#Listen X absolutely would thrive in domestic life
I think it would be sweet concept that X’s Cooking ability came from a desire to take care of Dr.Caín when he was still living with him as a form of repaying him for everything he has done for him but but also has a curiosity of food preparation.
At first he wasn’t perfect at it, I mean when he made soup foe the first time it was literally on fire. (HOW DID THE BOWL OF SOUP WAS ON FIRE!?)
But he was determined to perfect it or at least be in the level of a Homecooked meal. Bro isn’t serving 5 star meals at a restaurant Jesus. But at same time he wants Dr Cain to at least enjoy his cooking. Over time he picked up as a hobby learning and experimenting new recipes to see what he can do with.
Dr. Cain of course supported X of it. He enjoys his cooking! Always complimenting his meals and puts out pointers cause he’s still learning. Or hell even at times helping X out in the kitchen, despite his old age Dr.Cain did some chores like washing the dishes so it was a interesting experience of teaching him how to at least clean up after cooking (X took the sanitation part very seriously as he learns on in order to cook the kitchen must be cleaned and organized once you are done!).
Hell he even cooked for the hunters once…He has never seen Zero eat like a feral animal before…
Then the wars happened since then X never had the time to cook for himself. Especially it hurts even more once Dr. Cain passes away…he only cooks time from time but the enjoyment of making meals and its comfort was lost to him…
That all changed once Axl came into the picture and X started to slowly get back into enjoying it once again…realizing that Cooking for others is what brings joy to him.
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yourgirlniki · 4 months
Jackie and Wilson
"For whatever poor soul is coming next"
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x f!reader
3k words
Tags!: No use of y/n, fluff, down bad Johnny MacTavish, not completely canon accurate Soap, first fic! 😎👍
A/N: This is based on Hozier's song Jackie and Wilson - I'm thinking I want this to be the beginning of a collection of one-shots based on his songs, depending on my free time! But again, first fic so please any comments would be greatly appreciated! Was nervous to post but ya only live once Hope you enjoy!
The cushion on the back of the booth wasn’t the most comfortable thing ever. The deep red bump didn’t do much to help an aching back, more of a thing that somewhat fixed the posture of those who sat at it. But who goes to a bar for comfort anyway? Dingy bars aren’t the first place most people would think to go back to after nearly dying halfway across the world.
The sticky floors, the mesh of posters and old mementos hanging on the brick walls. The neon lights, the potent smell- its headache inducing and you don't even have a hangover yet. And there are too many people in here, crowding pool tables and the small dance floor, (if you can even call it that), to be called someplace one would go to calm down and relax.
This is a fact that is true for most people.
But most people aren’t military. Even fewer are SAS.
And absolutely none are John MacTavish.
The man who idolizes the chaotic ways of the world above all else. That’s what has him still in the job quite frankly. The chaos, the ability to live and thrive in an insane environment. For someone like him, these things never truly bothered him. In an odd sense, the smell of alcohol, sweat and far too many bad ideas feel closer to home than he’s been in a few months. A comfort that most don't understand. But he does.
So even as exhaustion tries to take hold, the scott wears a signature giddy smile, adds a seemingly impossible pep to his step, and he drags the 141 into a back table, somehow always energetic. Even after practically wasting away in a desert for the past 3 months, he has energy. It’s honestly absurd.
Even worse is that he always finds a way for that energy to become contagious. As much as his teammates joke and grumble about it, Johnny was their way of restoration, to push forward. He would choose a shitty bar, and even shittier alcohol over a quiet apartment or the pile of paperwork that had to get done at some point. And so, the boys would too. Even if they hid it behind the facade of “babysitting” the grown man.
So now, here they sat, against the trashy cushions, with crappy music, in the dimly lit bar, with smiles and a sense of belonging. They call it a “celebration” of a mission well done, a nod to their success. Definitely not an excuse to just drink the night away, to get the mission out of their heads for a bit. To laugh with comrades and just be… domestic? Is that right? Close enough.. Yeah? Finding their small slot back into normal society.
Don’t get him wrong, Johnny loves his job. Loves what he does, but who doesn’t want to just have a drink at a bar with his mates every once and a while? And that's why he has his third beer in his hand and is snorting and a story Gaz is telling about one of his most recent hookups. A lady who was.. “Bloody crazy! I mean it. Seemed nice at first but don't be fooled, she was insane!”
Yeah, this is home. It’s where he belongs, where he wants to belong, he thinks. With his men, in the middle of nowhere chatting about anything and everything. Confiding in and teasing each other. He trusts them with his life, he can trust them to listen when need be. And yet… there is always that ache. The strange pull in moments like these like something is still missing. It’s been happening more often lately. And it's like an itch Johnny can't scratch. A puzzle piece he can't find but is still absent mindedly searching for. The only issue is he doesn't know what it is, that it just- isn't.
The chatter fades to a muffled sound in the scotts ears for a moment as he lets out a small, genuine smile looking at his group, sipping at the drink in his hand as his forearms lay themselves on the table, hands clasping. Taking a moment to truly thank whatever may be pulling the strings. Bringing him and his boys to safety. And maybe even a small prayer to tell him what the odd nagging in his brain is about. He takes a breath and relaxes, just for a moment. Looking around the bar, truly just admiring the world around him, the bustle of it all, the people with their own lives and ambitions.
How was he supposed to know that was a fatal mistake on his part?
He couldn’t. He didn’t.
He found out a second to late, registered it after he knew he was done for. It was one moment, a mistake, a pause, that would stick with him for as long as it dared. It was a magnet, an invisible force that pulled his very being toward it. The moment he nearly drooled his drink out from his now slack jaw.
Because when his eyes connect with the woman walking through the door, he swears time stopped.
Suddenly, the crappy bar didn’t smell as bad, the music wasn’t too loud, the cushion no longer made his back ache, the room got brighter just from her smile. The very ground shifted, and not in the drunken haze way. He warmed up, eyes wide. A thought process that if he opened them more he would see more. God, it felt like getting a cavity by now, she felt too sweet to even look at.
In a single moment the world shattered around him, everything he knew was thrown out a window, as his mind was occupied by one thought only.
It was only a moment… but by then he knew he was fucked, utterly and completely.
Fate or destiny, call it what you may. An answered prayer, an utter coincidence. It didn’t matter. The bar turned into a museum, a place to observe and admire as his eyes widened impossibly more as his head tilted watching her move. A giggle slipped under his breath as he thought he could be mistaken for Ghost at this point, with his starring.
But your pull, it was undeniable. Even the thought of looking away would cause you to vanish in a blink, never for Johnny to see again. And he couldn’t have that. Not when it was astonishing in the way you simply were.
It only got worse as your group got closer to theirs. A mere table away. When you first walked in it was a trap, a line that was cast into his pond and he was falling for the bait. Confidence is something he is used to in his line of work, but it was usually the cocky kind. The kind that made him want to kick a recruits teeth in for. But you were something different entirely. You demand attention, even if you didn't know it. A high held head, a testament to the world that you were there, and you were aware of it. Thank god it was his attention it demanded, because it was nothing short of a miracle.
The air you lived in became breathable, spreading to his little corner of the bar as he had to remind himself to actually inhale and exhale as he took in the sight over and over again. Committing it to memory. The world became a movie, a fictional place where he wasn’t. One he could only watch and revel in. It was the type that you knew was going to be good before it even began. The one you had been anticipating for and knew wouldn’t disappoint. His heart rate picked up, the same way it would in the field, but in a much less stressful manner now. Jesus, what was happening to him? You must have cursed him. That’s it. The only explanation. Bewitched by not only the view, but the melody of your laugh flooding his ears now at the closer proximity. Leaning against a standing table with a glass in hand, head slightly tilted enough that a stray hair fell to cover your face.
It was comical the way his heart sped up, watching as you chatted with your own group. Something so normal, something you see every single day, was making the big strong man’s hard race like it life or death. And he knew life or death.
Romeo had nothing on him.
Absolutely nothing in the way his brain knew he was to be yours. It had to be, he had to be. It’s how the story will be written, and he will play his role. Stealing your hear that way you have entranced his own. He wouldn’t be able to tell you when he got up. He can’t tell you how his body moved on its own, knowing what needed to be done but not conscious enough to alert his brain.
What he can tell about how perfect it felt to so much as stand there by you. Soaking in your presence was one thing, standing in it next to you was another entirely.
And that's how he found himself face to face with you, who turned to him with a puzzled look, but a kind smile.
He was a goner.
“Oh… umm- Hello, can I help you?” Is all you had to say to him to confirm his every thought. This woman could heal every wound with her voice alone. And her eyes so much as finally looking back at him felt like he was seen for the first time in his life.
“Uhh.. sir? Are you alright?” Your voice rang out again, pulling him back to reality as you hand waved in front of his face slightly. A flattering smile on our lips and your eyebrows furrowed slightly, almost concerned. What came over John MacTavish in that moment is unexplainable.
“I seem to have lost my number—can I have yours?”
Her eyebrows raised. She blinks. Then tilting her head slightly.
He could die right then and there.
Leaning against the table next to her with a stupid, crooked smile and a raised eyebrow, as if he didn't just embarrassed the hell out of himself. A pick up line? That's the best you could do, John? Really? Welp, there goes every chance you had, cut your losses and- Laughter chimed in his ears like wedding bells. And that’s when he froze, every negative thought draining him as he became light. You laugh was intoxicating more than any drink or drug. The kind that was unapologetic and genuine. The kind that has the back of your palm finding your lips as you cover your giggles, nose scrunching and eyes squinting due to the smile. One that made both of you have pink cheeks for different reasons. A joke that probably shouldn't have been laughed at, but coming from the man before you, it eased the tension in the air.
It must have been the prettiest sight Johnny had ever seen.
He doesn’t know how he did it, probably because it wasn’t him at all. Must have been pure luck that after that horrible entrance she seemed kind enough to humor him that night. He bought you a drink and hung on every word you so much as muttered in his direction. You laughed at every joke, good or bad. He made it his mission to make sure he always heard that laugh from then on. To produce it from you.
Oddly enough, it turns out you were one of few words when it came to the actual conversation. And yet it was never rude, ore quiter nature. But more like you were always listening. Every word John rambled on about you picked up, asking questions or simply nodding, expressing your thoughts in your facal expression. Because of this, it seemed like he never looked away from you either, not that it was a bother, it was strangely alright. It wasn’t judgemental, only observant.
