#Like the Drawfee crew
lovevalley45 · 2 years
any time i watch a video where brennan is left to fend for himself with the drawfee crew i immediately wish for a drawfee d20 season purely for the chaos
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running-tweezers · 10 months
Redacted Characters As Drawfee Quotes
Aka: A Post for Me and Only Me
Basically if I’m not on YouTube watching Redacted Audios, I’m watching Drawfee. So I made this post. Here you go, I guess.
The Whole Damn Crew:
“You're gay for one of us, you gotta be gay for all of us, like the Three Musketeers.”
“Yeah that’s how it works, it’s only fair.”
“We want to make everyone into a himbo.”
“Yeah, welcome to the Drawfee himbo-fication stream.”
“If God's ever been mad at anything I've said, he hasn't done shit about it. So he either doesn't care or he's a coward.”
“This is a family show… for fuck’s sake.”
“Waluigi fucks, dude”
“Dogs are kinda simps by nature”
“He strikes me as a pervert….”
“Ma’am that’s a DOG”
“Heavy is the chest that wears the tits…”
Todd from Mario
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Now go watch Drawfee. This is a threat.
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vicks-vaporwave · 3 months
It's weird being blocked on discord by one of the big name drawfee fans lol
It's also weird cuz like idk what I did lol just one day I could no longer react to their messages lol 🤷🏼
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jackgoodfellow · 2 years
If anyone was wondering why my next Drawtectives fan project was taking so long, it's because it was this.
Tagging @little-banjo-frog because it seems like this would be their exact shit!
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im-merobiba · 6 months
in honour of drawfee turning ten (!!!) here are ten reasons why you should watch drawfee
the art is incredible. i feel like that goes without saying for an art-based channel, but i am consistently impressed with how talented the hosts are.
these people are hilarious. pretty much every episode has at least one moment that makes me laugh out loud, which is no small feat. the jokes are just silly enough to be funny without being too much. or they are too much, which is just as entertaining.
all four hosts have great personalities that really shine. i like to say that each has their own flavour of chaos, which can really stand out both on its own and in combination with the others.
the four of them a really great dynamic. you can tell that they don't just spend time together because they have to. they have a genuine connection that one can only hope to find with a friend group.
the show has some great guests. from longtime friends of the show like willie and caldwell to newer folks like ralph and onsta. they've even had fans on the show before, such as deepblueink and nathan longs.
drawtectives. just drawtectives. the gang--especially julia--puts so much effort into making it an enjoyable series, and it's such a good time. it's definitely a commitment, with over twenty hours worth of episodes, but it is so worth it.
the fandom is probably the best i've ever been a part of. i've never seen much controversy in this fanbase, only positivity and a great sense of humour. the drawfee crew seems to like us, too. i hope they do, anyway.
speaking of the fandom, some of the best fan work in general i've ever seen have come from drawfee fans. from fanart to animations to edits to music, this fandom has some incredible creativity.
i talked about the humour, but i feel like i need to mention the recurring bits. i find myself laughing at everyday things like crabs and eggs because they remind me of some ridiculous drawfee bit.
this channel has been around for ten whole years now, and has continued to be incredible over all this time. i'm admittedly a newer fan, having discovered the show in early 2022, but i can recognise how much love and work has gone into this show. it's been a source of comfort for me and so many others, and i think that's a true accomplishment.
congratulations on ten years, drawfee crew. here's to many more.
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What even is Drawfee anyway?
I'm so glad you asked!
Drawfee is an art-comedy channel on Youtube that takes your dumb ideas and makes even dumber drawings!!
Jacob “If God’s ever been mad at anything I’ve said, he hasn’t done shit about it. So either he doesn’t care or He’s a coward” Andrews
Karina “I’ve never made a bad decision, I guess I’ll just have to imagine” Farek
Julia “he strikes me as a pervert” Lepetit and
Nathan “*does six pushups*” Yaffee.
