#this is what happens when i get depressed people
girlgenius1111 · 2 days
give yourself a reason
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engen!reader memories, and the present. changes. sol reflects on how different her life is now. good different. even if getting to the good was hard. here she is.
warnings: discussions of depression. sol gets into a fight. with people, and then a mug and a picture frame so, some blood.
It was a bit of a deja vu moment, honestly. You were sitting in the dean’s office once again, only a couple months after the last time. Then, you had been pretending you didn’t care. A lot had happened since, and a casualty of the progress you’d made was that you could no longer pretend not to care. You did care. You cared so much, you thought you might throw up. 
You’d begged them not to call Ingrid. Begged. They had anyway. You couldn’t help but worry about her reaction to this most recent fight, though it hadn’t been your fault. You hadn’t been in trouble since everything had happened, and you weren’t quite sure what to expect. Would everything change? Would Ingrid still want you? Every set back you had, every mistake you made, had you convinced that Ingrid was going to change her mind, and send you back to Norway. You were working on it, thinking of yourself as worthy of their love, but it wasn’t easy, and you felt your eyes stinging with tears that had nothing to do with the beating your face had taken. 
You weren’t sure you could go back to not feeling loved, not when you’d been experiencing something so different recently. The dean didn’t seem to care that your face was rapidly swelling, that you were crying, or that you hadn’t stopped bouncing your knee since you’d been brought into the office. He’d already let the boys go with a warning. He hadn’t even called their parents. You didn’t know what to do when Ingrid arrived, didn’t know whether to try to explain, or to stay quiet and just take your punishment. 
You felt so weak, suddenly. Crying, in front of this absolute asshole? Normally, you’d never let a person you didn’t know well see you this emotional, but your face really hurt, and honestly, you just wanted a hug. You were pretty terrified, though, that you wouldn’t get one. 
That you didn’t deserve one. 
The speaker in the office crackled to life, then, and the secretary’s voice rang out into the room. “Ms. Engen’s guardian is here.” 
The dean took a break from glaring at you to hit the button on the speaker. “Send her in.” 
You directed your gaze at the ground and tried to make yourself as small as possible, hearing the door open behind you.
“Mi sol, are you okay?” Mapi said instantly, moving quickly into the room and crouching down next to your chair. You refused to look at her, and she knew she had to be careful about this. Mapi showing up instead of Ingrid was a relief, but only for a moment. Then, you were just worried that she was too mad to come get you. 
“I was expecting the elder Ms. Engen,” the principal began, though he was quickly interrupted by your sister’s girlfriend. 
“Ingrid couldn’t get away from work, and I am a guardian too. Her face is bleeding, and her hands. Has she been seen by the nurse?” Mapi asked bitingly, scowling at the man on the other side of the desk. 
He looked a little put out. “Well, no, we were-” 
“Jesus, she could have a concussion.” Mapi snapped, her gentle hand on your back completely contradicting her sharp tone.   
“I don’t think-” 
Mapi ignored his response completely, slowly moving her hand up and down your back. You were shaking, and Mapi knew that if she wanted to avoid a panic attack, she had to do something, soon. 
“Mi sol?” she asked in a much softer tone, frowning when you shook your head. You knew if you looked at Mapi you’d burst into tears, and you absolutely did not want to do that in front of the dean. 
Mapi thought for a minute, before she turned back to the man. “Can we have a minute please.”
It wasn’t really posed as a question, and the man frowned at Mapi before nodding somewhat indignantly and walking out of the room. As soon as the door shut behind him, you looked up, breaking Mapi’s heart with the terrified look on your face, and the rough sob that fell from your lips.  
“Oh, nena,” Mapi sighed, seeing the extent of the damage to your face for the first time. It was mostly bruises and a very swollen lip. Your knuckles were swollen, too, but there were very few cuts on your face, and for that, she was glad. Mapi’s hands flitted over your face, her own scrunched with worry. “I’m so sorry this happened.” 
“Is Ingrid mad? Is that why she isn’t here?” You choked out.
Mapi shook her head, carefully wiping a tear off your face. “No, no, she couldn’t get away from training. She isn’t mad, I promise, she sent me to come bring you to her so she could see you were okay.” 
“Are you sure she’s not mad?” 
“I promise, cariño. She is not mad at you.” Mapi replied seriously. “Tell me what happened.” 
“They came at me, Mapi, I promise I didn’t start it.” You cried, almost pleading with her to believe you. 
“I believe you, I believe you.” The Spaniard soothed. “Where are they?” 
“He let them go with a warning.” You told her, watching as her face hardened. She seemed to think for a minute, before she stood, gesturing for you to do the same. 
“Fuck this. I’m taking you to your sister. Ingrid and I will come back later to speak to the dean and see the security footage. Venga.” 
“Mapi, I’m in trouble,” you tried to tell her, but she just shook her head. 
“Not with us. We’ll deal with it later, I promise. I want to get you taken care of and calmed down first, and I don’t think I can do that here.” Mapi told you gently, pulling you out of the room when you nodded hesitantly. You hadn’t realized you were shaking intensely until Mapi had mentioned getting you calmed down. You supposed you were getting close to a panic attack, and just hadn’t noticed. 
You continued to tune out as Mapi led you out of the office, standing in front of you protectively when she addressed the dean. 
“Ingrid and I will be back later to discuss the situation. We’re leaving now.” She told him. 
He looked at her with an incredulous expression on his face. “She can’t just leave, we have to discuss her punishment.” 
“We can discuss it later.” Mapi repeated, turning without another word towards the door, guiding you out of the school. 
Once you were out the door, Mapi wrapped an arm around your shoulders, steadying your shaky steps. “Alright, we’re almost to the car, just hang on, okay?” 
You could only nod in response, starting to lose yourself in your head, clinging tightly onto Mapi. Time seemed to speed up, or skip ahead entirely as suddenly you found yourself in the passenger seat of the car, your sister’s girlfriend buckling your seatbelt for you. 
“In and out, nena. Just breathe. Everything is okay. No one is upset with you.” Mapi was saying, waiting for you to give a faint nod before she made her way over to the driver's side door. It was quiet in the car save for the hum of the engine and the gasping inhales and exhales coming from you every few seconds. 
“Tell me what you’re worried about.” Mapi instructed, taking your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. 
“Ingrid- Ingrid is gonna be mad and make me go back to Norway,” you breathed, shutting your eyes as another wave of panic washed over you.
“That is not going to happen.” Mapi said confidently, grabbing her phone and clicking Ingrid’s contact. Her girlfriend picked up astoundingly quickly considering she was supposed to be training, and her voice over the phone made you both terrified and reassured at the same time. 
“We’re in the car, she was too upset, we can come talk to the dean later.”
“What do you mean she’s too upset? Is she okay?” Ingrid asked worriedly. 
“Talk to her.” Mapi instructed, holding the phone out to you. You looked at her pleadingly, but she just nodded encouragingly, eyes fixed on the road in front of her. “It’s okay, nena, just tell Ingrid what you told me.” 
Ingrid could tell when you took the phone, as she could suddenly hear your rapid breaths as you gulped in air and tried to get the words out. “Hey, it’s just me. You can tell me.” Ingrid said softly. 
You closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of Mapi’s thumb tracing over the back of your hand instead of the pounding of your heartbeat in your ears. “M’ scared you’re mad and you’re going to send me back to Norway.” 
“I’m not mad. This wasn’t your fault, just like the last one wasn’t, and I am not angry with you. You are not going back to Norway. You are staying right here with me and Mapi. You’re okay, Solstråle, I promise.” 
“Okay.” You said, nodding your head as you replayed her words over and over in your head. “Okay.” 
“Okay, sweetheart. I have to go, but Mapi is bringing you over, okay? I’ll see you soon.” 
Mapi quickly bid her girlfriend a goodbye before hanging up, though her hand didn’t release yours for the rest of the car ride. 
Getting to the Barça grounds was somewhat of a blur, and before you knew it, Mapi was leading you to the pitch where Ingrid was running drills. When Ingrid spotted you, loitering on the sidelines, she spoke a few quick words to Jona before making her way over.. You were half hidden behind Mapi, which was no accident, but the concern on Ingrid’s face brought another round of tears to your eyes. You stepped forward anxiously, bottom lip beginning to wobble. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Ingrid sighed, getting a quick look at the wounds on your face before you were barrelling into her and wrapping your arms tightly around your sister. “Hey, it’s okay.” She whispered, running her hand through your tangled hair in a soothing manner. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you blubbered. If you had been even a smidge calmer, you would have been embarrassed about sobbing into your sister’s training kit in front of most of the team. 
“Don’t apologize, Solstråle. Everything is okay.” She soothed, looking over your shoulder at Mapi, before pulling away from the hug to examine your face. She frowned deeply at the damage that had been inflicted, trying to shove her anger down. It would only scare you further, and you really didn’t need that right now. 
“It hurts,” you whimpered, flinching as Ingrid’s finger accidentally made contact with an already forming bruise. The way you were acting was so out of character for you, Ingrid felt her worry growing by the second. You were so upset, you were shaking and sobbing. It hadn’t really occurred to anyone how triggering this might be for you, what a reminder this fight would be. Not just of what had happened a few months ago, but of your time in Norway. There wasn’t a fight you’d gotten into that you didn’t have to take care of your own cuts and bruises. No one ever heard you out, no one was ever not mad at you. 
A fight had been the last straw before you were sent to Spain, and it was as if all the feelings you’d repressed during those occasions were flooding back through your body, until your nervous system was in overdrive. 
“Solstråle,” Ingrid said again, trying to get your attention back on her. You hummed in response, forcing your eyes to focus on your sister. “Two options, okay? We can have the physios patch your face up, or we can go see a doctor. What would you prefer?”
It was something Mapi had read in her definitely-not-a-parenting parenting book. Giving you options in a situation you were anxious about forced you to calm down a bit, and choose. It gave you a sense of control, while still ensuring that you did what had to be done. 
“Physios.” You told her, after just a minute of consideration. “Go back to training, Ingrid. I’ll be okay.” 
You were trying to be brave, Ingrid could tell. She allowed you this façade, and with both an encouraging smile and a promise that she’d come see you in a minute, she ran back to the pitch. Mapi led you inside, her arm wrapped protectively around your shoulders. 
The physios were a tolerable experience, completely allowing Mapi to direct them. They didn’t touch you unless you agreed, each time asking before they made sure your lip was okay, or inspected a forming bruise. You very rarely got to see intense Mapi off the pitch, and it was interesting to see it now. When she spoke to the physios, asking question after question about your injuries, she was dead serious. When she turned to you, though, to shoot you an encouraging smile or squeeze your hand, she was back to being the Mapi you knew. 
She took care of you like you were her own. 
Upon returning home, Ingrid refused to let you retreat to your room and hide yourself away. You’d spent too long alone, when you’d first arrived. She was going to support you, and she intended to prove that. 
So, you laid on the couch, your head in your sister’s lap, a Norwegian sitcom playing on the TV. Ingrid was holding ice to one of your eyes, glaring down at you anytime you tried to remove the other ice laid across your knuckles. Mapi was making pancakes in the kitchen, at your request. Scout was on the floor next to the couch, though he picked his head up to check on you every few minutes. 
You were home, and you couldn’t help but compare today to the last time.
Ingrid had come to the school, and been furious at you. Today, she was furious for you. 
They’d left you that night, to go off to some team dinner. Now, you weren’t quite sure that Ingrid was going to let you out of her sight for at least a few days. 
You’d been alone, then, and now you weren’t. 
And though today had been pretty horrific, it was another little reminder of how different everything was. You loved those reminders, and you got them often. You tried to remember each one, how good it felt. To be loved, to be seen. To be liked. To be cared for. It was new, and it always surprised you a little. Every time something happened, and you remembered what it had been like to be alone, Ingrid and Mapi were there to remind you that you weren’t anymore. 
It was just one of those days. 
You wanted to stay home, like you wanted to on that day. Before, when everything in the house had been tense and you’d barely spoken to your sister. School had been difficult back then, not that it wasn’t now, but more difficult. Ingrid knew how much you were struggling, but assumed it was a lack of effort on your part. And so, when you quietly asked her if you could stay home because you weren’t feeling the best, Ingrid hadn’t believed you. 
“Ingrid, please. I really don’t feel well.” You begged, fighting back the tears that were pricking at your eyes, even though you knew that they would probably help your case. 
“How? What doesn’t feel well?” Ingrid asked, trying to be patient. Your hatred of school was starting to bother her. She didn’t understand why you wouldn’t just try a little harder. At your work, and at making friends. 
You floundered for a minute, not sure how to describe what you were feeling. You supposed the word was depressed, but there was no way you’d admit to that. Ingrid didn’t need to worry about you like you knew she would if she understood what was really going on. At the same time, you wished desperately that she would see through your excuses. 
You’d been silent for too long, and Ingrid sighed, zipping up her bag for training and walking over to you. She didn’t look sympathetic, exactly, but she didn’t look as harsh as she normally did. 
“I know school is hard. But skipping isn’t going to make anything better, okay? You just need to try a little harder.” She said, resting her hands on your shoulders and looking intently at your face. As usual, your expression gave very little away. All you gave her was a small shrug, before you picked your bag up with a sigh and headed for the car. 
You were trying your best. How couldn’t she see that?
It hit you similarly today, as it had on that day.
 You wanted to lay in your bed and not move. Your body was heavier than normal. Breathing was hard, moving was harder. All you could do was think. And think, and think, and think. It wasn’t sadness that you felt, not necessarily. It was exhaustion, and an almost numb ache. 
You were pretty sure Ingrid wouldn’t make you go to school if you told her the truth, you just weren’t really sure what to say. It was nearing the time you were supposed to leave for school, though, and you still hadn’t gotten out of bed. It would only be a matter of time before Mapi came in to see why you hadn’t left your room yet. So, you dragged yourself out of bed, your whole body feeling too heavy, and you walked downstairs. 
Ingrid was in the kitchen, eating breakfast while Mapi made all three of your coffees. Your sister turned to look at you, her good morning dying on her lips when she saw the look on your face. It must have been pretty bad, if Ingrid’s reaction was any indication. 
“Are you feeling okay?” Ingrid asked, abandoning her breakfast to walk closer and place her hand on your forehead, checking for a fever. 
“No.” You said honestly, trying to breathe through the panic that always accompanied honesty. Mapi joined Ingrid in front of you, her brow creased in concern. She couldn’t figure out from looking at you what was going on, you just looked… wrong. Unlike yourself. 
“Are you sick?” 
“No. I just… I don’t feel right.” 
“What do you mean, Sol? What’s wrong?” Mapi asked, nudging Ingrid’s hand off your forehead to replace it with her own. 
“I don’t know how to explain it. I just want to go back to sleep.” You mumbled, a single tear falling down your face.
“Try to explain it to me?” Ingrid requested. You knew it was a request, though, and that made it easier to answer her. Her worry for you was coming off her in waves, and though you were pretty sure it was warranted, you didn’t want her to panic. 
“It’s just a bad day. I’ll be okay.”  
 Ingrid and Mapi exchanged glances, before your sister nodded slowly. You often described tough mental health days as simply  bad days. You didn’t like to be overly descriptive, or really admit what was going on, and that was the closest you’d get. 
“Okay, kjære. Go back up to bed.” 
“Thanks,” you muttered, moving to turn away. 
“Wait,” Mapi said, grabbing you by the arm and tugging you into a hug that was probably too tight, but felt nice all the same. Mapi’s hugs were always comforting, always made you feel safe. “You’ll be okay here by yourself?” 
You knew what she was asking, and you tried to speak clearly, even with your chin resting on the Spaniard’s shoulder. “I will, promise.” 
As soon as Mapi had released you, Ingrid was pressing a kiss to your forehead, a gesture that never really failed to make you emotional. You remember seeing your parents kiss her forehead when you were growing up. And while your parents never really did the same with you, Ingrid had. She was always willing to give you the love she was overflowing with, especially when you were sorely lacking it. 
“I love you, okay? Call me if you need me.” Ingrid said firmly, almost as if to reinforce how much she meant it. 
You agreed, promising yourself that you wouldn’t interrupt training. You knew they’d already be distracted by being worried about you, and you didn’t want to ruin their day anymore than you already were. 
The logical part of you knew this was ridiculous. It was getting easier and easier to identify unhealthy thoughts, but a part of you still believed them. Especially when you were already having a bad day. You didn’t want to be any more of a burden than you already were. 
You were the farthest thing from a burden for Ingrid and Mapi, but it was an almost insurmountable challenge to actually believe that. 
You’d hoped, perhaps, that by resting right off the bat, you’d escape the worst of the depressive episode. This was a naive thought. Or maybe, you would have if you’d asked your sister to stay home with you. 
You really really didn’t want to be alone. It had been a while since you hadn’t felt safe around yourself, but here you were again. You thought you were done with this, over this. It was upsetting to realize that you weren’t, not completely. That this wasn’t something you could just… get over. It was a result of your brain chemistry as much as your lived experiences, and you could be smothered with all the love in the world. That wouldn’t fix the genuine problem inside your head. 
You were asleep when Ingrid got home. 
Her and Mapi weren’t expecting you to call them, even if you needed them, but they had texted you during a break and gotten no answer. Mapi tried not to speed home, but it was difficult when Ingrid was an anxious mess next to her in the passenger seat. 
Upon arriving home, Ingrid dumped her bag right in the entry hall, not bothering to put it away like she normally did, and went right up to your room, sighing in relief at the sight of you in front of her. Mapi was right behind her, melting a bit at the way Scout was perched on the end of your bed protectively, and Bagheera was curled up against your chest. Both of them were taking care of you, she was sure. Bagheera would get a treat and some extra pets, for sure. And Scout would too, but when no one was looking. She had a reputation to uphold, after all.
You awoke to the feeling of someone brushing their fingers through your hair. The reaction you had was different now than it had been a month ago, and Ingrid had done the same thing. Then, you’d startled awake, not used to the gentle touch. Now, you just shifted slightly, content to stay asleep as Ingrid settled on the bed next to you. 
You felt Scout get off the bed, and Mapi begrudgingly agree to take him on a walk. You knew she was faking her dislike of your dog at this point, but it was more fun to go along with it and catch her napping with Scout or giving him extra treats. 
It was only when the cat sneezed rather dramatically on your chest that you cracked an eye open, unimpressed with the lack of decorum from Bagheera. Ingrid was trying to stifle her laughter and you rolled your eyes, stretching and wiping the imaginary sneeze particles off your face. 
“Hi.” You murmured, voice rough with sleep… and with crying, but you were hoping to keep that to yourself. 
Ingrid smiled at you, eyes crinkling at the edges in the way they'd started to recently. It was something Mapi’s eyes did and while you weren’t sure how Ingrid had picked that up from her girlfriend, there was no question in your mind that she had. “Hi. How are you?” 
You shrugged, the momentary distractions from your feelings fading as everything came screeching back into focus. 
“Have you been crying?” Ingrid murmured, eyes stuck on the tear tracks staining your face. 
“A bit. I’m fine.” You replied, trying your best to shake off her concern. 
“You should have called me.” Your sister sighed. 
You shook your head, sitting up against the headboard. It was then that you noticed for the first time that your sister was still in her training kit, when normally she’d shower and change after a session. Her and Mapi must have rushed home. The thought sent a weird feeling through your body; not bad… just different. 
 “No, I was fine. You had training, you can’t miss that for no reason.” 
“There's not no reason. You were having a bad day, and you needed us. Why didn’t you call?”
You shrugged, but Ingrid continued to stare at you, awaiting an answer. “I didn’t want to make you choose between me and football.” you mumbled, picking at a hangnail and avoiding eye contact with your sister. She grabbed your hand though, and used her other hand to tilt your chin up until you were looking at her. 
“There is no choice, Solstråle. I will always come when you need me. It could be the middle of the champions league final, or the middle of training, and I would drop everything to get to you. So would María.” 
You grew teary, trying your best to not cry again. “Okay.” Your voice broke, and Ingrid felt like a piece of her heart went with it. 
“Sol, I mean it. You are more important than any football match or training could ever be. More important than anything else could ever be. You are the most important thing to me.” 
Your expression grew disbelieving, almost stunned. “I’m not worth all that,” 
Ingrid tried not to groan in frustration. It wouldn’t have been fair to make you think she was upset with you, when she was upset with your parents, and with herself. “You are! Solstråle, you are worth that and more.” 
You were getting better, definitely. But your self esteem was always something you struggled with, something you always probably would. No matter how convinced you were, now, that Ingrid and Mapi loved you and wanted you in Spain with them, you still couldn’t comprehend that you were important to them. 
“It just… it wasn’t like that before. I’m not used to this.”
Ingrid’s face fell. “I know. I know you aren’t. But I promise you, sweetheart, even before, even when we argued all the time and I was so hard on you. I cared then just as much as I do now. I just didn’t understand how to help you. But I do now, right? It’s better now?” 
A more confident nod from you. “A lot better.” 
Your sister smiled gently. “I know you’ve felt really alone these last few years. But you aren’t anymore, okay? I’m right here with you.” 
There was something behind her words that felt like a promise, but it wasn’t necessarily a promise you needed to hear. It was one Ingrid had already made through her actions. And through the flood of doubts and insecurities, you knew that she wouldn’t break that promise. 
In that moment, you hated how hard it was for you to be vulnerable. How difficult it was for you to put words to your feelings, and express your appreciation and love for your sister. All you could do was try, though, right?
“Ingrid?” You mumbled after a minute of silence. Ingrid hummed in acknowledgement, squeezing your hand. “You… everything you’ve done for me. You’re just… you’re my favorite person. And I love you.” 
Ingrid could have sobbed, truly. She, too, had struggled to share her feelings her whole life, as you had. She knew just how much it took for you to say something so sincere, and not even make a joke after it. The brunette pulled you in closer to her, leaving a kiss on the side of your head. 
“You know that, right?” You wondered, after Ingrid hadn’t responded right away. She was trying to keep the deep emotion out of her voice, not wanting to make this moment even more difficult for you than she knew it already was. When you turned to look at her, though, catching her just as a tear slid down your face, you understood. 
“I do know, Solstråle. And I love you, so much, min perfekte lillesøster.” 
It didn't really matter as much, that you didn’t think you were perfect. Because for as long as you could remember, Ingrid had been the perfect one. And now she thought you were, too, and that was enough. 
“You’re my favorite person, too.” Ingrid added as an afterthought, pulling you into an even tighter hug. “Just don’t tell-”
“AHEM.” Mapi cleared her throat from the doorway. You whipped your head to look at her, both of you breaking into a fit of giggles at the sight of the very disgruntled defender standing in the doorway. “Well, your not favorite person just came up here to say that she was going to go get you both ice cream, but now…”
It was rather difficult to stop laughing, what with Mapi standing there with her arms crossed, a frown on her face, one foot stomp away from throwing a temper tantrum. You and Ingrid pulled yourselves together, forcing serious expressions onto your faces. 
“Mapi, I was just trying to make Ingrid feel better about herself. You are my favorite. Of course.” 
“Me too, mi amor. You are my favorite.” Ingrid grinned, before very obviously winking at you. 
With an exaggerated roll of her eyes, Mapi turned on her heel and headed downstairs. “I am going to poison your ice cream.” She shouted over her shoulder. 
Mapi was far from upset. It was enough for her that you seemed a bit better, and that her girlfriend’s anxiety had definitely lessened. Although, the day had clearly taken its toll on you and Ingrid, because when Mapi arrived home with the ice cream, she found you both passed out in your bed, your head resting on your sister’s shoulder. 
You swore as you slipped in the small puddle of water on the kitchen floor, almost instantly losing your balance and falling with a thud. The mug you’d been holding fell, too, shattering on impact with the floor. You heard Ingrid call your name, evidently startled by the sound, and moved to sit up on instinct. Instead of putting your hand down on the cold floor, though, you smashed it right down into a pile of mug shards. 
“Jævel!” You shouted, almost jumping at the burst of pain and bringing your hand to your chest. It was bleeding heavily, and you gasped, startled by the amount of blood flowing out of your hand. “Ow, ow, ow,” you winced, squeezing your eyes shut tightly. 
“Sol? You okay?” Ingrid shouted from the top of the stairs. 
You tried to reply, but Mapi beat you to it, appearing in front of  you out of nowhere. “No, she cut her hand. Ven aquí! And bring a clean towel!” The Spaniard shouted, grabbing the broom from the closet and hastily sweeping the shards away from you so she could safely get closer. 
“I’m sorry, Mapi, I’m so sorry,” you said shakily, sure that you were about to be in trouble for not being more careful. The water spill was your fault in the first place, and then it was what you slipped on. Now, you’d broken one of their favorite mugs, and you were getting blood all over the kitchen. 
