#Like how a person usually isn't too heavy but the shape of a human makes it hard to move them around
solradguy · 2 years
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Helloooo how r u doin? R u eating well? Idk y but I just suddenly got rly curious abt how would genshin bois treat their s/o if their s/o is blind (I'm so sorry if that comes off as a sensitive topic I'm just curious) the choice of characters is up to u ^^
Can I be known as Tuoli Anon?
Remember to stay hydrated!!
✧ Hiya! Super old ask so idk if you're even here anymore lol but sure <3 thought the ask was cute and I could probably do an uber short version for funsies <3✧ Characters: Kaveh, Alhaitham, Cyno, Tighnari
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✧ Kaveh ✧
Kaveh has a hard time balancing 'my s/o can handle themselves without me being around 24/7' and 'i must do everything for them'
You do get a laugh out of how caring he is sometimes, in a good way! Kaveh wants to make sure you're super comfortable. He's also happy to answer any questions you have. Sometimes, you need to know what something looks like- he's got your back.
He's there to help with anything! ANYTHING. He'll get you water, help you walk up the stairs, help ease you onto the bed or the couch.
He'll make sure anything he designs is super handicap friendly for both blindness and people who may have a hard time with moving around without assistance.
✧ Alhaitham ✧
Alhaitham is very composed when it comes to helping you or doing anything for you. He doesn't act like it's too much work, he doesn't make any weird remarks, he just treats you like a normal person. How you like it.
He's also very patient. If you don't want help with something and want to do it on your own, he'll wait there. Again, no remarks, just silence. Whether you accomplish it or not is when he'll speak up.
Alhaitham is always prepared. He makes sure you have your walking stick, if you have a guide dog, he'll make sure people don't try to pet em. He might as well be your guide human.
Your favorite part about him is how normally he treats you. Your disability isn't evident to him and he doesn't ever bring it up. Like it's not even there.
✧ Cyno ✧
If you're comfy with it, he makes blind jokes. But he keeps them rare and mild. They always make you laugh out loud. In fact, you've found yourself making them too.
Cyno is there for you if you need anything. One time, you ended up losing your guide dog who got spooked by something. Cyno helped sit you down and even found your lil pup for you.
He's very patient too. He understands that you can't see the world like he can. So he's not about to rush you.
He spends a lot of time describing things for you. Sometimes, you wanna know what something looks like. You can feel it- figure out the general shape but the color and stuff, you won't know that. So he takes every moment he can to describe things in heavy, heavy detail.
✧ Tighnari ✧
Tighnari needed a moment to adjust to your disability. He's not judgmental but sometimes he'll move too fast. He'll say things like "can you grab that thing over there?" when you haven't ever been in the room before.
He's pretty apologetic for those days and works hard to help you with your situation. If you need assistance somewhere, he's at your side, if you need help with doing something, he's there, if you need a guide human, Tighnari at your service.
Tighnari cannot STAND it when people make remarks. Why? Yeah, you can't see- they don't need to half-ass whisper it to their friends. He gets really pissed sometimes. It's not even about them offending you, it's just needing to learn to shut their mouths when it needs to be shut.
You've had to grab his arm and pull him back at times. He's not violent, but he does like to scold people. You don't wanna cause a scene, but you'll usually find yourself getting an apology or two.
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bigsexiest · 2 months
Mountain growing his own drumsticks from his horns.
I actually can't find the person who originally wrote something about this. I intended to do something silly about this in their reblogs but now I can't :((((. If someone knows who it is can you please let me knowww. It was basically a post about Mountain carving his own drumsticks from trees around the abbey or something.
Imagine Mountain growing out his horns for months. He doesn't file them down like the other ghouls. He just lets them grow.
By the time he decides to cut them off, they're massive. He's blessed with straight long horns that don't really grow upwards. They grow perpendicular to his body. Straight backward. He can poke himself in the back if he looks up sharply enough.
Mountain has scheduled everything down to a science. He grows them for exactly six months, massaging them with homemade peppermint and lavender oil every other day to keep them soft and growing quick. They've grown close to twenty inches in length at the end of the six months.
Strangely enough, he only trusts Cumulus to cut them off for him. The sawing is somewhat traumatic and it's his least favorite part of the whole process. Cumulus has been trained by the quintessence ghouls in the most humane way to cut the horns off with a special kind of wire.
The friction caused by sliding the wire back and forth does a great job of cutting the horns off, but it gets too hot very quickly. Unfortunately for Mountain, Cumulus insists on taking loads of breaks to douse the area with cold water. Mountain is positive this makes the whole situation worse, and the cold water on the sensitive inner horn isn't very enjoyable.
By the time Cumulus finishes, Mountain is glad it's over and he's happy with how light his head feels without horns. Cumulus likes to spend some time rubbing a cooling salve on the raw part of his horns which helps to soften the rough edge. She always insists on helping in the morning to file them down to little points so they can grow nice and even again.
Now with his two horns in his hands, he brings them to the greenhouse where he meticulously carves them in the shape of the natural wooden drumsticks he was trained with. Cumulus usually cuts them a couple inches away from his scalp to avoid any pesky blood vessels or sensitive nerves, so he's able to carve his favored seventeen-inch sticks with room to spare.
He likes using his horns as sticks over the wood because of how durable the material is. He finds himself breaking the wooden ones all the time because of how flimsy they are. Instead, six short months of growth left Mountain with his most prized possessions. They often last much longer than the time it takes to grow more.
He also found he could hit his drums much harder. Being a metal drummer, it's important to have considerably heavy drumsticks. His horns were quite heavy, but still ergonomic enough for him to comfortably use them throughout an entire show.
He still keeps wooden ones to throw to excited fans. Mountain also keeps worn-out horn drumsticks to give to his favorite retired ghouls when he goes away on tour. Aether is grateful to have two matching ones that were carved together. Sunshine likes that she has three that all look different. Since Mountain's horns grow different colors depending on the weather and season, they remind her of different memories close to her heart.
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When thinking of your trademark in your writing, I think it is the way you go into details and paint a picture for the mind's eye. The way you balance descriptive imaginations and realistic detailing is just very captivating.
Your art has a funky loose feel to the lining that just feels fitting to the enigma that is your brain, too full to truly poor it all out onto the paper no matter how hard you try. But boi do we love the attempts that give us any slightest peek into that brilliant mind of yours.
You clearly don't draw or write without thinking it over thoroughly.
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Thank u! that's super sweet of you to say.
I do tend to overthink a lot of things.
I'm not very good at making like... Outlines or roughs of poses. I very rarely make base outlines, like I usually just start drawing and the rough sketch becomes the final lineart. So I often rely super heavily on references when I draw. For some reason over my 28 plus years of drawing, I never really gotten a grasp on how the torso, legs and fingers all really connect and form one entity. I know I could try with enough discipline and practice, as art is a skill. So I have this weird blend of like... Super confident lines, but not knowing how a torso, shoulders and legs connect which make a really interesting balance, and leads to things like this:
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Like I can always see the framework of what I want, especially when little reference is used, but it really seems like nothing connects. Like the understanding of SHAPES is there, but not the understanding of how they are coherent together, if that makes sense? And you can kinda see that in my more high profile art, but I feel there was a period where It did click and I understood how it all connected but I forgot it all.
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Like at some point, with these two, (rest in peace. the ship tag has not been updated since I left the naruto fandom) around 2019 I was getting it! Like I felt I was really getting it, Like I MADE THESE!!!! but then I kinda forgot it all. Like I still didn't use a base outline for these and did rely on heavy references, but I feel I was getting a grasp on shading and autonomy and how the human body works and fits together. And then it... Just kinda vanished from my brain, and I regressed to a more chibi simple art style. Either because it was easier, or because I was experiencing more chronic pain in my back and hand.
At the end of the day, I think my art style regressed a lot due to lack of practice, and lack of encouragement from outside sources besides the internet likes and reblogs like RL friends or Family. That, and I feel my attention span and patience for things has just gotten worse as I've gotten older. I'm guessing my Dad's death had a lot to do with that. As, I am over the loss of my Dad as a person. but mentally, I am not over coming the fact that mortality is very fleeting. You think I would spend most of my time living life to the fullest. But that isn't the case. I kinda feel like I've been stuck in that "What is the point of anything if anyone can die suddenly without warning for any reason" Stage of grief that I have NEVER really got over.
Needless to say my Dad suddenly dying with no warning due to a ruptured aurora was just something everyone was unprepared for. He wasn't sick from an illness, no one knew he was in poor health. It wasn't even a car accident. Like he just suddenly died cus part of his heart exploded essentially.
I mean, I know I rarely talk about it, other then mentioning "My Dad died Eight years ago. Haha I'm over it tho, it was awhile ago"
And, While I think I'm over it in the sense with, I'm at peace with always missing him a little bit, and don't think about him constantly... I'm not over it in the sense of how fragile mortality is and how it can be taken away. For no just cause or reason.
I guess I'm over it, in that I'm over that my Dad, the person is dead. I am NOT over the fact of HOW he died. And I think it'll be a long time till I cross that hurtle.
And yeah, that's a heavy part of life, that we all get old and die one day, but some people don't even get to grow old. you think it would make me more.... "make time with what you have, enjoy what you like."
but if anything, it makes me more fearful in "what is the point of doing anything if I were to die tomorrow, what have I done. Folks will miss me, sure. But I will still be gone." So then I just end up doing nothing for long periods of time, and that's mostly why my art skills suffer because I don't see the point of doing a discipline or working towards any goal whatsoever. And I'm just going through the motions. And yeah, sometimes, I will be super productive and be happy and do a lot of things for a bit, but they're always short lived moments and it's hard to stick to things.
Looool sorry if that's all just too heavy.
Oh, if this sounds too complaining... Or "pity party. Woe is me, Dana is Depressed again" ahahahah. Like, that's not the point of this. I mean, it's my blog and I can talk about my feelings I guess, and I feel that Depression, even before my Dad's death impacted my art journey. So I'm still trying to struggle to remain consistent in my endeavors.
Or I could just be lazy. XD That too. XD
Anyways... Moving on in terms of my writing style, that's very nice of you to say.
I am a deep appreciator of inner monologues if it wasn't obvious. I like to dissect what characters are thinking and I sometimes feel I overdo it, and justify every single action and breath they take by getting so close in their own head that there's hardly any breathing room for error.
But I just write how I tend to think in terms of Overthinking, so I don't think I've ever written a character from a close third person (or first person) perspective that hasn't overthought every action before they speak.
But usually within the context of the story, their inner monologue spanning 20 pages actually takes place in the span of less then a few seconds.
I don't think I could write from Bob's POV if I tried. He's a man of action rather then overthinking. And if I held his hand as a third person narrator, he would sho me off and do his own thing gladly without my interference. XD
Anyways. Didn't mean to get so venty on this ask.
Thank you so much for the lovely compliment. Also some insight into my process I guess. XD
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cloudsrust · 3 years
This is a very and most important question.....
How does one draw such magnificent eyelashes on characters like yours!? Plz teach us your ways, oh glorious one!!
I'm flattered by the wording of this request, oh my dear anon, but- I have absolutely no idea how to make a tutorial about that :,> All I can say is to first approach them as if it was just make-up, to have an easier time finding the shape, and then treat them as if they were 3D bits. Also go absolutely H A M.. responsibly-
If the eyes are the window to the soul then eyelashes are the curtains- which means they are great to change the feeling of a certain character!
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(Under the cut there are a few of my reasonings for certain of my "eyelashes' choices"- it's the best way I could explain my process with them whoop,,)
Warden!Ingo His eyes in game look tired yet haunted- to keep that feeling I didn't want to put too much weight on the upper-lid, so I added a white/empty streak on top for a lighter yet "droopy" feel. The weight is mostly on the lower-lid for the "tired but hasn't slept in days" look. The lil' triangle shape is just a nod to the black and white triangles the submas twins are usually represented by-! (Emmet has a smaller one, can't show it since his eyes are always covered in all my serious art of him;;)
Sayu She is an adorable mermaid who is sweet and upbeat- so I keep her lashes lighter/empty to let them have a more open eye. The rounded bits are meant to recall bubbles, both for her bubbly personality and for well.. the sea. The longer lash is meant to be a nod to the Anglerfish' light- mostly because of their last phase where she turns into a deep-sea version of themself.
