#Top Lifestyle Disorders Doctors
best-nutritionist · 8 months
Unveiling the Expertise of Dr. Anu Goswami: The Best Nutritionist and Specialist in Noida for Obesity, PCOD, and PCOS Treatment
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In the bustling city of Noida, where health concerns are paramount, finding the right healthcare professional is of utmost importance. Amidst the myriad options available, Dr. Anu Goswami stands out as a beacon of expertise and excellence. Renowned as the best nutritionist and specialist in Noida, Dr. Anu Goswami offers unparalleled services in the treatment of obesity, PCOD, and PCOS, earning her the trust and admiration of countless patients.
With a profound understanding of nutrition and its impact on health, Dr. Anu Goswami has emerged as a leading figure in the field of healthcare. Her journey towards becoming a distinguished nutritionist and specialist began with a fervent desire to alleviate the health issues plaguing individuals in her community.
Dr. Goswami's relentless pursuit of knowledge led her to obtain advanced degrees and certifications in nutrition, enabling her to offer comprehensive guidance tailored to the unique needs of each patient. Armed with the latest research and techniques, she empowers individuals to take charge of their health and embark on transformative journeys towards wellness.
As the best nutritionist in Noida, Dr. Anu Goswami employs a holistic approach to address the multifaceted challenges of obesity. Recognizing that weight management is not merely about counting calories but rather about fostering sustainable lifestyle changes, she devises personalized nutrition plans that prioritize balance, variety, and moderation.
Dr. Goswami's obesity treatment in Noida transcends conventional approaches, encompassing dietary modifications, physical activity recommendations, and behavioral interventions. Her compassionate demeanor and unwavering support inspire patients to embrace healthier habits and overcome obstacles on the path to achieving their ideal weight.
In addition to her expertise in obesity management, Dr. Anu Goswami is revered as the best PCOD doctor in Noida. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) are complex endocrine disorders that can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. Dr. Goswami's nuanced understanding of these conditions allows her to provide comprehensive care that addresses the underlying hormonal imbalances and associated symptoms.
Through a combination of nutritional counseling, lifestyle modifications, and medical interventions, Dr. Anu Goswami empowers women to manage their PCOD and PCOS effectively. Her empathetic approach fosters open communication and trust, ensuring that patients feel heard and understood throughout their treatment journey.
What sets Dr. Anu Goswami apart as the best PCOS doctor in Noida is her unwavering commitment to personalized care. She recognizes that each patient's experience with these conditions is unique, and therefore, she tailors her treatment strategies to align with their individual needs and goals. By addressing the root causes of PCOD and PCOS, she helps women reclaim control over their health and fertility, paving the way for a brighter, more empowered future.
Beyond her clinical expertise, Dr. Anu Goswami is celebrated for her compassionate bedside manner and genuine dedication to patient well-being. She goes above and beyond to ensure that her patients feel supported and empowered throughout their healing journey, offering guidance, encouragement, and unwavering support every step of the way.
In conclusion, Dr. Anu Goswami emerges as the epitome of excellence in the realm of nutrition and healthcare in Noida. As the best nutritionist and specialist in the region, she continues to transform lives through her holistic approach to wellness. Whether combating obesity, managing PCOD, or addressing PCOS, Dr. Goswami's unwavering commitment to personalized care sets her apart as a beacon of hope and healing for individuals seeking to optimize their health and reclaim their vitality. With her guidance, patients embark on transformative journeys towards a brighter, healthier future, empowered to embrace life to the fullest.
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What is sleep disorder?
As we know sleep is very important to carry day to day routine and for proper and healthy mental health.
Disorder that prevents you from getting restful sleep can generally cause restlessness, daytime sleepiness.
However, we can ourself analyze, either we are having sleep disorder if: –
There is difficulty in sleeping regularly
Feeling of tiredness during the day
Having problem in performing regular daytime activities
As we know sleep is very important to carry day to day routine, healthy life style and mental health.
But deprivation of sleep can hinder normal routine such as, work routine (professional and personal) and health.
Sleep disorder can occur due to many reasons such as, because of medical conditions, like depression, anxiety, parasomnias, obstruction sleep apnea.
Different types of sleep disorders.
Insomnia: – inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep. It can be caused due to jet lag, stress, anxiety, hormones or digestive problems.
Insomnia is classified into 3 types
1 Chronic 2Intermittent 3 Transient
Sleep apnea: – characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. It is a serious condition that causes body to take in less oxygen.
Parasomnias: – It causes abnormal movements and behavior during sleep.
Restless leg syndrome: – it is an overwhelming need to move the legs. This urge is sometimes accompanied by a tingling sensation in the legs.
Narcolepsy: – characterized by “sleep attacks” that occur while awake. This means that you will suddenly feel extremely tired and fall asleep without warning.
Symptoms of sleep disorder can be: –
Episodic (lasts from 1 to 3 months)
Persistent (lasts from 3 or more months)
Recurrent (with two or more episodes within a year)
Sleep disordercan be diagnosed by a physician by observing patient’s medical history, any kind of substance misuse, depression and other physical and mental illness. Thus, it also involves physical exam, sleep diary and a sleep study.
Sleep study also called Polysomnography, records your brain waves, oxygen level in your blood, heart rate and breathing as well as eye and leg movements during the study.
There are other techniques as well which can help a person to regulate sleep cycle. It includes: –
Relaxation Techniques: – used before bed times and can be helpful for insomnia.
Mind and Body approaches: – mindfulness, meditation, yoga, massage therapy.
Herbs and dietary supplements.
Sleep Hygiene: – Stick to sleep schedule
Avoid naps especially afternoon Exercise daily
Pay attention to bedroom environment and your mattress. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and heavy meals in the evening.
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graveyardlifeguard · 5 months
Survivors Part 3
Summary: Occurs during the events of Season 4x13 and Season 4x14 of 9-1-1.
*This is my first attempt at writing after many, many years so please go easy on me*
Warnings: Shooting, Injury, Blood
Notes: A little short but I needed to put all of this in one because the next part is uhhh.. the big one.
Strictly Angst with a teeny tiny bit of Fluff
Eddie Diaz x Paramedic! Reader
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After showing Eddie the countless Fund Me pages I’ve unfortunately found, we decided to loop Carla in on the situation at hand.
“That’s a lot of Fund Me pages.” Carla states, agreeing with me.
I had shown Eddie all of the pages I had found, five to be exact, of which Carla was able to find three more. This had gone past just lying to us, this had turned into Sheila, if that was her real name, lying to thousands of people and scamming them out of money. I couldn’t imagine how someone would be capable of doing that but here we are.
“There’s Sheila and Charlie Burns of El Paso. Sheila and Charlie Young of Phoenix. Sheila and Charlie Watts of Santa Fe. It’s him, the same kid, every time. Just different last names in different states.” I trail off.