Mapi only had time to look at you, confused, before Ingrid came running into the room holding a hand towel from upstairs. 
“Jesus, Sol,” Ingrid murmured, crouching down next to where you were and reaching for your hand. You mistook her statement as one of frustration, and not one of worry, and flinched away from her in a way you hadn’t in a very long time. 
“I’m sorry Ingrid, I broke the mug,” you cried. 
Ingrid exchanged a look with her girlfriend, before turning back to you. There was blood all over your shirt, dripping down where your good hand cradled the injured one. Your face was frighteningly pale, and you looked completely terrified. Ingrid paused, though all she wanted to do was get some pressure on your hand, forcing herself to calm down a bit. She wasn’t sure why you were reacting the way you were, but she knew by now to take it seriously. 
“Don’t worry about the mug.” Ingrid said gently, holding her hand out again. “Let me see, Sol.” 
With a pained whimper, you placed your hand in hers. Only then did you look at the wound, and both Mapi and Ingrid watched in alarm as the remaining color drained from your face. 
Ingrid knew what was coming a second before it happened, hastily trying to cover your hand with the towel as you started to sway where you were sitting. “Fuck, she’s gonna pass out,” she warned, unable to catch you as she pressed the towel into your hand, trying to get the bleeding to stop. 
Mapi dropped to her knees just as your eyes rolled back into your head, and you fell limp into her arms. “Ingrid,” she cried, overcome with panic. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay, she’s just bad with blood.” Ingrid assured her. She pulled the towel away temporarily to look at your hand, and saw a long slice across your palm. It wasn’t deep, and though you might have nicked a vein, Ingrid was pretty sure you wouldn’t need stitches. Readjusting the towel over your hand, she tried to give her girlfriend a calming smile. “It’s really okay, María. I promise, she just really hates blood.” 
“She passed out!” Mapi yelped. “This does not feel okay!”
Ingrid bit back a laugh, knowing this wasn’t the time or the place. “She’ll wake up in a few minutes, just hold this towel while I get some water for her.” 
Mapi took over with the towel, allowing your head to drop into her lap as Ingrid walked across the kitchen. 
“Ingrid, do we have any smelling salts?” She wondered, poking your cheek a few times as your eyes remained firmly shut. 
“Why, yes, María, let me go check my potion making kit.” 
“I do not appreciate your sarcasm at the moment.” Mapi grumbled, again poking your face as your eyes started to scrunch together. You looked uncomfortable, and Mapi braced herself for you to wake back up and freak out again. Instead, you stayed unconscious for a few more seconds, unbeknownst to the Spaniard, reliving a memory you’d… kind of forgotten. 
When the picture frame shattered on the wood floor, all you felt was panic. It was panic that led you to lean down and try to collect the pieces of glass in your hands. A second, much quieter crash was heard as a piece of glass shifted in your hand, cutting your finger open. 
You’d never been good with blood, and you felt yourself getting lightheaded at just the sight of the small rivulets of blood forming across the cut. You shut your eyes tightly, all thoughts of being afraid of getting in trouble for breaking the picture frame flew out of your mind, and you were turning and shouting before you could stop yourself. 
“Mamma! Mamma!” You yelled, growing dizzier and dizzier. 
“Stop yelling, my goodness.” Mamma said, walking calmly into the room. She came to a sudden stop at the sight of the picture frame broken in front of you, before her face grew cold and mean. “What have you done!” 
“I-I- I bumped the table and it fell and I tried to clean it up, but my finger, Mamma,” you cried, missing the anger on your moms face and leaning towards her for comfort as she moved closer. 
“This is my favorite picture of your sister, couldn't you have been more careful! You are always breaking things, always making a mess. I am so tired of you and the stupid things you do when you don’t pay attention.” Mamma ranted, picking up the pieces of glass and making sure the picture was unharmed. “I should be the one crying, you broke my picture frame!” 
Your stomach twisted at her tone, and at the drops of blood that were hitting the floor at your feet. You tried to fight it, knowing it would only make her more upset, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Keeling over, you threw up on the ground, whimpering as your mother gasped in surprise. 
“Mamma, my finger,” you sobbed, holding out the bloodied appendage towards your mother. 
Some of the confusion left your Mamma’s eyes, knowing just how poorly you handled any kind of injury, on anyone. 
“Oh, goodness. Come with me.” She said, not completely unkindly as she led you into the kitchen. There, she wrapped your finger up with a dish towel, holding pressure on it as you sniffled and hiccuped. She brushed a few flyaways out of your face, your hair always coming loose no matter how tight Ingrid braided it. 
At the kind gesture, you relaxed a bit. Maybe she wasn’t as mad anymore. Cautiously, you allowed yourself to step in closer to her. “Hurts, Mamma.” 
Some emotion, of what you weren’t sure, flashed across the older woman’s face and she sighed. “You’ll be fine. It is just a little cut. It is just a little blood, kjære. You are 8 years old. And 8 years old is too big to be getting this worked up over a small cut.” 
“Sorry, Mamma.” You mumbled, scrubbing at your eyes with your good hand. You took a few deep breaths, trying to stop crying even as pain burned through your finger, and all you wanted was a hug. 
“Alright, no more blood, see? Now go get a bandaid while I clean up your mess.” 
“Okay, Mamma.” 
She sent you off with a kiss on the top of your head, but as you climbed the stairs, you heard the garage door open. That meant Ingrid was home. You knew she’d had a long day, but you couldn’t help the way your body sagged in relief now that she was home. Now that you’d get a hug. 
That was, until you heard Mamma’s voice addressing your sister downstairs, as you rifled through the bandaid box, looking for a yellow one. 
“Look what your sister did.” Mamma sighed. She sounded so disappointed, and you promised yourself to do better. Next time, you wouldn’t throw up. And you would clean up the mess all by yourself. Then, Mamma would be proud of you. Then, maybe she’d give you a hug.
When you came to, Mapi’s face was hovering ridiculously close to yours, and you jolted away from her. 
“Sol! You’re awake!” 
You tried to sit up, just as Ingrid’s voice rang from across the room. “Do not let her sit up yet, she’ll only make herself more dizzy.” 
Mapi’s hands pushed your shoulders back to the ground and you frowned, seeing Ingrid appear above you holding the broom. 
“No, Ingrid, I’ll clean it up,” you said weakly, even as your stomach turned at the sight of a bloody rag in your sister’s hand. 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Ingrid dismissed. “You stay right there until you feel better.” 
Ingrid cleaned up the ceramic shards, and you wondered just how upset she’d be that you’d broken the mug. It was her and Mapi’s favorite. They had made it together in some pottery class, and they often fought over who got to use it in the morning for coffee. And you’d gone and broken it. Ingrid didn’t seem mad yet, but she would be… right?
 After a few minutes of Mapi gently combing through your hair, she finally helped you sit up. Your sister appeared in front of you once again, first aid kit in hand, and sat down on the ground.  She moved slowly as she reached for your hand, trying not to startle you. You held it out to her, leaning against Mapi and inhaling shakily. 
“I looked when you were out, I don’t think you need stitches.” Your sister assured you, pausing when you only gave a short nod. “You okay? Do you feel sick?” 
You shook your head firmly, clenching your jaw shut tight. Ingrid still didn’t unwrap the towel from your palm, still focused on the uneven way you were breathing, and the slightly green tint to your face.  
Mapi rubbed her hand up and down your back comfortingly, exchanging a look with your sister. “It’s okay if you feel sick, Sol. Just tell me and we can get you a bag or something.”
“No. I’m fine. I don’t get sick when I see blood anymore.” You said, sounding almost angry. 
Since when? Ingrid thought. Still, she got to work disinfecting your hand and cleaning it up. Once she’d wrapped a large bandage around it, having tried her best to ignore the way your good hand was clenched into a fist so tight it looked painful. 
Once your sister was done, she helped you to your feet, holding her arms open for a hug. You looked between her and Mapi suspiciously, a frown set on your face. “You’re… not mad?” 
“Why would we be mad?” Ingrid wondered, leading you into the living room, having decided to make you rest on the sofa for a while until you looked less ill. 
You followed her lead, albeit still sounding very confused. “Because… I made a mess. And I didn’t clean it up. And I broke your favorite mug.” 
Ingrid couldn’t figure out what you were so worked up about. “It wasn’t on purpose, Sol. And you were hurt, why would you clean it up?” 
“I should have been more careful. And it was my mess. I should have… I should have cleaned it up.” 
It sounded like you were trying to convince yourself of something, a somewhat vacant expression on your face. Ingrid had the familiar sinking feeling in her stomach. It was the one that appeared whenever your sister discovered another piece of the puzzle; the puzzle of why you were the way you were, why you’d left Norway. Most of the time, the pieces were intrinsically linked to your mother. And Ingrid really hated that. 
So, she wasn’t quite sure what the specific issue in this situation was. But she knew you well enough to know what would make you feel better. Taking a seat on the couch next to you, your sister brought you into a tight hug, feeling the way you froze at first, before melting into her. 
“I don’t care about the mess.” She promised, before she leaned back, her expression contradicting her words slightly as she took in the blood on your shirt. 
You smiled weakly at her, not quite sure you believed her words. “I’ll go change-”
“No!” Ingrid interrupted. “I’ll go get you a new shirt, yeah? You just stay here.”  
With that, your sister took off up the stairs, and you were left in deep thought on the couch. Mapi took Ingrid’s spot pretty quickly, handing you a glass of water to sip from as she studied your expression. 
Mapi nudged you with her knee. “What are you thinking about?” 
“I broke a picture frame once. It was of Ingrid and Mamma, and the picture was completely fine but the glass broke and I cut my finger on it. But my mom was really mad about the mess. She said she was tired of me and the messes I made. I just… thought you’d be upset. It was your guys’ favorite mug. I thought you’d be mad.” 
Understanding dawned across Mapi’s face and she scooted closer, until her shoulder pressed to yours. “I don’t care about the mug. And neither does your sister. We’re both just glad you’re okay, that’s all we care about.” 
“Really?” You asked in a small voice. 
“Sol, you could break everything in this house, crash my motorbike, and ruin my favorite sweatshirt. And I’d still want you here. I’d still love you, nena.” Mapi assured you, not a single trace of doubt detectable in her voice. 
You looked away from her, the eye contact combined with her words proving to be too much. “I love you too.” You choked out, still looking away from Mapi, but leaning closer into her. She wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“How could you not? I am the best.” Mapi said seriously. 
And then the tears in your eyes were forgotten as you laughed, always shocked at Mapi’s ability to take your mind off something emotional. Always shocked, but always so grateful. 
When Ingrid reentered the room with one of her shirts in hand, it was to find you and María in absolute hysterics on the couch, your hand and whatever had upset you so greatly before completely forgotten. 
She’d thought she loved Mapi as much as a person could love another person, before you’d arrived in Spain. And then she’d picked you up from the airport, a shell of yourself, angry and hostile. And she’d watched Mapi chip away at all the anger and all the sadness. She’d watched as you became you again, with Mapi’s help.
Ingrid wasn’t stupid. She knew she’d helped you, too. But you were her sister. Mapi had no obligation to you, yet… here she was. 
And Ingrid realized that her love for María Pilar León Cebrián had grown exponentially in the past few months. Because she’d gotten to see Mapi grow to love you. Her favorite person in the world. It was so much love, she thought some days that her heart might burst.  
Ingrid hated the process of getting you here, and of everything that had happened for you that had been so incredibly difficult. But she couldn’t pretend she didn’t love the family she got as a result. 
i love sol.
ps. please tell me if you see any typos okay goodnight
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Paige Bueckers x reader
Fluff! Comfort!
I’m sad, wrote this out of the fact I needed it
This is so self indulgent btw
Dusk till Dawn
I have come very far in my career for a twenty two year old, I knew that, but there is a twinkling feeling that chases me for so long, a feeling of failure as if I will never be good enough, it’s exhausting having to fight your brain in a endless battle day to day.
Through the years it got easier, I have found friends that were there for me, my family, my job which I love, and then Paige who has become my sunlight. But sometimes the things I went through, the mental stress I was once caged in comes backs crumbling the steps I took so far.
And it was exactly what was happening right now, an overwhelming takeover of anxiety, I have been overworking myself lately, the fear that I will be a failure knocking down my walls, trying to drive properly as tears blur my vision was not a easy task when I literally couldn’t even breath.
For some miracle I get to the building safely, but I just couldn’t push myself to even get my belt off, I sit in the car and just fall apart, remembering everything, the times in my teenage years I wished I were gone for good, and I know it wasn’t right but I got myself wondering if I done enough to deserve to have lived, if I suffered enough to deserve to have happiness, to deserve Paige, to deserve anything good that I got.
I dry my tears and try to look put together as I bring myself up to Paige’s dorm, hoping the other girls weren’t there so they wouldn’t see me in this state, I just needed to be in my girlfriends arms.
Thankfully once I open the door, the living room was empty so I was able to just go straight to Paige’s room.
Once I standing in front of her door I take a deep breath before knocking.
“Baby, it’s me” I noticed my voice being raspy because of the meltdown I had so I try to cough discreetly as I hear Paige opening the door.
“What happened?” Her face is of immediate concern as she look my face up and down, I was stupid to think I could just pretend everything was fine, at least to the one who knew me the most, and that realization instantly made me have new found tears streaming down my face as I let out a sob, the feeling of stupidity filled my whole body as I hide my face in my hands, right away I felt Paige’s arms around me pulling me in as she closes the door behind my back, her smell sinking me in.
“shh, it’s okay, I’m right here” I feel her guiding me to her bed as she sit us both down, her words made me melt into her embrace then my tears came for real, it felt like hours of simply crying and sobbing as Paige’s hand went up and down my back soothing me down, she kept silence, knowing me well enough to know I need to formulate my feelings before anything else.
“I’m right here for you baby, d’ya wanna talk about it?” her voice was low as she kissed the side of my head. I take a deep breath as I hold tight onto her before saying anything.
“I just felt so overwhelmed lately, with work and within myself really” I let out a sob before continuing, “it makes me so anxious that those feelings I felt when I was in the deepest stage of my depression will just come knocking down everything I’ve done, all the way I crossed, I’m just scared” I finish and feel her arms falling from around me to now her hands holding mine as she look in my eyes.
“You have no idea of how strong you are, and I understand is so scary to know you ever felt that way, but the difference is that you were dealing with all that all by yourself, you don’t have to do it anymore, whenever you feel like you lost just remember I am right here with you, as well as so other people that love you, you’re not alone anymore, and you’ve come so more far than you even realize.” Paige whips the tears that spill out of my eyes as second nature and then pull me into her chest laying both of us down, suddenly all the unsafely mindset evaporate, being drowned out by the comfort of the person that loves me.
“And I need you to promise me that you will always talk with me when you feel like this, ok?” She look in my eyes as she say this, Paige was one of the only people that I shared my past history with mental health medicine and the darkest side of my depression. “Doesn’t matter where or when, the moment you need it I am right here, you do not need to be strong alone, I love you”
“I love you Paige” my eyes were so heavy because of the tears,I knew this would be a bigger conversation in the morning but for now I really needed to drift in sleep in her arms, my safe space, my home. “Thank you for just being you” she held my tightly as she grabbed the blankets to throw over us once she realized my eyes closed.
“I’m here from dusk till dawn” I feel a kiss pressed to my forehead right before I stumble in sleep.
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suguru-getos · 1 day
fractures // geto suguru x f!reader // chapter 5
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masterlist // summary: the reader is depressed as fuck, going through it yall 😔 suguru finally decides to let her go because he could only take in so much without causing irreparable damage to his own mindset about monkeys. // warnings: angst, comfort (yeah geto sama became suguru for a moment), mentions of fucked up mental health.
hurts… hurts when you didn’t go to the invite suguru had for you, to walk with him in the gardens. its embarrassing whatever your condition is right now. forced to sit amongst everyone who loathes you & hates you for lunch. four days… four days are left now. last night had been bearable, you didn’t accept geto’s offer to join him in the gardens for a walk, and didn’t sleep out of the anxiety of him hurting you. hurts… his grip on your psyche hurts.
it seems detrimental to engage in a conversation amongst a group of people who clearly think they’re better than you. hate you just because you’re weak perhaps. before you realize, you’ve ended up gazing and glancing at the plate. tears flowing from your eyes and a weak sniffle escaping you.
mimiko & nanako glanced at the wounded deer they all have kept in their den. you. “she’s crying.” nanako pouts, you look so beautiful to her she wishes she could just be your friend honestly. though, she doesn’t have the guts to confront suguru about it. “sickening…” manami scoffs, looking at you. “stop crying and stop making the lunch unbearable, i can barely stand your monkey stench.”
monkey stench…
you wonder what that even means. suguru, is awfully quiet. he’s just observing you as you desperately try to wipe of your tears. “be grateful you’re given food at all. waste of space and fucking breaths.” manami snarls again, “or should i beat the shit out of you again just like when i did when you tried to slither out like a pest?”
so much hatred… these people held so much hatred it was eating you apart. scatching you, hollowing you to the very core. you don’t want to be hurt anymore. or maybe they better do a good job at it and hurt you enough so your heart stops.
“that’s fine,” suguru hums, “just focus on the lunch manami.” his words sound like an order. something no one can stand against. it was weird, how it somehow helped you feel the slightest of a shield against their sharp jaws.
you could barely finish the lunch, the food’s taste wasn’t the issue exactly. it was the environment. gently leaning the plate away with more than one-third of the food finished, you get up to leave. no one says anything to you. weird… these people feel weird.
another day passes, and suguru’s affect on you has lessened beyond imaginations. he just lets you be. you wonder why is there a change of heart like this. does he plan to kill you directly? why hasn’t he just hurt you like he usually does? neither have his lackeys. it’s eerie, how you sleep on the bed today, just like you did yesterday night & stare at a wall. the dark circles in your eyes have been daunting. you look like a sack of flesh forced to be alive. it’s unbearable. you wish it would stop. you wish your brain would stop it…
desperate- you gasp and get up and off the bed instantly. hands clutching at your scalp and tugging at your hair with a whimper as you scream cry. everything that’s happened to you so far reminds you of the hell you’re forced in. how geto suguru makes you feel, how you immediately wish this was just the biggest nightmare you’ve ever lived.
suguru… can’t sleep either. it’s weird. his mind is just not working how it should. that’s always been the problem with him. he’s always been someone who’s unfit to be a sorcerer. he cares so much. that’s why he couldn’t stand his comrades & his own friends dying because of filthy monkeys who create those very curses. then why is his heart being torn apart brutally at the sounds of you crying. why is he taking a walk right ‘outside’ your door. this makes no sense. why is he being partial to you? to check his resolve, he’s killed seven monkeys today. all those who should have been useful but weren’t. then there’s you, tearing him apart just with the sound of your sniffles. is it because you’re beautiful? no- that’s not it. it’s just because he doesn’t know where to place you in his self righteous scale of morals.
you need a breath of fresh air, and when you lurch forward to your bedroom door and open it, you’re left aghast when you see geto sama standing in front. you lean back a few steps. blinking rapidly to see him clearly with the foggy vision you hold due to your tears. “i- i- wasn’t - i wasn’t trying to run.” you babble, observing him. watching his feet, his face. “please believe me i wasn’t trying to run- i was just trying to have some fresh air.” you explained yourself, sobbing out at the bone chilling fear.
“please please please — “ you fall into your knees at his silence, face covered with both hands as you break down. “please don’t hurt m-“
suguru just looks at you, eyes softening, his own eyes glazed at your torment. his little monkey pet. “i believe you.” he hums, walking towards you and crouching. he doesn’t need to necessarily touch you. but he does anyway. holding the back of your head and forcing you to lean against his chest. soft pats on your head as you cry out. he is silent. saying anything seems insolent. he can’t really do anything but hope you quiet down with that. why is he even doing this… he doesn’t have time to think through it. it’s impossible.
no… you’re changing him. he can’t have you do that. you can’t change him. that’s impossible. he has a goal to meet. he has to erradicate all the monkeys in this world to make sure sorcerers can live freely. he can’t be sympathetic for a fucking monkey—
“i’ll let you go tomorrow.” he hums, and your eyes widened, what is he even saying? “your parents will give the money within three says, i can’t stand you crying out everyday like a bad omen in my own house.” he hums, watching your facial expressions change to one of pure shock. “you understand? now don’t make me change my decision by crying anymore.”
you desperately nodded, wiping your tears over and over and over like a traumatized child. it is heart breaking really… maybe when he’s without you, and away from you, he would get back the losing and faint sight of his goal.
the next morning, you wake up, groggy as ever. whatever happened last night seems like a fever dream. you don’t even have the energy to think it was reality. maybe geto was tired of you crying and screaming & wanted to shut you up temporarily. yeah, that’s what it seems like at the end of the day. you drag yourself to the bathroom, and take a shower. thoughts jumbled up in the brimming brain fog. you’re tired, your mind & body are unable to keep up with the rapid anxiety you have burning within you.
“good morning.” you blink when you hear geto’s voice while combing through your hair. “morning.” you respond, gazing at him through the mirror. “let’s go.” he raises a brow, watching you, scanning you. maybe you will smile…
maybe… he will see you smile for the first time ever. he’s spend a few hours yesterday night trying to imagine how pretty you would look when you’re smiling brightly. when your lips curl up… do you smile with your eyes? would they squint up? how would you look? he can’t wait but want to see you blossom like that. pathetic really.
“yeah.” there is no response apart from that. you’re dreading this. you don’t know if you would be able to survive when you’re out of here. the fear that’s been instilled inside you wouldn’t just go away like that. as heartbreaking as it is, your body has given up for now.
and that’s exactly what happens. everything passes in a haze. the echoes of multiple footsteps as you walk to the estate gate & sit in the car, eyes fixated at your nails and scratching them up throughout. you don’t register anything until you actually reach home. a faint beep sound is the only thing you hear and the faintest echoes of your parents crying and hugging you. your friends visiting you in the coming next few days and weeks. everything is nothing but a faint echo. you feel like you’re drifting apart, losing a sense of reality. you don’t remember how long it has been since you’ve been back. or if your parents gave suguru the money anyway, or if you are still dreaming about this whole thing and stuck in the geto estate. maybe you died when he carved the word “monkey” in your arm and these are the last bits of delusional memories your brain has in store for you before finally pulling you into slumber….
depressed, numb, and done for. you are done for.
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gazeofseer · 1 day
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌
'T𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘯 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘨𝘰, 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 ? 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘮𝘦? 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘰 𝘪 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰? 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨.. 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦..'
𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦 : 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘯𝘢𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘥 𝘸𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯? 𝘉𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴..
Pick one of the Image (;
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. . . . . ╰──╮. . . . . ╰──╮. . . . . ╰──╮. . . . .
'The beginning happened when there was a line drawn between you and the world, you were made stand alone, naked, and trembling to be tested upon your reliability only to find out that all that was for some petty benefit a person could gain, friends were the hidden enemies you made, your purity ached the impure your ability to go throw crap and chaos and walk like a moulded gold without a crack and wound opening up, you walked with fears under your feet, and faith in hands, you are here on a journey to fight through the fittings, the norms that scream abnormity the morals which is actually a sense of cruelty well served, you get played so you teach them how to play..not a villain not a hero but that essential bridge of person who can bring both of them down..and still won't lose the grounds..'
Signs and confirmation : When you talk, walk people find it as if you are edgy and ready to argue, irritated most of the time because you see things beyond for what it is, major earthen vibes, Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, I see black deep black eyes, or black hair, something dark on your body could be a mole or mark which stayed.
Theme Song : Dark Horse by Katy Perry
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. . . . . ╰──╮. . . . . ╰──╮. . . . . ╰──╮. . . . .
'Call me whatever you want, do whatever you want, to I really don't care the one chooses peace is seen as weak and unable to fight but only few knows what it is to be calm when the mind rages, when the body crawls, and yeh nerves wreck and the heart beats..amidst the world that always mistreats, there is no religion, no idea, no love that can taste as good as what you have in your solitude, your spectrum of being is sacred and divinely endangered too..
You let go not to see how far anyone could go but to see for yourself how much you endear this power of resilience, sacrifice, and build a gain of power unlike a clown on a show you are that master stroke that shows up at the right time..
You are on a cleansing journey, where whatever you do must not stain your soul be it your sin or other towards you..it will get washed away..'
Signs and Confirmation : Seasonal Depression, especially during periods your stomach and chest hurts simultaneously, teary eyes, it takes a lot to just make you smile genuinely, short fuse to people, ghosting, gloomy, rain is very important for your journey, water in general. Aquarius, Cancer & Scorpio.
Theme Song : What was I made for ?