He thought he might go buy a ticket for the lottery after you agreed to give him your number by the end of the night. He was more smitten than he’s ever been, and on the dates to follow the swooning only got worse.
Every moment with you felt exhilarating, like he found that missing piece finally after a long search. And that piece loved him back He was insufferable, always gushing about the woman he has the opportunity to take out on a date. And the dates where nothing less of spectacular. The pair was stupid like teenagers in love, but more sentimental, understanding the weight of things better. Arguments never lasted long and if they did they were cleared up before any damage was done. She understood what his job ment to him, and told him she would never make him change that about himself. It was his passion, she can share.
“Just so long as you promise to come back to me.”
And from that day forth he would make a pinky promise every time he left. He was to come home. Time passed quickly, in flashes. It felt like his life went from downtime in between missions, to missions in between downtime. His heart ached for you in the days he was gone, but he always knew he would be home. He would see you again. He found a want to live, even more now that he found his world.
And as time passed them by, he found out she was perfect in the all the ways he could dream of. Especially in the impossible task of calming him down as well. Rough mission? She already had his favorite meal ready and was soothing him over. Nightmares? She was there either on the phone or more recently next to him to hold him and run her fingers through his hair. To much energy? To rowdy? You always found a way to settle him down. His anchor. And he would do the same for her if the day presented itself.
Another plus that made it all that much more, everyone liked you.It wasn’t hard too of course, but it proved even moreso how lucky he got. His family adored you, his sisters taking you in as part of the family already, much quicker than any of his other past relationships. It made him well up with pride.
Even when he officially introduced you to the 141, it was with open arms as well. If he wasnt a unit before, he absolutely was one now. Maybe just a tad bit more annoying with his bragging but of course he brags. Those boys knew how much you were doing for him, and you knew they were keeping him safe. It was a harmony that both sides respected.
A part of him knew that even if all of those people didn’t like her, (an impossible feat if he does say so himself), nothing would change for him. You were his, he was yours. Irrevocably and absolutely. If the world didn’t want them, the world wasn’t for them. Simple as that. Life became sweeter, dreamlike as he fell into a comfortable rhythm. It was almost unbelievable, no, it was unbelievable.
One day, as he was laying on the couch, laying gently on you, nearly dozing off. Then he felt your hand on his shoulder, a soft pat that made him stir but not move as he hummed in response. “Johnny?” You said, soft enough that he had to stir slightly closer to your voice. But he didn’t look up, kept his heavy eyes shut as he mumbles a small “what?”
“Earth to Johnny..” Hmm, that's odd. It mde him sit up the slightest bit more. Must have been laying on his ear wrong, your voice sounded weird. And another pat on his shoulder, a bit harder this time.
And then he blinked. He was sitting up straight, eyes wide as he made eye contact with his Captain across from him, in the same place he left him at the bar. The bar? His cheek stung from the movement of no longer resting on… his palm? His? No that’s not right. His head hurt slightly as the smell of bar flooded his nose. What was he doing in a-
“Soap, you alright? You were out for a bit. Staren’ at nothing.” Gaz said with a smile, slightly concerned.
He looked around, baffled as he took in the same dingy bar he had met you in. In fact in the same spot exactly, same clothes, same drink. Hold on, that can't be right. His head swung back around as he took in the table next to them was, empty. Bottles and cups discarded to the side, napkins crumpled. He heard the bar door shut as his eyes flicked over and spotted the same woman walk away outside, smiling the same as she was before. Only then did it make sense.
His mind filled in the blanks for him as he rubbed his face with a groan. When something is too good to be true, it's probably because it is. Gaz was patting his back as Ghost and Price shared a look that had Price hiding a smirk. But it didn’t matter to Johnny.
What mattered was she’d already left.
The boys decided that's where the night should end, Johnny's head almost embarrassingly hung low as they paid their bill and called a car to take them back to base. This is the first time Scott has sulked in a while, running his hands through his mohawk as he kicked himself for being so stupid. Caught up in a daydream of a random woman at the bar, what a stupid fantasy to get caught in. he was practically mourning something he doesn't even have, never did have. And now something he wouldn’t have either.
The moment changed his life for sure, a memory of fake memories that will haunt his little brain every once in a while when he's bored and remembers this night.
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chvnnie · 2 years
Idk where this falls under but like, domestic life with Han Jisung sounds so good to me rn, specifically with this scenario:
You arrive home (from work, grocery shopping, buying stuff, etc) and what you don't expect is for Jisung to be sitting on the couch watching TV completely shirtless with Bbama sleeping on top of him. (oh to sleep on jisungs tiddies—)
The sight instantly makes you melt and you just smother the two with welcome kisses and cuddles
(depends on if the couple keeps it pg or moves things to the bedroom 👀👀)
listen. LISTEN. domestic jisung is honestly all i think about. you’re speaking my language with this request, anon.
han jisung x gn reader
word count: 1.7k
genre: fluff, suggestive content - MINORS DNI
warnings: absolute fluff, reader has no pronouns, mentions of painkillers (given in a medical setting), mentions of restraints, suggestive content, like a sentence of dirty talk at the end, not proofread bc i thrive in chaos
summary: jisung is the best remedy for a bad day.
a/n: the way i said i wasn’t going to post another drabble yet and here i am, doing just that. thank you for all the requests! if i haven’t answered yours yet, please be patient! i promise i saw it, and i promise i’ll write it :) also, thank you so much for everyone who has sent things in! the way you’ve all supported me and my content means the world to me. i hope you enjoy!
this is a work of fiction. this fic in no way represents han jisung as a person or stray kids as a whole. you are responsible for the media you consume. please read responsibly.
Today might have been the worst day of your college career.
It was your busy day, which meant you were in class from 8:00-12:00, getting a short hour break before you were back in class from 2:00-5:00. To make the day busier, your advisor asked to meet you during your break today, which meant you didn’t have time to relax.
The morning classes were awful and long, one throwing in a surprise test (the professor clarified it was not a quiz, but a test and that there’s no way you shouldn’t be prepared for it) and another assigning a fourteen page paper due by the end of next week. The meeting with your advisor was less than ideal, and you left it on edge and late for your first afternoon class. All the afternoon classes were nothing to write home about, but after the morning you had, everything annoyed you.
All you wanted to do was go home, order pizza, and watch movies with Jisung. That’s it. You didn’t feel like you were asking much.
You didn’t come into the apartment quietly. Hands full of books, your laptop, and your travel mug, you kicked the door shut with a slam and slipped out of your shoes, the converse bouncing off the wall. A book slipped out of your hand and the thud it made definitely would get you a noise complaint. What-fucking-ever. Just another bad thing to add to a god awful day.
“Ji, I’m home.” You called out, fumbling around until you reached the small kitchen table. Dropping your books and laptop on it, you slid the heavy backpack off your shoulders and let it fall to the ground. Walking to the sink, you didn’t notice the lack of greeting until your cup was rinsed and there wasn’t a 5’7” man tackling you against the counter. You pulled out your phone to see if he said anything about not being here when you got home, but your text inbox was empty. He didn’t have class on Friday, and typically stayed in all day if he didn’t have anywhere to be.
Strange. This wasn’t like him at all.
You walked to the bedroom, but were only greeted with an unmade bed and an empty computer chair. There was evidence Jisung was here recently; the empty soda can next to at least five empty water bottles on the desk, a half eaten bag of chips, one of Bbama’s hundred chew toys at the foot of the chair, and most importantly, the home screen of a game still pulled up.
You went back to the front door. His shoes were still there, his car keys thrown on the small table by the door used primarily to pile mail on, his bike leaning against the opposite wall. He should be here.
But he wasn’t in the bedroom, his usual Friday haunt.
He didn’t greet you immediately.
Where could he be?
You walked into the living room, and kicked yourself for not checking it first.
When the two of you moved in together, you agreed to buy a new couch. Deciding to spend a little extra on a nicer couch, you picked a grey sectional. The cushions were incredibly soft, it was easy to clean, and most importantly - it was large and deep. You could sit in the middle of the cushion and your feet still wouldn’t touch the ground. It’s very common for you to climb onto the couch, intending to watch tv, and falling asleep before the first episode is even over. It’s your favorite piece of furniture you own. It’s also something you and Jisung fight over the most.
The corner of the sectional where both ends meet is your favorite spot. And Jisung’s. And Bbama’s. So when all three of you are on the couch, it is a full blown battle to see who gets the coziest spot. Jisung is relentless when it comes to that corner; he has not hesitated to push you off the couch before and he’d do it in a heartbeat. You would be mad if you didn’t match that aggression, often literally kicking him out of the spot to have it to yourself. One time you even sprained your wrist as you dove over the back of the couch to get there first.
“You did that on purpose to get first dibs on the corner.” Jisung said to you in the emergency room that night. “Don’t think I don’t see through this.”
You just smirked, painkillers going straight to your head. “So does that mean I get it when we get home?”
He gave it to you that night.
The next day, he was back to throwing hands and wrestling you to the ground for it (carefully, because he didn’t want to hurt your wrist more).
So it wasn’t surprising to see Jisung curled up in that corner, legs spread out onto the chaise. The windows were opened, the spring breeze drafting in and making the room feel more fresh and cool. He sat slightly slouched, head barely visible over the edge of the couch. You walked over to him, ready to jump and claim the corner for yourself when you melted into a puddle.
Jisung was shirtless, clothed only in short, black cotton shorts. The backwards cap on his head told you he opted not to do his hair today, brown ends curling underneath it. His head was tilted slightly to the left, eyes focused on the show playing on the television a few feet away. Bbama laid on his chest, the white ball of fluff letting wheezy dog snores fill the room. Jisung had his airpods in - he sometimes liked to connect them to the tv when he was home alone so as not to disturb Bbama or your noise sensitive neighbors. His fingers stroked up and down the dog’s back as if he was comforting the animal. The two of them looked incredibly cozy, and never in your life have you seen something so incredibly precious.
A part of you didn’t want to ruin the moment. The other part was left a bit left out.
In the end, the latter won.
You circled around the couch, Jisung catching your movement in his peripherals. Before he could even remove a headphone, you were on top of him, hands cupping his face as you smothered him with kisses. Anywhere your lips met skin, you kissed; in between his eyebrows, the tip of his nose, his squishy cheeks. Jisung giggled underneath you and made a piss poor attempt to wiggle away from the kisses.
