#rookie policeman
al-ghvl · 8 months
y’all i literally saw a tim bradford and lucy chen on my way to school. cute as FUCK
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boysmentfs · 11 days
Wishing Away The Guilt.
In collaboration with the great and wonderful @misctf :)
The sound of his alarm blaring woke James from his sleep. The young man jumped up, a wave of excitement coursing through him. Today was the day- one he had been waiting for since he was a kid. Today was his first day as a rookie police officer. Joining his older brothers, father, grandfather, and so on in the “family business.” James took a quick shower and dressed into his pristine new uniform. 
He grabbed a protein shake and headed out, but not before snapping a selfie in his new uniform.
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He was very proud of wearing it, and he respected the responsibility it held. All the days of training both his mind and body for this moment. And now at 27, he was ready to make a difference in his community. 
When he arrived at the department, he was greeted by new rookies and his new fellow officers. Most of the older guys were already around 40 years old, their faces stern and focused. But that didn't matter to James. In them, he saw the person he wanted to become. 
"Attention! Good morning men. First, let's welcome the new rookies!" The Chief barked. Their fellow police officers applauded, "As you know, being a police officer is not easy, right? But you’re here now. You’re the best of the best. And you must first learn two things: DISCIPLINE AND STRENGTH. Do you understand!?" 
"Yes sir!" James and his fellow rookies responded. 
“Today will be simple. Rookies, you’ll be paired with a more senior officer. You do what they say. You learn from them. Understand?” And so the pairing began, "And your partner, James, will be Alex. Be good to him." 
James nodded and turned towards his new partner. Alex was a 45-year-old man, tall, muscular, strict, and his face was serious. He nodded at James, and gestured for him to follow. James could already tell this guy wasn’t happy to have a rookie following him around. But that wasn’t going to stop him for enjoying his day. While James and Alex patrolled, James tried to make small talk. But Alex only gave simple answers, and their conversation stalled. But when the rookie felt the car slow down, he wondered if his senior officer picked up on something. 
"Okay, rookie, this will be our first task, got it?” Alex muttered, “See those men over there? They're breaking the law." But James was confused. He couldn’t possibly mean that group of black guys playing basketball. 
"Uhm...But Alex, those guys aren't doing anything wrong, right? They're just playing basketball, what law are they breaking?” James commented. 
"Are you fucking contradicting me?" Alex said angrily, his eyes blaring with rage, “Questioning your superior on your first day, rookie?” 
"No but-" 
"That's it, we’re going back to the department. Fuckin’ shame rookie. On your first day, really? Can’t even follow basic instructions." 
"No! No, it's okay! I-I’ll go break up the game." The moment Alex heard that, he smiled. 
“No you’re getting it, rookie.” 
The two of them got out of their vehicle and approached. James felt sick. This wasn’t right. 
"Hey! What do you think you’re all doing?" Alex barked. The guys turned around and saw the policeman approaching.  
"Yeah? What's up, cop? We ain't doing nothing wrong- just hanging out with my homies... chilling, you know." 
"Did I ask you to explain to me what you were doing?” Alex raised an eyebrow, “No, right? Clear the court. Fight back and we’ll take you back to the station." The guy's friends started to mutter while some of them had surprised faces. James just stood there quietly. 
"What? We haven't done anything that violated any rules. Leave us the fuck alone, pig.”
Alex’s rage was palpable. In an instant, he went behind the boy's back, grabbed his arms, and threw him to the ground. 
"Alright wise guy, disrespecting the law? Think I smell marijuana, don’t you? You’re under arrest. We’ll be taking you back to the station for questioning.” Alex glared at the other men, “I think you need a good lesson about respect. All of you do. But in the meantime, get out of here. We don’t need you in our town, got it?” 
James did his best to hide his disgust as he followed Alex and the young man back to the patrol car. James knew he had to say something but he stayed silent. He was just a rookie and didn't want to contradict his partner. And after throwing the young man in the back of the patrol car, the two cops sped away. Leaving the other basketball players in shock. 
Once they arrived back at the department, Alex instructed James to place the young man in a holding cell. James nodded, doing his best to hide his discomfort. As he led the young man away, he remained silent. 
“You really ain’t gonna say anything, are ya?” The young man asked. 
“Please cooperate, Mr...uhh...” James realized he didn’t even get this guy’s name. 
“Michael.” Michael replied, “So you’re...”
“Stop talking.” James replied. 
Michael smirked, “If you think this cell is gonna hold me, pig... well you’ve got another thing coming. Your partner is trash, but you...” James shuddered as a cool air passed through him, “Ya, I get you.” Michael smirked.  
“Whatever.” He replied. 
After placing the young man in the holding cell, he walked back to find his partner. Alex was sipping on a cup of coffee and looking all too pleased with himself. Their Chief was nodding.  
"That's what happens when you're aggressive with the law" Alex commented proudly, “This is how we keep the streets safe.” 
“It sounds like it was a tough altercation. The city thanks you.” The Chief replied, “And you James, excellent job. You stayed calm in a tough situation. You have a promising future ahead of you.” 
"Thank you, Chief....” James forced a smile, “Alex is a good partner. I’ll..." James continued with a smile but inside the guilt was eating him up, “I look forward to working with him more.” 
And so the long, heavy day passed slowly for James. And on the drive home, James couldn’t focus. Instead, feelings of guilt welled up inside him. 
"Did that really happen?” He mumbled as he entered his apartment, “That was fucked up, he wasn't doing anything wrong..." James mumbled, the feeling of guilt clawing at his conscious, "Maybe a shower will help me relax."
The rookie stretched and went up to his bathroom, where he quickly removed his uniform, until he stood completely naked. He sighed as he looked down at his badge. If you had told him earlier today this is how he’d feel, he wouldn’t have believed you. But now, he just wanted to relax. 
Once he was inside the shower, he allowed the warm water to caress his skin, sighing as he enjoyed the feeling. Yet despite that, guilt continued to eat away at him. 
"I can't stop thinking about earlier...” He mumbled, “I should talk to the chief tomorrow and tell him.” But the thought of Alex’s wrath caused him to shudder, “But what if I lose my job? I can’t..." 
James closed his eyes, letting the water run through his blond hair. And as the water continued to soak his body, his feet began to grow in size, with a few audible cracks. All the while, their color started to shift, slowly darkening from pale, to tan, to an ebony bronze. James was so relaxed and focused on the shower that he hadn't realized. Instead, he grabbed his shampoo and scrubbed his hair. And as he did, his police cut and blonde locks changed color. Initially, they took on a brown hue, and darkened further until becoming black. Soon, its texture shifted, becoming curly. 
“What would dad do?” James thought, barely noticing that the shampoo cascading down his body was shifting his skin tone. His once white skin now covered in dark streaks, which were only expanding.
James winced at an uncomfortable feeling in his chest, as his pecs popped out and filled with muscle. All the while, his barely noticeable abs jutted out from his stomach forming an impressive six-pack and v-line on its sides. As he stretched his arms above his head to scrub his hair, they started to tone up. His biceps and triceps rapidly expanding. His light blond pit hair grew and darkened, poking out as he lowered his arms. 
“Shit, I feel warm...” He mumbled, turning down the water temperature to little relief. 
His torso suddenly expanded and his shoulders lengthened, giving him a more athletic and sporty build, even compared to his prior physique. His once white legs also changed filling with firm muscle and rapidly toning. 
“Ugh... shit...” He mumbled as he felt his dick twitch. 
As he gripped his cock, it began to lengthen and swell in his hand as it reached an impressive 23 centimeters. And as it stood erect, its color darkened instantly. The young rookie massaged his new cock, while his butt firmed up into two juicy, firm bubbles. He let out a silent moan as his face changed. His European features quickly replaced as his lips swelled and his nose widened. Simultaneously, his jaw became more defined and masculine. His eyes stung for a moment, which he attributed to some shampoo getting in them, unaware that his eyes were now a rich chocolate color. Unbeknownst to him, his golden police badge started to shift and change, until it fell apart into several gold necklaces. They magically materialized around his neck.
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“Fuck, I feel better after all.” He smiled, turning off the shower. 
He stepped out and grabbed his towel, drying off his muscles. But when he opened his eyes and saw the reflection in the mirror, he jumped back in shock. It was the near-identical reflection of the 20-year old black man they arrested earlier staring back at him. 
“Fuck! How’d you get in here.... wait...” He whispered, watching in horror as the refection mimicked his movements, "What happened to me!?" James shouted, wincing at the sound of his new voice. 
He slowly raised a hand to his face, feeling his smooth skin. And as he ran a hand along his pecs and biceps, he shuddered as he felt the firm muscle. No, this wasn’t right... He needed to... 
“Damn, I look good.” He smirked.
“Wait, what? No, no, no...” James whispered. That voice, that attitude... James felt a sense of dread build up in, “Michael?” He whispered.
 “Aw come on pig, don’t you like this?” James was panicking at the words leaving his mouth. And he watched as his arm moved against his will and he flexed, “I saw what you were packin’ brotha, and I know you just got an upgrade.” 
James shook his head, fighting for control over his body, “Stop, please let me go!” He begged, “I-I’m sorry... I didn’t...” 
He grunted as his hand dove into his pants, “You know what the world doesn’t need? Anotha fuckin’ corrupt pig.” 
James moaned as his hand jerked his new cock, its full length proudly on display. James was forced to stare at himself as he jerked off in his new body. 
“Fuck... Michael... please...” He groaned, “I...”
“You think you could lock me up? Naw man, I ain’t gonna take that shit.” Michael replied, the words leaving James’s mouth. 
“But... I... ugh, my head feels...” James felt a pressure building. Like his mind was stuffed to the brink. Memories that couldn’t possibly be his flashing. He could smell his mom’s comfort food, remember the summer heat growing up when he played basketball with his bros, “Wait... no....” He begged. 
“It’s all good, just let it happen.” Michael said, his voice becoming stronger, the pace of his hand around their cock quickening. 
“I... we... we’re....” James was struggling to think of himself as independent from Michael, “We... we gotta find our brothas, let ‘em know we’re good...” James whispered, still fighting desperately to maintain his independence. 
But when he thought about growing up, he didn’t see a little white boy. He saw a black kid. And when he thought about his father, the man that sparked his interest in police work, he felt... disgusted. He chuckled. 
“We ain’t looking up to no pig.” They said, a smirk forming on their face, “Damn, we do look good.” They continued. A sense of pride now filling James’s mind as he appreciated his beautiful black skin and muscles. And at that moment, they came. A pleasure so intense that it nearly knocked them off their feet, “Fuck, that was good. We... We? Nah man, I fuckin’ look good.” Michael said, “And I need to go find my bros.” 
Michael smirked, seeing the former police uniform now nothing more than a pair of Nike shorts and a black tank-top. He quickly put them on and flexed in the mirror. It only took a few moments after leaving the apartment to find his bros. They were back down at the basketball court, playing a pick-up game. 
“Oh damn Michael, looks like they let you out. We were worried, bro.” 
“You know you don’t need to worry about me.” Michael replied, “And those pigs got what the deserved for treatin’ us like shit. But enough of that.” He grabbed the basketball out of his bro’s hands, “We got a game to finish.” 
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bluecollarmcandtf · 3 months
F*** the Police
These assholes have no idea what's coming. They couldn't have known that every station in the city was recently bugged with subliminals. All their precincts have been hacked and now broadcast some very specific orders into the clueless minds of every working cop. No one knows it yet, but the police force is now an army of sleeper agents, ready to obey their conditioning with one simple trigger phrase...
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"Fuck the police."
That's all you have to tell them.
Isn't it clever? Hundreds of people already hurl that phrase at pigs in uniform everyday. Just imagine an officer starting his shift, hearing the same insulting words he's heard a million times; only this time, the sound of it knocks the will right out of his body. Suddenly, his self-important personality is replaced with a new one that was specifically designed to humiliate and degrade him.
Think about our boys in blue swaggering around the city right now, intimidating us with their very existence. One "Fuck the police," and that law enforcer is at the whim of the protestor spitting in his face.
You're probably wondering what subliminal messages have been stuffed away inside their heads. Maybe you want to know what'll happen when you find a pig and say the magic words. Or maybe you're a filthy pig yourself, quivering in your state-issued, uniform boots.
Let's find out what New York's finest will do...
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Officer Mikos was chasing down some teens after catching them spray painting near city hall. He'd almost hauled them into his cruiser when one shouted, "Man, fuck the police!"
The cop felt his feeble mind snap.
He started breathing heavily through a gaping mouth, looking at the 18 year-olds with a desperation that was not very becoming of a policeman. Drool poured out of his mouth and onto his uniform as he licked his lips suggestively. The cop was no longer bothered with laying down the law. Instead, he wanted, he needed these boys to fuck him up the ass.
His whole body craved to feel these vandals immasculate him publicly.
Of course, it was all in his head. Officer Mikos had spent plenty of hours working late at the precinct, so the conditioning had soaked deep into his skull. He was normally a straight-laced conservative man of the law, but that didn't stop him from rubbing his junk through his pants and slobbering all over himself.
"Fuck me," he moaned, "Please boys, fuck me."
The teenagers howled laughing, but even they were disgusted by the police officer's sudden flip in behavior. They didn't take him up on his request, preferring to run free. Officer Mikos was left to stagger off, shamelessly begging any passerby for sex. He needed someone, anyone to humiliate and fuck him.
Officer Bailey didn't get off so easy...
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He was in the middle of breaking up a pub fight when one of the drunks slurred, "Fuck thuhplee..the police!" before puking.
The rookie cop might've been getting a handle on the two brawlers, but any control he'd had quickly dissipated. His eyes lost their focus and the baby pig lost all restraint, coming onto the inebriates like a back-alley whore. "Fuck me!" he begged, as one continued barfing and the other blindly stumbled into it.
Officer Bailey was suddenly filled with the knowledge that these two men, drunk off their asses, needed to screw him. It was the best way for him to disgrace himself, his uniform, and his department; which is exactly what the subliminal programming wanted him to do.
Barely able to think, one drunk said, "Warm ussup with that slobb'ry mouth of yers."
The policeman couldn't wait to get started.
Officer Bailey bobbed his wet lips on each of their sweaty dicks; he ripped his pants open and skewered his ass on their poles; but the real mission came after they grew bored of his sex. He couldn't let the opportunity to humiliate himself further just walk away, so he came up with new ideas! The cop offered to lick up their cum from the dirty asphalt, to let their piss air-dry on his face, to roll around in their vomit; anything to satisfy the voice in his head ordering him to degrade himself.
Eventually, the alcoholics tossed him aside, jokingly ordering him to throw himself away since they were finished. "Thaz where youz belongs, you pisa trashh!" the satisfied drunks garbled as they wobbled off.
Disgraced Officer Bailey couldn't keep the dumb smile off his face. He felt like he'd succeeded. He felt like, as a policeman, this garbage bin was where he belonged. He wouldn't be feeling that way forever.
In the harsh light of morning, the only comfort he had was knowledge that his humiliation was solely between him and the two drunks.
These next two weren't so lucky...
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Dan and Frank were partners: police partners. As they would say, they weren't into any of that "gay crap." The two had actually bonded over their ideals of traditional masculinity and hatred of homosexuals. On any given day, you could find them camped on the highway, scowling about the last "fag" they had to interact with.
They couldn't think of anything more awful than being gay, so of course, when they heard "Fuck the police," their first inclination was to do the gayest shit ever.
"Fuck me," Officer Frank moaned to his partner as effeminately as his low voice could manage.
"No, fuck me!" Officer Dan whined, "You're so much bigger than me, so I should be the girl here."
Officer Frank couldn't wait any longer. He pulled Dan in and sucked his partner's face with the sloppiest kiss he'd ever given. They both created as many noises as possible, drawing a ton of attention to themselves. When they finally pulled apart, he said, "Let's go to that gay club down the street. I bet I can suck more cocks than you! I need to be the bigger police queer!"
"No way! I need to be the biggest faggot!"
With that, Officer Frank turned and marched down to the gay club, a place he normally pretended didn't exist. He was imagining crawling in on his hands and knees, putting his open mouth on the first crotch he saw.
