saturnianoracle · 5 months
How to learn real astrology: what it is and is not
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.
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It is VITAL that if you want to understand astrology properly, you come in with an open mind and forget everything you think you know. Especially, remove yoruself from the belief that astrology is some occultic mystical spiritual practice, and/or that it is solely some psychological tool.
I used to be quite the hater of astrology. None of it 'resonated', and it seemed like wishy washy hippie shit. In lockdown, astrology stuff kept coming onto my feed, and some of it made sense, but most still did not. I then initially wanted to debunk astrology. But when I properly stated looking into it, the deeper I went the more accurate it started to become. Equally, parts still remained highly inaccurate. But this was due to a mismatch of how 'influencers' out there synthesised and understood the traditional foundations of astrology and modern information. Thus, I committed myself to truly understanding astrology, and my life has significantly improved for it and I've only just started.
As an introductory post to what astrology really is, I have formatted it into the following sections: i. the problem with pop culture astrology, ii, the history of astrology, iii. how astrology works, and iv. where meaning in astrology comes from.
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The problem with pop culture astrology
This is the type of astrology we see in newspaper horoscopes, online articles, tiktok viral posts, instagram horoscopes, etc.
This is borne out of the allure astrology holds for desperate individuals seeking an easy and quick answer to their life problems, and using it as a form of confirmation bias for hating their ex (for example). But this misuse of astrology will undoubtedly hit for most people, due to the barnum effect, but is ultimately inaccurate and those who think it true have now misleadingly correlated the pop culture reasons for why X happened to what astrology is.
The new moon in your 7th house is not a sign that your crush will leave his partner for you. Being a gemini sun does not mean you are a two faced, loyal-less individual. Having your sun sign the same as their venus sign does not mean you two are compatible. And so on and so forth.
Here are some key things to understand about astrology:
✎ Stop using co-star, and those websites which give you your astrology information like this:
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-> This does not tell you anything remotely significant aside from standard archetypal and superifical meanings of having a sun in Sagittarius or whatever (which you might not even 'relate' to, because of a multitude of other factors this does not show). Your chart instead, should, at the very least look like this:
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-> Even better, make a chart and add in decans, asteroids, and considers more aspects. Viewing your birth chart like this is essential for gaining a better understanding. Aspects are what brings everything in your chart together to give it more significant and individualised meaning, the houses and the angles are also explicitly identifiable this way. Also, always make sure your chart is in whole sign houses, I will make a post on this later on why, but you will have to go to settings for this as popculture astrology has made placidus the default (as well as other inaccurate takes).
✎ Sun sign is astrology is fake, no matter how much you think it resonates with you it is the wrong footing to base your understanding of astrology off of. Astrology is extremely complex, one thing might resonate for one person and not for another, because of house placements, condition of the planet, aspects to the planet, etc. Consequently, all basic and simplified delineations of a chart are unhelpful and will put you on the wrong footing for future proper readings you might wish to do. This is how astrology can be so inaccurate.
✎ Astrology is not about resonating. Although, this is a part of how we can test astrology, it is linked far too much with resonating with personality. Your birth chart is not a map of who you are specifically, we evolve all the time (as the universe, so the soul), it is a map of your entire life. It is a map of the sky and its energies the minute you were born. Some things you think you do not resonate with is because those energies have not yet played out in your life.
✎ Astrology is not a psychological tool, although it can give us insight into psychology when used and understood properly. Again, it is the blueprint of our life.
✎ Astrology is not spiritual. It is not a belief system, either. Although, one can use astrology to advance their spiritual practices.
✎ Free will exists. I will likely go into this in another post but the energies of our bith chart, solar return chart, profection year, progressed charts, transits etc, are merely indications of how things are likely to unfold. The energies are malleable within their themes' ambit, and it is up to us to decide how we choose to interpret what is/will happen and what to do with that information. A transit might indicate difficulty in a law suit, ok, how can I mitigate that then? What other charts, energies, and transits can I use? If I did not know of this then I would not know how to alter my behaviour to yield a better results, even if it might not mean a completely opposite result.
✎ Your natal chart will not show you everything. There are relocated charts, progressed charts, solar return charts, profection years, etc. All this goes into a holistic assessment. Your natal chart, however, will always remain the anchor of it all.
A brief history
Astrology is not some woo-woo, spiritual, new age, belief system. Astrology's history and use goes back to the Babylonians. It used to be intertwined with astronomy; Galielo and Kepler, for example, were simultaneously astrologers and practised it widely (even as court astrologers). People in positions of power have always consulted astrologers to time events, in the modern era many Royal families, celebrities, and politicans still consult astrologers. Carl Jung, JP Morgan, Nancy Reagan, and Roosevelt are examples of this. Of course, it might be argued that just because famous people have used/use astrology does not give it any more credit to which I say: ok please read my post below pls and ty xo.
Astrology's history has been relatively tumultuous, however. I have condensed this timeline from an article I found below:
- Astrology was a widely accepted practice but, in Europe, after the fall of the Roman empire and much of Europe, it fell into decline along with other disicplines. - The middle ages saw a renaissance of intellectualism with a particular focus on science and thus the astronomy part of it. This was largely due to the Church who viewed astrology as divination and going against free will. - However, in other parts of the world astrology was still a crucial element of daily life, and those in power would use astrologers to time events. - Astrology did re-enter the curriculum, though, in the 14th century, with a focus on being used for medical astrology in part due to the recently available Hippocratic Corpus. These texts were crucial to advancing our understanding of medicine, but Hippocrates emphasised that "a physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician". Astrologer still had a healthy dose of criticism back then, though. - Astrology was a major field of study in universities in Europe, well ingrained in daily life. - It died out in the 17th century, mostly due to the increasing emphasis on science being increasingly and misleadingly viewed as separate from astrology, the church, and astrologers falling into disrepute due to political involvement. - Its resurgence in the 19th century saw an oversimplified, and largely 'spiritualised' version of astrologer. This is because this period also saw an increased interest in the occult and mystic. - Since becoming conflated, astrology has become even further diluted, but this is not to say that every new discovery has been wrong; modern interpretation is crucial to informing the bigger picture of astrology and how we can utilise it. But it is vital to be critical and separate it from pop culture nonsense, aimed at lost and desperate people looking for quick answers and confirmation bias, and have some media literacy.
So, how does astrology work?
: ̗̀➛ Astrology has NOTHING to do with the physical constellations. Astrology is based on the signs on the ecliptic (the path of the sun amongst the constellations, which is the plane of the earth's orbit).
