cheesysocsandart · 6 months
I might sit down one day and animate this
but I think my storyboarding skills are getting better
anyway please go give Tom Cardy a follow and listen to his music he's amazing
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rottedbrainz · 7 months
I know I know it's like a day after but I'm still gonna post some Halloween spirit! After all there's only 364 days till next Halloween! Might aswell!
Now to share my muppet ocs and their couple / friendship costumes!
Also I tweeked Libbs, Giovanni, Valerie, and David's designs a little bit for older versions. Will definitely need some more work!
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Tibbs 💍 Rose as Jessica and Roger Rabbit respectfully! I mean just look at her! She slays!!!
Rand 💍 Jamie as Casa Dojo House Ken and Barbie! [Lol I just imagine Jamie saying they were gonna be Barbie and Ken, and Rand finding a loop hole. Jamie never said what Ken he had to dress up as! Then Halloween comes up and he walks out the room in his costume! Jamie can't even be mad! She just laughs!]
Libb 💍 Giovanni as Red Ridding Hood and the Big bad Wolf. Giovanni big grin just fits perfect with it!
Now...don't ask me what went through my mind with Valerie and David's costume, because I don't even know. I just had the thought of...David would so kill it in a maid costume!!! Now I'm gonna draw Rand in it too!!!
And under the cut are a few drawings of Rose and Tibbs costume!
Also some un-halloween-related doodles!
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susie-dehydration · 9 months
I have a sharp stabbing pain deep in my heart and it's all your fault Libby I know what you did and it sickens me that anybody still trusts or tolerates you. you sicken me to no end. even after you have disappeared from my life I remember you and I remember the pain and I think about you and I hate thinking.
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cable-salamder · 20 days
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This is what I imagine their first meeting was like (the sibling relationship started off strong with 22 year old Ice and 13 year old Libber)
Ref imagine + some Elemental Alliance HCs below the cut
So because the Serpentine War was like. 40 years before season 1 (we ignore the canon minifig looks), I always imagined the old masters to be really young when it happens (between 14-16), so:
- Wu already collected Ray, Maya and Libber when they were a bit younger in order to actually train them before the fighting began.
- Ice was found and recruited before that and had been living as a recluse in a forest before that (fear of his own power? Yeah, sure).
- Libber didn’t have her powers when the war started (we see in one of the flashbacks that there seems to be a different elemental master of Lightning, so I’m going to call them L for now). Libber basically acted as a medic back in the monastery.
- Proceeded by L dying at some point and Libber finally getting those powers (yes this causes trauma but shh), joining the fight head on.
- Uhh yeah and Ice and Libber are found siblings. Sorry I don’t make the rules. They’re both only children, so of course they’re gonna flock together and annoy the shit out of each other, but, like, you know, in a way that signals that they care.
Anyways, here’s the reference (for some reason I only found the one without text? Oh well.)
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phryneluvbot · 1 month
Idk about you all, but I've got a very big crush for libby tanner
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This woman is so fucking hot, holy milf... (I know I'm not the only who also loves her. Oh, and her jawline is amazing)
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pumpkinspice7500 · 1 year
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Libby!!   My Instagram  Twitter  Tumblr Newgrounds Pillowfort
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crayonverse · 1 month
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sum draft ideas 4 2 of the heretics in wittawood ... systen's jacket will change colors i feel. librarian will look completely different (might keep some of their colors) i just wanted an idea for him but. he doesnt look how i wanted lol
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thebuttsmcgee · 7 months
new spectral and molly mcgeez eps were. sure.
.something. huh?
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calicotabbies · 10 months
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she is so me
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flamingo--ing · 11 months
oh yeah hey Libby when you see this text me when and where u wanna get coffee and catch up
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rottedbrainz · 4 months
Took a break but it's here now!
Chapter 4 of the Tibblings Fic is finally here!
And to add on a couple doodles from scenes from the chapter
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wingsoverlagos · 3 months
This is a fun collection of quotes from the Let It Be Beatles Interview with Mark Lewisohn conducted on August 20, 2018. This is mostly for @mythserene's enjoyment, but it's also a fun lil supplement to this comment by @talking-perfectly-loud on a post by @anotherkindofmindpod, which includes some revealing, deeply salty quotes by Lewisohn from an episode of Nothing Is Real.
The below soundbites focus on Lewisohn's feelings towards the Harrison estate, particularly Olivia, though Lewisohn also lets us know that he considered suing George at one point. Italics used to indicate tone; bold font is added emphasis by me.
This is from ~1hr8min into the interview, after a discussion of Mal Evans diaries. Here's a partial transcript:
"No, no, Olivia Harrison doesn't want anything to do with me at all. Yeah, so it's very frustrating because I just want to make the history better and better and better and more and more correct, especially more and more correct in terms of balance on all four Beatles, but whatever."