Officer Dan hesitated. Normally he and Frank would stick together, but Dan was afraid Frank would steal all the gays away from him.
Licking his lips, the smaller policeman came up with a brilliant plan. He marched in the opposite direction, down towards the bridge. He knew there were dozens of homeless men down there who would gladly line up for his mouth. He was determined to suck more dick than Frank, and he was glad he was the one doing it with filthy hobos in public!
You think those two homophobes deserved it? There's no doubt about the next officer...
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Bill Duncan is a long-time cop who comes from a family of law enforcers, but Bill is the only one that hasn't risen past the rank of petty officer. It probably has something to do with his history of aggression or his repeated DUIs. Still, Officer Duncan never got disciplined. His blue blood made sure of that.
It's a good thing he heard that "hoodlum" say "Fuck you, pig!"
The experienced cop had just been tailing a guy in a hoodie because he looked suspicious. In reality, Bill was just bored at work. That all changed after he heard those words.
His face brightened as a toothy smile spread into his round cheeks. "You're right. I am a pig," his scratchy voice sounded more animated.
"The fuck did you just say?"
"Come on!" Officer Duncan cried, leaning his thick frame towards his suspect "Give my lardy gut a good shake or kick me in the nuts! Anything to make this cop look like the fat ugly swine he is."
"Oink," the policeman licked his lips playfully, "Are you still intimidated by me? How scary can a cop be if he shits his pants!"
With that, Bill groans, pushing a load out into his uniform pants, all while maintaining eye contact with the stranger. It's sticky, hot, and uncomfortable, but that only brings his twisted mind joy. That feeling is doubled when he sees his perp gasp in disbelief. He just can't help but humiliate himself in front of this guy.
"You like that?" he gasps, "Let me get a couple dozen donuts. You can see just how full of shit us cops are!"
Officer Duncan spent the rest of the night stuffing donuts into his face. The guy he'd been following tagged along, streaming the mess on social media. Bill's mindfucked brain was only too happy to be the butt of the joke. He made fun of law enforcement in every way he could think, while occasionally oinking at the camera.
So imagine the next time you get pulled over...
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Are you going to exercise your right to bring those arrogant cops down a peg? All you have to do is say three simple words to trigger the conditioning etched in their brains. Just like that, Mr. Goody-two-shoes will be frothing at the mouth for a chance to degrade himself in front of you.
How are you going to make him do it?
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roseglazedlens · 1 year
Okay let's forget about all the agents Kennedy, alcohol and trauma in RC, Ada...ect,and turn to Leon s Kennedy as Your husband's policeman 36years is receiving a promotion to Chief Police Officer cuz I can't see my bbguy suffer more :(,you can add some nsfw if you want to
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thank you for requesting lovely! i'm sorry i write so much angst hahhaha, but here is a change of pace! i've never written anything purely fluff (lol) and so many characters, so this is a challenge! i hope you enjoy!
⦑ take me home ⦒✶.*
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pairing(s): leon kennedy x gn! reader synopsis: you throw a surprise party for your boyfriend's last day at work after his job promotion. content: pure fluff, established relationship, flirting, alcohol, leon is tipsy, but he's cute & not depressed ab it. claire, rebecca, jill & chris works in RPD. « 1 k words┇masterlist┇ao3┇reblogs appreciated! »
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Today is an unusual sight for the usually hectic police department in Raccoon City. The office is adorned with balloons, garlands, and laughter, celebrating not just the promotion of a well-loved officer, Leon S. Kennedy, but also his farewell as he relocates to a new precinct.
You should be happy for your boyfriend – and you are – but part of you will miss watching over his figure from your desk, casting flirtatious grins back and forth in attempts to distract each other from the rigorous paperwork.
A banner suspends between the light fixtures, observing the lopsided words ‘CONGRATULATIONS’, strings twisted into the knot. The culprit of this handiwork, Chris, puffs out his chest proudly, while Rebecca looks at him in disbelief.
“Chris, leave the decorations to Rebecca, please.” You break apart the squabble forming between them. Rebecca smirks as Chris descends the ladder, defeated. “Don’t forget everyone, this is supposed to be a surprise.”
“Claire, where is the card?” You interrogate the next person in your line of sight, who happens to be Claire. All whilst you signal Rebecca to tilt the banner slightly upwards. “Has everyone signed?”
“Yep. It’s just you left.” She hands over the card, before resuming to the case files on her computer.
The card scrawls with heartfelt blessings from your team, a lot of ‘good lucks’, ‘we’ll miss you’, and nostalgia when he was just a rookie. He worked hard for ten years to be a sergeant, and you know he deserves this.
You pick up your pen – contemplating the words to express how amazing he is, how you will love him forever, how you will miss the sneaky make-out sessions in the work janitor’s closet.
…Marvin will be so proud of you. Yours, ....
The vibration in your pocket cuts you off mid-sentence – Jill. She is supposed to be on the case with Leon for another thirty minutes. You read the text out loud.
“I can't hold him back much longer, we're on our way. ETA in five minutes!!”
The floor scrambles in panic to finalise their positions. Rebecca quickly secures the banner with some tape. Claire is passing party poppers. Chris is putting away the ladder to the storeroom.
As Jill enters the space with Leon following behind, all the confetti releases at once.
The rainbow plastic ribbons catching in his hair like stardust in sand. You catch a glimpse of surprise in his reaction, following with a light on the corner of his lips.
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“To Leon!” your team lifts their glasses high in the air, sipping beers and cocktails all night. Leon is the star tonight – you can barely talk to him without two other people buying him drinks all night along.
You catch him a whole two hours later in the circle booth, after some of the crowd has dispersed, his cheeks redden from the many drinks consumed all in a few hours. You squeeze yourself through three different people to sit yourself next to Leon.
“Having fun?” You try to get his attention by nudging at his forearm. “Don’t get too drunk though, I have to take you home.”
Leon lifts his gaze, when he sees you right by him, a grin tug at his face almost immediately. His cerulean eyes somehow more glazy than usual.
“Thank you for doing all of this. You are so good for me.” Despite the scent of beer merging with his breath, the grin on his face remains childlike. One that you only see in his drunkenness, which he lets down his guard to show more of his emotional side.
“Everyone helped. Not just me.” You are thinking how cute Leon looks when he’s drunk. “You are well-loved in here. I’m just the facilitator.”
“How about you work for me?” Leon brings the back of your palm to his lips. “I can pull some strings, now that I’m sergeant.”
“Sergeant Kennedy, using your influence for personal goals? It’s not even your first day.” You quip with a slight chuckle.
“And what if I am?” He peppers kisses from your palm to your fingers, the faint heat from his lips sizzle through your nerves. “Sure you’ll enjoy less time on the field, and more time in my office.”
“Well, if that’s the case.” You decide to let this banter go on a little further. “I expect to be well-compensated for my extra duties.”
“That will depend on your performance.” He raises a sassy eyebrow, pulling you closer until your noses touch.
“Good thing I always hit my KPI’s.”
“I do like a hardworking employee…”
Eyes fluttering shut slowly, you smile into the kiss. His lips lay gently on yours, sucking slightly at your cupid’s bow. Your bodies move closer, so close that you rests your hand on Leon’s thigh for support. The kiss deepens further, sloppier, tongues intertwined until…
“Ahem.” Chris clears his throat loudly, snapping you back to the present.
You open your eyes to find the whole table staring at the two of you. Your gaze finds its way to Jill, which she immediately, most awkwardly, rolls her eyes to the ceiling as if there is something to see there. Claire is nonchalant, sipping her beer and simply enjoying the scene.
You retract the tongue that is still shoved in Leon’s mouth. A hint of pink is running up your cheeks, you don’t need to see it to feel it. Leon, however, is unphased by the attention from his coworkers. Perhaps it’s the alcohol, perhaps it’s knowing that he won’t be seeing these guys next Monday.
“So… next rounds on me. Who’s in?” Chris attempts to diffuse the awkwardness, which earns a few curt nods from the table.
Leon holds you by the hand, picking you up from the seat. “Sorry Chris, we’re gonna call it. It’s been a long night. Thanks for the party, everyone.”
You two shuffle past Chris and Jill out of the booth, after a round of hugs with everyone, you can practically feel Leon sprinting out the bar.
“How ‘bout we continue where we left off at my place?”
Your cheeks turn a deeper red. It seems like he will be the one to take you home tonight instead.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. ––yours truly, rose. tags: @carlosgf @sporeghost (pm me for tags) © roseglazedlens - please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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liillyliilly · 3 months
Detective Business
kenji sato x reader words; 7009 synopsis; enemies to friends to lovers- she's a private investigator and he's just ultraman (but she doesn't know that). she also has to deal with that annoying pro baseball player who just won't leave her alone.
Trying to find the identity of Ultraman is no easy job for the Tokyo Investigative Department, but for her? It’s more than finding Ultraman, it's about also finally arresting Kenji Sato for his reckless driving on the highway.
Unfortunately, she’s also a reckless driver. Which is why Kenji Sato was folding his arms and frowning while she pulled out a pad of ticket paper from under her motorcycle’s seat. The rain was dripping on her helmet and Mr. Sato’s white shirt was getting soaked through.
“I just think I shouldn’t be getting a ticket, Officer.”
“I’m not an officer, I’m a private investigator under contract with the department. Don’t lump me with them.” She bites the pen cap off and starts writing a ticket for him clocking in at around 170 kilometers per hour.
“You don’t even have a radar detector, so the only way you know I was speeding is because you were too.” Kenji kicks off from the wall of the divider on the highway. He inspects her motorbike slowly, dragging fingers over the dashboard and the mirrors. The key in her ignition is black, with a small baseball keychain, he notes this and keeps it in mind.
She grins, “As I said, I’m not a policeman.” She lowers her voice a little, “My bike isn’t factory tuned like theirs are.”
He groans, upset at her for giving him the ticket. But also because she intrigued him more than most people did. MINA spoke into his helmet, reminding him about the Kaiju raging in Sendai. He shushes MINA’s comments.
She scoffs, assuming that the shush was for her. She shoves the ticket into his chest, accidentally soaking up some water that was drenching his t-shirt.
“If you want to fight the ticket, go to Courthouse 5 in Tokyo at 9 am on Wednesday. A representative from the department will have all my notes from this. And Mr. Sato, please drive safely, it’s raining. Hydroplaning is no joke.”
“I’ll drive safely if you drive safely, Officer.” He laced the title with some grittiness, the kind of tone that grinds her gears.
“I’m not an officer. I’m-”
“A private investigator, yes I know, you’ve told me three times before. Since you’re the only one who can actually clock me going above the speed limit.” He rolls his eyes, “Same time next week Officer?”
She sighs, putting the visor of her helmet down. When she gets onto her bike, kicking up the stand and revving her engine, Kenji teases her and blows an overdramatic kiss in her direction where she can clearly see it in her mirrors. She brings her hand up to throw him a middle finger, he earnestly returns the gesture.
The road is empty now, and she’s far enough away to not recognize Kenji using his willpower to morph into Ultraman, needing to get to Sendai soon according to MINA’s instructions.
MINA speaks into his audio system, “You really should listen to her. She’s smart. Safe driving is critical in the rain Ken.”
“MINA, I love you, but please shut up.”
She never liked arrogant people. Maybe because she was arrogant herself? But the real reason for arrogance is that it masks the reality behind the person, it’s a cover for something more futile and undeniably human. Arrogance acts like a shield holding back a person from revealing too much. For her, arrogance defended against her ideals. The world could be changed to be better. Peace is well within a grasp. That ideal, that dream of what the world could be is hidden and buried deep within her. To cover for it, arrogance does a great job biting into people she meets.
It’s a good thing her best friend was always there for her. Ito Yuuta, rookie of the year and a new addition to the Yomiuri Giants baseball team. He was one of the first round draft picks, immediately getting sweeped into the team. So there she sat with Yuuta, while he threw pitches in the baseball cage, her talking about his teammate with disdain.
Yuuta clocked in some high speeds, and was extremely sweaty. His shoulder was killing him, but practicing as often as possible was a new priority if he wanted to be utilized and get off the bench for this season.
“I don’t understand how you can play on a team with a guy like that.” She chews a piece of licorice, a guilty pleasure snack that she was addicted to. Yuuta steals a piece and sits next to her.
She’d met Kenji before, in circumstances where she wasn’t giving him a fine for speeding down highways. When her friend got scouted, she met the members of his team at a mixer. Kenji Sato just didn’t seem to play nicely with his teammates. When Yuuta had initially introduced himself, Kenji had given him a signed baseball card, saying something about how selling it would be worth something.
After hearing that story, which Yuuta laughed at and gladly embraced as a characteristic of Kenji’s behavioral traits, she just furrowed her eyebrows and puckered her face. It rubbed her the wrong way for someone to act like that. But she couldn’t control the roster of the Giants’ team.
“He’s a great player. You’re just too tied up in your whole ‘I’m a harbinger of justice and righteousness’ to see that there are people out there with the exact same personality as you.” Yuuta drinks some water and throws a sweaty towel on her, which she tosses back to him in disgust, “Come to a game, watch him play, maybe then you’ll join a fanclub other than mine.”
She clicks her tongue to her teeth, bouncing her knee in consideration. Yuuta let the whole Kenji Sato thing go, and instead just invited her to come watch him play in the most upcoming game.
He had her try to throw a ball, how to raise her leg just enough, bringing her arm and hand back just enough. While he was adjusting the length of her arm and the angling just so, none other than Kenji Sato walked into the baseball gym. He slinks over to the pitching cage and watches for a moment, the rookie member of his team sliding his hands over Kenji’s pretty private investigator. He just had to make a comment, right?
“You should move her hips a little to the left while you’re at it, Ito.” She jumps a little at his voice, dropping the ball. It rolled over to Kenji’s foot through the wire fencing around the cage, he reached down and picked it up from under the cage. Throwing the ball up a little, analyzing it. Ito accepts the help, and uses his hands to twist her hips just a smidge.
She couldn’t help it that she was ticklish. A brief laugh escapes her, and she chokes when she sees Kenji stare right at her. Except it wasn’t at her face, rather where Ito’s hands began to slide up to her waist to tickle her a little more. Kenji presses his lips into a line, tossing the ball over the cage.
Ito yells out a quick thanks and Kenji waves his hand while walking to the locker room.
She throws the ball that Kenji had returned to her. It clocked in at around 128 KPH. Yuuta lets out an approving hum in reaction to the speed of her fastball. She does a little spin and flexes her arms to show off her natural talent. It’s a good thing the locker room had TVs that showed camera footage from all the baseball cages. Kenji laughed at her silliness while he was watching on the screen, tightening his shoes.
A few days later, at the Tokyo Police Station, she’s getting briefed on the newest details of the Ultraman case. It’s all things she’s heard before, and they were no where closer to uncovering the true identity of Japan’s biggest hero. Biggest hero, her ass, more like the biggest vigilante who runs around fighting Kaiju and also destroying the structural integrity of Japan’s cities.
All the secretaries and computer techs loved Ultraman, all the mugs in the kitchen area were Ultraman themed to prove it.
She spins around in her chair, listening to the Head of the Detective Department drone on in his monotone voice.
“Which is why I’ve decided to reach out to the KDF in helping us.”
Now, that was something she did not like. The KDF were brutalistic, inhumane, and quasi-militaristic. It was like their organization ran on the idea of killing out the entire Kaiju race with no concern for the theories and realities that Kaiju could actually help the world. If only people actually did their research and showed patience with the dedicated scientists who worked tirelessly to find out more about Kaiju.
She would prefer Ultraman to the KDF anyday. Ultraman at least gave the Kaiju respect, and he always seemed to guide them in certain directions once he got them to the ocean. Almost as if he was releasing the beasts to their homeland.
“No way. The KDF are horrendous. They treat Kaiju like pests that need to be destroyed. Any sort of information they have on Ultraman’s identity is sure to be unethically obtained.” She raised her concerns, looking to her fellow coworkers for support in backing her statement. They just lowered their heads when faced with her stare.
“Miss. You’re just a private investigator, all you need to do for us is follow instructions and see where our leads take us. And, you’re one to talk about ethically obtaining evidence, we all know your little tricks.”