“Baby.” He whined between the laughs. “Let me up.”
“No.” You continued the assault, kisses drifting to his ears and neck. Any skin that was exposed, you would cover with kisses. It was what you deserved after the day you had, and what Jisung deserved for looking so damn cute in his little shorts and baseball cap.
Bbama, who was just now waking up, squirmed out from between you and Jisung, directing a small bark at the two of you.
“Aw, you jealous? Want some kisses too?” You let go of Jisung, leaning off of him to try and grab the dog. Bbama moved before you could grab him and ran off, effectively escaping the kiss attack you had launched on the two of them.
With you distracted, Jisung took the opportunity to tackle you. He pushed you onto the couch, hands pinning your wrists down as he began his counterattack, returning all the kisses you gave him. You squirmed, laughs filling the apartment as his lips tickled your skin.
“Let me go.” You laughed, trying to lift your arms up.
“No. Mine.” Jisung said, kisses not halting even for a second. Just as you were, Jisung was determined to kiss any part of skin he could find. The weather was nice today, so you chose to wear a tank top, leaving your collarbones free game.
When his lips brushed against them, you unconsciously arched your back, a whine slipping through your laughter. Jisung didn’t mean to get that reaction from you - in fact, he forgot your collarbones were one of your weak spots until he kissed them. But he wasn’t mad about it either.
Jisung rested his chin on your chest, looking up at you. “How was your day?”
He watched your smile turn into a small frown, and he hated himself for ruining the moment. “Not great.”
“I’m sorry.” His thumbs stroked the wrists he was still pinning down, unwilling to let them go just yet. “Anything I can do?”
You shrugged. “Just wanna spend time with you.”
He felt his face flush. Two years together, and you still weren’t sick of him. You still came home everyday wanting to be around him, still texted him throughout the day when he wasn’t around, still got excited to see him. He was happy he wasn’t the only one who still got butterflies. When he first sees you in the morning, eyes partially open and breath stale from sleep, the butterflies reignite and take over, not stopping for a beat until he falls asleep next to you at night. The next morning, they wake again, beating faster than the day before.
And you felt that way. About him. He still couldn’t fathom it, the idea still unbelievable to him. But everyday, he counted every lucky star he had and thanked them for you.
It was a blessing to be loved by you.
“I’m always happy to spend time with you, my love. Anything you want me to do?” He asked.
“You could let my arms go.” You pushed against his hand for emphasis.
“No way. You’ll tickle me if I do.”
The hint of mischief in your eyes confirmed that you would in fact tickle him the moment your hands were free.
“Besides-” he brought his head back up, leaning into you. His lips brushed slightly against yours, close enough to kiss you but refusing to close the gap. “-I like when you’re restrained for me.”
You smirked up at your boyfriend, hips raising to brush against his. “Yeah? Then what are you waiting for?”
The chuckle that he released filled you with both fear and excitement for what was to come.
Jisung adjusted your arms, grabbing both wrists with one of his hands. The other traveled down your body before it landed on the waistline of your shorts, pushing them off along with your underwear.
“Spread your legs, baby. You’re not going to stop cumming until I’m sick of it.”
©: chvnnie 2022
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rostovs-lover · 3 years
din djarin x reader | a bounty, smooching, way too much flowery language| gender neutral | fluff | wc.1594
this is all flowery writing and i still haven’t watched the second season, so. also, researching for this somehow led me to a 2017 1D gangbang fic on ao3 so that-
hey hey, if you want some requests, i’d love some first kiss fluff with Mando??? however you want to handle the mask thing go for it, i just need some tlc from Din 🥺 if you wanna of course
despite how connected you are to each other, you and Din have only limited yourselves to mere hand touches. but he’s in love and it needs to come out.
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     The Razor Crest shifted in the air, shaking the bundle of flower against the windshield. They had been picked in a small village, temporary lodging for you and the Child while Din tracked a smuggler from several planets over. It was calm and lush and green and you had been thrilled to present your companion with the little purple bouquet. It wasn’t much, small, half wilted, and tied off with a thin piece of sewing string from your pack but he’d taken it gently in his hands and vowed to put it somewhere he’d always see it. To always have a reminder of you.
     When all was said and done, the bounty caught, and you’d found your way back into the ship something had seemed different, more domestic. Floating around in an endless expanse of darkness, just talking. It was so simple, so innocent. Din wasn’t accustomed to the gentleness of domesticity, with his legs stretched out onto the dash and your soft presence floating around the cabin. He sat, still and quietly, listening to your voice, absolutely entranced. He had lived years, decades, on his lonesome, lone bandit doing as he pleased with a lack of regard to anything else. He could go and do terribly risky things. He could almost get himself killed and then thrive off of the adrenaline of living and no one would say a thing. But then there was a child, something small and fragile. He had a life in his grasp, something that would only flourish if he fed and watered it and gave it the right amount of love and sunlight. One lapse of judgement and suddenly the entirety of the universe rested right against his cold leather gloves. Gloves that did unimaginable things, cruel and incredible things. They smelled of blaster residue and guilt, payment for taken lives. He was ruthless until he wasn’t. Until he found a baby, alone, and saw a mirror, saw himself. It had softened him, reduced him to positively nothing.
     The child was all he vowed to have, the only thing he would allow himself to love. And Din refused to believe he could open himself to anyone else, refused to let himself have anything else that could hinder him. But Maker, if the body really was made of stardust then a constellation had to give up two pieces of itself for the both of you to be here, together, perfectly aligned. He had surrendered himself entirely at your first words to him, fallen to his knees instead of replying and from that moment forwards Din Djarin, the feared bounty hunter in all his hard, hand-forged armour, had belonged to you. His soul melded into you.
     The term “soulmate” was to be used lightly, and as much as he’d thrown the possibility around it wasn’t plausible. Impossible even, that you could be soulmates. Twin flames were more akin to what he felt you were. After one night in a murky inn, it seemed the feeling was mutual. As you’d pressed your hand to his, bare, ungloved, the only part of him you’d allowed yourself to touch. But it had been everything to him. Din had yearned for contact, and when the warmth from your palm bled into his something burned all through him and it still hadn’t left. You hadn’t left, you had burrowed yourself into his heart.
     Din sat back in the pilot seat of the Razor Crest, feet propped against the dash. You were talking about a book you’d picked up in the village. It was on botany and certain botanical environments in different parts of the galaxy. You’d known most everything in the book already but it was still interesting and it contained a new tincture. It had also aided in putting the Child to sleep on several restless night. A habit he’d picked up since you’d been the one to put him to bed, only going down with a story, regardless of what it was you were reading. It was something so sweetly domestic, pure and untouched by anything happening through the galaxy.
     Din’s life, from an impressionable age, had controlled by a creed. He had grown up loved and cared for but not with parents, he hadn’t ever had a textbook definition family. And in his line of work he couldn’t afford to be familial, let alone paternal. The child was accidental, at best. A cruel twist of fate had put them in the same path, The Child who owed his life for merely existing and Din, who was so feared that sometimes, the terror seeped into his own conscious. But you. You made him want to give up all the violence. He was willing to set his blaster down and never pick it back up. He would shed his brutality, pull himself from a rouge nomadic life if only for a moment more of this life. To be in love, to have a child, to nurture a family for himself. He wanted, so desperately, to have and to hold. He had also never divulged any of this to you.
     “Its late-” You paused to look into the dark space outside of the ship, “In theory. We’ve been awake for a while is more accurate,”
     “You can go to bed, I’ll manage with the kid.”
     “We have Din, you’ve kidnapped someone since you slept last,”
     Din scoffed, “Kidnapped is a little bit heavy, also incredibly incorrect. I do not kidnap, I get paid for what I do.”
     “Kidnappers get paid, I think that's the point?” You pushed yourself out of the chair, “Are you coming?”
     Din looked back to the console, “Fine, let me just put in the coordinates then I’ll be down, okay?”
     You nodded, “Make sure not to get us lost.” You gathered your book and the blanket thrown over the headrest of The Child’s seat before opening the doors to the hallway.
     You were settled into bed, pajamas on, afghan wrapped around your shoulders, and book in your clutch, when Din came down the ladder. He shuffled through the room, setting things in their rightful place, blaster under the bed, gloves on the nigh table.
     “I’m turning the lights off, is that okay?”
     You nodded, “Yes, yeah I’m done with this chapter.” You dogeared the page as the room was cast into darkness. The thick quilt on the bed was pushed back and the mattress sunk under his weight. There was a quiet shuffle as he removed his gloves, his helmet, and the rest of his heavy armor.
     He was warm, it seemed to radiate from him. Even as he lay a lifetime away from you, only touching hands. It was pitch black and his fingers intertwined with yours.
     “Did you see much of the village when we stopped?” You asked quietly, playing with his fingers.
     “What does that mean? Enough,”
     “I saw enough of it, it was nice, lots of farmland. Did you like it?”
     You nodded, moving to run your fingers over the palm of his hand. Despite how rough his line of work was Din’s hands were soft, all the years spent under thick leather gloves, “It was stunning, the baby liked it too. He really likes playing with other kids, he’s good at making friends.”
     “Do you think he gets lonely?” You felt the tips of Din’s fingers shyly prod at the delicate skin on your wrist. The excitement that bubbled into your lungs seemed almost pathetic, like a schoolgirl holding hands with her crush for the very first time. But you’d never had his bare hands anywhere but your own and now he was moving up your arm.
     “No, he seems content here, with us.”
His fingers were at the crook of your elbow now, pressing into the soft flesh and he almost seemed to tug at you, tug you closer, and you gave. His voice had quieted to accommodate the closed distance, “Friends couldn’t… hurt? Other kids to be around for more than just a couple of days.”
     You let one of your fingertips start to dance up his bicep, “What exactly are you insinuating Mando?”
     “It would be nice to settle in,” He gingerly settled his hand against the curve of your neck.
     Your heart raced and you crooned into him, a soft shudder rolling through your shoulder, “Settle in?”
     He carefully pushed a piece of hair from your eyes, “To be somewhere, permanently maybe,”
     “Like to have a home, you mean?” You reached to hold the back of his hand against your cheek.
     “Yes… maybe. Not necessarily, I mean not if you didn’t want to. Not… you but just in general.” He paused, thumbing at your cheek, “Yes you, if you wanted.”
