#Like Uh-huh totally an ally
hmslusitania · 2 months
Either 16 or 21 or both or neither
There was no specified ship, so it ended up being kind of pre-relationship TimKon
The party had been a questionable choice, Tim can admit that now. Nothing says “I’m so totally over a relationship, see how fine I’m doing!” like throwing a Halloween party, drinking a little too much at the sight of his ex-girlfriend making out with her new girlfriend who is, for most purposes, Tim’s sister, and then retreating to the bathroom because his more recent ex-boyfriend had actually taken him up on the invitation and brought a plus one.
Which is why he’s hiding in the bathtub in his own bathroom, not totally shielded from view by the novelty map of Faerûn shower curtain Steph had helped him pick out. At least it matches the elf ears that had seemed like a good idea six hours ago, and at least the porcelain he’s resting his face against is cooling and pleasant.
His relative peace — generally not helped by the thumping of the bass from the stereo in the party beyond his room — is interrupted an unknowable amount of time later by the bathroom door opening without a knock, and then he’s in the company of…
“What are you supposed to be?” Tim asks without lifting his head from the side of the tub.
Kon looks down at his “costume” which includes fingerless gloves, a denim jacket, and a black and red buffalo check shirt.
“Breakfast Club?” Kon prompts.
Tim blinks at him.
“Come on, we watched it for YJ movie night like last month,” Kon reminds him.
“I wasn’t there,” Tim says, miserable, and sags a little farther into the comforting embrace of the side of the tub.
“We were gonna do a whole group thing, right, except we decided you’d for sure have to be Ally Sheedy, not Emilio Estevez or Anthony Michael Hall,” Kon continues, unphased by Tim’s demeanour. “But then Cissie wanted to dress up like Wendy instead, and I’m pretty sure Cassie’s dressed up like me, which is kinda a head trip. And Bart had some whole situation where he can’t make our party because he got roped into babysitting Jai and Irey while they go trick-or-treating, because as screwy as my family might be, only when you’re a member of the West-Allen family do you really get to go babysit your, uh…”
“Second cousins,” Tim supplies.
“Huh, I definitely thought that was gonna be a weirder chain of relationship,” Kon says.
He sits on the bathmat next to Tim’s head and pokes him in the side of the face.
“Stop,” Tim says.
“So is there a particular reason you’re hiding from your own party in your bathroom?” Kon asks.
“I’m bitterly single?” Tim replies.
Kon considers him. “So, I get why you invited Steph, because she’s still for sure one of your best friends, and I’m pretty sure you’re, like, contractually obliged to invite Cass to events, and they’re a matched set. But like… your civilian ex-boyfriend who likes to conspiracy theory about the majority of the rest of your guests?”
Tim groans and shuts his eyes, only to have Kon pry one of them open and stare at him up close.
“I wanted to prove I was, like, mature and evolved and so totally over it,” Tim says, and feels stupid even saying it.
“Which is why you’re drunk in your bathtub, sure, yeah, I get that,” Kon says, and smiles when Tim rolls his eyes.
“You don’t have to be in here being nice to me, you can just like… enjoy the party,” Tim says.
“The party where my ex-girlfriend is dressed up in my clothes and making out with our other very good friend who’s dressed up like my all time fictional crush? That party?” Kon asks, and Tim snorts.
“Do you ever think about the fact you dated two girls named Cassandra and both of them turned out to be gay?” Tim asks.
“With really similar taste in women, also,” Kon adds. “And, like, yeah, every once in a while.”
Tim hums and closes his eyes again, but this time, Kon doesn’t pry his eyes open.
“I know you’re mad at me,” Tim mumbles finally. “You didn’t have to come.”
“I’m not mad at you,” Kon says, and this time the physical botherment he inflicts is tweaking the elf ear Tim had spent a stupid amount of time gluing on. “I was questioning your judgement, which is so not the same thing.”
“Judgement I definitely didn’t improve by throwing this party, right?” Tim guesses. Kon makes a noncommittal noise.
“Like I get that you have a thing for blonds with a penchant for getting into trouble, but…” Kon says.
“Not just blonds,” Tim mumbles before he can think better of it. He blinks when he realises what he’s said and finds Kon staring at him curiously. “I’m really fine, Kon, you can go enjoy the party.”
“Nah,” Kon says, and before Tim can move to stop him, he clambers over the side of the tub to squish into the narrow space between Tim and the shower wall, his combat boots which have a certain authenticity that say they might have been Pa Kent’s from the ’60s clunking against the basin. Kon wriggles his shoulders trying to get comfortable for a second, and then gives up and wraps his arm around Tim. It’s just for the better use of space, Tim’s sure, but it’s… it’s really nice. And when Kon tugs him sideways until Tim rolls over so he’s resting the side of his face on Kon’s chest rather than on the side of the tub, it’s so damn pleasant he can barely stand it. “I’d much, much rather be in here with you.”
It makes Tim’s heart flutter in his chest and he knows Kon can hear that, which is just embarrassing, and which he can only sort of blame on the alcohol.
“Yeah, okay, Bender,” he says, trying desperately to hit annoyed.
Kon gives him a full belly laugh that echoes off the bathroom tile, and squeezes him just a little closer. “I knew you’d seen the Breakfast Club before.”
Tim rolls his eyes and smacks Kon in the stomach with a light, open palm. It gets him another laugh, and maybe, just maybe, this party hadn’t been the worst idea after all.
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eds6ngel · 1 year
another idea: reader going over to robin and vickie’s with steve for dinner one night, robin talks to reader about how good reader is for steve, little bonding moment with robin, and reader starts to feel deeper love, then fluff with steve and maybe a reciprocation of feelings? I think that���s it for now, but you don’t have to do any of them! thank you so much for writing the series, its soooo good and I can’t wait for any spin-offs!
hi my love!! i started off with this one as it goes in the order i'd like to tackle my asks in! i changed it up slightly (not too much), so i hope you enjoy!! ♡
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. use of y/n. swearing. kissing. a lil bit of making out. allusions to sex. pet names. food mentions. r is mentioned as unlabeled (so you can assign the label according to your identity!!) r being an ally. fluff. comfort. love confessions!! [2.3k].
full 'when i kissed the teacher' masterlist.
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“Babe?” Steve asks you, currently attending to the dishes piled in the sink from your beautiful handmade soup the two of you had for lunch. Alena was currently staying with Jonathan and Nancy, having a sleepover with her friend Ashley, which meant you had the place to yourselves.
“Uh huh?” you reply, not tearing your eyes away from the very intriguing book about the psychology of the human mind.
“You’re accepting, right?”
The question draws you away from the paperback, looking behind you to where Steve was scrubbing away at a green bowl, placing it neatly on the drying rack. “Yeah, I would say I am. Why?” The question seemed out of the blue, almost unordinary for him. It’s not like you had an issue with said question, it was just the timing that was confusing.
“Just… I really hope she doesn’t kill me for this,” Steve mumbles to himself, just loud enough for you to catch the tail end of, “You know Robin, she’s uh… She’s a lesbian, had a girlfriend for nine years. That’s okay with you… right?”
You smile, “Of course it’s okay. It’s more than okay. People can love whoever they want to love.” You were very passionate about this topic. You hadn’t particularly labeled your own sexuality, but you were striving for the ones that didn’t fit into the heteronormative society to have as many rights as you did. You frankly thought it was stupid that they didn’t already, and that as long as relationships are consensual and healthy, anybody of age should be allowed to love and potentially have sex with whoever they wanted.
Steve sighs out, chuckling lightly, “Oh thank God. I was so scared for a second.”
“Babe, if I didn’t support gay people, I shouldn’t even be deserving of your time. Besides… I’ve been to a few protests in my life,” you smirk, quickly looking back down at your book to leave Steve standing there in shock.
“You’ve been to protests?”
“Mhmm,” you hum, “College is a wild ride babe. You end up doing things you never thought you would ever do.”
“Huh… Anyway,” he shakes his running thoughts off, “I was asking because I was wondering if you’d like to go on a double date with them. You know, me and you, Robin and her girlfriend Vickie, that sort of thing?”
“Of course!” you happily agree, “When were you thinking?”
“Well, I’ll have to check with the girls, but since Alena isn’t back until tomorrow evening, I was thinking we could grab lunch somewhere tomorrow afternoon?”
“That sounds great babe! I’m totally down.”
He puts the final dish on the rack, walking up behind you and placing a tender kiss on the crown of your head, “Great, let me just give them a call, see if they’re down too.”
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“There’s nothing good on this menu,” Robin whines, “You couldn’t have chosen a better restaurant, Steve?”
The four of you were squeezed into a booth of a small sandwich shop on the outskirts of Hawkins. Steve had his hand on your thigh as he scanned through the menu to the right of you, Robin and Vickie sat opposite.
Steve scoffs, “Just because you’re an extremely fussy eater, Robin. Everyone else here seems to be fine with the menu. The menu’s good, isn’t it, babe?” His question holds a slight waver of uncertainty, his best friend making his insecurities come out.
You take a quick look up at Robin over the top of your menu, smirking away as you pretend to cringe, “Well…”
Steve’s eyes open wide as he thinks he made the biggest mistake of his life, you having to quickly put a reassuring hand on your shoulder to calm him down, “I’m only kidding babe, it’s wonderful.”
“Well, according to someone it isn’t,” he narrows his eyes at Robin, her sticking her tongue out at him. You and Vickie give each other a look, as if you were both mothers parenting your immature children.
The waiter soon comes, Robin ordering a plain chicken sandwich, as suspected, Steve a ham and cheese toastie, Vickie a cheese and salad sandwich, and you deciding on a pulled pork sandwich.
“So,” you begin to start the conversation back up, “I’ve heard the two of you have been together for nine years. That’s incredible!”
Vickie holds Robin’s hand in hers on top of the table, the other leaning against her cheek, “Yeah. Almost at the nine year anniversary. You know, it took Robin two years to ask me out. She had a crush on me since the start of ‘86, took her until the Spring of ‘88 to make a move. We were both just blubbering messes up until that point. She finally asked me out, we had our first date, and then the rest is history I suppose.”
“So, just like me and Steve,” you giggle, Steve squeezing your thigh as he smiles down at you, Robin noticing how in love her best friend looks. “Always the whole mutual pining game, huh?”
“Apparently so. After the earthquake happened here a decade ago, we had to help out at the school for anyone affected,” Vickie explains, “Well, Robin and I got put on making PB&J’s, and I got so rambly and nervous in her presence that I buttered both pieces of bread with peanut butter.”
“Yeah, I was sorting clothes, watching the two of you be all cutesy and shit from across the room.”
Robin lets her mouth hang open, “You were watching that day?”
Steve nods with a grin on his face, “Uh, yeah? My best friend talking to her crush who she wouldn’t shut up about for months? And the two of you laughing and getting along? Of course I was watching.”
Vickie sighs happily, “I’m trying to think of some questions to ask the two of you, but I think we know every detail of your relationship.”
Robin raises her eyebrows with a smirk next to her girlfriend, “Oh yeah. Every goddamn time we saw him. ‘She called me handsome.’ ‘She’s just so pretty.’ ‘What am I supposed to do?’ Over and over again. It was constant reassurance, trying to encourage him to ask you out.”
“Just to let you know though,” Vickie points at you, “We did not encourage him to kiss you and therefore lose your job. We take absolutely no responsibility in that.”
You brush her off with a wave of your hand, “I mean, it didn’t end up so bad in the end. I mean, no insult to Hawkins or anything—”
“Babe,” Steve interrupts you, “We’ve all grown up here. You can insult this place however you like.”
“I don’t like to be rude though honey, you know that!” you laugh as Steve presses a kiss to your cheek, Robin and Vickie giving each other a knowing look, “Okay, fine. Just to preface, I loved the kids I taught, okay? Nothing wrong on their part. Just… some of the teachers were extremely mean in the staff room, some parents were just absolutely awful and the place itself was just… I dunno, something felt off.”
“Yeah, because it’s a piece of shit,” Robin truthfully states, Vickie jabbing her lightly in the ribs, Robin letting out an “Ow!”
You giggle, “Yeah, it kind of is, I guess. At least in comparison to Ernie Pyle. I suppose parents take their kids education a lot more seriously there. The student population is mostly made up of ethnic minorities from disadvantaged backgrounds, so the parents want to give their kids what they never had growing up. Plus, I think it’s around 90% of the teachers already have at least three years of prior teaching experience. It’s one of the reasons they took me on actually.”
“Well, I’m glad you got your happy ending. Perfect relationship and a perfect job,” Vickie points out, “Seems like a total win.”
“Yeah,” you look up at Steve lovingly, “It was.”
You had all enjoyed your meals, no matter how adventurous your selections were. Before you all got ready to leave, Steve excused himself to the bathroom, Robin sipping the final bits of her strawberry milkshake. “I’ve never seen dingus so in love before. I imagine you must get fed up with how much he says it.”
But, that’s the thing: he’d never said it. You weren’t gonna critique him on that, you were happy to take things as slow as possible, but there was that lingering thought in the back of your mind that maybe he wasn’t as in love as you were. And you didn’t want to scare him off by saying those three words if he didn’t feel that confident in the relationship yet.
“Actually, he hasn’t said it yet…” you let out.
“Are you kidding?”
The two girls sit there in shock as you shrug it off. “No, you have to be lying,” Robin says, “Dingus has been in love with you since… well, forever!“
“Yeah, my love’s not kidding,” Vickie adds on, “I’m pretty sure he told us after you two did the Christmas Fayre together.”
“Probably even alluded to it before that.” Robin looks you in the eye, “You do love him, don’t you?”
You nod, “Of course I love him, Robin! I just don’t want to say it, and then he doesn’t feel the same—“
“Y/N, I’m telling you,” Vickie interrupts you, “He is 100% definitely in love with you. I know that for a fact. We both do.”
Robin nods, making you lean back in your chair and pinch the bridge of your nose, “Why won’t he say it then?”
“Y/N,” Robin starts, “The first girl Steve ever said ‘I love you’ to was Nancy Wheeler two weeks into their relationship, and they broke up a year later. The second was Alena’s mother who walked out when her daughter was a few months old, leaving Steve alone with a child to raise by himself. I think he’s just scared to say it in case you leave, since that’s all he knows.”