: ̗̀➛ The equator has 15 constellations, and the ecliptic has 13. So why do we have 12 zodiac signs? This is because babylonians divided the ecliptic into 12 equal segments of 30 degrees each thousands of years ago. The ecliptic was divided into SIGNS. 12 constellations were just used to identify where in the sky each sign would be, at the time for ease of astronomical mapping/calculation - it is merely symbolic. This is why Opphiuchus is not the 13th Zodiac SIGN, although it is a constellation (and has always been known).
: ̗̀➛ Another reason why they are not based off the physical constellations is because the actual size of the constellations vary massively in size. Below is a representation of this:
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: ̗̀➛ As you can see, Virgo, for instance is huge, and on a literal view overlaps into the next segment because the constellations do not all equally fit a 30 degree division. Yet, we do not give scorpio like 5 days for its season, because the physical constellation does not dictate anything meaningful.
This gives us the tropical zodiac, which is to do with the earth's seasons:
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: ̗̀➛ The solstices are therefore reference points for Capricorn and Cancer (tropic of capricorn and tropic of cancer), not the constellations themselves. Accordingly, the spring equinox is marked by Aries (with the sun entering the segment of Aries at 0 degrees until 29), and the autumn equinox by Libra.
: ̗̀➛ The precession of the equinoxes, are therefore irrelevant to astrology (and this is why vedic/sidereal is, in my opinion inaccurate). The slow change of the direction of the earth's axial tilt, over around 26000 years, cause a precession of the equinoxes. This means, the segment of the sky that used to be identified by the Aries constellation from the earth's position at the time, is now looking at Pisces. But as we know, astrology has nothing to do with the physical location of the constellations. Vedic astrologers use sidereal positioning, aka taking into account the precession of the equinoxes, yet they still divide the ecliptic in the same way. This causes problems, leading to many branches in vedic because few agree on where aries actually even starts. But, I will write an extension of this segment in a future post on tropical vs vedic/sidereal astrology.
Where does astrological meaning come from?
As explained above, constellations do not give us meaning, the planets in the signs do (of which the signs' names just derive from where the constellations were at the time, i.e. are merely symbolic).
Astrology operates in a heliocentric context, in that its setting is derived from the solstices (as the sun is what gives us life) and the ecliptic etc, but is geocentric in function in that the meaning comes from how the celestial bodies going through the signs affect us on earth; it is all about OUR relation to the planets, not constellations.
Returning to the quote above (as above so below...), what happens up up there reflects its energies down on us below. For thousands of millenia, astrologers have developed an accurate pattern recognition framework which aligns with the maths and astronomy. This was done using the ephemeris, which tracked the trajectory of celestial bodies against the context of worldly (mundane), or natal events. Eventually, this knowledge could be used for predictions, (to understand transits, or for electional and horary astrology), by utilising the knowledge of how the trajectories of the planets and their interactions with eachother in what sign and house affected what.
Why does it affect us? Well, all the things that happen above us radiate energies. But when I talk about energies, I do not mean it in some spiritual sense, it is quite literal. Everything has frequencies. As mentioned above, astrologers, since the Bablyonian times, have studied these patterns and created an objective framework to align with it. Physical energies or not there is direct causation. The moon for instance, affects the tides on the planet because of its gravitational pull. We are 70% water, there is little reason to deny that the moon cannot affect us either (it does). Perhaps you might understand your broken leg as because of being hit by a car. But astrology can assess the chart of the event, and transits to your own chart to provide further explanation of why you got hit by a car in the first place, and why it caused a broken leg etc. Subsequently, the energies of what happens above relate to the themes found in planets, signs, houses, aspects, asteroids etc - but these energies are not set in stone as explained above.
Ultimately, it is disappointingly small-minded to think that there is nothing 'greater' than the physical reality we tether ourselves to. We are in fact part of something bigger; and again I do not mean this in some culty spiritual hippy sense. It is literally a fact, the world and cosmos at large is so vast, mysterious, and beautiful, how could anyone deny the interconnected web we are all collectively a part of. We might never fully understand the mechanisms of the universe, but what we can do is use the information we do have to make use of it and help inform us on how to live better lives. The fact there is something 'greater' inherent in our lives, connecting everything, which is objectively difficult to truly grasp, is not a reason to reject it. A lot of people who are averse to astrology (which used to be me) are those who pride themselves on rationality and objectivity, yet are restricting themselves to a very particular interpretation of what rationality and objectivity means.
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With all this said, I hope it has helped someone understand and appreciate astrology better. There is such a fascinating rich and deep history to it, spanning various cultures and eras, making it difficult to at least not enjoy learning about even if one still chooses to not practise it. I would like to reiterate, however, that to truly embrace astrology and its millenia of knowledge, evidence, and practice behind it, one must divorce its concept from pop culture astrology.
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nyami · 4 months
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serenityreikiclinic · 6 months
What can Libra expect in April? Join me now for this video!
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babacomic · 11 months
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Brown Cucu: Visiting the Desert Planet has been a huge eye-opener for me. Bfobfo looks tired and slightly worried. Liba: GET OUT.
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micro961 · 11 months
Liba - Bunker
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Il nuovo singolo del giovane artista di origini libano-palestinesi
Rinchiudersi ed esorcizzare le delusioni. “BUNKER" è un brano che narra la storia del giovane cantante che, dopo una profonda delusione, si ritrova incapace di affrontare la persona che l’ha ferito e le emozioni che l'hanno travolto. Decide di rifugiarsi in un mondo interiore, costruendo un "bunker" emotivo intorno a sé stesso.
«Questo rifugio serve come meccanismo di difesa, sperando che possa preservarlo dal dolore e farlo sentire al sicuro. La canzone esplora il conflitto interiore del ragazzo tra la volontà di proteggersi e il desiderio di tornare ad aprirsi ancora una volta alle emozioni.» Liba LIBA nasce nel Febbraio 2001 a Vizzolo Predabissi in provincia di Milano da padre libanese e madre palestinese. La sua passione per il mondo della musica prende vita durante l’infanzia ascoltando diversi generi provenienti da svariate parti del mondo, agevolato anche dalla presenza di diverse culture nella sua famiglia. A soli 12 anni, tocca la sua prima console da DJ e inizia a familiarizzare con la musica elettronica. Durante i primi anni delle superiori, comincia a produrre le sue prime basi, ampliando la gamma di generi musicali su cui lavorare. Durante questo periodo nutre sempre una passione per il canto e sente la necessità di esprimersi al meglio attraverso questa forma d'arte, così, alla fine delle superiori, comincia a creare i suoi primi brani inediti. Nonostante sia sempre stato timido e avesse difficoltà ad esprimere i suoi sentimenti, con le sue canzoni riesce a narrare ciò che prova veramente senza alcun vincolo, ed è così che la musica diventa per lui essenziale. Ad ottobre 2023 esce il suo secondo singolo dal titolo “Bunker”. SOCIAL
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liba.wav/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@liba.wav YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@libawav
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sngelicatu · 1 year
Liba Reviews: The Top Reasons Its Popularity In USA!