      “Din,” You murmured, reaching into the dark for him.
     He caught your wrist, “I’m here. Right here.” And it was very quiet, practically silent besides the soft whirring of the engine. The air changed as he leaned closer, hair brushing against your jaw, “Is this okay?”
     “Its perfect,” You whispered back up to him.
     Slowly, very slowly, he pressed his mouth to yours. The stubble dusted against his jaw scratched your cheek as he tilted his head. His breath, softly flitting against your skin was warm and the hands your face made you feel safe, grounded. He smelled like leather and sweat and the freshly laundered shirt he wore. Din was home. He was soothing and familiar and home. Absolutely perfect. Absolutely wonderful.
     Pulling back slowly you looked up to where you assumed he was, “Din, where exactly would we be settling in?”
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byeongqueen · 3 years
Bang Chan SFW Alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Pretty affectionate, but mostly in private. He likes those moments to stay intimate.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He was the upperclassman that helped you for an assignment, that turned into the really good friend who would always cheer you up, and listen to you when you need to, to then being your boyfriend.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He likes to have you on his lap, his arms wrapped tightly around you, pulling your body as close to him as he can.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Doesn’t mind the idea of settling down, but after the group stops, or at least gets less active, because he wants to fully enjoy life with you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He could probably come out a little cold, but just because of how hurt he his, that he has to do that to you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Either wouldn't really want to, of you’d both stay at the fiancee stage for a long time. He doesn’t really want to put your relationship under the spotlight.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
So soft, whether its in his touch, or his way of acting towards you. He’ll always make sure you’re fine and happy.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
His hugs are warm, soft and comforting. If he hugs you because you’re upset about something, he’ll talk softly in your ear, almost like a whisper, and maybe sing to you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Pretty fast I think. He’s also the kind to ask if you still love him a few times a day, just to be sure you aren’t fed up of him or his tiring life (but honestly who could get tired of Bang Chan)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Not really jealous, but can be a bit self conscious? Like some time you’d be talking about how much fun you had with a colleague at work and he’d worry a little. But he would never tell you to not hang out or talk with someone, you well being comes first.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Soft little pecks, literally everywhere. Likes to kiss your forehead and head a lot.
He likes it when you come up and kiss his cheek out of the blue, while on your tippy toes, it makes you look cute.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Just as protective as he is of you. He would probably be a bit scared at first, to hurt them. But once he gets to know them and see how much they like him, he’ll try his best to make them laugh, and have fun.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Pretty simple mornings. On a few occasions he’d like to try and make a small breakfast for you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Lots of cuddling, watching movies, after having dinner together. He thrives for simple evenings at home, when he barely ever does that at the studio.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s pretty open about himself, but the deeper things you’d have to gain his trust before knowing it. He only opens up to those who he has a great feeling with, meaning you, his members, and a few friends.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Very patient, well, living with 7 children he has to be!
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He is a monster, he remembers everything, even the smallest details you would yourself forget.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time he saw you front row at one of their concert. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, and Jisung had to tap his shoulder to bring him back with them.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He isn’t that jealous, but he is quite overprotective from time to time. He has been through some rough times, and he doesn’t want that ever happening to you. He always asks you how your day went.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He would try hard. When he’s here, expect a lot of flowers, he’d also bring back little gifts for you from every country they visit.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Thinking he’s not enough? (I feel like I never put bad “habits” here, I’m the worst). He has a tendency to be really hard on himself, in various aspects of his life.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Like a 4/10, he likes to look good for you, but knows that you don’t care that much
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Completely incomplete. You’ve been a huge part of his life, and even when he goes on tour, he can’t help but feel something is missing.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He would want to introduce you to the group, as soon as your relationship got serious. He’d often reassure you that the boys would absolutely love you. And they did.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He hates mean people, bullies. If you’re mean to anyone without a reason, he’s probably talk to you about it, and how it makes him feel.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He tends to sing to you right before he falls asleep. (that’s cute) I also feel like he is a blanket stealer.
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xmagicxshopx · 4 years
Spring Cleaning - Chapter 4
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Genre: Fluff, Romance, Comedy Rating: PG - M ( future smut ) Warnings: None in this chapter Pairing: personal assistant!jungkook x ceo!reader Notes: AU fic. Not idol!jungkook. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: This chapter may seem like a filler but I think it’s important for character development since Kook and reader are spending time together and getting to know each other~
Tagging: @deolly​ @katebacks​
Summary: Your mother built you to be a thriving business machine. However, in her old age, she’s growing soft and wants grand kids to spoil. Your home and yard are a mess due to your busy schedule. So your mother attempts to kill two birds with one stone.
MASTERLIST || CH 1 || CH 2 || CH 3 
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“Good night, Mr. Jeon.”
“Good night, Miss. Kwon.”
Last night had ended just as the night before. Only......it hadn’t? As he laid there in bed staring at the ceiling but not really seeing it, he let the events of last night play back in his mind’s eyes. You had told him that you were going to call off work tomorrow.....which would mean today. You----The workaholic who literally worked till she dropped, was going to take a day off??? It almost seemed too good to be true. Yet here he was, another morning rolling around and this time.....he wouldn’t have to watch you leave for work at the ass crack of dawn. It was Monday so normally you’d be getting up and getting ready for work.
“She seemed to really like breakfast yesterday. Perhaps I’ll see if she’s up and I can make more for her.”
Changing into a simple over sized t-shirt and some sweats, he made his way out of his room and instantly noticed the smell of coffee filling the house. Hmm......Well he knew that could have only came from one person. You. So it would seem you were already up. Not surprising but hopefully you’d still be somewhere around here and not having lied to him. Now that he had time to process everything, he was genuinely looking forward to you staying home today.
Taking the stairs two at a time, he reached the bottom in nothing flat. Subconsciously ruffling and fluffing his shaggy long locks, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw not only you sitting at the dining table sipping on coffee, but your mother too. Well dang.
“Jungkookieeee! Darling! It’s so good to see you! Come! Have some coffee with us!”
While he had managed to keep professional eye contact with your mother, he was pretty sure he could see you visibly cringe out of the corner of his eye and he couldn’t help but internally snicker. Your mother was quite......obvious with her intentions still despite everything. However, he offered a warm and friendly smile before saying casually in a light and happy tone,
“I’d love to, Mrs. Kwon. Thank you.”
Of course she motioned for him to sit next to you and who was he to defy your mother??? Trying to keep a straight face and not grin like a moron, he took the seat next to you and decided to sneak a glance your way. You seemed to be texting someone at a rate that not even he could keep up with. If the look of deep concentration was anything to go by, he decided it was best not to say anything to you till you were done.
“How do you like your coffee, my dear?”
“Oh just black is fine, Mrs. Kwon.”
“Ugh. Gross. You’re just like my daughter. You two need more sweetness in your lives. Some sugar and cream. Lots of cream.”
Thank god he hadn’t actually took a drink from his mug yet or else he would have choked just as he nearly had on the noodle from his soup last night. What was it with these Kwon women??? Always full of surprises it would seem. After cautiously taking a sip of his coffee, he glanced over to see what your reaction had been but you simply kept typing furiously away on your phone.
“So what brings you over so early in the morning, Mrs. Kwon? Is everything alright?”
“Oh I just happened to get a frantic text from my poor Jiminnie this morning. Something about how my daughter might be in trouble because she was calling off work today. So I rushed right over.”
However, the tone that your mother spoke in was anything but worried. In fact, her voice just happened to be dripping in amusement. Something that the male instantly caught on to. Taking another sip of his coffee, he noticed you grumbling as you finally put your phone down. Goodness. Weren’t your thumbs about to fall off?
“I still don’t think it’s that big of a shock. I’m taking a day away from the office. So what???”
The table grew silent while you huffed and took a sip of your now stone cold coffee. Oh well. That was okay. It would be cold like your soul as you thought to yourself. Even though your mother liked to pick on you, even she knew now wasn’t a good moment to poke fun at your statement. While Jungkook hadn’t known you for very long, less than a week in fact, he knew enough not to comment either. It was then that your mother decided to break the tense silence as she cleared her throat and asked casually,
“So what are the plans for today, my darlings?”
That was a good question. What were your plans??? Now that you weren’t sitting there texting Jimin an entire playbook on how to run a company for just. one. day., you finally had some time to think about what you wanted to do with this time away from the office. The growling of your stomach gave you the first idea.
Grocery shopping. Ah yes. You were supposed to do that with Jungkook sometime soon. So that way he could fix food he knew you would actually like instead of just guessing. Hearing a soft chuckle over next to you, you glanced over to see Jungkook smiling to himself in amusement and delight as he silently got up from his chair before padding over to the kitchen and announcing happily,
“Mrs. Kwon, you should stay for breakfast. My treat.”
“Why thank you, dear! Mr. Jeon has quite the manners. Doesn’t he, sweetheart?”
“Absolutely selfless, he is.”
Your tone was one of a deadpanned as you silently grumbled while sipping on your ice cold coffee. You could practically feel the male snickering behind you while he shared a look of amusement with your mother. Two against one. How unfair. While Jungkook went about fixing breakfast for the three of you, your mother pipped up about how it would be a good idea to start making a list of all the groceries you’d need.
It kind of reminded you of the days where she was training you to be her successor. The one to take her place in the company that she had held so dearly once upon a time. But now it was almost like your mother was teaching you how to be a normal human being again. Honestly, it wasn’t far from the truth. You didn’t know it, but your mother felt incredibly guilty for having turned you into such a workaholic. A soul who was alive but not actually living.
As he stood there in the adjoining kitchen cutting up peppers to put in the fried potatoes, he couldn’t help but watch you and your mother at the dining table. It all felt so.......domestic? The real question was.....how did that make him feel? The initial feeling was that he liked it. But should he? This was supposed to be a job and a job only for him. Cooking, cleaning, being your personal assistant so that you could focus on your company and not have to worry about life at home so much.
So then why did it feel like he was fixing breakfast for his girlfriend and his potential mother-in-law???
Shaking his head a bit to clear it, he continued working on breakfast and decided to listen in on your conversation. Perhaps focusing on tasks such as grocery shopping would help distract him from these odd thoughts and feelings that were bubbling inside his chest and confusing his brain.