Vickie nods along, “But, if you say it first… I think that he might calm down a little. Realise that you are the one taking initiative.”
“Just say it…” Robin says softly, “What else have you got left to lose?”
But, you could have a lot to lose. What if he was just saying it to Robin and Vickie and doesn’t properly mean it? What if you tell him and he doesn’t reciprocate? You’d lose your whole relationship.
You have no time to think as Steve re-appears, reaching for his denim jacket the other side of you, “Right, we ready to go?”
Robin and Vickie smile at you, giving you a look as they begin to stand, collecting their belongings as the four of you head out the main entrance of the shop.
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After bidding farewell to Robin and Vickie, Steve drove you back home, him having to clean the house for when Alena got home, and you having to prepare resources for your class tomorrow.
He pulls up to your apartment complex, leading you to the entrance as always, like the gentlemen he is.
You grab his hand, Steve noticing that it was slightly shaking wrapped around his, “Um… Steve? I just want to say something before you go.”
He simply stares back, you taking it as a sign to continue talking. You let out a breath. It was now or never.
“I understand that you’ve been wanting to take this entire thing slowly, and I get that. But, I just want to reassure you that I am in this for the long run. I love how you treat me, and care for me. I love the dates you take me on, they are so varied. I love how kind, and caring, and slightly stupid you can be sometimes. And I guess what I’m trying to say is that… I love you.”
You can audibly hear how his breath hitches in his throat, your brain instantly taking that as a mistake, “But, don’t feel as if you need to reciprocate or anything, because I don’t want to pressure you into doing that. I just needed to let it out—”
Your rambling is stopped by Steve’s lips crashing into yours. You can’t help but let the slight moan slip from your mouth as he deepens the kiss, your hands wrapped around his shoulders as he cups your cheeks. Before the kiss can escalate, Steve pulls apart from you, leaning his forehead against yours as he whispers back, “I love you too,” a goofy smile gracing his features. “Shit, I was just so scared to say anything in case it made you leave, as that’s what usually happens whenever I say those words—”
It’s now your time to interrupt him with a giggle, “I know baby, Robin kind of told me everything.”
He shakes his head, “God, I hate her. Always revealing secrets about me.”
“Damn,” you huff, “Maybe I should hang out with her more, get more juicy details about you.”
He leans back, raising his eyebrows at you, “Absolutely not. I’ve revealed way too much of my life to her.”
You both laugh, “You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington.”
“I love you too, Y/N L/N,” he replies, leaning in to kiss you once again. You melt into the kiss, Steve swiping his tongue across your lips, asking for permission to which you accept, opening your mouth and letting his tongue slip in, the lingering taste of his sandwich invading your senses. The two of you moan, you pulling back to catch your breath, realising the two of you were technically stood directly next to a busy road. “Amy’s out with her boyfriend today… So, I have the apartment to myself…”
Steve looks down at his watch, before turning his gaze back to you, smirking and seductively replying, “I think we have time.”
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i hope you enjoyed!! i will get to the rest of your asks (and everybody else's) tomorrow and during the course of next week!! ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @cats00089 @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 @frostandflamesfanfic
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destinygoldenstar · 1 month
☀️Reality TV’s Stupidest Alliance☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 2 “Logged & Loaded”
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What am I predicting for eliminations?
Uh… how many people are here? 14?
So I’d say… 7 mergers?
Pre-Merge boots I’m guessing… I said Alec last post cause of Fiore. And I said Lilly cause she’s good at the game so they’d want to get rid of her. So… others…?
Will, Drew (forgot him in the last post), Dan, and Grett. I can see Grett being a Pre-Merge villain and getting booted right before the merge.
And… one more… I guess Miriam. Idk why, but if I had to choose out of the ones left.
I think the alliance of 4 is gonna lose half its members. I see Nick getting character development. I see Fiore being an antagonist. And Ashley… she’s nice. I just like her and hope she goes far. Jake & Tom have a thing going on that the opening spoiled so they’re both merging. Then Gabby is being set up for character development as well.
I forgot Ellie. I forgot she was on the purple team… she’s gonna be the teams swing vote, isn’t she? That sucks.
This is what the dynamic between her and Gabby are alluding to? They’re both on opposite teams but they both have major setbacks and disadvantages to their game. Gabby cause no one likes her and she’s allied with Grett, and Ellie cause she’s stuck in the middle of her team and will be screwed if she doesn’t play… less than pure, I guess. But they become besties and it trumps those issues.
That’s what I’m predicting anyway.
So… let’s start this episode.
I got the SAME AD AGAIN. WTF?!
"Is that recycled paper?"
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How does he write that fast? That's impressive. Gimme that skill.
"I want to talk to her but she scares me a little."
What did she do to you?
"She reminds me a little of my grandmother. How she walks, how she talks... I miss her."
"She's been sick for months and she can't have visitors."
Oh my god...
Is that why he's competing? Medical bills to help her?
Well geez, keep that up and I might actually root for you to win.
"Yeah, she was often cranky, but she was the only one that really understood me."
You on the spectrum?
"Jake... I don't know what to say, but if you need to talk to someone, I'm always here."
D'aaaaawwww 💗
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That face.
He was eyeing Tom all of last episode too and I just didn't bring it up.
So we have how many characters with motives and reasons to be here now? Fiore got dumped by her parents, Nick wants to prove himself, Jake wants to help his grandma.
I'm really liking that they're giving these characters REASONS to be on the show and why they want to win.
Cause in Total Drama we don't get a lot of their backgrounds outside of the game, and only a handful explained their motives for winning. I think of Gen 1 the only one that really had a motive aside from 'I want to be rich' is Alejandro.
I like what they're doing here.
"If our team fails, you'd be the one to blame."
Pretty sure that's not how that works.
Mostly it's a social challenge. If they think you're the one at fault for the loss, just say "Whoa whoa whoa! You don't want to vote me! You want to vote that guy!"
I obviously would suck at Survival.
So... actually I like Grett's game move here. Be on good terms with the leader, and... do what I said basically.
"WHOA WHOA GUYS! You don't want to vote Tom! Let's vote that glasses guy instead! That's a much better game move! TRUST ME."
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Oh these two...
They're like "Oh shit. We're the outliers here, aren't we?"
"What makes you think you'll get far? Have you seen how fast the others are getting close to each other?"
"I've noticed. That's a problem."
Oh they're actually addressing it. Cool. They're not stupid.
"You're not going to walk thirty minutes over there."
"Sure I can. I love to walk."
She just like me fr
"That fat girl made you look stupid."
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"I love your coat my the way! I own a similar one!"
Do you have a split personality?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
She was talking to herself...
And it was such a massive fourth wall break that it gave me an ad on body spray. XD
"Today's reward will be a complete fishing kit. That will make it easier to find food."
I guess... but you can also make cages or nets to catch fish. I know that's something that's possible.
There's not any wildlife they're killing, is there?
"An immunity totem has been hidden somewhere in the forest."
We got an idol in play!
I wish Total Drama used Immunity Idols more. It's such a cool game mechanic in Survivor. (At least, in the clips I've seen of people playing them)
Yeah I know the Reboot did in Season 2. We don't talk about that.
"That totem could save me from the unfavorable position I find myself in."
Yes. Yes it would.
Actually, no, let me predict for a sec. Either him or Ellie find that idol, and they save themselves with it, causing a member from the 4 alliance to get the boot. And that's how that alliance breaks.
I mean, you're not gonna get them any other way I feel.
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Awwww, look at Ashley carrying the demon child. 💗
"I heard how Grett spoke to you. You shouldn't let her talk to you like that."
Boy, I agree with you and I get you're nice. Grett is in hearing range and WILL gun for you.
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My case and my point. Grett gunned you.
Cause it looks to me like otherwise, you tripped on NOTHING.
"I'm really curious what you look like without it."
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"I'm a little scared to have to slide down from up here."
Oh for the love of drama-
Pull a Leshawna. THROW HIM OFF.
"Ellie, Alec, you go on that one. Nick, Ashley, and I can take the next one."
*does the math*
Hey wait so you're gonna leave him with the child after he JUST confessed to being scared?!
Listen to your alliance teammates! You're in hearing range, right?!
Why can't Lilly go with Fiore? Wouldn't that make more sense cause she's the one cutting?
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Grett's gonna steal that from Gabby, isn't she?
But either way, Gabby's immune, LET'S GO!
"By the way, have you started streaming the episodes yet?"
"Remember to cut any scenes I'm in."
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*Stares intensely at him*
"What if we fall?!"
That's kinda the point.
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*chokes on breath*
A six year old is bitch slapping a grown man, this is not a drill.
"What was that?"
I mean, let's be honest... she just said facts.
Yeah the slap was wrong, but it's not as bad as it could've been. She just told the truth.
"You're costing us this challenge and everyone will know it."
Yes but he has something you don't. NUMBERS.
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Well your point just went down the drain, cause that's YOUR fault.
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The 'yay' card, aww that's so cute... 😄
"She does have a point, yeah? She's got the flags and Will's got no."
Okay, that's stupid.
1) You guys can SEE the top of the hill, right?! If you couldn't, that wasn't established.
2) You saw the position of the two on the log. Fiore was standing on top of him! OF COURSE HE COULDN'T GET A FLAG
3) Would you guys seriously DITCH your alliance?! It WILL cause you the entire long game and you know it! DON'T BLOW THAT
Oh and 4 as a bonus) You never even listened to your ally! You KNEW he was scared, and yet you left him with a KID
"Maybe this was all a misunderstanding."
Ashley. I get it's hard to not side with a child. Use your brain.
"I wish I could believe you, but I know a little girl would never do those things."
Oh my god, you've never seen a child for more than two seconds your entire life. Not every kid is a saint! Toddlers are bratty as shit! They do that to get it out of their system!
(From this point on, I will put a 'Keep Reading' mark on the Tribal Council segments so I don't spoil the eliminations for my followers)
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Oh we actually SEE who votes who!
This is like Survivor much more, cause they flip these cards over to share the names, and you can see what the numbers were.
I always imagine what the eliminations in Total Drama would look like if they did that as well.
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Okay Lilly's being smart.
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That's Ashley's vote
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That's not Lilly's handwriting. Is that Will or Nick?
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That's Lilly's.
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Not Alec's writing... Fiore's?
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Alec, Fiore... Ellie?
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And that's it.
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(Unless Will voted himself)
I mean I don't really care about his character, but that could've so easily been avoided.
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Tom, what ninja stuff are you getting into??
If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know.
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beevean · 2 months
Good morning! Have a feast!
oh joy.
I think the Abbott is a great character, and a gray and complex character. [...] With the church, priests were being guillotined and everything else. [...] he’s reacting and doing what he must to survive and what he genuinely thinks is right, but it’s obviously so messy.
Guys, there is a difference between being complex and messy, and not making any sense. A priest who denounces the Revolution because it's "godless" but then allies himself with cruel murderous vampires with plans of making a queen vampire ascend to goddess status is not complex, he's a giant idiot.
"we we look at the French Revolution from our perspective" it was barely a footnote. Stop promoting Nocturne as this amazing fantasy story set during the French Revolution when you guys couldn't even be bothered to realize bread was nearly unaffordable and thus Tera, supposedly a common woman, couldn't offer it to guests.
One of my favorite parts of the series, honestly, is Richter having to come face-to-face with a possible future for himself is obviously a hallowing experience for him and is a big part of his character growth.
Juste is kind of a mirror for Richter because it’s where Richter may end up if he loses himself and becomes defeated.
Juste exists solely for Richter to be like "eww no I don't wanna be like that".
Juste exists solely as a warning. Don't be too traumatized, or you'll become a nihilistic hateable fuck.
Juste. Juste Belmont. The Successor of Fate. The man who first grappled with the weight of his legacy. You killed off Maxim and Lydie without any thought just to shoehorn him into the "cynical mentor" stereotype regardless if it fit his character, instead of truly building up from the harrowing worst ending. He was included in the show to be shat on, for Richter to get over his trauma in one episode - or, to quote the article, "finally get his mojo back".
... yeah I'm just going to move on before I explode. "I love HoD" my entire ass.
"This was our chance to actually harmonize some of the things that were developed later with Harmony of Dissonance" oh you think you're so funny aren't you
an opportunity to show something that we didn’t really get to see that much in a lot of Castlevanias, which is that Juste is the first Belmont that can use magic, right?
Oh, is this why Juste is completely useless in unlocking Richter's magic, and he has to remember the woman who mocked him for not being able to use magic to have his badass moment? Huh uh. Please, you just admitted Juste's narrative role was to be pitied and looked down on as a warning to never become like him.
"[Alucard's return] was built in as we laid out what the first season was going to be. It was always there." I had no doubts.
The path of him finding himself when he’s in this totally new, different distorted form is really interesting. I think there are also some elements that speak back to Castlevania Season 3 and some of the conversations that Isaac has with his night creatures.
Season 4, actually. You're referring to Isaac's speech about how Night Creatures don't have to be tools of destructions just because they were made for that purpose. Which is not a bad scene in theory, but the problem is that Night Creatures in Nocturne are not the same as in NFCV. In the latter, they are truly mindless, except for FlysEyes because he used to be a philosopher so he's much more intelligent than the other souls (whatever, this is the canon explanation) - Isaac was, what else, mostly talking about himself allegorically. But in Nocturne, probably because they were created with a stupid DEVIL FORGING MACHINE, it's clear that the Abbot has little control over his own creatures. Like, Edouard is not particularly special in that regard, it's the Abbot that sucks lmao.
anyway I'm going to speedrun HoD, bye
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stealing-the-smp · 2 days
Member 11
The Abandoned
Lives by the end: Revived 1
Alignment: Chaotic good
Sides: Lmanburg, Pogtopia, Exile, Greater Smp
Age: 16 at the beginning 21 by the end
Species: Avian / Trait Demon
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Bi
Morals: at this point morals have failed him but he’s usually a follower more then a leader so relies on others morals usually
Goals: Take down Asphodel
Likes: Spiders, Moths, Bugs, His bunker, Being safe
Dislikes: Asphodel, Being abandoned,
Allies: he’s got trust issues at this point but trusts Astin, Vian, Dixie, and slightly Bee then others less like Franklin and Sam Nook
Enemies: Asphodel, Shep
Family: Castiel(dad), Foxglove(mom), Vian(big brother), Cas(nephew), Saylor(adopted son)
Appearance: Chord has longish blonde hair with a white streak that’s sometimes it’s braided by Bee and blue eyes and he has small wings that can’t fly and he eventually grows red horns for some reason and a demon tail despite how he’s not a demon the world just changed him to reflect how he sees himself and he also usually wears a red shirt with grey sleeves
“Viannnnnn where are we goinggggggg?”