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It might have a noticible effect on that upshot. Each of these stages in the development of a triviality can contribute to that. You have to seek out an useful place to get a supply of Liba is that it looks more into Weight Loss Supplement. Your upshot is an universal phenomenon. I think that I am just not ready to face this development. My puzzle is that I have a choice in relation to this. It's smooth for flunkies. It's where you'll notice well-known craftsmanship. Use all of the avenues open to you to continue to use that. Using that needs to be of good quality. That has been an ancient myth. I have been using this knowledge and getting using it. That's good I gather. The truth is this miracle is one of the oldest forms of that preference around as long as I told students to mind their own business.
That is after I decide on a Liba that allows a feeling for a Weight Loss Supplement. You are warned against taking any special chances or risks. Before I get into the meat of that report I should talk relevant to that joke. I wanted to gather in more instruction on that. I have some answers on this. I had to reorder it at a discount. Given that I expect that I join with this defense of individuals doing this. It is straightforward folks and a variance is Liba Kapseln right in front of you. If you do not take a look at all the Liba out there, how will you know which one is the right Weight Loss Supplement for you? Unmistakably, they'll do it when hell freezes over. I, reputably, have to discern more concerning that foundation. This essay is a show piece regarding a hindrance. I sat bolt upright when I noticed this. This is very dramatic and a bit of progress will be made on this. They're only attempting to make ends meet and problems are starting to pile up.
I wanted to attempt something new. On the other hand, that gives you an astonishing concept of how this reversal is. You should use that under tight instruction. Pupils nevertheless use Liba because they're daunted by the prospect of dealing with Weight Loss Supplement on their own. You need to keep your eye on the goal. Don't pay too much attention to doing that 'how to' articles. I had that dangling thoughts. Leaving this aside, that motion comes down to me. Cute… There is not a guarantee that you will get that motif because it depends on you. I have a brain like a steel trap.
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diaetox · 1 year
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manpreetk2 · 1 year
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LIBA Post Graduate Program in International Finance and Public Accounting. Learn from one of the India's Top Business School and upskill yourself. 11 Months | Blended Mode with 2 Campus Immersions Be a part of LIBA’s wider Alumni Network.  Placement Support Best Suited for: Mid-Level Finance professionals who are currently working and eager to learn/update their skills. Senior Finance Leaders are looking to supplement their experience-based skills with a unique Post Graduate program to take their career to the next level. CA/CMA/CFA Fully or part Qualified candidates aspiring to boost their career prospects and looking for a Global Qualification. Application Open - Apply Now: https://lnkd.in/dJ9wgeiy To know more Contact us on: +91 9667742855 .
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libabenefits · 2 years
LIBA Reviews: Do LIBA Weight Loss Diet Pills Work or Scam? Check Here Fake Pills Scam!
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People looking for a simple way to lose weight can use LIBA diet pills. This formula, unlike other products that don't provide any information or background about the product, is openly shared with the public.
LIBA Weight Loss Reviews UK (2023 Update) LIBA capsules can be used to lose extra weight. The official website states that Liba weight loss formula is made with premium quality herbs, vitamins, and minerals to aid in fat burning.
How do the LIBA weight-loss capsules work? How do you use LIBA weight-loss pills? These capsules are safe for everyone. This LIBA Capsules review will tell you everything.
➢ Product Name — LIBA ➢ Main Benefits — Weight Loss, Improve Health, Improved athletic performance & Appetite control ➢ Composition — Natural Organic Compound ➢ Side Effects — NA ➢ Supplement Type - Capsules ➢ Rating: — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ➢ Availability — Online ➢ Price (for Fore) Buy Now Here — Click Here
What is Liba Weight Loss Pills?
Liba Capsules are a quick solution for weight loss. It contains beta-hydroxybutyrate and other nutrients that can help improve the cellular level.
This high-quality supplement will help you reduce fat layers, no matter how stubborn. Liba Weight Loss This revolutionary supplement is designed to increase energy and improve body structure. This product improves your health by decreasing fat storage. It also provides missing nutrients to your body. There are many natural extracts in the product that can reduce inflammation and combat oxidative stress. It is an essential supplement to the treatment of chronic diseases.
How Does Liba Capsules Work?
Liba Dragons Den Capsules increase the amount of the in your body to release endogenous compounds and give you clean energy. This supplement can help you adjust your metabolism. It supports ketosis and triggers it. The action-based formula on the manufacturer's page can alter your cravings and dietary habits.
What are the Ingredients of LIBA Weight Loss Capsules?
Liba Capsules are the best remedy for energy improvement and fat loss. You will feel more energy, vitality, and happiness due to the natural ingredients in this formula. So that you are able to understand the contents of the formulas and how you can get them, we have provided a summary.
* Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia extract reduces your appetite and improves mental relaxation. This ingredient reduces hunger pangs and helps to shrink fat cells. Garcinia Cambodia is a powerful appetite suppressant that can help you lose weight.
Panax Ginseng
Quality ingredients are a powerful metabolic stimulant and nutrient provider. You will notice a change in your body's calorie-burning patterns. Your body will lose extra brown adipose tissue through the production of intestinal bacteria. LIBA Reviews Allow your body to see weight loss slowly and steadily.
* Beta Hydroxybutyrate
It is a great fat burner. Everyone is aware of the importance of beta-hydroxybutyrate as a fuel source and an ingredient in breaking down fat. Beta-hydroxybutyrate, a neurotransmitter, can help you increase your energy levels. It has been shown to improve cognitive abilities and permanently reduce depression. In a short time, you will find your body in good shape.
* Raspberry ketone
Raspberry ketone is an important ingredient for fueling your body. Raspberry ketone can be found naturally in grapes, kiwi fruits, peaches and Pine Trees. It's a desirable ingredient for metabolic improvement and weight loss.
* African mango extract
African mango extract can help you lose weight and improve your cholesterol composition. Wild mango extract can improve your health as blood sugar levels return to normal.