With DnD adjacent shows like Drawtectives
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Yes, entirely Illustrated by the one and only Julia Lepetit.
and Drawga
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(Credits to Andie’s Friend Shaped on YouTube)
Hosted by Naddpod host and Drawfee Founding Father Caldwell Tanner!!
And hilarious episodes:
Like the one in which the Drawfee crew make up a sports anime/otome game set in a school for posing
Or the one in which they discover the true meaning of President's Day (eating ass)
Or the one where they get "consumed with lust for a fRogué".
Don't deprive yourself another moment, watch Drawfee today!!
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bonetrix-arts · 10 months
Still at the con but I just handed off these lil fellas to the drawfee crew :3
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I considered doing all drawtectives but then I was like "but Luce though" so I pivoted. And you KNOW I had to include a rhino on Grendan's ;3
I also gave them this lil sketch
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I'll have to post the print I made for Karina when I get back to my tablet hehehe
I'm so glad I came!!!!!!!! The panel was an absolute delight, I WILL be doodling some of the freaks presented in it later for sure.
I also got a couple of the gacha pulls, no Luce tho.... I will try again 💪💪💪
I need to go back anyways cuz I was shaking so much I forgot to have them sign the thing I brought. But it's fine because I got one of the risos >:3
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months
Well, tuned into the Drawfee stream...
I promised I'd check it out before determining if I'd ever be able to give Drawfee another chance after this...
Verdict TL;DR: Maybe one day, but not in the foreseeable future, especially not streams. Certainly never through my financial support ever again, unless they are fundraising for a particularly worthy charity (like in the Trans Rigs stream). But luckily, I don't think they give a shit if I watch or not, which is totally fair.
Overall: The Drawfee YouTubers didn't do anything wrong. However, their lack of acknowledgement of any Jewish pain or concerns served to further digital ghettoization and social isolation of diaspora Jews in a way that many (but definitely not all) Jews will probably find painful. Between that and the really bad faith link-sharing from the mods, I'm personally too fragile to imagine engaging with the channel again.
This conclusion is geared toward fellow Jews seeking escapist content or content that doesn't make them feel erased during this time. This is not a prescriptive recommendation for anyone else. It is simply my reasoning, should anyone else be on the fence and need insight.
The Good (There was a lot of it!):
I didn't see any Drawfee folks parroting antisemitic conspiracy theories, which is good. An extremely low bar, but one that many, many people fail to clear.
They kept their tone fun and light and didn't turn anything into a diatribe
They kept their focus on humanitarian aid and an end to violence.
I think they made a few statements generally about keeping chat civil.
They kept chat limited to people who already subscribed to the channel, which was SO smart. It kept bots and bad actors from making the chat hostile.
While they all joked about silly stuff, they never jokes about real issues or the pain of anyone involved in the conflict. This is very important!!!
Chat in general was a very good place to hang out. Most people were just happy to be there and commenting about funny and fun art and it had the (mostly) typical Drawfee vibes, which I miss.
There was nothing performative or disingenuous about the team's intent: They wanted an end to violence. They wanted aid to reach Palestinian refugees. They wanted to encourage voter turnout in upcoming elections, and they wanted people to pressure their representatives to call for a ceasefire. These are all unambiguously good things.
Most importantly: They raised WELL over $100,000 for PCRF, which (despite not being totally perfect) is a very well-rated charity that has no history of its funds falling into Hamas' hands and is geared toward helping children. This matters much more overall than the stream's impact on me personally.
Ultimately, I believe the stream did more good than harm by a large margin.
The Iffy (Neither good nor bad; just things that I noticed):
Basically, none of the actual Drawfee crew did anything antisemitic that I saw. But they had a lot of missed opportunities -- to affirm solidarity and support with Jewish viewership, to acknowledge Jewish pain in any way, to advocate for a peaceful solution that left room for any negotiated peace between Jews in Israel and Palestinians in any capacity (whether that meant as Israel or as a newly formed state of some kind), or to be specific and directed in how they wanted people to approach a ceasefire.