Piers (never posted them but I did sketch him a few times,,) His eyes look tired even when he widens them, plus in-game he has them "panda eye" lids-.. I'll be real here, his actual eyelashes are the darkest bit of that whole thing, the rest is make-up. I thought it'd fit him more as the goth gym leader and elder bro he is, he is the type for dramatic make-up but not dramatic eyelashes. (this is why I put him here, he is an example of "go ham but responsibly" ahah). I still tried to have it looking weirdly soft- to fit his laid back person. Mettaton Ex An absolute robot diva, he absolutely needed that drop-dead stare!- I also tried to bring in a bit of the retro-manga heavy upper lash and lower sharp little lashes (well in this case "lash"). The lid is a contrast to the sharp eyelashes, it's softer- I wanted to call back to when he was still a shy ghost because his transition is very important to me <3
Pure!Lance (may you rip in the wip folder;;) (SPOILERS for the Balan Wonderworld Novel) This is where I went H A M. I wanted them to feel like an angel just seconds before falling. Eyelashes become wings which are losing their feathers, the lower lashes looking like tears. They're elegant but big, heavy, they cloud their vision just how his mind was clouded by love, desire to help. This is me going all out with poetic liberties and saying "ciao-ciao" to any realism ahah.
Rouxls Goop. I wanted him to have goop/gelatine eyelashes. White to match their hair and I just imagine them wobbling around whenever he moves. No thoughts, just gelatine eyelashes. The white though makes them both heavy and light- permitting a wider range of emotions. Perfect for that "GODDAMMIT" of theirs. Human!Neon An old eye, I know it isn't that realistic but I wanted him to have overgrown eyelashes. Soft yet heavy, with a hint of eccentric, a tired yet lively captain first of an army and now of a boyband. The fluffy lashes slightly cover his vision but he doesn't care much, is not like he has the same good eye he had when younger.. or a whole ass radar on the other- yeah must be because of one of the two ahah.
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Human!DJSS A rare example from me of less is more. They already have a lot going on with both their eyes and skin, so a lighter approach is needed to not over do their face. I went with a lash that mixes with the lid, almost looking like make-up. It's simple but still striking.
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Frisk I headcanon them as blind, since their sprite looks like they have perpetually closed eyes. The overgrown/fluffy lashes come back once again! Same reasoning of Neon though- for me it gives a feeling of eyes that aren't used much. Also children are often represented with very visible lashes, so I guess it's also an exaggeration of that. Sweetheart (rip in the wip folder- but not in peace <3) Adorable at first glance, manipulative and blood/attention thirsty in reality- yeah I'd say it matches certain carnivorous flowers. I wanted her lashes to resemble petals and pistils (the type certain plants use to lure in insects to eat). They're quite heavy on top both to have THAT look (you know- the smug? Yeah) and also to be able to pull off a more "innocent" look if needed. The heart is just to tie in her design and name.
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skadren · 2 years
"Why sephiroth portrayed as sad" anon it's got me thinking on the way people fill in the spaces of vague events with gratuitous detail of whump and maybe it's the woobiphobia but it's easy for it to put me off when the characters angst about it later on such a heavy level that it feels... odd. Like I notice this a lot and i love characters Going Through It but i feel like there's a line for when something becomes what id thinknof as whumpy that idk the specific threshold of only that it gets weird to me. The characters who've been Hojo's focus at one point or another get it the worst i think; you already explained the whole thing about Sephiroth's woobing, but sometimes I feel like I see it in Cloud and Vincent fics and I think it's bc theyre both a level of subdued and quiet that people dump a lot of this Stuff into their Lab Time almost in ways that don't make sense? Og is fairly nondescript with Hojo's messing and human experimentation shit is never never fun, but sometimes it's like. Really dreary. Like I always thought Vincent was dead throughout his experimentation and it was only when he woke up already completely different that he became conscious with Chaos as the key specifically and the demons along for the ride. Zack and Cloud can get weird too where it almost feels like the messing with of the project was directionless, which would be weird if they were abandoned eventually, and trauma changes people but sometimes I feel people crush characterization in a way that almost romanticizes it and idk what to make of that or if im crazy no fun allowed. sorry im dyisn
idk if this is your experience anon but at least for me personally, it's less about the actual amount of angsty backstory and more when it starts feeling like the character lacks any agency of their own. writing characters w extremely tragic backstories well is totally possible but it can't be their only defining characteristic if you want them to feel fleshed out. like, it's a matter of execution more than content
(i think i saw a tumblr post about this floating around not too long ago, saying that dwelling on the backstory doesn't actually work as well as dropping random hints about it in the character's behavior or dialogue, bc we tend to just sort of glaze over the dwelling and it can get tedious when spoonfed vs. actually registering the full impact when we have to think about it a little ourselves)
but yeah especially for characters like cloud or vincent whose entire character arcs revolve around healing and trauma resolution, it can feel pretty bad when all that growth gets walked backwards and they get reduced to only their trauma. they were heavily shaped by it, yes, and it still informs their actions, but it isn't what solely defines them. despite all their vulnerabilities they are incredibly resilient and there's a little more to exploring how to deal with trauma than just "sad and needs (to be forced into letting) people to take care of them"
another way of thinking about it is, what is the author actually trying to accomplish with the angst? does it tell us anything about the character themself other than what they went through? if it's just a device to make the audience (and usually other characters) feel bad for that character, then of course it can feel hollow and gratuitous. the character in question gets very little substance bc the angst is not there to develop them, it's there to be used by others
of course, the upside of fic is that it allows this much gratuitousness, whether people are exploring their own trauma, writing wish fulfillment, or just having fun. it's totally fine if you don't find this kind of thing compelling anon-- i really don't either-- but there's nothing inherently wrong with writing fic like this. i do wish there was a way to more effectively filter for it, but it is what it is
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esoraluco · 2 years
i dont think i'll have the time+motivation to do this so here's my addisons biology part 2 but through text only (sorry). part 1 is here
Egg making is basically it phasing out of chest of the parent. They reproduce asexually, and when there's two or more parents, need to have a physical contact made between them all during the egg making process in order to have genes from said parents. the traditional way of doing it is via hand-holding.
Proboscis can move depending on moods; it can move up and down, and to the sides. It's usually rigid and straight though. Poking it is not polite, especially on the tip- that would be like touching someone's lips by our standards. It's somewhat sensitive too (again, like lips) so one needs consent from the addison individual.
Some Addisons may appear 'fat' by our standards but actually they aren't- it's just their exoskeleton being naturally wide, like a beetle. And when another individual looks 'thin', they actually are just narrow like a stickbug. Their weight can change but not through eating or lack thereof- instead it's based on age and activity. Older individuals tend to gain as they age. Also their weight change isn't as drastic as humans' in either case, and due to lack of internal organs, addisons, even big and tall ones, aren't heavy at all. If they were in the Light world, they'd have issues with the wind, even with not so strong gusts.
Can't regrow wings or limbs. While they only fly for fun/when among each other, wings being damaged intentionally by someone essentially means 'I don't want you to have fun or ever be free.'
Vibrant exokeleton colors (like most canon addis) are the most common colors regardless of species, except for White ones who are white, black or white with black stripes. Less saturated hues are uncommon but do exist, especially among hybrids.
glitched features exist among addisons- they can go from regular glitch visuals, changing their body shape, to stranger ones like compound eyes and Tarsus hands (while normal addisons have mitten hands).
Instead of internal organs or anything structural, inside the addisons' exoskeleton is complex coding, unique to each individual. Their coding includes the amount of money they have- like a bank website. It's extremely hard to hack an addison's internal code, but it's possible. Having that happen can be pretty upsetting to the individual and probably won't be the same person they used to be, in more ways than one (glitches, malware, fear of having it happen again etc)
how they take care of eggs: They tend to make one egg at a time (phases out of their chest), but they can make as much as they want- as long as they have the money for it (as stated before, they need 100D$ to make 1 egg). They can make it hatch at any time they want, but taking a while to do so is generally preferred- for the simple reason that one can get more economic trafic when letting everyone know they're going to be a parent.
how they take care of larvae (they don't). can technically have their larvae with them in the city, but it's incontrollable no matter what the parents say or do. The microtransations the larvae feed on are rarer in the city anyway so it's best to just leave them in the Cyber Field. Larvae are generally completely silent, unless they're in distress- they do human baby-like vocalizations in such situations.
how they take care of pupa: Being torn from the pupa too early is detrimental to both the health and knowledge of the individual- since the most important physical growth they'll go through is done (they don't grow/molt as adults), and they gain essential knowledge about the economy and the world during pupation. If they didn't get to fully grow as a pupa, they'll stay at whichever size they were went torn from it- which can go to big head with a small body, or/and thin, incomplete limbs, and at the earliest stage, just a head with an embryo-like body, too small to have any physical strength. Knowledge can be taught after pupation, but it's very unlikely that it'll stick or even interest the individual. Addisons that didn't get to fully develop in their pupa are labelled as disabled, but it's not a negative connotation- these individuals can still work just as much and as well as abled ones. They simply need a job that is adapted to their disability(ies)- it's not uncommon to have disabled Addisons advertise disability-related products, or if they lack the knowledge to advertise, be a graphic designer specialized in accessibility.
culture extra bit: they tend to genuinely believe that there is no other way to true happiness besides advertising. Some even have the toxic and entirely made up belief that they can die if they stop advertising. Materialism is seen as good and as the norm.
language. only knows english since that's what's chosen for global marketing. usually fascinated by other languages. They uses slogans as cultural expressions/sayings; like 'you know what they say! Good Clean Makes it Good!!'
religion: usually believes in the Angel. Tends to hold Lightners in the same way esteem middle ages people held in saints/angels. Though some see their Brands and their creator as something above regular customers. The hierarchy of their beliefs goes something like: animal Darkners (Maus, etc) < people Darkners (including Addidons themselves) < Lightners/customers < Brand creators < the Angel < God
Names: Named after one's color is classic but good- like flower names- common naming practice among non-religious families. Being named after Lightners' terms (SPAMton, etc) is the equivalent of being named after a religious figure.
hybrids. hard to get, and infertile. mixes colors no matter what and randomly gets distinctive features from one or both parents, but usually in a smaller scale. Example: blue addis have retractable leg hairs they use for courtship amongst themselves; if a pink and blue had a child, it would be purple with smaller retractable hairs.
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foxanonforneon · 3 years
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I made the story with just two random lighthouse operators and @neonthewrite 's character, Chase. I used the picture above as a prompt.
Please have a good read. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!! :>
Warning: This contains catboy, fearplay, angst, mention of eating people/hard vore, and dehumanization of a person.
If you are uncomfortable with any of these things mentioned, you may pass this now.
Viewer Discretion is Advised.
It is that time of night again, where the seaside is calm and the night is dark as burnt charcoal, with pretty stars in the sky as if it were an artist's canvas.
The seaside playing Mother Nature's music playing for anyone willing to listen was interrupted by two forms, one with a gruff exterior with a purpose in his stride, the other timidly but quickly following close behind the older man.
The two of them came out here for a purpose, the purpose needed and only could be done in the cylindrical, white tall building near the shore of the coast.
"S-Sir, are the rumours true?" the new operator's voice quivered as he got his query out. The voice soft enough that it could be mistaken for the wind.
"What?" the older man huffed with a sharp raspy voice, looked sceptically at the newcomer with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.
"I dunno what yer' talking 'bout boy, once we get to the top o' this place," he waved his hand lazily to the lighthouse, "ye' can tell me what ya mean." The operator looked at the newcomer expectantly as he presumed to walk to his desired destination.
As the younger of the two was unparalysed from the uneven gravel, both of the occupants in the vicinity felt a slight vibration from under their feet. It was barely noticeable as they stepped foot into the building.
As the seasoned lighthouse operator took his time up the winding stairs, the newcomer felt, off. Like the lighthouse suddenly dropped in temperature. Uneasy. Darker than usual in the room containing the giant flashlight. He felt a pit in his stomach with a mix of butterflies, a different contrast to the older operator, who seemed to be at ease.
As the top of the lighthouse drew closer in the operators' eye line, the newcomer felt tremors and heard the gravel underneath but brushed it off as someone having a late night dip and kept it in mind to question why were their steps so heavy, it when he calmed down and got settled.