By Billie Eillish
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'Fidgeting, to find a way while standing in one what is next is more tempting then what is for now, because you lived now you seek death ends for things after a certain time, movement keeps you awake stagnation is your deep most fear that you stumble upon your own wounds in time being and feel hard to stand by it,
Your journey is karmic, the patterns, the traces, the memories the past will keep happening u less you chose to be and do it differently, karmic doesn't equivalents to cleansing it is more like a replacement to what exists already but in th right manner not your way their way but in th right way, a doctor cannot chose to take away a life just because he can save one, is how a human cannot chose to be random when he can chose to be what the moment needs them to be.'
Signs and Confirmation : You face a lot of minor challenges be it with a simple task, memory issues, but can remember things from years back, ancient wisdom, hates books but loves knowledge, challenges to be present, procrastination, Pisces, Virgo and Leo.
Theme Song : Runaway by Aurora
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. . . . . ╰──╮. . . . . ╰──╮. . . . . ╰──╮. . . . .
I hope this reading resonates to your journey and acts as an way of ease and acceptance to it !!
DM for Paid Readings !!
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚͙۪۪̥◌- ͙
31 notes · View notes
mymoodwriting · 2 days
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21.5k, Maestro AU, dystopia, advanced technology, robots, kidnapping, manipulation, mind control, hypnosis, assault, physical assault, violence, hacking, supernatural elements, restraints, collars, mental abuse, electrocution, hallucinations, reader is a minor character, I don't know who the main character is either
“Do you hear the piano?”
“The piano. It’s playing in the distance.”
“I don’t hear anything, y/n.”
“It sounds so pretty.”
“And you know music isn’t really a good thing around here.”
You could definitely hear a piano, even if it was quite faint, but there was no way you were gonna be able to find the source. Mingyu was right though, music wasn’t much of a thing around here. The world itself was quite depressing, and everyone worked to stay alive, even if the job was shit. You were lucky to work as a delivery person, one of the simpler jobs, but it had its cons too. You’d drive all over the city, even to the more dangerous parts. So far nothing bad had happened to you, but there was no guarantee that would always be the case. Still, you made money, and you could pay your part of the bills.
You lived in an apartment with three other guys, who were all like brothers to you. It was a decent size place, and you all had your own space too. Most of the apartment was littered with electronic parts as Vernon was a technician that worked from home. He was a freelancer, fixing things in what he considered his work space, which was everywhere that wasn’t a bedroom. Wonwoo worked construction, getting up early and coming back late, but he always said he had enough down time to rest and recover. Mingyu worked as a mechanic at an auto shop not so far from the apartment.
Between the four of you there was a car, but on most days Wonwoo would take it. You had your work van, so if Vernon ever needed to get somewhere, or some items needed to be picked up, that job usually fell on you. At least your office was nearby so it wasn’t a hassle to get to and from work without a vehicle. Today though was a rare treat as you were all off and could do somethings together. You had all gone out to get some groceries, as well as other necessities for the apartment. As you were loading up the trunk that’s when you began to hear the piano, instantly entranced by the melody. In this world music was scarce and unfortunately not encouraged. If anything it was frowned upon.
The peacekeepers maintained order, and many times you had seen them beat those for causing a ruckus or playing music. You weren’t entirely sure why such a thing seemed to be a problem, but it made you appreciate whenever you heard a nice tune. Besides the peacekeepers there were robots around the city. Some worked alongside humans in certain labor-intensive fields, others had simpler tasks, and some freely walked around available to help anyone who needed assistance with anything. Then there were the roaming CCTV robots, the robo-dogs as people called them. They were all over the place,watching everything. Of course there were still normal CCTV cameras around too, so safety and peace were maintained well on multiple levels.
“Let’s go.”
Mingyu shut the trunk and you followed him to the front. You got into the passenger seat, Mingyu hopping behind the wheel. You glanced in the rearview mirror, seeing Vernon on his tablet, headphones on, clearly engrossed in work. Whereas Wonwoo had his head back against the headrest, eyes closed, using this time to wind down. You couldn’t help the small smile on your face. They were all great company. When you got to the apartment everyone helped bring things up, allowing it to be done in one trip. You put things away and then collapsed on the couch, turning on the TV and half listening to the news.
“Y’all better not stay up late.” Vernon commented. “You guys have work in the morning.”
“And you?” Wonwoo mumbled. “All you do is stay home.”
“I pay my bills.”
“Uh huh.”
“I’m a technician, or did you forget where you got such a dope phone?”
“Well you better not stay up late making a bunch of noise!”
“I won’t.”
“You say that a lot.” You added. “You should soundproof your room.”
“I don’t wanna work in my room.”
“Obviously.” Mingyu mentioned. “Your shit is everywhere in this apartment.”
“You’re just jealous I get to work from home.”
“Only sometimes.” Wonwoo added. “Or so you say.”
Most days were the same, but you each kept each other entertained, making every sundown and sunrise worth seeing. On slow days when you’d get home first you tended to sit out on the balcony, enjoying the cool breeze of the night air. While sitting out there one day you began to hear the sounds of a piano. Just like before, it was a beautiful melody, and you could hear it better this time. You closed your eyes and let the music take over, softly nodding your head along to the beat, tuning out the rest of the world.
As Wonwoo walked in he was careful not to make too much noise. It was pretty late and he was certain everyone else was already sleeping. He was sneaking back to his room when he heard a soft hum, suddenly realizing how cold the living room was. He looked around, realizing the balcony door was slightly open. Wonwoo made his way over, realizing the humming was getting louder. He slowly slid the door open, seeing you hugging your knees to your chest, eyes closed and rocking to the sides as you hummed. You seemed rather content but he was concerned by all of this.
You opened your eyes, smiling when you saw Wonwoo, although he seemed very worried. Which you didn’t understand.
“You’re home.”
“How long have you been out here? It’s really late, you know.”
“Is it? I didn’t realize…”
“What were you doing?”
“Just listening to the piano, can’t you hear it?”
“Y/n, I don’t think anyone is playing a piano at these hours.” 
“I heard it. I swear. It was coming from over there.”
You didn’t have an exact location, but you had a good idea which direction the sound had been coming from. You got up, although now that the music was gone the exhaustion was starting to hit you. A yawn escaped your lips and you pointed off into the distance mindlessly, leaning against Wonwoo. He wrapped his arms around you, feeling how cold you were. Before he could comment his gaze followed your gesture, and his concern for you only got worse. You were pointing towards the Metronome Theater. 
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“Let’s get you inside. You need to get some sleep.”
Wonwoo led a sleepy you down the hall and towards your bedroom, helping you get under the covers and tucking you in. He made sure your alarm was set so you wouldn’t be late for work. He quietly stepped out and shut the door behind him. He stood outside your room for a moment, his thoughts lingering on what had just happened. It wasn’t necessarily something to worry about, but it still bothered him. He barely managed to sleep that night, and next thing he knew it was time to get up again. As he was about to head out he stopped himself, going over to Vernon’s room and knocking on the door before opening it. Unsurprisingly the boy was awake.
“Are you working outside the apartment today?”
“No. Why?”
“Could you do me a favor and look after y/n today.”
“Is something wrong?”
“I don’t know but could you just tag along with her today and keep her out of trouble.”
“Sure. No problem.”
Despite the unspoken outlaw of music, the Metronome Theater still stood. It looked exactly like the name described, a giant metronome amongst the buildings that made up the city. Most of the time the pendulum remained still, glowing an ominous red, but on occasion it would glow blue and move from side to side, creating a low ticking in the air. No one really understood the purpose of that structure, and for fear of getting into trouble many avoided the area. Regardless of what went on everyone understood one thing, the Metronome Theater was a dangerous place. Wonwoo stared at it before getting into the car. He never paid the theater any attention, but he might have to going forward.
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
You woke to the beeps of your alarm, groaning and rolling over in bed. You hadn’t slept much last night, but you weren’t all that tired. After a moment you got up and began to get ready for the day. Once you were dressed you got yourself a quick breakfast, ready to head out.
“Morning, y/n.” Vernon greeted you. “How you feeling?”
“Good. Just getting ready for work.”
“Cool. Mind if I come along with you today?”
“Why? Do you need me to drop you off somewhere?”
“No, no, just wanna get out of the apartment, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not. I could use the company.”
Vernon walked with you to the office, letting you go off on your own to clock in and then come around for him in the delivery van. He happily hopped into the passenger seat.
“Lunch is on me.”
“You think you just get to ride around for free?”
“But you enjoy my company.”
“And free food.”
“Fine. Whatever you want.”
Of course Vernon was just coming along for fun, not actually helping you with the job cause he didn’t want to do anything wrong and get you in trouble. He tried that once before and it did not go well. So it’s more accurate to say he doesn’t help so you don’t wind up in trouble again because of him. When he went with you nowadays he was more like your guardian angel, and today was no different for him. He stayed in the van, saving you the trouble of rushing and hoping it wasn’t stolen while you did your deliveries. 
“Oh, why hello there.”
The robo-dogs could be found anywhere in the city, both high and low, and in very unlikely places. You were used to seeing them in the buildings you delivered to, and it was great their programming had them act very friendly, like real dogs.
“I’m just doing some deliveries, little guy.”
You held up your badge, showing proof you could be there. You didn’t have to, but you liked to do so whenever you ran into these guys. That way if anything ever happened in the building you’d be recognized as a delivery employee who’s just passing through. It was your own insurance, and there was no real reason to hide your purpose here. You gave the little robot a pat, and it seemed to enjoy that. Soon enough you started to hear a soft melody. You thought you were imagining things, but the sound slowly got louder and then you realized it was coming from the robot.
“You got a song for me, little guy?”
You didn’t know the robo-dogs had speakers in them, let alone that they would play music. It was a nice treat, and you couldn’t help but follow the little guy when he started walking off. You could use a break anyway.
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
While waiting Vernon would be on his phone, going over his list of things to do and figuring out how to prioritize. Although at a particular stop he felt like you were taking too long, especially since you had walked in with like two boxes. He was about to go check on you when he saw you walk out, immediately feeling relief. Then again he noticed you weren’t walking towards the van, and instead seemed to be following one of the robo-dogs. It was very strange, and he wasn’t just gonna watch. He got out of the van and called out to you, but you didn’t respond. When he caught up to you he grabbed your arm and turned you around, seeing a dazed look on your face before you seemed to come back to your senses.
“Are you okay?”
“Huh? Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”
“What were you doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Just now.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know. You were like sleep walking or something.”
“Oh, I guess maybe I’m just tired.”
“Did you sleep enough last night?”
“I think so. I’m alright though, I promise.”
“Okay, but you let me know if anything’s wrong.”
“I will. Let’s go now.”
Vernon wasn’t entirely convinced, but he wasn’t going to push it right now. Instead he was starting to get an idea as to why Wonwoo wanted him to go out with you today. Something certainly felt wrong here, but he wasn’t entirely sure what. At one point his eyes landed on the Metronome Theater, staring at it as you drove along. That whole place was just an eyesore, and it always gave him the creeps.
“Okay. This might take a few since I gotta deliver on multiple floors.”
“Alright, just be safe and come back.”
“That’s a given.”
You grabbed what you needed from the back, making your way into the building. You started from the top and made your way down. For the most part you just left packages at doors, but on occasion you’d knock to get a signature. You were a bit tired when you dropped off the last one, but at least you were done here.
“Do you require assistance?”
You jumped when you heard a robot, looking back to see it on the steps leading to the basement floor. In a bigger building like this it was more common for there to be robots to help tenants when needed.
“I’m alright, thank you. I’m just doing deliveries.”
You showed your badge once more, definitely needing to identify yourself as these robots tended to have records of who lived here and would call the authorities on any unauthorized visitors. You waited for the robot to accept your reason for being there, but it was eerily quiet.
“Uh… I’m going to be taking my leave now.”
As you stepped away the robot suddenly grabbed your arm. Then the blank face plate began to glow red, swallowing you up and cutting your world to black.
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
Vernon stepped out of the van, stretching his limbs. He stared at the building you had gone into, getting this uneasy feeling. He checked the time, seeing that you had been gone for about twenty minutes now. That wasn’t too long, but something just didn’t feel right. It probably wasn’t best to just dwell on it, so he locked the van and took the keys, heading into the building. The place seemed quiet, so he went around calling your name, getting no response. Every second that went by was making him nervous. As he was about to head out a gleam of light caught his attention. He walked over to the source and picked up your badge off the floor. Now he was very concerned.
He called out your name again, stepping down towards the basement. It seemed very dark down here, but that was the least of his worries. He called out to you again and again but there was no response. Then he wound up bumping into something and falling to the ground. He looked up to see a robot standing in his way. Before saying something he noticed some light down the hall, realizing there was a door that led out, another exit. Vernon quickly scrambled to his feet, but the robot moved to stand in his way.
“Do you require assistance?”
“No, no, I-”
“Do you require assistance?”
“No! I’m a delivery person.” 
Vernon held up your badge, covering your face and name, hoping the robot would accept that and leave him alone. It didn’t work, and the machine still stood in his way. Vernon tried to get past once more, yet he was blocked. He intended to push his way through only to be grabbed and shoved to the floor. He groaned as he hit the ground, partially out of breath. He looked back up to see a red glow emanating from the robot’s faceplate, telling him that something was very wrong here.
“You… you intentionally stopped me… you hurt me… you hurt a human…” Vernon got up, making note of the number on the robot’s chestplate. “Robot model S-009588, you are to answer all my questions going forward, what is your directive?”
“Protect the target.”
“What target?”
“A young female identified as a delivery worker. Last spotted at this location.”
“What? Where is she!?”
“What do you mean? How do you not know where she is! You took her in the first place!”
“Incorrect. My objective is to protect the target.”
The robot suddenly seemed to glitch and shut down, completely powering off right in front of Vernon. He cautiously took a step back and then it seemed to reboot itself.
“Do you require assistance?”
“Uh… no…”
Vernon took a small step forward and the robot stepped to the side. It was certainly acting how it was supposed to now. He still had many questions, and needed to further look into this, but for now he needed to go. He ran towards the back door, stepping out into the streets once again. Despite the minutes that had passed he still looked around, hoping by some miracle to see you, but of course you were nowhere to be found.
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Vernon went back inside, intending to find the robot and interrogating it, but just like you, it was gone. He kicked the nearest item and swore again, storming back to the van. He slammed his hands against the wheel, screaming. The whole point of him being out with you today was to prevent something like this, and he had royally fucked it up. Now he had to make things worse with a phone call.
“What’s up?”
“She… y/n… she’s gone…”
“What the fuck do you mean she’s gone!? I asked you to look after her!”
“I know but… I’m not sure what happened. I was attacked by a robot and-”
“Have you told Mingyu?”
“What the hell am I supposed to say? That y/n just walked into a building and never came out? You’re the one who was worried about her and didn’t really say anything!”
“Look, just call Mingyu and get back to the apartment, I’ll head over too, got it?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
Vernon drove over to the auto shop Mingyu worked at. He was familiar with the other mechanics, and just waltzed in, finding Mingyu under a car. He kicked at his leg to coax the boy out. His smiling face changed to concern when he saw Vernon.
“What are you doing here? I thought you went out with y/n?”
“We need to talk. Wonwoo will meet us at the apartment.”
“What happened?”
“It’s complicated.”
“And y/n?”
“Fuck. Vernon, what did you do?”
“Let’s just go.”
The two walked back to the apartment in silence. Vernon couldn’t imagine what was running through Mingyu’s head, but he had questions of his own. A while after they arrived Wonwoo entered the apartment.
“What the fuck is going on?” Mingyu questioned. “What did you guys do?”
“It’s not something we did.” Wonwoo explained. “But something that happened.”
“Which is?”
“I don’t really know how to explain it.”
“One of you better start talking.”
“Y/n’s been kidnapped.” Vernon stated. “That’s what’s going on.”
“What do you mean!? What did you do!?”
“Why do you think we did something? How do I know this isn’t your fault?”
“You’re the one who messes around with the law, Vernon! And Wonwoo works with all kinds of people. How do I know either of you didn’t piss off the wrong person?”
“We didn’t do anything.” Wonwoo interrupted. “I think something else is going on.”
“Like what?”
“When I got home last night I found y/n out on the balcony. She had been out there for a while, saying she had been listening to some piano.”
“A piano?” Mingyu wondered. “Did you hear it?”
“No. It stopped playing by the time I stepped out. Why?”
“Y/n… she mentioned hearing a piano when we had gone out the other day, but I didn’t hear anything.”
“Why is a piano our concern here?” Vernon questioned. “What does that mean?”
“She said the music was coming from the Metronome Theater.” Wonwoo admitted.
“Oh… wait, so you think someone from the theater kidnapped her? That doesn’t make any sense.”
“You know that place is weird.” Mingyu said. “The people who go in don’t tend to come out, and if they do, they’re not quite the same.”
“Okay, but why would they kidnap her? In fact, how do you know it was them? I was attacked by a robot! Someone clearly hacked into that thing.”
“You were attacked by a robot? Like an actual one or the robo-dogs?”
“Now that you mention it… after a certain stop I saw y/n sleep walking behind a robo-dog, like it was leading her somewhere.”
“Oh so you knew something was up and you still left her alone!” Wonwoo accused. “Are you serious!”
“You could have told me what you were actually worried about here! I thought maybe she was sick or something.”
“I shouldn’t have let her go out in the first place.”
“We don’t know who took her.” Mingyu reminded. “Not for sure. So let’s focus on that first.”
“Easy enough. Vernon, you can hack into CCTV right?”
“Obviously. Even the robots, so clearly whoever took her knows a thing or two about tech.”
“Right. So let’s go back to where she was taken and see if the CCTV can lead us to her.”
Everyone was pretty tense over the situation, but they were trying not to let panic take hold. This could all just be some big misunderstanding and you’d call them soon enough, asking where they were. For the sake of not sticking out they decided to take your work van, returning to the last place you had been seen. In a matter of minutes Vernon gained access to the CCTV cameras around, sifting through the footage to find you. He showed the others the moment you went inside, and then skipped ahead, switching to the back door cameras. They were all concerned and surprised when they saw you walk out, following a robot as if you were being escorted somewhere. From there they followed your path, Mingyu driving. Although they soon lost track of you.
“What happened? Where did she go?”
“I’m not sure, the CCTV cameras in the next area are down.”
“Let me try finding a different angle.”
Vernon kept working to find a camera, although it seemed that one after the other just weren’t operational. Wonwoo was looking over his shoulder, realizing they had lost track of you. He swore under his breath, although he soon realized something.
“Do any of the cameras work around the Metronome Theater?”
“Uh… no… actually… none of the cameras within a quarter mile radius of the theater work.”
“So that whole area is a blind spot, and she walked into it.”
“So the theater it is.” Mingyu commented, staring at it from the car window. “Let’s go.”
The area around the theater was mostly abandoned, and now knowing none of the CCTV around worked made the place all the creepier. Mingyu parked the van across the street from the theater, all three staring out at it. 
“Are we sure she’s in there?” Vernon asked. “She went into a dark zone, someone could have taken her from here and there would be no record of it.”
“Perhaps.” Wonwoo said. “But something tells me she’s in there.”
“Okay, but how are we getting in? That place is usually closed, and it only opens sporadically. We don’t even know if it opened today.”
Just as Vernon said that the pendulum of the theater started moving, and the shutters over the doors went up.
“Huh, guess they’re open now.”
Wonwoo was the first out of the car, crossing the street, the other two soon following. What was strange were the other people that seemed to appear from nowhere also making their way to the theater. Despite what one might think, the inside of the theater was lavish and luxurious, not something you’d expect to see in this part of the city. None of them knew where to go, but the others that entered did. It was weird to see how everyone else walked in silently and went up the stairs, acting like robots themselves. The trio followed, keeping quiet as well and just going with the flow.
They went up two flights of stairs to the third floor, making it to the entrance of the actual theater. Rows and rows of empty seats surrounded the stage, people just taking a seat wherever. The curtains were down, and the lights were slowly fading and growing bright, signaling the show would begin soon. The boys took a seat towards the back, looking around to see if perhaps you were around, but they had no luck. A while later the doors closed and the lights went out, leaving them in darkness before the stage was illuminated. The curtains were drawn, revealing a whole orchestra on stage, two gentlemen standing front and center. 
“Welcome to the Metronome Theater.” The one with a beret spoke. “I’m the director, Seungkwan, and this is Joshua, the conductor for the night. Do enjoy the show.”
Seungkwan made his way off stage, disappearing into the darkness. Joshua on the other hand took his place before the orchestra, and soon the show began. The music was quite nice, not something any of them were used to hearing. There was no piano present, but they didn’t care much for the show itself. They took in their surroundings, but there didn’t seem to be anyone else. All the other guests were engrossed in the performance. For a moment Wonwoo zoned out while watching the conductor lead, something about him just seemed odd. He snapped out of it when Mingyu lightly shoved him, giving him a questioning look. They had other things to focus on right now.
When the show ended everyone got up to applaud, all seeming to move together. Joshua took a bow before the orchestra did the same and then cleared the stage. The doors had opened and a few robots were coming in, greeting some of the guests and then leading them towards the nearest exit. The trio immediately thought to follow, stepping out into the aisle and walking towards the stage. Although they didn’t get far before a spotlight was suddenly aimed at them, stopping them in their tracks.
“You three aren’t meant to be here.”
Once they had adjusted to the light they saw Joshua looking up from his bow, slowly standing, arms crossed over his chest, lightly tapping his wand to his shoulder. A smirk appeared on his face, looking them up and down.
“I advise you to leave before the Maestro gets upset.”
“We have no intention of leaving.” Mingyu stated. “We’re looking for someone, and perhaps your Maestro knows something.”
“Is that so?”
“If we can just talk to them and clear things up, then we’ll be on our way.”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“How come?”
“You were advised to leave.”
Joshua lifted up his wand, flicking it in the air as if he was still performing. They were all confused until they realized the other guests were moving in on them. Before they knew it they were surrounded and grabbed. The people around them had blank stares in their eyes, but they were doing well to restrain them.
“Thank you for coming.” Joshua stated. “Don’t return.”
The people began to drag them towards the exit, forcing them to fight back. They didn’t want to hurt anyone, but the situation was getting out of hand. These people didn’t want them here, so it was all the more reason to stay and investigate. Especially as Joshua was walking away. Wonwoo managed to break free from the crowd, running up towards the stage and tackling the conductor to the ground. The two tussled for a moment, and Wonwoo knew he had to get the wand out of Joshua’s hand. It wasn’t just some stick, but as soon as he ripped it away from Joshua he froze. His gaze slowly turned to the item in his hand. He couldn’t describe the feeling well, but there was some sort of power radiating from it, and now that he held it this energy seemed to be coursing into his veins.
“You have potential.” Joshua commented. “Perhaps the Maestro will see you.”
Before Wonwoo could really register what had been said, or what was happening, Mingyu had come to his side. He had escaped the crowd and took the wand from Wonwoo, snapping it in half without hesitation. Once he did so Joshua screamed, grabbing his head and thrashing on the ground. Both boys took a step back, unsure of what was going on. Even the rest of the guests seemed to collapse, leaving Vernon just as confused as his brothers. A moment later the lights went out again, and Joshua’s screams seemed to die down. When the light returned there was someone else present on the stage. A boy with white hair knelt down before Joshua, hands on his head, seeming to sooth the distressed boy. Soon enough the gaze of the stranger looked to them, a fire in his eyes.
“Get out!”
The lights flickered, and next thing the boys knew robots were rushing into the theater. They grabbed each of the boys, two or three per person, effortlessly dragging them out. Their strength was no match for the machines as they were thrown out onto the streets. Mingyu was the first to scramble to his feet, but as he reached the doors of the theater the shutters slammed down, locking him out.
Mingyu slammed his fist against the shutters over and over, as if that would change anything. The other two eventually came to his side.
“This doesn’t mean anything.” Vernon said. “This could just be some territorial shit, and this Maestro guy doesn’t like outsiders. Y/n might not be here.”
“And yet she could be.” Wonwoo remarked. “You saw how some people were taken elsewhere, not to mention the others… it’s like the music put them under a spell and they did whatever the conductor wanted. Y/n kept hearing a piano, and didn’t you say you caught her sleepwalking?”
“I… yes, but we don’t have solid proof.”
“Then find some.” Mingyu hissed. “There’s gotta be a robot around here that saw something.”
“Yeah, yeah I can look for that.”
Vernon made his way back to the van, the other two soon following. Although Wonwoo stopped and stared back at the theater. His mind went back to the moment he had held the conductor’s wand. The way he felt then still lingered, and he wanted to know what that was.
Upon hearing his name Wonwoo made his way back, the three in the van, Vernon getting his laptop out and getting to work on searching for some video footage.
“How are we gonna find proof?” Wonwoo asked. “The CCTV doesn’t work around here.”