I didn't hear any call to specifically keep the chat free of antisemitism. I tuned in a few minutes late, so maybe I missed it.
No substantial knowledge of the conflict demonstrated. Just that the current situation is unacceptable and should stop. I don't know anyone who disagrees with that (who I consider to be acting in good faith), but no language from the team about how to bring about that end to violence other than demanding a ceasefire.
Mods had a chance to add links to AllMEP charities, A Land for All, and some other Palestinian-Israeli and Arab-Israeli and Muslim-Jewish charities that support either inter-faith healing OR even just solely pro-Palestine charities that have inter-faith or inter-cultural backing. They did not add these to the shared links that I saw. (This would have been fine if they had a rigorous evaluation process and couldn't moderate and evaluate quality at the same time. But based on the links that WERE shared, I severely doubt that was the case)
Someone in the chat was repeatedly giving the very good advice that when writing your representatives to demand a ceasefire, you should demand that the US offer to facilitate a negotiated peace and permanent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Again, my feed crashed a couple times, so I may have missed it. But I personally did not see any of the mods or the Drawfee crew acknowledge this or mention Israeli suffering or Hamas violence once.
A least one of the mods should have been assigned fact-checking duty. Not many falsehoods were posted, but some were and community-members had to address them.
As expected there were lots of people posting watermelons, flags, and FtRttS. But, surprisingly, nobody was spamming it. I've written before about why the phrase FtRttS is upsetting to me personally, but I'll probably do a larger breakdown about i in the coming week. I appreciate that in general, people did seem to use it respectfully, in good faith, and without clear aggression toward Jewish people. There was some clear aggression toward Israelis (as in citizens not politicians), in general, but not too much or from too many people.
The Bad and Pretty Ugly (This is why I ultimately have to step away and other Jews might have to as well. At least for awhile):
Honestly, for all the care that people put into this stream, there was a general apathy toward and invisibility of Jewish people suffering in this crisis. Like I said, nobody on the on-screen Drawfee team did anything antisemitic. That was nice. Unfortunately, it didn't really seem like any actual effort was put in to determine what links were worth sharing. It was more of a "the mods like this one so it's allowed" sort of thing. Even cursory research on most of the links shared involved blatant instances of antisemitism, historical revisionism, or that just in general fell apart on any inspection whatsoever.
They could have made a lot of Jews feel seen and heard by mentioning the hostages even once, acknowledging 10/7 even once, acknowledged even once that Israel continues to be bombed from Hamas and Hezbollah daily, acknowledging that this is a war with two sides that both require an end to violence...literally any ONE of those things would have made a difference. But it was all just ignored, which is far too common when dealing with this conflict. This is especially painful for Jews who, like me, have experienced social isolation and digital ghettoization during this time. I think a lot of Jewish viewers will struggle to reconcile how this echoes a lot of the erasure that we all feel in our daily lives and in our digital spaces and in our hybrid digital and in-person communities. (<- Reblog 2 contains the accounts of The Jewish Experience of antisemitic erasure and ghettoization)Like, I do understand the argument that this is about providing humanitarian relief, but I also don't know why so many creators (and this is NOT unique to Drawfee) pretend like Jewish suffering is not relevent to ongoing discussions.
The mods posted links that supported UNRWA and some chatters spoke up in support of the UNRWA without any consequence. (All links here are verified as highly credible with high factual reporting standards via Media Bias/Fact Check and represent analysis from left-leaning, right-leaning, and least-biased sources)
One mod also posted a link to decolonizepalestine(.)com (not including the link because i don't want to support blatant propaganda). I have shared information about this terrible, bad-faith website before but there's so much more to pick apart here that I will reserve an evaluation of it as a source for a whole post of its own, unrelated to Drawfee. This website does cite its sources, but it provides no mechanism for readers to evaluate those sources. They are not hyperlinked and each individual citation must be looked up individually. I don't even have remotely enough time to do that right now. But if any of my bookwormish allies wish to tear apart those sources or the website in general, be my guest. Tagging y'all for visibility, but do not feel like I am actually asking you to do this work. It is simply something to add to the list of bad sources that we'll have to tackle at some point. cc: @comradevo @the-road-betwixt @faggotry-enjoyer @arandomshotinthedark et. al.