It seemed like in no time at all, a western omelet fit for royalty had been placed on three plates as well as Jungkook coming up with his own little healthy touch of fruit salad as a small side dish for each of them as they all three sat at the dining table. But not before the male had kindly offered to refill their coffee mugs. Needless to say, your mother was glowing while you were brooding.
“My my my. I’m going to have to come over for breakfast more often! I could get used to this!”
“You want him? You can have him.”
Having quickly become used to your sour humor, your words didn’t phase Jungkook a bit. As for your mother, however, she still lightly scolded you for being so rude to someone who had just slaved over a hot stove to make you breakfast. If your mother only knew. Jungkook thrived in the kitchen and being a slave was the last thing he felt like right now.
“It’s quite alright, Mrs. Kwon. I take no offense to it. Please do enjoy your breakfast before it gets cold.”
Wow. When your mother was all feather ruffled and huffy and puffy......it made the two of you look so much alike. There was no denying that you two were blood related. In that moment, Jungkook learned that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. It was actually kind of cute, really. Thankfully, your mother took his encouraging words and ran with it as she finally took the first bite of the best omelet she had ever had.
Aside from the occasional bickering between you and your mother, breakfast was actually quite lovely. If it hadn’t been for looking over the grocery list the two of you had made up, Jungkook would have started feeling all domestic again and that wasn’t what he needed right now. He needed to stay focused on his job and be just your personal assistant. Nothing more and nothing less.
‘Stay focused, Jeon.’
Once breakfast was over and Mrs. Kwon insisted on helping load the dishwasher, you had made the announcement that you’d be heading upstairs to shower before accompanying your assistant to the grocery store. Both your mother and said assistant simply nodded with smiles that were nearly identical in mischief. This only caused you to narrow your eyes suspiciously at them before huffing and heading upstairs. Still not fair.
“You know, Jungkookie, there’s a carnival in town this week. Perhaps you and my daughter might wish to go?”
Dang. Your mother wasn’t going to make his latest internal struggle any easier, was she? At first, he really hadn’t minded her obvious attempts at match making. However, now that he was starting to feel these odd domestic type feelings, it was becoming much more difficult to shrug them off as just all-in-good-fun teasing.
“A carnival sounds like a lot of fun, Mrs. Kwon. Would you like to join in if we go?”
There. Maybe if he could try to turn the tables a bit, it might make him feel a little less self-conscious. While he appreciated your mother’s enthusiasm and confidence in his ability to please you, Jungkook was in no shape to be someone’s love interest. For several reasons. Reasons that he really didn’t care to think about right now.
“Oh my no. I wouldn’t want to intrude. But I think my daughter needs to get out more and she seems to listen to you better than she does me. So perhaps you could convince her to go, hmm?”
Well that didn’t work. At all. He should have known better, honestly, but it had been worth a shot. After assuring the woman that he would at least try to run the idea by you, that seemed to be enough to satisfy her and she proceeded to insist that she could handle the dishes if he too wanted to wash up before heading to the grocery store.
With that, he nodded and headed up the stairs to take a quick shower and make himself decent for the task at hand. While in the shower, it felt anything but quick as he got lost in thoughts. Thoughts of you and your mother and how he felt about having breakfast with the two of you. It was nice. Really nice. But he was probably just overthinking it. He had a tendency to do that with things that confused him.
After getting all washed up and towel drying his shaggy mop of hair, he then proceeded to comb and dry said mop. Honestly, he felt he looked more mature with long hair but dang was it a hassle to take care of. Once his dark locks were perfectly quaffed, he dressed in a light yellow button up shirt tucked into a pair of ripped skinny jeans.
There we go. Not too dressy but not too casual. Spritzing on some cologne his father got him for his birthday last year, he checked himself in the mirror one more time before determining he looked good and professional. He could only imagine how his best friend from Busan Jimin felt. Having to wear a monkey suit day in and day out being your real assistant.
If only you knew that him and Jimin knew each other. That your personal assistant and company assistant were childhood best friends from Busan. For some reason, he just didn’t have the desire to tell you yet. That was something else he couldn’t quite explain. Why exactly did he want to keep it a secret? What did he have to gain by keeping the information from you? There he goes again, thinking way too much.
‘Get your butt out there, Jeon. They’re probably waiting on you.’
After giving himself a small pep talk in the bathroom mirror to just act natural and that he’s on business as your personal assistant, he took one last deep breath and exhaled slowly before bracing himself and heading out of his room to truck downstairs. He could do this. He could do this. This is a business trip to stock your home with food that he will eventually cook for you. Just business. Just busin----
He was beginning to think he was going to be the next poor sap stuck in a monkey suit if this was how you always dressed to go grocery shopping.
Pointed toed heels that looked more like weapons rather than footwear. And dang did you look dangerous in that pantsuit. Keeping it classic. Black. Pitch black. Not to mention how it hugged your body in all the right ways. For a woman who either didn’t eat at all or ate nothing but take-out, you still had a gorgeous figure. Or maybe he was just biased???
Your hair was pulled back in what appeared to be the most tight knit bun he had ever seen. In fact, just looking at it was giving him a headache. Maybe if you didn’t have your hair up so tightly all the time, you wouldn’t be so grumpy. But he wasn’t about to tell you that. He’d like to keep all his body parts attached, thanks. Seriously......those heels could poke someone’s eye out.
“You ready to head out, Mr. Jeon? Mother has offered to watch the place while we’re out.”
“Absolutely, Miss. Kwon.”
“You two enjoy the shopping trip and I’ll just be here monitoring the dishwasher and maybe dust here and there a bit. I’ll make sure Jimin holds down the fort at the company as well. Just go and enjoy yourselves!”
Well.....as enjoyable as grocery shopping could be, anyhow. With an obvious eye roll, you simply snapped your fingers and started moving to the door, heels making clacking sounds loud enough to wake the dead. Given the fact that your floors switched back and forth between hardwood and marble. God didn’t your feet hurt in those things??? Weren’t your toes squished???
It was when the two of you finally got outside and was swinging by the garage that he realized it had never been discussed who’s vehicle they’d be taking. But judging from your confident steps towards your sleek black Hyundai Palisade, it would appear that you were driving. He shouldn’t have been surprised, honestly. It made perfect sense. With his truck, he didn’t have much space in the backseats and he highly doubted the bed of a truck was sanitary for food to be packed into.
You had already climbed into the driver’s seat by the time he got to the passenger side. He was no psychologist, but from the short amount of time he had spent with you thus far, he could tell one thing.......You liked being in control. Of everything. Wordlessly climbing into the passenger seat, he got himself buckled in and watched you start the vehicle before the two of you were finally out of the garage and on your way to the grocery store.
“Okay. The job is simple. We get the list out, buy everything on the list, pay for it, and get out of here.”
Jungkook expected nothing less from you so he simply smiled and gave you a thumbs up before climbing out of the car. The ride to the store had been silent as the grave and he wasn’t about to ruin that. It was an odd peaceful kind of silence even if he could feel your mild agitation radiating from you in the driver’s seat. If this had truly been your first day off from the company in---like---ever, then he could understand how tense you might be feeling. You probably felt like a new mother letting go of her new born baby for the first time since giving birth.
Walking into the store, you immediately pulled your phone out to bring up your electronic list. While you did that, Jungkook took it upon himself to be your assistant and took a disinfectant wipe from the public dispenser and cleaned down the bar handle of one of the carts from the docking area. With list ready and a cart set to go, the two of you made your way to the first section of the store. The fruits and vegetables.
So far so good. You were being very cooperative and well-behaved during the whole trip. A nice change from the first time the two of you went to the store together. Perhaps because you were working. You actually had a task that you needed to complete. Again, Jungkook was no psychologist, but he was pretty sure if you weren’t working, you just simply didn’t know how to act. Which was kind of, sort of, really sad.
“Okay so we’ve taken care of the fruits, vegetables, meats. Now what?”
“Well if we’re going to have stir fry one night this week, we’re going to need some rice. Let’s head there next.”
There he goes again. That feeling bubbling up in his chest again and filling his stomach with butterflies. Dang it. He had been doing so good too. But watching you retrieve items here and there, sometimes needing his help because the items were too high up, it all felt so.......domestic. That word just kept floating around in his head. It felt like the two of you had decided to go to the grocery store after work. Discussing dinners ahead of time and all that. Gah he was going to go insane!
You, on the other hand, were having a hard time focusing but for other reasons. Your assistant was dressed quite nicely today despite the lack of professionalism. While you approved of the yellow button up, the skinny jeans were a bit too casual for your liking. Or maybe you just didn’t like how well they hugged his thighs? Nah. It was just too casual for you. Yeah. That was it. That had to be the reason. Maybe next time you’d make a comment about dressing more appropriately for the job. But today you’d let it slide.
He smelled really nice too. You briefly wondered what cologne he uses when you realized that you couldn’t reach a box of pasta for Italian Nights. Without even having to ask, you could feel a huge warm body coming up behind you that smelled just like your assistant. Sure enough, Jungkook extended his long arm and easily plucked the box of pasta from the shelf before flashing you a bright bunny-like smile and handing it over to you.
“Here you are, Miss. Kwon.”
“Thank you, Mr. Jeon. I appreciate it. Now you know one of the reasons why I don’t go grocery shopping in the first place.”
Wow. Did you just crack a joke??? He was pretty sure you did. Or at least tried to. Smiling and feeling more at ease knowing that you were starting to ease up a bit, he continued to push the cart that only kept getting heavier and heavier as the two of you walked down the aisles. The rest of the trip went mostly in silence aside from the small discussion of price comparing here and the task of picking out the least beaten up box there.
It seemed like in no time at all, the two of you were heading up to the register and placing the items down for scanning and payment. This process too went mostly in silence but, again, it was peaceful. An unspoken agreement that there didn’t need to be words exchanged in order to check out their groceries. This was a job, after all. He needed to stay professional.
Thank goodness you had brought your vehicle instead of his because he wasn’t sure if even the bed of his truck would have held all these groceries. After Jungkook insisting that he do all the packing and storing into the vehicle, being that he was your assistant and all, you took this opportunity to send a quick text to Jimin asking him how things were going before shooting your mother a text informing her that the two of you were on your way home now.
“I think that was a very successful trip, don’t you think, Miss. Kwon?”
“It wasn’t as bad as I had initially thought it would be. Although I don’t remember groceries being so pricey. Then again.....it has been awhile.”