I just couldn’t wrap my head around this. How could someone just use their sick child as a cash grab to get out of working. Unless he wasn’t actually sick. I try once again to shake the thought out of my head but that last time I did that, it seems that I was correct in my thinking. Before I can voice my opinion on that idea, Eddie speaks up.
“Charlie did say they moved around a lot. That would explain the different accounts and different cities, but not the different names.”
Eddie has his arms crossed over his chest and I can just feel the irritation and disappointment rolling off of him in waves. He was a single parent with a sick child. Never once would he have EVER thought about throwing Christopher all over the internet to try and garner money. He had put in the work and the overtime himself to make sure that Chris was taken care of.
Carla chimes back in, still looking over one of the pages still pulled up on the laptop, “What did his mom say his illness was?”
I let out a dry, humorless laugh before replying, “She didn’t. Not really. Just said that it was an Auto-immune disorder.”
I can tell that Carla is becoming frustrated as well, she had taken care of Christopher for a while, so she knew the lifestyle that came with having a sick child. She had been to countless appointments with Eddie and Christopher. Whether it was a regular checkup, blood work or physical therapy, Carla had been there and seen the struggle that Chris had to go through sometimes.
“She did say that Charlie had to go to a lot of different doctors. Could be doctor shopping. Which if what you do when you’re really not sick, you’re just looking for a doctor to say that you are.”
It wouldn’t be the first time that this has ever been heard of unfortunately. There was a whole medical diagnosis for this exact thing, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Having someone, typically a parent, fake an illness or disorder on their child to gain sympathy or money from people wasn’t unheard of, but it was extremely rare. I had never seen it before, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t exist. Case and point, Sheila Leute. From beside me, I can see Eddie rubbing his hand over his face. Subconsciously, my left hand catches his and I begin rubbing the veins on top of his hand. Something he normally jokingly scolds me for, but in the moment, he seeks comfort in. We were feeding off of each other at this point. The frustration and sadness were palpable among the three of us.
“Well, we couldn’t be the only ones. Most of the Fund Me pages were shut down, but the comments are still up.” I turn the laptop towards Eddie so he can see what I am.
He reads a couple of comments out loud. He stops quickly with an “Oh God” escaping under his breath that doesn’t go unnoticed by Carla and I. Carla beats me to the punch by asking what he read.
He lets out a frustrated sigh before reading, “I think she’s making her kid sick.”
Although I knew the possibility was there and was already a thought in my mind, it was an odd feeling to see that someone else had the same thought that I do. It was a reassuring in a sad way. Eddie shuts the laptop quickly after reading it. I can tell that the frustration had finally built up to his breaking point on the topic. Carla looks absolutely appalled as my head falls back onto Eddie’s arm. Carla leaves shortly after with Eddie and I moving towards the bedroom.
Once in the bedroom, we both begin our nighttime routines in silence. It’s not like were avoiding each other, it felt as though we were both trying to process all of the information we had just discovered. Getting into bed, Eddie pulls me tight into his chest, almost like I would disappear if he let go. Nothing is said for a moment before he finally breaks the silence.
“I love you.” Is all he says for the moment. He continues shortly after, now moving to where he can see my face.
“How can she do that to her own son? How can you take something so special as having a child and just use them as a prop to gain money from?”
The sadness in his voice is something I haven’t heard in a while. It’s something that I had not missed. Not in the slightest. Eddie had spent years by himself with Christopher. I couldn’t even begin to imagine the thoughts that he was having. Not about this.
“Eddie. There is no way for us to know why she would do something like this. As much as we would love to know, I don’t think this is something that we will ever get answers to. I know what you went through with Christopher. The sacrifices you had to make and still have to make occasionally. I can’t even begin to imagine the level of pain this brings you. All we can do now, with this knowledge, is doing something about it. We can help this little boy. We can work now to get him away from her. I’m going to call CPS in the morning and do a Wellness check on him. We’re going to save him Eddie, I promise you.”
Eddie stares at me for a moment. Not moving and not saying anything before he leans in and gives me a long kiss. It takes me by surprise for a second before I relax into the kiss. His hands are cupping my face with mine around his side. After a few minutes, he pulls away, breathless and kisses me on the forehead. He sits like that, lips stuck to my forehead before fully moving his head back. In his eyes, I see nothing but admiration. He looks at me as if I put the moon in the sky. I know that the look is reciprocated in my own eyes. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, and I know that this is where I am supposed to be. Here, with Eddie.
“I love you,” he repeats “I love you more than you will ever know. Thank you for constantly being a positive, reassuring light in my life.”
I smile up at him before giving him a soft kiss on the lips, my left hand cupping his cheek. “I love you Eddie Diaz, so much I think I might die.
He laughs before releasing me to roll over to turn off his table lamp. We hadn’t noticed but it was already midnight, and unfortunately, we both had to be at work in seven hours.
“Don’t do that. If you were to die, I’d have to find someone else who puts up with me as much as you do, and we both know the only person who would be able to do that is Buck.”
I laugh as we lower ourselves into the bed, not even realizing how tired we both are until our heads hit the pillows and were fast asleep.
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clingylilhoneybee · 2 days
Hey yall, I just wanted to pop in here and try to utilize my platform to bring awareness to a few things while I talk about taking a break on posting personal content of my body.
TLDR: I’m taking a break on posting new content for a currently undetermined amount of time due to a recent diagnosis of PCOS and my body adjusting as i have started to begin treatment
If you’ve been around a while, y’all know that I went through a restrictive eating disorder as a teenager and struggled to recover in an environment where I was seen as “starting to get bigger” at the time of buying a size 4 dress for a school dress. That period of recovery then coincided with starting college, leaving that family environment and a number of other things that led to me gaining a significant amount of weight, but ultimately translated to me being at a healthy weight for myself.
However, despite multiple lifestyle changes (in directions that would logically lead to more or less weight gain), I continued to gain in the realm of 10-15 pounds a year during every year of adulthood, in a way that I described as “making total sense until it didn’t”. This went on at the same time as my periods being out of whack, which I originally attributed to birth control, and chronic fatigue that I could always find an excuse for, especially as someone who was a student in higher education until these last two years.
It wasn’t until about a year ago that I became aware that a notable amount of women in my family had PCOS, and that nearly all the bigger women in my family were not just “lazy and can’t stick to a diet” like I was led to believe my whole life. Thus started the journey of the last few months for me.
After stopping hormonal birth control and ruling that out as an explanation for my symptoms about 2 years ago, I’ve been working with my doctor and recently settled on a PCOS diagnosis. During my bloodwork, I was found to have significant insulin resistance, which is likely responsible for my body gaining such a notable about of weight. Because of this diagnosis and the bloodwork, I was started on medication to manage my symptoms, which also has the side effect of weight loss. During the last 2ish months, I’ve seen a total change in my symptoms. Regular periods, massive increase in energy levels, and also a notable weight change.