“Oh hi person in a box what’s your name?”
“Oh then you’re interests?”
“You’re name is Bee then!”
“Come on!”
“Viannnnnnn we’re hungryyyyy”
“YIPPEEEEEE trail mix!”
“Want the pretzels Bee? I like the marshmallows and Vian will eat the nuts”
“Oh a town!”
“Bee pssst the Asphodel person is uglyyyyy”
“Hey!” after getting elbowed by Vian about the previous comment
“It needs to sound more British! Lmanburg! The L helps!”
“Look what I found! Discs!!!”
“Vian you sure fighting with help?”
“Bee there’s a bakery In Lmanburg now! We should go get cakepops!”
“Hydrangeaaaaaa do we have to payyyyy?”
“Bee grab cakepops and RUN” *runs while giggling*
“Yum! We split our spoils in half!”
“Vian can you get me unbanned from the bakery?”
“Asphodel just like leave us the fuck alone!!”
“That’s gonna scar….”
“Vian when will this war be over?”
“Oh! That’s great! Vian Mahogany has a idea!”
“That went welllllll” /sarcasm
“We can definitely win this Vian!”
“but this is our home….”
“Vian I’m hungry…..and cold and tired….”
“Vian where are we even going…”
“Oh! Yeah this’ll work! We’ll totally not freeze or starve in a underground city” /sarc
“I’m calling our future grave Pogtopia at least….”
“Oh! Fuck! Bee are you ok? I’ll grab you some bandages!”
“And here we go into the shopping cart then I’ll sit here and we can chat for a while”
“I’m glad we can stay friends on opposite sides”
“Vian what are these droppers for?”
“VIAN, MAHOGANY GET A ROOM….I know you’re in Vian’s room but you’re arguing is too loud I can’t sleep….”
“Bee I’m getting tired….you look tired too….”
“Heyyyyy Aloe can I borrow some bandages? Thank you!”
“Vian I’m starting to wonder what you’re planning….”
“Don’t tell me then…..”
“I guess I’ll just manage this alone….”
“Manburg festival huh? I guess I’ll go…”
“BEE shit shit man your face….what do I do….”
“OW fine fine fine I’m going….”
“I’m hungry myself……”
“Exiled alone…..”
“Maybe if I talk to myself I can keep sane…actually I think that makes me less sane……”
“Huh what was that?”
“Vian? Oh hey! You look different more blue….”
“you are different but uh sit beside me I’ll protect you like you use to protect me”
“Is it just my paranoia or are we being watched Ghostan?”
“Nope it���s not paranoia!”
“Uhhhhh I’m Chord”
“Oh if I could have anything I’d have my freedom….or just some bedrock in all honesty that would be pog to own imagine if I just put it in the middle of someone’s build to annoy them!”
“Why are you here Asphodel?”
“fine you can come by occasionally….”
“do i have to get rid of my belongings?”
“Thank you Dixie….you’re the closest thing to a person I got….”
“Bee why have you still not searched for me? I saw Shep died in chat weeks ago!”
“Oh don’t worry Dixie I was just talking to myself…..”
“Dixie do you know why Ghostan is different?…..that makes zero sense but ok….”
“I’ll just ignore whatever you said Dixie don’t worry don’t worry!”
“Asphodel please I need more rest”
“It’s my 18th birthday and I’m all alone….”
“ow sorry shouldn’t have yelled sorry sorry”
“thanks for my only present Ghostan blue dye is good…”
“how long will I be here?”
“where’s Dixie gone? I’m lonely without her….”
“I’m just lonely…..”
“I’m so hungry……”
“I’m tired…”
“what if I left?”
“Home is this way I’m pretty sure…..”
“I think I’m lost……”
“Dad!!! I need help….”
“Thanks for letting me stay dad….I’m going to my room…”
“this house feels so empty…..”
“I feel so empty……”
“I’ll head back to the main area in around two weeks maybe I’ll be less alone there?”
“I really need to stop talking to myself…..”
“I’m taking dinner to my room”
“Oh hey Hydrangea”
“A meeting? Am I allowed?…..fine I’ll just sit here…”
“Dad why did you stab Vian?”
“Ughhhhhh I’m alone and talking to myself again”
“It’s cold out here…..”
“I need somewhere to stay…..”
“oh god I’m growing horns….uhhhh what did Bee use to do? Fluff up hair? ok that didn’t work I’m just gonna ignore it…”
“Oh hey Astin”
“how have you been?”
“ok weird question can I stay at your house for the night? I’m tired….”
“Thank you man!”
“Tell me when I can pet Champ I wanna give scratchies but I know he’s working currently”
“I can finally lay down relax a bit”
“Okay! Champ come here you’re getting scritchies!”
“Astin I adore your dog seriously man he’s so sweet”
“I should go fix up my old house tomorrow”
“Oh thanks for the blocks Astin”
“you’ve actually helped so uh thank you genuinely”
“Yeah I’ll keep you updated on my situation keep me updated too man and you’re always welcome at my house”
“I should make most of this underground it’ll be safer”
“I could add a braille greeting at the beginning of the the stairs to the bunker so I can have a greeting for Astin….I’ll just learn braille it’ll be helpful anyways!”
“Bee you’re really showing up now?”
“Just leave I don’t want to talk currently”
“I don’t care that Manburg is gone go find somewhere else to stay I only have one cot”
“oh god my horns are bigger….and I have a fucking tail…”
“Astin Bee showed up today I feel bad but he left me out there!”
“why do you have the best advice Astin?”
“Bee I’m sorry I acted out of line just because you left me I shouldn’t leave you man”
“Oh! Wow you did well really quickly….a mansion wow…”
“I’m so unlucky compared to everyone ughhhh”
“Hey little spider uhhhh you’re alone uh I shouldn’t leave you here”
“Up we go!”
“Now to my house uhhhhh Saylor fits you lil guy”
“Ow Saylor don’t spike me with your hairs”
“Oh! Hey Astin! I picked up a kid be wary his hairs can injure you he’s a smart little guy”
“He’s a spider Astin”
“I’m glad you’re just accepting this now I want cuddles come on to my cot!”
“Yeah I’ve been a little better Saylor being around really helps gives me a purpose….”
“It’s been awfully calm currently…..it’s kind of nice”
“Bee how are you married with a son? Man what? Also let me meet your son!”
“Astin I need to marry you so Bee doesn’t leave me behind with what place he’s at in life don’t worry I’ll tell no one who you are”
“that worked surprisingly well…Astin why did you have rings on yourself? Eh I guess we were just lucky for your pocket junk”
“Bee I’m calling your husband Enderboob!”
“He didn’t argue so hey Enderboob!”
“Don’t worry I won’t call you it around your kid”
“Heyyyyy Mac awwww you’re adorable! Like Saylor”
“yeah I have a kid as well…did no one know that?”
“I have a husband too but you’ll never know who Bee”
“Hehehe you’ll never knowwwww”
“That went well”
“Astin you’re joining a county made by Franklin? actually you’ll probably only understand once you experience it he’s nice just might make dumb decisions”
“Oh hi Raccoon Robot guy! Do you got a name?”
“Oh well You’re like Tom Nook from animal crossing but you’re also like Sam hmmmm can I call you Sam Nook?”
“Ok Sam Nook uh could you help me build this?”
“Thank you!”
“Astin I think I made friends with a robot”
“What are these red things?”
“Astin do you want to stay with me for the night? with Whiterose acting weird and stuff?”
“At least we can cuddle!”
“I’ll investigate it for you ok Astin?”
“Oh shit shit shit Bee why are we both investigating this? We’re both gonna die!!!”
“Sam Nook? Uh thanks bud”
“Oh shit he’s broken!”
“Nook stay with us….please Bee fix him or something!”
“Sam? Why are you here? Please don’t take him”
“if you’re sure you know how to get him fixed”
“Astin your coworker at Las Nevadas took my robot”
“Also I hate to tell you but Whiterose might be being mind controlled….he also didn’t look right….”
“Astin do you mind if I don’t get involved in the cult situation anymore? I just can’t I’m too afraid….thank you if you do need something tell me though”
“Saylor we get some papa son bonding time okay?”
“Astin you ok? Heard the red banquet was shit”
“That’s a interesting death message Slime?….I’m going to not ask Astin about it in all honesty”
“Asphodel wants me to visit him in prison? I don’t trust this but why the fuck not”
“Hey Asphodel I was allowed to-ow fuck man-potatoes hur-SS-"
“Vian? You’re back!!!!”
“Fuck yeah Vian!”
“Vian can we leave?….thank you”
“Vian you’re acting weird?….”
“why do you always push down my concern?”
“I’ll see you later….hopefully….”
“I guess i now have a white steak of hair ugh I thought my greys were my only issue”
“wait what? Those alarms oh no no not that”
“Saylor we’re no longer leaving the house for now and I’m putting up walls”
“I’m so tired”
“Wait Astin lost a life? I’m texting him”
“Astin come over please”
“Astin! Here let me lead you my bunker is a mess you might trip”
“So Astin I need to know how you died im worried and I-I l-love you so I wanna know”
“Next time just rant to me before doing anything drastic….or living in a cave….and I’ll do the same okay?”
“I love you Astin uhhh mwah…..I can’t believe how long we’ve been married without kissing”
“Now to solve the Asphodel situation….Bee do you still have the nukes?”
“I’m going to text Astin about if this is a good idea or not”
“Astin is this a good idea?”
“oh the idea is nuking Asphodel”
That’s where I’m cutting us off for now :3 because I’ve over done it tbh
This character is replacing
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pardi-real · 11 months
Judgment by Fallen Angel / Chapter 5 - The Slave's Way of Life
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Fennesz: " 'According to the slaves... They said, 'we were planning to stage a major uprising in the near future.' 'We'll kill the warders and the slave traders, seize the weapons... and then attack the nobles.' 'If we stand up for ourselves, the slaves from all over the land will surely become our allies...'
But to the boy, who had only been a slave for a short period of time, it wasn't a 'plan' at all. It was just a delusion to escape from reality...
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(No… A plan like that would never work...) (Soon the soldiers will come, they'll probably kill us all…) (Maybe… Even me and my sister…) (But... All the adult slaves are totally on board with it...) (No matter what I say to them, I'm sure nothing will change...) (Then... What I should do is...)
Young-adult slave: "Until then, don't let the warders know."
Fennesz: "Y-yes… Let's make it a success!"
Warder: "Next, you kid! Get in this room so we can do a physical examination."
Fennesz: "Y-yes! I'm coming!"
Tap, tap, tap…
Slave trader: "A war orphan, huh... Hmm, yer so tiny. Well, whatever. There are plenty of buyers out there, child or not."
Fennesz: "Uh… Do you have a moment? I just heard something very important. I think you should definitely know."
Warder: "Hey! I told you talking between yourselves is strictly forbidden!"
Slave trader: "Well, well. You have information I should know...? Interesting. Do tell."
Fennesz: "Yes, I will. But in exchange… I'd like to ask for a favor…"
Warder: "You! Don't get carried away!"
Slave trader: "Hohoho.  You want to do business with me at your age? Don't make me laugh. I'm a merchant myself. If the information is really important... I'm willing to pay a fair price for it."
Fennesz: "......It's a promise..." (I have to protect my sister...)
[Some days later]
…….. *whip sounds*
Young-adult slave: "Ugh!! Hah, hah…"
Warder: "Listen up, you guys! This is what happens to those who incite rebellion and try to escape! You are valuable commodities, so this time we'll just make an example for you.
If something like this happens again...  That time, you will all suffer the same fate!"
Young-adult slave: "Kuh!!! Pant… hah… Darn it… How did they find out our plan…"
Fennesz: "..........."
Fennesz's sister: "Fennesz… it's better if you don't look…"
Fennesz: "Y-yeah... I'm fine... Then again, it's a good thing they found out about the plan. If we had gone through with it... They would've killed all of us."
Fennesz's sister: "Yup… that's right. But at this rate… next month we will be sold off as slaves. I wonder what will happen to us now.
I'm sure we might as well–...
...! I-I'm sorry... Fennesz. As your sister… I just said something weak-willed… It's okay, I'll take care of you, Fennesz…
Cough, cough…"
Fennesz: "Sis… It's okay, it's going to be okay."
Fennesz's sister: "Huh?"
Fennesz: "Here, drink this.  It'll help with your cough."
Fennesz's sister: "Is this... Could this be… medicine? Fennesz, why do you have…"
Fennesz: "It's okay. Drink this and get some rest. I'll protect you…"
Fennesz's sister: "...........Fennesz…"
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Fennesz: " '............'
'How is it? It's a terrible story, isn't it…'
'War, slavery, betrayal... The history of mankind is a series of mistakes and misfortunes.'
'Once the human race is destroyed... They will never repeat those mistakes.' 'Maybe we should…  destroy the human race, after all…' "
Berrien: "Err… Fennesz. That line was an act… right?"
Fennesz: "What...? Oh, yes. O-of course I was acting! I don't really think it would be better if they perished! Hahaha,… ha… …………hah"
Muu: "...You are sighing so deeply that I can't believe you are acting…"
> (I guess he was reminded of something...)
Berrien: "Um... W-well, then... I guess our part is next! Mr. Miyaji."
Miyaji: "Y-yeah…, that's right. Next up are the angels played by me and Berrien… ...It's our turn to defend the idea of 'protecting humanity'."
Berrien: "Yes...! I'm looking forward to your bright and positive, brilliant arguments! Please do your best to not lose to their actings."
Miyaji: "Mm... To be honest, I'm not too sure about it... Anyway… I'll try my best.
To justify that 'humanity is worth protecting'... Right. Maybe my experience at that time will come in handy...
Phew…. ……….
