#Little Man Machan
fourorfivemovements · 6 months
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Films Watched in 2024: 25. ゴジラ・ミニラ・ガバラ オール怪獣大進撃/Gojira Minira Gabara Ōru Kaijū Dai-shingeki/All Monsters Attack/Godzilla's Revenge (1969) - Dir.  Ishirō Honda
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Hello!! I would like to request Boten finding out their big scary y/n has a cute, sweet, little Chihuahua. I am very soft for scary characters who have small cute pets (>_<)
Thank you, have a nice day!!!
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I have a headcanon that Rindō loves dogs and I won't elaborate
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Bonten didn't know what to expect when they saw a tiny Chihuahua in a sweater sitting on their machanics outdoor chair, the large man gone to the back to grab the spendage report for the maintenance of Bontens vehicles.
"Who is this?" Rindō asked softly, gently petting the small dog "that old man? That's Custard"
"How old is he?" Rindō now had the dog in his arms as (name) gave Kakucho the reports "he's around 14 now but the old fart thinks he's still a pup"
The small dog got out of Rindōs hold to give a big stretch and prance to his food bowl in the corner "we didn't know you had a dog"
"Oh I have four, the others are at the groomers right now"
"What breed?" Rindō asked with seriousness one wouldn't expect in this context "a shiba Inu, a Pomeranian and a corgi"
"I wish to meet all of them"
Bonten save for Ran looked at Rindō like he was crazy but ran spoke up "he's obsessed with dogs, he can't have one because he doesn't have the time to care for them"
A collective 'ooooh' rang out and (name) pulled out his phone and showed the younger Haitani the pictures of the dogs, a picture of them in the huge man's arms, they looked like puppies in comparison "here's their Christmas picture"
"I love them so much"
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sleepyzz0h · 1 year
Ok so unfortuned au is based of the sams world the time when sun removed eclipse from his body and then later found out that he had copies of himself. Well Moon didnt get all of them he missed one and golden Freddy found it and decided to punish him by creatin an entire world for his 'personal hell' so alot of bad and unlikely things as happened
The pizzaplex is deep in a forest under ground, is was never finished cuz of a sudden cancellation in the project so it's just a empty space with tones of rubble and overgrown stuff (the Plex is like 3 times the size of the original)
Megan (self interest) at the start of all this she was 15, she is stuck in a loop of whenever she dies it resets to July 16. Why is she in this loop? because of Lunar when she first appeared she was unconscious due to fallin a long distance, Lunar finding her body and takin interest in it decided to have an 'experiment' that bein to force her to consume the star (he ended up beakin her bottom jaw in two and tearing her throat open) why he do this? To see what would happen might be fun ya know? because of this she died but she woke up not realizin this just happen and then many more deaths happened and more resets. Finding out that lunar is the reason for her endless torture, being told that their there are many worlds besides hers (magic exists), that her only existence is for Eclipses hell and that he's is technically the original eclipse and other stuff
But one day she left and didn't come back and they thought that was the end but she came back after three years (she is now 18) turns out she left to study machanics, engineering and coding so she can try and help fix up everyone or to at least make their lives a little easier, she knows the struggle and pain they are all are goin through and just wanted to try and help despite all the ha and trauma they have given her
Unfortuned Eclipse is alot like his original self but has become a for more mellowed out but still is an ass but him and Megan has come to a somewhat workable relationship with eachother and are tryin to figure a away to remove the star within her
Unfortuned sun when calm is like sun but has the wants to kill and eat (like bloodmoon) and he happens to be the cause of most of Megan's deaths (the main bein bittin her head off) but besides from that he is okkkk but can become obsessive at times, not wantin her to leave the place,
Unfortuned Moon literally the only nice one out of them all (was the reason she was able to get so far with them) Moon isn't normally out so when Megan sees him she becomes visibly exited to see him lol
Unfortuned Lunar: two faced motherfucker daz it he is two faced he is very rarely out but when he is u know it's cuz he found somein he finds 'fun and interesting' just is a bad person, evil man
Can't think anymore brain hurts if ya got questions just ask *flips*
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You black parents better teach your kids about the system. This system wasn't designed for us, so it's up to you parents to teach your children their real history little black children need to know the truth. Don't sugarcoat anything teach them about their history, and the laws of this land. There is no guarantee if you cooperate with the overseers that's you'll come out alive. No matter what in this country they see color, if you don't look like them then you living the American horror story. And let them tell you their is no racism in this country because of the year when you still have racism in the world people oppressing everyone who look like you and I worldwide the only difference is they hide it. Amerikkka the land of the oppressed and racist. Amerikkka the corporation Amerikkka the war