#Lia Volkov
xoxoskai · 5 months
that no one really asked for, but everyone needs<3
Damien Orlov is Nikolai Sokolov's Godfather.
The one-slightly related to the mafia- kid that all the second-generation mafia kids are scared respect is Sebastian and Naomi's firstborn (I said what I said)
In the Morozov household, all arguments are solved through uno.
Ironically, the one with the best accuracy while firing a gun is the one with the least bloodlust in him, Gareth.
Annika is closest to Lidiya Morozova and the Orlov Princess.
Naomi and Sebastian are Gareth Carson's Godparents.
Adrian tries to homeschool his kids, but it backfires when neither of his kids let him work in peace as a sign of protest. He reluctantly lets them attend a private school with an army of bodyguards.
Kai Takeda becomes the next head of the Yakuza.
Vaughn is very good at playing video games to the point that he gets invited to play at events.
Maya and Gareth are the best at cheating while playing any kinds of board games and often defeat the rest (Killian loses because he's in a team with Nikolai who gets bored midway and tries to sabotage the game instead).
Damien is good at cooking while Kirill has a hidden talent for baking. Adrian finds the prospect of both of them wearing aprons funny until he is put on duty for washing the dishes. Wearing his daughter's purple, floral apron.
Jeremy becomes really good at lip-reading while he's trying to figure out what his parents are talking about over his head and as an adult, he's desperately trying to lose the habit around them.
The one who taught all the boys to drive a bike is Mio Orlov.
She also taught Sasha who nearly gives the Pakhan of the Bratva a heart attack when she figures out how to do wheelies with Rai cheering her on.
Kyle Hunter is exceptionally good at hide and seek and the kids could never find him whenever the Sokolovs were hosting sleepovers.
Annika has knocked endlessly and tirelessly on Adrian's office door till he let her in so she could demonstrate her pirouette the first time she had perfectly done it (Adrian had made Yan, Kolya and Boris give her a standing ovation).
Rai Sokolov is everyone's go-to Aunt for anything their own parents aren't letting them do. Asher and Reina won't send their sons to another continent for college? Enrolls her own son to go with them. The girls want to go to a concert? Sends an army of disguised bodyguards with them. One of the kids is drunk and needs to be picked up? She's already buckling into her car.
Adrian and Lia are Vaughn's Godparents.
Mia Sokolov starts giving plants as birthday presents and nearly makes Kirill and Damien bust a lung from laughter when she gives Adrian a cactus.
Karina Morozova has the reputation for giving the most bizarre gifts that the kids end up loving. Rents out an entire theater for Annika's birthday party. Buys all the game-machines in an arcade for Vaughn. Tells Maya they are going shopping for her birthday and flies her to Paris for it. Sees Jeremy reading bl when he's home from college one time and buys him an entire boxful of yaoi comics with a "I dog earmarked some of my favorites" note. She's extra that way and they all love it.
Damien, Adrian, Kyle and Kirill also have a group chat that Adrian has tried leaving multiple times. When Annika and Mia get boyfriends, Damien is laughing so hard at their predicament that Adrian reveals his daughter's secret relationship with the Pakhan's eldest son and then leaves the group. Again.
Lidiya Morozova becomes the first woman Pakhan after her uncle dares anyone to oppose her crowning with her getting backed up by four of the strongest Bratva families.
Vaughn and Kirill bond over making castles out of playing cards. They've spent lots of days, sitting cross-legged on the floor and stacking one card after another, using multiple decks. It's how he discovers his love for architecture.
Maya Sokolov is a natural at coding and hacking, but she finds it boring and even refuses Adrian's attempt to teach her to hone her skills.
Kyle is really good at magic tricks. Almost all the kids (minus natural cheaters, Maya and Gareth) fall for it even though some of them don't want to (Jeremy and Killian, they know it's a trick, but they can't prove it).
Naomi is not approving of Damien until she actually talks to him and realizes he's just a bakayaro.
Mia Sokolov is really good at escape rooms while Nikolai spends half the time going "That was a clue?"
Ilya Levitsky is only accepted into the family after he goes through extensive torture and lives on to say, "You can't keep me from her". He wins Kyle's respect with that.