While you spoke in your professional tone, it still made him smile to hear you yet again trying to poke fun at your own self. You were lightening up. Even if only just a little. Progress was progress no matter how small. That’s how he looked at it. With the both of you in the vehicle once more with the back plum full of food, you put it in gear and started the trip back home.
“Thank you for helping me with the groceries, Mr. Jeon. I feel our next task should be shopping for items such as cleaning supplies and toiletries. Not just for myself, but for you as well. My home is your home now.”
Dang. Maybe there was something in that chicken soup he made last night that he didn’t know about. Or maybe all you needed was some real sleep and rest in order to feel a little bit better and a little less moody. Not only did you just thank him, but you said your home was his home. You were certainly giving him whiplash with your crazy mood swings.
“And after that, we should focus on the grounds of the estate. Compile that list of tools and equipment you’ll need and we will make another trip out.”
“Will that trip be today, Miss. Kwon? Don’t forget, we need to eat lunch soon.”
“Probably not today. We’ll run out of time. Because this afternoon, after lunch, we’ll make a run to the store for items such as the cleaning supplies and any toiletries I’ve failed to stock up on. But again, we’re shopping for you too. So purchase anything you need while we’re there. It won’t come out of your paycheck so don’t worry about that.”
“Thank you for your kindness and generosity, Miss. Kwon. I greatly appreciate it. I will do my very best to make this arrangement worth your time and money.”
While you knew what the poor man was referring to, it still sent your mind straight to the gutter. Trying not to snicker or, rather, trying not to snicker too noticeably, you found yourself finally pulling into the driveway of your huge estate and pressing the button that would open the garage door. Once the car was parked, you turned it off and sported a smug smile while taking your seat belt off as you said casually yet teasingly,
“Be careful, Mr. Jeon. Anyone who didn’t know any better might think your intentions are anything but pure.”
At first he didn’t get it. Those doe eyes of his blinking at you in confusion as you smirked and got out of the vehicle, but not before popping the trunk and unlocking all the doors and heading inside the house. Anything but pure??? Why would you say that? It almost sounded like you were trying to say he was.......OH!! Instantly, he could feel the heat sprout all over his face and down his neck and even to the tips of his ears. It spread like a wildfire as he quickly climbed out of the passenger seat.
He would never do that to you! Never ever! He was a good man! Suddenly needing to pop the top button of his yellow dress shirt, the poor boy managed to resist as he tried his very best to focus on the task at hand which was to pack the groceries into the house. Oh god! Your mother was in there!
‘Heavenly Father, please give me the strength to deal with these Kwon women!’
After saying the quick prayer and doing his very best to calm himself down, he cleared his throat and began taking bags into both of his arms. Given his muscular physique, it was super easy for him to pack several bags on both arms. Unbeknownst to him, he was getting payback as you came back around the corner of the garage to help him.
Muscles. Lots and lots of muscles. Bulging muscles. You had to stop yourself right on the spot as you had just came from informing your mother that the two of you were back from the shopping trip and would need some help packing the groceries in. First of all, you weren’t quite sure why you felt the need to help since it was Jungkook’s job as your assistant to do this stuff and he would normally be doing all of this by himself anyway while you were at work.
Secondly, why were you still standing there eyeing him up like a piece of meat??? Perhaps it was because of the.......dry spell.....you had found yourself in recently. Yeah. That was probably it. You were just horny. Sexually frustrated. Yeah. That was it. Pulling yourself together just in time for Jungkook to turn around, you managed to plaster that confident smirk from earlier back on your face as you gave him a curt nod only to watch his face flush pink all over again.
“Oh my, Jungkookie! You look flushed! And no wonder from packing all those bags. Here. Let me help you.”
“It’s quite alright, Mrs. Kwon. I got this. But if it wouldn’t be too much to ask, may I have a bottle of water?”
“Absolutely, my dear boy! Anything for you!”
The male was grateful that your mother was so easily distracted. Not to mention he could really use that bottle of water right now. He needed something to cool himself down. That smirk you had worn was just a little too much for him right now. He was still rather flustered over your teasing words from earlier.
It wasn’t that Jungkook was innocent. He wasn’t a virgin, that’s for sure. But......that topic was just......different for him? He was the type of guy who wanted to find his beautiful princess and turn her into a queen. He wanted to love her and cherish her. Settle down and start a family with her. It wasn’t sex to him. It was making love. So perhaps that’s why he was so taken aback by your crude words. Because that’s not who he was. Again----He was a good man.
“Here you go, my dear. Take a moment and just relax. Sip on some water and I’ll take these into the kitchen.”
“No no, Mrs. Kwon. This is my job as your daughter’s assistant. I just needed something to help with the spring heat is all.”
“Nonsense. I may be up there in years but I’m not crippled yet.”
Knowing it was no use to fight with a Kwon woman, he simply uncapped the bottle of water and let the ice cold liquid run down his throat. There. That was better. He just needed to cool off a bit and it would help him focus a bit better. With the cold water running through his heated bloodstream, he set the bottle down on the foyer table and went back out to help pack in more groceries.
With the three of you working together, all the groceries were now packed into the kitchen and all that needed to be done was putting them away in appropriate cabinets and such. Jungkook insisted he be the one to do that while you and your mother decide on what you want for lunch. This way you were stuck with your mother and couldn’t tease him any further. At least for a little bit.
After deciding on barbecued pulled pork and a side salad, Jungkook quickly went to work in his favorite habitat. The kitchen. While he allowed the pork to cook, he had taken time to make a fresh pitcher of lemonade. Fresh as in fresh fresh. No powdery packets or any of that imitation stuff you can buy in the store in the water enhancement aisle. No. He was taking real lemons and squeezing them into a pitcher of heaven.
Filling three cups up full of ice and lemonade, he set two of them for you and your mother on the dining table where you were currently trying to calm down a frantic Jimin as he practically screeched in panic through your cell phone. He might as well have been on speaker, honestly. Sighing heavily, you excused yourself from the dining and connecting kitchen area to go up to your office where you could have a proper conference call with your frazzled assistant. Seriously. It was one day! One day!
“Jungkookie, darling, could you have a seat with me, please?”
Oh boy....
How did this keep happening to him???
“Sure thing, Mrs. Kwon. Let me just check on the pork really quick.”
Trying to buy himself all of an extra few seconds to brace himself, the male actually did check the meat and it was coming along nicely. With nothing else to help him worm his way out of this conversation, he tried to act cool and calm on the outside as he took a seat at the table next to your mother.
“First of all, the lemonade is wonderful.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Kwon. I felt it was appropriate for spring time.”
“Indeed indeed. However, that’s not what I wish to talk to you about.”
He figured as much. And rather than saying it out loud, he remained silent as he waited for the older woman to speak once more. Although Jungkook couldn’t help but notice how her face was suddenly etched with lines of sadness and guilt. She turned in her seat so that she could face him more and he did the same out of respect. Clearly something was bothering your mother.
“I know I don’t make my intentions very secretive. But you have to understand, Kookie. I’ve destroyed my own daughter and I need to put her back together. It’s my fault she’s like this and I need to right this wrong I’ve done.”
“Mrs. Kwon, with all due respect, your daughter is her own person who makes her own decisions. You didn’t do anything to her. She’s chosen to be this way.”
His heart was hammering in his chest as he realized this conversation was taking quite the deep turn. This definitely wasn’t the conversation he was expecting to have given his previous exchanges with your mother. The woman in front of him now was torn with sadness and misery. It broke his heart to see someone as sweet as your mother feeling so sad like this.
“But it is my fault, Kookie. I trained her to be this way because that’s how I was back in the day. But now that I’m getting older and I’ve slowed down.....I realize now how important it is to stop and smell the roses. That life isn’t entirely about work. I did that to her. I treated her like a robot to be programmed a certain way and now my little girl is gone.”
Oh boy. Now your mother was starting to cry. Oh boy. Okay. He could do this. He could handle this. Trying to stay calm for her on the outside, he got up from his seat and briskly went into the living room where he found a box of tissues and came back only to offer one and set the box on the table while he took his seat once more. Gently rubbing the woman’s back, he spoke softly,
“Mrs. Kwon. You were only doing what you thought was best for your company at the time. But things change. People change. Perhaps your daughter enjoys being busy with the company?”
“But she’s not living, Kookie. She’s alive but she’s not living. She just goes through the motions like the robot I turned her into. She doesn’t get out and socialize. She doesn’t treat herself to anything nice. She’s breathing but that’s all she’s doing.”
Suddenly, the woman took both of his hands in hers and she sniffled a little before putting her full attention back on the male. Good lord he hated to see women cry. Especially women as sweet as your mother. He could feel a lump forming in his throat as he gently gripped her hands while he waited for her to say something.
“I need you to help her, Jungkook. I know it’s selfish of me but I need your help. When Jimin reached out to me and told me about you, I knew you were the one who was going to bring my daughter back to me. And maybe......”
He felt his eyebrows knit together in confusion as he listened to this new round of information. Jimin had been behind this??? Wait.......oh.......Okay. Now it made sense. Your mother was looking out for you......while his best friend was looking out for him.
“And just maybe.......you can heal too.”
Meanwhile, you stood there at the bottom of the stairs with your back against the wall listening in. But all you got to hear was that your assistant needed healing. What did that mean? Was he sick? Did he need this job to help pay medical bills?
‘What’s your story, Mr. Jeon Jungkook?’
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bepoets · 4 years
Review for Trish’s Dream Fic
Trish ( @couragedontdesertme  ) said she’d write an epilogue of the elsarik dream Fic if I made a Formal Review of the elsarik dream fic. So here we are.
Please note review should be taken VERY LIGHTLY this is more or less me re-reading the Fic and loudly yelling about things with too many exclamation points. Enjoy Trish.
