone to get his paperwork done at record pace, simply so he could spend a blissful summers evening in your company.
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Reiner; Napping
It wasn't his intention, nor yours, to fall asleep in the pasture.
You had been cloud watching, trying your hardest to take your minds off the horrors that played on repeat.
You brought each other so much comfort that it was almost impossible to not feel tired around each other.
It was jean who found you two, tangled together in the field. He NEVER let you two live it down.
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Bertholdt; Market
Everyone had suggested it, but neither of you wanted to go. Still, come 7 am, you found yourself in the back of a cart and on your way to the market.
Somewhere throughout the day you had lost everyone, leaving the two of you alone together, to wander the stalls.
Bert felt rather homesick, seeing all the shops gave him a horrid nostalgia. You'd taken notice of his hesitation and hooked your arm with his, trying to offer his as much comfort as possible.
He was taken aback sure, but your touch helped him more than he thought it could. To be honest, it scared him a little.
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Annie; Hanging out
Absolutely, not in the mood to do anything, ever. She just wants to get her mission over with, she has no real reason to do anything or make friends.
Still, she's grateful that you, along with some others, still try to spend time with her.
Even so, she spends the day in her room but not without inviting you to come sit with her.
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Porco; Beach Walk
You had decided to travel along the coast for your day out, desperate to get away from the busy city.
Was it an authorised absence? Not at all. And somehow you managed to convince Porco to come with you.
You didn't tell him that you 'technically' weren't allowed to be leaving Liberio, when he find out he tried to convince you to go back, scared of the repercussions.
However, after seeing you so happy to be on the beach, he decided the consequences would be worth it, given neither of you had long left to live.
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Pieck; Hanging out
Still not used to her legs, Pieck had asked you to stay with her while she caught up on her books.
She'd been wanting to read them when she got back from Paradis, so to do so in your company was more than she could have hoped for.
Though, she often found herself getting distracted by you, who sat next to her, head bobbing as you feel asleep reading your own book.
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Zeke; Hanging Out
Simply put, he took you on a walk around Liberio.
He kept you close the whole time, being sure you were safe, talking about everything and nothing.
He was content with just being.
Even for just a moment, if he could exist alongside you, everything he'd done would have been worth it.
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 6 months
playing excited & exhausted with them
ft: levi, erwin, bertholdt, jean, connie, annie, sasha, mikasa, eren
a/n: excited & exhausted is card game made for couples to play when they’re drinking. it is an explicit card game so this post is 18+. NSFW MDNI ! however, this does not go into details. it’s very light on the smut side, if you can even call it that. i’m not 100% comfortable writing full smut yet soo :) this request is for/from @ricebowl768 - also, this is not proofread :)
levi ackerman
it’s a pain to play this game with levi. he insists on doing all of the tasks on the card, resulting in you being the only drunk one. he says, “what’s the point of playing if i don’t do any of these?”
you tell him, it’s supposed to be fun and he doesn’t have to do any of the dares that he doesn’t want to. charmingly, he responds, “well, you’re my girlfriend. i want to do these things.”
erwin smith
he’s curious when you present him the deck. he didn’t think you’d be interested in something so explicit. honestly, he’s quiet shy about most of the cards. he gets a nice buzz going pretty fast, giving him the courage to do all these things.
the night ends up quite wholesome as you two share bursts of drunken giggles. you two wind up sweetly entangled in bed.
bertholdt hoover
you have to convince bert to play this game, given he’s on the shyer side. you both take two shots before playing just to ease any anxiety. the first card he draws reads, “drink if you want to have sex after this game.” his eyes widen and he downs another shot. he tries to hard the cards from you but you are dying to know, so you lunge across towards him and wrestle him for the card.
you laugh at his embarrassment when you read it outloud. you reassure him he doesn’t have anything to feel embarassed about by kissing him all over his red cheeks.
jean kirstein
jean thinks you’re the best girlfriend ever for buying this card game. he mainly teases you about drinking whenever you don’t want to do the action on the card. he calls you a few names just to rile you up. tired of his shit, you start doing everything on the cards just to prove a point. no matter how provocative or exposing they are, you do them. he both hates and loves you for this but he can’t wait for the game to be over.
connie springer
he’s enthusiastic about playing this game, he actually was the one who had picked it up at the store while you weren’t paying attention. he reveals it by slamming it down on the table and insists you two play. you both end up sloppy drunk for some reason despite doing everything on the card. honestly, it was just a good excuse to get sloppy drunk and be horny for each other.
annie leonhardt
she’s sort of…rough when you bring up the idea. annie’s a pretty shy, reserved person so when you present her with the game, she gives you a shrug. no wanting to press her boundaries, you forget about it.
she brings it up later on, on a random afternoon. she wants to deepen her bond with you, so she steps outside her comfort zone. she blushed at nearly every single card, choosing to consume a bunch of liquor.
she manages to hold herself together well, until she gives into her desires and chooses to do the sexual tasks on the cards. this side of her is refreshing. you keep telling her she doesn’t have to do anything, but she insists the liquor has given her courage to do these things she’s wanted to do all along.
sasha braus
sasha giggles at every single card! she barely takes anything seriously, especially when she’s drinking. she doesn’t quite understand the circumstances of the game until you draw all the promiscuous cards. she tries to keep a cool about tasks such as kissing her thighs. but since you know her so well, her gasps of surprise are considered more gasps of arousal. overall, she winds up enjoying the game.
mikasa ackerman
mikasa looks to please you, and only you as their partner. of course, this urge doesn’t dismiss her shyness. she starts off the game with a high confidence, dismissing with each card. she wants to do each, to please you but ultimately, she’s too embarassed. it winds up with her having a bunch of shots and it makes you laugh. you tell her, “baby, you don’t have to do anything, we can stop playing this game.”
she counters back, “i want to! it’s just so…vulgar? how do people do this sober?!”
it’s not that she’s a prude, but this game is impossible to play! that’s what she insists.
eren jaeger
this game was made for eren, or so he thinks. he‘ d play this game with anyone but for him, it’s a pleasure to play with you. he doesn’t shy away from any task, no matter how filthy it is. he enjoys teasing you and seeing you flustered. he wants you uncomfortable, in a consensual way of course. eren wants to take you further than you’ve ever been. both physically and mentally. he’s a menace, testing your limits until you’re begging for him!
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levilxvr · 10 months
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PAIRINGS: levi x afab!reader
WARNINGS: nsfw 18+, alcohol consumption, drunk behaviour
SUMMARY: you and the captain have had something going on for the longest time. during the trip to marley, when you encounter a drunk jean trying to hit you up, levi decides to takes things into his own hands.
this took me forever hope y’all like this filthy piece of fiction😗
“come on, captain, just one shot?” eren slurs out as he motions to levi with half lidded eyes. you’re in the bar of a marleyan hotel with the scouts, enjoying drinks and basking in each others’ company. levi rolls his eyes. no way is he having one of those- the last thing he wanted was to get all silly and drunk in front of everyone.
of course, you let mikasa and sasha bribe you into having a shot of tequila. knowing your alcohol tolerance was pretty horrible, you chose to stick with one and went to hang out with levi on the side. Everyone knows you guys have something going on- it’s been like this for months, but neither of you have ever made it official.
Anyway. everything felt so much more laid back and free, you’ve got nothing to worry about and-
“hey,” levi calls softly. you barely heard him over the music blaring from the speakers, adding to the serotonin running through your veins. his hands are on your cheeks. “you’re turning red.” your face feels like it’s heating up- even warmer with his thumbs grazing the skin gently. it’s probably just the effect starting to kick in.
“must be the tequila.” you giggle a little and he sighs. The captain isn’t much of a fan of alcoholic drinks, seeing no purpose in it other than getting you drunk and horny.
“im gonna get you some water. and a juice for myself.” he tells you to stay put at the glass counter as he disappears into the crowd to find the bartender. you intend to stay there and wait for him when someone walks by and pulls you towards him with a strong arm, your body slamming against his as he lets out a sigh. Recognising the man as jean, you feel a little bit too lightheaded to do anything so you let him drag you along to the table with connie, sasha and the rest.
“feels great to unwind, huh?” connie mumbles, body flopped against the table as he struggles to keep awake. You could tell they’ve all had too many drinks based on the way they were behaving. but the foggy feeling in your brain only increased and you couldn’t resist when jean turned to your face and pressed a wet kiss to your cheek. “feels even better with this one here.” you gasp and try to wiggle out of his grip.
“jean cut it out, she might be dating captain levi!” armin jumps in, looking around. that’s right, where was levi? you recalled him wandering off to get something, but now..
oh well. he’d probably come back to this table anyways.
“want another?” sasha smirks and hands you the small glass. “same thing.”
you take it without thinking twice and down it all at one go. a little more won’t hurt, will it? after all, that’s what you were here for. to have fun. about half an hour later you don’t see any signs of levi still so you relax into jeans side and let the calming sensation drown out the rest of your thoughts.
“how many shots you had?”
you managed to slur. the question is directed to sasha but clearly jean is too intoxicated to care. “ion know, probably like four or something.” he squeezes you again. “god, connie, isn’t she sexy in this dress?” he reeks of alcohol and you shift uncomfortably.
he’s about to reply when everyone freezes.
“what’re you doing jean.”
the table goes silent and you force yourself to turn around, just to see levi standing behind you and jean with a scowl on his face. if there’s anything levi hates more than filth, it’s seeing someone else treat you as if you don’t belong to him.
“l- levi..”
he shoves jean’s arm away and picks you up, nearly collapsing when your body falls against his. “shit, you had another one didnt you?” he narrows his eyes at the empty glass, along with a dozen more scattered on the table from the others. you can only nod halfway and look at him with a lidded gaze.
“whatever. you drunken brats can continue partying till dawn. im returning back to the hotel with y/n first.” he picks you up bridal style, pushing his way through the crowd, to the lobby and up the lift to the hotel room you had to share with him for the week.
once you’re in, he places you down gently onto the bed. he takes off his black blazer and tie, helping you out of your heels as he heads to the water dispenser and hands you a glass.
“drink up. you’re gonna get a shitty hangover in the morning.” he places a hand on your back to support you as you gulp down the water, then slouch into his embrace as he envelopes you in a tight hug. the room is completely silent for a minute until you break it.
“levi, are you mad?”
“whatever for?”
“jean. ‘m sorry, my head felt so fuzzy, i couldn’t..”
“shh..it’s not your fault, it’s okay. just..watch your intake next time. who even gave you a second shot?” he has so many thoughts going through his head right now.
he scoffs, but holds you as he pulls your body down while he adjusts himself into the silky pillows. “I was gonna come back earlier but hange and erwin popped by and i had to entertain them for a bit.”
you’re looking right into his eyes now. god, he looked so fucking cute in that white blouse and dress pants, the collar unbuttoned so you could see just the faintest bit of muscle. his hands are on your lower back, and of course he’s thinking about how pretty you look tonight.
you specially chose this black dress because he liked it, along with the lace lingerie hiding underneath the layers of ebony silk..but now wasn’t really a good time, was it? you were literally drunk at this point and the best thing to do right now would be to sleep it off. but with the way your pelvis was pressed against his, and how close your tight dress was to revealing the perfect curve of your ass…
“y/n,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours. he’s recalling the sight he witnessed earlier. the way jean had an arm securely around your waist, his lips on your delicate skin, the way he was staring you down with that lustful gaze.
how dare anyone try to take advantage of you in such a vulnerable state. everyone knows jean is the kind to get all horny and touchy when he’s drunk. But still, you belonged to him and only him. and fuck it, he had to demonstrate that right now in order to assure himself that no one else could ever take you.
without thinking twice his lips were on yours, swallowing the soft gasp that left your own at the sudden contact. he doesn’t even wait to push his tongue past your lips, brushing against yours as the kiss deepens and his hands slide under the hem of your dress. his thumb runs circles on the plush skin of your thigh, making you grip his shoulders harder.
Everything feels more sensitive now. you can almost feel the electricity running through your veins as he pulls away, loosening the spaghetti straps as the fabric slides off your body.
his cock his nearly throbbing in his pants, pushing against the seams as he admires you. He cursed himself for not acting on his feelings sooner. he wanted to mark every inch of you, show you just how well he could love you. but with your current state he had to chide himself internally, reminding himself to go slow.
he supports you as you straddle his hips, sitting on your knees as he unclips your bra with one hand, the other tracing the laced patterns of your panties.
“you alright? can i continue?”
levi gets your nod of approval, slipping a hand down to caress the sensitive area, eliciting a small whimper from your swollen lips. your face is flushed, hair tangled from his fingers. watching him closely, you bite your lip as he presses down on your clit, rubbing tiny circles on the small bud as his free hand moves to touch the bulge in his pants.
“look at what you do to me baby,” he moans, cursing at the dark patch that’s beginning to spread on the surface of the black fabric.
minutes later he’s desperately pulling your underwear off, the cold air hitting your exposed cunt as he dips two fingers into the wetness accumulating at your slit. levi lifts them and lets the clear, sticky fluid glimmer in the warm light of the bedside lamps, then brings his fingers to his lips and shamelessly sucks off your arousal.
“tastes so sweet, now i really wanna eat you out..”
“then do it.” you almost beg. You’ve never felt this needy in your life. the way he was gazing at you as he licked off your juices from his slender fingers almost made you cum on the spot. He pushes your back down onto the mattress and spreads your legs, resting his hands on your thighs as he leans down and kisses your clit.
“look at how wet you are baby, so good for me..” he smiles against your folds and slowly starts using his tongue on you, fucking you skilfully as your hands plunge into his hair. You’re chanting his name breathlessly like a prayer as he continues eating you out until you can’t take it anymore. he starts sucking and licking your small bud, hard, as his middle finger slides into your pussy and curls against that one spot.
“levi levi levi, oh fuck!”
you feel yourself squirt on his face as he continues lapping up your juices, fingers still fucking you through your blissful orgasm as more of the clear liquid sprays onto his hand and wrist.
“shit, y/n, you’re so fucking hot, i think…”
levi pauses for a moment, unbuckling his belt and pulling off his pants. “i think you made me cum already,” he lets out a breathy groan as he stares in disbelief at the mess he made of himself. watching you cum so hard from just his fingers had him creaming himself, remains of the milky liquid running down the shaft of his red, swollen cock.
you’re breathing hard, the adrenaline rushing through your veins as you sit up and cup your palms on his cheeks.
“i want you, like really bad.”
“im all yours to take.” he smiles softly, holding you down again as he positions himself at your entrance. he slaps his cock against your wet folds, hissing because of how sore and desparate he is. he buries himself inside you immediately, watching his thick shaft disappear into your tight little cunt.
He’s whispering how much he loves you, your voice, your personality, everything. Months of love and pining poured out in the sweet words he’s breathing, his fingers twining with yours as you lift your legs so he can go deeper. There’s so much emotion in his grey eyes, maybe it’s just the alcohol, or maybe it’s because of your earlier encounter with jean and the rest. Either way, you’re still sensitive from your first orgasm and soon you feel the heat building up in your core again, walls clenching around his cock as you both reach your highs together.
“that’s it baby, look at you taking me so well, fuck..” he empties himself inside you, groaning when he feels your pussy clenching around his cock, practically sucking in his cum. You’ve never felt this good in your life, especially considering that levi has never had any prior experience.
“holy shit,” he gasps, slowly pulling out of your swollen cunt as he holds you in a loving embrace, breathlessly falling beside you. “you feeling ok?”
that’s when the dull headache hits, and you close your eyes.
“yeah just a small headache.”
he caresses your face, smiling softly. in his head there’s only two words. she’s mine. Levi leans over and presses one last kiss to your lips before you fall asleep. And he stays there with you for the rest of the night, your body tucked against his.
the next morning, you don’t feel as shitty as you expected. You down another cup of water, wash up and head downstairs to the breakfast buffet with levi. It’s nearly empty, except for a few scouts and random marleyans staying in the hotel.