Lia discovers that she's really good at drinking games when she's having a girl's night out with Sasha, Mio and Rai. She can throw darts with her eyes blindfolded.
The Volkovs have movie nights on Thursdays where the movies are decided based on a game of jenga. Annika swears she's not shaking the table (she is).
The Morozovs host the best sleepovers. We're talking Princess Diaries level of sleepovers with mattress surfing, vending and claw machines in the house and treasure hunts across the entire property.
The Orlovs are the best at throwing parties and love any occasion to do so. Cherry blossoms are blooming? Throw a party. His daughter got an A on her dictation? Throw a party. Someone bumped into Damien and he didn't kill them? Throw. A. Party.
The Carsons are the best at pretending they have no ties to the Bratva. You saw an army of bodyguards leaving their house? Must be the new interns Asher is hiring. Their oldest nephew has tattoos at the age of 11? But he loves drawings. Reina's twin is AWOL the whole time? She's just shy.
The Weavers are horrible at pretending they aren't related into some shady business.
The Sokolovs' house is synonymous with a common playground. Especially after Mia's kidnapping. If she's scared to go out and meet anyone else, ofcourse the rest of them are gonna come over at all times and spend time with her, it's only natural.
Don't even wanna promise a part two when I know I never commit but here's to hoping?
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lighthousepigeons · 1 month
[Adrian giving young Jeremy Advice]
Adrian: If you love someone, you have to let them go.
Adrian: If they come back, they're yours.
Jeremy: *Nodding*
Adrian: If they don't, then you stalk them.
Jeremy: *Taking notes*
Lia, spraying Adrian with a water bottle: BAD!
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bookishpedia · 1 year
Cecily: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Jeremy: Aren't you forgetting something?
Cecily: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Jeremy's cheek before running out.*
Jeremy: (blushing) I meant the bill, but yeah, this works too.
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aidenkings · 9 months
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LIA VOLKOV — deception trilogy
she’s me and i’m her period.
rk is famous for her strong fmcs and for me, lia is the strongest. i love the “obsessed artist” trope and how they show how much they’re suffering through their art, and lia suffered A LOT.
while reading, i couldn’t put the book down bc i was so obsessed with her and being in her mind was such a experience fr she’s definitely my favorite character in rina’s universe!
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adrianvokov · 11 months
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headers adrianlia like
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 5 months
Cheater!Ghost x Reader Angst fic anyone?
(The other man will be the reader's love interest)
If y'all have any other ideas, leave them in the replies. However there are certain characters that I cannot get the characterization quite right.
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bluetalenerd · 2 months
Adrian : So, is it okay to betray my son and take lessons behind his back?
Ariella : I heard you are the best, but if that isn't true, I'll go back to Jeremy-
Adrian : I see you are smart
Adrian : Tell me about your lessons so far
Ariella : Oh, it was so far stalking and eliminating competition
Adrian : Eliminating? hmm, interesting. What did my son teach in Eliminating?
Ariella : He said to observe the opponent and notice the weaknesses
Adrian : What rubbish i will shoot the motherfucker who tries to get closer to Lia
Ariella : I know, right? i knocked the woman out
Adrian *quite impressed* : Should i teach you to shoot?
Ariella : Some mafia force finally. Yes!!!
Ariella : And also how to hide a body
Adrian *raising eyebrow* : Which is for?
Ariella : Semantics, Mr. Volkov
Adrian : I think i like you
Ariella *thinking* : If the russian mafia don can like me, Remi will eventually like me too. No, he will love me *heart eyes*
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indianariesolive · 4 months
My Unpopular(ish) opinions/takes on Legacy of the Gods series by Rina Kent
Contains spoilers ⚠️
Starting off strong, let me just get this off my chest, I really dislike God of Malice. This is mainly due to the insufferable MCs; Killian & Glyndon.