Unfortunately, those thoughts vanished as he watched in astonishment as the elderly man took the two foldable chairs from the flashlight and plopped them down in front of it, near its sides, at an age that that would be a problem to do at that speed.
As they settled into their seats, the tremors and crunch of gravel came to a steady halt. The older man then stared at the younger one intently and curiously as to proceed with his queries.
The younger took this as his cue to speak. "Sir, did you not hear the rumors about the monster, that creeps around these parts, of the coast at this time of night?" the newcomer spoke as he looked around skitishly.
His posture hunched over fearfully as it looked like his spine was about to jump out of his skin. The older man took the information he was given into consideration. He stared at the flashlight, moonlit enough to make out its shape, as he hummed in deep thought.
"No, I don' recall any rumors 'bout a monster round these parts, guess ya coul' describe it fer me?" the older operator gestured softly to the other, so they could calm their own nerves. He leaned back and loosely crossed his arms as to indicate that he was all ears.
"I-I heard that it has very dark fur, from w-what I heard from some p-people, they say b-black or dark gray. They s-say that the monster has teeth longer than the tallest h-human being and it has claws that can reduce trees to nothing but a pile of sawdust! Very few people say it has the eyes of an apex predator!" The younger operator explained fearfully, his body quaking from fear.
"And? Do ya know wha' it does or eat fer that matter, if you want ta keep explainin'?" The seasoned operator asked as he gently cupped the newcomer's palms in his own to aid his worries about this 'monster'.
"I-I've also h-heard that it goes a-around looking for p-people that are by th-themselves and it-" the young operator quickly stopped and stared as the other got up quickly with a huff.
"You continue talkin'. I'm listenin', am jus' gonna operate these lights an' make sure people git home safely." He said as he quickly glanced back at the young operator, as he strode over to the back of the huge flashlight. "Ye might wanna wear t'e sun glass, y'er...whatever t'ey called." He said trying to identify the object with a hint of annoyance. Again, the unknown tremors started but weren't heavy enough to notice from the top of the tower.
"Oh, yeah, as I-I was saying, it m-maybe kidnaps the people t-that are by themselves, s-since I haven't seen those people a-again and the only way to get to the next t-town is by c-car or bus, some of the people gone, don't have enough money f-for that, or maybe it eat-" The younger of the two snapped his mouth shut as he covered his ears shut, a reflexive motion, from the loud ringing in his ears.
What he didn't expect, was that the seasoned operator had a cross and annoyed look on his face. His pale skin allowing his emotions to be seen in the glowing moonlight. What he really didn't expect, was the monster chasing the bright beam of light, and mostly likely causing the source of the tremors before and now, like a kitten.
As the monster continued to chase the light around like a cat on catnip, an idea popped into the young operator's head. He rushed over to the giant flashlight, shoving the seasoned operator away as gently as he could, as he used his strength to turn the beam of light towards the ocean of the cliff side.
As the older man was about to bark out an order to stop turning the flashlight, it was already too late as the blur of fur(presumed as the monster) fell off of the cliff and into the freezing ocean with a loud yowl of distress, followed by a splash, which sounded closer to cat more than anything. Making sure there was no movement from the over the cliff side, the young man turned to check on the other operator. "See sir! That was the monster I was talking about from the rumors, it is real...Holy shit, it's actually real and I stopped it!" Assuming the monster didn't know how to swim, why would it? There's plenty of people to eat on land!
He then quickly turned off the flashlight to make sure the beast didn't find its way back to land.  Who knows how much damage to the nearby village it can cause.
When he held out his hand out to the shaken officer to give him a lift. Otherwise, the seasoned one didn't seem too pleased with what he had done.
"Sir...Di-d I do something wrong??" As the young operator checked over the experienced other, looking for any outward signs of damage. The younger one of the two, energy drained from a chain broken from his schedule, looked as if he were to pass out, adrenaline looking as if keeping them from doing just that.
The gruff operator took the hand's invitation, steadily but not in a way that was anything but pleased.
"No, not really." He quickly huffed as he took to a stand. "Then, sir, what have you gotten your mind? I also need to ask out of curiosity, do you have a cat or is there any in vicinity? I haven't seen any coming all the way out here." The newcomer asked pure curiosity and a sheepish smile appearing on his face. If observed carefully in the moonlight, the older man could barely make out a faint tint of pink, in the moonlight, on the other's cheek. He's embarrassed.
If the other saw his face completely, he didn't mention it.
Meanwhile faint splashes and rumbles came from the direction of the ocean as the gruff man began to answer the other's question. "Nothin', just," he paused as he turned to the direction of where the gigantic being pounced off, the scene replaying in his mind. Then derailing his train of thought, he resumed, "that damn cat is back, but no, there isn't a cat 'round here, a' least one that I know o'." He stormed off in annoyance towards to the flashlight as to get it on again with the scowl on his face directed at no one.
The younger operator gaped at the other in complete confusion and bewilderment. If there is a cat that returned, why would he go ahead and tell me there isn't one right after? "T-then sir! How is there a cat when their isn't one??? I-I don't.." he trailed off but quickly spoke up again with a high pitched squeak, "What, does he get into the garbage cans?" As he got out his question, his posture quickly changing from one of fear to uncertainty so quickly that if you blinked, you would of missed it.
The distant tremors were getting closer now, and if focused intently, they felt and sounded like footsteps. After some time, the pace slowed to a halt. As that noise stopped, another started, which could be identified as someone pawing a tuft of grass. With the sound and surface known, there must be a place where it is identified, which directs the younger operator's eyes to where the beast threw itself off.
"I'm afraid not, but aye, keep watchin' the cliff fer the cat to climb back up, I'm gonna try fix this thing." The older man barked the command as he tried getting the flashlight back on.
"What am I supposed to be watching for, si-" Before he got the question, awe and shock kept him shut and began to override his thoughts as he's trying to process what he's seeing.
The claw of the monster, dug into the dirt of the cliff and pulled itself up. Following after the first claw, was another which pulled what seemed like a head of soaked, black hair with black cat ears on top to match.
A deafening whine and deep growl slightly shook the lighthouse to its core, as the rest of the beast tried pulling itself unto the cliff.
The operator had time to process that the beast had clothes. So far, a red jacket with a gray shirt underneath, reflecting as much light as the moon allowed. Apparently, the seemingly intelligent beast, moved faster than the operator had expected from such a large being, that when it moved, his brain was trying to figure out what the blur of fur was, not if it had any human emotions of its own. His eyes widened as he saw the beast express human emotion through the growls it was making, like it was talking to itself. Frustrated. Distressed.
If the operator could open his eyes any wider, they might fall out of their sockets, as he stared in awe as more parts of the beast rose over the cliff's side. The beast looked so, humane yet the young man's mind couldn't comprehend that the beast, itself, is absolutely massive. Trying to take in details of this being all at once while it's crawling on all fours, while quickly coming closer, getting away from the edge, and flashing the water off like a dog trying its best to get dry,  isn't working.
About one hundred meters from the lighthouse's base, the seasoned operator kicked the giant flashlight once more, this time turning the light on, snapping the awestruck operator out of his trance, while directing the beam unto the beast which shielded its eyes from the sudden brightness that laid upon it while it let out a whine and quickly shielded its eyes.
The flashlight shining its brightest, clearly showed what or who the young operator was looking at. "You're posed be watchin' fer the cat." The seasoned operator spoke, words slicing through the silence like a sharpened knife, as if the silence itself were butter. The other operator lightly flinched at the words spoken out of the other's mouth as he turned around to acknowledge his presence.
Noticing how calm the older man was about the monster in the vicinity, he gave the man a puzzled and skeptical look as for the man to explain himself.
The gruff man sighed, as he saw the look on the other's face, like he's been caught stealing a pie from a kitchen window and forced to apologise. Taking slow steps to inch his way beside the younger man, the older started to explain his calm attitude towards the titan so close to the lighthouse. "NOPE, as you can see, there is no cat and I know fer sure, that there is no monster nei'er. I know fer sho' that that manegy bein' on the other side of this lighthouse, ain't eaten' a single person nor has tried to, since I'm here."
As the seasoned operator paused to think, he looked at the young operator who looked to have a face that didn't show any emotion, just a blank stare.
The beast movement caught the operator's eye in the bright beam the flashlight seemed to cause. At least now the young man could make out what the beast looked like.
Curled up on the ground, the beast seemed to have a humane figure of a short, skinny man, if put at the right scale, would be smaller than his five foot, six inch frame. The beast itself slowly unfurled itself, keeping its eyes shielded and squinting towards the beam directed towards it. That didn't stop the young operator from picking up its features he hadn't seen yet.
Like its dark gray sclera around its pupil as it-...he's trying to adjust his eyes to the sudden brightness. The beast's olive sun kissed skin, appeared to have a silky texture other than a few healing bruises visible on its body. The rest of the articles, of clothing, seemed to replicate a pair of black boxers fitting snugly around his waist and upper thighs.
As he saw before a loose, gray shirt underneath a thin, dark red sweater, reaching from the collarbone of his neck to the bottom of his waistline, covering his unmentionables. At last, the darkest but most outstanding feature of this beast was his soaked, fluffy, black tail, which seemed to convey the some emotion on this beast's face.
As those details got into the young operator's head, the beast let out a tiny(for its size), sneeze which, still shook the lighthouse. Recovering from the quick but sudden noise he made, he got on all fours as he crawled over as slowly as he could, while keeping his eye on both of the operators, intent not to scare them, especially the younger one out of the two.
Once he got close as he dared, he slowly sat on his knees to stare back at the people who watched him with awe and ease. Both at eye level, staring hesitantly, as if waiting for him to do something. Hesitantly, he returned the stare, with a look of curiosity for the newcomer then looked at the seasoned operator questioningly as if he would tell him about this new person staring at him and why he's there.
This new person quickly looked to the gigantic one staring at him curiously then to the other operator who looked slightly annoyed at the titan outside, yet the man looked so at ease.
"Hey! Quit scaring all the new workers away! We've got business to do at this time o' night!" The older operator scolded the titan as if it were a small toddler. The only thing keeping both of them separated, is the movable, giant glass screen in front of them and the beast holding back its unimaginable strength. Surprisingly, the beast didn't make any move of hostility towards the building, but he let out a low whine and a look of shame as if he didn't know his presence should have people gone running with a glimpse of his shadow.
"S-Sir, what does i- he want??" The young operator stuttered out his question in fear as the beast turned his eyes to observe his quivering frame with, corcern?
"I think he wants ya ta r'deem yer self innocent. Or somethin', I don't know.." The seasoned operator said with a light teasing in his tone as he gently pushed the new operator to the window. As the young operator got close enough to window without getting hit, the older man opened the window, pulling it from the inside, a gentle night's breeze flowing in.
The young operator glanced back at the gruff man with worry, showing clearly on his face, as he turned back to the beast watching him outside. Taking his time, he got to the edge of the open window making sure the beast didn't do, something...terrifyingly, horrendous. Instead, he was just watching the man inch forward, carefully wary of him, with curiosity and excitement.
As the frightened operator leaned out far enough to see over the beast's cat ears, his stomach dropped. He realized too late that he was being lifted up by bigger than some tree trunk sized, fingers. Which were surprisingly gentle and barely put any pressure on his back, and his waist. It wasn't as painful he thought it would be in the beast's pinched grip, he didn't leave any bruises on the his body as was he gently placed him in the middle of his cupped palm, not realising he was shrieking the whole time, until his feet touched the warm but soft surface.
Which he gradually stopped, as he tried to focus on the white noise in his head. Trying to focus on a certain noise, he turned his head to the lighthouse, presumably, where it was coming from. Looking down at the window where was at mere seconds ago, the seasoned operator was firmly waving his arm at the beast and commanded him to give the young operator back to him, but the beast deliberately ignored him to focus on the young operator in his hand.
As he mentally noted that, he tried to figure the other sound out. It not only came from underneath him, but it enveloped the entire direction his backside was facing. He quickly spun to face the direction of the sound to confirm his theory, which was correct. The noise came from the beast's throat and vibrated through its whole body, which was identified as a loud purr.
Once identifying the sound and its source, the operator's head hung from vertigo of the sudden ascent from the beast's midsection to his face. Identifying his transportation's sudden break, the operator begged, with tears in his eyes, to the beast to not put him in his dark, humid cavern, presumably his huge mouth.