mongers, Amerikkka the land where you can steal land, kill the indigenous, oppress and yell get out my country when you aren't indigenous to no lands of the world. The sheep are the masses they vote for the same hand that kill them. Yep that's the real America. Better teach your children who they are because of a fool with let the same enemy that hates them teach their children. They don't care if you a woman, man dark skin or light skinned as long as you black they want you dead. They don't care if you Baptist, Christian, Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim, Jehovah Witness, Seven day adventist. If you have look look like the people of Africa, the people of Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Asia and the original Europeans brown ranging to black skin even light skin then you are a target. They don't care if you identify as Moor, Hebrew or any of that just your skin color alone makes you a target. They aren't stopping to ask what are you they kill us all the same. It's also up to us as adults to unite as one nation of blackness and don't get me wrong when just say blackness I mean the essence of your soul. Your roots the place we all originated, we are all different by like you can't say all Africans are the same we all aren't the same we share the same roots but as we spread out new nations rose, new traditions, new beliefs in our spiritual system. But in the end our roots still come from Africa, and that you cannot deny. So we here in Amerikkka need to get on the ball, we need to put our differences aside and unite. People in Africa need get rid of the corrupt politicians, and all of the Americas need to unite when the true majority looks like us they are the minority. We need our own so we don't have to rely on them each major city in each state, then we rotate that money in those major cities through each state to each area black people are in give jobs to black women and men who need it. We need to build hotels, motels, hospitals our own companies that design laptops, desktops, cell phones, get our own Internet browser make our own Facebook, Instagram, Twitter anything that makes money we need our own of, and instead of making medicine we need to sell natural cures stop trying to profit off the sick. We have cures for diabetes, aids/hiv, cancer etcetera we have the technology we have the numbers we have machines, machanics, electricians, we have it all, we have the greatest teachers of the world. It's up to us to make a better future for the children. If you have a idea you and a group of friends need to get together and put money towards that because when you win we all win.
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angelbroad · 2 years
An Exploration Of Marjorie Brock in Transformers: New World
Made by me.
[Disclaimer: In this presentation I only own the character of Marjorie Brock. I do not own Transformers or the respective fanfiction of Tf:NW]
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(Marjorie WIP, by me)
Marjorie Brock was raised as the golden, youngest child of the Brock family, who owned a massive robotics empire before The Great Barrage. Since her older brother by seven years, Kenneth Brock, was not deemed worthy of the position of inheritance, due to his less than average understanding of robotics, Marjorie was essentially a plan B. However, she was not her father's child, as her mother had cheated on her husband with a much more intelligent man. Marjorie was extremely smart and gifted, drawing towards herself all the family's attention, leaving Kenneth on the sidelines. She noticed just how much she was after many failed attempts to be close to her brother, slowly acting like the way Kenneth had always seen her as. A dominant force in the room.
This behaviour got worse over the years, and after their time in the army and during the first space explorations, which were kept secret from the public, Kenneth intentionally left her to rot in the vacuum of space.
Though her oxygen was limited, she worked with what she could. On the planet she was stranded on, she discovered the remains of many offlined cybertronians, and using their parts along with what little supplies she had, she tore apart her body. Replacing her limbs and organs with the parts of the dead cybernetic race.
She didn't stay hidden for too long. After discovering a means of travel off planets via reverse engineering the abandoned space bridges, she was discovered by Soundwave. They fought against one another, as they were both threats in their own respective views, but Soundwave instead of killing a defeated Marjorie, introduced her to the decepticon cause, where she would come to serve under Megatron's rule for 60 years (or stellar cycles).
Some years before the demise of Skywarp and Thundercracker, Marjorie would abandon the decepticon cause. It had nothing to do with the horrendous violence and misery she had caused, but what conscerned her the most was the observation that the group had strained far from their original purpose. Freedom. And so she got by as a bounty hunter, eventually coming across Earth and Starscream again.
War is an important component in Marjorie's character. Prior to the decepticons, she had served in the U. S. Military, and the amount of unjust violence towards opressed groups often sickened her. Because Marjorie may not want love, but craves two important things.
Control, and freedom of her own.
She may not be the kindest organism around, but she understands the importance of having bonds with your teammates.
Her lack of compassion and fear of attachment lingers from her time in the army. "Why bother when there is a chance today will be the last?"