“But there are other cameras.” Vernon remarked. “The robo-dogs are also CCTV. Even though they are everywhere, they each stick to a certain area. If we can find one around the theater I could get into its system and look at the recorded footage.”
“Alright. I’ll drive, you two keep a lookout.” Mingyu said. “Let me know when to stop.”
As planned they drove around the area, looking for a robo-dog. The issue with those was that they were free roam cameras, so it wasn’t entirely common to see them on the streets.
“What about taking down a robot?” Mingyu suggested. “We’ve seen a few of those.”
“It wouldn’t work.” Vernon mentioned. “The robots have their programs and internal systems, but they don’t actually record anything. We have CCTV and the robo-dogs so it would be overkill.”
“I guess.” 
“Oh, there’s one, Mingyu, pull over.”
The van came to a stop and Wonwoo stepped out, walking up to the little thing as it stepped out of an alleyway. They were very friendly robots, so the thing walked up to Wonwoo all on its own. Vernon had opened the side door, laptop in hand.
“What do I do?”
“Just grab it and bring it here. I’ll erase the footage of us grabbing it when we’re done.”
Wonwoo picked up the little guy, bringing it over the van and setting it down inside next to Vernon. It tried to get out, but Wonwoo prevented it from doing so. After a moment it sat down, the little red light going out.
“Alright, I’m in.”
“Are you sure it saw something?” Mingyu asked. “Or do we need to look for another one?”
“No. One should give me access to a few more in this area, one of them surely saw some… hold on.”
“Hold on!”
“Aish, could you tell me-”
“Got it.”
“The robo-dogs here are on two grids. The city and something else, I managed to dig deeper into the system just now, but I’m gonna need another minute to access this other grid.”
“I’m not understanding you.” Wonwoo said. “What do you mean another grid?”
“Another power grid, another system. Someone else besides the city is connected to these robo-dogs and thus has access to their recordings.”
“That’s not concerning at all.”
“I know so just- oh… this isn’t good… the CCTV around the theater isn’t broken, it’s on another grid.”
“Wait so you mean all the cameras around here work?”
“How come the city isn’t aware of this?” Mingyu questioned. “This whole area is thought to be a dark zone.”
“The city doesn’t care about the cameras being down cause the rodo-dogs in this area still work, and they’re more valuable.” Vernon explained. “That’s why they’re still online and connected to both grids. I doubt the city knows that someone else has easy access to the robo-dogs around here.”
“So who’s running this other grid?”
“Who do you think? Who’s at the center of this whole thing?”
“The Metronome Theater.”
“They’re the biggest power source in this area, so logically they’re the only ones who could run all this.”
“What about y/n though?” Wonwoo reminded. “Is she really in the theater?”
“Well, let’s check. Once I get access to the cameras we can see where she really went.”
A few minutes later Vernon did as he said, pulling up camera footage and going to the moment they had originally lost you. They could see you were still following a robot, and a moment later two more appeared. They continued to follow you through the cameras, and just as they suspected you made your way to the Metronome Theater, heading inside.
“Okay. So she’s in there somewhere.” Mingyu confirmed. “How do we get back in?”
“We can’t just walk in again.” Wonwoo added. “I’m sure they’ll be looking out for us.”
“Then we go in from below.” Vernon suggested. “The robo-dogs go underground to recharge and there has to be some sort of maintenance facility in this area. My guess is the theater. Someone in there must be a technician that fixes up all the robots around here. Which means there should be a way in the theater through underground maintenance tunnels that the robo-dogs would use.”
“Okay, but those things are small, do you think we’d fit?”
“The maintenance tunnels are designed to be big enough for a person to crouch through in case a robo-dog loses power down there and needs to be retrieved.”
“So all we gotta do now is find those tunnels and get inside.”
“What do we do once we’re in?” Wonwoo asked. “That place is huge and we have no idea where y/n would be.”
“If we’re going in then we’re not looking for y/n, but the Maestro. Whoever that is, they’ll surely know where she is.”
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
You felt as if you were waking from a dream, unsure as to when you fell asleep. Wherever you were, it was dark, but the light in front of you drew your attention. As you regained your senses you began to perceive your surroundings. You seemed to be in some sort of theater, watching a show. There was an orchestra on stage, along with the conductor leading the show. You noticed a few other people around you, but that all seemed to become pointless as you began to listen to the music. You hadn’t heard such a melody, becoming entranced by. After a moment you closed your eyes to give all your focus to the music, feeling so calm and relaxed.
“Good girl.”
The voice made you open your eyes, finding a gentleman with white hair standing before you with a big smile on his face. Before you could really process anything he lifted his glowing wand, gently tapping your head and causing your world to fade to black.
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
“Let’s go over the plan once more.”
With access to the robo-dogs it wasn’t hard for Vernon to map out their travel patterns and find multiple entrances to the maintenance tunnels. From there he could figure out where they needed to go and how to get inside the theater.
“Okay. I’ve found our entrance point into the maintenance tunnels, the closest one to the theater.” Vernon explained. “When we get to the theater itself I can mimic a robo-dogs signal to open the entrance and get us in. Although from there I’m gonna need to find an access port in order to gain access to the systems in the theater. There are no schematics or blueprints for that place, so right now I have no idea how the interior looks besides what we’ve seen, and that wasn’t much.”
“From there the goal is to go up.” Mingyu added. “Surely the Maestro would be at the highest point in the building. We just need to find the fastest route, and avoid as much resistance as possible.”
“The building will most likely be littered with robots, but once I have system access I can make sure they don’t hurt us.”
“What about the conductor?” Wonwoo asked. “Or that other guy? They seemed to have a lot of power in that place.”
“We already broke the conductor’s little stick, so they shouldn’t be a problem. As long as we move fast and don’t attract attention we should be fine.”
“Then what do we do if we find the Maestro?”
“When we find them we’re gonna demand answers. If things have to get rough then so be it. We know y/n’s in there. Let’s gather what we need and be ready to move in ten.”
Honestly the only person who needed things was Vernon, the other two were ready to go whenever. They all needed to travel light as there wasn’t much room in those tunnels to begin with. Since they knew the cameras around the theater worked they needed to avoid them. The best way to do that was to enter the sewers outside that area and travel through there to the maintenance tunnel that would lead them into the theater. It wasn’t pleasant, but it did well to give them the advantage they needed in order for this to work. None of them liked walking through the sewers, and the maintenance tunnels wouldn’t be any better. It would be short but uncomfortable nonetheless.
“Give me a second while I get the hatch open.”
Vernon got out his phone, doing a little something before the hatch opened. He was the first one through, glad to be able to stretch out, the other two soon getting out as well. They seemed to be in the middle of some hallway, and to their benefit it seemed empty.
“I need to look for some electrical currents so I can find an access point.” Vernon stated. “Give me a second.”
“Why do the walls say S3?” Wonwoo questioned.
“Shit.” Vernon mumbled. “I wasn’t entirely sure how low we went, but I think we’re in sub-level three.” 
“How big is this building…”
“No idea.”
Vernon followed the device in his hand, leading the others down the hall and towards an elevator. Which was the perfect thing to find. He pulled out some other tools, connecting to the wires behind the call button hacking in, ultimately gaining access to the entire system.
“Got it. Looks like this building has seventeen floors, and three sub-floors. So you definitely know where we are.”
“Great, we’re as far from the top as possible.” Mingyu said. “Just our luck. What’s the fastest way up?”
“Uh… there seems to be some kind of elevator that goes up to the seventeenth floor that we can access from the theater room.”
“So we need to go to the third floor?”
“No, there seems to be another theater on the thirteenth floor.”
“Of course. Is that the only way to access the top floor?”
“It seems to be the only direct connection closest to our current location. There are a few other elevators in this building, but only the one on the thirteenth floor will get us to seventeenth the fastest.”
“How are we supposed to get to the thirteenth floor undetected?”
“I’m looking into that. A place like this surely has blind spots, and if not, it shouldn’t be that hard to access their security system and hide us. I’m trying to map out our fastest route and looking into what type of security they have here. I just need a few minutes.”
“Well hurry up, we can’t push our luck.”
“I know.”
Vernon managed to find schematics of the building, taking a look at where they’d need to go in order to make it to their destination.
“Alright, from what I can tell the security here is pretty lax except for a few floors which we can avoid. There are some robots roaming around the building but they won’t be an issue either. We can take this elevator up to the first floor, and not so far from there we can get on another up to the seventh floor. From there we can reach the thirteenth. I’ve mapped out our path and have the cameras along the way looping. I’ve sent you both a copy of the route just in case, but we should get up to the seventeenth floor in about ten minutes.”
“Cool. Let’s move.”
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It was a little strange being back in the lobby, considering they had been thrown out not so long ago. Vernon led the way over to the next elevator they needed to catch. Since the building didn’t see a lot of traffic they didn’t wait long. The highest this elevator went was the seventh floor, which was their next stop. It was strange that no single elevator connected all seventeen floors, but Wonwoo mentioned it was probably a safety thing. They thought things would be easy for them, but the elevator suddenly came to a stop on the fifth floor. For a moment they all got tense, Wonwoo and Mingyu ready to fight while Vernon was trying to cover them. Although when the doors opened there was no one. Mingyu carefully peeked his head out, but the halls were empty. Vernon tried closing the doors, but the elevator wouldn’t budge.
“I think it’s stuck.” Vernon commented. “This thing does seem old.”
“Then we should probably get off.” Wonwoo mentioned. “I guess we should take the stairs.”
“Not necessarily. Another elevator on this floor could take us up to the tenth floor, but that place seems to use a lot of power, which means heavy security.”
“Then why would we go there?”
“We could access the elevator that goes up to fourteen, and from there get up to seventeen. It’s our new fastest route from here.”
“As long as we’re still undetected it should work.” Mingyu said. “Lead the way, Vernon.”
No one else seemed to be on this floor either, the place being eerily quiet. There were a lot of doors with numbers, but no windows to see inside. It gave them all this uneasy feeling, but they kept going nonetheless. That is until they rounded a corner and Vernon stopped, stepping back and shoving the other two back, putting a finger to his lip and explaining himself in a whisper.
“What!? Why is there one here?”
“I guess everyone comes to this theater.” Wonwoo commented. “You guys stay back, I got this.”
Wonwoo stood right against the corner, listening for footsteps. Once the peacekeeper was close enough he attacked. Lucky for him the only weapon his opponent had was a baton, and he had taken worse hits. It was easy for him to take down the peacekeeper, and the other two came to his side when he had won.
“I expected robots, not this.” Vernon mentioned. “Luckily the cameras here are looping so none of this was seen.”
“Then we can use this to our advantage.” Mingyu said, taking the mask from the peacekeeper. “I can dress like one of them so if another person sees us, I can act like I’m escorting you both.”
“But what do we do about the body? If another peacekeeper walks by and sees it they’re gonna sound the alarm.”
“It might be too late for that.” Wonwoo said. “Far too late.”
Vernon and Mingyu looked over to see what Wonwoo meant. At the end of the hall a crowd of peacekeepers were gathered. It seemed they no longer had the advantage.
“Go.” Wonwoo stated. “I’ll keep them busy and catch up with you later.”
Mingyu was already pulling Vernon down a different hall, but the boy was fumbling with his phone. Before Wonwoo was completely out of view Vernon activated the sprinkler system on the floor. It would help Wonwoo out since the peacekeepers wore goggles and the water would mess with their vision. Hopefully they’d meet up later.
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Vernon found an alternative route to the elevator they needed to use, although it appeared their luck had really run out. A group of robots was marching down the hall towards them, someone else at the front of the group leading the way.
“I suggest you surrender now.” The other spoke. “But I’d prefer it if you don’t.”
“Run.” Vernon mumbled, looking down at his phone. “Go, now!”
“What? Vernon-”
“I’ll be right behind you, I just needed a second to hack into the robots.”
“I won’t leave you then.”
“Go get on that fucken elevator before they cut us off completely. You’ll be closer to the top on the tenth floor than the fifth!”
Mingyu knew Vernon had a point, so he bolted, feeling awful for leaving the other behind, for leaving them both. When he made it to the elevator he frantically hit the button, looking back, hoping Vernon managed to get him enough time. He pulled out his phone, opening up the link Vernon had sent so he could follow the route they had planned. Once the elevator arrived he got in and hit the button for the tenth floor, knowing he couldn’t wait around for the others. He let out a sigh of relief when the doors shut and he was moving. Things went south fast, but as long as he made it to his destination he trusted everything would work out.
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
“Get fucked!”
The robots were advancing on Vernon, but he tried not to let the panic overwhelm him. When he managed to hack them he laughed, making them stop in their tracks. He looked up at the other with a gleeful grin, having the robots turn around to make his point. The other seemed shocked by the sudden change.
“Thanks for the robots. Now I suggest you surrender and answer a few questions for me.”
“Impressive, but that’s not going to happen.”
“Wanna bet?” 
“Do your worst.”
Vernon smirked and ordered the robots to attack, knowing he could get this guy pinned in second. He sent two at him first, walking over himself since he knew this would be over soon. Although he wasn’t prepared for the punch the other guy threw, which actually knocked the robot back.
“Holy shit!”
Vernon stepped back and had all the robots attack, watching from a safe distance. It didn’t do him any good as the robots were beaten down and torn apart right before his eyes. The robots only managed to hit their target a few times, and it did nothing to slow them down. Vernon was frozen in shock as the other stalked up to him, a silver liquid dripping from his lip. He seemed to notice what Vernon was staring at, wiping his lips and laughing when he saw his fingers stained silver.
“I guess I need to go up to maintenance too. Don’t worry, I’ll take you with.”
One punch knocked Vernon out, and his unconscious body slid to the floor. The other stared down at him, finally relaxing after the whole ordeal. He knew back up was on the way, not that he’d need it. He looked around at all the robots, before sliding down a wall and sitting down to wait.
“Seungcheol’s gonna kill me.”
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♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
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After dealing with the last one Wonwoo continued where he left off. At this point he was certain Vernon and Mingyu were no longer on this floor. It shouldn’t take too long to catch up. He pulled out his phone, following the path Vernon had laid out. Although upon rounding a corner he noticed the torso of a robot leaning against the wall, sparks flying from the damage. He proceeded cautiously, ready for another fight even if he was spent.
“I can hear you, so there’s no point creeping.”
The new voice caused Wonwoo to come to a halt. He knew whoever had spoken was just around the corner, although he wasn’t gonna lower his guard. He took a quick step into the next hall, seeing a bunch of robots torn to pieces, and Vernon passed out at the other end. Although his focus quickly shifted to the gentleman standing up, wincing in the process. Silver tainted his lips and nose, clearly exhausted, but Wonwoo was starting to put two and two together.
“Did you-”
“The robots? Yes, as for your friend, they’re just unconscious.”
“Who are you?”
“You ask as if I’m the trespasser here.” The gentleman chuckled. “The name’s Jun, and you’re Wonwoo, correct?”
“How do you know my name?”
“We’ve taken an interest in you, so it’s only proper we do our research. You’re strong, which explains how you handled the peacekeepers with ease. Very good.”
“What do you want from me?”
“That is something for you to discuss with another.”
“You mean the Maestro?”
“They’ve taken a special interest in you, yes.”
“Well I don’t care for that. I’m here for my friend.”
“You mean the girl? I assure you, she’s in good hands.”
“I doubt that if you went through the trouble of kidnapping her.”
“She came here on her own, just as everyone does.”
“Bullshit. Now tell me where she is.”
“Why don’t you tell me what happened when you held Joshua’s wand? How did you feel?”
Jun scoffed. “You only got a taste before you were so rudely interrupted. Would you like to experience that again? To know what’s going on here. The answers might just lead you to your friend.”
As Wonwoo contemplated everything a handful of peacekeepers and robots surrounded him. Jun ordered everyone to stay away from Wonwoo, having the robots take Vernon away.
“The boy will be fine.” Jun assured. “What’s your choice then? Shall you come willingly or do you have to be restrained?”
“Who will I be meeting?”
“Escort our new friend Wonwoo here to the fifteenth floor. Oh, and Wonwoo, I recommend you don’t try anything funny.”
Wonwoo allowed the peacekeepers and robots to lead the way, having them before and behind him. Jun watched him go, struggling to keep his own composure. He stumbled when he took a step back, nearly falling to the ground only to be caught by a friend.
“Seokmin.” Jun smiled. “Hi.”
“Funny, just wait until Seungcheol sees you.”
“Don’t get me started. Just take me to his shop.”
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
By the time the doors opened Mingyu had put on the mask, dressed as a peacekeeper to hopefully help him hide. Yet he was met with emptiness. He stared down a gray hallway, dim lights illuminating his path. From what Vernon had said this place held a lot of power, yet he saw none of it. Perhaps it was some diversion so people avoided the floor. He checked his phone, and it told him to proceed, so he did. At the end of the hall he was met with a door. It seemed to be locked, but Vernon had already accounted for that, so when he held his phone near the door it unlocked. He slowly opened it and stepped through. Now he understood the major power report.
The silence of the empty hall was suddenly filled with the hums of machines. Rows upon rows of servers were at either side, but before him stood the real source. A set up with multiple monitors showed him live camera footage from multiple floors. Moreso a bunch of offline robots stood around the monitor set up, creating a daunting warning. Still, Mingyu ignored it all, taking off the mask and approaching the computer. He should be going off to the next elevator, but if he could find you on the cameras then he’d really know where to go and not need to chase after a ghost. He sifted through the cameras, but there was no sign of you, and none seemed to be the seventeenth floor.
“You were never in control, you know.”
Mingyu turned around to discover he was no longer alone. A familiar face stood before him, the director from the show, Seungkwan.
“You’ve come quite far. I doubt I can convince you to stop here.”
“Where is she?”
“In good hands.”
“I doubt that. Just give her back, and I’ll be on my way.”
“That’s not gonna happen. In fact, I’m still very upset about what you did to Joshua.”
“I’m not.”
“Good. I won’t feel bad watching you suffer.”
Seungkwan snapped his fingers, the robots around starting to come to life. Mingyu knew his only option now was to run, so he did just that. He followed the guide, moving as fast as he could to the elevator. He hurriedly pressed the call button until the doors opened. Once inside he repeatedly pressed the button for fourteen, but the doors didn’t close. Something was probably wrong with this elevator too, so he pressed the button for thirteen and he watched the doors close as the robots charged at him. Once again he let out a breath in relief. At least now he was following the original plan, and knew he was one step closer to the Maestro, and you.
It was quiet and empty again when the doors opened, and Mingyu didn’t hesitate to step out. From what he could see the last elevator was behind the theater itself. So he made his way down the aisle towards the stage, not caring to try and hide his face with a mask. There seemed to be no one else around, yet as he stepped up to the stage he heard the sound of a spotlight turning on, except it wasn’t at him. He stopped, feeling the eerie sense that he was no longer alone. When Mingyu turned around he saw the light pointed at another in the aisle, closer to the door. A moment ago he had been alone, but now he wasn’t. Although what drew his attention the most was the wand in the other’s hand.
“You’re not supposed to be here.”
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♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
Vernon groaned as he regained consciousness, feeling the ache from that sucker punch. He was quick to realize he was tied up, hands behind his back and legs stuck together. He was propped up against a wall, but nothing around him seemed familiar. At least this wasn’t a place he had been to before, but all the cables and random tech pieces scattered around was certainly unexpected. A robo-dog suddenly came up to him, getting real close and staring at him, sending a chill down his spine.
“You know they’re harmless.”
Vernon’s gaze snapped away from the robot, looking for the source of the voice. His eyes soon landed on this guy walking towards the computer set up and taking a seat.
“You have potential, I’ll admit that. Figured out a way in here. It was fun to watch.”
“Wait, you knew we were here?”
“From the beginning. Don’t be so surprised though, I keep watch over this whole territory with my dogs. Although Seungkwan is internal security.”
“So you’re the one running the grid here? You reprogrammed the dogs to work for you?”
“Bingo. So tell me, you really broke into this place for some girl?”
“Where is she?”
“She’s fine, and well taken care of, I promise.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“You don’t have to, but it’s true. The name’s Dino by the way.”
“I don’t care.”
“Yet I do. Vernon, a freelance technician, making money doing all kinds of legal and illegal things. Would be a shame if someone reported you.”
“Is that a threat?”
“You’d think, but not really. Why do you even do what you do, hm? Just to make some money and pay the bills? You could do so much better with your talents.”
“Why do you care?”
“You hacked into Jun’s little escort pretty fast and bypassed safety parameters so they’d attack a person. Then again those safety parameters were already diminished.”
“Let me guess, your doing?”
“No, no, my dogs and I run surveillance. The big clunky robots are Seungcheol’s department. He’s looking forward to meeting you, but he needs to attend to Jun first.”
“That guy does need a doctor.”
“Seungcheol works with robots, not people.”
“Wait, you mean-”
“Gotcha, didn’t I?” Dino giggled. “Jun’s a cyborg. He’s got a few mechanical parts here and there. You might have realized it if you kept snooping around, but you didn’t. It wouldn’t be easy to hack into his mechanical parts anyway. So just relax, the hyungs want to talk to you.”
“Talk to me about what?”
“An opportunity. You’re good, but you could be better.”
“I don’t want to join your little gang here.”
“You say that now, but you don’t know anything.”
“I know you kidnapped my friend, and are doing who knows what to the people you lure here.”
“Yeah, you don’t know anything. It’s always difficult to make people understand when they can’t hear the music. Maybe that’ll change soon.” Dino sighed. “Let’s go see the hyungs.”
Dino got up and grabbed something from a drawer just out of view. Vernon tried to see what he was doing, but he didn’t need to wait long.
Dino walked back to Vernon with a metal collar, and leash in hand, a big grin on his face. Vernon tried to move away, but his restraints limited his motion. He wound up falling onto his side, getting a laugh out of Dino. The boy merely knelt down and grabbed a fistful of Vernon’s hair, pulling his head up to expose his neck so the collar could snap into place. He loosened the rope around his legs a bit so he could walk, and then attached the leash to the collar and helped Vernon to his feet.
“This is gonna be fun.”
Vernon followed alongside Dino, the boy holding the leash very close so he basically had to walk while hunched over. They went to a nearby elevator, and once inside Vernon noted they were on the eighth floor, and that this elevator apparently went all the way to the top.
“I know what you’re thinking. You never really hacked into our systems, we just let you see what we wanted. Besides, it was fun watching you all run around. Don’t worry we’re just going up one floor.”
With his hands behind his back any sort of action was limited, and he couldn’t even run in this state. When the doors opened Dino led him out, going down a plain hall. The floor seemed rather empty until they went through some double doors, revealing a whole workshop. Robots were all over the place, some just standing guard and others working on things. A few spare parts were lying around as well, but his focus was soon pulled to a table. The boy from before, who he now knew to be Jun, was sitting on it, a bunch of wires sticking out of his arm. There was another person next to him, looking at some monitors. Jun’s eyes were glowing blue, fading and growing bright, when he saw Vernon he smirked.
“Guess you’re not dead.”
“You weren’t trying to kill him, were you?” Dino questioned.
“Maybe. Although I bet Seungcheol wants to kill him.”
“Do not start, Junhui!” 
One of the others in the room snapped at Jun, which he presumed to be Seungcheol. The boy was pointing and yelling about Jun’s careless behavior. Jun seemed to be amused, although Vernon noticed the rest of the robots around were mimicking Seungcheol. It was strange and concerning, but he didn’t know what was happening.
“Do you have any idea how long it’s gonna take to repair those robots?” Seungcheol mentioned. “Days, Jun, days!”
“Don’t forget some were Seokmin’s designs.” Dino added. “So you’re not the only one who got screwed over.”
“You’re not helping!” Jun hissed. 
“Just saying. Also, hyung, you might wanna take a moment.”
Seungcheol looked over at Dino with a questioning look and the boy just gestured to their surroundings. That’s when Seungcheol noticed all the robots around moving as he did. He sighed and took a breath, and then the robots returned to their original task. Vernon still had no idea what had just happened.
“Why’d you bring that dog up here anyway?” The other in the room asked. “Do I get to hit him this time?”
“That’s enough, Seokmin.” Seungcheol cut in. “Just focus on Jun.”
“I know, I know.”
“You. Vernon, isn’t it? What are you doing here?”
“Don’t you know?”
“I have an idea, but I don’t know if that’s the truth. Answer me honestly and I’ll get the maknae to give you back your dignity and get that collar off.”
“What have you done with her?”
“That’s not the answer I was looking for.”
Seungcheol came over and grabbed the leash, pulling on it and making Vernon fall to his knees. After a moment Seungcheol knelt down and grabbed the boy’s chin, forcing their eyes to meet. It was quiet for a moment, and Vernon could feel his resolve melting.
