#Like I said I'm not being disrespectful
another-ruuka · 9 months
Let me just commentate on Disney Twisted Wonderland's 🐚🩵Octavinelle Chapter🩵🐚
[SPOILER WARNING] for the people who haven't read the manga!
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Welcome to the Twisted Wonderland, Mito Yuuta!!!🩶
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FUCK—uh, no wait, I'll never simp for a professor, especially if they're good looking (me when I lie)
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Oh, he's a bit fucked up actually😁
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Here comes Sir Azul "dramatic octopi mafia" Ashengrotto🙌🙌🙌
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Oh well, that did scare me a lil (lie)
Oh, wait. Did he say my boy??
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HE'S HEEEEEEEEEEEREEEE THE EEL 2.0 (His character grew up in me, I started to love the tweels as time goes on)
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THE OCTAVINELLE ARC SAGA IS STILL ONGOING AND I CAN'T WAIT HOW IT WILL TURN OUT!!! One thing I just noticed on how Yuuta's character (and Yuuken) is talkative and kind of making their screen time much more worthwhile with their dialogues. I guess it's the thing with Kowono Sumire doesn't want the MC/Yuus just standing in the middle of chaos and doing nothing. I am not belittling Oda Suzuka's Yuuka or Yuuya in the Novel. Every Yuus has their own personality, sure, and I respect it. Not all Yuus in official TWST media are canon, it's preferable to the players or fans how they take MC/Yuu. And I guess that's how I prefer Kowono Sumire's Yuus all of this time in TWST's official media. Sorry if it turned out rude or disrespectful!🙏🏻
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fisheito · 2 months
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collab #2 with @xenole i was given a chibi yakumo and i.. i...... turned it into thiS
#I AM SO SORRY I DREW YAKUMO AGAIN ADFSJEIADKS LOOK OK so xenole gives me the tiny crying yakumo.#says DO WHATEVER YOU WANT and THUS i get to thinking#my immediate thought was#i'm going to make oli breast boobily while comforting him#bc i was determined to draw xenole's fave this time. i swore it to myself. i WILL stop being so self indulgent#but the chibi on chibi comforting scene didn't sit right with me. it was too straightforward. not something i would draw normally#it was hhhh as u say.... not on brand.? it did not inspire me. idea benched....#so days pass and i'm still pondering ideas on what to do to the sad spaghetti.#configurations of clan members danced in my head. some defending yaku. some comforting. some bullying#the ideas usually involved at least oli or kuya bc once again. xenole bias#then while i'm in the shower i got frustrated with my lack of ideas and thought#i'll jujst eat.him. just. chew on him. i'm tired of him#AND THE IMAGE OF KUYA EATING YAKUMO FOR BREAKFAST POPPED INTO MY MIND#originally it was going to be kuya eating yakuflakes and oli giving him serious side eye but then the brain went#WHAT IF IT'S YAKUMO WATCHING KUYA EAT YAKUMO. THAT IS FUNNY. IT MUMST HAPPEEN#BUT I REFUSED at first. i was angry at myself. this is not a competition to see how you can STILL sHOVE YAKUMO into a drawing.#plus the composition would shrink xenole's chibi down! i would take over so much space by comparison! THE DISRESPECT! TO THE COLLAB PROCESS#but once i get fixated on smth...well. i ended up doing the idea and just praying xenole wouldnt eviscerate me for it#i'm sorry my liege. my grip on the reins was weak. the goofy clown horses went stampeding#so idk now it's the two of em having a peaceful breakfast in kuya's cabin but only kuya is at peace and yakumo's this close to a breakdown#i feel like there should be something in the space between them. a speech bubble or something . something mean is being said#yakuya#nu carnival yakumo#nu carnival kuya
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Was that first glance truly a gay little moment between Mizu and Akemi, or was she actually surprised (maybe even a little jealous?) that femininity could even look like that? Lavish, spoiled, seemingly loved or at least, something to be desired. I think it's pretty sure that she does not grasp how Akemi's life is a prison just as much as hers. That much is clear in their dialogues and her behavior towards her.