The mods also shared arab.org a few times. It is weird to me that they could have recommended AllMEP, which routinely emphasizes interfaith and intercultural and international cooperation and peace, but instead chose this much less evaluate-able source that excludes any efforts to find cooperative peace between Israel and Palestine. I had not heard of Arab.org before this stream and when I started to look into it, I fell into a bit of a rabbit hole:
So, first of all, Arab.org is a charity? organization? network? based in Beirut, Lebanon. I can't find them on Charity Navigator. The homepage didn't have a clear mission statement, so I navigated to the About Us tab. That gave me a little more information.
There, they state that their vision is to, "Empower people & organizations to do good." - Vague, but inoffensive. OK.
They state that they have three objectives:
Raising awareness, which they define as, "Civil society’s active role and through active collaboration." -- Vague but inoffensive.
Raising hope, which they define as, "Enabling the use of technology to innovate ways of contributing to the wellness and welfare of society." -- Vague but inoffensive.
Raising standards, which they define as, "Education, Reporting, Communication to & from civil society in the Arab World." -- Unclear, but inoffensive. Are they trying to raise the standards of these listed items within the Arab world or are they trying to raise international standards to be more inclusive of these listed items that originate from within the Arab world. And how do they define increased standards? Whose standards? IDK. This doesn't tell me anything really, but it also doesn't tell me anything bad, necessarily?
So what about their principles? Well, they list 5:
"Collaboration: Only together as a collective, can we bring about real change and betterment to society." -- OK, fine, but this still tells me nothing.
"Transparency: We conduct our business with a high level of transparency and a simple development model and we publish our impact publicly." -- Great! Excited to explore that!
"Innovation: We use our skills and creativity to make the world a better place. We want to make it possible to both inform and take action to solve the problems we discover." -- Intriguing, but how?
"Inclusion: We champion the inclusion of everyone in society, whether it is part of civic inclusion or charitable inclusion." -- This sounds really promising!!!! I'm excited to learn more!
"Leadership: We believe in taking the lead whenever wherever required by empowering individuals and organizations to influence others towards common goals." -- Gonna be honest, this just sound like vague buzzwords to me, but if they actually accomplish what they set out to do, great.
Luckily, each of these principles was clickable.
Let's start with "Collaboration"!
This takes me to a weirdly vague page with a gif of various men helping each other climb out of frame. The text below it says "We are currently on the look out for the following technology/platforms/businesses relevant to civil society" and then a list of pretty random things, some of which have checkmarks near them. Why is the formatting so strange? Why don't they all have checkmarks? Why is only the indicated section clickable but none of the other things? Where is more info about any of these items?
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But fine, lets click that one clickable link about online marketplaces.
It doesn't actually take you to a marketplace but a page where artisans in the Arab world can submit their information. Submit heir information for what? Well, this is what the website says:
We understand how difficult life is for craftsmen & craftswomen to compete with mass-producing giants. We’re here to change all that. We are creating a win-win-win relationship whereby all sides benefit from our new platform “Shop to Help"
The "Shop to Help" is not clickable. I have no further information on what this is.
Fine, there's one more thing to click on this page: a list of Arab.org's partners.
First up: The Arab Institute for Women at Lebanese American University. Clicking on the info there takes me to the AIW:LAU website. Arab.org says the organization used to be called "Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World," but I couldn't find anything on Charity navigator for them either. Cursory research on them shows they've been around for 50 years. Fine. I'm not doing an evaluation on them right now (anyone who knows anything about them feel free to comment. I just don't have time) I was just investigating how they partner with Arab.org. I didn't find anything about that aside from a list of AIW's partners, which lists Arab.org amongst them. Clicking the link to Arab.org just takes me back to the homepage. I've learned nothing.