Upon hearing the pleas, begs and cries, the beast let out a sharp chirp of surprise and a high pitched whine of guilt, tears almost forming at the corner of his eyes, his thoughts playing on repeat on what people thought he was, a mindless beast. A freak. A feral man-eater. A monster. He quickly brushed those thoughts away in hope of trying to calm the weeping, shaking mess of the man, that's still begging for his life, in the centre of his palm. On impulse, he quickly brought his hands to his cheek, trying to hug the operator long enough for him to calm down.
The seasoned operator kept an eye on the beast with baited breath, watching to make sure the newcomer was unharmed in the titan's clutches.
Maybe the beast was toying with him when he started purring again, but the young operator wasn't wet nor fighting for his life against a giant muscle, so he took it as a good sign to open his eyes and maybe calm down. His bloodshot red eyes cracked open, glancing around trying to identify the pitch black area with only a few beams of moonlight coming from above loose fingers. He then spread out his arms in front of him, hands being met with the resistance of skin, pushing and kneading into the unknown area of flesh in front of him.
After pushing it for sometime, the beast's pulled his hand away to bring it back down to the lighthouse's window, where the gruff operator patiently waited for his return. Halfway there, he hesitated. He then quickly brought up his hand up to bridge of nose, to, by the looks of it, nuzzle the operator in the form of an apology.
The operator seeing the beast's ears flattened on his head with the heavy regret and guilt in his eyes, was taken back how he made a titan, a being with immeasurable power, more than enough to destroy cities and end people's lives, if he wanted, apologise(without speaking) for nearly scaring him to death.
After he got his bearings together, the beast saw this and briskly put the young man back into the room, but not before giving him a sloppy, gentle lick on his side, spiking the side of his hair into the air being held by nothing but, much thicker than usual saliva.
The seasoned operator took the other into his arms, bridal style, relieved that the beast outside didn't do any lasting damage to the person sitting limply in his arms. He looked into the operator's eyes but all he could see, was no emotion. Just a blank stare off to who knows where. "Tha' was quite scary, wasn' it?" the older man asked, snapping the other out of whatever thoughts he had. He wouldn't admit it to himself but, he'd almost passed out from when those giant, gray eyes first landed on him, and the only thing keeping him awake at that time, was awestruck adrenaline.
"Yes, sir, that was, terrifying but, also, exciting, to say the least." The young man admitted, shock on his face, directed at no one. He had time to process the rollercoaster of the events that just happened to him in the span of under half an hour.
The seasoned operator walked back over to the unlit flashlight preparing himself to have a hard time turning it back on again.
While all of this is happening inside of the lighthouse, the rumbles of kneefall, were coming from the beast skirting around to get the back of the lighthouse. Most likely to get out of the workers' hair, metaphorically.
Once the young operator got up to help the seasoned one to help to get to back to work, the beast idly watched them to make sure it worked. Not for that reason only, but also to reassure himself that the younger operator is okay, keeping in mind that he caused enough trouble for himself, and he would leave when the two workers got the flashlight on.
Within seconds, it did.
So with a couple rumbles in the earth, he pushed himself to a steady stand to get himself ready to go back home. What he didn't expect, was the young operator shouting a "Hey!" at him so suddenly, it was enough for him to flinch. Whipping his head to the direction of the top of the lighthouse tower, his eye fell upto the operator with the older one in tow. Seeing this for himself, he slightly turned to have a better view, letting out a quiet chirp of question and surprise to the one addressing him.
"Uhhhhhh," the younger operator bowed his head as he got the beast's full attention, "you don't have to leave if you don't have a place to stay. You can stay here, please don't leave here forever because of me!" The younger man projected as he looked up to see shock on the beast's face in the dim moonlight.
"Do you have a home?" the younger operator asked, voice watery, scared of the answer he might receive. To his relief, the beast nodded and gave a chirp of approval but went ahead to take a quick step away, thinking that he's overstaying his arrival. Before the young man could get out of the beast's vision, he shoved a hand at the beast in the form of a handshake.
Before realising how stupid the action looked, the beast came over, slowly crouched behind the lighthouse and gently took more than half of the arm between his thumb and index finger, making sure to not add any pressure to the limbs between them. The beast appreciating the gesture nonetheless, purred the whole time, content that the operator gave him a second chance and even wanted him to stay.
As the beast let go of the arm, he gave out another short purr as he turned and left to go wherever home was. The young operator watched him go until he was just another shadow in the dark sky.
He couldn't wait until he came again because he the only monstrous thing about the legend's beast, was only his size.
The End
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Redesign reference: "Phantom"
Presenting my redesign of Phantom, drawn by the amazingly talented evansdaemon!
Update: they now have a Tumblr @evansdaemon !
So let's get straight to it!
-Rather than getting tanner as Phantom, Danny's skin is a sort of blue gray. It's not as pronounced as Vlad's, but I like the idea of the blue tint being something they have in common.
-Green iris, yellowish scalera.
-My Danny didn't actually go into the portal in hazmat, just his street clothes- so this isn't Phantom's default look, just his ghost busting get up. This is what he looks like when he's not actively superhero-ing. Anyway, Evan did an absolutely wonderful job making it look less skin tight and more hazmat-y. They also seem to have snuck in a little bit of a galaxy pattern and I friggin love it!!
-Danny doesn’t have the logo until he’s established himself as a known vigilante. Sam still designs it for him, but it’s not a sticker, Danny is just able to manipulate his appearance to add it. His hoodie gets a logo change, too.
-A ghost’s appearance is often a reflection of how they view themselves, So once Danny has started taking the superhero thing seriously, he adjusts accordingly, hence the addition of the logo.
-The hazmat also gets padding in the knees and elbows, this is something Danny does subconsciously after fighting ghosts for a while, and it does help minimize injury, to an extent.
-The Fenton phones, along with his thermos and hip holster, are a near constant accessory. They're used to keep in touch with Sam and Tucker during planned patrols.
-As Phantom Danny has glowing green Lichtenberg figures! They’re not visible under most circumstance since they’re mostly centered on his back and arms, and thus covered, but they are there, and can be seen from time to time.
-His ears are tapered/pointy, and prehensile to the extent that he can sorta swivel and twitch them. 
-FANGS (“standard” set, sharpened lateral incisors on top row, and canines on the bottom) 
-Retractable claws. They grow out a dark green, almost black color. they’re very sharp, and thick, not easily cut, filed, or broken. He’ll eventually wind up making the gloves fingerless because of them.
-Normally, Danny doesn’t have any of these features in human form unless he chooses to, but sometimes they slip out when he’s angry or other wise overwhelmed emotionally.
Going ghost: Might not seem like something of note, just because of how obvious it is, but along with going from human to ghost, The white transformation wings can also be weaponized, as the let out a sort of energy pulse that can repel enemies. 
It also fucks with nearby electronics, and causes Tucker So Much Grief.
Ghost sense: Since I decided on swapping Danny's ice powers for electrical ones, the ghost sense is no longer visible as an icy breath. When Danny senses another ghost it’s more in line with a static shock, like when you rub your socks on carpet and then touch a door knob. 
Standard ghost powers include; intangibility, invisibility, and flight/levitation. That last one can also be used to walk on walls and ceilings or just glide across the floor like an ice skater. 
Danny has two variations of ecto-blasts:  
-The first of which is just green ectoplasmic energy, and the second being ecto-energy charged with electricity. 
-Danny has the ability to conduct and manipulate electricity due to the nature of how he “died” and the charged ecto-blasts are an extension of that. 
Ectoplasmic constructs: shapes made of ectoplasm, usually shields or other barriers, but this ability can also be used to form things temporarily like ropes or weaponry.
Energy reflection and absorption: self explanatory, this is either used in the form or a shield that will redirect an enemy attack, or to absorb the energy from said attack and throw it behind one of his own. 
Ghostly wail: Same as in canon, with the addition of being able to interfere with technology, causing massive power outages and effectively frying any electrical appliances.
Echo location: a combination of the ghost sense and aspect of the ghostly wail used to locate another ghosts exact location. Like how a bat uses vibrations. 
Voice manipulation: The ability to make his voice echo or sound other-wise distorted. 
Telekinesis: why the fuck did we only see him use this power ONCE? to move a fucking rake?? he can levitate shit c’mon. Ya bois part poltergeist. 
Exorcism: The ability to knock another ghost out of a possessed person. Due to the fact that Danny has an actual living body he cannot overshadow or posses people….and he himself is still suspectable to possession. He has more of a chance to fight off a ghost than the average person, however. Were Danny to get possessed, his ghost half would get knocked out of his body ala gravity falls sock opera style. 
Ghost-tail: When flying at high speeds Danny’s legs shift to a ghostly tail. He can also consciously choose to shift to a tail at any other given time. Although sometimes it just happens when he gets excited. He'll start flicking it around like a cat and he doesn't even realize half the time.
Death throes: Most ghosts have the ability to channel the cause of their death. Danny’s ability to manipulate electricity is an extension of his death thoe. When fully activated he appears as he did in the moment of his “death.” The Hazmat suit takes on inverted colors, and Danny’s body is lit up in an electric green aura, with his skeleton becoming visible. He is highly unstable in this state, as he feels the pain of electrocution the entire time. All of his powers are heightened in this state, and his body crackles with a continuous electrical charge. 
Ghost-portal manipulation: Like Wulf, Danny can use his claws to open and close portals into the ghost zone, this is also an extension of his death throe.
Danny has a lot of other less noticeable abilities that he can use in human form:
-Accelerated healing, injuries heal a great deal faster than the average human.
-Enhanced durability, can take hits that would seriously injure the average human being 
-Enhanced speed, strength, agility, reflexes, stamina, and balance 
-In ghost form, A lot of Danny’s bodily functions slow, allowing him to survive for minutes at a time without oxygen, (or even longer, if he's in the Ghost Zone) and for long periods without food, water or sleep. 
in human form Danny's powers are limited to invisibility and intangibility. He's too heavy for flight without all the Ectoplasm flooding his body, and while he can form ectoblasts he can't really control them enough do anything but burn his hands. 
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oliandersthoughts · 2 years
𝒌𝒚𝒍𝒐 / 𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒗𝒂 ... 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
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kylo antonie chevalier 
bday : dec 29 (capricorn)
this is a rough picture of him (picrew - gentleman of hera). 
kylo is a hybrid of dragon and human. little bit more towards the human side of the spectrum. he has three forms, human (powers are still present and strong but not as powerful as they are in other forms), hybrid (human body with dragon scales, powers at their highest potential without transforming), dragon (!!rarely used!! too over powered and dangerous to be useful).
powers - usually... i describe kylos power as something along the lines of an orangy pink material thats similar to crystal. usually coming out in shards when used in defense, but he also uses it to make things for other people, sometimes. its perfectly clear apart from the almost salmon-y colored tint. They may seem more similar to diamonds on first glance but they have little to no value.
uses/specialty abilities - able to produce almost indestructible flat sheets of crystal to protect self or others (size can vary, depends on the situation - later in life he is able to completely dome whole kingdoms with this ability in order to protect them). 
he can shoot sharp crystals from his hands on command with no delay or cooldown, ability will be deadly if intentionally wanting someone to be dead. these are usually quite small, larger ones require more time to be generated and are less effective.
he is capable of big meteorites of crystal but he would need protection and cover when doing so. 
large spikey walls of crystal are very effective in situations where the enemy army is advancing to quickly, it will push them back and knock out a large amount of soldiers. kylo can produce these instantly with no warning, but it takes a lot of physical toll on his hands as it can exhaust them.
kylo is capable of a lot of other things since his crystals shape, size, etc. are all under his control.
more personal details of kylo will be contained within a different post! (to much to be in along side all of the following and the prior details).
nation/nationality - kylo’s place of birth is a kingdom by the name of Narva. its native language is french, but english is also very widely spoken. it is nestled in the circle of a snowy mountain range, but opens to one side with an entrance to ocean water. on the opposite side lie lush and dense spruce forests before the mountains begin to create a natural barrier to outside worlds. though roads have been created through the mountains big enough for cars/carriages (time frame isn't 100%). 