First of all imagine my fucking surprise I didn’t even know you had gotten work done on the dream fic???? Here I was thinking the link you sent me was the next chapter of city of ice and then I click on it and it saYS DREAM FIC???? E X C U S E M E oh my goodness
The first section is just so entirely domestic and beautiful and you can tell how lived in and content they are in their life as roommates. ALARIK (listen my phone autocorrects ALARIK to be in all caps and I’m too lazy to fix it so y’all are gonna have to deal with reading ALARIK’s name as if I’m yelling it every time I type it) anyway ALARIK just bringing her the chocolate croissants she loves so dearly and Elsa curling up with a book and him fretting and worrying over her being there alone all day and later... it’s just SO DOMESTIC. it’s such a small short moment but it’s so domestic and a perfect opposite of the PAIN THAT HAPPENS AFTER!!! And we al know I LOVE READING PAIN
The fact that ALARIK was only home late because he was doing tutoring to earn more money to by Elsa A PRESENT????? Shut up no one speak to me that’s true love but also PAINFUL the guilt he must feel oh my god
Elsa...stops struggling... because she doesn’t want ,,,, ALARIK ,,,, to get hurt. Because she cares for his safety more than her own because he has protected her and he is her friend and she loves him I am going to SCREAM
The fact that you use the phrase ~marching her out of the warmth of the room~ when she just used her magic to like cover the walls in frost makes my Heart burst cause idk if it was intentional or not but I just love the thought that this room has become Home to her it’s become safe and beautiful and lovely and WARM because it is full of love and friendship and companionship rather than the cold loneliness of say her ice palace of her locked room as a child. I like to think Elsa could have covered the room entirely in ice and snow and frost and it would still feel warm to her because of the love that’s developed there thank you for coming to my tedtalk
Ugh fuck hans
I have literally no words other than fuck hans for any section with hans in it I DONT even want to RECOGNIZE THAT HE EXISTS !!! Making Elsa feel like she’s nothing I am going to punch him in the eye
~ALARIK weeps over smushed chocolate croissant. End scene~
I know that it’s such a heartbreaking sad ending for that first chapter but also I really can’t stop laughing about him crying over a stepped on croissant since I know that your like planning note for that last scene was literally just some variant of ALARIK cried over a smushed croissant and that’s just such a funny IMAGE TO ME EVEN THOUGH ITS SAD
I just like to imagine ALARIK cradling the chocolate croissant in his arms like a bébé as he sobs
I’m fucking S A D
ALARIK having like NO MONEY and just thinking about that the money he has was going to go to a gift for Elsa and the guard LAUGHING AT HIM LIKE THATS IT THATS ALL YOU HAVE?? Like shut UP HES TRYING TO SAVE HIS BELOVED
ALARIK is so fucking DEVOTED I’m going to run through a goddamn wall I cannot cope. Willing to sell the clothes off his back have you ever seen an idiot more iN LOVE
ALARIK just going willingly cause he has no fight left in him and he just wants to see Elsa even if it means he gets imprisoned too oh my GOD
ALARIK wanting to hold her hands when her hands are what are chained up and seen as dangerous and what ~make her a witch~ the absolute love and power that holds.
“I promised to keep you safe” the pain I feel oh mY GOD
“They’ll KILL you” they’re really out here trying to protect each other at all costs oh my god nothing matters more to the other than keeping the other safe and for that I want to cry and love them and also I want to ram their heads into the wall because wHY WONT THEY JUST PROTECT ESCH OTHER TOGETHER
the P A R A L L E L of ALARIK stilling and no longer struggling when the guards threaten Elsa’s death in the same way that Elsa stilled and stopped struggling when they threatened ALARIK’s death oh my god that broke me right there
U g h hans fuck that guy
A N N A !!!!!!!!
When I first read this,,, I DONT know why??? But for some reason??? I didn’t think Anna would be in it???? Which like thinking back on that it makes no sense of COURSE Anna would be in the FIC why would I ever think otherwise. But anyway I was so surprised when she showed up I literally gasped and went ANNA??? Out loud because I was so shocked
ALARIK really is just so bad under pressure who thought this was a good idea
AG FOR SHORT wink wink nudge nudge cough cough
I’ll be thinking about ALARIK shouting alfafa geranium on my death bed let us never forget
“No harm, no foul” is literally the most fucking Anna line I’ve ever heard. She absolutely would say that to someone who was being question for a crime she’d be like “it’s not biggy”
Why is it that when hans says “BUT ANNA!!!” I hear it like he’s wining like a petulant child I read it like “bUT annNNAAAAA” ugh I hate him
“Don’t scream” *ALARIK’s inner monologue* “this ,, is the story of how I died”
My dumbass really went “why are none of the children named neta” before remembering that is the child of Anna and Kristoff and these...are the children of Anna ,,, and .... ugh please don’t make me say his name
I would die for these kids though I love them and I want to protect them at all costs 
Johannes at 5 (and a half!!!!) being a fine soldier GOOD FOR HIM
Isak owns my entire heart from the moment he started fake crying for his mother what a star performer a true Actor he’s too good
Arendellian Royal Guards, are they guards? Or are they simply baby sitters? The world may never know
JOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the babies being named JOAN!!! Hang in there Joan!!!!!!!!! That made me cry oh my god J O A N
Bébé Isak lookout supreme with his big eyeballs and smile and goofy lil salute I love him
The fact that Elsa says she felt stupid for being lured into a false sense of security means she felt secure and safe for literally the first time since she was a child when she was with ALARIK and I cannot properly articulate how much that made me cry I love that so much that has to mean sO MUCH TO HER oh my god
Brave little boy with his mother’s determination saying “be brave. That’s what mama said to tell you” oh my GOD THESE CHILDREN HAVE MY WHOLE HEART OH MY GOD
A rooster crow for the signal COUKD they be more obvious I love these kids they’re ridiculous they are truly the children of Anna
Elsa!!! Chose!! To be!!! Brave!!!
Queue another one of my shocked and delightfully surprised screams as I shouted KRISTOFF????? Because blonde dude driving a reindeer cart
Let’s get you somewhere safe I’m going to cry THEYRE finally together again and they can keep each other safe together as. They. Should.
They are cuddling and my heart is exploding oh my god ALARIK seems so surprised like you big dumb idiot you’re both in love with each other it’s a mutual thing get with the program
*queue another gasp* there’s only one bed?????
Yea I saw it coming yea I was just as shocked even so yea I got very excited about it wHAT DID YOU EXPECT
They’re cUDDLING and he went to move away and she DOESNT WANT HIM TO they could’ve been sharing a bed THIS WHOLE TIME AND I JUST WANT TO SCREAM BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY
ALARIK laying all the credit on kristoff and the kids when he’s kind of the one that steamrolled the whole plan into happening because he’s the one who showed up ALARIK please give yourself more credit
“You came back” “of course I came back... I couldnt ...” “why?” And then ALARIK refusing to meet her eyes has me absolutely weeping this is the kind of shit I THRIVE ON this is truly a gift to us all everyone say thank you Trish for these three bits of dialogue I will be thinking about them for all my days
Yeah I do lose my shit anytime Elsa is the one to make the first move you go girl you go
THE SPICE VENDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bringing in all my favorites I am going to cry thank you Trish I love Darius
I had been observing you two and just assumed!!!!! You would assume right mr spice vendor sir if they WERENT so stupid for so long it’s okay we understand
He literally got to finally kiss the woman he’s in love with for the first time last night and now they’re getting married poor boy is going to get WHIPLASH from how fast things are progressing but it’s okay im sure he is happy
Elsa’s little vows of just needing each other and keeping each other safe and keeping company and not needing gold or silver ugh TRUE LOVE
And ALARIK hopelessly devoted to her being like I PROMISE
“just you being there no matter what is enough” peak romance true love the devotion the dedication I’m a wreck
~end review~
Okay where is my epilogue please and thank you
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todorosy · 6 years
Your grocery headcanons were so cute and I love how you write Shinsou, so may I request grocery shopping with Toshi please? 💕 And if you like, Kirishima and Tamaki (if you write for him) to make it 3 like the original post!
The grocery series makes me SO soft. I love the domestic bois so much. Thanks for requesting!
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Toshinori Yagi
This man has no idea how to feed himself. Before meeting you, his diet was so poor. He lived off of Instant Ramen, processed foods, and frozen meals.
Whenever you would go grocery shopping with him, he knew to steer clear of your way. You didn’t argue when he offered to push the cart. You knew he wouldn’t really know where to direct himself in the shop, so he just followed you around like a puppy.
Every now and then, when you were intensely staring at the wall of food while deciding on which brand to buy, he would come up from behind you and press a kiss to your shoulder.
“Need help?” He asked as you hold the 2 different brands of the same item in your hands.
“Yeah…I don’t know which one to pick.” You say as you compare the labels to each other once again.
“Hmm…this one.” He grabs the one in your right hand and sets it in the cart. “It looks prettier.”
Whenever he would reach for any packaged processed foods, you would immediately scold him.
“Yagi! Don’t even think about it, mister!” You say as you swat his hand away.
He’d grumble and pout, but secretly, he really enjoyed seeing you take over in grocery shopping and in the kitchen. It made him feel like he lived a “normal” domestic life with his loving wife. And plus, it was nice having someone look out for him in ways he couldn’t do for himself.
“Y/N, what even is this stuff? People just buy a whole stock of green onions? And they make a meal out of it?”
“Love, they don’t use the whole thing. They can save it for another time, you know?”
He loves that you explain what each food product does to a dish. How each spice would taste, how to combo them, how just one simple addition to a dish can make or break it.
You also make sure he knows how to read the labels and ingredients on each package to get an understanding of what’s considered healthy and what is not.
“I can’t even read half of these things?”
“That’s exactly why you shouldn’t put these things in your body!”
He would be so cute and get all excited when it was time to fill the fridge with all of this new foods he has never tried. Maybe one day he would surprise you with something he made all on his own.
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Kirisima Eijiro
Honestly, he fucking hates grocery shopping lmao. Every time you two had to go out to buy more groceries, he would always mutter “I hate adulting.”
He would honestly not even care if you two had already eaten everything in your shared apartment. The fridge was clean empty, the pantry hasn’t been refilled in several weeks, but he didn’t care one bit. Living off of take out isn’t that bad, right?
But you couldn’t deal with it anymore. If you had to eat takeout for another night, you may just explode.
“Can’t you just go by yourself? What do you need me for?” He pouts.
You had to beg him to come along with you. Grocery shopping wasn’t nearly as fun alone as it was with your S/O.
“Can we please make this fast? I’m so hungry.” He groans as he pushes the cart.
You roll your eyes at his impatience. “Maybe if you haven’t been putting off grocery shopping for forever, you wouldn’t be suffering.”
“Because it’s so boring. Like I have no idea what to buy.” He huffs.
“Because you never had me go with you before.” You press a kiss onto his cheek.