As someone who has spent years working through body neutrality and separating weight from moral value, it’s been fuckin hard. I’ve had to work through emotions of my weight gain being the result of illness, and the grief of fatphobia in my family being a direct cause of me not being diagnosed earlier. It’s so hard to reconcile that my weight loss is good, not because I’m smaller but because it’s treating a symptom of a chronic condition I didn’t even knew I had. There’s also many PCOS spaces that emphasize the moral value of weight loss and spend a lot of time shitting on their bodies before treatment, and tend to focus solely on how their treatment has changed their size, and not much else. On top of that, there’s some level of guilt in being on one of the “skinny meds” (and possibly being on the oh so popular glp-1 meds in the near future) feeling like a betrayal to the body positivity movement I’ve found community in, and a “cheating” method of weight loss to the broader society who treats weight loss as a discipline based skill. Add on the comments from SO many people about my body changing and it’s been hard to work through all the emotions and settle into a point where I’m comfortable with my body.
This has also led to me being even stronger in my boundaries around my size being fetishized. While I was always uncomfortable as someone in recovery, and as someone who never wants my attractiveness linked to my size, it’s also been so frustrating and emotional to see a body that has come from neglect and unnecessary struggle being fetishized for the physical manifestation of that struggle.
So overall I’ve only posted 2 new posts since I’ve started this medication, with only one actually showing a significant amount of my body (any others have been old, reposted content). I’ve always promised myself to never post what I am uncomfortable with, just to keep up popularity and get positive attention so I fully expect this trend to keep up as I become more comfortable with the way that my body is changing. I know that’s what many of you follow me for, and I figured I’d give an explanation that includes bringing awareness to a chronically under-diagnosed condition and giving a place for me to talk through the struggles in my journey so far
I hope yall stick around while this blog is primarily reblogs for the foreseeable future, but if not please take this as your awareness post for PCOS, which, even with a massive lack of information in the medical community leading to crazy amounts of under-diagnosis, is estimated to affect as many as 1 in 5 people with ovaries
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I'm so tired. I feel like my whole life I've been fighting to have a healthy relationship with food and my body, and I just can't do it anymore. I can't fight anymore. And it's so, so easy in comparison to restrict and obsess over tracking everything I eat
I'm dealing with symptoms of a currently unknown disability right now, and I'm so tired. I'm tired of doctors saying "wow, I have no idea what's going on, I've never seen labs like this... but I'm sure losing weight will help!" (Or, worse, "looks like everything's fine, just lose some weight!") It's become this belief that if I was skinny my symptoms would be taken seriously. If I was skinny I'd be able to figure out what was going wrong because doctors wouldn't rely on my weight to explain everything. I know logically there are lots of disabled people who are still ignored while being skinny, who still struggle to be taken seriously, but I can't shake this feeling that everything would be easier if I was skinny
It feels like my life is in the hands of people who don't give a shit about me. And they still probably wouldn't give a shit if I was skinny, but maybe they would. I don't know, I've never been skinny, so I can imagine that everything would be perfect if I was
It's definitely at least partially a desire to have control over my body, too. I can't stop my symptoms, I don't have the tools to figure out what's wrong on my own, but I can starve myself! It seems very silly written out, and it is, but knowing it's silly isn't enough
I saw in your about that you've dealt with comorbid chronic illness and eating disorders, so I guess I'm asking... how? That's probably already on your blog somewhere, actually, so I guess I'm just venting more than anything. Advice would be appreciated, though
God, I feel this so hard, anon. So so hard.
First of all, I am so sorry I have taken so long to get to this ask. Work, ny studies, and my personal life have all been overwhelming lately and I’ve been having to focus on some wellness work for myself.
But yeah. What you’re talking about is a REAL problem, and you are not alone. And the constant medical neglect of fat people and the “I’m sure all your mystery symptoms will go away if you just lose weight” is just the cherry on top of the shit sundae that is chronic illness. It hurts peoples’ lives. It can kill. I don’t have a quick fix for this system, anon, but I just wanted to take a moment to validate you because I know that what you’re going through is so frustrating and draining and soul-sucking. I am mentally sending you strength.
First of all, I might have one suggestion for you: lie. Lie to your medical professionals about just one thing, and no other: tell them you are already on a weight-loss journey, even if you are not. If it gets you the help you need in this system - yeah, fib a little. But then, explain to your doctors that the reason you are seeking treatment for your symptoms so proactively is that they are preventing you from doing what you need to do to lose weight. Yes, of course you really want treatment to improve your basic quality of life, but when you’re talking to your doctor, sometimes you gotta frame it in a way they’ll hear. Explain how each symptom has made you unable to pursue an active lifestyle. Or how you’ve been too fatigued to meal prep, or how your symptoms are costing you so much that you are struggling to budget for dietary changes. You don’t have to actually be planning any of these things, but if it gets them to continue pursuing the source of your symptoms, just lie. I know it’s so triggering and awful to have to do this just to get taken seriously, so set aside time to prioritize something that you find self-caring after this.)
I know you say your desire to control your body seems silly written out, but it’s not silly at all. I get it. I really really do because I have the same impulse. When your body keeps acting out of your control in painful ways, it’ll make you desperate. And when you’ve had the message pushed your whole life that being skinny fixes everything, it tends to stick in your mind. You are not alone. You are desperate and being driven by a valid impulse.
Instead of pursuing an eating disorder, remind yourself that eating disorders only give you the illusion of control. Eating disorders only pave the way for the disorder to get more control over you. Not to mention, starving yourself will likely take even more of a toll on your health, doing lasting damage if you lose a significant amount of weight from starving. You are allowed to love yourself more than that. I know it’s hard. I know it’s hard to keep fighting for yourself.
Are you in any chronic illness support groups, online or in person? If you aren’t, I suggest you find some. You may find a good outlet to vent about symptoms, get advice on what got doctors to take other people seriously, and learn more about your own symptoms.
While I don’t recommend starving yourself, you could try tracking your symptoms in relation to certain foods and see if specific food sensitivities worsened them (this was true for me.) For me personally, it helps to remind myself that these foods aren’t “bad” foods - they’re just not good FOR ME, and choosing the ones that make me feel better is a way of taking care of and loving my body. (If you find your symptoms do not change based on dietary experimentation, you can disregard this advice.) For me, it can be really triggering having to avoid certain foods, so I definitely have to take a pause to calm down and talk myself through it sometimes.
