#Lifestyle Disorders Doctors
best-nutritionist · 8 months
Unveiling the Expertise of Dr. Anu Goswami: The Best Nutritionist and Specialist in Noida for Obesity, PCOD, and PCOS Treatment
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In the bustling city of Noida, where health concerns are paramount, finding the right healthcare professional is of utmost importance. Amidst the myriad options available, Dr. Anu Goswami stands out as a beacon of expertise and excellence. Renowned as the best nutritionist and specialist in Noida, Dr. Anu Goswami offers unparalleled services in the treatment of obesity, PCOD, and PCOS, earning her the trust and admiration of countless patients.
With a profound understanding of nutrition and its impact on health, Dr. Anu Goswami has emerged as a leading figure in the field of healthcare. Her journey towards becoming a distinguished nutritionist and specialist began with a fervent desire to alleviate the health issues plaguing individuals in her community.
Dr. Goswami's relentless pursuit of knowledge led her to obtain advanced degrees and certifications in nutrition, enabling her to offer comprehensive guidance tailored to the unique needs of each patient. Armed with the latest research and techniques, she empowers individuals to take charge of their health and embark on transformative journeys towards wellness.
As the best nutritionist in Noida, Dr. Anu Goswami employs a holistic approach to address the multifaceted challenges of obesity. Recognizing that weight management is not merely about counting calories but rather about fostering sustainable lifestyle changes, she devises personalized nutrition plans that prioritize balance, variety, and moderation.
Dr. Goswami's obesity treatment in Noida transcends conventional approaches, encompassing dietary modifications, physical activity recommendations, and behavioral interventions. Her compassionate demeanor and unwavering support inspire patients to embrace healthier habits and overcome obstacles on the path to achieving their ideal weight.
In addition to her expertise in obesity management, Dr. Anu Goswami is revered as the best PCOD doctor in Noida. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) are complex endocrine disorders that can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. Dr. Goswami's nuanced understanding of these conditions allows her to provide comprehensive care that addresses the underlying hormonal imbalances and associated symptoms.
Through a combination of nutritional counseling, lifestyle modifications, and medical interventions, Dr. Anu Goswami empowers women to manage their PCOD and PCOS effectively. Her empathetic approach fosters open communication and trust, ensuring that patients feel heard and understood throughout their treatment journey.
What sets Dr. Anu Goswami apart as the best PCOS doctor in Noida is her unwavering commitment to personalized care. She recognizes that each patient's experience with these conditions is unique, and therefore, she tailors her treatment strategies to align with their individual needs and goals. By addressing the root causes of PCOD and PCOS, she helps women reclaim control over their health and fertility, paving the way for a brighter, more empowered future.
Beyond her clinical expertise, Dr. Anu Goswami is celebrated for her compassionate bedside manner and genuine dedication to patient well-being. She goes above and beyond to ensure that her patients feel supported and empowered throughout their healing journey, offering guidance, encouragement, and unwavering support every step of the way.
In conclusion, Dr. Anu Goswami emerges as the epitome of excellence in the realm of nutrition and healthcare in Noida. As the best nutritionist and specialist in the region, she continues to transform lives through her holistic approach to wellness. Whether combating obesity, managing PCOD, or addressing PCOS, Dr. Goswami's unwavering commitment to personalized care sets her apart as a beacon of hope and healing for individuals seeking to optimize their health and reclaim their vitality. With her guidance, patients embark on transformative journeys towards a brighter, healthier future, empowered to embrace life to the fullest.
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harmeet-saggi · 11 months
The Silent Threat: How Sleep Deprivation Can Raise Hypertension Risk In Women
In a world that never sleeps, are women putting their health at risk by not getting enough rest? The alarming connection between sleep deprivation and hypertension in women is a silent threat that often goes unnoticed. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve deep into the realm of sleep, exploring the reasons behind sleepless nights, the profound impact it has on a woman's cardiovascular health, and how to combat this often-neglected issue. So, let's begin by unraveling the mysteries of sleep and its link to hypertension in women.
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What is sleep disorder?
As we know sleep is very important to carry day to day routine and for proper and healthy mental health.
Disorder that prevents you from getting restful sleep can generally cause restlessness, daytime sleepiness.
However, we can ourself analyze, either we are having sleep disorder if: –
There is difficulty in sleeping regularly
Feeling of tiredness during the day
Having problem in performing regular daytime activities
As we know sleep is very important to carry day to day routine, healthy life style and mental health.
But deprivation of sleep can hinder normal routine such as, work routine (professional and personal) and health.
Sleep disorder can occur due to many reasons such as, because of medical conditions, like depression, anxiety, parasomnias, obstruction sleep apnea.
Different types of sleep disorders.
Insomnia: – inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep. It can be caused due to jet lag, stress, anxiety, hormones or digestive problems.
Insomnia is classified into 3 types
1 Chronic 2Intermittent 3 Transient
Sleep apnea: – characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. It is a serious condition that causes body to take in less oxygen.
Parasomnias: – It causes abnormal movements and behavior during sleep.
Restless leg syndrome: – it is an overwhelming need to move the legs. This urge is sometimes accompanied by a tingling sensation in the legs.
Narcolepsy: – characterized by “sleep attacks” that occur while awake. This means that you will suddenly feel extremely tired and fall asleep without warning.
Symptoms of sleep disorder can be: –
Episodic (lasts from 1 to 3 months)
Persistent (lasts from 3 or more months)
Recurrent (with two or more episodes within a year)
Sleep disordercan be diagnosed by a physician by observing patient’s medical history, any kind of substance misuse, depression and other physical and mental illness. Thus, it also involves physical exam, sleep diary and a sleep study.
Sleep study also called Polysomnography, records your brain waves, oxygen level in your blood, heart rate and breathing as well as eye and leg movements during the study.
There are other techniques as well which can help a person to regulate sleep cycle. It includes: –
Relaxation Techniques: – used before bed times and can be helpful for insomnia.
Mind and Body approaches: – mindfulness, meditation, yoga, massage therapy.
Herbs and dietary supplements.