She bites her tongue, leaning back into her chair. She had three more months of working for the police and then she could go back to discovering cheating husbands and trailing drug cartels for the other government departments. At least when she was doing that she wasn’t at risk for getting crushed underfoot by a superhero or getting lasered by KDF robots and fighter pilots.
Her boss puts a hand on her shoulder, picking away a piece of lint before going back to the head of the table.
“You’ll meet with a KDF representative, take detailed notes, follow the trails you find, and then report back to me. Do you understand?”
She mumbles.
“What was that?”
“Yes, sir. I understand.”
That night, she had to put on dressy clothes for the dinner with her KDF intelligence personnel. On the phone with Yuuta, she’d gotten appraised when she slid on a tight black number, “Damn! I thought you only had jeans and black shirts in your closet. Maybe I’ll have to ask you on a real date and not just the baseball banquet in two months.”
She held her head in her hands, while her elbows rested on her desk, phone sat up against her water bottle. Yuuta put the back of his hand against his forehead, giving a playfully deep sigh as he got a view of her cleavage. She rolled her eyes at Yuuta’s behavior, but still felt slightly proud at her ability to clean up nicely.
“Bye Yuuta, I’ll text you later.”
He waves to the camera, holding up a peace sign before finally ending the call.
The restaurant is dimly lit, live jazz music ebbs and flows throughout the building. Tables have white and black cloth laid out, and there’s an overabundance of marble decor. The KDF employee couldn’t have been younger than forty, but the salt and pepper hair did add an appeal she didn’t expect.
He pulled out her chair for her, and had the waiter take her order first. She sipped some water, not wanting to feel buzzed at all from alcohol. He was nice enough, just making some small talk before they got into the real meat of why they were there.
“We have intel that the ‘Hero’ is likely a sporting figure. We’re leaning towards baseball, due to the popularity of the sport. Also, based on audio recordings, he spent time abroad, using a mixture of slang and an American accent to color his lived experiences.” He downs his beer when he finishes the bulk of his information.
She jots the main points down on her notepad. In between sips of water, and bites of her pasta dish, she finds herself quickly making trails and thinking of all the roads she could go down to find Ultraman. When all the information is expressed, she leans back in her chair, waiting for the waiter to come back so she could pay for her meal.
When twenty minutes elapse, she says she’ll go looking for their server so they can leave. He nods, finishing off his fish and chips.
Turning the corner, she bumps into a solid wall. Except, the solid wall lets out a short ouch. It’s Kenji. Despite trying to clearly cover something up, his suit only goes so high on his neck. There’s black and blue bruises canvassing his face and neck, she glances and sees that there’s marks on his hands as well.
“What happened to you?” She reaches out instinctively to touch his cheek where there’s a dark purple bloom from the peak of his cheekbone to right above his jawline. He whines when she makes contact, but eases up when her warm hands soothe the flow of blood beneath his skin.
“You should see the other guy.” He remarks. In response she just scoffs a little, dropping her hand even though he wishes she would’ve just kept it there.
Soon, the salt and pepper KDF member finds her, “Hey, you need to come back.” He waves his card in the air for a moment, letting her know she needed to pay. He motions for her to hurry and come, and Kenji feels appalled. She nods, but Kenji furrows his eyebrows.
“What kind of man makes his date pay?” His voice is scratchy, and only she can hear him.
She puts a hand on his chest, “It's not a date, it’s business.”
Kenji nods, letting his hand graze hers as it slides down his chest. What once was, no longer is.
When the much older man puts a hand on the small of her back, his jaw clenches reflexively. He twitches in pain when he realizes he pulls the muscles where he’d taken a massive hit from the most recent Kaiju attack. At least he’d managed to make the fight only last around thirty minutes. The quickest fight of the year.
His legs were crossed, bouncing his foot that rested on his knee. He used his chopsticks and prodded at his noodles. His private table was hidden in a nook, with a bamboo room divider separating him and the world. Appetite crushed and meal soggy, Kenji pursed his lips slightly. Contemplation could only last for so long.
Pushing his plate away from him, he leaves a stack of bills on the counter. Stalking away to steal one last glance of her. He saw her hair, the curve of her spine, and heard the click of her shoes as the entrance to the restaurant came to a close.
What kind of business did she have, and more importantly who was he to think about what she was doing? The whole internal monologue was getting tired quick, especially when his thoughts had become plagued with her. Everytime he dished his attitude out for her, she served it right back and with her own additions and special spices.
He’d need some sort of counseling. And soon. But did he really?
She was committed to following the outline of details that the KDF personnel had given her. But she just kept running into Kenji Sato and didn’t get anywhere far with her approach.
At first she had tried to study all the baseball teams that had the quickest reaction times to a Kaiju attack. Each time she attended another game, with her hoodie pulled over her head and hands in her pockets, she just saw people running all around trying to escape the stadiums. Not optimal when a person is trying to go towards the danger instead.
A man had narrowly clipped her shoulder, she kept pressing forwards to get to the field. The Kaiju was on the outskirts of the stadium. If Ultraman really was a baseball player he would’ve appeared in the field from where the players had been. Her line of reasoning was that going down to the field and having her camera ready was the optimal discovery technique.
“What are you doing? You need to get away from the Kaiju, not run toward it?” Kenji, still in his Giants uniform, grabbed her by the arm pulling her further away from the baseball diamond. The Kaiju began to stomp away from the stadium. She groaned, ripping her arm away from Kenji.
“Leave me be.” She tried to go toward the center of the field again.
“You have a death wish and I will not be granting it.” He thwarts her plans and gives her the keys to his motorbike when they get to the parking lot, the Kaiju’s roar rumbles lowly from a distance in the eastward direction. “Get on the bike. I swear to the gods, get on the bike.”
She turns the key, and starts the engine. Kenji goes back to the stadium, leaving her to try and track down all the players from the game today who had already left the stadium, maybe following one of them would lead to the Ultraman reveal. An hour later, the Kaiju was back in the water leaving Japan behind. Ultraman’s face and video footage rang through the screens in the streets. She tossed her camera in the air, annoyance clear on her face.
That was the third time that month that Kenji had done something like that, found her trying to go towards the danger instead of avoiding it, and each time he pushed her away and told her to leave.
It was starting to annoy her more and more intensely that she still couldn’t catch a baseball player turning into Ultraman. Why did there have to be so many baseball games, and why were there so many players on every team?
Yuuta had invited her to a practice match between the Giants and a team from Singapore that had flown in for the friendly. She obliged him, thinking that she could narrow down her list of baseball players better if a foreign team was playing as well. It was around mid-game, and she didn’t expect another Kaiju attack so soon after the last one. Alarms blared and the ground rumbled.
This Kaiju was dark green, scaly, and looked a lot like a water monitor, with fangs like a rattlesnake. The size of it was smaller than most, and it slithered around instead of standing. It lunged at one of the lights in the stadium, and she was shaking against her intentions to remain resolved.
She supposed now was as good a time as ever to see an Ultraman transformation. Except maybe, getting too close to the creature was a bad idea. Yuuta had screamed at her for getting to the field, but he couldn’t stand in and do anything when the tail of the Kaiju knocked her off her feet and she landed on her arm roughly.
Kicking off with her feet, she kept trying to backtrack, elbows bloody and pain shooting through her shoulder. Now she was worried for her life, especially when the Kaiju slinked around the dirt and grass, getting a little too close to the catcher’s area, where she sat. Dirt coated her clothes, and she felt iced into her position.
She closed her eyes for a second, preparing for the worst.
Ultraman always saves the day in the end. The snake-like monster was curling itself around the arm of Ultraman, he shook his arm but the lizard stayed firmly in place. He flung his arm, and to her shock, the snake flew away, Kaiju genetics and formation letting it slither in the air. The Kaiju made its way to the coastline, and the harm was successfully resolved.
The audio muffling voice was just human enough to remind her to come back to her senses. The voice and of course, a huge presence kneeling in front of her would bring anyone back.
His hand was the size of her whole body, maybe even bigger.
“Do you need medical attention?” Ultraman stuck out a finger and she pulled herself off the ground by leveraging her weight and the arm that she hadn’t landed on.
“No, probably just some regular first aid.” She lifts her head up to try and make eye contact, that could be another clue.
When there’s no movement from either of them for a moment, he stutters something out yet none of the words make any sense. Fainting when she sees the Kaiju come back might have been her stupidest biological instinct.
Yuuta sits by her bedside table, snoring. Rubbing her head, she turns on the TV to see what happened after she lost total consciousness.
Ultraman had picked her up and set her somewhere safe while fighting the beast, headlines declaring another day safe because of his intervention. As much as she wants, she can’t roll her eyes.
Maybe there’s more to a superhero than meets the eye.
“Well folks we have it here, the championship game. We have the Giants pitching first and the Pumas at bat. Pitching for the Giants is an upstarter by the name of Ito Yuuta, or as the new fans like to say, the Michelangelo of pitching. And I can’t say I disagree with them, I mean his form is so natural and smooth.” The other announcer elbows his companion in the stomach, “And for the Pumas we have American Clint Wilks ready to bat.”
She sits in her seat, the same one Yuuta had reserved for her so many times before. She has her camera filming her friend, his first pitch he wanted filmed in slow motion, and then the rest he wanted normal speed. Something about wanting tons of content for the promotional manager to work with at various angles. Her phone camera wasn’t the best, but she made it work. And Yuuta had always been satisfied with the videos she sent to him.
When the batter manages to skim the edge of Yuuta’s first pitch she groans a little. The ball was recovered quickly, but Yuuta wasn’t shaken up at all. His next two pitches were seamless, going straight to the catcher in the blink of an eye. She cheers.
Disconnecting from the game for a moment, she scrolls on her phone, she may have enjoyed baseball, but it was Yuuta she only really came for. Yuuta and Kenji that is. Her other camera, her private investigation camera laid safely in her backpack. Should another Kaiju attack happen today she might need an early retirement, especially considering how the last run in had altered her.
It had been a while since she had caught Kenji Sato late at night, ignoring the speed limits with an overwhelming sense of confidence and ability. Maybe the lesson had finally set in, the fifth ticket may have been overkill.
When she hears the announcers say that Ken Sato is out of commission for this championship game due to injury, her ears burn. Now this was a quick mystery that needed to be solved. She had seen him in the pit, yelling with his teammates and jeering at the opposing team. But he hadn’t been quite all there, like his brain was in another body and a robot had filled in for him. When the announcement had been made that Kenji wasn’t going to play, he excused himself and left his team. She noticed that he had been rubbing his arm with a grimace.
The locker room would hold all the answers to her questions she supposes. Yuuta wasn’t going to pitch again for the rest of the game, already knocking out so many strikes in one game. She remembered how Yuuta had told her to get to the additional secret door to the locker room.
Getting into the locker room was easy, seeing Kenji Sato in his current state of undress was the hard part.
She couldn’t say much but let out a small squeak to disclose her presence in the room. Kenji finished pulling up his grey sweatpants, and coughed into his elbow to diffuse any sort of discomfort.
“Uh, sorry. My bad.” She tapped her forearm, keeping her arms locked into a folded position.
“It’s, um, it’s all good. Ito’s still at the diamond, I’m the only one here right now…” He trailed off.
Seeing the full expanse of his injuries across his torso and chest, she feels her heart sink. He’d come up closer to her, shutting his locker and almost circling her to study her. Initially, upon her walking in, she had seen him scrutinize the various marks across his body. His entire length of his arm was purple, almost like it had been wrapped in a rope that had been tightened too many times.
“Is your current partner an abuser?” She bluntly asks.
Kenji’s eyes open wide, “No, I’m not dating anyone right now.”
It was her turn for her eyes to go wide, in addition to extreme heat tingeing her skin and sweat starting to build up. Her assumption was that of a hired sort of company making those marks then. Surveying her reaction, Kenji knows what her best guess may have come down to.
“I also don’t make a habit of hiring escorts. Or any sort of paid companionship.” He swallows thickly. All his attempts to mitigate the tension in the room had absolutely failed. He tries another angle, “I’m glad that you care enough to ask though.”
She laughs at that.
“I guess I do care at least a little. It’d be a shame if you died by hooker, especially since I’ve spent so many hours giving you tickets in an attempt to save your life.”
They settled into their dynamic. Friends, but not quite friendly. Kenji wouldn’t call them enemies either, not when he held her too close to his heart. But her barely concealed occasional animosity did harbor some sort of anger or hate toward him that he’d just have to brush that aside while he categorized their relationship.
Their dynamic was hued by an innate sense of connection, but layers of social conditioning and abrasiveness between the two had deemed their magnetism a fluke.
Maybe that’s why he asks her to come to the baseball banquet with him despite being half naked in the middle of the locker room.
“I’ve already told Yuuta I’d go with him.” She shifts her weight between her feet, trying to remain balanced in spite of the extreme uneasiness that ran through her.
“I got him a replacement date.”
Her eyebrow raised at his slight supplication, he continued, “Ito told me he’d tell you soon. Guess I beat him to the remark.”
The awkward chuckle he lets escape makes him wish that he was anywhere but here. He’d take a monstrous Kaiju wanting to bite his head off then be faced with a rejection like this. Would it even be considered a rejection? He just asked if she wanted to be his date to the championship banquet. He chews the inside of his mouth, it would definitely be a direct rejection if she said no.
The crowd roars and tells the both of them that the banquet will in fact be for the Giants winning and not a solemn affair telling everyone to prepare for the next season.
“Okay. I had already cleared my weekend for the banquet anyway.” She wrings her hands out, twisting and playing with each of her fingers.
“Sounds great. It should be fun, you know, since we just won.”
She turns to leave the locker room, before turning on her heel.
He finishes putting his relaxed Giants jersey on, slightly stunned to see her still in the locker room.
“I’ll need your number, so you can tell me what to wear.” She pauses, unsure of what else he’d need to inform her of.
“And so I can let you know when I’ll pick you up, and where to pick you up.” He starts listing off items, using his fingers to keep track.
“Yeah, all that stuff.”
He gets her number, sending a short ‘hi it’s ken’ text. She feels the pull to exit again. But has to let one last thing off her chest.
“I’m not calling you Ken. You’ll always be Kenji to me.” He pushes down a smile, but she continues her word salad that climbs out of her mouth without much censorship. “Too many tickets written out in your full first name for me to call you anything else.”
“We’ll go with that then, Officer.”
She sticks her tongue out at him before finally trekking out of the baseball changing room.
To- Officer Cutie 💎🌟 : i’m sending you a dress, this is your size right?
To- KENJI SATO 🚨🏍️: How did you know my size? Also you know I can buy my own clothes for a banquet right?
To- Officer Cutie 💎🌟: lemme do my own thing
To- KENJI SATO 🚨🏍️: fine then mr. bossy pants
To be fair, the dress really was gorgeous. Silver with red detailing, although the slit wasn’t quite an expected feature of the dress, coming up to above her mid thigh. The straps of the dress had an almost pearl beading which contrasted nicely with the deep blood shade of the red throughout the dress.
“You know, if my date saw you she’d wonder why I was going with her and not you.” Yuuta teases, because he does genuinely feel excitement for who he was going with, a reporter by the name of Ami Wakita. She does a spin for Yuuta in her phone camera.
“I don’t know all the way though, the colors remind me of something I can’t quite put a finger on.”
She can see Yuuta grabbing his phone and searching on Google due to the angle of his forehead that she was now enduring. When Yuuta laughs, she knows she might be in for some sort of practical joke from Kenji.
Yuuta sends her a photo of Ultraman.
“Damn him to hell. We’re going with an Ultraman theme.” She drags her hand down her face in irritation.
The black Mercedes-Benz he drove to pick her up in was definitely an appreciated touch. He was wearing a silver suit with a red button up underneath. At least they matched really well.
The banquet looked expensive. It smelt expensive. It sounded expensive. With draping fabrics hanging off of tall columns in the cream and gold shades of the Giants logo and uniforms. The bouquets of dense floral scents carried throughout the event center, and the fresh scent of pastries and cooked steaks also added to the aromas floating around the air. Clinking glasses, clicks of heels, laughs that sounded like they were dripping in a blend of nepotism and celebrity status.