Her desire of control stems from her over-bearing family. Through them, she found a means to understand and read peope, and therefore, what they want to hear. She's used this skill to manipualte many people, both from and outside Earth. That skill, along with her fighting ones, are what kept her alive in her time dealing with the intergalactic black market. And far away from Swindle.
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(Quick sketches of Marjorie Brock, by me)
I always portrayed the older version of Marjorie as a more violent Ranbo, but also took inspiration from Transformers: Animated Megatron, as well as design cues from Shockwave and the A.I. from Wall-E. She works her way around the humans by hiding her mechanical optic and face with bandages and fake skin. She already covers most of her body with thick clothes, and plays off the machanical arms as needed prosthetics. Her mangled body being the reason why what remains of her skin, which is her left side of the face along with some of her head dome and brain, is a sickly and dead complexion.
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thathusenfulhu · 1 year
sup, machan?
hey, i can't eat tonight, machan, but i'll have a hot drink,' says ahamma, my friend from childhood as we ride towards our spot for the night. ahamma is a careful driver, i don't need to second guess his speed or awareness. he's level headed on and off vehicles, this gentle, maybe even docile man. he parks near 'machan maldives', a sri lankan restaurant near the galolhu stadium that i've been meaning to visit for a while. it's not too big and we venture up a narrow, spiral staircase to an al fresco deck. 'i'll just have some tea,' says ahamma when the server brings the menu. 'how about ginger tea?' i suggest. and for me? i ask them to bring some pol sambol and idiappan which they recommend having with dahl and some spicy gravy. 'what are you reading these days?' asks ahamma propping his elbows up on the table and looking at me with his chin on his hands. 'nothing,' i say, embarrassed. 'i...can't read.' 'still?' 'yeah, i mean if you don't count the graphic novels, i've only read two books this year,' i say a bit cautiously. 'oh that's still better than last year, didn't you say you read three books the whole of it?' i nod, a little upset but i try not to show it because ahamma is not a mean person by any means. 'man, i used to think you were well-read back in the day,' he goes on, completely oblivious. 'yeah? well, i always thought you a gluttonous slob,' i want to say but then the server brings my food. now, the string hoppers aren't very fresh, and the pol sambal is a bit too fine for me, i prefer it a little chunky with clumps of huni and chopped onion. the dahl, meanwhile, is lush and thick, plus there's a bit of a bite to it. the gravy on the side is searing, and helps me down my ten string hoppers in a matter of minutes. i am wanting more but the kitchen has run out of idiappan. 'why not get an EGB ginger beer and elephant house ice cream to round it off?' offers ahamma. 'great idea,' i say, dabbing at my mouth with a tissue. 'hello, machan!' and it turns out they do serve these fine sri lankan products so i wrap things up with twin strawberry scoops drizzled over with strawberry sauce and of course, lashings of EGB.
and in the end all that food cost about 150MVR! 'would you come here again?' asks ahamma as we descend the staircase. 'yeah, maybe if i can't find a better sri lankan place. or if i'm down on cash.' and we motor off into the night, two friends with a love for our island neighbour, especially its food which generations of dhivehin who are fated to misunderstand one another can still connect with. '...three books?' mutters ahamma as we approach my home. 'you say something?' i ask suspiciously. 'um, i said: where do they find these cooks?' 'huh,' i say, dismounting. 'well. all right.' 'goodnight man, let's do this again.' and there i stand on the pavement, gently seething, watching my clueless friend ride off into the orange street until his bike becomes a fiery red dot in the distance.
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unknownlunarei · 2 years
hello! how are you? :D
can you tell me a little bit about your OCs? (and does Neol glow)
My first ask yay!
Hi and i am fine as ever
As u know Neol is a tech guy he got his interest from his father, a machanic
He is actually a cyborg with certain powers (he has heart/core like iron man)
And he doesn't really glow but his eyes and core at certain situations
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ennaku-sirri-da · 2 years
Jimbit (Jimothan X Habit) HCs courtesy of me and Mika [Part 2]
OK so
@zeromet FOR YOU!!! (AGAIN YAY) [Plain text: For you!!! (Again yay)]
Also clarification here that sometime Kamal and Habit ‘open’ their relationship and Trencil is generally OK with his partner having other romantic partners AKA OK with polyamory. I guess they all worked it out ha
--At the end of a really good spaghetti western
Habit is doing the celebration stuff and so is jim and he straight asks jim if they can kiss ( I guess Trencil and Kamal would know by now that these two are gay for each other. They don’t really do anything they just let it happen naturally)
And Jimothan is so caught up in the moment he says yes and they kiss for way too long and then the credits come on and they panic
Habit immediately drives home with sleep-deprived nightmare-moon Kamal
Jimothan immediately offs all the lights and rolls into bed at 3 AM 
---Damn spaghetti western night goes on late!!