Sleep Hygiene: – Stick to sleep schedule
Avoid naps especially afternoon Exercise daily
Pay attention to bedroom environment and your mattress. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and heavy meals in the evening.
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WIBTA for breaking up with my boyfriend because he likes my body?
TW for ED but please hear me out:
My bf (30m) and I (28f) have been together for a little over 5 years. When we got together I had an extremely stressful and physically demanding job. Shortly after our relationship started I relapsed with an eating disorder that had been a problem since prepubescence; I started restricting heavily at age 11 and had struggled with it on/off since then.
After quitting that terrible job and regaining some agency in my life, I spent a couple of years really focused on recovery. Without giving specific numbers (cause triggering) I'll say that I was extremely underweight to an unhealthy level for at least a year and experienced severe health complications because of it. I nearly died from heart problems and had a big wakeup call that caused me to change my whole life. I've done the work of recovery without medical help (history of omission with doctors) but have had support from my bf, and am currently at the highest weight of my life.
at a recent checkup my Dr talked a lot about "healthy lifestyle" and mentioned my weight gain over the past couple of years. I'm still within the "normal" range for my height and build, but the after visit summary/chart notes denoted risk of becoming overweight. Idk if my Dr would have brought it up if my history of ED was in my chart, (and I did switch primary care practices a few years ago, so they weren't treating me at my thinnest) but it still shook me a bit and I will admit to feeling very triggered.
The job I moved to is quite sedentary compared to the previous terrible one - I wfh, and very rarely have to be on my feet or do strenuous activity. In addition, I have chronic pain issues that make exercise difficult, and so historically have just restricted to maintain/lose weight because it's easier for me physically to just be hungry than to work out. I didn't want to go down that road again though because of how intense and scary it got last time.
My bf is a personal trainer and specializes in working with low ability clients and people recovering from long illness/injury. When I told him that I wanted to start exercising more often and get a good cardio routine going, he was really excited and started immediately putting together an "action plan" (what he calls it w his clients idk) for me. Then he mentioned how I'd need to add on a bunch of meal supplements and snacks to avoid losing weight and I got upset.
We're a plant-based (vegan) household and live with a roommate (bf's friend) so mostly eat/cook communal dinners and have various breakfast & lunch plans on hand, so we already eat pretty healthy and make sure to have a good balance of macro/micro in the meal plan. My intent was to eat the same but increase my activity level to get out of the danger zone without restricting. I don't generally snack and rarely eat dessert, just the 3 squares.
I told my bf that I needed to lose weight and be more active according to my doctor, and that I wasn't comfortable with having protein supplements, smoothies, and snacks in addition to regular meals because that would defeat the purpose. He got really sad and said that he likes the way my body is now, and while he supports being more active, he doesn't want the size of me to change. His exact words at some point were "you look so good now, I love the amount of you that there is and I like the way you jiggle." It kind of made me feel sick and wonder if he has like a secret size fetish or something?
So I've been thinking of breaking things off with him and moving in with a friend or back in with my parents, but idk if this is actually a red flag or just the disorder talking? He did help me a lot with recovery but if he's going to keep me from being healthy or wants me to gain even more weight then maybe it's better to leave - would this be an asshole move? I honestly don't know.
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iamasimperyk · 8 months
Adoption -Rafe Cameron
Warning: Ovulation disorder (Not being able to get pregnant), Fluff, English isn’t my first language
Summary: Since you weren’t able to get pregnant, Rafe came up with an idea and now you couldn’t be happier
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Wife!Reader
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You had always loved children. Ever since you started babysitting at the age of 14, you looked forward to the day were you give birth to your own children.
You wanted to provide your child with all the love and opportunities you could. You had a loving husband, a beautiful home, and a good job, so it seemed like the perfect time to have children. However, things didn't go as planned.
One year ago, you and Rafe began trying for a baby. After some time of unsuccessful attempts, you decided to visit your gynecologist for an evaluation. Although you knew that getting pregnant may take some time, you had a sense that something might be wrong.
“I am sorry Mrs. Cameron,” The doctor said, looking at the test results, “But it seems like you have an ovulation disorder.”
“W-what does that mean?” You gulped, already feeling the tears in your eyes.
“I am sorry, but you will not be able to get pregnant anytime soon.” He explained, his face filled with sorrow.
You felt your world crumble around you. Your greatest desire was to become a mother, but it seemed as though fate had other plans.
“Will I ever be able to?” You asked him, tears now streaming down your face.
“There are different treatment options, but the chances are not high for you.” He told you honestly.
The last year you tried everything your doctor had recommend. Medications, lifestyle changes and a hormone replacement therapy. Still, you weren’t pregnant and the feeling of emptiness ate you alive.
Rafe supported you through everything, but it made you feel even more upset that you couldn't give him a child he wanted just as much as you did.
"How did your treatment go today?" your husband asked as he kissed your forehead.
“Unsuccessful. Rafe, I can’t do this anymore,” You mumbled and he nodded in an understanding way.
“It’s alright, my love. I know the past year has been difficult for you, and I noticed how much you suffered.” He kissed you tenderly.
"I really wanted to have a baby and make you a dad, Rafe. I'm sorry I couldn't." You whispered, staring at the white wall in front of you.
“No, no, don’t do this. It’s not your fault. And maybe I have a solution to our problem,” he said with a smile.
You frowned at him, “You find yourself another wife?”
He shook his head “Course not, you are the only woman I could ever love.”
You smiled a little and kissed him.
"I was thinking about adoption. We could provide a loving home for a child who needs it," he suggested, waiting for your response.
Adoption? You never thought about it before. The child may not be biologically yours, but you could still be its mother and Rafe could be its father. You could provide all the love and care that a baby needs. You would support the child in every decision, attend all their school events, and throw the most amazing birthday parties anyone has ever seen.
A big smile appeared on your face and Rafe immediately knew that adoption would be the solution to all your problems.
"Come on, Lily. Let's get you changed," you say with a smile, looking at the two-year-old girl in front of you.
She clapped her hands as giggles filled the room.
You and Rafe adopted Lily almost a year ago. Somehow she resembled both Rafe and you, having blue eyes like him and your hair color. Nevertheless, even if she didn't resemble either of you, it wouldn't change how much you loved her.