Next: They list Bayt.com, which is a job search site. Clicking that link takes me to the Bayt homepage. I couldn't find that addressed partnerships of any kind was their affiliate links page? But becoming an affiliate helps the affiliate make money, not Bayt. So I'm unsure what's going on or if this is even related.
Third: Building Markets. As far as I can tell, this is a real organization. I also cannot find them on Charity navigator, nor can I find any information about how they partner with Arab.org from their website. They do clearly share their financial information, though, which is great. I neither endorse nor condemn this organization. I'm not investigating them right now.
Fourth: Takreem Foundation. I CAN FIND THEM ON CHARITY NAVIGATOR! But they aren't rated. A search of the Takreem website shows no affiliation with Arab.org or accessible financial information.
Fifth: #GivingTuesday Woohoo! They are on Charity Navigator and have a pretty high rating! However, there's no evidence of a link between them and Arab.org, and the organization claims to have no list of official partners or participating organizations. Odd. Did Arab.org run a #GivingTuesday campaign and highlight #GivingTuesday instead of the organization they were giving to? Idk. And I don't have time to figure it out.
Sixth: CSR Engine. It's just a website with nothing on it except the statement "World’s first business for good solution to assign & align CSR activities seamlessly using AI and blockchain technology," which is the same text available about it from the Arab.org partners page. It does show it's affiliation with Arab.org...by listing Arab.org as a customer and then linking back to the Arab.org homepage. WHAT IS GOING ON.
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Finally, and buckle up for this one cuz its a doozy, Greenpeace: I'd actually heard of this one, but I don't really know anything about it. Clicking Greenpeace doesn't even take you to the real Greenpeace MENA site. It just takes you to Arab.org's really weird write up page about Greenpeace. So, instead, I searched for Greenpeace on Charity navigator, where it got a 100% rating. Awesome! I clicked the charity navigator link, which took me to the Greenpeace Fund website. But wait a second. What's their connection to Arab.org? Well, there was no search function on the GreenpeaceFund website. So, I typed Greenpeace into google and uh?????
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That was surprising. I clicked the link and...
It showed me a totally different website...
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Than the one I was just on...
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Mods and the Drawfee crew stopped people from sharing links unless those people were mods. That was a super good choice which I fully support. But why did the mods share THESE links?
Well, I had the websites both open in side-by-side tabs.
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That's...odd... So I studied the URLs more closely...
The lighter green G that's less pixelated? THAT ONE is the Greenpeace Fund. That is the one with penguins and a 100% charity navigator score.
The one with the lime green, pixelated G? That's Greenpeace International, a conspiracy/pseudoscience website with low crediblity.
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But hey, the Greenpeace International website says there's a MENA-based branch. And, upon closer inspection, the Greenpeace International MENA website is the one that was linked on the Arab.org page. Maybe that one was better?
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Clicking it took me to the Greenpeace MENA site...
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which gave me another blinking Conspiracy Alert Icon from Media Bias Fact Check.
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Just to be safe, I typed Greenpeace MENA into google, and fam... it is not better.
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PS: searching ANY Greenpeace website for Arab.org showed no results.
In one last-ditch effort, I checked the Transparency page, where Arab.org claims to be "leading by example" in sharing all their documentation for charitable donations. And y'all it's fucking weird.
Let's stick with Greenpeace cuz they're already open tabs on my computer.
First of all, Arab.org's "leading by example" financial disclosures...
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...are literally just the "Thank you for donating" receipts that you get whenever you donate to any cause. It's fucking weird.
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And yeah, you read that right. For all of the 4th financial quarter of 2023, Arab.org donated just $109 TO THE ORGANIZATION WHICH THEY CALL A FEATURED PARTNER.
"OK," you say. "Well, there was a fucking lot going on in the fourth quarter of 2023. They were probably more focused on Palestine." Sure, lets check out their donation history to UNRWA (which, btw, is still a not great charity)
In case you don't want to click another link--Spoiler alert, they only donated $380. For the whole quarter.