Imagine Jimothan and Habby watching the sun rise...sleeping on each other.
Habit uses Jim like a pillow so that he doesn’t squish him. He’d be so gentle with Jim because dude’s a noodle. Thats also just how Habit is and it flusters Jimbo!!!
--Anywaysss somewhere after The Kiss(TM), Jim and Habit just admit they like each other and then they date because they’re both straightforward like that ha.
--When Jim and Habit just start out as a couple its real awkward but they both have patience so its fine. Lotsa awkward laughs and scares. Maybe kamal and trencil needed to help wingman a little.
--Habit purpousefully loses their arm fights to Jimbo just to see the joy on his face and hear him laugh
--Jimothan calls Habit Tamil nicknames( My HC is that Jim and Pars are tamil like me!!) BUT[plain text: But] He doesn’t tell him what they mean or tells Habit a very unsapped version
From Kanamma to Kanmachan...
Kanamma means a woman\girl who is the apple of your eye! Machan means brother-in-law, but it is also casual slang for calling your guy-friends. 
Kanmachan is an entirely made-up mashup by me LMAO Machan of my eye.
Habit calls Jimbo his yeehawty
--They go on horseback riding dates( Borrowing Lulia’s horses cuz that girl is rich!)
old guys helping each other up on horses....🥺(pleading emoji)
....AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE HORSE OMG [Plain text: And there was only one horse omg]
(Lulia lies and says the others are too tired rn so theres only one they can ride)
(I owe you my life Lulia)
Habit is huge and Jimbo is short so Habit has to lift Jim up but only after Jim tries and fails himself
Jimothan almost falls and dies BTW but Habit catches him
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[ Gif description: A man catches a woman in a dip like a dance. end GIF]
Unfortunately both Jim and Habit’s backs start hurting because of it and they roll around in the grass a bit for pain relief
Its incredibly romantic
the horse rolls its eyes but what does it know of romance hm?
--Habit: "bay-bee our loaf defies the lawls of physics 🥺(pleading emoji) " [translated: baby our love defies the laws of physics]
Just like a Kollywood movie!!
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[ GIF: Scene from a movie. A guy drives a cycle and a big truck swerves to avoid him, bumping off of something hard and flying away at the end. end ID]
Big Habit X Jimbo vibes. I bet Jimothan has a big decorated truck. Its like his third kid( Nat is the second because Bloody Mary--Jim X Trencil are married! )
Habits like Jimothan can I😳(flustered emoji)sit beside you in your truck (*Pushes Parsley away)
Parsley is buff as hell so he could probably beat Habit up but he’s too tired so he just gets thrown to the back anyway.
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[GIF: Scene from a movie. Police guy gets out of a moving car in slow motion and points a gun into the distance. end GIF]
Jimothan doing stupid shit to impress Habit^ 
‘‘Look I am a ‘Bad Ass’ like the Kids say’‘
Habits clapping and giggling and cheering for him while Pars already has his insurance on the phone.
More Jimbo stunts.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
1836 Oct[obe]r Fri[day] 14
7 35/..