Things like meditation exercises, gentle yoga, de-stressing exercises and therapy will not cure your chronic health condition, but may help keep symptoms from spiking as badly because stress is known to exacerbate physical symptoms. (Easier said than done, I know - what you’re going through is stressful. I am not telling you not to feel stressed, just to try and create small pockets of time where you try to give yourself a break from stress, which may not come naturally and may be hard because you cannot go to a place of escaping your symptoms. Just keep trying patiently and be compassionate with yourself.)
Anon, I really really hope this gives you some sort of help and comfort, even though it’s not a cure-all and I did get to it so late. There’s more I could say based on knowing specific symptoms if you’re okay sharing them, but for now I’ll just leave it at this. Feel free to vent in my inbox any time.
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controversial opinion (maybe)
i’m going to preface this by saying that this is my personal experience with medical professionals. recovery is great. happiness is a great. a healthy relationship with food and a balanced lifestyle is great.
eds are considered mental health disorders. it’s considered extremely detrimental to have your worth so intertwined with your weight that you refuse to feed your body the things it needs to survive. with that being said, doctors, physician or psychiatrist, don’t seem to care about its roots. when they treat you for an ed, their focus seems to be only on feeding you, and not on fixing the cause of your ed on a personal level.
it seems like any doctor i’ve come in to contact with couldn’t care less about how much gaining weight actually affects someone. last summer i went on SSRIs and gained TWENTY lbs in one summer. because of this, it resulted in my mental health declining more than ever before. sure it ever so slightly numbed the other feelings but it certainly made my body image worse.
for three years i had managed to maintain my weight. sure, i wanted to be skinnier, but the number on the scale didn’t go up. and once it did, it was over. it was almost comical. within maybe a week my clothes stopped fitting me. it was the worst think i’ve ever gone through. anyways, i expressed this to my psychiatrist, about how much this was affecting me, as well as other side effects, and she urged me to stay on these drugs that had effectively ruined my body and were starting to ruin my life.
it’s almost as if there is a hierarchy to the reasons you wanna kys or are depressed. if you have a traumatic past you’re at the top of the pyramid, but if you have an eating disorder you’re laughed at.
when i told her that this medication she put me on was making me want to die and ruining my self image and increasing my social anxiety, she told me to stay on it, simply because it was doing those things through weight gain.
excuse the ramble. i just wanted to say you’re valid. it does not matter why you feel the way you do, but what matters is that that is the way you feel. here if anyone wants to talk 🩷
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doberbutts · 2 years
Just had my check-in with my endo and:
We are increasing testosterone because my menstrual cycle is being incredibly stubborn, and we still have plenty of wiggle room with my current levels to see if that helps things along.
Discussing top surgery in summer!!!
Since I have had people ask me for pros and cons after 4 months on T:
I have gained weight. I don't really care but I know folks with eating disorders will. Part of it has to be because I'm eating bigger meals more often because I'm constantly hungry and thirsty. Since the end of September I've gained 10lbs. We'll see if that stays steady esp when the weather warms up and I go back to hiking twice a week.
I do have higher blood pressure. This is actually good because due to my POTS/NCAH I have historically very low blood pressure which makes me fatigued and cold and tired all the time. I am no longer fatigued and cold and tired and instead feel energized with good stamina and I haven't had a POTS episode for ages. So... not really a con for me but my doctor still wants to keep an eye on it.
I don't really seem to need Sushi as a service dog anymore. This is the biggest lifestyle adjustment and while it's great it's sort of bittersweet. I've gotten used to having a dog by my side all the time and now I no longer need her except in very specific situations.
Periods unfortunately have still been a thing. The tradeoff is interesting- overall less pain and blood (the last two my coworkers didn't even know I was on, vs me having to call out because I couldn't move due to the severe pain and nausea). But at the same time instead of only lasting 3 days, it lasts a full 7. 7 days of barely-there spotting (like, I don't even need a pad, barely there) vs 3 days of crippling agonizing pain and bleeding through pads hourly... better yes but I want it *gone*
More hair, everywhere. On my face, on my chest, on my ass. Get used to being fuzzy.
More muscles built easier, which again will be interesting to see when I start exercising outside again.
Deeper voice, especially while singing.
Significantly better mental health- my friends and coworkers have commented multiple times that I seem happier and healthier.
As discussed, way higher sex drive. Orgasms are easier to produce, feel stronger/sharper, and have a shorter recovery period before I'm ready to go again.
There is also the problem of dryness. I do not enjoy PIV or really vaginal ANYTHING so I'm pretty okay with the dryness. However the dryness is also causing fluid duct blockage which is causing small, painful cysts on the labia especially after an extended sexual session or when near my cycle. It's NOT an STD (I checked) but it IS caused by microtears and fluid buildup due to atrophy and dryness, and especially because I have a trash immune system that means risk of infection is sky high. The only way to fix is topical estrogen via vaginal suppository, which I am absolutely not doing. So that is a con to consider for those this may concern. I've honestly just sort of managed it with OTC antibiotic ointments but ymmv on how annoying this may get for you.
Bottom growth definitely a thing lol it's uh. Probably about as long and thick as my thumb. Big enough to now be actively in the way when cleaning myself in the shower or wiping after I use the bathroom.
Prior to T I had incredibly sensitive nipples, not in the good sense but in the sense of "ow this T-shirt material feels like it's sandpapering my nipples directly off my chest" and "my boyfriend tried licking my nipple during sex and all I felt was searing hot pain like he'd stabbed me with a sharp knife". That has stopped- and I haven't gained any sexual pleasure to replace it which is fine, but it does mean my nipples don't hurt anymore.
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anjaliverma123 · 10 months
Navigating Healthcare Excellence: Finding the Best Treatment Across Specialized Fields
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Finding the right course of action in the complex world of healthcare demands careful investigation and well-informed decision-making. Whether you're looking for a top-notch kidney dialysis facility, a skillful shoulder surgeon, heart transplant surgery choices, or specialty facilities for autism treatment, our comprehensive guide will hopefully help you get the best possible care.
Locating Find Best Treatment: A Basis for Health
Seeking optimal health necessitates thoughtful deliberation and well-informed choices. Consulting with licensed healthcare providers is essential for determining each patient's unique medical needs and developing individualized treatment programs. Modern medicine offers a wide range of treatments, such as prescription drugs, surgical procedures, lifestyle changes, and complementary and alternative therapies. Navigating the wide range of treatment options requires open communication between patients and healthcare providers. The foundation of a customized and successful treatment plan is the collaboration of medical knowledge with well-informed decision-making.
Best Orthopedic Care: Seeking the Best Shoulder Surgeon
The knowledge and experience of a highly qualified shoulder surgeon in pune is invaluable when it comes to shoulder ailments and injuries. Examine the qualifications and experience of orthopedic specialists in your region to start your search. Seek out doctors that have experience with successful shoulder surgeries, are knowledgeable about the most recent developments in orthopedic care, and specialize in shoulder-related procedures. Referrals from other medical specialists and patient testimonials can offer important information about the surgeon's skill and patient happiness.