Kenji and her are at a table with some of the older members of the Giants team. Kenji isn’t amused with the questions they pester the pair of them with. She wittily responds to each glaring comment that had intended to poke deeper and deeper.
The speeches awarding the team and celebrating the momentous win aren’t bad, just bland. Each time a server comes around with glasses of wine, or champagne, or shots, she grabs one and starts sipping. Kenji sticks to just water and some glasses of juice. He mentions that he’s the one driving so he’d rather not get black out drunk. She chuckles sarcastically.
While they don’t talk to each other too much, he does keep a hand on her thigh or knee for most of the night. Which in turn may have been the cause for her to keep getting drinks.
Eventually, as to be expected, the banquet shifts from an event of elegance into a slight rager. Music transitions from classical to club style hip hop and R&B. She keeps nodding off, much to Kenji’s amusement. He couldn’t imagine accidentally falling asleep when the noises around the building were booming and thunderous.
They sit at the table, the only ones left not on the dance floor. Kenji doesn’t mind, especially with how she keeps nodding off and blinking her eyes to try and stay awake regardless of how the alcohol weighs her cognizance down.
“Hey, pretty girl, you keep falling asleep.” Kenji rubs her back, his fingers touching the bare skin exposed from the back of her dress. His hands aren’t cold, they’re far from it, a warmth blossoms from them, springing forth a desire to feel the heat wherever she has exposed skin.
Mumbling, she says something about his observational skills, a ‘Captain Obvious’ is thrown in there somewhere along a line of insults. She keeps trying to rub the sleep away with the back of her hand.
“Ready to go?” She shakes her head yes and lets him guide her out to his car.
It really was the only solution. She was already asleep in his car, and he didn’t know which key was the one that opened her apartment door.
“MINA, can you please change the temperature of my room to 68 degrees? Keep the pillows cold, but make the blankets warmer.”
MINA adjusts the requested temperatures. Kenji lets her take his bed, opting to sleep in one of the guest rooms in the Ultrabase. He sets out a pair of sweatpants and a sleeveless sleep shirt. He puts a hand on her leg, moving it so she’d wake up a little.
“Pajamas are here, I’ll be down the hall if you need anything. I got water and some pain relievers on your side table.” She murmurs in response, her face in the pillows. He puts a lid on the water cup, and turns off the light as he shuts his bedroom door.
She hardly recalls that she changed into the comfiest pajamas she’s ever worn, but she did remember drinking the whole glass of water and swallowing the pain pills. Waking up was surprisingly pleasant though, a perfect mixture of cold and warm coated her senses. She freezes for a moment, remembering how last night had unfurled. With her embarrassing herself by drinking way too much and getting sleepy probably much earlier than Kenji had expected.
A good private investigator would study and analyze each item in a person’s bedroom. An even better private investigator would do all that and make fun of what she could. That’s why she’s considered the best in the business.
The room is relatively bland, but pictures of a pink Kaiju stand out to her. It looks like a dragon, but it’s so adorable she had to stop herself from using her phone to take a picture of the Kaiju. There’s a family photo, and oh, his dad is Professor Sato? The Kaiju whisperer? That’s intriguing to her but she keeps lurking around.
Once she examines his room enough, she leaves the room and goes out to discover further.
The smell of fresh fruit and possibly waffles draws her out further and further from the hallway of bedrooms and bathrooms.
Kenji talks to MINA, asking for help in making the waffles actually edible and not burnt. MINA offers to cook them for him, but he says he can do it and wants to make them himself. MINA rereads the instructions for the waffle maker. He’s wearing plaid bottoms and a black tank top. She admires his arms for a moment before shaking herself out of the slight daze.
She keeps looking around. Until she finds something particularly interesting, she checks that she’s still out of his line of sight and she touches a few of the buttons on what looks like a computer keyboard. Except the buttons vary in shape and size instead of being uniform and sequential.
Falling back a little from the bright holograms she gasps. Kenji whips his head around and drops a spoon that had batter all over it onto the floor.
The holograms display various scenes of Ultraman, and Kenji. Of Kenji turning into Ultraman, of Ultraman transitioning back into Kenji. Of Kenji with the pink Kaiju, of Ultraman with the pink Kaiju. Of Kenji and his dad studying the Kaiju. Of Ultraman playing baseball with a huge bat. Of Kenji messing around with various Ultraman maneuvers and martial arts styles.
She turns her head to Kenji, now exposed from her perching site away from his view. He glances his eyes in all directions. He hiccups and laughs forcefully. He can’t even say a simple, let me explain. It’s just all too clear.
“Whoops?” She offers.
He pushed a bowl of fruit in her direction, she was sitting across from him at the dining table.
“No one can know.”
She keeps blinking and eating another piece of fruit as she processes the whole thing. Almost like a fish, she keeps opening her mouth but then closing it without ever saying a word. She downs a glass of orange juice that he gives her.
“So, you’re Ultraman.”
He shrugs.
“All those times I saw you bruised and injured? Ultraman?” She rubs her temple, trying to make sense of it all.
“For most of the time, yes. I did fall off my bike once.”
“I’m going to have to quit my job.” She deadpans. “If they knew that I knew, but didn’t tell them, I’d be hunted and killed.”
Kenji drops his fork that has a slice of mango on it.
“Not literally, but I’d definitely be tortured for what I know.” Finishing off her fruit, she lets out a deep exhale, and makes eye contact with Kenji. He taps on the table for a moment before exchanging her thoughts for his own.
“I hate to admit this, but that would literally be my worst nightmare because I unfortunately like you a lot.”
She suspends all sense of reality for a moment, also ignoring his confession to her, “Kaiju Island is real?” He nods. “I want to go and see it. I want to see the Kaiju.”
So they go and see the Kaiju.
When Kenji introduces her to Emi, a toddler Kaiju, she stands stunned but amazed at the mystical energy of it all. She considers dropping her career as a private investigator and instead studying a course in Kaiju Sciences. She sees a wide variety of other Kaiju, Kenji making sure she stays a safe distance away from anything that could potentially be too dangerous.
The whole day is spent asking and answering questions. From Ultraman to Kaiju, from KDF to Tokyo Metropolitan Police. He’s aware of what the KDF knows about him now, and he’s grateful to know where to start burying tracks for them.
The beach is pretty in the evening. The way pink and orange dance along the glimmering ocean waves. The way the sun hits Kenji’s eyes just right and makes them look like a vibrant purple. His black earrings almost turn into inky ebony gems.
“This is actually amazing.” She exhales the words she’s been holding in during the entire exposure to this alternate universe that coexists with hers.
He speaks without thinking, something he believes he really should start working on, “You’re amazing.”
“Even with all my sharpness?”
“That’s your whole appeal.” He leans in, giving just enough space for her to back out.
She doesn’t lean away. He dives in.
He doesn’t bother with any brushes of their lips, going straight for an open mouth exchange. She’s the one who grazes her tongue in his mouth first though, leaving him wanting more, needing more, an appetite needing to be satiated with her touch.
He’s leaving a path of heavy kisses over her face to her neck, sucking on the skin as he licks under her jaw. The way her skin tastes should be studied he muses, using his hands to pin her to the sandy bank by her waist. Her hands were too busy fiddling with his earrings and hair to let him pin her by the hands.
The hums he has in his throat make her want to hear what other sounds he can make. Maybe biting his bottom lip was her best option after all because as soon as her teeth came into contact with the puffy skin he shudders and it’s like music to her ears.
He has to lift himself up and off her, out of breath and panting heavily. He pulls her up with him once he’s sitting back down.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first time you cussed me out for almost swerving into you when I was speeding.”
She pauses, letting him intertwine his fingers with hers, he sets the joined hands on his thigh, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand in order to brush some sand off of her.
“That was a while ago.”
“Yeah, so now you know how long I’ve been waiting for this.”
She pushes his shoulder that was right up against hers. He recoils, and she thinks that he might be sore from fighting a Kaiju. So she goes to apologize when he stops her before she can get any words out.
“I think I deserve an apology kiss.”
“What a faker.”
She rolls her eyes but gives him another kiss.
The headlines the following weeks put the world into a tizzy.
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kurosaaki · 1 year
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SUMMARY: it’s been 15 years since the Raccoon City outbreak happened, and you wonder why Leon still has his R.P.D. handcuffs if he doesn’t use them at all, so you ask him. And he decides to show you why he still has them.
WARNINGS: smut— soft dom!leon, vaginal sex, bondage (use of handcuffs), roleplay (policeman & bad girl), brat taming, teasing, oral sex, creampie, basically porn without too much plot lol.
WC: 3K
TAGS: @antidesire, @whore-era & esp @rxllingstones <3
A/N: i love leon so much. it was time for me to write him finally. i had re6 leon in my mind while i wrote this. as always, support and reblogs are appreciated! NOT PROOFREAD, so apologies if there’s any mistake.
It all started as a game.
A joke.
A "playful little joke".
"You still have those handcuffs from your rookie days, Leon?"
Leon turned his gaze to where you were. You were not far from him, in fact, you were close to him, only your eyes were glued to his leather belt, where he carried those handcuffs from the R.P.D.
It was easy to tell those were from the R.P.D., as they had a little inscription on them. You wondered why he had them in the first place, given the fact that he didn't really need them in his actual job right now. They could be helpful on some occasions, like for interrogating a subject right at the moment and keeping them still, but...his job wasn't exactly that. 
Handcuffs weren't required at all in your job, so...why did he have them?
You still decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. In the end, Leon's a very strategic, intelligent man, and you were sure he had a reason to carry them every day with him.
But you couldn't help asking him directly. It did make you curious.
"Well, yeah" he answers as if the reason was obvious, "You never know when they'll come in handy on a mission, right?" 
Maybe he was right, you thought. But something deep inside you told you that it wasn't just as simple as that. There had to be another reason.
"Such an odd question to ask, don't you think?
You chuckled. You knew perfectly well that work was not a reason to have them. The way Leon was trying to hide his cheeky smile was also an indicator that you might be right. Still, you wanted to remain discreet. 
There were no secrets between you and Leon. You've been his partner for 2 long years now, mission after mission, you eventually get to know the person you're working with. Even more so now that he was your boyfriend. Secrets had no space in your relationship.
Or so you thought.
"Such an odd reason to have them when our work doesn't require them, don't you think?" you playfully mocked him, copying his words with a sly look on your face. 
He chuckled, looking at the handcuffs. After all, you weren't dumb and it was obvious. No matter how much he tried to hide it, the truth is that Leon didn't keep those handcuffs out of nostalgia or utility.
"I keep 'em for a reason," he said, glaring at you from across the room.
You could see a wicked grin peek out of his lips as he toyed with the handcuffs. His fingertips wandered over the metal, being too careful to not damage them--and your mind couldn't stay sane at the sight of it. Leon was playing with you. He was practically screaming for you to keep feeding into this conversation. 
"And, you know..." he slowly approached you, holding the handcuffs with his fingers "I've been wanting to try these out for a while now," he whispered, his voice low and seductive. "I bet you'd look amazing in them."
Your heart raced as his words sent a shiver down your spine. You tried to stay composed, but it was getting harder and harder to resist him. Leon had always been good at pushing your buttons just right, and now he had you exactly where he wanted you. He cornered you when you were the one starting everything.
"Oh, yeah?" you tilted your head "You want to arrest me, Officer Kennedy? Have I been a bad girl?"
Leon's eyes sparkled with lust at the sound of his name in your innocent tone of voice. If there was one thing Leon always regretted, it was that he never became an official police officer because of the outbreak in Raccoon City 15 years ago.
But maybe that was about to change today thanks to you.
"Oh, you have no idea"  he chuckled, his pupils dilatating at the thought of you handcuffed and at his mercy "You've been a very, very bad girl"
You couldn't help but shiver at his words. As much as you tried to resist him, you were completely under his spell. You had never felt this way about anyone before, and the thought of exploring this new side of yourself with Leon was both terrifying and exhilarating.
"I'm sorry I've been a bad girl, Officer Kennedy" you pout, "I promise I didn't mean it"
"Nuh-uh" he shook his head, grinning as he heard you say his name again. "You're not sorry at all"
It was like music to his ears, and your "innocent, clueless girl" facade only drove him crazier. He was feeling his blood rush through his whole body, the sudden sense of power he had over you when playing this "silly game" was taking over you little by little.
Suddenly, his lips were extremely close to your neck, feeling his breath against your skin, noticing how your body became stiff, earning a smile from him. 
"You know what I do with bad girls like you?" he says, hearing his deep voice next to your ear right now, "I teach them lessons. I make 'em learn"
You shivered at his words, feeling a mixture of fear and excitement course through you. You knew that Leon could be intense, but you had never seen him like this before. It was like he was a completely different person when he had you under his control.
"What kind of lessons?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Leon chuckled, the sound sending shivers down your spine. "Oh, you'll see," he said, his hands trailing down your body, stopping at your waist, "But first, let's see just how well you can follow instructions."
He leaned in close, his lips brushing against yours. "Undress yourself. Then I want you to put your hands behind your back and walk over to the bed," he whispered, sensing a smile from him. 
Oh, he was enjoying this.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of what was about to happen. But the look in Leon's eyes told you that he wasn't going to take no for an answer. 
So you did as he said, following his orders. You got rid of your shirt, followed by your jeans and shoes, leaving your bra and panties on. You put your hands behind your back and walked over to the bed. Leon followed close behind, his hands on your hips as he guided you.
You had no idea what Leon had in store for you, but you were eager to find out. With a wicked grin, he raised the handcuffs, and without a warning, he snapped them shut around your wrists, the metal clinking together with a satisfying sound. 
"Are they too tight for you, love?" he asked, his hands placed on your hips.
"A little bit..."
"Good" he chuckled, and unlike you thought, he didn't bother to adjust them. "Let's see if you can learn your lesson. Turn around, let me see you"
You felt a rush of excitement as you turned around, trying to avoid his piercing gaze. You could feel his eyes on your whole body, and you shivered at the thought of what was about to happen. 
Without a warning, you felt a sharp sting across your ass as Leon brought his hand down hard. You cried out in surprise, but the pain quickly turned to pleasure as he continued to spank you. 
"Is that what you want, love?" he asked, his voice rough with desire.You could only nod, too caught up in the moment to form words. 
Leon's hand continued to rain down on you, each slap sending waves of pleasure through your body.Finally, he stopped, his hand still resting on your ass. 
"You're such a bad girl," he said, his voice deeper now, "You need to learn how to behave. Shouldn't be asking nosy questions..." You could feel his breath against your skin, and you moaned softly as he leaned in and kissed your neck. 
You were completely under his spell, unable to resist his touch.As he continued to kiss and touch you, you felt yourself growing more and more aroused. You knew that you were completely at his mercy, and that thought only made you want him more.
Leon pushed you down onto the bed after getting rid of your bra, unclasping it with just one hand. The soft mattress gave beneath you, your eyes glued to him as he leaned down and whispered in your ear. 
"Now, I want you to spread your legs for me," he commanded, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses over your neck, and down your breasts until he reached your panties.
Your heart raced as you spread your legs, feeling too exposed and vulnerable in front of him. You always felt this way with Leon, but deep down you had a sense of security when you were in such vulnerable positions like these. He always made you feel protected, but you couldn't help but feel butterflies each time he went down on you. 
Leon's hot breath tickled your inner thighs as he leaned in closer, his lips tantalizingly close to your center. You could feel his warm breath against your sensitive skin, and your heart was racing with anticipation. 
You closed your eyes, letting out a soft moan as Leon's tongue flicked across your clothed clit. He knew exactly how to touch you, how to make you feel alive and he knew how to fuel the fire inside you.
Leon left little kisses on your inner thighs, while his thumb made circles on your clit. Although you were not fully aware of it, you were gradually getting more and more wet, soaking your panties as Leon enjoyed this moment, not giving any importance to your aching desire to feel his tongue.
You couldn't help but move your hips forward, trying to satiate your thirst to feel him close to you. 
"S'okay pretty, I got you" he whispered, and he immediately grabbed your panties and took them away, throwing them onto the floor.