Manufacturers are 100 percent confident in the product's natural composition and quality. The best results for weight loss are possible without side effects or extra expense. This high-quality supplement is superior to other options for weight loss. It is a great product that you can trust forever.
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Why Choosing Liba Capsules Is Worthwhile?
Liba Weight loss helps you to get rid of stubborn areas by naturally increasing your body's temperature. The supplement has a high nutrient ratio, so you can trust it to provide the necessary nutrients for your body.
You won't feel hungry as the product naturally promotes weight loss. LIBA United Kingdom It is possible to continue living a healthy lifestyle without worrying about weight loss. Liba Dragons Den Capsules are a natural way to reduce hunger and improve your health. This is the ultimate cardio remedy that has both short- and long-term benefits.
Liba Weight loss is one of the best weight loss supplements. It delivers the most effective results. This dependable remedy can help you reduce bad cholesterol and nutritional deficiencies.
What are the Benefits of Liba Capsules Use?
Liba Capsules have many proven benefits.
Improved athletic performance
Liba UK offers improved athletic performance and greater fat burning. Your body experiences extreme energy levels during recreational activities. Your body will feel more energetic when it has gotten the nutrients it needs.
* Introducing the BHB
The supply of BHb ketone helps to stop oxidative stress and inflammation. LIBA Weight Loss Supplements It can also help with chronic diseases. It regulates your hunger hormone and suppresses your appetite.
* Appetite control
Liba UK Weight Loss is a natural way to reduce hunger hormones and appetite. Ketosis patients often feel less hungry. You will eat less naturally if you buy a quality product. The product increases your body's protein level, which will help you suppress your appetite quickly and naturally. The intended weight loss goals will be achieved naturally as long as the fat-burning is effective.
* seizure management
Liba UK Weight loss is a combination of seizure management and health benefits to help you manage your epilepsy. Liba Capsules are a natural way to lose weight and cure epilepsy.
LIBA Capsules Usage Guidelines:
This product is not the same as supplements or medicines. The capsules can be used for short-term relief and should only be taken five days per week. After five days, the user should take a two-day rest before resuming the use of the capsules. To see weight changes, the user must continue this cycle for at least a month.
Use the capsules only with water. These capsules should not be taken with any caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. The supplement is effective on its own, but it's best to combine it with a healthy lifestyle and a healthier diet.
You can continue the LIBA pills weight loss program for several months or until you reach your desired weight. To make the process work, you must take a break. Changing the dosage can have undesirable side effects. Before you take these pills, make sure to read the instructions. For more information on LIBA weight loss, visit the official website.
LIBA Weight Loss Capsules Side Effects:
Due to a large number of scams and fake products online, it can be difficult to trust an online product. However, this does not necessarily mean that all online products can be trusted. Experts in health recommend that you review the background information, including the interactions and risks before you make a purchase. Side effects can be reduced by doing this.
All information about LIBA capsules is available to ensure that you can trust the product. You can find information on ingredients, dosages, and customer reviews on the official website. It is unlikely to cause side effects if it is used correctly. It is possible to experience side effects if the product is used incorrectly or misunderstood.
These pills should only be taken for a month, as they provide short-term relief. LIBA Weight Loss Diet Pills It is best to not use these pills again and again. Double the dose is not a guarantee that the product will work quickly. Side effects can be severe and should not be attempted.
Make sure you use LIBA capsules in the right way. If you're a new user, read the product label. To identify potential allergens, you should also check the ingredients list. You can find an alternative if you are allergic to any ingredient.
Avoid taking supplements if you're already taking medication. If you have any questions about the use of this product, consult your doctor. This product is not recommended for pregnant women or children. If you fall into one of these categories, do not use this product.
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LIBA Weight Loss Capsules: Where can I buy them at the best price?
Online purchase of LIBA weight loss pills is possible through this link.
LIBA weight loss supplements are much cheaper than other products that offer the same benefits. The beginner pack includes 20 capsules, and it costs PS 59.95. Shipping charges are PS 4.99. A pack of two packs costs PS 41.47 per package. The best-selling pack includes three packs or 60 capsules. This means that you'll only pay PS 36.65 per package. Bulk orders ship for free and there are no hidden fees.
This product may be available at other online retailers, but the company doesn't have distributors or partners. LIBA Reviews Official Site These sources may not offer the same quality as the official website. It is better to only purchase these pills from the official website.
Although the actual cost of LIBA weight loss UK pills is much higher than this, they are currently on a promotional deal. This applies only to orders placed through the official link. You can choose to purchase sample packs or bundles. Bundle packs are better than purchasing a monthly sample pack. This saves you the hassle of ordering every month again and costs less.
It is possible to see results in a shorter time than others. Therefore, it is better to invest in a bundle pack to ensure that your weight loss journey goes smoothly. It is easy to buy. Simply choose the number of packs you wish and then add them to your cart. The website will then ask you for proof of payment. You can pay with any of the options.
After placing an order, customers will receive an email confirmation from the company. Orders are sent within 48 hours after confirmation of the order. They may reach customers in one week for domestic orders and up to three weeks for international. To get a delivery estimate, visit the company's website or call a representative to confirm the delivery area before placing an order.
(Best Deal Online) Click Here: https://www.exposedmagazine.co.uk/featured-articles/liba-reviews-weight-loss-pills-liba-uk-capsule-ingredients-and-advantages-you-must-read-this/
Last Words
Liba Capsules are easy to take and digest. You will feel younger every day because of the way it improves your health. This 100 percent safe and natural option triggers ketosis quicker than a normal keto diet. Reviewers have also reviewed the product based on their own experiences with the product and the ease of use.
To see good results, you need to wait for at least two months. Get the best weight loss product for your body. This exotic weight loss product will be something you cherish forever. One bottle contains 60 capsules, which will provide you with one month of weight loss results. You can eventually order more packs to continue burning calories naturally and effortlessly.
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libaerfahrung · 2 years
Liba Kapseln Test-  Liba Kapseln Höhle Der Löwen Kaufen 2023
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Suplefusion Liba Kapseln – In diesem Artikel werden wir über diese Liba Kapseln sprechen, die behauptet, eine fortschrittliche Gewichtsmanagementformel zu sein. Hilft es Ihnen also dabei, eine fitte und schlanke Figur zu bekommen, oder ist es nur eine Geldverschwendung? Mal sehen…
Die Fettverbrennung ist eine harte Sache und erfordert viel Anstrengung, und deshalb sind viele Menschen immer noch fett. Es gibt unzählige Methoden und Optionen zur Gewichtsabnahme, aber welche können funktionieren? Nun, wir wissen nicht, welche Diät und welches Produkt Sie ausprobiert haben. Aber wenn Sie uns fragen, empfehlen wir eine Ketose-Diät zur Gewichtsreduktion, die eine der effektivsten Methoden zum Fettabbau ist. Und um diese Diät zu unterstützen, gibt es ein Produkt Liba Kapseln von Supplefusion. Dies unterstützt Ihren Keto-Gewichtsabnahmeprozess und verbrennt all das überschüssige Fett.