What if that dialogue (you, magical forest creature spoiling your good chances at a good life etc etc) was actually lowkey jealousy? of a life she herself would never get to experience as a woman? of being allowed to be a woman AND have a chance at happiness?
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hajihiko · 8 months
Your tag saying Mikan is gonna have it rough has me worried. She’s already been through enough! I mean they all have but especially her! I don’t even want to imagine what her haunting is like!
there's no metric for suffering so it's not like she literally has more bad than the boys. I just mean that, to me, things pertaining to childbirth and the menstrual cycle is horror in itself so it hits harder
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I'm sorry but this just pisses me off (Not Hunt obviously, but Bryce)
Bryce rant incoming which you can just ignore and I'll probably delete later
But Bryce just puts all the blame on the Asteri. And yes ultimately they are to blame in the larger sense of things. But Bryce plays a direct role in leading them down the path that results in Hunt, Ruhn and Baxian being caught. It was her need to find out Danika's secrets with no thought to the consequences, her idea to go to the Eternal City. And she takes NO personal responsibility for it at all!
Hunt is blaming himself for everything that's happened. Even when it's not his fault at all. When we're in his pov he's constantly drowning in guilt, thinking about how he should of done more, he should of tried harder, he should of been better, how it's all his fault this happened and that his friends suffered.
And then Bryce does none of that. When we're in her pov she doesn't really show any major guilt. I can't think of any times when she blames herself like Hunt does. And I'm not saying she should be wracked with guilt. But a normal person, a good person, will usually feel bad and will feel guilty and blame themselves to some degree when something bad happens and people they care about are hurt, regardless of how big or small they're involvement is, or even if they're not at fault at all, case in point Hunt being wracked with guilt even when it's not his fault.
And to make it worse she acknowledges that Hunt warned them, warned her. But that she disregarded it and would of done it no matter what.
And then she has the audicity to say she doesn't regret it. And she thought they were on the same page. ON THE SAME PAGE!!?? Hunt made it clear in hosab that he didn't want to go down this road again, that he didn't want to get involved. YOU just didn't listen Bryce. And yeah Hunt's an adult, he can make his own decisions and he could of said no and not gone. But of course, OF COURSE!! he wasn't going to let Bryce go down that road alone, because he loves her, and doesn't want anything to happen to her, and wants to protect, so of course he would never desert her. But that doesn't mean he wanted to do it!
For Bryce to be that unaware of Hunt's feelings, when he explicitly stated them. For her to be that disconnected from her mate's feelings that she's surprised that he wasn't really on board is kinda unfathomable to me. Just that complete lack of awareness really does make her look quite selfish/self centered.
Anyway sorry, this post is a mess but I just had to vent
And then when Hunt mentions the consequences he and his friends faced, Bryce makes it about her pain. She's hurt that Hunt mentioned that they suffered. And the worst part is, Hunt then regret's it, he regrets saying something that hurts Bryce, because he cares about her and feelings. And she does not consider his feelings to the same degree
It just pisses me off
#honestly with bryce's lack of feelings of guilt her lack of consideration of other people's feelings and her lack of taking responsibility#for her actions i think sarah has unintentionally written her as kinda a bit of a sociopath#anyway like i said in a previous post *sigh* i miss hoeab bryce my beloved#hoeab bryce had gone through so much and had a lot of growth through the first book and had so much potential for more#but then it just stopped. went backwards even. in fact i think hofas bryce has gotten worse#she's had no development for 2 books now and the further i get into hofas more and more apparent it's become how flawed#and one dimensional her character is#her being in prythian and the acotar characters carried her early chapters but now that she's back in midgard her lack of growth and#maturity is starting to grate on me. literally every other pov character has had more development then her#in all the other character pov's they are constantly self reflection they feel guilt they blame themselves they consider the feelings#of those around them. they consider how their actions have affected those around