“think they’re all sleeping in after last night. I’m surprised you’re feeling ok?” he raises his eyebrows while plating a croissant for you.
you laugh. “i expected a horrible hangover too. anyways, what did you plan to do today?”
“nothing much. everyone’s shacked out from last night so.. maybe go sightseeing with my girlfriend.” he plants a kiss on your cheek as you walk down to the fruit section. girlfriend. your heart warms at the name and you take his hand.
Suddenly you’re glad sasha gave you that extra tequila shot.
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Tandem (Levi x Reader)
Synopsis: The two of you work together seamlessly. Your clear intimacy was usually left unspoken... that is, until Eren asks the stupid question.
Word Count: 2.8k
Tags/Warnings: Language, Fluff, No Reader Pronouns
Notes: I think it’s funny that my last Levi fic was about Levi and reader like... hating each other hahaha. I guess I simply must bring balance
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“Do you have the—”
“Right here.”
Watching the two of you in action was fascinating. 
Levi tossed you a canister from over his shoulder. The metal container flipped through the air, nearly smacking Eren directly in the face. He ducked just in time. The canister landed perfectly into your outstretched hand. You didn’t even look up from the crate of supplies you were tending to. Eren sputtered.
“Hey, watch it! You almost hit me!” 
“Don’t be in the way.” You spoke the command in unison. Neither you nor Levi missed a beat. Eren caught a mutual eye roll as you and Levi continued to organize the new cargo shipment. 
You secured a thick wooden lid onto your crate and made a tick on your clipboard. You maneuvered out of the way just in time for Levi to heave over an equally massive wooden box. He stacked it on top of yours.  
“Tell me that’s all of it,” Levi grumbled, placing a familiar touch on your shoulder as he peered over your amassment of papers. You flipped the pages with a solemn shake of your head. 
“Between what we brought back from the expedition and the disaster that was this last shipment, I’d say we’re done with barely half.”
“Fucking hell…” 
Immediately after expeditions, your leftover supplies would be checked and consolidated into storage to prepare for the next outing and regular patrols. That had always been an undertaking and typically took the whole night. But when you were away, a new shipment of supplies had come early. A disorganized mess of various crates and trunks, Commander Erwin nearly hit the roof before he stormed over to the supplier’s office to complain. 
The company had apparently shifted management, and the new owner thought he could cut corners. At least, that’s what you guessed. 
Levi slowly turned to Eren as you made a few frustrated scribbles in your notes. The crease in his brow deepened, and a vein above his eye twitched. 
“What are you doing just standing around, Jaeger?” Levi stepped forward, gesturing to the chaos of stacked and scattered materials across the room. “You think these big-ass boxes will grow legs and walk to storage by themselves?”
“Section Commander Zacharius sent us in here to help. He’s finishing up outside.” A bead of sweat formed on Eren’s temple. Levi stared wordlessly, scowling. “Sir!”
“You can help Jean,” you said, glancing up from your attempt at an organization sheet. You gestured over to where Jean knelt by a mountain of wooden crates. Heavy pouches and metal parts poured out of the sprawling containers. “He’ll need all the help he can get separating the flour sacks from the deconstructed ODM gear.”
Jean met Eren’s eye, exhausted and annoyed at the prospect of working with Eren on top of his menial task. Mikasa carried three boxes stacked on top of each other somewhere in the background. 
The entire regiment worked into the night. Empty crates were slapped with proper labels, refilled with the correct material, and sent to storage. The rate at which you and Levi put together a plan was astounding, and you quickly ordered your exhausted soldiers around in teams to get the job done. 
Jean and Eren worked to separate the flour sacks from the gear, moving gingerly to avoid crushing anything. Some bags were broken. Eren blew white particles off of a grip and onto Jean’s slacks. Jean scowled but was too tired to complain. The two of them took to sorting out the pieces of gear quietly, Jean placing the parts in their respective bins as Eren sifted through the mess of metal and wires. He was left with a small box of screws at the end of his work.
“Um, do we have a box for screws?”
“Screws?” Jean repeated, glancing over the closed crates. “No?”
Eren shrugged and put them in his pocket. 
You and Levi continued to work seamlessly together, racing throughout the room and ensuring everything was sorted. You passed your clipboard back and forth as you elapsed each other. Eren could hardly see the handoff. He chased after you after he closed the last crate of flour. 
“Section Commander!” you turned with a stack of random materials in your arms. The soldiers from your squads gathered around you, deliberating with each other over the orientation of the storage. “Jean and I finished. Where else can I be of assistance?” You handed your supplies to one of your team leaders, giving instructions before returning to Eren. 
“Captain Levi has the list,” you said, moving another set of boxes down to the floor. Your team took to opening them. You looked down and groaned at the sight, running a hand over your face. Inside, the supplier had packaged together explosives and yeast. “What a mess.”
Eren ran off to find Levi, who stood in the courtyard supervising the organization of horse feed. Levi gave two firm slaps to a neat assembly of boxes as he addressed a group of six. The compilation had been mislabeled as “bread grains.”
“You’ll take these to the stables. You hear me? The stables. If I see a lick of this shit in the kitchen, you’ll eat horse food for the rest of your life.” Eren approached him cautiously, offering him a salute.
“Sir! How can I be of assistance?” Levi huffed, blowing a tuff of his bangs away from his forehead. 
“I just gave the list back. Go ask the Section Commander.”
“Uh…” Eren croaked, having just spoken to you. “Well, I just spoke to—”
“Eren!” Armin appeared in the doorway out to the courtyard with a wave. The torchlight made his blond hair shine even more golden. “We need your help with the swords!” 
“There you go,” Levi snorted, gesturing down the hall where Armin disappeared. He bumped Eren’s shoulder as he passed.
Luckily, things were beginning to wrap up by the time Eren nearly dropped from exhaustion. After the swords came lentils mixed with the smoke-gun pellets and then the tangled ODM wires. You and Levi were powering on at the same pace you had been for the night— perhaps even more rigorously— but Eren could see the burnout on your faces. A rule of thumb whispered among the cadets dictated that the two of you appeared visibly grumpier with tiredness, not that anyone would dare tell you that. 
Levi maneuvered around you, snatching something you offered wordlessly in your hand. He sent off the last of the cargo boxes with a small team of drained recruits, and as he turned to you, he didn’t have to say a thing before you tossed the clipboard to him. He caught it like a frisbee. 
“That’ll do it,” you announced. Your voice echoed off the stone walls of the now-empty room. “Thank you, everyone, for your hard work. I’m sure you’re very tired. Dismissed!” 
Eren breathed a sigh of relief as you marched out of the room. He quickly took his leave, filing out with the rest of his friends as they trudged back to the barracks in exhaustion. No one said a word as they crossed through the courtyard, too drained from the expedition and the organization disaster to say anything. 
Eren stuck his hand in his pocket, stopping short when he felt the small box of screws he had put in there earlier. Armin shot him a worried look as he started back toward the packaging room, too fatigued to ask where he was going. Eren said nothing, jogging back so he could return as quickly as possible. 
You and Levi sat on the stone floor, back to back, as he read over the materials list. Your head tilted back to rest on his shoulder. He did the same, his short hairs brushing against your cheek. Two cups of tea sat on the floor next to you. That must be where you went when you dismissed everyone.
“The twenty units of ODM wire—”
“Southwestern storage with the grips,” you yawned. You closed your eyes, letting yourself slouch back into Levi. He said nothing as you nuzzled into the shoulder of his jacket.
“Updated uniforms and linens—”
“Forth floor. They need to be organized, but they can be distributed soon.”
“Great. Like we haven’t had enough of that tonight.”
Eren stood frozen in the entryway. He clutched the box of screws in his hand, stepping off to the side to avoid being seen. Something inside told him that he shouldn’t be there, that the scene in front of him was too intimate for his prying eyes. He watched on anyways, wondering if he should just wait until tomorrow. 
You finished your tea, placing it on the ground with a disappointed hum. You reached for Levi’s and took it in the pads of your fingers. Levi brushed his cheek against your hair and tilted his face to look at you. He didn’t get very far with your head in the way.
“Excuse you,” he frowned. “You have your own.”
“Finished mine,” you muttered, half asleep. Levi shook his head before returning to read the rest of the list. He flipped a page. 
At that display, Eren decided that he could definitely wait until the next day. Stealthily, he returned to the little, lit hallway to take his leave. 
That was until the little box of screws clattered to the floor. The sound reverberated off the stone, causing both you and Levi to turn to the noise. You sat up straight with eyes snapped open with alertness. Eren cringed, picking up the box, and with no choice, he revealed himself. 
“The hell are you doing up?” Levi snapped with a deep scowl. “You were just dismissed. Or do you want more work?” Eren almost flinched.
“I forgot about this.” He held up the forgotten cargo, giving it a rattle. You yawned again, a strangled noise of affirmation escaping you.
“Oh, thank you, Jaeger. You can leave that with me.” Eren scampered across the room to your outstretched hand. It dropped with the weight of the tiny container. With a simple thanks, you once again sent him on his way. 
“Do you think the Section Commanders are, you know, together?” Eren asked in a hushed tone at the dinner table the next day. Armin’s forehead wrinkled in thought.
“Which ones?”
“Yours and Captain Levi.” Eren played absentmindedly with the leftover stew on his plate. The entire table seemed to stiffen. A few nervous eyes glanced around the mess hall for any leadership within the radius to overhear. Eren hardly noticed the way the former members of the 104th seemed to lean forward.
“I think they’re all together,” Reiner finally spoke, eyes darting around the room again.
“What? You mean like all at once?” Bertholdt laughed nervously, swiveling his head as he spoke. He rubbed at the back of his neck with his large palm.
“Yeah!” Reiner exclaimed in a hushed tone. The table leaned closer. He gestured emphatically with his hands. “I mean, you’re in this line of work. Everyone’s ripped and sexy—”
Connie let out a roaring cackle.
“You did not just refer to Captain Levi as ripped and sexy!” 
Reiner sputtered as cheeky grins and bouts of laughter spread across the group. Reiner clutched the edge of the table as his pale skin turned a bright shade of red.
“You know that’s not what I meant!” he stammered, just about standing up to slam his hand on the table, causing various utensils to clatter. The noise was not too out of the ordinary for the cafeteria. “That’s not what I meant! I meant my squad leader!” Connie propped an elbow on the table, counting his fingers to accent his words. 
“Section Commander Levi: ripped and sexy. Section Commander Miche: ripped and sexy. Section Commander Hange—” Reiner slapped Connie’s hand from across the table, causing Connie to just about go into hysterics. He collapsed into Sasha’s shoulder. Bertholdt tugged the back of Reiner’s shirt, urging him to sit back down. 
“That is the opposite of what I meant!”
“You said everyone, Reiner!” Connie had nearly burst into tears. He heaved between labored breaths. “What— what if they…! What if they made— Hahaha! A calendar?! What if they made one of those sexy calendars?!” His deranged delirium was contagious, the taboo notion enough to make Mikasa cover her face with a shake of her head. She continued small bites of her food. 
“Shirtless Levi calendar just for you, Reiner.” He stood at a loss as Jean reached up to knock against his bicep. Reiner sat down in defeat, hands rubbing over his face as Bertholdt gave him a heavy-handed pat. 
“What made you ask, Eren?” Christa’s gentle voice somehow made it down to the other side of the table. He craned to be able to see her before looking off, wondering if he should say anything. He didn’t think for long, if at all.
“I walked in on them last night—” An eruption of astonished gasps and cries cut him off—a jumbled chorus of sounds molded over each other. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute!”
Sasha’s voice carried over everyone else’s. 
“Levi and Reiner?!” She exclaimed. Reiner somehow grew redder. 
“Of course not!”
“No, he means our captain and Levi, right Eren?” Armin clarified, and Eren nodded. 
“When you say walked in on them—” Jean glanced around the room, eyes widening with emphasis. “Did you mean walked in on?”
“No, no,” Eren stuttered, running a hand through his scalp as he thought of describing what he saw. “I’d say they were more cuddling.”
“Cuddling,” Reiner repeated with a single downward nod. He crossed his arms over his chest as he squared his shoulders back. “You walked in on the squad leaders… cuddling.”
“Well, they weren’t really cuddling. They were sitting back-to-back against each other more… nuzzling. And sharing a cup of tea.” Eren trailed off, face contorted in a pained expression as he continued to play with his hair. Armin nudged him under the table, barely picking up his head to offer him the contrite look painted on his expression. 
“I think it’s kinda romantic!” Christa brushed a few hairs behind her ear. “Two soldiers fighting for their lives with no one to lean on but each other! I could see them together. Maybe Captain Levi would loosen up a bit if he was dating.” Ymir grumbled something incoherent. 
“I think we’ve all been in a room where Captain Levi’s shared a cup of tea with all the leadership.” Reiner glanced around the table, unimpressed. “Is that supposed to be a euphemism or something?”
“It was the same cup!”
“Things sure are lively over here.” Everyone froze. “What are we talking about?”
You placed a warm hand on his shoulder. Eren’s eyes followed the length of your sleeve to your smiling face. You glanced over the group, slightly taken aback at the sudden silence. Levi came up to Eren’s left with crossed arms. 
“We heard from everyone coming the other way that you couldn’t shut up, and now you decide to be quiet?” Connie met Reiner’s eye from across the table.
“The calendar,” he mouthed, and Reiner resisted the urge to throw a spoon at him. 
“We were just talking about Sasha’s dating life!” Eren exclaimed, much to Sasha’s horror. You beamed.
“Oh, how fun!” Levi rolled his eyes, maneuvering around you. 
“I’m grabbing food. You want the usual?” He leaned in slightly, a gentle touch on your back. The table watched with bated breath. You smiled and nodded.
“Yes, please!” With your confirmation, he left. You turned back to the table, your hand still on the back of Eren’s chair. “Dating! That’s so exciting! You have to tell me!” The group exchanged looks. Normally, they would tell you. That is if there was anything to tell. 
“Are you dating, Section Commander?” Sasha quirked an eyebrow, hoping to turn the heat onto someone else. 
“Oh, uh—” You stuttered, thrown off at the sudden question. You could feel the heat of their intense stares. —“No, not really.” You let out a nervous laugh. Surely you were missing something. You missed the silent eye contact Eren made with Armin.
“Not really?” Eren repeated, twisting his mug in his hands as he stared at his water. Reiner studied him, wondering that perhaps Eren had been onto something after all. Mikasa kicked Eren under the table. He flinched, composing himself just before Levi returned with your food. 
“You guys are sure acting strange tonight.” Bertholdt refused to look you in the eye. You let out another nervous chuckle before taking your plate from Levi with thanks. 
“They ran out of the rolls, but I got you the—”
“The baguette?” Your face lit up at the sight of the tiny baguette on the corner of your plate. You faced Levi with a grin. “Have I ever told you that you were the best?” 
“Sure, sure.” He didn’t acknowledge the rest of the 104th as he stormed toward the exit. You offered them a wave goodbye.
“Sorry, we can’t stick around. I’ll see you all later! Good luck, Sasha!” With one last wave, you hurried after Levi and left together. 
As soon as you were well down the hallway, the table erupted in debate.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: Ah, I love writing young Eren as the stupid little baby he is 🙏 Heavily channeling Bluey “do you have a wife?”
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seeingivy · 7 months
tolerate it
actor!eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting series
previous part linked here
song: (is obviously) tolerate it by taylor swift. minor you are in love by taylor swift mention.
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You can’t help but stare at Jean and Mikasa the following morning. The honey sweet smiles, the fact that they share a cup of coffee instead of getting their own – just to end up drinking two cups anyways – and the warm kisses on each other's cheeks. 