A Closer Look at Kidney Dialysis Hospitals: Ensuring Quality Care
This investigation explores the world of kidney dialysis hospitals and examines their procedures to guarantee the provision of top-notch care. By exploring the nuances of dialysis practices, hospital architecture, and medical procedures, this summary seeks to highlight the critical function these institutions perform in the treatment of kidney-related diseases. The discussion navigates the landscape of kidney dialysis to emphasize the significance of upholding strict standards in these specialized healthcare settings by focusing on the elements that contribute to quality care, such as qualified medical professionals, cutting-edge technology, and stringent safety measures.
Heart Transplant Surgery: Exploring the Pinnacle of Cardiovascular Care
For those with end-stage heart disease, heart transplant surgery offers a second shot at life and is the ultimate in cardiovascular therapy. The process of selecting the ideal facility entails a careful assessment of the hospital's transplant program. Take into account elements including the transplant team's success rates, the accessibility of donor organs, and the quality of the post-transplant care offered. Heart transplant surgery is ensured to be thorough when a multidisciplinary team of cardiologists, surgeons, and rehabilitation specialists collaborates. Examine the hospital's track record, achievements, and patient endorsements to help you make an educated choice when seeking the best possible cardiac care.
Autism Treatment Hospitals: Tailoring Care to Unique Needs
Care for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) must be customized to meet their individual needs. When searching for the finest hospital for autism treatment, give special consideration to establishments that use a multidisciplinary approach. Seek out medical facilities that employ licensed behavioral analysts, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and neurodevelopmental specialists. Consider whether evidence-based therapy, including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), are available, and find out about family support services. Interact with medical professionals that value the patient-centered approach, creating a cooperative and encouraging atmosphere for people with autism and their families.
In the field of medicine, finding the optimal course of action requires a combination of dedication, investigation, and teamwork. Making educated judgments is crucial, whether you're looking for a shoulder surgeon, researching kidney dialysis centers, thinking about heart transplant surgery, or figuring out your options for treating autism. You can take control of your healthcare experience and make it exceptional for you by using patient testimonies, learning about hospital reputations, and interacting with medical personnel. Recall that the road to perfect health is paved with decisions made with information and a dedication to all-encompassing, patient-centered care.
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violetsandshrikes · 2 years
okay im going to throw something out there and see if anything lands due to the fact i know there’s a lot of chronically ill people out there
ive been struggling with my health for a long time now, and the medical system has really repeatedly dropped the ball. nobody knows what is wrong and im at my wits ends.
im going to chuck some symptoms under the readmore and if anything stands out to anyone, please let me know because oh my god.
here’s the symptoms off the top of my head:
the worst symptom is fatigue. im so tired that i have to physically stop what im doing multiple times a day and nap. it’s interfering with my study, work and overall life. sleep study came up with nothing of note. i take stimulants for adhd and they do not even put in a dent in it as some doctors had hoped.
also severe issues with menstrual cycles and being completely unpredictable. there is no pattern, and they’re often heavy and painful. ive been hospitalised multiple times for them. ultrasounds show no cysts or endometriosis, blood tests are in the normal range.
side by side with this is sudden rapid weight gain a couple years ago, and literally nothing has been able to be lost at all. i suddenly gained 50% of my total body weight in 4-5 months with no change in lifestyle.
constantly getting every single minor illness known to man. if there is a cold circulating, i will get it. scratches? get majorly infected. there’s constantly something small going on.
I’ve had abdominal ultrasounds, and a thyroid ultrasound. They’ve done full blood panels with normal ranges. Sleep study showed nothing of note. Immunological staining tests had nothing of note. Basically every doctor is either suggesting I’m a hypochondriac or that it’s just stress/anxiety/depression. It’s so shitty bc this is really impacting me but I can’t even begin to find a hint to what is going on.
(I’m currently diagnosed with MDD, PTSD, an unspecified anxiety disorder and ADHD, so hence why they shrug, say it’s psychosomatic, and nothing happens)
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sureshotherbals · 1 year
Best Acne Doctor in Yamunanagar
Acne, a common skin condition, affects millions of individuals worldwide. It not only impacts physical appearance but also takes a toll on self-esteem and confidence. In this post, we will discuss causes and symptoms of acne, as well as explore Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatment options. We are proud to introduce Dr. Garg - Umeedhom (Scientific Clinic), who specializes in providing holistic solutions for managing acne.
Understanding Acne:
Acne is a skin disorder that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. It predominantly affects areas with a high concentration of oil glands, such as the face, chest, and back. While it is most commonly associated with adolescence, acne can persist into adulthood, causing discomfort and emotional distress.
Causes of Acne:
Several factors contribute to the development of acne:
Excess Sebum Production: Overactive oil glands produce more sebum, which can clog hair follicles and lead to acne.
Clogged Pores: The combination of dead skin cells and excess oil can create blockages in hair follicles, resulting in blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.
Bacterial Infection: The bacterium Propionibacterium acnes can thrive in clogged hair follicles, causing inflammation and breakouts.
Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, particularly during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, can trigger acne.
Diet and Lifestyle: Certain diets high in dairy, refined sugars, and processed foods, as well as high-stress levels, can exacerbate acne.
Symptoms of Acne:
The symptoms of acne can vary in severity:
Blackheads: Small, dark bumps that form when hair follicles become clogged and the top remains open.
Whiteheads: Similar to blackheads, but covered by a thin layer of skin, giving them a white appearance.
Papules: Small, red, raised bumps caused by infected or inflamed hair follicles.
Pustules: Red bumps with white or yellow centers, often referred to as "pimples."
Cysts: Large, painful, pus-filled lumps that form beneath the skin's surface.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Acne:
Ayurveda, an ancient holistic healing system, offers natural approaches to managing acne:
Herbal Cleansing: Cleansing herbs like neem and turmeric help purify the blood and detoxify the body.
Dietary Changes: Avoiding excessive spicy, oily, and junk foods, and incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, and water can promote clear skin.
Herbal Supplements: Herbal supplements like guggul, amla, and manjistha can balance hormones and promote skin health.
Homeopathic Treatment for Acne:
Homeopathy addresses acne by considering the individual's constitution and symptoms:
Sulphur: Used for acne with intense itching and burning sensations on the skin.
Pulsatilla: Prescribed for acne worsened by rich, fatty foods and hormonal fluctuations.
Hepar Sulph: Suitable for acne that is extremely painful and sensitive to touch.
Meet Dr. Garg - Umeedhom (Scientific Clinic): Best Acne Doctor in Yamunanagar
Dr. Garg is a renowned practitioner at Umeedhom (Scientific Clinic), specializing in holistic approaches to acne management. With years of experience, Dr. Garg offers personalized Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatments to address the root causes of acne and promote clear, healthy skin.