them. they take responsibility for their actions#bryce's pov does not do that to the same degree. if at all#there's minimal critical thought. no self reflection. a lack of taking any responsibility for her actions and the consequences#she's really is a very flat character. what you see is what you get#and her 'sassyness' (that was fine at first when there actually was more to her character) which is supposed to come across as#witty funny badass who takes no shit ect. more and more is just comes across as annoying and immature#and often inflammatory in situations that require maturity sensitivity and tact#her disrespect for the ocean queen who is helping you and is super powerful and not someone you want to make#an enemy of was just unnecessary and not smart tactically#and this is super nitpicky but I'm getting so sick of bryce's clothes. please get her out of those ridiculous leggins and pink sneakers#they were fine when she was going to the nail salon and the gym but how am i supposed to take her seriously on a world saving#mission in those clothes. how am i supposed to take her seriously as a queen (ugh) conversing with the ocean queen#in those clothes#and I'm loath to say it because i love hoeab quinlar with my whole heart but hofas bryce doesn't deserve hunt#the devotion and consideration hunt has for bryce and her feelings is not returned to the same degree to him#anyway i was hoping to get my hoeab bryce back but it hasn't happened but hopefully the second half of the book#can turn things around for her#pleaseee
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cinnamon-phrog · 2 months
#it was SO contradictory too ugh. and a mutual liked it!#you disrespect me. you disrespect my whole family#you call us 'stinky poopy babies'#you punched my wife. you kick mah baby you KICKed my FOCKin BABY#you ate our dog. YOU ATE OUR HOUSE#/ref#it's always the people i like too. everytime i want to find a d/ hmis artist or mutual BAM they're mean petty and even a nonce#and mean to peoples with hc's like mine. yes yes it happens in every fandom but not to the point where literally everybody sucks!#aside from my mutuals who are casually into the show you guys are boss <33#a d/ hmis artist will tell me they don't care/ even like my hc's and i'll feel great#a couple months later and they're talking shit about it or liking posts about why people who have said hcs are somehow predatory#as if there aren't actual predators in the tags and their little supportive minions running amuck. who draw LITERAL cp of Yellow#i'm not mad anymore i've become very numbed to this. i end up losing 'friends' to the point where i don't know how to make them anymore.#'course that doesn't mean i'll stop trying though. but give benefit of the doubt and be MASSIVELY let down.#or assume the worst. be RIGHT and yet still be somehow worse for assuming.#so i'm just gonna not interact. i'll still put my s/elfship stuff in the tags though i am above guilt or shame now. Look At My Post Boy#cuz like if all these people can get away with being petty and two faced then i can get away with smooching puppets#make Love not War
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corfisers · 4 months
the thing about the dudebro discussion, the aita post, the willingness to just take at face value any accusations directed at a person you don't know, is that it's all so painfully transparent, it's so obvious that those conversations are happening at this scale specifically because it's about trans women. maybe it's just me, but you generally shouldn't be using certain terms for people unless you know that they are comfortable with them, and if you fucked up then apologize and move on (if we pretend for a second that the majority of dudebros weren't feign ignorance or just actively malicious to begin with). you should be aware that some things don't affect you the same way they affect other people, and you definitely shouldn't be giving those people potentially dangerous advice on topics that you personally aren't familiar with, this is the baseline, at least don't fucking put other people who were misled into trusting you in danger. and if an anon barges into your inbox with some wild accusations then you should stop and think "hey, why are you coming to me anonymously with no evidence to back any of this up, and in such a way that i have to reply to you publicly so more people get to see this" regardless of who it's directed at. like, those are all pretty simple things, or they should be at least, but because the targets are trans women and transmisogyny is so fucking rampant everyone has to bend over backwards to come up with excuses as to why treating trans women this way is perfectly normal and justified.
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neet-wifey · 6 days
Are you fucking serious.