They’re in love. 
The slip of paper sits heavy in your pocket, a metallic taste in your mouth from the blood you drew from biting down on your cheek. The ring on her finger glimmers in the light. 
Colt’s at your side, a soft hand on your shoulder, as he nearly breaks you out of your trance. 
“Hey. You good?” he asks. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Why’d you ask?” you mumble.  
You drive your fork straight into the french toast as a distraction, but too hard that it squeaks against the ceramic of the plate and makes them all flinch in response. Jean and Mikasa turn their heads to you, and you shoot them all an apologetic smile before everyone turns back to their own conversations. And Jean distractedly tucks a stray hair behind Mikasa’s ear, before lacing his fingers with hers. 
“Y/N. You’re sure? You’re kind of….” 
“Kind of what?” 
Colt sighs, the corners of his mouth twitching before he speaks. 
“You just kind of had that blank stare in your eyes. Just wanted to know if you wanted to talk about anything.” 
You pause, putting your hand on his shoulder this time. The guilt sits heavy in your stomach – the never ending worry you’ve seemed to sow in both of your brothers was almost embarrassing. 
“It’s not that, Colt. I didn’t mean to freak you out. I just…it’s just about Jean and Mikasa. But…but if I needed you, I would tell you. And-and I know that sometimes I kind of scared you but I-” 
Colt breaks a smile, bringing his hands up to squish your cheeks hard, before he starts aggressively rattling your head.
That’s the thing about him. He’d never let you feel bad about it. About him taking care of you – because according to him, it was always his job. You hate that you rely on it so much. 
“Only thing scary about you is your bedhead. Or your attitude. Or that god awful-” Colt states. 
“Okay, Jesus. You’re laying it on a little thick there.” you respond, trailing your voice. 
“I’m glad you’re okay. And that your…your…Eren stuff is mostly resolved?” 
You smile. Colt and Levi have one thing in common – that they’ll always be a little bit disapproving of your relationship with Eren (whatever that is) just on principle. 
“Kind of.” 
Colt squints. 
“Well, he actually showed me the documentary after you came back from Seattle. He kind of…told me all that stuff when I asked a while back and it didn’t necessarily make sense. But watching the video, I…kind of feel bad for the guy.” Colt murmurs. 
“Me too.” you respond. 
The two of you look over at him, at the quiet conversation that he and Armin are having, soft smiles on both of their faces. And then watch those turn into devious grins as Armin digs his fingers into his glass for an ice cube – and then consequently watch Eren slip the ice down Reiner’s shirt. 
“You still like him? He just shoved an ice cube down someone's shirt and thought it was funny.” Colt asks. 
You frown.
“It is funny. And I’m kind of…putting that on the back burner.” 
“I feel like I need everything else to be finished, the book needs to be shut before we….do anything again. I want to say my piece – have the documentary out, do my stupid triple threat performance – before I can even consider anything with him. If…” 
Your throat is heavy. 
“If I want anything with him again, I’ll have to do it right. I-I have to move carefully with everything from here because…a lot is riding on this. And if I’m not a hundred percent sure yet, I don’t want to push. He deserves better than that.” 
Colt smiles, a rare kiss pressed to the top of your head before he stands up. You shoot him a grateful smile before turning back to Jean and Mikasa, watching her balance both of their plates before she leaves to put them in the sink. 
“Are you filming today?” you ask. 
“Nope. What’s up?” 
You pull the piece of paper out and hold it out to him. He reads it over, quickly recognizing it’s his, before he closes it in his fist. The look he gives you is soft, a quiet glance to Mikasa before he looks back at you. 
“I’m all yours for today, princess.” he responds. 
When everyone leaves for set, you and Jean find yourselves lying flat on the carpet in your room, quietly staring at the popcorn ceiling. His hands are up, holding the little slip of paper above both of your faces, an empty page open at your side, and you’re both uncharacteristically quiet. 
It’s almost strange. Trying to broach something so…sensitive with Jean. 
Because it’s not that you aren’t friends, but you were never friends like this. It’s like you two knew where loyalties lied. That Jean was Eren’s best friend, that you were Mikasa’s – and if it came to it, you would side with your person. That you had expectations for each other, that you held each other to a higher standard because of it. 
To be careful with the person you trusted them with. That Jean could never hurt Mikasa. That you couldn’t do the same to Eren. 
You didn’t hold up to your end of the deal. 
“Mikasa’s going to ask you to be her maid of honor again soon.” Jean murmurs, voice so quiet you barely hear it. 
You give him a quiet nod. 
“We’ve got a whole scheme going. Trying to make Amy quit on her own accord so it isn't family drama. It’s fun to kind of mess with her. And the second she’s gone, Mikasa’s going to ask you to do it again.” 
You can’t muster a response. You can’t even think about being Mikasa’s maid of honor. 
Because why are Jean and Mikasa getting married if Mikasa doesn’t love him half as much as he loves her? If he thinks that she doesn’t?
“I do hope for my future wife’s sake that your silence means you’re going to say yes. Would hate to see you ruin our wedding.” Jean states, a joking tone in his voice. 
You crack. 
“I’ll say yes. I’m not crazy.” you state .
Jean smiles. 
“You could have fooled me.” 
You elbow him hard in the side, as you watch the fan spin around. 
“You’re a dick.” you state. 
“You’re going to have to get me a gift you know? I’d watch your mouth if I were you.” 
“Why would I buy you a gift at my best friend's wedding?” you ask. 
“Mika’s idea. We’re sharing our lives together. Including, sharing friends. So instead of you guys getting us gifts, Eren’s going to get something for Mikasa and you’re going to get something for me.”  Jean states. 
“We’ve always been friends. You guys were always there for me.” you state. 
“I know that. But, my friendship with you was exclusive to the fact that you were my my girlfriend's best friend. We aren’t really close and I think we both know that. And Eren and Mikasa are close now, have been for some time, and…and you and I can be too. We’ve got something that brings us together.”  
You sit up, leaning against the back of the bed, as you dig your feet into the carpet. It makes sense. Jean was always there at your side, and you always felt close with him, but it was almost like you knew that you could never go further than that. 
He was Eren’s friend. So in that type of way, he couldn’t be yours. 
“What’s that?” 
“Eren. No one we love more than him, right?” 
You smile. 
“You love Eren more than your future wife?” 
He rolls his eyes.
“Shut the fuck up. You know what I meant. And we love Mikasa that way too.” 
“Not sure I did…I fear I’ll have to tell her, just on a best friend principle type of thing.” 
Jean shoves you, elbow straight to the side that makes you laugh. 
“Weirdly enough, Eren and Mikasa started getting along when they talked about me. And they always talk about how nice it is, to talk about me with each other because they get it or whatever.” 
You scrunch your nose. 
“They’re so weird.” 
“Tell me about it. The first time they hung out without me I was almost offended. Like what the fuck did you even talk about? And they were like you, Jean. Like I was supposed to be flattered or something.” 
You laugh. 
“Oh, god.” 
“Thought it was dumb. Then…then Mikasa and I started having our problems. And them being friends…it did a lot for us. Eren talked to her when she didn’t have anyone to talk to about that type of thing, someone who understood what I was like…what it was like to be close with me…sometimes I think it saved our relationship.”  
You pause, taking the little slip from his fingers, before you read it again. 
you love someone with your entire being and all they do is tolerate it 
“Jean. What happened?” you whisper. 
Jean smiles, as you lean your head on his shoulder and loop your hand through his arm. He welcomes the touch, slouching back as you both swing your legs out in front of you. 
“You only fall in love with three people in your lifetime. I just happened to do it all with the same person.” Jean murmurs. 
You’ve heard this before. A dumb thing you’ve heard parroted around - the puppy love, the one that hurts you, and the one that’s just right. 
“The first one is the one that looks right. It’s…it’s idealistic. You’re fifteen – you’re on the set, confined into this little bubble, and you think that you’re the first person to figure love out and other people are stupid for not getting it right.. That no one has ever felt the way you have, that you’re the first people to ever love and you’ll be the last ones too. That’s how Mikasa and I were at the beginning. We liked how we made each other feel more than we really liked each other.” Jean states. 
“Isn’t that what love…kind of is? Someone who brings out the best in you? Pushes you to do things that make you nervous, support you behind your back?” 
Like sending a demo of your first song to the Institute so that you could perform it. Like climbing onto the stage and playing the piano when your original pianist couldn’t. Like writing to the Institute behind your back just to make sure your dream would come true – being so firmly resolute in the fact that you were brilliant that he’d write hopeless letters just to convince them. 
“I liked Mikasa, from the start. I wanted her so badly that…that when we started dating, I was more happy by the fact that I was dating her. That I got to say that. Not that we were…actually together. And Mikasa, she liked the fact that I would fawn over her. That I basically worshiped the ground she walked on. And I’m not…putting words in her mouth. She’d tell you the same thing.” 
“Okay. Keep going.” you nudge. 
“The second love is the hard one. That teaches you a lesson about what love really is. And it all boiled down to a simple fact. That Mikasa and I loved each other in different ways.” 
“You don’t love her more than she loves you, Jean. She-she adores you.” you murmur. 
Jean smiles, glassy tears wavering in your eyes. 
“Don’t cry. We are still getting married, you know? And we’re pretty over the fucking moon about it.” 
“Then why would you give me that?” 
“It was Mikasa’s idea. She wanted you to write that song with me. This is what we did with Eren when we were writing songs with him. Gave him things to think about. Maybe thinking about other people will give you more insight on yourself. Help you piece things together, because you rarely have experiences that are unique to you. And it's a nice bonus to have friends who basically write the soundtrack to your life.” 
You sniffle, glaring at him through your watery eyes. 
“Of course you made this about Eren.” 
“Do you blame me? He wrote a really good song about us. Figured you could do the same.” he asks. 
You sigh, barely pushing the air through that heavy block in your chest. 
“What did he call it?” 
“You Are In Love.” he states. 
You hum in response as Jean gives you a smile, before leaning his head against yours.  
“Mikasa and I loved each other in different ways. She could be trying her absolute hardest, doing everything she could, and it would never work for me.” Jean states. 
“What do you mean?” 
“The problems from before bled in. We were too comfortable in what we had, that we wouldn’t leave each other, that it became too easy. That she could pull away and I’d still be there. And part of the problem is me – that Mikasa did no wrong in my mind. I was…enamored by her. Almost like I was lucky to even be dating her, that..that she’d leave if I did something wrong.” 
You frown. 
“I’d walk into the room and we wouldn’t have seen each other in weeks. She couldn’t even be bothered to look at me. I…I never got to see her because of work so I’d fly out to her. Just for her to be dead asleep. And it would make me happy, that I sacrificed my entire sleep schedule just to watch her breathe with her eyes closed. That it was enough for me.” 
You can’t help but think of Eren’s birthday – that you were tired from touring and that you had slept through the entire thing. That he wouldn’t even wake you up, that he’d never break what you wanted for what he needed. 
“I’d go all out for her birthday. Throw her a surprise party, have Vanity Fair film the entire process. And the small things she’d give me – calling me a pet name once in a while, giving me a kiss on the cheek. It’s almost like I was working based on a reward system. That if I was good, if I worked hard enough, she would love me.” 
You can feel the tears falling down your eyes, choking back that sound in the back of your throat from coming out. 
“I’d buy all this…fancy shit for her. Nice dinner sets, the most…expensive couches and stuff. And sometimes when I did, it…it was almost like she’d find it annoying. I would be doing interviewers gushing about her, just for her to come home and say that it was too much. It’s like I was a nuisance. Like all I did was create problems with her.” 
Jean pulls out his wallet, before handing you a picture. It’s a polaroid of the two of them smiling. 
“That was the day we got engaged. The second time.” 
“I broke up with her.” 
You pinch your lips into a flat line.
“I was sitting there. Watching her, like I always did. And she still wouldn’t even fucking look at me. And I was thinking so hard…why was she my whole world? My literal fucking sky? She doesn’t even give a fuck about me. So I left.” 
“For how long?” 
“We didn’t get back together until four months after. But…but it wasn’t a break. Didn’t even last a day actually without seeing each other.” Jean states. 
You smile. 
“Didn’t last very long there, Jean.” 
He rolls his eyes. 
“She came back to me, dipshit.” 
Jean takes the picture back, a fond smile on his face. 
“The third love is the one that you never see coming. It keeps knocking on your door until you're ready to answer. And if you’re Mikasa, you wait three whole months for me to come around. Ready to prove it that you’ll work to do it right. And never let me forget it either.” Jean murmurs. 
“That’s right. The time apart gave us time to think. I needed that – but she didn’t. She was at my door almost everyday. Sometimes she would sit out there and just talk – and I’d listen. She was being earnest – that she wanted to love me, that she knows she did wrong. And when I let her in, the conversation we had, it was like I was seeing Mikasa, the person, for the first time. That was the person I loved. I wasn’t looking at her as some like…dream girl and I didn’t think she was some goddess doing me a favor either. She was just Mikasa. I proposed right there and it was better than the first time. Not in the idealistic, fifteen year old way. Not in the nineteen year old, all consuming way.  Loving her this time around was weightless. And I knew that it was right.” 
You smile. 
“It’s not as romantic. That we’ve loved each other since fifteen and we’ve never wavered. But…I’d argue that it’s better. Mikasa and I aren’t childhood sweethearts because we’re soulmates. We’re childhood sweethearts because we fought for each other. There’s no fate, there’s no luck, in fact the quite opposite – the love lies in the fact that we won’t let each other go.”  
He takes your hands, tears nearly collecting in his waterline. 
“Y/N. Mikasa loves me. I love her. There’s not a day that she doesn’t prove it to me now. There’s not a day that I can’t even spend without her because she’s the love of my life.” 
You smile, cupping his cheek with your hand. And you get it - that he’s right. That it’s not romantic, but it almost is. Jean and Mikasa fight hellish odds just to end up together. That fate could try its best and never get to them. 
That you and Eren being friends, that being together, is a testament to your love. That he fought his way back to you and you were intent on fighting your way back to him. 
“That’s nothing short of what you deserve.” you whisper. 
It’s enough to make him cry. 
“Thank you.” 
Jean smiles. It’s the first time that you notice that Jean’s attractive. That Jean’s someone that you really love. That he’s going to be Mikasa’s husband, that he’s going to be Eren’s best friend, that he’s going to be around forever. That he’s earnest, that he loves hard, that you’re going to stand at his side when he gets married. 
And that you’re going to give him his dream wedding if it’s the last thing you do. 
“Are you getting the drift of why Mika and I wanted you to write this song?” Jean asks. 
“I’m not a fucking idiot, Jean.” 
“Do you believe it?” 
You swallow hard. 
“If Eren and I can get back to that, when-when I’ve put everything else to rest, then yes. Yeah, we…we’d be the same. That we fought odds to be together.” 
“I’m glad your mind isn’t closed to it. That you’re open to the idea of you and him again. S’always something I’ve appreciated about you.” 
You smile. 
“We aren’t there yet, Jean.” 
“I know. But when it comes to it, I can tell you will be. He’s been my person since I was a kid, but you’re my friend too. I’ve got a personal stake in your relationship now.” 
You can’t help but beam at him. And in your newfound friendship, Jean divulges everything that Eren’s hiding from you. And you both agonize over the fact that Eren’s so painfully stupid – that he always hides his great gestures of love, moves in silence behind your backs to love you. 
You gather everyone around later that day, with Jean seated at the piano at your side. You shoot him a thumbs up as they all sit criss crossed around the piano, excited smiles on their faces. Falco and Gabi doing their secret handshake, Hange and Levi sharing a chair - it makes you smile. 
“Are we ready?” you ask. 