Leon grabbed your legs and pulled you closer to the edge of the bed. He lowered himself down, resting his knees on the floor as he made sure to put your thighs over his shoulders, bringing your pussy closer to his face. His hands gripped your thighs tightly as he took advantage of such position and started to eat you out like you were water in the desert, and he was thirsty.
You swore if you weren't cuffed right now, your hands would be running through his hair, pulling it and caressing it as he ate you out. But the only thing you were physically able to do now was thrust your hips into his tongue, begging for more of him. 
He licked and sucked at your clit, his tongue driving you wild with pleasure. You even felt dizzy as his wet muscle worked you up, occasionally stopping licking you and leaving kisses on your clit, just to begin lapping on it again.
It was swaying of pleasure you couldn't resist. 
As he worked his magic, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. Your body was trembling with need, and you could feel your orgasm building deep inside you. 
"Are you getting close, baby?" he asked as if the answer wasn't obvious, "You think you deserve to cum, hm?"
"Yes!" you nodded as he kissed your clit, covering his lips with your juices, "Please, I need it!"
You felt him chuckle, and he went back to eating you out again. This time, Leon didn't try to hold back or try to edge you—he was going to make you cum right on the spot. He grabbed your legs again, securing his grip on your thighs to avoid you from closing them. With each drag of his tongue, you were a step closer to the brink of orgasm.
Oh, how you wish you weren't cuffed right now.
"I'm- I'm gonna cum! Oh, fuck!" you whined out in pleasure, biting your lip as hard as you could, clenching your fists furiously in pleasure.
"Do it, baby" he growled, his voice sending you vibrations and making your body shiver "Cum for me"
Finally, you couldn't hold back any longer. Your body convulsed with pleasure as Leon continued to lick and suck at your clit, sending you over the edge into blissful ecstasy. 
As you came down from your high, you felt Leon's hands massage your shaking thighs. You tried to calm your breathing while he gave you a "time out". Leon stood up and leaned closer to your weakened body, kissing all over your skin tenderly. 
He stopped for a moment when his face came up high enough to look at you. He lingered for a few seconds as he watched your eyes close and open a while later, noticing how your pupils dilated in pleasure. He let out a small laugh and kissed you deeply, only to leave you breathless again. 
"Just so you know," he kissed your nose, "I'm not done with you"
When he said that, Leon lifted you off the bed, grabbing your body with his arms to keep you from falling down your shaky legs. 
It looked like he wasn't going to give you any rest today.
"Have you learned your lesson, pretty?" he asked you, pressing your body against his due to the grip he had on your waist. Seeing how you couldn't even form a word, he decided to tease you a bit more, "Speak up"
"Y-Yeah" you nodded, not really sure of what his answer was going to be.
"You don't seem very sure of that" he replied, feeling your body tremble against his, "You think it's okay to ask an officer such nosy questions, huh? What do you think was gonna happen if you asked why I had these handcuffs?"
"Fuck, Leon" You couldn't stand not feeling him. You needed to feel him with you as fast as possible, you didn't want to put up with his game anymore, no matter how much you liked it. 
"It's Officer Kennedy to you, miss" The smug look in his eyes increases, like he's proud of himself, of the good work he's doing.
He traced his fingers down your arm, sending sparks of pleasure through your body. You couldn't help but let out a soft moan, and Leon chuckled in response. 
"You like this, don't you?" he said, his lips hovering just inches from yours. "Being under my control..."
Oh, you were completely under his spell. Leon had a way of making you feel alive like no one else could, and you were helpless to resist him. You wouldn't be able to resist him even if you were paid to.
He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, the kiss sending waves of pleasure through your body. You kissed him back eagerly, losing yourself in the moment. Leon's hands wandered all over your body, pressing you against his hard boner, feeling it through his pants. 
For a while, all you could focus on was the feel of his lips on yours and the touch of his hands on your body. You were completely lost in the pleasure he was giving you, and you didn't care about anything else in the world.
But eventually, reality came crashing back in. You remembered that you were still cuffed and that you were at Leon's mercy. You pulled away from the kiss, panting heavily.
"You're not getting out of those cuffs anytime soon" Leon looked at you with a smirk plastered on his face. 
"Please, Officer Kennedy," you whined, "Take the handcuffs off, I just- I need to touch you"
He has the same slightly amused smirk on his face when you ask him to take the handcuffs off. He starts to move his hands. They slowly move towards your hands, like he's about to take the handcuffs, but the slight smirk never leaves his face in the slightest. He's like a cat that caught a mouse, and now he's just playing with it and can't really stop. He just keeps looking at it, playing with it, staring straight into its eyes.
"You're in my custody, are you not?" He asks in a calm, confident, mocking tone. 
He still has that look on his face. He's still flirting with you, his cocky smirk plastered on his face like he's trying to hide those feelings and just be calm and collected like a good cop. 
You were so close from losing your mind.
But you were loving it so much.
"Y-yes, but..."
"I'm not done with you," he says with a stern look on his face, and suddenly his serious cop facade has returned, "Face against the wall"
You swallowed hard. You were used to Leon giving you orders while you were doing it, it didn't bother you how he handled you as he pleased, but...seeing him this serious, into his cop role, was something you would have never really imagined and you even fantasized about knowing what he was capable of now that he had given you such an order.
Your face was now against the wall as he wished.
You heard him unbuckle his belt, too shy to turn around no matter how much you wanted to and watch him do it. You could only imagine how he did it and that only turned you on more.  
Leon got rid of his shirt as well, and finally, when he got closer to you, he got rid of his pants and his boxers as well.
You gasped when you felt his hard cock against you. He chuckled, leaving kisses along your back and your shoulders. His fingertips wandered all over your body, bringing his index finger down your spine, stopping where your hands were cuffed, grabbing the handcuffs with his hand now, he positioned himself on your entrance.
"Fuck, you're tight" he groaned, throwing his head back for a moment.
His free hand rested on your waist, and he began to thrust into you. Slowly, savoring every part of you, letting you get used to his length--even if it wasn't your first time with him.
You began to grind your hips against him, letting him know you were ready for more, and he picked up on the signal quickly. 
He couldn't wait any longer.
He began thrusting deeper this time, hearing your sweet cries of pleasure each time he reached your spot. He had your body memorized, every single part of you. 
He could only concentrate on the swaying of his hips, wet, messy sounds filling the room you both shared. You were careless of being heard by anyone at this point, too blinded by the pleasure of his balls slapping your cunt frenetically. 
Even if your body looked so fragile, so tired and so worn out after that first orgasm, the truth is that you only wanted more and more from him. You couldn't care if your legs were about to give out, if your muscles were now sore--it wasn't enough. You needed him.
"Fucking hell, baby" his voice cracked when your walls clenched around him, his sloppy thrusts driving you crazier now "You love this, huh? You like me fucking you from behind, huh? Makes you feel like a naughty girl, right?"
"Fuck, yes!" you screamed in pleasure, closing your eyes to concentrate on just the feeling of his cock deep inside you, "harder, Leon!"
"Is that an order, little one?" he chuckled, his face now close to your ear, bringing your body close to his, pushing the handcuffs towards him, "I'm the one in charge here, remember?"
It didn't take him too long to turn his deep thrusts into irregular, sloppy ones. He couldn't help it: you felt so good clenching around him he couldn't contain himself any longer. Plus, it had been a while since he had some alone time with you, so he was aching to feel you finally.
"Goddamn, baby" he groaned, "Look at how you're moving, you just love this, don't you?"
You could barely talk at that point. The only thought in your mind was him, there was no room for anything that wasn't him. 
You kept moving your hips against his so you could help him reach his orgasm at the same time, and he just kept going, drilling your pussy until he started to give in into the pleasure he was feeling.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum" You felt his cock throbbing inside you, as you clenched around him unconciously, as you reached your second orgasm of the night, feeling how he was getting close too, "I'm gonna cum, baby, are you close?"
"Yeah!" you whined out, "Cum in me, Leon, fuck!"
"Such a good girl f'me, fuck!" he leaned his head against your shoulder, his strong arms hugging you from behind as he thrusted again and again.
With sweat covering the both of you now, you felt him reach his orgasm, followed by you seconds after. You whined out his name, as he could only try to recover his breath, mouth opened and eyes shut, resting his head on your back, still hugging you through your orgasm.
He left a shy kiss on your shoulder, while trying to clear his throat to talk to you. His hands were still on your body, this time on your lower stomach, trying to calm you down after that orgasm.
You finally felt your hands free from the grip of those damned handcuffs. Leon kept you from falling by grabbing you again, pulling you towards him and turning to look at you.
"I wanted to try this for so long" he joked. In fact, he was saying the truth, but he laughed at what he just said, "You okay, baby?"
"Yeah, that was...amazing" you tried to recover your breath, feeling how he kissed your forehead, "You really liked to hear that name, huh?"
He chuckled at your words. He kinda realized he had a kink for you calling him Officer Kennedy...and he really liked to act like he was a cop.
"You know...we could do this again if you'd like"
Perhaps your nosiness wasn't so bad after all.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
I want yan police with a slasher reader...or fast food reader jtjrjrdhdjduejehdh
*cue policeman playing in the background*
Rookie cop who's just moved into town and hasn't yet been told they aren't supposed to answer calls to the establishment and probably thinks gods and seven foot tall goat demons are a myth until they arrive. Reader tells them it's just the Midnight Caller again - a vaguely southern sounding fiend that calls out to lure new victims behind the dumpster....or asks fast food reader to dump more tatter tots out the window
Cop of course doesn't believe them and after reader saves their ass from getting gutted behind a trashcan they feel a need to safe them from the restaurant which slowly builds up their obsession with them-
Yay or nay
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konigsblog · 1 year
short random 141 headcannons, silly/fluff ☄️
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ghost 💀;
absolutely hates coffee, avid tea drinker and refuses anything else. a lot of people assume that the cold-hearted killer, simon riley, would hate sugary coffee. but, truth be told, he has a huge sweet tooth that only price knows about, and has to keep him from eating too much.
growing up, he was quiet. a lot of people teased him for being so silent, including his friends, but only in a joking way. he's one of those kids that make friend's easily, just well-behaved in class to avoid stressing out his mother.
acts as if he hates johnny, but after that solo mission soap had, he grew more close to him. didn't like whenever john had to go on a mission without him in fear that he wouldn't return, gradually developed a fear of losing the team - something he'd always had, yet increased further after graves's betrayal.
has a high metabolism. he could eat way over his maintenance calories and not gain anything. he works out in his house during leave, usually eating quick takeaways or frozen meals, rolling his eyes whenever you bring up the state of the apartment. who cares, its not as if he's here most of the time.
soap 🧼;
absolutely loves getting drunk at a club with the team, has to be dragged home by price, him and gaz laughing maniacally at absolutely nothing.
he threw up on ghost afterwards.
because if his flirtatious personality, he's had many girlfriends. they never last long since he doesn't take the relationship's seriousness, still flirting with others as a joke, but offending whoever he's with at the time.
he isn't serious at all, which we've probably gathered from his personality. accidentally laughs at the wrong times, apologise profusely as they snarl at him. definitely gives off the wrong impression and gets embarrassed whenever price mentions it.
johnny knows what he's good at, he doesn't like being insulted by anyone, even as a joke. mention something about him not being as strong as ghost as he's pissed for the rest of the day. somewhat easily jealous, stemmed from when he was a rookie, lean with barely any muscle and constantly teased by others. (heard the last bit from another creator, but i can't remember the user for the life of me.)
gaz 🧢;
doesn't take alcohol very well, especially his hangovers. they're cruel, he has a pounding headache all day and throws up multiple times. laid in bed playing games the entire day, groaning as he feels himself burn up.
is terrified of bugs, absolutely hates spiders. doesn't give a fuck about the spider poem, will scream and crush them with his foot. probably came from when he was a child and got caught in a spiders web, cried to his mum.
definitely has a lot of sisters. they raised him well so he's very respectful in relationships and knows how to treat a lady right. when he was younger, his sister's would beg him to let them use makeup on him, agreeing and getting annoyed when he couldn't wash it off.
definitely youngest child energy.
price 🎣;
when he was a kid, he wanted to be something like a policeman or a firefighter, loves being in charge of stuff.
he's a true gentleman; will hold the door for his wife, giving her a bouquet of flowers whenever he can, kisses her all the time and compliments galore. he's a true fan of cuddling you from behind, sneaking up on you and kissing your neck, complimenting the meal you'd made.
took the 141 fishing, let's just say that it never happened again. it was all peaceful until johnny thought he a turtle, leaning over the lake and falling in. kyle laughed his ass off and simon sighed with disapproval, yet not surprised that he'd managed something like that. price lost a good fish trying to save him from drowning.
loves dogs, not small dogs (chihuahua hater), but big dogs. he loves german shepherds since he works with them, k9s. or a doberman, definitely owned a big dog when he was younger and has baby photos of him on it's back, only laswell saw them.
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Just realizing that the fact that there exists an “Angel Eyes” Eclipse implies the existence of either a more foreboding or comically innocent version of him called “Devil Eyes”
oh, Lumi, you just unleashed something devasting
As entertaining as a detective Eclipse would be, innocent and way in over his head when it comes to dealing with a mob boss Y/N who just so happens to find him devilishly handsome and too clever for his own good, I'm thinking of something worse than a mob boss.
As a young rookie cop, you are attempting to put out so many fires in the city. The crime rate is abysmal. The politicians are running on fumes and bribes. The police force is barely hanging on through constant corruption. Animatronics are still considered inhuman, unalive, objects to be owned and used, and disposed of. You're hoping that the laws declaring animatronic rights will pass soon.
Murders happen every single day in a city racked with gangs, crime lords, and thieves. You and a few other officers are tasked with dealing with a particular crime scene. It's not unusual for a politician to get assassinated, but there's something particularly brutal about the killing that sits in your stomach wrong—there was blood everywhere.
Then another important person gets knocked off, the carnage grisly and crimson, then another, and another. You can't shake how savage the murders are.
High-ranking officials start having you and other cops stand as bodyguards, taking them where they need to go, standing outside their meeting doors and on the street of their homes at night.
The killings keep happening. You learn of police officers who were standing watch were gutted, too. Slained just as well as the intended target.
You do your job, but you don't like it. You became a cop to help the city. This wasn't what you had in mind, much less babysitting powerful and possibly corrupted individuals that you despise.
That's how you confront him.
Late one evening, sitting in a squad car with a fellow policeman, you two keep each other awake with small talk until you hear the faintest scream. You both take off, and you take the back of the house. When you enter the gauche kitchen, there's a cook animatronic knocked to the ground. You stop to speak to the poor robot, her optics fuzzy until you offer a helping hand and get her back onto her wheels.
Before you can send her somewhere safe, a cold shudder rolls down your spine, as if someone were walking on your grave. You whirl around to find a towering figure at the far end of the room, dark and threatening. Black optics with pinpricks of electric yellow peer at you in judgment. The devilish eyes startle your soul.
You yell out commands to stop but the animatronic—you realize—doesn't head and disappears deeper into the house.
You give chase. You hear a gunshot upstairs and a shout from your partner. When you reach the second landing, you lift your gun to take aim, but a large fist clamp around your own. You fire once, hitting nothing. You're thrown against the wall, dangling by the wrists under the looming killer. Sharp rays, burgundy and royal blue, circle his face plate, splattered in bright blood.
It's too late. It's too late for the politician, it's too late for your partner, and it's too late for you.
He takes your gun and drops it far away. His staggering height gives no hope that you can fight him off, and already, he has you pinned. You simply hope that it will be quick, painless, but your heart sinks when he lifts a hand to your throat. His optics glint. You close your eyes.
A cold, slick finger tilts your chin up. He commands you to look at him, and you aversely obey. The optics scan your face. You wonder if he takes a sick pleasure from causing harm. You loathe that he most likely finds fear in your eyes but you are determined to not make a sound.
"Officer," he says in a cold, dark voice that spears your heart. He studies the badge on your chest, reading your last name etched in brass. You clench your fists, still suspended by his one large hand.
"Who are you?" you demand.
He doesn't answer. He cocks his head with a flash of sharp teeth in a metallic grin. When he drops you, you nearly crumple to the ground. You're aware of the blood underneath your chin where he had touched you. When you try to reach for your handcuffs, he's already down the stairs and out the door, fleeing the murders. Trembling, you fumble for your gun, but you find the clip gone.