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amorremanet · 8 months
Man, I realize demanding that someone execute their own brother is pretty fucked up, but He Xuan asking that of Shi Qingxuan still gave them more respect than Shi Qingxuan ever got from Shi Wudu [gave them the ability to make their own choice after finally being given the full story and enough context to actually have the capacity for informed consent, something that Shi Wudu spent centuries denying to Shi Qingxuan] and also, He Xuan did nothing wrong and should be allowed to do all the atrocities he wants, thank you for your time
#this bitch told me shi wudu loves his brother more than anything; i said 'bitch where'#she said 'under all his bluster and overbearing bullshit'; i said 'BITCH *WHERE*'#like………all tea all shade: shi wudu is actually the person who jiang cheng antis think they are hating#selfish? check. never listens? check. disrespects everyone's agency? check. no self-reflection on atrocities? check. learns nothing? CHECK.#i wish all jiang cheng antis a very 'please read tgcf so you can at least meet a character who actually does all the things you're saying'#literally every decision he made was fundamentally fucking selfish & he just gaslit himself into believing#that he did it—all of it—out of love for shi qingxuan#like how do you look at shi qingxuan—finally in the loop after centuries of being denied that chance—telling their gege#'no please let's pick the first option i would rather be a piteous wretch driven to madness by my own suffering than#live in a world where you died unnecessarily; we can make things right with he xuan AND both live; a miserable life is better than DEATH'#and shi wudu going 'lmao denied stop being a whiny little bitch and come chop my head off already you'll thank me for this later'#and walk away from that genuinely believing that this is a man who loves his brother. it's pretty clear to me that he does not.#love looks like a lot of different things and as far as i'm concerned this ain't one of them#also he xuan should be allowed to do all the atrocities he pleases thank u#kassie hush#mine: text#opinions for ts#wank for ts#idk? maybe? i'm being a hater so it probably counts
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
[[ I've been getting new followers and I am very honored that you'd follow this wild little boar boy!! But I just want to remind everyone of this snippet from my rules :
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so if you don't have an explicit KNY verse/AU easily accessible somewhere in your navigation, I will not follow back. I have a very unflexible brain and I need to be familiar with the setting when writing with someone. I'm more than happy to interact with OCs or characters from another verse, but only if things happen within the KNY verse! Thank you for your understanding ;w; ]]
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firefurious · 4 months
still making my way through kith & kin and sounding like a broken record i'm sure but i just. really like how the book shows the scorn the twins were treated with and the source for vex's deep desire for acceptance and recognition. the trying to be perfect thinking that was what would win over her father's affection and the respect of those around them. i just really love how the twins face it very differently; vax is challenging — he doesn't have to prove himself to these people, he doesn't have to give a shit for what they think (i think from the start he understands better that it isn't about how capable they are; it's about prejudice and even if they are perfect nothing would change, they'd always be found lacking somehow).
vex tries to conform; she wants to prove them wrong and to prove she's worthy, she craves the acceptance and love and respect. it hurts her deeply to not have it, so she keeps trying even when it hurts her (even! when! they deliberately hurt her. syldor outright calls one of her attempts 'pathetic', even though he forced her to try to prove her skill after she was exhausted and with a weapon she had only just started training with; there's no sympathy or understanding, there's only derision)
Every word they spoke hurt, like they took the fragile, tender parts of her and broke them, one at a time. Her pride in her archery. Her inquisitiveness. Her sense of home.
this part also stood out to me as someone whose first source of knowledge about her is the series because it's so very in line with things that still plague her there. dear, broken vex'ahlia, saundor says to her, and he's not wrong. there are parts of her that were broken and never healed. the book so far also shows that in the 'present' parts; she hates cities not because of the cities, but because she always feels she has something to prove, because people always treat her as worthless. vex admits to wanting to prove to syldor he's wrong about her when they're looking for fenthras; and ultimately she chooses not to go back there and rub it in his face, but that's not the case before facing saundor. she's still hurt by her father being at best indifferent and at worse disdainful; she's still hurt whenever anyone treats her as lesser. vax can be angry and not care but she can't. she surely can resent (she definitely wanted nothing with their father after they left), but that doesn't change that she longs to be seen as worthy and treated as such.