Acne is a common skin condition with various underlying causes. While it can impact self-confidence, effective treatment options are available. Dr. Garg Your Skincare Expert (Scientific Clinic) offers personalized Ayurvedic and Homeopathic solutions that address acne's root causes, providing hope for those seeking clear and radiant skin. Remember, achieving healthy skin requires patience and consistency in following the recommended treatments.
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best-nutritionist · 8 months
Dr. Anu Goswami: Noida's Leading Expert in Nutrition, Obesity Treatment, and PCOD Care
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In the bustling city of Noida, individuals seeking expert guidance on nutrition, obesity treatment, and PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) care need look no further than Dr. Anu Goswami. Renowned for her unparalleled expertise and compassionate approach, Dr. Goswami has emerged as the go-to professional for those striving to achieve their health and wellness goals. In this article, we will delve into the remarkable journey and contributions of Dr. Anu Goswami, who has earned the well-deserved titles of the Best Nutritionist in Noida, the expert in "Best Obesity Treatment in Noida," and the distinguished Best PCOD Doctor in Noida.
Educational Background and Specialization
Dr. Anu Goswami's journey in the field of healthcare began with a strong educational foundation. Armed with a medical degree from a prestigious institution, she went on to specialize in nutrition, obesity treatment, and reproductive health. Her commitment to continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest research has allowed her to offer cutting-edge solutions to her patients.
Best Nutritionist in Noida
One of the standout aspects of Dr. Goswami's practice is her expertise as the Best Nutritionist in Noida. Nutrition plays a pivotal role in overall health and well-being, and Dr. Goswami understands the unique dietary needs of her diverse clientele. Her personalized approach to nutrition involves a thorough understanding of each individual's lifestyle, dietary habits, and health goals.
Dr. Goswami believes in the power of holistic nutrition, addressing not only weight management but also optimizing overall health. Her customized nutrition plans take into account factors such as age, gender, medical history, and dietary preferences. Whether it's designing a weight loss program, managing chronic conditions, or enhancing athletic performance, Dr. Anu Goswami's nutritional expertise stands unrivaled in Noida.
Best Obesity Treatment in Noida
Obesity is a prevalent health concern worldwide, and Noida residents have found a trusted ally in Dr. Anu Goswami for the Best Obesity Treatment in Noida. Dr. Goswami adopts a comprehensive approach to obesity management, recognizing that each individual's journey is unique. Her treatment plans combine dietary modifications, exercise regimens, and, when necessary, medical interventions.
Dr. Goswami's success in obesity treatment lies not only in achieving short-term weight loss but also in fostering sustainable lifestyle changes. Her patients praise her for the empathetic and supportive environment she creates, promoting a positive mindset crucial for long-term success in weight management.
Best PCOD Doctor in Noida
For women grappling with PCOD, Dr. Anu Goswami has rightfully earned the title of the Best PCOD Doctor in Noida. PCOD is a hormonal disorder that affects reproductive health, and Dr. Goswami's specialized care is tailored to address the unique challenges faced by women dealing with this condition.
Her approach to PCOD treatment involves a combination of hormonal therapy, lifestyle modifications, and nutritional counseling. Dr. Goswami recognizes the importance of addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of PCOD, providing not just medical treatment but also the necessary support and guidance for women to navigate their reproductive health journey with confidence.
Patient Testimonials
The success stories of Dr. Anu Goswami's patients stand as a testament to her expertise and commitment. Many individuals have expressed their gratitude for the positive impact she has had on their lives. From shedding excess pounds to managing PCOD symptoms, Dr. Goswami's holistic approach has transformed the lives of many in Noida.
More information can be found at the following links:
Best Weight Loss Dietician in Noida
Best Weight Loss Dietitian in Noida
Best Weight Management Dietician in Noida
In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, Dr. Anu Goswami has emerged as a beacon of expertise and compassion. Her titles as the Best Nutritionist in Noida, the expert in the Best Obesity Treatment in Noida, and the distinguished Best PCOD Doctor in Noida are well-deserved accolades that reflect the positive impact she has had on the health and well-being of her patients. Noida residents seeking comprehensive and personalized care for nutrition, obesity, and PCOD need not look any further than Dr. Anu Goswami – a true pioneer in the field of health and wellness.
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pcos-uno-reverse · 1 year
Today is day 3 for me on this new pcos lifestyle, and I'd considered waiting to see if it actually makes a difference before I posted anything. But then I thought about how there's so many other women struggling with this disorder, probably going through the same exact thing as me. So I'm inviting you to follow along this journey with me.
In just these 3 days I have noticed a difference in the way my body is feeling.
The general gist of this "diet" is no gluten, no dairy, no added sugar. It's low carb but it isn't keto. I believe this lifestyle is far more sustainable than keto.
Why are women with pcos not supposed to have gluten and dairy? (Keep in mind I'm not a doctor or a dietician. This is all info I've collected from research and from several dieticians)
Dairy has an insulin like growth factor, which will increase androgens (aka male hormones) in women with pcos.
Eating gluten regularly can result in inflammation. If you have pcos, you're already dealing with inflammation. Apparently 1 in 3 Americans already have an intolerance to gluten. So it's very likely that you and I do, too.
I also found one dietician who said that gluten turns into a hormone in your body that mimics thyroid hormones, and therefore your thyroid attacks it. A lot of women with pcos also have hypothyroidism, aka a low functioning thyroid. I am/was one of those women. My last lab results showed normal thyroid levels! So I do believe this checks out. I hadn't even quit gluten completely at the time, but I'd cut out quite a bit.
I found a study from 2012 that said every woman with pcos should be treated for insulin resistance. I have insulin resistance, I've been tested multiple times, it went away for a while but came back. A high amount of insulin in your blood will cause weight gain. When your insulin levels are high, you are going to store fat. It's why we hear women with pcos say they gained 100 lbs in a year.
I am still researching and learning all of this myself.
I am currently on metformin for the insulin resistance. I take several other vitamins as well.
-a daily multivitamin (I take a prenatal, it's got most of the things I was buying separately, so its saved me money in the long run)
-DHA/Fish oil (this is included in my prenatal)
-a probiotic with cranberry included (healthy gut, healthy urinary tract)
-Inositol. This apparently helps women with pcos regulate their cycle, which rings true for me. I'm currently out of this one, and my period was late consecutively for the 3 months I've been out of it. It's expensive so I haven't been able to re purchase yet. However, it is on the top of my list.
-Magnesium/Ashwaganda. I think the ashwaganda knocks me the hell out at night. When I take it, I fall asleep easier. Magnesium is shown to help with anxiety. I take this in a 2 for 1 pill.