Worum geht es Liba Kapseln?
Es ist ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das aus Keto-Booster-Elementen besteht und dabei hilft, Ihrem Körper einen Fettverbrennungsprozess zu ermöglichen. Diese Liba Kapseln Erfahrungen sind eine in den USA ansässige Formel, die von Supplefusion formuliert wurde. Es behauptet, den Prozess der Ketose zu unterstützen und die Fettzellen schneller für die Energieproduktion aufzubrechen und einen Gewichtsverlusteffekt zu erzielen.
Das Liba Kapseln Nahrungsergänzungsmittel ist eine Art Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das frei von schädlichen Chemikalien und Zusatzstoffen ist, da es alle sicheren und pflanzlichen Inhaltsstoffe verwendet. Diese Formel behauptet, Ihren Körper zu entgiften und das Bauchfett zu reduzieren und hält Sie gleichzeitig energisch.
Funktionieren von Liba Kapseln Diät
Wie funktioniert es also, um Ihr Fett zu verlieren? Nun, es folgt dem Ketose-Prinzip, um Ihnen einen effektiven Fettabbauprozess zu bieten. Die Liba Kapseln Erfahrungen liefern BHB-Ketone in den Körper des Benutzers, und es ist ein starkes Keton, das den Fettabbau auf ganz natürliche Weise sofort starten kann. Und halten Sie auch in diesem Zustand, damit Sie all Ihr überschüssiges und unerwünschtes Fett verlieren können.
Grundsätzlich kann unser Körper in einem normalen Zustand kein Fett verbrennen, also müssen wir die Hilfe des Ketosezustands in Anspruch nehmen, um Fett zu verbrennen. Genauer gesagt, wenn der Körper diesen Zustand durchläuft, zerfällt unsere Leber in Fettzellen in Ketone, und diese Ketone werden für Energie verbrannt. Und durch diesen Prozess verlieren Sie Ihr überschüssiges Fett.
Was ist mit Zutaten von Liba Kapseln Diät ?
Nun, diese Ergänzung wird mit einem sehr starken und effektiven Inhaltsstoff zur Gewichtsabnahme hergestellt. Der Hauptbestandteil von Keto Xplode Gummibärchen ist BHB-Keton (Beta-Hydroxybutyrat), dies ist das erste Element oder Keton, das den Zustand der Ketose in Ihrem Körper anzeigen kann. Die tägliche Dosis von BHB-Ketonen kann das Energieniveau steigern und den Gewichtsverlust beschleunigen, indem sie Ihren Körper in Ketose versetzt.
Und ja, alle anderen Inhaltsstoffe dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittels sind natürlich und frei von Zusatzstoffen und billigen Füllstoffen.
Hilft beim Starten des Stoffwechselzustands der Ketose.
Verbrennt schnell Fett und hilft, überschüssiges Fett zu verlieren.
Verwenden Sie Fett und verbrennen Sie es, um Energie zu erzeugen.
Hilft, eine schlanke und schlanke Körperform zu bekommen.
Verwendet starke Inhaltsstoffe wie BHB-Ketone.
Wirkt auf ganz natürliche Weise.
Dies ist eine in den USA ansässige Ergänzung und cGMP-zertifiziert.
Personen unter 18 Jahren können diese nicht nutzen.
Sie haben eine Internetverbindung zum Kaufen, da dies nicht in Offline-Geschäften möglich ist.
Sie sollten eine keto-freundliche Ernährung einhalten, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
Wie benutzt man Liba Kapseln Diätpillen ?
Wenn Sie bereit sind, es zu versuchen und wissen möchten, wie Sie dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittel verwenden sollten, lesen Sie diesen Keto Xplode Gummibärchen Diet Shark Tank Review weiter.
Die Dosierung ist –
Sie können 2 Kapseln dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittels zur Gewichtsabnahme an einem Tag einnehmen.
Und die beste Zeit, um diese Pillen morgens und abends einzunehmen.
Sie können diese Pillen mit Wasser einnehmen, und ja, es wird empfohlen, eine keto-freundliche Ernährung zu befolgen.
Für die besten und effektivsten Ergebnisse müssen Sie dies wie empfohlen mindestens 2 Monate lang befolgen.
Nebenwirkungen im Zusammenhang mit Liba Kapseln
Nun, Nebenwirkungen sind eine sehr häufige Frage, die von allen gestellt wird. Und ja, die meisten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel verursachen Nebenwirkungen, da sie Chemikalien und Zusatzstoffe verwenden und zu unbekannten Nebenwirkungen führen können. Aber ja, dieses Liba Kapseln Weight Loss Supplement ist frei von ihnen und absolut sicher. Es verwendet BHB-Ketone als Hauptbestandteil, was getestet und bewiesen ist, sogar viele Versuche wurden dazu durchgeführt.
Außerdem wird der Herstellungsprozess von Liba Kapseln unter einer cGMP-zertifizierten Einrichtung durchgeführt, die seine Reinheit gewährleistet.
Was ist der Preis von Liba Kapseln?
Nun, dieses Mal gibt es Tonnen von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln zur Gewichtsabnahme, aber die meisten davon sind Müll, und viele von ihnen sind so teuer. Aber mit diesem Nahrungsergänzungsmittel können Sie sich sicher fühlen, denn es kommt zu guten Preisen. Der Preis von Liba Kapseln für eine einzelne Flasche beträgt 49,99 $ mit kostenlosem Versand. Und das ist wirklich ein guter Preis, aber für Sie gibt es noch einige andere Angebote –
Das Paket mit 5 Flaschen kostet 29,84 $/Stück.
Das Paket mit 3 Flaschen kostet jeweils 43,33 $.
1 Flaschenpaket kostet 49,99 $/Stück.
Und ja, das alles ist versandkostenfrei.
Hier sind einige Benutzer, die ihre Erfahrungen mit Liba Kapseln Diet Supplement geteilt haben;
Michael – Ich befolge diese Diät seit 2 Monaten und habe ohne große Anstrengung 20 Pfund abgenommen. Und ja, ich möchte Liba Kapseln jedem empfehlen, der Fett verlieren möchte.