They all give you a nod, as Eren and Mikasa sit next to each other, whispering in each other’s ears. Jean did as you promised – warned Mikasa beforehand that it was this song – and she all but gave a golden stamp of approval, contingent on the fact that Eren sat with her while the two of you performed it together. And you give the two of them a nod before you take the little slip in your hands.
“The request is you love someone with your entire being and all they do is tolerate it. And it’s from Jean.” you state. 
The group of them all give affirmative hums, before you take a seat next to Jean at the piano. 
Eren’s stupid songwriting exercise – it was something that he had planned for you, on purpose. That it meant more for you than for any of them – that all of the requests are intended to be of this nature, something personal for you to work with. 
Eren asked them to help you in whatever way they thought you needed. 
For Jean, and Mikasa by extension, it was that they thought you needed living proof; that you could weather the storm and still be together. That you could come out stronger because of it. 
And it’s also why Jean got mad at Connie in retrospect – and Reiner too apparently – who gave more tame requests. But in their humble defenses, Jean said that they gave those so that you wouldn’t get emotional whiplash.
They thought you needed someone to give you the ease amidst the storm. 
You love all of them. Painfully so. 
Jean starts with the tiny piano composition he prepared, before you sing the song. 
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid Use my best colors for your portrait Lay the table with the fancy shit And watch you tolerate it
If it's all in my head, tell me now Tell me I've got it wrong somehow I know my love should be celebrated But you tolerate it 
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life Drawing hearts in the byline Always taking up too much space or time You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I Break free and leave us in ruins Took this dagger in me and removed it Gain the weight of you, then lose it
If it's all in my head, tell me now Tell me I've got it wrong somehow I know my love should be celebrated But you tolerate it
I sit and watch you
Mikasa and Eren are the first ones to crush you and Jean in a hug. And when you lock eyes with Mikasa, you can’t be more than happy to be attending their wedding – in whatever way they’ll have you. 
“On a scale of one to ten, how pissed will you be if Connie gets drunk before the reception?” Eren asks. 
He’s shuffling through the itinerary, per Jean’s request, and the mix of an open bar and a Connie tasked with literally nothing to do in the two hour waiting period is a mess waiting to happen. 
“You should give him something to do. Something stupid like getting flowers that he can’t mess up.” Eren adds, before stacking all the papers together. 
“Knowing Connie, those flowers wouldn’t even make it out of the parking lot.” 
Eren looks up to find Armin standing at his door, an awkward smile on his face, as he gives him a little wave. The camera that he gifted him – or left on his desk with a sticky note when he was filming without a word being spoken – is hanging around his neck as he pads into the room. 
“Fuck, my bad. I thought you were Jean.” 
“I figured as much. We both know that I’m smart enough to not overlook something like that.” 
Eren smiles. Armin takes a seat on the bed across from Eren, retreating his legs back into position as he fumbles with the camera in his hands. He can tell that Eren’s on edge – that Eren always feels around him that way – and all he can do is try to muster his best smile. 
“Remember the Met Gala where Jean and Mikasa got super drunk?” 
“God. Don’t remind me. I’m genuinely concerned that they’re both going to get alcohol poisoning at their bachelor and bachelorette parties.” 
“God. I wouldn’t even drink if I were you.” Armin states. 
“I’m like a thousand percent sure that Y/N and I will be on sober duty.” 
“Yeah. Jean and Mikasa are so insufferable that they’re doing a combined bachelor and bachelorette. But it was my idea. They just get so clingy when they’re drunk that I just decided we should combine the party beforehand instead of trying to coordinate it when everyone’s already too drunk to function.” 
Armin smiles. 
“Taking your best man duties very seriously. It’s going to be great.” Armin affirms. 
“The anxiety helps. I’m already stuck thinking about like every worst case scenario, but now I can create contingency plans for anything bad that happens. Like if Mikasa somehow ends up in Mexico, I know that Southwest will get here the fastest on the day of the wedding.” Eren murmurs. 
There’s an awkward silence. Eren said too much. And his chronic case of foot in mouth syndrome, especially when it came to fucking Armin, has him reeling. Eren’s positive that he’ll spend six hours ruminating about it tonight. Eren can see Armin fidgeting with the camera, running his fingers on the notches at the top. 
“If the camera’s broken, Y/N was the one who bought it.” Eren states. 
Armin laughs, the smile lines appearing around his eyes, and Eren relishes in it. 
“It’s not broken.” Armin states. 
“Okay, then it was me. She didn’t do anything.” Eren states. 
“Noted. It’s a…it’s a nice camera. The old one, the film got stuck sometimes. Strap got kind of worn out after all of these years so it was..it is nice to have a new one. Thank you, Eren.” 
Eren smiles, scratching the nape of his neck, as he feels his throat bob. 
“Nothing to thank me for. It’s the least I could do.” 
It’s quiet. Eren doesn’t know what to talk about. Should he ask about Annie? Or how filming has been? Or maybe he should just shut up before he embarrasses himself for a second time?
“How’s Y/N?” Armin asks. 
Eren deflates. Thank god he bit the bullet first. 
“Good. We’re good.” 
“Are you guys…?” 
Eren smiles. 
“Everyone seems to be asking that.” 
“In the overbearing way?” 
“No, not really. You’d think that, but…it seems like a natural question for you guys to ask. She doesn’t seem to mind it either. But, I don’t know. We’re good. I’m glad she’s back. And…and Colt thinks she’s doing good too, so.” Eren states, leaning back against the headboard. 
Armin seems to follow suit, the two of them awkwardly eyeing almost everything else in the room but each other. The books on the shelf, the pictures on the wall – literally anything except for that giant elephant in the room that neither of them want to touch. 
“Are you going to try and date her again?” Armin asks. 
“Not unless she asks me first.” 
“Makes sense. Ball is kind of in her court with the documentary and all that.” 
Eren’s throat feels dry. 
“Oh. Did you watch it?” 
Eren had offered it to him the second it was done. Because some people were more easily swayed, more quick to turn to his side when he was finally ready to ask for help – Levi, Hange, and Jean. But other’s needed to be convinced, needed to see it as it was to actually understand it – Mikasa, Historia (before she was in it), and Colt. 
Eren knew that Armin would be in the latter. But when he had offered, Armin opted to break the disk in half instead. 
Eren figures it was what he deserved. 
“Yeah. Y/N. She gave it to me when she got back. Told me that she would never talk to me again if I didn’t watch it.” 
Eren laughs. 
“She would talk to you. She’s just being dramatic.” 
“Well, she spent an entire two years ignoring all of us. So I wouldn’t exactly put it past her.” Armin states. 
“That’s very true. But really, I feel like she was kind of using that to her advantage. She wouldn’t do it again.” 
“To your advantage. Though I suppose for you two, your wants have always been the same.” Armin adds. 
Eren eyes the picture on the wall – of Lana, Connie, Sukuna, him, and Teddy all swamped around Connie’s little cake – as he looks back at Armin. 
“I’m sorry for breaking the CD when you gave it to me. I should have watched it the second you offered.” Armin states. 
“That’s okay, Armin. I probably would have done the same thing in your position.” Eren states. 
“No, you wouldn’t have. You…you were always better than me, than all of us, in that sense. Always really quick to forgive. I know it’s…it’s because you expected little from people after what happened with Zeke, but…we should have given it to you. Should have done more.”  
Eren fights the urge to scoff. The premise of the statement is ridiculous to him. Those type of rules don't apply to him. And as perceptive as Armin is, he knows that’s exactly what Eren is thinking. 
“We’re serious. There’s…there’s a lot of people you didn't have to forgive. And…and some of us didn’t even ask and you did it anyway.” 
“I know your intentions. I broke your fucking camera, you had every right to do-” 
Armin’s almost exasperated. 
“You know how you were quick to forgive Y/N, for not talking to any of us when all of that stuff happened with her music and all that?” 
“Why’d you do that?” Armin asks. 
“Well, she had a lot going on. I’m just thankful that she came back to us eventually. And…and it’s already hard to hold anything against her, she…she always does the right thing. But that specifically. I can’t hold it against her if other things are going on.” Eren states. 
Armin nods. 
“That’s what I mean. You’ve always thought about everything like that. Given grace where it deserved. I’ve never had a shred of that in me. You…you did what you did and I didn’t even think twice about what it had meant. I mean hell, even Y/N had a little bit of an inkling that something else had to have happened. I just fully believed it. And even when you tried to tell me, I still didn’t consider that you could have been going through something else. Not until she came to me and advocated on your behalf.” 
Eren smiles, putting a hand on Armin’s shoulder. He makes a mental note to thank you later. You prove time and time again that you’re far too good for him. 
“That’s not your fault for believing it. I’m just a really good actor.” Eren teases. 
Armin rolls his eyes, shoving him lightly to the side. 
“Oh, fuck off. I’m fighting the urge to strangle you right now. And how’d you even come up with that bullshit anyways.?” Armin asks, referring to what Eren had said to you back in Seattle. 
Eren grins.
“You have to promise you won’t tell Y/N.” 
“What? You haven’t told her?” 
“No, no. She knows everything but I refuse to tell her this part because she’s going to gouge my eyes out.” 
Armin tilts his head to the side, confused. 
“Do you remember when we were at the birthday dinner and Vinh kept asking her if she was dating Sukuna? Going on about how you can’t fake chemistry like that?” Eren asks. 
Armin’s perceptive. 
“Holy shit. You got the idea from her.” 
Eren nods. 
“That’s right. Her whole ‘I’m an actor, this is part of my job’ defense was like the first thing that came to mind when I knew I had to send her away. And that’s just what came out of me at that moment.” 
“Good move on your part. I wouldn’t tell her that either.” 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“It’ll be short lived. I’m sure Sukuna will tell her the first chance he gets.” Eren adds. 
The two of them marinate in the silence, the weight of the conversation sitting with them. It seems pretty lackluster to an outsider – that if you were there you would have forced them to hug it out – but they were hardly the type to communicate with their words in the first place, the meaning was all the same.
They had made up. 
“You have to give credit to Y/N. Your girl is trying to ride as hard for you as you did for her.” 
Eren frowns. 
“What do you mean? Because she got you to watch it?” 
“Yeah. That. but also the award show thing? I’d be scared shitless if I was Scott Clarkson. Whenever she talks about it, it kind of freaks me the fuck out how much she doesn’t seem to care about what people think. Though in hindsight, that was always kind of her thing.” 
“What awards show thing?” Eren asks. 
Armin pales. 
“She didn’t tell you?” Armin asks. 
Armin shakes his head. 
“All in good time.” 
Armin pushes off the bed, giving him a quick look over the shoulder, before consequently flashing the light of the camera in his face. Eren sees the polaroid front and center – his eyes pinched shut in shock – on the wall the following morning. And the caption makes him smile. 
eren jaeger redemption arc. circa 2024. 
“Have something for you two.” Levi states, slamming a manila envelope right in between you and Eren – startling you both from what you were doing. 
Eren was playing a very aggressive game of Cup Pong with Lana on iMessage, claiming that the two of them have been playing for the past three years, nonstop. And you were busy finishing up Gabi’s request that you had pulled out of the little bowl this morning, so excited to play it for them tonight. 
write about the bestest of friendships!!!! like so good that you can’t even stay away from each other bc of how fun it is to be together. 
Recruiting Falco to sing one of the verses with you later – because you were almost positive that this request was about him – felt like cheating, but your humble gamemaster Eren approved it. 
“Jesus, Levi. What the fuck do you have against the postman? He make a comment about how short you are or something?” you ask, flipping over the little envelope in your hands. 
“Look at the sender.” Levi seethes. 
You look over at Eren, as the two of you catch sight of the little name of the corner, almost positive that your eye was twitching now. 
Scott Clarkson, Stone Studios, 15th Street, New York City 
It’s addressed to both you and Eren. 
“What the fuck?” you seethe. 
Eren takes the envelope from your hands, nimble fingers sliding open the little seal, and a magazine falls out. Eren takes it into his hands, nearly groaning, before picking up his phone and shooting a quick text. 
It’s a picture of Scott Clarkson – sitting on a literal throne with a crown on his head – with Lana and Eren leaning on the little handles at the side. 
Scott Clarkson: King of an Industry – How This Businessman Jump Started the Careers of the Institute’s Frontrunners 
You look at Eren at your side, quickly clocking that it’s Lana and Sukuna that he’s texting. 
“You’re kidding.” you state. 
“It was stupid. We refused to let him run it at the time. I’m guessing he got wind of what’s happening this weekend and wanted to get ahead of the curve.” 
It was simple. Eren’s documentary was going to come out on Friday. Hyla just happened to have a song featuring Ricky James releasing on Saturday. And almost too perfect, the sixth episode of Attack on Titan – your first of the season – was going to release on Sunday. 
And with Levi’s approval, you and Eren were going to attend the Institute Awards pre-show and the event itself next week to put an end to them for good. 
“How could he have known?” you ask. 
“He has eyes and ears everywhere. They’re preparing to distribute the film – I’m sure he must have seen it shuffled around in the paperwork somewhere.” Eren states, shrugging. 
You turn to Levi, staring into his steely gray eyes. You eye the magazine, now lying flat on the table, before looking back up at him – knowing for a fact he understands. That he has the same thought as you. 
“Do you think that we could do it in time?” you ask. 
Levi looks at the picture, corners of his mouth twitching, before he turns back to you. 
“I’m positive he knows a guy. We’ll make it work.” Levi states. 
You give Levi a smile, looking back at the magazine. It’s a comforting press to the shoulder, accompanied by Levi slamming the keys on the table at your side. 
“Take Eren with you. It might rain.” 
“You got it, Levi. Thank you.” 
Levi cups the bottom of your chin with his hands, a warm smile on his face, before he shakes his head and walks away. You turn to Eren, giving him a lopsided smile, before you jingle the keys in front of his face. 
“Wanna go for a drive?” 
“I’m pretty sure Levi just demanded that I go with you.” 
“I was trying to be cute and you just ruined it.” 
“Can it even be considered trying if it’s already something you’re so effortless at?” Eren jeers, snatching the keys from your hand as he pulls you up. 
“You don’t have to be so patronizing, Eren.” 
“Leave it to you to confuse my affections with ill will.” 
Eren swings the door open, and at the first burst of chilly air, aggressively wraps the extra scarf left on the hook around your neck before shutting the door. 
“Where are we going?” he asks. 
“The airport.” 
Eren features curl in confusion as he opens the door for you, tucking you into the seat before taking his at your side. 
“The airport? Who’s coming?” 
You bite your cheek. Becuase Eren does that thing – that thing that guys do when they reverse out of a parking spot. His arm is spread out on the back of your seat, his face close to yours as he looks out in concentration, and you take the chance to fully ogle him. Only you start searing with embarrassment when his eyes flicker over to you – giving you a wink in recognition. That he knows you were fully checking him out.  
“Some friends of mine. I..I kind of owe them a favor. And contingent on that, they refused to ride in the bus with everyone else.” 
Eren squints his eyes, the stoplight's red glow reflecting on his features. And when he looks over, his eyes are so pensive that you feel bad for keeping it from him for so long. 
“It started out simple, I guess. When…when we came back from Seattle, I felt like there was so much…floating around in my head. So much I was finding out, so much I was realizing, that I could barely come to terms with all of it at once.” 
Eren’s gaze shifts, focused back on the street, as the little drops hit the glass. 
“I wrote it all down. Everything I learned, what I can’t forget. That I can’t live my life when I’m untouchable. That the wound is where the light enters. That you can’t learn your lessons for people, that sometimes you just have to be there to catch them. You can have grace for yourself but keep yourself accountable too – those things don’t have to be mutually exclusive. That hardship can be good – that sometimes it can even make the good times feel even better.” 
