#Livestock Farming
kp777 · 3 months
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Animal Feed Additive Market- Nourishing Industry Landscape
Animal feed additives are used to meet the nutritional needs of animals through the feed itself. This combination of ingredients is added to the animal feed mix to fulfill specific growth demands. These additives are usually added in micro quantity. It is used to increase efficiency, control diseases, and rate of gain.
Animal feed additives are vital in modern agriculture to enhance the nutritional capacity of livestock. From vitamins and minerals, probiotics, and additives continue to contribute to growth and overall performance. Animal feed additives are increasingly being demanded for optimizing feed quality and promoting animal welfare.
Antioxidants and amino acids supplements are growth promoters as the livestock industry is challenged by growing demand for the population. Ensuring the supply of quality food and animal well-being from a sustainability perspective are upfront challenges ahead of companies.
Innovation and research are keys to improving food production sustainability and their impact on animal farming. It reduced the carbon footprint of agriculture. Farmers have become increasingly aware of their feed impact and the overall performance of their livestock. Stringent quality standards of livestock feed are pushing farmers towards high-quality feed additives in animal nutrition programs.
Several countries have placed restrictions on the use of antibiotics in animal feed as it created conditions of antimicrobial resistance. The paradigm shift in the industry towards sustainable alternatives is anticipated to increase the share of animal feed additives in the coming years.
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ggacworldwide · 2 months
Animal Farming Tips: A Comprehensive Livestock Farming Guide
Introduction:Welcome to our latest guide on animal farming! Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or just starting out, this comprehensive livestock farming guide will provide you with invaluable tips and insights to help you succeed in the world of animal husbandry. From selecting the right breeds to optimizing your farm management practices, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in! 1. Choosing the…
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pharmanucleus1 · 5 months
Anti-Coccidial Drugs Market : Unlocking Opportunities with Gorwth Insights and Advancements
Anticoccidial Drugs Market Insights 
In April 2019, Creative Diagnostics developed anticoccidial drug assay products to test anticoccidial drug residues in animals. This advancement and awareness of anticoccidial drugs will impact the trend of the anticoccidial drugs market. Growing awareness of animal health and zootonic diseases is expected to increase acceptance of anticoccidial drugs. The rising carnivorous population and reliance on bovine products is expected to be a driving factor for the growth of the anticoccidial drugs market. Additionally, the increase in research and development of veterinary drugs is expected to provide growth opportunities for anticoccidial drugs. 
Click here for full report:
The growth of the global anticoccidial drugs market is expected to be driven by increasing outbreaks of coccidia combined with growing reliance on poultry products. Additionally, stringent government regulations aimed at maintaining livestock health in developed countries are expected to increase the adoption of anticoccidial drugs. Growing expenditure and pet owners' awareness of animal health is expected to be a driving force for the anticoccidial drugs market. 
Conversely, certain government policies restricting the use of anticoccidial antimicrobial drugs in livestock are expected to inhibit the growth of the anticoccidial drugs market. Additionally, the growing demand for antibiotic-free meat has likely impacted the growing trend of the anticoccidial drugs market. 
Anticoccidial Drugs Market Segment Analysis 
By Drug Type 
Ionophore Anticoccidials 
Chemical Derivative Anticoccidials 
Click here fore free sample request:
By Animal Type 
Competitive Key Players 
Bayer Animal Healthcare 
Boehringer Ingelheim 
Ceva Animal Health Inc. 
Elanco Animal Health (a subsidiary of Eli Lilly) 
Zoetis Animal Healthcare 
Vetoquinol SA 
Click here for full report:
Anticoccidial Drugs Market Geographical Analysis 
The global anticoccidial drugs market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa. Developed countries in North America and Europe are estimated to dominate the global anticoccidiosis drug market due to established veterinary care and active government involvement in farm animal health and management. Asia-Pacific and Latin America countries are expected to register higher CAGR in the global anticoccal drugs market growth due to growing dependence on farm animals and an increasing number of pet owners of the company. In the Middle East and Africa, the unmet need for animal health is expected to be a driver of the anticoccal drugs market in the region. 
Anticoccidial Drugs Market Key Developments 
In 2014, Zoetis announced the reintroduction of Zoamix, a synthetic anticoccidial drug indicated for poultry. 
In February 2015, Zoetis announced the completion of its acquisition of Abbott's animal health business. 