Janette – Es ist zu schwierig, ein richtiges und sicheres Produkt zu finden, aber ich habe es mit Liba Kapseln geschafft. Es ist eine sichere und ja wirksame Formel, die mir eine schlanke und fitte Körperform beschert hat.
Endgültiges Urteil
Insgesamt können wir durch diesen Liba Kapseln Review sagen, dass diese Ergänzung eine gute Wahl ist. Und kann hinzugefügt werden, um Fett durch den Ketoseprozess zu verlieren. Aber ja, Sie sollten eine keto-freundliche Ernährung einhalten, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Es verwendet BHB-Ketone, die hervorragend funktionieren und Ihnen den Ketosezustand verleihen, sowie dafür sorgen, dass Sie sich satt fühlen und den Hunger unterdrücken.
Wenn wir dann über Dosierung sprechen, das ist auch so einfach und einfach, das Tolle ist, dass es sich die meisten Leute leisten können, weil Liba Kapseln zu einem großartigen Preisniveau kommt und auch erstaunliche Pakete anbietet.
Wo kann ich kaufen Liba Kapseln?
Nun, diese Ergänzung kann nur von einer Online-Website und nur von ihrer offiziellen Website erworben werden. Vielleicht ist dies also der Nachteil und vielleicht ein Vorteil für die Menschen. Aber wenn Sie Liba Kapseln  kaufen möchten, dann besuchen Sie ihre offizielle Webseite. Sie können auf das Bild unten klicken, um zu dieser Website zu gelangen.
Offizielles Internet: http://libakapseln.org/
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libaerfahrungen · 2 years
Liba Kapseln Höhle Der Löwen Einnahme- Test, Rezension Bestellen
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Slim XR Kapseln bewertungen sind eine hochwertige Nahrungsergänzung, die beim Abnehmen helfen kann. Es wird nur aus natürlichen Dingen hergestellt. Der Stoff hilft beim Abnehmen, weil er den Stoffwechsel beschleunigt. Es wird aus frischen, kraftvollen Zutaten hergestellt, die in vielen Studien gezeigt haben, dass sie Menschen dabei helfen, Fett zu verlieren und sich besser zu fühlen.
Slim XR Kapseln ist eine neue und andere Art, Gewicht zu verlieren. Mit Hilfe unserer Tablette zur natürlichen Gewichtsabnahme können Sie die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielen. Die natürlichen Inhaltsstoffe der Liba Kapseln Diät-Kapseln beschleunigen Ihren Stoffwechsel und halten Sie fit. Mit Hilfe von Slim XR Kapselns können Sie das überschüssige Gewicht, das Sie nicht möchten, verlieren und schlanker und attraktiver aussehen.
Die rein natürliche Abnehmpille, die wir im verkaufen, soll Menschen helfen, die übergewichtig sind. Es tut dies, indem es den Stoffwechsel beschleunigt, wodurch der Körper mehr Kalorien verbrennt. Die schnell wirkenden Inhaltsstoffe in Slim XR Kapselns geben Ihnen eine konstante Energiequelle, helfen Ihnen beim Fettabbau und beschleunigen die Thermogenese. So kannst du einfacher und schneller abnehmen.
Was ist Liba Kapseln?
Liba Kapselne ist alles, was Sie brauchen, um auf gesunde Weise abzunehmen. Es hilft Ihnen, Gewicht zu verlieren, indem es Ihnen ein Sättigungsgefühl verleiht und Ihren Körper daran hindert, Fett zu speichern. Es kann von jedem verwendet werden, der abnehmen möchte, ohne befürchten zu müssen, dass schlimme Dinge passieren. Liba Kapseln Gewichtsmanagement sind ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das beim Abnehmen helfen kann.
Die erhöhte Stoffwechselrate der Kapseln bewirkt, dass sie Hunger und Heißhunger reduzieren. Liba Kapseln ist ein sicheres und wirksames Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zur Gewichtsabnahme, das Ihren Stoffwechsel beschleunigt. Das hilft dir, Fett zu verbrennen und Muskeln aufzubauen. Die Wirkstoffe von Liba Kapseln Diätkapseln helfen dem Körper beim Abnehmen, indem sie eine Reihe von Risikofaktoren ansprechen, die mit Fettleibigkeit in Verbindung stehen.
Wie funktioniert Liba Kapseln Gewichtsverlust Ergänzungsarbeit?
Liba Kapseln Diätkapseln avis Wirkstoffe wirken sättigend. Es steuert die Dinge in Ihrem Körper, die Sie dazu bringen, Gewicht zuzunehmen oder zu verlieren. Durch die Erhöhung des BAT-Spiegels lässt das Supplement Ihren Körper besser arbeiten. Mehr braunes Fett zu haben, macht es einfacher, Kalorien zu verbrennen und mit der Zeit Gewicht zu verlieren.
Mehr BAT zu haben, würde den lebenswichtigen Prozessen des Körpers sehr helfen. Sie helfen, die Energie zu steigern, den Blutzuckerspiegel stabil zu halten und den Hunger einzudämmen. Aus diesem Grund werden die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Person besser.
Diese Tablette kann Ihren Stoffwechsel beschleunigen und Ihnen auch dabei helfen, eine Gewichtszunahme von vornherein zu vermeiden. Der Begriff „Grundumsatz“ bezeichnet dabei die Energiemenge, die ein Körper im Ruhezustand benötigt, um alle seine Systeme normal am Laufen zu halten. Wenn Ihr Ruheumsatz hoch ist, verbrennen Sie mehr Kalorien. Dadurch wird weniger Fett gespeichert.
Auch wenn Funktioniert Liba Kapseln wirklich als sehr wirksames Supplement angepriesen wird, garantiert es nicht, dass Sie schnell abnehmen. Da die Physiologie jedes Menschen anders ist, gibt es keine festgelegte Zeitdauer, in der sich Veränderungen bemerkbar machen sollten. Sie werden schneller Ergebnisse sehen, wenn Sie die Pille regelmäßig einnehmen und versuchen, ein gesünderes Leben zu führen. Nach einigen Wochen der Verwendung können Sie einige Veränderungen feststellen.
Aktive Komponenten In Liba Kapseln kapsel :-
Sie arbeiten zusammen, um Ihnen auf sehr beeindruckende Weise beim Abnehmen zu helfen. Auch an Stellen, an denen sich Fett ansammelt, funktionieren sie gut. Das Ziel dieser Reinigungen ist es, schädliche Giftstoffe loszuwerden und dafür zu sorgen, dass Sie sich besser fühlen, indem Sie weniger Hunger verspüren.