No kiss m[u]ch rain in the night and this morn[in]g and damp and a lit[tl]e sm[all] rain this morn[in]g and F[ahrenheit] 47° now at 8 50/.. a.m. sid[in]g
in my study till br[eak]f[a]st at 9 1/2 - A- [Ann] r[ea]d a lit[tle] Fr[en]ch – h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d at 10 1/4 – spo[ke] to h[i]m ab[ou]t outdoor
etc for the Lodge – ab[ou]t the hay places etc. - A- [Ann] s[e]nt by h[i]m let[ter] p[ost] p[ai]d to Messrs. Heron and Dale ord[erin]g tea
and coff[ee] - out w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann at the dry wall arch[in]g till call[e]d in to Mr. Jubb at n[ea]r 12 - he w[e]nt w[i]th me
to see my a[un]t - I perceiv[e]d a change last night - Matty s[e]nt to sp[ea]k to me (thro’ Cooks[o]n) this morn[in]g –
Mr. J- [Jubb] th[in]ks the coffin h[a]d best co[me] tonight, and my poor a[un]t to be sold[ere]d up - the corpse may be
offensive bef[ore] tomor[row] morn[in]g – ask[e]d h[i]m to be so good as let Greenw[oo]d kno[w] - Mr. J-  [Jubb]
to call ag[ai]n in a few days to look aft[e]r A- [Ann] and Cookson - sat w[i]th A-  [Ann] talk[in]g and help[in]g h[e]r
to measure and cut out 3 serv[an]ts hall tab[le] cl[o]ths - took out at 1 and walk[e]d in the walk and on
the flags in front of the h[ou]se till 2 - then w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann + 3 at the dry wall-arch[in]g and
John Frier (co[me] to help Rob[er]t Mann) scarp[in]g the r[oa]d – Ingh[a]m and his man and boy n[o]t here today or
yest[erday] – wh[ile] w[i]th Rob[er]t who h[a]s h[a]d Joseph Mann help[in]g h[i]m today, Holt ca[me] to go and see the
Long goit - hopes the matt[e]r of Mrs. Machan’s coal will be settled on Tues[day] or Wed[nesday]
and he will call and let me kno[w] on Thurs[day] - Mr. Rawson h[a]s just s[e]nt and offer[e]d £400.
Holt h[a]d off[ere]d £500 to be p[ai]d in ten y[ea]rs at £50 p[e]r ann[um] or 5p.c. on the val[ue] allow[e]d for pay[in]g
the mon[ey] d[o]wn - I s[ai]d they w[oul]d nev[e]r agree to this if they und[e]rstood it - he m[u]st settle
the matt[e]r if poss[ible] - get the coal for the least poss[ible] sum ab[ov]e £400 - he h[a]d heard they
meant to ask me £2000 for the farm (coal inclue[in]g) - I s[ai]d I w[oul]d rath[e]r ha[ve] the coal
separ[atel]y - to manage it if poss[ible] - then w[e]nt to the gard[ene]r and Hemingway, the Wyke gard[ene]r, do[in]g up
the s[ou]th bank of the new appr[oa]ch r[oa]d thro’ the wood – st[ai]d w[i]th them till 5 3/4 when Greenw[oo]d’s man ca[me]
for the cart to go for the coff[i]n - Frank gone to the Long goit w[i]th iron rails – w[e]nt tow[ar]ds
Mytham - met h[i]m n[ea]r the gr[ea]t sycam[ore] and s[e]nt h[i]m off to H[alifa]x – dress[e]d – din[ner] at 6 40/.. –
coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – s[e]nt for Matty Pollard - Messrs. Duncan and Greenw[oo]d ca[me] ab[ou]t 7 – w[i]th their
peo[ple] 2 wom[e]n and men to sold[e]r up – ord[ere]d the corpse to be left upst[ai]rs – w[oul]d n[o]t ha[ve]
the bod[y] in the draw[in]g r[oo]m tomor[row] whi[le] the joiners are hammer[in]g at the hall floor - Matty
ca[me] for me to see my a[un]t - A- [Ann] wish[e]d to go w[i]th me, and tho’ rath[e]r nerv[ou]s and in tears, behav[e]d
bet[ter] than I expect[e]d - my poor a[un]t look[e]d so little chang[e]d, and all agreed (Matty s[ai]d) that there w[a]s
no necess[it]y for solder[in]g up for sev[era]l days, that I w[oul]d n[o]t ha[ve] it done – b[u]t h[a]d the lead coff[in] plac[e]d
on the bed and all made tidy - to ha[ve] the corpse in the h[ou]se, and be unab[le] to see it is doubly
melanch[ol]y - the solder[in]g up is to be done on Sun[day] night – Let[ter] 1 2/3 p[ages] ver[y] kind nice
let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y St[uar]t Brafield h[ou]se - ‘the melanch[ol]y ev[en]t you wr[ote] to acq[uain]t me of hav[in]g tak[e]n pl[a]ce,
‘I trust and hope you look on rath[e]r as a bless[in]g, for one you so lov[e]d sh[oul]d be releas[e]d fr[om] her long
‘suffer[in]g!’ hopes I shall after a sh[or]t ti[me] be able to leave ho[me] – kind[l]y hopes to see me in
Lond[on] or Richm[on]d Park as may suit me best - the S- [Stuart] de R[othesay]s at Berne - going to Turin – gi[ve] up