Narva has beautiful but heavy and harsh winters with a delicate summer. traveling the roads during winter in Narvian terrain/territory is not recommended, as snow fall is incredibly heavy and constant. 
speaking of winter... how about we take a trip to a Narvian winter solstice festival? There will be drinking of hot/warm red wine (it sounds a lot like a drink from Scandinavia i believe thats drank around christmas time but i think that has almonds in it to?)), very good hot chocolate, and other various alcoholic beverages. as for food, pickled things and other foods that had been preserved celebrate the other seasons and times when things were plentiful. it also represents being able to hold onto fortune and gifts. pickled carrots are probably the most widely seen thing on Narvian residents tables during this time of year. it takes place 2 weeks before christmas, as christmas is also a very prominent holiday in Narvian culture.
activities would include - for the kids... snow angel contests, snowball fights, snowpeople contests, sledding (ofc). for others... ice sword fencing (with protection), ice skating (also for the kiddos), purchasing pre-christmas gifts for your loved ones from the artists/makers at the festival is a good way to support your fellow townsfolk and their products make very thoughtful gifts!
Narva as a city... celebrations - this does not only include major holidays, but parties that may occur annually every year but aren't necessarily considered holidays. list (not in order) : winter solstice festival, christmas, current kings birthday, some of the annual balls/gallas, celebration of maylai the second, celebration of azra the first, aimer (similar to our valentines day) ... 
Narva as a city... reputation - Narva is known for winter, war, weaponry, iron, notoriously well armed (with soldiers), always winning wars, being wealthy, roses, being powerful
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rainbowrider1290 · 3 years
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My take on a Genshin Impact Circus AU Part 4 with Noelle as a strongwoman and Amber as a death-defying archery stuntwoman. Their backstories are under the cut!
First off I have a very self-indulgent headcanon that she is ridiculously strong. Like. Can benchpress people. Canonverse or AU.
She used to help out around the circus and she was kind of indifferent to the fact that she was likely going to be a maid. It's a respectable profession. And helping out at her childhood friends' (Kaeya and Diluc) manor as she'd been born into doing seemed like a good job.
How she got into the circus life requires a bit of backstory. Back when they were kids, Kaeya, Diluc, and Noelle would mess around (as kids do) and have little challenges for themselves. Who can run the fastest, who can do the best cartwheel, who can jump the highest, and the like.
Noelle got a little hesitant as she got into her early teens bc she was always told to be ladylike, so she spent one or two of their hangout sessions watching Kaeya and Diluc and talking. One day, however, Kaeya and Diluc are being Teenage Boys and lifting heavy things trying to outlift each other. Noelle has lifted furniture when cleaning up after these two so she figures this one unladylike thing would be okay.
She comes up behind them and just. Picks them both up. On top of the things they were lifting already. Kaeya and Diluc have to take a second and just look at her like "yeah no you are never sitting out of our competitions again"
And so they try other things like cartwheels and tests of courage like who can climb the highest on a tree and things are back to normal.
Skip forward a few years and Crepus dies. There's a huge mystery around it that not even his son's attendants are privy to. The only thing people know is that the sons have been sent away to boarding school. The whole manor is abandoned, all the workers fired.
Noelle for the next few years spends her time working at laundromats, and other odd jobs, but eventually she runs out of luck and suddenly there's too many people and not enough opportunities.
One of her friends from one of her old jobs invites her to go out and see this new circus that happens to be in town. She goes because why not. And wouldn't you know it one of the acts is her childhood friends doing these death-defying stunts that hit her with a wave of nostalgia bc their entire act consists of essentially the song "anything you can do" but with more and more dangerous stunts.
Noelle of course has to say hi, so they catch up and Noelle's lack of work comes up and would you look at that Aether and Lumine happen to have an opening for a maid.
So Noelle settles in, continuing to lift heavy shit to clean under it (Bennett swears up and down he saw her lift a fridge once but he might've been sleep-deprived). She also got into helping Chongyun with the techy stuff so sometimes she'll be at tech rehearsals moving things around and one time a rope holding up a person breaks near Noelle and she. catches it.
Now, one night. One of the acts drops out at the last moment bc injury or last-minute commitment or the like. And it leaves a gap in the show. Everyone else is busy. And panicking bc the circus is still relatively new and they really need to build their rep rn.
They start wondering what kind of last-minute acts they can put together like "what about the gymnasts??" "They all have group routines" "do they have old routines??" "Not polished enough for what we need" and someone somewhere pipes up "man I wish we had a strongman or something" and Diluc and Kaeya immediately whip their heads around to look at each other for like half a second before Kaeya bolts. He finds Noelle doing her usual rounds she's been doing for like a month now and Bennett was right, she is currently under a mini-fridge that she is lifting over her head whilst leaning it against a wall.
Kaeya takes Noelle by the shoulders and just zooms her over to where the commotion is happening and pitches the idea to Aether and Lumine. They're hesitant as hECK bc this is a huge risk they're taking since Noelle isn't even a performer but Diluc pitches that they could literally just scatter really heavy items and have Noelle clean under them and as long as she looks at the audience every once in a while it can be played off as a bit.
Noelle with qUITE the stammer says that she'll try her best but at this time is in need of a moment. She has never performed before. Kaeya and Diluc have to go perform so they leave her with a shoulder squeeze and a thumbs up.
She gets on-stage. She flinches under the lights for a second. She takes a deep breath and focuses on the first thing before her with her best "oh heavens, it's filthy in here", and she gets through the entire act by doing that for every object. So the audience is seeing this seemingly petite young girl lift the equivalent of a hecking car in order to clean under it.
Needless to say, there's roaring applause the second Noelle leaves (which she hears from far away because holy shit I just cleaned for people and they liked it)
This was a bit of a one-time thing and she goes back to her regular maid duties until the circus gets a new strongman by the name "Zhongli".
His style is more about lifting exTREMELY LARGE ROCKS, and breaking them in half whilst giving a history/geology lesson on them.
He quietly observes the maid who he hears fantastical stories of That One Time She Charmed An Audience By Cleaning. He was bewildered at first but saw the merit of it while watching her clean. He immediately decides that this girl has sO MUCH. POTENTIAL that is being wasted by having her work as a maid. He has nothing against maids or their profession, but he invites her to train with him.
Noelle gets hELLA stronger and they come to a conclusion. Noelle performs part-time and is a maid part-time. She doesn't have a particular performance style. She'll sometimes play catch with Zhongli and his big rocks, other times she'll be in the background of performers like Amber in the art lifting some hEAVY SHIT.
She gets along with Chongyun super well bc Chongyun has to make less trips to move his equipment since he's worked with her. She's a blessing for when they have to pack up and move.
Amber's story is a little more straightforward. She started out engaged to a suitor. Amber was the kid in kindergarten who was learning about dragons and "idk what everyone else was doing". She's known what she wants for a long time, and what she wants at the moment, is not a relationship.
Throughout her childhood she was a very lonely child. Her family exposed her to lots of academic or ladylike things (do not ask me when this au is set, it's the 1800s and the 1990s at the same time or a suspendes steampunk time) to get her away from the thing she liked most: archery. She'd been exposed to it as a kid and latched on.
This drove a bunch of suitors away, so her family got more desperate and exposed her to more classes and activities to get her away from it. She went "that's easy, I'll just practice at night"
So she does that. She practices at night and underperforms in the coming weeks. It is during this time that her parents (high class ppl) find her a man to marry for some business deal idk.
The man's nice enough. It's just obvious he can only take Amber in small doses, and Amber takes full advantage of this to practice and stay in shape.
How Amber gets into the circus life was essentially running away. She bonds with Eula over this.
So because of all the attempts to make her fit into the ideal lady description, her rebellious streak said "yeah we're going to go as far away from that as possible" and she goes "I'm going to run away with the circus" bc that's what the books she's read say is the most rebellious thing you can do.
She finds THE FIRST circus she sees and begs to be let in. This is the shadiest most sketchy place but Amber sees it as the key to her freedom. She signs a contract.
They treat her like the US treats their students. She barely gets time to practice for performances and she's mostly doing dirty work. When they ask her what she can do she's like "I'm really good at archery" and they go "cool, you're going to be doing that while everything is on fire now. Can you do a handstand"
Essentially they push her and push her and push her to do more and more hazardous things she has to pick up on under the threat of being kicked to the curb.
After a while of this Amber is extremely burned out (pun intended) and as she's packing up after one of her shows, covered in burns but proud bc she hit all her targets without killing anyone, she's approached by a blond foreigner.
Tbh for all she's read, Amber really doesn't consider leaving and this time she can't run away since she's now bound by a contract (not Zhongli's btw in case anyone was wondering).
This foreigner tells her that there's so many ways to improve her situation and that he runs a circus looking for members.
Amber refuses since she's not getting tangled up in another legal mess, but she takes his advice on how to take care of her burns, and improve safety while she's performing.
Skip a few months. She hears word of this mysterious new circus around. Her encounter with who she'll later know as Aether stuck with her, and so she goes. To see whether she could really shoot her arrows without being burned alive.
After a show one night, she tries to get past security and fails repeatedly. She turns to leave and wouldn't you know it there's Aether. And Lumine. Waiting for her once she turns the corner. Amber's biggest concern is her existing contract and when Aether and Lumine say they have a nICE lawyer, Amber sees her next step to freedom.
Aether and Lumine essentially gain custody of Amber (but like for adults) and Amber is. Shocked. She's walked through her new contract of employment clearly and essentially treated like a human being.
And now that she knows things and has more freedom (though still under the watchful eyes of Aether and Lumine to see how she does) her creativity and competitive streak flourish. She decides she actually doesn't hate fire, she just doesn't like when she doesn't know when or where it's coming. And she makes fast friends with the gymnasts, so she ends up incorporating that into her routines. Now she uses her canon goggles to protect her from the burning eyes of prolonged smoke exposure when she uses fire.
When she meets a little pyromanic girl named Klee, she's thrilled that someone this chaotic and sure of herself exists.
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fragmentwitch · 3 years
Pondering Eua and Re:Unanswered Questions
Me after finishing Gou:
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I have several questions but I will spend most of this post trying to answer just one.
If a new rule allows Rika and Satoko to transfer to the same new fragment after dying, did she really keep track of which Rika since that was made only after the Chandelier death?
Is Gou Rika Matsuribayashi Rika? Or Chandelier Rika? If the Rika she gets in her happy ending isn't her actual original Rika, could this be the cost Eua might have vaguely warned about and not actually the loops bleeding into people's memories?
Is Satoko a piece of Lambdadelta along with Vier/LD3105/Mitsuyo and Eua a piece of Featherine's? And not actually Lambdatoko? Or is Ryukishi just trolling with having Eua babble nonsense (Thinking Emoji)
Where/when will the Logic Error occur?
I used to believe the error was in the original series going off the VERY VAGUE statement about the beginning and end being connected. Never has there ever been a perfectly airtight idea of what the real Logic Error is though, and the new mechanics shown by Gou really makes my brain hurt.
Are Hanyuu and Eua the same person? Are Eua and FEATHERINE the same person?
I continue to have hope Hanyuu doesn't get retconned into being a Big Bad Evil Demon Lady named Eua, despite mounting implications that suggest otherwise. I had originally been led to believe Hanyuu was a piece that was left to roam the game board by her Game Master: given that she's been part of the Hinamizawa world for 1k years I wondered for a bit if she was a Witch that somehow lost her memory. Kotohogushi is a bit dubious on the canonicity so I have to remind myself the translation about Hanyuu coming from a line of 'alien' like people transferring their consciousness from another dimension with a grain of salt.
But Eua looks so much like Featherine I've been rewatching her scenes lately and thinking... this line I really keep thinking about:
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What did Eua mean by this? She phrases it like there is someone/something of a higher power than even herself.
In terms of ranking, Lambda described Aurora higher than Voyagers/Witches. She was one step below THE Creator (supposedly there is a typo where there is actually just One Creator and Aurora is merely a Witch with a comparable power to a creator but idk Japanese so cant verify this).
From the way she worded things, she isn't talking to Satoko exclusively: she's talking about Vier, LD3105, and Mitsuyo. Referencing that it took hundreds of millions of loops for Eua and Satoko to meet 'once more'. Surely this can't mean Rika's looping merely referring to Hanyuu and Satoko; that sort of looping sounds beyond 100 years' worth.