You look over at Eren, the red reflecting on his skin. 
Eren’s smiling at you – like he’s proud of you. That he knows that you’re repeating the words – his words, Michael’s, Levi’s – everyone who has been pushing you forward. 
That you’re taking them to heart. 
“That I’m going to make them pay for what they did to you. And to me. I don’t know what’ll happen, but I refuse to be silent about it. I’m done doing that.” you whisper. 
You reach for his hand, leaning closer. And he follows your suit, your noses nearly brushing against each other, stilling your blinking – just so you don't have to tear yourself from his green eyes. 
“Are you with me, Eren?” 
“Think it’s impossible for me to be anywhere else.” he whispers. 
The warmth in your throat is suffocating. 
“Eren?” you whisper. 
You pinch your eyes shut at the horrible timing. 
“The light is green.” you murmur. 
Eren’s eyes falter, a curt nod, before he releases your hand and continues to drive forward. 
And takes you all the way down to the airport, the quiet silence enveloping your space. 
You open up the car door, a light sprinkle and the earthy smell in the air, as you lean against the hood, hands tucked into your pockets. Eren follows suit, taking the spot next to you, as you watch your breath visualize in the cold, crisp air. 
“Back in the day, Satoru Gojo did me a favor. He had the chance to do an ensemble showcase, and he lent that time to me, so I could make a point.” you state. 
Eren turns his head towards you, and immediately looks at the group of people piling out of the airport – the distinct white, green, and pink hair catching him off guard. 
“It’s time for me to make a point again. I figured I could use all the help I could get.” you state.
Eren fights the urge to bite his cheek, the glimmering smirk you give him before pushing off the hood of the car making his heart pound. He watches as you excitedly run up to Satoru Gojo – and Suguru Getou by extension – wrapping your arms around the two of them and pinching their cheeks. 
And it only gets worse when his favorite kid comes running out shortly after – followed by Lana and Sukuna berating him – and clings straight onto his legs. Eren’s exasperated, bringing his hand down to Teddy’s curly hair just to make sure. 
That they really were here. 
“Eren! Eren, pick me up! Pick me up!” 
“You could say please, Teddy. He drove all the way here just for you.” Lana states, giving Eren a warm smile as she places her hands on her hips. 
“Please, Eren!” 
Eren smiles wide, the warmth in his chest reverberating, as he reaches for Teddy’s sides and gets a wet kiss to the cheek from him return. There’s a deep yearning stinging in Eren’s chest as you walk up, looping your arm under Sukuna’s as you press your cheek to his bicep. 
Eren can barely contain it. He’d strangle you if he could. 
And Satoru Gojo’s quick to follow, aggressively leaning his weight on both you and Sukuna, as he gives Eren a bright smile. 
“Eren Jaeger. Just the guy I wanted to see.” Satoru sings. 
“Is that right?” Eren asks. 
“We’re all going to battle for you, kid. How do you feel? Your vicious guard dog plans to leave no corner unturned.” he responds, ruffling the top of your hair as Eren watches you shove him off. 
Eren frowns. 
“You don’t have to…do something for me. I’m not exactly sure what it is you’re doing, but you don’t have to.” 
You smile. It was almost aggravating how cute he could be sometimes. 
“Don’t worry kid. I love to stir shit up. I have a feeling this one’s going to be in your favor.” Satoru states, giving him a lingering smile before getting called up to one of the cars lingering in front. 
Eren turns to his side – Teddy wiggling in his arms – as he watches you excitedly smile at Lana and Sukuna. And when you turn to him, the pale fluorescent light making you glow, you stand out more than anyone else standing there. 
Eren swears Satoru’s chanting “fuck a bitch named Scott Clarkson” in the car ahead of him and realizes that Levi’s probably in for the biggest headache of his life. 
“Ready to go?” you ask. 
Eren gives you a quiet nod, as you reach forward with your grabby hands for Teddy and buckle him into his seat at the back. Lana and Sukuna are at his sides, Eren watching them smile at each other through the rearview. 
Eren tries to stamp it out the best he can. That glimmering flare of hope that’s burning in his chest. 
And for the first time in years, he fails to do so. 
You were keeping his candle alight. 
You know for a fact that things will work in your favor, this time around. 
Hyla Clarkson, in her extreme annoyingness, moves the release date of her song up to that night – ruining the perfect plan that you had written out. Satoru’s more upset about it, that she ruined the perfectly cinematic moment that would have been.
Her new debut song smushed in bewteen Eren’s documentary and your comeback. 
But then you listen to the song and relish in the fact that karma is real. That all of the bad is canceled out by good – and that when it came to them, sweet justice was going to be served. 
There’s no such thing as bad PR. And from your standpoint – people talking about you, you being the center of attention, was the one thing that you needed leading up to the awards show. 
It’s almost too perfect. 
You had every intent to milk the fact that Hyla Clarkson just released an entire song about how big of a bitch you were. 
And make her regret it. 
Starting by releasing a song the following morning, your first in three years, to ensure hers won’t occupy the top spot. 
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next part linked here
an: ARE YOU READY FOR IT (revenge era for someone who actually deserves it)
(hyla clarkson you will develop a cough in three days for naming your album pop princess pretending like you don't know the entire aot cast calls y/n princess BC she's a pop princess...)
(I plan to write at least a chapter a week so we can wrap this sweet baby up!)
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238 notes · View notes
erzva · 1 year
them with a clingy s/o ,, mikasa jean connie sasha reiner annie pieck porco marcel levi hanji erwin
she doesn’t mind at all
in fact, she finds it endearing
when you’re holding onto her she’ll always watch you with a soft content smile
he loves it because it’s reassuring for him and makes him feel really loved
he would literally never deny you touching him. more like the opposite, he invites you to and just grins at you
he’s also very touchy around other people to let them know you’re his bc he’s kinda insecure. he wants to hold your hand and he often fiddles with your fingers. sometimes he’d snake his fingers into the waistband of your pants
he personally doesn’t need that much physical contact but he lets you do whatever you want to him, he really doesn’t care. he just wants you to be happy
he’ll tease you about it though and laugh when you get pouty. he’ll apologize if you get too quiet or embarrassed or hurt though
but he likes it because the thought of you not getting enough of him is ego boosting and just makes him feel good
she loves physical touch so she lets you touch her whenever you want
you make her hair every morning. just her sitting on the bed all groggy and grumpy and you massaging her head a little and running your fingers through her hair to lighten up her mood until you finally tie it up into her usual ponytail
she’s always one of the last ppl still eating so when you’re done (which is a lot sooner) you cling to her and wrap your arms around her while she’s still eating.
you could be climbing up on her like she’s a tree and she wouldn’t care . so you do sometimes which always ends up with both of you on the ground
you like nuzzling into her chest and she knows it so it doesn’t matter if she’s talking to someone or there’s ppl around, she’ll let you do it if you want to. she’ll stroke your head or back while you’re doing it or just wrap her arms around you
if it’s around other people or in public: she doesn’t mind you constantly having your arms wrapped around her waist or shoulders but don’t expect her to hug you back. she’d more like let it happen and just stand there while you’re doing your thing
she doesn’t wanna kiss or make out in public or when there’s other ppl near
sometimes when somebody else is flirting with her you forget about how much she hates pda and just grab her face and push your tongue into her mouth bc you’re so riled up. she let’s you do it though bc she knows you didn’t mean any harm. also bc she kinda finds it hot.. you’ll never hear her admit it though. it fact, she’ll act annoyed and roll her eyes when you’re done showing the person she’s yours
if you’re alone somewhere she’ll reciprocate your hug and hold onto you tightly while burying her head into your neck
she also initiates make out sessions more than you when you’re alone because she’s actually kinda needy herself
he’s super clingy himself so whenever you are it’s just reassurance to him
you’re basically hugging 24/7 and neither of you wants to let go. like at all.
you follow each other around like puppies
he feels so loved and content when you initiate hugs
you’re constantly touching and have your hands on each other wether it’s holding hands or letting him fiddle with your fingers or you hooking your fingers through the loops on his pants etc.
he loves it when he’s doing something and you’re, for once, not together but you somehow find him and hug him from the side. he’ll take one of his arms and put it around either your waist or your shoulder and bring his other hand up to cup your face and stroke your cheek
scenario: it’s just a normal day for you warriors with not much to do so you’re all just hanging out when you make your way over to reiner who was sitting on the couch with pieck and sit in his lap facing him with your arms around his neck and him slouching his left arm around your lower back while the other is caressing your back. “right, i’m out.” porco gets up. nothing more disturbing to him than the two of you. “have fun!” pieck sighs tiredly. zeke would just walk out without saying anything. you and reiner chuckle and hug each other tighter. reiner would bring his hands up to your face and press light kisses all over it which would eventually lead to you making out. and then just hugging again. and making out again. and hugging. you could spend hours doing nothing but kiss and hug. 2 hours would go by but none of you would want to get up. then the other warriors would march through the door talking and laughing about something thinking you and reiner would be long gone but to their surprise- “there is no way you’re still sitting here like that..” porco would look at you disgusted. “why, how long has it been?” you ask genuinely curious.
he won’t let you touch him in public especially not around the other warriors or people in the military in higher positions because he thinks it makes him look weak and unprofessional
he’d always regret it immediately after though because he knows that it makes you feel neglected and annoying, but he can’t risk letting his ‘cool guy’ and ‘good warrior’ act fall.
at night when you’re alone though he won’t let go of you and tell you that he’s sorry for being such a stupid asshole sometimes
as soon as you’re alone in either yours or his room he’ll press you against the door and hug you tightly “i’m so sorry. i’m such an ass i’m sorry.” he’d mumble with tears welling up in his eyes. you had already forgotten what this was about because you know him and you know how he gets but when he pleads for you to hug him back you remember.
i hc him being possessive
so he loves it when you’re touching and hugging him, especially in public. to him it’s just showing other people that you’re his.
he especially likes it when you’re doing it in front of other guys
if you do it around the warriors he’ll just smirk and let you climb in his lap or whatever it is you wanna do
if it’s around instructors he’ll just look at them with a “sorry, they just can’t help it” look. or he’ll just kinda ignore you and act like nothings happening so the instructor will adapt to his state. he’d just stroke your arm or head while your hugging him but he won’t shift his focus away from the conversation he’s having with one of the ppl in power
he acts like he’s not touchy himself bc he knows how needy you are when in reality he’s thriving every time you initiate physical touch
he likes making out in front of other ppl and showing them that you’re his. he won’t do it for long bc he knows you get embarrassed and annoyed but he’ll shove his tongue into your mouth and make out with you for a few seconds just to annoy the ppl around him
loves it bc it’s just really comfortable and adds warmth
she especially loves it when you’re laying on top of her
you’ll often just pick her up and bury your face in her neck
you also love resting your head on her ass when she’s laying on her stomach
would act annoyed when you do it in public or in front of others but he wouldn’t make you stop or send you away
he’d just stand there helpless letting you do whatever you want to him while he has his usual grumpy look on his face
in private though he is the one initiating physical touch the most because in reality he wants it even more than you. he needs it. he’s just become exceptionally well at suppressing his needs.
he’s the embodiment of a cat. grumpy in front of others but clingy when you’re alone
i hc hanji using they/he pronouns so:
would not mind at all bc he’s clingy himself
blushed the first time you suddenly hugged them bc usually they’re the one doing it
made him so happy fr
he literally loves it so much, it’s so reassuring to them bc he feels like he’s annoying by being so touchy but whenever you’re clingy it just makes them happy and feels like a relief kinda
erwin ** idk i got carried away
he takes his position as commander very serious but when you’re feeling needy while he’s talking to someone, he’ll still let you hug him from the side or from behind but he wouldn’t pay much attention to you. just putting his arm around you while keeping the conversation he was having going or a gentle squeeze of your arm
in private he lets you do whatever you need to do
he’ll let you sit on his lap while he’s doing paperwork or hump his thigh if you need to. “good, baby, keep rubbing yourself on me” “you’re doing so good” “i know you’re close, come for me, sweetie” he’d coo softly while rubbing your back. it’s hard for him to let you finish because all he’d think about when you’re rubbing yourself on his thigh is his cock inside your warm pussy. he’ll have to hold back groans and the uncomfortable feeling of his pants getting tight around his crotch isn’t any less distracting. nine out of ten times he takes you on the sofa after you’re done and panting into his neck
he’s not too clingy himself. but he gets needy and whiny too. he just knows when the right time for those things is and he has no problem waiting until you’re alone.
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mayajadewrites · 7 months
I Wish I Hated You
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summary: You don't do second chances. Especially after you gave your heart to Levi Ackerman, and he decided to throw it away so the next person has to repair the damage. Will Levi put his ego aside and finally admit his feelings for you are far deeper than you imagined? Or is a second chance out of the question?
warnings: eventual smut, this is a slow burn
C H A P T E R T W O: R E D
You watch Levi walk through the door with Erwin following closely behind. Erwin immediately spots you and mouths 'sorry' before holding up his phone to signal that he's going to text you. 
Levi doesn't make eye contact with you but he knows you're there. He walks up to the bar and orders two whiskey drinks for himself and Erwin. 
You feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket, assuming it's a message from Erwin.
Erwin: He insisted on coming here. I didn't want him to come alone and do something stupid.
You: Did Hange tell him I would be here?
Erwin: Not sure. He might've heard her talking to you though. She's awfully load.
You: Of course. 
"Hange, I'm gonna need you to start being more self aware." You sigh. Hange tilts her head to the side and looks at you before following your eyes and turning around to see Levi. 
"Fuck, I'm sorry! I didn't think I was talking that loud!" 
"It's okay. We're bound to run into each other at some point or another." You take a sip of your drink, letting the liquid slide down your throat. "I need another." 
"It's on me." Hange stands up and orders another round at the bar. She stands next to Levi as she waits for the drinks, pushing on his shoulder. He's wearing a grey henley with black jeans and black boots. You can't hear what's being said, but you see Levi's eyes dart away from Hange's. 
"Here you go!!" Hange danced as she brought the drinks back. "Man, your ex is a dick." She sipped her beer. 
"You're telling me. Cheers to me for not being with him anymore!" You clink your glasses, receiving a glare from Levi. 
His slate colored eyes finally met yours. One of his eyebrows were raised as he sipped his drink, holding your gaze. You can't help but stare into his eyes - the eyes you woke up to most mornings, the ones that observed you so closely that he knew exactly what to do to make you go crazy. 
You chug your 4th drink, wiping some excess liquid off your lips. Your head feels like it's spinning, which means it's time to stop drinking because it'll only get worse from here. 
Erwin comes over and says hi verbally, giving you a hug. "I'm sorry about this again. He's been in such a mood today." 
Your eyes fall to Levi again, this time he's already staring at you. Your heart feels like it's skipping several beats as he gets up from the barstool, seemingly coming your way.
"Levi, go away." Hange waves her hand. "You want to cause more damage? She's having fun."
"She's drunk." Levi said flatly, examining your face. "You see her cheeks? They're a shade before red. She needs to go home."
"You have no authority over her anymore, Levi." Hange's tone turned serious. "She's not yours." 
Levi didn't respond. He kept his eyes on you as you looked back and forth between him, Hange, and Erwin.
"I'm fine." You finally speak, sipping on the water Hange brought for you. "I'm gonna uber home once Hange and I are done." 
"No, I'm gonna drive you home." Levi pulled a chair to your table. 
"I'd rather walk home." You turn your head away from him. "I'll call a ride." 
"From who? What's his name?"
"Why do you assume it's a man? I was talking about calling Mikasa. I'll take any other Ackerman to drive me home other than you." 
Erwin could not help but laugh when you said that. He patted Levi on the back, shaking his head. "Levi what am I gonna do with you." He says between laughs. 
