#Lolonoa Zolo
zoolitsky-fandom · 5 months
zorozoorozorztozrozoro i’m so. normal about him.
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nocontextonepiece · 2 years
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sunset-bridge · 1 year
lolonoa zolo
dont say these words again
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lolonoa zolo
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nanamis-bigtie · 3 years
lolonoa zolo
I’m not a speech therapist, Anon. :c
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whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
one piece actor au where their regular names are just their regular names but the names of the characters they play are just 4kids names or poorly translated names. portgas d. trace. jimbe but spelled twenty different ways. lolonoa zolo. 
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goldrogerstits · 5 years
You're giving me flashbacks. Ruffy. Herr Krokodil. Fiskartigern. Åh!! Slaktarn för Killer, ahdjd. Lolonoa Zoro. Sengoku som Krigsrike. X Drake blev Dies Drakul.... Tony Tony Choppa.
Roronoa Zolo V.S Lolonoa Zoro
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The Rookie
Policeman! Roronoa Zoro x reader
1.5 words
No warning
As much as you love your nephew, you hate how he always runs away. Luckily, M. Policeman is here.
wattpad link
With all the love you had for that kid, he was a goddamn pain in your... you know where.
A week ago, facing the clear overwork you sister was Under between her work and taking care of the house and her child, you proposed to take care of your nephew, so she could have a day off with her husband. You loved the boy ; (nephew's name/NN) was a four-year-old funny and outgoing kid. But he was not easy to live as he was running around carelessly constantly, always being reckless and restless. That's why against a few minutes of peace, you took him to the mall for an ice cream.
HUUUUM, what a terrible idea !
"(NN)-KUUUN !!"
You had only turned your head a second to throw the dirty napkin in the rubbish that he was already gone.
You had been shouting his name for five minutes - that felt like a whole hour - when you came across a group of policemen in patrol.
"Sir !" You nearly jumped on the first one, the oldest and probably the team leader. "Yes, Ma'am ?" "Did you see a kid alone ? My nephew ran away and I can't find him."
The man and his colleagues understood your panic since he asked for more information while the others came closer to listen.
"How old is he ?" "Four. (Colour) hair. He is a wearing a dinosaur sweatshirt." "What's his name ?" "(NN)."
You had just finished talking that one of the policemen - and seemingly the youngest of the patrol - broke away on his own. The captain noticed but didn't stop him, instead talked into the radio on his shoulder.
"Where are you going, the Rookie ?"
Your eyes followed the ones of the captain and both of you watched the rookie going upstairs to the first level of the mall. He kept on eyeing everywhere around him while answering his radio.
"I'll have a better view from above. Send the others looking downstairs." "Mh, OK."
The eldest turned to the two policemen behind him and gave his orders.
While the three others were wandering around the shopping centre, you stayed with the captain in the same zone your nephew disappeared in case he would come back on his own. Minutes passed and you started imagining you announcing your sister and brother-in-law you lost their precious baby. You thought about the fact (NN) may have already left the building. He could get hit by a car, fall from one of the nearby bridges. Anything could happen to a little boy like him as he was full of life and energy, curious and far from being shy ; he could have followed a stranger and got kidnap-...
"I have him."
Those simple three words coming out from the radio made the pressure fell of your shoulders.
"OK, get it." The captain answered.
You let out a long sigh of relief out of your lungs.
"-on't touch that !"
You and the captain looked at the radio on his shoulder as those words were followed by the high laugh of a child. You easily guessed (NN) played with the buttons of the rookie's radio.
You didn't wait much longer before seeing the young cop walking towards you with your nephew on his arms.
"There, here is your aunt- No !"
You pinched your lips not to laugh as (NN) tried again to grab the radio. You took the 4-year-old boy of him as he handed him your direction as if the boy weighted nothing to him.
"Thank you very much, mh... Roronoa-san." You read the name tag on his uniform. You did the same for the captain beside policeman Roronoa.
"It's our job, Ma'am !" "If you hadn't found him, you would have had a dead body on your hands..." You told the captain in a sigh.
"Which dead body ?" You nephew asked. "Mine. Your mother would have killed me for loosing you." The boy laughed. "Don't laugh !"
After that, the captain spoke to the child and remind him not to run away like this again. You bowed to the two men a dozen times until they eventually got away to join their colleagues.