Lily was an angle, quite a shy child but after she saw people a few times she warmed up to them.
Today the three of you decided to go to the beach. You held two bathing suits in front of her, “What do you say, sweetie, pink or blue?”
“Bwu,” She smiled, her growing teeth showing.
She was adorable and you couldn’t be happier to be her mother.
You helped her into her bathing suit before picking her up and walking downstairs, where Rafe was already waiting.
“Dada!” She shouted, making grabby hands towards him.
“Well, look at you. Such a cute bathing suit.” He smiled, taking her out of your arms.
You couldn't believe how happy you finally were. Maybe you didn't carry Lily for nine months, but you and Rafe were certainly made to be her parents.
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holylikeana · 4 months
pro Ana
New page, I stalked proana profiles and half of you don’t know how to be a real Anorexic. This isn’t for the Anorexics who count calories and go for runs to be skinny because you got sad. If that’s you, you have a chance to get treatment, get better before it’s too late. I’ve been through all possible treatment. There’s nothing else to be done the doctor says. Ana will never hurt me. I have control of my body, my choices, and my mental health. A disorder doesn’t control me anymore, I choose to listen. The Anorexics who know that Ana has always been by your side and will never leave, find comfort in the thought. You must know the truth and the lies. Pro Ana isn’t just promoting unhealthy weight loss. A true Ana knows it’s much deeper. It’s pro purity, pro perfection, pro self control and discipline, pro making Ana the center of your world. She’s the “goddess” of thin. Starving isn’t self harm like cutting. That doesn’t change you or fix your problems. Starving is a privilege of entering enlightenment. Your problems are much smaller in comparison to your desire to make Ana proud. Nothing hurts you anymore. You wont just survive, Ana makes you feel alive. If you’re strong enough you will push though temporary discomfort until you reach the other side. Where you are purified, and perfectly thin. You must want it bad enough. Any doubt will make you fail. Ana never leaves those who are devoted to her. She’s kind to those who listen to her teaching. She’s strict and cold the weak. If you’re going to speak on pro Ana, know who Ana really is. If you have a problem with this lifestyle, you won’t make it as far as the rest. If you agree, may Ana bless you for she is proud.
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WebMD Page for Aziraphale
As promised to you all, inspired by that video of Aziraphale as an antidepressant. The WebMD drug format, from your clearly deranged mascot, Asmi. This took way too much effort. For legal purposes, even though this blog is a lawless hellscape, this is a spoof. If you did like it, reblog it, maggoty loves of mine, because likes don't help visibility on tumblr, and I want everyone to be traumatised with my own specific brand of unhinged. No pressure though, be rebels muaha. That being said:
COMMON BRAND(S): Guardian of the East Gate, Angel GENERIC NAME(S): Aziraphale
USES This medication is used to treat mood-related disorders ranging from depression to chronic loneliness and anxiety. It has also been proven effective in treatment of Compulsive Demonic Behavioural Disorder (CDBD) and Post Fall Stress Disorder (PFSD). The medication results in an overall improvement in mood (see Side Effects), morals, and lifestyle choices. This medication is sometimes described as a 'miracle-worker'. It is advisable to ensure that the correct dosage is taken at regular intervals. The doctor/God/Forces That Be may prescribe a lower dose at the start, gradually increasing frequency and amount over the course of millennia.
SIDE EFFECTS Documented side-effects include pining behaviour, severe withdrawal symptoms in case of suddenly stopping the medication, heart palpitations, stuttering or stammering, mood swings including irrational lashing out or defensive behaviour when faced with highly emotional situations, break-ups, misunderstands, obliviousness, amongst others. Despite the studies being limited to a single subject (see Crowley et. al. updated 2023) these effects are typically harmless in the long term. Life-altering effects may also be noted, including irretrievably falling in love, marriage, a positive character arc, tendencies to put oneself at risk to ensure continuation of medication, lifelong friendship, fate-defying romance and severe allergy to the idea of discontinuation of medication.
WARNINGS Casual or reckless consumption can be too fast for the medication, which will lessen its effects, leading to withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms range from repeated indulging in CDBD and PFSD induced behaviours to alcoholism, depressive episodes, recklessness, listlessness, and prolonged car rides with no purpose. While the medication should not be consumed too fast, regularity is also advised. This is a long-term medication and not a short-term fix. Rare, short-term exposures will only worsen the side effects, withdrawal symptoms and may even reverse the drug effects.
PRECAUTIONS Ensure immortality so that the medication may be able to work its effect through the full course. Pre-existing trauma and heart conditions may require regular consultations with a therapist.
INTERACTIONS Drug interactions may change how the medication works or increase severity of side effects. This document does not include a comprehensive list of all drug interactions, please do adequate research and check instructions on the medication before proceeding with additional drugs. Aziraphale is known to have highly negative interactions with the toxin hellfire as well as the drugs Gabriel (only when sold as Supreme Archangel), Satan and Metatron (known toxin). Negative interference may occur due to most drugs from the class Heaven and Hell. Vague interference may occur with the drug class Homo sapiens.
OVERDOSE While less dangerous than withdrawal symptoms, overdose may lead to lack of personal space, miscommunication, and decrease in mood stability. Increased irritability is also common. Use with caution.
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REVIEWS (1) Effectiveness: 5 stars Ease of use: 4 stars Satisfaction: 100000000000000000000e stars
It must be noted that in the country where I live (India), advertisements for pharmaceutical drugs are legally prohibited on television and other media. Which is why I was very bewildered at the initial video. But WebMD is a universal phenomenon so this shall by my contribution to the fandom. Thank you @neil-gaiman, Good Omens has given me a lot of opportunities to exercise my brain in all the weirdest ways.