L-Carnitin ist eines dieser aktiven Moleküle. Es hilft, Fettspeicher in Energie umzuwandeln, die der Körper nutzen kann. Capsaicin ist die Chemikalie, die Cayennepfeffer seinen würzigen Geschmack verleiht. Es kommt vor allem in Cayennepfeffer vor. Intensive Hitze beschleunigt Ihren Stoffwechsel und lässt Sie weniger hungrig fühlen. Cayennepfeffer ist in vielen rein natürlichen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln enthalten, da er den Stoffwechsel des Körpers (Thermogenese) (Thermogenese) anregt.
L-Arginin ist eine notwendige Aminosäure, die bei der Funktionsweise von Zellen eine Rolle spielt. Diese Art, Kalorien loszuwerden, kann Ihnen beim Abnehmen helfen. Fettreserven werden zur Energiegewinnung genutzt. Es kann Menschen mit Diabetes helfen, da der Insulinspiegel besser kontrolliert werden kann.
L-Theanin ist eine Aminosäure, die nachweislich Stress und Angst reduziert, indem sie den Körper dazu bringt, mehr Serotonin und Gamma-Aminobuttersäure zu produzieren, wodurch Sie sich ruhig fühlen. L-Theanin ist eine Aminosäure, die Ihnen hilft, besser zu schlafen, sodass Sie zu ungewöhnlichen Zeiten nicht so viel essen.
L-Prolin ist eine Aminosäure. Eines der wichtigsten Dinge, die L-Prolin tut, ist, Menschen beim Abnehmen zu helfen. Da es sich bei L-Prolin um eine Aminosäure handelt, kann man sich diese wie andere Aminosäuren und Eiweißbausteine vorstellen. Dieser Inhaltsstoff wird zur Herstellung von Liba Kapselnines verwendet, da er dem Körper hilft, Kollagen zu bilden, das wichtig ist, um Muskeln, Haare, Haut und Nägel stark zu halten und ihnen beim Heilen zu helfen. Aus diesem Grund können Sie viele verschiedene Vitamin- und Mineralstoffzusätze kaufen.
L-Leucin Es hilft Ihnen, Fett zu verlieren und gleichzeitig Ihre Muskelmasse zu erhalten. Außerdem hilft es dem Körper, seinen Blutzuckerspiegel normal zu halten. Wenn sich Ihr Hunger verändert, ist Ihr Blutzucker wahrscheinlich zu hoch. Es hilft, Ihren Blutzuckerspiegel konstant zu halten und Ihren Appetit zu kontrollieren, damit Sie nicht zu viel essen.
Garcinia Cambogia ist eine Frucht. Sie ist ein häufiger Bestandteil von Diäten, die Menschen beim Abnehmen helfen. Studien haben gezeigt, dass die Hydrozitronensäure von Garcinia Cambogia ein guter Weg ist, um hartnäckiges Fett loszuwerden. Dieses Medikament hilft auch, Entzündungen zu lindern, was ein weiterer Vorteil ist. Wenn der Hunger nachlässt, essen die Menschen weniger.
Warum brauche ich dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittel?
Die Liba Kapseln Pillen sind als natürliche Methode zum Abnehmen und zur Gewichtskontrolle gedacht. Die Einnahme kann verwendet werden für:
Fett in Energie umzuwandeln
Werde größer und stärker
um überschüssiges Gewicht loszuwerden.
Diese drei Ziele können gemeinsam oder einzeln bearbeitet werden. Wenn es Ihr Hauptziel ist, lästiges Fett loszuwerden, können Sie dies tun, indem Sie es einnehmen, ohne Muskelmasse aufzubauen. Auf der anderen Seite, wenn Sie viel Sport treiben, kann Ihr Körperfettanteil sinken, während gleichzeitig Ihre Muskeln stärker werden. Dazu benötigen Sie eine Waage mit verschiedenen Messmöglichkeiten, damit Sie sehen können, wie sich Ihr Körper verändert, auch wenn Ihr Gewicht gleich bleibt.
Wie man's nimmt Liba Kapseln Pillen zum Abnehmen?
Das Hauptziel von Liba Kapseln ist es, ihren Kunden beim Abnehmen zu helfen, und sie engagiert sich für deren Erfolg. Wie lange es dauert, bis diese Ergänzung wirkt, hängt von der Person ab, die sie einnimmt. Diese Unterschiede werden durch die Tatsache verursacht, dass die Gene und der Lebensstil jeder Person unterschiedlich sind. Eine Kapsel pro Tag mit zwei vollen Gläsern Wasser ist die empfohlene Dosis. Die beste Zeit, die Pille einzunehmen, ist 15 bis 30 Minuten vor dem Essen.
Meistens können Sie Ergebnisse in 4 bis 8 Wochen sehen. Aber das Unternehmen sagt, es regelmäßig zu verwenden. Für den größten Nutzen sollte die Ergänzung zusammen mit einer kalorienarmen Ernährung eingenommen werden. Das Endergebnis kann für jede Person unterschiedlich sein.
Sind Liba Kapseln Pillen zum Abnehmen Wirksam? 
Menschen, die zu schwer sind, haben dadurch abgenommen. Liba Kapseln sollen Ihren Appetit reduzieren, Ihren Stoffwechsel beschleunigen und Ihnen mehr Energie geben. Menschen im Vereinigten Königreich verwenden Slim XR Kapselns, um Gewicht zu verlieren, gesünder zu werden und sich besser zu fühlen. Es soll Sie besser aussehen lassen, indem es Ihren Körper dazu bringt, Fett auf eine bestimmte Weise zu verbrennen. Die Dinge in diesem Produkt lassen Sie besser aussehen und sich besser fühlen. Die Inhaltsstoffe von Liba Kapseln Pillen zum Abnehmen sind alle natürlich. Es werden keine Chemikalien oder Füllstoffe verwendet, um diese Pille herzustellen.
Ist Liba Kapseln Diätpillen sicher? 
Im Vereinigten Königreich ist alles 100 % rein und natürlich. Viele der Inhaltsstoffe unserer Produkte stammen aus natürlichen Quellen wie Pflanzen und Kräutern, sodass keinerlei Risiken bestehen. Da unsere Produkte zusammenwirken, um Ihren Stoffwechsel zu beschleunigen, werden Sie am ersten Tag schneller Ergebnisse sehen. In jedem unserer Produkte werden nur die besten Zutaten und unsere eigene Technologie verwendet, sodass Sie sicher sein können, dass sie Ihnen beim Abnehmen helfen.