While they walked away, you stayed still a few seconds to take a look at the young policeman. He was tall, quite bulky - not only because of his all black-and-navy uniform - and had serious hard features when he was emotionless. His voice was low and almost menacing when he was talking in the radio but much more expressive when he was addressing (NN).
When he  seemed to notice your gaze and turned to look your way, you eventually moved from your trance and headed out the mall.
When you brought your nephew back home, you obviously talked about what happened to you and (NN) during the day. Your sister  wasn't even a bit surprised about him running way. What she paid attention to was the details you gave of the young policeman. She understood what you didn't say : you were attracted by him...
And so, life kept going on. You didn't stop thinking about the young man and even tried to see him when you went back to the mall a few days later to eat in a restaurant with friends. But he wasn't there.
Two weeks later, your sister invited you to join her family for finer, which you gladly accepted. You entered the flat with the duplicated key you had.
"Hi everyone !" "Hiii !" The three - husband, wife and kid - answered from the living-room. You had just put your jacket and bag that your sister's voice called you.
"(Nickname), can you bring me the envelope in the hall, please ?" "Yes !"
You did as you were told, grabbed the said thing, and joined them. You crashed on the couch beside your sister and handed her the piece of paper. On the floor your brother-in-law was playing cars with his son who was wearing a policeman costume.
"It's for you." Your sister said about the envelope. "Me ?" You frowned a bit but opened it when she nodded while swallowing a gulp of her wine.
Inside was the marketing leaflet of a restaurant in town.
"Thanks ?" Your sister laughed at your lost face then pointed at a line of number written manually. "A phone number ?" You questioned again. Yet, instead of answering, she spoke to (NN).
"Baby, who's that number to ?" "Policeman Lolonoa Zolo." "Yes, good boy !" She smiled widely. "What ?! How ?" "I went to the mall with (NN) today, I had an order to get." Your sister started casually. "And you know how he always runs away... I found him in that policeman's arms you told me about. I told him how my son wouldn't stop saying he was cool... and that my little sister told me a lot about him too."
You saw how she was proud of her. She could even drink her wine because of the large smile she was wearing.
"You're proud, aren't you ?" "So much." "I swear I'll kill you one day." "Why would you ?" She raised her eyebrows, her smile vanished. "I didn't ask for his number, he was the one giving it.  He asked me to give it to you."
You looked down at the paper in your hand. Your sister had always been a prankster with you, ever since your little childhood. But whenever it came to your love life, she was your best friend, advisor and sometimes a shoulder to cry. That's why you didn't doubt her story.
All the evening and even the next morning until you got to your workplace, you thought about the number resting in your bag. You couldn't get it out of your head but without having the bravery to dial the number. Knowing you well enough, your sister had sent encouraging messages so you would send one to him. She wouldn't stop insisting so you did it before started your work.
From you to +33------- at 8:37 Hi, it's (NN)'s aunt, (Y/N). My sister gave me your number."
It was short and effective. Maybe a bit too much. But you didn't know what to say more.
If you thought you would stop thinking about it, you were wrong. All day, you kept looking at your phone screen, expecting an answer. There were notifications of ads, messages of friends or relatives, things like that but not message of him...
"(Y/N)-san, you forgot your phone on my office. Here." "Oh thanks, Miko-chan." "We're going for a drink with the girls, are you coming ?"
You had just finished putting on your jacket when you grabbed the phone she was handing you. You were to answer positively but a notification on your screen attracted your attention.
"Thanks but not tonight. Another time maybe." "Tired ?" "Already taken."
From +33----- to you at 16:04 Sorry for answering just now. I can't look at my phone on duty. Are you possibly free for a drink tonight ?"
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secretuncle · 7 years
I'm sorry I've been so inactive, but It was to bring you this:
Lolonoa Zolo.
Thank you for your attention.
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Morunkee Dee Ruffy
Lolonoa Zolo
Nico Lobin
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randomjou · 8 years
I’m just gonna fuckin start it honestly. Have fun hopping in whenever. Lmao.
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shenaniganza · 12 years
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wavesabove · 12 years
instead of saying 
"lol no"
I am now going to say
Because by 4kids logic that would be Zoro's first(/last?) name.
and ironically it's also how I feel about 4kids
who'da thunk.
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