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calware · 2 months
post about me. i added pictures to keep it interesting
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i've had a problem for most of my life that i'm currently visualizing as a gray dorito poking into me. it's frustrating, inconvenient, difficult to deal with, and overall makes everything suck a little. many people have told me that this problem is most likely adhd, such as my therapist in high school who said it was "textbook." unfortunately, she was just a therapist, not a psychiatrist, and therefore wasn't actually qualified to diagnose me with anything. this was in 2021 when there were no child psychiatrists in my area accepting new patients (thanks, covid), so instead my doctor gave me a few adhd meds at differing doses to see if any of them stuck (i had literally no reaction to Any of them) and the whole thing went nowhere
so, is the problem actually adhd? i'm an adult now and could pay several hundred dollars (of my parent's money) to get a proper test, but it would make no difference as my issues would not be solved by adhd medication (maybe. i'm worried i somehow messed it up) or any form of accommodations. i don't want to ask my parents to pay for something that likely won't have much impact (and my mom wouldn't be fully convinced anyway. both parents are pretty sure there's nothing wrong with me). i want to know, but the time and money don't justify it. so the best solution i have is to keep going, keep learning which lifestyle changes to make and how to "work smarter". i'll be okay. and i say that with sincerity
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whoops, forgot my glasses here. this is another gray dorito-shaped problem, only this one is much smaller. i rarely notice it, and when i do, it's superficial. it's only gotten genuinely bad twice in my life. it's my paranoia, obsessiveness, and, on occasion, compulsions that follow those obsessions. now, i know what you're thinking, which is that it kind of sounds like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. frankly, from my understanding, my issue is so negligible that it doesn't qualify as OCD. like i said, it barely affects me. it still bothers me that it's there, though. i do my best to deal with it, letting my thoughts pass as they come to me and not trying not to give into/breaking out of compulsions, but i just don't want it there at all
this is another thing i could see a therapist about, but does a problem this small really justify the time and expenses of seeing a professional? not in my case (not for me, at least. don't apply this to your own problems if you genuinely want to seek professional help)
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i have a goal to have enough disposable income later in life to justify paying a scientist to pick through my brain for my own amusement. because, despite no substantial foreseeable improvements to my mental health after getting a psych evaluation, i still find the idea to be really exciting. i have a strong desire to understand how my mind works, how my brain ticks, why i am the person i am. that's how i know that if i ever played sburb, id have the heart aspect (that's right. you thought that this was just a personal post on my homestuck blog that had nothing to do with homestuck. do you really think i would do that? make off-topic posts solely about me on a homestuck blog? look, i even remembered to draw my glasses this time and i made them homestuck glasses. because i care about you guys) and i am vain and self-centered enough to desperately want someone with a phd to talk about me for an hour. and no, i don't need a therapist to tell me why that is, i already figured that one out allllll on my own
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graveyardlifeguard · 5 months
Survivors Part 3
Summary: Occurs during the events of Season 4x13 and Season 4x14 of 9-1-1.
*This is my first attempt at writing after many, many years so please go easy on me*
Warnings: Shooting, Injury, Blood
Notes: A little short but I needed to put all of this in one because the next part is uhhh.. the big one.
Strictly Angst with a teeny tiny bit of Fluff
Eddie Diaz x Paramedic! Reader
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After showing Eddie the countless Fund Me pages I’ve unfortunately found, we decided to loop Carla in on the situation at hand.
“That’s a lot of Fund Me pages.” Carla states, agreeing with me.
I had shown Eddie all of the pages I had found, five to be exact, of which Carla was able to find three more. This had gone past just lying to us, this had turned into Sheila, if that was her real name, lying to thousands of people and scamming them out of money. I couldn’t imagine how someone would be capable of doing that but here we are.
“There’s Sheila and Charlie Burns of El Paso. Sheila and Charlie Young of Phoenix. Sheila and Charlie Watts of Santa Fe. It’s him, the same kid, every time. Just different last names in different states.” I trail off.
I just couldn’t wrap my head around this. How could someone just use their sick child as a cash grab to get out of working. Unless he wasn’t actually sick. I try once again to shake the thought out of my head but that last time I did that, it seems that I was correct in my thinking. Before I can voice my opinion on that idea, Eddie speaks up.
“Charlie did say they moved around a lot. That would explain the different accounts and different cities, but not the different names.”
Eddie has his arms crossed over his chest and I can just feel the irritation and disappointment rolling off of him in waves. He was a single parent with a sick child. Never once would he have EVER thought about throwing Christopher all over the internet to try and garner money. He had put in the work and the overtime himself to make sure that Chris was taken care of.
Carla chimes back in, still looking over one of the pages still pulled up on the laptop, “What did his mom say his illness was?”
I let out a dry, humorless laugh before replying, “She didn’t. Not really. Just said that it was an Auto-immune disorder.”
I can tell that Carla is becoming frustrated as well, she had taken care of Christopher for a while, so she knew the lifestyle that came with having a sick child. She had been to countless appointments with Eddie and Christopher. Whether it was a regular checkup, blood work or physical therapy, Carla had been there and seen the struggle that Chris had to go through sometimes.
“She did say that Charlie had to go to a lot of different doctors. Could be doctor shopping. Which if what you do when you’re really not sick, you’re just looking for a doctor to say that you are.”
It wouldn’t be the first time that this has ever been heard of unfortunately. There was a whole medical diagnosis for this exact thing, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Having someone, typically a parent, fake an illness or disorder on their child to gain sympathy or money from people wasn’t unheard of, but it was extremely rare. I had never seen it before, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t exist. Case and point, Sheila Leute. From beside me, I can see Eddie rubbing his hand over his face. Subconsciously, my left hand catches his and I begin rubbing the veins on top of his hand. Something he normally jokingly scolds me for, but in the moment, he seeks comfort in. We were feeding off of each other at this point. The frustration and sadness were palpable among the three of us.
“Well, we couldn’t be the only ones. Most of the Fund Me pages were shut down, but the comments are still up.” I turn the laptop towards Eddie so he can see what I am.
He reads a couple of comments out loud. He stops quickly with an “Oh God” escaping under his breath that doesn’t go unnoticed by Carla and I. Carla beats me to the punch by asking what he read.
He lets out a frustrated sigh before reading, “I think she’s making her kid sick.”