Could it be that Eua is a self-aware god piece referring to all the various Expies in the WTCverse as being the same person at the heart of things? Possibly... but let's remember that Featherine lost her memory when her device was damaged; Lambda described it as one severe enough to alter her memory, appearance, and personality. It happened once, and Featherine would likely be extremely guarded against letting it happen again. How it happened is one more mystery.
Back to Eua: when Satoko asks her to 'alter' the rules of the game, and she acts like it's no biggie, then this carries heavy implications of being the Game Master/Territory Lord. If she was merely a piece, no amount of self-awareness would make her capable of altering the actual rules on a whim would it?
There's also this line she spoke to Satoko in episode 18ish: "The horn that granted the cat power was damaged, but mine is not."
Note that she says horn singular. Not plural. She doesn't say "mine are not" and confirms Rika was given the looping ability by something external. Yet she doesn't assign it a name (Hanyuu), just refers to it as an object. Which might be a hint as to how Featherine might create piece Witches: her device might be a way of transferring loop power with more permanence that gets around a 'sponsorship' which can be withdrawn at the Witch's discretion.
Also recall that when Satoko touches the Oyashiro statue (whose arm is intact but has a hollow head), it shatters on the upper part and only one horn falls out onto the floor. Not a horseshoe shaped device like Featherine's. It's also black, while Eua's is all white. Yet Hanyuu's horns are still with one chunk missing and colored black. Eua also mentions she isn't supposed to even have a name, in fact, her meeting with Satoko seems almost by 'chance' (she speaks like Satoko summoned her to the fragment in this manner). Hanyuu's full real name is given in a chapter that is dubiously semi-canon, so Ryukishi might elect to leave it out of Gou, but her husband Riku Furude gave her the nickname 'Hanyuu'. (Which still contains the character for Feather)
These observations are making me consider the possibility that Hanyuu and Eua are separate personas of a singular entity: The smooth horn belongs to Eua while the broken one belongs to Hanyuu. Black and White; a contrast between the kind demon mother who feels Rika's pain and lived on the gameboard & the demon who relishes in tormenting humans, too above to be part of the gameboard herself.
So, that leads us to the million dollar question: who is the entity if we put both horns together? Do we get Featherine Augustus Aurora? Or the Oyashiro living in this reverse-world Hinamizawa and hiding inside the actual statue? (Seriously is there a corpse in there? Wtf)
Or are these two halves of a GM making a tug of war for control over the Higurashi Catbox via their loopers? Now THAT is a mindblower if true.
We got our answer that Takano forfeited her villain role before Gou actually began so that may explain why the legend of Oyashiro is told deceptively 'wrong', but how does one account for the unbroken statue with a removeable head... could we potentially get a fragment in Sotsu where Satoko doesn't break the arm off it as a child and thus it affects all the loops afterwards? Hmm.
Either way we haven't actually caught up to GOU chronologically speaking, so until Sotsu comes out, there's no way to tell for sure if Eua and Hanyuu are one and the same or if they are actually two halves of a whole. But I will be a happy camper if this crackpot theory turns out to be right. Usually I'm wrong though. Lol
But now I'll definitely see about cooking up a diagram or something if we can actually make a branching map of the different Rikas to figure out which one is Gou Rika.
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
Pink roses (hikaru backstory part one)
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Decided to explain hikaru more cause I love him
Warning this story contains: child abuse, heavy talks about incest, talk about sexual themes, toxic relationships
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"such clear skin, what a cutie he would be perfect for our movie"
Hikaru kept his head down as he gripped the Lacy pink dress his mother made him wear. He was always dolled up like a little girl his mother said it was to get more people to love him but a part of him knew it was cause he looked adorable like this and older men liked that.
His mother and father were famous both actors and models, his older twin sisters were also gaining popularity for them coming out as transgender. Hikaru's little sister was starting her career as a child actress in movies, as the middle child hikaru was told that he always had to do things he never wanted to. That's how it was, he was told to smile and act cute after all being a star was practically the reason he was born.
"are you ready to start the movie?"
With a shaky nod hikaru nodded before following the men into a back room, what happened next was nothing short of horrific. He watched as his mother counted the large stack of money as they both sat in the back of the black van. With a shaking hand he reached out gripping his mother's arm only for her to coldly push his hand away.
"you didn't make nearly as much as you should have, didn't I tell you that wearing makeup will make them like you more? Guess we just have to try harder tommorow right?" Hikaru gulped harshly before giving his mother a nervous grin before nodding.
Hikaru's family always ignored him unless they needed something, everyone but his brothers they had a sick love for their baby brother. A sick love that shaped hikaru into the person he is, they were four years older than him. Hikaru was ten when their harassment began
"so pretty hika, like a little doll"
"how about you be our dollie? If you let us dress you up then maybe you'll get more attention from mother and father"
Hikaru was basically signing a deal with the devil but it worked, more and more attention was shown his way and he loved every ounce of it, every praise and worship sent him over the moon. He got anything he wanted as long as he smiled pretty during photoshoots and let his brothers have their sadistic fun.
"I want a dog."
"a dog? Oh sweetie dogs are filthy and disgusting"
"I WANT a dog"
Hikaru glared at his father who hated seeing hikaru so upset, how could he say no?plus his birthday was awfully close So the next day they took a drive out hikaru expected them to go to a pet store so he can pick out his furry friend but instead they stopped infront of a house.
"papa, where are we?"
"we're getting you a dog pumpkin, now this dog is very special. You have to train him extra hard even if he cries for you to stop..no matter how human he looks he isn't"
Hikaru was confused but followed his father into the house only to see a family, two boys and a mother. Hikaru didn't really focus on his father speaking or the screaming, instead he walked over to the oldest son and curiously touched him.
The two stared at each other for a few seconds before hikaru's father guided both boys home. Salem was forced to sit on the car floor and hikaru couldn't help but at confusion at his new..pet? He wanted a real dog this was a person granted the person was very pretty looking but they were still a person.
Once home hikaru was allowed to play with his new companion but he wasn't sure exactly what to do, how does one interact in a situation like this? Hikaru sat on his bed while salem sat on the floor in the corner of the room
"what's your name?"
Hikaru gave a small hum before hearing his brothers burst into his room as usual probably to toy with him once more.
"hika, we found a really cute maid outfit we wanna see you in"
"be our pretty catgirl meow meow~"
The two boys stopped and gazed at salem who whined slightly before curling up more out of fear. The two boys were very protective of hikaru so of course a random person in their sweet baby brother's room was a huge no. Yuuta, the older twin was like a wild bull when angry all he knew was rage. With one swift movement he snatched salem up holding him up by the back of his shirt like he was some alleycat.
"so, he finally got you your own dog? Well I suppose it's better than a cat why isn't it leashed up hika?"
"he probably doesnt know what to do..how adorable! This is his first dog"
The second twin was yuuji, he always reminded hikaru of a snake who manipulated everyone to get what he wanted cause he was cute, he usually hid behind yuuta poking his head out from behind his twin and always wearing such an innocent childish expression.
Hikaru stood infront of the boys unsure of how to save this situation, if he defended salem then his family might see him different and that terrified him more than ever. He gulped as he simply tried to mimic his brothers in the way they acted towards strangers or those lower than them
"g-give my mutt back already, he's mine I'll deal with him my way" he stood tall as he tried to seem rough but he wasn't expecting salem to bite but he winced at the sight of yuuta dropping him before kicking the poor boy so hard his back hit the wall
"stupid mutt! Ugh I have a mark! Hika you gonna let that mouth breather do that?" Hikaru glanced over at salem who slowly tried to stand up despite the intense pain throughout his entire body.
"what...should I do?"
This time it was yuuji who spoke up now moving to hug hikaru from behind with a dark grin, he slowly trailed his hands lower and lower...making hikaru feel dirty.
"bad dogs deserve to be beaten and punished, he's not a real human he's a dog in a human costume" hikaru felt his blood run Cold as he stared at the bruised shaking boy in the corner, what did this person do to him to warrant this abuse? Hikaru turned to face his brother only to tense at his cold expression.
"if you protect that thing, I swear we'll make you wish you were dead.. who knows what might happen if mother and father find out you want to make friends with commoners, we helped you so you don't have to do anymore of those scary movies..do you want to go back to that hika?"
Hikaru sucked in a sharp breath as he remembered all those dirty feelings that would go for hours upon hours, he felt like he cracked a little and tears filled his eyes thinking about that horrible horrible moment. "No! Please! No more! I can't do that again!" His blubbering gained both boys attention which resulted them sandwiching him in a hug, he was trapped both mentally and physically.
"be a good boy, we just want to help you"
"there's no one else you can trust hika, now you know what you have to do!"
They released him only to push him towards salem who was once again curled up shaking, the two locked eyes for a few minutes before hikaru closed his eyes tightly and slapped salem across the face as hard as he possibly could only to hear a tiny yelp from the boy. Hikaru slowly opened his eyes only to see salem crying while holding his cheek, the sting feeling hikaru felt reminded him that he went another day free from torment.
Hikaru slowly got more and more used to hitting salem after that, it came a point where he had forgotten why he was smacking him around. It became a point where hikaru became colder and crueler, he was truly acting like a member of the family.
One day hikaru can back from school heartbroken, he went into his room and laid in his bed ignoring salem who slept on the floor. Salem had never heard hikaru cry but the sound made his chest tighten, hikaru soon felt someone nudge him and he sat up only to see salem sitting on his knees in front of the bed.
Hikaru don't know what came over him but he ended up letting salem lay in bed with him that night. The two gazed at each other and it was salem who reached out grasping hikaru's hands and interlacing their fingers together. There was a long silence before hikaru gave a low huff
"salem.. you'll love me forever won't you?"
"yes master!"
Those words were what drove hikaru to press his lips against the male's the kiss definitely got far more intense and before the two knew it they were getting far more intimate, it was definitely a night hikaru couldn't forget but it was also a night that granted the two many consequences.
From the hallway two whispering voices were heard, two very angry and betrayed voices.
"I'll kill that damn mutt for dirtying hikaru!"
"poor hika, he's too innocent to make these choices he needs his big brothers. We should show him just how awful dogs are"
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Today's post is not on the usual "writer blog fare" side. Instead I am going to introduce you to several fun facts about various animals on our planet and then talk about worldbuilding.
1. Lampreys are a kind of "living fossil"- a not-really-so-scientific term for a creature that has lived unchanged for a very long time, so long that we have fossils of them looking the same way they do now. They don't have proper jaws, just a circular sucking mouth with teeth set into it and a tongue designed to strip flesh off of what it touches. They're finless fish, look quite a bit like eels, and have this really alien, uncanny vibe to them.
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[id: a long, slender bluish-silver lamprey sitting among rocks. It has a long snout, an eye, and then six small perforations in its side arranged at an even interval sitting behind the eye. The environment it is sitting in is very yellow and green in comparison. end id]
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[id: an image of a lamprey from below. The snout ends in a round, flat mouth which is studded with teeth in four concentric circles. The teeth are smallest near the outer edge and largest in the middle, and look like very sharp round points. In the center of this ring is another, smaller circle, where the pointed, tooth-like tongue can be seen, as well as a hole for the lamprey to actually ingest food with. Its eye is visible, as are some of the perforations on its side. This one is a more mottled gray than the first one was, and less shiny. end id]
Sea lampreys, which are the kind i've sort of not really kinda researched, are a major pest in the Great Lakes, where they regularly attack fish. They can get up to two feet in length. Despite this, they are not particularly dangerous towards humans.
2. Horseshoe crabs are also "living fossils." They've been around and virtually unchanged for millions of years. They're not true crabs, and are more closely related to chelicerata species, like spiders and scorpions (and many more). There are a lot of cool features of horseshoe crabs, but one of their most extremely cool, to me, is their blood.
I'm not going to post any images of what I consider to be animal cruelty, so you'll have to take me at my word here, but this is a bottle of horseshoe crab blood. If you're sensitive to images of animal cruelty, I don't recommend looking for proof, but if you aren't, there are plenty of images of the blood coming out of the creature for you to verify this with.
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E[id: a bottle of slightly frothy, opaque blue liquid. It is sitting in a row with several other bottles of the same material. end id]
I am a sucker for blue blood, I just think it's neat, so that's all I'd need as an excuse to slam some horseshoe-crab-inspired nonsense in my exceptionally gory and fucked up wips, and if you've been reading along with WiB you may have noticed that blue blood does come into play at some point! But that's not all that's neat about horseshoe crab blood. Unfortunately for the horseshoe crabs, but fortunately for us, their blood is literally the only source of an important compound used for detecting the presence of dangerous bacteria in certain pharmaceutical drugs. (Fortunately, there are replacements that will hopefully become more popular in coming years.)