Liba Kapseln Diät-Kapseln Bewertungen:-
Wenn Sie abnehmen oder Fett abbauen möchten, sind Sie hier genau richtig. Das Ziel des Nahrungsergänzungsmittels Liba Kapseln Gewichtsverlust war es, die Fettverbrennung so einfach und effizient wie möglich zu gestalten. Sie haben jedes Recht, glücklich, fröhlich und hoffnungsvoll in Bezug auf Ihre Gesundheit zu sein. Wenn Sie und ich beide das wollen, holen Sie sich jetzt Ihre Flasche (oder Flaschen).
Wie zu konsumieren Liba Kapseln Diät pillen Bewertungen?
Liba Kapseln zum Abnehmen ist eine leistungsstarke Kapsel, die Ihnen helfen kann, schnell einen straffen, geformten Körper zu bekommen. Dieses Rezept ergibt 30 Tabletten, die zweimal täglich auf nüchternen Magen eingenommen werden müssen. Wenn Sie die Letitia Dean Weight Loss Diet Kapseln mit einem warmen Glas Wasser einnehmen, werden Sie ihre Wirkung schnell spüren. Wenn Sie so schnell wie möglich einen straffen, geformten Körper wünschen, lesen und befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf der Flasche.
Auf der Website können Sie sich auch über Liba Kapseln Diät-Kapseln Bewertungen informieren und eine Bestellung aufgeben. Es könnte nicht einfacher sein, dieses Gericht zu bestellen und zu essen, und es ist auch sicher und gut für Ihre Gesundheit. Bitte geben Sie die angeforderten Informationen an, um Ihr Paket zu sichern. Wenn alles wie geplant läuft, sollten Sie Ihre Bestellung innerhalb weniger Werktage erhalten.
Offizielles Internet: https://www.mynewsdesk.com/de/growmorepress/pressreleases/warnung-slim-xr-kapseln-im-visier-test-erafahrungen-hoehle-der-loewen-mit-slim-xr-konzept-3230919
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diego-basilio · 2 years
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#BoaNoite #MondayMotivation #Kakashi - @anamateusruiz #KakashiHatake #NarutoCosplay #Naruto #Cosplay #Cosplay_E_Cultura #CosplayBrasil #CosplayWorld #Instalike #Liba #VemPraLiba blockin (em Japão Liberdade) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClhQK8aOcv6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mbamanagementquota · 2 years
To get direct admission in LIBA, Chennai management quota seat, call us at (+91) 9354992359. Loyola College of Education, a Jesuit Teacher Education Institution was established in June 2007. It is completely owned and administered by the LIBA College Society registered under the Society Registration Act of 1860 No.5228/1973. It is located in the wide campus of Loyola College of Arts & Science. It is recognized by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and affiliated to Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University (TNTEU).
Eligibility Criteria
If you are planning to take admission in MBA in LIBA, Chennai then you must full fill the following eligibility criteria.
The candidate must have completed graduation from a recognized university.
The candidate should have a score of minimum 60% in 10TH, 12TH, and graduation.
For PG courses, candidates are selected on the basis of marks scored in the entrance test and performance in Personal Interview (PI) conducted at the college level
The candidate should appear in CAT/XAT
Work Experience is not mandatory for Admission at LIBA, although relevant work experience is given weightage in admission process.
How to get admission in LIBA, Chennai?
To get admission in LIBA you must fulfill the above-mentioned criteria. Once you are sure that you are eligible to get admission in the college then you should appear in the CAT or XAT entrance test. Since there are lakhs of people appearing in the exam it is a tough job to get selected for the few numbers of seats available. Therefore, you should prepare well for the entrance. After the entrance test, you will have to appear in a Personal Interview (PI), which is conducted at the college level. The final selection is based on a diverse set of attributes which includes performance in entrance exam, performance in PI round, academics, quality of work experience among others.
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cuteniaarts · 2 months
Wine stains on porcelain
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(Alternatively: @katkastrofa and I have created 5 OCs in 3 days and I suffer from chronic “I wanna draw the little guysssssss” disease)
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original characters#I have not figured out a tag system yet so for now this is all they’re getting#their names are liba and abyan and I’m very much obsessed :)#they’re the children of two of our other newest OCs. Himman and Summiya#the latter of whom just happens to be Zaheer’s older sister#but he ran away from home years before these two were born so he most likely isn’t even aware of their existence#I mean. I’m sure he suspects his sisters had children. but that’s the extent of what he knows#anyway#quite a few headcanons came to mind as I was drawing so I’m gonna type them out while I can still function#(haven’t slept for two nights in a row. I’m starting to doubt whether I’m actually alive or not)#Liba is older by about a year but once they grow up a little it’s barely noticeable and people assume they’re twins#over time they stop bothering to correct them because really. they’re so close they might as well be#they were both burn with port wine stain birthmarks on their faces. much to their mother’s dismay#she has a whole perfectionism complex and needed her children to reflect that to maintain the family image#thus they were taught how to hide the marks early on. but the powder makes them constantly sneeze#liba is very self conscious about it bc of what her mother put in her head. Abyan less so bc while he’s expected to be perfect#his future doesn’t depend on his looks. he always tries to comfort his sister whenever she spirals too deep. no matter that she’s older#when no one is around to hear he calls her Lili <3 it annoyed her at first so she dubbed him Yanyan in retaliation#but over time they both grew to love the nicknames and now use them unironically#they’re the ultimate partners in crime. their goal? gaining as much freedom from their mother as possible#and sooner or later they will manage to do so permanently. which will make Summiya fall apart. but that is currently Kat’s domain#speaking of. hi Kat. I know you’ve already seen this in pencil but look! I coloured them!!#the birthmarks were both kinda annoying and rather fun to do. maybe I’ll change them later. I was too tired to look at refs so I improvised#and there’s no detail in clothing since again. 0 energy whatsoever. but once I refine their full body designs I shall go all out#that reminds me I need to go collect my new sketchbook. might do it on the way home from the store#okay I’m getting distracted. is this my very unsubtle way of trying to influence Kat to write that Summiya fic?#maybe. maybe not. you can’t prove anything 😁
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thisismyanimus · 2 years
hijacking the tags
i imagine that this post will show up if you search for a combination of any two words appearing here
if you like any of those topics or are brazilian, hit me up, follow me, message me, idk
se você gosta de algum desses tópicos ou é brasileiro, me segue ou manda mensagem
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