In May 2016, Laboratorios Hipra received European Union approval for the company's coccidiosis vaccine Evalon
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alicemccombs · 6 months
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lyditefence · 1 year
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Lydite LFX350 Solar Energizer 
Lydite Fence | Electric Fence | Livestock Solution | We provide technical solutions for livestock farming. Our products: 👉Energizer 👉Testers 👉Tools 👉Accessories 👉More contact us! 👇 Website: www.lyditefence.com Email us: [email protected]
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beingjellybeans · 1 year
8 things to do at Paradizoo Theme Park
Looking for a getaway from the metro’s worsening traffic and rising temperatures? Searching for a place to experience simple pleasures, learning and healthy living? Look no further than Paradizoo Theme Park, a 12-hectare theme park located in Mendez, Cavite which offers a combination of paradise and zoo which is uniquely relaxing and entertaining. Now that quarantine restrictions have been…
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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rodolfodavis · 2 years
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Digitalization can play an efficient role in livestock farming, by increasing the growth and production with the help of technology. Visit our website for more information.
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reasonsforhope · 11 months
"Marginal improvements to agricultural soils around the world would store enough carbon to keep the world within 1.5C of global heating, new research suggests.
Farming techniques that improve long-term fertility and yields can also help to store more carbon in soils but are often ignored in favor of intensive techniques using large amounts of artificial fertilizer, much of it wasted, that can increase greenhouse gas emissions.
Using better farming techniques to store 1 percent more carbon in about half of the world’s agricultural soils would be enough to absorb about 31 gigatons of carbon dioxide a year, according to new data. That amount is not far off the 32 gigaton gap between current planned emissions reduction globally per year and the amount of carbon that must be cut by 2030 to stay within 1.5C.
The estimates were carried out by Jacqueline McGlade, the former chief scientist at the UN environment program and former executive director of the European Environment Agency. She found that storing more carbon in the top 30 centimeters of agricultural soils would be feasible in many regions where soils are currently degraded.
McGlade now leads a commercial organization that sells soil data to farmers. Downforce Technologies uses publicly available global data, satellite images, and lidar to assess in detail how much carbon is stored in soils, which can now be done down to the level of individual fields.
“Outside the farming sector, people do not understand how important soils are to the climate,” said McGlade. “Changing farming could make soils carbon negative, making them absorb carbon, and reducing the cost of farming.”
She said farmers could face a short-term cost while they changed their methods, away from the overuse of artificial fertilizer, but after a transition period of two to three years their yields would improve and their soils would be much healthier...
Arable farmers could sequester more carbon within their soils by changing their crop rotation, planting cover crops such as clover, or using direct drilling, which allows crops to be planted without the need for ploughing. Livestock farmers could improve their soils by growing more native grasses.
Hedgerows also help to sequester carbon in the soil, because they have large underground networks of mycorrhizal fungi and microbes that can extend meters into the field. Farmers have spent decades removing hedgerows to make intensive farming easier, but restoring them, and maintaining existing hedgerows, would improve biodiversity, reduce the erosion of topsoil, and help to stop harmful agricultural runoff, which is a key polluter of rivers."
-via The Grist, July 8, 2023
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reportwire · 2 years
New Zealand farmers hit streets to protest cow-burp tax plan
New Zealand farmers hit streets to protest cow-burp tax plan
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Farmers across New Zealand took to the streets on their tractors Thursday to protest government plans to tax cow burps and other greenhouse gas emissions, although the rallies were smaller than many had expected. Lobby group Groundswell New Zealand helped organize more than 50 protests in towns and cities across the country, the biggest involving a few dozen…
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kp777 · 3 months
The banks offering the most support to the world’s top 55 industrial livestock companies were Bank of America, which provided almost $29bn, Barclays with just over $28bn and JPMorgan Chase with almost $27bn, the report found. Barclays was the biggest lender to the Brazilian meat firm JBS, “the world’s highest-emitting livestock company”, it said.
Big dairy financiers named in the report include Wells Fargo, which was the top creditor to Dairy Farmers of America, and ANZ bank, the biggest creditor to New Zealand’s Fonterra. In 2021, Dairy Farmers of America emitted more greenhouse gases than Denmark, and Fonterra was responsible for about 45% of New Zealand’s total emissions that year, it said.
Read more.
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puppyeared · 2 months
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id fumble him so bad
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ggacworldwide · 7 months
Livestock Excellence: NPowerFarmers Guide to Best Practices in Livestock Farming
Greetings, NPowerFarmers! As we continue our journey through the NPowerFarmers Guide, our focus turns to the heart of many farms: livestock. Mastering best practices in livestock farming is not only essential for the well-being of your animals but also contributes to the overall success and sustainability of your agricultural venture. Let’s explore key considerations for ensuring excellence in…
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livestockmiddleeast · 2 years
Bühler opens Insect Technology Center to support customers in the feed and food industries
Bühler Group is officially opening its world-class Insect Technology Center (ITC). Located in Uzwil, Switzerland, the facility brings together Bühler’s expertise and the best infrastructure to help the industry to further develop. In the ITC, Bühler and its customers can conduct larvae growth trials with various feedstock, develop product samples, evaluate breed solutions, and run trainings. The ITC, which obtained funding from Switzerland’s Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) due to its contribution to a more sustainable food system, is already in operation.