Although I knew the possibility was there and was already a thought in my mind, it was an odd feeling to see that someone else had the same thought that I do. It was a reassuring in a sad way. Eddie shuts the laptop quickly after reading it. I can tell that the frustration had finally built up to his breaking point on the topic. Carla looks absolutely appalled as my head falls back onto Eddie’s arm. Carla leaves shortly after with Eddie and I moving towards the bedroom.
Once in the bedroom, we both begin our nighttime routines in silence. It’s not like were avoiding each other, it felt as though we were both trying to process all of the information we had just discovered. Getting into bed, Eddie pulls me tight into his chest, almost like I would disappear if he let go. Nothing is said for a moment before he finally breaks the silence.
“I love you.” Is all he says for the moment. He continues shortly after, now moving to where he can see my face.
“How can she do that to her own son? How can you take something so special as having a child and just use them as a prop to gain money from?”
The sadness in his voice is something I haven’t heard in a while. It’s something that I had not missed. Not in the slightest. Eddie had spent years by himself with Christopher. I couldn’t even begin to imagine the thoughts that he was having. Not about this.
“Eddie. There is no way for us to know why she would do something like this. As much as we would love to know, I don’t think this is something that we will ever get answers to. I know what you went through with Christopher. The sacrifices you had to make and still have to make occasionally. I can’t even begin to imagine the level of pain this brings you. All we can do now, with this knowledge, is doing something about it. We can help this little boy. We can work now to get him away from her. I’m going to call CPS in the morning and do a Wellness check on him. We’re going to save him Eddie, I promise you.”
Eddie stares at me for a moment. Not moving and not saying anything before he leans in and gives me a long kiss. It takes me by surprise for a second before I relax into the kiss. His hands are cupping my face with mine around his side. After a few minutes, he pulls away, breathless and kisses me on the forehead. He sits like that, lips stuck to my forehead before fully moving his head back. In his eyes, I see nothing but admiration. He looks at me as if I put the moon in the sky. I know that the look is reciprocated in my own eyes. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, and I know that this is where I am supposed to be. Here, with Eddie.
“I love you,” he repeats “I love you more than you will ever know. Thank you for constantly being a positive, reassuring light in my life.”
I smile up at him before giving him a soft kiss on the lips, my left hand cupping his cheek. “I love you Eddie Diaz, so much I think I might die.
He laughs before releasing me to roll over to turn off his table lamp. We hadn’t noticed but it was already midnight, and unfortunately, we both had to be at work in seven hours.
“Don’t do that. If you were to die, I’d have to find someone else who puts up with me as much as you do, and we both know the only person who would be able to do that is Buck.”
I laugh as we lower ourselves into the bed, not even realizing how tired we both are until our heads hit the pillows and were fast asleep.
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fatcultureis · 2 months
Fat culture is straight up telling your doctor you're not interested in weight loss, having them completely ignore and bulldoze you and write up a "treatment plan" for you anyway, and then you get labeled "noncompliant" and blamed for "wasting the doctor's time" for not adhering to a treatment you did not want or ask for to "treat" a "disease" you don't have (because it doesn't exist).
Fat culture is being honest specifically so the doctor doesn't waste their time and energy on writing up a diet (excuse me, LiFeStYLe ChAnGe) plan, and then being blamed when said doctor makes the informed choice to ignore you and waste their own time and energy anyway.
Fat culture is your doctor doing shocked pikachu face when you didn't dO tHe WoRk ("work" as in committing to a lifelong eating disorder to make your body the socially appropriate size) when you have repeatedly told them you're not interested in doing that kind of "work."
fat culture is
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best-nutritionist · 8 months
Dr. Anu Goswami: Noida's Leading Expert in Nutrition, Obesity Treatment, and PCOD Care
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In the bustling city of Noida, individuals seeking expert guidance on nutrition, obesity treatment, and PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) care need look no further than Dr. Anu Goswami. Renowned for her unparalleled expertise and compassionate approach, Dr. Goswami has emerged as the go-to professional for those striving to achieve their health and wellness goals. In this article, we will delve into the remarkable journey and contributions of Dr. Anu Goswami, who has earned the well-deserved titles of the Best Nutritionist in Noida, the expert in "Best Obesity Treatment in Noida," and the distinguished Best PCOD Doctor in Noida.
Educational Background and Specialization
Dr. Anu Goswami's journey in the field of healthcare began with a strong educational foundation. Armed with a medical degree from a prestigious institution, she went on to specialize in nutrition, obesity treatment, and reproductive health. Her commitment to continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest research has allowed her to offer cutting-edge solutions to her patients.
Best Nutritionist in Noida
One of the standout aspects of Dr. Goswami's practice is her expertise as the Best Nutritionist in Noida. Nutrition plays a pivotal role in overall health and well-being, and Dr. Goswami understands the unique dietary needs of her diverse clientele. Her personalized approach to nutrition involves a thorough understanding of each individual's lifestyle, dietary habits, and health goals.
Dr. Goswami believes in the power of holistic nutrition, addressing not only weight management but also optimizing overall health. Her customized nutrition plans take into account factors such as age, gender, medical history, and dietary preferences. Whether it's designing a weight loss program, managing chronic conditions, or enhancing athletic performance, Dr. Anu Goswami's nutritional expertise stands unrivaled in Noida.
Best Obesity Treatment in Noida
Obesity is a prevalent health concern worldwide, and Noida residents have found a trusted ally in Dr. Anu Goswami for the Best Obesity Treatment in Noida. Dr. Goswami adopts a comprehensive approach to obesity management, recognizing that each individual's journey is unique. Her treatment plans combine dietary modifications, exercise regimens, and, when necessary, medical interventions.
Dr. Goswami's success in obesity treatment lies not only in achieving short-term weight loss but also in fostering sustainable lifestyle changes. Her patients praise her for the empathetic and supportive environment she creates, promoting a positive mindset crucial for long-term success in weight management.
Best PCOD Doctor in Noida
For women grappling with PCOD, Dr. Anu Goswami has rightfully earned the title of the Best PCOD Doctor in Noida. PCOD is a hormonal disorder that affects reproductive health, and Dr. Goswami's specialized care is tailored to address the unique challenges faced by women dealing with this condition.