Geneva on acc[oun]t of cholera - travel to amuse Louisa who is in low sp[iri]ts tho’ L[ad]y S- [Stuart] nev[e]r ob[serve]d it
Let[ter] 2 1/2 p[ages] fr[om] M- [Mariana] Lawton – ret[urne]d on Wed[nesday] aft[ernoo]n and wr[ote] that ev[enin]g - she seems sor[ry] perh[aps]
shock[e]d at n[o]t hav[in]g seen my poor a[un]t once ag[ai]n! her 1st impulse w[a]s to co[me] ‘b[u]t a 2[n]d
‘th[ou]ght h[a]s made me pause, perh[aps] you ha[ve] all at this mom[en]t you best desire, and if you h[a]d
‘or wish you w[oul]d ha[ve] express[e]d it, in perf[ec]t confid[en]ce that the fr[ie]nd of your youth and affect[io]n, is
‘alw[a]ys ready to share your sor[row]s, and rejoice in your comf[or]t - call up[on] me as you may, and when
‘you may, I am alw[a]ys ready - Events ha[ve] ind[eed] made a wide gap in your affect[io]ns, b[u]t those
‘you ha[ve] lov[e]d best press forw[ar]d to help to fill up the void, and whilst Mary is left there is yet
‘one to love you ‘dearly fond[l]y and faith[full]y’........ I am sad, I feel ver[y], ver[y] sad – b[u]t, Fred,
‘I am faith[full]y and aff[ectionatel]y yours Mariana’ – Let[ter] als[o] 3 p[ages] fr[om] Mrs. Duffin York condol[en]ce - supposes A- [Ann] my gr[ea]t
# com[for]t , and suppo[s]es ‘your sist[e]r is als[o] w[i]th you who will feel the loss of a good a[un]t; at your
‘sa[me] ti[me] she will aid you all in h[e]r pow[e]r – rem[em]b[e]r me kind[l]y to b[o]th’ - i.e. A- [Ann] and Mar[ia]n –
ann[oun]ces h[e]r neph[ew] Mr. Geo[rge] Marsh’s marr[ia]ge 14 Aug[u]st to Elizab[e]th Frances eld[e]st d[au]ght[e]r of Archdeac[o]n
MacDonald of Salisbury - the young man just in priests orders and induct[e]d to the liv[in]g of
Sutton Beuger in N[or]th Wiltshire - E. [Eliza] Raine m[u]ch improv[e]d in health - wants to ha[ve]
m[u]ch talk w[i]th me ab[ou]t her - a surplus of inco[me] – th[in]ks her old serv[an]t Whiuray might
ha[ve] the £10 p[e]r ann[um] left to her in the will made in my fav[ou]r! – Let[ter] als[o] 2 p[ages] fr[om] Mrs. Bull
3 Friargate Derby – th[in]ks she has f[ou]nd a h[ou]sekeep[e]r to suit me – liv[e]d as lady’s m[ai]d and h[ou]se
-keep[e]r w[i]th Mrs. Evans the bank[e]r of Derby - wages £25 p[e]r ann[um] - a trustworthy manag[in]g
wom[a]n und[er]stand[in]g all sorts of cookery – Th[o]mas the York joiner do[in]g my dress[in]g r[oo]m
both yest[erday] and today – R[ea]d tonights’ paper and then wr[ote] all b[u]t the 1st five lines of today till 10 40/.. at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 42° - damp morn[in]g
b[u]t fair fr[om] ab[ou]t 9 a.m. and finish tow[ar]ds noon, and ver[y] fine aft[ernoo]n and ev[enin]g for the ti[me] of y[ea]r –
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Godzilla’s Revenge
Review: Godzilla’s Revenge (of the Nerds) (Screen grab series 2 of 2)
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50th anniversary topic...
Where was Minya during most of the events of Destroy All Monsters?
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may8chan · 5 years
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Son of Godzilla
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tcm · 5 years
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Tomonori Yazaki and 'Little Man' Machan in ALL MONSTERS ATTACK ('69) 
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subwaysurf45 · 2 years
A Little Rusty (Prologue)
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Summary: As an aspiring author and current intern, getting a new car was a luxury you never dreamed of. Natasha, your roommate, used you as a personal chauffeur until your car started breaking down. Luckily, you knew some people who worked at Auto Buddy, an auto shop, who could fix your car. But you hadn’t met Bucky yet, and quickly after you found out you’d be stuck with him for a little while.
Episode: 0 (prologue)
Pairing: Machanic!Bucky x reader
warning: nothing much, setting the scene, awkward situations
Series Masterlist
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“Holy hell, your car feels like a sauna!” Natasha gasped as she leaned back on the black leather of your car, trying not to touch the metal on the seatbelt. 