Read more at Livestock & Poultry
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Good News - May 22-28
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi or $Kaybarr1735! Also, if you tip me on Ko-fi or CashApp (and give me some way to contact you if it doesn’t automatically), at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week - almost double the content!
1. Scientists Invent Healthier More Sustainable Chocolate
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“The new chocolate recipe from researchers at ETH Zurich uses more materials from the cocoa pod that are usually discarded, including more of the pulp as well as the inner lining of the husk, known as the endocarp. […] The resulting chocolate also [was “deliciously sweet” and] had 20% more fibre and 30 percent less saturated fat than average European dark chocolate[, and] it could enable cocoa farmers [to] earn more from their crops.”
2. Vermont Is Coming for Big Oil, Making It Pay for Decades of Climate Pollution
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“Legislators in Montpelier are on the brink of enacting the "Climate Superfund Act," modeled after the federal Superfund law, that seeks to make oil, gas and coal companies pay for damages linked to historical greenhouse gas emissions. […] Companies would be held liable for the costs associated with […] floods and heat waves, along with losses to biodiversity, safety, economic development and anything else the treasurer deems reasonable[, that were caused by their emissions].”
3. Important bird habitat now protected in the Rocky Mountain Trench
“Grassland-reliant species in the Rocky Mountain Trench now have more protected habitat thanks to a new [270-hectare] conservation area near Cranbrook. […] About one-third of the Skookumchuck Prairie Conservation Area is forested[…,] Most of the site is a dry grassland[…, and] Three hectares of wetlands add to the landscape diversity and offer crucial benefits to wildlife and water systems in the area. This conservation gem also provides habitat for endangered American badger and excellent winter range for elk, mule deer and white-tailed deer.”
4. Lemur Week marked by 70th breeding success
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“A wildlife park has celebrated its 70th lemur breeding success ahead of a week raising money to help save the endangered primates. […] The park's open-air Madagascar exhibit is home to 31 free-roaming lemurs and was officially opened in 2008. […] Females are only sexually receptive for just one or two days a year, leaving a small window of opportunity for males to father offspring. […] The two playful siblings, one female and one male, were born to father Bernard and mother Hira.”
5. Innovative material for sustainable building
“Researchers introduce a polymer-based material with unique properties. This material allows sunlight to enter, maintains a more comfortable indoor climate without additional energy, and cleans itself like a lotus leaf. The new development could replace glass components in walls and roofs in the future.”
6. Isle of Wight eagles don't pose threat to lambs as feared
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“While there had previously been fears that the eagles would feed on livestock, such as lambs, the project has found no evidence of this. [… “W]hite-tailed eagles effectively steal meals from other predatory birds[, which is] a really important ecological role that had been lost within the landscape and is being restored.” [… The birds’] population was boosted by a chick last year – the first time the species has bred in England in 240 years.”
7. Breakthrough discovery uses engineered surfaces to shed heat
“Cheng's team has found a way to lower the starting point of the [Leidenfrost] effect by producing a surface covered with micropillars. […] The discovery has great potential in heat transfer applications such as the cooling of industrial machines and surface fouling cleaning for heat exchangers. It also could help prevent damage and even disaster to nuclear machinery.”
8. New malaria vaccine delivered for the first time
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“A total of 43,000 doses arrived by air today from UNICEF, and another 120,000 are scheduled to show up in the coming days. […] They're the first vaccines designed to work against a human parasite. […] Across four African countries, these trials showed a 75% reduction in malaria cases in the year following vaccination of young children. […] The Serum Institute of India, who will be manufacturing the new vaccine, says a hundred million doses will likely be available to countries by the middle of next year.”
9. Urban gardening may improve human health: Microbial exposure boosts immune system
“"One month of urban indoor gardening boosted the diversity of bacteria on the skin of the subjects and was associated with higher levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the blood. The group studied used a growing medium with high microbial diversity emulating the forest soil," [… whereas] the control group used a microbially poor peat-based medium. [… N]o changes in the blood or the skin microbiota were seen. […] “This is the first time we can demonstrate that meaningful and natural human activity can increase the diversity of the microbiota of healthy adults and, at the same time, contribute to the regulation of the immune system."”
10. Cities Are Switching to Electric Vehicles Faster Than Individuals
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“[M]ost large cities have adopted some kind of climate goal, and some of them are buying EVs for their municipal fleets at a faster rate than the general public. And that progress could speed up as more EVs enter the market and as cities get educated about grant funding and tax incentives that were passed over the last four years.”
May 15-21 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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