“You’re being a waste of talent. I admire you care so much for this girl, but have you stopped to realize that you’re probably not leaving this building ever again.”
“You gonna lock me up?”
“You wouldn’t be the first, but the circumstances would be different. Wanna try again to answer my question?”
“I’m here for my friend, is that good enough for you?”
“I suppose.”
Seungcheol got the collar off, returning it and the leash to Dino. He then helped Vernon get up, but the ropes would remain. He returned to Jun’s side, looking over the readings as Seokmin continued to examine the boy. The silence was awkward, but Vernon wasn’t done with the conversation.
“How… how is it that you run the CCTV here, that you have access to the robo-dogs and some robots as well. Your whole operation should have been shut down ages ago, yet here you are. I guess the better question is why.”
“Do you really wanna know?”
“Are you gonna answer me?”
Seokmin chuckled. “We’re gonna change the world.”
“Those in power won’t ever do anything that goes against the status quo. So we must do it ourselves.”
“Are you insane!? What reason-”
“Reason?” Seunghceol questioned. “Look at the world around you, do you think it’s fair as it is now? That it doesn’t require change?”
“So you’re gonna start a revolution by hacking into robots and killing anyone who gets in your way? Is that your great plan?”
“You’re not thinking big enough. Robots aren’t completely reliable, but human connection is.  All we have to do is reach those in power, and we’ll make them understand.”
“Ah, you mean the music, don’t you?”
“I see you’re not just savvy with technology. You were present for a show earlier today, so I suppose you do understand what we’re doing here.”
“You mean brainwashing people? Like you said, I was at your show, and I’m not under your control, am I? Your music is shitty.”
“Don’t insult the Maestro. The fact their music can enthrall people is reason enough for you to worry, isn’t it? There are already people out there who understand us, just like the peacekeepers we have here. After all, how do you think your friend came to our theater?”
“Leave her out of your plans!”
“She’s here of her own will, and she’s helping us. Soon enough our music will reach more people, especially the difficult ones such as yourself.”
“I guess you can’t hear how crazy you sound since you’re brainwashed yourself!”
“Unfortunately those of us here can’t truly understand the Maestro’s work. The melody is beautiful but I can’t truly feel its power. Only the Maestro and the conductors can, and our guests at the theater. One day though, we’ll all be on the same page.”
“You’re all crazy.”
“I think you’d be a great addition to our team, truly. Although the choice is ultimately yours. We can always place you in a cell on the fifth floor until the time comes. I’m certain your other friend, Wonwoo, will join us though.”
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“That depends, do you care to know more? Or can Jun knock you out again?”
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
The elevator ride was crowded for Wonwoo, completely surrounded on all sides. He wasn’t going to try anything, and even if he did he’d surely get pinned. Vernon said only certain elevators went to certain floors, yet the one he was taken to had access to all floors, even the sub-levels. Something else was definitely going on here. When the doors opened there was an empty hallway before him. Those in front of him stepped out and then he did so. Although once out the others returned to the elevator and left, leaving him alone.
For a moment he thought to press the elevator button again, getting himself up to the seventeenth floor, but his own curiosity was winning out. At the end of the hall there was a door, and he could feel something on the other side calling to him. Without realizing he was walking down the hall, reaching for the doorknob and opening it. A blinding white light overtook his vision, his senses needing a moment to adjust. He stepped through, surrounded by technology and machines he didn’t quite understand. It seemed he was alone, until a familiar voice broke through the silence.
“I’m glad to see you came back.”
“You… I… are you alright…? Before when we-”
“I’m fine.” Joshua assured. “What happened back then wasn’t your fault. Honestly, it was surprising for us too.”
“What… what did happen? You were screaming and-”
“It’s complicated. I’m sure you have many questions, and I will do my best to answer them.”
“… where’s y/n?”
“Ah, the girl. She’s alright.”
“Why… why did you bring her here?”
“She came on her own, as do all the guests at our theater.”
“I know that’s a lie. I saw robots escorting her here. The music you play has a certain effect on people. You turned the other guests against us at the show before. That’s what you did to her to lure her in, isn’t it?”
“You really want to talk about her?”
“She’s the real reason I’m here.”
“Then why didn’t you go up to the seventeenth floor? Not that you could, but you didn’t even try. You can ask anything and you want to ask about her?”
“Why are you so reluctant to tell me? Why not just take me to her and let me ask her if everything you’ve said is true.”
“She’s unavailable at the moment, but if you want to talk about her, then there are other things that need to be discussed first.”
“Which are?”
“You, for starters. Tell me, when you grabbed my wand.” Joshua pulled his wand out of his sleeve. “How did you feel?”
Wonwoo couldn’t help but stare. The feeling from before was starting to creep back up. He had no idea what it was, let alone explain it.
“… energy… whatever it was… it was alive… it was coming to me… and it didn’t hurt… it was… intoxicating… it was power…”
“It was music, the power of music, specifically the Maestro’s music. The conductors perform it and the effects remain. I’m sure you felt it.”
“The music is dangerous. What you did to those people, to y/n-”
“Creating connection and understanding. Those who truly listen to the music find happiness and purpose. You could feel it, couldn’t you? A sense of peace.”
“More like a high. All those people were at your mercy.”
“We have no ill intentions here. We’re just trying to change the world for the better. You’ve seen some of our recruits, I was quite impressed to see you take on that many peacekeepers all alone.”
“So that’s why they were here. How many people have you… recruited?”
“Many, hard to keep track of. The Maestro’s music is unique in its abilities, but it cannot reach everyone, not yet that is.”
“So what do I have to do with this? What of y/n?”
“You could understand the music, feel its power, like myself. It means you’re special. Only the Maestro’s conductors can listen to the music and perform it. The Maestro themself is focusing on creating new compositions to bring more people in, so we conductors lead the show. You have the potential to be one, a conductor that is.”
“Only a conductor feels the power of the music. The wand is a means of commanding that power, and you felt that when you held mine. You could have your own. A few upgrades and some practice and you could do your own show.”
“Why would I join you?”
“The question is why wouldn’t you? Like you said, that power was intoxicating. You’ll never get another taste otherwise. Besides, your friend is with us now. You can speak with her yourself later, but right now I need your answer.” Joshua held out his wand. “Will you be joining us?”
“What if I say no?”
“I doubt that’d be your answer, but if you truly refuse, you’ll be locked up. We can’t have you causing trouble and getting in our way. So, what will it be?”
“What happens after… if I say yes?”
“There’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?”
“… show me.”
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
“The name’s Minghao, shall we play?”
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A moment ago Mingyu was staring down at someone who seemed to be a conductor, yet they weren’t on stage nor did they have an audience. It seemed like it would be a quick and easy fight, but as Mingyu took a step down everything seemed to change. The lights went out, covering him in darkness. A moment later red lights began to shine, and a light from below illuminated the conductor. Instead of a wand he had a violin, and the red lights were emanating from it as he played. Although there wasn’t any sound, at least not at first. Minghao smiled and continued his song, then a moment later Mingyu heard an ear-piercing screech.
He yelled and covered his ears, falling to his knees. He took in a deep breath, trying to adjust to the sound, but that wasn’t his only problem. Out of the corner of his eye he could see robots entering the theater, and he knew what the outcome would be if he got caught. He needed to think fast, and figure out a way out of this. His eyes landed on the mask he had dropped, the peacekeeper one. Perhaps that could help him. He reached for it and slipped it on, trying to figure it out while the screeching continued. The system wasn’t too complicated and he managed to adjust the hearing and block out the Minghao’s song. He could only rest for a moment as the robots were closing in.
Mingyu jumped into the nearest row to avoid getting grabbed. He would have bolted straight to Minghao, but a few robots would stop him. He needed to figure something else out, although he stumbled in his steps when Minghao changed his tune and he heard the screeching again. He had to fumbled around with the mask controls again so he wouldn’t be incapacitated.  Once he was good he looked over to see Minghao wasn’t even watching him, but more focused on the music, clearly not affected by the melody the same way he was. He continued to move around and avoid the robots, trying to think of a plan. He looked at the settings on the mask to see if anything was helpful.
Besides the night vision there didn’t seem to be anything else the mask could do. Although he soon discovered he could control something else with the mask. All peacekeepers kept a baton with them, something he had taken as well. One would think it was normal, but from what Mingyu was seeing it had a stun option. He put the electricity to the highest voltage it could go and then activated. Surely with a weapon like this he could deal with the robots and get to the conductor. He didn’t approach any of the robots, wanting them to come to him so he could strike the best he could.
He was nervous with the first robot, knowing very well if this failed he was screwed. The first swing made contact with the robot’s head, causing an explosion of sparks, and the robot was knocked down. It seized and certain parts were shooting out sparks, but it seemed to be down for the count. Mingyu was satisfied with his new weapon, not afraid to take on the rest of the robots around him. He didn’t want to get cornered so he continued to move around, trying to get closer to Minghao while taking down robots and making sure the music didn’t throw him off. At one point he came face to face with two of the machines and stung at the closest one. Although his baton went right through it and the robot itself disappeared.
The moment of confusion cause him to let his guard down and the other robot, which was real, managed to grab him. He struggled in their grasp, managing to press the baton against its torso and get free. Now he had a new problem, not all the robots around him were real, and he had no way to tell them apart. His eyes focused on Minghao, starting to realize the music wasn’t just to mess with him and control the robots, but possibly causing these hallucinations as well. The only way to end all this was to take him down. Mingyu took in his surroundings, planning out the best route and executing it. 
He dodged as many robots as he could, and took down those in his way, reaching Minghao and tackling him to the ground. The other had realized too late that Mingyu had gotten close, getting pinned to the ground. The moment the music stopped everything changed. The theater was no longer pitch black, and there was no violin. Minghao was holding his wand and glaring up at Mingyu while he tried to free himself. Although Mingyu had a goal in mind, keeping Minghao pinned as he snatched the wand out of the other’s hand, taking off his mask.
“Let’s see if the same trick works twice.”
Mingyu snapped the wand in half, causing Minghao to scream in agony. Mingyu had no idea why that was the reaction, but he didn’t care for it. He threw the pieces to the side and made his way back to the stage. The lights suddenly went out again and he stopped, Minghao’s screams fading away. He looked back to see something glowing in the darkness, but the sound of the stage lights turning on caught his attention. He went up to the stage, seeing it was illuminated, and that someone was present. This new conductor took a bow, and then he found himself yanked up into the air by some unseen force.
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“Welcome to the stage.”
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
“… where am I…?”
As you regained your senses once more you realized your environment had changed again. You were no longer in the theater, but a much brighter place. Different types of machines surrounded you, and you were sitting on some sort of examination table. You carefully got off, needing a moment for your legs to adjust. You tried to remember how you got here, but it was all a blur and thinking about it gave you a headache. Regardless of what you remembered, you knew that you needed to leave. You began walking around, looking for an exit. You thought you were alone until a rather familiar voice startled you.
You jumped and looked back at the source, seeing a boy with white hair, the one from the theater. They offered you a smile and bow, the same glowing wand in hand. You swear a moment ago there had been no one else present, and yet suddenly he was here.
“… hello…”
“Apologies for skipping parts, but I’ll introduce myself now. My name is Hoshi, welcome to the Metronome Theater.”
“… how did I even get to the theater? I was working and then…”
“We had some of our robots escort you here. The Maestro is eager to meet you.”
“The Maestro? Who’s that? Why… why me…?”
“You’ve heard them play the piano before, haven’t you?”
“… piano… you mean that was coming from here?”
“Yes. Not many can hear the Maestro play the piano, which is why they brought you here.”
“I don’t understand…”
“I assure you there’s nothing to be afraid of. Come, they’re waiting for you.”
Hoshi gestured for you to follow them, and you hesitantly took a step forward. You should have asked to leave, yet those words never came from your mouth. You were more curious about this Maestro and the piano you had heard. Many times when you told the others they had no idea what you were talking about, and this was proof you weren’t hearing things. So you followed Hoshi, wanting to know more. You came over to an elevator, stepping inside and seeing the button for seventeen light up. Hoshi merely smiled at you.
“You… you said not many can hear the piano… who else can hear it?”
“As far as we know, it’s just you and me.”
“You hear the piano too?”
“I’ve been the only one for a long time. It’s why the Maestro was so eager to meet you.”
“But how did you find me?”
“We have eyes and ears everywhere.”
“But down in the theater… what happened?”
“I assure you the Maestro will explain this all to you.”
When the elevator doors opened Hoshi gestured for you to step out, and then led you down another hall. You came to some double doors and then they opened on their own inviting you in. The room was grand, and quite empty, with no real furniture around, but what stood out was the piano. A gentleman was playing, the melody instantly captivating you. Your feet moved on their own, walking closer and closer to the piano, only stopping when the music did too. The gentleman stood up, greeting you with a smile.
“Hello, I’m the Maestro of the theater, but you may call me Woozi.”
“It’s… it’s a pleasure to meet you…”
“Likewise. I’ve been looking for someone like you for a long time.”
“Like me?”
“You’re very special my dear, come, would you like me to play for you?”
Woozi came over to you and took your hand, leading you over to the piano. He had you sit, taking a seat next to you. He let you run your fingers along the keys before he started playing. There was something incredible about hearing the music so up close and personal. Your body swayed from side to side a bit, watching his fingers work. Occasionally Woozi would glance your way, able to play without fully seeing the keys. You didn’t know how much time passed as you listened to the beautiful melody, but it was suddenly rudely interrupted.
A screeching, feedback loop, type sound snapped you out of your daze, causing you to place your hands over your ears. You screamed, doubling over and falling to the ground. Despite the pain you became aware of something else, feeling this small metal disc against your head, and ripping it off. The pain immediately began to subside, allowing you to breathe. Although you couldn’t say the same for the other. Woozi was still in pain, stumbling around but ultimately falling to his knees.
“Hoshi! Find Joshua, now!”
A moment later Woozi seemed to calm down, getting back on his feet. You on the other hand remained where you were, unsure of what had just happened. When Woozi noticed you he put on a smile and made his way over, although you crawled back and he stopped.
“You have nothing to be afraid of. Are you alright?”
“What just happened… who are you… what’s going on…?”
“Take it easy. I can explain everything.”
Woozi reached out his hand to help you up, but you were reluctant to take it. He seemed to understand and knelt down, grabbing the little disc off the floor. He examined it before reaching over to put it back on your head but you swatted his hand away.
“What are you doing?”
“Truth is, I need your help, y/n.”
“Me? For what?”
“To change the world, to save it.”
“There’s no music out there, no passion, no joy… I want to change that.”
Hoshi interrupted, seeming to have appeared from nowhere. Woozi gave you a smile and went over to the other.
“What happened?”
“Some intruders in the theater rushed the stage and broke Joshua’s wand. He’s stable now and is being taken to the medical floor. As for the intruders, they’ve been thrown out, and the theater is currently locked down.”
“Good. Keep an eye on the situation.”
Woozi dismissed Hoshi and turned his attention back towards you. Before you could say or do anything you heard the sounds of a piano, a recording that is. You began to feel at ease, the melody washing away your tension and worries. Woozi came to your side, placing the disc back on your head and you felt a little spark of electricity coarse through you. Then he helped you to your feet and brought you back over to the piano.
“As I was saying before, my music is special, able to reach a person in a way nothing else can.” The music stopped, giving you a moment to regain your senses. “But it can’t reach everyone, not yet that is.”
“What did you do to me…”
“It’s rather difficult to explain, but my musical composition is able to lull people into a sort of trance, like putting them under a spell. Although it doesn’t work on everyone.”
“I… I still don’t understand what this has to do with me…”
“The piano is one of my greatest instruments. Yet for the longest of time it seemed that no one could truly hear the melody besides Hoshi, then you came along. I need your help in understanding what it is that draws you in. Specifically your brain waves, and how they react to my music.”
“Then… the device on my head…” You slowly reached up to it. “It’s monitoring my brain waves?”
“Recording them, yes, with your help I’ll be able to share my music with the world.”
“But if you’re… putting people… under your control then-”
“I don’t have any ill intentions. I just want to bring music back to the world, to bring peace.”
“… what if I refuse to help…”
“I’ll be honest, you don’t have a choice. You won’t find a way out of this theater, and as you know my music can start playing at any moment. Many of the robots and robo-dogs have been modified with speakers. You can’t escape.”
“… oh…”
“I want your help willingly, but I won’t let you leave either.”
“I understand…”
“You don’t have to be mentally present if you don’t want to.”
“I’m sure things will be better if I am. I also want to know what’s truly going on.”
“Thank you.” Woozi took your hand and kissed it. “I’ll continue playing now.”
There was still a lot on your mind. You were worried about your friends, but Woozi made it very clear you were stuck here, at least for the time being. Of course all your concerns were washed away when the music started playing. You were helpless to resist, finding yourself on cloud nine while you listened, the time passing by without meaning. When you finally had a chance to regain your senses you found yourself alone at the piano. You could vaguely make out voices around you, but you were focusing on getting your head on straight.
“Dino is monitoring the situation.”
“Thank you, Hoshi.”
Once your head wasn’t spinning you got up, looking over to see Woozi by himself. You swore you heard Hoshi before, but it was just the two of you in the room.
“You back with us?” Woozi questioned. “How about a tour? The others would like to meet you.”
“I don’t do this alone.”
Woozi hooked his arm around yours and led you back the way you came, or at least that’s what you thought, there was no way to tell. You came to an elevator, Woozi hitting the button for the eighth floor. It was a quick trip and once you arrived Woozi led you down a hall. You came to a huge room full of monitors, seeing the outside world, some still images and others in motion. There was a gentleman at a desk, browsing through some of the screens, but upon hearing you two he stood up to greet you.
“Maestro, what brings you down here? I see you have a friend.”
“This is the girl I was telling you all about. Y/n this is Dino, our eyes and ears.”
“Ah, nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine.”
“So you… like, run security here?”
“No, that would be Seungkwan. I keep an eye on things outside the theater. I was the one who found you, fascinated by a piano that no one else could hear. I’m quite jealous, I’ve always wanted to hear the Maestro’s music.”
“It doesn’t affect you?”
“Unfortunately not, but you’ll be able to change that.”
“You really think so?”
“I believe so.”
“Hoshi told me what you were up to earlier.” Woozi mentioned. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, although we might have some guests soon.”
“Prepare for them.”
“Will do.”
“Let’s go meet some of the others.” Woozi said. “Come now.”
You merely went up one more floor, to the ninth, coming to a much different area. There were parts and machinery all around, kinda like some workshop. Many robots were around as well, seeming to be working on different things. You were quite fascinated as this reminded you of home, and the mess of electronics Vernon always left lying around. There were two gentlemen in the room talking, but their conversation ceased when you two entered, both greeting Woozi.
“It’s nice to see you as well. This is y/n, our special guest, y/n, this is Seungcheol and Seungkwan.”
“Seungcheol works with the robots we have here, and with Seungkwan, who is in charge of security here.”
“I… I think I saw Seungkwan earlier… at the theater.”
“Yes. I’m also the director. I hope you enjoyed the show.”
“I did. May I ask what goes on here? This is a shop, isn’t it?”
“It’s my shop.” Seungcheol explained. “I work on some robots, a bit of cosmetic work but mostly programming. I have an implant that connects me to the robots in our network which makes it easier to do my job.”
“So you build robots here? I thought only the government did that.”
“I don’t make them, just some modifications, but Seokmin does create some pretty unique robots. You’ll like his workshop.”
“Speaking of.” Woozi interrupted. “Why don’t we go see him.”
Another elevator trip, this time going up to the twelfth floor. Just as Seungcheol said, this place was another workshop, although there were far more robot pieces lying around. You thought maybe other robots would be around, but there were only a few. If you didn’t know any better you’d think the floor was abandoned, but Woozi led you through everything with purpose, knowing exactly where to go. It wasn’t long before you came across another person, another two. One was lying on a table, and the other at the side looking at a computer screen. Without saying anything the one at the computer stopped and looked back, smiling at Woozi.
“Maestro, what brings you here?”
Then the person lying on the table sat up, startling you a bit, but they quickly apologized. You assured them you were fine, and apologized yourself as you didn’t mean to intrude on whatever they were doing.
“So this must be the girl you mentioned before.”
“It is. Y/n, meet Seokmin, and Jun.”
“You’re very pretty.” One commented. “I’m Seokmin, and this is my shop.”
“Yes, Seungcheol mentioned it to me, he said you build robots.”
“I do. The Maestro is kind enough to let my imagination run wild.”
“What do you make robots for?”
“No real reason at all, it’s just fun. Besides, my skill set is very helpful for Jun.”
“Jun? Why?”
“I have a few robotic parts myself.” Jun explained. “So that leaves Seokmin, and Seungcheol, as my doctors.”
“Oh, that’s interesting.”
“Just doing some routine maintenance now.”
“I never would have thought you were a cyborg.”
“My handsome face hides it well, right?”
“I worked on that face so I can take partial credit.” Seokmin joked. “I used myself as inspiration.”
“Oh shut up.”
“Since you two are busy, we’ll leave you then.” Woozi said. “Shall we.”
Everyone you had met so far was interesting, and it made you wonder how they all wound up here. Although now you were very curious about one in particular. So you decided to ask as you made your way to the next floor.
“May I ask something?”
“What happened to Jun?”
“Peacekeepers. He stole something and they hunted him down, beat him to a pulp and left him for dead. It happened in my area, and I wasn’t just going to watch the boy die. My people brought him here and fixed him up. He had some severe wounds which required different treatment, with his consent of course.”
“So… those that are here… they know what you’re doing, right?”
“Of course.”
“And they’re okay with it? They’re on board?”
“Yes. They understand what I’m trying to do here and believe in my cause. They’re here to help me, and I appreciate them.”
“They’re here because they want to be, yet I can’t leave.”
Woozi chuckled. “You’re a special case.”
The doors opened and you arrived to the fifteenth floor, where you had originally woken up. It made you a bit nervous to be back here, but Woozi seemed calm as usual. Last time you were here it was quiet and felt abandoned, but now you could hear machines operating, and a few muffled voices here and there. It seemed that you were heading towards those voices as they got louder and louder. You came over to a group of people, seeing a gentleman lying in bed, two others at his side and Hoshi looking at the monitor.
“Maestro, you’re here.”
“How is he?”
“Stable and recovering.”
“And the rest of you?”
“Fine. Although we should be asking you. The sudden disruption-”
“I’m alright.”
“And her?”
All eyes suddenly turned to you, making you nervous. Although now that you had their attention you realized the gentleman dressed in black seemed familiar.
“I’m okay… but what… what are you talking about…?”
“I haven’t explained all that yet.” Woozi admitted. “We can do so now while you get examined.”
“Yes. You can have a seat over here.”
You were led over to one of the beds nearby, taking a seat and having Woozi remove that little chip on your head. While that happened the gentleman in black asked a question.
“Did you enjoy the show?”
“Ah, yes, it was lovely… uh… I hate to ask… but have we met before?”
“I would say so. I’m Jeonghan, I was the conductor for your show. This is Minghao, and our friend who is recovering is Joshua. You’ve met Hoshi, right?”
“I have. Then, are you all conductors?”
“We are.”
“So what happened to Joshua?”
“You felt it earlier.” Minghao commented. “That shrieking. Some bastard broke Joshua’s wand.”
“The conductor wand?”
“Yes. They’re much more than they seem.”
“But why would breaking that hurt him?”
“We’re all connected here.” Hoshi mentioned. “Through this neural network and the Maestro’s music. The conductor’s wand serves as a way to keep them connected, while also allowing them to access the true power of the music.”
“It’s more like it flows through us.” Jeonghan explained. “And we can manipulate it from there.”
“You mean control people.”
“One can do much more with lots of practice and patience.”
“Like what?”
“You’ll see.”
From what you could tell Woozi was downloading the contents from the chip, your brainwave readings. Your eyes lingered on Joshua as he laid in bed. You remembered the headache from before, so you couldn’t imagine what he had felt if he wound up unconscious. Although a moment later the boy jumped up from the bed, clearly panicked. The others held him down, hoping to keep him from hurting himself. Hoshi gently placed his hand behind Joshua’s head and the boy seemed to calm down.
“You’re alright.” Jeonghan assured. “The others are fixing your wand and Hoshi is keeping the connection stable.”
“Where are they…”
“Gone. So don’t worry about them.”
“They were looking for-”
“We know. You can say hello.”
Jeonghan gestured over to you, and Joshua’s eyes followed, seeming to be surprised. He offered you a weak smile, trying to figure out some words.
“Hello… you doing okay?”
“Uh, yeah. Are you?”
“I’m fine. How do you feel though? How was the music?”
“Beautiful. It lingers in the back of my mind.”
“You should let me perform for you sometime.”
“I’ll look forward to it.”