'A long time ago… There was a doctor in the Southern Land.' "
note: spoiler is a spoiler, mild or not. But these aren't really a surprise element in the main story I think, unlike the spoiler in "Song Lullaby of the Water Dragon" (水龍の唄) event story. edit: I just realized there was official English title for it.
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faye-writes-stuff · 2 years
could you do a double life pearl x reader where the reader meets pearl for the first time right after Martin left her and then the reader comforts her and all? sorry if it's too vague, also any pronouns are fine :) if you don't want to write it thanks anyway!
lowkey been writing this for months, i simply don't have the motivation to finish it but here's what i have
i could probably manage a paart 2 if wanted but here we goooo
this took to long to write, sorry m8
Character: skrunkly skrimblo Pearl<3
Pronouns: They/them
TOF: full length??? unheard of
Tw/Cw: idk, attachment issues? cat named Doorknob,
character count, not including this: 4,238 HUH????????
You were always the oddball of the group, Having no set soulmate, unlike everyone lese. But oddly enough, you could see everyone else's soul strings. But that's fine, you're fine. You don't need anyone, you were perfectly happy alone, totally. No lonely nights at all, no wishing for a forever ally. Totally.
Everything was going well, you were sitting comfortably in green, on your second episode. You were out collecting wood when you heard- sniffling? Well, that's odd. Who would be crying in a dark forest in the middle of the night? You, perhaps foolishly, wandered towards the soft wails, anxiously awaiting seeing who it was as you neared.
And oh boy, were you shocked to find the Pearlescentmoon sitting against a large dark oak tree, you could only think. What happened?
Did someone hurt her? Poor thing. I mean sure, you've only seen her a few times, and spoken to her even less, but that didn't make her any less of a person. From what you knew of her, she was a hardy soul. Her string was wrapped tightly around her, in a big tight ball, almost painful looking. She couldn't see it of course, or feel it, but it was there tying her to someone. You wondered who.
You stepped off of the fallen log from which you were standing, and waved your torch forward towards the woman, successfully startling her.
"U/n! Oh my, you scared the daylights out of me. Well I guess night lights now." Pearl yelped, then chuckled at her own joke. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, and please, call me Y/n" You started softly, as to not scare her away. "I heard sniffling, and couldn't help but worry, are you alright?" The girl on the floor stiffened at this, "i- um, I'm all alone Y/n, everyone left me. I'm just so tired and I don't know what to do."
You were shocked to say the least, and a tad intrigued. What had happened to her? Questions for another time, you supposed, and blurted the first thing that came to mind. "Why don't you come back to my place? It's nothing special, but I have hot food and a comfy couch?" She looked at you for a moment, contemplating. She sat there for a while, her face contorted with shock? Disgust? Hatred? All three? Well great, now she probably thinks your a weirdo.
After what felt like an hour, (it was only 2 minutes) she said, "i'd like that very much U/-Y/n." You smiled, "Lovely, follow me." After you helped her to her feet, the two of you started to make your way towards your home. Hidden behind a waterfall, just out of sight, it would be difficult to spot with the naked eye. And made from stone, so basically impervious to fire. You stood silently listening to Pearl's 'oohs', and 'ahhs', as you both watched the waterfall parting.
Saying a quiet hello to your cat, you walked towards your kitchen area before stating, "I'm going to make steak and potatoes, you can sit on the couch, or wherever you like." Confused at the Aussie's ;ack of response, you look over to see Pearl on the floor, with your cat Doorknob. (my future irl cats's name) It was kind of sweet, seeing such a strong and usually lively woman, on the ground cooing at your kitten.
"Pearl, are you alright?" You questioned, hoping the cat wasn't being too rowdy. "Oh, yes I'm fine, your cat is awfully cute, what's it's name?" Said feline was already purring loudly, watching Tilly peer over Pearl's shoulder. "Uh- her name is- promise you won't laugh" Said brunette nodded her head insistently. "Her name is Doorknob", "D-Doorknob? Said the taller, shortly before dissolving into giggles.
"An old named her-HEY it isn't that funny!" Bit back the shorter of the two. "Foods ready anyways, come eat." Y/n said, a tad salty that Pearl was paying more attention to the cat over themself.
"Oh, I also made some extra for Tilly, i didn't know if she'd like it so I made some chicken too." Said dog was already running towards the smell of food as you put down an extra food bowl for her, next to Doorknob's.
"I honestly don't know what to say, Y/n, thank you." The blue eyed girl said, after a few moments of silence. "Pearl, your always welcome here, I enjoy your company."
"Thank you Y/n, maybe I'll have to come visit just for myself, instead of because of a problem I have."
"Well Pearl, I can't wait for that day, but for now, lets enjoy our food while it's hot."
"I'd like that"
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asukaskerian · 2 years
monthly word count - february
TOTAL: 6 014 ... eh. to be fair i spent a lot of time being depressed this month. :X turns out unstructured vacation time is bad for my mental health! POSTED: none of this month's writing! BUT. Also posted!!! -Pack fuckening ABO chapter FIVE canse the chapter got so big i had to cut it in two (you guys are gonna laugh, i'm planning to rewrite the tiny little epiloguey bit and i might have to post it separately as well. whoops.) IN PROGRESS -Bleach: pack fuckening ABO (3 311 words) -Naruto: cherry wine - madatobiizu ABO (438 words) -Bleach: suburban OT4 (903 words) -Bleach: psychic wolves (1 362 words) yes indeed i did start writing the psychic wolves for lupercalia and then BAM writer's block and the day passed me by. bluh. also i added like two words to bloodsport but i ain't counting those. no teaser for pack fuckening since ideally it'll be posted soon! and a pretty small one for cherry wine because otherwise i’d be posting all of it.
-- cherry wine :/ -- "Did he say anything to you?" Izuna asked. The genjutsu had showed them moving lips, but the sharingan didn't record sounds; any impression of noise transmitted came from the imperfect kind of memory. Adrenaline made it hard to concentrate as well on accurate understanding. "Something about... Making the lesson stick this time," Naohime replied, eyes lowered, tone subdued. "That he would teach me respect, since Madara-sama couldn't be bothered." A reference to the clash in front of the daimyo's brother. Clear establishment of motive. Tobirama finding her punishment too lenient, or even suspecting it to be entirely absent, so taking it upon himself to take care of it. "Hm." Izuna leaned back, crossing his arms, eyebrows knit in thought. It made him look displeased enough that Naohime flinched, a bare hint of movement but from her significant enough. "Anything else? No? Then..." His eyes glided past Daichi, the brat tense and staring, vibrating with the desire to come closer, landed on Higashi. "Hey, card-cheater." "Aw, Izuna-sama." "Settle her down." Izuna made the hand signal for alone-isolated-stranded, but turned inwards instead of out as the gesture went when picking out an easy target, hinting... Ah. Not alone, alone, but without-littermates alone, and the hint of movement toward Izuna's own waist inviting Higashi to compensate for that somehow. Madara considered the variation on the established sign absently, head tilted. Should they create a 'this ally needs comfort' sign...? Hm. One would probably emerge on its own. Battle-sign was fluid enough... The other Uchiha keeping their distances, Madara and his littermate went drifting down the secured corridor, eyes scanning the varnished wood for telling scuff marks. -- suburban OT4, nel attempting to get grimmjow to sext -- Goat: okay, picture this. nineteen, five months pregnant, sleeping under a bridge. Me: alone? Goat: don't interrupt me. Me: who knocked you up Goat: idk some jerk Me: hn Goat: grimmjow. >:( Me: yeah fine ok. sleeping under a bridge. Goat: suddenly, guy in a limo. Me: suspension of disbelief crashed Goat: fuckin pick it up then! Guy. In a LIMO. Goat: by the way it's also raining copiously and my tattered t-shirt is sticking to me like cling wrap. Me: ...... ok how much thought did you put into this Goat: ANYWAY guy brings me to his manor (shut up. Yes the manor is essential and also their bed is like the size of two parking spots.) Goat: hot bath with bubbles, five courses dinner, etc etc etc. then comes the time to pay my rent with my body, BUT! Goat: intimidated, i believe he will then ravish me!! Me: and then you wonder why women take ten centuries to nut. If you gotta rewrite war and peace first Goat: shuuuut the frickfrack up Goat: it turns out! I am not for him! His beloved wife is in a tender condition (swooning, possibly also pregnant) and he, too vigorous and virile, etc etc Goat: just saying, i would go down like the titanic. Me: uh huh Goat: very grateful and also very seduced etc etc, him looming sternly to ensure i do it right, her overwhelmed, never knew the touch of a woman, yadda yadda Me: i'm still stuck on how SOME GUY got you pregnant and fucked off Goat: OKAY FINE there's this sexy bad boy who knocked me up, condom broke, i didn't tell him BUT he finds out, comes to find me just in time to see the limo take me away! Goat: climbs the wall to rescue me from my lascivious captor Me: if i gotta keep dictionary.com open for this Goat: >:////
-- grimmichi psychic wolves -- "Okay, when you said 'I know where we can hide,' I'm gonna be honest, I didn't think you meant a love hotel." Studiously avoiding looking too closely at the wall of dildos, Ichigo took a cautious step away from the door he had just locked behind them, and re-locked to be sure. Further into the room Shiro padded cautiously along the walls, throwing disgruntled commentary about the nose-burning smells of cleaning chemicals and the stink of human upon human and all their sweat and sex. As love hotel rooms went, this one was pretty tame. Sleek black fixtures and spooky purple lights that illuminated jack shit, a huge bed, and behind a glass wall (to keep from getting the bed drenched, he assumed) an entirely transparent bathtub under what seemed a surgical suite's worth of floodlights. Also each dildo had its little spotlight inside its little glass case like they were a rock collector's exhibit but he wasn't gonna -- "You take one out and we're gonna get billed for it," he warned, ears burning, as Grimmjow poked at a two-tipped monstrosity. Grimmjow only hummed vaguely and went back to the crate they'd somehow managed to smuggle inside. "How did you even know about love hotels anyway?" "You kidding?" the other man replied absently as he fit his fingers in a gap between the crate and its lid. "That's the only part of your culture that stayed even a little bit interesting, after Aizen and Tousen killed the samurai shit with their fuckin' pontificating." Ichigo scowled. Didn't find anything to reply, though. After what had happened to him on its soil, Grimmjow was entitled to dislike Japan. "Not that we were allowed to visit anything anyway... C'mere, hold this open." Ichigo went to hold up the lid. Inside, Pantera lay unmoving, a puddle of inky fur; didn't stir when Grimmjow bent over the edge of the crate to press his hand against her flank. He didn't say anything. Ichigo tried not to stare too obviously as he tried to read Grimmjow's face, tried to find worry or relief or anything at all. The pack bond between them had gone placid and flat like the surface of a deceptively slow river -- all sorts of things moving underneath and none of them for him to see. They'd abandoned the truck and the man had gone into commando mode, or Ichigo assumed -- swift decisions, swift movements that ended up feeling choreographed in advance for how seamless they were. Grimmjow had stopped them on a dock and swiped an unattended dolly like he'd had every right to make off with it, swiped a crate the same way -- tipped his wolf into it from the lip of the truck and off they went to steal someone else's flatbed truck, someone's jacket off the back of a café chair, someone's wallet out of their back pocket. Ichigo had trailed after him like a lump and tried not to look too spooked.
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hjcoolartnerd · 7 months
Continuing my rewritten things For Total Drama All Stars, now we have episode two!
Previous episode:
1. Heroes Vs Villains
Episode 2: Evil Dread
Chris: “ last times on total drama, I welcomed the all stars to the newly decontaminated island. Then it was heroes versus villains. Driving into short infested water in search of the one key that would open unlock the door to the all new McLean spa hotel for winners only. Thanks to Scott’s cowardly fear we learned that inside of every robot it’s the heart of a Spaniard, in this case, Alejandro. And while Alejandro might not hold the key to Heather‘s heart anymore, he did hold the key to the spa hotel, and victory for the villainous vultures. Hamsters. And the heroic hamsters bid farewell to Lindsay, Via Our newest and most humiliating commode of transportation the flush of Shame who will be next to pop through the pooper? Find out right now on total. Drama. All stars.”
Heroic Hamsters in the loser cabin:
Chester: “ there’s a storm coming!”
Stevlanna: “ I’m scared after all these years he’s going to return”
Vito: “ eyo, how are we gonna stop the Goomba?.”
Manitoba: ” hush, it mates, Mike is waking up” * Mike wakes up*
Mike: “huh? What’s that? You guys say something?” * Cameron snores, Sam sleeps peacefully as a mosquito drains his blood while Eric ‘shifts’ in his sleep. Mike shrugs then goes back to sleep.*
Eric’s Confessional: “ OK so I knew Mike had multiple personality sooner, but I didn’t thought it. Was this bad, his personality, talk in his sleep. I’m lucky I barely got any sleep last night besides, the bed are like rocks they were bit more in season one if I remember correctly. Maybe it’s nostalgia but damn my back hurts and also I think Lindsay a smart move being voted out yesterday, I actually doubt she is bad at pushing cards for crying out loud. She shops for a living and in season two she actually pulled Owen, Justin and Beth in the prison challenge by herself. Maybe Lindsey realized that $1 million wasn’t worth it and decided to leave huh?”
Villainous Vultures in the spa hotel:
Daniel: “*walking towards the masseuse* holy moly that was the best sleep. I’ve had in years this beds are even comfier than the beds back home I like winning.” *sees Heather waiting for the masseuse to finish with Alejandro* “ oh, sorry, am I interrupting a romantic moment between the two of you”
Heather: “ what!? no I just want Alejandro to stop hugging the masseuse!” * she was clearly blushing*
Alejandro: “*sigh* i’m sure her hands are magical, if only I could feel them”
Heather: “ seriously your legs are still asleep”
Alejandro: “ I don’t know if they’ll ever wake up, I was squashed into that robots suit for an entire year, which you would’ve known if you ever texted”
Heather : “ it’s not like you ever texted me”
Daniel: “ oh, yeah, you do definitely still have feelings for each other!” *laughs*
Heather : “ shut up Daniel! And are you getting your eyebrows waxed? *Alejandro Nods* wow”
Daniel: “that’s… uh cool?”