"The only Ackerman that will be driving you home is me." Levi ignores Erwin. "I'll make sure no one else can pick you up." 
"You're insane." You finally look at him, which was a mistake. Your heart almost melts at the sight. "Fine. If it'll make you shut up, you can drive me home."
Levi is content with that answer. He starts a conversation about something else for a bit, occasionally watching you. Soon Erwin pays the tab because he feels so bad about Levi.
"Next time I'll text you for drinks." Hange hugs you. "Small fry, please get her home safe. I don't want to hear anything crazy tomorrow."
"I'm always safe. Thanks for your concern, four eyes." Levi holds his hand out for you to take to get up from your seat.
"Absolutely not." You slap his hand away. "This is a ride. Because I'm drunk and can barely see my phone screen." You stand up slowly. "Just take me to your car." 
Levi walks in front of you to his car and opens the passenger door for you. You refused to take a step until he gets in the drivers seat.
"Come on, stop being stubborn." Levi rolls his eyes.
"Sit in your seat then I'll sit in mine."
"Even when you're obliterated you're hard headed." Levi went to his side and got into the drivers seat. You climb into the passenger seat, buckling your seatbelt and closing your eyes. Your apartment isn't too far from the bar, so this won't be too torturous - being in a car with Levi. 
You turn your gaze to him and watch him drive. He has one hand on the steering wheel, the other one tapping his leg almost nervously. His face looks stone cold. 
"Thanks." You open your door and get out of he car. "I'll have Hange bring me to my car tomorrow."
"I'm helping you inside." Levi turns the ignition off and  stands next to you outside. 
"I don't need anything from you. Especially your help." You fish through your purse for your keys. You can barely tell which is which but you will. 
"I need to make sure you don't die in there. I don't want you to choke on your own vomit." 
"That was one time." You rolled your eyes, walking with Levi to your front door. 
He uses his key to unlock your door before sliding it back in his pocket. 
"I'm gonna need that back." You look at him before walking in.
Levi doesn't answer, he just walks into your home. He grabs a bottled water from the fridge and some medicine from the cabinet. "Go change."
You don't have the energy to say anything back. You go in your room and put on one of your favorite baggy tshirts that covers your ass, so you don't need to put pants on. You pull your hair into a messy bun and you pad to the living room and grab the water from him. 
"I'm good now. You can leave." 
"I'm staying and taking you to your car tomorrow."
"Levi, can you please leave me alone?" You throw your head back. "I've thought about you every fucking second of this last month. I don't need to see you in my house." 
Levi sighs and sits on the couch. "I'll leave once you fall asleep." He looks down, interlacing his fingers together.
"Levi." You sigh. You watch as he looks up at you, his eyes look... sad. Unfortunately for you, you possess empathy. "Fine." You turn around and walk into your room and take a sip of the water. Once you get in bed, the room feels like it's spinning and you close your eyes to stabilize yourself. Then, you doze off.
You feel a warm hand on your cheek but you refused to act like your felt it. A thumb moved across your cheek to your hair, tucking a piece behind your ear. Then the hand was gone and you heard your bedroom door close, and then your front door. 
When you wake up, it's noon. Good thing you're off today. 
Your head is pounding but not as bad as it could be. You take a sip of the water thats on your nightstand and stretch your upper body. 
After you brush your teeth and hair, you make your way to your kitchen to make a quick lunch. You see a cup of iced coffee and a bagel on your counter along with a note. 
Your favorite hangover meal.
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lucysarah-c · 24 days
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~ Holy Ground ch. 3: Girl at home ~
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"Alright, get comfortable because this is going to be a long, crappy tale. Join me as we travel down memory lane, back when Erwin wasn't yet a commander, when Mike and Nanaba couldn't keep their hands off each other, when Hange was… well, Hange. And Levi? Well, Levi was a twenty-four-year-old man who didn't give a damn about the rules. Are you ready?"
Warnings: This story contains age gaps, time period misogyny and mentions of homophobia, strong and offensive language, underage sex, alcohol, smoking, implied/referenced of drug use. This is a very slow burn so everyhthing takes a while to happen. Explicit sex content. Virginity, loss of virginity, cheating, mentions of cheating, pregnancy but no by the main character, consensual sex, consensual underage sex, underage kissing.
Pairing: Levi x Reader x Erwin. Levi x Reader are end game. (this is not eruri). This story takes place after ACWNR but BEFORE season 1
-> Masterlist to all the chapters! <-
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I observe the expressions on the faces of each of the kids here with me. Sasha and Connie appear quite bored, Jean and Armin seem skeptical, and Eren is in a heated argument with Mikasa about the cold weather and the need for him to wear a sweater or something.   "Am I boring you guys? Is this not what you had in mind?" I wonder, trying to understand why my story isn't having the impact I expected.   I receive mixed responses. Jean and Armin seem more engaged, but the rest... Well, they seem to be lost in their own world.   "Did the captain treat you like that?" Armin asks, visibly dismayed.   "What? You don't believe me? You can always go and ask Levi about the truth of the matter," I say, attempting a smirk to appear cool, but then I realize what I've just said. "Actually, no. Please don't go and ask Levi about it."   "Why not? Are you lying?" Sasha asks with a mischievous smile.   "No, I'm actually telling the truth, but the problem is that Levi hates sharing his personal life. So, for the sake of all of us, we should keep this as a secret," I explain, hoping to persuade them, and thankfully, it seems to work. If he found out I've been talking about him to his squad, it would pretty much seal the deal on our breakup.   "If it's true that you two used to hate each other so much, how did you start dating?" Jean asks, resting his face on his hand.   "Jean, a relationship isn't just a matter of saying 'hello, how are you? Do you want to get laid?' There's a process," I explain while rolling my eyes.   It's amazing how at that age, we think that love is some magical thing that happens suddenly and lasts forever. But in reality, it's much more complicated and terrifying. It's a painful process that can end well, or poorly, or sometimes it takes a long time to reach a resolution. I can't help but wish that my case isn't the last one as I touch my bandages.   'Is this what you wanted?' I reflect, suddenly feeling exhausted. I could do better than this, I know it. Running away like a frightened child. I shouldn't be here on this watch post. I should be talking to him, reminiscing while he holds me in his strong arms after a night of passion. Not here, not with them, not like this, no--   "Speaking of getting laid," Connie interrupts my train of thought. "When do we get to the spicy part?"   Suddenly, everyone is excited again. They all look at me with curious glances and a slight blush on their young cheeks. They can't seriously expect me to chat about my sex life with their Captain, right?   "Don't tell me you think I'm going to spill the beans about what happens in my bedroom?" I speak my mind, trying to confirm my suspicions. However, their silence and blushing faces confirm their disappointment. Except for Mikasa, who somehow reminds me of Levi.   "Let's make a deal. When we get to that part, we'll see what I'll share with you. The problem is, we're not there yet, and we'll never get there if you keep interrupting me," I say, and they nod, waiting for me to continue.   I take a sip from one of the bottles on the table. I wish I could hide my disgusted expression as they laugh at my reaction. Damn teenagers and their cheap alcohol.   Where was I? Ah, yes, the first morning of training with my not-boyfriend back then…
For those who may not know or haven't noticed yet, I'm originally from Sheena's Wall. I spent my entire life there before joining the military. Not just any district, mind you, but right in the heart of the capital city. It's truly an extraordinary place to call home. Now, the story of how a privileged girl like myself ended up in the Scouts is a tale for another time. My distinctive capital accent always seemed to give me away, and I'm willing to bet that Levi knew where I was from even before I uttered a word that night. It wasn't exactly a secret.
Perhaps it was my wardrobe, the variety of shirts and dresses I wore on our days off, or my hair clips and perfume that gave away my origins. This little fact about me may have made my initial coexistence with Levi quite challenging. While he was struggling to survive on unclean water, I was comfortably sleeping in a king-size bed surrounded by teddy bears and feather-filled cushions, with my maid preparing breakfast for me.
As usual, I woke up in my small, uncomfortable cadet bed, with my hair scattered all over the pillow. Mornings have never been my strong suit, to say the least. I stretched and prepared for the day ahead. During my morning routine in our shared room, I noticed two things. Firstly, Nanaba was not there, meaning she must have spent the night in Mike's room.
‘Lucky her, having a superior boyfriend. They get those beautiful rooms all to themselves, ’ I thought as I brushed my hair.
Secondly, I realized I needed to hurry because my training was about to start. Breakfast was served between 6 and 7 am for recruits, and somehow, I always managed to arrive ten minutes earlier and grab a cup of tea. I did a crown braid to keep half of it out of the way, washed my face, applied some moisturizer, and chose a shirt to wear for the day.
Once I was ready, I headed to the mess hall. Some might argue that I put too much effort into my appearance, but I could easily justify it. You see, one thing I learned during my time living in the capital city is that how people perceive you determines how they treat you.
With a smile on my face, I greeted and waved to everyone I passed along the way. This may have been another aspect of my personality that Levi couldn't tolerate back then. I entered the gates and scanned the room, searching for that particular short, black-haired man. To my disappointment, he wasn't there.
Glancing at my watch, I thought to myself, ‘ It's 6:45. Maybe he's not a morning person.’ I shrugged, thinking I might find him later to tackle our chores as a duo. I grabbed a tray of food and joined Petra and a few other girls, including Nifa.
“I adore the shirt that you are wearing today!” Nifa complimented me, a sweet girl who shared my interest in fashion.
“It would look lovely on you. The deep navy blue would make your gorgeous honey eyes shine even more” I added, smiling at her. Nifa and I used to go downtown together from time to time.
Usually, there wasn't much effort put into our outfits on duty days. I typically stuck to basic-colored shirts like white, shades of gray, and black. Occasionally, I'd opt for a black and white or navy blue and white horizontal striped long-sleeve shirt to add a touch of drama. However, that day, I had chosen a simple white shirt with a deep navy blue hem and buttons. I had always liked how blue complemented the color of the Wings of Freedom. Even the lace of the small braid of my hair was in the same shade, matching always. 
The majority of the others usually wear the first thing they find in the morning, regardless of its cleanliness or condition. In contrast, I take pride in my appearance, treating the corridors as my personal runway as I carry the tea for my squad leader.
"Hey Petra, since you seem to know so much about Mr. Grumpy, have you seen him?" I asked, not that I wanted to share breakfast with him, but I needed to make sure someone had spotted him at least.
My paranoia grew as Petra shook her head in response. "I hope he didn't oversleep on the first day," I mused. Little did I know that words like "oversleep" or even "sleep" were missing from Levi's vocabulary. I tried to enjoy the remainder of my breakfast, keeping my attention fixed on the door. But mealtime came to an end, and that little troublemaker was nowhere to be seen.
"Hey Gerald, have you seen Levi?" I inquired of one of my male comrades, thinking that a fellow cadet might have better insight.
"Who?" was his simple reply.
"Levi, the short guy from the underground?" The future Captain was nowhere near as popular as he is now, primarily because he hardly spoke to anyone.
"I have no freaking idea where that bastard is," the brunette answered, then added, "But maybe you should ask Will. I think they share rooms in the barracks."
I thanked him for the information, left my tray behind, and embarked on my search for my missing partner.
"Didn't Erwin tell him that we have morning chores to attend to? Where the hell is he?" I muttered while scanning the surroundings. I checked every nook and cranny, searching every corner and corridor for Levi or William. I even peered through the windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. Just as I was about to turn the corner, I spotted Will. He was mopping the corridors with another recruit, and I greeted them both with a smile.
"Hey Will, good morning," I greeted the tall black-haired boy. "Mind if I ask if you've seen Levi?"
"O-oh, hey! Good morning," Will saluted me back, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. He was such a sweet boy. "MH, I usually don't see him in the mornings. He's already gone by the time I wake up."
"What a pity," I sighed loudly, disappointment evident on my rosy lips.
"Maybe you should check the shower room in the male barracks. That guy definitely takes too many showers," the helpful cadet suggested without a second thought.
I thanked him and continued my investigation. It was already half past eight when I finished checking the common areas, and Levi was nowhere to be found. I didn't particularly want to venture into the male barracks, not only because it was prohibited for women but also because it was incredibly uncomfortable. But did I have any other choice?
"Y/N! There you are, the little lady of the Scouts," I recognized that distinctive voice anywhere. Hange was calling out to me from behind.
"Squad leader Hange, good morning!" I turned around, stood at attention, and saluted. Hange may be a bit peculiar, or rather, eccentric, as they prefer to be called, but they were still a squad leader.
"Oh, drop the formalities, sugar cube. We're good friends, no need to be so strict," the brunette said with a broad smile, as they always did. Extrovertly placing an arm around my shoulder as they pushed me closer to speak. "Anyways, shouldn't you be with Levi?"
‘Speak of the devil,’ I thought. Of course, I should have been with him if  he could be found anywhere. However, Hange was the only one who managed to have conversations with Levi, or at least tried to. Perhaps they had some tips for dealing with Mr. Grumpy.
"Well, I should be, sir. But I can't find him. Have you seen him yet?" I inquired, trying to sound as unbothered as possible.
"So weird, I saw Levi picking up his orders this morning. He must be somewhere," Hange raised their hand to stroke their chin while contemplating. "But if I were you, I wouldn't keep him waiting. He doesn't appreciate being made to wait."
‘He doesn't appreciate anything, if you ask me,’ recalling Nanaba's words. If he had already received his orders, then he must have known that we were supposed to do this together. I bid farewell to Hange and continued on my way.
If the female barracks were typically untidy, I couldn't even begin to describe the state of the male ones. With resignation, I knocked on the door of the shower room, and a partially dressed guy opened it. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and his bare chest exposed. I tried to avert my gaze as my cheeks grew warm. The male recruit leaned against the doorframe and examined me intently.
"Well?" he asked gruffly.
"O-oh, y-yes," my stammered response betrayed my embarrassment. "I'm looking for Levi." He turned around and called out loudly.
"Hey Levi, there's a good-looking girl asking for you here!"
I didn't know what was more humiliating—the fact that I was referred to as "a good-looking girl" or the insinuation that there was something going on between Levi and me. I could hear the laughter from the men inside the room.
No one replied, just silence. I didn't dare to peek inside to see the recruits' expressions, but I could sense that they, too, were awaiting a response.
"Well, it seems like that shorty isn't here. But if you're looking for a good time, I'm at your service, m'lady," he attempted to sound sophisticated, making a reference to my status. I rolled my eyes at his failed attempt.
"No, thank you," I retorted, slamming the door in his face and walking away.
‘Not in the mess hall, not in the common areas, not in the showers. Where the hell is he? It's already 9 am! We've wasted almost the entire morning.’ My mind raced with thoughts. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I approached one of the cadets walking by and asked for the location of Levi's room.
"Last room on the right," he had mentioned. I repeated it in my mind to avoid forgetting. If only I had known how many times I would sneak into that room for activities far from training.
Once again, I knocked and waited for someone to answer, but this time it was different. Another recruit answered the door, and as soon as I caught a glimpse inside the shared bedroom, I saw him sitting on his bed, engrossed in a book. I didn't wait for an invitation; I walked straight toward him.
"Excuse me? Can you explain what you're doing here?" I questioned, my tone laced with anger. I was far from being in a good mood.
However, my attempt to sound imposing failed miserably as Levi raised his gaze from his book to meet me. Nervously, I swallowed, feeling as if Levi's deep, piercing gray eyes were cutting through my soul.
"What the 'ell are you doin' 'ere?" Levi's deep voice echoed through the room, causing everyone to turn and see what was happening.
‘Think quickly, don't let him get to you,’ I reminded myself, preparing for the confrontation.
"I wouldn't be here if you had been in the mess hall like everyone else, starting their chores," I retorted, refusing to back down from the conversation.