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And before you say, "But Eden! You must have missed it Arab.org is another organization called The Olive Tree (The Olive Tree SAL). That must be where the REAL work takes place!" Look at the mission statement of that one! The call themselves, "A mission-driven social enterprise startup making an impact for the common good.''
The Olive Tree SAL is not on Charity Navigator. It's just another nothingburger website that links back to Arab.org and has no search function or further information.
This is the entirety of the website:
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And a weird little LinkedIn logo that takes you to the organization's business page on LinkedIn.
From what I can tell, Arab.org just uses Ad revenue to generate minimal donations for charities and organizations of varying credibility that mostly don't even seem to know that Arab.org is even doing anything related to them. And that are designed to make people who are basically uninformed on the whole topic feel good for clicking on a link.
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IDK, color me unimpressed. But I'm frankly a little mad that I spend so much fucking time trying to promote charities and organizations that promote peace between Palestine and Israel with actual detailed financial reports and disclosures that seeing this really makes me upset. Maybe if people actually listened to Jewish people with a lifetime of experience dealing with this conflict and trying to help solve or even Palestinian people on the ground who are affected by all this, they might instead focus their energies on one of the many organizations that are actually doing something to help alleviate suffering, increase empathy, encourage education and interfaith dialogue, learn to use language that is respectful of everyone undergoing and who has survived trauma, or build a peaceful future.
Donate to an AllMEP Charity:
And the craziest thing is that I'm gonna be the one who gets hate for this--even tthough I've been so driven out of most fandom spaces and discourse spaces that I can't even tag Drawfee here, let alone I/P, Palestine, or (G-d-forbid) Israel and get this to reach people who this could actually hep.
Because every time I try to engage, I'm inundated with messages like this:
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even-dumber-mysteries · 4 months
Help me find this Drawfee bit
This might be a reach but does anyone know in which episode or stream the Drawfee crew talks about the name of a celebrity (i think?) that sounds like an activation phrase for a spy or something?
I think it was an anecdote Julia shared. Jacob mentioned this person and she thought it sounded absolutely ridiculous?
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I had a dream about drawfee
I just had a dream where I was at school and there was an assembly in the auditorium and I didn't know what it was for but we all walk in and I see the drawfees on stage. Like julia jacob nathan Karina. And I go and sit by my friends and also rosé was there somehow. And they like do the intro and in the dream I was thinking no ones gonna cheer no way anyone knows who they are but then the crowd like erupts with cheers when they start doing the intro and I was like really? Every time I talk about drawfee or drawtectives no one knows what it is. Anyways they pull down a projector and a show off an entire movie but I didn't see all of it in the dream just the beginning. The plot of the movie was they live in space with these two gophers and the thing is this movie didn't make sense in the dream and now it's kinda fuzzy but I'll try to explain anyways. The two gophers each have a gold coin and the coins can't touch or else they'll explode and send the gophers back to the moon or the sun because each gopher comes from either the sun or moon. But the drawfee crew now has to rescue their dear friends these two gophers. But Jacob just goes to the sun and grabs the coin from the gopher like it's no big deal I'm just on the sun he leaves his gopher friend whom he loves though he's like I'll be back for you and I'm sitting here like dude why didn't you grab your gopher friend that you care about so much. Meanwhile Julia go the coin from the moon gopher but she also did not grab the gopher. Then in the dream there was a time skip to after the movie somehow I was just hanging out backstage with the drawfee crew because reasons. And so we were talking about the movie and I'm like that's amazing because btw it was animated in like a Disney style like tangled or frozen or Luca it looked like that sorta thing. So anyways I was like that's literally amazing how did you do this was this just you guys? And Julia goes yeah it was just us working on it and Nathan goes now you know what we're doing in between uploads and I'm just sitting here like in shock at the fact that I'm sitting with the drawfee crew, at the fact I just watched their movie they never advertised on the channel, at the fact they made an entire animated film. And I just jokingly ask so when's drawtectives season three? Does York learn to read yet or... and then Julia jacob Nathan and Karina just look at eachother and they're all smiling and then I fucking wake up and the dreams over. Did the drawfee crew punch me in the face??? Huh??? Why did they all look at eachother like that??? Wtf??? Anyways that's the thing I had to say I dont apologise for the random long post Mabey I'll go back and fix all the typos there are in this. Maybe. Dreams are just smoothies of memories amiright I love drawfee and I can't wait for s3 drawtectives eeeeeeee
So when's the drawfee space gopher movie coming out cuz everyone in dream school was enjoying it
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Y'know how when one of the drawfee crew is gone for an EP the comments are always filled w jokes of like "I can't believe they locked Nathan out of the apt" "I can't believe they replaced Karina w (guest name)" and stuff? Is there any fanart of those occuring w like. A screenshot of the comment edited over it or something. I can't rlly draw but I think it'd be funny
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running-tweezers · 9 months
💖I’m Marisa. I’m 30. I’m cringe and I’m free.💖
Stuff to know:
🩷 I was on tumblr 10 years ago, until I had to leave bc it was ruining my mental health in a big, tangible way.