Her approach to PCOD treatment involves a combination of hormonal therapy, lifestyle modifications, and nutritional counseling. Dr. Goswami recognizes the importance of addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of PCOD, providing not just medical treatment but also the necessary support and guidance for women to navigate their reproductive health journey with confidence.
Patient Testimonials
The success stories of Dr. Anu Goswami's patients stand as a testament to her expertise and commitment. Many individuals have expressed their gratitude for the positive impact she has had on their lives. From shedding excess pounds to managing PCOD symptoms, Dr. Goswami's holistic approach has transformed the lives of many in Noida.
More information can be found at the following links:
Best Weight Loss Dietician in Noida
Best Weight Loss Dietitian in Noida
Best Weight Management Dietician in Noida
In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, Dr. Anu Goswami has emerged as a beacon of expertise and compassion. Her titles as the Best Nutritionist in Noida, the expert in the Best Obesity Treatment in Noida, and the distinguished Best PCOD Doctor in Noida are well-deserved accolades that reflect the positive impact she has had on the health and well-being of her patients. Noida residents seeking comprehensive and personalized care for nutrition, obesity, and PCOD need not look any further than Dr. Anu Goswami – a true pioneer in the field of health and wellness.
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bugs1nmybrain · 5 months
Bipolar!Shigaraki Tomura Headcanons
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I'm writing it. Because I CAN
Before I start, I am writing these headcanons as someone who has been diagnosed with Bipolar Type 1 for almost three years now. I frankly could not care less if people don't think he has Bipolar Disorder, I'm writing this for my comfort and that of others who either have Bipolar disorder or just resonate with the idea that Tomura does.
and I'm also very aware of Bipolar Disorder being stigmatized as something that affects "bad" people. I'm not trying to suggest this, but that Tomura is someone who is neglected of treatment.
Warning: Bipolar disorder as title suggests (Tomura's symptoms relate to type 1 more), talks of depression, mania, psychosis, suicidality, etc, angst?
Tomura has never been given a formal diagnosis and likely has no clue that he has bipolar disorder himself. He doesn't know much about it, either, other then the stereotype that people with general mood swings are "so bipolar."
The doctor knows, AFO does too, but for them, they see it as more ammo for their arsenal to make sure Tomura's life is nothing but agony. He's never been treated with medications or therapy. Nothing.
Because he isn't medicated, his episodes are pretty strong. His manic episodes sort of blend in with his everyday behavior to a lot of people.
It's during this time that he finds himself planning out grand operations against the heroes. Some of his ideas seem unrealistic and not well thought out. They're more just ideas thrown around, and he jumps to gather people and means to carry out his goal before actually having a calculated plan.
He's up all night doing this. But if he's not, he's likely gaming. He huddles up in his room with multiple cans of energy drinks (as if he didn't already have way too much energy).
(semi-canon) will text his comrades at godforsaken hours either asking, demanding, or just rambling about stuff. If he gets an answer, the recipient often finds themself confused because Tomura just talks and talks and talks, and when he's in the heat of some plan or project he doesn't really stop to compose his sentences or even take a damn breath.
He impulsively buys things, like copious amounts of in-game purchases. Or DoorDash. If he's feeling reeeaaal bold he'll go for a whole-ass gaming console if he can, even if his current one is perfectly fine. Or assembling as many thugs as he can and feeling generous enough to overpay them when they definitely don't need the amount of money he's giving them.
You can see how when AFO was arrested, his lifestyle shifted in this regard.
Tomura is already an irritable guy, and so his mania can make it worse. He gets very overstimulated with all of his sensations that little things, like accidentally stubbing his toe, can make him mad as fuck for a good thirty minutes.
He also gets very paranoid about others. When he talks to people, he's already convinced that they are tricking him somehow and he'll read every cue he can to confirm it, even if the proof isn't even there.
Even when he's out in public and by himself, he thinks everyone is mocking, judging, and looking at him. That also comes with being the most wanted villain around, but that's beside the point.
When something finally goes his way, he is HAPPY. Sometimes the League will catch Tomura smiling his face off for no apparent reason (odd for him), and will ask what's up, only for Tomura to CACKLE back with, "ehehAHAH NOTHING!! THAT's just IT!"
They look at each other like, but just let him go about his day. They'll later hear him giggling to himself in his room, and sometimes talking to himself. He'll deny and just tell them he was on chat (his devices are not open and he is standing in the middle of his room).
Because he's not medicated, his mania can trickle into psychotic symptoms. Especially if he's going through more stress than typical. He hears voices that tell him mean things. Sometimes they're the voices of his dead family.
And because he doesn't sleep much, he sees detailed shadows and things moving that aren't. It disturbs him, but he accepts it and tries to just push on. But sometimes if he hears voices more than he'd like, he gets sad and has to grip his head and whisper "shut up shut up shut up" to negate them.
He's delusional, too. AFO's grooming and constant monitoring of his whole life have definitely emphasized his distrust of everything around him. Sometimes he'll think that the people he's gaming with online are secret hero spies trying to get him to reveal himself. He also has a fear that someone is watching him in every location, and he'll think that even the silliest things are cameras or microphones, or that those around him are also spies. Later on, it becomes paranoia that his master is everywhere.
Then comes the doom of depression
For Tomura, he's technically always depressed. But when he goes into a depressive episode, he's pretty lifeless.
He's complacent about his goals. Sometimes he'll get a tiny idea that makes his brain go !, but then he thinks of all the planning behind it and immediately slouches down on any nearby furniture
He'll lay in bed for a long period of time doing nothing. Sometimes he'll try to play a game on his phone but he gets bored quick.
Tends to eat more during this time because it's the only joy he can get. And he gets bored. He is SO BORED
Anhedonia is a bitch
His brain dwells and rambles, yet his thoughts don't make sense to him? He's constantly thinking about how fucked up his life is, how better other villains are, and how much he hates All Might and heroes altogether. He tells himself that if it wasn't for all of that he wouldn't feel this way (relating to the depressive episode).
It overwhelms him and he tries to sleep it off, but he's somehow so depressed that he's UNCOMFORTABLE. His itching gets bad.