-Curcumin (turmeric): this one allegedly helps with inflammation.
-Apple Cider Vinegar: I take this in a pill because I cannot stand the taste of vinegar. This one helps stabilize blood sugar if taken before meals.
I have been looking into berberine and will be purchasing it as soon as possible. Apparently, paired with metformin it can help stabilize blood sugar.
Of course, do your own research and talk to your doctor before you take anything. These are all supplements I've found through research. I'm not sponsored by anyone, and I have no followers, so obviously I'm not making money off of it. These are all things I take daily.
That's all I've got for now, I'm about to go make breakfast. Byeeeeeeeee
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Here are some tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle while sticking to your budget
Rising costs and high inflation continue to take a toll on Maritimers' wallets and their health.
According to Naturopathic Doctor Joyce Johnson, people don't have to spend a lot of money to optimize their health, even during these uncertain times.
Johnson provides a number of tips on how to maintain a healthier lifestyle while sticking to your budget.
Johnson says the best tool to eating healthy on a budget is meal planning.
"Meal planning is making a grocery list of what you need, what's on sale, there's a lot of really great apps that you can put onto your phone that show all the sale flyers. So, you can get a little bit of a comparison and you can find what are your best prices, especially on things like dairy, and meat and protein," she said during an interview with CTV Morning Live Atlantic Monday.
Johnson also suggests "shopping your pantry first."
"So, go to your pantry before you go to the grocery store. See what some of the basics are that you have on-hand, what potatoes and starches you have. Do you have pasta? Do you have rice? These types of things. Look at your proteins, look at what's sort of hiding in your [fridge] crisper," she said.
Johnson said it's also important to think about what leftovers can be turned into new meals.
The cost of certain meats are out of reach for some Maritimers. Johnson says there are lots of other options to make sure you are getting your fill of protein.
"When it comes to protein, for example, we know chicken breasts can be pretty expensive. Chicken thighs are still just as nutritious and they tend to be a little less expensive," she said. "They still have things like iron, zinc and protein in there. The same as flank steak compared to strip loin."
"You can get protein sources from eggs, also beans and lentils, and look to canned [items]. Canned tuna, canned salmon. These are other great sources."
Johnson says taking vitamins and supplements can also help fill a gap in someone's nutritional intake.
As some can be quite expensive, she says Vitamin D and Omega-3 are the top two she would recommend.
"Vitamin D is pretty inexpensive when it comes to a vitamin. It has so many good important properties to it. Everything from bone building, it's that sunshine vitamin, it can be important for supporting your immune system, helping to boost moods even for people that are afflicted or affected by seasonal affected disorder," said Johnson.
"And Omega-3. So, this is one of those nutrients that the majority, a lot of people, are deficient in. They're not getting enough Omega-3 from their diet. So, you're looking at either a fish oil or a flax seed oil, if you're a vegan or vegetarian."
Johnson says getting a good night's sleep is also important.
Some tips she provided to help include:
Take a hot bath before bed to help relax
Incorporate some deep abdominal breathing
Look for some guided sleep apps
Drop the phone time before bed
Getting a form of exercise is also important when it comes to your health.
"Exercise doesn't have to be super expensive. It doesn't have to be a really expensive gym membership or classes," said Johnson. "Whatever works in your budget. Things that you could do at home, there are thousands of free videos, different types of classes, even pick up yourself something easy like resistant bands. You can use these for a full-body workout. You can train every part of your body with something as simple as this."
Johnson says there are also many different kinds of body weight exercises that cost nothing to achieve at home.
"I know sometimes the classes are a little bit extra motivation, but you know what, there's a lot of free trials that you can look into as well. There's options for you," she said.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/AKgDRzF
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cystercarepcos · 1 year
One of the most stressful part struggling with PCOS is the hair loss. Considered the integral part of feminine beauty, hair thinning and balding is quite hard to deal with.
The higher androgen levels which are common in PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can affect hair growth, hair thinning or hair loss.
Hair loss because of hyperandrogenism i.e due to excess male hormone is termed as Androgenic alopecia (AGA). Androgenic Alopecia suggests an amount of hair loss greater than what is normally expected. It is a genetically predetermined disorder due to an excessive response to androgens. This condition affects up to 50 percent of males and females and is characterized by progressive loss of terminal hair of the scalp any time after puberty. In women it is characterized by the frontal hairline which is typically spared with diffuse hair loss at the crown and top of head, with loss often marked by a wider center part.
Hirsutism (growth of access hair) and acanthosis nigricans (skin pigmentation disorder) are the most common symptoms that are observed in the case of PCOS along with a prevalence of androgenic alopecia among few PCOS patients as well.
What actually causes hair loss in PCOS?
As we age, the thickness and dermal volume decrease, thus causing pressure on the hair follicle and leading to hair loss and balding of the scalp.
Other than ageing, increased testosterone has a huge effect on decreasing the subcutaneous fat tissue around hair follicles, thereby leading to hair loss. In women, Oestrogen helps cushion the subcutaneous tissues until menopause.
In the presence of PCOS, hyperandrogenism, or excess male hormones (testosterone), might be the major cause of the hair loss.
Among the androgens, the potent form of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is blamed for AGA.
How to stop hair loss?
Consulting with a dermatologist and following hair care practices with a nutritious diet can help with PCOS hair loss.
-Foods that help with pcos hair loss
Many nutrient deficiencies in addition to PCOS can cause hair loss, but nutrient deficiencies can be corrected through a healthy diet.Focus on consuming diet
rich protein, B vitamins, iron, zinc.
Add high-fibre foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains
Lean proteins like fish, beans, peas, and lentils
Low-glycemic foods
Avoid processed, added preservative food products
Hormonal imbalance:
To stop or manage AGA, your first significant step is to encounter the increased androgen levels, which are the primary cause of the hair loss. Addressing the root cause and practising complementary hair care practices and lifestyle changes will definitely bring about better changes.
2. Supplements:
Supplement won’t cure your hair loss but provide sufficient to strengthen, protect and lower the hair loss, you should be focus on consuming following supplements
Iron, zinc, Selenium, vitamin A, D, C and B especially Biotin, Folic acid, amino acids, omega fatty acids
3. Medications:
To take medication you should consult a doctor. There are plenty of effective medications prescribed for AGA like spironolactone, minoxidil which helps promote hair growth and to reduce hair loss. Some of these medications may have side effects therefore it is strongly recommended to take doctor’s opinion before usage.
Lifestyle changes that helps with your PCOS induced hair loss (AGA):
Apart from medication, supplementation lifestyle changes have overall impact of hair health
Start your exercise routine
Manage your stress
Stay hydrated & Get enough sleep
Follow a healthy diet
For additional information, check the blog:
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Updated and in-depth biography for my primary g.en..p.act OC, Nettle. Under a cut for length!