💜 I am only back now because I’ve grown a lot and want to embrace the joy I felt in fandom before it all went to hell for me
💙 Bc of this, I curate my time here very carefully. I do not engage in fandom discourse. I try to keep it positive around here. And I appreciate those who help me keep it that way.
🩵 Anything NSFW I post will be tagged as such, if you’re a minor pls don’t interact, thanks
The Fun Stuff:
🩷 I post mostly about Redacted Audios. But you can count on some Drawfee, D&D, musical theater, and my own personal stuff thrown in as well.
💜 I love the DAMN crew with my whole heart and soul
💙 I’m really normal about Damien/Huxley. It’s like they were made to be My Personal Favorite Ship. Erik Redacted stood at his cauldron, threw in every character trait and ship trope I’ve ever loved, spoke a magic incantation that was just my full legal name, and Damien/Huxley popped out. They’re everything to me.
🩵 Also Milo Greer owns my ass, I love a short king, I married one irl.
Stuff I Do:
🩷 I write a lot with my OCs and am trying to get back into fanfic. Marisa Writes Masterpost. My ao3 is here. #marisa writes
💜 I made Redacted Audios cross stitch/embroidery patterns, and I’m working on stitching them. I’m also working on a huge temperature cross stitch for 2024. #marisa stitches
💙 I sing sometimes. On occasion I do Redacted Theater Kid Thursdays where I sing musical theater songs for different Redacted characters. #marisa sings
🩵 I made a whole annotated playlist about Damien/Huxley’s pre-relationship pining. It’s my magnum opus. My blorbo manifesto. I’m very proud of it.
💚 I have a few Redacted As Tiktok Comps on my YouTube. May or may not make more, but I love them.
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optimusxmello · 1 year
Drawtective's Headcanon:
With how much everyone loves Eugene(audience, the Drawfee crew, AND the characters themselves) I'm so very eager to see how they add him to season three!
Like, I easily see him shadowing ALL of his parents.
Dog-walking with Gma(maybe even running into Harper and her new pupper from the one shot! I'm sure that'll be a fun day to tell the rest of the team over boba or sammies).
He's for sure fashionable enough to walk the catwalk with York! THEY CAN HAVE MATCHING OUTFITS!
But mostly, as he's brought on and will be qualified to be on the next case as a JUNIOR Drawtective, he's mostly an intern at the office doubling as Rosé's assistant!
I am very eager for next season, I can't wait for my found family to come back. And I can't wait to see what my baby boy's been up to in prep to join his parents on the next case!
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thebookishwallflower · 7 months
i think it’d be super funky and cool if drawfee did and episode and brought on the two crew and each drawfee member teamed up w a two crew member and then they’d take turns picking one of their characters and describing them to the drawfee-er like one of them celebrate drawing challenges
and it’d be total chaos of course but it’d be so fun
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the-ocean-in-motion · 6 months
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A post for publicly sharing the products of my Drawfee Lalafell idol project!