He guess it wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
Kirishima is that person to go to the grocery store in pajama pants and an old t-shirt. He wears exactly what he rolled out of bed this morning. In fact, you do too. You two wanted to make this trip fast, so you didn’t even bother to change into outside clothes.
As you wander down the aisle, he saw many older people eye your questionable atire. He stood at the end of the aisle, admiring you in your glory. The way your sweatpants hung on your hips and the way you hair frizzed out mesmerized him.
“Kiri? You can’t just stand in the middle of the aisle like that. You’re blocking the way.” You pulled the cart closer to the side.
He broke out of his gaze, returning his focus on the wall of items you were staring up at. He watched you try to stand on your tippy toes to reach the top shelf, but with no avail.
“Step back, Y/N, I got it.” He says with a smug smile. He definitely would have mentally slapped himself on the back for being so manly.
“My hero!” You sweetly say before pecking him on the lips. “Thank you, Kiri.”
“No problem. Now what else do you need help with?” He beamed.
Just imagine him trying to carry all of the bags in with ONE trip because he wanted to impress you. It would result in him dropping many items on the way, but you were close behind to pick them up.
He truly hated grocery shopping but he realized that with you, it was so much more fun and meaningful. He made a mental note to try cooking with you next.
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Tamaki Amajiki
He definitely knows his stuff. He has food labels and the animals they came from memorized to the absolute T.
He would drag you to the small exotic grocery store that was all the way across town. His only excuse was that it was important for his quirk to thrive, though he always loved to be able to spend the whole day with you.
You were always reluctant at first whenever he would he ask if you would like to join him in the grocery trip, but you always agreed anyways. You felt like it was your job to somewhat protect him. What if someone came up to him and tried to talk? What if he wasn’t comfortable asking an employee for a certain item? You were always there for him whenever he had trouble mustering up the courage to talk to someone.
You both had a hand on the cart with the other hand holding each other’s. It had been a long process for him to finally get comfortable with touching you and being affectionate.
His heart would e x o p l o d e whenever you would get excited about seeing a new food that he could try for his quirk. He loved that you were as excited as he was to discover new things and he loved that you were genuinely his #1 fan.
“Bear claws, Amajiki, BEAR CLAWS! Imagine how useful that would be in a fight!”
You two ended up buying the bear claws out of stock.
If he was looking for a specific item, he would rather go through the entire store rather than asking someone if they had it in stock.
“Y/N, I’m sorry to always ask but could you…” He starts
“Don’t even be sorry!” You quickly interrupt. “I’m already on it!” You press a quick peck to his cheek before skipping off the find a nearby employer.
As he stand there and waited for you to come back, he would think about how grateful he was. He was grateful to have someone as compassionate and empathetic as you. He was so happy to have found someone who understood him and came to his rescue.
He’s the type of person to think aloud, under his breath. As he holds the package of frog legs or alligator meat, he would talk to himself about how they could benefit and what abilities they would provide him. You loved listening to this stuff. His usual skittish self would be replaced by a confident voice when it came to talking about his quirk and it’s abilities.
Though once he catches your wide grin, he was quick to retreat back into his shy shell even if you urged him to continue on with his rambles.
Once you two had a moment alone in an empty aisle, he would suddenly place a soft kiss onto your lips which caught you by surprise.
“Thank you for being my hero.” He shyly smiles at you.
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gothicastrology · 7 years
Lilith - The Black Moon
(these interpretations apply to everyone, despite your pronouns. she/her pronouns are often used to describe Lilith. these interpretations do not only apply to people with she/her pronouns)
Lilith influences our dark side. Our deepest fears, desires, and secrets lie with her. Lilith cannot bring happiness and she will not cause real life events, she can only influence us to cause them ourselves. We have a choice with Lilith. She lies in the emotional and subconscious realm, and if we focus, we can triumph over her temptations. If we indulge in her, she will ultimately lead to our destruction. The sign of Lilith determines how our dark energy is expressed and the house she lives in shows where that dark energy manifests itself. 
Lilith in Aries (Arrogance): Her darkest side is expressed in aggressive and arrogant ways. She is a belligerent being who rarely takes no for an answer. She will fight her way to the top and crush those in her way. Her enemies are usually her male peers and she has the karma of a murderer. She has an apparent obsession with her physical body and will use it to exploits others. If she fails to learn to control her dangerous tendencies, she will find herself severely harming those she loves. 
Lilith in Taurus (Avarice): She expresses a need for controlling everything. She wants everything. She craves material things and has a large appetite for whatever appeals to her. She is stubborn and will do anything to gain wealth and materials. She gives into sloth, greed, lust, and gluttony. Her enemies are her female counterparts and she has the karma of a hoarder. If she fails to learn to control her materialistic desires, she will only lead to her own destruction. 
Lilith in Gemini (Pomposity): Her dark side is selfish. She believes everyone is absorbed with her ideas and opinions. When interrupted, she can get violent. She wants her voice to be heard. She can often stretch the truth and is known for being a superficial liar. She is difficult to fool and can see straight through the lies of others. She will never offer her advice; she will instead violently force her advice upon all. She is known for having many enemies and possesses the karma of a gossiper. If she fails to learn to humble herself, listen, and refrain from deceiving others, she will find herself in a situation three times worse than those of her enemies.
Lilith in Cancer (Trickery): She exploits others feelings and uses this to express her dark side. She has such a great understanding of the emotional realm, that she wants to abuse that realm for others. She is a damsel in distress waiting for someone to help her, despite the fact that she is not in peril. She needs emotional ties to others, so she can harm them easily. She knows what she wants and she’ll be very specific, especially regarding domestic life. Because of her ultra precision, there is a chance that her immediate family members could become her enemies. She has the karma of a traitor. If she fails to learn to respect the emotional realm of others, her own realm will be slaughtered.
Lilith in Leo (Vanity): She is self-centered in every way, shape, and form. She expresses her darkness in dramatic ways. She believes she is one of the most important beings ever. She praises the things she loves and is known to worship objects and oppose god worshiping. She expects others to worship her, but she would never admit something like this. She will boast and she will make unimpressive situations as dramatic as possible. She resents brilliant and dignified people and has the karma of a gambler. If she fails to learn how to reduce the amount of jealousy and vanity she feels, she will lead to her quick destruction.
Lilith in Virgo (Cynicism): She is the most innocent of the 12, yet a great manipulator. She depends on others and will manipulate them when they believe they can trust her. She makes others feel powerful by playing the role of the underdog. If she advances to a position of power, she follows all rules. She is aware of her inner emotional tempest. She knows if it is unleashed, confrontation will arise. She is a critical and greedy being. She doesn’t get along with those she works with and has the karma of a lackey. If she fails to learn how to control her emotions and fails to rise to a position of power, she will forever be the underdog and ultimately meet her demise unsatisfied. 
Lilith in Libra (Elitism): Her dark side is expressed through her partner. She is a bad influence on her sexual and romantic partners and this will be very clear to her. She is an emotionally demanding person to be with. She won’t be ashamed, however. She believes that it is an honor for others to be around her. She believes herself to be higher than the rest in terms of social class. She considers her feelings to be the most important ones, despite their constant fluctuations. She has a hard time making decisions and is often uncertain. Her partners can quickly turn in her enemies and she struggles with them. She has the karma of an unjust judge.
Lilith in Scorpio (Oppressor): She exploits sexuality. She is a cunning and manipulative being. She is arguable of the most dangerous. She manipulates the emotions of others simply for pleasure. She wants to learn the deepest and darkest secrets of others. It is likely that she will use these to blackmail others. She is attracted to dark magic that can be used to harm others. She has great strength and power and abuses it. She’s a tyrant. Her enemies are the powerful and wealthy. If she refuses to learn how to find pleasure in more than emotional manipulation, she herself will be manipulative and brought to her painful demise.
Lilith in Sagittarius (Megalomania): She believes in absolutism, and she is the monarch. Like her sister, she believes everyone is simply begging to be spoon fed by her. Whatever her skills are, she believes herself to be the best. She expects others to treat her like a deity. She is incapable of making mistakes. She denotes liars and hypocrites, but she herself is often guilty of being both. Her enemies are scientific thinkers who try to prove things in a way she doesn’t accept. She has the karma of a false prophet. If she fails to learn how to exert herself as a positive, caring, and accepting leader, she will find herself falling into poverty and reaching her demise. 
Lilith in Capricorn (Machiavellian): She feels she is capable of completing even the most difficult tasks. She has much self confidence, which others perceive as selfishness. She has a cold heart and thinks in a rational way. She wants to rise to the top and will have a hard time accepting if she doesn’t. She doesn’t aggressively fight for the top, she instead strategically thinks of a way to crush her enemies and those in her way. She wrestles with emotions and rarely expresses them in a successful way. She has the karma of a despot and finds enemies in men older than she. She is tempted by power and it will ultimately lead to her demise if she isn’t careful.
Lilith in Aquarius (Protester): She is a disorderly being. She never strives for perfection, and instead, subconsciously strives for chaos. She aspires to be complete free and will do whatever it takes to achieve this. She will recklessly search for something new. She often gets bored and is seduced by anarchy. She shows irresponsibility and exaggerates her greatness. She belittles her closest friends and often finds past best friends as her current enemies. She has the karma of a anarchist. If she fails to learn from the past in order to thrive in the future, her future will be dark and unwelcoming. 
Lilith in Pisces (Fantasist): She lives in her dark dreams and ideas. She is close to incapable of separating her dreams from reality. She believes her dreams to be reality. She will convince others that her dreams contain truthfulness and she will deceive others willingly. She clings to her fantasies. She hides her true intentions and will create illusions simply for the pleasure of fooling others. She doesn’t always see the value in human life and often considers people to be indispensable. She possesses the karma of an addict. If she fails to overcome her addictions and fantasies, she will lead herself to her own destruction
My dark energy manifests in…
Lilith in the 1st House: My overall personality and ego
Lilith in the 2nd House: The way I treat the things I value
Lilith in the 3rd House: The way I communicate with others
Lilith in the 4th House: My domestic activities
Lilith in the 5th House: My creative outlets
Lilith in the 6th House: How I organize my life
Lilith in the 7th House: My intimate relationships
Lilith in the 8th House: My sexuality and hidden life
Lilith in the 9th House: My philosophical ideas and wishes
Lilith in the 10th House: How I express my authority
Lilith in the 11th House: The way I treat my friends and those in need
Lilith in the 12th House: My subconscious temptations
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