“I’ll give you a show as well.” Minghao added. “So look forward to that too.”
“Alright. I will.”
“The data looks promising.” Woozi stated. “Shall we move on to the next phase?”
“Next phase? What’s that?”
“It will be much easier to monitor you when you’re directly connected to our network.”
“Wait, you want to put something in my head? Like an-”
“It won’t hurt at all. Honestly you’ll be-”
“No, no I said I’d help you with this but-”
“This is part of it.”
“But… I…”
Minghao came over to your side and held out his wand. You stared at it confused, not sure what he was implying.
“Since you’re the Maestro’s special girl, you’ll be able to feel the power before you’re fully connected. Go on, grab it, tell me how you feel.”
You hesitantly grabbed the wand, not feeling anything at first and then it slowly began to hit. You felt this warmth starting to grow inside you, to spread and open up your senses. The melody in the back of your mind was starting to become clearer and you could remember its beauty. Perhaps this feeling was like getting high, and you couldn’t help but giggle. Although the feeling didn’t last long as Minghao took the wand back, quickly leaving you feeling cold.
“Sorry, but since you’re not in our network it’s dangerous for you to hold a wand for too long. But I’ll tell you this, that feeling will only be better once you join us.”
“This is all really starting to sound like a cult…”
Minghao chuckled. “If you want to see it that way, but the Maestro is right, we need you.”
“And I can’t refuse…”
“Do you want to? Leave that is. Do you think you could walk away now? You’d probably still hear the Maestro’s music playing out in the streets. Could you resist the urge to come back?”
“I… I don’t know…”
“I do.” Jeonghan admitted. “I tried walking away, but you can see how that turned out.”
“What… what’s gonna happen to me?”
“Right now I need to administer a sedative.” Woozi explained. “You need to be in a relaxed state both physically and mentally before we can begin the procedure. Then you’ll just sleep. When you wake, well, I can’t really describe the sensation since it’s always been with me. Although I’m sure one of my conductors can.”
“It feels like truly waking up.” Joshua recounted. “You realize that you were never actually awake until that moment. Your senses are heightened, and you can feel this energy in the air. The feeling only grows stronger when there’s music and it creates this harmony within you. It might not be easy to understand the Maestro’s music or intentions, but once you reach this deeper level of connection it all makes sense. You feel bits of it now, and that’s what draws people to the theater. It’s what ultimately brought you here.”
“May we begin?” Woozi asked. “Or do you need a moment?”
“No… you can start.”
Woozi gave you a smile and stepped over to a table near the bed. He grabbed a needle and vial, filling the needle. You watched intently, starting to feel a bit nervous. He asked for your arm, which you gave, watching as he stuck the needle in you and emptied out its contents. Afterwards he had you lay down, telling you that you’d feel the effects soon.
“I’ll go get Seokmin, I’ll return shortly.”
Minghao offered to go with Woozi, needing to talk to him about something. Jeonghan took over from there, attaching some patches and wires to you. Hoshi came to the other side, looking over the monitor. All this was making you more uneasy.
“Wait… wait-”
You reached over to grab Hoshi’s arm, only for your hand to go right through him like he was some sort of ghost. You looked up at him with wide eyes, glancing at your hand as if something would change.
“… you… you’re not real…”
“I am.” Hoshi assured with a smile. “I’m just not physically here.”
“… what… what happened?” You asked. “I… I’ve been curious about you… with everything Woozi said…”
“Hm. Shall I tell you a story while you drift off?”
Hoshi glanced back at the monitors, making sure everything was alright. Then you noticed a chair roll over to your bedside, Hoshi taking a seat. You knew he wasn’t physically present but he was trying to seem as normal as possible.
“I’ve known the Maestro since we were kids, we grew up together. He always had an affinity for music, and we’d do our best to scavenge for instruments or parts to make our own. Neither of us realized at first, but when he played, he drew me in. This energy surrounded him, making it seem like the world wasn’t such a bad place. Eventually the Maestro became aware of how I’d get when he played, he was worried but I assured him I was fine and wanted to hear more. That’s when he started performing for others. Many who heard his music had a smile on their face, and the world seemed like a better place. I believe he would have been content just playing on the streets for random strangers, but you know the city. One day peacekeepers came, and I couldn’t let the Maestro get hurt. I told him to run and I took the fall.”
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“I was hurt badly and left for dead. When the Maestro found me again he feared he would lose me. Everything was hazy, but somehow the Maestro got help, and that’s how he met Seokmin. They stabilized me, but I wasn’t exactly conscious. I wasn’t very responsive, but apparently I still reacted to the Maestro’s music. It gave him hope, and so they tried something else to help me. The Maestro met Seokmin’s friends, Seungcheol and Dino, and they put something in my head, letting me project my consciousness outside my body. The guys did a bit of adjustments and here I am.”
Despite everything you had been told you couldn’t help but reach up, wanting to touch Hoshi’s face, but once again your hand just went through him. Hoshi chuckled, giving you an amused look.
“… where… where is your body?”
“Somewhere in this building.”
“… are you okay?”
“Yeah. It’s been a while but I’m making progress. I’ll be up on my feet soon.”
“Woozi really cares about you…”
“He does.”
“Because… your situation… is that why he needs me?”
“Yes. Although I know you would have come here eventually. The music is so beautiful, isn’t it?”
“You should close your eyes and sleep. I’ll have a surprise for you when you wake up.”
A small smile appeared on your lips, and you gave a little nod. It was already a bit of a struggle to stay awake, so you closed your eyes and let yourself sink into the darkness. You were still nervous, not knowing what would happen, but by now it was far too late to object.
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
“If I agree… do I get to see y/n?”
“That could be arranged.”
“Fine. I’ll see what’s going on with your cult.”
“Not a cult but-”
Seungcheol groaned and grabbed his head, falling to his knees. Jun also screamed and fell back on the table, thrashing around a bit. Even the other two seemed to be suffering from some sudden headache. Vernon was left unaffected, and he had seen this scene before, back at the theater. Although he had no idea what was going on. He thought to use this chance to get out of his restraints and try to escape, but Dino wasn’t affected as badly, so he knocked Vernon down to the ground. A moment later it seemed the headaches had passed, and they were all recovering.
“I should probably go check on our guest after this.” Seokmin commented. “Take care of Jun.”
“Yeah. We’ll follow shortly.” Seungcheol assured.
“Wait, guest?” Vernon questioned. “You mean y/n?”
Seungcheol checked in on Jun, seeing the boy was just catching his breath. He looked over his vitals again, assuring the boy he was fine. They all were.
“What happened to you all just now?”
“It’s complicated, but we’re fine.”
“Are you? I saw this before with Joshua, the conductor, when his wand broke. Why the hell does that hurt, why does it hurt all of you?”
“We’re connected.” Seungcheol admitted. “And you’ve been interfering with it, but if you’re truly on our side, you won’t be a problem anymore. I can’t say the same for your friend.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“We’ll see.”
Vernon was still uncertain about everything, but he knew he had to go along with this to see you. By now his own personal curiosity had also taken hold and he wanted to know what was really going on in this theater.
“Our presence is requested at the theater. Let’s go.”
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
Wonwoo felt the pull of the wand, but despite Joshua holding it out for him, he was not allowed to touch it. There was some disappointment, but he wasn’t going to voice that. He had made his choice, and he wanted to see what came of it. Joshua smiled, glad by his decision and then led the way further into the lab. Wonwoo followed, not sure if he should speak, although he soon rushed past his guide. He came to another room lined with beds and noticed one was occupied, seeing you. He ran over to the bedside, taking your hand and calling your name, but there was no response.
“What did you do to her!”
“She’s fine. She’s merely resting after the procedure.”
“What procedure? What are you talking about?”
“She chose to join us, and thus became part of our connection. It’s a painless procedure. One you’d surely participate in if you’re serious about your choice.”
“When will she wake?”
“Soon. Hoshi should be by momentarily to check on her.”
“You’ve seen him before.”
Wonwoo still didn’t really understand, but you were the bigger concern. He was mostly glad to have found you again, although this wasn’t the state he was hoping to see you in. A moment later he saw someone else approach the bed. He looked up to see another boy at your side, white hair, looking at the screens, and very familiar to Wonwoo.
“It’s you…”
“Hello. You won’t attack Joshua again, will you?”
“No… no… but you… how… how is she?”
“Stable. She took everything well, and should wake soon.”
“Are… are you the Maestro?”
“No, but I’m flattered. My name is Hoshi, and I’m the internal conductor.”
“Internal conductor?”
“The Maestro has a multitude of conductors to spread their music, but I do not leave the theater, and I keep everyone connected. I’m actually very glad to properly meet you. I have a proposal for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes. You have a strong connection to the Maestro’s music. You felt it during the show, moreso when you held Joshua’s wand. You have the potential to be a conductor, and your ideal physical state would make you a great one.”
“You want me to be a conductor?”
“You’ll come to truly understand what we do here, and wield power unlike anything you could imagine.”
“And why would I accept? You kidnapped my friend, and hurt the others.”
“I saw your little trio trespassing into the theater. We could have thrown you out, but we didn’t. In fact you would have come back on your own, the pull of the Maestro’s music is very strong. You came all the way here. Do you really think you can walk away now?”
Wonwoo’s words were cut short as he heard a groan, looking over to see you moving and whimpering. He was excited to see you waking up, holding your hand tightly.
“Y/n, it’s me, can you hear me?”
It took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the light, but you thought you were dreaming when you saw Wonwoo. His familiar smile made you feel warm, and then you felt his hand, realizing this wasn’t a dream.
“Wonwoo… how…?”
“Hey, how are you feeling? Are you alright?”
“I… I’m fine… but… when did you… get here?”
“Your friends came looking for you.” Hoshi stated. “And I wanted to speak with Wonwoo.”
“Oh… is everything okay?”
“You tell me. How do you really feel?”
Your senses were starting to come back to you, but it was certainly different this time. You could feel this energy in the air, but more importantly you could sense others. Joshua had this glow around him, as did Hoshi, but Wonwoo didn’t. You could sense the presence of the two, and then had a feeling in the back of your head of others close by. As you were lost in thought you saw Hoshi reach over to caress your cheek, and to your surprise you felt the warmth of his touch. You looked at him with wide eyes, reaching over to take his hand in yours. It didn’t feel like Wonwoo’s hand, but different. Almost like a ghost, just on the edge of physicality, like the flow of water or a cool breeze.
“You’re part of our network now, you’re connected to the rest of us so my essence is that much stronger for you to pick up on. Strong enough to be physical, even if just a bit.”
“It’s incredible.”
Wonwoo had been quietly watching the whole time, not really liking the situation. He reached over to move Hoshi’s hand, but he couldn’t touch the boy. His hand passed right through the other, confusing him as you appeared to be able to make contact.
“What is this…”
“Power.” You mumbled. “It’s in the air and everywhere. Only when you’re connected does it manifest into something more. Like the music. When you really listen to it, you open your eyes to a whole other world.”
“Very poetic.” Hoshi chuckled. “You’re very good with words.”
“I guess… but what did you want to talk to Wonwoo about?”
“The Maestro would like for him to be a conductor.”
“He has great potential.”
“That’s incredible Wonwoo.”
“I don’t know what any of this means, y/n.” Wonwoo reminded. “I only came here looking for you.”
“I’m sorry… I really wouldn’t have wanted to worry you, but things were out of my hands.”
“I’m sure they were, but we should get out of here.”
“I’m not leaving Wonwoo, I can’t.”
“What do you mean? What did they say to you?”
“They just told me about the Maestro, and what he’s doing. I want to help him.”
“You don’t know him.”
“Not truly, not yet, but I’ve seen enough to know that I want to help. There’s this energy, this warmth inside of me because of the Maestro and I know the world would be a better place if everyone could experience this. They’re not evil, Wonwoo. You should stay too actually. The things we could do.”
“I’m not so sure I understand what they’re talking about.”
“All the more reason to stay and find out. Together we-”
Your words were cut off as a searing pain overtook you. Wonwoo could only watch as you suddenly began to scream and thrash. He tried holding you down, hearing similar cries of anguish from Joshua. The boy had collapsed to the ground. Hoshi wasn’t as affected, seeming more irritated than anything else.
“What’s happening!?” Wonwoo yelled. “What did you do!?”
“It’s your friend who did this!”
Hoshi seemed to glitch out of existence, leaving Wonwoo alone to worry about you. He didn’t know what to do in order to help you, but the pain didn’t last too long. After a moment you seemed to calm down, although you were whimpering and seemed very out of it. Joshua stumbled to his feet, not in a good condition himself, but he was worried about you. He looked over at the machines, making sure all the readings were well.
“What happened?” Wonwoo asked again. “What was that?”
“Your friend broke another wand.”
“I don’t understand, will y/n be okay?”
“Yes. I’m sure Seokmin and Hoshi will be here any moment now.”
“Why are you on your feet?!”
Another boy suddenly came rushing into the room. He grabbed Joshua and sat him down on the nearest bed, getting him to lie down.
“I’m fine, Seokmin.”
“Sure you are. Not like you’re still recovering from the last incident.”
“I was checking on y/n.”
“I’ll do that, you just relax.”
Seokmin went over to the monitors, completely ignoring the other. A while later another rather familiar face showed up. The director, Seungkwan, came up, and Seokmin told him to look over Joshua. Wonwoo stayed quiet and watched Seokmin like a hawk, remaining silent until a needle was pulled out.
“What’s that for?”
“A minor sedative. She’s gonna need it in order to stabilize.”
“Where’s Hoshi?”
“Dealing with Minghao. I’m sure he’ll be back momentarily.”
“Are you sure she’ll be okay?”
“Have a little faith.”
It was good to see you at ease with the sedative. You weren’t unconscious, but you certainly weren’t all there. Wonwoo was glad to keep you company, listening to you tell him about the theater and the Maestro. He wasn’t sure if any of it was real, or just propaganda you had been fed. Still, he just wanted to make sure you were alright. Although you were asking him to stay, to take on the roll he had been offered, but it wasn’t that simple.
“You know Vernon and Mingyu are here too. We got separated and-”
“Vernon is with the others down on the ninth floor.” Seokmin interrupted. “As for Mingyu, who do you think is causing all this?”
“He’s made it far enough.” Seungkwan added. “Jeonghan will deal with him.”
“Jeonghan?” You questioned. “What is he gonna do?”
“Nothing bad, I promise.”
“Let me talk to him. I can reason with Mingyu. He’s only here and causing trouble because he’s looking for me. Please.”
“I don’t want to be the reason something bad happens to anyone.”
“Let her.” Joshua cut in. “It would benefit all of us.”
“Fine. I’ll have the others gather around as well.”
“Where are you going?” Wonwoo asked. “Because I’m going with you.”
“To the grand theater on the thirteenth floor.”
♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩ ♪ ♩ ♪ 𝅗𝅥.
“Put me down!” Mingyu screamed. “Now!”
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“Why would I do that? You’ve been nothing but trouble.”
“You must be the Maestro then.”
“I’m honored, but no. My name is Jeonghan, the lead conductor. You should have stayed out, but you don’t seem all that bright. Since you didn’t learn from your past mistakes, I suppose it’s only fair to teach you properly.” 
Jeonghan got into place, as if he was performing, but there was no audience, and no orchestra. He didn’t need that.
“I’ve always wanted to perform this piece. I hope you like it.”
Jeonghan took a breath and closed his eyes, beginning his performance. It seemed rather funny at first, to see him leading the air, but then Mingyu began to hear it. A slow and steady rhythm slowly becoming audible. Mingyu had an idea as to where this was going, but before he could get the mask back on it was ripped from his hands and fell off stage into darkness. In a matter of seconds the music was loud and clear, but it wasn’t this shrieking sound. Instead it felt like this pressure in his head. Mingyu screamed, there was nothing he could do to make this pain go away. The pressure was gradually increasing so it was only a matter of time before he passed out. He had to do something.
With the bits of conscious thought he had left he tried to come up with a plan. Jeonghan was engrossed in his performance, eyes closed and moving with such fluidity. The only thing Mingyu had was the stun baton. He had one shot to use it, and if he failed it’d be all over. He focused on his plan, getting the baton and figuring out how to throw it before electrifying it. The task was complicated, but he didn’t have much time, so he took his shot. He aimed for the chest and electrified the baton, throwing it with all the strength he had. The pain grew worse so he couldn’t see the outcome, but hearing a scream and falling to the floor was answer enough.
Mingyu groaned from the impact, but he forced himself up. He stumbled as his body was aching and he had yet to properly regain his senses. Still he managed to get to Jeonghan, ripping the wand from his hand. Although before he could do anything Jeonghan had gotten the stun baton and hit Mingyu with it. Now the two were down and recovering from being electrocuted. The wand fell from Mingyu’s hand and rolled away, at least it couldn’t be used against him for the moment. Since Jeonghan had been hit first, he recovered before Mingyu, managing to get back on his feet. He held his hand out and Mingyu watched as the wand returned to him.
“Clever. Maybe you’re not all that dumb, but your game ends here.”
Jeonghan walked over to Mingyu, staring down at him before placing a foot on his chest. He put pressure and watched as Mingyu squirmed, attempting to get him off. When he managed to get some movement he used it to get out from under Jeonghan, rolling away and getting onto one knee. Before he did anything else he heard another voice and looked over to see that at the other end of the stage there was a boy with white hair, and a glowing wand in his hand. The same boy he had seen before.
“I had this under control.” Jeonghan stated. “I didn’t require assistance.”
“That’s not why I’m here.”
“You must be the Maestro.” Mingyu breathed out. “What took you so long?”
“I’m not the Maestro, but I was sent here on their behalf. You’re not worth their time, but we’ve all had enough of you hurting us. Jeonghan.”
“I know.”
Before Mingyu realized it he was back in the air again, although not so high off the ground this time. The white haired boy walked over to him, glaring.
“Hoshi, stop!”
Despite your state you rushed onto the stage and grabbed Hoshi. Your hand slipped through him a bit, but he still moved because of your touch. His gaze shifted to you and softened. He wouldn’t act for now, you trusted that. Wonwoo stayed behind with Seungkwan, watching.
“Y/n, are you okay!?” Mingyu asked. “Did they hurt you!?”
“I’m fine. Can you put him down?” You asked Jeonghan. “Please.”
“I don’t believe that’s a good idea.”
“Do it.” Hoshi said. “We outnumber him anyway.”
Mingyu was gently let down, and as soon as his feet hit the ground he stepped towards you and pulled you into a hug. You were a bit amused by his actions, but didn’t mind. You hugged him back, assuring him you were alright.
“Everything’s okay. I’m sorry I made you worry.”
“I know it’s not your fault. I’m just glad you’re okay. Let’s go now.”
Mingyu took your hand and started pulling you along to step off the stage but Jeonghan got in his way.
“You’re not leaving.”
“Get out of my way.”
“Mingyu, please don’t fight. Look, I don’t want to leave this place, I’m not going to leave.”
“I know things didn’t go so well at first, but they’re not bad people.”
“They kidnapped you.”
“Not really. I came here because of the piano, because of the Maestro, and-”
“I know what their music does to people, and it’s clear you’ve been affected.”
“It’s more complicated than that.” Wonwoo cut in. “She’s made it very clear she’s not gonna leave.”
“So then you’re gonna stay with her? We were attacked by peacekeepers and robots, not to mention Vernon is still missing.”
“Not anymore.”
Wonwoo gestured out to the crowd as he saw the doors open. Vernon and a few others entered the theater. As soon as Vernon saw you he ran up to the stage, no longer restrained in any way. He came to you and embraced you in a hug. The trio that escorted him up remained out in the aisles, watching.
“They didn’t hurt you or anything, right?”
“No, not at all.”
“Good. So we can leave now?”
“Apparently not.” Mingyu stated. “She doesn’t want to leave. The music has gotten to her head.”
“Y/n, this place-”
“I’m not brainwashed or anything! Woozi told me what he’s doing here, and what I can do to help. So I’m not leaving. I’ve already explained some things to Wonwoo. You don’t have to leave either, you guys can help too.”
“I’ve already heard the story.” Vernon mentioned. “I’m not sure I’m on board. Being involved with a revolution, we’re practically signing our death certificates.”
“A revolution?” Mingyu questioned. “Is that what these nutjobs think they’re doing?”
“They’re not crazy.” You countered. “I know what they’re doing, and I know it’s gonna work. Woozi just needs my help so his music can reach everyone, including you guys.”
“I’m not gonna leave you here to be a pawn in their game. If they want to start a revolution, they can try, but none of us are taking part in it. Wonwoo, tell her this is crazy.”
“I don’t know…”
“So they got to you too. Vernon?”
“They’re kinda scary with the tech they got here…”
Mingyu scoffed. “I cannot believe you two. Are you seriously considering this?”
“I’m not so sure we have much of a choice anymore…”
“Then I’ll leave on my own.”
It really felt like this whole thing was all for nothing, but Mingyu wasn’t going to stay where he wasn’t wanted. Although Jeonghan stayed where he was.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“Jeonghan, just let him go.” You said. “I’m not gonna make anyone stay.”
“That’s not your decision to make.”
“The Maestro has no intention of letting any of you leave.”
Mingyu was suddenly up in the air again, Vernon as well. You glared at Jeonghan but he merely shook his head at you. This wasn’t his doing, but the Maestro’s.
“This is not what the theater is for.”
You looked back to see Woozi walking towards center stage, Minghao, Joshua, and Seungkwan at his side. Everyone was present now.
“Minghao, are you alright?” You asked. “A moment ago-”
“After the earlier incident we’ve created contingencies.” Minghao explained. “Much faster recovery time. Are you alright though?”
“Better now.”
“You should be resting.” Woozi stated. “Not down here.”
“I wanted to talk to my friends. Make them see reason.”
“You don’t need to do that.”
“So it’s you then.” Mingyu cut in. “You’re the Maestro.”
“Yes, I’m the Maestro, and you’ve been trespassing.”
“I’m more than happy to leave now.”
“I’m sure you are, but that is no longer an option. You forfeit that when you set foot in my theater.”
“Look, I want nothing to do with your little revolution thing, so I’ll keep my mouth shut. You don’t have to worry.”
“But I do.”
Woozi brought Mingyu closer to him, bringing the peacekeeper mask to his hands as well. He examined it with an amused grin and then looked up at Mingyu.
“You went through a lot of trouble just to see me and now you want to leave. Kinda disappointing. If you want to play dress up though, how about I make it real. Why don’t you become one of my peacekeepers.”
“I’m always in need of more peacekeepers. My music can only reach so many at the moment, but someone like you could lead them. You could actually embody the name they carry.”
Mingyu scoffed. “Are you seriously offering me a position when I already said I want nothing to do with you?”
“Your words are surely disappointing y/n, but I’m not asking. I know you’ll truly come around eventually. Same for Vernon.”
“What the hell are you talking about!?”
“Y/n cares about you. The last thing I want is for her to be upset.”
“Wait, Woozi, I don’t-”
“Yes, Maestro.”
Hoshi came up behind you, placing a hand against your face. Your eyes went wide and your vision went dark. You felt this sudden warmth spread through you, calming your nerves and pulling your consciousness under into tranquility. Your eyes glazed over, starting to glow just as a few glowing veins spread around from where Hoshi’s hand made contact with you. His own eyes were glowing, completely engulfed in white.
“What the hell are you doing!?”
One moment everything was normal, and then Woozi’s eyes were glowing, and the same had happened to the others. The conductors moved to the edges of the stage, silent and without emotion. Then they began moving in unison, performing a silent melody. Wonwoo felt a change in the air, something moving through the empty space, partially making him dizzy. He stumbled and took a step back, shaking his head to stay awake. Although he soon noticed Mingyu and Vernon were passed out, and dropped on the floor. The others had come to the stage, grabbing the two and removing them.
Wonwoo took a step forward, wanting to stop them, but that seemed difficult at the moment. He couldn’t reach either of his friends, and you were clearly unavailable as well. All he could do was watch, not understanding what was happening, but still being hit with this energy and staying put. Then Woozi glanced over at him, a smirk appearing on his face and walking over to the boy.
“That leaves you.”
Now Wonwoo knew he was stuck in place, those glowing eyes sending a chill down his spine. Everything in this theater had been strange from the beginning, but this was starting to let him know just how dangerous it was to be here. 
“You can’t fully hear my lullaby, but you can feel it, can’t you? Only those outside my network will be affected, but you are dancing the line.” Everyone spoke as one, following the Maestro’s lead. “You don’t have to worry about y/n. I don’t want her to remember any of this and I have the means to guarantee that. So it’s just you and me now.”
Just as Woozi said that he snapped his fingers, everyone else disappearing. Now it really was just the two of them but Wonwoo could still feel the energy in the air, feel this melody in the back of his head. The others weren’t really gone, just invisible to him now. He knew that for sure as Woozi’s voice continued to boom with the echo of everyone else speaking with him.