First of all, I found Killian really difficult to empathize with. Sure, what his dad said about regretting having him sucks but that's no excuse to be an a$$hole. I'm sure that if a mid/ugly guy with no money & prestige did the same things he'd done when first meeting Glyndon (iykyk) they'd be mercilessly ripped apart by the fandom. Also that one line in his POV when he said that the main reason why he chose to be a med student was because that gave him a free pass to poke & prod into people's innards & watch them squirm in agony 🤢
Coming to the 2nd part, Glyndon. As a protagonist she was such a blank slate. Killian at least had personality! (A bad one but he had one nonetheless). Same can't be said about Glyndon with her wimpiness coupled with an absurd inferiority complex (despite being talented & surrounded by a powerful & loving family & friends) as well as her lack of a deep connection with her friend group. On a more serious note, I despise the absolute double standards with which she views Killian & her brother Landon. Both are clinically diagnosed psychopaths but she has none of the grace & understanding for her own brother but readily excuses her boyfriend's behavior even though both of them are the same person, different font. 🙄
Moving on to the 2nd book, God of Pain is one of my favorites in the series but not without its fair share of drawbacks. Even though Annika appeared to be a manic pixie dream girl at the beginning she grew on me as chapter by chapter, her POVs revealed her to be more complex & headstrong, contrasting the whimsical image she's perceived as (both by her love interest, the MMC Creighton as well as the other characters like her friends & family). She's a sweet, soft girl with a dormant badass side that can get dangerous when provoked & that's precisely what Creighton had to learn through the hard way.
Getting to the gist of my main problem, I really hated the way everyone treated Annika after the you-know-what. I mean, what else was she supposed to do, watch her beloved brother get murdered by the love of her life? Everyone cut her off 'cause 'she hurt Cray-Cray who's like our brother'. Well, SHE HAD TO DO THAT TO SAVE HER OWN BROTHER, YOU ABSOLUTE DUMBASSES!!!! Y'all brains weren't braining here. Also, that scene near the end where there's this huge confrontation Creighton has with Adrian Volkov & Annika with her quick thinking just snatches a guard's gun, negotiates & diffuses the situation without bloodshed was just chef's kiss. 😌
Also, everyone gushes over Lia & Yan's friendship but Yan's bond with Annika, how he plays the role of the fun uncle while Adrian glares & has to rein them in as the level-headed dad. 🥺
That brings me to this sidenote: Glyndon could take a page out of Annika's book & learn a lesson: How to Love Your Brother & Stand Up for Yourself.
Regarding Jeremy & Cecily, I don't have any major complaints. I like how Cecily put Jeremy in his place & made him grovel for disrespecting her with his trust issues. Putting his mommy issues aside, Jeremy was overall a good character for a dark romance. He's got the hot biker thing going.
Moving on to Landon & Mia. I have nothing against Mia per se. She's pretty cool. I only hated how the author ruined her bond with her twin Maya. Also, I'm kind of ashamed to say that I wasn't the biggest fan of Landon at first but then going through his POVs made me realize that I'd been bought into the anti-Lan propaganda by Glyndon. He actually cares for his siblings, unlike Killian. He just has an unconventional way of showing it. Plus there wasn't a huge power-gap/imbalance between him & Mia so that's another point in his favour.
Last but not the least, God of Fury featuring Nikolai & Brandon has got to be among my top favorites. I only dislike the unnecessary mud-slinging with the irrelevant ex Clara. Everything else was perfection. I never expected Nikolai to be such an adorable & funny character. Also something I find really funny was that both in this book as well as in her POV, Glyndon claimed to be the one closest to Brandon. The way she described her dynamic with her brothers was, "Bran & I are a team against Lan." And not only did Brandon shut her down in a gentle yet firm tone, also her dense arse never noticed anything wrong with Brandon like!?!?! Landon was the one who'd picked on Brandon's tendency to hide & repress his emotions & stuff, and he was the one who'd tried to help Brandon open up, even if his attempt was unsuccessful. So much for her being the one on the same team lol.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 5
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Aanya Volkov
On reaching home from the airport I'm met with utter chaos that has erupted at my house, the Volkov Mansion. My grandparents are here too, I saw my Grandpa's guard Yan around. As soon as my Grandma, Lia sees me she rushes to my side and hugs me tightly,
"Oh my beautiful angel, I'm glad that you guys reached here safely, it's utterly important that our family stays together given the current circumstances"
"Where's Grandpa,Aaron,and Dad Nonna?"