The killer animatronic left you alive.
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tofu83 · 5 months
Lottery To Upgrade 2
Best career
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"Why me!?" Eric kept running but almost reached his limit. He has just been a rookie policeman for a month. He believes that maintaining social order is the best way to serve his alien masters. He does not need any lottery.
"You could be a police bot. You will be better. Police obeys rulers. You are police." The police bots run closer and closer but Eric still didn’t want to give up.
"Policeman turned Fugitive. Subject will be reclassified. Running skill is detected. Data uploaded. Carry out mandatory arrests."
An electric current concentrated on Jack, causing him to convulse and fall into a coma.
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"It's so rare, I thought police officers would become police bots without a doubt" A scientist said when he read the data.
"Well, the police are law enforcer, should obey the law and rule made by masters without any doubts. Yet the subject run away. It is obviously that he could not be a police bot." The laboratory chief explained.
"Poor guy. It was his dream job from childhood. We obey masters so we can dream. Some people don’t understand, what a pity."
"He is luck because of his running ability and feeling jealous of others who were not chosen. He is reclassified to another similar type: Hunter bot."
"How genius masters are! He will hunt down those escapers and bring them back to face the same fate as himself! Must be the best career for him!"
After several minutes, the lifeless, featureless metallic robot finally came to life. "Hunter bot EC-1984 online. Ready to serve and hunt!"
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banquetwriter · 1 year
୨୧ stupid expensive couch ୨୧
pairing: rookie!Leon Kennedy ♡︎fem + AFAB!Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。, not proof read, smut, feeling of abandonment, implied non aftercare, crying after sex (lol), just so much smut lmg
summary: ʚ after hooking up with your best friend once, you two have to finally admit your feelings ɞ
words: 5019
AN: This is a very OOC representation of rookie leon just leave me alone <3, HEAVILY inspired by this audio :>also consent is not specifically asked for in this fic however it’s implied reader and leon have hooked up before and consent and boundaries were set then, neither party was taken advantage of!!
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⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈
“Leon, why aren’t you eating more of your going-away cake?” you mumble through the sheer fullness you felt. Leon's face flushed red from the alcohol, he shakes his head furiously “You can’t keep feeding me this stuff! It has so much sugar in it I swear!” Leon commented pointing to it. “What? Scared you're gonna get fat and they're gonna turn you away at the door? You have to be fit to be a policeman you know.” you mumble, taking yet another sip of your drink. The alcohol seemingly scratches your throat on the way down. “Mmm fuck.” you mumble setting your drink down. 
Leon gives you a fake and dramatic scoff, “I'm not gonna get fat from some horrible “cheese-cake” he mumbles with air quotes. “Hey, what's with the quotes?” you ask, biting your lip slightly and tracing the rim of your glass. “This isn’t cheesecake, y/n! It’s just candy!” he tells you leaning back on your couch. 
Ugh, the couch, your boyfriend- well… ex-boyfriend bought it. It was always the same with you, going after guys who never usually meant much to you. It’s not like you wanted to use them, you just wanted to fall in love! In love with anybody else except for Leon, your best friend in the whole wide world. 
Your best friend was moving to fucking Racoon City for fucks sake. “Whatever Leon, how are you feeling?” you ask through a small giggle, tilting your head to the side. Leon looks up at you, his eyes slowly filling with thoughts. That's always something you have known about him, as expressionless as his face tends to be; you can always see in his eyes what's wrong. Your eye contact only holds for a moment before he looks down at the base of your coffee table. 
He lets out a deep sigh before looking up again, this time not at you. You could see it, he was searching for words. “I'm nervous I mean, they tell me to stay away from the place the week I'm about to start? What does that mean? I’ve already looked it up but I can't find anything online about it.” he rambles, standing up. 
The alcohol must have hit him… you let out a small giggle. “I meant the drinks, Leon,” you say eyes following his pacing. “Oh… well fine then. I’m barely even buzzed,” he says walking back over to the couch and sitting down. You smile looking down, Leon lets out a borderline pornographic moan as he lays back on the couch. “My god Leon!” you exclaim looking at him. 
He lets out a toothy grin, “Hey this couch is very comfortable… are you still paying this thing off?” He asks, sitting back up again, reaching for his drink. You open your mouth to tell him that you did not pay a penny for it and instead your ex-’boyfriend’ bought it for you because he was *going* to move in before you broke up with him. 
Leon doesn’t let you get a word out though, he moves the cup down from his lips and swallows. “Oh wait I forgot your boyfriend bought it for you heh, you little couch princess,” he mumbles the last part into the cup before drinking again. Ah Leon, ever the flirt. “No Leon I didn’t pay for the couch and me and *him* broke up,” you say avoiding his eyes and taking a swig yourself. This was not going to be an easy conversation. 
“Oh..” Leon's voice was quiet as he looked down at the table. No matter how drunk or unexpressive he may be, it was clear to you the disappointment and regret on his face. Your stomach suddenly swirled, maybe you shouldn't have eaten so much of that cheesecake and then used it to soak up alcohol. You quickly set the glass down nervously rubbing your sides. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t know.” He mumbles, gesturing with his hands. “It’s ok Leon, honestly it's been a few months,” you confess, looking at him. You can feel a small anger bubble in him. “Fuck really? You wanna talk about it?” he asks scooting ever so closely. Your heart falls as he shifts forwards. Fuck you thought, booze was liquid confidence. You were feeling very confident, just dizzy. 
“No, not really,” you mumble feeling the heat from his body. He was so warm… I mean in a heated apartment in jeans and a sweatshirt… plus he was probably drunk right now. “You care, Leon?” you ask, a small amount of surprise seeps up through your throat and into your words. His eyebrows furrow. “Yes of course I fucking care. I mean it makes sense you two broke up I mean fuck it's getting pretty late, there are drinks and well he isn’t here you know? I wouldn't be comfortable letting you go have drinks with another guy late at night if we were dating.” he says, moving his elbows to his mid-thighs and using his hands to talk. 
He doesn’t seem to know what he is saying. You two dating, god it sounds like a bad nightmare being desperately in love with your best friend and him joking about dating you. You're not sure what to say, your mouth is drying up. “You couldn't have told me this when we called the other week?” he asks, getting loud. Fuck, no not the calls. The calls you two would spend together with each other for hours, desperately flirting with him even when you were ‘dating’ someone. 
Again you go to open your mouth but just like on the calls you can’t bring yourself to say anything, it would ruin it all. “I knew you weren’t doing in a good place but fuck y/n you don’t tell me anything anymore. I know what you said ok, about us being different after we did what we did but I thought we were still best friends!” he rambles, his alcohol fueling his anger. A raging fire that's been there for some time. 
‘After we did what we did’ are words you never wanted to hear tonight. It hadn't been your fault entirely; it takes two people to tango. But taking your best friend's virginity and then leaving before he even fell asleep after… you felt sick. You hadn't meant for it to happen, you didn’t want it to go down the way it did. You were barely giving him anything as he is near crying from happiness… The L bomb nearly slipped out. 
The memories from that night flooding back to you. Your drunk brain is finally losing the internal battle you fought with yourself. Finally pulling him in for a kiss. Telling him that it would change us. It didn’t seem to matter to him though. It was disappointing, for both of you… You only had the guts to go so far before you backed out.
Jerking him off then telling him you couldn't deal with anymore that night, letting him lay down, and then leaving him in that stupid hotel. You swallowed thickly being brought back to the present. A not-so-innocent Leon looking back at you. “Leon I-” you finally started your voice shaky, “No don’t ‘Leon’ me! Why don’t you tell me anything anymore? For Christ's sake, I didn’t even know you had broken up with your boyfriend. I know that dress y/n… when you get sad you buy things, for yourself or your apartment. If you bought something new you would have worn it tonight, for me but you didn’t. You’re wearing that fucking dress…” he points to you, you look down really it wasn’t anything bold. Very simple in fact. Just a tight black dress with a red streak on the side.
Your face heated up. God, he knew you so well. “I knew something was wrong because I saw all your new apartment decorations y/n, I saw them on the call ok? You would never normally buy this shit. I knew you were struggling and I couldn't bear to ask you if you were ok because I already knew the answer to that question. If I had asked you that question,” he leaned in forward. His breath was laced with sweets and liquor… “You would have lied and told me you were doing fine,” he says almost out of breath.
You were out of words watching him, he had stepped back now going back to his pacing. You bit your lip looking at him, he was waiting for you, To say something, anything you supposed. You couldn't keep disappointing him. “It’s always been the same for me, Leon! What else do you want to hear?” you question trying to ignore the sadness weighing on your chest. 
“Please talk to me y/n! You never talk anymore, you never tell me anything and it makes me wonder…” he starts and you can almost see tears in his eyes. “Wonder?” you ask. “Yes y/n wonder, do you ever talk about me anymore? I know we aren’t in school anymore but you still talk to people from school I know you do!” he almost shouts. God why? Why did he have to know you so well>
“Do you ever mention my name? Does anyone else mention my name? Ask how I am. What do you say y/n? Do you say ‘Oh Leon is doing great he is gonna be a cop!’ Is that what you say knowing you don’t know me anymore?” he asks chest heaving. Fuck he looked so pretty all worked up like this. You couldn't help but think about him like that. It’s how you got into this mess in the first place. 
The truth was you didn’t talk about him with anyone, no one except yourself. You couldn't bear it, saying anything about him that is. You would ruin things if you did. “Did you tell him about me? Your couch-buying boyfriend?” it was clear he was jealous as he always has been. He is a gentle person when he wants to be. Never telling you how when a guy would wrap his arms around you it made him sick. He never said it but you saw it in his eyes, you knew it was true. “Did you tell any of your ‘boyfriends’ about me? Huh? About how you fucked me?” he asks, his voice going quiet. 
His chest fell and rose. His anger flowed out of him. “Leon I’m so-” you try to stand up too, but again his eyes betray him. Guilt floods over his features. “No please I’m sorry I shouldn't have said all that, I know it’s not what you wanted to hear.” His voice was soft, unlike the borderline yelling from his a second ago. “You know I always promise myself I’m never gonna see you again, you know?” he asks, sitting down again. Your heart falls even deeper into your body. 
“I promise myself every time I leave here that this will be the last time. I will leave and never come back until you're marrying some stupid rich guy. Every time I see your name on my phone asking to call my heart fucking sinks. Because you have trapped me, and I can’t get out. I know that I can’t hold myself back when I see you. I will flirt and plead and beg for you even if you don’t see it. God I want you so fucking bad.” he mumbles, burying his face into his hands. 
Your heart is thumping. You're so scared, this is all you have ever wanted. Maybe you didn’t need to be so scared… “It always goes the same way for me, Leon,” you mumble, he peaks up at you moving his fingers from covering his eyes. Your head was spinning with nerves, your brain screaming at you not to tell him what you so desperately wanted to. Your heart was pleading for something else… and for the first time. You listened to your heart.
“I always fall for some stupid guy who turns out isn’t what I want so I freak out and break up with whoever it is. I never like the guys I date because, well I don't want to date them! I want to date you, so badly. No guy can ever replace you. And I’m so sorry I do this to you. This little cat-and-mouse game. I keep pulling you along for shit I know I shouldn't. I’m sorry for ever fucking you in the first place. I should have done it right… you looked so fucking perfect that night. You were just wanting to be loved by me and I screwed it all up. I got scared so I ran. It's what I always do.” you ramble letting your years-long feelings finally seep to the surface. 
Leon was still covering his face with his hands but you can tell by his dreamy eyes that he is happy. Of course, he is. “But I'm trapped too, I ran from you only to run right back. You never want to see me again because of the way I push and pull you.” you sit back down facing him finally. “Flirting with you because I can’t bear to let you go completely yet I can’t commit enough to be with you because I’m so scared. I would do anything to change that night, to give it my all, and love you the way you deserve. But I can’t go back. I can only try and fix what I have done now.” you had started crying. Your face is tear-stained. 
The room went silent minus your occasional sniffles and deep breaths. Leon slowly drops his hands from his face, a very big red blush dusting beautifully on his features. You give a small breathless chuckle licking your lips slightly. The silence seemed like it filled the room. A small tension sewing its way between the two of you. 
“Thank you. For uhh saying that. I thought about that night a lot since it happened. It felt like my dream was coming true but it wasn’t. Jesus, I even cried after you left. You must think I'm so pathetic.”  he mumbles wiping his hands on his face. Your face fell, “I don't think your pathetic Leon.” you say scooting next to him and grabbing his hands. 
His face looking at yours. “I'm so sorry for what I put you through, and you're very brave. I mean fuck, you want to risk your life to help others. You're Not pathetic for crying after I left. Ok?” you spoke in a hushed serious tone. That was a rare occurrence for you and Leon. He just smiled nodding slightly but you weren’t gonna have that. Your hand comes up to his jaw, “Ok?” you ask again, and he gives you a sheepish smile. “Yeah ok,” he mumbles, this Leon contrasted the one from earlier. He was mad or loud and he was happy. 
A tone seemed to have shifted between you too. “Do you think we should try that night over again?” you ask, letting your eye fall into a half-lidded pose. You lean towards him. His eyes widen ever so slightly, you could almost hear his heart rate increase. “What?” he asks. Oh how different this Leon was… so shy and cute. 
You smirk, pushing his arms over his head. You used the pressure your hands had to hoist yourself on his lap. “W-Hat are you doing? Why are you getting on my lap?” he whined, unconsciously bucking his hips as you slid onto him. “Shhh,” you whisper smirking, pressing your finger against his mouth. He gives you the most pathetic look staring up at you.  
You move your finger from his mouth, leaning down. Leon leaned forward, his lips meeting yours. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as a whine left his mouth. Your hand slowly moved to his neck squeezing it just a little. His hands found your hair entangling with his right hand while his left hand gripped your neck.
He was already getting worked up, his dick hardening underneath you. You moved back letting yourself catch your breath. “You told me you play a game of cat and mouse with me right?” he mumbled, biting his baby pink lips. “Good job listening,” you mumble in a condescending tone. Leon's eyes shift to an intense stare. 
“I wouldn't mind if we kept playing… you as the cat and me as the mouse?” he asks, his voice raising in pitch, batting his eyelashes. You smirk, “Yeah I think I can arrange that baby.” you say pushing yourself off of his lap and walking over into your room. Leon smirks watching you walk to your room. 
After a minute has passed you hear Leon’s voice from your living room. “What's taking so long?” you playfully roll your eyes. “Hold tight Leon!” you yell from, chuckling slightly. Leon shifts in his seat with anticipation. He couldn’t wait for whatever you had planned for him. He heard your soft patterns come out of your room and he turned his head. He saw you had a rope in your hand. “When the fuck did you get a rope?” he asks, looking at it. 
Your hand leaves the rope to land a smack across his face. Leon whimpers at the impact, “Fuck I’m sorry, you can tie me up.” he whines out bucking his hips. “Good boy,” you murmur, rubbing your hands against his face. “Can I get naked please?” he asks, trying to give you the most innocent eyes possible.
It seemed to have worked because you started pulling down his pants and boxers. He took this as a yes and took his shirt off. He was now completely bare sitting against the very comfortable couch. “Can I tie you up now?” you ask, admiring his body. “Fuck yeah you can, god I wanna be your whore so badly,” he whined. You raised your eyebrow at his enthusiasm. He put his hands behind his back for you. You push his head down exposing the back of his neck. 
You began tying his hands together and kissing his neck. “Ahh fuck.” he mumbles feeling the fibers burn his wrists. You fist a bit of the hair on the back of his pulling his head back up. You let your fingers trace over his thighs, moving slowly towards Leon’s almost completely rock-hard cock. It was flushed with pink and dripping with pre-cum. 
You leaned down kissing him again finally letting your hand glide up to his cock. Gripping the base of it, Leon moaned into your mouth. You moved your hand painfully slow up and down on his cock. “Fuck please…” he whimpered. You pulled away from him, “Please I need to see you too.” he whined out of breath. 