"Huh? What did ya just blurt out?" Levi closed his book and rose from his bed. He walked towards me, clearly attempting to intimidate. The problem was that even a few inches taller, he appeared incredibly powerful.
"That's nonsense! You heard me! You should have been there!" I insisted.
“Lis'n up, ya posh little brat. I was bang on time; it's you, ya lazy scumbag, who never showed up.” Levi shot back.
"I was there before seven o'clock. On the other hand, you were missing," I argued.
“I ain't your damn servant. I stuck around 'til quarter past six. Next fuckin’ time, get your ass there earlier,” Levi retorted.
"Who cares what time I arrived at the mess hall! You should have waited for me. We wasted so much time!" I exclaimed.
"You're a right pain in the ass, innit?I done my bit, now piss off from my fuckin’ room. This is the last time you show your face 'ere,"
"This is supposed to be teamwork, Levi. You can't just go out and do 'your part.' Besides, what exactly is 'your part'?" I challenged.
“I ain't gonna sort out your crap life for ya. Go and take a look’s at what I've already fuckin' done 'cause I did wake up on time. Maybe if you didn't waste so much time tryna flaunt, you wouldn't 'ave missed me.” Levi hit back.
His words stung, but there was no way I would let him dictate how I should spend my time. "Well, at least I can show off. You can go out and buy the most expensive shitty clothes and still look like a filthy rat from a trash heap," I retorted.
My remark seemed to genuinely offend him, as he grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me up. I closed my eyes, expecting him to strike me.
"What the hell is going on here? Women aren't allowed, and I thought I made that perfectly clear! Levi, put that damn girl down, and Y/N, leave immediately before I report this to your superior," a commanding voice interrupted Levi's actions.
The other cadets who had been watching quickly stood up and saluted the superior. Once I was back on the ground, I hastily made my way out, not wanting to draw any further attention to myself.
Needless to say, I completed the rest of the work alone that morning. I didn't dare to approach Levi again, mainly because I wanted to keep my head attached to my body. The truth was, Levi had indeed done a significant portion of the work, but the question remained: When did he do it? I hadn't spotted a single strand of his dark hair on campus that morning. As I fed the horses, Will's words echoed in my mind, raising yet another question: "When the hell does that demon wake up if he manages to finish all the chores?"
After completing my duties, I headed to the mess hall for lunch. My mind was preoccupied with how to make this team function smoothly. "I was a bit harsh with him. I let him get under my skin," I reproached myself, reflecting on the events of the morning. "There's no use crying over spilled milk. We still have the afternoon training to make things right. If anyone can make this work, it's me. Don't let him affect you." This pep talk boosted my confidence and allowed me to approach the rest of the day with more optimism.
However, maintaining my positive outlook became nearly impossible when I entered the mess hall and felt everyone's eyes on me. As usual, I picked up my tray and joined my friends.
"Why is everyone staring at me?" I asked once I sat down and tasted the first spoonful of the flavorless soup they served.
"Well, well, well, look who we have here. They say there's a fine line between love and hate, but I never expected you to cross that line on the very first morning you were paired with that jerk," Nanaba teased, clearly enjoying herself. Meanwhile, Petra seemed quite upset with me.
I struggled to express my surprise, my bewildered face revealing my emotions. The spoonful of food I had scooped up fell back into the dish as I tried to gather my thoughts.
"Excuse me?" I managed to utter.
"Come on, don't act so surprised! You know better than anyone that rumors spread like wildfire here," the tall blonde girl explained matter-of-factly. She noticed that I was still lost in the conversation and added, "Everyone is talking about how you went to meet him in his room and how your faces were just inches apart before a superior interrupted."
I closed my eyes, trying to process this nonsense. Resting my head on my left hand, my hair obscured my face. It always amazed me how information could be distorted in just a matter of hours.
"That's not even close to what happened. He was nowhere to be found, so I went looking for him, and it turned into an argument in his room," I summarized the events.
"How could you do that to Petra? You knew how much she likes him," Nanaba remarked, clearly mocking me as she took a sip of her water.
But the real issue was that Petra actually appeared upset. She was sitting right in front of me, on the other side of the table. I reached out my right hand and placed it on her arm. "Petra, I would never do something like stealing someone's boyfriend or crush. So, you don't have to worry about me. In fact, when I get the chance, I'll find out what he thinks of you."
That seemed to ease her mind. I remember her smile, her innocent golden eyes filled with admiration for me. I know there's no excuse for what I did, but at that moment, my words were sincere. I never intended to come between them; it just happened. If only I had known then what I know now.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @l3visthighs @hannieslovebot @flxrartsstuff @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @katharinasdiaryy @ackermanswifee @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @searriously @blackdxggr @storiesofsung @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @galactict3a @lemonsupernova @hyuckwon-my-husbands @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr @mandaax @sugacor3 @r0ckst4rjk @vegetasgirl2799 @catiwinky @pinksaiyans @sparklykeylime Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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leviismybby · 2 years
Sun sets early
Levi Ackerman x gn!reader
Angst so much angst but there is a little fulff...
!Heavy spoilers for season 4!
Levi hated sunsets, he hated them. All they bring were bad memories no matter how stunning the colors in the sky were, Levi hated sunsets.
It had little to do with his past and a lot to do with his regrets. His experience with them was never something he likes to get reminded of.
He looks around the plane and sees you with teary eyes, the loss of Hange has left both of you devastated. But the way you look completely broken and tired makes his soul shatter.
You're both tired of fighting, tired of constantly losing the people you love. Levi can handle that weight better than you or so he thinks as he grips the hand he saluted Hange with earlier.
The world has been cruel to your love, both of you were always so close to each other but also so far apart, divided by your duties as soldiers for humanity.
You look towards Levi and your eyes lock, this could be the last time you're seeing him. All of your world before you, a reason why you kept going.
Earlier you begged him not to fight, to stay in that ship however you knew that it was going to happen. He was going to fight to free humanity till the end, that's your Levi. The Levi that you fell in love with.
The two of you don't need to say any words, your eyes are speaking. Those grey orbs have very little light left in them and you would do anything right now for all of his pain to be your own.
You hated seeing him like this, with a weight of the world on his shoulders, hope long gone, all there is left is to fight.
And now you start to wonder if you do manage to save the world, how would it look? Would you finally be free?
Levi starts to replay all of his favorite moments of you in his head, all of those midnight talks the two of you shared, that dumb little smile when he would make one of his poop jokes, those eyes that hold the world in them when you explain something you're passionate about.
That kiss the two of you shared before Shiganshina because you two didn't know if either of you were coming back. It was brief and sure it wasn't the best kiss but it meant so so much to both of you.
It assured you two that if something was to happen, you both loved each other endlessly.
Now that seems to upset Levi in a way, he doesn't want you to be in pain if he were to die out there and Levi knows that he will never be able to cope if something happens to you.
The plane starts to malfunction and you fall on the ground, holding yourself up, you swallow the cry threatening to fall from your lips. This is it.
Levi glances at you and everything starts to fall into place for him. If both of you make it out alive, he will never ever let you go ever again.
The smoke clears and you look at your hands, realization starts to hit you.
You look around to see everybody hugging their loved ones and panic as you don't see Levi anywhere until Connie grabs your shoulder and points his finger.
Levi is sitting up against a rock, tears streaming down his face. You rush to him without another word, never in your life have you run faster than you are now.
Kneeling before him, you wipe his tears away. "You did it. We did it." His hands reach out to you and you hug him tightly feeling him cry into your shoulder.
Currently here, it didn't matter. Nothing mattered. The cries of Jean, Connie and Amrin are fated in the background as they see Mikasa with Erens head in her hands is hurtful but you allow yourself to be selfish for Levi.
Both of your cry against each other for a little while before Levi pulls away his hand gripping the side of your face. Words can't leave his mouth and you gently play with his hair. "I know."
The sun starts setting as you help Levi back on his feet, putting his arm around your shoulder. Your eyes land on Mikasa and your heart smashes to pieces, that could've been you. It could've. And seeing how much she loved Eren makes you wish that such a thing as love didn't exist.
But that's anger speaking, you wouldn't know how to live any differently without love, it is the only reason you're here now, because despite the odds, you wanted you and Levi to have a future together.
And it feels like the sun set early, the smoke cleared and you are left in the aftermath of the war. There is too much to process. And you're sure that with Levi by your side, these scars will fade eventually.
Taglist: @youre-ackermine @the-milk-anon @sixpennydame @mrsackermannx @svftackerman @luvjiro @ackermendick @laraackerman @levisbrat25 @notgoodforlife @levisgreyeyes @lovolee3 @evas-leslas @whynotsleepp
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dolcecrush · 6 months
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : 𝗻𝗼𝗻𝗲
𝗅𝖾𝗏𝗂 𝖺𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇, 𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇 𝗃𝖺𝖾𝗀𝖾𝗋, 𝖺𝗋𝗆𝗂𝗇 𝖺𝗋𝗅𝖾𝗍, 𝗋𝖾𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗋.
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☆ this man loves you too much and doesn't want to lose you
𖹭 He had already mentioned before that he is overprotective, but he really loves you and doesn't want you to end up being titan food.
☆ threaten some soldiers if they cross the line with you
𖹭 He has a lot of traumas so to speak, you will have to take good care of him, even if he is a strong man, sometimes he breaks.
☆ He likes to see you take care of Falco and Gabi
𖹭 Be careful, Mikasa gets jealous of your relationship with him.
☆ Eren really doesn't want to do the rumble, he remembers the times he spent with you and breaks down every time he does it.
𖹭 They knew each other since they were children, but Eren already liked her from then on.
☆ He's the kind of boyfriend who would protect you even if he was very weak.
𖹭 If only they had lived in a world without titans, I would be the happiest man by your side.
☆ This boy just wanted to see the sea and when he got it he was the happiest man along with you
𖹭 It really tormented him that he had to love Annie in a part of him, but he chose you regardless.
☆ After the rumbling he plans to marry you and live near the sea or a river
𖹭 He loves spending time with you, truly you are his everything.
☆ You didn't know anything about him being the armored titan, you felt so bad, the man you loved was the one who slaughtered all those people?
𖹭 You felt sadness, but at the same time anger that he had lied to you for so long, but you couldn't hate him.
☆ After seeing him again, Reiner's eyes filled with brilliance, he didn't think about anyone but you when he returned to Marley.
𖹭 At the end of the rumbling he proposed that you marry him, obviously you accepted, he was always the love of your life.
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hanjisungslag · 1 year
attack on titan headcanons #6
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## - random things you say say to each other
genre - crack (?)
pairing - aot x reader
word count - 0.1k
warning - none!!
notes - hai hai ( ^ω^ )
minus talking about being free and killing all titans, he 100% talks about all the imaginary fights he’d have with the higher ups.
“i think i could beat levi up y’know”
“eren be so for real right now. i know he’s small but goddamn..”
you slapped your hands over his big mouth because levi was literally walking right past you guys.
“i think i could kill a titan with a spoon”
“oh. i-i believe in you babe!”
you always make shit weird.
“i wonder what the ocean will feel like between your toes”
“i mean like i can recreate the feeling….”
he also talks about beating people up, thinks he’s so cool (humble him). he does talk about omelettes, working with the royals and you a lot though.
“nah, y’know that fight with eren? i was just tired honestly likeee…”
“shhh… eat your omelette.”
talks about really weird food combinations.
“what if i dipped some fruit in some meat juice and had bread with it”
“… actually.”
“i’m down to try that one!”
so, you both ran off and tried some 😄
talks utter shit
“if the beast titan was a lot smaller, he’d be a pretty cool pet.”
“you mean.. like a monkey?”
talks about how big and strong he is. picks you up at any given chance.
“so, y/n…”
she walks around like she’s a 6’6 buff man.
“annie babe, you look like you’re walking with something up your ass.”
“i’m just asserting dominance around here”
all of his stories relate to another (in some way, he says at least) so he just rambles and rambles.
“.. and then you’re really short which reminds me about stems and y’know what reminds me of stems, some long, some short? grapes. and i hate grapes—”
says hubba hubba. unironically.
“lets see the outfit for date night, babe”
“okay, here i come” you stroll out the bedroom in a beautiful long, silk dress that hugged every one of your curves perfectly.
“hubba hubba..”
“haha..thanks.” you said trying not to rip your own hair out due to the cringe that you felt.
just a lot of shit talk. like literal shit talk.
“how long does it take to get ready? i could’ve had at least 3 shits by now.”
“actually, at this rate, maybe even four.”
you finally walk out, ready for your day of shopping.
“how do you actually calculate that?”
“you don’t wanna know.” he said coldly.
definitely need to be diagnosed with something.
“how dare titans be killers! imagine if they just didn’t eat us, and were nice - we could keep them as pets!”
“well yeah..”
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nixie-writes-aot · 1 year
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Reactions to S/O with Abusive Family
Warnings: mentions of abuse and trauma, abuse of power/status, mention of murder, threat of bodily harm, hurt/comfort, fluff
Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe
Author's Note: The third and last part. Honestly these headcanons were so fun so I might do more hurt/comfort in the future!
Levi Ackerman
Levi, like Mikasa, is also not terribly surprised. I don't think any of the veterans would be honestly
They all are too used to what the world is like and how cruel it can be even to those who don't deserve anything like that. Especially Levi
Now there are two different reactions Levi might have depending on which Levi 
If its Levi from the Underground, sorry but your family is dead
Thug Levi has killed for much much less. Hell, he killed a group of thugs just for getting in Isabel's way and upsetting her. So the chances of actual abusers surviving after you told him what they've done? Not bloody likely
Levi will, of course, hold you close and bury his face in the crook of your neck all to comfort you
He's very emotionally repressed so you shouldn't expect much else 
Now Captain Levi?
Much different story. For example, unless they were an active threat, particularly in s3, he wouldn't kill them. But oh boy 
Levi is someone who can easily, and will without hesitation, calmly rip into someone just for wasting his time. After all, Levi is one hell of a composed and stoic motherfucker
Now, the worst he might do for non-threatening is harsh words and maybe his own threat, albeit empty
But an active threat? Much different story. Levi learned from Kenny and the Underground that active threats must be taken out
Now regardless of him killing your family or just making them hate him, he is dragging you into his office. The one time he doesn't sweat the potential filth on your clothes, simply pulling you into bed with him and burying his face in your chest
"I wanted to kill them."
His statement is meant to be reassuring, that it would always be you and never them in his eyes
But also Levi is one very emotionally repressed bitch 
Erwin Smith 
Honestly Erwin probably already knew you had a rough home life, not many parents would just sit by and let their children become Scouts under Keith Shadis
The Scouting Legion is still viewed poorly when he takes over, don't get me wrong, but we're talking about a man who had a mental breakdown in the middle of the street and in front of not only all his men but the public too
Erwin would never
Now Erwin knowing and being told is two different things. Erwin could probably only think about his own childhood when you told him so he pulls you close, into his lap and starts playing with your hair and massaging your scalp. As he does, Erwin tells you about his dream and the will of his own father way back when
Erwin has accepted what happened by the time he's Commander Erwin but he still doesn't feel great about it, obviously, so its a moment of weakness for both of you
And thats exactly what Erwin wanted you to see. That you opening up and being vulnerable didn't have to be so one sided even if he was your commander
Now Erwin has a lot of power to throw around, especially if your family weren't anyone like the merchants or nobles or the Wall Church
So Erwin uses that power, lets you see how beneficial he can really be with that always so polite smile on his face even if he's currently ruining the lives of those who ruined your own life
"There are some that simply do not know how to behave, those should either keep quiet or have every dirty little secret spread among their peers."
Like I love Erwin but dude lowkey manipulates a lot of things into happening. Especially when it was concerning Levi in the No Regrets OVA
Hange Zoe
Hange is probably the only shocked veteran when you open up
They are appalled 
"But why!? Titans should be the concern, not each other!" 