(if u don't know what the fuck I'm saying just scroll on)
NOTE: I am not affliated with Drawfee I just stole their logo for that edit. I'm not making money Julia pls don't sue me
Q: Why do this? A: Fatal case of brainworms
Q: How long did you spend on making these? A: Too long. Enough questions
Jokes aside, here's a proper intro to what this is for people who aren't in that one very specific discord: As a creative project of sorts, I decided to make 4 Lalafells in FFXIV based on the Drawfee crew (youtubers). SPECIFICALLY these are based on their Newsday Comic Designs, because there's only so much staring at real people's faces really zoomed in I can do before I start feeling like a creep.
So, No, these are not "lifelike" or even "as close to life like as i can make potato people in a 10 year old video game". They're based on stylized ideas of people, warped by my creative liberty. That left me more space to make them cute instead of uncanny valley, which I'm sure any drawfee members that see this post might appreciate too.
They're also all heavily modded. It's more fun for dressup.
With that said! Onwards to the pictures (and design notes)!
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Nathan: I actually "made" the beard for this myself - or, rather, I refitted it from a modded beard for Roegadyn. I even made an effort to mold it into a rough flower shape, but I'm afraid it doesn't show up that well. Still, remembering that there is no full beard for Lalafell in the vanilla game, I think it actually looks quite cute! For this "casual" fit I made an effort not to make Nathan look too fashion-y. Of course, they're idol photoshoot style pics, so I still had to dress him up a bit! With this sporty fit with the fun big red boots reminiscent of early video game character designs, I think I landed in a pretty nice middle ground.
Julia: This is the only design I paid real life money to make. I spent forever futzing with free hair mods trying to find one I liked, but in the end I forked over a few bucks to an experienced hair modder's online shop and got this hair that comes with all the features I wanted. Can't say I regret the purchase, it's very pretty. For the outfit, I knew what I wanted pretty much immediately. I have had this outfit mod for a long time, but I've never really known what to use it for. It feels very Julia, even if I can't remember necessarily seeing her wear this kind of thing before. Maybe it just feels French, and I associate Julia with France?
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Karina: Karina's face sculpt mod was very easy to decide. Looking at the list of the free female Lala faces, I saw one that looked like a little shit - and named "Give Me the Phone" - and immediately knew it was perfect. I had to edit this hair to become hat compatible for later outfits, but overall this one was full of easy picks. Maybe I'm projecting too hard, though? I even dressed her in a top I modded for myself, after all.
Jacob: Jacob's design is one I agonized over, because finding a hair for him was quite hard. Short hair mods are rarer than long ones, and Newsday Jacob's hair is very distinctive. In the end I had to settle for a more realistic style, but I'm told it still reads as him. I wound up putting Jacob in maybe the cutesy-est outfit of the four. I don't think he'd mind, but either way the funny little overalls were too big a temptation for me to resist. Accessorising with bandages is where my weeb roots really shine through, though. Portraits done, here's the additional materials I've made!
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Drawfee Kindergarten Field trip! Fun fact, I took this screenshot mere seconds before the dungeon I used as a set kicked me out, which means I spent the entire instance timer just deciding on accessories and posing! Where are they going? To see the big squid at the Aetherfont's center, of course!
The first music video! Motions not by me, I'm not that talented, these are retargeted Project Sekai dances (retargeting also not by me lmao animation modding scares me)
Childish war is such a fun song and dance, never mind the fact that none of the "personalities" really work for drawfee. It's dancing lalas! Who cares!
That's it! I might do more music videos or photo shoots in the future, but that's highly dependent on my brain chemistry, so truly nothing is certain. If you made it this far, I hope my silly little project brought you some joy! (and olive) And hey!
Check this out!
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gender-luster · 8 months
love that drawfee streams at karina's place now because it makes it feel like yami yugi is the new fifth member of the drawfee crew
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