"They're in the office discussing the next course of action sweetie, your brothers been acting like a mad bear, all the while threatening the guards and helpers.Now that the damage's done, your Grandpa's discussing what needs to be done next along with your Dad, god forbid if someone from the Bratva catches air of this...it'll be very difficult for us to save our family" Nonna says in a trembling voice, her face depicting her dread.
Not on my watch, I'd burn Theo King before he lays a hand on my family, I'll personally drag him through hell if I have to.
I can hear Aaron's voice angry and loud from the end of the staircase. Once I enter the room all the eyes are on me, my dad covers the distance between us and takes me in his warm embrace,
"Angel, How have you been?"
"I'm good Dad, but I'm really scared, isn't there anything that can be done, maybe we can talk to Uncle Vaughn, he's been friends with you since your college days, you already have Uncle Niko's support and I'm sure the rest will follow"
"I wish it was all this easy, babochka, even if our friends would want to support us they can't, the existence of the Black Book goes against Bratva's principles, it remained in our possession for our selfish needs" My Grandpa adds in his warm yet authorative tone, and for the first time in my life, I hear worry in his voice.
"Trust me Dad, let's do it my way, it'll be easier, we just need names and I'm done sitting around like a lost buffoon, I need something, anything to get started"
Hearing Aaron reminds me of the message from earlier, even though I know the one behind this mess, I cannot give his name to my brother before exhausting my other options, not when Aunt Annika is still related to the Kings, this will definitely put a strain on our already taut relations with the Kings.
Why didn't that idiot think about this, how can he treat everything like a bloody game without caring about the effect his actions can have on the people around us.
"We cannot go around torturing our guards on mear suspicions, Aaron. These are men who've been serving us since ages, doubting their loyalty to us would be equivalent to killing them in their eyes" Dad replies.
"Then Pray tell me Dad, How do we find the bastard, and that too before he decides to leak the information and screw us all"
"For now Aaron, I'd like you to calm down, your hotheadedness would cloud your judgement and thinking process, I know that you've always prioritized our family ,it's wellbeing and security over everything else and this in no way depicts weakness, it's just a lapse in our judgement, a wrong choice which anyone could have made, no one's blaming or judging you, Take a break and breathe, Son. We'll get through this like we always do" Dad offers my brother a small smile
"Your Dad's right, Son. For now let's keep together, and prioritize our safety, I have my men in place and have increased the security around our house, I've put some men on alert around Annika's house in UK as well, just in case."
That's when I realise that I need to go back to the UK to meet the vermin and try to bring him back to his senses so that he stops whatever madness this is.
I'll get back at you, Theo King, one way or the other.
"Dad, I need to get back to the UK, for my practicals and exams which are due next week"
"Absolutely Not, you know how dangerous the situation right now is, Angel. I promise you I'll make the arrangements so that you do not loose your marks"
"But you know that I hate to be treated as a privileged kid Dad"
"Dad's right angel, we cannot afford to focus on our emotions, rather think through this practically" Aaron Adds.
I look at Caleb for help, putting up my best puppy eyes on display.
"I think we should let Aanya attend her classes, we need to act normal and not out of character. If someone suspects somethings different or a change in our behavior, they'll surely report it back to the Pakhan, for now let's stick to our roles" Caleb says
"Yes, let's not give the Pakhan reasons to plant spys in our network" Grandpa says supporting Caleb.
Thank goodness.
Dad thinks for a while, before saying "OK, but Ilya and his men will come with you, and you'll stay with Caleb till this mess is sorted"
"But Dad.."
"No Buts Aanya, If you want to go back, it'll be at my conditions or you don't go back at all" My Dad says sternly.
As soon as I leave the room, I'm greeted by my Mom's serene and beautiful face. My Dad and brothers might call me 'Angel' ,but Mom's been the literal personification of the word for me. She's the reason that me and my siblings grew up with a sense of humbleness, gratitude and kindness, even though we're surrounded by people who wouldn't think twice before eliminating someone who they deem as threat. My mother balances out my father's ruthlessness and they are the perfect couple. I dream of a marriage like theirs.