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yeonban · 6 months
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@isolov asked: do you want to see what i can do? ( kenji asking marin if he wants to see him lift a bus one handed or smth lol )
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Though the runaway stares idly at the group of ruffians seemingly intent on making the poor decision of brandishing their weapons at them, no sooner is the query asked of him than Marin turns his head towards his friend at the speed of sound, almost as fast as the gasp that leaves his mouth at the proposal. ❛ --- Yes!! ❜ He may have seen many abilities of all sorts during his trips abroad, but none of them had stricken him to be quite as heroic as the blond's; nor had any of them given him the same feeling of safety as Kenji's has. Had Kenji not been here with him, after all, he would have long since ran away.
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Whether the foolishness of youth or the excitement of seeing his first friend (properly) in action for the first time is the cause, the glint in Marin's eyes is nonetheless wholly fixated on Kenji's face as he scurries closer, reaching to temporarily grab the other's hands in his own as if entirely forgetting their unpleasant company. This was going to be so cool! ❛ Have you ever tested the limit of your ability, Kenji?? How many kg can you lift? How many people could you hold at the same time? How long can you keep your ability active? ❜
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lupismaris · 1 year
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turbo-enid · 10 months
When you planned on studying, but your mom shut the door on you while you were speaking so you feel triggered and on top of that your period pains began, so now you'd just rather fill your mind up with distractions.
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secondplayercanada · 1 year
#ooc#vent#my brother and i got into an argument in the immediate family chat about2 hours ago and im still emotionally out of whack from it.#right now I'm struggling to feel anything but extreme dislike and coldness to him. I've felt so disrespected and unappreciated by him for.#well probably years now. a long time. and he blew up at me for no reason and basically said my autism is the problem.#something so intrinsic and unable to be separated from me is the provlem.tje thing that's been making it so harf for me for so long.#I'm sitting at work trying not to cry again as i type this .#i don't know if i will ever fully come back from this. i don't know if i *want* to try and fix things after this.#he seemed to hate me. and i dont even really care anymore. how sad is that. what hurts most is that it feels like confirmation that im#the problem. not him#me. like it always has been because ive spent most of my life undiagnosed and unknowing. suspecting but that's about it.#I'm sick and tired of not being comfortable at home. im sick and tired of being scared he'll hurt me. I'm sick and tired of him keeping#me awake at night. I'm sick and tired of him not even doing bare minimum and reaping all the rewards.#i hate how it feels like mum and dad are protecting him. how nothing ever changes and i keep trying but i can't do anything.#i can't even move out rental vacancy is less than 1% abd rents like $500+ a week.#i dont want to have to leave but i may have too just to keep my sanity and i hate it i hate it i hate it.#i hate him. i wish he would go away. i wish ue would face reak consequences and know how it feels. i wish mt sister woulf stop choosing him#like hes not the problem. i haye feeling like this.#i hate being the problem.
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excaive · 2 years
Okay okay so I apologize if this has been asked before- (I am a huge fan and love ur art and comics and lore) But aren’t most of your parasites closer to symbiosis than being actual parasites? Or was that just a clear choice to distance from symbiotes in Marvel?
No disrespect meant at all I’m just curious!
I don't percieve Marvel lol I don't get any inspo from there on purpose
Symbiosis just means any close and long-term relationship between two organism, which can be through parasitism, commensalism, and mutalism - but I guess the word is mostly associated with the beneficial interaction (mutalism)
The parasites in my universe all have different relationships with their host between actual parasitism, commensalism or mutualism.
They're just called Parasites as a general term, it doesn't have the same context as the word 'parasites' have in the real world.
It's called neologism when a word has gained a new meaning and it also includes creating new words from existing words - which is what I assume is the case with symbiotes that's the result of taking symbiosis and making it into a noun.
If u try hard enough u can give new meaning to any words and see it differently. The only thing i can think of rn as a personal example is with my oc Keith. I literally have forgotten it's widely interpreted as a male name it's just. neutral to me
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