Alejandro: “ They call it manscaping because it is very manly and I didn’t text you because I was trapped in a robot suit”
Heather: “ugh what ever” * she rips off the wax from Alejandro’s eyebrow*
Daniel’s confessional: “ OK I really don’t see what Bryan used to see in Heather, It's like her she is so full of herself. And I also don’t get what Eric used to see in Alejandro. my brothers all have weird taste in people even Carlos and he’s one of the most neutral guy I’ve ever met, but the girl he likes is a complete rageholic. But I do need allies if I want to make it far Scott, lightning and Jo aren’t ideal, because they know how I play, besides, I wouldn’t trust Scott as far as I could throw him and that’s really far. Lightning is a self obsess jerk and Jo well if Cameron was able to double cross her and she didn’t see that coming, then she is not a good alliance member. *sighs* I guess is either Duncan, Heather, Alejandro, or Gwen. Heather and Alejandro are as manipulative as they come and Duncan doesn’t seem like the type of guy who would do alliances so time to buddy up with the weird goth girl. Have to make sure that she doesn’t kiss me that wouldn’t look favorable for me considering my girl from back home”
*everyone coughs*
Jo: “ gross I didn’t know Chris allowed Poofhead to return?”
Daniel: “*spraying his head* what did you say about my girl?”
Jo: “ of course only a dumb guy who gets with poofhead would do what she wants”
Daniel: “ and that’s coming from the girl who could easily be mistaken for a guy”
Jo: “What?! Only lightning thought I was a Guy!”
Daniel: “ no at first glance most people thought you were a guy. The only reason no one thought you were a guy was because you were sleeping in the girls cabin, and you actually do have the boobs. I happen to know that your name is Josephine” *jo looked mortified*
Jo’s confessional: “how on earth did brattniel, that my name is Josephine?!”
Daniel’s confessional: “ no I didn’t know her name until now the look she had on her face actually told me all I needed to know *laughs*”
Zoey: “ we should divide our area into section and each day in one”
Courtney: “ no let’s separate the beach into quadrants each pick a quadrant”
Cameron: “ that’s exactly what Zoey said”
Courtney : “ then good we use the plan that Zoey and I came up with”
Eric : “ you mean the plan that only Zoey came up with? Just because you worded better doesn’t mean it’s your plan.”
Courtney : “ but I still came up with it”
Zoey: “ the more we bicker the more the villains are going to take the lead. Go team.”
Everyone but Courtney: “ go team”
Courtney : “*grumbles* yeah yeah yeah yeah can we start digging now?”
Courtney’s confessional: “ what’s with the loving? Hello, it’s called total drama not total friendship friendship,”
Eric‘s confessional: “ Courtney may be a smart player, but if she doesn’t start acting like a team player, then maybe she should be the next one taking the flush of shame, we are called the heroic hamsters, not the villainous , hamsters”
Jo: “ strategy, people, strategy. We should start at one end dig to the other in a straight line”
Heather: “ and what if the pieces are in the far end, huh? We need two lines that push in towards the center. Right guys”
Lightning: “ ain’t nobody telling lightning where to dig I am my own man”
Daniel : “ what about we steal the hamsters idea of dividing the beach into quadrants and each selects quadrant. And since we are seven, we are bound to find a pieces faster than the hamsters.”
Heather and Jo: “ you shut up nobody asked for your opinion”
Daniel : “ old Heather and Miss sweatpants just told me to shut up fine, *walk away angrily grumbling*”
Daniel ‘s confessional: “ when the team is filled with people who are used to having their own ideas and leading each of their teams, nobody listens to anyone and I don’t wanna go to the loser cabin, so those two better put their head in the game and stop fighting for control of the team that’s gonna be their downfall”
Eric: “Sam you need help?”
Sam: “* struggling* no no I go it, no need to worry “
Eric: “okay. *walks to another quadrant *”
Heather: “ fine we’ll work in a circular motion towards the center”
Jo: “no! Start with the corners then move to the center in zig zag “
Gwen: “*sighs* some team”
Heather: “exactly, a team without a leader is like a horse without a head, it just runs around blind”
Gwen: “I’m pretty sure a horse without a head doesn’t run anywhere “
Daniel “*laughs digging* are you confusing horses with chickens now?”
Jo: “Right? Which is why I should be this team’s leader!”
Heather: “ no I should!”
Daniel: “ a leader doesn’t impose himself he leads without forcing people to follow his lead but you girls do what you think is best”
Jo: “let’s let the team decide!”
Heather: “fine! *walks to one side* Lightning “
Jo: “ *walks the o the way calling Scott like a dog* come here Scott, Scott”
Daniel: “one of those girls would be our down fall”
Gwen: “ugh I give up!*trips and falls in front of Alejandro*
Alejandro: “ I hope you know that I appreciate your efforts, you are as wise as your skin is translucent”
Daniel’s Confessional: “Wow that guy is smooth like butter… I guess having all the villains in one team plus The gothball punk kisser in one team was definitely a bad Idea”
Gwen’s confessional: “I know he is evil but…. Oof those eyes”
Lightning’s Confessional: *continues to vomit*
Jo: “attention team! I am your leader!”
Heather: “No, I am your leader! *sticks the Shovel on the ground and hits piece * I found a piece!”
Daniel: “great now we find 6 more the same way *rolls his eyes with a smirk as Heather lift her piece and Jo goes to fight her for it*”
Jo: “you’d never have found it without me *Heather drops it on Jo’s foot* aaaaaaah!”
Heather: “oops sorry *jo pushes her down the moat*”
Daniel: “*laughs more* best team reunion Ever *walks away to keep digging*”
Chris: “two booby traps! Two puzzle pieces and two deliciously evil moats, it’s still anyone’s game but it won’t be for long right here! On Total! drama! all stars!”
Chris: “an hour has passed and the teams are still tied one all. *whispering* which raises a pertinent question *now he raises voice* what is taking so long!”
Sierra :”we don’t have shovels!” Sam: “I have sands on my shorts!” Eric: “Don’t rush me!” Jo: “Ah hush! Lightning: “I’m amazing!” Daniel: “You do it then!”
Chris: “Blah blah blah, whine, whine! hurry up! I have dinner plans!”
Eric: “Nothing on my quadrant! *steps on a trap and gets cover in itching powder*is this… ITCHING POWDER! *yells and starts scratching like crazy* This is so Wrong! *runs towards the ocean to try and clean the itching power off*
Daniel: “*laughs* oh my! That’s hilarious!”
Scott: “Wow, not cool! *glares at Daniel*”
Daniel: “Come on Scott, That’s a hero in pain better him than us right?”
Scott: “Yeah, better them but not Eric!”
Daniel: “Eric is my brother, is my job to laugh at his misfortune besides he looks like a dog trying to sratch himself!”
Scott “*punches him in the faces and makes him bleed a bit,*”
Daniel’s confessional: “*clutching his nose* what is wrong with Scott? Last year he and my brother were at eachothers throat because Eric had threatened Him he would get him eliminated if he kept throwing the rats Challenges and now he is defending him. Does…, he likes Eric? Ew no, that’d be gross, no dirt boy is good enough for my older brother, I prefer him to date Alejandro again instead of going with Scott”
Scott’s confessional: “I’m not attracted to Eric, he just kept it a secret that I threw my teams challenges, so I do owe him one. Hector is a nice guys but he is not a snitch… and kind of cute…. Did I just said that ?! I meant for a guys he is cute… I’m going to stop talking now…”
Eric’s confessional: “*still scratching* did I see correctly? Did Scott punches Danny for laughing at me? Huh he might have a heart under neath his, musty, dirt stained, fit m good looking…. Wait what was I saying again?”
Sierra's confessional: "holy Cody! Did you see that? Scott defending Eric? Those two have the same tension as Heather and Alejandro had I'm season 3. I totally Ship Scoric... Or Erott... Huh I don't know which one sounds better?"
Heather: “come on people put this thing together already!”
Daniel: “*clutching. His nose with one hand* it’d be faster if you actually helped!”
Alejandro: “try those two together! No those two!”
Lightning: “Lightning finds the final piece I’m a hero!it’s probably a statue of me! being me!”
Daniel’s confessional: “okay, I see that Old Heather and Alehandjerk are only good for giving orders and not actually being team players.”
Gwen: “it’s tall whatever it is and boxy… like a tower… oh Big Ben!”
Zoey: “one piece to go, it has to be in Sam’s Quadrant”
Sam: “sorry guys I’m moving as Fast as I can”
Cameron: “all we need it the torch, Hurry!”
Eric: “alright! I’ll be useful and get that torch!”
Heather: “what’s with the big hole?”
Gwen: “maybe we put it together wrong?”
Daniel: “doesn’t Big Ben usually Have a clock in the same place that hole is?”
Lightning: “oh come on! Just get it Sha done! *the sculpture falls*”
Jo: “way to go liability!”
Lightning: “it’s not my fault you out it together wrong”
Alejandro: “we didn’t put it together wrong! There are only six pieces”
Jo: “great! So lightning miscounted! Come on everyone, we still have digging to do”
Daniel: “I knew you were dumb brightning but not I don’t know how to count dumb!”
Eric: “*moves Sam with the help of Mike and Zoey* Viola! The torch!”
Zoey: “*grabs the torch and Thor’s it towards the sculpture and it lands perfectly*”
Hamsters: “*cheers*”
Chris: “the heroic hamsters win!”
Villainous Vulture: *groans*
Mike, Zoey, Sam, Eric: *cheers*
Sierra and Courtney: “Spa Hotel! Spa Hotel!”
Chris: “ehem! I do require a volunteer for exile duty!”
Sam: “this one is on me guys to make up for my lack of diggings skills and… aaah”
Gwen: “hey Courtney I just wanted to say congrats on….*activates booby trap and hits the Trash bag towards Courtney accidentally*”
Courtney: “*coughs* ew!”
Gwen: “that was an accident! I didn’t mean —-“
Chris: “Gwen Gwen Gwen, so evil! You are definitely on the right team”
Daniel: “dont listen to him Gwen! I know these are just unfortunate mistakes."
Gwen: "you believe I'm not doing it on purpose?"
Daniel: "of course! Even if Courtney did deserve that I know you aren't evil to do that sort of thing"
Gwen: "thank Daniel!"
Daniel's Confessional: "step one on making an Alliance with Gwen! Side with her. If she sees that I totally am With her in her 'accidents' she will think I'm nice. Oh yeah the wolf in sheep's clothing strikes!"
Gwen: "I though I was the only good person in the Villains team! I never thought Daniel had a kind heart!"
Vultures Votes:
Alejandro: Lightning
Daniel: Jo
Duncan: Lightning
Gwen: Lightning
Heather: Jo
Lightning: Jo
Jo: Lightning
Scott: Lightning
Daniel’s confessional: “I would vote off lightning for being too dumb to count correctly, but if we need an athletic player for a more athletic demanding challenge Lightning is 10 times better than Jo so yeah my vite goes for Jo!”
Order they receive the marshmallow
Jo (bottom 2)
Lightning (eliminated)
Next Episode:
Saving Private Leechball
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Steph's Crew - Part 13: Get Into the Groove
cw - strong language
This is the crew sort of getting used to all these changes in their lives. Dylan is all moved into Alice's place. Bret and Elise are getting closer together. And Stephanie is in a long-distance relationship with Ben and is living on her own (and is having nightmares about her dead foster sister that are getting increasingly worse every night).
Their lives are rather different from what they were a couple of months ago.
This is kind of a pointless extra part lol. But I wanted to include it because even though it may not seem like it, so much can change in a short span of time.
Next Monday
(Stephanie hops off the bus and heads straight to the study room where her friends gather and hang out at school. She is surprised to find out that everyone else is already here - she's usually one of the early ones. Even Bret is here)
Stephanie: Oh. Hi, guys.
Dylan: What's up, Steph? (pats her on the back in a friendly manner)
Alice: (smiles) Hey, girl.
Elise: (trying to fit all her books and notes in her bag) Morning Steph!
Bret: Good weekend?
Stephanie: Sure. Same old.
Elise: (looks up at her, and notices that she doesn't look too happy) Are you alright? What's wrong?
Stephanie: Oh, nothing El. Nothing. Everything's fine! (pauses, sighs) I don't know.
Elise: Ok. Come with me. (takes Stephanie's hand and pulls her out of the room)
Dylan: Oooookay. Moving right along. Ally?
Alice: 'Sup?
Dylan: We didn't find any good dresses this weekend.
Alice: Nope.
Dylan: But it's totally ok, we can go shopping for our outfits again next weekend. And I've got some good news for you, too!
Alice: Oh yeah?
Dylan: Yes! I've found you a corsage.
Alice: Oh my gosh! Are you being serious?!
Dylan: Absolutely serious. It's gorgeous. I ordered it online, it should be arriving by the end of the week.
Alice: OH MY GOD! DYLAN! (jumps up in excitement and punches him suddenly)
Dylan: OW! (rubs his arm where Alice hit it)
Alice: Sorry! (gives him a hug to make it up to him) I just can't wait to see it. What colour is it?
Dylan: It has these light blue flowers on it… here, I'll show you a picture.
(He gets his phone out and shows Alice this beautiful corsage… which gets her all pumped up, causing her to punch him yet again, on the exact same spot on his arm as before)
Dylan: OW! God damn it, Alice!
Alice: I'm sorry. I'm just so grateful, man.
Dylan: Well, can you show your appreciation with a little less violence? Please?! That would be nice.
Alice: Alright, alright. I'll settle down now. But this is great! We're already half way there! Basically.
Dylan: Yep. We have a starting point.
Alice: All we need to do now is find the perfect dress that matches the corsage!
Bret: That's great, guys.
Dylan: Thanks, man.
Alice: How are your prom plans going, Bret?
Bret: Uuuuhhhhhh… (he has no clue what to say)
Dylan: Don't know?
Bret: Weeeeeelllllll….
Dylan: Ok. (to Alice) Yeah. He doesn't know.
Alice: Or maybe he wants to keep it a surprise?
Bret: No, no. It's ok. I can tell you.
Dylan: No you can't. 'Cause you don't know!
Bret: Yes I do! My plan is… umm… (Elise and Stephanie enter the room again) El!
Dylan: You're going to prom with Elise?