“I know,” you hiss as you do the same thing, “I need to get it fixed.” 
The car began to drive down the main roads, there was a low rumble coming from the back right tire but you tried to ignore it. There were a few scratches on the outside of the car from not turning wide enough and stains were on the inside from you and the last owner of the car. It was an old car but not the kind where you bring them to vintage showcases, this was a hand-me-down that should’ve been dropped off at the dump for scrap parts. Three years ago you bought it off of a website with porn ads, a small part of you thought you were going to get abducted at the meet-up location but the lady who traded it seemed to be in her late eighties. 
“Do you think the lady’s husband died in this car and she wanted to get rid of it?” Natasha would say randomly. 
“Shut up,” was always your response to her. 
The car had been rear-ended a few times and most of them were your fault, you weren’t the best driver and the car itself wasn’t the easiest to handle. In the winter, you’d skid a lot because you couldn't afford winter tires with your job. 
You wanted to be a writer, you were working a book but you were were currently interning at the theatre as a part of the stage crew. After getting your undergraduate degree in English you wanted to specialize in creative writing, you were now going into your third year out of four. 
“Turn left,” Natasha stuck her head out the window, “you better fix your AC.” 
“You better get a license,” you came back and turned left, “I’m not driving you for the rest of your life, I’m gonna need gas money by the way.” 
“What?” Natasha gasped, “you’re charging gas money now?” 
“Yep,” you said as you turned into the apartment complex, “you’re burning it all up and my flimsy job isn’t paying me enough.” 
“Shit,” Natasha whispered to herself as she got out of the car. 
On the way up to the apartment, Nat continued to whisper to herself about the gas money, grumbling about the money she owed because she used your driving abilities for granted and you both knew that. 
Natasha had a key to Steve’s apartment, you were headed there to watch some football game. Steve's apartment was a rotating door for his friends, ones he met in college, high school, and his job at the auto shop outside of downtown. Whenever you’d go on Sundays to watch men throw a football and run around you met new people every time. 
Steve walked over with his arms held out, “hey, guys!” His can of beer caught your attention, “hi, babe,” he said more quietly to Natasha. 
“Hi,” she smiled back and kissed his cheek, “hi,” she waved to the two men sitting in his living room. 
“You know Sam,” Steve pointed to the man sitting on the couch, “this is James,” he pointed to the one sitting on a single chair. 
You said your greeting and accepted the first drink, you had water because you were driving while Natasha flicked open a beer can. James had a green stained bottle while Sam sipped on a Tall Boy that matched Steve’s. 
“Who’s playing?” you said to no one in particular and waited for someone to respond. 
“Jets and the Bills,” Sam answered. 
The couch fit three people. Sam was on the far right which was closest to the door and kitchen, Steve had obviously been sitting on the couch before you and Nat showed up so there were one too many people for the couch, Nat quickly fixed that by sitting on Steve’s thigh. No one seemed to mind, they had been dating since college and you had already gone through the painful conversation of her moving out once the lease was over. 
You and Nat were roommates, your jobs were somewhat close and she had found the apartment when she was doing her personal ‘house hunting’. She’d called you and asked if you needed a place to stay, you’d co-sign so you weren’t paying her, rather paying one lump sum of money together. Obviously, you said yes and had been living with her for two years. She’d practically moved in with Steve at this point, you couldn’t blame her for wanting it to be full-time. The other part knew you’d have to move and find a really cheap place. 
Natasha worked on Wall Street as a secretary. She hated everyone she worked with, stuck up ‘finance bros’ would come to her desk and flirt all day. It drove her to the point where she bought a fifty-dollar engagement ring and wore it just to scare them off. It worked with the young guys but not the seniors. Though she hated it she loved the benefits that came with the job, she had health care and insurance for almost everything. Not to mention a pretty easy job that paid high, she's dealt with the annoying coworkers ever since she graduated. 
“Hi,” the man on the chair had leaned over, “I’m James.” 
“I know,” you giggled, “Steve told me.” 
“Right,” his face turned red, “what’s your name?” 
“Y/N, it’s really nice to meet you,” you smiled and stuck out your hand which he shook back. 
His hands were rough, you could tell he worked at Auto Body. His hair was the longest out of the three men, by the length you could tell he pulled it back into a bun. He seemed timid, his eyes had a scared look all the time. His fingers constantly tapped on the bottle he had on his thigh and his leg would bounce, in the span of one minute, he checked his watch three times. 