You pushed his shoulders back so he hit the couch. You slid the dress off your body revealing your entire body. You had decided against wearing panties. Leon’s eyes raked over you. “Fuck I should have known you wouldn’t wear any panties. You knew you were gonna fuck me huh?” he growled looking at you. 
You slapped him again, his blush matching the bright red color on the right side of his face he adored. “Fuuuck,” he mumbled, looking back at you. “Please let me see your fucking pussy.” he whined trying to buck his hips into the air, his cock slapping his tummy. “Yeah, you wanna see my pussy? Yeah?” you asked, leaning down to Leon who was rapidly shaking his head ‘yes’. “Please, please, please Mommy,” he begged, his face bright red.
You sat down right next to him, the pudge of your thighs touching his. You spread your legs apart. Leon gasping at your body. Your left hand moving back to his cock, your right hand moving to your clit. You moved both of your hands gathering your slick occasionally with your right hand. 
Leon was in heaven breathing rapidly watching you pleasure yourself while jerking him off. It was fucking beautiful but this isn’t how he wanted to cum. “Please, let me eat you out…” he whined looking at you. You slowed your ministrations. “You don't wanna cum?” you asked with feigned pity. “I do but..” he whined looking at your fingers knuckle deep in your pussy. “Fuck I want you to use me. I want you to cum first please, god I will do anything.” his voice was exasperated.
Sweat dripped down his face, his lips swollen, cock red and dripping with his arousal. You bite your lip looking at him. “Fuck please oh my god I want you to sit on my face so bad.” he damn near screamed struggling against his ropes and bucking into the air. “Beg,” you murmur. “Please Mommy, you have to let me eat you out. I know you want to come, please let me do it. Fuck! Please please please!!” he was screaming now.
Your hand slapped over his mouth, tears rolling down his cheeks onto your hand. “You can eat me out baby calm down.” you ensure, staring at your sobbing partner. Cue the rapid “Thank yous/ your so good/ use me’s” he was dripping with tears, sweat, and precum. You straddled his head holding just about his face. “Are you sure Le- baby? I don't wanna crush you,” you say, hand rubbing the side of his face. “I WANT you to crush me, sit down please!” he begs trying to lift his head to your aching cunt. 
You managed to keep his head down with your hand. “Ok baby if you're sure,” you murmur, you gently sit down. Your thighs smothering Leon’s face. You feel his tongue start moving in and out of your sopping cunt. You gasp feeling the burning pleasure slowly start building in your lower tummy.
“Leon- fuck.” you let out a whimper, white-knuckling the couch. You couldn't understand most of what Leon was screaming into your cunt but sounded a lot like. “Fuck fuck fuck! God your so cunt is so good. That's it ride my fucking face.” whatever he was saying was vibrating your clit making his tongue feel even better. 
You went to sit up to give him some room to breathe but that was a mistake. “What are you doing, please? Come back I need you to use me like a free-use whore, fuck!” he was screaming again. Next to thrashing around for your cunt again. 
Your hand landed on his cheek bringing him out of his tantrum. His pupils were blown, still gasping for breath. “You need to catch your breath before you get to eat me out again,” you warn. “I don't wanna breathe! Just fuck me!.” he growls. You bring your hand up to his throat squeezing. “Don't be mean you know you want to. I'm just a free dick and mouth for you. You and your beautiful body. I'm just here to please you. I’m just a fucking whore.” he whines at you, wrists burning from the rope. 
“I'm not letting you taste my cunt again, just for that,” you growl, which makes his head spin. He can’t even throw another fit before you make him lay down. “Of course you make me lie down, you know my hands are still tied so I can’t do anything. M just a lil free use toy for my mommy.” he was teasing you…
You straddle his dick, slowly sinking into him. He unintentionally bucks up, dick hitting your cervix. “Ah, fuck I’m sorry I didn't mean to do that.” Leon mumbles and for the first time tonight gave you an earnest look. “Heh, it's ok Leon don't worry. Are you doing ok? Need anything right now?” he was balls deep inside of you and you were asking if needed anything…
Leon could have sworn he would have come just then. “No- no I’m good!” he says adjusting his hips, cock somehow slipping deep inside you. “Good,” you mumble, and you began moving up and down on him. Your hands brought up to your tits groping them.
“You like watching me play with myself on you baby?” you ask, to which he can only feverishly nod ‘yes’. Words have escaped Leon, his edging from earlier coming back in tenfold. “M gonna cum.” he whimpers out in fear. “Don’t wait for me first ok?” you mumble, feeling the coil in your tummy tighten your cunt hungrily absorbing Leon’s cock. “Fuck!” he shouts, wrists almost bleeding from how hard he was pulling them.
Leon’s brain was going completely blank, his neurons only able to produce TV static. “Please momma, you can come on my cock I know you can, fuck! You're so beautiful I can’t take it anymore! Just come Mommy for me please!” Leon begs his voice almost whispering. 
“God your such a good fucking whore Leon,” you mumble, hands white knuckling the couch, bouncing your body up and down. Feeling your coil snap, cunt clenching around his cock. He clenches his jaw watching the most beautiful thing he has ever seen before in his life. Your eyes roll back with fever that makes him dizzy. 
Your head falls back beads of sweat dripping on your face and neck. Cunt swallowing up his dick. Fucking hell he was in heaven. Your orgasm dies down, as you ride yourself through it. You are only able to give Leon a little nod, and he lets his orgasm rip through his body. “Fuck fuck fuck, y/n.” he whimpers, hot cum shooting inside of your cunt. 
Both of you were breathing rapidly, eyes interlocking. “Good job Leon,” you mumble kissing his hairline. Slowly moving off of his dick cum leaking out of you. “Can you sit up for me?” you ask, trying not to let it come spilling off of your thighs. “Y-yeah,” he whispers while sitting up. His back was hot and sweaty. Beads of sweat dripped down. 
You made quick work of the rope taking it off, your stomach turning slightly at the bright red and freshly bruised marks. You kiss his wrists ruffling his hair slightly. He gives you a puppy-like gleam, fuck he was so adorable. “Would you be ok if I left you for a second to clean up?” you asked, cupping his face. 
“Mhm! I’ll be right here heh,” Leon said, you pulled him into a kiss before letting him go to clean yourself up. You went pee and grabbed a towel for him as well as a glass of water. You needed to do this right for him this time. You were going to make sure you never made the same mistake again twice. 
Unfortunately, as you feared when you walked back into the living room Leon didn’t look ok. “Baby? Leon? Should I not have left? Are you ok?” you ask, rushing over to him, setting the water and towel down next to the couch. Leon's face was red but not with a blush but with tears. They prickled at the corners of his eyes, your arms pulling him close to you. A small sob racked through his body, hands covering his face as he fell into your touch. 
“I’m so sorry Leon, I know this has probably been hard for you. I’m so sorry for that. I’m going to do better, I promise nothing we just did was real. It’s all pretend pretty boy. You're not a whore, your safe with me ok? I’m going to work hard to earn your trust ok?” you whisper into his ear, slowly stroking his hair. You know he can hear you, you also know letting him cry might be the best thing right now. 
This no doubt has brought up a lot of feelings for him, and that's ok. “Can you try taking some deep breaths? You don’t have to stop breathing but I need you to breathe ok?” you ask in the softest voice you can muster. You place your hands on his chest. He nods against your thighs, wet tears smearing around. You can feel him calling himself down with the occasional hiccups. “Good job.” you praise kissing the back of his neck. 
You coddled him for a few more minutes before he agreed to let you clean him up a bit. He sat like a kicked puppy on the couch letting you use the soft microfiber towel to clean around his groin and tummy. Holding his cup of water with both of his hands gulping some of it down.
He was quietly staring at your hands to clean him up. “Do you want a bath or a shower?” you ask, setting the towel on the side. “Um, can we have a shower please?” He asks, still feeling off from everything. You take his cup of water, set it down, and help him up to the shower, turning it on at the perfect temperature that nearly melted Leon as he stepped in. 
“I’m sorry for crying, I just got reminded of that night. I felt so alone,” he mumbled, clearly embarrassed. “Hey don’t say sorry for crying I’m sure you felt a lot. Let’s get you clean ok?” he nods, before wrapping his arms around you. “I’m not sure how this is going to work between us but if you want I would love to be your boyfriend.” He whispers into your ear. 
You pull away from the hug hot water dripping down your bodies. “I would love to be with you Leon,” you whisper, kissing him. His hands snake around your waist pulling you flush against him. The two of you melding your bodies together. 
After a very loving shower to contrast the feelings of earlier you two got dressed (you forced Leon into one of your shirts that was too short for him but you certainly didn’t mind. His arms wrapped around you, his nose nuzzling into your neck. His soft snores filled the room. You never wanted to let go of this moment. 
If only you two knew what lay ahead of Leon in Racoon City…
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
In Her Grasp
Leon Kennedy x Serial killer female reader
Summary: The rookie policeman finds himself in the claws of a notorious serial killer. 
Warning: Angst. Blood. Kidnapping. Dark themes. Torture. Serial killer themes. 
Word count: 2,373
Thank you for reading this. I've been planning this for a bit now and wanted to write something angsty for this baby boy. Please leave feedback and reblog as it really helps and is very appreciated. Thank you. 
Please enjoy. 
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The door opened and [Name] stepped into the house, softly humming as she closed the door behind her and took her shoes and jacket off, setting them aside. She carried the bags into the kitchen, setting them aside and pulling out the contents she had purchased. A visit to the D.I.Y shop had given her some rope, thick, black cloth and some other bits and pieces. 
After putting away her shopping, she gathered the rope and cloth, heading towards the cellar door. Darkness completely encased the cellar, making the steps leading down to it appear to vanish beyond the first two. Unfazed, she continued down them, flicking a light switch at the base of them. A weak flicker sparked, casting a small pale yellow light out, doing little to brighten the room. Her guest remained secured to his seat. The man was stripped of his clothing, rope tied securely around his ankles and wrists, binding them together to prevent any attempt of escape. Noise-cancelling headphones over his ears with thick cloth around his eyes, blocking out his vision and hearing. 
He was no one. Someone she picked up a few days ago and had been keeping him here since. Walking over, she stood in front of him and looked at him. Black and blue blotches covered his skin, the hard strike of a bat or metal pole leaving their mark. The rope burns gnawing away at his wrists and ankles, an ugly red raw against his skin. She had her fun with him before, hearing him cry out and beg for forgiveness for something he hadn’t even done. Hell, she didn’t even know the man’s name. There was truly nothing personal about this. He was just there at the wrong time. 
Moving around the other side of the chair, she held up the piece of rope in one hand and used another to drag a stool over, securing the rope to a hook in the ceiling. Giving it a firm tug, she was satisfied with its security before using the other side of it to wrap around the man’s neck, feeling him whimpering behind the gag in his mouth. Once it was on, she tied the other side of the rope to a heavy weight on the table before pushing it off, letting it fall to the floor. The man was lifted up into the air and held there, pained gasps and cries were cut off by the rope. [Name] just stood there and watched his legs try and kick around for a few minutes before his body went still. Pulling on some disposable gloves, she walked over and pulled the cloth off his eyes to confirm he was dead, a small smile tugging her lips at the sight of his hollow, empty eyes. 
A sense of fulfilment flooded her body, a comforting sensation that made the smile on her lips grow more. She savoured it for a bit longer, looking into those empty eyes, imagining how they must have looked in their final moments of light as the life slowly faded from them. Regardless, she turned herself away, her attention now on a new prey, a new target. A photograph was pinned on the wall, those sweet, baby blue eyes staring at the camera with such vibrant light with the shadows casting due to his hair. The policeman uniform peaking just above the bottom edge. The rookie policeman at R.C.P.D. At the bottom of the picture was a name: 
‘Leon. S. Kennedy’ 
Her latest target. It had been chance that they had crossed paths, a man had tried to mug her in the street and he swooped in to her aid. Something about him had made her whole world freeze in place, like the frozen film of a camera. A streak of vibrant colour in her bleak, bland world. From that moment on, Leon was the only thing in her mind, haunting her thoughts like a siren’s song. Any other target was nothing to her anymore, very little enjoyment pulled from their time together. None of them had that look in their eyes like Leon did. That sweet little glimmer, a twinkling star in his eyes. 
There was something about him being a policeman that made the whole ordeal that more enticing. A man in uniform, ready to serve and protect innocents from people like her, and yet, he was oblivious to the threat that stood in front of him. The fly gazing at the spider, falling deeper and deeper into her web.
[Name] disposed of the body, wiping everything down and scrubbing it clean to ensure there was nothing left behind. Nothing of that boring thing's presence as even an indication he even existed. Once done, she picked up her phone and dialled the number Leon had given her.
Her voice soft and sweet as honey as she spoke to him, wishing to speak to him in person to discuss something of importance before hanging up the phone. Grabbing her bag, she headed out. 
Leon sat in his car, looking down at his phone, reading over the text messages. This was the spot [Name] told him to meet her at. The street was quiet, especially at this time of night. A knot of worry irritated his stomach, [Name] wouldn’t say what was wrong, just that they needed to meet in person and it was important. He was off duty so he made his way over as soon as he could. 
His window was rolled down, allowing the night’s cool breeze to brush through his hair, past his cheeks with a gentle touch as his eyes scanned around again for the [Hair colour] woman. He brought his phone back up, his fingers moving along the screen as he sent her a text message and sent it off. A ping behind him drew his attention, the sudden feeling of cloth shoved in his face brought a pang of concern and worry. The grip held the cloth firmly in place while the other hand latched onto his arm, keeping it down as the chemicals entered his system. 
Muffled cries and yells soon grew quieter, his attempts at fighting slowing as his muscles grew heavy, his vision swimming a little before encasing in darkness. 
When he awoke, his head ached. A pounding in rhythm of his heartbeat that made the back of his eyes hurt. He turned his head, trying to bring his hand up to his eyes but found it held firmly in place. The rough texture of rope chewing into his wrists, panic shot through him, forcing the drowsiness away as he took in his surroundings. Darkness filled every corner, making it difficult to make anything out. His clothing had been stripped away, leaving nothing but his underwear, as was his handgun he kept on him at all times. The coldness seeped into his skin, raising goosebumps along his skin. 
He couldn’t panic now. He had to think and try to figure out how to escape. The rope was secured tightly, restricting movement. Faint, light taps could be heard above his head, settled in a steady rhythm. Footsteps. Followed by a click of a lock before the door opened, the footsteps making their way downstairs. A light was turned on, casting a weak light around him. 
“...[Name]?” Confusion was thick on his voice, his eyes locked on the woman. What was going on? 
“Oh, I thought you’d still be asleep.” Her voice held that sweetness to it, the same sweetness that Leon has ever known from her since the moment he met her. She passed by him, setting a bag down somewhere behind him. Leon tried to follow her but he couldn’t turn his head far enough. 
“What’s going on, [Name]? Let me go!” He demanded, trying to keep his voice firm but those little cracks in it gave him away. He felt vulnerable. Weak. He couldn't escape these binds, he couldn't defend himself. Left at the mercy of the woman with the sweet smile.
"I can't do that, even if I wanted to, Leon." She moved around, settling back in his line of sight. A chair scrapped across the floor and she seated herself directly across from him. Their knees touching. There was something unsettling in those pretty eyes of hers, as if he was gazing into the eyes of a viper ready to strike. Dread coiled in his stomach.
"You see, for a policeman, I was kinda expecting you to put up a little more of a fight. Or at least have been more alert, especially when there's a serial killer on the loose." [Name] lightly scolded, as if talking to a child who was misbehaving and being reckless. "But I can't blame you. You're the new rookie. Things like this don't happen to the rookies, eh?"
Leon tried to keep his breathing steady, gripping his bindings a little as he tried to assess the situation and tore his eyes away from her, tried to think of an escape. Something metal flashed in the low light, and he felt the cold kiss of a steel blade under his chin, tilting his head up lightly. "Don't look away from me, Kennedy." Her voice, just like her eyes, held a venom to them that was sharper than this knife under his chin.
"[Name], please. You need help-" The tip of the knife pressed itself into his skin, just enough to draw a single droplet of blood, a stinging sensation followed.