This is a longer clip (6:26) from ~1hr23min in the original interview. They're discussing Lewisohn's falling out with Apple/the Beatles/George in particularly, which came about because he was falsely accused of bootlegging, or something like that. He's told a few variations of this story.
The first 3ish minutes give some flavor and backstory. Some choice quotes (they're at about 2:50, 4:35, and 5:42 in this clip):
“To the day he died, George blocked me, and Olivia blocks me in George’s name, and so it still carries on.”
“I’ve never, ever leaked, and that was why it was so galling to be accused of being a bootlegger. George Harrison accused me of being a bootlegger to my face in front of a whole film crew, the bastard. I mean, really. A horrible, horrible thing to do. I really should have done him for slander, and in fact at one point I was tempted, believe it or not. Because, you know, I’m a professional, I’m on a shoot, I’ve got a whole unit with me, and he’s accusing me of being a bootlegger in front of everybody, which was- he had no evidence for because there wasn’t any, but that didn’t matter. He was accusing me without evidence, and it was wrong, and um, you just have to put up with these things. These people, they can get away with murder. Celebrities, you know?”
Lest we think George was wilding out solely because of the bootlegging, Lewisohn helpfully clarifies that it was also Paul's Fault:
“The irony of that was that I actually had started off really well with George. I knew George from ’87, personally, and we’d had nice times, and it was- one of the things that flipped it was when I began working regularly for Paul.”
This was the part of the podcast that really took me aback, from around the 1hr43min mark. There's some chatter about Let It Be (the film), and then Lewisohn goes off once again about Olivia Harrison. He's quite impassioned, and then seems to make a conscious effort to talk himself down.
“I don’t know Olivia Harrison. I’ve never met her, which makes her- just- [angry] blocking of everything I do so ridiculous, because she doesn’t even know me. But if, as it would appear, she’s taken it upon herself to perpetuate George’s wishes, which is something that you might expect a spouse to do when their partner’s died, if the partner says, ‘Don’t ever allow this’, then she would take it as her duty not to allow it.”
This is followed by some hedging.
There are several other choice tidbits in this two hour Lewisohn marathon, but Olivia Harrison was foremost in his mind. But don't worry, guys, he's not biased!
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cable-salamder · 19 days
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I will never get over this random like. What. 20 year old getting two full ass swords that she can just. do shit with. Libber is the only one who’s trying to keep her little sister in check, and very much failing.
Ref below the cut
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do you guys read “lbs” as “libbs” or am i wacky
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kvetchlandia · 1 year
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Henri Cartier-Bresson     Writer and Literary Critic Alfred Kazin, New York City    1946
“...When I was a child I thought we lived at the end of the world. It was the eternity of the subway ride into the city that first gave me this idea. It took a long time getting to “New York”; it seemed longer getting back.… 
I saw New York as a foreign city. There, brilliant and unreal, the city had its life, as Brownsville was ours. That the two were joined in me I never knew then… We were the end of the line. We were the children of the immigrants who had camped at the city’s back door, in New York’s rawest, remotest, cheapest ghetto… ‘New York’ was what we put last on our address, but first in thinking of the others around us. They were New York, the Gentiles, America; we were Brownsville — Brunzvil, as the old folks said — the dust of the earth to all Jews with money, and notoriously a place that measured all success by our skill in getting away from it.
Our cousin and her two friends were of my parents’ generation, but I could never believe it — they seemed to enjoy life with such outspokenness. They were the first grown-up people I had ever met who used the word love without embarrassment. ‘Libbe! Libbe!’ my mother would explode whenever one of them protested that she could not, after all, marry a man she did not love. “What is this love you make such a stew about? You do not like the way he holds his cigarette? Marry him first and it will all come out right in the end!” It astonished me to realize there was a world in which even unmarried women no longer young were simply individual human beings with lives of their own...
Our parents, whatever affection might offhandedly be expressed between them, always had the look of being committed to something deeper than mere love. Their marriages were neither happy nor unhappy; they were arrangements. However they had met — whether in Russia or in the steerage or, like my parents, in an East Side boarding house — whatever they still thought of each other, love was not a word they used easily. Marriage was an institution people entered into — for all I could ever tell — only from immigrant loneliness, a need to be with one’s own kind that mechanically resulted in the family. The family was a whole greater than all the individuals who made it up, yet made sense only in their untiring solidarity. I was perfectly sure that in my parents’ minds libbe was something exotic and not wholly legitimate, reserved for ‘educated’ people like their children, who were the sole end of their existence. My father and mother worked in a rage to put us above their level; they had married to make us possible. We were the only conceivable end to all their striving; we were their America.