FULL NAME: Nettle Reed
GENDER/PRONOUNS: trans man, he/him
ORIENTATION: Bisexual; leans heavily toward men
AGE RANGE: Early/Mid 20’s, verse dependent
HEIGHT: 5’ 1” [154cm]
BUILD/BODY TYPE: Somewhat delicate and slender, with some wiry muscle underneath. Has ‘soft edges’, just a little extra fat and barely any muscle toning.
HAIR: A springy, light and warm green. Soft and a little wispy; cut in a loose asymmetrical bob and kept a little shorter around the neck/collar. He often wears cute hairclips or small flowers as accessories.
EYES: A sharp citron orange, with richer copper tones toward the inner iris.
FACE: ‘Fey-like’ features, somewhat dainty and soft just like the rest of him, but there are some more rigid lines along the frame of his cheeks and chin that give a solidly masculine note.
SCARS/OTHER FEATURES: Many scars of varying nature/severity and age along all of his body; ‘inverted T’ scars from top surgery. Left upper leg has a full sleeve tattoo with a floral/rose motif, mixing together healthy flowers and withered ones. Multiple piercings- four in each ear, a stud piercing on his tongue.
PHYSICAL HEALTH: Severe asthma & chronic cough. Mild/moderate immune deficiency. ‘Eleazar’ illness from birth with fluctuating severity up until the eradication of the disease in its entirety.
MENTAL/EMOTIONAL HEALTH: ASD, ADHD. Severe PTSD, depression & dysthymia, severe anxiety disorder. Frequent nightmares.
VISION/COMBAT: Dendro vision; wields a polearm.
Nettle’s mother suffered from the ‘Eleazar’ illness stemming from the Withering in Sumeru and died during childbirth. Nettle also suffered from symptoms of the disease from birth, which may have contributed to the formation of his other health problems, and was always very frail and sickly.
He was raised by his father up to age ten. Devastated by the loss of his wife, Nettle’s father was distant, absent and often even negligent as a parent. Though never cruel, he was never affectionate with his child. The two lived a nomadic lifestyle, the father doing a range of odd jobs from simple manual labor to mercenary work. He fell further and further into self neglect as time wore on until, eventually, he simply wasted away.
With no home, no relatives, and no family acquaintances Nettle was left to fend for himself. He was a very inquisitive child despite his poor health, and as such he had learned a great many things in his short life quietly and all on his own. From reading to counting money and preparing basic meals. He continued drifting from place to place, never thinking to seek help because he had never been cared for by anyone to begin with.
It was over a year before a young doctor stumbled across him near Caravan Ribat, scuffling about and foraging edible weeds and flowers. The doctor, a trans woman named Amaranthe Reed, approached Nettle and before long took him in and adopted him. Though listed officially as his foster mother, he addresses her as his elder sister, as she is only 13 years older than him.
Nettle began transitioning under Amaranthe’s care and also learned much of her trade from assisting her hands on with her work as a dispatch for the Adventurer’s Guild. Eventually Amaranthe would marry a woman called Thalia, who was previously a theater performer and taught Nettle music. In his late teens, Thalia gave birth to her and Amaranthe’s first child, Briarly, and Nettle has helped raise him.
The family relocated to Monstadt roughly six months prior to ‘Stormterror’ arriving, and Nettle currently works as a field medic for the local guild branch.
GENERAL PERSONALITY/DISPOSITION: Because of his intensely isolated and lonely childhood, Nettle is unaccustomed to dealing with people and has very few friends near his own age. He can seem standoffish and sarcastic at times and has a hard time accepting praise or compliments. Still, he has an intensely compassionate and gentle heart and hates to see people suffering or in pain, and dedicates himself to helping anyone he can in whatever way he can- even to the point of self neglect. He cares very little about himself, but very much about everyone else; all his drive and will to live come from the desire to help and be ‘useful’ to others.
He loves music and flowers equally and most of his free time is spent pursuing related hobbies.
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blogs-apollo · 1 day
The Ultimate List of Chennai's Top 10 Gastroenterology Experts
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining digestive health is more important than ever. Chennai, a hub of medical excellence, is home to many highly skilled gastroenterologists dedicated to diagnosing and treating various gastrointestinal conditions. Whether you're dealing with minor digestive issues or more serious disorders, consulting a top gastroenterologist can make a significant difference in your health journey. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 gastroenterologists in Chennai, their areas of expertise, and how to choose the right one for your needs.
What is Gastroenterology?
Gastroenterology is a specialized field of medicine focused on the digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. Gastroenterologists are experts in diagnosing and treating conditions like acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hepatitis, and more severe diseases such as colorectal cancer and liver cirrhosis.
With the increasing prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders, having access to top-notch gastroenterologists is essential for effective treatment and management.
Why Consult a Top Gastroenterologist?
Expert Knowledge: Top gastroenterologists possess in-depth knowledge and experience in diagnosing complex conditions. Their expertise allows for accurate and timely diagnosis, which is crucial for effective treatment.
Advanced Treatment Options: Leading gastroenterologists are often at the forefront of medical research and innovations. They have access to the latest treatments and technologies, ensuring patients receive the best possible care.
Holistic Care: A good gastroenterologist takes a comprehensive approach to treatment, considering all aspects of a patient’s health and lifestyle. They provide tailored advice on diet, exercise, and medication to optimize overall well-being.
Multidisciplinary Approach: Many top gastroenterologists in chennai collaborate with other specialists, including dietitians and surgeons, to ensure comprehensive care that addresses all facets of a patient's condition.
Choosing the Right Gastroenterologist
Finding the right gastroenterologist for your needs can significantly impact your treatment experience. Here are some factors to consider when making your choice:
1. Credentials and Experience
Look for a gastroenterologist with relevant qualifications, board certifications, and years of experience in the field. A specialist's background can provide insight into their expertise.
2. Areas of Specialization
Different gastroenterologists may focus on various areas, such as liver diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, or gastrointestinal cancers. Ensure that the specialist you choose aligns with your specific health needs.
3. Hospital Affiliations
Check if the gastroenterologist is affiliated with reputable hospitals or medical centers in Chennai. Access to advanced facilities can enhance your treatment options.
4. Patient Reviews
Reading reviews from previous patients can provide valuable insights into the doctor’s communication style, approach to care, and overall patient satisfaction.
5. Accessibility
Consider the location of the gastroenterologist’s practice and their availability for appointments. Convenience can play a significant role in your treatment journey.
Choosing a gastroenterologist is an important step in managing your digestive health. Chennai gastroenterology doctors who are dedicated to providing exceptional care. By consulting one of the top specialists, you can benefit from expert diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and the latest advancements in gastroenterology.
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