"I've been told I've needed help my entire life." She slowly pulled the knife away from him, her eyes not once moving off of him, "This, all of this, helps me." Her other hand rested on his knee and she leaned close to him. He could feel her warm breath against his lips. She brought the blade to her open lips, gently smearing the droplet of blood on her lips like it was lip-gloss before grabbing a fist full of his hair, yanking his head closer and pressing her lips onto his.
A surprised sound spilled his lips, the taste of his blood on her soft lips, lips he had dreamed about kissing time and time before, but not like this. [Name] held him there for a few seconds, savouring his lips before pulling away with a smile.
"If you behave, like a good boy, then this won't be as unpleasant as I can make it." Beneath that soft, honey-laced tone, beneath those twinkling eyes, there was a threat there. A promise of danger if he doesn't listen to her. A mouse trapped in the claws of a cat.
Despite his best efforts to keep track of time, it was hard to do so in this cellar. [Name] had set this little routine of sorts. Whenever she would leave him, she would cover his eyes with a blindfold, and cover his ears with headphones that played different music, music that he loved, all of his favourite songs, at a comfortable audio. All the times they had hung out together, all those moments they shared, she had been learning about him, studying him, picking out information to use in her favour.
But this time, [Name] had something else in mind for him. Leon had attempted to try and escape while she had been "gone". He had gotten free of his restraints, he had made it up the stairs and out the front door, only to find the woman herself sitting on her porch right outside the front door. She had been waiting for him to try and escape. She knew he would try to escape. And the second her eyes met his, and he saw that disappointed look in them, he felt his blood run cold.
Now, Leon was back in the cellar, his body secured so he was laid bare before her on the cold, stone floor. His wrists and ankles tied to prevent any form of movement, any form of resistance was impossible.
"You know, I really didn't want to do this to you, Leon." [Name] spoke, her back facing him as she set something up on the desk across from him. In her hand, she held an old leather belt with a large, metal buckle at the end. Her hand motioned to the clock she had set up. An old pendulum clock. Confusion chewed at him at the sight of the clock.
"Every sixth tick from the pendulum, I am going to hit you with this belt. Every seventh tick, I am going to kiss you." She explained calmly to him, her fingers gently brushing strands of his hair from his face, she wanted to see his expression as she did this.
With that, she pressed the key on the back of the clock and allowed the pendulum to begin swinging.
"Wait, [Name], I-I didn't-" Before Leon could finish his sentence, a piercing snap of leather filled the room, followed by a burning, biting pain in his side from the belt buckle. A pained cry ripped from his throat as his body tensed, the pain throbbing in his side. But not a moment later, her lips were on his cheek in a gentle, almost loving kiss. The two opposite interactions conflicted with one another. Her loving kiss on his cheek was warm compared to the cold bite of the belt buckle. Each time it struck his flesh, her lips were on his skin without fail.
Six strikes. Six kisses passed before the pendulum's dreaded ticking finally fell silent. [Name] setting the belt down beside the clock and moving over to Leon's side, her hands gently on his skin as she stroked his cheek, smiling at him.
"See? If you behave, I won't have to do this. I don't want to hurt you, Leon. So please don't make me, baby." [Name] leaned down and kissed his lips, humming softly as he tried to pull away from her. He only looked at her, his eyes filled with a mixed concoction of fear and unease at her.
She loved that look, but she wanted to see something else in those pretty eyes of his.
"Don't worry, baby." She smiled at him, "You'll learn to come around. Then we can be happy together."
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[Referencing this post!]
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I realize the term “phantom thief” is now associated with the very popular Persona 5 game, but that isn’t what I was referring to in the original post! “Phantom thieves”, “gentleman/lady thieves”, or 怪盗 (kaitō) in general existed as a concept before P5; I meant “phantom thief” in the more generic sense, not specifically the P5 ones.
The concept for the fic is that the reader is a detective working with a rookie cop (Deuce www) to catch an elusive phantom thief, the Ace of Hearts (Ace 😂). I got the idea from various policeman Deuce and criminal Ace art works that I saw going around. Various other TWST characters also make cameos, such as Riddle being the Chief of Police and Crowley as a museum curator.
As I said in the original post, it’s a very lengthy and detail-intensive fic that I’ve been working on for several months now. I hope I can finished it soon and get it out for you all to read! ^^
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sweet-slut · 1 year
you're driving back from the club, a tab on the passenger seat next you that is playing some rape porn. you were raised rich and your parents didn't care about you as long as you didn't run away. with all the money and freedom you were smart enough to stay with your parents instead of running away because they didn't love you.
you have three other rich friends - friend one, the one that came today at the end of the party naked and cum dripping down her thighs from her stuffed and swollen cunt. she pouted as she said sorry because she lost her clothes, but was ready to go home naked so her hot roommate could fyck her. friend two, the one always dressed in a lingerie and drinking at the party but rejects everyone hitting on her. friend three, the one that is usually the responsible one and drives you all home, but she said she was gonna get drunk today so you sacrificed your drinking day and decided to be the driver.
you're wearing a hot pink lingerie underneath a tube top and white skirt.
lingerie - https://pin.it/YZkgJ1c
skirt - https://pin.it/1jjdM9k
shirt - https://pin.it/3SBUDqU
a policeman asks you to pull over. he knocks on the window, "out young lady. now". you blush as you get out. it was a fairly crowded road and the traffic was all from the usual Friday night frat party.
everyone could now see you and your slutty dress. the man harshly pushes you against the door, and the traffic could see your lingerie clothes pussy. the policeman kneads your clothed boobs and you yelp trying to pry his hands off. he slips it under your top and takes off the lingerie top.
you gasp, as he flings it to somewhere. ypu pulls up your skirt and pulls down the bottom of your lingerie. he throws that also somewhere.
"that's all rookie. now cuff her and we'll take care of her." the older one says. the one that just stripped off your lingerie cuffs your hands.
"You're a potential drug suspect miss. We'll have to check you here." He says and takes a scissor, slowly snipping on your shirt. He pulls it off you and you hide your face that is burning with tears as a bunch of cars honk to support the policeman.
he pulls down your skirt and puts it in his car. you're now naked with tears rolling down your face. he pushes you against the hood of his police car and pries open your legs to look at your soaking wet pussy. he scissors it open with two fingers before inserting two long digits into it. you shake, cry and moan as his finger curl and uncurl, torturing your gspot. its not long before you cum all over his fingers. you pant, juices flowing out of you.
the man without any warning thrusts his dick hard into your pussy. you scream in pleasure, bycking your hips with his thrusting. You cum again, but it stays inside as the man releases his juices inside of you. the rookie is now given a chance. he squeezes in his thick, veiny, 9 inch dick alongside his superiors dick that is inside you.
you cry, moan, trash around and end up cumming thrice with both their dicks inside you. your cunt is filled to the brim with your cum, and the policmen's cum.
they confisticate your car. "Come to the station tomorrow slut. Wear something nice a slutty, and you can get your car back." They say, and you are uncuffed.
you end up walking back home, naked with juices flowing from your swollen pussy. you don't bother covering yourself, because you realize : you're in love with the idea of being abused and raped in public. you sit down in front of a wine shop, legs spread open, waiting for someone to come fuck you.
no-one does so, so you walk home dejected. "but there's tomorrow. I'll see them tomorrow." You think.
God I love all of the long storys I get so so so so so much...and the extra with the lingerie
Shit yes yes yes yes
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tassodelmiele · 6 months
Noisy little mess
Hi cuties, i'll leave this here for your entertainment.
A little fic i've written just for fun, i don't even know if i'm gonna make it longer or leave it as a one-shot experiment.
Hope you enjoy!
And hope my english is not a mess too
DISCLAIMERS: ReaderxGhost, smut (not so much, but we have masturbation and a little bit of anal fingering, dunno if you may like, but really it's just a hint), dirty talking, chocolate for breakfast, little bit of moans, dom, gym rat character (yes i can't live without weights).
I believe Simon is that kinda man who starts with the rough way, being the "bad policeman".
At first he doesn't trust you.
You get acquainted, begin to talk more often, share moments together: he drinks his coffee for breakfast, complaining about the lack of tea at the base, while you spend twenty minutes backing your cocoa oatmeal with chocolate on top. He glares at you like you're some sort of stupid child, but eventually he helps you reach the top shelf where someone put your goddamn honey (white sugar is for the weak), since you're a gnome.
And the two of you start to talk. Well, at first you exchange brief comments and monosyllabic answers.
Than some curiosities escape through your lips: about what the hell are you doing at the base (you've appeared from nowhere all of a sudden), why you've chosen the military life (since you really do look like a little happy garden gnome); why he's wearing the scariest of the mask you've ever seen (he won't answer to this, though); why you and Jhonny keep on exchanging slaps on the butt (someone have lost a bet).
The day he'd spotted you make your kinda breakfast for Gaz too (he's got a sweet tooth), you'd ended up baking for the entire task force. And your chocolate get right to their hearts.
He keeps on looking at you with curiosity. Sometimes he thinks you're a little bit…dumb. He thinks it a lot: when you try to open the door with your elbow since you've got fresh nail polish and don't wanna ruin it (in a goddamn military base); when you daydream about where would you like to do a piercing, spending every pause from work looking at pinterest references. When he finds you eating breakfast at 5 am, or laying everywhere on the ground under the sun (he asked you about it, and you answered that you were doing photosynthesis). He does think you live in your magical world made of unicorns and chocolate.
Then he sees you at the gym, deadlifting a goddamn truck, pushing hell with your chest which seemed so little to him, carrying weights that the other rookies could only dream about.
You end every training drained from every bit of energy, doing whatever you have to even if some mornings you'd rather jump from an airplane; and every training finishes with a big smile toward your Lt., which seems so proud of you, a little gnome made out of bricks and chocolate.
He starts to trust you. You've never fought together on a mission, but he begins to look at you as a reliable human being. At least none of his comrades had died 'cause of your breakfast yet, you've never missed a meet, you finish your duties every day. 
The other guys from task force 141 seem to like you like some sort of stray kitten suddenly jumped at the base, treating you like a little one even if you're almost thirty. But it doesn't seem to annoy you, and your weird friendship with Soap and Gaz ends up doing "photosynthesis" together in the little garden spot under Price's office window.
Everything is cool, everything is nice…till something goes wrong.
And there you are, one particularly lonely night, in the precise month period in which you could fuck a light pole (thanking your incoming menstruations), with hormones filling you like a pie and almost dripping from your nose. 
There you are, closing your eyes, lying on the bed with your legs spread, thinking about whatever helps you finish your "necessary duty" as soon as fuck.
There you are, touching you like crazy, rubbing that poor clit of yours just to try gain some peace of mind.
You're usually silent: neither a breath nor a moan. But this time…this time it's too strong, you're too needy, your brain is melting under the pleasure and the smallest, tiniest whine escapes through your lips. 
<Was everything good last night?>
The next morning starts with this question, a large cup of coffee (you've slept like shit), your oatmeal and Ghost's eyes looking at you silently, inquiring, unreadable.
He waits for an answer, and your eyelid glitch.
And you know he heard. 'Cause you know, there's no need to ask. 
You surprise even yourself by being so honest. You're ready to make something up, even if he doesn't need to know why you weren't good. 
But he stay silent.
And you bury your face in the oatmeal.
The entire day was spent submerged in documents and bureaucracy, so gym had to be done after dinner. You don't feel at ease: even in your oversize jumpsuit it seems that every seam is made just to collide with your sensitive spot, that's still hurting from yesterday night. 
You go straight to the lat machine, charging all of the weight you can, trying to distract your fucked up brain. 
You do the first set: it's hard, but you can handle it.
You do the second: at the third rep, you barely manage to bring the weight midway to you. Your back is pulling at its limits, your eyes are squeezed, lungs are burning with the lack of oxygen…and, at your limit, you open your eyes, looking at the mirror in front of you.
Error 404
The reflection of Ghost, incredibly showing his arms muscles in a t-shirt which you've never thought could fit his wardrobe, hit you like a truck. It's not just the arms: it's the veins and tattoos, biceps and strength, it's whatever you'd like to bite and you know you'd let his hands smack your body like a pillow.
All of a sudden.
Just 'cause you do like big muscles.
Or just 'cause you're craving to be touched like a clown fish craves his fucking anemone.
Your arms get weak for one goddamn second: you lose the grip on the weight, and a terribly audible, almost hissed moan runs through the gym.
You bite your lips immediately. That moment will be remembered as one of the shittiest times in your life, and you're wondering if it's better pretending to be dead on the seat, or running away with nonchalance…when your back bumps into something.
You raise your eyes, and he's crouched behind you.
Thank god you're alone.
Thank god you're behaving better than last night.
Thank god you're still sitting on the lat machine, since you wouldn't be able to stand.
<Are you doing it on purpose?>
You shake your head, not daring to speak. You don't know what could get out of your mouth. 
His hands have reached your sweatpants in a blink of an eye, rough enough that you thought you had to say goodbye to the elastic band; he's slipped under your panties, making some sort of low groan as he feels on his gloves how wet you are.
And now he's sailing in your cunt in every direction, making you tremble like an idiot clinged on the machine.
<There's no use in being so fucking silent now. You should've think about it earlier>
He takes his hand off your panties, and for good measure he slaps on your pussy so hard you know it will grow a bruise.
You're swallowing hot air, letting your shoulders bump in small movements as your breath is scattered, fast, hissed through your teeth.
And his already wet hand reaches your mouth, stuffing it with your juices, pressing on your tongue and sliding so deep inside that your throat starts to twitch. Mouth gets wet, filling with saliva, and you desperately try to not choke with his fingers still inside.
But he's got other plans; and leaning so close to your ear that you can feel the texture of his mask, he orders:
<don't you dare swallow, sweetheart>
And you stay still. 
Because you're an idiot? Maybe. A masochist? You've never thought so, but apparently yes.
You stay still while your body jerks by himself on the seat, trying to concentrate on your heavy nose breathing. Saliva drools over your chin in sticky, wet wires, and he collects them on his thumb, pulling them back on your mouth.
<Good girl, so effective in following orders>
You don't even dare looking at the mirror in front of you. Your pussy is a lake, so wet your ass could slip on the panties.
He knows.
And the other hand of him suddenly runs again under your underwear, pressing where the sun doesn't shine, sliding one finger in that hole in such a fast motion that you can't help but cry.
It hurts
It does, but the mixture of pain and arousal is confusing you. Your brain is not working, eyes start to get wet and mouth is choked by your saliva and his fingers, and everything smells like cunt's juices.
He pushes his finger deeper, and you know he's looking at your face through the mirror, dear god. 
His mask brushes again on your ear, on your cheek.
<You're gonna take everything, aren't you? You're tightening your ass pussy around my fingers, cumming on me like the good kitty you are, mucking up my gloves with your stinky juices»
There's nothing really right: the hole isn't the right one, the place isn't the right one, his tone and his attitude are colliding so badly with the picture of him you've got in your mind. 
But somehow you're managing to not question things.
You just can't. You're fried, burned, a little knot of dirty mess and moans choked in your guts and dripping in wetness, all tied in his grip, in his harsh voice, in his rough fingers that are digging everywhere but where you're desperately needy.
And you can't take anymore of it.
It's like hearing yourself from outside when you speak, every words trembled and choked in your saliva that's totally overflowed on your chin:
Your brain doesn't allow you to finish the sentence, and Ghost chuckles on this last spark of dignity you have.
<Speak up kitty> 
He lets another finger slide inside your ass, pushing roughly to make space.
<I can't hear you>
His fingers get out of your mouth, just to spank your pussy again, making you finally break a loud moan.
He grips your throat in his hands, squeezing till he feels every ring of your windpipe under his fingertips.
Then he lets go.
He releases your body all of a sudden, leaving you empty and throbbing, wet and still needy, almost choked by your own saliva. 
And he seems…satisfied, somehow. Satisfied just by your only, lonely moan, wringed out of you with so much diligence.
You, his noisy little mess.
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char-kole · 5 months
manga recommendation
you guys should read Super Psychic Policeman Chojo, it's a very funny manga about a lazy cop with psychic powers and his extremly-annoyed-with-him rookie partner
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and it's free on MangaPlus!
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