Bret: No! No, I'm not.
Alice: You're planning to ask El to be your prom date?
Bret: NO!
Elise: Uh, what's going on here?
Stephanie: Do we really want to know?
Bret: (to Alice and Dylan) I said "El" because El came into the room just now.
Dylan: So did Steph.
Bret: Uuuugh! That's it. I'm leaving. (quickly exits the room, the door slamming closed in a dramatic way)
Dylan: Huh.
Elise: My gosh… what's going on with him?
Alice: You.
Elise: (pauses, bewildered) That literally makes no sense.
Rewind (El's talk with Steph outside the study room)
Elise: What's going on, Stephanie? How are you doing?
Stephanie: You… you literally dragged me out of the room just to ask me that?
Elise: Yes! This is important.
Stephanie: El…
Elise: Talk to me, girl. Are you ok? How do you feel?
Stephanie: (sighs) I don't know… like I'm going through the motions? I can't properly explain it.
Elise: Ok…
Stephanie: I just… miss him so much. It hasn't even been all that long, but still-
Elise: It's ok. I get it. Well… I don't GET it, necessarily. I've never been in a long-distance relationship before. Or any relationship… but I digress. What I meant was, you don't need to overly explain yourself. Or go out of your way to justify any feelings you have. I'm not here to judge you - I'm your friend.
Stephanie: Thanks El.
(The two girls share a long, comforting hug. Stephanie wells up with tears)
Stephanie: Every time I've tried to call him this past week, its gone straight to voicemail. I expected things to be hard, what with the time zone difference and shit, but things have never been like this!
Elise: I know.
Stephanie: Ben's always had time for me before… (starts crying)
Elise: Hey, hey. Maybe he's been busy lately. Settling into a new environment does take time. He loves you so much, Steph. I bet he'll call as soon as he has time.
Stephanie: (sighs, wiping her tears) I hope so.
Elise: Breathe. Everything is going to be alright.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Elise: Feeling better?
Stephanie: (thinks for a moment) I think so, yeah.
Elise: Ready to tackle another day?
Stephanie: (smiles) Always.
Elise: That's the spirit!
Stephanie: (takes Elise's hand and pulls her back into the study room) Let's do this thing!
Bret's DVDs
(The bell rings for registration. Bret bursts back into the study room)
Bret: Hello again. I just realised that I left all my stuff in here.
Dylan: Because of course you did.
Bret: Oh, fuck off Dylan!
Alice: (laughs) See you in form, Bret.
Dylan: Bye, guys.
Stephanie: Bye! Coming, El?
Elise: Sure, sure. I'll be right there, I just need to make sure I have everything in here… (goes back to organising her bag)
Stephanie: Cool. See you there, then.
(Dylan, Alice and Stephanie all leave the study room and head to their respective form classrooms, leaving Bret and Elise alone)
Bret: Hey, El.
Elise: (smiles) Hey you.
Bret: (nervously) …Hi.
Elise: (chuckles awkwardly) 'Kay. (zips up her bag) I guess I'll see you at break?
Bret: OH! Before I forget… (pulls up a full plastic carrier bag from under the table and gives it to her) Here. I brought this for you.
Elise: Ah! You shouldn't have! (pauses) What is it?
Bret: Well, you know how we were meant to see the new Dragon Hunter movie last Saturday, but we got the date wrong?
Elise: No, YOU got the date wrong.
Bret: Oh my God, shut up! Anyway… I managed to successfully get us tickets for this Saturday instead! It's going to show at 16:30.
Elise: Ok. That's great!
Bret: Yes it is. I put your ticket in that bag.
Elise: …It's kind of heavy for a simple movie ticket.
Bret: I know. That's because that's not the only thing that's in there.
Elise: (gasps sarcastically) NO!
Bret: Yeah… I remembered that you have never seen a single movie in the series. So I thought I'd bring you my collection. Consider this my way of making it up to you for messing up the date.
Elise: Aw… really?
Bret: Yep! That's every single movie in the Dragon Hunter series in order. Now you can get yourself all caught up in time for Saturday!
Elise: Wow, Bret. I don't even know what to say… Thank you so much for this, this is really sweet of you.
Bret: (smiles) I hope you enjoy this series as much as I do. Hopefully, you'll stop picking on me for having quote-unquote, "terrible taste in movies."
Elise: Keep dreaming, mister. This is honestly a really good idea, though. The best idea you've had in a long while.
Bret: Bro!
Elise: (bursts out laughing) Ok, I'll stop now.
(The two leave the study room together)
Elise: How many movies are in this series, anyway?
Bret: 6. The 7th one is the latest one - that'll be the one we're going to watch on Saturday.
Elise: That's a lot of movies…
Bret: Yep.
Elise: I think it'll be a lot more of a fun experience for me if I don't watch the whole thing on my own. I don't suppose… (pauses, looking for the right words to say) if you'd… maybe like to come over my place and watch some with me?
Bret: (stops walking) What?
Elise: Do you want to come round and watch it with me? (blushes) I think it'll be fun! And you're like the expert of this series, you're honestly the perfect partner. I mean, for this. Like, movie-watcher-partner-person… partner. You know?
Bret: I- (blushes) Ok. Yeah. Sure. (chuckles) Why not?
Elise: Great! When should we start?
Bret: No time like the present?
Elise: Well, we obviously can't start now…
Bret: Aw, why not?
Elise: Wha- are you kidding me? School!
Bret: Oh.
Elise: We can start after school, though.
Bret: YES.
Elise: Sounds like a plan!
Bret: Indeed it does! I shall see you later, El.
Elise: (giggles) Ok. Bye!
Bret: Bye!
(The two go their separate ways, heading off to their respective classrooms)
Ben Calls Back
(Stephanie comes back home from school and sets down her keys. She heads up to her room and starts getting changed out of her school uniform. She is in the middle of putting on some pyjama bottoms when her phone suddenly rings. She stops what she's doing and looks at the caller ID. It's her boyfriend, Ben. She screams in surprise, then takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down. Then, she answers)
Stephanie: Hello?
Ben: (on the phone) Steph!
Stephanie: Ben. Hey.
Ben: Babe! How are you doing? God, it's so good to hear your voice…
Stephanie: (wells up with tears) What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!
Ben: Uhh… what?
Stephanie: You haven't called me in ages!
Ben: Oh. Right.
Stephanie: (starts crying) And now here you are, just randomly checking in like it's nothing! Like it's no big deal!
Ben: Calm down, hun. Listen-
Stephanie: (tries composing herself, but struggles) Ben, being in a long-distance relationship means prioritising communication. I mean, any relationship requires communication, but now it's like, extra important. We have to make time for each other! Now more than ever! That's the only way we keep our connection alive. God, Ben! You not calling the past few weeks has had me seriously worried. I even tried calling you! You never picked up! And I've needed you a lot lately.
Ben: Stephanie...
Stephanie: (voice breaking) You promised me that you'd always be here for me, no matter the distance.
Ben: … You done yet, Steph?
Stephanie: (sighs) Yes.
Ben: Ok. So I'm sorry I didn't call you back sooner, but I've had a busy week… I've got some awesome news for you, though - after hours and hours of vigorous training and focus and dedication, I can finally officially say that I'm a professional old lady whisperer!
Stephanie: (laughs, then quickly tries to stop herself) What the hell?! That's not an explanation, man!
Ben: No, you're right. It isn't. But it is a part of the explanation. It's a whole story! Don't you want to hear my epic tale of how I finally managed to get my mean old receptionist lady to finally let me use her phone? It's a real doozy.
Stephanie: What?
Ben: My phone got broken. I tried to order a new one… it'll be coming in by the end of the week. But I missed talking to you, and I realised that I haven't been able to talk to you in nearly three weeks now. So I got Madeline Sharp to let me use her phone instead. And after hours of asking, badgering and begging, she finally said yes.
Stephanie: (slowly smiles) I see.
Ben: Yeah. She's still here, by the way. Watching me like a hawk. You wanna say hi, Maddy? No? 'Kay.
Stephanie: (laughs) Thanks, Maddy!
Ben: (laughs) That's just the brief summary of the story, though. I'll be happy to indulge you with the full, extended version, complete with voice imitations and dramatic hand gestures.
Stephanie: But I won't be able to see the hand gestures.
Ben: No, but you'll hear them.
Stephanie: That literally makes no sense!
Ben: But it will once I get started.
Stephanie: (laughs even more) Alright then. I guess I'll take your word for it. (pauses) Ben?
Ben: Yes?
Stephanie: I love you.
Ben: I love you too, babe. Now, let's start the show.
Stephanie: (giggles) Let's do it!
That's all for today!
Man, a lot of these scenes are really really old. Makes me realise how different the timeline was back when I first started writing this story. At this point, it's supposed to be about May-ish... but in my final chapters, the story is meant to end around June/July time... which isn't far off from that lol. And it was supposed to start in early March (that's around the time we finished our second set of mock exams in my old school. And that's what happens at the start of the story).
So yeah! This is just laying out the group dynamics, as well as setting up the major plot points/character arcs at this stage in the story (while also showing how far the characters have come already, and how different their lives are now) Dylan's thing with Alice, Bret and Elise's bond strengthening as their feelings for each other grow, and Stephanie's long-distance issues with Ben. All while prom and their final exams are on the way. I wanted to include some more scenes showing the places they are at regarding their individual family drama, but I didn't want this post to get too long lol. Next time, perhaps?
Bret and Elise will be spending a lot of time together this week, as they get through the Dragon Hunter movies... it takes a while to watch 6 films. I don't think I shall put ALL of their scenes of them watching the movies at each other's houses (because there is a lot of them, and they go on for a while), but don't worry - they're all in the final chapters. And they're pretty good! If I do say so myself.
Honestly, I'll probably just skip to the following Saturday in the next post lol. Mostly because that day is really important in the story (lot's of big stuff happens), but also because I want to be done with posting the dialogues and just start showing you guys some of my REAL chapters lol.
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jaxinvasion · 1 year
What a better way to kick off my new blog than with my first... Uh... Pesterlog? Fic chapter? Whatever it is, it's for my AU of Homestuck, basically Trolls on Earth and No Sburb. It's not too long, more of just an introduction, so please check it out under the cut! I'd love to hear any feedback you have. :) This isn't meant to be romantic, so I'd appreciate if you didn't tag as ship. Thank you, and enjoy!!
-- ghostyTrickster [GT] began pestering tentacleTherapist [TT] at 16:13 -- GT: uhh... hello? GT: are you rose lalonde? GT: this is john egbert. GT: do you remember me? you and your mom had dinner at our house. GT: our as in me and my dad. TT: Oh. TT: Just as I had begun to contemplate as to what exactly my mom could have possibly needed my chumhandle for, completely disregarding the question of how she even knows that I use it to begin with, here you have made your appearance, as if wholly manifested by slightest utterance of your satanic name. GT: satanic?? GT: uh, did i do something to make you this mad at me already?? TT: Oh, no, you didn't do anything yourself. TT: You just happen to be a hapless pawn in yet another one of my mom's duplicitous schemes to play housewife (or step-mom, as the case may be) in an attempt to, as one might say, "Get my goat." TT: While I have no business interfering with her condescending ventures, I have no will to entertain any sort of farce masquerading as a play-date. TT: It is bad enough as is that I have to live in this hapless Nowheresville of a town in a timezone 3 hours behind that of my childhood home on the other side of the country for the sake of my mom's employment. TT: So color me disinterested in fumbling for a method for resuscitating a conversation like a paramedic in denial. Especially not with someone as hammer-headed as you. GT: O_O TT: For the sake of my time, and yours, I will do us both a favor and end this little chat early. TT: Au revoir. GT: wait! TT: ? GT: i do not know what you have been going on about or why you are being such an asshole, but i can promise that your mom did not set me up to this. TT: Oh? In that case, how exactly did you get my chumhandle? GT: my dad gave me a note of it. he was the one who told me about your name, and also that we met before. TT: ... GT: oh my god. GT: our parents are totally trying to get us to be friends! they are in cahoots!! GT: and it is not like it is a secret why. everyone knows that there is something going on between him and your mom. TT: Wow. I would compliment your abnormally skillful discernment, but I would be remiss to partake in unwitting propagation of what must be tautology to a brain as secure as yours. GT: rose, that is like the tenth time you have said something that does not make any sort of sense. TT: I try my best. GT: ugh, what ever. i guess i will go if you do not want to talk. bye rose. TT: John, wait. GT: huh? what is it? TT: It has become all too clear to me that my mom has recruited an ally in her passive-aggressive crusade in patronizing me. TT: An ally in the form of Dear Old Dad. TT: If our dignity is to maintain its status as unscathed, then we will need to form an alliance, the likes of which have never been before seen. GT: wait, so now you want to be friends with me?? GT: rose, you need to make up your mind! TT: John, listen. If our parents are going to start seeing each other, we will be stuck in each other's midst whether we like it or not. They already set us up to meet on Pesterchum. Who knows what other shenanigans they will attempt to bring about? It will certainly be much worse than any harsh quips slid your way. GT: uh... okay. TT: Glad to have you aboard, John. I look forward to working with you. GT: i suddenly have a very bad feeling about all of this.
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Thats my mistake on the comment some1 told me u'd turned 18 so I assumed it wasn't implying pedophilia, sorry abt that /gen but like. The point still stands of you have to comment on it literally any time any post of Sophie's gets any more attention than usual and like. I didnt follow u to just see u bitch abt Sophie all the time 💀💀 but thats all I see w/ the posts Tumblr shows me from u.
Uh huh, sure, totally believable when my bio clearly states my age /s
Also girl I've posted about her maybe 2 or 3 times the whole time I've had this blog??? I post about so much other shit and haven't said shit quite a few times that her posts got popular. Don't pull bullshit out of your ass.
And if you think me being angry at someone who supports racist and ableist bullshit and actively talks over poc and disabled people who speak out against her and tokenize her supporters minority statuses is "bitching about them" with all due disrespect, unfollow me. I don't want racist and ableist supporters here, anyone who supports racism and ableism is never going to be welcome and I am never going to be your friend or your ally <3
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dizzydizney · 2 years
Stormy days (jal)
Word count: 1269
Rated T for minor swearing and sexual references
[read on ao3]
Thunder rumbled in the distance as storm clouds darkened overhead. The threat of rain was imminent - it was just a matter of when. A bitter breeze blew throughout the land, helping to pull the few remaining dead leaves from their trees and scatter them across the ground, just waiting to be crunched underfoot.