Now that we've gone over all that, onto the worldbuilding!
I worldbuild by Rule of Cool. Let's just get that out of the way. Every so often people will ask me how my worlds get so expansive (not WiB, WiB i made up on the fly by cribbing from fanfic and like... BBC Merlin. Assume very little of this holds true for WiB) and the answer is largely that I take every interest I have ever had in anything and smash it all together and throw it at my wip to see what sticks. and then I just... like... reasonably attempt to figure out what the natural conclusions will be.
So: we have lampreys. We have blue-blooded ancient sea creatures with spectacularly important and valueable blood. We are writing this into a story that takes place on land, somehow.
- The first option, and the one I'm going to talk about most because I did it, is just to rule-of-cool it into a character. (Or a place, or an item, or whatever, but largely I do rule-of-cool on living creatures and think harder about the world around them.) If you've been keeping up with WiB, you may have noticed that (spoilers) Zero Point is some kind of fucked up magician with a lamprey mouth in their hand who shapeshifts and bleeds blue. This is where I got those inspirations from (along with, like, some other stuff. I promise there are no lamprey assassins, but- continuing in the trend of stealing from sea creatures- the bobbin worm is a spectacularly beautiful, spectacularly deadly creature if you're within its weight range. which is like, goldfish size, but. And cuttlefish are known to disguise themselves as other animals, and can change sexes if the male:female ratio where they are isn't ideal.)
So you can take the elements you like, and just kind of slam them together haphazardly, which is what I did with Zero Point. The trick to this kind of worldbuilding is just to avoid looking too closely at it. The magical assassin has a fucked up mouth in their hand? Yeah, okay, that seems kind of fucked up and creepy. What do they do at all times? They hide it under a glove. So the protags Just Straight Up Never Ask. And voila; it never gets explained, and it never has to.
Same with the blue blood. It shows up, it functions as a plot device because only Zero Point has blue blood; it is never explained or even delved into with much detail. And if it were, it would fall apart instantly, because the justification is literally just "i thought it was neat. No, no one else is like that. I don't even know why they are. i just felt like it"
- The second option is to consider the effects of the things that you're working with, and then work off of that.
Let's take Zero Point again. Strip them of their context (weird assassin with magical powers) and just like, consider the fact that this is a creature with blood that regularly retails for over $10,000 USD, is intelligent as fuck, shapeshifts, has a mouth in their hand that may or may not be their actual mouth, and can exist on land so long as they have suitable access to water. What does that mean for our setting? Surely they're not the only person like that; so you have a whole species of people who are sort of but not really amphibious, shapeshift, and maybe have magical powers, who knows. They can't shapeshift their fucked up lamprey mouths, maybe. That seems like a reasonable limit. So their blood is highly valuable- what does that mean for their relations with other people, or their culture? What kind of foods do they eat? How do they create a sense of culture as shapeshifters; is there even a way that they represent themselves in art? How do they interact with the world? Do they have a "true form" or not? Every one of these questions will spawn new questions. If you answer all of them you'll lose your mind, but if you answer at least ten you'll spawn a much more background-heavy world that can help to shape your story much more effectively than trying to just craft a narrative will. Sometimes it works very well for a story. Sometimes it gets you lost in the weeds.
- The third option is to reference something else, and build off that. Again, let's use Zero Point as the example.
In the original story that the WiB ensemble is from, Closerverse, which may have some mentions on this blog but honestly I have no idea, there is a city that I've done quite a bit of worldbuilding on. This city is called Hudson, and one of the major important features of it is that it is partially underground. (This is a reference to the DFZ of Rachel Aaron's Heartstrikers series). Hudson is intentionally run to be the worst, most unpleasant city in the world, and one of its features are its wildly intelligent, dangerous forms of aquatic life. The lowest level of this city is partially submerged, and all of these creatures plague the people who live down there.
Closerverse was also set during a period of early industrialization, and Hudson heavily referenced US history, especially 1900s-1920s labor history. Tenements, pollution, zero protections for workers, et cetera. Hudson is a nasty, miserable place, and everyone who lives there can feel the jaws closing in on them.
Anyway, in Closerverse you got these fucked up massive eel-like creatures (lampreys, but with extra features) that due to some rather significant meddling wound up growing legs and then got really massive and started eating people. They have blue blood, glow in the dark, and make fairly decent eating as long as they aren't eating you. And they're intelligent. Given the whole "mutual eating each other" thing, the eels and the people of Hudson have some pretty major animosity going on.
Most of Zero Point's stuff is really just me referencing the Hudson Eels, because I fucking love those. They're some of my favorite worldbuilding elements ever. But given that no one else in WiB has ever seen a Hudson Eel, let alone seen their blood get dry on things, or whatever, everything about Zero Point is wildly out of context. And that almost makes it better, because the whole deal with them is that they're mysterious and weird, and having them be a mysterious and weird reference to something no one but I know about most likely is like, fun and neat.
There are, of course, other modes of worldbuilding as well, but I typically aim to stick to the first two as much as possible. The cooler you make something, the more possible questions it raises; the more questions something raises, the deeper your world gets.
Although, a word of advice: sometimes animals just do things. Sometimes bodies just have features. Who would invent fingernails? But having them is mighty convenient, isn't it? For that matter, who would come up with a deeply logical and reasoned explanation for eyebrows- but not having those would be very strange, to us. You can get away with doing a lot by just having that be how it is, and not having the characters comment on it.
Also, the more "shaped" a thing should be, the more you'll want to take the second approach. For house design, something intentionally built, you'll want to know why it was built, and what purpose is this and that room, and why is it painted such and such colors. But if you're talking about adding a second moon, like... fuck dude, who needs to know why there's a second moon? Maybe if you have sailors you have to know what it'll do to your oceans, but that's the kind of thing you can kind of just say exists and move on. You'll figure it out; it gets pretty intuitive.
Anyway, happy worldbuilding!
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January 3rd or One's Beginning is another's end (Daughters of Darkness)
This passage contains potentially: Explicit Language, Depictions of Violence (including mentions of blood), Smoking, Slang and maybe some bad translations.
Summary: An introduction to the world of the Daughters of Darkness, through the eyes of series protagonist Kirby 'Gluttony' Lucifarian. The first day and night, from her perspective, of them working for the WWF.
Kirby's POV:
Tuesday. The first day of being 'on the job', Tuesday the third of January 1984. Damien got us into the WWF. … Damien, managed to get us into the quickest rising wrestling promotion, popularity wise. To be honest with you, Damien's given us free reign to get to know people, for now. I don't know anyone here. I've heard of people here, such as the most famous giant in the world, and … Hogan.
I'm not here because I earned it, I'm here because I'm a necessity for the team. That's how I view it. That's how I've always viewed it. Vickie needed someone to make fun of and, well, I'm the easiest choice. Then, in the midst of a darker path of thought becoming clearer in my mind...
Both me and the figure I waltzed into thudded to the floor, "Oh, my good lord. I'm so sorry are you o..."
I looked at the figure before me, taking in how much trouble I had created in the last three seconds.
Taller than myself.
Head covered by a wild afro.
Around double my weight.
André the giant.
Flat on his arse … because of me.
Oh … Shit.
"Are you alright, Mademoiselle…"
I could tell he was searching for a name but didn't know it. Too frightened to even speak I glanced away. I noticed his shadow move.
His footsteps came closer, he sounded … worried, as if he didn't want me to get fired for this.
He picked me up, not off the ground, but so I could stand. I whispered out a small 'thank you', or rather 'merci'. His hands still on my shoulders, he smiled sweetly and nodded, as if to beckon forth more words from me.
"I'm Kirby, or rather, Gluttony. I'm new around here."
André grinned, putting his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer before stopping upon seeing how much taller than every other woman in the company I am.
"Are you, uh …" he searched for the words
"A giant, yes, technically a giantess."
I feel I should summarise the next hour or so, but, André took me on a tour of the backstage area and we talked, about everything. Within an hour I had gained a new friend, a genuine friend, someone who didn't care about my height or looks. I know the only reason he didn't care is because he knows what it's like to be stared at just because you aren't 'normal'.
By the time André's tour had ended it was time for Vickie and Damien's interview with Mean Gene, which I was to attend. I said a goodbye to André and rushed off to perform my usual role.
The Enforcer, or rather, the intimidation device, that's my role in this group, to scare people, that's all I do. Before joining the group I was part of another group back in England, The Celtic Warriors, I was part of a championship winning tag team. Now what am I, a damned intimidation device, a human scare tactic.
The Interview:
Gene's first question for us, actually, Damien and Vickie (whilst I stood behind them and looked 'menacing'), was 'How are you doing so far?'
Damien began, "You know something, Gene, my girls have yet to have a match, but we are doing absolutely fine. In shape, ready to rock, ready to roll. Gene, every one of the Daughters of Darkness are doing fine."
Vickie followed suit, "Just look at us," She gestured to me and then herself, "Don't we look marvellous, Gene."
Gene smirked, "You could say that again, miss?"
"Pride, though you can call me Vickie."
Damien glared at the smaller man, almost as if he was daring him to try and flirt with her.
Gene readjusted and focused in on the prospect of new women in the WWF and the possibility of more matches. "Uh hum, yes, now how soon do you girls think you'll be seeing a match on the cards?"
"Soon, Gene, Soon." Vickie stated, ending the interview by walking off.
The first night after 'work' was surprisingly normal, Damien and Vickie went off in their rental car, taking Holly and Eli with them whilst the rest of us stood around backstage for a while.
Billie brought a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of her purse, lighting one up and walking over to me, sitting down on a box placed near by and blowing the smoke away from me she spoke up.
"What's up with you, Tall-ass."
"Dangerous pastime hermana."
"I know, hermana"
"You collect phrases, don' cha?"
"They may come in handy, Billie, one day."
"You going to the gym tomorrow?"
"Of course. Gotta train. Gotta … gotta settle in somehow, right?"
"Right, mi hermana, I'll see you around, alright?"
"See ya, Billie."
She waved back at me as she walked away.
Billie was the only person who knew that I 'collected' those little phrases that seem like nothing until spoken. Language isn't my strongest aspect, more often than not I'm silent and I try to avoid other peo-
"Hey! watch where you're walking man!" I yelped out, shocked back into the present moment. Instantly regret flooded my mind as I realised who had barged past me to get out of the building.
Big John Studd.
One of the most disrespectful 'giants' in the world of wrestling. famous for being the one man who pisses André off more than anyone else, including the Iron Sheik.
He sneered back a quick, "Who gives a fuck." and continued to stroll away.
That … that fuckwit. Who does he think he is. I felt a gentle hand place itself on my shoulder. I turned, expecting to see Eli or P.G, I was face to, well, chin with André.
"Forget about him," He started, with that same sweet, friendly smile from earlier, "Damien said you may need a ride back to the hotel. I don't recommend you walk back now, too dark out for a young lady such as yourself."
The way his R sounds turned into faint W's and he missed off or faintly implied H's was calming. Almost in the same way that hearing a parents voice would calm a child after a nightmare.
"Oh, uh, it's okay André, I was going to get a taxi."
He nodded in response, somehow both downhearted and curious, as if he knew that I was either lying to him or if I did get a taxi, the immense pain my back would be in the following day. André sauntered off, leaving me, once again by myself.
I don't mind being alone, in fact most of my life I have been alone, always the outcast, it was only when I got into wrestling that it started to change.
I picked up my bag and started walking, buttoning up my shirt up to the top of my chest, my near-neon orange shirt covering down to my mid-forearm, hiding any noticeable tattoos, except the one on my wrist, when I turned eighteen, I got a small, runic 'R' on my right wrist, in remembrance of my uncle Rory, the tallest of my dad's brothers.
It took about an hour to get to the hotel, an hour of walking through a city I'm not familiar with, when I eventually got to the hotel I went straight to my room and locked myself in. All alone, I could practice or train if I wanted, so I did.