“… what… what do you want…”
“The answer is very simple.”
Woozi held his hand out, a wand manifesting out of nowhere, glowing brightly. It was just like the one Hoshi had. Woozi seemed to examine it for a moment before holding it out to Wonwoo.
“I could use a conductor such as yourself. Someone who will be much better at guiding y/n due to a personal connection. You are free to refuse, but not many can, not an offer like this.”
“Why ask if you seem to know the answer… did I ever really have a choice? Did anyone here?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Woozi chuckled, his laughter echoing in the theater. “Does it?”
“… no…”
Wonwoo reached out to grab the wand. It wasn’t like before, this energy felt stronger, and it hit him like a crashing wave. Everything around him seemed to stabilize, and those that had disappeared were back in view. The glow of the wand traveled down to his arm like veins, and he could feel them digging deep and planting roots within him. This sensation was only growing stronger, and he knew at that moment he’d never let it go.
“What do I do now?”
“Follow the Maestro’s lead.”
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rius-cave · 3 days
So I found another AU. And guess what.
It’s one of the most angsty shits I’ve ever came up with.
Guardian Angel AU.
Lucifer is a winner who died with his family in a car accident when he was 14. (Let’s ignore the fact that Lu’s parent is God and throw two random parents. He had a twin brother, Michael and a sister, Charlie.) And they went to Heaven.
Lucifer rose in status and became a Guardian Angel, whose job is to go and help people who SH themselves or people who thinks about oofing themselves. They have timers in Heaven which shows the time left to save these people.
One day, they give him a “To Be Saved” list and he sees his childhood friend, Adam there. They were neighbors until Lucifer moved away when he was 12. Adam lowkey had a crush on him but didn’t realize. He chose him as his next job.
Why does Adam want to oof himself? Let me tell you. Also this is the part with the most tw’s.
Starting from the beginning, Adam’s mental health took damage for the first time when he had a you-know-what relationship with someone named Steve, who was 2 years older than him. He fell in depression. Sera, his adoptive mother, didn’t want to take him to a psychiatrist (Because he’s just being dramatic and should get up and be a man) but Emily, his stepsister insisted, so he did see a doctor and got help. They gave him a medicine to help him heal. (Maybe Xanax)
Also he had to use Vicodin aswell at one point. This’ll be relevant I swear.
Years and years later, he met with Eve. And they had kids when they were both. 20. They got married because their parents forced them and moved to another state, where they opened their small farm. They had twin boys, Cain and Abel btw.
Adam thought maybe, even though they had a rocky start, he could live happily now with his family. But…
Cain killed Abel when they were 14. And he went to juvie.
Adam and Eve broke up after this, with Eve blaming it all on Adam. She got almost all their properties in court, sold them and moved to another country, telling Adam she never wanted to see his stupid face or be associated with someone like him.
Hopeless, Adam contacted his mom. Oh God I wish he didn’t.
Sera too blamed him for everything and disowned him, calling him a murderer because he was supposed to be the father of his kids and raise them properly. It wouldn’t have happened if he just did a better job at raising them. She refused to help him because “he was a grown ass man, he wasn’t a baby”
Emily was in another country as well, she went there for education and stayed there. Sera lied about what Adam did and made him look like the devil himself. So Emily thinks her mom is right to disown him.
Adam stayed at a small apartment for a while, but he couldn’t even afford the rent, so he was going to be thrown at the streets until a “superhero” came and saved him.
Alastor. His step cousin.
Alastor paid the rent, and even bought Adam a house, saying “He can take care of him until he’s fine again”. But as you may have guessed, of course that’s not his intention.
He gave Adam the same pills the doctors gave to Adam when he was a kid. Saying it’d ease the pain. And they did. But..
He became addicted. To both Xanax and Vicodin. He kept buying them from two weirdos named Vox and Velvette, who were actually helping Alastor.
Speaking of Alastor.. He thinks he can do any physical harm to Adam since he saved his ass. He visits him once every three weeks and gladly reminds him how much of a desperate piece of shit he is.
Slowly, Adam became addicted to tequila as well.
Adam slowly became a bit like a hermit, never leaving his house for days and always ordering stuff there.
Phew. With that’s out of the way I can continue.
So Lucifer disguises himself as Adam’s neighbor and does his job the best he could.
What he didn’t expect was to fall in love with him. He couldn’t help it. Adam did as well.
It was forbidden for an angel to love a human but Lucifer didn’t care. Adam literally lived Hell on Earth and deserved someone.
But one day another angel reported this. His ex, Lilith, a heaven born angel.
I’ll get to it later. It has much more stuff.
Well! That whole traumatic backstory seems very on par with what would happen to him tbh, plus the extra Alastor stuff, oof, yeah that's a lot.
The part that stings the most is definitely still the part about his children, but wow he's having not a good time.
You know this kinda reminded me of the youtube pilot Welcome to Hell (super recommend it btw), it has basically the opposite premise to this LOL because its a boy that is tasked to make other people want to end their lives, but then ends up becoming friends with the boy that he's supposed to torment.
Very interesting AU, having Lucifer as a guardian angel is <3<3<3<3<3 love that a lot!
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chaosduckies · 3 days
Friends In Small Places (Chapter 1)
The size shifter story is finally here! This is more of a slightly sad piece, even though this first chapter isn’t really all that gloomy and monochrome, I actually have this entire plot line planned out and everything, and whew is the ending going to be something.
Butt I hope you enjoy! (this chapter is mainly just for introductions so I’m sorry if there really isn’t anything interesting TwT)
Word Count: 4.2k
CW: Depression, major anxiety, slight gore warning? (Though nothing actually happens)
Today the main hall was bustling with people crowding the board that had all of the activities and clubs posted on. Most of the time people didn’t care all too much about it, only the people who were actually in those clubs, but today was different for some reason. Fitting in between the seemingly hundreds of people, I saw what the commotion was all about. The psychology classes were all being called to a meeting at four. Which was when most classes ended, but still. It’s rare that this school ever calls meetings. It just so happens that I was taking psychology though. 
I sighed, moving back on the free sidewalk get to the library. A friend was waiting for me to help her study for a test she had in just a few hours. I thought I might as well help seeing that I’ve already taken the course. I used to think that college was extremely strict from how my old high school teachers described it, but in reality it’s not that hard when you just take the time to study and take a few practice tests the day before one. It was just two-and-a-half years before I major in psychology and become a therapist. Well, that was my dream anyways. In this world, it was a lot harder given that most therapists get assigned to a size shifter. That was something I didn’t want to do. Well, maybe if it was one who could only shrink, but that’s maybe it. It freaks me out knowing that there are some shifters who could be as tall as a small skyscraper, and some even bigger. A shiver ran down my spine even thinking about it. But that won’t happen. 
Among the few people sitting at the quiet tables lines with pencils, a few pieces of notebook paper, and a lamp that barely even worked, there was a girl waving her arms around aimlessly trying to gain my attention. I laughed softly before walking and sitting down next to her. It seemed she had been here for hours with how she kept her space. Papers spewed all across with scribbled down notes that was barely even legible, colored pens in a mixed mess with her other writing supplies. It made you wonder how she had even made it to college. 
“I see you’ve been hard at work, Rhya.” I set my slightly heavy bag down and started attempting to clean up the vast sums of paper all over the desk and try to keep her notes in order. 
“Yeah well, not everyone can be all neat and tidy as you are.” She lightly elbowed me before grabbing the stack of papers in my hand and shoving them in a folder. I guess she was going to re-do them after all. Either that or she didn’t need them. Despite this being primarily a nursing and health school, Rhya was in the art department. Of course she had to take the core classes along with her own elective, but she plans on becoming a graphic designer. 
“It’s not my fault I know how to study and you don’t.” I joked around, watching her pull out her computer and grab a few empty pages on notebook paper and her calculus book. 
“And it’s not my fault you don’t know how to have any fun.” She stuck her tongue out playfully before pulling up a practice test. 
“Hey I know how to have fun, just not when I know I have better things to worry about.” She solved the first problem right, pumping her fist up in the air as she wrote down the question and highlighted everything she needed to do. I’m also guessing she planned to study whatever notes she was making. 
“I guess you have a point. How’s that psychology major coming along?” She had asked, writing down the problem and attempting to solve it. I sighed, pointing to the number she was missing, “You square root that,” Rhya groaned, “It’s going good. We have some kind of weird meeting later today though.” 
“Oh? Do you know what about?” Rhya asked, but I could tell she was hiding something from me. She knew something. 
“No. Do you?” I skeptically looked at her, earning a side eye right back as she had paused her writing for a moment. 
“Would you believe me if I said no?” She grumbled, I shook my head, a slight smile forming on my face. She knew I would win this argument. 
“Okay well, this might not be true, but I heard that a few psychology students were chosen to have a training. Like, the real deal kind of thing. Size shifter and all. That the ones chosen were supposed to act like one of those special therapists.” My heart nearly skipped a beat at the news. Where did she even hear this from in the first place? There’s no way that’s even real. 
“You’re kidding, right?” I laughed nervously. Even if it was true, I doubt they’d choose a sophomore. I’ve only really had a few practices and I still have a couple more years until I become the real deal. 
“Would I lie to you?” She turned to me, a worried look on her face. Did she think I would have to go through with that? I sincerely doubt it. There was no way they’d put me on whatever list they have going on. Maybe my upperclassman though. They could choose Chelsey, she was really good with everyone and a senior. They’d most likely choose her. Maybe even Ryan since he was really experienced. Actually, he was a size shifter himself, but he’s so good at controlling his emotions that he doesn’t even need to worry about accidentally shooting up a couple feet. 
“Ah, it doesn’t matter. I doubt they choose someone with barely any experience. Don't’ worry about it.” I smiled, pointing back to Rhya’s computer to tell her that she needed to get to studying and stop worrying about me. Seriously, she really needed to study otherwise she was going to fail. I can almost guarantee that she’ll be crying to me later when she fails her test. Not my fault she doesn’t study. 
The gym was a large space, but our entire class only took up one tiny portion of the bleacher space as our instructor and several other people dressed up in fancy suits were talking on the ground. I sat next to Ryan, who was playing with the green-colored band on his wrist, showing that he was in one of the five classes of size shifters. Purple represented that they could shrink down to an inch or maybe even smaller if their emotions had the better of them. Blue represented that they could shrink too, but not as much as the one’s with a purple wrist. Green represented that they could both shrink and grow, but only to a certain height. Yellow meant that the shifter could grow to be the size of about a small building, or maybe even a little more depending on how they’re feeling. Red was by far the worst one. To me at least. The shifter’s with a red band can grow to heights you could only dream of. Which was why all shifters with a red band were all forced to be with a specialized therapist for only them. Because if they lose control of their emotions, it could end pretty badly.  
“I’m glad you all saw the announcement on the board. I’m a little surprised really.” Mr. Smith shoved his hands in his front pant pockets, taking a look at all of us before his eyes laid on me, smiling warmly. Why? Something was up. 
“These two gentlemen here are the head of the SSU. Also known as the company that helps size shifters in need. Recently, there has been a shortage of individuals that are willing to work with shifters in helping them control themselves. These two are on the look for candidates-in-training to help fill those missing spots.” 
The two men in suits walked to the front, holding out a clipboard. Those had whoever was going to be picked for this. But why this school? There was another college not too far from here. They could choose from them. Unless they were, and the “tiny” shortage was actually a big one. Or… no. They wouldn’t do that, right? It’s the SSU, they’ve literally helped the world become safer for decades. They wouldn’t be doing an experiment, would they? 
“It’s wonderful to see all sixty-two of you young scholars gathered here today. As your professor already said, we are both from the head office at SSU looking for the best of the best to fill in those empty spots, regardless if you do or don’t have any experience.” That last part made a shiver run down my spine. Ryan turned his head to me, patting me on the back. There was no way they’d choose a nobody like me. No way in hell. 
“This list contains twenty of you who will be taking part in this. You will be in charge of taking care of your designated partner until we can find a professional replacement suited well enough to take over. If I call your name, please stay behind after we dismiss everyone.” The tall man smiled, looking down at the clipboard and calling several names. The anxiety pricked my skin like icicle shards, it had almost seemed like the man reading off names was speaking in slow motion. A few deep breaths, and it was back to normal. 
“Ryan Wright.” He smiled while earning several compliments and congratulations from his fellow classmates. 
“Chelsey Torres.” She giggled a few seats away from us. 
“And Liam Rover.” 
My muscles tensed up at the mention of my name. I couldn’t tell if my heart had stopped or if it was just beating horrifyingly fast. I could tell people were trying to praise me, but I couldn’t hear, their appraisal only reaching my ears in a muffled and slow manner. I managed the most sincere smile I could while trying to hide how much I was trembling. Maybe this would be okay? Maybe I’ll be lucky and not be paired up with a shifter who could potentially crush me between two if their fingers if they really wished to. Was the room cold or was it just me? 
“Everyone else may head to their dorms. Thank you for coming.” 
After everyone had filed out of the empty gym, the other shorter man dressed in an identical suit as the taller one started calling out our names all over again, handing them a red folder with presumedly the shifter we’ll be assigned. Was this how it was when you’re actually a professional? You just get assigned to one? You don’t get to know them or anything? 
Once I was handed my folder, I dreaded every single second of opening it. Please let it be easy, please let it be easy, please let it be eas-
It was only a picture of who we were partnered up with and anything that might be worth mentioning about them. Wow was I overreacting. Then again, that didn’t exactly smoothen out the anxiety that was still pricking at my skin. Though, this shifter didn’t seem so bad. If anything, he actually looked pretty nice. The only thing I had noticed was that he was diagnosed with depression. He kind of looked like it too if I were being honest. It seemed hard for him to smile for the picture. Why did I also get the hint that he wasn’t feeling very good either? I guess I’ll find out when we officially meet. 
“Inside you’ll find who your partner will be for the foreseeable future. You’ll still be coming to your classes, which was why we mainly wanted to stick with the upperclassmen, and afterward go back to where we are currently housing your designated shifter. You have three days to pack everything you need and want, and you’ll soon be living off campus. Just think of it was having a roommate that needs constant supervision.” 
Okay, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. I’m almost entirely confident that this shifter won’t really be a big deal. I mean, he looks about a year or two younger than me. So he just graduated high school? Agh, I have no idea. I’m just jumping to conclusions. But, hopefully they won’t make me handle anything crazy. That I can’t do. 
They were driving me across the city to go meet up with the shifter I’ll be taking care of for however long. For all I know it could be a few days or weeks. I would think someone would want to step up for the job instead of letting students do this, but I guess not. Chelsey and Ryan have texted me a few times that they were getting settled in already while I was still heading over. It was already around thirty minutes just to get across the place, so that means I’ll have to take a bus almost everyday just to make it to my classes. That’s just great, but I’m in no position to complain. I actually tried talking with Professor Smith about it, but he told me that he had no say in the matter at all, which was weird. I doubt he would want his younger students to even take part in this. 
Along the streets were the many, many buildings that both accommodated for humans and their much larger or smaller companions. Although I’ve only ever been around Ryan about twice when he’s giant, it really wasn’t that bad. He can only grow till someone was like the height if his entire hand so it really wasn’t even that bad. Of course it’s still nerve-racking, but I trust him. Plus, we were at a small party with our little friend group. I doubt he could even bring himself to hurt someone. So really I wasn’t too worried. The only other shifter I’ve been around is an old high school friend of mine, but she goes to a different college now. 
Hundred of houses passed by us as we drove into a little neighborhood. What really made me worried was that the driver wasn’t exactly stopping at the normal-sized houses. Where was he going? I watched grimly as some of the huge houses we passed by came to a halt to one on the very end of one of the many streets. This one wasn’t as big as the other one’s down the street, but it wasn’t exactly small either. At least to me. So… I was paired up with a shifter who could only grow. That’s great. Just… great. 
I grabbed my bag and the small suitcase I had brought with me that was just full of my clothes and some stuff for school. Well if I’m supposed to stay here almost all of the time now I have to find something to keep me busy. And apparently from the immense size difference that will be between my new roommate and I. Of course I was terrified! If he really is diagnosed with depression and was a shifter who grew that only made matters worse for me. I hope whoever plans to take over for me does it soon. 
It took me and the driver to reach the doorstep, but eventually the driver gave it a knock. I swear I could hear some mumbling coming from the other side, but I didn’t dwell too much on that. Most.y because the extremely large door started to open slowly, but I saw no one on the other side. Maybe he was shy? 
“Well I may take my leave, though I have been ordered to tell you that a bus comes in the morning at around 6 just down the street from here, and another will take you back here around 5 and 8. Also, if anything goes wrong, to call this number on your phone.” He handed me a folded slip of paper, then took his leave. I shoved the slip in my pocket, hesitantly taking a few steps into the huge house. 
It was neatly cleaned around the place, though I couldn’t really see from my view on the ground. Everything around me was huge. I mean I’ve been to one of the rooms on the bigger side of the campus, but those rooms were smaller. It’s not an entire house filled with furniture. 
As I took a few steps out more, I jumped when the door had lightly closed behind me. My eyes trailed up and up, finding the face of the person I had seen in the picture. His eyes grew wide when I met his gaze, then bit the bottom of his lip before sliding his back against the wall behind him. 
Everything in my body told me to run, but if I did then I would only get scolded for it later. This isn’t even what I wanted to be! I wanted to be a normal therapist that helps regular adults and kids feel better. Not a human who could easily trap me in a fist and just kill me. I would have been fine if they could only shrink, but this was much worse. 
I faced down, taking a few deep breaths that barely even help me in this situation. I had to take care of someone fifty times my own size? How was that even possible? There weren’t even any smaller sized things around this place. Nothing that could help me get around easier either! 
I guess I could attempt to get his name. I mean, nothing could go wrong then, right? Just maybe from a distance… even if he could, at any point in time, just grab me whenever he so wanted. I felt sick just thinking about being held. Wouldn’t I have to be though? I can’t exactly just climb everywhere I want to go. 
“H-hi. Um, I’m Liam.” I forced myself to walk closer, even under his gaze, but I stopped walking closer when he moved himself further in the corner, looking a bit saddened. He probably knew I was scared. Maybe. I hope I’m some-what hiding it well enough. Though, I’ve never really been that good at it. 
“Oh, um, C-Casper. You can call me Cas if you want.” He kept his voice to a very quiet whisper. So he knew that if he talked too loud it would hurt my ears. At least he’s self-aware. Though, I couldn’t help but feel bad. I may be utterly terrified of him, but I mean he hasn’t really given me a reason to be truly scared, yet. 
“Nice to m-meet you, Cas.” I put on my best fake genuine smile. What? Have to find some way to convince him I wasn’t scared. Even if my body was trembling like crazy and my heart threatened to just come right out of my mouth. 
“Y-you too, sir.” His hand slightly twitched, but he just shook his head, giving me a sad look. ‘Sir?’ Why did he call me that? I didn’t dwell on it. Instead, I turned to look at the place, not finding a place to put my stuff. I sighed, hurrying to place it up against the wall opposite of Cas. This would be fine. Yeah, yeah. 
Casper, overall, seemed pretty nice. He had a black, messy hair that complimented his light-brown eyes. He wore a baggy long-sleeve shirt with a pair of jeans I have no idea why he was just wearing jeans in his own house, but it’s whatever he wants to do. Not my place to comment. The only real thing that caught my attention were the light bags in his eyes. Has he been sleeping? 
“Did you want to come here? Like, willingly?” He had asked, slightly leaning a little closer to my spot in the middle of the floor. I admit, it made me a little uneasy, but I don’t think he realized it. It just made it really hard to answer his question when all I could think about was how easily he could kill me right now. He wouldn’t do that, right? He seems so nice. Even if I’m barely two inches to him and I could easily just be crushed or accidentally killed if he wasn’t being too mindful. I shuddered at the thought, but forced my voice to work with me. 
“I-I’m just a student at a college. They just told us we were going to help out shifters, for like, real-world training I guess.” I started speaking a little fast and I could hear my voice slowly get quieter the more Cas seemed to lower his body to me. I felt so small compared to him. It’s overwhelming really, but it’s not like I can just back out. I already asked and they said if I did then I wasn’t cut out to stay in the classes. Seriously, all I wanted was to either be a therapist or a social worker. Not take on these huge responsibilities of making sure an entire living being is doing okay and doesn’t have any malicious intent to just… Aghhhh. 
“Oh. Well, I’m not exactly the best person to be paired up with.” He laughed sadly, holding up his wrist and revealing a red band. A little squeak left my mouth as I stood in place, practically frozen in fear. Why did they pair me up with him? They gave me more than I can handle. There was no way I could do this. I bit the side of my cheek, struggling to keep my composure. 
Cas caught onto my fear, scooting as far away from me as he could while making sure I wouldn’t freak out. Why did he move away? I was going to be fine. I think- But I was okay. Just as long as I keep a certain distance from him for a while. It takes me a long time to adjust to new things, and this might take me a while, but I couldn’t just do nothing. It was obvious to me that Cas was afraid of something, I just couldn’t figure out what just yet. 
“I’m fine, Cas, I promise.” I nervously smiled, hiding how terrified I was. Shifters with a red band can grow to heights you could only dream of. Great. Seriously, what have they done? They think I can handle someone who already looks like he’s struggling to keep himself together just by meeting me? I didn’t really want to find out what would happen if he doesn’t contain his emotions. Was there a person partnered up with him before? I knew I wasn’t going to be getting any answers, but there was no harm in asking them. 
“O-Okay,” He whispered, getting in a more comfortable sitting position, “Are you sure though? I don’t mind giving you an hour or two to get used to… everything.” He looked away for a second, and I could tell something was on his mind. Along with the constant moving away every time I had tried to walk closer, or when he knew I was scared of him, I would think to say that he’s scared of himself. Or, at least hurting other people. It makes sense actually. I’ve heard stories that a lot of shifters realize that they can really hurt people and just try their hardest not to interact with people smaller than themselves. It’s like they collapse on themselves since they don’t want to hurt anyone. I guess Cas and I weren’t so different. 
“Okay, look, it’s obvious that you’re more afraid of yourself than I am of you,” Cas’s eyes widened, “How about we both try to help each other out? I’ll keep trying if you do.” I held out my hand without thinking. A compromise between the two of us. I know we both met like five minutes ago, but I’m pretty sharp for people my age with little experience. But, honestly, maybe this wasn’t so bad. I think all that Cas wanted was the relief that he won’t hurt people. Or something like that. 
“You’d go through with all that? I’m not exactly mentally stable.” I could tell that he was worried, but I just nodded my head, a genuine smile on my face that I hoped he could see. 
He eyed my hand for a while, and I still hadn’t realized what was wrong until he lightly pinched my hand between the tip of his pointer and thumb, barely even lifting it up and down for my own sake. Oh he has no idea how scared I was right now, but he didn’t have to know that. Just a little more pressure and he could just yank my arm right off-I shook that thought away. Don’t think about that right now. It would be okay. Just as long as I get an idea of what to do when he does eventually lose control or something. I had zero idea. I think the thought that stuck in the back of my mind was making me more worried than anything really. I’m just a stress toy for him. But I’ll just have to get over my fear. There was no way I would let this stop me from graduating. Not in a million years.
Sorry for a slightly boring chapter! I did a LOT of world building for this one, and had to map out almost every single interaction through the course of the entire story plot. There also wasn’t much g/t but again, it’s just an introduction chapter. (I’m doing what I love and no one can stop me hehehe-)
But I hope you enjoyed reading! I promise the second chapter will have a much, much better g/t interaction. (Oh trust me it will >:3) I hope you all have a great day/night!
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xoxochb · 2 days
⋆·˚ ༘ * my wait is you and I won’t go on
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warnings: angst, self doubt, redeeming fluff, this takes place at chb (post hoo), this is mostly based off of me so please be kind
pairing: jason grace x daughter of poseidon
summary: based on the trend symphonia IX trend!
A/N: okay okay so backstory! I came across this trend and I started scrolling through the videos using the song and I saw the cutest one and this girl said “I wish I had real friends” and her boyfriend said “you’ll always have me” and I knew I had to write this asap!!