“How do you know Steve?” he curled a piece of hair behind his ear.
“College, same graduating class as him, I met Natasha first though and then they started dating.” you smiled and lifted the ice water to your lips, “and you?” 
“Auto shop,” James nodded and clenched his jaw. 
“Cool,” you were hoping for more out of him but he looked over at the TV and then checked the time on his phone. “Who’s that?” you pointed to his lock screen, it was a toddler hugging a stuffed giraffe. 
“My niece,” he flashed the screen, “my sister, Rebecca’s,” he said slowly as he looked at the picture, almost reminiscing. He had a sad look over his face now, his brows pinched together. 
“Oh,” you nodded and took another sip, “what…” you tried to ask another question but nothing came out, you couldn’t think of small talk and that last question might have ruined his mood. “Sorry,” you whispered but he didn’t hear. 
Though you felt bad, you turned over to the more lively conversation on your right, they were all laughing and cheering. You didn’t want to leave James sulking beside you but he was also giving one-word answers which meant he wasn’t interested. 
You got up and headed deeper into the apartment to go to the bathroom, you closed the door and flicked on the yellow light. The reflection looking back wasn’t what you expected, it looked tired and worn out. A little bit of frizz surrounded your head from the humidity and a thin layer of sweat lined your forehead. 
In the main room you could hear talking now, “she’s single, you know?” that was Steve’s voice. 
“I know,” James replied almost sadly, “you know I can’t do this again,” his voice was so heartbroken and filled with sorrow you felt bad for even starting a conversation with him. “I need to go home,” you heard rustling and protests but James kept moving around to get ready to leave, “tell her it was nice meeting her.” 
“Why don’t you just wait and tell her?” Natasha sighed, “she’s the nicest human being in the world, she’s not going to take it personally.” 
“I know,” he said again, “okay, I’ll wait.” 
That was your cue. You flushed the toilet and washed your hands to make it seem like you hadn’t been eavesdropping when you walked you and wiped your hands down your shirt to make it more believable. 
“I never know which towel to use,” you laughed, Steve had one bathroom in his apartment which meant the shower was in there as well. “Oh, you’re leaving?” you asked. 
“Sorry,” he shrugged, “I have to get home.” 
“Alright,” you nodded, “have a safe drive, it was nice meeting you.” 
“You too,” he pressed his lips into a thin line, “bye guys,” he waved to everyone else before closing the door behind him. 
With a loud sigh you fell back onto the couch, “did I say something?” you looked over to everyone else. 
Steve shook his head, “no, he’s just a shy guy like that, he really doesn’t let a lot of people into his life because…” he scratched the back of his head, “well, because a lot of people have left his life.” 
“I understand,” your thumb ran around the rim of your glass, “I still feel bad.” 
“He’ll come around,” Natasha reached over and patted your thigh.
tag list info: if you’d like to be added to the tag list please send an ask, it’s much easier for me to keep track of everything if all the of the requests come from the ask section. thank you! I won’t respond but just know that I see your ask, don’t worry!
Tag List: @imtherain @jackiehollanderr @redneckstrash @tylard-blog1 @readingbooksdrinkingtea @linzc-reader @hotleaf-juice @honeybunchesofbucky @sky0401 @striving4averagegirl @seybox @yaszx @happyt0exist  @magicalsimp @johnricharddeacy @matchat3a​ @goldylions​ @adoringsebastianstan
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justfilms · 7 years
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#88 All Monsters Attack - Ishirō Honda 1989
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Oh my gosh, okay, I just found your account and it's literally so amazing, like, your art is just, 🤍✨ beautiful ✨🤍. Anyways, sorry, I just wanted to ask if you've read the book series Dorothy Must Die. I really think you'd like it, if you haven't read it already. It's about this girl who lives in modern Kansas and ofc gets swept up in a tornado and taken to Oz but it's all run down Dorothy has gone completely corrupt, the Scarecrow does lad experiments on people and animals and everyone and machanizes most of them to join the Tin Man's evil army, and it's just, so amazing. Anyways, sorry for the little rant, I just really love your account and your art and I wanted to share this with you okay bye sorry again for talking so much
And I've heard of the title but never read it, but it sounds very interesting
I love it when we get a classic/stereotypical type of fantasy world that's gone post apocalyptic or turned dark. That kind of twist is super fun
Thanks for the rec! (And thanks for reading 😁)
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