"My Baby is back, Oh how I missed you" Mom says hugging me.
"I'm good Mom, I missed you so much, I wish we could go back together to the UK, Aunt Anni, Aunt Ava and Aunt Mia miss you too, Aunt Ava says that you've become like the blue moon and if they're lucky they'll get to see you once in a while"
"I miss them too, it feels so long since the last time I met them, even though me and Ava talk on phone everyday for hours"
"Hey Mom" Caleb greets my Mom, hugging her sideways.
"Hey chipmunk" Mom says ruffling his hair.
"Stop calling me that Mom, I'm not a kid anymore" Caleb says fixing his hair.
"You all will always remain kids for me"
After a stretched silence she adds "Caleb, I'd really appreciate it if you keep an eye on your brother, he's deeply affected by all that's going on, things had already been...tough for him, I don't want him to do anything rash, even though your father already has guards following him but it's only so much they can do without fearing his wrath"
"Sure thing Mom, don't you worry, I'll be back as soon as Aanya's exams are done next week"
I'm about to reply them when my phone rings "Excuse me" I ask my Mom's permission and head to my room
As soon as I enter the room, the voice on the other end is enough to test the patience on my last nerves
"Hello little bird, miss me?"
"Theo, you...you vermin"
"Vermin? Seriously? All those colorful words and you chose to call me that, what are you, a Grandma from the 80s?"
"Well unlike you some people have decency and dignity"
There's a silence on the other end before he adds "Judging by the way you'd reacted to the loss of the pendrive, I'd expected you to come running to me once you learned about the black book which is capable of doing 10 times more damage than the pendrive, but guess I was wrong, should I go ahead and release the information in the media, do some good for the society while I'm at it?"
Chills run down my spine "What do you want Theo, why start this madness, why mess with my family, just why? Don't you know that your Aunt Annika is a Volkov and the strain it could put on our relations?"
"I don't do emotions, sweetheart, what I do know and expertise is in bringing people to their knees, and luckily for me your family's found yourself on my radar, I like this feeling of having the Mighty Volkovs at my mercy, feels euphoric"
"You're a monster"
"Tell me something I don't know"
"Cut thr crap and get to the point, why do you want to meet me, do you even plan to give back the Black Book, or is this another game of yours, whatever it is, know one thing King, I'm a Volkov I would die before I become another source of entertainment for you"
"Never say never, baby"
God give me patience or I'll catch the first flight to UK and kill this man.
"Please, please stop this madness Theo" I add hopelessly.
"Come back and meet me at Flamington cafe and we'll talk about it. I'll sent my driver to your college around 1 pm to pick you up, you have your lunch break during that time right?"
"Wait, how do you know my schedule?"
"I have my ways, let's dicuss this tomorrow, it's been a pleasure talking to you, Ms. Volkov"
I throw my phone on the table and lie down on my bed and stare at my ceiling.
What have I gotten myself into.
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lexirosialt · 7 months
Lia Volkov pack
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urfavlali748 · 1 year
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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm urfavlali748 https://www.wattpad.com/urfavlali748?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile Hey guys! I want to thank you guys for reading and supporting my book! ❤️
I released a new book “Without You” this book mainly focuses on two past lovers reuniting again after three years. Lia Archer and Ace Volkov have broken up for something Ace ‘did’ Will Lia ever forgive Ace for what he has ‘done’ or will she hold a grudge on him forever? Read more to find out! I thank you guys all for the support, Love you guys ❤️❤️
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lighthousepigeons · 1 year
Annika: I figured out why you're so grumpy dad, you have updog!
Adrian: What's updog?
Annika, yelling: Jeremy get in here. I told you I could do it.
Yan, coming out of his hiding place: And I got it on camera too.
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bookishpedia · 1 year
Creighton: *handing Annika a gun* Take this.
Annika: *with widened eyes* What am I supposed to do with this??
Creighton: *scoffs* Cover me, obviously.
Annika: *shoots Creighton*
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rothjasmine · 3 years
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— deception trilogy headers
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adrianvokov · 2 years
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headers adrianlia, deception trilogy by rina kent.
like or rt if you take it and like one.
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maddiesflame · 3 years
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