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the sea is for the people who feel lonely or lost, happily taking in anyone who has feelings of self doubt or any worrisome thoughts, making them disappear forever, never letting these awful thoughts take over the mind of their beloveds
that’s why most of your time is spent by the water, especially recently. you didn’t have many friends except for your boyfriend and brother. why? you were unsure.
did people hate you? did they think you were weird? what made you unapproachable? did people find you obnoxious? did they think you were weird because you didn’t socialize much? were you hated because your father broke an oath and they thought you were in trustable?
you truly did not know
but what you did know was that you missed your brother. he went back to new york while you stayed back at camp to be a year-round camper. you couldn’t help but feel somewhat selfish for wanting percy to stay with you instead of finishing school, and this haunted you.
perhaps you were hated because of your selfishness? would you even consider yourself selfish?
you lay awake in bed thinking about this. when was the last time you slept? you can’t even remember the last time you actually got out of bed before one in the afternoon!
was this dramatic? you don’t believe so, but your self esteem is so low you start believing it is
you sit up from your sleeping position (you weren’t sleeping anyways) and turn to the boy laying beside you, an arm thrown around your waist
you felt bad about leaving him to lay alone but you couldn’t lay in bed anymore, the thoughts would only get worse if you did. you remove his arm from you with a kiss to the top of his head, then make your way out of cabin one (opposed to cabin three, yes, they’re both empty but the more time you spent in your cabin made you think of percy so jason suggested you sleep in cabin one) to sit by the ocean for a while until your doubts were drowned by the waves
it was fine sitting there for maybe thirty seconds? but the more you looked into the ocean, the more it reminded you of percy and then before you know it tears are pooling out from your eyes
this wasn’t supposed to happen
wasn’t the ocean supposed to help? it always helps you!
you wipe the tears away from your cheeks with a sigh and for a moment it’s silent, but that’s until you see someone sit beside you on the sand
and it’s not just anyone, no, it’s your sweet jason grace
“did I wake you? I’m sorry”
“no, you’re fine” he gently takes your hand in his “are you okay?”
you internally curse him for being so gentle with you because at this very moment you feel the tears making their way back out
“I don’t know” you look up to the sky to prevent the tears from coming out “it’s a lot”
“that’s alright. I’ll be here for as long as you need”
you take a moment to form the words into a sentence “I miss percy. a lot.” you sigh before continuing “I wish I had real friends. I love you and percy, I really do, but it hurts to know that nobody even thinks of approaching me”
“you’ll always have me. you don’t need any of those idiots who don’t want to talk to you, they don’t know what they’re missing out on”
you lay your head on his shoulder and look out to the water. It doesn’t seem so depressing to look at anymore
but perhaps that’s because the ocean was only special if you’re there with someone you love
or maybe because jason was your sea
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aishangotome · 3 days
[Gilbert] Choose Your True Love: Part 3
Part 2
A scream filled with all the agony of the world shook the tense air.
Curious, I approached the window, but was immediately pulled away from behind by my waist.
Gilbert: You're quite curious, aren't you?
Emma: ...............
(...What was that...?)
I think I only saw it for a few seconds.
But in those few seconds, there was a scene that burned into my mind.
My body wouldn't stop shaking, and I felt sick.
Emma: What... what was that?
Emma: ...Blood...
Emma: The square... was bright red...
Gilbert: Ah, you saw it?
Gilbert: It's the Emperor's game... Obsidian's famous public execution.
Emma: Execution...?
Gilbert: His methods are messy. Even experienced cleaners get sick sometimes, so it's best you don't watch.
Emma: ...Ah...
Gilbert: There, there, you were scared.
Gilbert held me in his arms and stroked my hair as if soothing a child.
If I had seen that sight alone, I might have screamed.
(...People's heads... were lined up.)
(So many... like a spectacle.)
Emma: In this castle... Do people die so easily, every day?
Gilbert: Yes. Life is cheap, equal to a scrap of paper.
Gilbert: You're normal to think it's abnormal. It's better not to lose that sense.
Gilbert: If you become like me and see that and feel nothing, it's too late for you as a human.
Emma: ...............
(Assassinations, executions...)
(...It's a nightmare.)
If this isn't a dream but a reality of the past, then I understand why Gilbert, who was once a kind boy, had to become a trampling beast.
(This is... He couldn't have survived this without becoming a beast.)
I clung to his cold body, and Gilbert's fingertips tightened.
Gilbert: This is not a place for you to be.
Gilbert: I don't know what the future me was thinking when he brought you to Obsidian, but...
Gilbert: I want to kill the "me" who brought a pure you to this dirty place.
(His voice... He's serious.)
Roderich: Prince Gilbert.
Gilbert: Ah, thank you for your hard work. Have you secured the route?
Roderich: Yes. Since the execution is in progress, now is the time to go.
Gilbert: I see. ...Can you walk?
(...We're leaving this place.)
When I nodded, Gilbert let go of me.
Instead, he took my hand and pulled me gently, as if escorting me.
I stumbled, but managed to move my legs.
Behind me, the death throes were still rising.
Men and women alike--if there is a hell, this place might be it.
Gilbert: You look pale. ...Roderich, bring the medicine.
Roderich: Yes.
We left the castle through a deserted area and were led to one of Gilbert's hideouts in the city.
Thankfully, the hellish spectacle wasn't taking place in the city, but what I saw on the way here was different from what I knew.
(Everyone looked depressed and tired, there was no vitality, and the whole city was desolate.)
(...I like the Obsidian of the future, but the Obsidian of the past is very...)
Gilbert: Can you take the medicine?
Emma: ...What kind of medicine is it?
Gilbert: It's a medicine to calm your nerves.
(They have that kind of medicine on hand?)
I was handed a small vial while sitting on a chair.
Judging by the familiar, unique color, it might be something Walter had made.
Next to the vial was a drink that looked like it could be a palate cleanser. It was very thoughtful.
Emma: Thank you...
Gilbert: You're welcome. But be careful, it tastes awful.
(...I know, Gil.)
I accepted his kindness and poured the liquid from the vial down my throat in one gulp.
I masked the peculiar taste that made me feel even worse with the sweet juice.
Gilbert: Now, you said you came from the future, but you don't know how to solve the current situation.
Gilbert: Since we don't know, we need to investigate, and I'll take care of that.
Emma: Huh?
Gilbert: I'm going to have you evacuate to Jade until I find out more.
Gilbert: I'd really like to send you to Rhodolite, but...
Gilbert: The Bloodstained Rose Day, wasn't it? I think that war you were talking about will happen soon.
Emma: ...
Gilbert: I'll report back to you. So, with that said...
Gilbert: Take care, "Little Rabbit."
Gilbert stroked my hair and turned his back.
It seems he's going to return to the castle without resting.
Gilbert: Roderich, you don't have to come back for a while.
Roderich: Will you be alright on your own?
Gilbert: Who are you talking to?
Roderich: ...My apologies.
Gilbert: I'll make sure you get to Jade safely.
Gilbert: If you get even a single scratch, your head will be next, so be careful.
Emma: Wait... please.
I stood up from the chair and grabbed Gilbert's mantle.
Gilbert: What is it?
(Gilbert in the past has been so kind to me.)
(But I... haven't been able to thank him for anything.)
When I thought about what I could do now, the first thing I noticed were the dark circles under Gilbert's eyes.
(...Come to think of it, there were documents piled up in his room too.)
(Maybe he's taking over all the government affairs of the country instead of the Emperor, who neglects domestic affairs.)
In the future, Gilbert seemed to have his own time by training people and delegating tasks, but if that nightmare is happening every day, he might not even have that luxury now.
There's only one thing I can do for Gilbert, who is being targeted and working so hard.
Emma: Would you like to rest for a bit?
Gilbert: Do I look tired?
Emma: ...Yes.
Emma: You don't look "alright."
Gilbert: ...
Gilbert: I see. If you, who are sensitive to people's emotions, say so, then maybe I am?
Gilbert: ...That's a very tempting offer, but...
Gilbert put his hand over his mouth, paused as if in thought, and then lowered the corners of his eyebrows.
Gilbert: But... I'm sorry.
. Part 4 | YouTube SE in JP
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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akilahia · 5 hours
Thinking about IHNMAIMS in pretty much all of its forms.
Specifically Ted and Ellen. Obviously in the Game their relationship is very different from the short story/comic/radio drama, with Ted being in love with Ellen(although it’s evident it’s because she is the only woman left alive). In the game he shows devotion to her, he is willing to push past his usual methods of flirtation and find other ways to get what he needs.
But in the other adaptions his feelings towards Ellen are mixed. I think his unique backstory with being so dependent on women to live a happier and more lavish life style, significantly effect how he views Ellen beyond AM’s tampering
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Throughout the short story Ted constantly thinks ill of Ellen. Even though prior to being placed in this hell, she had only had sex twice before. But she is the last woman alive on earth. The video game(while following a different plot line(still one that is extremely tragic and literally made me cry)) expresses that even before Ellen’s assualr she had little to no interest in sex. She would never have had sex with the four men if it weren’t for
1. AM
2. Being the Last women alive
3. AM’s deliberate tampering
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In a world where characters like Benny have been so permanently physically marked as a form of torture by AM, something like sex, is not as extreme in comparison(at least from Ted’s perspective). However to be the last woman alive, with minimal interest in sex, to be tampered with in such a way, is such a horrific form of torture.
I’m going to shift a way from this for a second to talk about Ted’s backstory for the video game. I understand that the videogame makes changes in terms of backstory for some of the characters(like Benny), so we can’t claim Ted’s backstory for the game is even remotely close to whatever it might have been for the short story. However, I still think can provide interesting context to his behavior towards Ellen.
Starting off, he really isn’t the cool rich guy that he played himself off to be when life was still normal. He never came from money, he was poor and he was forced to work and couldn’t go to school. However he was good looking which is resulted in older woman being attracted to him. And when he was NINETEEN, one older woman gave him her husband’s money and offered him the chance to travel and live in luxury.
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Now this probably isn’t important, or was even taken into consideration by the game makers, but I was curious as to what the possible age gap between this older woman and Ted could be. The were together for 5 years, then she died
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She died specifically of an aneurysm, which according to Google typically happens between the ages of 30 to 60. There is all this stuff with the Cold War and ww3 and I was going to try to do all this math with it but it’s too late for that and not relevant to the point I’m trying to make) But I’m just going to do some mental math and estimate that it might have been late 60’s or early 70’s when the older woman and Ted first got into a relationship. As I’m assuming everything went to shit in 1995 since that’s when the game came out, and 25 years had passed after he met the woman. Also this makes sense as Ted’s grandfather sold the farm due to the Great Depression, since most people married and had kids young, I’m going to be generous and say grandpa was 30 in 1929, and Ted’s mother or father was 9, then 10-12 years later Ted was born. Then 19 years later it would be about the 60’s or 70’s.
I am going to presume that the older woman had been married to her husband for at least 15 years. So it might have been 50’s at the earliest possibility. And the average age people married at then was when they were in their 20’s. So when she met Ted she was AT THE EARLIEST 35. Making her at least 16 years older than Ted when the first got together. But also worth noting that they do specifically mention older. So if we look on the higher side of the typical ages for aneurisms she could have been 55 when they first met(as the 5 years would pass making her 60) so she could have been 36 years old than him.
This seriously isn’t relevant to the actual point I’m trying to make with Ellen and Ted but I got sucked in.
The next thing I want to note is the use of the word ‘lover’.
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Though it can be used in a strictly romantic non intimate sense, I think it is used in the sexual way here.
Especially with the provided context of two different definitions of the word ‘lover’ both highlighting it’s connotations with sexual relationships
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Furthermore, Ted’s relationship with the older woman is essentially just a sugar baby relationship. She is letting him experience things he never could have without her money. She teaches him how to act as a socialite and gets him used to the high life.
In connection to the sexual elements above, there was a video I wanted to link here but I can’t find it anywhere anymore. It was a YouTube video with a bunch of sugar babies discussing their experiences. And one woman confides that you really won’t make much money if you are in a platonic or non intimate romantic relationship with your sugar parent. If you want to make money and live richly, you have to preform sexual favors.
Now it’s hard to say if this was the only relationship with an older woman that Ted had been in. But regardless of whether it was one woman or a billion, using his body in order to get something that he wants has become an important asset to Ted; As seen in the castle with the maid and the witch. His love for Ellen(in the video game) helps him break past this fatal flaw of his, despite AM’s obvious temptations to make him fail.
Even if this stuff was in anyone’s minds when they wrote Ted’s backstory but I think it’s extremely important to note, especially as we return to my main point.
As stated before, Ted views Ellen negatively due to her promiscuity, despite the desire(felt really gross typing this word in this context) being placed in her as a form of torture by AM. She also is a woman, and Ted’s life has been spent around using and being used by women, so definitely lots of conflicting stuff there. Additionally Ted’s experiences with sexual relations are shown to be based in being transactional.
When he agrees with Ellen to go to the caves to get the food, she rewards him by being intimate with him to show her gratitude. Ted sees it as her ‘using him.’ (From the Radio Drama, I was going to post the clip but I could only post one video in a tumblr post apparently)
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In the comic, after this encounter he questions her motivations. What she got out of it, once again thinking transactionally. But her response
“Does there have to be a reason”
Really gets to me. Especially after looking at all this intertextual context. Thinking about video game Ted’s backstory with book Ted’s thoughts and behaviors, he is shown to always think there is some kind of catch. No one is doing something without getting something in return, especially if that thing is kindness.
Ted is so intensely paranoid(as seen in all versions). I think by pairing up the backstory for the game with the short story/comic/radio drama it’s evident to see how heavily affected he is by it.
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He thinks he has been tormented less by AM, making him paranoid of the others, contributing towards his behavior towards Ellen. Yet despite everything from the past and all of AM’s tampering, he still finds comfort with Ellen. Her unfaltering kindness manages to reach him even when he dismisses it as a farce. She doesn’t hate him or the others for how they’ve treated her, she still wants to help them. He still cares for her and the others. But he is filled with so much fear. He even apologizes to her.
I feel like at that point in the Radio drama marks a shift. Ted has made a realization about AM and it’s a lot for him, but Ellen is there for him. It’s a genuinely sincere act of kindness from her where she doesn’t ask or expect anything in return. They have some kind of connection. Once again blending the different versions, I think that this moment between them comes together in the end when they kill the other victims together. They don’t speak to each other, they just do it quickly and he kills her. And here he doesn’t refer to her by any degrading names. In the comic he holds her. Like how in the radio drama she held him.
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Overall I just wanted to point out how well all these versions really mix to provide so much more behind each character. The backstories for the video game allow the reader to understand book Ted’s actions and relationships from a new angle.
The is was super duper major mess of a ramble. It’s now 3 am and I have a migraine, so I’m done for tonight. I might clean this up another time or make another post about Video game Ted with context to his backstory since I didn’t include the events from the video game in here.
Once again these are just my thoughts and beliefs on how I think the video game backstory for Ted provides interesting context for Book Ted. I know that both stories play out differently and both Ted’s act differently so please don’t get angry if you disagree with the message of stuff I said
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cinamun · 2 days
Hello! It's the anon who has been sitting with things.
I looked over Dira's story again and tried to change my perspective. I realized that I was approaching her story as a romance, like who is she going to pick, which of these guys is going to be the one to be there for her, etc. But now I see that both Dira and her brother are literally coming of age. My focus should be on how Dira loves and learns about herself. That's the most important relationship she, or anyone, can have.
At the beginning, Charlie, to me, looked like a godsend and Tre looked like he thought he could win Dira just by flexing his cash, but now I see it differently.
Both of these guys could be in a committed relationship if they wanted to. But instead of getting with someone who wants the same thing as them, they want to convince or conquer a woman who has explicitly said she doesn't want that.
It's like that, "Don't be ridiculous, everybody wants this," quote or that quote from Trevor Noah's mom about men wanting to cage a free woman.
(Also, I did think about whether I was judging my friends' lifestyles because I thought mine was right. I was just going off the crying and the 'I feel so lonely', but one of the comments gave me some more nuance to even that! Some of us think we're Dira, but really we're Isa, or even Charlie! We're not truly liberated when we think that if we play along long enough, that someone will love or keep us.)
Sorry for the term paper lol, but I love your story, and thank you for pushing the narratives we women, especially black women, feel pressured to accept.
Yes! Right now Indira and DJ are coming of age! Its a coming of age arc for the both of them. They are learning ALOT about themselves and the world around them! In stark contrast Hope, for example, was a romance arc as soon as she became a young adult (i'd argue earlier than that). Albeit not a clear path (there were fuckboys and boyfriends with family issues and a bff who was battling depression that ultimately... nevermind). Dira is allowed to come of age however she likes and by whatever rules she decides work best for her. I think she deserves that grace.
And even with your friend - lonely is a feeling that can come to us if we're married, living like Dira, living like you, living like me, living like any of us! No one escapes the feeling of loneliness and it could be a variety of circumstances that give us this feeling. Not necessarily our lifestyles. I think your point about living like Dira but inside they're really Isa is important:
What Dira is choosing to do takes strength and confidence. This is a young woman who is very intelligent, she knows what could happen if she isn't strong in her convictions. Not everyone has that strength.
Lastly, don't be sorry!! I took a nap! And there may be people reading these asks and breakdowns and learning a few things. WE may be learning new things about ourselves and how WE view the world around us; just like Dira and DJ.
I hope you come back for part 2 of The Dira Papers™ tomorrow friend.
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kaija-rayne-author · 3 days
Hugest of sighs.
I really hate it when I can feel a special interest dying.
It's like watching something you've loved and put your everything into for however long get smaller and smaller in the distance. Until it disappears in a puff of smoke.
I can feel it happening with Dragon Age.
It's actually managed to hang on for a long time, so I guess I should just... wish it a fond farewell and let it go.
I was going to write a less acid filled version of my editorial critique/review about the gameplay preview to send to the devs, but why?
I don't get the kind of interaction I need on posts like my Dragon Age posts to help me keep the special interest alive.
The devs aren't going to listen to some internet rando like me if I did waste my time writing it. Not even if I'm actually a professional editor and this is in fact my job that I'm pretty good at.
They don't even toss me a heart on responses to their posts. And they probably wouldn't read it even if it did happen to make it through all the stuff they probably get on their feeds, anyway. Valuable professional editorial critique or not.
Before I stepped way back from social media I could easily get thousands of @ in a day. I know what they must be dealing with.
I have other things I should really be spending my time on.
Sadly, my special interest in Dragon Age has been on life-support since I saw the gameplay preview.
My DA gaming group has gone from a couple hundred people, most of whom weren't active, to waaaaay more people than I'm comfortable being social with. (I have since muted most of it and withdrawn from anything I'm just... not interested in anymore.)
I honestly feel the new look for Solas killed Solas for me. (Given I'm solavellan that's saying one hell of a lot.) For a bit there, I was hoping he'd grow on me. But apparently, I haven't been inoculated with that particular style of virulent mould yet. So it hasn't happened. Every time I saw a picture I just... cared a little less.
Where once I had the fires of a volcano inside my heart for this franchise, nothing but ash in a breeze remains.
It's always possible that something could happen to reignite my passion for it. It's happened a few times before for faded special interests. It could also be my depression talking and I'll feel completely different tomorrow. That's happened too. (So far hasn't happened in the threeish days since I wrote this. It's probably not the depression.)
But... After seeing that gameplay preview, and listening to the Q&A, and reading the Game Informer post... it may just be time to call Time of Death. As someone who loved the first three, and who absolutely marinated myself in the lore, I frankly feel betrayed. (I mean... Varric with a beard? Really? There were story significant reasons he did not, in fact, wear a beard, did they forget that? Like they forgot his bloody hair colour?)
So long, Dragon Age. It was fun while it lasted.
I truly do hope people enjoy the blathering posts I did about it when passion filled me.
I hope people truly do enjoy the new game. There's too little joy in this world and I hope with all my heart it gives you as much joy as you can handle. I'm just a little sad it won't for me. I'll always have the first three, which I do legitimately love to pieces.
I'm not even crying or upset. I just... don't care anymore.
From a professional standpoint, that's always a danger when you change a piece of media too much. There has to be a certain amount of continuity to it so it feels the same. Without that?
You lose obsessed people like me.
You lose the older gamers who loved what Dragon Age was.
And absolutely, yes, fiction does need to change. It's an integral part of the whole thing. If it doesn't change, if it doesn't adapt, it dies just as quickly as if it changes too much. I like to see change in media. It's needed in so many ways. Change can be hard to adapt to, of course. Or in some cases impossible. Shrugs.
There's a professional balance to these things. It wouldn't surprise me if I have a bit of savantism when it comes to editing and writing. I just seem to deeply understand how it all works in ways others rarely see. Looking at a novel or a game or a show from an editorial perspective is very much like looking at a 4d puzzle for me. I can instinctively see what works and what doesn't.
It's just that, in my honest professional opinion, they tried to change way too much to appeal to a different set of gamers than those of us who are a little older and have loved the feel of the first three games.
It's not the change itself I object to. I'm definitely not one of those people who thinks that DAO was the best DA ever. I've loved them all for different reasons. But they all still felt like Dragon Age. Even DA2, which a lot of people hate, still felt like a fantasy RPGish adventure. (I enjoyed it for what it was. I'd've liked to see what it could've been with more time, but for what it was, they did a great job and it was an enjoyable game).
DA4? From what we've seen so far, it doesn't even remotely feel like a fantasy RPGish adventure game. It feels like a cheap star wars/FFXIV/Fortnite knockoff designed for a much different type of gamer. (Which was actually confirmed by Epler in the Q&A. They did, in fact, design it more for younger players than those of us who have been waiting for it for however long.) Professionally, I believe that was a mistake that may cost them.
The darkspawn alone are a bloody travesty. WTAF are those things? And yes, I've seen the 'lore excuse' that it's the red lyrium making them look like bad halloween deco. I'd buy it if they were kinda spiky and had red lyrium growths and stuff like the red lyrium infected creatures in DAI. But it's like they forgot their own canon.
I dunno. It really just doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure that no matter how beautiful the backgrounds and some of the art they've just... lost me.
I guess I write these kinds of posts so others in the same boat as me know they aren't alone.
You aren't imagining it. While change is in fact good and necessary to a certain extent, they've changed it so much trying to appeal to a different market that it really doesn't feel even remotely like Dragon Age anymore.
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seenthisepisode · 4 months
woah truly nothing fucks you up like family
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Look, if you've encountered a disabled person's life or living standards and you personally don't like it, the least you can do is not saying "I'm so grateful I don't like like that" or worse "I'm so glad I'm not you"
It is actually incredibly simple to simultaneously not center yourself and the way you aren't disabled or the way your disabilities don't impact your life like others and to not shame and humiliate others. It's sometimes okay to keep comments like that inside your mind, where it won't hurt that person.
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bunnihearted · 2 months
#so on my way home..#i walked by a school and besides the fact that i felt so depressed bc just looking at these kids and adults i have NO hope for the future#i saw two boys on a bench as i walked by... and i just thought they were talking. and too late i realized that no one of the boys were#bullying the other boy. the bully walked away and the other boy just sat there looking so lifeless and dejected#a teacher came and sat down w that boy and i just kept walking. even if i wanted to say smth it's like what would i even do abt that situati#that made me so sad both bc that boy.. he looked so dejected and used to it. that anxiety going to school knowing you're bullied is awful#and like i imagined talking to him and saying heyyy if you're lucky you'll grow up to be 25yrs old#live like a parasite off your mom and be on wellfare and never have had a job :)#you'll have no education or highschool diploma :) you will still struggle to finish hs even at an easier level :)#you will also not have had friends in 10yrs and you'll be terrified of ppl and getting close to anyone and even going outside!!#you'll have no interests and hobbies and skills! you'll simply be a waste of space loser being a burden on everyone around u!#whoop whoop stay alive buddy it will only get worse ❤️#god i just wanna cry. how did i let my life turn out this way??? i used to be full of dreams and life and passion and HOPE#i used to believe in things and in people. i had so many dreams and i wanted to try and do so many things#now all i can think is 'i wanna die i wanna die i wanna die'. im miserable wherever i go lmao#there's this bridge over the highway i have to cross when i walk to school and every time i look down at the trafic and when a truck drives#by i feel my entire body vibrate. i just wanna jump and get mauled by it.#or i dont *want* to but i feel so deeply and desperately that it's the only way for me#only way to make it stop hurting. and i am weak. i dont know how to just 'stop' or take control of my life. thats why i wanna die#bc i know that i wont be able to. that my life will never amount to anything#for fuck's sake my dream now is just to have my own 1bedroom apartment and have a shitty job - like in a grocery store or whatever!!!!!#not even that can i make happen! bc im so worthless i cant do anything. im also stupid so i wouldnt be able to do my job right#i dont know... i dont know... these feelings and thoughts are too much i just wanna relax#but i cant bc my ribs hurt and idk if it's heartburn or an ulcer 💀 why am i even alive???? what am i doing all this for? 😭#my thoughts ran away but i meant like seeing that reminded me of how much of a failure i became#bc of my circumstances and all the shitty ppl around me thru out my life
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hussyknee · 8 months
I think sometimes you just have to make peace with the fact that your actual hobby is collecting books. And that that's okay.
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