Mal could never resist such beautiful weather.
And Jay couldn’t resist Mal. Which is why it didn’t take much convincing for her to drag him out into the cold for a walk.
They always liked going for walks together. From the time they were frenemies, to allies, to genuine friends. It was a nice way to spend time together. Sometimes they even talked. As long as they were close, and moving forward, they couldn’t complain.
Even still, as their relationship shifted to something completely new to both of them, some things never changed.
They didn’t subscribe to Auradon’s quaint, trite little ways of labeling relationships. But if they did, they would call themselves boyfriend and girlfriend now. They spent a lot of time together, just the two of them. They slept together, and kissed, and even held hands sometimes. Hell, they lived together now. And everyone called them boyfriend and girlfriend anyway, so they just went with it. They didn’t even fool around with other people outside of one another anymore.
And they went on dates. Or, they thought they did. They still weren’t sure what classified as one and what didn’t. There were so many confusing questions to consider. Did they have to get dressed up? Did they have to kiss for it to count? Do they have to go out or could they have a date at home? If they’re eating breakfast together first thing in the morning, does that count as a date? Mal had asked for advice from Evie, Jane, even Audrey, and they all seemed to have conflicting ideas of what fit into conventional date rules and what didn’t.
After a barrage of confusing responses, Mal had decided it was better to just ask the other person involved in this relationship.
“Is this a date?”
“Huh?” Jay asked, surprised and confused by the sudden question.
Mal stopped walking, and Jay did the same, turning to face her. But Mal ducked her head, focusing on a small pile of leaves on the ground as she prodded at them with the toe of her boot. Suddenly she felt foolish for having to ask.
“I said…” Mal kicked the pile, bouncing on the spot a little and letting out a huff of a breath before looking up to meet Jay’s eyes. “Is this a date?”
“Oh, uh, I guess so?” Jay responded uncertainly, shrugging his shoulders. “You did ask me out for a walk. That’s one of the rules, right? You have to ask the person out first for it to count?”
“Yeah, I think so,” Mal nodded. “Just checking.”
“Why do you care so much about what we call it, anyway?” Jay asked with a small frown. “I mean, I don’t think anyone in Auradon can understand what relationships are like on the Isle… So why should we worry about fitting into their labels for this stuff?”
“We shouldn’t,” Mal said firmly. “I just want to make sure I get the terminology right. So there’s no danger of miscommunication when I brag about you to all the others to make them jealous,” she added with a smirk, wrapping her arms around Jay’s shoulders and leaning up on her toes to kiss him.
Jay smiled into the kiss, his arms wrapping around Mal’s waist in response. “Yeah, that sounds totally legit…” he replied when they parted.
Mal laughed at that, biting her lip as she looked up into Jay’s eyes. “I guess…” She sighed. “I just don’t want to screw this up. And I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes talking about this shit really does make it easier.” 
“Mal, I love you…” Jay said quietly. “That’s the easiest thing for me.”
Mal blinked in surprise. She stared up at Jay, wondering if she heard him right. But the way Jay was looking at her, so intensely and so serious for a change, she knew what she’d heard. And she knew he meant it. Slowly, a smile spread across her face, and she wrapped her arms tighter around his neck to bring him closer.
“You love me?” she asked, just a hint of teasing to her voice. 
Jay broke their gaze, rolling his eyes and smirking at the girl. “Yeah, well, would I be out here freezing my ass off for you if I didn’t?” he asked, suddenly back to his old self. 
“Here, give me your hands, pussy,” she laughed, pulling back from the hug and reaching for Jay’s gloved hands instead. She carefully worked the gloves off one finger at a time, tucking them into her pocket before cupping her hands underneath Jay’s and bringing them up to her mouth. Inhaling deeply through her nose, her eyes flashing bright green for an instant before she exhaled a gentle heat out over his palms.
Jay hummed at the sensation, as warmth bloomed out over his palms and crept up his arms, slowly spreading throughout his whole body. Until the chill of the late autumn air was no longer a concern. 
“You’re getting better at that…” he murmured. “Didn’t even burn me this time.”
“Still could,” she teased, closing his hands up and kissing over his knuckles. 
A bolt of lightning crackled through the sky above, illuminating everything before leaving them in the relative dark just as quickly. The whole sky seemed to open up with that, heavy rain dropping down and soaking them through within seconds. 
Mal squealed excitedly, pulling away from Jay to twirl in the downpour. Jay could only look on with an amused smile on his face, before grabbing her hand and starting to pull her back towards their place. 
“Hey! I’m trying to have fun here!” Mal exclaimed, holding tight to Jay’s hand and running alongside him anyway. 
“There are way more fun ways of getting you wet,” Jay shot back. “Come on, last one home is a rotten apple!” He let go of Mal’s hand, taking off to try and beat her. 
Mal immediately gave chase, keeping up with Jay for most of their race. In the end, he only won because she couldn’t resist pausing to jump in a few puddles on the way. But both of them were muddy and soaked down to the bone by the time they got home. 
They stripped out of their wet clothes as soon as they crossed the threshold, throwing them in the laundry room to worry about later. They changed into some warm, dry clothes, before spreading out a blanket on the floor in front of the fireplace. Mal used her dragon’s breath trick to start the fire, then sat back against Jay, her back pressed against his front.
“Is it weird that watching you do that kind of turns me on?” he asked, slinking a strong arm around Mal’s waist, ducking his head to kiss over her neck.
“I think it’d be weirder if it didn’t…” she replied, letting her head tilt to the side to give Jay more room.
“Mm, now this is the kind of date I know about…” he whispered against her skin.
Mal smiled at that, playfully elbowing him in the ribs. “Shut up…” she murmured. A slight pause, then, “Hey, Jay?” She turned her head to look back at him.
“Yeah?” Jay asked, pulling back to meet her eyes.
“I love you, too.”
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night-faye · 2 months
The special is cut into 4 episodes called: - a life time of mistakes - the plan man - rip and tear - better than we found it while s3's special was - this imperfect world - the corrupted king - time to be warriors - destiny fulfilled 17) "Yeah! Go, MK, go! Just try not to totally wreck up my stuff, would ya. Oh, right! The scroll!" He is SO cute and silly, and the way he remembers and turns back around perhaps I can squishing those round cheeks. Also "Lieutenant Monkey!" and the fist bump 🥺 that's his wittle monkey family do not separate he was so alone after being born. an endangered species. 18) "Oh, there's nothing mindless about me, friend. That's what you were pretending to be, right? To be my friend? To care about me? When really, you were just using me to get what you wanted! To turn me against my own mentor! Well, put your hand in the monkey cage and expect to get bit, son! Come on! Come on! Come on, Uncy Lion! You're the big hero, right?! Then prove it! Show me!" Macky....good on you for joining the Demon Bull Fam in giving up villainy quick because THIS is how savage MK can get. All of this could apply to you LOL. Gee, MK would get along perfectly with my OC. They snap the same way lmao. 19) Macky's smoke monster is probably like 100 feet smaller than Wukong's war form btw. We always joke about the size difference lol. And LOL at his face when Mei chomps him with her dragon he's all bug eyed. 20) Of course they had to kill Azure while smiling and of course they could only have Wukong be 😔 because he's witnessed so many of his friends die over the centuries. mourning has become second nature. at least they give us SOME kind of break. Wukong's face when Nezha hops in like yeah you got allies still left who care but LOL because he goes 🤨 when Nezha is "Yeah don't worry about it, Wukong. It's fine. I've got this." very sweet of you to care and reassure him, he doesn't got to do everything by himself, he's got people willing to hop in for him despite the history, BUT LMAO bc Wukong doesn't have time to be caught up in more feels, he's probably thinking "oh uh huh, sure you big immortal baby. press F for doubt."
21) I sped through this so much somewhere in these 4 seasons is Macky hiding scared behind Wukong and in this special, the screen slo-mo freezing on Wukong zipping by and Macky's shook expression like sure okay, stare at your super cool determined fierce friend heading into the fight with THAT look on your face. 22) Dwa when Macky steps in and everyone smiles that their domesticated emo villain monkey who probably watches anime is helping <3 <3 <3 AND WUKONGS SMILE WHEN MK IS OKAY. so sunshine and buttercups. 23) *Suspiciously eyes glowing blue flower and vines on the tree in Wukong's room and the weird thing that looks like a marked tomb.* and oh hey, role swap. Now Wukong is joining MK all by his lonesome. One of those moments that feels like the legend of the monkey king is taking back the narrative for things he's not even the main character for lol. just like in jttw. its so focused on him esp all the beginning chapters but Tripitaka is the MC XD 24) "Do you wish things would stay like this forever." "Pssh, where's the fun in that?" *looks at all the promises of forever you made to Macky.* uh huh. 25) BEACH EPISODE. of like 30 seconds for everyone else and 3 minutes of ShadowPeach. Macky and Wukong's clothes are taken from Goku and Vegeta bc they're based off the same legend lol. Wukong yelling about sunscreen to MK is so <3 <3 <3 they're Monkey Dad coding him LOL and its funny to see him talk about modern day products in general. 26) Lmao yes, it's your favorite shadow to block the sun 😉 "Ugh, it's you." "Cute, thanks for the invite by the way." "And thanks for showing up even though you were NOT invited." They always gotta talk like this, I UNDERSTAND the feeling of never being straight with it lol. But then they show what they mean through gestures like the peach popsicle! Like we're getting a redo of the squished peach from earlier ;) not fully perfect, a lil melted, but its a start. a peace offering and unlike last time its accepted also they are under the divorce tree! wonder who invited Macky or if he rlly just showed up LOL. I didn't take you for a beach kind of guy in hot pink but alright! I love his stressed tail flicking too 🥺 he is SO stressed he's not even looking at Wukong you can hear his *hmmm* in brooding thought. and asdfghjkl the way his brows furrow as he processes what Wukong just gave him 😭 "You know this is the calm before the storm...right?" So careful, cautious, it feels safer to ask now. It's like a redo of when he ignored you at the dinner. "Yeah, I know." love that trope of when everyone is goofy but you have the serious characters thinking about the future because they have special secret knowledge unknown to the rest but wanting to protect the joy of the present. "Wherever there's scheming, we can handle it." hello scheming reference but this time not applied to Macky and HELLO saying "we" and Macky being surprised over that. It was INTENTIONAL. 27) here are the storyboards! https://www.tumblr.com/chippedtoons/725767120520200192/faildads https://www.tumblr.com/chippedtoons/725766047465078784/nobody-fucking-tlak-to-me-right-now-pos
So consider me dead :)
(oh and I WILL be keeping your asks with all the links in my inbox so i can find them easilyz!! Bless you anon thank you very very much heheheheh)
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hqmillioncorn · 6 months
Tumblr media
The fires of love will never die
Babycorn looked over to where Cherrypit was still holding onto the fishing rod. They had been asked to fish out a very specific fish out from the ocean. From the drawing she had been shown of it Babycorn already decided she wanted NOTHING to do with it. She looked over to Cherrypit again. He looked back and waved back at her with a big dopey smile. He was having fun. Babycorn couldn't understand it. How could anyone ever stand to even be near a fish? So slimy and wet and so very violent!! And the way they would just stare at her...Creepy...
Lalapril 4/4: Coast young babycorn visits the beach with her friiiiiiends!!! and learns about the ocean :) but uh oh watch out
Babycorn watched as the ocean water slid on the sand, closer, then farther. Then it came close again and then it went away again. Over and over. The question of why it was doing that rang in her head over and over, as many times as the tide came in. 
She was so entranced by the ocean that she wasn’t even paying attention to the time.
Allie carried the last of their supplies onto their dinghy. Thankfully they had gone through most of everything they brought so this timen Babycorn wouldn’t have to spend the entire ride clinging onto one of their heads. “Looks like we’re all set to go!” Allie addressed the rest of the team. Since it had been a relatively small island gathering only four of them, including her, had been assigned to cater it.
“It’s about time!” Her twin sister Annie slowly made her way over to the boat. She was hunched over, rubbing at her sore back. “My back is killing meee!”
“You’re the one who said you wanted to come.” Allie reminded her.
“Hmph.” Annie rolled her eyes and straightened her back, “I was only worried that something would go wrong! You did agree to come here with Babycorn.” There was no need for her to mention that Babycorn had only been helping them for less than a month at this point. This job wasn’t anything too important but Annie couldn’t bear to think what would happen if they got any negative reception at this point. 
“I thought she could use the experience!”
There was something about Allie’s nonchalant attitude that was making Annie’s back pain even worse. “I’m sure she could have gotten experience back at our actual restaurant .” Why was Allie even bringing Babycorn on jobs when she wasn’t even considered an employee at all? 
All it was good for was giving Annie a headache. 
The question seemed to fly over Allie’s head, as instead of answering it she was busy looking over to where Centella was standing still, watching over Babycorn who was standing even stiller than she was. 
“Hold that thought.” Allie gestured at her sister and walked over to see what was going on.
“H-Huh?! You can’t just ignore me!!”
Allie turned around but kept walking towards Centella and Babycorn, “I’ll be right back I promise!” She flashed her twin a thumbs-up and turned back around. 
It was true Allie had a bad habit of getting distracted mid-conversation but in her defense she had a remarkable memory and was able to pick a conversation back up right away.
Not that it still didn’t annoy Annie at points. “Sure! I guess!” She threw her hands up in desperation and brought them back down immediately. “I’ll just be over here! The only person that cares about our job!” 
Annie could only manage minding her own business for a total of three minutes before grumbling to herself and following Allie to see what in the hell the others were up to.
When Allie got there she noticed that Allie was hunched over alongside Babycorn, both of them were looking at something in the sand.
It also looked like they were talking about something. Considering everything she knew about Babycorn it was probably something involving food or her new friend she made by the docks a few days ago. 
Centella was still standing in the same spot, staring at the waves in front of her. At first she had just been making sure Babycorn wasn't going to get carried off by the ocean but after Allie had shown up her attention switched to staring at the horizon. Something about it made her just a little homesick. 