He is very suicidal during this time and hurts himself to try and subside it. If you asked him his reason for living, he'd tell you "to see this world crumble." But he's too busy crumbling in his bed.
Psychotic symptoms can occur during his depression, too. Especially if he hasn't slept.
His lack of medication usually causes him to swap back to mania somewhat soon (2 months or so). He definitely has rapid cycles.
Because his condition isn't managed, his brain is sort of in an in-an-out stance when it comes to his literal sanity. He has moments where he can definitely be level-headed (he gets rrly confident when he notices it) but when his anger and stress fuel him more than usual, he spirals and quite literally sees red. Sometimes he can't even tell if he's dreaming or not. Often mistakes the date and day of the week.
I might write a fic of the reader comforting bipolar tomura. I don't think I've ever seen a fic like that for any character.
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libraford · 10 months
I'm legit worried about my brother.
So mom has a history of disordered eating- was anorexic in high school and college, growing up she was orthorexic (when.youre allowed to eat, but theres strict rules to what you can eat, usually cutting out entire food groups. Fad diets.) There's been some improvement in that she does let herself eat more than she used to, but it's still there.
My brother is a gym rat. And for awhile he was on paleo, then he was on keto and I disagree with the lifestyle but he seemed to be doing okay.
So then he cut out alcohol, which I think was a good move. He didnt drink copious amounts, but a few beers a week and overall alcohol isnt great for you so I think this was smart.
He showed up to Thanksgiving today like...super thin and tired looking and he was shaky.
So now he's cutting out animal products. He like... just drinks a smoothie with chia seeds and some tofu and vitamin supplements. Hes on some like superfood that has like 1000x daily dosage of vitamin c.
He says that his inflammation has gone down and he feels great, but he looks a lot like my grandpa did when he was going through chemo.
All he could talk about was his diet and all the things hes omitting from his food and crossfit or whatever the more intense form of crossfit is.
His wife was super irritated with him because he refuses to see a doctor about a possible misaligned disc because 'the doctor's just gonna tell me to put ice on it's which he does but then he just goes back to the gym where he irritates it more. And I think hes refusing to see a doctor because a doc is gonna tell him that he needs a more varied diet.
He goes on and on about his quality of life and how he doesnt want to decline slowly, but hes only 41. And I think like yeah staying active is good but theres a difference between doing a yoga class once a week and doing an intense workout twice a day- the more you exercise, the more prone to injury you become.
And I think like... psychologically its fear driven. Because we lost our aunt (76), both grandmas (96), great uncle (92), and an aunt by marriage (79) all in the past 2 years, all of the men of the older generation died in their 70s, and his wife's mom is starting to have health problems. So I think hes getting scared of getting old, I think this is the midlife crisis everyone talks about.
But like...
When my hands are shaking it's because I'm either anemic or because I'm short on protein. If you feel great why are your hands shaking?
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covid-safer-hotties · 19 days
Feeling Sick More Often? It Could Be “Long COVID” - Published Sept 3, 2024
While many of us would simply like to move on from all things “COVID,” unfortunately, not all can. In fact, a growing number of people – even millions – are still battling lingering symptoms. Often known as “long COVID” or Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PASC), these symptoms range wide and far.
But how do you know?
How do you know if your health condition is a cold, flu, or lasting effects from COVID-19 infection? If you’re not sure how to get to the bottom of it, here’s how…
Brain Fog You’ve probably heard of brain fog, but what does it really mean?
Basically, brain fog is all about mental difficulty. This can show up in a variety of ways, everything from confusion to concentration problems, memory lapses, and a general feeling of ‘dullness.’
But again, these symptoms can often be mistaken for other things. If you’re not sure if it’s from COVID, consider the timing. Long COVID typically happens just weeks after you’re infected. Not only that, but it can easily last for many months or longer.
If you notice other symptoms like dizziness, general fatigue, and headaches – speak to your doctor about long COVID.
RELATED: Tired Of Brain Fog? Here’s How To Clear Your Mind
Gastrointestinal Symptoms Nobody likes feeling bloated or sick to the stomach, but how do you know which is which? While it’s easy to think issues like diarrhea and nausea are related to other conditions – even food poisoning – you’re in luck.
The symptoms of gastrointestinal distress due to Long COVID are unique. Firstly, they usually persist for months, which is unlike food poisoning that only lasts days. Beyond that, you may also experience symptoms like body aches and even breathing difficulties. Finally, try to chart any recent COVID-19 infections so you know if there’s a temporal relationship.
Sleep Problems You may not think of long COVID causing sleep disturbances, but it’s actually fairly common. People with the condition will often struggle with insomnia, restless sleep, and even excessive sleep problems. Related problems include feelings of anxiety, depression, and other primary sleep disorders.
Again, look to see if your issues started close to an infection. If stress, lifestyle factors, or other disorders aren’t related, it could be due to COVID-19. And finally, look out for chronic fatigue syndrome. This issue is not usually fixed by adequate rest, which is different from most sleep conditions.
Heart Palpitations Ever feel like your heart is racing or doing funny things?
Do these odd sensations come with anxiety, severe dehydration, or other vascular issues? If you’ve been dealing with cardiovascular problems following a COVID infection, you’re not alone. In fact, these palpitations occur soon after infection, if they do occur.
Other symptoms to be on the lookout for are chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and feelings of dizziness. If you notice that your heart palpitations last for weeks and occur without any real exercise, it could certainly be related to COVID.
Sensory Sensitivities Sensory sensitivity is nothing new. It can come from lights, sounds, and even touching things. In some cases, everything around you may simply feel like too much. That’s why it is easy to confuse these sensations. Some migraine sufferers or individuals with fibromyalgia may report similar feelings.
But here’s how you know if it’s Long COVID or not…
Do you still show other symptoms of the virus, like respiratory issues, or fatigue or aches? When it comes to Long COVID, the effects usually hit multiple sensory systems, which is usually not the case with fibromyalgia.
If usual pain and migraine medications don’t work, consider talking to your doctor about Long COVID. The condition will usually disrupt daily living quite significantly, so if you’re struggling with multi-sensory issues, don’t ignore it.