And you even almost hear them swear but when you only shrug, they pull you close and sigh. They are well and truly refusing to let you go for even a minute. Hange is very clingy during the night you tell them and even the following day
Only Levi, Miche, or Erwin would be able to pry them away. Maybe Moblit 
They just want you to feel reassured and comforted by their presence
Hange probably takes you out to train with the ODM gear just to give you a proper outlet. They know they like training when upset
Dear god if they see your family? It is one of the very very few moments you see them angry. Even Levi seems nicer in comparison. Hange storms right up to your parent, decks them and stands over them 
"If you touch them again, I will personally make sure you don't have a hand to do that with again."
You probably have to pull Hange off your parent actually
And afterwards, Hange is clingy all over again. They're wrapping their arms around you, shoving their face into your back and sighing loudly 
Hange probably spends the next week making sure you know how much they love you and how much they would do just for you
Normally, you're an average soldier but Hange keeps dragging you away from your squad to their own squad, doing science stuff with them and Moblit
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emilythescribbler · 14 days
What Eren Said To Levi [Attack On Titan]
It seemed to only last for a second in real time, as each member of this small group consisting of friends and enemies, all, for the most part, Eldian, and all with some kind of connection to Eren Jaeger, followed the path inside their mind to that very same faraway, suicidal man, as he knew they would, as was by design. He wished to speak to them all, his old friends, he wished to spend what would inevitably be his last moments with them, through this new power he had unlocked, through the great power he had obtained in his quest to destroy the world. 
With Mikasa, it was slightly different, for he didn't just speak with her, to comfort her in this distressing time, but slowed time down to a snail's pace, spending what amounted to four years, using what amounted to all his remaining time left on this earth to live in relative peace with the woman he loved: he built their cabin, brick by brick, and allowed the anxiety to wash from his face, revealing beauty and hope beneath. It was all he could do for the woman he loved.
With Armin, he confided in his best friend, spoke of things he dared not speak of before anyone else. And he was punched, sense broken into him as he finally found the strength to say how much he adored the dark-haired girl of his youth, but how it could never be, how he wished them all to forget him. He spoke of such things to the former spy, his friend in understanding and similarity, the girl frozen in ice, Annie, and how he wished them all to live a long life, but knew they would follow him into the depths of hell. 
With Connie, it was a simple sense of reassurance, on Eren's part, that his mother would return to her usual, human self, and on Connie's part, he spoke of their dead friend, the girl who loved food, and how, finally, Connie knew, he understood, he held no blame or hatred in his heart for all of it, and how he wished he had seen before it was too late.
For Jean, not much could be said, but as they appeared to each other, at first as themselves when they pair first met, then in the present day: rivals at first glance, they could see how much the pair they grown, and how much distance lay between them: two who were, Jean could see that now more than ever, the same, at least then, and how Eren had allowed hatred to take hold of his heart, and never let go, while Jean lay suspended in air, gripping the hand of the person who had betrayed them, and who he still considered brother until the end. 
For others, they wished to speak to him, to know, to understand, but it was simply for those he loved, for he would have burned the world if it meant they could be safe, could live their lives on their own terms - just as he had always longed for, if only that path hadn't been bathed in blood, hadn't come with sacrifices: both personal and political, both personal, for the self, and international, of the world.
Levi recalled, in those moments after that final battle, where he pushed himself further and further than he thought possible, and still pushed further, to give his all, to give his heart, how he had seen Eren, the brat that he had always been, and felt the urge to start kicking him, just as he had back then, then to rain blows angry and resentful upon the younger's face - who appeared saddened, guilty, asking for forgiveness. 
Despite these feelings which threatened to overwhelm the elder, Levi stood firm, and remembered his friends, his comrades, and all they had sacrificed. He remembered what they had once believed, and all they had to forsake in order to break down those barriers which once stood so tall, to protect the world, at the cost of their home, their once sacred values, to be the heroes this boy wanted them to be. He was the enemy, and yet... Levi couldn't hate him, not entirely, not truly. 
Would Erwin hate him? Would Hange? Would any of those long dead faces he saw every time he closed his eyes?
He knelt before Eren then, and sighed, ordering him to lift his head. Eren obeyed, with no argument, just appearing as he was: a mentor to pupil, a commander to a soldier, a father to a son.
"You can't run away from this, y'know." Levi's voice was merely a whisper in the face of the carnage yet to come, for the blood which soaked their feet remained a omen of all Eren would accomplish for the sake of freedom - liberty he would never truly hold in his hands. 
Eren didn't say anything at first, and still found he could not look his elder counterpart in the eye. Guilt ate away at him, but he knew this was the only way. Still, it did not change one simple fact about him, the destroyer of this world: he did not want to die.
"If you're going to force our hand, if all of this will be worth it, you have to own your actions, Eren. Look at me."
When he finally did, Levi saw that Eren's eyes were full of tears. Another memory came back into his mind then, brought force by the sadness which resided in the young boy before him: his friends, his squad, crushed under foot, torn apart by another just like him, followed only by the sense of denial which had been held in the voice of Petra's father, who spoke and continued to speak, fearing that, if he stopped, it would make the reality of his daughter's death so much more real. 
Levi couldn't hold back when he struck the younger boy, full force against his cheek. Levi felt his eyes well with tears of his own, and the angry came rushing to the surface, for he could find no reason in the blood spilled - he hated this world, but he hated himself most of all. 
He wanted to yell and scream, but found himself unable to do much else except land a blow which brought the younger lower, further still, away from the light, forcing him to look upon himself with a face twisted, riddled with shame, unable to bear it, all of it, yet still marching forth, still on the path to death. 
But then, Levi held out his hand, to which Eren hesitated for a moment, before he accepted it. And then, for what was the first and only time in his life, with nothing left between leader and follower, corporal and cadet, Levi embraced him, strong and true, a hug to convey the understanding and empathy both wished they could obtain, yet knew it would forever be out of reach, outside those eternal paths - the connections formed over thousands of years, all to serve a singular purpose: to unite.
Eren felt a fresh wave of tears then, and allowed them to fall. "I wish you had known me better than the version of myself you saw these past few years, Captain."
Levi felt himself smile then, only for a moment, before it sunk deeper within himself, only to reveal itself again once he saw his friends again, when the fight was well and truly over. "Eren, I knew you well enough. A monster, no doubt, but I saw that in you from the start."
The scene faded away like a dream, but Levi found himself looking to the sky, with his hand, broken and fractured from the eternal struggle, as fresh tears appeared upon his own features, and spoke, so only the wind would be able to hear. "We're all monsters, this world makes us cruel."
It makes us cruel, and yet it also makes us kind. It makes it all worth it to finally see the sun once more.
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glassesntea · 4 months
Levi and female!reader developing a relationship (Canon Universe)
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Part 1/2
How your foolish idealism land you into the Survey Corp
You were born in a rich merchants family of Stohess. The only girl out of four children, with three protective older brothers and a younger one whom you adored. With all of your cousins being male too, you were spoiled rotten by both your parents and various uncles and aunts.
Your life was carefree, uneventful. You were well loved by your friends, you had various interests.
You loved parties, flirting and going out with boys. Your first boyfriend broke up with you when he started the cadet training, eventually becoming an assigned MP in Stohess. You both left in friendly terms and still meeting each other to chat.
Thanks to him you came to know all the events following the Trost battle. Your interest started to stir.
Then the Female Titan appeared in Stohess.
You lived in an area unffected by the distruction, but the idea of Titans so close to your loved ones disturbed you. And instigated your curiousity even more.
That tiny germ planted in your head by the tales of outsiders, people who can turn into Titans and secrets surrounding the Walls, blossomed after the retaking of Shiganshina and the truth of the world finally unveiled.
While you were reading the newspaper you felt a mixture of rage, exaltation, hope... your lifestyle, all of the sudden, appeared dull and meaningless. You wanted to see these things yourself, wanted to help and free Eldia from the hated Marley.
Whitout telling anyone you fleed one night to enroll in the Cadets Corp, whishing to join the Scouts.
After being shouted in the face by Shadis during the presentation of the recruits...
"Y/S, uh? If I had a penny for all the time I have heard idealistic bullshit like yours, I would be richer than your daddy. What fucking happened?? He didn't buy you the pony you wanted??"
You were summoned in his office the day after just to find Shadis together with your parents, your eldest brother and your former MP's boyfriend. Apparently he snitched on you.
Your parents and brother tried to reason with you, saying it was dangerous, that you were following a blind idealism without caring the consequences.
In the long run they were right on a lot of things. You'll end up thinking about their warnings and concernes often in the years following the Rumbling.
Your ex was equally adamant trying to get you kicked out of the corp.
He said he was worried for you and told Shadis that considering your upbringing you'll have problems recognizing authority and discipline.
You didn't miss the glare Shadis gave him: "I have teached you and countless cadets before you, kid. Are you implying that I can't do my job?"
Your ex boyfriend winced at Shadis threatening tone. In the end you were allowed to stay. They thought you wouldn't last long in this setting and you would come back home soon.
You swore to yourself not to give up.
Military life teached you a lot on discipline, surely it wasn't easy for you to get used to this kind of hardship but your strong will allowed you to graduate with good scores, despite not being in the top 10.
You stood at attention with your fellow recruits, listening to Commander Hanji speech and you were pleased to notice that the majority of your comrades decided to join the Survey Corps.
With other three friends from the cadet's years you were assigned to Varis and it wasn't rare that in some training sessions with the ODM gear Jean Kirschstein, one of the hero of Shiganshina, would tutor you to perfect the movements.
Despite being younger than you of two years you came to deeply respect Jean. Through him you created a friendly bonds with both Connie and Sasha.
Sasha trained you with the rifles and you share with her the things your parents sent you like you did with your bunkmates back in trainings: goods, soaps and other things. There were too much of these, anyways.
She invited you to spend the evenings in her's and Mikasa's room.
Mikasa wasn't as talkative, but she was polite with you and,slowly, she started to warm up to you.
In the mess hall it wasn't uncommon for you and your friends to sit at a table with Connie and laughing to tears over a bowl of soup at some of his stories: especially the ones that involved a livid Shadis punishing him and Sasha for some of their antics.
Floch Forster was another commanding officer you get along with, at least for a little while.
When you were assigned guarding the Marleyan's POW, watching them from your post, Floch passed by and you salute him.
"Everyting's in order?"
"Yes, sir" your eyes narrowed when a prisoner glared in your direction and Floch noticed.
"Don't bother, they are exactly where they deserved to be."
You straighted your shoulders "They'd better remember that, after what they put us through."
Floch nodded, regarding you with a renowed interest "Y/N, right? I'm glad that some people still have some common sense, you are absolutely correct."
It was too long that I had to divide this introduction part in two because I reached the world limit. Why can't I be more succint? T-T next part continue from where I stopped.
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lesinquietes · 11 months
Kinda salivating like a wild animal at the thought of Pirate!Levi, who keeps a tight ship and also has his eyes on your booty 😏
Tw; fluff, misogyny, smut
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Pirate!Levi has known you for a few years. He first took you in when his crew docked in a harbour town. Like various other residents, you resorted to crime for survival. You reminded him of a younger version of himself, before he found the sea. When you approach him and his crew and they’re about to depart, you implore him to take you along. He’s as shocked as his first mate when he doesn’t hesitate for a second.
“Welcome to the crew, then. Don’t cause any trouble and pull your fucking weight. If you fuck around, I’ll heave you off the ship myself.”
Pirate!Levi thinks it’s asinine how dedicated you are to each and every little detail. You’re clean. You’re proper. And you’re both of those things while simultaneously being a pirate, yourself. Everyone else smells and looks like shit. You care about your appearance. A few mock you for it. He respects your consistency.
Pirate!Levi doesn’t know how to talk to people he likes. He’s unintentionally abrasive. He can’t keep a conversation without long lapses of silence. You probably think he hates you. Unfortunately, he’s especially bad at confrontation. It turns out “what the hell are you so afraid of?” isn’t the correct way to reassure you. Thankfully, his first mate Petra is around to give him advice. You respond much better to, “you’re one of the best bodies I have on this ship.” And yeah, when he says that, maybe he’s talking about your physical figure, too.
Pirate!Levi fucking hates that some of his crew members don’t know how to keep their dicks in their pants. They see you or Petra or Mikasa or Sasha, and all they want to do is get their cock wet for an evening. They won’t appreciate you the way he would — the way he will.
Pirate!Levi beats the shit out of Eren Yeager after he sits next to you below deck and tries to get cozy. He doesn’t replicate the punishment for any of the other female crew members. From that point on, everyone is careful around you. Whisperings of “the captain’s girl” meet your ears and brings a flush of heat to your cheeks. Flustered, you elect to ignore them. A man as stoic as Captain Levi — dread pirate of Paradis Island — wouldn’t feel anything at all for the likes of you.
Pirate!Levi meets you on the deck one evening, after the others have gone to bed. It’s chilly. He gives you his large overcoat. Next comes an arm around your shoulder, reeling you in closer to him, as the two of you hang off the side of the ship. Your legs freeze mid-kick when he takes your chin in the careful grasp of his thumb and index finger. His lips hover above yours, and he wonders whether he should kiss you. He’s your captain. You might only consent to his advances because you think he’ll punish you otherwise. Of course, his belief changes when you close the gap between your mouths and seal the deal yourself.
“Shit… I’ve wanted this for months. Let me have you tonight.”
Pirate!Levi makes love to you. He’s not gentle with anything else in life except your body. He hopes you can feel the passion coursing through his palms as he covers every inch of you, exploring your skin. His fingers wisp across your nipples, hardening them into perky peaks for his hungry mouth. He doesn’t stop tending to them until you’re panting and mewling and dripping through your trousers. He wants you to make his pant leg wet by grinding on his thick thigh. He won’t let you up until you follow through. He needs to see how desperate you are for him.
Pirate!Levi watches your pussy engulf his cock as he bounces you on his lap. He murmurs something about how beautiful you are in the candlelight. You can’t reply. All that flies from your lips are moans and gasps. Praise fills your mind. You love this. You’ve wanted this, too. Your fingers stopped being enough weeks prior to this delicious fantasy that’s come to life.
Pirate!Levi decides you’re his when you rouse the next morning and give him more of his fix. He doesn’t make any announcements to the crew. They find out when he has you move into his chamber. Your role goes unspoken. If anyone gives you grief, it’s the plank.
Pirate!Levi isn’t in love with the concept of you want to participate in raids and battles. He understands that you’re also a pirate, and that plundering for riches is part of your duty, but he hates how dangerous it is. Sometimes, the rich that he targets fight back. Someone pulls a gun and it’s curtains; that’s precisely how Farlan and Isabel died. He’s very well aware that, albeit strong, he’s not a god. There will be times where I you’ll have to handle yourself. He just hates how difficult it is to trust that you’ll be fine.
“Listen. If you don’t come back from this raid, I’m going to gut everyone in this fucking town until I find the one who killed you. Don’t use this as an excuse to get careless. Got it?”
Pirate!Levi gives you more passionate hugs and kisses when you return to him. The sex is filled with desperation and fear, as though he’s funnelling all his anxieties into his motions, intent on dispelling them with his ferocity. Your legs are wobbling by the time he finishes with your poor, throbbing clit. The amount of love he pours into pleasing you is unparalleled; he didn’t know he could reach these heights of intimacy with anyone. He needs you forever. He won’t accept anyone else.
Pirate!Levi vows to dock his ship on land one day so he can start a family with you — if that’s what you want, of course. He thinks he’s up for anything with you by his side. He’s lost many things in his life. He thought the one thing he’d always have was the sea; he’s satisfied that you’ve become much larger than that in his heart.
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