So far as I knew, love was not an element admissible in my parents’ experience. Any open talk of it between themselves would have seemed ridiculous. It would have suggested a wicked self-indulgence, a preposterous attention to one’s own feelings, possible only to those who were free enough to choose. They did not consider themselves free. They were awed by us, as they were awed by their own imagined unworthiness, and looked on themselves only as instruments toward the ideal ‘American’ future that would be lived by their children. As poor immigrants … in their lives combined to make them look down on love as something they had no time for.
They had a great flavor for me, those three women: they were the positive center of that togetherness that always meant so much to me in our dining room on Friday evenings… Those Friday evenings, I suddenly found myself enveloped in some old, primary Socialist idea that people could go beyond every barrier of race and nation and language, even of class! into some potential loving union of the whole human race. I was...simply and naturally glad of those Jewish dressmakers who spoke with enthusiastic familiarity of Sholem Aleichem and Peretz, Gorky and Tolstoy, who glowed at every reminiscence of Nijinsky, of Nazimova in ‘The Cherry Orchard,’ of Pavlova in ‘The Swan.’ ...
The Soloveys had been very puzzling; from the day they had come to our tenement, taking over the small dark apartment on the ground floor next to his drugstore, no one had been able to make them out at all. Both the Soloveys had had an inaccessible air of culture that to the end had made them seem visitors among us. They had brought into our house and street the breath of another world, where parents read books, discussed ideas at the table, and displayed a quaint, cold politeness addressing each other. The Soloveys had traveled; they had lived in Palestine, France, Italy. They were ‘professional’ people, “enlightened” — she, it was rumored, had even been a physician or ‘some kind of scientist,’ we could never discover which.
The greatest mystery was why they had come to live in Brownsville. We looked down on them for this, and suspected them. To come deliberately to Brownsville, after you had lived in France and Italy! It suggested some moral sickness, apathy, a perversion of all right feelings. The apathy alone had been enough to excite me. They were different!
Whenever I saw the strange couple together, the gold wedding ring on his left hand thick as hers, I felt they were still lovers… And there was that visible tie between them, that wedding ring even a man could wear, some deep consciousness of each other, that excited me, it seemed so illicit.…
The lovers, though their love had been spent, still lived only for each other. And it was this that emphasized their strangeness for me — it was as strange as Mr. Solovey’s books, as a Brownsville couple speaking Russian to each other, as strange as Mrs. Solovey’s delightfully shocking blondness and the unfathomable despair that had brought them to us. In this severe dependence on each other for everything, there was a defiance of the family principle, of us, of their own poverty and apathy, that encouraged me to despise our values as crude and provincial. Only in movies and in The Sheik did people abandon the world for love, give themselves up to it — gladly. Yet there was nothing obviously immoral in the conduct of the Soloveys, nothing we could easily describe and condemn. It was merely that they were sufficient to each other; in their disappointment as in their love they were always alone. They left us out, they left Brownsville out; we were nothing to them. In the love despair of the Soloveys something seemed to say that our constant fight “to make sure” was childish, that we looked at life too narrowly, and that in any event, we did not count. Their loneliness went deeper than our solidarity.
And so I loved them.”
-- Alfred Kazin “A Walker in the City” 1951
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sleepy-achilles · 1 month
My 'Monster' Ships. Aka my most dangerous couples.
And yes, I do just reuse Leon. I honestly used to have 100 ocs and I cannot deal with that anymore.
Wolfskull- Soulmates in every universe, Leon dies in every universe except one. One in which Logan dies. Maybe Deadpool might accidentally bring them together, considering Leon lives in his universe.
Libbs- Léon has always been Gibbs right hand man. Though there's plenty of room for Tony. A man can never have too many dogs, right? A German shepherd as a guard dog and a loyal Saint Bernard will do him fine. Léon will never let harm come to his team. Which is why when he puts it together that Ari's bullet was meant for him, that if he didn't duck, Cait would be alive right now, he stops at nothing to hunt him down. This leads to him shooting Ari in gibbs basement. Shocking gibbs who thought it'd be ziva, she turned up just after the shot, and starting his aggressive path. A aggressive road Gibbs joins him on.
Bearshipping- Lee Kramer is a son from a past relationship. A son forgotten about when Jill comes along. A son who is easily tricked into becoming a apprentice when promised his father's attention. I mean, who's a better apprentice then not only your own son but also the ME working the case? A son who a certain Dectective becomes obsessed with, making it easier to obtain said man.
Leckon- Whos better to have your back than the man who helped you hide from the British government when you were framed? Deckard has to swallow his pride and call up his old friend when the fast crew want to stop a big bad crime family that not even the number 1 criminal in the world wants to fuck with. Oh, except for when a certain brit calls him up practically begging. Now, who'd turned down a big tough man begging? Not Leon.
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