When all is said and done, Long COVID can be a challenging diagnosis. Fortunately, many treatment protocols can help. In fact, many of the treatment protocols also help individuals who had adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines.
So if you’re not feeling like yourself, aren’t responding to normal medications, and can’t figure out long-lasting health problems, don’t stress yourself sicker. Listen to your body, listen to your healthcare professionals, and stay consistent.
With some tweaks and changes, you’ll be able to fight off that lingering sickness sooner than later!
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frankiensteinsmonster · 3 months
if you've been dealing with XYZ disorder for the longest, and you've Tried all the coping mechanisms and lifestyle changes your doctors asked you to try
And nothing is working and it's obvious you need medicine, mobility aids, etc, and your doctor insists on you Doing Not That Stuff Despite Your Lived Experience when you just KNOW you won't be able to continue/do the things at All/not in an adequate amount without
You're allowed to say so
I needed a wheelchair (for ambulatory use), doctor says I should do standing exercises to get myself walking again and she's concerned about weight gain and deconditioning. You'll notice that's the exact opposite of what I know I need. So I explained to hear in plain words, the chair is what will give me the ability to exercise. The chair will help because I won't be spending all of my energy on simply being awake and standing and walking. The exercise is Not Happening because I don't have a chair. End of.
Same with medicine, if you need something that will help you with executive function, but your doctor wants to set an alarm or write stuff down and do a little countdown or set yourself up to do things based on certain daily triggers. When you know good and well you've tried all those things and you just Need medication. Tell them that. They like to forget you need to be Not Experiencing The Specific Symptom in order to do the coping. It seems really simple to them bc they either Don't experience your symptoms or have only handled milder cases. Sometimes you have to do the math for them or else you'll experience medical neglect.
Mood stabilizers. You've gone through talk therapy? You learned the coping skills? You're using them to the best of you ability and it isn't helping?? Okay then. It's obvious now that we aren't doing to breathe and count our way through a chemical imbalance. Demand your care, tell them the dire situation you're in if you don't get the care you need. Let them know you're miserable and your disability symptoms are ruining your life. TW for suicide but I literally told my doctor walking is the worst part of my day and it makes me want to kill myself. Fuck them up and make them feel guilty if they are really That Resistant to providing proper care. Because all the real shit you'd say to them during the appointment is literally being caused by their refusal to help.
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clingylilhoneybee · 2 days
Hey yall, I just wanted to pop in here and try to utilize my platform to bring awareness to a few things while I talk about taking a break on posting personal content of my body.
TLDR: I’m taking a break on posting new content for a currently undetermined amount of time due to a recent diagnosis of PCOS and my body adjusting as i have started to begin treatment
If you’ve been around a while, y’all know that I went through a restrictive eating disorder as a teenager and struggled to recover in an environment where I was seen as “starting to get bigger” at the time of buying a size 4 dress for a school dress. That period of recovery then coincided with starting college, leaving that family environment and a number of other things that led to me gaining a significant amount of weight, but ultimately translated to me being at a healthy weight for myself.
However, despite multiple lifestyle changes (in directions that would logically lead to more or less weight gain), I continued to gain in the realm of 10-15 pounds a year during every year of adulthood, in a way that I described as “making total sense until it didn’t”. This went on at the same time as my periods being out of whack, which I originally attributed to birth control, and chronic fatigue that I could always find an excuse for, especially as someone who was a student in higher education until these last two years.
It wasn’t until about a year ago that I became aware that a notable amount of women in my family had PCOS, and that nearly all the bigger women in my family were not just “lazy and can’t stick to a diet” like I was led to believe my whole life. Thus started the journey of the last few months for me.
After stopping hormonal birth control and ruling that out as an explanation for my symptoms about 2 years ago, I’ve been working with my doctor and recently settled on a PCOS diagnosis. During my bloodwork, I was found to have significant insulin resistance, which is likely responsible for my body gaining such a notable about of weight. Because of this diagnosis and the bloodwork, I was started on medication to manage my symptoms, which also has the side effect of weight loss. During the last 2ish months, I’ve seen a total change in my symptoms. Regular periods, massive increase in energy levels, and also a notable weight change.
As someone who has spent years working through body neutrality and separating weight from moral value, it’s been fuckin hard. I’ve had to work through emotions of my weight gain being the result of illness, and the grief of fatphobia in my family being a direct cause of me not being diagnosed earlier. It’s so hard to reconcile that my weight loss is good, not because I’m smaller but because it’s treating a symptom of a chronic condition I didn’t even knew I had. There’s also many PCOS spaces that emphasize the moral value of weight loss and spend a lot of time shitting on their bodies before treatment, and tend to focus solely on how their treatment has changed their size, and not much else. On top of that, there’s some level of guilt in being on one of the “skinny meds” (and possibly being on the oh so popular glp-1 meds in the near future) feeling like a betrayal to the body positivity movement I’ve found community in, and a “cheating” method of weight loss to the broader society who treats weight loss as a discipline based skill. Add on the comments from SO many people about my body changing and it’s been hard to work through all the emotions and settle into a point where I’m comfortable with my body.
This has also led to me being even stronger in my boundaries around my size being fetishized. While I was always uncomfortable as someone in recovery, and as someone who never wants my attractiveness linked to my size, it’s also been so frustrating and emotional to see a body that has come from neglect and unnecessary struggle being fetishized for the physical manifestation of that struggle.
So overall I’ve only posted 2 new posts since I’ve started this medication, with only one actually showing a significant amount of my body (any others have been old, reposted content). I’ve always promised myself to never post what I am uncomfortable with, just to keep up popularity and get positive attention so I fully expect this trend to keep up as I become more comfortable with the way that my body is changing. I know that’s what many of you follow me for, and I figured I’d give an explanation that includes bringing awareness to a chronically under-diagnosed condition and giving a place for me to talk through the struggles in my journey so far
I hope yall stick around while this blog is primarily reblogs for the foreseeable future, but if not please take this as your awareness post for PCOS, which, even with a massive lack of information in the medical community leading to crazy amounts of under-diagnosis, is estimated to affect as many as 1 in 5 people with ovaries
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