I took off my black shirt, shoes and belt and I stood in the middle of the hotel room and practiced punching, then I switched to doing my warmups and working out, push-ups, planks, squats. By the time I finished it must've been around midnight, maybe one or two am. I got some sleep, waking up at six, getting changed into some fresh workout gear and headed straight to the gym.
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You meet all sorts of characters at a gym, or so I've been told. Back in England I would go to my parents house and use our home-made gym to work out. Not an option that I have anymore, however, the moment I got into the gym, I felt like I was in a whole new world, as if I was just getting into the business all over again. I scanned for any faces that I knew, Mr Fuji, Tonga Kid, Sgt Slaughter, Don Muraco, Lou Albano, Iron Sheik, Freddie Blassie, Tito Santana, Jimmy Snuka, Bob Backlund, Gene and Pat, David Schultz, and … who is that?
I walked over to David and this mystery guy, nodding at David and heading to the heavy bag next to them.
"Mornin' Gluttony, André's been talkin' about ya."
"Oh really, Mr Schultz?" I tried to keep my breath noises to a minimum as I continued to hit the bag.
The mystery guy snickered, quickly shutting up after Schultz glared at him.
"C'mon girl, you know you can call me David. An' yeah," He stopped punching and instead leaned on the heavy bag in front of him, forcing the other guy to hold it still "Giant's been talking about him havin' a new friend and how much he likes ya."
"He's a good man, it's good to have friends in new places. Who's your pal, David?"
He smiled and slung his arm around the shorter man, "This here, this is Roddy Piper. He's like you."
I tilted my head slightly to try and make him explain further.
"You are Scottish, right?"
"I'm a quarter Scottish. Anyway, Piper, Do you speak Gaelic?"
"Uh, no, I can play the bagpipes however." his eyes lit up slightly, a sort of mad fire behind a haze of brown or maybe dark blue.
"Well, I'll see you around I guess, I've gotta warm up for later though."
I tried to block the two men out and focus on my own workout but Piper seemed to stick around a lot longer than David. He was still there when my workout ended.
"What do you want?"
"You're a quarter Scottish, you're also a giant. How do you fight? Show me." He seemed to get more energetic the more he talked.
"Right now?"
He nodded, "Right now, c'mon."
He led me to a ring that some other wrestlers were using to brush up their skills.
From the looks of the ring, it was actually used for boxing.
Roddy entered the ring the same way as most six-foot-two guys did, through the top and middle ropes. I tested the ropes, and seeing that they had just enough slack, used them to jump over the top rope.
"I've never seen a girl do that before."
"Mistake number one, I'm a woman, not a girl. Mistake number two, you expected a giant to be normal."
He scoffed out a laugh and got ready to lock up.
We locked up and Piper hit me with a knee to the stomach.
I got him back with an Irish whip into the corner, accidentally winding him by being too stiff.
"You're gonna pay for that, lass." He snarled out, already getting pissed off.
I sized him up, trying to see how high I would have to get myself in order to dropkick him to the mat.
Piper tried to hit me with a running high knee strike but I countered with a dropkick, taking us both down to the mat and slamming my face into the mat.
The mat was a lot harder than I was used to, it felt like I had rammed my head straight into a cinderblock, I started breathing heavier than before.
I rolled over and put my arms up, making an 'X' with my forearms. Piper stopped and walked over.
"You alright?"
I shook my head.
He knelt down and pulled me up into a sitting position.
I hesitated, knowing I had to take my mask off to see what was wrong but truly not wanting to. Piper managed to unbuckle the straps of my mask and winced as he saw what was underneath. My mind went slightly mad not knowing if he was wincing at the injury I had caused myself or the fact that, compared to the rest of the D.O.D, I'm truly the worst looking, beauty-wise, that is.
Hitting my mouth so hard on the canvas of the mat below us, I had managed to hit my mask in a way that the bottom edge, which curved under my chin, cut into my flesh and made me bleed.
I put my hand up to the cut and Piper quickly held my arm by the wrist and shook his head, "Don't you dare."
By the time I received medical aid, which consisted of cleaning the cut and putting a band-aid on it, Piper had given me back my mask and asked if he could work out with me sometime. Knowing that he was currently on a different show, I said sure and we had split ways.
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the-satellite · 4 years
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Hello friends and welcome to ☆Hateful Nostalgia☆. I was exposed to the mob talker mod WAY too young bc I was an unsupervised child on the internet watching mod showcases and SkyDoesMinecraft. Looking back these sucked, the stories were often bland and the designs were milk toast at best and tits out at worst. So for the sake of procrastinating on working on anything substantial I grabbed the main 6 I remembered and gussied em up. Redesigns, rewrites, better names, all that bullshit. If your interested in better photos, design notes, story details and rambling hit the basement, otherwise here's a line up you should click for better quality.
Also I wrote all this once before already but I deleted it like a dumb bitch. On the night Unus Annus was murdered in front of my eyes no less. Was a rough fuckin night.
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The Creeper- Kupa. An explosive pyromaniac with a habit of making empty threats and yelling. She protects what she believes to be her territory with a suicidal passion, but if you manage to get her to cool down and soften up she's pretty sick to hand out with. Hard of hearing, has at least one bout of head trauma at all times, and deathly allergic to cats.
Because the creeper is kinda the og I wanted to reference AT2's design more than the others, but I'm p sure the only thing I actually kept was the red hair and brown gloves. Otherwise I was doing whatever. I really wanted to lean into the explody bit of creepers, so I gave her some bite and dressed her in clothes referenced from Irish railroad workers. This may also be why I keep imaging her with a very heavy Irish or Scottish accent, whichever would be most incomprehensible when angry. Every color but her skin was color picked from one of the references, with some minor alterations for makes my eyes happy reasons.
With Kupa I imagine a story line with her would largely be about her as a character and her development than like an actual adventure narrative like everyone else. She starts off ready to blow up both you and herself in a misguided attempt to defend what she sees as her's and opens up and learns not everyone is out to get her. Lots of time taken to understand her childhood and how she ended up how she is. Very simple, probably the default or tutorial run people would go through.
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The Zombie- Bee. The ill husk of a missing explorer suffering from a less than conventional appetite. She wallows in her self imposed loneliness, believing herself to be an irredeemable monster doomed to hurt those around her. What she really needs is a buddy and some clue to who she used to be. Rough voiced, chronically fatigued, and prone to spontaneous combustion in sunlight.
 I definitely consider this one the weakest for design sadly. I imagined Zombies as humans who went into strange caves and caverns and didn't come out for years, only to pop up as completely different people. I just tossed AT2's design. The first thing I did was make her a bit of a genderbent Steve and tinted her green bc Zombies in game are just Steve but green. Tore up her clothes, colored picked the darkest colors I could from the clothes on the in game and boom, Bee. I do vaguely regret not making her eyes pure black but I also still wanted her to be human enough to fit with the other overworld mods.
 Ok so Bee actually has a basic story. When you meet her she's aggressive, but as a warning. She fears the possibility she may hurt somebody so heads for threats immediately. Going back and forth between her cave and village for a while you learn more about the situation with the missing folks who come back and Bee as a person. After a bit you pick her up off her depressed ass and start a nocturnal adventure of refinding your past, adapting to who your becoming, overcoming self destuction, and slow burn babey!!! 
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The Skeleton- Ulna. One of the few surviving warriors of a now destroyed kingdom and dead culture. She spends most of her time now traveling alone, hiding in trees and shooting anything see sees as a threat- which is everything- in the face with homemade arrows. Very much suffering from loss of her home and a bad case of lost purpose. A woman of few words, very antisocial, and naturally nocturnal.
 I came in with the Skeleton wanting to make her seem mysterious, so my first thought was immediately a cloak and a mask, but I wanted her face to like be visible so I went with the face paint. I didn't actually know that I wanted to do under there so I went with wraps that are reminiscent of the original outfit but still not tits out bc it's so fucking easy! Gave her a quiver, color picked the cloak and face paint from the in game model and the wraps from AT2'S art. I did like. Subconsciously draw her eyes the way I do Asian characters but I didn't have anything specific in mind so like go nuts with what you think she is.
 Ulna's deal is very much her lack of purpose or home and the entire thing is about finding that again. She's found sitting up in a tree during a storm pointing a bow and arrow into your face. She eventually let's you stick around until the storm is over and theres some bonding into deep night until the rain stops. You ask if she wants to come with on your little travelling sword for hire business, she says sure, sleep schedule shenanigans, backstory angst, and road trip bonding happens and she eventually decides that helping people is her new purpose and you're her new home
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The Spider- Park. A young adult experiencing the world for the first time through her tribe's rite of passage. She's really just trying to figure out how to live life outside of the cave she's been stuck in her entire life and aggressively trying to be an independent adult despite not knowing anything about being an independent adult. Its projection. Blind in the daylight, naive and excitable, and taken to refusing help at her own risk.
 Ok so. I don't know who looked at the spider and said "purple haired loli with puffy pants" so I once again yeeted the whole thing, only really keeping the kinda cutesy and childish bits. Spiders are a tribe of humans what live in caves unless they've broken off to live on the surface. Kids are kept inside until they hit a certain milestone, where they come up to explore at night. They're usually small and pale, but are pretty kickass when necessary. Again picked the colors off the in game model, played with the lightest gray for the skin, and bc I couldn't figure out anyway to use the stripes so they're on the patches lol.
 Park's meeting is probably the funniest and most meet cute one here, in that she accidentally drops on top of you from a little cliff drop off. Cue loads of apologies and an explanation about the spider deal and being blind in light. She asks for some help getting around and bam babey friendship and emotional attachment! What follows is kinda a buddy of coming of age story with the obligatory goes home and is miserable scene. Generally it's just about being a scared young adult and having someone to fall back on and why that's important. Also crushes and young people being bad at that.
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 The Blaze- Amber. A demonic entity who would let the world burn and the sun die if it meant she'd get her soul back. She's known for being ruthless, taking souls through force instead of making deals like other Blazes. Keeps this forceful nature even once she's become friendly, makes you do dump shit. Territorial, eyes glow and dim with her life, and runs remarkably warm.
 Amber here is the first one I actually did! I was just. Really tired that she was in a bikini. I decided early on I wanted overworld mobs to be human and everyone else was decidedly not, so Blazes are demons who gave up their souls under false pretenses to other Blazes. Because of how little clothes AT2's design wore I had essentially free reign and my thought was immediately to lean on golden knight bc of how Blazes are found protecting fortresses. The gold isn't picked from anything bc I was looser with the colors, but everything else is, and the hair is supposed to represent the smoke. Also the sticks in her hair are blaze rods bc I don't like them just floating around her.
Amber is found in the Nether obviously, protecting a fortress and immediately trying beat your ass and either incinerate you or make you give up your soul. During you prove yourself a p damn good fighter and she makes a deal to show you how Blazes exist and pursade you to give your soul up willingly. Bonding happens and she explains where the souls go and what happened to her. Insert line about how she dug in the sand for her soul until her fingers bleed bc I'm an Arcana freak lol. In general I'd just like her to learn to adapt to who she is now and learning to live life well instead of letting her anger burn her up from the inside out.
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 The Enderman- Violet. A confused but sweet young bit of void created by and connected to the Ender Dragon. Her relationship with reality is tenuous at best and abusive at worst, making stable existence rather difficult. She doesn't know a name, age, gender, anything about herself aside from that she likes sweaters. Communicates primarily through psychic connections, docile and sweet, and melts like a witch in water.
 Violet was incredibly easy, so this may be way short. Endermen are decidedly human shaped void from the End with varying sentience. They're direct extensions of the Ender Dragon, and nobody knows how they're made or where they come from, not even they do. Adventurers who escaped The End say they seem scared of it though. Violet in particular is pretty damn new and extraordinary nonconforming, and I tried to show that with her sweater and ponytail. Once again, literally all colors picked. Definitely the simplest but one of my favs.
Violet is the sweetest meet up I think. As your traveling between villages you notice a strange enderman watching you and plant a little flower in front of her. She picks it and you hear a happy little trill come from you and a pretty voice say thank you in your head. Now you have a tall dark teleporting travel buddy! After a little bit of back and forth she tells you in some broken English that the Ender Dragon made her but she doesnt know how, and that it's bad and needs to be killed for the sake of Endermen and that's the new goal. Spoiler they're the corrupted souls of those that died fighting it, with it gone Endermen are free to exist as their own being and do whatever, hurray!
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