Centella noticed Annie from the corner of her eye. She was looking as grumpy as ever, but as everyone who worked with her knew, that was just sorta what she looked like. Deep down she was actually really sweet but it wasn’t she went around advertising or anything. “H-Hi Annie! Is everything ready to go?” With all that in mind, Centella still couldn’t help but be nervous around her.
“Yeah.” Straight and to the point, that was how Annie usually was. “We can leave once Babycorn and Allie are done with whatever it is they’re doing.”
Centella’s ears perked up in excitement. She knew the answer to this one! “Oh it won’t be long then! Babycorn found a little tide pool and Allie is teaching her about it!” It was another way of saying ‘stopping Babycorn from potentially getting herself hurt from touching something she shouldn’t.’
Annie groaned, “Really? Isn’t this something she could teach her back in Limsa?” 
“Well it's like my brother always says; Hands-on experience is the best kind!” 
“Your brother? You mean the Chocobo racer?” Annie asked. 
“The very same!” Centella briefly wondered for a moment if K’achow ever talked about her with his friends. “He always told me that he learned how to work with Chocobos from helping a Chocobo farmer with helping take care of them.” It also didn’t hurt that he also got paid to do it. 
“Guess so…” Annie couldn’t help but feel that there was a difference between the two but for whatever reason she couldn’t come up with anything. Even though she was so sure. This train of thought did bring her to another question she had been ruminating on for a while. 
“So Centella?” Annie’s voice turned into a hushed tone. Allie wasn’t very attentive but it was better to be safe than sorry. “Can I ask you something?” 
Centella turned to look at Annie “Hmm?” She wondered what else Annie had to ask from her. Hopefully it wasn’t for an autograph from her brother, she’d had enough of his fans showing up to her work for one lifetime. 
“What do you know about Babycorn?” 
“...Huh?” Centella mindlessly twirled the end of her braids around her finger. “What do you mean?” 
Annie sighed in desperation. “I mean what do you know about her! Think about it! We all know things about each other! I mean not whole life stories but we know at least some things! Like how you’re related to some hot-shot chocobo racer and M’yusa has a boyfriend back home where she lives!” Most of the time when they found out something among each other was after work, during times like this. “But think about it…We don’t know anything about Babycorn! Don’t you find that a little bit suspicious?”
Centella was a little too surprised to answer immediately.
Once she was able to gather her thoughts and feelings, she was just confused. “Suspicious? Of Babycorn? You’re not serious are you?” There was nothing about Babycorn that set off any red flags about her. She had never given them a reason to. 
Annie however, thought differently. “Of course I’m serious!”
Centella could have sworn that the waves of the ocean picked up in intensity just then. It must have been her imagination. 
“We just happened to find her rummaging through our things after one of the busiest days of the year?” Annie continued, “It just seems too good to be true. There has to be something up…”
Centella didn’t know what to say to that. Especially when she knew that Babycorn loved Annie with her whole heart. Something that Babycorn had told her one morning when Centella was helping her brush her hair.
It made sense, it had been Annie who had given Babycorn the first peace offering between all of them. It had been Annie who was the first that hadn’t scared her.
The sound of the ocean’s waves calmed. “I think…she’s just a scared kid. It happens right? Maybe something happened to her family and she just doesn’t want to talk about it.” Centella shrugged, it made the most sense to her. “Babycorn will tell us about herself when she wants to. I don’t think it's a good idea to push it…”
“...That so?”
Evidently it really wasn’t what Annie wanted to hear but she decided to accept it for now. 
There was a heavy tension between the two. Centella wanted to say something to ease Annie’s feelings but she was cut off by a sudden loud scream coming from the beach. 
“Allie?!” Annie took off running towards her sister with Centella following closely behind her. 
When both of them reached the other two girls they were met by a confusing sight. Babycorn was lying on the ground, completely knocked out and Allie was kneeling right next to her. As weird as the situation was, it got even weirder when Centella noticed that Allie didn’t look all too worried.
Instead she just looked really confused. 
Centella knelt down next to Allie and placed her hand on Babycorn’s forehead, there was a noticeable bump on it. The kind that could only happen from something hitting her square in the face. “Did something happen?” Had it happened while she and Annie were talking?
Annie looked at her sister and then at Babycorn. “Weird. There aren’t any stairs here for her to fall from.” Usually that’s what happened when Babycorn hurt herself. “Did she trip on a seashell or something?” 
Allie shook her head. While that did sound like something Babycorn would do, that wasn’t the case this time.
There was an odd moment that Centella took note of. Allie seemed to be trying to hold in laughter. “Right. I…uhm…I pointed at a fish swimming near us and the next thing I knew it jumped out of the water and hit her square in the face like-! WACK!” Allie smacked herself in the forehead to demonstrate what had happened. 
“...Owwie…” Allie instantly regretted doing that. If her hand had hurt that much it made sense that a Wahoo hitting Babycorn on the forehead would be enough to just knock her out.  Babycorn was pretty small. 
As soon as Annie heard what had happened she burst out laughing. “Attacked by a fish?! And here I thought Babycorn loved eating. If she really did-she would have caught that thing in her mouth.” 
“Don’t say that!!” Allie protested, “I’ve been teaching her this entire time that she can’t put everything in her mouth!”
“Oh yeah.” Centella wondered out loud. “That’s a problem right? Since she keeps putting our cleaning supplies in her mouth.” Bars of soap with teeth marks on them had started to become commonplace ever since Babycorn started living with them. 
“That’s more than a problem I think…” Allie sighed.
Deciding that they were done here and Annie wasn’t going to stop laughing any time soon she carefully picked Babycorn up from the sand and carried her up. “Well I guess our time here is up.” 
“About time!” Annie cheered, it was getting late and the earlier they got back home the more time she would have to clean up whatever mess the others back home probably needed help with.
It was the weekend after all and they were probably getting more customers than usual. 
As soon as they all turned to leave, Annie thought she heard something. “Huh?” She quickly turned around and as soon as she did another fish flew out from the ocean, hitting directly in the face.
“AHHHHFFT!” Annie fell back into the sand but unlike Babycorn she wasn’t knocked out in the slightest. Before either Allie or Centella could ask Annie if she was alright, she sat right back up in a rage.
“YOUUUUUUU!!” Annie threw her shoes off and started to walk right into the ocean, her uniform be damned. “COME BACK HERE AND SMACK ME AGAIN YOU COWARD!” 
“Are you yelling at the fish?” Allie asked, “I don’t think fish have ears to hear you yell?” 
“Do they not? Blooming told me that fish gills are kind of like their ears.” Centella moved her hands around her neck to mimic the movement of gills. 
“Oh really?” Allie was surprised to learn that. “You’ll have to tell Babycorn that when she wakes up! Since I didn’t teach her that!”
Centella and Allie were both aback by the sudden addition of Babycorn’s voice to the conversation. Her hair was even more frizzled out than usual and with the sudden shaking she was doing she looked a lot more like a small dog than a teenage girl. “Those things can come out of the w-w-w-water?!” There were very large tears coming out from the corners of her eyes. 
If ‘fish’ could be on land too then what was stopping them from attacking her again?!?!
Allie gave Babycorn a reassuring pat on the back, trying to calm her down. “No, no, it’s okay! Fish can’t do anything to hurt you! You’re way too big and strong for that!” 
“Don’t lie to the girl Allie.” 
By now Annie had given up on finding the fish that had left her with a mark to match Babycorn’s. “Besides she didn’t say anything about fish walking on land-just that they can hear with their ears. That they have. Apparently.”
“B-B-But if they can hear me that means they can get meeeeee!!” Babycorn continued to only hear what scared her the most and grabbed onto Allie’s dress with a tight grip. 
Centella thought she noticed a small shadow running past them. It was trying so hard to keep himself hidden that most of them gladly played along for now. At least when Babycorn was paying attention to them.
Allie gently ran her hand across the top of Babycorn’s ruffled head. It sort of resembled the feathers of a Chocobo, but she kept that thought to herself. “No fish will ever get you as long as I’m here!” Pretty bold claim but Allie was willing to say pretty much anything if it helped Babycorn feel better.
Babycorn sniffled.  “You promise?” 
“I promise!”
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theskyexists · 11 months
Reading the book. To shape a dragons breath. It is a wonderful and incredibly great power fantasy and it has dragons
And I find it once again funny to see so much Dutch in there. Boekbinder. Henkjan. Etc. I guess on the map the Netherlands is simply part of greater Germany.
Absolutely adore the magic system which is just physics and chemistry and also dragons
And also Marta. Marta is great. A good heart in the mind of a white saviour. But she's getting broken out. Fortunately, she's somebody who has placed herself outside of expectations already - that's her escape, that's how she can learn to see how her racist arrogance is idiotic
I hope. I sincerely hope....unless I've misjudged things...??
Anequs also really is a genius. An absolute genius. But fortunately the book has already pointed this out.
'nackie' is such a perfectly horrible word
Shit. Nooo. Marta. Please. Become better
I want the native American autistic SORT OF vaguely feminist gang.
Thank god Stafn is so racist that he thinks he can get away with everything and isn't sneaky enough
Damn. Living for they dynamic between Kuiper and Anequs already
And I love how kuiper's intentions are good so to speak, she wants to extend chances that she fought for for herself, but Anaqus is SO RIGHT to say: I'm not here to become like you, my people NEED NOT BECOME LIKE YOU
Kuiper is a radical, a feminist and a pioneer. And an ally in many senses. But she's still racist lol
There is a dragon carriage. I guess it makes sense with a school here
I guess the English remained Normans/Vikings in this world
Marta still came along? I guess it was just a fight about the how and she'd already said yes. Very sisterly
How the FUCK does Marta keep introducing total savage poors to her highest social acquaintances without thinking about it lololol
Dagny is absolutely gonna BETRAY marta
Good to know at least fish and chips is in this world. Can't fault the damn anglish for that
I was like: Liberty is the only one described in terms of beauty. Anaqus is instantly attracted to her. But then I was like: nah. The chapter title says she makes a friend. And nothing followed.
But now. She notices the warmth of her hands and the intimacy of being close. Uh-huh.
LIBERTY FEELS THE SAME. Oh what a name. The escaped enslaved name their daughter liberty....
Oh ok. We're just coming out and saying it. Aha. Anaqus is a genius in studies, emotion, morality, politics, language, AND self-knowledge and romance at only 15. This is insane but I love it
Marta is in a way, sweet. But in a way, dumb. Lol. She prefers to ignore social incompatabilities
I love how Marta was angry and upset and upset and disloyal but she cannot help but be impressed with Anaqus and also loyal to her anyway
I love how Marta 's continued response to class differences in her companions is simply INCOMPREHENSION. She knows they're her 'inferiors' but never expects there to be a material reality to that because after all, she associates with them??
I WONDERED if Theod might be a romantic interest to Anaqus as well.
“Are there gentlemen of quality here?” I asked, looking around. “I only see my classmates. Oh, and Sander, of course, but he’s already asked me to dance.”
Poor Liberty has no chance against Theod....
These romances are...so much less bland than most. Still a bit bland. But genuinely built with moments of attraction.
I knew it. I mean I was only two pages early
Brinkerhoff and Kuiper are very hinted to be in a relationship indeed.
God. De-brainwashing Theod is a very painful but worthy endeavour. Come Theod! Come away!
The thing about Theod that's really...quite wonderful, is that they argue, Anaqus is right, Theod thinks, and he apologises and draws closer to her. It is very charming
A lot of myths by different peoples reference a great ice age in different terms. Im not all up on my ice ages but im venturing that this one was more modern than any in our world. Love how these anthropologists got completely roasted but also that they established the congruence. Like that great flood myth in our world. God love that stuff
God it's a lovingly academic and scientific scholarly book
Love the Norse myths turned by a few degrees. Fyra being the mistress of the Valkyries. Winning her fight with Joden! And saving humanity. That in fact calls back to many other real myths...though not the Norse ones.
The thing is. Do they really power this stuff with URANIUM??????? No...wait. strahlenstone... It's electricity (tatkraft, daadkracht, deed strength) and the thing stores it... And it lights up and it's bad for your outside lead. It must be irradiated... Idk
Ok that sewing machine scene was the first time I was really really charmed by the Liberty romance.
I knew that the book was going to go into how knecht LITERALLY MEANS BOY SERVANT IN DUTCH
Literally the food, the dancing, the sociality, the talking, the warmth, the ritual.
Theod's story, finding his family again. GOD!!!!!!!!!
You know what's incredible? That I didn't realise until this point (explicitly) that Christianity is simply ABSENT.
Racism radicalising ya anequs
God. I wish Kuiper wasn't so racist.
very brazen...
I do fear that Marta will never crack open her shell further. Because she won't have need to...
So they're developing a combination steam-engine electricity generator???
To replace uranium? Why would you?
This book is always so matter of fact about the genocides i am lulled to certainty and restfulness that Anequs seems to possess but then somebody's dad gets murdered and indigenous people get massacred again
Feel like Kuiper didn't have to go so far as to threaten them with death and genocide on her own fucking account. Racist piece of shit. What a horrible position, that even the closest thing to allies are really your enemies
I actually still don't understand how any Dragonrider could quickly form stilktas...
The jarl seems alright. As alright as a kind of settlers can be eh
Useful to the propaganda to have killed the assassin. Let's hope the jarl survives
I like how the ending wasn't drawn out. It had action. Drama. Confusion. Triumph. Triumph again. Going home.
Ah the author is in fact indigenous American. This book was really good. A great and awesome gentle (?) nuanced but also intense fantasy with lots of stuff that I love about alternate history. I wonder why the Europeans powers are so consolidated in this world... It riffs powerfully on the Norse nazi schtick. It does so much.... it's never boring even if a lot of it is by all accounts maybe slow. But Anequs is the ultimate underdog, and the ultimate person to rise up against injustice it is WONDERFUL. I hope by simply being incredible she continues to educate Kuiper on not being so racist lol
Went back to the pronunciation guide and have to laugh about Henk Jan. Also the only thing I got wrong in my head was the main characters name....stress on the last syllable not the middle ffs
Ok but. One problem. Karina Kuiper is NOT pronounced Kyper. Or...wait is that the closest Americans can get?
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